catastrxblues · 5 months
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NOTTING HILL (1999) | "i live in notting hill. you live in beverly hills. everyone in the world knows who you are, my mother has trouble remembering my name."
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seiisei · 2 years
"lets make this easy for us my love~"
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SO HERE WE AREEEEE thank you to my faves @cleostoohot and @starliet for creating this method but i also kinda mixed in my method: the 28th of december method (aka the 28.12 method). im so excited to do this fr
𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐌 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆, what i already have:
- shifting (permanently) on 11:30 on the 29th of august
- i have all my desires by then
-i have an improvement and better security on my self concept 🫶
(note: before i evaluate on this, since im getting my manifestations in 3 days or less, i had outdo (??) the math 💀because 28 is not divisible by 3..... so i just rounded 28 to the nearest multiple of 3, which was 27 and just did 27/3=9)
-persisting and believing
𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐒 𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏, waking up:
-3 affirmations on my desires
-lay in bed and meditate for a bit
- say my morning affirmation to my fave @lillilovesdior
𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐀𝐘, middle of the day:
-3 affirmations on my desires
-2 affirmations on my self concept
𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, when its time for bed:
-3 affirmations on my desires
-2 affirmations on my self concept
roe x 3dolc
for my desires:
- regardless of everything, i shift at 11:30pm on the 28th of august
-regardless of everything, i have all my desires in 3 days or less
-regardless of everything, i have the best self concept in 3 days or less
for my self concept:
-regardless of everything, i am the master of manifesting
-regardless of everything, my manifestations latch onto me like an obsessed person
outro: so this post came out a bit too LATE because i had to have my daily intake of plain milk and i got sidetracked bc i was watching deb smikle (luv her so much💞). i will post my results and other short things non/related to manifestations on my other account, which is my spammm @luvinchisei
have a good day my lovelies💞
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family2022 · 1 year
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28.12. Heute hatten wir strahlenden Sonnenschein 😊 bei 27 Grad. Wir haben uns auf den Weg zum Taieri Rivermouth gemacht. Der Taieri River Track wurde uns empfohlen - mit einer tollen Aussicht. Zum Glück war der überwiegende Teil des Tracks im Wald. Wir sind auf und ab gelaufen dem Flusslauf entlang. Es war wunderschön. Aber auch echt anstrengend 😎
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jaguarmen99 · 9 months
2: ウィズコロナの名無しさん 2023/09/15(金) 09:10:47.61 ID:5Xmf7+gW0 もう韓国に帰ってるだろ 4: ウィズコロナの名無しさん 2023/09/15(金) 09:11:24.50 ID:2e+roRM60 もろに朝鮮人顔ワロタ 5: ウィズコロナの名無しさん 2023/09/15(金) 09:11:28.12 ID:NeAR8k9Y0 まだ捕まってなかったのか 7: ウィズコロナの名無しさん 2023/09/15(金) 09:12:22.98 ID:HwAxCJG/0 おい、八田!
痛いニュース(ノ∀`) : 【大分】ひき逃げの八田與一容疑者(27)、重要指名手配へ ひき逃げ事件では初 - ライブドアブログ
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okina-was · 1 year
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Unser Hin-Reiseplan sieht vor vom 27.-28.12. non-stop zum Tokio-nahen Flughafen Narita zu fliegen (Zwischenlandungen sind böse fürs Klima und für Levins zarte Baby-Ohren). In der Nähe von Tokio (in Sakura, natürlich Sakura) übernachten wir erstmal eine Nacht.
Dann geht's am 29.12. mit dem berühmten Shinkanzen-Hochgeschwindigkeitszug über Osaka und Fukuoka (Hauptstadt der südlichsten Hauptinsel Kyushu) bis nach Kagoshima.
In Kagoshima ist der große Fährhafen. Dort werden wir aber erstmal ein paar Tage bleiben, um uns die heißen Quellen und den stattlichen Vulkan Sakurajima (natürlich, Sakura) anzuschauen.
Schließlich geht es mit einer Fähre vom 03. bis 04.01. auf einer 25-Stunden-Fahrt zur Hauptstadt von Okinawa, Naha. Von da ist es nur einen Neko-Sprung zu unserer Unterkunft in Nanjo.
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ramodevinha · 3 years
2ª Semana da Caminhada Bíblica - Domingo - Gênesis 24-28
O Cap 24 não fala simplesmente de um lindo casamento (de Isaque, filho de Abraão com Rebecca, filha de Betuel), mas sim dos propósitos de Deus para o seu povo. Isaque, o filho da promessa, se casa dentro da sua parentela para dar continuidade às promessas de que “em Isaque será chamada a tua descendência” (Hb 11.18). Através desta bendita união pactual, Yahweh está formando seu povo que em breve será como o pó da terra.
A semente santa que vem de Isaque tem sua culminação em Cristo. Este casamento temporal nos aponta para um casamento eterno. Em breve estaremos nas Bodas do Cordeiro!
Busque o propósito de Deus para sua vida numa esfera maior que apenas casar, ter filhos e dinheiro. Busque viver conforme Deus ordenou em sua Palavra. Comprometa-se solenemente com isso! Você tem honrado seus compromissos com a igreja e família? Tem procurado viver os propósitos de Deus para sua vida? Quais evidencias demonstram que glorificar a Cristo é o propósito maior da sua existência? Enquadre-se no que Deus prescreve e não resista aos propósitos de Deus.
No Cap 25 temos os últimos acontecimentos da vida de Abraão (casamento com Quetura, outros filhos e sua morte), as gerações de Ismael e genealogia (toledoth) de Isaque. Esta última recebe maior destaque porque se refere à linhagem santa. As outras de Ismael (12-18) e outros filhos de Abraão (1-11) não são a linhagem prometida. Isaque tinha 40 anos quando casou, mas levou 20 anos para Rebeca dar a luz, e quando concebeu, havia gêmeos em seu ventre: duas nações (25.23). Yahweh revelará sua graça que escolhe e sua justiça que condena. Um foi eleito sem mérito, e o outro condenado sem escusa.
O aparente conflito entre amor e ira divina é resolvido com Deus enviando seu Filho como reconciliador. A transbordante graça de Deus alcança miseráveis pecadores, eleitos sem mérito algum pelo que fizeram (Rm 9.10-13 – Ml 1.2-3). A rejeição que muitos tem ao evangelho, se explica através da soberana vocação de Deus.
Você tem demonstrado gratidão por ter sido alcançado pela graça? Tem consciência de que se não fosse a obra de Cristo você nunca iria ser salvo? Já percebeu que muitos são chamados, mas poucos escolhidos? Não fique em crise teológica: aceite a verdade bíblica e seja grato pelo que Cristo fez por você!
No Cap 26 aprendemos sobre as peregrinações de Isaque, o “abençoado do Senhor”, expressão que se repete nesta perícope. Na primeira região (Gerar) percebemos que Isaque precisa ajusta a vida de acordo com a Palavra do Senhor. Comete erros como seu pai e é exortado pelo pagão (26.1-11); depois o vemos trabalhando e crescendo com a bênção de Yahweh no vale de Gerar (26.12-23); e finalmente parte para Berseba, onde até os grandes reconhecem a bênção de Deus sobre sua vida (26.23-33). Ali Yahweh confirma as antigas promessas feitas a Abraão, e Isaque o adora (26.24-25).
Cristo é o grande abençoado do Senhor. Seu trabalho foi perfeito e foi alvo de inveja e dolo. Para sermos abençoados não precisamos ir a Berseba, pois o Perfeito veio a nós, armou sua tenda, tabernaculou entre nós, e quer que sejamos os abençoados de Jesus, ajustados ao Seu plano divino, semeando o Reino onde Ele nos mandar, sendo reconhecidos como filhos da luz.
Você é um abençoado do Senhor? Tem vivido pela fé no Filho de Deus? As pessoas reconhecem que você é abençoado pelo Senhor? Ajuste sua vida aos pés da cruz, abandonando a mentira e o medo. Não dê motivo para os descrentes te exortarem. Viva como filho da luz, brilhando para a glória de Deus!
No Cap 27 aprendemos sobre a inviolabilidade dos planos de Deus. Na primeira cena Isaque se prepara para abençoar seu filho (27.1-4); depois Rebeca maquina a favor de Jacó (27.5-17); na terceira cena o filho mais moço engana o pai e o irmão (27.18-29); depois, o pai lamenta pelo filho mais velho (27.30-40); e finalmente, tensão e desejo de morte causam divisão e aborrecimento (27.41-46). Aqui aprendemos que o Deus soberano pode usar até mesmo a maldade humana para realizar o seu plano de redenção.
Conspiraram contra Cristo, julgaram-no e mataram-no injustamente. Mas Deus usou os atos maus dos homens para cumprir seu plano eterno de trazer ao mundo seu Filho para salvar o seu povo.
Não procure racionalizar os atos de Deus, aceite-os e procure ser grato por tudo que Ele permite que aconteça (tanto bom como ruim). Todas as coisas cooperam para o bem daqueles que amam a Deus, portanto, glorifique a Deus mesmo em meio aos sofrimentos, injustiças e desilusões desta vida. Busque viver de acordo com os princípios da aliança e descanse em Deus sabendo que nada foge ao seu controle.
No Cap 28 a história de Isaque começa a migrar para a trajetória de Jacó. Fugindo de seu irmão e aconselhado pelos pais, Jacó parte para sua peregrinação em direção à sua parentela em Padã-Arã, onde espera constituir família e dar continuidade aos projetos divinos. Partiu para o lugar onde Yahweh havia chamado seu avô Abraão (28.10) e onde havia erguido um altar (Gn 12.8). Certamente não foi uma coincidência! Neste local ele teve um sonho revelador com uma visão celestial que lhe transmitia palavras pactuais, e ali Jacó aprendeu que o Deus da aliança seguia com ele em sua peregrinação.
Cristo é o Deus Emanuel. Ele é a escada que nos leva ao céu (Gn 28.12 – Jo 1.49). Cristo prometeu estar conosco sempre (Mt 28.20).
Deus será contigo nas jornadas, viagens, transferências, ... até o fim. Diante disso, acorde para a vida com Ele. Cristo está aqui! Como você tem reagido à presença de Deus em sua caminhada? Adore a Deus, comprometa-se com Deus, e conforte seu coração com a certeza de que Ele irá contigo em todo lugar.
Rev. Daniel Alves
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anifunk · 6 years
23: 名無しさん@涙目です。(埼玉県) [CL] 2018/09/20(木) 14:11:28.12 ID:UCCWmiqe0 >>1 ざまあwwww 予防線貼って1/3の得票とか言ってたのにwwwww 31: 名無しさん@涙目です。(青森県) [US] 2018/09/20(木) 14:11:46.61 ID:PCHGVXEp0 議員票ひでーww 83: 名無しさん@涙目です。(神奈川県) [KR] 2018/09/20(木) 14:14:35.19 ID:zf7RW9Ia0 >>31 石破氏人望無いな 144: 名無しさん@涙目です。(庭) [ニダ] 2018/09/20(木) 14:18:06.43 ID:ooKH9P1V0 >>31 A329 E73 泣けてくるよな 306: 名無しさん@涙目です。(庭) [US] 2018/09/20(木) 14:27:48.25 ID:5/dZhNbn0 >>31 そりゃ双方を一番近い所で見てる訳だし…
【憲政史上最長総理へ】安倍首相が圧勝★自民総裁選まとめ(・∀・) | もえるあじあ(・∀・)
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prettymyunicorns · 2 years
Пусть в этот день, 21.12 сбудется моё желание.
Встреча с Ильёй в Павлино 24.12 в первую смену. Чтобы она прошла замечательно. А потом чтобы я и на Дуняшу попала.
И ещё, самое важное желание. Чтобы Илья был со мной и в 2022 году. И потом тоже. Пусть не отпускает он меня. И пусть у нас все будет хорошо и приятно.
Пусть мои желания сбудутся сегодня. Прошу, Вселенная их исполнения. Чтобы встреча состоялась и 24.12 и потом 27-28.12 и потом после январских праздников.
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anno1900lg · 3 years
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Unsere Öffnungszeiten! 21.12 geöffnet 22/23/24 geschlossen 25/26.12 Lieferungen von 12.00 Uhr bis 14.00 Uhr und von 16.30-21.30 und 27/28.12 ab 16.00 Uhr bis 22.00 Uhr ! 29/30.12 geschlossen ! 31.12.2020 Lieferservice von 15.30-21.30 ! Ab dem 21.12.2020 liefern wir Euch unser Glühbier 0,3 L zu jeder Bestellung gerne mit für 2,00 ! Wir wünschen allen Gästen/Freunden ein frohes Fest 🎁! Und Rutsch alle gut ins, hoffentlich besseres 2021 ! Eure Familie Lühmann! Bitte Bestellungen über unsere Seite, für Verbesserung hierfür haben wir ein offenes Ohr 🙏 . https://app.resmio.com/anno1900/menu-widget? #lieferservice #schnitzel #schnitzelpommes #krossepommes #anno1900lüneburg #lüneburg #lüneburgeraltstadt (hier: Anno1900) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJBQSdlMGBI/?igshid=uz6jejnga6pn
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Looking back on 2017
It*s that time again...
I do this every year, feel free to reblog with your own answers! 1: What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before? quit my job, got a tattoo 2: Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I don’t believe in resolutions, but I had 2 goals for this year, and I accomplished both of them! Might have to think of something for 2018... 3: Did anyone close to you give birth? no
4: Did anyone close to you die? thank goodness, no.
5: What countries did you visit? haha only the U.K I guess...
6: What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? a proper beach holiday, job satisfaction (my exact answer from last year) 7: What dates from 2016 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? 11.- 15.5. - London & Lost Evenings 20.7. - Chester’s death 28.12. - the day I quit my job
8: What was your biggest achievement of the year? realising that enough is enough, and putting myself first 9: What was your biggest failure? being too afraid in many ways 10: Did you suffer illness or injury? physically no, but my mind took a bit of a beating... 11: What was the best thing you bought? concert tickets and flights 12: Whose behaviour merited celebration? my parents’ for unwaveringly supporting me through anything and in any way available to them (last year’s answer, still true <3 ) 13: Whose behaviour made you appalled? humanity as a whole 14: Where did most of your money go? Berlin’s retail industry and London 15: What did you get really, really, really excited about? Lost Evenings and Lost Legion! 16: What song will always remind you of 2016? Chris T-T - Words Fail Me Also anything from the excellent Ed Sheeran album
17: Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? © richer or poorer? happier, fatter, richer. 18: What do you wish you’d done more of? speak my mind and take care of myself 19: What do you wish you’d done less of? waste energy, peace of mind and tears on undeserving arseholes  20: How did you spend Christmas? At homehome, with my family. Best and only way to spend Christmas. <3 (same answer every year, still true.) 21: Did you fall in love in 2017? no 22: What was your favourite TV program? don’t have a TV, loads of stuff on Netflix though! And The Graham Norton Show. 23: Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? no 24: What was the best book you read? John Lanchaster - Capital John Green - Turtles All The Way Down
25: What was your greatest musical discovery? Jason Isbell, Chris T-T, Séan McGowan 26: What did you want and get? music, friends and travels 27: What did you want and not get? a beach holiday, a job in the music industry 28: What was your favourite film of this year? La La Land 29: What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Having the best people anyone could wish for in my life. And music. (another answer from last year. still true.) 30: How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017? either relaxed office-style, or man-sized band shirts & jeans. Also, high waist all the way! 31: What kept you sane? regular breaks from my everyday life 32: Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Benedict Cumberbatch I guess... 33: What political issue stirred you the most? The 2017 Women’s MArch 34: Who did you miss? my mom, my friends, my family 35: Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2016. put yourself first, no one else will “you don’t owe them anything”
36: Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. 'cause it turns out hell will not be found Within the fires below But in making do and muddling through When you’ve nowhere else to go. - Frank Turner
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X-Mas Special - 3 Stunden Thai Massage Ausbildung für Einsteiger und Interessierte. Keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich - Auch als GESCHENKGUTSCHEIN erhältlich! 😊🙏🏻⠀ .⠀ Am 26., 27. und 28.12 finden die diesjährigen X-Mas Special Trainings von Thai Massage Ausbildung Berlin statt. Die Trainings dauern jeweils 3 Stunden und kosten pro Termin nur €49,00. Ein ideales Weihnachtsgeschenk! ⛄️⠀ .⠀ Jetzt buchen unter Thai Massage Ausbildung Berlin | Learning by doing | www.thaimassage-ausbildung.berlin⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #thai #massage #ausbildung #berlin #traditionell #workshop #seminar #thaimassage #thaimassagetraining #thaimassageausbildung #spa #yoga #reiki #shiatsu #wellness #fitness #gesund #gesundheit #akupressur #kosmetik #therapie #erholung #entspannung #physiotherapie #personaltraining #personaltrainer #wellnesscoach #bildungsurlaub #bildungsprämie #bildungsgutschein
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knowledgewiki · 5 years
Count Since Last Max Within Window
I have been working on this query for most of the night, and just cannot get it to work. This is an addendum to this question. The query should find the “Seqnum” of the last Maximum over the last 10 records. I am unable to limit the last Maximum to just the window.
Below is my best effort at getting there although I have tried many other queries to no avail:
SELECT [id], high, running_max, seqnum, MAX(CASE WHEN ([high]) = running_max THEN seqnum END) OVER (ORDER BY [id]) AS [lastmax] FROM ( SELECT [id], [high], MAX([high]) OVER (ORDER BY [id] ROWS BETWEEN 9 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS running_max, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [id]) as seqnum FROM PY t ) x
When the above query is run, the below results.
id | high | running_max | seqnum | lastmax | +----+--------+-------------+--------+---------+ | 1 | 28.12 | 28.12 | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 27.45 | 28.12 | 2 | 1 | | 3 | 27.68 | 28.12 | 3 | 1 | | 4 | 27.4 | 28.12 | 4 | 1 | | 5 | 28.09 | 28.12 | 5 | 1 | | 6 | 28.07 | 28.12 | 6 | 1 | | 7 | 28.2 | 28.2 | 7 | 7 | | 8 | 28.7 | 28.7 | 8 | 8 | | 9 | 28.05 | 28.7 | 9 | 8 | | 10 | 28.195 | 28.7 | 10 | 8 | | 11 | 27.77 | 28.7 | 11 | 8 | | 12 | 28.27 | 28.7 | 12 | 8 | | 13 | 28.185 | 28.7 | 13 | 8 | | 14 | 28.51 | 28.7 | 14 | 8 | | 15 | 28.5 | 28.7 | 15 | 8 | | 16 | 28.23 | 28.7 | 16 | 8 | | 17 | 27.59 | 28.7 | 17 | 8 | | 18 | 27.6 | 28.51 | 18 | 8 | | 19 | 27.31 | 28.51 | 19 | 8 | | 20 | 27.11 | 28.51 | 20 | 8 | | 21 | 26.87 | 28.51 | 21 | 8 | | 22 | 27.12 | 28.51 | 22 | 8 | | 23 | 27.22 | 28.51 | 23 | 8 | | 24 | 27.3 | 28.5 | 24 | 8 | | 25 | 27.66 | 28.23 | 25 | 8 | | 26 | 27.405 | 27.66 | 26 | 8 | | 27 | 27.54 | 27.66 | 27 | 8 | | 28 | 27.65 | 27.66 | 28 | 8 | +----+--------+-------------+--------+---------+
Unfortunately the lastmax column is taking the last max of all the previous records and not the max of the last 10 records only. The way it should result is below:
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It is important to note that their can be duplicates in the “High” column, so this will need to be taken into account.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1 Answer
This isn’t a bug. The issue is that high and lastmax have to come from the same row. This is a confusing aspect when using window functions.
Your logic in the outer query is looking for a row where the lastmax on that row matches the high on that row. That last occurred on row 8. The subsequent maxima are “local”, in the sense that there was a higher value on that particular row.
For instance, on row 25, the value is 26.660. That is the maximum value that you want from row 26 onward. But on row 25 itself, then maximum is 28.230. That is clearly not equal to high on that row. So, it doesn’t match in the outer query.
I don’t think you can easily do what you want using window functions. There may be some tricky way.
A version using cross apply works. I’ve used id for the lastmax. I’m not sure if you really need seqnum:
select py.[id], py.high, t.high as running_max, t.id as lastmax from py cross apply (select top (1) t.* from (SELECT top (10) t.* from PY t where t.id <= py.id order by t.id desc ) t order by t.high desc ) t;
Here is a db<>fiddle.
Archive from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59018866/count-since-last-max-within-window
from https://knowledgewiki.org/count-since-last-max-within-window/
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startdeutsch · 5 years
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🔸1. – eins – der, die, das erste 🔸2. – zwei – der, die, das zweite 🔸3. – drei – der, die, das dritte 🔸4. – vier – der, die, das vierte 🔸5. – fünf – der, die, das fünf+te 🔸6. – sechs – der, die, das sechs+te 🔸7. – sieben – der, die, das sieb+te 🇩🇪 за исключением 1, 3 и 7 образуются порядковые числительные по следующей схеме: 🔹артикль + числительное + te 🔹( der fünf+te, der fünfte) 🔸8. – acht – der, die, das achte 🔸19. – neunzehn – der, die, das neunzehn+te 🇩🇪Немного иначе обстоят дела с порядковыми числительными от 20 - им требуется окончание „-ste“. Немного позже мы рассмотрим, как окончания могуть зависеть от падежа, а пока вот несколько примеров: 🔸20. – zwanzig – der, die, das zwanzigste 🔸21. – einundzwanzig – der, die, das einundzwanzigste 🔸22. – zweiundzwanzig – der, die, das zweiundzwanzigste 🔸23. – dreiundzwanzig – der, die, das dreiundzwanzigste 🔸24. – vierundzwanzig – der, die, das vierundzwanzigste 🔸27. – siebenundzwanzig – der, die, das siebenundzwanzigste 🔸28. – achtundzwanzig – der, die, das achtundzwanzigste 🔸29. – neunundzwanzig – der, die, das neunundzwanzigste 🔸31. - einunddreißig - der, die, das einunddreißigste 🔸45. – fünfundvierzig - der, die, das fünfundvierzigste 🔸97. – siebenundneunzig - der, die, das siebenundneunzigste 📅Ну и главный вопрос: а как быть с датами? 📅Welcher Tag ist heute? – Какой сегодня день? -📅Heute ist der erste Januar. (01.01.) -📅Heute ist der dritte Mai. (03.05.) -📅Heute ist der achtundzwanzigste Dezember. (28.12.) -📅Heute ist der dreißigste August. (30.08.)
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chnuru · 6 years
1:風吹けば名無し:2018/11/26(月) 15:26:28.12 ID:IfNkD4Hu0.net
2:風吹けば名無し:2018/11/26(月) 15:26:46.78 ID:uZmAZcgQ0.net
3:風吹けば名無し:2018/11/26(月) 15:27:15.20 ID:WzvyZdSX0.net
4:風吹けば名無し:2018/11/26(月) 15:27:34.51 ID:eD5Bx5FNr.net
6:風吹けば名無し:2018/11/26(月) 15:27:44.22 ID:tYKzW2xpr.net
View On WordPress
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itsfinancethings · 5 years
Name Type As of Date 1-Week YTD 4-Week 13-Week 1-Year 3-Year 5-Year Other Domestic Stock Indexes NASDAQ Composite PR PR 11-27-19 2.09 31.20 5.61 11.22 22.91 17.26 12.70 DJ Industrial Average TR TR 11-27-19 1.31 23.45 4.79 9.91 16.60 16.43 12.28 S&P 500 TR TR 11-27-19 1.49 28.12 4.56 10.47 20.00 14.80 11.01 S&P MidCap 400 TR 11-27-19 1.88 23.99 3.85 11.33 12.75 9.13 8.65 Russell 2000 TR TR 11-27-19 2.70 22.71 4.98 12.67 11.10 8.11 8.03 NYSE Composite PR --- 11-27-19 1.40 19.63 3.51 9.09 11.65 7.75 4.26
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himatsubushini7 · 5 years
5:名無しさん@お腹いっ��い。 : 2016/06/27(月)00:31:28.12 ID: .net
  7:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 : 2016/06/27(月)22:01:36.06 ID: .net
>>5 詳しく聞きたい
  8:坊主 ◆jPpg5.obl6 : 2016/06/28(火)01:47:14.88 ID: .net
・相談者の年齢職業 32歳 ガテン系(フリー) 年収600〜700(天候により仕事に影響がある)
・嫁の年齢職業 34歳 週に3回 9:00〜15:00のパート勤め 月6万円いかないくらい
・婚姻期間 13年
・子供の人数、年齢 デキ婚だったが息子が4歳の時病気で他界
・わかってるなら間男の年齢職業 41歳 嫁のパート先の主任で嫁友の旦那
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