#4-6 months does sound long but it's not THAT long when you think about it
dasloddl · 3 months
glueing together pages of my friendship book... or as I like to call it... spiritual cleansing <3
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mitsies · 1 year
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» THE TRAIN RIDE HOME ; itoshi rin «
; ↠ itoshi rin sees you every morning at 7. the moment you smile at him, he knows it's all over.
## author's note: i went thru the 7th circle of hell and a pack of malboros while writing this. enjoy! ## contents: itoshi rin x reader, feminine reader, crushing, canon-compliant i think? idk ur both like 17 so it works, confessions and fluff! ## wc: 13.2k (i'm unwell)
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itoshi rin likes to count the people as they board the train. it's a habit leftover from his childhood, where he'd sit with his little legs swinging, pointing everyone out to his brother. (passenger 4 wore blue every day, and passenger 18 always had cat fur on his coat, and so on.)
he collected minute details to store in his head, a way to de-stress from the rush hour of his life. every morning at 6, he'd go on a run, and then from his final destination, he'd take the train back. rin was a regular, and an observant one at that- so it was only a matter of time before he noticed you.
you sat diagonally from him, always with your hands in your lap, twirling around the loose threads on the cuffs of your sweater. that was the first thing he noticed about you- the white cable-knit zip-up you frequently donned.
it looked nice on you, he thought. you seemed cozy, almost, as cozy as one could be on a train at 7 in the morning. rin wondered where you were going, since you appeared too young to have a corporate job.
you were on the train whenever he boarded and got off 2 stops before he did. and itoshi rin couldn't help but watch as you left. you carried a canvas tote with a familiar character that he couldn't quite place, and you'd always smiled warmly at the sweet old lady to your right. there were paint splatters smudging your shoes and rin wonders if you liked to draw.
he’d never ask, though. because why would he? you were a pretty person on the train, and he was just another passenger.
rin thinks he’ll settle for just watching, for now. he never expects you to look his way.
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it’s a cloudy thursday when you aren’t sitting at your regular spot for the first time in at least a month. rin shouldn’t feel a tinge of disappointment, the way he does in the pit of his stomach now. he doesn’t even know you, so who is he to be upset by your absence?
it’s not until he takes his own regular place that he realizes- you weren't missing. you'd just shifted seats. you were next to him, now, bag in your lap and hands rested on top of it.
rin snaps his head away from you as soon as he realizes you're there, and he can feel his ears burning. you're not even looking at him, exchanging amicable conversation with the same elderly woman, who is now across from you rather than next to you. there's a mother with a little sleeping boy on her lap occupying your regular place, and he presumes that's the cause of your breech of pattern.
he's snapped back to reality when the old lady laughs and says a name that sounds so honeyed and sweet that it couldn't belong to anyone but you.
"you're just the funniest," chuckles the woman, "makes me feel young again."
your smile is wry. "i guess i picked that up from you, mrs. sato."
rin doesn't quite mean to eavesdrop on your quiet conversation, it kind of just happens. you were right next to him, how could he not? and he also didn't mean to sneak glances towards you whenever you were turned away. that was also an accident, a slip-up he was very grateful that no one else picked up on.
it wasn't his fault that you looked even prettier up close. it wasn't his fault that he wanted to memorize how you looked when you smiled, down to the minuscule creases and lines of your cheeks.
you bid mrs. sato goodbye with a polite tip of your head when the train reaches your stop. your shoes have new paint stains, and your jacket is collecting more lint. rin wonders if you've noticed. and he watches you go long after you're gone.
he's not expecting to be addressed, so it takes a few tries before mrs. sato gets his attention.
"hello! young man! hello," she waves a wrinkled hand in rin's face and he turns to her.
"so..." her eyes shine with a childlike mirth and rin is a bit scared because what is going on?
"you're not as sneaky as you think you are, boy."
rin stiffens. "what?"
"i see you peeking at my dear friend."
he blinks, unsure how to reply. it's not everyday that the 70-something year old woman your totally-not-a-crush is friends with confronts you about your staring problem.
"huh?" he asks dumbly.
the old woman rolls her eyes and the train lurches to a stop. "well. i'm out of town for who knows how long, and i wouldn't want them to be lonely. i'm sure you wouldn't, either."
she stands with a joking wink and rin fights the embarrassed scowl from creeping onto his face. he's positive that he's red right now, and he's giving his all to not be disrespectful to this elderly woman in public.
"well, be good to them." rin opens his mouth but she's already hobbling away. he sinks back into his seat and wishes it would eat him alive.
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rin sees you the next day, sitting in the same place as you were yesterday. he shifts to put a little more space between the two of you, a little embarrassed- his breathing is still heavy from his run, and he's sure he smells of sweat.
you notice and give him a soft smile, though something akin to confusion muddles your eyes. you must be wondering where mrs. sato is, but you don't bring it up.
"sorry," you apologize for nothing. you also scoot a little to the side, and rin almost wants to say 'no, don't move further, you didn't do anything,' but that would be creepy and he doesn't want to be that guy.
so instead he fights his resting bitch face and gives you a sharp nod without meeting your eyes, because his face is already hot from hearing your voice say a single word and he is rather humiliated by his limits. "you're fine."
rin thinks he sounds like a strangled cat and he'd punch himself in the face if you weren't right there. but you give him a smile, and he feels a strange elation, and god, was it always this warm on the train?
"you're on this train every day, right?" your voice is hushed, and rin wonders if it's because you're trying not to disturb the mother and her child (who are still cuddled into your usual spot) or if that's just your demeanor. either way, he wants to find out. he wants to know you.
"i am."
you seem to consider his words for a moment and rin realizes that this means you know him. or, at least, know of him. you've seen him every morning just as he's seen you- the realization sends a strange spark through his stomach.
"where are you headed to so early?"
"home. i run out here and take the train back."
"you're a runner?"
"something like that."
you hum, and before you turn away, rin speaks again. "where are you going?"
he watches as you turn your head back towards him, a genuine smile forming on your face. "i work at a primary school. it's not an official position, but i'm kind of the art teacher."
he raises his brows. "art teacher?"
"yeah! i started off as a volunteer, but i guess i fit better since i'm younger than regular teachers," you shrug, and rin thinks he could listen to you talk forever.
your voice is beautiful, he thinks. it suits your name, and you face, and he can't think about it much longer because otherwise he'll start burning alive. he's still not looking at you when you introduce yourself, because for the sake of his dignity he doesn't think he can.
he already knows your name but he thinks it sounds even prettier falling from your lips. and god, he messed up, because now he's thinking about your lips.
"itoshi rin," he manages to get out when it's his turn to introduce himself.
"itoshi rin," you repeat, and the boy thinks he might die right then and there. what is wrong with him?
you're about to say something more but you get a look out the window and realize it's almost your stop. grabbing your bag, you stand as the train stills.
"this is me. i guess i'll see you tomorrow, then."
"see you."
and then you're gone, just like that. the morning train is silent once more, save for the whirring as it begins to run again and the footsteps of passengers finding their places.
rin decides that he can't wait until tomorrow. he's not sure why.
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over the next few days, you and rin grow closer. or, you'd like to think you've become closer. you talk a lot more, about everything, and he sits and listens.
he knows about your favorite student at work, and how he had given you the doraemon tote bag that you always sported for your birthday last year. he knows about your cat named snorkel and how your friends always tried to set you up on dates. he knows about your favorite foods and how you hated sleeping with wet hair.
and rin decided that he would do anything to hear you talk. he acted uninterested, sure, but he hung off every word you said. he engraved every single sentence into the details of his memories, stowing away any information you'd give him in the catalogs of his brain.
it came to a point where every single one of his thoughts were tainted with the knowledge of you. you were all he could think about- he saw you in every crowd and smelt your perfume in the wind even when you weren't around.
it was pathetic, really, the way he searched for you in everything, and the way you appeared to him, too. especially since this 'infatuation' was the product of a few measly mornings and some half-asleep conversations.
this was pitiful, rin thought, he was pitiful. but he kept coming back.
(..and it was especially pitiful because you were kind of annoying.)
your smile was as radiant as it was infectious, and you really, really liked talking. you might've been a little hesitant to speak to rin at first, but that certainly wasn't true anymore. with the way you ran your mouth, anyone would think you'd been friends for years.
rin hated how you left him without things to say. he couldn't muster his usual cruelties when he spoke to you. usually, he just hummed along or gave you minimal replies. but the flow of the conversations you had were never dull, and they became a highlight of his day.
"you'll never guess what happened," you started, as soon as rin took his usual seat next to you one tuesday morning. he uncapped his water bottle and took a sip as you continued.
"yesterday morning, i told you about how we were doing an animal painting activity, right?"
"okay, so i had just finished my example and instructions, and i was helping this one little boy. he's really sweet, by the way, he just doesn't really like... paint. which is kind of counterproductive."
"but anyways, this other kid comes up to me- she's tugging on my sleeve, and she says 'i made you something!' and it's not like i never get paintings from students, so i'm all like 'oh, thank you! what is it!' fully expecting it to be just some drawing, right?"
"but she hands me my bag!"
it's then that rin notes that you aren't carrying your usual tote bag. instead, you have an old canvas satchel that's cute but not nearly as endearing as your previous one. he frowns.
"it was fully covered in paint- like, it was all over her hands and everything. no way i'm getting that bag back. so messy," you shudder.
"it was the one your student gave you last year, right?"
"yeah. i'm a little sad, but i can't be too upset. she was like, 7 years old. they do that."
you begin to prattle on about some other inane topic, and for the first time since he's met you, you don't have rin's full attention. you don't seem to notice, but he's already adding another item to his mental checklist.
‧̍̊ ˙ · 𓆝 . ° 。 ˚ 𓆛 ˚ 。 ° . 𓆞 · ˙ ‧̍̊
the following day, when rin boards the train, he doesn't greet you. he's holding something, and when he sits next to you he wordlessly drops it on your lap.
"what's this?" you fumble with the item in your hands- it's something light in a plain paper bag. rin doesn't reply, crossing his arms and slouching down in his seat. he stares straight ahead, eyes probably burning holes into the side of the train.
"okay, grouch. don't say anything, then."
"just open the bag, dumbass."
"jesus, fine."
you reach into the parcel, pulling out a denim bag. it's roomy and well-crafted, and a set of pins are stuck into the side. you recognize familiar cartoon characters, a paint palette, and a little train. for the first time since you've met rin, you're not sure what to say.
you stare down at the bag. rin stares at you. when you look up to meet his eye he whips his head away. but then he hears a shuffling, and your arms are around his neck, and he's frozen.
you're hugging him, and he can smell your hair, and he can't say a word. he thinks your shampoo smells like peaches. he would ask you if he was right if only he could find the words.
you're gone just as soon as you appeared and rin misses your warmth, but maybe a bit of it has transferred to him because he's all hot beneath the collar of his crewneck and he's feeling his face grow uncomfortably flushed.
he slumps back in his seat as you fiddle with the enamel pins- they're dainty and unique, and you're a little taken aback by how thoughtful they are. "i love this."
if rin were to try and form a coherent sentence, he thinks he might combust. so he just hums an 'mhm' and pries his gaze back to the opposing window, a little humiliated by how difficult it is for him to take his eyes off you.
he thinks he's done a pretty good job of cooling himself down until your hand is on his forearm. the contact feels icy against his hot, flushed skin and it sends a shiver down his spine as he turns to meet your gaze again.
"thank you," you say and your hands gently squeeze his arm, "this means so much to me. really."
this isn't the first time you've left him speechless, but it's the first time you've witnessed just how potent your effect on rin really is. you smile at him again before leaving him be, continuing to fiddle with the bag while he recuperates.
you keep talking at him but it's in one ear and out the other, and by the time it's your stop he's only a little bit better. you stand when the train stops and the window's light trickles through the opened doors and falls upon your lips like they're being highlighted just for him. he blinks the thought away.
"i'll see you tomorrow morning, rin," you say as you hold your bag close to your side, its new contents sitting heavy in the bottom. rin only nods and crosses his arms.
he hopes that little expression can contain the vast expanse of indescribable emotions that he feels for you, but he knows he's unfair for that because even rin himself hasn't been able to comprehend them.
he's not sure why he doesn't see you as a bother or distraction. he's not sure why he'd be disappointed whenever you didn't continue a conversation or praise the littlest things in a way he'd never expect from anyone else. he's not sure why he's so determined to make you smile, and he's even more uncertain as to what the strange, strange sensation he experiences whenever he succeeds is.
he's not sure, he's not sure, he's not sure, but he thinks he loves it.
he frowns. rin loves how you make him feel. his frown grows deeper at the realization. his eyelids flutter shut and he tips his head back against the edge of his seat, a dull thump sounding as it hits the metal.
he thinks he'll ignore this realization, for now.
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it's almost a week after rin's gotten you the bag, and it's become your new everyday option. he can't help but think it looks especially good with your white zip-up and he applauds himself silently for his fashion choices.
the bag already has some tiny, colourful fingerprints decorating the sides and streaked up from where you'd presumably snatched your property out of your students' grabby little hands.
the thought makes his lips quirk upwards into a tiny little half-smile, one that's barely there but you pick up on all the same. pausing in the middle of your sentence, you ask him: "what're you thinking about?"
if rin was smooth, and if he was interested in you, he'd reply with 'just you, babe,' or something else that would make you blush and make him want to die inside. but rin is not smooth, nor is he sure how he feels about you.
it's nothing short of sickening, how you continue to take residence in his mind constantly. if he thought it was bad when he'd first started talking to you, it was a thousand times worse now. rin kind of wishes he could go back in time for the sole purpose of beating the shit out of the past him as a warning to not let you do this to him.
because, if he was being honest, he was scared. the premonition that his feelings toward you might be something like attraction was horrific because god, what was he supposed to do?
his entire life was dedicated to being the best. he was born to be on top and he'd die on that podium, looking down on everyone else. in the past, he'd cared about nothing else but winning.
his dreams, for the longest time, were plagued by pedestals and gold medals, and trophies with his last name but someone else's first. he'd fall asleep to his mind's eye envisioning blood pooling in his gut as he bled for his crown, his crown that was always out of reach.
and then you showed up in them. rin couldn't decide if you made his dreams better or worse. (okay, that was a lie- definitely better, but he's not ready to admit that quite yet.)
in the midst of his bad dreams, you'd come to him, sitting pretty on the train next to him. you'd talk but he'd never be able to remember what you said come morning.
this was bad, rin thinks, he was bad. he was awful and horrible and wrong because he should be dreaming about winning and not you. you were distracting him, being on his mind all the time. while he ran to the train stop, a task that usually cleared his tired mind, all he could picture was you, you, you, waiting for him.
that was another thing. you were waiting for him, and he couldn't not show up. rin's considered changing his routine so he could keep away from you for the sole purpose of fighting his maybe-crush and being able to focus on his sport. he's thought about not replying to your texts, which you sent every afternoon to check in and ask how he was.
but then he pictured you, alone on the train, and he couldn't. the thought of you getting friendly with anyone but him made his skin crawl. what if that boy who sat on the other side by the door tried to talk to you while he wasn't there?
no, no, rin couldn't have that. not when he liked you this much- it was far too late to let go. he'd already done this to himself.
so he keeps coming back, every single morning, just to see your face. there was no denying it anymore- rin liked you. too bad he'd never say a thing.
"rin?" your voice snaps him out of his thoughts. "what's up?"
he glares at you like he hates you, but you know better and so does he. "nothing."
you tilt your head. he stares right back at you before conceding. "the paint smudges on your sweater and stuff."
"hm. what about them?"
"your job must be hard."
if he's being honest, rin doesn't really care about what you do. he's just trying very hard to not let the fact that he was smiling thinking about you show.
"it's not that bad," you say, "well, i mean- tedious, sure. plus i hardly get paid, i'm not under contract, and they could just decide to stop paying me at any point since there's nothing making them, technically."
rin raises an eyebrow. "and you say it's not that bad?"
"it's not! really!"
"and you work with kids."
"yeah, so not that bad."
"that's worse." you make a face at him and he fights another smile because how do you do this to him so easily?
"i swear it's not as bad a job as it seems."
"it's not even a job, technically," rin points out.
"okay, okay, you can stop making fun of my position, rin."
your use of his name makes his heart do something weird and nauseating in his chest and he hates it. "whatever."
you hum in contemplation before sitting up in your seat with an idea. "how about you come with me today?"
rin stiffens. "what?"
you don't flinch at his unintentionally bittered tone, and rin feels something strange inside him again. he feels a bit like a fish out of water, being put on the spot like that.
"well, i mean- only if you're free, of course," you twist away from rin ever-so-slightly as you start to backtrack, hands finding their way to fiddle with a strand of your hair, "i don't wanna overstep or anything, and i know you're probably busy and we're just-"
rin's voice cuts you off. "oh. that's cool, i'm sorry i asked."
oh. that wasn't what he meant to say at all. "no, no, wait. i mean no, stop talking."
"oh. i said i was sorry."
he's really just digging his own grave, at this point.
"wait, wait, wait. i mean.. no, stop talking, yes, i'll go with you."
it's almost comical how you brighten up in a heartbeat, and a strange twinge of pride at the fact that his presence could do that to you zips through his chest.
"oh, i'm great. i mean- that's great. this is great. i'm so excited." you fiddle with the sleeves of your sweater and the enamel pins on your bag that he got you jingle and rin thinks that he's stupid for ever considering avoiding you.
and again- if he was a better man, he'd say so. but he's not, so he side-eyes you instead. "are you sure this is even allowed?"
"i am. as long as you're not some kind of criminal, or whatever." you look back at him, eyes creased with amusement. "you're not, yeah?"
"nope. just a few aggravated assault charges." he's only kind of joking (because injuries on the field do not count against him outside of it), and his voice is dry with sarcasm. he's not expecting you to laugh but you do, and he thinks everything he's done to lead up to this moment has been worth it.
"lovely. then you'll be fine. i hope you're good with kids, rin."
his mouth falls into a frown. he'd forgotten about that. he's about to say something but the train lurches or a stop and you're standing, prompting him to follow.
it occurs to rin that this is the first time the both of you have stood next to each other. the slight widening of your eyes at his obscene height is something that amuses him, but he chooses not to comment on.
he also keeps silent about how your beat-down and paint-smudged pair of shoes squeak ever-so-slightly as they exit the train. you move with a slight bounce in your step that makes the shoes pivot and squeal a little in a way that should irritate rin and not endear you to him the way it does.
it's only a short way to the school you work at from the train station, and you talk about menial things the whole way. rin's arms are crossed uncomfortably over his chest as he walks, and the plush insides of his deep blue sweater suddenly feel too hot, and he's feeling clammy even though the sun is hardly out.
you walk through the front office with rin in tow, tailing you while looking incredibly uncomfortable the whole time. the front office ladies chuckle like they know something he doesn't when you check him in and rin kind of wants to punch them. he doesn't, though.
when you lead him to your classroom (or, more precisely- a large storage room that was reassembled with tables and chairs to become a classroom) he's not surprised to find it colorful and bright.
the walls which aren't big windows are practically covered in various pieces- hand turkeys, landscapes, various misshapen animals, crude imitations of people- and a few pieces that are undoubtedly from a much more skilled artist. there are beautiful scenes that look like they're from movies, and there are unique interpretations that seem like they took painstakingly long to create.
he walks up to one- a faceless pair of women. one is sitting on the kitchen counter and the other stirs a bowl of something that looks like cookie dough. it's simple, it's sweet, and it's beautifully made. "you painted this?"
you're placing your bag down on the chair that sits behind the teacher's desk, which is just a repurposed old table. "i did. that's really old, though. kind of embarrassing."
"it's not." his finger traces his newest observation about the painting- your name scrawled in the corner. "it's not."
he's not looking at you, but he knows you're staring at him. he won't look back now, but he wonders what you're thinking. he imagines your quizzical expression, and he imagines the sun filtering in through the windows making you shine as you absorb every colour in the room.
he imagines you looking at him, and he thinks it's the prettiest sight he's ever thought up.
the bell rings after a beat of silence passes. the shrill noise draws you both from your stupor, and rin turns to see you walking around, busying yourself with placing a piece of thick watercolour paper on each desk.
"well," you say, and rin might be imagining it but your voice is a little choked, "we've got.. 2 classes? yeah, two. both will be 7-year-olds today. think you can deal with that?"
rin's eyes narrow. "i thought you said i wouldn't have to deal with any kids."
your face contorts into a smile. "yeah. i know. you can just sit in the back and watch. i'll get them to not bother you."
you gesture to a tiny little desk situated in the back corner of the room and rin cringes internally as he walks up to it. he sees you biting back a laugh and glares. as he takes a seat, his knees are up to his chest and his arms are draped uncomfortably over them.
"this isn't funny," he deadpans as you bite your tongue. with a humiliating amount of effort, he removes himself from the tiny chair and walks back over to the teacher's desk where you stand, crossing his arms over his chest.
"in my defense, i didn't compensate for how tall you'd be. you can just be at my desk, i don't mind."
you place your bag down onto the floor in the corner and rin moves to take your seat. all you have on your desk is a pile of books that are collecting dust, and a dingy computer setup that seemed like it was from the stone ages. there's a series of sticky notes on the black screen- he knows he shouldn't, but he reads a few.
there's a few about restocking some supplies, and even more about various lesson plans. rin thinks you put an awful lot of work into a position that technically isn't legal. and then, his eyes land on his name- in pink pen that stands out on the yellow paper, 'itoshi rin' is scrawled on with a myriad of stars and hearts and squiggles surrounding it.
rin blinks, half expecting the message to vanish. it doesn't. his hand reaches out to take the note but he's interrupted by the room door slamming open and a gaggle of children bursting in.
their teacher seems exhausted, and rightfully so, especially considering it was barely 8 in the morning. she takes a seat close to the exit and slumps over, seemingly asleep, as the students spread around the room.
they take places behind desks and fist the provided paintbrushes in their little grubby hands, chattering amongst themselves as if it's not insanely early. rin watches as you bounce around the room, conversing with the kids who call your name.
his gaze doesn't leave you once, as you move to the front of the classroom to begin your speech on today's assignment. he's only half-listening, but he catches short phrases. it's something about practicing watercolour responsibly and learning to work with a new medium.
rin's never been an art kid. he's never seen the appeal. but the way you seem so excited to be there, and so genuinely happy to teach, makes him think that he should be listening, too.
the kids start to paint, now. he notices how some of them start with a pencil, tracing crude outlines of whatever they're trying to make, while others dive headfirst into the watercolour. you weave around desks lavishing them in praise, and rin wonders what you were like when you were their age.
little feet begin to scramble around the classroom as the assigned seating chart dissolves with time. you don't seem to care all too much, continuing to help a student- a little girl, with tiny, short pigtails tied off with purple scrunchies.
he doesn't realize he's been watching you until the girl catches his eye and says something he can only kind of make out. "who's that guy lookin' at you all mean?"
her finger points straight at rin, and he promptly pretends like he was very invested in the blank screen of your 1900s computer. he sneaks a glance back to see your eyes fixed on him before returning to the girl with an awkward laugh.
"ah, him! he's.. my friend. he's just sticking with me today," you smile, and feels himself sink into the chair deeper. he's not sure what he feels at the use of the word 'friend' but he doesn't think he likes it.
but it was a fine answer. it was decent, it was true- what, did he expect more? if he did, clearly he wasn't the only one because the little girl with the pigtails gives you a look. rather loudly, she exclaims "you mean your boyfriend?"
you blanch at her words and rin's subtle gaze returns to a full-on stare as he watched your reactions. "asami, not so loud! indoor voices," you try to sound authoritative but your voice splinters and sea of little faces is suddenly turned to face you.
and then, slowly, like a horror movie, the 20-something 7-year-olds pivot to face rin.
a little voice speaks up. "you're ms. teacher's boyfriend?"
in a normal scenario, rin would probably linger on the fact that you were addressed as 'ms. teacher' as if you had no other name. but with an ocean of inquisitive eyes, yours especially, he felt a little frozen. just as he was about to snap open his mouth to say something probably cruel and snippy, you jumped in.
rushing to the front of the crowd you wave your hands frantically, trying to maintain your cheery disposition while sweating through your clothes with anxiety. "no, no! he's- he's not my boyfriend! and don't bother him, please, he doesn't.. speak the language! he's from.. germany!"
it's a bad lie. horrible, even. and it would take a fool to fall for it- either a fool or a collection of unbelievably innocent children.
"oh!" one pipes up, "is that why he's so mean and doesn't talk?"
you furrow your brow. "we don't call people mean, remember."
and just like that, everything is back to normal. or, at least, however normal this situation could be. the students resume their artistry and continue scurrying like mice around the room to show off their creations or grab fresh sheets of paper.
you walk up to rin, and he hopes his ears have turned less red at this point as you sit on the desk in front of him. "see? not so bad."
he narrows his eyes. "are we in the same room right now? did you not just see that?'
you sigh dramatically and place your hands behind you as you slouch back. "maybe they're right. you are mean."
"you should be ashamed of yourself, y'know."
"you really do sound like a schoolteacher." at this you laugh and swat at his shoulder, eliciting a tiny could-be smile from rin. "never say that to me again."
and it seems like cutting rin off is a fun activity, because a little boy with messy brown hair skips up to the desk and basically shouts, "hello!"
the thing is, he's not talking to you- he's talking to rin. big, doe eyes are fixed on the striker expectantly, and he rolls back and forth on heels while clutching something in his hands behind his back.
rin blinks. "hi."
he sounds mean, he's sure, and definitely not german, but the kid doesn't seem to notice or care. "i think germ-in-ey is so neat! i made you this!"
the country is pronounced like he's speaking with rocks in his mouth but the boy's smile is bright and he holds a kind-of crumbled piece of watercolour paper in his hands.
it's still dripping and incredibly poorly done. what appears to be a house? or a building of some kind? is splattered onto a green line that might be grass. a blob that could be a body if you squinted hard enough is attached to a big oval with messy dark hair, angry eyebrows paired with neon blue eyes, and the biggest eyelashes the world has ever seen. they extended from all the way inside the eye to the sticks that rin supposes must be hands.
a random rectangle with doodles inside is in the top left corner. a little label reads 'german flag' in pencil.
rin blinks at the paper and looks dully at the kid. he feels your eyes staring into him, too, and he opens his mouth before closing it again, unsure of what to say.
"this looks bad," he speaks before he knows what's coming, eyes widening at his own words. a deep pit of guilt opens in his stomach as the boy retracts his hands with the paper. oh, my god, what did he just say?
he is unbelieveably lucky that you are still next to him at that moment, because you jump in to save the day yet again:
"haru! don't worry about him- he's german, remember? he doesn't know how to say what he means! bad in german actually just.. uh.. means really, really good!"
the boy instantly brightens up again, like a wilting flower back in bloom. "really? that's so cool! i didn't know they spoke german in germ-in-ey!"
you return his bright smile. "how crazy! what a small world!"
the little boy skips away, leaving his masterpiece in your hands, and rin lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"oh, wow," you say with a sparkle of amusement in your eyes, "i didn't know you were this horrid with kids."
a grumble of annoyance leaves him, but he's more embarrassed than anything at this point. "and i didn't know i was german."
you shrug. "it was the first thing that came to mind. it worked, didn't it?"
rin ignores your question. "i can't believe you let that kid go off thinking 'bad' means good. he's gonna go around telling everyone that."
"i.. did not consider this," you purse your lips, "it's his teacher's problem. i don't even work here, technically."
"so you're a random person who comes onto campus and spreads lies to children."
a smile splits your face. "at least i'm a nice liar."
"oh. ouch. okay, thanks rin."
and he exhales, and it's no longer just a half-smile, because you see it so clearly on his face- the way his lips turn up at your words as he speaks. "yeah. anytime."
it's then that itoshi rin has a moment of infinite clarity- he's fallen for you. he doesn't like that fact, nor does he understand the intricacies of this romance.
he likes you. that's all there is to it. rin doesn't see why there needs to be any more. it's not like he'll tell you and even though the feeling of repressed and realized emotions in his chest is something a little unbearable, he's dealt with worse. and he thinks he'd rather keep his mornings beautiful than run the risk of messing it all up.
so rin thinks he'll settle for being in your background, as he watches you hop off the desk and move to help the students as they finish their paintings and clean up.
they sing a stupid jingle about keeping things neat that makes you laugh in the way you do where your head tips back just a little, and rin swears it's his favourite sound in the world.
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it's another hour and another class before you're finally done with your work. the second one was thankfully a lot less strenuous for rin- none of the students paid him much mind at all, save for the occasional curious glance every so often.
"bye ms. teacher!" the final student belted before leaving, slamming the door with a resounding thud. you wave cheerfully and take a deep breath as soon as the kid is out of sight. "and we're done! how was that, rin? you just got the full fake-teacher experience."
rin stands from his place behind your desk and stretches out his limbs, slightly sore from being in one place for so long. "as bad as i thought it'd be."
"you're always so negative."
"glad you noticed."
you roll your eyes and grab a spray bottle and washcloths off the highest shelves. "help me clean?"
wordlessly, he catches the rag you toss and the other bottle. the two of you work in silence for a few moments, wiping down the desks that the students had done their best at keeping neat. the only noises were the muffled sounds of the cafeteria during lunchtime outside and the ever-present squeaks your shoes made.
the lighting through the window lit the scene golden and turned all the colors and textures and works in your classroom even more beautiful. and not just them- rin thinks that you look breathtaking in the sunlight. a part of him suspects that it was invented just for you.
"what did you think?"
rin looks up at your voice. "hm?"
"what did you think? about this, i mean."
he looks at you for a moment. this is a new expression, the one you're wearing- at least, one he's never been able to observe unobstructed. you almost seem bashful, in the sunlight, refusing to meet his eyes.
"i think," he says, and he's so careful because he thinks he'd die of embarrassment if he misspoke and insulted you again, "that this makes sense."
he frowns, not wanting to explain himself. "you loving this. it makes sense."
"i actually have no idea what you mean by that."
he scoffs, "whatever," but you keep pushing, curiously leaning over the table and placing your washcloth down.
"you can't just 'whatever' me. i'm curious now."
"you're irritating."
"i'm aware." you keep looking at him and it's no surprise to him when his conviction crumbles into dust and ash.
"you just seem like an art person." he tries and fails to get his point across. you raise a brow. "are you profiling me? what, do i seem like your starving artist trope?"
"no, no," he grumbles, "like, you're.."
and he's not sure.
rin has no idea how to follow up his words. because he thinks so many things of you- he thinks you're kind, in ways he will never be, and he thinks you're pretty enough to rival the sun, and he thinks you're flat out lovely- but he can't convey it all into one word.
"you're just you," he says. it's a simple statement, said with a conviction that doesn't match the quiet tone of his voice. he speaks softly, like he's afraid you might disappear if he was too loud.
blinking, you meet his gaze, and rin hopes you can see yourself how he sees you in the reflection. he hopes you see yourself like gold, and all the colours in the world, and as the essence of creativity- he hopes you know that he sees you as art, plain and simple.
but your expression is unreadable. he wonders if his is, too. and rin also wonders what you see when you look at him, because you're suddenly inhaling sharply and pivoting, busing yourself with straightening up jaws that don't really need to be fixed.
"well, rin," you say, and your voice is a pitch higher, "i didn't mean to keep you so long. i'm sorry you got held up here."
you're laughing, but it sounds strained, and rin wishes he could go up and smooth whatever's bothering you out from your skin, but that's creepy so he'd rather not.
"i didn't stay so long because you made me or anything. i wanted to."
"oh." you freeze for a split second before continuing to scrub a little too vigorously, "uh. thanks."
"i like your paintings," he blurts out. it's not fitting as a response, and he should've just said 'you're welcome' and moved on with his life, but he feels like he needs to say something, and relieve at least a fraction of the burden off his chest. he likes your paintings, and he likes you, but he can't say that quite yet.
"oh! i didn't take you as an art connoisseur."
"i'm not."
and he was telling the truth- rin knew virtually nothing about art. he remembers his own experiences with the subject, all limited to his pre-teen years in school, where he'd been forced to make whatever the teacher commanded.
his work had always been lopsided and a little fugly, but in the spirit of learning no one had ever said anything. it was always 'that's so good!' or 'you're so creative!' or 'nice cat!' when it was meant to be a tree.
"not even a little bit?" you hum as you lean onto your tiptoes, struggling to push a bottle of cleaning solution back into the space. rin moves to your side, placing it on for you. he misses how you go breathless at his actions.
"was never an art kid," he says simply.
you purse your lips in that stupid way he's noticed you do when something doesn't go right, and shake your head. "i don't buy it."
he raises an eyebrow. "what?"
"i don't believe that."
"you're just.. rejecting my statement?"
"yeah. everyone's an art kid."
rin considers your words before shaking his head. "no. you're just weird."
rolling your eyes, you're suddenly gone again to the front of the classroom, rifling through a set of overworked cabinets that seem to be bursting at the seams. you come back to the desk rin was standing by with a full arm of various supplies- he recognizes paper, canvas, pencils, gouache paints, and brushes.
"everyone's an art kid," you repeat, "you just never had anyone show you right."
"you sound fucking crazy."
"yeah, probably," you reply, motioning for him to sit down on the chair. he complies, and you hop up to take a seat on the desk again.
"and cheesy as hell. like a stupid nickelodeon character."
"that's a little far. be nicer to me! i'm about to give you free painting lessons."
"ones that i didn't ask for."
you sit back on your hands. "you could leave if you wanted."
rin is silent. you smile. "lessons it is."
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you might have been a little bit incorrect in your approach. rin is kind of a little bit hopeless with art.
"just a straight line," you're practically begging, "just one. you can do it."
rin proceeds to draw another very un-straight line to go with all the other ones on the piece of paper.
that was okay, though! maybe pencils just weren't for him. you could live with that. you'd brought out some paints just for this possibility, after all.
painting is difficult to mess up. you slap some colors on a canvas, call it modern art, and you're set- that was your philosophy. anyone could paint. anyone, you now think, except for itoshi rin.
"are you colourblind?" you say, and you're not trying to be mean, you're genuine, because he had just used the most horrendous choice of color palate he could have had.
"shut up," he scowls, covering his face with his hands. "you're a shit teacher."
you gawk at him. "how is this on me?"
"your stupid 'art kid' philosophy. plus, you've just been staring, not teaching."
you frown. okay, yeah, maybe you had been a little bit stare-y, but it's not really your fault. he just has one of those faces that would be criminal not to stare at. an idea pops up in your mind, and you hop off the desk.
rin turns his head to follow you as you move behind him. "what are you doing?"
"i'm teaching," you bite back playfully, leaning over his figure. you take a hold of his hand with the paintbrush, and you're both so close that you can hear his heartbeat speeding up inside of his chest. you wonder if he can feel yours do the same.
your hand ghosts his before you take a hold, grabbing it gently. his palms are warm and his whole body seems to radiate heat. the skin of his hand is rough and calloused.
"like this," you instruct, dragging the brush slowly across the canvas. it's already a smoother, straighter line than his previous ones. rin remains speechless, but he lets you take control of his movements. you direct him gently and he moves in return, like a slow dance on canvas.
after some time, a scene is playing out on the formerly blank space before the both of you. it's the classroom, complete with the yellowed lighting of the sun coming through the windows and the blocks of color to represent the various works hanging on the walls. it's a crude imitation of reality, but a piece of you and a piece of him, and you think that makes it beautiful.
"see?" you say, breaking the silence, "you did that."
you move to release your grip on rin's hand but he clasps his other one over it without thinking. you blink at him. he lets go, embarrassed.
"you did most of the work," he shrugs off, but it feels like he's just talking to himself, "i was just there."
"hm. you're right, but come on! give yourself some credit."
your attempt to lighten the heavy tension in the air falls onto deaf ears. "i should go," he mumbles, standing.
"bye." his words lack the usual edge, and he seems more confused than upset. still, you wonder if you've overstepped and a pit forms in your stomach.
"bye," you say, but he's already out the door.
you try not to be too upset about it, but it's a little difficult. you've liked rin since before you even knew his name, and you were far too stubborn to let it go just yet.
you'd been almost 100% he felt the same, too. but again, your pride wouldn't allow you to make the first move. and his reaction to the closeness didn't bode well for your intentions.
a surge of disappointment consumes your chest and everything suddenly feels a lot heavier. your regular cable-knit feels itchy and too hot on your skin. you bite your tongue.
your friends have mocked you for your infatuation with this faceless 'itoshi rin.' they've encouraged you to move on from this crush that was seemingly going nowhere until almost a month ago, even going as far as to try and set you up with someone. maybe you should finally look into that offer,
you sigh to yourself and flop back onto the hard wood of the desk. oh well, you think, you'll see him tomorrow anyway.
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the next week of early morning train rides is missing something.
rin notices it almost right away- how you sit a little farther from him, you you're just a little more skittish and quick to leave. it's a stab in the gut every single time, and he's not sure how he can mend the undeniable rift forming between the both of you.
he's not sure what happened. was it his leaving? had that upset you? why?
the invisible wound of unspoken words festered like mould as the morning conversations grew shorter and stiffer, and he felt helpless like he never had before.
and then, you bring something up that makes his heart plummet.
"this afternoon? i think i have a date, actually."
he shouldn't be mad. he shouldn't be upset. but doesn't he have the right? the person he likes, and ew, he hates admitting that, is going on a date with someone else.
"mhm. my best friend's friend- she's been trying to get me to go out with him for ages."
"tomorrow night, i think it is."
"i hope it goes well."
again, rin's mouth runs separately from his conscience. he wants to hit himself. you have no obligation to answer, because the both of you are just friends, maybe even less.
you blink, looking over at him. "i mean.. why not?"
the rest of the train ride continues in awkward silence until you get off. you give him a brief smile but you don't say goodbye, and rin watches your figure walk away until the train starts again and he can't anymore.
there is a very strange emotion, that rin is experiencing. he recognizes parts of it- that same bitter, green envy that curls around his lungs and squeezes til he can't breathe. he's familiar, but never in this context.
and then there's something darker that hurts his chest. it reminds him of growing pains, and of valentine's day, and of things he never thought he could have wanted. it reminds rin of you, and he is so, so distraught.
that afternoon, he waits for your text. usually, your messages are usual, like clockwork. you'd message him around 1 when you were on the train ride home, either to update him about your day or send him a game pigeon game.
he always indulged your messages, and he'd never let you see but you were one of the pinned contacts on his phone.
that day, however, your text never comes.
he's so pathetic for how he sits in the locker room at 2, alone, staring at his phone screen. he's sad for how he's taking a break from practicing at 3 just in case you message. he's stupid for how he spends the next few hours just waiting for a notification that he knows will probably never come.
it's 10 now, and rin has never felt more tired.
he's about to go to bed, having his night clothes lined up on his bed and brushing his teeth in the bathroom mirror. it was an average, regular day- there was nothing special nor abnormal, but everything just felt so wrong.
he wonders if you were on your date then, as he spits his toothpaste into the sink. he wonders what you wore- if you donned your white cable-knit or your squeaky paint-smudged shoes. he wonders if you carried the bag he got you, pins and all. he wonders if your date held open the door like he would have, or if he joked around with you like he did (kind of.)
rin wonders where you were. he wonders if you were okay.
and then, his phone rings.
your name lights up his screen and suddenly, he's not so exhausted. he answers a little too haistily on the 1st ring.
there's a short pause, but he can hear the way your breath comes in short huffs on the other side of the line. this was strange- the both of you had never called before.
"rin?" your voice is crackly in a way he could accredit to the poor reception wherever you were, but something in his heart wrenches and there's an undertone that is undeniably distress in your voice.
"yeah? what's up?" he's already bustling around his home, though, grateful he hasn't changed yet as he pulls out his shoes.
"are you doing anything?"
"no," he lies.
"i'm sorry then, 'cause i know it's late, but- um, yeah. i'm about to get on the train. like usual, just the night one. but, i don't want to bother you, so-"
"no. keep going."
another silence follows rin's words before you continue. "could you.. come here? i know it's dumb, askin' you to ride the train here just to come back with me but," and your voice cracks, "i don't really want to be alone right now."
rin exhales. he's already outside, walking briskly through the cold night air with his free hand stuffed in his jeans pockets as he makes his way to the train stop.
"i'm on my way."
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when rin gets on the night train, you're the only other passenger on board. you're huddled up in your usual seat with your knees drawn up to your chin and eyes misty with something dismal. you look at rin and he's heartbroken for you, because nothing should ever make you this upset.
but you offer him a weak grin and move to sit normally, patting his seat next to you. he notes that you are indeed carrying the same bag he got you.
the new distance isn't present when he takes his place beside you. in fact, he's so close tonight that he can almost feel your thigh brush his. he eyes you cautiously, unsure how to begin. thankfully, you answer his questions before he needs to ask.
"remember my date?" rin nods. how could he forget?
"it was kind of awful," you concede with a watery laugh. "he was all fine, at first- but i just wasn't interested. he asked for a second date, and i said no thanks- he just- he yelled at me. called me all sorts of things. i dunno."
his heart tightens in his chest as you keep going. "it's not a big deal but i didn't really- i'm not sure. i'm not sure."
he doesn't think too much about his next actions, as his hand curls around your shoulder. you're all too complacent, letting yourself be pulled into the warm fabric of his crewneck. he hopes you can hear his heartbeat pick up its pace. he hopes yours does the same.
rin allows you to bury yourself in his warmth, to acquaint yourself for a few moments before he starts talking. "last week i went to the grocery store and i saw this lady with her cats," he said.
you glance up at him quizically but his arm holds fast, keeping you there as he continues: "she was old. probably too old to be toting around all those groceries.
"i would've offered to help but then i took another look- she was ripped."
a muffled laugh escapes you. "for real?"
"yeah. i mean it."
"a ripped old lady with cats, huh? what was she getting?"
he thinks he feels your smile against the fabric of his clothes. "blueberries. that's nice."
"and just a few days ago, i think, i was on my run and i passed by this apartment, right?"
"and i hear yelling. so i stop."
"on the balcony of the apartment, there was this woman and some guy. they were in their 20s, i think. and she was screaming at him."
"oh? what about?"
your voice is thickening again, but this time with exhaustion. the occurrences of your day were finally weighing on you, rin presumes. he keeps talking.
"something about him being unfaithful. then she threw his gaming console off the balcony."
"oh," you say, with a slight yawn, "that sounds so funny. i wish i was there."
"me too."
rin really should break this habit he's beginning to form. it definitely isn't a great idea to share all his innermost thoughts with you always- but lucky for him, you seem too tired to notice the accidental compliment.
"good for her," you mumble.
"good for her," he repeats.
you tilt prop your chin up on him to meet his gaze. your eyes are heavy with exhaustion and bags are formed beneath your eyes, and your hair is frazzled and messy but rin thinks this might be the prettiest he's ever seen you.
you're dead on your feet, but you're still looking at him. you're feeling so many things and you're still you. his hand absentmindedly flutters accross the back of your head to flatten your hair as you begin to speak.
"you're so nice." is all you say. rin looks at you, incredulous.
"you are," you insist, breaking away from him for a moment with your hand pushing yourself off of his chest. "you wanted to help that old woman. you heard yelling and stopped in case someone needed help. you're here at 10pm after i messed everything up."
rin blinks.
you've always been the kind of person to make him think. you made him reconsider his own future, his capacity for love, his interest in romance- you made him think about it all. but there was one thing that was a constant, that he didn't think even you could make him reconsider- the fact that he wasn't a good person.
it's then that it dawns upon itoshi rin- he doesn't see himself as worth loving. his life's purpose was success, and without it, was he even worth caring about? and on top of all that, he was cruel.
he cared about no one. he was blunt, and he was unfriendly, and when he was in school people walked away. the neighborhood kids all hid from him, and his teammates never bothered to even try and introduce him to new faces anymore.
itoshi rin was mean and cruel, a fact that he had decided for himself and then been enforced by the people around him. itoshi rin was not worth anything without a gold medal to demonstrate his value. itoshi rin was not worth caring about, because he'd just hurt you. itoshi rin didn't think himself even capable of wanting anything but to win.
and itoshi rin was proven wrong the day he met you.
because he'd fallen for you, with your shoddy footwear and worn-out zip-up that could hardly be considered white anymore. he'd fallen for you and the way you always had something to say, and he'd fallen for you, who could see the art in anything- even hideous artwork made by unskilled 7-year-olds, even teenage boys who couldn't find it in themselves to admit that they loved you.
you must've changed him, he thinks, or at least brought out a part of him that he'd long since forgotten had existed. because now, on this train at 10 pm with you still staring at him with intent, tired eyes- he thinks he sees it, too, in a way that he thinks you might've been trying to get him to see from perhaps the very beginning.
he sees himself, itoshi rin, as artwork. and he sees you- the artist.
it's beautiful, how the world explodes into colour at that moment. the night sky outside the train window has never been quite so beautiful, and he thinks he can see all the stars in the world even though he's not even looking at them. his eyes are trained on yours, and there's nothing left to do, say, or realize, so he just pulls you back into himself and keeps talking.
"and then two days ago, i think, i was at practice. and my teammate opens his locker, and a squirrel falls out. nanase- that's his name- was terrified."
it's almost comical, how the roles have reversed. usually, you were the storyteller, and he was the patient listener. he doesn't remember the last time he spoke to someone in such a one-sided fashion for so long, but he doesn't really care anymore.
"apparently it was bachira. no one was really surprised."
he looks down at you, and you're finally asleep. your breathing is even, and he can only partially see your face. your cheeks are patchy from previous tears, but the way your features are relaxed amends for the hurt. his hand holds your head close, still, fingers absently massaging your scalp.
the silence carries on for a few beats. he watches your inhales and exhales when you do. when he finally talks, he's even quieter.
"i missed talking to you," he finally admits. it's almost as if he's admitting this to himself rather than you, with the way he leaves the words to hang in the air.
"so much," he adds, "it was fucking gross."
he continues to speak. perhaps this was his confession- he'd tell you his truths, the fact that he liked you, and the fact that he'd never be able to say it to your face. he doesn't see the harm, not on the empty night train with just him to hear.
"when we were all.. distant. i hated that. i had so much to say to you. i guess i always have. because," he lets an aggravated sigh, "i just didn't know.
"you're rubbing off on me, i guess. you and your stupid.. i dunno. just you. you make me so weird inside."
he pauses like he's waiting for you to say something, even though he knows you can't even register his words. he frowns and rewinds:
"that day. a week and a day ago. i left.
"you were so close to my face, so close to me- i dunno. i guess- i guess i just panicked. because i shouldn't like you. you're so.. you. and i'm nowhere near that. so i left.
"i wanted to kiss you. i want to all the time, it's fucking awful. when you told me about your date today? i hated every second of that. i just wanted to tell you but i couldn't. i don't know why, though.
"i still can't tell you. don't know if i will. but it's out there, now. i like you," rin laments, the last words foreign and unwelcome on his tongue.
"i like you. i like you a lot."
rin thinks his words should be followed by silence. he thinks that they'll hang and vanish in the air like his breathe, and he thinks it'll be gone forever, just like that. he thinks the next morning, he'll find a new morning routine and delete your contact.
but your breath hitches, and your body stiffens ever so slightly against rin's as his confession exits his lips. rin freezes, his hand falling dormant in the air behind your head.
you rise from his chest, and an empty cavity of dread is left in your place. the quiet is so poignant that you could hear a hairpin drop. he stares at you. you stare at him.
"rin," you start slowly, voice rough around the edges with sleep.
(the train rumbles distantly in the background. faintly, rin wonders when his stop would be.)
"you like me?"
he is silent. you blink once. then twice. and then you move. from your place next to him, you take his hand in both of yours and shift it to your lap.
"you like me."
it's not so much of a question now as it is an answer. your skin is cold against his, and it reminds him of the afternoon spent in your classroom where he learned of his limits for the first time.
"and you said you want to kiss me all the time," you continue, and rin thinks he'd be utterly humiliated if he wasn't so frozen.
"so why don't you?"
your question is one that lingers, hanging in the air like a heavy mist or smoke, and his lungs feel like they're being weighed down by the steeled sky.
you're right for asking, because why didn't he? why had he run, that day in your classroom? why had he let you grow so distant from him in the week that followed?
rin has always been one for pushing his limits. even when his body was broken over his sport, but he kept going because that was what was right to do. it was his purpose, and he didn't matter much outside of that.
but things were different now that he'd met you. rin decides that he just might be worth something more than a victory, because you look at him with a reverence, an affection, that tells him that he's maybe more than that.
you hold his hand in yours like it's glass, and your expression is soft with a curious lilt, and his hand is on your side and traveling to your back, and his other one is in your hair, and his lips are pressed on yours like he needs you, because fuck it, rin decides, he's never cared much for limitations anyway.
you kiss him back before long. it's messy and crude, and all teeth and bumping noses, and a long time in the making. you pull away before he does and he chases your lips like a starved man. but you duck your face into the crook of his neck, body as close as you could manage on the uncomfortable train seat. he feels you laugh into his neck, and he can't help the smile that spreads on his face.
"fucking finally," he says quietly, more to himself than you.
"finally," you agree, as the train slows to a stop. you glance up to check the destination- oh. it's your stop- your apartment block was only a short walk from here.
"this is where i am," you say, trying to find it in yourself to stand up. rin beats you to it, emerging from his seat and pulling you with him.
"i'm walking you home." he's no longer holding your hand, but his pinky finger is interlaced with yours, and he gives a surprisingly firm tug as he ushers you to the exit. "let's go."
you skitter along right behind him as the cold air rushes against his face, planting rosy, frosty kisses against his skin. you swing your joined arms with a wicked grin like you know it'll annoy him but he's not about to tell you to stop.
and if rin thought you were the prettiest in your classroom, or prettiest on the train, he was sorely mistaken because you're nothing short of gorgeous now, in the night air holding his hand, with a big, dopey grin on your face and his name on your lips.
he thinks he'd like to kiss you again, so he stops in his tracks on the sidewalk. you lurch to a halt, and call his name questioningly. he kisses you again because he can now, and you kiss him back, and he can do this again, and again, and again, because what's stopping him now?
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the weeks following the emergence of your newly formed relationship are nothing short of blissful.
neither of you discussed your relationship status- it was just implied that he was your boyfriend now, because rin is almost sure he'd implode if he had to consider his feelings any longer.
your routines had both amended themselves around each other. every day, you'd meet on the morning train. he'd come to your classroom and sit through your lessons with you, and the both of you would go to either your apartment, his house, or whatever other destination was on one of your to-do lists. he'd go off for practice in the afternoons, but he never missed you too much.
he knew your texts would be waiting to be answered, without fail, and he knew you'd always be waiting for his call. and it felt nice to have someone- someone who cared for him, someone to call his own, someone who waited for him, someone he'd won.
rin thinks that he'd follow you to the ends of the earth if you asked, and especially if you didn't. he sees it as mature and responsible- someone has to keep you in check. you just call him clingy.
this is how he finds himself at a farmer's market. it's bustling, and nostalgic, and crowded, and probably not his scene. but you're there, so he'll make it work.
"oh, there's so many things. uh, let's see," you fumble with your phone, pulling up your list from your phone, "naomi can't have peanuts. asami is allergic to.. strawberries? how sad. and hiroshi will probably start crying if he sees cucumber. god, kids get weirder and weirder by the day."
you've been roped into helping host the graduation party for this year's oldest elementary students, most of which you knew by name. you'd been stuck with the food prep which rin didn't really understand assigning to you, since it's presumably the hardest task and you're not even a real employee.
"what's left, then?"
"uh.. i think we can make blueberry pie or something. and if they don't like it, it's not my fault because i tried."
"i'm not helping."
"no, no. you are. you don't have a choice in this."
he scoffs, and is about to reply, when-
"ms. teacher! hi, hi! hi!"
a little tiny pair of legs attached to a blur of brown hair as a small boy hurtles into your legs, capturing you into a hug the best he can. you let out a huff as the wind is knocked out of you.
looking down, rin recognizes the same kid- the same one who had made the watercolour painting of him and was surprised that they spoke german in 'germ-in-ey'.
"haru? hi yourself! what're you doing here?"
you almost instantly kneel down to meet his eyes and haru immediately giggles and taps the side of your head. "bonk, bonk!"
you laugh. "that isn't an answer, buddy."
the boy rocks back and forth on the heels of his feet with his hands fidgeting with each other in front of him, and rin is both enamoured by your endless warmth and feeling very out of place, standing awkwardly behind you like a scared child.
"my mama runs a fruit shore. yum, fruit! 'nd, i get to ex-spore! 'cause they're all busy with the fruit shore!"
"really? how cool!"
"yeah, yeah! 'nd, why are you here ms. teacher?"
you pretend to be in deep contemplation, tapping your finger on your chin. "well, if i tell you, you've got to keep it a secret, 'kay?"
"pinky swear! swear it!"
"it's for a surprise party."
haru looks like you just told him nuclear secrets. "oh my gosh!"
he squirms where he stands, running around in circles. "a sur-pies party! a sur-pies party!"
and then he stills, looking at you with the utmost serious expression that cracks a grin onto even rin's face. "i swear i won't tell anyone about your sur-pies party."
"thank you very much, haru. i appreciate it," you reply, with equal seriousness.
and then, haru's eyes wander over to rin.
"mr. germ-in-ey!"
rin cringes. he wasn't mentally prepared for this, not today. "hi."
haru seems to have forgotten that people from germany tend to speak german, because he converses with rin like there's no implicit barrier there. "hey, hi! i didn't know you went outside the school!"
rin's brows furrow and you stand, laughing. "what?"
"you're always in ms. teacher's classroom. in the back, all sad."
he frowns. "i'm not sad."
haru surveys him, and he feels a little ridiculous getting once-overed by a 7-year-old. "no," haru agrees, "not anymore!"
at this, you chime in. "oh? what changed?"
rin glares at you over his shoulder and you return with a bemused expression. haru mimics your previous posture, with his hands on his chin like he's stroking a beard.
"you guys are in love!"
you freeze, shooting up straight with wide eyes. rin stares at the kid.
"come again, haru?" you manage to choke out, perhaps hoping that you heard him wrong.
"you guys are in L-O-E-V-E!" haru sings the words out, spelling it wrong but still reinforcing his previous statement.
rin is flabbergasted, and you choke on your saliva. bystanders are beginning to look at the scene unfolding, and you attempt to straighten yourself out while rin takes a step away.
"uh, haru," you say, letting out a breath and an awkward laugh, "why don't you go find your mom? tell her i say hi."
haru hums before nodding like he'd entirely forgotten the previous conversation. he scuttles away with the speed of a scared cat. rin directs his gaze to you and shoots you a look.
"your students are so fucking strange."
you sigh, "yeah. yeah, they are."
he pauses. and lets out the heaviest, most resigned sigh he thinks he's ever managed before. "but they're not wrong."
you look at him blankly, before you process his words. and then you're positively beaming as rin makes a face.
"ugh, gross. forget i said that. that was vile."
"awh, rin!" you say, disregarding his statement, "you're so cute! so, so cute!"
you close the distance between him and you, and he ducks his face away but makes no real effort to move. "i hate you so much."
"i don't think so," you hum, getting infinitely closer to his face. he's sure you can feel the heat radiating off him at your proximity, as you continue: "i think that you are obsessed with me."
your lips are ghosting the corner of his mouth and he doesn't realize he was holding his breath until you pull away, eyes suddenly wide with realization.
"oh my god," you say, all the teasing removed from your voice and instead replaced with a daunting sobriety, "haru is going to tell the entire class. the entire school."
rin blinks. "okay? and?"
"no, you don't get it!" you grab his arm, a genuine terror that is almost comical shining in them. "i'm going to be trampled."
your boyfriend shrugs. "i don't see how that's my issue."
"you idiot. you come with me every day."
"you're never going to know peace again."
rin finally gets it, and he frowns deeper than he thinks he ever has. "i'm breaking up with you, then. no way am i dealing with that."
you roll your eyes and sigh, and rin laughs- it's quiet and short but real and genuine, and he sees the love brimming in your eyes as you follow his movements.
"god, i love you."
your words catch him off guard. but he takes your hand as a response. rin doesn't think he can say it back, not right now- but you know he does, and this time, so does he.
because rin loves you, and you love him, simple as that. there are no limits, there are no rules- just brushstrokes on a canvas, just an artist and a muse.
in that moment, in the middle of the bustling farmer's market, you and rin are all alone, and he thinks to himself: he would spend forever counting the passengers on a train if it meant he would meet you.
he'd spend years if he had to, waiting for his girl, the one with a white worn-out zip-up and shoes that were on their last few wears, and a denim bag smeared with paint and decorated with pins, and a smile to rival the sun.
he'd give it all to meet you again, and he'd give even more if you asked. in truth, there's nothing he wouldn't do to fall in love with you all over again- but he doesn't need to imagine, because you make it happen every day.
because truly, it may have started in just a few mornings, but it would always end with you.
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(3 weeks later, mrs. sato appears on the morning train again.
you and rin are seated in conversation, bodies turned towards each other as he listens to your words. you're both interrupted when the train doors shut and a voice calls your name.
"ah, what have i missed! do my eyes deceive me, or is there a lovely new couple in my presence?"
you grin at her arrival. "oh my gosh, mrs. sato?"
the older woman hobbles over to sit down in front of you. "you have so much to tell me," she states, wrinkled smile gleaming with childlike joy.
rin frowns. why is it such a common trend to make him the 3rd wheel in his own relationship?
rin listens in as you narrate the course of your relationship, thankfully skipping out some more personal pieces, with a pink face and blood warming the tips of his ears.
and in turn, you learn that in mrs. sato's absence, she'd been partying all over the bahamas on a cruise, making a few crude and suggestive jokes about ship crew boys. "ah, but i can't say that anymore, can i? not with your boyfriend here. girl talk."
rin crosses his arms over his chest, looking and feeling a bit ridiculous with your bag on his laugh. mrs. sato cackles. he thinks she reminds him of a witch, just a little.
"ah, well, i hope you didn't miss me too much, dear. i'm off again- to jamaica this time!" mrs. sato exclaims and you smile supportively even though rin can tell you're more amused than anything.
"when do you leave?"
"tonight," she laughs, "i'm going to the airport right now."
when mrs. sato leaves and bids you and rin farewell with a hug and wink respectively. rin looks at you questioningly. "i can't believe you speak to her."
you grimace. "she's terrifying. i think if i wasn't friendly she'd hunt me down."
"probably. wouldn't be hard."
"i should send you to jamaica with her."
"i'd take some cruise boys over you any day."
"i'd pick them over you, too"
rin smiles. his hand taps a rhythm onto your knee. "so what're we doing today?"
"after school, i think it's finally time i buy new shoes. it's been long enough."
he frowns. "i like your shoes."
"they're like, a million years old. there's a hole in the sole."
"you can pick them, since you clearly seem to think your fashion sense is better than mine."
"it is, actually."
"you're horrible, y'know that?"
the train stops, and you stand before he does. you extend your hand for him to take.
he takes it without hesitation.)
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##: if you read this long, hey! writing this actually made me insane i'm not gonna lie! but it's finally out, and genuinely would mean the world if u left a like, reblog, or comment :,) feedback keeps me motivated!
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melrodrigo · 1 year
Tardy - T.C.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None??
Summary: You come late to a class one day, and an unexpected friendship, (and maybe more) blossoms.
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: Woo! This was a long one to write, and i'm not sure if i added enough fluff in there, but if you guys want a part two, i'm happy to write more :)
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You had been pining over this girl for six months. At first it was all fun and games, just some motivation to get up and into class each morning. But soon with every nice gesture and soft smile she sent your way, it turned into something more.
Tara Carpenter.
She was the prettiest girl you've ever laid your eyes on, with wide doe eyes and freckles littered everywhere across her face. You'd noticed her one particular day when you had realized you overslept, rushed into class, in nothing but your jamies and an oversize hoodie.
When you opened the doors, a little loud, okay maybe a lot loud, everyone's heads snapped to you. You stilled, acutely aware of everyone’s eyes on you.
A small giggle sounded through the room, and you locked eyes with a short-looking brunette.
Feeling embarrassed enough to last a lifetime, you quickly hurried over and sat next to the girl, a blush rising up your neck at everyone still staring.
"As I was saying..." The professor began, to which most people took their eyes off you and focused back on the lesson. You breathed out a sigh.
"That was quite an entrance, if I do say so myself." A voice sounded beside you.
When you turned your head to look at her, the comeback you had so cleverly thought up died in your throat.
"I- um, hi! Yeah, it was a crazy day, see- I just went to a party last night and I might've gotten crazy drunk and then forgot to set my alarm and woke up and realized we had a test today, so I really wasn't thinking about my outfit, but-" You stopped when you realized you'd been rambling, the blush rising to the tip of your ears now, though for a totally different reason.
The girl cocked an eyebrow up and gave a tiny smirk.
"Sorry, my name's YN. I'm not usually this stupid." You offered her a handshake, head turned down in embarrassment.
"A handshake?" She asked a little teasingly, but took your hand nevertheless.
Deciding you'd already embarrassed yourself enough for one day, you turned back to the teacher, determined not to act stupid in front of this pretty girl.
"Tara." She mumbled after a while, but loud enough for you to hear.
"I'm sorry?"
She turned to you and tilted her head a bit, like staring hard enough would allow her to read your mind.
"My name's Tara." She said, giving you another soft smile.
You felt your lips start to tug upwards at the ends, and a giddy feeling, like butterflies entered your stomach.
"Pleased to meet you, Tara."
The both of you never talked about the routine you got into, but ever since that first day, when you walked into class and scanned the room, you would always look for Tara first.
She would always leave a seat beside her for you, death glaring anyone that tried to sit in it.
It was a comfortable situation, and you were content in being in her company, even though it was only for a few hours.
You’d bring her and yourself some coffee, quickly remembering what her go-to order was.
Sometimes you guys would study together in the library, throwing flirty comments and looking at each other longer than friends should.
You couldn’t help but get distracted sometimes in class, what with such a gorgeous girl next to you, how could you not?
Unbeknownst to you, Tara would also sneak some peeks in, but she was a lot more discreet about it. You never caught her staring once.
But on one random Tuesday morning, she wasn't there. It was weird of Tara to not be there before you, since you were always late, but you shrugged it off and figured she might've gotten lost on the way to class. She would never miss a class in her life. You brushed the nagging feeling in your chest away.
Halfway through the lesson, the nagging feeling turned into outright worry. Tara would never miss a class without an important reason, and if she did, she would have at least texted you about it. The two of you had grown pretty close in the last semester.
y/n: Hey, are you okay?
She never answered.
As soon as the class ended, you sprinted outside and started running.
Finding the way to Tara's apartment was a bit challenging, seeing as though you'd never been there before. But Tara had given the address to you once, during a frat party you attended together.
You swayed on the heels of your feet anxiously, hoping Tara was home and not out somewhere dangerous. You had heard news of a new killer around, though you didn't pay it much attention. You certainly didn't want Tara to be one of his victims though.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
A girl you'd never seen before opens the door, expression clearly annoyed. She looked a bit like Tara, but her demeanor was all dark and gloomy, completely unlike Tara.
"Um...is Tara home?" You mumbled, starting to feel small under her intense gaze.
"And who the hell are you? " She asked, eyebrows furrowed, arms crossed in front of her chest.
"YN?" Came a voice from inside, and you immediately recognized it as Tara's.
The girl at the door was pushed aside gently, and you looked down to see Tara, a curious expression painting her face.
"Ohmygod i'm so glad your okay. I was so worried I thought that psycho killer might've gotten you." You mumbled as you pulled her in for a tight embrace, her face nuzzling in the side of your neck. A small giggle erupted from the girl, and she held you a little tighter.
You stayed like that for a while, until someone loudly cleared their throat beside you.
You pulled away quickly, forgetting that there were other people present, and straightened up, raising your hand to the girl who greeted you at the door.
“Sam? Is everything okay?” Came a male voice from inside the apartment.
“Yeah, we’re good Chad!” She shouted back, still eyeing you like you were scum on earth.
You took a breath and stepped forward, raising your hand and meeting her eye.
"Hi. I'm YN." She eyed your hand, arms still crossed and very much still looking furious.
"A handshake?" She shot Tara a look, expressing something like a "really? this is the one you pick?"
"Yeah i'm sorry if i'm intruding, I just wanted to make sure Tara was okay since she didn't come to class today." You explained.
The older girl was fast to snap back, "You are, and you've seen her, so you should leave now."
"Sam!" Tara exclaimed, taking a hold of your wrist to prevent you from leaving.
"It's okay Tara, I don't mind. As long as I know you’re okay, then I’m good." You whispered, making sure she looked you in the eye to express how serious you were.
Her eyes softened a little, before turning to Sam and speaking slowly.
"He must've saw her come up. We can't let her go. She might get attacked."
You furrowed your eyebrows, starting to get confused about what they were talking about.
Sam must've saw the look in Tara's eyes, because she rebuffed her immediately, glaring at you as she said, "Absolutely not. I know nothing about her, you know nothing about her. For all we know, she's the killer!"
At that you step in.
"Woah, woah woah. I just gotta defend myself here and say I don't know what you're talking about right now, but I am most definitely not a killer." You winked at the older girl, trying to keep the mood light.
Oh shit. That sounds exactly like something a killer would say.
"I mean-! I'm just Tara's friend, I wanted to make sure she was okay. She never misses class so I came to check on her." You hurried out, seeing the look of suspicion growing on Sam's face.
"Please, Sam. How many innocent people are you gonna let die? And if she is the killer, then we'll have her right here with us! We'll keep an eye on her." Tara pleaded, though her tone was more pressed than anything.
Sam let out a scoff, and walked away, further into their apartment.
You’re left standing in the hallway corridor, not really sure what just happened.
"I guess that's a yes." Tara sing-songed and smiled at you, pulling you in and closing the door and giving you a peck on the cheek.
Your eyes widened and you tried your best not to gulp, but by the way Tara's smile turned even bigger, you know you failed.
"Come on, let's go meet the others." She tugged on your wrist, which she was still keeping a death grip on. Effectively dragging you forward to the living room.
You snap out of your daze and start to follow her, but not before asking a question you should’ve asked about five minutes before.
"What's this about me being a killer again?"
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wood-white-writer · 8 months
"Didn't mean to make your heart Blue" || [5/...]
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“Where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down, I'll be there on their side. I'm losing by their side.”
— Mitski, "Bet On Losing Dogs"
Pairing: Buggy the Clown (Live action) x F!Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 6
Summary: You were an apprentice of Gol D. Roger’s crew in your youth, long before his eventual demise. Along with the Red-Haired Shanks and Buggy, you were a formidable trio; the embodiment of a new generation of pirates yet to come. But times changed, and so did you and your friends. 
It's been a few weeks since the events in Orange Town, and Luffy notices something that others do not. So, he decides to ask you.
Warnings: Canon typical violence, LA!Verse, No (fully bodied) Buggy this chapter, Luffy being the precious cinnamon we all love and must protect above all else, flashbacks about Shanks, past discussions, Luffy and Reader have a heart-to-heart.
A/N: I was initially going to write them going to the Baratie this chapter, but it became too long so next one for sho.
Taglist:@kurinhimenezu, @carpinchootaku, @ay0nha, @teh-vampire-bunny, @lokiscure, @internationalsuper-spy @detectivesparrow , @yuriwk, @notyuralycat, @angeli-fucking-cat, @machinema7k (If you want to be tagged for this story, just send me a message or leave a comment :))
You're sitting by the table in Party's bar, nursing a cold glass of rum against your cracked lips as you observe to the kid - Luffy - demonstrating his newfound Devil Fruit powers without any regard for poor Makino's furniture. 
You don't get him, at all. Then again, you don’t get kids. 
You've never thought of yourself as someone who easily got along with them ... or people in general. Shanks has always been the better-suited one for that kind of work. Whereas he is smiling and grinning at the kid’s mischief, you've barely offered him more than a glance at most.
Your crew has been positioned in Foosha village for the better part of the month, stacking up on resources and food in preparation for your next job. Incidentally, the Red-Haired Pirates also happened to be in town for similar excursions. You rarely see Shanks nowadays since you parted ways several years ago, but whenever you happen to come across one another, you share a drink on his tab.
While your crew is around and about, replenishing their strength and vigor for the work to come, you're content with just sitting here at your leisure. When you're not plundering or fighting or attacking Marine bases, you can't find it in yourself to do much of anything anymore. 
Nothing adds any purpose to your life save for what keeps you fed and clothed, which in the life of a pirate, simply means pirating.
"I've heard you had good fortune on your latest heist," Shanks says from where he's sitting opposite of you. "For your efforts, the Marines have granted you among the highest bounties in all of the East-Blue."
You hum noncommittally in response, not offering much to the conversation in terms of merriment. "The quality of the Marines has been in decline. It says more about their effort, or lack thereof, than mine."
"Do you know what they call you nowadays?"
"They call me a lot of names, you got to be more specific."
"'Cross-Hairs, the Beast of the East'. It's got a certain ring to it, don't you think?"
Shanks smiles the kind way he always does. Always has done.
"Gum-Gum Pistol!" 
The sound of yet another chair breaking has you rolling your eyes without even looking, and poor Makino ages ten years in seconds across the bar counter. 
Shanks laughs heartedly at the display, only to cut it short upon noticing Makino's even glare sent his way from across the bar. 
"You were careless," you state matter-of-factly and take another gulp from your drink. "You should've kept the fruit hidden more securely."
"Now, in my defense, I didn't think the lad would searching through my loot."
"Well, you should've." You slam your glass down, strong enough to leave a dent in the wooden surface. "What kind of captain leaves his loot undefended and unsupervised? Especially when it contains a Devil Fruit?"
Shanks doesn't argue with your statement and settles with taking a gulp of his own drink, letting your words simmer in his head. "You're right, I should've been more observant. Now, it'll be more difficult for him to achieve his dream."
"His dream? Of what? Becoming the King of the Pirates?" Try as you might, there's no suppressing the snort that escapes through your nose. "There's only ever been one King, and we all saw what happened to him. What do you think is going to happen to a kid who can't even swim?"
"Oh, come off it!" He gives you a playful nudge to the rib, which you reciprocate with a glare. He remains undeterred. "You mean to tell me you've never thought about finding the One Piece? Not even once?"
"I have no interest in whatever plunder Gol D. left behind." 
"Then, what does interest you?" He rests his elbow on the edge of the table and leans over to your side. "What is your dream?"
You grit your teeth under your lips, a flash of blue circulating in your head. "Dreams are for fools and children," you point your head to where Luffy is currently sitting, trying to put the chair back together with a half-empty tube of glue and little luck. 
"Come on, I know you better than that. Surely there's something in this world you want more than anything?"
"What I want is ..." You have half a mind to tell him the truth, whereas the other half wants to push the idea further down to the bottom of your chest. "Is another bottle of rum."
You raise your arm to Makino to gesture for another one, but Shanks is quick to lower it with a gentle shove of his arm. You flash him a scowl and brush off his hand, but unlike your crew or anyone else, he's not afraid.
"The point which I'm trying to make before you're completely pissed," he starts. "Is that no matter how much opposition one faces, it's that dreams are never out of reach if you have the will to reach for them."
He inclines his head over your shoulder, and you turn around to see Luffy successfully putting the chair back together. You don't know how he did it - it looked pretty busted minutes ago - but there it is, wholly intact.
And when the boy smiles, it's so vibrant and full of joy that it's almost blinding. He proudly runs over and shows the repaired chair to Makino, who proceeds to pat his head and hand him a plate of food.
"See?" Shanks grins. "Nothing is impossible."
"You can hardly consider putting a chair back together the same as achieving an impossible goal."
He shrugs. "Maybe not, but you won't know unless you try. All it takes is a little spirit."
You watch Shanks for a couple of minutes in silence, processing his mythic words, then shift your attention over to Luffy who's preoccupied with shoving an unholy amount of food into his mouth. If this is to become the future King of the Pirates one day, then it'll be an interesting future indeed.
"A little spirit, huh?" 
— — —
You're sad.
Luffy first notices it when you leave Orange Town, and it lingers throughout your voyage. 
For as long as he's known you, you've always been a person of relatively few words; never speaking unless you feel the situation requires it, and only acting when necessary. Even following the Kuro situation™, getting the Going Merry, and adding Usopp to his crew, he can tell that you're not all there anymore.
Not to be mistaken, you're not conspicuous with the way you behave. You still act like usual, talk like usual, however little, and commit yourself to your work on the ship, almost to an excessive extent. 
All in all, nothing’s changed about you. However, he’s gotten used to your face and general lack of expression most of the time, and though it doesn't seem to alter, he still catches onto the fact that you're sad. 
"Hey," he asks the group and props himself in the kitchen, legs crossed atop his seat. "Do you think she's any different?"
"Who? Your friend?" Nami asks, raising an eyebrow. "How so?"
"Well, I think she's sad."
"Doesn't look any different to me," Zoro supplies while polishing his swords on the table. 
Usopp's in the middle of munching a piece of loaf, and answers with his mouth still halfway occupied. "Dunno how she usually is, but she's kinda terrifying if you ask me."
"No, she's not," Luffy dismisses lightly. 
"What's her position on the ship, anyhow? How'd you come across her?"
"She's always been with me," Luffy answers without any thought. "And she’s a good fighter.”
Zoro — to everyone’s surprise — nods his head to this in concurrence.
Their Captain claps his hands together to get the subject back on track. "But anyway, I just think she seems kind of down now."
"How can you even tell? With eyes like these, —” Usopp puts both of his index fingers at the crow’s feet of his eyes and draws them back to imitate yours. It’s borderline shameful, truth be told. “— I can’t tell for shit what she’s feeling or thinking.”
“I just can.” Luffy shrugs.
“Has she said anything?” Nami asks. “Anything to make you ask?”
“No, not really.” He heaves a sigh and props his hand under his chin, contemplating. “But she's been different since we left Orange Town.”
"If you ask me," Zoro speaks up. "You should ask her about her relationship with that fucking clown."
"Who? Boogie?"
"Buggy," Nami corrects. "Didn't you notice that at the end? They have a history, it's obvious. They know each other, and I don't know what pirate customs are like nowadays, but I doubt you'd touch the face of an enemy unless there was something going on. Has she said anything about it?"
Luffy shakes his head. “No... but then again, she never does tell me much about anything unless I ask.”
The tangerine-haired girl blinks as if the answer to this whole predicament is obvious. She quickly comes to realize that, to Luffy, it’s not.
“So…” she prompts slowly.
She rolls her eyes at his inability to catch her drift. “Go ask her.”
It’s like the thought never even crossed Luffy’s mind in the first place because truth be told, it hasn’t. He lights up like a candlestick on the spot. “Yeah, I should just ask her!”
“Ask me what?”
The members of the Straw Hat pirates (save for Zoro) withdraw in various unique positions, having not heard you make your entrance before you speak. 
You’re standing in the doorway to the kitchen, eyebrow slightly quirked at the Baroque-esque scene in front of you. Deciding not to address the display, you simply ask, “Anything I should know about, Captain Luffy?”
Usopp doesn’t even dare to answer, because he knows you sure as hell don’t see him as a captain in general, much less your captain. He swears he notices you briefly look in his direction at the mention of the title, and a shiver runs across his skin. Like static electricity in the air.
“Oh, yeah,” Luffy turns to you, not an ounce of fear in his eyes as he pops the question. “Are you sad?”
You blink once, then twice, like the inquiry on its own is of unfathomable origins to you. “Do I look sad?”
The boy in the straw hat nods. “I think you do.”
“Then I’m not.” It’s not only an answer, but also a sentence that marks this subject as finished on your part. One that does not permit any subsequent additions.
You incline your head to the deck above. “We’re going to have company soon, likely Marines, and they seem to be in supply of heavy fire this time.”
The situation with the aforementioned opponents temporarily distracts the crew, yet Luffy maintains a close eye on you, taking note of anything that can point him to the source of the unknown problem. You talk relatively little with the other crew members, but you seem to have developed an amicable enough relationship with them compared to when you first met. 
Before, you could care less about getting to know them. Now, you’re actively going out of your way to ask Nami about her cartographic skills, even giving her tips for additions to her geographical detailing. You provide Zoro pointers on self-developed defensive techniques and ways to paralyze opponents in certain spots (which he seems appreciative of).
You even give Usopp a short nod when he tells you one of his fantastical stories, even knowing that they’re full of shit.
Luffy’s happy, but he still sees that you are not.
It’s all in your eyes. They’re hollow somehow, like the end of a barrel. He doesn’t know how he knows, only that he knows, and he’s known for a good while now.
So, that night, Luffy finds you in the kitchen by the windows, absentmindedly snacking on a red apple while you gaze into the dark nothingness outside. He also discovers that he’s subconsciously become quite observant of your habits as of late. 
For example, you specifically pick red apples above any other color when they happen to dock someplace, not even paying any mind to the green or yellow ones. Just the red ones.
“Hey,” he positions himself next to you on the bench, a piece of loaf tight in his hand. “Why are you sad?”
You turn your head just a fraction to the side to look at him, not annoyed, but not appreciative of the focus he’s settled on as of late. "Shouldn't I be asking you that? The Vice-Admiral looks a little weary as of late, after all. Are you sad about it?"
“So why do you insist that I’m sad?”
“Because you are,” he states like it’s obvious.
You huff humorously and return your attention to the window that supplies no real view. “How can you tell?”
“I just can.” He takes a generous bite of his food and continues talking, oblivious to the crumbles that fall while doing so. “When I’m sad, I—”
“Well, yeah.” He swallows the bite down. “But I also like to talk about it with someone I trust. Shanks used to say that true friends are the kind of people you can share your heart with and not get hurt.”
This annoys you, that much he can tell. A nail digs into the apple you’re holding, leaving a crescent-shaped indent on the red skin. “Shanks said many things, and not all of it's true.”
This doesn’t deter him from pressing on the matter. “If you keep all the hurt inside, it’s going to turn bad. You know, Makino said that if you leave a piece of ham in the fridge too long, it’ll get sour and people can’t eat it.”
“Only you could find a way to compare this sort of thing to food.” You withdraw your finger from the apple and end up leaving it alone altogether. A minute or ten of silence waves between you, laced with unspoken questions and denied answers. “Tell me, Luffy, just how much did Shanks tell you about his past?”
He thinks for a moment, mimicking your movements by putting his loaf aside. “Just about his adventures with the Red-Haired Pirates, and a little about the time you served with him. Is it true you were strong enough to throw a three-hundred-pound man to the ground when you were thirteen?”
He swears it’s a snort that he catches leaving your throat, but it’s hard to differentiate it from your more-than-usual scoffs. “He exaggerated.”
“The man was two-fifty, at most.”
Luffy grins with genuine admiration, so much so that your face tilts back slightly, being overwhelmed by the mere brightness that is him. “Wow! You must’ve been quite a beast when you were a kid!”
He notices it again, the sadness that latches onto your eyes like insects to sour meat. Whatever brief smile adorned your lips moments ago disappears like it was never there at all. Thinking he said something wrong, Luffy prepares to apologize when you speak again.
Your voice is soft yet faint like you’re afraid speaking too loudly will make something bad happen. “It wasn’t just me and Shanks, back then, you know.”
The Captain of the Straw Hats thinks it’s almost unnatural of you to be this demure, but he doesn’t interrupt you.
“Buggy was there, too. It was the three of us, together.”
“Oh, yeah.” He remembers it now. “He did mention that in Orange Town. You served the same crew.”
“… He did, did he?”
“He said you and Shanks betrayed him, but I didn’t believe him.” Luffy knows you and has known you for longer than he’s known a lot of people in his life. You’re one of the few permanent people he’s had, and he knows with a certainty that you’re not the kind of person who leaves anyone behind, not without reason. 
Even if you did have a reason for leaving Buggy, it must have been a good one.
Your mouth opens and shuts several times in the span of a minute like you’re hesitating to talk about the past. You’ve never been one to talk about it, except to share some details about your time as captain, and even that was limited to the bare minimum.
Still, Luffy, being in no hurry for you to reach an answer, waits patiently by your side until you do decide to talk about it.
Talk about what he believes is the reason for your sadness.
“We were close back in the days,” you begin slowly. “Me, him, and Shanks. It was us against the rest of the world, and we were going to sail together to the end of the seas one day. It was our dream.”
“Then, what happened?”
You put your palm over both your eyes and rest your elbow on the window frame, heaving a sigh that resembles someone who’s spent too much of their life working and working and working without catching any breaks. Pure, simple exhaustion weighs you down, Luffy can tell. 
When you speak next, you sound tired too, and perhaps a little strained. He can’t see your eyes, and so, he can’t truthfully tell what you’re thinking now. “The thing is, I don’t know what happened. All I know is that he decided he didn’t want to stick around.” You breathe through your nostrils. “Our captain was gone, and so was the crew, but we three were still together, and I thought we were going to stay together.”
“But you didn’t.”
“No … We didn’t. I don’t know what happened, but one day when I was talking with Shanks about what to do next, Buggy came in, and it … He looked at me like … Like he hated me.” You exhale. “He did hate me, and I don’t know what it was I did, but he practically told me that we were done … And then he left. I never saw him again, up until Orange Town.”
Luffy doesn’t require your eyes this time to tell that you’re sad now because you are. You’re so sad that it’s destroying you from the inside, and even that is an understatement on its own. There are no tears trickling down your cheeks, no quivers or thickness to your voice, no nothing to base his assumptions on, but he knows.
He stays silent for a short while, doing nothing but look at you. You’re one of the strongest people he knows. He’s seen you fight; seen the strength you possess, the fire in your eyes. You’ve stayed with him ever since Shanks left Foosha Village, you’ve looked after him from the sidelines when you thought no one was watching. 
You’ve been with him throughout everything, and seeing you like this makes him feel blue on your behalf. You don’t express it yourself – you never do. You carry your weight with the same kind of strength you always do, never letting anyone see you beyond just that, and sometimes, he wonders if you’re lonely because of it. 
At least, now he knows why you’re so sad. You’re heartbroken.
He’s never been acquainted with the feeling himself, has never felt any particular inclination toward it, but he can tell it’s your heart that’s hurting now, and it’s not as easy to heal as that cuts he received on his chest from the butler.
His hat seems to itch the harder he thinks about it, as if there’s something digging at his scalp through his hat. He thought Nami patched it up for him. He tries to scratch at it, but for some reason, it doesn’t cease. Maybe he’s got lice? 
He ignores it. “It’s weird. Bunky seems to think you were the one who left him for Shanks.”
“I didn’t.”
“I know. You’re not that kind of person.” He says it so easily, without a smidgen of doubt or hesitation. You look at him through your peripheral vision, and your eyes slightly widen at his statement. “But, do you know what happened between them? Shanks and Bonky, I mean?”
“No, I don’t.” You admit with a shake of your head. You’ve tried to figure it out for years, and at some point, you decided to give up. “Shanks never told me, but whatever it was, it was enough for the stupid clown to leave for… He chose a childish rivalry over me.”
“Then, there you have it. It’s all just a big misunderstanding, so why don’t you just tell him if you meet him again?”
“You seem awfully defensive of the guy who destroyed an entire village and almost drowned you.”
“Yeah, but talking about him seems to make you happy.”
You freeze for a bit, snort, and turn your back to the window frame, leaning back and crossing your arms across your chest in silent resignation. “I tried to explain things to him back in Orange Town, and a fat load of good that did. Like I said, he hates me, and he’s sure as hell not my favorite person at the moment. If we do meet again, it likely won’t end any better than it back in Orange Town.”
“You know, –” Luffy takes another bite of his bread. “It didn’t sound like he hated you.”
“Hmm?” You raise an eyebrow, halfway curious and halfway skeptical. 
“He still remembers that you like red apples and that you hide knives in your shoes. Is that true?”
You raise both your eyebrows and look at Luffy like he’s just grown a second head. Without a word, you pull your left foot up until it rests on the bench, and withdraw not one or two knives, but four. Small and subtle, hardly enough to turn any heads, but in a flash, you throw it across the kitchen until it lands on a specific spot on the opposite wall. 
Bull’s eye.
“We used to have knife-throwing competitions,” you reminisce idly, staring at the knife lodged deep into the wall. “I was good, but Buggy was better.” Your lip tilts up an inch or two. “We made bets, and whoever lost would have to steal a bottle of whatever liquor we happened to find in the next town we docked at.”
“I ended up snatching quite a lot of bottles, but once every blue moon, he would have to snatch one instead.” You smile. It’s an actual, genuine, honest smile this time, and Luffy can’t help but marvel at the sight. It’s a rare thing for you to smile like you’re doing now. It’s usually brief or sarcastic and never seems to reach your eyes. 
This one does.
He thinks you look pretty when you smile. It’s your smile, and it’s so warm that he wishes you could do it more often. He tells you as much, and a red color falls over your cheek. You promptly turn your face to the other side to save face, and it makes Luffy think.
When he thinks about his dream of becoming King of the Pirates, he can’t stop himself from smiling ear to ear. So, that begs the question: “What is your dream?” 
What makes you smile?
“My dream …” You reach for your apple and hold it against your face, the uneaten side of it shining against your face. “Is unattainable.
“I don’t think it is,” Luffy says without missing a beat and takes your hand in his, determined to make you see that. “I think that no matter how much stands against us, dreams are never impossible if you have the will to reach for them. All it takes is a little spirit.”
He doesn’t know where those words come from, but he’s heard them from someplace, and judging by your staggered reaction, you’ve heard them too. 
“A little spirit, huh?”
“Exactly! So, please tell me, what’s your dream?”
You look straight ahead into the room, resting your elbows back on the window frame without a word. He thinks you’re about to decline his question or ignore it altogether. However, he’s surprised to hear you actually answer this time, truthfully too.
“My dream was to sail the seas with him again.”
Suddenly, the itchiness on his head stops, and it stays that way.
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offside-the-lines · 4 months
tell me who i run to (if not you) | anthony beauvillier
"The first sip is joy, the second is gladness, the third is serenity, the fourth is madness, the fifth is ecstasy." - Jack Kerouac
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Summary In July of 2023, Evie looked at a list of cities in North America and rolled a die. Just like that, she packed up her life and moved to Chicago, a fresh start. The 2023-24 NHL season started well for Tito; he did not expect the call on November 28th telling him that he was being traded. To the worst team in the league. And just like that. 10 months after being ripped from his home, he had to pack up and move again. To an unfamiliar city, and to unfamiliar faces. Which is why, when Tito and Evie ran into each other, quite literally, on Christmas morning, they both latched on to a familiar face. Over the next few months, they became close friends. They didn’t talk about the nights shared in Chicago clubs.  They didn’t need to. Because they're just friends.  Right?
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This is a completed fic split into episodes for easier reading. It was written for @bqstqnbruin as part of the Winter Fic Exchange 2k24 hosted by @wyattjohnston.
Episode 1. Blue Christmas (4.9k) Episode 2. I. Winter (4.4k) Episode 3. Pal-entine's Day (4.8k) Episode 4. Four-leaf Clover (5.5k) Episode 5. Evie's Birthday 🌶️ (5.6k) Episode 6. II. Spring (4.8k) Episode 7. Not Goodbye 🌶️🌶️ (5.4k) Episode 8. III. Summer (4.8k) Episode 9. Tito's Birthday (4.2k)
Read it in full (44.5k)
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Under the cut: author's notes, tropes, warnings & disclaimer, fun tidbits, chapter summaries
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Author's Notes: This fic was written for @bqstqnbruin as part of the Winter Fic Exchange 2k24 hosted by @wyattjohnston. It got so out of control long so quickly. I genuinely had so much fun writing this, it's basically my magnum opus; if you look closely, I think you can probably see my soul in there somewhere. I would like to thank @devilssacrament, @wyattjohnston, and @forgottenflowers for being my editors, holding my hand and keeping me sane in this. Also, thanks to @swissboyhisch, and @imperatorrrrr for being a sounding board for ideas . All of your help and support has meant so much to me. You are all just the fucking best, I am sorry this has been my entire personality for the past month, I will probably return to normal soon. Probably...
Tropes: a gut-wrenching mix of angst and fluff with a happy ending, slow burn friends to lover (tbh, idiots to lovers let's be real), alternating POVs
Warnings: alcohol (one instance of alcohol poisoning by side character), mature content bordering on smut (mostly occurring in clubs/public), references to a toxic past relationship. Disclaimer: This series is set in Chicago but does not mention the name of the team based there. Only other Chicago players mentioned by name are: Nick Foligno, Jason Dickinson and Connor Bedard. Other notes: NHL players featured Mat Barzal (a heavily featured supporting character/bestie) and brief mentions of Zach Hyman and Matt Martin. Assume that Tito and Evie are always speaking in French with each other.
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Face claim for Evie (if you want one, but you can imagine whoever you like): Adeline Rudolph
Fun Tidbits: Original Character (she/her) called Genevieve Gignac or Evie (pronounced eh-vee) is the oldest sibling of Tito's juniors teammate and friend Brandon Gignac. Along with their other sibling Wiliam, they grew up in Montreal. Evie had been living in Toronto for six years, before moving to Chicago in the summer before the fic starts. I did way too much research so a lot of the little facts are true. Nicknames: (ma) chouette (shoo-wet): owl (mon) chou/chouchou (shoo): in practice, honey, sugar, baby, sweetheart // by definition, my cabbage or my profiterole/cream puff (depends who you ask) Solours (soul-oars): the Québécois name for the yellow Care Bear with the smiling sun on its belly Solou’ (soul-oo): a diminutive Evie decides to use
Cook, Cook, drink your tea, But save some in the pot for me. We'll watch the tea leaves in our cup When our drink is all sipped up. Happiness or fortune great, What will our future be? -- "Afternoon Tea at Pittock Mansion" by R.Z. Berry
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Episode Synopses:
Blue Christmas Evie and Tito are both starting life anew in Chicago. It's an unfamiliar city with unfamiliar faces. They're both alone on Christmas. Maybe it's fate that brings them together. Jason and Alandra Dickinson are already smelling smoke from this fire.
I. Winter Tito injures his wrist in the first game of 2024, he’s out for 6-8 weeks and then his car breaks down. He thinks maybe he’s cursed. Evie becomes a shoulder to lean on. Barzy gets suspicious.
Pal-entine’s Day Tito returns her kindness by being a shoulder Evie can lean on when she is having a hard time after all-star break. She tells him it’s anxiety about work. He brings her a box of pastries and they cuddle on the couch all day; he doesn’t realize it’s Valentine’s Day. Later, a hook-up goes very wrong.
Four-leaf Clover Tito’s been playing again, and during his first stretch of away games begins to miss home. Well, Evie’s home anyway. When he sees her in the bar, he can’t help but show it. Barzy calls him out on his lies.
Evie’s Birthday Sometimes the music moves you. Sometimes the bass pounding in your chest makes you do things you wouldn’t do. Fuck it, it’s your birthday. That’s what Evie tells herself anyway. There are gifts given, but there are also secrets kept. 
II. Spring Tito tries to tell her— he does— It’s just he needs to find the right time, and something keeps coming up. Evie’s honest with herself. But does that even matter? Mat decides maybe it is his time to intervene.
Not Goodbye Evie realizes that her time is running out. To do what? She doesn’t know. But she has one last night to find out. That is until— Well. It’s too late now. Tito flies home and wonders if that will be the worst mistake of his life.
III. Summer They try to get on with their summers as if nothing is wrong, convincing no one. How long will it take them to realize they can’t keep pretending like everything’s fine? And who will finally take the leap of faith?
Tito’s Birthday Tito receives the best birthday present he has ever gotten: the girl he loves standing at his parent’s front door. It was never destiny or fate; it can only be by choice. And they’ll choose each other every time. Eventually, anyway.
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hellfirenacht · 9 days
Wing Man 11
Fic Summary: Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you’ll wing man for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie.
Chapter Summary: Steve talks shit. Paige and Eddie talk business.
5.2k words
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
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Working for Family Video came with many upsides, especially when you worked with people who you also enjoyed seeing outside of the store. Rentals were already dirt cheap with your employee discount, and near expired candy and popcorn never quite made it into the dumpster out back and somehow magically appeared in your bag instead at the end of your shift. 
You always liked to think that Family Video was sponsoring your bi-monthly movie nights with Steve and Robin. The Harrington household was always the meeting spot, as he was the only one who had a tv and VCR in his room. Well, you did as well now after Keith had tossed out an old player, saying it was broken. You’d brought it home to tinker with and found that some kid had stuck gum in the tape slot. It had taken you a week to clean and another month to figure out how to hook everything back up, but it was yours. Steve still had the nicer home and tv though, and more importantly his parents bought brand name snacks. 
The three of you were in Steve’s living room, the movie playing on the screen long forgotten as the three of you caught up with each other. Robin was usually the barometer for if a movie was worth watching, she and Steve might have had very different tastes, but Steve would usually get sucked up into whatever movie she chose. 
“So is his band any good?” Robin asked, dumping a bag of m&ms into her bowl of popcorn. 
“I think so.” you shrugged, cracking open a drink. “If anything, they’re good enough to be scouted twice.”
“By the same person.” Steve pointed out. “You know, his ex.” 
You had brought the news of Eddie’s meet up with Paige to your friends with mixed results. Robin seemed indifferent, but that’s because most of the time she didn’t have the same interest in talking about boys. Steve, however, seemed less than thrilled about this idea. 
“Yes, Steve, his ex. As in, not together anymore.” you sighed, wishing you felt as confident as you sounded. “Whatever happened between them sounded like it blew up for both of them.”
“But she still wants to have lunch with him!” Steve said. 
“Yes, to talk about the band!” you shot back. “And it’s lunch. Didn’t you tell me that dinner is a date and lunch is just two people hanging out?” 
“Since when does my advice apply to you or Eddie?”
“Since Paige isn’t me or Eddie, so your dating advice might actually apply here.” you snapped and took a breath. “Sorry. This is all new to me. I’m really not sure how I’m supposed to feel right now. It’s like every time things start to go well with me and Eddie, something happens. Paige, Chris, you-”
“I like him a lot.” You leaned back against the couch, grabbing the popcorn bowl from Robin. “When I’m with him, I get that same feeling that I do when I’m hanging out with you two or when I’m at the show every month. I don’t feel like I’m hiding myself when he’s around.”
“There are other weirdos and freaks around.” Steve pointed out. “If I had known there were that many of you around, I would have agreed to go to the show earlier to help you get phone numbers.” 
“Yeah, but have you seen the way she looks when she’s talking about Eddie?” Robin hopped into the conversation. “I don’t think anyone even existed to her that night.”
It was true, no one other than your friends and (unfortunately) Chris had truly registered to you at the show. Yeah, you’d noticed the few cast members but they weren’t the metal head with the long hair and crop top that had held your hand all night.
“Oh shit, did I tell you guys that we ran into Chris?!” You asked suddenly, changing the subject. 
“Wait, that guy you and Eddie kept talking shit about?” Steve turned to look at you, grabbing a handful of popcorn and getting crumbs on the couch.
“Yeah!” you said. “He actually works for the show now, I guess? He said he’s been there for a while and he’s seen me at the show before. It was so fucking weird.”
“Is that the guy who said you were too normal to play with Hellfire?” Robin asked. 
You nodded. “Yeah, and he ran Hellfire into the ground until Eddie took over. And now he’s doing tech for the show. Also, he was Rocky in the shadow cast.”
“The guy in the metallic shorts?!” Steve gawked. 
“Columbia did say that the cast changed for the night.” Robin said, and you gave her a quizzical look, remembering the lipstick mark you’d seen on her jaw that night. “She came by and talked to us before the show!” 
“She couldn’t resist my charm.” Steve gave you a smile that you were sure worked with someone like Nancy Wheeler, or Tammy Thompson. You just shook your head and laughed. 
“Right, anyway. Chris came and talked to us after the show and he told me auditions are gonna be open for the cast. He gave me his card, and told me that it was invite only.” you explained.
“You’ve been talking about wanting to be part of that since we started working together.” Steve said. 
“Yeah, I guess I get a shot to do something, too.” 
“Chris turned you down for Hellfire, and now is letting you audition?” Robin asked. 
“We aren’t in school anymore.” you pointed out. “I know how it sounds, but none of us are the same people we were back then. I’m not the same person I was two years ago, none of us are.”
“I hate it when you’re right, you know.” 
“I’m just saying that if I can give you the benefit of the doubt and make friends with you then maybe Chris isn’t as big of a prick as he was back then. I might not have even given Eddie a chance, either.” You picked out a few m&ms from the popcorn bucket, getting your fingers covered with butter and colored candy coating. “I mean, at the end of the day, isn't that what this whole deal was about? Shaking off old habits and trying to step outside of contentment?”
“I thought your deal was so that you can stop having Steve check you out every time you wanted to rent porn.” Robin snickered. 
“I thought we were just trying to get dates.” Steve looked confused and you gave him a pat on the head. It always amused you how his hair could spring back into place like that.
“That too.” you said. 
“So, you’re really okay with Eddie going to see his ex?” Steve said, forcing you back into that topic. 
”I’m not thrilled about it.” You finally admitted. “But we only went on one date and this might help his band. Besides, if we start... Whatever this is without some sort of trust then is it even worth starting?”
“So you trust him?” 
“I trust you and Dustin, who vouched for him. He was honest enough to tell me that it’s his ex who wants to talk about his band. What happens next is up to him.”
“I hope you know what you’re doing.” Steve relented and his eyes wandered back to the tv. 
You didn’t, but you were tired of letting other people tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. 
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Ever since Benny’s shut down, there wasn’t really any good place to meet up with someone for lunch in town. Every time he had seen Paige before, it had either been at the Hideout, or his van. Neither of which was really a good place to talk about Corroded Coffin. 
It was Paige’s idea to meet at the small hole-in-the-wall pub that was just out of Eddie’s comfort zone in terms of price. Eddie arrived on Saturday afternoon, earlier than he meant to with his nerves. He leaned against the wall outside of the pub, watched the cars go by as he waited for her. 
She didn’t leave him waiting for long, and ten minutes before their agreed upon time, Paige was standing in front of him for the first time in over two years. She hadn’t grown an inch, but her wavy dark hair had, and now barely brushed her shoulders. In the daylight, Eddie could see a faint tint of red that he never noticed before. Other than two or three times, he realized that he and Paige had never spent a lot of time together when the sun was out. Paige’s freckles were as prominent as ever. 
To Eddie’s surprise, she looked happy to see him. 
“Hi, Eddie.” she said, and to his relief she didn’t go in for a hug. 
“Hi, Paige.” He responded and reached over to open the door to the pub for her. 
The two didn’t say anything until they were sitting at a dimly lit booth in the corner, where Paige broke the ice. 
“Before we get into any business talk, I need you to be honest with me.” She started, sitting up straight and looking him in the eyes. “If you care about your future in music, and your band, you need to tell me what happened. Tell me how you ended up in jail two days before the most important moment in either of our careers.” 
Eddie had expected this, and the past week had been spent trying to find a way to spin the story so that he didn’t look like the biggest asshole on the planet. In the end, he decided that he should be honest with her. Paige wanted real, and he would give that to her, tarnish and all.
Someone came by and took their drink orders, giving Eddie a moment to collect his thoughts. 
“I did something stupid.” He started. 
“Obviously.” She gave him a wry smile. 
“Moving to California isn’t cheap.” He watched the tone of his voice, searching for that piece of him that made Hellfire and Corroded Coffin listen to him. Being a dungeon master for so long had given him a way of speaking that could draw someone in when he tried, and right now he knew he needed to try and convince Paige that Corroded Coffin deserved a second chance. “I needed a way to pay for everything that came with moving across country. My dad... he-” Eddie’s voice wavered for a brief moment. “He had an idea to make some quick cash for the two of us. It wasn’t smart, and it really wasn’t legal.”
“Jesus,” Paige sighed, looking at him with a deep frown. “I would have helped you, Eddie. I was already willing to let you live with me for free until we got you set up. I told you that you didn’t have to be alone in this.” 
Asking for and accepting help wasn’t something that Eddie was ever good at. He’d been hyper-independent since he was a child, when his dad would disappear for long stretches of time, even after his mom died. Asking for help after (or especially because) Paige had put in so much money and effort for him already, wasn’t something that he could bring himself to do. 
“I know.” Eddie said. “I had this stupid idea that if I didn’t make the effort on my own, then I didn’t deserve the change. So I did something stupid, really fucking stupid, and it cost me everything.”
“Mark told me that you shot a cop.” Paige said, and before Eddie could speak up, she continued. “I didn’t believe him. When I wired the money, I was able to get an idea of what happened. You saved that guys life.” 
“I couldn’t let him just bleed out on my yard.” Eddie said. “I couldn’t- it wouldn’t be right to run away like that.” 
“You really caused a lot of trouble, you know that?” 
“I know.” Eddie took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. “I’m sorry. I fucked up. I did a lot of stupid shit I shouldn’t have, and I paid the price. It cost me more than just the audition.”
There was a time between getting the news about his audition with WR Records and the heist that Eddie flew. He had everything he had ever wanted; he got the girl, had his dad back, he had a future, which was something he never thought he’d have. For a few beautiful weeks, he had spiraled up, up, and up. 
In the end though, what goes up must come down. Eddie had reached for something that would never be meant for someone with the last name ‘Munson’. He had crashed back down to earth, to the reality of who he was and it had cost him everything. His dad, his childhood house, his audition, Paige, and even Ronnie for a short time. 
For the next two years, Eddie swore to never even think about reaching for the sun again. 
“Thank you for being honest with me.” Paige said. “I still think you’re an asshole.”
“I was an asshole.” He didn’t even try to fight it. “The biggest one in Hawkins.”
Even with her declaration, Paige still had a look on her face that was the ghost of an expression she had in the passenger side of his van on the night that she had given him the news that WR Records had liked him. 
“Things went downhill for me when you bailed on the audition.” Paige said, and Eddie swallowed, his mouth feeling dry. He had never known what had happened with her after their fight over the phone. “I got in a lot of trouble because of you. Davey doesn’t like anyone, but he liked you. When I couldn’t get you out there, it really screwed up any trust I had with my job.”
She stopped talking for a moment as a waiter came by and dropped off their food. Eddie couldn’t bring himself to touch the overpriced sandwich in front of him yet. His mouth felt dry and he reached for his water instead. 
“I was stuck in a dead end job, where any talent I tried to bring to the label was shot down without being given a chance. I was being paid to do nothing, except babysit the studio and paperwork.  I got demoted, and I was already at the bottom of the totem pole.” Paige never looked away from Eddie, her gaze unflinching and sharp. “I stopped liking music.”
Guilt washed over Eddie, and there was something in him that screamed at him to run away to avoid this. Being the reason someone stopped liking music? He knew he’d fucked up but that... that was something deeper than just missing an audition. 
“They didn’t have the means to really fire me, I hadn’t done anything wrong.” she continued. “They moved me to a smaller label under the WR name. That label was where acts they had given up on went to die.”
“Which label?” Eddie managed to ask, despite how dry his mouth felt. Even the water wasn’t helping. 
“Left Turn Media.” Paige said. 
During those weeks when things had been good between the two of them, Paige had mentioned the label once or twice. It was considered a death sentence to be put on that label, and working for them was WR’s way to get people to quit without firing them. The two had listened to a few cassettes from the label. The bands weren’t bad, and that was what stuck out to Eddie. The music wasn’t bad, but it was clear that the production was lacking and half-assed. Paige said that the music would be sent out to small radio stations to be played in the middle of the night. 
“Shit.” Eddie said. 
“Yeah, shit.” Paige let out a laugh. “But if there’s one thing I am, it’s stubborn. I threw myself into my work. I’ve been spending the last two years breaking down and completely reassembling Left Turn, and now I’m in charge of it.”
“You.” His eyes went wide as he stared at her. “You’re in charge of Left Turn Media.”
“It’s amazing what you can do when you’re pissed and have something to prove.” Paige shrugged. “I had a lot of time to think about my relationship with music in the last few years. I realized if I wanted to bring something real to the music scene of L.A. I was going to have to do it myself.”
Her dark lips curled up into a smile. “I should almost thank you for fucking up. Because you bailed, I was put in charge of a sinking ship. I patched it up with my own time and money and now Left Turn has become the label for all misfit bands who don’t fit any shiny polished label. I proved to myself and everyone around me that I belong in this industry.”
“I-” Eddie wasn’t sure how he was supposed to respond to that. “You’re welcome...?”
“We’re expanding the label outside of California.” She continued. “I’m in charge so I’m trying to bring good music to my hometown. It’s still not the biggest label, and we can’t offer half of what the bigger labels would, but it’s something.”
“And what are you offering?” Eddie felt dizzy, the more she talked. His words were careful, as if asking the wrong question could end in another blow up between the two of them. 
“What I’m offering is another chance for Corroded Coffin to be signed.” Paige’s arms crossed over her chest. “Left Turn is still finding its footing outside of L.A., so we’re flexible. I’m here to work with local radio and college stations around Indiana to get them to play the few bands we’ve signed so far. Who we have are okay, but they aren’t...”
“Eddie you have something, as much as I never wanted to admit it again after what happened between us. There’s something about the way that you play that I haven’t been able to find since. I could do this without you, but I think that this is the real sink or swim moment. WR Records goes on with or without you, but I think what you have is what could turn Left Turn around.” Page took a deep breath. “If Corroded Coffin wants another shot, this would be it. If you still have that do-or-die energy when you play, I could offer you a real deal to put together an album. I could get you on the radio.”
Eddie listened to her words, taking in what she was offering. Yes, it wouldn’t be the easy street that WR would have been able to offer, but it would be something. And this time, it wouldn’t just be him auditioning, but Corroded Coffin was wanted this time. 
“You’re serious.” Eddie said, his heart rate picking up. 
“As serious as shooting a cop.” 
“Jesus.” Eddie couldn’t stop himself from letting out a laugh. He ran his fingers through his hair, messing up his fringe as he replayed everything that Paige had just told him in his mind. She wanted him to audition again. This was a chance that he wasn’t sure could be passed up. 
“Some of the band is still in high school.” He said, feeling reality settle like a stone in his stomach. He didn’t mention that his name was on that roster. 
“Like I said, we’re flexible.” Paige said. “I still need you all to audition again, and even then it’s going to take me a few months to set anything up here for the band. I want you all to audition with me and a few others from the label before the end of the year. If everything goes according to plan, Left Turn might have the recording studio ready by next June.” 
“You’re setting up your own recording studio?” Eddie perked up, the anxiety and guilt that he had originally felt was now shifting into something new. He found himself relaxing enough to eat his overpriced sandwich. 
“Yes. We need something that’s a step above Live Mike Studios in Lafayette. We have the building picked out and are already gutting it for Left Turn.” 
“You’ve really thought of everything, haven’t you?” Eddie smiled at her. 
“I have.” Paige agreed. “But I learned not to put all my eggs into one basket. This industry has taught me to have a plan A, B C, and D.” She let out a long sigh. “I made it to plan L before and I would prefer not to do that again.” 
“What was plan L?” 
“If I go into the whole story, I’ll need a strong drink. It involved a guitar player with his head up his ass thinking he was going to be the next Gene Simmons.” Paige groaned. 
“Gene Simmons doesn’t play guitar.” Eddie pointed out. Paige gave him a thousand yard stare, which said everything he needed to know. “Ok. Gotcha.” 
“I’m hoping to get everything set up with minimal surprises.” She concluded. “Get with your band. I’m going to be in town for the rest of the year setting things up.”
Eddie nodded. “So... why Indiana?” he asked. “You were in California. Why come back here to set this up?”
“Like I said, I want to bring good music to my hometown. Once everything’s done, I’ll be able to move back and forth from California to here.”
“And Corroded Coffin?”
“Will stay in Indiana.” She said firmly. “I can’t turn you into the Rock Hero you could have been two years ago, but I can try and make you a Hometown Hero.”
Another story. Paige had always been good at spinning stories. Once upon a time, Eddie had been a barback turned frontman turned Rock Hero. Now he’d be barback turned frontman turned Hometown Hero. That part felt less believable than before. 
That’s how Paige saw him, but how did he see himself? Barback turned front man turned drug thief turned drug dealer turned uber senior? None of that was a story worth selling. And what about the rest of his band? Would Gareth, Jeff, or Zack want to be part of this? Ronnie hadn’t, she just wanted to play just to play. Jeff had been excited about this when the opportunity was first presented, but would he still want the chance? Gareth was the youngest and still had over a year of school left. 
One thing at a time. 
“I’ll talk to the guys next practice.” Eddie said. 
“Good. Are you still playing at the Hideout?” Paige asked. 
Eddie froze for a second, as he imagined Paige and you in the same space to watch him play. He imagined your excited face, and the way you would cheer for them after every song, the excitement that radiated off of you after every set. Even earlier this week, when you’d dropped by to watch them, knowing that Eddie was going to see Paige, you’d still shown the same enthusiasm as before. 
He’d thrown you another pick. You’d handed it back to him at the end of the night, telling him that he could toss it at you again next week. 
“You look like someone who loses your picks the second they are out of your sight.”
You’d been right. The only one he could consistently find was the one he’d turned into a necklace. His dad’s picks had been packed away, shoved under his bed where he wouldn’t see them. Eddie didn’t use those picks anymore. 
A few weeks ago, he couldn’t stop comparing you to Paige, but now he couldn’t stop thinking about how different you two were. 
“Yeah, we play on Tuesdays now.” Eddie said. “People stopped complaining enough that Bev decided to give us a steady slot.”
“Good to know.” Paige said. She wasn’t confirming or denying if she’d show up, but that look in her eyes said that he could expect to see her again soon. 
After all, The Hideout was the only place in twenty miles of Hawkins that offered any live music. 
For the rest of the meal, the two caught up with each other. It didn’t feel as weird as Eddie would have expected, but it was nice. He let Paige do most of the talking, letting her tell him about her work in the industry, he didn’t need her knowing more than she needed to if he wanted to have this shot. Would she want to sign a bunch of high schoolers? He hadn’t even told Paige the first time that he had dropped out when Higgins blackmailed him. 
That was alright for now though. Paige talking meant that he didn’t have to and he added to the conversation by asking plenty of questions about her work. Hearing about the music industry from her end was something that he had a genuine interest in, anyway. 
Paige told him about how she had been given a copy of Iron’s Maiden’s Live After Death by Davey. She was even willing to make Eddie a copy of it. It wasn’t the video, but he wasn’t about to turn down audio of one of his favorite bands that wasn’t even released in the US. 
When the check came, Paige didn’t even blink as she paid the tab and the two of them made their way outside again. It was still pretty early in the afternoon, and the chill of the late autumn air contrasted the bright blue sky.
Trying to still be somewhat of a gentleman, Eddie walked Paige to her car as she recounted the tale of how she had been on the flight from Indianapolis to Los Angeles where Izzy Stradlin had been arrested for pissing in front of everyone.
Paige stopped with her hand on the door to her car before turning around to face Eddie before getting in. 
“I don’t hate you, you know.” she said. “I was mad for a really long time at what you did. But I don’t think you’re a bad guy, Eddie.”
Eddie didn’t feel like he deserved the forgiveness she was offering him. Being told that he was anything other than some satanic cult leader or freak wasn’t something he’d ever get used to.  
“Paige I...” He wasn’t sure what to say. 
She had that look in her eyes, the same look she’d had after she’d given him the news about his original audition. What are you waiting for? Paige was moving closer, freckles like constellations on her skin and the moon in her eyes eclipsed by her eyelids. 
Eddie's hand fell on Paige’s shoulder before her lips could get any closer to his. “I can’t.” he said. 
Her face went through a few emotions. Surprise, disappointment, and settling on embarrassment. 
“Shit. Sorry.” Paige said, shaking her head. 
“No it’s.. It’s fine.” Eddie said, and he could have sworn that Paige looked just as confused as he did. “I don’t think it’s a great idea to do.... That.” 
Eddie hadn’t once entertained the idea of Paige and him together again. It didn’t feel right. He wouldn’t lie and say that he didn’t find her attractive, but it wasn’t the same feeling he got that first night in the Hideout. As a teen, he’d been thrilled that a pretty girl was paying any attention to him at all, and was willing to do anything and be anything she wanted. 
Any relationship with Paige was business, plain and simple. She wanted a Rock Hero to help her get up the ladder, Eddie wanted to make it with his band. Sex had just been a bonus in their past relationship. Paige knew her stuff with music and the industry, but she didn’t rant about Ozzy and his bats, or have a real interest in D&D or put herself out there the same way that you- 
“I’m seeing someone.” He blurted out before Paige could say anything else. 
Paige looked surprised for a moment and shook her head and laughed. “Right. That... I’m sorry. I don’t even know why I did that.” she admitted. “I guess I got swept up in this stupid fantasy about being a power couple. We’re a bad idea.” 
“I’m sorry.” Eddie said, not sure what else could be said in this situation. 
“Don’t be. You’re right, ‘us’ is a bad idea.” she ran her fingers through her hair. “It’s a good thing my offer isn’t dependent on if we’re sleeping together or not.”
“I know you bought me lunch, are giving my band a second chance, and forgave me for one of the biggest fuck ups of my life, but I don’t put out that easy.” Eddie smiled at her, trying to lighten the mood.
Paige offered her hand and Eddie took it. “Business only then.” she said. “Talk to your band and call me to set up the audition.” 
Eddie watched Paige’s car drive off, and suddenly felt a lot lighter. He blasted his music and drove home, nearly laughing like a maniac. Today had been a wild roller coaster of emotions, and he couldn’t wait until the next band practice to bring the news to his band. 
At home, he grabbed his guitar and immediately began sorting through Corroded Coffin’s small pile of original songs, and the covers that they were able to perform the best. Eddie was off, lost in his own world as he wrote, re-wrote, and re-worked the set list. 
What would you think? Would you be excited for him? If this worked, he was going to make sure to get you concert tickets. Okay, he was getting ahead of himself. Maybe you could at least come for the audition as moral support. His band liked you, so maybe they wouldn’t mind. 
Eddie didn’t come back down to Earth until the phone rang that evening after Wayne went to work. He almost missed the call because of how deep he was into perfecting the riff that had eluded him for the past few months, determined now more than ever to get it down. 
He reached the phone on the last possible ring. “Hello?”
“Hey... Eddie?” Your voice cracked over the phone, and that feeling of excitement came crashing down. “Sorry I... Can you come pick me up? I’m at home.” 
You were crying. He could hear it in the way your voice strained and cracked. He was already reaching for his keys. 
“I’ll be right there.”  
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a/n: As I stated before, I do like to try and keep everything as time accurate as possible. However things happen, and sometimes things are too good not to use. The Izzy Stradlin incident did not happen until 1989, but the fact that it was on a flight from Indianapolis to LA was too good to pass up. I also would like to notate that I did make a mistake when it came to the Ozzy Bat Incident. It was not a 17 year old girl, it was a 17 year old boy and the bat was already dead. Chalk that inaccuracy up to the tabloids of the time, and the lack of Google. No, this will not be addressed in the future of the fic unless it’s funny. 
Dividers By: @strangergraphics
Tag List @k8loo @terrormonster55 @sp1dyb0y1008 @crocwork-clockodile @ali-r3n @mxcheese @josephquinnschesthair @gagasbee @peaches-roses-sins @witchwolflea @vintagehellfire @royale1803 @cumslutforaemond @prestinalove @browneyedgirly93 @perpetualmess @thebook-hobbit @cultish-corner @grishaversecaptivated @sortagaysortahigh @halialex1119 @siriuslysmoking @huffledor-able541 @pookiesnatcher @eddiesguitarskills @browneyes-8288 @sheneedsrocknroll92
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linos-luna · 1 year
My Baby (Pt. 5) 🥀🔪
Yandere!Bang Chan x Fem!Reader (ft. Lee Know)
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♡ (Pt. 1) (Pt. 2) (Pt. 3) (Pt. 4) (Pt. 5) (Pt. 6) (Pt 7) (Pt. 8) (pt 9) (pt. 10)
Warnings: Yandere, obsessive behavior, blood
—————————— 🎀 ——————————
Chan was almost there. Couldn’t wait to see his baby again. He was ready to take you home, to go back to how things were.
~~~~ 🧸
Minho was starting to wake up, noticing that you were nuzzled into his chest, behind you was jeongyeon. She was also sleeping, exhausted from the night before. Minho slowly started drifting off again while holding you when he was suddenly pulled off the bed, falling to the floor.
He looked up to see Chan standing over him, obviously very pissed. “How dare you touch what’s mine!”
The commotion woke you and jeongyeon up. You nearly shrieked at the sight of your boyfriend and jeongyeon quickly covered your mouth.
Minho tried getting up, only to get a kick to the stomach causing him to fall back.
“Hi babygirl.” Chan said with what sounded like a sigh of relief.
“Get out!” Jeongyeon yelled.
You got out of jeongyeon’s grasp and go to Minho, who’s still on the floor.
“I will. Once I have my baby.” He replied while holding his hand out to you. “I know you miss me babygirl.”
You only stare at his hand, tears forming as jeongyeon worriedly looked at you.
“I know you miss daddy…” Chan says with a pout. “You were such a good girl… for almost a year! Then I don’t know what happened…”
“A year?” You look at him confused.
“You were such a good girl…” Chan sighed.
“You’re a fuckin psycho!” Jeongyeon yelled. “You forced her!”
Minho got up and you held on tight to his arm. This only enraged Chan some more.
“Y/n! You get off that man and come here! Right now!”
Jeongyeon took the opportunity to kick Chan in the back of the knees, causing him to topple over.
He grabbed onto jeongyeon, making her fall as well. They wrestled for a moment but Chan, being much bigger, got the better of her. He pulled a pocket knife out and without thinking you grabbed it by the blade to stop him.
Chan was surprised by your strength while jeongyeon managed to roll to the side.
Minho delivered a punch to Chan as you struggled and jeongyeon was able to get up and pull you away, running out, soon followed by Minho.
“Wait!” You stop suddenly, not even acknowledging your bloody hand. “What does he mean by a year?”
“Y/n! Not right now!” Jeongyeon said frustrated.
“He said I was good for a year! W-what does that mean?!”
“It means you were with him for a year.” Minho said while lifting you over his shoulder.
“What are you talking about?! I was only with him for 2 months?” You yelled as he put you in the back seat of his car. Jeongyeon got in next to you.
“Y/n…” jeongyeon sighed. “You were with him for almost a year.”
“I feel like I would’ve remembered that…?”
“I think it was only those two months before leaving that you… realized what was happening...” Jeongyeon said, looking at Minho who had just gotten in and started the car. “You may have disassociated…”
“W-what? N-no… no way I was gone for that long!” Tears were rolling down your cheeks as you looked around helplessly.
As Minho started backing up the car there was a thud on the window. It was Chan; he had run up and hit the window with his fists.
“Get out of the car, babygirl!”
Minho was ready to start driving when you suddenly shouted.
Everyone froze and you got out of the car.
“I-I… I love you Channie…” you said while holding his hand.
“I know.” He said said with a sigh of relief.
“And… and I miss you…” you say while rubbing his cheek with your bloody hand. “But… you stole a year of my life.”
“Babygirl, I just wanted to—.”
You suddenly gave him a hug while your friends looked in shock.
“Bye Channie…”
Before he could say anything else you kneed him in the groin and pushed him when he bent over in pain.
Minho and jeongyeon were just as shocked as he was.
“You stole a year of my life!” You kicked him in the stomach before getting back in the car. It took a minute for Minho to snap out of his amazement and he started driving.
~~~~ 🧸
Once away, Minho drove for his house while jeongyeon looked at your hand.
“God y/n… it’s gonna get infected.” She said while holding your wrist. You stayed quiet.
Once at his house, they brought you inside to bandage your wound and you took a deep breath.
“Y/n…” Minho said after throwing away some bloody tissues. “That must’ve been hard…”
“It was… but…”
Before you could even finish, you quickly gave him a tight hug while crying and practically burying your face in his chest.
He rubbed your back and you looked at him with teary eyes.
He kissed your forehead but you suddenly kissed his lips. He was surprised but didn’t mind, especially when it was longer than a simple peck.
“Hey! Let’s not do all that.” Jeongyeon interrupted. She had her phone in hand and looked worried. “I think Dahyun is in trouble…”
———— 🧸
Meanwhile, Chan laid there on the ground as flashing police lights were coming closer. Jeongyeon must’ve called them. He was doubled over in pain while tears started forming. “What have they done to my baby…”
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
Perfect Family  (Joel Miller X Reader)
Pairing: no-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, sweet joel, domestic joel, protective dad joel (let me know if i missed any)
Summary (Series): reader as Joel’s neighbor. Joel’s wife left him so Joel asked his neighbor for help in babysitting Sarah. 
Summary: the happy ending that Joel Miller deserves.
Words count: 1.5k
A/N: This is the last part, I hope you are ready to say goodbye 🥺 This is Epilogue of Where It All Starts. But it can also be read as a standalone. I'm so grateful for all of you! Thank you for your comments, reblogs, and likes. Thank you for your support for this series ❤️ I love you, I mean it!!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Epilogue
It had been a few months after little Joel Miller was born and you started getting used to having less sleep, baby cries, changing diapers, breastfeeding, all the newborn stuff. You and Joel agreed to take turns for diaper change at nights and it helped you a lot to get more rest. 
The sun shone and you woke up. You stood up to pull the drapes open then you checked on your baby boy in the crib.
“Good morning, my baby boy.” You booped him on the nose. 
Your baby giggled and bounced his legs. You laughed seeing how cute your baby was. He had Joel’s brown eyes and high nose. If you had to be honest, you were disappointed because you carried him for 9 months just to look like Joel and not even you a little bit. But on the other side, you liked him looking like Joel because that meant you got to see two Joel Millers everyday. 
He started crying. It was time for him to feed. He was hungry. So you took your breastfeeding pillow that Joel had bought you, put it on your lap and laid your baby there. You pulled your shirt and let your baby suckle. You smiled looking at your baby and caressed his head. 
Joel groaned and stretched as he woke up.
“Mornin’.” Joel rubbed his eyes and greeted you with a hoarse voice.
Then he turned his head to look at you and snuggled beside you. His hand supported his head as he faced his mini me that was sucking your nipple. He chuckled and stroked Sam’s head that was as big as Joel’s hand. Then his sparkling eyes moved to stare at you.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You chuckled.
“You look so beautiful, baby.” He praised you with his morning voice.
“You really need to get your eye checked. My hair’s messy and I have dark circles.” You were being insecure.
“Nuh-uh. You look really beautiful right now, baby. I can’t take my eyes off you.” Joel kissed your arm.
Joel adored you so much. Seeing you having his baby, made him feel the joy that he never felt. You used to wish you could breastfeed Sarah when she was a baby, and now you were finally able to breastfeed Joel’s baby. It took years, but you and Joel were finally here. Together and even had a baby.  
“Do you want to go somewhere today?” It was the weekend and Joel wanted to spend the weekend with his family. 
“Where?” You turned your head to him.
“How about the zoo?” Joel chuckled softly.
You giggled and shook your head. You didn’t expect Joel would think of going to the zoo. It was a long time since you went to the zoo with him so you liked his idea.
“That’s a good idea.” You cupped his cheeks and rubbed his jaw with your thumb.
At the zoo
Sarah walked between Joel and you. Both hands holding each of yours and Joel’s hand while Joel’s other hand pushed the stroller with his son sleeping so soundly inside.
“1, 2, 3!” You and Joel swung Sarah.
“Again! Again!” Sarah giggled.
“1, 2, 3!” You and Joel counted together and swung her.
“Oh! Look there! A lion! What sound does a lion make, sweetie?”
“Roar!!” Sarah roared at you.
You and Joel laughed at her. Joel suddenly remembered the first time he and you went to the zoo when Sarah was a baby. He remembered exactly when you roared at Sarah. He even remembered the words he accidentally said to you about going to the zoo with Sarah again when she was bigger. He thought it wasn’t going to happen but now you and him were married and even had another addition to the family, your son.
“Ice cream!” Sarah shouted and pointed at the ice cream stand.
“I want ice cream!” Sarah jumped and pulled your hand.
“Okay, okay. We’re gonna get ice cream, sweetie.” You chuckled at her..
Then you turned your head to Joel and shook your head. Sometimes you blamed Joel’s genes for making such an energetic daughter. Joel shrugged and followed you behind.
“Hold it straight babygirl. Don’t drop your ice cream.” Joel supported Sarah’s hand that was holding her ice cream.
The four of you took a seat to get some rest for a while and ate your ice cream. 
*baby started crying*
“I need to feed him.” You sighed and smiled. 
You took one last lick to your ice cream and gave it to Joel. You took the baby bottle that you had filled with your breast milk and lifted your baby. 
“Hungry, huh?” You cooed at your baby while he nursed at the teat.
While you fed your baby, Joel’s other hand fed you your ice cream. You leaned in and licked your ice cream. Then Joel suddenly shook his head and chuckled. 
“What?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Nothing.” He shrugged.
“What?” You insisted. 
“It’s just-déjà vu.” He answered.
You didn’t follow him so you raised your eyebrows.
“Do you remember when we came here when Sarah’s was about Sam’s age?” Joel asked.
You nodded.
“That’s where it all starts, baby. You, me, Sarah. Now there’s the four of us.” Joel finished his ice cream.
“Oh..” You just remembered about it and nodded. 
“I’m glad I knocked on your door that day, baby. And thank you for asking me to keep playing house with you. It was the best decision I’ve ever made.” Joel took your hand and rubbed it with his thumb.
“Well, you chose the right neighbor to babysit your daughter.” You smirked at him.
“I love you so much.” Joel chuckled.
“I love you more.” You smiled at him.
“Speaking of which..Where’s Sarah?” You couldn’t find her on the chairs next to you and Joel.
“What?” Joel took his eyes off you and looked around in panic.
“Jesus Christ.” Joel put his hand on his forehead as he saw his daughter playing with a boy her age.
“Maybe he’s her friend at school, Joel.” You told him as you put our baby back inside the stroller.
Joel groaned and stood up. He walked towards Sarah to get her back. He was protective of his kids. You just shook your head seeing Joel so protective because you knew you couldn’t stop him. 
“Okay, babygirl. Who’s that boy you were talking to?” Joel sat Sarah on the chair next to him.
“It’s ben! My boyfrieenddd~” Her cheeks redden.
“Boyfri-” Joel pinched his nose bridge. 
“Why didn’t you tell us you have a boyfriend, sweetie?” You giggled at your daughter.
“You’re not allowed to have a boyfriend until you finish college.” Joel crossed his arms on his chest.
“Mommy!” Sarah turned her head to you and asked for back up.
“This is between you and your dad, sweetie.” You raised both of your palms.
“Be honest with me. Did you kiss him?” Joel gently pulled Sarah’s head back to face him.
Sarah avoided Joel’s eyes and hummed. You giggled looking at your silly daughter and husband.
“Sarah, baby, look at me. Where did you kiss him? On the lips?” Joel cupped his daughter’s cheeks.
Sarah shook her head and pouted her lips. 
“Beenn~” She said his name again.
“Are you thinking about him right now?” Joel chuckled at his daughter. He couldn’t handle her cuteness but he had to act angry.
“You are not allowed to kiss anybody except mom and dad. Understand?” Joel raised his eyebrows.
Sarah kept avoiding his eyes and looked at you. 
“Look at me.” Joel gently turned her head to him again.
“Promise me.” Joel gave her his pinky.
“I promise, daddy.” She swayed a bit, pouted her lips, and pinky sweared with Joel.
“That’s my girl.” Joel lifted her daughter.
“You’re not going anywhere.” Then Joel sat her on his shoulders.
“Don’t be too hard on her.” You rested your hand on Joel’s shoulder and chuckled.
“No boys till she’s 30. Period.” Joel glared at you.
“30? You said until she finished college.” You were confused.
“Changed my mind.” Joel cleared his throat.
The four of you then continued your walk around the zoo and went home. You spent the night watching movies together in the living room. The movie was halfway played and Sarah was already asleep on Joel’s lap while little Joel Miller slept on your chest. 
Joel turned his head to you and enjoyed the view. He couldn’t believe he was now a family of four. He put his hand on top of yours, lifted it to his mouth and placed a kiss. You smiled at him. His marriage with his previous wife wasn’t a good one but now he had the most perfect family with a beautiful wife, beautiful daughter, and cute mini me or he liked to call him little Joel Miller.
The End.
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thalialunacy · 27 days
[for the @calaisreno May Prompt-athalon]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 8: hobby (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
The Baker Street stairwell smells like Angelo's, which is not strange in and of itself, but had definitely not been part of the plan for tonight. Or this week. Or possibly several years until Rosie is old enough to eat marinara without decorating everyone in a ten foot radius.
'There's no red sauce involved,' Sherlock calls as John crests the seventeenth step.
He stops in the doorway, dripping rain onto the wood floor, to stare a little. Sherlock, Rosie, and what looks like every bowl in their possession are spread out on the rug, sat on an ancient quilt John for sure thought he'd chucked out a few months ago. Some of the bowls have food in them. Some do not. The latter are arranged in front of Rosie, which, John realises, meant Sherlock had actually taken cleanup into consideration.
They've come a long way from harpoons & pig's blood, he thinks, a tired smile quirking up his lips.
'Floor picnic?' he ventures, hanging up his damp coat and moving towards them. He leans down, grins, and shakes his head like a dog. Rosie squeals as droplets hit her, delighted, and he straightens, pleased with himself.
Then his gaze moves to Sherlock, who is trying to look above it all but failing. 'Obviously,' the detective says, then he picks up one of the bowls. 'Mozzarella, Rosamund?'
That's a lot of syllables, but she tries, gets out something that sounds passably like 'rella' while stuffing the round piece into her mouth whole.
'Caprese, John?'
John gives a fleeting thought to changing out of his damp work clothes, but it's very much only fleeting. In concession, he toes off his alarmingly practical trainers (that make him feel about a hundred years old but don't leave his knees in pain at the end of a clinic day), then folds down onto the quilt with relief. 'Yes, please.'
He holds his hand out, expecting a fork, but Sherlock's eyes twinkle as he just drops the food into John's palm - cool white cheese, a dewy tomato slice, two beautiful leaves of basil. 'Sherlock, what--'
'Hence the quilt,' Sherlock says as he spoons a little balsamic reduction over the top. 'Now, eat.'
'And you?'
Sherlock rolls his eyes, but does as requested, and as the flavours burst across John's tongue he watches Sherlock's eyes close in enjoyment and thinks, Yes. This is what I want.
'Sherlock,' he starts after taking his last bite. 'What would you say to--'
'Yoo-hoo, Sherlock! Delivery!'
'Excellent!' Sherlock leaps up from the floor (something he can still do easily, damn him), leaving John to corral an exploring toddler. Yes, there is the quilt as a catch-all, but John isn't keen to throw away any food from Angelo's if he can at all help it. Nostalgia aside, it's the best in the city.
Sherlock bursts back into the sitting room with a rather large parcel in his arms. John looks from it to Rosie, then accepts his due. 'I'll just clean up, then, shall I?'
'Leave it,' Sherlock orders. 'There's plenty of room.'
John has his doubts, but scoops up Rosie anyway and meets Sherlock just inside the door, where he's set down the hefty box.
Sherlock has already got his keys in hand, and plunges the sharp end of one across the seam of packing tape with alacrity. 'Let's hope they got it right,' he's saying, mostly to himself, as he pulls open the flaps. 'Yes! Rosamund, look!' he exclaims as he lifts out the contents.
It's a rocking horse. It's simple enough, but when John looks more closely he can see the solid craftsmanship and intricate carvings.
'Sherlock, what--'
'It's a rocking horse, John,' Sherlock sniffs as he sets it on the ground. He indicates for John to put Rosie down, so he does. They watch her waddle the two steps, then brace herself on the toy. She squeaks when it rocks gently under her weight, and John once again wonders how such a tiny human can move him to such strong emotions simply by being alive.
'It's gorgeous, Sherlock. Where--?'
'It's a replica of the one I had as a child. It was lost in the--' He clears his throat. 'I remember it fondly, and my parents were more than happy to find the maker and acquire another.'
John blinks. 'You had your parents--'
'Find the maker, yes, it's not that difficult to understand. Though it's not an exact replica, of course, because it's now the man's granddaughter making them, and--'
'Sherlock,' he says to the man currently showing his daughter how to sit properly on the toy, placing her deliciously chubby hands on the horse's ears and covering them with his own. 'I don't understand.'
'Hardly a surprise,' Sherlock replies, carefully showing Rosie how the rocking movement of the horse works. 'Which part of this is confusing, the construction or the usage?'
'F-- Sod off, okay, you know that's not what I mean. You know what I'm asking is why the he--ck you haven't-- You know. You clearly want this family--' He has to swallow back his heart, which is trying to throw itself off a cliff. 'But you haven't kissed me back.'
Sherlock stills, for just a second, but long enough for Rosie to look up at him with an expression full of objections. And long enough for the bottom to drop out of John's stomach.
'As you're the one with a dearth of experience with men, I assumed it should be up to you to take the leap, as it were,' Sherlock finally replies, like it's the most logical thing in the world.
Which it might be, but-- 'Alright, yeah,' John argues, 'but I did take the leap, if you'll remember.'
Sherlock makes a dismissive noise. He seems determined to remain focused on Rosie. 'Once, in a stressful situation where emotions were riding high and you were grateful I'd kept your daughter from injury.'
John takes a deep breath. 'Right. So. In order for you to reciprocate, it'll have to be, what? A boring Tuesday afternoon when everything is fine?'
Sherlock considers. He actually considers. John feels emotion roiling up and is glad when it comes out as a bark of a laugh. 'You're impossible.'
'So I've been told,' Sherlock replies, and his voice is not completely free of bitterness. When he continues, his voice is thin, stubborn but wiry. 'And it's not that I don't reciprocate, John. It's that I do, and it's enough to render anything less than your full participation an unacceptable outcome.'
Oh, sod-- Fuck it, John thinks, and then he makes himself stop thinking. He folds down to re-join them on the floor, puts a steadying hand on his daughter's back just in case, then uses the other hand to pull Sherlock in until their faces are close enough to smell the risotto.
'Get over yourself,' he says, quiet and firm. 'This is happening.'
And then he closes the distance between them.
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jennrypan · 24 days
Let's go down the line of fuckassary: LONG ASS POST AHEAD.
1: Gaia looked and acted like everyone else. She should've been WAY angrier, she should be pissed at Persephone for bringing about winter first of all. Should be pissed that she was a sleep and NOTHING got better over the centuries. But sure, she's giggling and happy.
(I liked that she shoved her hand in Ouranos' chest tho.)
2: It's soo funny that people keep SAYING that Persephone and Hades have true love but the comic hasn't showed us that ever 🤨, like if anything those two losers are obsessed with each other. Be so fr.
3: Once again..this should be Persephones story/POV but its in Hades' always. Fascinating.
4: "You have to spend 3 months away from your sugar daddy" OH NOOOO BUT WEVE BEEN APART FOR SO LONGB 🥺. God. At this point does she even NEED to be in the Mortal Realm fr?? Like..Demeter, Metis and Rhea are back now so..what's her purpose there.
5: The way Gaia just isn't. Gaia is baffling. Anyways. Demeter FINALLY found out what happened to Persephone but she's not..having a moment with her daughter?? Not talking to her about it?? Okay.
6: As usual. They're eager to have sex cuz that's the only thing they do. "I can't wait to see that ass--" ..how very Zeus and Posedion of you quote on quote romantic 🤨
7: She gets her coronation but..didn't she already have that when she married Hades?? Ig not then. Also..Apollo just got a slap on the wrist, not surprising.
DEMETER GOT PUNISHED MORE THAN HIM??? Hell the Titans got punished more than that bitch what the fuck??? God.
8: The disrespect to Zeus is so. 😶 Zeus would literally not sit back quietly for this shit the fuck??? Also..Hera didn't divorce Zeus all those years and now she did ?? And she's what..gonna get with Echo now??? Fascinating. Zeus needs to start tossing rocks. Rachel did Zeus and Heras relationship so fucking DIRTY!!!! GOD!! FUCKING DAMMIT. I hate how she wrote them. Anyways.
9: The Mortal Realm is a lot easier cuz Hades is there?? YOU WERE BORN THERE!!! ITS YOUR HOME!! You ungrateful ass spawn. It wasn't that fun cuz you didn't have a man there?? Insane.
10: The way Persephone clearly doesn't love her own mother is sickening actually. Like..we can't even have them talking to each other?? Dancing?? Even the comment about her doesn't have that much emotion. Also..Dionysus' hair looks goofy, and I guess Hades is all for bringing back mortals now despite making a big stink about it in season 1 but whatever. Yay Semele.
11: "hera just gives him busy work" ..He's literally the king. Literally-- oh my god. "His powers having been the same" which..MEANS WHAT?? And the way Zeus would literally not be happy about this shit is so-- UGH. God it's infuriating. Hades and Posedion clearly don't give a shit about their brother if they aren't concerned about his fucking powers 'not being same'??? Die.
12: Echo needs to stand SEVERAL feet away from Hera. That ship is so god damn tasteless and unnecessary. If you're gonna give hera a new love interest. Maybe give them actual moments?? Make it make sense!!
13: "Ares is still a dog!" *cue laugh track sound*, god this is so..why ?? Ares, baby I'm so sorry people keep disrespecting you in every iteration 🤦‍♀️
14: ignoring the Artemis bit cuz she wasn't relevant for any of the major plots and she still isn't. Anyways. Hades stay the FUCK away from Thanatos. "They can have conversations" oh?? How fascinating. Hades just NOW deciding to care about Thanatos doesn't make up for years of his neglect.
15: Persephone, Ares and Aphrodite should beat Eros' ass for being useless about Apollo. I still think that. Eros is an ass of a friend.
16: 'new powers' ..Girl your powers are basically your old powers with one extra step. Shut UP!!! anyways. (No one cares about kassandra, sorry not sorry. Who was worried about that )
17: Hades and Persephones millionth drabble of nonsense fluff. They're not saying anything new, nor are they doing anything new. I do like the art tho. It's just..baffling how..they're relationship started soo much nonsense and we're suppose to see it as a good thing??
THIS is a good ending??
Nevermind the fact Persephone didn't spend time with her friends or her MOTHER, nevermind the fact Zeus and Posedion don't even get to speak to their mother either.
Hera, Hestia and Demeter don't have a moment with Metis either.
Like..what was the point of bringing them back if you weren't gonna bring it to a satisfying conclusion?? Absolutely insane
Also..Eileithyias design is ass. It's sooo boring. It's literally just pilot Hebe but darker. Oh wow she's yellow with purple eyes??? Insidious. Also she just looks boring and bland to be the daughter of the literal king and queen but sure. Give us nothing.
And..again with making the children boring copies of one specific parent! Macaria is so..boring to look at just like Melinoe. Also...hades can..have kids now?? 🤨 okay.
So basically..this was insane from start to finish.
This wasn't a good conclusion. It was absolutely a wreck.
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selfindulgentpixies · 10 months
And part 6 is here! This chapter is very mellow I guess compared to the others? Just a sweet break from everything else because honestly it's what they all deserve and I feel like you all might be ready for a break from the angst. Part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 7 Contains: Satoru x reader x Suguru, Gn!reader, reader has 'chan' attached to the end of their name, reader is referred to as cute. (Keep in mind this is very self indulgent) Spoilers up to episode 28. This chapter and next can be viewed as taking place between hidden inventory and premature death. I hope you all enjoy this. Word count: A lil over 3K
The boys look at you when you curl and cover your face, their expressions amused and a touch concerned.  “If I’m getting the wrong thing from what the two of you are talking about and you tease me when I ask, I'll hobble my way back to the infirmary and not speak to either of you for a week.” You mumble into your hands. 
“Satoru,” Suguru says, giving him a look. 
“Yeah I get it, I won’t make fun of them for what they’re gonna ask,” he says with an eyeroll you can hear and you know is directed at Suguru. Of course he’s not gonna fuck this up. 
You take a deep breath and let it out slowly before lowering your hands. You really wish you weren’t right between the two of them for this. “So uh… Does this mean that the two of you…” You trail off and stare hard at the blanket, suddenly painfully shy and nervous. 
You feel Suguru’s hand brush against your cheek. “Go on. Ask us.” 
You glance between the two of them, only seeing encouragement and perhaps a bit of their own apprehension.  Swallowing you wiggle from between them and crawl a little ways away on the bed so you have the space to turn and face them both. You must not have done the best job concealing your wince of pain at the movement because you can see a crease of worry on both their faces when you meet their eyes though they don’t comment on it and instead wait for you to speak again. 
You force yourself to not fidget.. “So does this mean that the two of you like me as more than just a friend then?” Your stomach is a mess of knots and you feel like your face is on fire. 
There's an amused quirk to Satoru’s lips now and when Suguru notices he elbows him in the ribs. “Ow! I didn’t say anything,” He hisses at Suguru.  
Suguru gives him a look that says he looked like he wanted to before turning his gaze back to you. You were so cute it made his heart ache, though the longer they didn’t say anything the more nervous you looked and he thought perhaps you might flee if the words were left hanging in the air long enough, not that he’d let them. “Now do you think we’d pull just anyone into our bed?” His smile is warm.
“Well i-” 
“Of course we like you as more than a friend.” Satoru cuts in, giving you the more direct answer that’s needed to soothe your nerves. “The real question we have is do you actually want both of us. He ignores how Suguru’s eyes flick toward him, knowing that he was aware of Satoru’s own insecurity that you actually only liked Suguru. After all, you'd warmed up to the other curse manipulator much more quickly than you had to him. 
Your mind reels. They both really did like you. You hadn’t been reading too deeply into teasing like you’d been telling yourself the past few months. You release a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. “Yeah… I like both of you a lot,” You glance away, looking toward the window that’s now being battered with rain. “I want to be with the both of you.” for the second time tonight not looking at one of them while talking results in you getting startled, drawing a yelp from you as you suddenly feel yourself being tugged back up the bed, being gently and quickly rolled onto your back. You blink up at Satoru as he half covers you, an excited and soft grin taking over his features. 
“You really mean that.” And there’s a note of wonder in his voice. That’s another thing that clicks for you, the way he’d sounded hurt when he found out you were using Suguru’s first name and not his, the way he’d been so insistent you use his too. The way he’d almost always tried to be at your training sessions with Suguru even if he wasn’t doing anything other than watching. The great Gojo Satoru had been feeling insecure. Jealous even.
You blink up at him and then reach up and touch his face with your right hand. “Yeah I do.” 
Oh he feels absolutely giddy. It’s only slightly tempered by Suguru suddenly poking his cheek. “Don’t hog them now. You’re not the only one who got confessed to just now.” 
Satoru whines “Oh come on them liking you was a given.” 
“W-was I that obvious?” You hadn’t meant to say that out loud. 
Both of them look at you and in unison say “Yes.” 
Just Satoru this time, “Proves my point that you should let me have my moment.” Suguru shoves his shoulder, forcing him to flop over next to you. He lets out an annoyed grunt.
You cover your face with your hands, embarrassment running hot through your veins. You hadn’t thought you’d been that obvious with your crush on Suguru. 
“Hey now, you don’t need to hide.” Suguru coos and then you feel his hands gently uncovering your face. You consider fighting to keep your hands in place but ultimately let him have his way. He’s smiling at you. “Honestly I thought it was cute, though it was definitely making Satoru jealous,” the warmth in his voice shifts to being more teasing. 
“Suguru.” Satoru’s voice is caught somewhere between a whine and a warning. 
Your eyes flick to Satoru, he looks disgruntled, a pretty blush staining his cheeks. For as much as Satoru liked being in the spotlight he didn’t like it in this way. “Well..” You start carefully, “now you know I like you both, and I’m with you both so there’s no reason to be jealous now, right?” You give Satoru a warm little smile.
And something about those words and that warm smile draws him in. There’s a lump in his throat and his heart thrums against his ribs. It’s no great distance, not really a moment for a second thought before his lips are pressed against yours. Kissing you gently for what are several heart-stuttering moments, you’re not sure what to do but you press back into the kiss for just a moment before he pulls back. You’re staring at him bewildered, cheeks hot but a giddy feeling unfolding in your chest. “That was my first kiss..” the words are so quiet neither boy actually thinks you meant to say them. 
The effect the words have on each of them is different. For Satoru it’s pride, you may have liked Suguru first but he got to kiss you first. Not just your first kiss with them, but your very first kiss. Something tightens in Suguru’s chest, a thread of an emotion he doesn’t want to examine in that moment. 
“And how about your second now?” Suguru questions, moving in close so his face is right next to yours. His eyes flick for the briefest of moments to Satoru before going back to you. 
“Y-yeah okay…” Your voice is shy but no reluctance lies beneath it. Sugruru’s kiss presses a bit harsher against your lips, something possessive bubbling under the surface.
Satoru lays down next to the two of you, watching before he runs his fingers through Suguru’s hair at which Suguru becomes gentler, jealousy soothed at the reminder that there’s also affection between him and Satoru to be had. You look a bit dazed when Suguru pulls back. 
The rest of the night passes in small kisses and quiet conversation with the two of them tangled around you. 
Several loud knocks sound at the door. “Geto! Gojo! I better not find my patient in there with you!” 
All three of you jerk in the bed. You didn’t even remember falling asleep. 
“Shit- Suguru, did you lock the door?” Satoru asks.
As if in answer Shoko slams the sliding door open. So that was a no. She surveys the three of you, relieved to at least see you’re all clothed. “You three are so lucky Yaga left on a mission before he could go check the infirmary today.” Her gaze zeros in on you, still blinking groggily but with your heart racing from being startled awake. “Please tell me one of them at least carried you here and you didn’t walk here on your own.” 
“Ahh wellll…” You look away from her. 
She pulls at her hair. “You’re a terrible patient, you know that?” 
“I’ve been told that before yeah.” You glance away sheepishly.
“I won’t but I really should tell Yaga. You need to be in bed and resting.” 
“They are in bed,” Satoru quips, propping himself up on his elbow. 
“And they’ve been resting, slept all through the night,” Suguru adds. 
“They’d still be asleep if you hadn’t woken us all up.” Satoru again, god how the two of them had the energy to be smartasses already was beyond you. You just wanted to curl back up and sleep more..
Shoko glares at them and gets two sleepy grins in return. She sighs. “So I take it the three of you stopped dancing around each other finally?” She starts patting at her uniform pockets looking for a cigarette. 
Oh. It had been obvious to Shoko too? You did not need to feel embarrassed right after waking up but here you were trying to sink back into the pillows. “Was.. Was I the only one who thought I was just being teased?” God even Haibara had been poking at you about it now that you think of it. 
Shoko finds her cigarette and puts it between her lips. “Sure were.” She says flippantly as she walks into the room and goes to sit by the window which she slides open. It’s a gray morning but the rain has mostly stopped. “You followed Suguru around like a lost puppy half the time after your first mission with him.” 
You roll over and bury your face in the pillow. “I’m going back to bed.” You blindly reach around and pull a blanket over your head and pointedly ignore the conversation still happening between the upperclassmen. You’re not sure whether it’s Satoru or Suguru but you feel one of them rubbing your back through the blanket, helping to coax you back toward sleep. 
It feels like only a moment later when you blink your eyes open and peek out from the blanket. You sit bolt upright when you realize you're the only one in the bed. Suddenly quite awake your eyes move around until they land on Shoko who’s sitting by the window still. 
She glances up from her phone. “Don’t look so panicked, they just went to pick up some breakfast. They asked me to stay with you, like I wasn't going to already.” She seems to debate something for a moment. “How are you feeling today? Apparently you were well enough last night to make it here on your own. “
“Ah.. I’m okay. Thanks to you. I’m still sore basically everywhere between my neck and hips but nothing I can't manage.” 
She frowns though when she speaks her voice is gentle. “You got lucky, when Geto carried you in I thought you were already dead for a second. I’ve never seen him look so desperate before. Even with his own injuries he wanted to be sure I saved you before even beginning to heal him.” The events play back through her mind, the campus was already in chaos with no one sure exactly what was going on. Just that there had been fighting and fly heads were  everywhere. Then Geto was bursting in to see her looking absolutely desperate, bloody and tired.  He’d begged her to save you, demanded it because he couldn’t lose you too. That’s how she’d found out about Gojo being ‘killed’. Her hands shook the entire time she healed you. Healed you enough that you’d be able to recover normally before moving onto Geto so he could get back out there.
You look down at your hands. “I’m so-” 
She sighs. “You don’t need to apologize to me. Missions go bad.” She shrugs one of her shoulders and then reaches into her pocket to pull out your phone and toss it to you.”You left this in the infirmary.”
You catch it, nearly fumbling the dead lil brick. “O-oh thank you.” You got the distinct impression that neither Satoru or Suguru had given Shoko the details on how you’d ended up in such bad shape. Now that you think of it, you don’t think they actually gave Yaga the details either because you’re pretty sure you would have gotten way more of a lecture if so. You’d have to ask them exactly what they’d told people about how you’d gotten so injured so you don’t contradict them by accident. 
“You know.. I hope you’re able to ground those two a bit.” Shoko says, breathing smoke out the window. 
You blink. “Huh?” 
“Gojo and Geto. I hope you’re able to keep the two of them more grounded. They seem so far away and on their own, even when I’m with them they always feel a bit out of reach. But it really seems like they may be letting you into their little world, I just hope you’re able to bring them out of it a little and don’t get lost in it yourself.” You can’t help but think the small smile she gives you carries a certain sadness to it.
The bedroom door slides open. “We’re back and we have breakfast!” Satoru sing songs as he breezes into the room, Suguru not far behind. He plops onto the bed heavily enough to make you bounce before reaching into the bag he’d be carrying to pull out a box that he then sets on your lap. “I noticed you kept getting strawberry flavored things while we were on the mi- while we were out.” He falters slightly but maintains a cheerful smile. He flips open the box and it’s a pretty stack of fluffy pancakes with whip cream and strawberries. Your face lights up.
Before you actually say anything though Suguru knocks the bag he’s carrying against the back of Satoru’s head. “Don’t take all the credit.” And then he pulls a box out of said bag and passes it to Shoko. “This one should be yours.” 
“And here I thought you might forget me.” She stubs out her cigarette before getting to her food. 
“Of course we wouldn’t forget you. Give us a lil more credit,” Suguru says as he sits down by you as well on the bed. 
The meal passes in relative peace, the four of you mainly focusing on eating. Though Shoko makes a face when Suguru wipes whipped cream off the corner of your mouth with his thumb  and then licks it. She supposes she should just be glad he didn’t kiss it off- and there goes Satoru. She only watches the blush bloom across your cheeks for a moment. 
She stands up. “Thanks for the breakfast but i’m not gonna sit here and watch the three of you do-” she makes a sweeping hand gesture at the three of you, “do whatever it is you’re doing.” She waves off any protest as they start. “Just make sure you actually rest, ___-chan.” She says with a wave, leaving the room with the rest of her breakfast. 
You pout a little “Well there she goes…” You close the box containing your meal. 
“You only ate a third of your food,” Satoru points out. “Was it not good?”
“Ah no it’s really good. I’m just not super hungry.” You furrow your brow, looking as if you were considering a question. 
Suguru takes the box containing your food and sets it on the nightstand along with his own. “Something on your mind?” 
“I was uh.. Just wondering what the two of you told Shoko and Yaga about how I ended up in such critical condition. Kinda feel like Yaga would have chewed me out a lot more if he knew and I feel like Shoko would have been at least a little more irritated.” Despite your current safe position you feel a sick feeling begin to unfurl in your chest as your mind runs over the end of that mission. 
“Oooh yeah we left some things out. As far as anyone outside the three of us is concerned he attacked you as soon as both of us were down. He was too fast for you to avoid the fight,” Satoru explains.  
At this you nod. Your mind thinking about that man and how he must still be out there and your shoulders begin to shake slightly. This is why every time you’d thought of that man you’d tried to redirect your thoughts.
The boys share a look before Satoru speaks. “No one’s given you a proper mission debrief yet so you wouldn’t know yet, but I took care of it.” The words hang heavy in the air as the meaning sinks in.
You look at Satoru your eyes refocusing on him. His face is solemn and a brief glance at Suguru shows the same. Both of them suddenly looking so tired, the cheerful atmosphere of just a few minutes ago melting away. “You mean that you-”
“After I healed myself I went after him. He’s dead and won’t be able to harm anyone else.” Satoru smoothes a hand over your hair. The look he’s giving you telling you don’t need to be scared. He can see all the other questions swirling behind your eyes, because while knowing that the man, hell you never even learned his name, who brought so much pain is dead brings on questions of its own. 
“We’ll tell you everything later, ___. “ Suguru’s voice is a bit strained and you realize that maybe he even more than Satoru doesn’t feel up to talking about this. 
You nod. “Alright.. Yeah we can leave it for later.” You glance away, releasing a slow breath. You would take comfort in what they’ve told you so far. They probably have good reasons for not going into further details. They both looked haunted and you were almost afraid to hear all that had happened while you were unconscious.
“Are the two of you doing anything today?” It’s summer afterall, even under the current circumstances you wouldn’t be surprised if they were already going to get sent back into the field today but you’re relieved when Suguru answers for them both. 
“If you mean anything mission wise then no, we’ve been given at least a few days leave to recover.” 
“And outside of missions?” You prod. 
Satoru cracks a smile. “Nothing. Sounds like maybe you have an idea. Though you're supposed to stay in bed.” 
You stick your tongue out at him and he gives you a mock offended look. “I know that. How about we have a movie marathon today?” You give both of them a hopeful smile and really how could either of them say no to you when you look at them like that. That’s how the three of you spend not just today but also the next, curled up in a bed that is too small for three of you, and basking in the glow of new love and taking shelter from the harrowing ordeal that had nearly extinguished it before it could take form.
And that's it for part 6! Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. This has been so much fun to write. I hope you don't mind that reader never leaves Suguru's bed for this chapter. Just a whole lot of talking and the slow burn finally starting to cook.
Also your kind comments have gone a long way in keeping me motivated so thank you all for that.
Remember if you wanna be on the taglist you need to have your age listed and be 18+ The fic may not have anything that requires that at this point but my blog itself isn't for minors.
Taglist: @strawberrystepmom @nanamikentoseyebags @gojoest @yuuuumii @yokaimoon @chibiizzy @porridgesblog @icy-spicy
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lizzieislife94x · 4 months
Tumblr media
My Brothers Babysitter (e.o)
Requested <3
 LizziexFem Reader 
Y/ns POV:
I quickly run down stairs grabbing a slice of toast shoving it in my mouth mumbling "fuck I'm late" my mom and 4 year old brother look at me "language young lady it's OK slow down rushing won't solve it youre already late" I take a second and completely agree with her I eat my toast and have some coffee as I walk over and kiss my mom on the cheek hugging her as lizzie walks in bright eyed and bushy tailed I walk over and kiss Jay on the head "ill see you tonight little buddy" I take a second to admire lizzie she's been my brothers Babysitter for the last 6 months and Ihave a massive crush on her she's just so freaking perfect "morning lizzie" I say with a smile as I walk past "morning y/n wasn't expecting to see you I thought you started work at 8 it's almost 9" I laugh and look back at her "I over slept so I'm late" she giggles and shakes her head as I leave for work.
I climb into my car thankful that works done its 6pm and its been a long ass day I quickly drive home to take over looking after Jay mom doesn't get home till 9 tonight so I said I'll look after him after work I hope lizzie stays to hang out I love it when she does I get to spend some time with her, before I know it I pull up outside of my house and grab my bag and phone and head inside "hey guys I'm home" I say putting my bag on the floor and kicking my shoes off walking into the livingroom Jay runs to me screaming my name excitedly making me smile "did you miss me buddy I missed you so much" I say with a smile kissing his cheeks "yes yes I missed you so much! Did you bring me candy" I smirk and grab a candy bar from my bag and hand it to him as I put him down he runs away excited "what about you lizzie did you miss me" I say with a smirk flirting a little she matches my energy biting her lip, fuck "mhh I did I missed you so much" she walks towards me slowly making me freeze "did you miss me" she stares at me with those piercing green eyes for a second before laughing, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and laugh along with her we spent the rest of night hanging watching movies with Jay.
3 days later: 
"Y/n sweetie lizzie is going to watch Jay until 5pm but I need to take him for new shoes so you don't have to rush home I'm thinking of taking him out to the park and maybe Mcdonalds and ice cream so we won't be back till late" I swallow my toast and take a sip of coffee before speaking "ok that's fine mom but I really have to go I have 20 minutes to get to work, I love you BYEEE JAY SEE YOU TONIGHT BUDDY" and with that I run out to my car heading to work.
I sit in my car for a few minutes before I head inside I've not had a few hours alone in so long I can't wait I grab my bag and phone and head inside putting my bag down and kicking my shoes off I take a second to appreciate the silence after 30 seconds I hear a moan like sound I follow it upstairs to my room and look confused I'm here so who the fuck is fucking in my room "oh god y/n yes yes right there baby oh fuck" my mouth drops as I recognise lizzies voice is she no she can't be Holy shit I feel the fluttery feeling starting as my panties start to fill with my own wetness I press my ear to the door listen to her moans as I slide my hand in my panties I gently rub my clit as my head falls against the door making a little dink but I don't notice I slide my fingers down to my entrance pushing them in moaning lizzies name quietly as I start to thrust "oh god yes mmmh fuck" I moan quietly as the door swings open and I'm met by a smirking lizzie with lust fill eyes "I knew you where listening to me perv" I slide my hand out face turning bright red before it hits me I shouldn't be embarrassed she was fingerings herself on my bed in my room "um I think you'll find you where in my room in my bed fingering yourself thinking about me" I say boldy as she bites her lip and pulls me into the room slamming me against the wall as her hand slides into my pants and panties making me moan "if you don't want this tell me baby ill stop I just can't hold back any longer" she breaths out clearly turned on as she stares into my eyes I smash our lips together confirming I want this she instantly slides 2 fingers inside me making my eyes roll "oh yes lizzie don't stop" I moan as I grind my hips to meet her thrusts as she licks her lips thrusting her fingers faster I let my hands slide up her tee towards her tits groaning when I feel she has no bra I feel her thrusting her fingers faster as she curls them driving me wild I grip her tits and roll her nipples between my fingers as she let's out the sexiest moan I've ever heard "mmmh y/n" I bite my lip as I feel my orgasm approach "gonna cum oh god" I feel my legs trembling "cum for me babygirl" I feel my orgasm crashing over me as I cum all over her fingers and hand "mmhhh good girl my good girl" she grins pecking my lips before sliding her hands out bringing them to her lips her eyes never leaving mine "you taste amazing" I bite my lip as I grab the hem of her tee pulling it off finally getting to see her perfect tits "oh god"
I moan as I lean down taking her left nipple in my mouth as she grips my hair moaning while I suck her nipple I make quick work pushing her shorts and panties off as she starts taking my pants off in matter of seconds we're both naked I step back to admire her before stepping forward kissing her passionately both of us stumbling back falling onto the bed I start to kiss my way down her body desperately needing to get to her cunt after leaving a few kisses on her stomach I put her legs over my shoulder staring at how wet she is as a groan leaves my lips I leave gentle kisses on her clit as she moans a little "don't tease me y/n ive waited 6 god damn months" her tone is such a turn on I do as she says and lick from her entrance to her clit taking it into my mouth sucking harshly as a loud moan escapes her lips she grabs my hair making me moan Into her cunt causing her to moan louder after I work on her sensitive clit for a minute I slide my tounge down to her entrance pushing it inside her enjoying the taste of her "oh god y/n fuck me shit don't stop right there!" She pants her body starting to squirm as I work my tounge deeper and faster inside her before I know it shes squirting all over my face taking me by surprise I sit up her juices drenched all over my face she hides her face before I remove her hands "that was the sexiest thing I've ever experienced I was just taken back its never happened before but fuck me I want to make that happen every fucking day" I say passionately as I run my hands up her body to cup her cheeks I lean down kissing her passionately as our tounges explore one and others mouths I use my legs to push her legs open nice and wide as I position myself ontop of her without breaking the kiss I pull away when our dripping cunts touch as the feeling is almost enough to send me over the edge "oh fuck lizzie"
I say looking down at her as she moans throwing her head back I start to thrust our clits rubbing together perfectly both of us moaning at the sensation I quicken my pace as I feel my orgasm approaching quickly lizzie scratches my thighs as I grind into her harder it doesn't take long for both of us to cum against the others pussy I fall on top of her gently as she wraps her arms around me both our breathing out of control "Honey were home!!!" I hear my mom yell as we both look at eachother and jump up getting ready in seconds both of us knowing fine well Jay will come running right in "y/n!!!" He yells bursting through the door jumping into my arms he looks at lizzie confused for a second before hugging her too "we bought you nugg" my mom stops in her tracks "maybe open a window next time" she says with a smirk looking at me and lizzie, lizzie hides her face in my back making me laugh "it's about time you two realised, Jay come on honey let's go get you ready for bed I think y/n and lizzie would rather be alone right now, don't worry sweetie ill get you a lock for your bedroom door tomorrow" I hide my face as I feel it burning red "ok mom thank you can you leave us for now please " I beg as she laughs shutting the door I turn to face lizzie "I'm so sorry" I say embarrassed as she bursts out laughing "it's OK babe at least tomorrow we'll have a lock" I look at her shocked "wait this is happening again?" She bites her lip and nods "definitely I've never felt that good in my life plus I've had the biggest crush on you for months litterly when we met i knew i wanted you" I smile and pull her in for a kiss full of love and happiness both us smiling into the kiss. 
AN: hope yall enjoy it I might do one more one shot tonight, all feedback welcome and again thanks to my regular peeps for voting on these it means alot it let's me know I'm doing something right and you guys like them 😊 word count 1.8k stay hydrated babes 
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danieyells · 15 days
Can I see Romeo's voicelines please? He's such a failguy, I need to knowwww
How dare you call him a failguy!
he is THE failguy. don't make him sound offbrand.
i love Romeo he is honestly so ridiculous like. . .you meet Romeo in the first chapter and you do NOT realize he's going to be like. . .that. . .in the Sinostra chapter. . . .
No affinity required:
"Hey! I'm talking to you, BB! If you've got time to wander around, you've got time to wipe the tables!"
i thoguht the pc was supposed to be doing uh background work for you at the casino. why is she cleaning tables!? go ask her to run drugs for you or something.
"Just go! I cannot deal with this WTWUT! Wall-To-Wall Useless Trash, obviously!"
that was a long acronym!
"Time to count this month's protection fees... Not bad. I'll up this group by 2% next month. This one could go a little higher too..."
Affinity 1:
"Why does that DOF want to meet so early in the morning? If I get bags under my eyes because of this, I'm going to slit his throat."
we never learned what "DOF" stood for did we. I assume it's "Doctor Of" something and he's talking to Yuri(he's not talking to Nicolas because Nicolas is "SOP", Smiley Old Prude) (i assume it's Doctor of Failure. If you think Romeo's a failguy you should see Yuri's voicelines that guy is something else. . . .) On the other hand I wonder if it's Hyde? I feel like he spoke to Hyde and called him something else though.
Affinity 3:
"Have you seen Shinjo anywhere? I just asked him to organize some documents and he ran off to make copies!"
Affinity 4:
"Mickey's bar? Yes, I am going again tonight, but it's only because there's nowhere else to go for a drink."
isn't there a bar in the casino. . .i guess he doesn't wanna spend time on the casino floor. also "Mickey" is Rui, if you weren't able to figure that out haha
Affinity 5:
"This is when the regulars usually come, so I have to sweeten the pot. I saw that HNTW out there earlier too."
i hate you and your acronyms LMAOOOO I THINK THIS IS REFERRING TO KAITO??? MAYBE??? he's the only character besides Taiga who frequents the casino that we're aware of!
Affinity 6:
"How dare those Frostheim slugs start whispering the moment they see my face... One day they'll be groveling at my feet..."
oof. . .the frostheimers are gossiping about the collapse of his family. . .yeah i'd be mad too there bud. i'd like to think he wanted to transfer to Frostheim once he became a second year and he ended up not doing it because Frostheim was just so toxic.
Affinity 7:
"...Looks like I'm due for a tune up soon. Keeping my posture beautiful isn't easy, no matter how much I train my core."
i assume he sees like a chiropractor or a physical therapist or something. gets his atlas adjusted. maybe don't lean over your EITS laptops lol
Affinity 8:
"You're smelling the bedtime fragrance I bought from Kurossa earlier. He has a good eye, so I often ask him to pick things out for me."
Leo's lines also reference this! I'm glad they get along so well haha I think they mesh pretty great.
Affinity 9:
"You want to see my Insta? I suppose that's fine, but do you even know anything about brands?"
brand ambassador romeo. . .god he probably does all sorts of dumb beauty shit on his instagram. do you think he participates in those health pyramid schemes? probably not, right, he's fairly legitimate in his business practices. . .sort of, sometimes, kind of, as long as you don't owe him money. . . .
Affinity 10:
"Fuji's pendant? Of course I haven't given up on it. He has no idea of the value of what's hanging around his neck."
neither do we! please inform us!! but on the upside that means that Romeo knows what it is, to some degree. I assume it's some rare, powerful artifact. Kaito at least knows it's important.
Affinity 11:
"I have to drink a cup of room-temperature water, do an electric facial and a mask, apply body cream, do my neck routine... I have no free time in the morning."
Affinity 12:
"Hey! There's a hair on the ground over here! And there's dust over here! Can't you even clean something properly without me holding your hand!?"
this is directed at his underlings, not the pc(or not the pc by themself.) I also appreciate that the Japanese specifies this is one single hair he's pointing out. Somebody get this man a roomba.
Affinity 13:
"I maintain my bullets myself. You really think I'd let another man handle my crown jewels?"
handle your WHAT-- i mean anyone could've guessed you and taiga don't have a very active sex life
Affinity 14:
"What is going on with your skin!? Do you even have a proper routine in place? Unacceptable. Your overnight skin cell turnover is suboptimal and it shows."
Affinity 15:
"That BTH...! I was almost impressed to see him out so early until I realized he's been playing all night!!"
taiga pulling an all-nighter at his own goddamn casino lmao. . . .
Affinity 16:
"What do you mean you don't need any more noni juice? I went out of my way to prepare it for you. Come on now, drink it."
he personally made it for you! now drink the bitter nasty health juice. don't make him feed it to yo
Affinity 17:
"Finally, some goods worth talking about. I have to ring that DOF and arrange the next event..."
so whoever DOF is is an active participant in his criminal activities, sometimes. . .which makes me think it isn't Yuri lol I AM SO CURIOUS. WHO IS THIS GUY.
Affinity 19:
"How about a smoke before bed? I'm joking. If I wasn't selling it, I wouldn't be touching this unhealthy garbage."
quick someone shoop the "quieres" meme with romeo HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY TELL YOU WHAT HE'S HANDLING. . .considering his line of work it could be anything but regular cigarettes or cigars. Is it weed? is it crack?? is it meth???? i find that romeo is essentially the campus dealer hilarious.
Affinity 20:
"What? I'm on my way to the gym for a workout. ...You can join me if you're interested."
you know damn well he probably hates getting sweaty. but he's gotta keep up with his health and all so a little workout's not off the table. also you know he's wearing some fuckin. gucci leggings or some shit.
Affinity 21:
"Why are you carrying that!? What if you drop it and it breaks? I'll get one of our young guys to do it, so put it down already!"
aw he's worried about--oh no he's just worrying about you dropping his stuff.
Affinity 22:
"I won't let anyone destroy what I've built— not even my OAOF."
GOD I HOPE THEY EXPLAIN THESE ACRONYMS SOMEWHERE ALONG THE LINE. I assume the first word is "Own". . .the last word could be "Family" or "Followers"/"Faction" or "Feelings". . . .
Affinity 23:
"Most of humanity's problems can be solved with money. If you put that another way, without money, you don't stand a chance. That's the way the world works."
again, Taiga compared Ritsu's family to Romeo's before The Incident. Romeo lost everything he had at one point. He's afraid of ending up with nothing again. That's all. Even with the Casino, he doesn't want to lose it because it'd be losing everything he has again. Having no money means going back to 0.
Affinity 24:
"Coming here alone this time of night, haven't you made progress? Come over here, I'll evaluate your efforts."
pc's getting brave enough to go to Sinostra in the middle of the night! probably did some shady job for him too.
Affinity 25:
"What could you possibly be afraid of? You're one of my people! Walk with your head held high or I'll step on it!"
BBY YOU CAN STEP ON HER HEAD ANYWAY. PLEASE DO IT. 👀 also you have been opted out of being one of Taiga's people I guess. You have chosen your faction. /joke
"This year's AW collection is out... Tch. Not even a hint of taste in any of it. They'll bear this mark of shame for years."
I KNOW THIS ACRONYM! He's complaining about Autumn-Winter fashion!!! lbr romeo men's fashion is kinda boring anyway. I wonder if his family owned a fashion brand. . . .
"I don't mind the springtime in Japan. The mild weather is a bonus, but it's the transient beauty of the cherry blossoms I truly appreciate."
"The new prototype is a tear bomb? A lot of anomalies don't even have eyes, is this really going to be useful?"
i mean it might be useful for the ones that have eyes. . .or for hunting down Kaito.
"Summer is all about aquamarine... If you believe that, you're a follower. A trendsetter would know to go against the grain with a heavier jade piece."
"Excuse me!? You really think I would stoop to petty theft!? This scarf and hat are UV protection!"
"This? It's an original hot water blend with salt and lemon I came up with. You shouldn't be cooling your insides just because it's hot outside!"
i mean. i guess it'll technically help you sweat and cool down faster????
"They gave us nothing but useless bottom feeders this year... I'd like to see who raised this bunch of idiots. They don't even have a grasp of basic etiquette."
"I'm going to the training grounds to demonstrate sharpshooting for the first- years. It's a waste of my time, but I'm the most skilled at it."
he just wants everyone to see how good he is lolol
"The SS collections are out. What? Are you telling me you don't pay attention to Paris Fashion Week?"
"The boss won't stop whining about being hungry. Obviously I'm not going to cook. What are you all standing around for, you damn TGAs!?"
lol Romeo has his underlings feed Taiga as much as Taiga demands food of his own underlings. "please feed your father the boss before he eats one of the chancellor's cats again."
"You look like a fat slug in those clothes. Keeping warm is important, but couldn't you at least tough it out when you're meeting me!?"
HARSH. how about you get her outfits then!!! lolol he's looking at you all bundled up and doesn't even wanna be seen with you
"I get aches when it's cold... I'm taking off early tonight to go drink, then I'll warm up with a low bath."
"Tch... This is the most profitable time of year for us, where the hell is that BTH!?
well you see Taiga hates the cold so he's probably in a blanket burrito. . . .
His birthday:
"Today is Fico's birthday, so you're dining in style. I'm not going to eat any though, so you can finish it off."
'it's my birthday, so i'm going to treat you! what? me? eat?? no, i'm on a diet!!' i am once again asking the ghouls to EAT PROPER MEALS PLEASE IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY ROMEO HAVE ONE CHEAT DAY. DOESN'T EVEN HAVE TO BE CAKE.
Your birthday:
"It's your birthday? I suppose I can celebrate it for you, but you'd better be aware of how much of my precious time you're using."
he treats you better on his birthday than yours. . . .
New Years:
"Felice anno nuovo! This will be the year I claim Fuji's debt and his pendant!"
oh my god he does speak italian. you hear more tidbits of italian fromTaiga than him. also Kaito's pendant must be super important if that's his new years resolution. this is gonna matter in the long run isn't it.
Valentine's Day:
"Hmph. I'm not familiar with this packaging. If you're giving me chocolate, you better have selected it with the utmost care!"
'this is not brand name. how dare you.'
White Day:
"Here. They're mimosa cookies, a special order from an upmarket confectionary in Ginza. I can't say whether your peasant tastebuds can appreciate them though."
peasant? who are you, jin? fun fact, Taiga's White Day line references this one!
"What's that expectant look on your face? Lulu was harping on about mimosas or something before. That what you want?"
so Romeo gets the cookies whether or not he plans to give you some i guess lol
April Fool's Day:
"Just you try and fool me—I'll tear those rags off you and throw you in a cage. So? What do you want?"
converting your friends into human trafficking victims is the latest new prank sweeping the internet!
"Do you have face paint in your pores!? Go wash it off before you end up with hyperpigmentation!!"
"Buon Natale! Go get ready—that reindeer's around again. This year I'm going to catch it for sure!!"
he's going to auction off one of santa's reindeer. . . .
"My drink is empty. Hey! I'm talking to you! Go bring me a refill!"
If you haven't logged in for a while(?):
"Well, look what the cat dragged in. Do I have to teach you how to maintain an adult relationship? This is your last chance, got it!?"
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG THE ADHD KICKED IN AND I GOT SUPER DISTRACTED i love Romeo so much he's so. . .silly lmao. he's a very fun character. even though i hate his acronyms. But he's also so worried about his image and his money. . .and as much as he complains I think he worries about Taiga too. And as he comes to like you more he worries about you too. It's just that strictness and maintaining control is how he feels most comfortable and how he expresses his attachments. He trusts you. So he wants you to be able to hold you to a high standard.
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borom1r · 21 days
WAILING @theshakespearetrash sent me 2 ask memes for Boromir asks (who is very much Not my OC skfhshfjjs but I will Always do character analysis I love character analysis so much. rotating him so fast in my brain. microwaving him on high)
+ not to be a kinnie on main (voice of a man who is always a kinnie on main) but I will be answering these all w/ a sort of Boromir-lives scenario in mind -w-
anyways ask meme 1 + ask meme 2
1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
ok I feel like it’s the cop-out answer to say “his fall to the ring” but I feel like Boromir is the sort of person to.. not like stew on things but very much takes the stance of “good or bad, all my choices got me to the current moment and made me who I am.” + I feel like there’s so much tangled up in his fall completely beyond his control where that’s the only memory that he’d like. actively want to erase from his mind
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
HM. good with kids. I think unless you’d seen him with Faramir/his cousins when they were younger you wouldn’t guess (he’s a soldier and a very plain man when he’s not putting on a show for his father), but he’s just genuinely great with kids
3. What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
loves too much + quick to lose hope. painfully aware of this
4. When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
fight response. 100% the kind of man who gets kicked out of a haunted house for punching a scareactor even though he knew a scare was coming. Faramir and Aragorn have both almost gotten throttled bc they unintentionally snuck up on him
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
OOO. When He Is Of Sound Mind, not actually very far. he was raised with the knowledge he would be giving his life to Gondor, whether he died in battle or sat on the throne as steward. add to that the act he puts on for Denethor, everything he does to protect Faramir— he’s a man born to serve. his own wants come last
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
it would take. a DESPERATELY long time and an almost complete degradation of his mental state. Boromir arrives in Rivendell in October 3018, and the very next day is the Council, at which point he sees the ring and is IMMEDIATELY influenced by it. yet he doesn’t fully fall to it until the end of February 3019. he’d been fighting its pull for almost four whole months by the time he does anything malicious. resisting the One Ring for FOUR MONTHS. <- reasons why if I see someone call Boromir weak for falling to it I will see red.
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
teehee obviously again Boromir is not my OC so I will take this as an excuse to Be A Kinnie + say, I do remember Boromir being returned to us sometime after my coronation. so that’s one way my memories differ from canon, which is sort of an answer to this prompt snfjsjfj
8. Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
OH YEAH. I mean yeah if we’re talking like actual criminal murder and not just Slaying People On A Battlefield like. yeah 100% he would IF he was within Minas Tirith. you know Denethor would do everything in his power to cover that up lmfao
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
anyways “have you ever seen a man so strong have you ever seen a man so great when he fights time stands still and everything seems so unreal but deep inside of him this man is torn” what if I bit things about this song
+ also listening to Magnolia and Shock Me by Baroness with Aragorn/Boromir in mind makes me ill. im Unwell.
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
HMMMMM The Frankenstein Chronicles gave me brain worms so I might write a Frankenstein-inspired thing at some point. sth sth consequences of divine resurrection
11. What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Boromir uses a hand-and-a-half arming sword (meaning it’s balanced for single or double-handed use, with a crossguard). it’s a really elegant sword, very simple and utilitarian. speaks to an adaptable combat style as well. but, interestingly? Boromir carries a Rohirric shield, and if you notice Rohirric swords don’t actually HAVE crossguards the way Gondorian blades do. this tracks, and was common with Roman and early Germanic swords— BECAUSE these cultures were Also relying on shields for blocking.
and an additional note, Faramir’s sword is single-handed. so we’ve got a ranger who prefers the use of a bow and hasn’t experimented much with his sword combat, and his brother who prefers a sword and carries a very versatile blade with 1) a Rohirric shield and 2) a ranger’s vambraces designed to protect his arms from a (nonexistent) bowstring. I just find Boromir’s mix of protective gear so interesting, esp if you consider he and Théodred as at LEAST friends. like Boromir carries so much of the people he cares for with him into strange lands even when he (arguably) has little need for such gear
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
yes and no. I think, not consciously? but he absolutely values himself lower than the people he cares for. he goes to Rivendell to keep Faramir out of danger, he takes multiple arrows to the chest and keeps fighting to defend Merry and Pippin. I think if there’s a risk of someone he loves getting hurt, all self-preservation goes out the window
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
oh I would be staring at him like a predatory animal and trying to psychically convince him to lay on me in full armor
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
HGH. ok I don’t think he necessarily. does?? and this is generally a Silly Little Headcanon bc of a comment a Most Beloved Friend made abt how everyone gets their autism from their dad (real+true) + now in my head “haha Faramir got his autism from Boromir instead” BUT. like genuinely I don’t think Boromir has an actual image of himself in his head or like processes that ppl perceive him, necessarily. and particularly when his father is holding him up as this aspirational figurehead for Gondor, like… I think he’s just himself, in his head. idk how to describe it well for the neurotypical ppl in the room snfskfjs sorry. like I don’t process myself as having Traits so ppl tell me they think I’m cool or funny or they enjoy being around me and it’s always like “!!! oh!” + I think Boromir is the same way. I think Faramir could describe Boromir to him + Boromir would just be like. “huh.”
15. Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
it’s Sean Bean + it will always be Sean Bean. sorry other Boromirs you simply pale in comparison
16. What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
VERY high by necessity. he’s a soldier he’s absolutely patched up his own injuries before, at least to hold over until he could see an actual healer
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
ahh. I wrote a very personal fic exploring self harm urges w/ Boromir, so I suppose that
18. Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
very personable, when he’s of sound mind sndnsj
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
oh he’s a silent anger type for sure. just seethes quietly. hello, consequences of spending time in an environment where you have no actual outlet for your anger + must simply sit there and Stew.
20. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
again, When He’s Of Sound Mind, no. the man’s got a big heart and life’s too short to be petty
21. Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
hitting him with the autism beam bc I can. I do also think he’s lost at least partial use of his arm in a Boromir Lives scenario, considering where the first arrow struck him
22. What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
HMMM neutral good. he’s not chaotic enough to be.. chaotic (lol), and I think he’s too willing to go against Gondorian Popular Opinion to be lawful.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
HMMMMM pain, actually. or “weakness.” I think if he can quantify it in his head as “showing weakness” then it’s getting stuffed in a mental box and Not Addressed
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
ok well. None. I think with his circumstances he had zero choice in his path. HOWEVER. I am deeply DEEPLY fond of Boromir learning how to play an instrument after the war ends. I STILL struggle to blow my wassail horn that shit takes SKILL that I do not currently have and Boromir was the BEST at blowing his horn?????? I think he deserves to learn how to play an instrument, esp bc Aragorn, Merry and Pippin would ALL be delighted to have Boromir play while they sing. Boromir learning hobbit folk songs????? Rohirric songs, to honor Théodred?? yeagh.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
HES SO. FUNDAMENTALLY LOVING. love is such a core aspect of his character he is so wholly loving that the ring has NO CHOICE but to try to twist that love. bc it’s all Boromir has. love. im going to throw up abt him.
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
has he ever BEEN completely alone? mm, no. has he ever felt that isolated? I think absolutely, by the time the fellowship leaves Caras Galadhon. obviously he doesn’t deal with it well el oh el.
as for how he acts when no one’s around to see him… I don’t think much changes, tbh. he’s not the kind of man to Perform for anyone except his father, and then with the express purpose of placating the man and keeping his ire towards Faramir to a minimum
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
been betrayed? hm. truthfully, no, though I’m certain he felt betrayed by Aragorn’s reluctance to be anything resembling a king.
has He betrayed someone? Technically Yes, though again, if we apply the qualifier of “When He’s Of Sound Mind” the answer is no. his betrayal comes under the influence of a Malicious Magical Artifact Which Has Been Fucking With His Mind For Months, so.
bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
ooo, hm. I think not, actually, though it is a fun little idea for angst
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
gestures wildly at canon. I mean that’s his lowest. we’ve all seen it.
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
again, canon— to see his people safe. he’s very open with that desire, lol
failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
AH. canon again. though what he does to move past it… mm. quite a lot of atonement, I think. perhaps of the self-destructive, working-himself-too-hard variety. I do think speaking with Faramir about *his* experience with the ring would help, because Boromir is the first to hold Faramir up as this sort of paragon of Goodness. so I think to know *Faramir* was tempted would help him better ground his experiences as, like…. Not A Deep Moral Failure Exclusive To Himself
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
ehehe. this is one thing I’ve touched on in a Faramir-centric fic, but the idea that the ring showed Boromir visions of Faramir dying at Denethor’s hand should he fail to return with the ring.
had Boromir lived to discover Denethor had nearly burned Faramir alive…… Mmmm. mmmmmmmm.
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
worst possible? if he’d actually managed to claim the ring. I shan’t elaborate -_-
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
MM. his own actions. dead friends, dead loved ones. though if you mean literally, haunts him, I do like to think that Théodred’s Oðr pays Boromir a visit every now and again
guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
see above. handles it?? mm. atonement, again. direct action. he accepts it and does what he can to make it right
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
HATE? Orcs, probably. Sauron. that tentacle motherfucker outside Moria. he’s not a hateful man, so. shrugs.
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
that ended badly in the interpersonal sense? mm, unlikely. more ended badly in the “somebody fucking died” sense.
I do think he had One (1) fledgling romance in Dol Amroth that ended with the other squire dying and that was sort of the catalyst for “ah. If I love people they’ll Probably Die, so maybe I won’t do that” baggage that he didn’t really unpack until, I think, Théodred. add the additional layers of Denethor Being Denethor and Boromir having such great standards to live up to…. with all the love in my heart, that relationship only happened bc Théodred saw Boromir, went “I need to fuck that Gondorian so bad it makes me look stupid” and proceeded to work his way through 1700 layers of gondorian mental bullshit just so he could suck some dick (me too bestie)
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
hm. my first instinct is to say “not much” but ultimately I think he’d hide anything he can quantify as “weakness.” his own distress, any physical pain if he needs to be up and moving, etc. he’s only able to share that earnest moment with Aragorn in Caras Galadhon bc of Galadriel’s influence. he’s not used to being seen. so, if there is sth that would hold him back from fulfilling his duty as a soldier it is absolutely getting hidden/ignored.
hunt: Who or what is your OC hunted by? A person, a feeling, a past mistake? Is your OC able to let their guard down, or are they constantly alert?
hm. not necessarily Hunted, but I do think he is followed by Denethor’s expectations. it’s sth I’ve talked abt in another ask + that I go into in the costuming doc but such a key element of Denethor’s design is his son’s motifs but Richer, Grander. so… I do think Boromir is constantly alert of, like, how his father will perceive him, bc there is this very insidious sort of competition, this need for Denethor to show his sons up (whether a conscious need or not). and I do think that would weigh on Boromir quite heavily
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
mm again I think he only really wears a mask/performs for Denethor. anyone else would be too much effort for too little reward. at least if he plays Golden Son for his father, it keeps Faramir from being harassed as much
however, as for who gets to see him when he’s.. not just unmasked but actually RELAXED… Faramir, his uncle and cousins, Théodred, Aragorn, the others in the fellowship but particularly Merry and Pippin
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
does he have nightmares? oh definitely. what he does in the small hours of the night? depends. if he’s on campaign/traveling/otherwise away from Minas Tirith he will either lay there in his bedroll and Think (bad) or get up and write letters. depends entirely on where he’s stationed/who he’s with. if he Is at home in Minas Tirith, I expect he just goes for a walk + looks at the sky
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
I think I’ve pretty much answered all of this above, so skfjsjdh
monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
nah, he’s not ❤️‍🩹
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
answered w midnight for the most part— I’ll just add that no, he wouldn’t really talk about his nightmares. that requires showing vulnerability lol. I think Théodred and Aragorn are the only two who could coax him into speaking about his nightmares/fears (he wouldn’t want to burden Faramir with such nonsense)
pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
answered sorta (yes he has a high pain tolerance) but worst pain? gonna go with three orc arrows to the chest
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
HMMMM again I don’t think there are many secrets. I do think if Denethor found out he liked men it would be disastrous
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
hm. I think he’s generally at ease with himself, or at least content with Not Thinking About These Things. I think, had he directly survived the arrows, he would have to grapple with like. the idea that he did prove Aragorn’s fears about men correct (whether Aragorn would agree with him or not)
torture: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
Four Months Of Slow Mental Degradation Due To An Accursed Magical Artifact!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
(no he wouldn’t torture anyone else)
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
hm. He would say mostly physical wounds. I’d argue a mix of both. he’ll accept as much care as he needs to stay on his feet and fighting. worst wound is definitely still arrows lol
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Can Anybody See Me? Part 11
This one is a bit angsty. Steve has a panic attack, so if that bothers you, you can skip it. It’s just a soft interlude with Eddie and Steve. And of course a bit recreational drug use. Also every school needs an urban legend or ghost story.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Steve loved drama and the play. He did not love his pottery class. The teacher Mr Lovett had taken an instant dislike to the fact that Steve had joined his class half way through the first semester and therefore missed all the fundamentals.
And worse Mrs Hall refused to let him change it at the start of the new semester. So he was stuck in a class he knew nothing about, where the teacher hated him, the other students ignored him, and he was pretty sure he was failing.
“Look,” Steve told Mrs Hall. “I just want to know if I fail pottery if I’m still going to graduate. That’s it and then I will be out of your hair until graduation. I swear it.”
Mrs Hall sighed and went looking through her file on him, clicking her tongue as she thumbed through his transcripts.
“If pass all your other classes and get above a C+ in drama, you should still graduate,” she said after several minutes of cold silence.
Steve sighed in relief. Those involved with the play were given automatic passing grades, so as long he did the other assignments, he was on track to graduate.
“Thank you, Mrs Hall.”
He stood up and began to walk to the door when she called out to him.
“Mr Harrington,” Mrs Hall said, “I know boys will do whatever they want, but please stay away from Edmond Munson. That boy and his little cult of Satanic worshiping D&D lovers will only cause you further ostracization of your peers.”
Steve blinked. “I beg your pardon, ma’am, but before Eddie took me under his wing, I was friendless and alone”
Mrs Hall tutted. “Better to be friendless and alone than to be caught up in a cult.”
He frowned in confusion and hurt. “Are you going to tell my parents?”
“I should,” she sneered. “But I could get into a lot of trouble if I do, so I will stay out of it. You only have a few more months of school anyway. But know that I will keep my eyes on you.” She wagged her finger at him and then shooed him away.
Steve ran to the bathroom and slammed the stall door shut. He forced himself to breathe like Eddie taught him, but he couldn’t get his breath under control. He heard someone enter and start pissing.
Steve tried to keep quiet but his breathing made it hard. There was the sound of running water and suddenly he couldn’t hear anything else. It was like water rushing around his head. He let out a strangled cry, thinking that whoever was out there had gone.
But he was wrong.
“Hey, is there someone in here?” Eddie asked.
Steve let out another sob but this time in relief.
“Steve?” Eddie whispered.
He tried to get a word out, but all that came was wordless gurgling.
Steve could hear Eddie run out the door and the relief he felt crumbled to dust. He started sobbing and couldn’t stop.
“Steve?” Eddie’s voice came again. “Hey, sweetheart, can you open the door for me?”
Steve struggled for a moment or two before he managed to get the door latch free for the door swing open. He stumbled out, right into Eddie’s arms.
Eddie managed to keep them upright but barely. “Holy shit, are you okay?”
Steve shook his head.
“Hey, hey,” Eddie cooed. “I’ve gotcha, big boy.” He led them over them to sit on the floor.
“Aren’t you worried someone’s gonna come in?” Steve asked after a moment of just sitting in silence.
“Nah!” Eddie said with a grin. “I put out the ‘Out of Order’ sign. We’ll be good for a while.”
Steve frowned for a moment. “So that’s where you ran off to.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow and then the other shot up to join it. “Did you think that I ran out on you?”
Steve curled in on himself. “Everyone else does.”
“Except your kids,” Eddie pointed out. “And except me. Okay?” He put his arm around him and drew him close. “You want to talk about what happened just now?”
“I had my meeting with Mrs Hall,” Steve mumbled.
“Yeah?” Eddie said. “She let you out of pottery?”
Steve shook his head. “She still refuses. I think she’s in cahoots with Mr Lovett to my senior year as miserable as possible.”
Eddie tucked Steve’s head under his chin. “That’s just bullshit, sweetheart. I’m sorry this year has been so bad for you.”
Steve was quiet for a moment. He raised his head to look Eddie in the eye. “And then she had the gall to suggest that being friends with you was worse than being alone.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “She did what?”
Steve nodded. “If it didn’t mean detention and the possibility of not being able to graduate on time, I would have told her fuck off.”
Eddie kissed the top of Steve’s head. “I am a bad influence on you, you know.”
Steve chuckled. “Don’t care. I think you and your friends were the first people to like me for me instead of the Harrington name.”
Eddie grinned. “What the matter, Stevie? Don’t like being a Harrington?”
He shook his head. “Hell no, I’d change if I could.”
“How about Munson?” Eddie teased.
Steve laughed out right. “I think you skipped twelve steps there. At least buy me dinner first.”
Eddie blushed as Steve lowered his head on his shoulder and sighed.
“I should get back to class,” he murmured, “but I don’t think I can face other people right now.”
“So don’t,” Eddie said, standing up. He pulled Steve to his feet. “Come on, you and I are playing hooky!”
“Eddie!” Steve laughed, but let him pull him along.
They got out to Eddie’s van, breathless and giggling.
“Where to?” Steve asked as he yanked open the passenger side door.
Eddie just grinned. “I know just the place.”
They started driving and Steve could feel the weight of the world lift from his shoulders the farther they got from the high school.
“Thanks for the assist, Eds,” he said softly. “It’s nice knowing people care.”
Eddie shook his head. “Don’t thank me for being a decent human being, man. It’s embarrassing.”
Steve laughed. “Still a nice feeling.”
They drove the rest of the way in silence. They got out to Lover’s Lake and to a nice boat house.
“I know the owner,” Eddie said. “So sometimes I like to come out here and think. Just look at the water and let it take away all my troubles.”
Steve sat there and listened to the wind on the water.
Eddie pulled out a pack of cigarettes from somewhere. “You smoke?”
Steve nodded and took one off of him.
Eddie patted his coat and pants, cigarette dangling from his lips. “Shit. I think I left my lighter out in the van.”
Steve dug into his pocket and pulled out his Zippo. He lit Eddie’s cigarette first and then his own.
“Thanks, man,” Eddie said.
Steve shrugged. “Not a problem. You provided the smoke, I provided the light.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “Fair enough.”
They sat there in comfortable silence for a while.
“You know, it’s forced conformity that made Mrs Hall who she is,” Eddie said.
“What’s that?” Steve asked.
“You must have missed some of my table rants, then.”
Steve shook his head. “I try not stare at pretty boys when they’re drawing attention to themselves. It makes the whole not straight thing a little more obvious. Especially since that was something I knew wasn’t what straight boys did.”
Eddie leaned into his space. “You think I’m pretty, Harrington?”
Steve fobbed him off with his elbow. “You know you are, man. You don’t need me to say it.”
“Joke’s on you, pretty boy,” Eddie cooed. “Flattery works on me.”
Steve blushed and ducked his head. “Duly noted.”
Eddie cackled.
After they finished their cigarettes, Eddie went digging around the boat house.
“Ah ha!” he said triumphantly, holding up a bag of weed. “You partake, Stevie?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “I have been to a Tommy H party at least once or twice in my life.”
“Ahhh...” Eddie sighed happily. “One of my best customers.”
Steve giggled. “You got any papers to roll or are we just going to light it on fire and try to get high on the fumes?”
Eddie laughed. He tossed Steve the bag and continued to dig around some more. He pulled out another prize with a “Eureka!”
He shows the bong to Steve with a feral grin.
“Yeah, okay,” Steve said a startled laugh. “That works.”
They passed it back and forth, slowly getting high.
“So what’s forced conformity?” Steve asked after a few minutes.
Eddie hummed and then said, “Oh. It’s this theory I have. Parents, teachers, school counselors trying to force kids into specific boxes. Skinny, scrably kid? Must be a nerd and likes science. Only the kid hates science and math. Maybe he likes art and music. Something that schools are always trying to get rid of by the way. When there are budget cuts, those are always, always the first to be axed.
“Music is also something that is hotly contested. Don’t talk about sex or drugs or even feeling sad, really. Stay in the correct societal lines. No jazz or rock or metal. Just country or pop. Even though those two genres would be nothing without the jazz or blues. Black people’s music...”
Eddie continued to rant as Steve watched him wave his hands around in obvious enthusiasm.
“Does that make sense?” he said after a long time.
Steve who had been mildly buzzed throughout the whole thing nodded. “I think so. And I think...” he frowned. He looked up at Eddie with shining eyes and quivering lip. “I don’t know what I am. Sexually, I mean.”
Eddie sat up. “You don’t have to decide anything right now. You clearly are attracted to men. Does that mean that you aren’t attracted to women? Not necessarily. Like Marty likes both, but he prefers men. Uh...another person I know. They don’t go here obviously. But they prefer women. But every once in a while, they find a man that lights up their world and they go for it.” He huffed out a laugh. “Despite what the name suggests, bisexuality isn’t 50/50.”
Steve frowned. “Huh. Okay. That gives more to think about.”
Eddie shook his head. “You’re still in high school, dude. You have your whole life to figure this out.”
Steve’s answering smile was effervescent. “Thanks, Eds. For all of this today. I just needed to get out of my head for awhile.”
Eddie gave Steve’s shoulder a squeeze. “Any time, Stevie.” He stood up and dusted himself off. “Come on, I should get you back to the school to pick up your car.”
Steve nodded. “Yeah, otherwise the auto-body club will strip it for parts and leave it on concrete blocks by morning.”
Eddie laughed. “Yeah, let’s go with that.”
“It’s true!” Steve protested as he got up to follow him.
“It’s really not,” Eddie said. “It’s an urban legend.”
“Come on...” Steve said.
Eddie just shook his head and led them back to civilization.
Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17 Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21
Tag List: @shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites @garden-of-gay @anaibis @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead  @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @jinxjinn @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @dangdirtydemons @lovelyscot  @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread
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melrosing · 6 months
MBO Robert's Rebellion: Episode 10
sorry for the accidental seven month hiatus 2023 has been foul but we are back. rounding off “season 1” with Harrenhal, then I’m gonna take some time to finish mapping out what the second half of the series looks like. but have done most of that already so shouldn’t be too long?? (famous last words)
btw this one feels like the longest I’ve written so let’s just imagine it’s a movie length finale or something idk
SEASON ONE: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, Episode 7, Episode 8, Episode 9
SEASON TWO: Episode 1
title for this one: watch this age like milk when the harrenhal play reaches the stage
We find a slight, almost sickly looking young man in a green cloak, stepping delicately around the roots of a woodland - he looks a bit lost. Suddenly the sound of hooves as a young girl races through the trees crying with laughter, followed shortly by her three brothers, all ahorse. Seeing the young man on foot, the girl circles back and asks if he’s looking for the tourney of Harrenhal; the young man says that he is, but he’s lost his way. Brandon Stark, joining them, notes that this is Howland Reed, of a house sworn to House Stark - he should join their train. On cue the vast Stark train emerges through the trees
Panning through the trees, we now overlook a valley in which vast numbers can be seen travelling towards an immense castle in the distance. Howland how the fuck did you miss that 
Opening creds
Aerys in his covered litter, travels through the gates of Harrenhal; Varys sits opposite him, watching passersby with interest. They hadn’t thought he’d come, Aerys tells Varys, but Rhaegar isn’t king yet, so why should he take the limelight etc. Varys agrees, noting it’s conspicuous that Lord Whent should have such vast sums as to host a tourney such as this - and leaves the rest to Aerys’ imagination. Varys then notes the absence of Tywin Lannister, who spurned the tourney that would invest Jaime into the Kingsguard; Aerys notes he has his eye on Tywin, too
Aerys steps out of his litter to applause from the assembled lords and ladies. He scrutinises them all. Rhaegar emerges shortly afterwards on horseback, and the cheers are twice as loud. Behind him, Ser Lewyn Martell helps Elia from a litter, shortly joined by Rhaegar; Rhaegar enquires after Elia first, then the baby - she is with child again, but it seems to be taking a toll. Oberyn Martell rides up to scowl at Rhaegar and take his sister’s arm
In Lyanna’s room at Harrenhal, where we find her elbowing Benjen out the door. As soon as she’s alone, she pulls a chest from under her bed, opening it to reveal a sword and armour. She picks up the helmet and considers it
A feast @ Harrenhal. Elia has taken to bed after her travels, so Rhaegar attends alone. He’s got his harp out again and sings a sad, slow song (does he know any others lol). Lyanna, sat at a nearby bench, weeps to hear it - it seems to strike her more than anyone in the room, though even she seems unsure why. Rhaegar looks up and meets her eyes. Just as they do so, Benjen Stark starts cackling at Lyanna’s tears, and Lyanna upends a flagon over his head
DANCING 🕺🏼 💃🏻 Ashara Dayne sits talking to her brother Arthur, whilst Ned looks on wistfully. Refusing Brandon’s urges to ask her to dance, Brandon decides to ask Ashara on his behalf and some spark passes between them etc etc it’s like that scene from Hamilton in which Ashara Dayne is founding father Alexander Hamilton. from now on please picture Lin Manuel Miranda as Ashara Dayne
Ashara, smiling at Brandon’s request, agrees to dance with Ned, and talks sweetly to him as they turn about the floor; however, it does not escape Ned that Ashara’s gaze often fixes on Brandon :/
Aerys with Barristan Selmy, watching the floor. He asks Barristan what he thinks of Jaime Lannister, soon to be a brother of the Kingsguard. Barristan thinks Jaime’s too young and naïve for such duty - and this boy does not look to him like a young Tywin Lannister. Unfortunately that was exactly what Aerys wanted to hear so you fucked that up Barry
Meanwhile, Elia sits with her brother Oberyn, unable to manage much food. Oberyn, worried, says he’ll fetch Rhaegar. Elia says there’s little point: the prince is always so distracted of late, hardly seems to see what’s right in front of him. Oberyn looks furious, and Elia, regretting she said anything, says there’s little and less she wants of Rhaegar - he plays for Rhaenys sometimes, but he’s no comfort to her, and she suspects she’s little to him. Whatever is going through that guy’s head, Elia can never coax him to share it. Elia tells Oberyn that he, on the other hand, is plenty of comfort to her, and should tell her something to make her laugh
Jaime gets his main character moment; Aerys summons him to the front of the hall. Jaime has accumulated some misgivings about this whole venture in recent weeks, but they fall away as he approaches the Kingsguard. Arthur Dayne watches on, expression inscrutable. Gerold Hightower swears Jaime in, and there’s a big ole cheer: Jaime beams, and for a moment he feels like a hero. Aerys beams as well until the crowd starts chanting ‘the young lion’. Well shit he’s just invested Tywin Lannister’s son hasn’t he. Aerys exits the hall and gnawing at his fucked up fingernails with Varys watching on
Drinking outside Harrenhal; Howland Reed is wandering about trying to find a meal. Three squires approach him angling for a fight, and begin to deliver blows when Howland won’t rise to the occasion. THEN! The Starks arrive led by Lyanna, who tackles the squires herself. The squires flee and Lyanna declares that Howland should stay in their quarters
Meanwhile, the King summons Jaime. Jaime arrives looking buzzed from all the attention and adulation, but Aerys looks less than pleased. Aerys asks Jaime to swear again he would die for his king, will he always obey? Jaime, perturbed, agrees he would. Aerys looks unconvinced, and after a moment, orders Jaime to King’s Landing to watch over Rhaella and Viserys. Jaime attempts to argue, but Aerys demands again that Jaime swear he would always obey. Jaime is forced to swear again, and abandon the tourney. Aerys tells Ser Gerold Hightower he doesn’t like the look of insolence in the boy’s eyes. Ser Gerold says he’s only a kid, and anyway he’d be happy to trade places with Jaime?? Aerys declines, wishes to teach Tywin Lannister’s son the humility his father never knew
In the Starks’ quarters with Howland. Lyanna inexpertly wraps a bandage about Howland’s injured arm; Benjen tells her she’s doing a shit job, Lyanna challenges him to do better. Brandon tells Howland he ought to learn to defend himself, and Lyanna tells him not everyone can - that’s what knights are for. Brandon tells Howland that Lyanna fancies herself a knight: Ned adds she might be better at swordplay than Brandon himself. Brandon seems surprised at this minor insolence from Ned of all people. Ofc, Ned is still smarting at what he saw between Brandon and Ashara
Jaime Lannister riding alone down the dark Kingsroad, looking more like a hedge knight than a member of the kingsguard. Reduced to angry tears, he shouts out into the dark in rage
NEXT MORNING! Tourney scenes!! Like that S1E1 joust scene from HOTD except without the ridiculous levels of gore lmao. We find Robert in the stands, still flushed from his own jousts, sat beside the Stark men. Robert has his Estermont cousin on his other arm, but asks Ned where he might find Lyanna. Ned says they’ve not seen their sister since the night before. Robert says they ought to keep an eye on his betrothed with so many men about; Richard Lonmouth, Robert’s drinking partner (yeah I forgot this guy existed too), leans over to suggest it’s Brandon they might keep an eye on instead - word’s got around he’d been wandering about the castle last night… Ned looks to Brandon, and Brandon won’t look back
Suddenly, some murmuring: a mystery knight has arrived!! Their armour is mismatched, sporting a weirwood tree, and they’re on the short side: a few laughs. Ned chews his lip - we can see right away that he knows who this is, and now we know too. Tense moment as the Knight of the Laughing Tree jousts, surprise (and Ned’s sheer relief) as they win almost effortlessly. Richard Lonmouth says he’ll place a bet on the Knight of the Laughing Tree’s next joust, Robert decides to bet against him 
Some kind of montage of the KOTLT’s various jousts. At one point, they’re almost knocked from their horse, and they cry out. Ned jolts in panic, and Rhaegar’s head swings up - has he clocked who this is as well??? KOTLT recovers, and wins the joust. Aerys looking on, perturbed - has Tywin’s son returned is mismatched armour to spite him? Ser Gerold is sure that Ser Jaime is taller, but Aerys is already full on pizzagate on this notion, wants to seize KOTLT. Varys, at his side, advises he does not - look how pleased everyone is by this mystery knight. Not great PR for the crown to just grab the guy
Final joust. The Knight of the Laughing Tree demands to joust one of the champions of the previous day, i.e. one of Howland’s tormentors. Suitable tension etc, and the KOTLT wins comfortably. Robert groans, now deep in debt to Richard Lonmouth. The commons doing some kind of Masked Singer chant for the KOTLT to de-mask. Robert is descending the steps insisting he’ll do it himself. Ned panics, trying to grab his arm, when suddenly!!! Rhaegar stands up in the royal box (or whatever idk) to say something about tonight’s feast or whatever, and amidst the distraction, the KOTLT darts off behind the stands
It’s night. Lyanna has ridden into the woods, and removes the last of her KOTLT armour beneath the trees, grinning to herself. Then: cliché twig snap in the background someone’s followed her oh no!! Lyanna draws her sword - whoever it is has seen how she can fight, so she advises they don’t try her. Rhaegar emerges, and agrees that he has - though he’d be eager to see if they were a match for one another some other day. He notes that she’s the Stark girl; Lyanna says she’s not. Rhaegar laughs - it’s the first time we’ve seen him do so. Lyanna frowns and says she knows who he is. Rhaegar says he supposes no introductions are necessary then
Back at Harrenhal: another fuckin dance. Robert wants to ask Lyanna for a dance, but Ned has no idea where she is - he’s worried now, and suggests to Brandon they ought to go look for her. Brandon seems to be searching for someone else, agrees he’ll come look for Lyanna later. Meanwhile, Aerys is looking for his goddamn son where is that freaky kid. Robert meanwhile grabs at a serving woman
Back with Lyanna and Rhaegar. Lyanna wants to know why Rhaegar followed her. Rhaegar says she heard his song. Lyanna says everyone heard his stupid song. Rhaegar says no, you heard it. Lyanna like right ok whatever that’s supposed to mean. But she’s intrigued. She changes the subject, says she understands he fights well - why don’t they test each other now? Rhaegar tells her he didn’t bring a sword. Lyanna says that was stupid. Long look between them, sizing each other up
Quiet scenes over Harrenhal….. cut to Brandon and Ned in the halls of the Stark quarters preparing to raise the alarm for their missing sister. Perfect timing, Lyanna’s back whey. Brandon demands to know where she’s been. Lyanna says walking. Brandon scolds her, reminding her that a young woman should not be wandering in the dark unaccounted for!! Lyanna counters ‘and supposedly it’s fine for you to do the same?’, storms off to her room. oooo
Rhaegar returns to his room with Elia. She has not slept, and sits at the window reading. She does not ask him where he’s been. After a long period of silence, Rhaegar asks if she is well, and Elia answers monotonously that she is fine. Rhaegar asks after the child. Elia doesn't answer
FOLLOWING AFTERNOON: final joust!! Rhaegar jousts Arthur Dayne, and it’s suitably tense. Imagine a joust in ur head i’m not gonna write it. Ashara Dayne has joined the Starks in the stands, and cries for her brother’s victory. Brandon laughs and drinks to that. Lyanna looks tense, and Ned looks at her questioningly. Ofc Rhaegar ultimately wins, and Lyanna jumps for joy. Benjen tries to rib her, but she’s not paying attention this time. Applause is deafening all around them
Aerys spitting in the stands. This tourney was Rhaegar’s idea, he knows it, he’ll get to the bottom of it etc - no-one is listening.
Rhaegar is named the winner back on the ground to great applause, and is presented with a crown for his Queen of Love & Beauty. He stares at it for a long moment, like he’s unsure what to do w it
We find Elia in the stands, waiting for Rhaegar to turn to her with the crown. But Rhaegar seems to be searching the stands for someone else. Confused, Elia rises shakily to her feet to draw his attention (surely he knows where to find her).... just as Rhaegar finds the Stark girl in the audience. The crowd’s cheers go quiet, and Oberyn rises to stand beside Elia. Men have risen around Lyanna as well, daring Rhaegar to do what he seems about to
Rhaegar offers Lyanna the crown on the point of his joust, and Lyanna, looking flabbergasted, takes it in her hands
season one done we did it joe
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