#40s!steve rogers x woc!reader
fushic0re · 1 year
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 — thanks to the super soldier serum, steve gets to appreciate your body in a way he never had before.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 — 18+ ONLY; MDNI. porn without plot. smut: penetrative sex, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, creampie, copious amounts of cum bc i’m disgusting, pussy drunk steve.
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PUFFS OF AIR TICKLED your ear as sharp exhales left your lover’s body.
You too felt as if the oxygen had been drawn outside of your tiny little room in your shared Brooklyn apartment. You were lightheaded as Steve vigorously thrusted in and out of your cunt, the newfound heaviness from him and the heat radiating from his body still an unfamiliar furor to you. His hands were significantly bigger and meatier, able to engulf both of your wrists in one and pin them above your head. His chest was broader and fuller, the wall of muscle fiercely protecting the thumping heart that lay beneath it. His legs were longer and robust, never faltering despite the immense pleasure he felt while he was inside of you. And those arms. The arms that held you every night were large and burly. Nonetheless, they were feelings you welcomed with
He was still your Steve.
You knew he was when he removed his dewy face from the crook of your neck and stared right through your soul with those crystalline eyes. He gazed at you like a man seeing the sun for the first time. And perhaps he was. With his newfangled heightened senses, Steve could now view your beauty without interference. You resembled Aphrodite reincarnated as you lay underneath him, features twisted into an expression of pure ecstasy. Your skin glowed in the candle light exquisitely, the tiny beads of sweat resembling tiny crystals shimmering against you. You were something straight out of a renaissance painting. Only no one else would see you like this, needy and wanton. Just him.
Like a shark sniffing out blood in the ocean, all rational parts of his brain shut down as his nose picked up the barest waft of your arousal. His jaw clenched as his pupils dilated. Steve’s clear-water ocean blues now donned a deeper shade, the kind of blue that made you fear what lurked below the undiscovered waters.  
“Fuck,” Steve groaned, his eyes involuntarily rolling to the back of his skull as your velvety walls squeezed his member when the tip of it hit a particular spot within you. “Fuck, sweetheart, I can smell you.”
A part of you felt embarrassed for a brief moment, the overly self-conscious part of you snapping you out of your trance. But then you looked up and were met with the sight of the love of your life plowing into you anomalistically, looking the most feral you had ever seen the golden boy look through the entirety of you knowing him. His gilded locks were a mess, pieces sticking to his sweat covered forehead. His head was slightly bowed, shoulders hunched as he slowly began to lose control.
“You feel so fucking good, baby,” Steve whispered. “I didn’t think you could even feel any better—”
Releasing your hands from his vice grip, he grabbed hold of your hips for purchase. You could feel your delicate skin bruising under the pads of his fingers. Your Steve was not fully cognizant of his strength quite yet, you knew he could never leave a single mark on your body unless you begged for it. Yet, you cared not. His ferociousness was unleashing something within you. You liked watching him lose control in his new body of his that defied limitations. You were experiencing all of these newfound sensations right alongside him.
Your body jerked violently against the bed from the force behind each impel. With a sharp gasp followed by a string of pornographic, staccato cries, you outstretched your arms to pull him to you. Your vermillion varnished nails sunk into the meat of his back as he pressed his forehead to yours.
“Look at me, Stevie,” You begged, swollen lips brushing against his. “Please.”
As if he was under your spell, his eyes snapped open to meet yours. A small whimper escaped his lips, his eyes falling shut for just a split second before he forced them open again, unable to look away from you for the life of him.
“I can see you,” He breathed in awe, eyed widening. “Holy shit, I can really see you.” His gaze trailed your body before finding its way back up to your face. “You’re so fucking beautiful, sweetheart. The prettiest thing I have ever seen. Look how well you take me.”
It was your turn to whimper, his honeyed praises and the precision of his thrusts a deadly combination. Steve was right there with you. His nerves felt like they were on fire in the best way possible. Every vein on his cock was hypersensitive, highly receptive to every drag against your walls. He crashed his lips against yours as he lost control, shooting his load inside of you. Your own reverie hit you like a bus the second the first rope of cum painted your cavern. You mewled into his mouth, embracing him tightly as you felt his large body tremble. His moans turned into deep, guttural growls as he fucked his spent into you. Steve’s body fell forward weakly, his muscles turning into jelly as your pussy twitched around him.
With another growl and wave of trembles, he came once more. He sloppily continued to pump himself in and out of you, creating a mess where you were adjoined.
"Stevie,” You murmured, pressing kisses against his shoulders, chest, and neck as he came down from his high.
He went completely lax against you, resting his head on your chest as he wrapped his arms around you. With an ear flushed against your bosom, he listened to the sound of your heart with a clarity he never thought was possible. It was his new favorite song. Once its rampant pounding reached a ritardando, he lifted his head. His own heart swelled as he admired you in your afterglow. You belonged in the Sistine Chapel to be rightfully worshipped. Or perhaps in a Greek mythology book.
And yet, here you remained. With him.
Your eyes met his, and the two of you giggled in shock and disbelief. You nuzzled your nose against his before kissing him sweetly.
“This…This isn’t throwing you off?” Steve asked innocently.
You could not believe he had the sheer audacity to even ask you that after what had just occurred, but he wouldn’t be Steve if he didn’t. That was all the confirmation you needed.
“You’ll always be my Stevie.”
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© all rights reserved to honeystevie
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Ivonne’s Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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Imagine Steve & Bucky watching you dance
Imagine giving Bucky a gift for Christmas
Imagine Bucky not wanting to leave you behind
Imagine running away with Bucky
Imagine Bucky racing to get to you
Imagine coming home drunk with Bucky
Imagine being Steve and Bucky’s new general
Imagine Fury sending Bucky to watch over you
Imagine tending to Bucky’s wound
Imagine Bucky trying your mom’s pozole for the first time
Imagine Bucky baking in your kitchen
Imagine being on a mission with Steve & Bucky
Imagine going to the museum with Bucky
Imagine Bucky seeing you with someone else
Imagine belonging to Bucky
Imagine seeing Bucky again
Imagine Bucky walking in on you in the bathroom
Imagine having to arrest Bucky
Imagine comforting Bucky
Imagine being with Bucky & Steve
Imagine saving Bucky
Imagine waking up Bucky and Steve after a mission
Imagine Steve & Bucky protecting you
Imagine Bucky worrying about you
Imagine running away with Bucky
Pinkie Promise : Bucky x Reader: A stolen kiss.
Her Eyes:  Summary: A mission left you clinging to alcohol as a coping mechanism and the team wants you to get help.
One Day Again: Bucky x Reader : Bucky makes you a promise he intends to keep.
She Wasn’t : You go to meet your best friend Bucky at a local dive bar for a few drinks. What you didn’t expect was to run into someone from your past. Will Bucky be the one to help you get through it all? And give you that push you need? Not to mention those hidden feelings the two of you harbored for each other.
Over the Rainbow : You take Bucky out on a surprise romantic outing.
Deserving: Bucky tries to show you how much he loves you through his actions.
Cool Against Warm: Summary: Bucky and you are taking a train to meet the others for dinner, encountering a young couple who were heavy on PDA.
Glance: 40′s!Bucky x WOC!Reader:  A trip to Stark Expo leads you to an interesting encounter.
One Last Night in Brooklyn : 40′!Bucky x Reader: Bucky and you spend a night together before the two of you go off to different places.
An Interview: You are paired with Bucky for an interview
The Green One: You patch up Bucky’s jacket
Tall Glass of Milk: Bucky x African-American!Reader: Steve tells you Bucky’s likes you
Green Light:  After two years together, it’s time to end things with Bucky.
Not Even Close: Bucky x Male!Reader:  You go to meet your boyfriend’s friends.
Getting Some: You and Bucky text while he’s out with the boys
Love: SMUT
Hands Tie:  Finding love in all the wrong places.
Plain to See:  Natasha realizes Bucky still isn’t over you and Sam is there to set her straight.
Not Another Day:  Bucky tries to convince you he’s serious about his feelings - you think he’s just drunk.
The Jackpot:  Sometimes people can forgive, but forgetting is an entirely different story.
Focused:  After losing control of your abilities on a mission, Bucky has some harsh words that he later regrets.
Assembling:  You finally see your old team again after two years
Bucky Barnes x Original Characters
Welcome to Brooklyn: Bucky x OFC:  Jasmine is visiting NYC with a friend and there’s only one place she really want to visit. Part 1 Part 2
Chocolate cake & a message:  Can Bucky Barnes tell his best friend that he loves her?
Babe, I’m Home : Bucky comes hone after a long mission
Feel So Close: Steve Rogers has a mission for you - help him find his old friend, Bucky. masterlist - ongoing
What We Did:  After finding out you were pregnant, Bucky agrees to help you leave the hero life. The two of you go to Seattle, and hamper down for six months until you start dreaming of a certain someone. Convinced the dreams are a sign, you and Bucky go back to New York. Will everyone be happy to see the pair of you? What questions will they have? And will the lie Bucky and you made up finally resurface? Masterlist - ongoing
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chrysolina · 6 years
Could you please pretty please do a head canon with Steve Rogers x WOC!Reader in which at first the reader is (understandably) wary and a bit stand-off-ish of Steve because she knows history (duh) and Steve is shocked to find out the bigotry that Reader and other POC and LGBT+ people still face but maybe they have a heart to heart?
Thank you so much for the ask anon! I hope I do this justice for you or any reader of colour or suffer homophobic issues today ):
Unlike Natasha and Clint, you were introduced into SHIELD by your father and Nick Fury in its pre-avenger times and play a massive role as a highly trained spy-come-assassin.
Due to the nature of your work, you had come to learn how to ignore sexual slurs spat at your by captured gang members but that doesn’t mean you don’t acknowledge they’re there.
Before your father got you into SHIELD’s ranks, you were a regular high school student studying chemistry, sociology and history - or whatever courses you want.
History was your all time favourite, regardless of how often you were taught of the awful racism and homophobia that occurred in the 1920’s to 1940’s.
It wasn’t until you actually saw these racist and homophobic stereotypes and slurs during your time in SHIELD you actually understood the severity of the issues, and thus became a bit more on-edge around people.
To your shock, you were assigned to look after and teach the fresh-out-of-the-ice Captain America. It was a great honour sure but the stuff you got taught in history still lingered in the backs of your mind.
Yes, Steve didn’t get affected by the rigid racism in America back in the 1920’s to 40’s but that didn’t mean he didn’t know what it felt like to be judged on only your appearance for nearly everything.
Due to the severity of the issue, no man - or woman - dared to do anything with a slight homosexual manner after seeing what’d happen to them. (Murders, excommunication, segregated etc)
Nor did he stand for the racism or homophobia that went unnoticed in the modern day when he woke up.
So when you taught him everything about the modern day world - on his request - he was undeniably shocked by the racism (and homophobia) someone like yourself faces daily. (Eg: ‘the glass roof’, police brutality, gang violence etc)
It was after a few lessons and once you got comfortable with him you confessed that you were a little scared of what kind of morals someone of an “older” time.
You remember that day vividly. Steve just smiled sympathetically at you and said “that shield doesn’t stand for nothin’ y’know.” To which you laughed wholeheartedly in return.
You and Steve taught each other all that the two of you had to know - he taught you about the early 1900’s and you, the 21st century.
Overall, you have a wonderful friendship built on true understanding, confidence and sympathy for each other.
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40′s!Bucky x WOC!Reader
A/N: racism is heavily hinted.
Summary: A trip to Stark Expo leads you to an interesting encounter.
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You walked through the expo, ignoring any stares thrown in your direction. The Stark Expo had been opened for the entire public and you were going to take full advantage of that.
“Don’t worry,” Rose smiled over her shoulder and winked at you. “You’ll be fine, I’m with you.”
“I’m not worried,” you retorted, hiding the ounce of unsteady fear that held the pit of your stomach. Your mother had pleaded for you to be careful, told you to tread lightly, but there was absolutely no way you’d miss the chance to see Howard Stark in person.
The two of you strolled through the crowds and after a few minutes, you relaxed when you noticed other people of color in the mix - so you weren’t the only brave one. Feeling better, you went along with Rose, marveling at the different inventions until an announcement was made. The Stark showcase was going to start, so the two of you rushed over to the main stage, giggling in anticipation.
“What do you think we’ll see?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, glancing around the faces near you.
A man glared at you and you immediately turned from him, eyes landing on a pair of friendlier ones. It was a soldier in uniform, standing next to a smaller blond fella. The soldier smiled at you and you felt looked away, heart pounding against your chest. He was attractive in all the right ways, but the look in his eyes hinted of trouble.
Pure trouble.
Several brightly dressed dancers scattered onto the stage and Rose grabbed your attention. You smiled at her green eyes and the two of you held onto each other, excited for the show.
Howard Stark was a handsome, charismatic man, and the floating car had been a wild sight. You couldn’t beleive your eyes and squeezed Rose’s hand tightly.
“Can you believe that!”
“I know,” she laughed, shaking her head in disbelief.
“It’s pretty amazing, right ladies?”
A voice came from behind and the two of glanced over your shoulders. It was the soldier and his friend. Rose’s eyes widen in delight and you wanted nothing more than to run, but she turned the both of you around.
“It’s wonderful,” Rose smiled sweetly and she pulled you next to her. “I’m Rose and this is Y/N.”
The soldier’s eyes fell onto you and it felt like a surge of warmth ran all over your body. He grinned at you and held out his hand.
“I’m Bucky Barnes and this is my best friend, Steve Rogers.”
You hesitated for a moment, giving a little glance around, before taking his hand in yours.
“It’s good to meet you,” you spoke quietly, slowly pulling from his hand to turn to his friend. “It’s nice to meet you too, Steve.”
The blond gave a surprised smile, but held out his hand and shook yours with enthusiasm. It made you laugh.
“So, where are you ladies headed to? Another exhibit?”
“I can’t,” Rose sighed. “I have to babysit, but Y/N is free.”
Your head jerked in her direction and you sent her a pleading look. There was no way you could be seen walking around with them, it was trouble.
Trouble. Trouble. Trouble.
Bucky’s face lit up and he nodded. “Do you need to be walked home?”
“Oh, no,” Rose waved a hand in the air. “I will be fine, thank you, fellas. I better be going.” She pulled you by the arm, asking Bucky and Steve to give you two a second.
“You can’t leave me with them,” you argued quietly. “I don’t want to cause trouble.”
Rose placed a hand on your shoulder and smiled. “I saw the way you two looked at each other. You’ve come this far, you can’t let those bastards pull you down.”
You laughed at Rose’s use of bastard and sighed. “Brave, I have to be brave.”
“You’ve always been brave, now go have fun for a change. Ring me when you get home.”
The two of you hugged and Rose waved bye to the men. You watched her blend into the crowd, before focusing back on Steve and Bucky.
Bucky chuckled and asked if you were hungry.
“I am, but I’m sure there aren’t many places we can dine together.”
“That’s true,” Steve piped up, putting his hands in the pockets of his slacks. “We can always go over to my place.”
“Good thinking, Steve,” Buck patted his back and smiled over at you, but quickly it faded when he saw the hesitation in your face. “Is everything okay, doll?”
“Well, it’s just, I don’t think I should be going over to a stranger’s apartment.”
Steve’s eyes widen and he shook his head roughly, understanding what you meant. “No, don’t worry about it! That’s not the American way, we’re fighting Nazi’s overseas while injustice runs free in our streets!”
Bucky gave Steve a light pat on the shoulder to relax, but nodded. “What Steve’s trying to say is we don’t think that way. In fact, if anyone wants to start a fight, because you’re with us - you can bet we’d kick their asses.”
“Language,” Steve muttered and you smiled in relief, because something about the pair felt right - felt safe.
“Okay,” you took a step toward Buck and smirked. “I’d love to have dinner at Steve’s house, on one condition.”
“Anything,” Bucky responded swiftly, making Steve laugh.
“I will not be doing any of the cooking.”
It was Steve’s turn to pat his friend on the back.
“Don’t worry, Buck’s a great cook.”
“Yeah,” the soldier admitted. “And a great dancer too.”
You eyed the man curiously and when he held out his arm for you to take, you didn’t bother to glance around to see if anyone was watching.
Slipping your hand under his, you smiled at both men.
“Lead the way, fellas.”
Forever tags:  @my-amazing-nerdyness @naih-reedus @maciiiofficial @casownsmyass @jade-taillia @fangirlextraordinaire @indominusregina @feelmyroarrrr @my-rainbow-wonderland @myhopeisinfinite @girl-next-door-writes @dontbeamenacetotheforce @melonberri @superisatomboyuniverse @xloudwhocares @crownie-sr @dracsgirl @moonlight53 @makemyownwonderland @dreamwhisper87 @trekken81  @barely-emily @winterboobaer @purelittleblueberry @goodnightwife @mishaissocoollike  @stormyfandoms @foreverybodythatunderstands23 @gallifreyansass @flirtswithdanger @yana-tardis-drwho @myplaceofthingsilove   @jchona  @alyssaj23  @blackhoneybucky @urbanspacedecay @castieltrash1 @hannahsakorax3 @imagine-all-the-imagines  @motleymoose @distinguishedqueenofbooks @kitkatgaming @fizzylollipop12 @iamwarrenspeace  @darkmystress00 @lunarwolfrose  @kapolisradomthoughts @sisinia13 @swiggityswagness  @takemetoneverland91 @to-pick-ourselves-up-7 @sarah-mos @rubynationwins @padfootorionblack @kaywolves @wonderlace19 @yourxaveragexslythergit @purelittleblueberry   @courtneychicken @rayleyanns  @whatmakesmebeme-tblr @thewinterwitch @avengersgirllorianna @holywinchesterness @tatortot2701 @brewsthespirit-blog @seabasschino @barnesvogue @lame-lozer @ex-bookjunky @travelwithwords @corolux   @supernaturaldean67 @thehuntchback @shoytai @besamiculo-puto @ign-is @zuni21798
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