#911ls parallels
marjansmarwani · 1 year
Okay so if we’re comparing this to Bad Call (as we fucking should) can we talk about the fact that the moment both TK and Carlos enter the room where the other is they couldn’t care less about the criminals in the room. The only thing they care about their partner, who has been missing and is hurt and who they need to put their hands on immediately so that they know it’s real, that they’re really safe. Both of them push their way into the room, ignore whatever gun is being brandished, completely ignore their own safety because the person who matters most to them is in danger and they need to get to them.
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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911: Lone Star | Season 1 -> Season 4
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rosedavid · 1 year
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3.18  |  4.18
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reyesstrand · 1 year
something about carlos facing potentially-mortal danger at the hands of unstable women who think they know what love is, when he has the most unconditional, uncomplicated, destined love out there. something about carlos staying straight-faced and stoic and trying to use his police brain with both sadie and trudy but the moment tk is mentioned, all logic flies out the window. something about him subtly agreeing with sadie that what he and tk have is destiny; something about him realizing he might never get to talk about it again so he cracks his heart right open to trudy. something about carlos being drugged and injured and almost near-death and always reaching for tk and tk being his only concern. something about them being on the same wavelength and knowing when they’re in danger, and tk being the one to crash in and bring carlos back to him. something about only having so many moments and a love that’s inescapable and being so intertwined you share a heart and a life and everything else in between.
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trkstrnd · 1 year
i know you get deja vu…
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Here me out, I’ve got an Eddie dating other people theory here that could end up really good for us. So, if you’re keeping up with 911ls, then you’ll know that Marjan has left the 126 (temporarily) and is taking a road trip. Now according to some other synopses if the show, they’ll focus on her road trip on ls, but it was not ruled out that she could make an appearance on regular 911 in Los Angeles.
What if while Marjan is in LA she either stops by the 118 firehouse or meets them on a call that she has stepped in to help on? Her and Eddie reconnect, and because he’s trying to dip his toe back into the dating pool he asks her out on a date/to dinner. Marjan agrees and they go out. While they at dinner, Eddie is constantly talking about Chris and Buck. Marjan, who saw tbt lightning ordeal in the news asks about Buck and how Eddie was doing with the situation. He does his best to not get emotional about it, but finds a hard time trying to tell her about what he was going through when he wasn’t sure Buck was going to make it. Marjan mentions something similar happening to her friend Carlos when his partner TK - “you remember TK, right?” was in a coma. Eddie shakes off that comment. Not long later Marian asks him?, “So tell me, why are you out on a date with me and not Buck?”
Later, Eddie arrives back home - early - where Buck has been watching Chris. Chris is in his room with talking to his friends. Buck is clearly surprised he’s back so soon, and asks him about the date to which Eddie tells him, “good, but not for the reason you might think.” When asked to clarify, Eddie tells him. “There’s been something I’ve been fighting for a while, and she made me realize that I should probably just embrace it instead.” Instead of elaborating, Eddie kisses Buck right there in the kitchen. To which Buck replies with, “I’m starring to think that you should go out with Marjan more often.” And they kiss again.
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beansschool · 1 year
Found family fans really won this week, didn't we
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howlingsaturn · 1 year
if carlos repeats his "wanna dance?" line tonight i might actually ascent to heaven
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librathefangirl · 2 years
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Same energy 😂
[ID: Gif 1: TK Strand and Carlos Reyes form 9-1-1: Lone Star season 3 episode 18. TK walks towards Carlos as they talk about how they are going to tell their friends they are engaged. TK says "Or we could put a ring on your finger and you could ask them 'Does this make me look engaged?'". Gif 2: Duncan Locke and Brian Rogan from Locke & Key season 2 episode 1. They're having dinner with Duncan's family as they reveal they are engaged. Duncan says "Well, I was gonna put 'we're engaged' on a cookie cake, but the I thought that might be lame, so...". END ID]
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Yep, they went there 😂
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angeltk · 1 year
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1x01 -> 4x11
+ inspo/tags by @reyesstrand
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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911: Lone Star | Carlos "I Don't Avoid" Reyes
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lightningboltreader · 2 months
Hi Char! I’m here with three questions for you for Nice Ask Week:)
1. If you could transfer one aspect from Schitts Creek, LS, or RWRB into one of the other two that you feel they lack, what would it be? Or do you just like all three just the way they are☺️
2. If one or more of the characters from the three above mentioned were to show in one of the others, who would you put into which universe and in what situation?
3. Have you got a Tarlos headcanon that you would want to see confirmed in s5?
With well-wishes of a lovely weekend ! 🌼Mar
Hi Mar, tysm!
1. Ooh this is a hard one!! I find so many parallels between SC & 911LS that I shall cheat and add an aspect from those two to RWRB. SC and 911LS have the benefit of multiple seasons to build backstory and motivations for the characters that strengthen my understanding and affection for them, while many of Alex and Henry’s truths must be taken at face value. If given one chance, I’d add rationale for why Henry fell so in love with Alex.
2. In a universe smash I’d put a Rose Apothecary stand at the Austin Farmers Market for David & Patrick to supply several things in the Tarloft. I’ve thought up so many fun little details brainstorming my answer, thank you for this ask!
3. Ugh, I want them back and will take any Tarlos we can get in S5. I’m trying not to be greedy AND to have an open mind because S4 took. me. out. Perhaps a small one, that TK wears his wedding ring on a necklace under his uniform.
What a fun interlude between Sunday chores! ❤️
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday
Thank you for the tag @thisbuildinghasfeelings and @ladytessa74 ❤️
This week's theme is: rec a fanwork (fic, gifset, fanart, podfic - bonus points if you do multiple mediums) that made you feel warm and fuzzy inside (the 'feel good' fanwork). Tag @welcometololaland or #fic rec friday to be included in the round up.
There's so many in the warm fuzzy category - this is so hard. You're all such fluff machines.
Just A Little Longer by @bonheur-cafe.
TK and Carlos cuddle on the couch on a rainy spring day. Just the image alone is enough to turn me into a sea sponge with eyes. It's so sweet.
these moments with you by @chaotictarlos /happygowriting on Ao3
A 4x09 coda in which TK and Carlos are supremely soft - just want to get into bed and cuddle. It's lovely.
Four Suits by @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
Honestly - I could have picked anything Jamie has ever written for the warm fuzzies - but Four Suits leapt into my head. TK and Carlos go suit shopping for the wedding together and it all gets a bit much for our sweet potato Carlos.
"1.03 -> 3.08" by @3416 . Not only is it a beautiful parallel, it makes me laugh every time I see it.
"Can I say yes now?" also by @3416 . Absolutrly beautiful grainy black and white gifs of the proposal face-squish. I love it SO much.
"Text me" by @aarondingle . Mr. Afterglow himself looking like a character drawn by Disney because he's madly in love with his soulmate TK Strand.
This duo set by @whattarush of TK sleeping on Carlos' arm because I'm only human and I've been staring at this for about half an hour fuzzier than I've ever been.
The 'Wanna race?" artwork @heartstringsduet made for When Soulmates Swim - which is my fic!!! 😭 It's beautiful and perfect, your honour!
Since The First Night I Took You Home by @a-kinkajou . It's outrageously beautiful and features a very special piece of jewellery.
ALL the 911LS cross stiches by @thisbuildinghasfeelings - but special shout out to "Sure, ma'am, but just so you know, I am a homosexual." I ove that this is a thing that exists! And I just think it's a genius idea to cross stich Lone Star!
Tagging @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @heartstringsduet @strandnreyes @alrightbuckaroo @lemonlyman-dotcom @catanisspicy @taralaurel @largepeachicedtea @goodways @liminalmemories21 @reyesstrand @lightningboltreader @never-blooms @danieljradcliffe @noxsoulmate @firstprince-history-huh @bonheur-cafe @rosedavid @freneticfloetry @theghostofashton @chicgeekgirl89 @iboatedhere @chaotictarlos @wandering-night19
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raypakorn · 1 year
2022: a summary
post your favorite or most popular post from each month this year. (it’s okay to skip months!)
i was tagged by @louistomlinsun​, @mikhaailo, & @nick-nellson​
popular: paul trash talking in 3x02
fav: rainbow set of the 126 + grace & carlos (this was my first time doing something like this and i’m excited to take another stab at it with some of my new learned skills for s4)
popular: slugging on the diamond in 3x07
fav: tk’s s1 wardrobe sans uniform
popular: tk taking shots at owen in 3x12
fav: danger - diaster - tragedy magnet strand
popular: canon lgbtq+ characters in heartstopper
fav: tarlos + the stain
popular: judd & wyatt parallel 2x09 - 3x16
fav: the 126 & their canine counterparts
popular: kinn & kim parallel ep7 - ep 12
fav: porsche character study (so hard to choose from my 30 days of pride sets)
popular: the main characters of kinnporsche: a summary
fav: fav familial/platonic relationship in s3 of 911ls
popular: cpm: pete x vegas x macau
fav:  top 5 kinnporsche: the series epsiodes according to imdb
popular: the car scene in ep. 8 of the eclipse
fav: favorite kp outfits as magazine covers
popular: kan knowing what’s up in ep 10
fav: not me as a horror series
popular: win x dean: the duality of best friends
fav: sam & mon taking care of each other in ep 2
popular: nick nelson + yellow
fav: ep 9 of not me (fav episode) (again hard to choose because i made a lot of cool sets for cheercember that i really liked)
tagging: @hidden-joy (give me some shitposts), @pranink, @mabellsmora, @talays-portkey, @lutavero, @billlkin, @pannakorn, @gooseras, & at anyone else who wants too...i don’t really know who has done it
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briannabakerarchive · 3 years
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TK cupping Carlos' cheek 👨‍❤️‍👨 (requested by anonymous)
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