cheezy-moon · 7 months
It's confirmed: I'm screwed when I'm done with school
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anna-scribbles · 5 months
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they should've been at the club(infertility treatment centers)
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crabbarts · 2 months
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Share the last song you listened to and do this picrew! Thank you for tagging me @skijjiki, this was so fun to complete! I'm tagging @evanox @ratatoskrr @opalescent-apples @ashi-cookie and @makemeaplant!
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httpiastri · 25 days
Paul’s hair this weekend, he’s so bbygirl 🥲
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the hair is really hairing this weekend
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h0nkshroom · 3 months
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a handful of silly lil followers that my friends made in my first playthrough + their traits that they each got
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tricoufamily · 6 months
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i didn't trust no one but you said, "baby, don't run i'll take you anywhere"
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andorerso · 1 year
full quotes under read more
Was it concern that made him fixate on her? (...) She dominated his thinking nonetheless. Cassian believed neither pity nor pragmatism explained it.
Jyn was missing. “Hey!” Cassian called. He rushed to the bars, cried out, “Jyn Erso! Where is she?” No one answered. You’re a fool, Cassian told himself. They won’t talk to you. But they’ll try to spot your weakness.
The man who’d betrayed her. The man who’d admitted his guilt and decided to fight for her. He saw her staring and looked back at her quizzically. It wasn’t how betrayals were supposed to go.
“I’m not used to people sticking around when things go bad,” she said, by way of explanation. She didn’t know if Cassian really understood, but he said, “Welcome home,” and she knew she was.
Cassian held his ground, staring down at her until his lips finally twitched into something like a smile. His eyes remained hard and troubled. Jyn wasn’t sure if he’d gotten worse at hiding things or if she was simply getting to know him too well.
Jyn couldn’t tell whether Cassian had been struck or if he’d simply lost his grip, but he plunged out of view without a scream or a word. She nearly loosed her clutching fingers, nearly followed him into the abyss, but a swell of vertigo shocked her out of her horror and impelled her to cling more tightly to the stack. Cassian was dead, like so many others.
Behind the man in white, stepping out of the smoke, came a bloody and limping Cassian Andor. He looked like a man who’d fallen twelve stories and clawed his way back to the top. He looked as beautiful as anyone Jyn had ever known, but she couldn’t spare a moment to even shout his name.
Jyn had turned to him from the control panel looking like the last survivor of a war, and she’d smiled in a way he’d never seen before. It hadn’t been a smile predicated on anticipation or courage, or one touched by sadness or doubt; just a smile so ordinary it seemed to change Jyn from a hero out of myth into a woman he might have known and understood. He hadn’t known her, didn’t know her, of course. There wasn’t the time.
She believed someone was out there. Maybe it was even true. He did want it to be true. With all his heart, he did. Her faith carried him with her.
Instead she looked to Cassian. “I’m glad you came,” she said. When the words finally touched him, he gently smiled and took her hand. She entwined her fingers with his so that they didn’t drop away.
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
Thank you guys so much for all the cute picrews you replied with 🥹🥹🥹 im obsessed seeing what you've come up with!!!! Here are some I made 🤭🤭
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+ ones my friends who know nothing about f1/vettonso made:
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Friend on the left: why did she make Fernando into such a fuckboy 😭😭 and i was like "...hahaha yeah that cape outfit is from another thing I made :)"
Other friend of the right: she said she was trying to make them look like other characters. I think she said Fernando was one of the Three Musketeers and Seb was Luke Skywalker djkfkgl. And she also forced me to give a "presentation" on the racesuit ref PowerPoint I made 😭😭😭
I love how they didn't question the shipiness of it at all hahaha, one of them was like "oh are these your gay racing drivers? Very cute :)"
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
hello beans!! hope you're doing well 💜 ^w^ I know you've probably gotten a lot of requests - but I'm gonna add to that pile anyway because it's fun and also your writing is wonderful and always cheers me up to read!! I'm so inspired by your drabbles and you really bring these characters and this little world to life ;w;
From drabble list #1:
14. "Please tell me, this is not why you woke me up."
Character(s): honestly anyone, but my gut was saying Es as soon as I saw that sentence so... up to you!
Woo thank you pal, same to you!! Thanks for your kind words ah ;--; This is the perfect line for Es omg, I've been cracking up over it for so long 😂 I was tempted to write them waking up for T2, taking one look around and going "uh-uh," but decided on some T1 comedy...
Es rarely dreamed. Usually it was vague images and thoughts. Sometimes it was just them thinking about breakfast the following morning. Occasionally they were plagued by a nightmare of being forced to sing karaoke with the prisoners. Most of the time, though, it was just silence that welcomed them at the end of the day. Wonderful, peaceful, silence.
Someone slammed their fist on the door. Es just about fell out of bed.
Mikoto’s voice came from outside. “Oi, get up! There’s been… uh… an incident!”
That was the last thing a prison guard wanted to hear at -- Es checked the clock -- 2am. Damn. 
They muttered to themself as they threw on their uniform. Why the prison’s cells didn’t lock was beyond them. Some of the prisoners were more troublesome than others, but the first trial had been going smoothly thus far. Why now? 
Their mind flashed with various possibilities, each one worse than the last, all urging them forward. By the time they were running down the hallway, their shirt buttons were a row off, and they had to switch their shoes to the opposite foot. They adjusted the cap clumsily on their head.
Fear gripped their chest as they heard Jackalope’s voice crying out for help from the panopticon. Jackalope never called for help. 
Es burst into the room. The prisoners froze, looking up guiltily. 
They sat in a huddle on the floor. Yuno and Muu held the little furry warden over a tub of sudsy water. Bottles of soap and shampoo sat nearby. An assortment of brushes and combs sat to the side. Splashes of water spread across the prisoners and ground, speaking to several failed attempts at getting Jackalope into the bath.
Nearby, Mahiru was holding up the tiny guard’s uniform, her sewing kit spread out on her lap. Es spotted bandages on Yuno’s and Kazui’s fingers. Shidou was currently dabbing blood off Fuuta’s nose as he fumed. Jackalope leaned over to nip at the hands holding him, but Yuno and Muu held him fast.
“Es!” came his frantic voice as he thrashed around. “You gotta help me! Make them stop, dammit!” 
From the group of prisoners who had been watching from a distance, Haruka turned to them. “Oh! Es! Th-they thought that he needed a -- uh, a bath! His uniform had a h-hole, and Mahiru can s-sew! And they thought, they thought we could do it all t-together… Muu called it a -- a spa night…” 
“At two in the morning?” Was all that came to mind.
“We tried to get him to do it earlier today,” Muu said, “but we didn’t get a chance until now.”
“They didn’t get a chance to kidnap me, she means!” He squirmed around some more, swinging his antlers wildly. “They hid around the corner and nabbed me like the filthy criminals they are!!”
Yuno said, “hold still,” as she brought him closer to the water. He kicked his feet wildly, screaming at Es to show a little authority and do something. 
“Hold on a second,” they stopped her.
They closed their eyes, pinching the bridge of their nose. They took a measured breath. They were here to contemplate sin and crime, guilt and forgiveness. Their job should have consisted of questions about morality and life and death; they never anticipated looking around their prison and asking, “is human shampoo even safe for his fur?”
Kotoko spoke up from the other side of the room. “That’s what I thought, but is he really a rabbit? He eats human food and everything, we didn’t think a bit of soap was that different.”
Jackalope disagreed (“that stuff is as bad as poison -- poison I tell you!”) but the others chimed in with their agreement. From around the room came promises that they were being gentle with him, and that they’d keep quiet, and that they’d dry and brush his fur really well when they’d finished, and that they’d feed him treats, and that his uniform was already good as new, and so on. A few complaints at getting bit mingled with Jackalope’s own insults. 
“-- Alright.” Es held up a hand to silence them all. They knew a warden shouldn’t be making compromises with their prisoners. At the same time, they didn’t have the energy to argue about bunny baths at this time of night. “You can continue, but wash him outside of the tub. And go easy on the shampoo. Any mess you make must be cleaned by morning.” 
They were met with excitement and thanks. Jackalope grumbled that they were too soft, but he sounded relieved as he was whisked away from the dreaded bathwater. 
Es sighed. There may have been a few bites and bumps, but that was all. No emergency, no fight, no danger plagued Milgram tonight. Their relief quickly turned to annoyance. They leveled their gaze at Mikoto as he entered from the hallway behind.
“Please tell me this isn’t why you woke me up.”
“Huh? Oh, this? No, no -- we have everything under control. Aw, Mappi, that looks great!”
He pointed at her sewing job, revealing bandages on his hands as well. It looked like no one was safe from the rabbit’s little teeth… Then Mikoto jabbed a thumb casually over his shoulder. “Nah, the faucet in the men’s room broke when we tried filling the basin. The whole room’s flooded now. I think it’s gonna start spilling into the hallway soon.”
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My default art app is becoming whatsapp status image editor its so bad. Anyway doodle from February it's james because dmdland concert outfit/ performance has me in a chokehold
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mayasdeluca · 2 years
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Maya and Carina - 6x01: ‘Twist and Shout’
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augustinewrites · 8 months
omg i am just starting the new fontaine research institute world quest and katherine asked who the traveler’s emergency contact is?
who do you think the best candidate is??
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marc--chilton · 1 month
in mgv which duckling do you think house would trust the most overall with his pup?? absolutely adoring the house and wilson w a pup stuff btw <333
i'm not even kidding i almost mentioned house having a mental tier list of duckling trusting earlier!! just couldn't find a smooth way to incorporate it into the post
the one he trusts most to keep her safe is begrudgingly cameron, but the one he's most COMFORTABLE with handing her over too is chase (who is his adopted pup and therefore who he is biased to). because like chase is a goober but also in house's omega brain he's family, and with family comes inherent inclinations. family does NOT mean that harm from within is impossible -- house is well aware of this via his own father -- but the hindbrain is not ruled by logic and by that point in time house learns which battles to pick when it comes to the hindbrain instincts/urges/feelings
thirteen also has this bias working in her favor too so she's right behind chase when it comes to house's preference on handing off his pup to a duckling.
house also trusts foreman to keep her safe but also doesn't anticipate a huge degree of comfort on foreman's OR giselle's end (name reveal) plus foreman would get ticked off having to babysit at work. the least trustworthy are taub (cue house insult of taub giving an infant a complexion by pointing out her flaws, at which taub just rolls his eyes) and kutner (who house does like but. what if he's holding her and they get close to a defibrillator. kutner's silly medical moments are great only when house DOES NOT HAVE PERSONAL STAKES, I.E. HIS DAUGHTER)
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polaroidcats · 2 months
Ok as promised lmao 
As any self respecting emo knows, hanging out alone in defunct bathrooms really raises your street cred. Especially when there are puddles on the floor. She rose gloomily out of the toilet just as Regulus was mopily cataloging his Dark Lord clippings (on the toilet tank - the floor was too wet). Regulus couldn’t understand her because she only spoke snake, but he felt their souls connect, instantly. She, too, was alone and misunderstood, a lone wolf (snake) abandoned among the nonbelievers (Tom riddle antis). 
They spent countless happy hours together looking over news clippings. He would emo-ly snip an article and she would scorch holes in it (she did her best, but she was never the strongest reader). She was obviously much bigger than he was but she liked it when he sat in her coils. He could tell by her hisses. He didn’t *need* to speak snake. They had a psychic, *soul* connection. He had to beg her to let him visit her in the chamber. She resisted - they couldn’t! She said. “I’m dangerous!” She said (hissed). “I could kill you!” 
“But no!” Said Regulus. “I must be one with you!”  
She wept great steaming hot incredibly toxic tears but relented, “just this once” 😭🐍
So they shared one magical, passionate night on the very damp very hard floor of the chamber of secrets before parting ways,  taking comfort in the delicious tragedy of their love. 
!!!!!! THIS IS PERFECT!!!! NEW FAVE OTP!!!!! 😍😍😍😍
Their love is so, so tragic and they're both so misunderstood 😭 I'm so glad they got at least one beautiful night together that they can cherish and remember forever!! 🥹
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minglana · 2 months
i <3 nepotism (my dad knows a dude from his workplace that will help me do a uni project interview i need to do)
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loaflovesdoodling · 8 months
what if I made an AU where Ades manages to go back in time and him and Dulci find a Clockwork Star and she wishes to be immortal too. What if in this AU she doesn't die because the disease quickly vanishes after she makes that wish and they both could live their happily forever after along with the other sillies.
What if there was another AU where that isn't possible so he just traps himself in the past forever to be with her again.
What if there was yet another AU where he finds a Clockwork Star and wishes to die just to be with her again, and just then and there, he disappears forever.
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