maevelin · 21 days
What a ride!
And the meanwhile....The carriage drivers HEARD EVERYTHING.
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Imagine telling Luffy about why you don’t like Shanks…
“Why are you always so upset with Shanks?” Luffy wondered.
You brushed the young boys damp curls and twirled a finger around each strand to define the shape.
“He and I used to travel the seas, you know? We fought sea beasts and all kinds of pirates together.”
Luffy leaned forward. “Really? Was it cool?”
“Very cool and dangerous.” You reminded him with a small hair ruffle to set him back on the chair properly. “We were caught in an ambush and I was injured. Shanks brought me home, promising that we’d set off again after I was healed.”
Luffy grew excited. Maybe if Shanks came for you, he could also be taken along for the journey.
“Are you healed? Do you know when he’ll take you?” He asked.
You frowned and replied rather bitterly. “I was healed up over four years ago.”
Shanks had the audacity to pay a visit these last few months and spend time with Luffy while pretending like nothing had happened. It infuriated you and Luffy clearly caught wind of it.
There was a knock at the door. Your eyes darted up to see Makino standing there with a smile for Luffy.
“The ship has made port.” She told the boy.
Luffy jumped off the seat and ran for the exit. “Sorry Y/n, I have to go!”
You sighed at his speed hoping that he’d be careful on his way to the docks.
Makino looked at you while you put the chair away. “Are you coming as well?” She asked and when you didn’t reply she continued. “He’s been asking for you.”
You glanced over your shoulder. “Tell him I-”
“I’m not telling him you drowned again. You’ll have to face him one way or another.” Makino said and then left to resume her duties at the bar.
Honestly, you’d rather not seek out the pirate who abandoned you. Let him have his fun. Yes, you couldn’t avoid him forever but you could reduce the hours in his presence.
And so that’s what you set out to do, you walked wherever the straw hat wasn’t. If he was at Party’s Bar, you were at home. If he was at the docks, you were by the furthest windmill.
You last saw the red-haired pirate downing a bottle of booze at the bar with his little curly haired shadow on the chair beside him. While they were busy, you decided to rearrange the furniture in your home finally able to tend to things that had been long neglected thanks to Luffy always running in and out of trouble.
Fixated on stacking books by the corner of the front room, you missed the soft padding of footsteps coming to a halt by the open door.
“I heard you ‘drowned’.” A voice said, sending chills down your spine. “Imagine my surprise when Luffy told me that you did his hair this morning.”
Shanks mused at you as he stood by the threshold of your door.
Damn, when did he leave the bar? You rolled your eyes and then turned around to place a blanket into a wooden drawer near to where he stood.
“Odd.” You hummed. “I thought you would have welcomed a lie? Aren’t you filled with them or is that only when they’re directed at me?”
Shanks stepped into the room and took your hand to stop you from walking to the next task. He knew exactly what you were referring to. For months you both had avoided the topic by the way you dodged him but this was finally the opening he needed to clear the air.
“I never lied. I fully intended to come back here in three months. But each danger I faced, every terror that sailed into our path and all I could see was the risk of losing you.”
You scoffed at him. Captain Shanks of the Red-haired Pirates was scared? You were surprised his nose hadn’t grown.
Not wanting to talk further, you attempted to leave the house entirely when the man who stole your heart caught you once more.
“Hey,” Shanks took the reins and guided you to the wall, gently bracing you against it. He was tired of the anger of the anger in your eyes, only wanting you to see him like you once did. His hands settled in their rightful place on your waist.
“There are very few things that I am afraid of - but from that list, the fear of losing you is at the very top.”
As you stared in his warm eyes, you were reminded of a saying he often said aboard calmer seas and private moments.
Shanks gazed back at your face, the one he was deprived of seeing each day. He brought one hand to rest against your chest and raised your own to sit above his own. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours in a delicate kiss before pulling away gently.
“I’m not a selfish man by nature.” He whispered. “But for your life and your love, I can be.”
~ More imagines here ~
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
Luffy Finally realizes he Loves you!
Pure teeth rotting fluff
Buy me a Ko-Fi
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• Was sitting with his crew and talking all about thinks in their past that they enjoyed and brings you up.
• "Oh yeah! Then my best friend (Y/N)! They are back at the village I grew up in and they always supported me! Even gave me the food and boat I uses to leave to start this amazing adventure!"
• He talks about your cooking, how you'd always pack him a lunch. How you smile so much and make sure he was okay, especially when him and his grandfather argued.
• Sanji and the rest of the crew raise an eyebrow at hearing Luffy babble on and on about you
• "Wow, They sound amazing. Gotta meet then one day" Sanji jokes, taking another drag of his cigarette. "They sound like a real beauty"
• Luffy couldn't help but get a very odd feeling st hearing Sanji call then a beauty. Like he got punched but on the inside this time-
• "Yeah, They are pretty I guess. But I like how nice they are, They and Shanks showed me what good people are truly like!"
• Nami giggled at this. She knew attraction like the back of her hand and the way Luffy described you, this was the closest she had ever heard of him even understanding attraction to anyone.
"Luffy, It sounds like you're in love with them?" Nami teased.
• "What! No no they are just.. Wonderful-" He pauses, Thinking over Nami's words. He had always cared about you- a lot! And always having a picture of you being by his side when he became pirate king anyway. You were just always ment to be there, and if it hadn't been for you taking care of your mother he was sure you would have come Sailing with him.
• Usopp laughing also at this as he could practically see the gears starting to turn in his head. "This is golden!" He hollered. Earning Nami smacking the back of his head. "....Am I in love with (Y/N)?..." Luffy pondered- Zoro who had been 'sleeping' against the wall but heard the whole conversation opened a single eye
• "From the sounds of it.. Yes-" Zoro deadpanned, Deciding to return to his nap. Luffy face turning a red color before he gave a loud laugh. Practically bouncing in his seat "If that's the case! Set sail for Foodha Village! I gotta go get (Y/N)!"
• You would be working at your mother's little supply shop, Assisting in restocking some important supplies when you hear a ruckus outside as everyone starts shouting in glee. Stepping out you see a massive ship either a rams head on the front-
• Marveking at it for only a moment before hearing a loud voice that was all to familiar "(YYYY/NNNNN)!!!!"
• Looking to see Luffy, brightly smiling on the ship with a small crew next to him. You couldn't help but smile widely at seeing your childhood friend and crush. Waving at him proudly
• "(Y/N)!! I gotta tell you something!!" Luffy yelled, Not even waiting for the ship to fully dock before he stretched his way to the docks and ran towards you. Much to your horror as he could have fallen into the water
• "L-Luffy you should have waited to do-" However where cut off as Luffy lofted you up with ease and laughed proudly
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plentyoffandoms · 9 months
Love at First Sight
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Straw Hat Pirates x reader
Main Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous TV Shows
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
I have never seen the anime or read the manga. I never heard of this until the show, but I love the show & have started to watch the anime.
Warnings: none. Maybe too much fluff?
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. Luffy @vinlandsky, Nami @goodsirs, Sanji @pedritosdarling, Zoro @valkubusqueen, Usopp @rrandomtthings
Summary: The first time they saw you with Sanji, Luffy, Nami, Zoro, & Usopp.
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Luffy was looking around The Baratie with a massive smile on his face, like usual. This isn't the first time he has been here, nor will it be his last.
Him and the rest of his crew were waiting for their order to be taken as they talked amongst themselves.
"Hello, welcome to The Baratie, may I start with your drink orders, please?" He looked up at the sound of your voice, and the moment he saw you, he couldn't talk.
For the first time in his life, Monkey D. Luffy was speechless.
You took Zoro's order and worked your way around the table, and when your kind smile and eyes finally landed on Luffy, he opened his mouth to speak, but the only sound that came out was a squeak.
Usopp nudged him in the ribs, but nothing was coming out. "He will take a glass of milk." Nami spoke up for him.
"Thank you. I will be right back with your drinks and then I will take your order." Luffy watched as you walked away,
The moment you were out of ear shot, Nami and Usopp started to ask what was wrong with him, but Sanji spoke up.
"Good eye, Luffy." He said your name, and the whole crew watched as Luffy said your name to himself
"I am going to marry them!" Luffy proclaimed.
"Oh, for the love of," Nami complained, putting her head in her hands. Zoro rolled his eyes and sighed.
Sanji just smirked, and Usopp clapped Luffy on the shoulder, congratulating him on his upcoming marriage.
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Nami was lagging behind the rest of the crew as they listened to Luffy talk about where they were, which is where he is from Foosha Village.
There were only so many windmills one could see, and they were all starting to look the same, but according to Luffy, each one had something different about them.
Nami was growing bored and was ready to say something to end this boring tour when they finally stopped in front of, no it can't be? Who knew this place had anything exciting?
A bar
Partys Bar was the name. "Are you guys thirsty? Hungry? Makino is an old friend of mine. Isn't that right, Makino?" Luffy said as he strolled into the bar, with the rest of us behind him.
"Luffy, is that you?" I am guessing Makino is the woman coming from around the counter to hug our Captain.
"And who are they?" She asked, but someone came out of the backroom, that caught my eye.
"This is my crew." Luffy said proudly. He said each of our names, and we acknowledged the woman.
"Makino?" We were interrupted by the same person that came from the back.
"Yes?" She said their name, and I repeated the name in my head a few times to hopefully remember it.
"Luffy, let me introduce you to my cousin." The three of them got talking as Usopp got distracted by a group of small children that wanted to hear our tales.
So Sanji, Zoro, and I were left to entertain ourselves. I listened to the two of them bicker over the same old crap, but my focus slowly went onto the Marino's cousin.
I didn't notice that I was being watched by the two men until I heard a whistle that brought me out of my trance. I saw them walk towards our table.
"Excuse me. I hope you do not mind if you can answer a few questions our good friend Nami has of this place." I wanted to slap the look off of Sanji's smug face.
"No, I do not mind. What is your question?" They turned their focus on me. "Have a seat. The two of us were about to go and see what we need to stock up before we leave. Come now Zoro." I could just kill the two of them for leaving me here alone.
I expected the cousin to turn around and walk away when I didn't say anything, but they didn't. They sat down and waited for me to talk.
"Luffy has never mentioned you before. Are you from here?"
The two of us talked until I had to leave, but they gave me their number. I walked onto the ship, and Sanji and Zoro looked at me. One with a smile across his face, the other one looking bored, but I knew he was interested in what happened.
"So, are they the love your life?" Sanji questioned.
"I just met them." I said as I walked past the two.
"That wasn't a no, Nami." Zoro said.
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"Who touched my sauce?" I yelled as I saw that someone added a bit of salt to my sauce. I was looking right at Zoro.
"Why would I touch your sauce?" He asked me. I was growing angrier, knowing he had something to do with it.
"I know you did it." I sneered. This was the third time this had happened this week, and I was growing tired of him not admitting it.
"For the last time, I didn't touch your sauce. Why don't you ask the new person? I see them coming in and out of your kitchen."
"New person?" I was confused. I looked around and didn't see anyone.
"Yes, new person. Nami knew them from her days when she was with Arlong. They used to team up."
"Are you talking about me?" A voice came from the left of me, and I jumped as no one was there.
"Who said that?"
"I did." There was a small burst of light that had me covering my eyes, and to my suprise, there was a person standing there.
"You must be Sanji. Luffy has been talking about you nonstop. Oh, where are my manners." They introduced themselves.
"You ruined my sauce." I wasn't going to let up on this.
"Did I? Or did I make it better?"
"You added too much salt."
"Add some garlic, maybe a smidge of sugar, and it will balance it out." They said to me.
"Maybe add oregano." Zoro said from his spot. The two of us looked at him and said at the exact same time, "Oregano is for savages."
I looked over at our new crew member, seeing them now for the first time. "Maybe you didn't add too much salt. Please come and show me what you were making."
They walked towards my kitchen, and as I walked past Zoro, I heard him say, "You are welcome."
I stopped and was going to say something when my new sous chef just looked at me and smiled, making me forget all about the swordsman.
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I couldn't take my eyes off of the one person in the crowd. For some strange reason they have caught my attention.
"I see that our teacher had caught your attention." Nami said as she sat down next to me. We were celebrating our massive win against Arlong.
"Teacher?" I turned my head slightly towards her.
"Yes, they teach the younger kids." She went on to tell me their name.
"I can see that. The young ones haven't left them alone." I watched as another child ran up to them to show what looked to be a rock.
"Why don't you go say hi?"
"We will be leaving soon. There is no need to get too acquainted with the locals." I told her.
"Okay then." Nami left me alone at that point, my attention now drawn towards whatever the hell Luffy was doing.
I am now in line once more, begrudgingly getting a second helping of Sanji's food, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I placed my free hand on a sword.
"Zoro." I relaxed slightly and turned around to see what Nami wanted, but not to my suprise, there was, with the Village teacher.
"I would like for you to meet Roronoa Zoro. Zoro, please meet." Nami was interrupted as the teacher told me their name.
Nami left the two of us alone after that. We walked a bit away from the prying eyes of the rest of the villagers.
"I have always heard stories about you, Zoro, the great pirate hunter. I never imagined you becoming a pirate yourself."
"Neither did, but Luffy has this way about him."
"Yes, I can see that. He seems like a peculiar fellow, but nice none the less."
"Peculiar?" I asked.
"Yes, I have never seen someone smile so much. You must understand that our village has been under the control and fear of Arlong for so long, that many of us, including myself, forgot to know what happiness is."
"I hope you can now find happiness now that you are free from their terror." I was very serious about that.
"Maybe just for this night, I will." They said as they stepped closer to me. I took a step closer to them.
I didn't know this until much later, but Nami was standing to the side, her sister handing her some Berry.
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The first time I saw them was at The Baratie. I was outside at the bar, enjoying the sea air while I drank my drink that tasted a heck of a lot like candy.
I bumped into them as I was trying to keep myself steady on the rocking ship. Or was it just me who was unsteady? Never mind.
"I am so very sorry." I said as I tried to steady them before they fell over.
"That is all right, Usopp." They know my name?
"You know my name?" I asked them as I looked into their eyes, and it felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. It was like they were staring into my soul.
"Of course. I was here when you and your crew saved us. I have always wanted to thank the man who pulled me out of the water that day. I do not swim all that well."
"And here I am, almost knocking you into the water tonight. Please forgive me."
"All is forgiven, may I buy you a drink? As a thank you. I was hoping you would come back so I could thank you properly."
"I will have what you are having." I hope I sounded not so drunk.
"I am just having some water. It is a bit too warm to be drinking I find."
"Water is fine with me. It is about time I sober up."
I also didn't want to have a massive hangover in the morning and throw up like I did last time. That was horrible.
I heard them call out two waters, and we took a seat not far from where the bar was.
"I never asked. What is your name?" My mother would have been appalled at the fact that I never asked for their name.
They gave me their name, and then we started to ask questions to get to know one another.
I tried not to lie, but some of the tales kept spilling out of me. "No, it was you who took down Arlong? Well, another class of water is needed."
We talked all night until the sun came up. "Oh, look at the time. I must be going." They stood up and I did as well.
"Will I see you again?" I asked them.
"Probably sooner than you think Usopp." And they walked off, leaving me confused.
I walked back to the ship, almost in a fog.
"Usopp! They you are. I want you to meet the new member of our crew." Luffy called out once he saw me.
"Hello, Usopp."
"So this is what you meant?" I asked.
"Of course."
Luffy looked between the two of us, "I have no idea what is going on, but we must leave."
I chuckled as he turned to go and talk to Sanji about something.
"You coming Usopp?" They said as they walked towards the rest of the crew.
"Of course."
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bl3upi3 · 9 months
A Night to Remember | Monkey D. Luffy
Part 2
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Summary: In the midst of a disaster at sea, your crew encounters the Straw Hat Pirates led by Monkey D. Luffy. After initial skepticism, you accept their help, and amidst the chaos, a deep connection forms between you and Luffy. The night brings passion, revealing mutual feelings.
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Smut, p in v unprotected (I'm bad with warnings)
A/N: This is straight out of my imagination. I just watched the live action and am thinking of starting the anime so yes, this work is a messy mix of anything and everything. English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. I tried not to change Luffy's personality as much as I could. (My requests are open if wanted)
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As you and your crew sailed through the unpredictable waters of the Grand Line, the tranquility of the day shattered in an instant. A violent collision rocked the sturdy vessel as it struck an unyielding underwater rock, tearing through the boat's hull with a heart-wrenching screech of rending wood. The impact sent shockwaves of fear rippling through your crew, their faces etched with stark dread as they grasped the gravity of the situation.
Chaos ensued as you scrambled to assess the extent of the damage, your hands slick with seawater as you desperately tried to gauge the severity of the breach. Panic gnawed at your senses, every second feeling like an eternity, and uncertainty hung heavy in the salt-tinged air.
As if orchestrated by the very elements themselves, a thick and disorienting fog descended upon you with an eerie swiftness, obscuring your vision and muffling any sounds beyond the boat. It was as though the elements had conspired to further complicate your dire predicament, isolating your vessel in an unsettling cloak of obscurity.
Your heart pounded within your chest as the realization settled in—the lives of your crew hinged upon your quick thinking and resourcefulness. Yet, amidst the silence of the disaster, a creaking sound pierced the air. You yielded your place to a member of your crew to investigate the source of the noise.
As you strained your eyes to peer through the dense fog, a white boat with a sheep-shaped figurehead slowly materialized before you. Your gaze instinctively rose to the flag fluttering from its mast—a skull-headed emblem adorned with a distinctive straw hat—a flag of pirates.
"Hey there! It looks like you could use some help," a figure standing on the edge of the approaching vessel called out.
"Who are you?" you inquired, squinting in an attempt to discern the identity of the mysterious individual.
"I'm Monkey D. Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates! The fog swallowed us up, and we stumbled upon your beleaguered vessel, which doesn't seem to be in the best shape," he cheerfully replied.
You and your crew exchanged glances, unsure of how to react to this unexpected turn of events.
With a cautious tone, you responded, "I appreciate your offer, Monkey D. Luffy, but we can't be too careful out here. We've just suffered a terrible collision, and our ship is badly damaged. How can we trust that your intentions are genuine?"
Luffy grinned widely, his boundless energy seemingly undeterred by your skepticism. "I get it; you're being cautious. That's a good trait to have out here. But you've got my word. We're not here to harm you. We're pirates, yeah, but we're not the bad guys!"
As he spoke, Luffy's crew members began to emerge from the fog, appearing on the deck of their ship one by one. Each of them had a distinct look and demeanor, but there was something about them that suggested they were not the typical ruthless pirates one might encounter.
One of Luffy's crewmates, a man with green hair added, "We're just passing through these waters, and we've had our fair share of adventures. We know what it's like to be in a tight spot. We're offering our help because it's the right thing to do."
You considered their words and looked at your own crew. They were still on edge, but the desperation of your situation was evident. Your ship was taking on water faster than you could bail it out, and the fog showed no signs of dissipating. It was a perilous situation, and you needed all the help you could get.
After a moment of deliberation, you turned back to Luffy and said, "Alright, we'll accept your offer of help. But know this, if there's any treachery or harm intended for my crew, we won't hesitate to defend ourselves."
Luffy's face lit up with excitement "Deal! You won't regret it! We'll get your ship fixed up in no time!"
A wooden plank was placed between the two boats, allowing you and your crew to board the white vessel. Luffy spoke with enthusiasm, "Welcome to the Going Merry," offering his hand for you to shake.
You looked around at his small crew, taking note of each member. However, you didn't shake Luffy's hand just yet. Instead, your gaze settled on his comrades. Luffy followed your gaze and introduced them, "This is Roronoa Zoro," pointing to the green-haired guy who had spoken earlier, "This is Nami, Usopp, and Sanji," revealing the rest of his crew whom you hadn't seen yet.
"I hope you're hungry," the blond-haired Sanji said with a smile, "I've prepared a meal fit for thousands."
As your crew members cautiously stepped onto the Going Merry, they exchanged wary glances, still unsure about this unexpected alliance. But the warm smiles and genuine hospitality displayed by Luffy's crew began to put them at ease, albeit slowly.
You finally shook Luffy's hand, sealing the agreement. "Thank you for coming to our aid, Monkey D. Luffy. We appreciate your help, and we'll do our part to assist as well."
“You can call me Luffy” he smiled
"Thank you, Luffy," you replied with a nod. "I'm y/n, the captain of this crew. We're in your debt."
With introductions made and a mutual understanding established, the two crews set to work. Your crew members, alongside Luffy's crew, began assessing the extent of the damage to your ship, while Luffy himself seemed to be filled with boundless energy as he led the charge, making plans and offering assistance wherever needed.
As the day wore on and repairs were underway, you couldn't help but notice the camaraderie among the Straw Hat Pirates. They worked seamlessly together, each member contributing their unique skills to the task at hand. It was evident that they were a tight-knit crew, bound not just by their captain's leadership but by a genuine sense of friendship.
Nami, the crew's navigator, approached you as you oversaw the repairs. "You're lucky we happened upon you," she said with a sly grin. "The Grand Line can be unforgiving to those who sail it unprepared. But don't worry, with our help, you'll be back on your way in no time."
Usopp, the sharpshooter of the crew, chimed in, "And if you ever run into any trouble out here again, just give us a shout. We've got your back."
Sanji, the crew's cook, began preparing a feast for both crews to enjoy together. The aroma of his cooking filled the air, and your crew members couldn't help but be drawn to the delicious scent. It was a welcome respite from the earlier chaos and fear.
As evening fell, and the repairs to your ship neared completion, you gathered with Luffy and his crew around a makeshift table on the deck of the Going Merry. Plates of food were passed around, and laughter filled the air as stories were shared.
It felt so peaceful and normal—it wasn't often that you found yourself enjoying such casual conversation with strangers.
"So, where are you headed next?" Nami asked as she took a sip from her cup of sake.
You shrugged, briefly glancing at your crewmates before responding, "I haven't made up my mind just yet."
Luffy leaned back in his seat, his signature straw hat tilted low over his eyes. "You know, y/n, the Grand Line is full of adventures waiting to happen. We're always looking for new crewmates and allies. You and your crew seem like good people. Ever thought about joining us on the ultimate adventure?"
Your crew members exchanged surprised glances at Luffy's proposition. It was a tempting offer, to say the least. The idea of joining the Straw Hat Pirates and exploring the Grand Line with them was exhilarating, but you knew you couldn't make such a decision on a whim.
You chuckled, trying to defuse the sudden tension in the air. "Well, Luffy, that's a tempting offer, but we've got our own dreams and goals. Maybe our paths will cross again in the future."
Amid the ongoing dinner festivities, you couldn't help but become engrossed in the lively conversation with Nami. It was a refreshing change to find yourself in the company of another woman after what felt like an eternity. You shared an unspoken connection, a bond that went beyond words, stemming from the shared experience of being the sole females in your respective crews. It was as if you both understood the unique challenges and dynamics that came with that role.
Your discussions with Nami ranged from the practicalities of navigation and mapmaking to the more personal aspects of life at sea. You exchanged stories of your adventures, your dreams, and the occasional frustrations that came with your responsibilities. Nami's wisdom and wit resonated with you, and it was clear that you were kindred spirits in many ways.
However, despite your best efforts to focus solely on your conversation with Nami, you felt a steady gaze on the side of your face—Luffy's eyes never left you. He remained leaned back in his chair, contentedly eating and drinking, seemingly absorbed in your every word.
The dinner eventually came to an end, and the crew members of both vessels retreated to their respective quarters for some much-needed rest. You returned to your boat, grateful for the repairs and hospitality of the Straw Hat Pirates.
As you lay in your cabin, trying to find sleep amidst the creaking of the ship and the gentle rocking of the waves, you couldn't help but think about Luffy's offer. The allure of joining his crew and embarking on the ultimate adventure was tantalizing, but your responsibilities as a captain weighed heavily on your mind.
Unable to sleep, you decided to take a walk on the deck of your ship to clear your thoughts. The night was calm, the stars glittering above, and the moon casting a silvery glow over the water.
After your contemplative walk on the deck, you noticed a faint light coming from one of the rooms on Luffy's ship, the Going Merry.
Curiosity got the better of you, and you decided to investigate. The door to the room was slightly ajar, and you could see a warm glow emanating from within.
As you entered the room, you were met with an unexpected sight. Luffy was sitting there,his face illuminated by the soft glow of the lamp atop his desk. His head was resting against the table as he continued to write something down on his notepad.
You cleared your throat, breaking the silence that had engulfed the room
Luffy looked up, his wide grin returning as he noticed your presence. "Hey there, y/n," he greeted, his tone friendly and inviting. "Couldn't sleep either, huh?"
You nodded, stepping further into the room. "Yeah, I wanted to thank you for everything you did today”
Luffy gestured for you to take a seat opposite him, and you obliged, settling into a chair. The room was cozy, filled with maps, navigational tools, and scattered notes that attested to the adventures this crew had undertaken.
"No need to thank me," Luffy said with a shrug. "Helping out is what we do. Besides, it's been fun having your crew around." He then dropped his voice into a whisper having a more serious tone “I appreciated having you around,  y/n."
As you stared into his eyes, you noticed  something in his expression that caught you off guard. His eyes… they were different. In a way, they were filled with longing and desire. 
"Luffy…" you muttered softly, unable to tear your gaze away from the intensity of his eyes. "What's going on? Why are you looking at me that way?"
Luffy sighed deeply getting up of his chair, he walked over to the small window in the room, gazing out at the starry night. For a moment, he seemed lost in thought, as if contemplating how to put his feelings into words. Then, he turned back to face you, his usual carefree demeanor giving way to a more serious expression.
"Y/n," he began, "I don't know how to say this the right way, but I can't help how I feel. Ever since we met today, there's been something about you that's drawn me in. I've traveled to countless islands, faced dangerous foes, and encountered all sorts of people, but meeting you felt different. It's like... like I've found something I didn't even know I was searching for."
His confession left you breathless, your heart racing in your chest. This revelation took you by surprise, especially considering it came so soon after your initial meeting. 
You, too, stood up and approached him, "Luffy," you began, your voice soft but filled with warmth, "I can't deny that there's something special about you. But we both know we will never see each other again”
Luffy nodded, his gaze unwavering. "I know that, y/n. But I've always followed my heart, and my heart tells me that you're special. I don't want to let this opportunity slip away without trying." 
As he leaned closer, his eyes locked onto yours,  his hand reaching forward to cradle your cheek in his palm. Your breathing grew shallow, your pulse quickening, as he brought his lips closer to yours.
Before you knew it, his lips were gently pressing against yours, sending tingles throughout your entire body.  A feeling of euphoria overcame you, and your eyes widened as you realized that what you'd felt was real. The kiss lasted longer than you expected, and when you finally pulled back, your heart was pounding so hard inside your chest.
Luffy smiled brightly, "This was a first time for me, y'know?"  
A blush spread across your cheeks as you laughed lightly in response. "Well, then don't stop" you whispered.
He instently crashed his lips on yours again, this time angrier and hungrier. His hands wandered from your waist to your hips, pulling you impossibly close to him until you felt as if you were melting in his embrace. His kiss deepened,  his tongue dancing with yours as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
There's no need to hold back now, you told yourself. You felt his warm hands caressing your skin, making heat pool between your thighs.
Your hand instinctively reached to remove his hat, but he stopped you, his hand gently grasping your wrist. He paused to look into your eyes for a few heartbeats before releasing you and carefully placing his hat atop your head.
As Luffy's hat settled atop your head, you couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions. It was a symbol of trust, a connection that transcended words, and a promise of something more. You gazed into Luffy's eyes  again, still flushed red with passion and arousal.
"Can I be honest with you?" you asked, your hands still resting on his shoulders.
Luffy hesitated for a second before giving a quick nod in return. "Of course", he replied.
You leaned in, brushing your lips against his again " You're a good kisser" you whispered against his lips. 
His lips curled into a slight smirk as he responded "Thanks".You closed your eyes as his lips trailed down to your jawline, leaving soft kisses along the way. His lips traced down your neck, slowly kissing your collarbone.  Your breathing increased, your mind becoming clouded with lust and desire. As your fingers ran through his hair, you felt him smile against your skin. Luffy's warm breath brushed against your ear as he spoke. "Do you want to have sex?" he asked.
His question surprised you, your mind taking a couple seconds to process the request. After all, this wasn't something you usually discussed with anyone. "Umm, I'm sorry. What?" you stuttered.
Luffy chuckled "Don't worry. There's nothing wrong with saying no if you don't want to."
You shook your head in disbelief. “It’s just…” you began, a frown forming on your face as you tried to gather your thoughts. “Are you sure? Do you really want to?” you asked quietly.
Luffy's smile grew wider as he leaned in, bringing his face closer to yours once again. “Yes, I'm sure.”
Your eyes darted to his lips, which were inches away from your own, hesitating for a moment before you moved forward. With your lips barely touching his, you whispered "Then yes..." 
Luffy grinned as he kissed you, his hands slid from your waist to behind your thighs, lifting you off the ground as your legs encircled around his waist. His mouth moved hungrily against yours as he got to his knees, the wood  creaking beneath his weight causing you to moan when you felt his hardness press against you through his pants. 
Your breath hitched in your throat when he began to move his hips slowly, eliciting a gasp from you as you pressed your pelvis against his crotch, feeling his erection harden in response. You moaned louder as you felt him grind his hips forward.
"You'll have to be quiet, everyone's asleep downstairs" Luffy whispered into your ear, moving one of his hands to cup your breast. 
The sound of his voice sent shivers down your spine, your body heating up as his hand moved to the hem of your shirt, removing it and throwing it to the side. You hurried to undo the buttons on his vest, letting it fall to the floor with yours. 
You slide off of him, your heart skipped a beat when he reached down and started unbuttoning his trousers,  pulling them off and tossing them aside. Your gaze drifted lower, noticing his bulge pushing against his black boxers. When you heard him groan, you glanced up at him, seeing his eyes darken in anticipation.
You took off your shorts and underwear, allowing them to fall to the ground next to his clothes. As you crawled towards him and lowered yourself onto his lap once again, he held you tightly, bringing you so close to him that you could feel his beating heart pulsating against your breasts.
"Oh God!" Luffy gasped, his teeth grinding together as he gripped you tighter, grinding you against him. You reached between your bodies, slipping your fingers into his boxer briefs, rubbing them lightly against his length. He let out a low grunt, his hips bucking upwards as you continued teasing his shaft with your touch.
You set him free from the cloth that separates you, and positioning his member against your entrance,  you pushed yourself slowly down onto him, feeling him tense as he entered you completely.
He grunted loudly, his hands clutching tightly onto your thighs as he thrust himself into you, the sensation of being filled filling you with joy. 
Luffy leaned forward, capturing your lips once again in another passionate kiss, his tongue tangling into your mouth. His hand traveled downwards, stopping above your clit as he slowly stroked it. As he did so, you moaned softly into his mouth, your whole body shaking.
"Fuck! Y/n," he gritted out.
"I thought you told me we had to be quiet" you teased, your voice breathy.
Luffy smirked as he rolled his eyes, shifting you slightly on top of him to allow you to continue to ride him.  Your hips thrust upward and downward, faster and faster until you reached an orgasm. Luffy placed his hand on your mouth as you rode your high, his face scrunched up in pure pleasure.
The moment passed, and you sat yourself up, looking down at him, "Sorry" you giggled. "I guess I kind of lost track of myself."
He snorted, "You mean lost track of my dick" he joked.
You laughed softly while playfully hitting his arm, "Yeah well, maybe I got carried away... or perhaps a little bit too excited."
Luffy shrugged, "Maybe a bit, but we're not going to talk about those kinds of things right now. We're both naked and horny, remember?"
"Mhmmm" you hummed as you grabbed him and laid on your back, pulling him atop of you . He gently took the hat off you and set it down somewhere to the left of where your discarded clothes lay.  He then proceeded to take control once again, pushing his cock deeper into you. Your breathing grew rapid, your eyes closed as you relished in the feeling.
Luffy began thrusting rapidly within you, his eyes staring deeply into yours. In response, you grasped onto  his back as your nails lightly dug into his skin.  Sweat dripped from your brow, and your legs quickly wrapped around his waist, pulling him ever further into you until there wasn't an inch of room between you two.
Luffy looked down at you as his thrusts slowed, watching as your chest rose and fell rapidly as you panted lightly.
 He gave you one last loving peck on the lips before returning his attention to his own actions. He pulled out slightly only to slam back in just as hard. Your back arched, causing you to moan loudly as he drove deeper into you. He buried his face in your neck, his teeth grazing the delicate flesh as you cried out with ecstasy.
Luffy's movements became frenzied as his climax overtook him, he withdraws himself from you before his semen spilled onto your stomach. A gasped escaped your lips as you felt his seed drip onto you.
The two of you fell silent, your eyes locked on each other, your chests rising and falling as you caught your breaths.
"Fuck, I thought it was your first time" you said between heavy breathes as you took a nearby tissue to clean you off
Luffy smiled, laying  down beside you "It is" he said out of breath looking at you with lustful eyes.
You gave him a soft smile,  your fingers running through his messy locks as he closed his eyes and sighed in content. 
The night, filled with passion and tenderness, eventually yielded to the creeping light of dawn. Gently, you stirred from the warmth of Luffy's embrace, feeling a pang of bittersweet nostalgia as you reluctantly disentangled yourself.
With a sigh, you rose from the ground, limbs still tingling from the shared intimacy of the night before. The room held the faint fragrance of your encounter, a lingering reminder of the passion that had unfolded.
As you dressed and made yourself presentable, you couldn't help but steal glances at Luffy, who lay in peaceful slumber, his straw hat resting next to him.
The first rays of sunlight filtered through the small window, casting a gentle glow on the room.A sign that the time had come to part ways with the Straw Hat Pirates. Though the night had felt like a dream, reality beckoned, and your own ship awaited.
You bent down and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, your heart heavy with unspoken emotions.
As you made your way towards the door, you turned back one last time, taking in the sight of the man who had turned your world upside down in just one night. With a whispered goodbye, you stepped out of the room, leaving behind the memories of an unforgettable encounter.
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A/N: Hope you liked it, idk if I should make it a short fic or not. Anyways, don’t hesitate to give other ideas, my requests are open :)
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he trims his beard
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God, I want to write thirty damn chapters about Pirate!Price so badly. Someone tell me not to, please? Lol. Otherwise, y'all might be getting thirty chapters of Pirate!Price...
MDNI/18+ TW: virginity reference
Captain John Price is king of the Seven Seas, and after he saves your life, you owe him a debt. His fee? To take you as his wife.
The Mediterranean Sea, 1708
“I just can’t…ARGH!” Price slammed his hand down on the porcelain basin as he tried to shave his chin, unable to use his right hand after the accident. 
You pitied him, but you were still terribly afraid of him. When he rescued you, you thought he had been Death riding in on his ghostly white ship. But, now that he had been with you going on a fortnight, you realized the hardened, gruff exterior was but a hard shell encasing the soft, warm center of Captain Price, leader of the Queen’s special unit of Her Majesty’s Royal Navy. 
You’d been marooned on Cassadaga Island for two days, stripped of your jewelry and purse, beaten within an inch of your life, and left for dead. Your would-be husband had planned the whole attack, hoping to cash in on the dowry money. The joke was on him. Your father had a gambling problem and had not two coins to rub together. The musket he kept above the mantle didn’t even have any gunpowder in it, you were so destitute. As soon as your fiancé found out about your lack of adequate funding, he tossed you overboard on his father’s ship. When Captain Price found you there, you were barely hanging on. 
The captain had nursed you back to health, promising to chase down the vagabond and kill him for his dishonor. He’d been true to his word, slaughtering the lot of them, but during his vengeful assault, he’d been shot through the hand with a musket. You’d cleaned the wound, and he had yelled at you for the pain. Now, you were cowering in the corner of your shared room, back to being a prisoner. 
He eyed you from his shining mirror above the basin, 
“C’mere, girl.”
You edged closer. It wasn’t quick enough for him, so he crossed the room, his black leather boots banging on the ash wood of his quarters.
“I said come here,” he growled, grabbing you by the arm and dragging you over to the wash bowl, razor in his uninjured hand. 
He let go of you, straightened himself, and sighed, fixing his harshness into a more genteel tone,
“My apologies,” the words came out of his mouth oily and practiced, not at all his natural verbiage, “Would you be so kind as to trim my beard? With my injury, and my left hand being more useless than a fuckin’ hook, I am at your mercy.”
He handed you the razor and you took it from him, 
“Yes, sir - I mean, Captain. Yes, Captain.”
You were stuttering, full of abject fear at his possible retaliation. 
As you approached his face with the razor, your hand was trembling and he noticed it. Something in him softened, his icy blue eyes melted just enough for him to hold you around your waist and gaze down at your face,
“It’s okay, pretty girl. My bark and my bite are both nasty, but I won’t harm you.”
His warm body was so close to yours, and with him leaning over you, breathing into your space, you could smell the tobacco scent that lingered in his clothes and beard. His long, braided hair was adorned with gold coins, bent and twisted into it to make little beads, and he had been caramelized by the sun. At the top of his sternum, you could see thick tufts of curly hair poking from his shirt. You tried not to stare. 
“Captain,” you asked as sweetly as you could, “Can you sit, sir, so that I may reach your cheek?”
He smiled, 
“Alright, love.”
He sat on his down mattress. The bed creaked at the addition of his familiar weight. 
At this more convenient angle, you were able to reach his face and neck, so you began your task. You applied the foam in thin layers, working gently as you went, mindful that the captain kept his blades sharp enough to cut steel twine. What you hadn’t realized was that, by requesting that he sit, he was in full, direct eye sight of your heavy breasts. They were corseted up, as was the fashion, but without your normal over-dress to cover you, your nipples ghosted through the thin chemise, hinting at little pebbles beneath the surface. He had not stopped staring at them since you began to shave him. 
You looked down while you were cleaning the blade, trying to discreetly glimpse at his growing passion, curious and fearful all at the same time. His breeches could barely contain him, and his thick phallus pressed into the join of his pants. He caught you staring, and he laughed at your rosy complexion, rolling his eyes,
“Ha! Embarrassed at your thirst, pretty girl? Surely those vagabonds did not leave you a virgin during your ordeal.” 
“They did, sir,” you admitted, returning to your work, sad at having been discovered sinning with your abject perversion. 
He made a small noise, unable to talk while you were shaving his prominent chin, careful around the curve of the bone. He liked to keep the sides long, trimming them with shears, but he always shaved his chin. You followed the razor’s line down his neck, careful not to knick his protruding Adam’s Apple. 
“Is that so?” The captain purred. 
“Yes, sir. At my fiance’s order.”
“Ah, I see.”
He was silent again, his eyes growing hungrier at the sight of you. His hands returned to your hips as the waves tossed the large vessel on the high seas. You stilled, feeling your belly flutter, wondering if it was seasickness or excitement from his newly focused touch.
“You alright, love? Bit choppy tonight. Storm’s brewin’.”
“Oh,” you nodded, finishing with his neck, “There. All finished, Captain.”
He moaned, holding your hips tighter, situating you between his open knees,
“Shame, that. I was enjoying your skillful hand, pretty girl.”
You blushed, setting the razor cleaned back in its case,
“Thank you, Captain Price. And thank you again for your rescue. I would be dead if not for your mercy. I am in your debt.”
“Aye,” the Captain eyed you slyly, “a steep debt at that. Your dowry should solve that for us. Then, you’ll be on your way. When we land in Málaga, your father can pay me.”
“Sir,” you gasped, “I don’t have one. My father took it to the game house and lost it on his cards.”
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, and you looked down at him in shame, hoping his mercy was deeper than his greed. 
“Hmm, I see. Then, perhaps you would consider a captain as your betrothed?”
You looked up at him in shock, and he was amused by your fear. He used one hand to hold you by the hip, and his other, uninjured hand delicately pulled at the silk ribbon of your bodice, aiming to free you from your painful restraints. 
“Y-y-yes…sir,” you could feel the heat on your cheeks, “My family would be most pleased with such a match.”
“Bugger your family, girl. They left you for dead. If you’re mine, you’ll be only mine. Once I have a bounty in my grasp, there’s not a man on God’s green earth who could take it from me. Does that scare you, girl? Do you want to run off home, turn to the cloth, become a nun instead?”
“No,” you shook your head, “No, sir. I owe you my life, and if it is my hand that you wish, I must oblige you.”
“I wish not your hand, love…” His tone was darkly suggestive, “Well, maybe at first.” He laughed warmly. 
It was a joke that you had missed, but you knew it was your innocence that kept you from divining its meaning. In your core, your body yearned for him. Seeing him command his men, the fiercest swords on the Seven Seas, watching him take down pirates and vagabonds like it made his heart beat in his breast, it was mystifying. His huge muscles and broad bones made his tall figure all the more imposing, and every port you landed in, women swooned over him while the men cowered in fear. Yes, you’d enjoy him as a husband. No one would ever dare lay a hand on you again. 
“What are your terms, Captain, should I accept your proposal?”
He ran a finger into the hole he had created in your leather bodice, letting you feel his warm touch through the thin fabric of your chemise. It electrified you.
“You’ll be mine, and only mine. I’ll be yours, and only yours. When I fill you with my seed, you’ll carry my children, and you’ll love them in earnest. You’ll sail with me, and learn the trade. There’s no comfortable manor house awaiting you, girl. What say you?”
“I agree to your terms, sir. But, I have one of my own.”
“Name it.”
“You’ll not lay a hand to me or our children, no matter the height of your rage.”
“Never. You have my word.”
Looking into his eyes, softened and vulnerable now, he meant it. You felt relief for the first time in weeks. Safe, protected, cared for, and welcomed into his adventures. It was everything you’d dreamed of. All of your childhood friends had dreams of servants and painting rooms and buying linens, while you had wanted to see the world. Here he was, offering it to you. 
“I accept.”
“As do I, love. Now,” he finished removing your corset and bodice top, letting it fall to the floor, “as your husband, I’ll have what I’m owed.”
“Yes, Captain. But, please,” you felt a tear roll away from your wet lashes, “be gentle with me.”
“I promised no such thing,” he said, lowering his mouth to your nipple, sucking it and wetting the silk of your chemise, using his hand to pull down the fabric on your other breast, exposing it to the sea air. 
You gasped, feeling his hot mouth explore your skin, your nipples tightening in the heat of his attentions. He was using his tongue to flick back and forth across the tip of your breast, not caring that you were trembling at every swipe of his tongue or thumb. You moaned, involuntarily, as you felt the sparkle of pleasure rush into your belly, making you wet under your skirts. While you had explored yourself plenty of times to discover the hidden secrets of your body, to have a man - especially such an aggressor like Captain Price - do it, it was so much more exciting. His forbidden fruit made you clench your legs together, upset and tingling within your core. 
“Mmm,” he praised you, “Like that, love?”
“Yes, Captain,” you whispered softly, placing your hands on the back of his neck, rubbing the firm musculature you discovered there. 
“Good girl,” he told you, pinching your nipple cruelly to make you moan again. 
He kissed you then, full and with his long, ravenous tongue, forcing it into your mouth to feel your tongue and throat, the silky skin of your cheek. As he kissed you, he was busy rucking up your skirts, searching for your dripping heat. He found it, and he stilled. Barely moving, he stopped kissing you and looked up into your eyes with his stark blue ones, a look of pure delight on his face. 
“Oh, my stars. There it is. You’ve been hiding it from me. So willing? Tell me the truth. Have you been hungering for me as I have been for you?”
It would not be proper to confess such a thing, even to a man who would be your husband. You shook your head in denial, pressing your lips together to keep from telling the truth. 
“Say it! Tell your naughty thoughts to me, love. This is not the cunt of a frightened girl.”
You blushed, red as a rose, unable to meet his gaze. 
“C’mon, pretty girl,” he moved his finger inside of you then, gently sinking into his drooling sheath, ready to send home his sword to it.
“Y-yes,” your voice was barely audible.
“Yes? What have you been thinking of?” He returned to your nipple, pressing his finger deeper into you, massaging your walls as he explored.
“You…when you fight pirates, sir. You look…”
He chuckled, biting your firm nipple softly, teasing you,
“You like seeing me murdering those devils, do you? In all my days, I never thought I’d find a lass who had a taste for war.”
“Not the war, sir. Just the warrior. You seem to be in command of the chaos, and my body…well, I guess…I am unsure how to describe it.”
He pulled you down to the bed and tossed you on your back, rutting against you with his length, letting his hardness press into your core through his breeches. 
“You like seeing me in charge, hm? Your captain, barking his orders, tossing those traitorous rats into the drink, yeah?”
“Yes, sir,” you confessed, rolling in the broiling pleasure he was building inside of you, his hand knuckle-deep inside of your core. 
“Good,” he said smugly, “Then, I have a command for you.”
You looked up at him, watching him roll your skirt up above your knees, his eyes never leaving your dripping folds. He smiled when he saw it gleam for him. 
“What do you ask of me, my love?”
“Open your legs, girl. Feed yourself to your Captain.”
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gothic-thoughts · 5 months
(Zoro he don't mean nothing to me baby, I promise)
Sanji Vinsmoke x Black Fem Reader Smut
MDNI, Pirate!Reader
CW: Reader's fed up wit Sanji's flirty self, Reader's on top, she/her pronouns, afab parts mentioned, hate fucking, riding, edging, vulgar words(he's a whore🙄), damn near porn w/o plot
Word Count: 1070 (give or take)
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"Heh, s-so territorial. Ungh, sugar~"
Sanji let out shallow pants as I slowly lift myself up and down his sensitive shaft. He slowly bucked his hips up against my pelvis, desperately looking for more friction, earning another harsh slap to his thigh. The blonde Frenchman tugged at the ties that kept his wrists connected to the wooden poles of his headboard. 
"Knew I’d probably get a rise out of you but, ngh, didn't think you'd go this far."
"Shut up." I groan, clenching around him, "You know what you did."
"Yeah, I do, so you can...ngh, st-stop now."
"Do you?" I stop moving, "Has it finally sunken into that thick skull of yours?"
He pants heavily before chuckling "You're mad at me because I'm too charming. But isn't that why you--shiiit."
I clench around him, "You know what you did."
My arousal dripped down his sensitive shaft as I bounced on it with soft moans in his ear. His hips bucked as he struggled and panted, trying to keep it together but soft moans still came out anyway. I abruptly stop bouncing and look at his blissed-out face, as he starts gasping again.
"(Y/n), s'il vous plaît. Just..." Sanji gulps, "Just let me c-cum, please. I'm fucking begging you." 
"And I'm not fucking listening. I told you not to hang out with her again."
"She asked me to help her move something! Y-you can't be completely mad!"
"I am. You think I don't know how often you hang out with Nami's sister?"
"And nothing happens but harmless flirting, baby. Nothin' serious."
"Nigga, I don't want you flirting at all. I told you I don't like that shit."
I purposely squeeze around his incredibly hard cock making his head hang forward as another moan falls from his wet lips. He looked up at me with a dizzy smile and giggles, so I cupped his chin and focused his gaze on mine.
"Somethin' funny?"
"Oh, nothing~"
"We can go at this for another 20 minutes if you want."
He chuckles darkly, "You...you little minx."
"Then what's funny?"
"You just look so pretty when you're mad, t's making me so fucking hard."
"And yo ass gon stay hard. I’m not letting you cum and if you do, not inside."
His eyebrows raise, eyes widening. "What? No, no, no baby."
"I said what I said."
"You don't mean that, y-you like it too much."
"Try me." I growl.
"I apologized like a hundred times already, mon amour!"
"No, actually, you teased me about being jealous and tried to get free this whole time."
“Ugh, you little...." He trails off into an evil giggle, "This won't hold me forever.”
"Sure it will. And even if it can't, it's gon hold you long enough until you're so drained, you can't get me back."
"Eventually I'm gonna lose it, sugar girl; just you wait. You can take me for now but when it’s my turn, you're gonna get it, femme."
I lean into his face, squinting. "Is that so?"
"I’ll fuck you senseless and turn you into a sobbing mess. Both and this perfect fucking--oh fuck, unngh~"
I grind down on him, smirking when Sanji's hips stutter. I grab his shoulders, position my legs into a crouching position, and plunge, hearing moans fall from his pretty, swollen lips as he tries to finish his sentence. The chef's back arches, hand gripping the headboard.
“Merde, ngh mon dieu. Keep going, don't you f-uckin' st--mm~!”
"That feels good, blondie?"
"Hah, yes baby. Just let me cum, douceur (sweetness), please. I'm getting close, I can't anymore."
Sanji tugs on restraints while his thighs shook and tensed under me. His hips bucked up into me as I slammed myself on him, making us both moan out and toss our heads back. I try to bounce harder but once I notice he's enjoying it too much, I stop my hips, panting just as hard as he was.
"N-no." His panting fades into an evil chuckle, "Non, je ne pense pas. (no, I don't think so)."
He tugs hard on the restraints, ripping his hands free and breaking the small wooden poles in the headboard. I gasp as he sits up, flipping me to my back as he pins my wrists above my head and thrusts at a fast and hard rhythm. He grips my ass and pulls me into him, coaxing himself deeper into my squeezing pussy. He pins my wrists above my head and dips his face into my neck, sucking hickeys and bites marks into it. I gasp and moan in his ear at the sudden rough pace as he completely takes over.
"Oh m'god, S'nji~"
"You're not going anywhere." He pants, essentially growling desperately into my neck, "Feels so fuckin' good."
"B-baby, chill, mmh my god!"
"Pas encore (not yet). I didn't get you back for that little, half-hour tantrum you made me sit through."
"M-maybe if you stop eye-fucking Nami's sister, w-wouldn't have a f'ckin' attittude."
"You act like I'd fuck her. You know I can't help but compliment a beautiful woman, doesn't mean I'm not with most beautiful one dans le monde (in the world)."
He chuckles, "Sorry but you're gonna have to beg me now. What's my name, mon cherie?" 
"Deeper, baby, please~!"
"That's not it."
"Encore une fois. One more time, and I'll give you what you want."
"G'deeper, please, I'm so close."
"I said--"
"Fine, maybe I sh-should I jus' flirt wit Zoro...."
His hips stutter at my words and I instantly regret them as he puts my legs over his shoulders, grip my wrists tighter as he starts pounding into me, now fueled by rage. His hips speed up slapping against mine with every thrust, the amount of force making the bed clash against the wall.
"You think you're funny? Huh? I may be a flirt but that moss-headed brute is where I draw the fucking line."
Each drag of his cock in and out of my insides makes my eyes roll back into my skull, the wet squelching echoing in the room getting louder as I cum hard. I grip the sheets My eyes roll back and my legs tremble near his ears while my pussy spasms and clenches around him. He groans, slowing down only to draw away his orgasm before speeding up again.
"Who you cumming for, huh? Is it mosshead, cuz I don't think so. Tell me who's driving you insane."
I couldn't even respond with the way he was drilling into me with every word. He knew I couldn't do anything but gasp and groan when he reached deep and drags along my spot. I feel my juices roll down my ass and make the sound of his hefty balls quickly slapping on me louder.
"Speak, sugar; talk to me. Tell me who's making a mess outta you."
"Y-you, you; you baby, you are~! Don't stop, f-uck!"
“Mmh, b-baby~ You think I want her like this? She may be pretty but you know my cock only goes inside you. You're the only one that can take me so easily, sweet girl."
"B-baby, I can't!"
"S-sure...you...can, ngh. Now forgive me, dammit."
"I f'give you, I forgive you! I'm s'rry!"
"G-good. So....cum....again..."
I scratch at the blankets and yell his name making the grip on my waist tighten as he moans my name into the lip he was biting. I run my fingers through his hair and he can't help but let out a softer moan, his forehead coming down to rest on my collarbone as he practically melts at the affection.
His pace stuttered but he continued to massage himself with my tight walls while grasping at my hips desperately. Sanji suddenly pulled them to his pelvis with a moan as thick cum sprayed insides while I squeeze around him. We were both panting, words caught in our throats as he slowly pulls out with a tired smile. His body gives out and collapses onto mine with soft pants and broken breaths.
"Are we...done n-now?"
"No more flirting."
"I don't know....if this is how you act, I have to think about it."
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luxthestrange · 9 months
TWST Incorrect quotes#617 Go big or go big-
Pirate Savanaclaw with Giant Sea Monster Yuu and Lovestruck Pirate second in command Ruggie-
Pirate!Ruggie*Telling the crew to go towards you...who is brushing your hair with a swordfish *She'll not harm us! Full bore and into the abyss! Captain!Leona: Are you mad? Pirate!Ruggie*Has Flowers, and a ring at the ready, mockingly looking at Leona* HA! You 'fraid to get wet?~
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Sea Monster!Yuu*Is currently singing*
My father was a sailor My mother was a fish Since I was little girl/boy I've only had one wish
A tiny dream belonged to me To be known across the seven seas I started small but my ambition grew And now I'm known across the ocean blue
All my life what I wanted to be The fiercest monster in the deep blue sea
It's a lonely life But the only life I would ever want for me
But I've come so far And now I'm a star And everyone knows me
Yes, I am number one sea beast I am the-...
Standing on the top of the ship is Ruggie clapping with a lovesick grin, annoyed you lower yourself to see who dared to interrupt your groove
Pirate!Ruggie*Smilling with heart eyes*Wow, you have a beautiful voice~- Hi, Mx Yuu, My name is-
Sea Monster!Yuu: Dinner. Your name is Dinner
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twit-ter-pa-ted · 8 months
Yes, Ma'am. - Part Two
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pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x afab!Reader
warnings: flirting & poor description of food, i think
overview: You find out why Sanji is known to be the best chef in the East Blue. The Straw Hat reveals his intentions.
a/n: this is turning into a full blown series😭 thank you for the support on the first part, i was so shocked and i am so immensely grateful for everyone who read and enjoyed it. i love you all!
part one — final part
Sanji had barely taken a step into the kitchen when Patty began reprimanding him on how Zeff had kicked him out of the kitchen for the day, but it didn't stop him from grabbing a pan and starting his work.
You waited patiently after watching Sanji disappear into the kitchen. As you waited for your food, your eyes darted to the party you had been dismissing since you first noticed them. You were busy flirting, after all.
The Straw Hat, the Long-nose, the Redhead, and the Pirate Hunter. Their complimentary bread disappeared within seconds of it being placed on their table, courtesy of the straw hat, which led to the long-nose whining about how he didn't get a chance to taste the bread.
Dish after dish arrived at their table as you recalled hearing the straw hat order every dish on the menu, and you couldn't help but wonder how the nameless pirate would pay for it.
In the middle of watching the Straw Hat, whose name, you learned, was Luffy, you noticed Sanji returning to your table.
He set down a plate in front of you as well as a glass of strawberry milkshake.
"Somethin' I've been working on – sauteed True Bluefin over a sweet soy glaze, sided with seared asparagus," he descripted as he set down utensils and motioned at the plate. Then he motioned at the milkshake. At a glance, you could see that it had been done the way you requested it be. It even had a pink and white striped straw to match.
"Strawberry milkshake with a thin coat of strawberry syrup, no seeds, fine whipped cream made by yours truly," he playfully bowed, "and a strawberry to top off a drink as sweet as you."
You smiled as he winked. "Thank you, Sanji."
He refused your utterance of gratitude. "Please, I find it a privilege to have been able to cook for a beauty such as yourself."
He seemed to have no plans to leave, instead waiting to see your reaction, so you began to cut into the fish, your eyes never leaving his as you brought the piece to your lips using the fork.
A burst of flavor overwhelmed your taste buds the moment you took the piece into your mouth. Your usually insouciant temperament slipped for just a moment as your eyes widened.
"It’s good," you managed to say as if it weren’t the best thing you had ever tasted in your entire life.
"Yeah?" He smirked. He knew you were masking your amusement, it was evident on your face that you were. He drank in your expression as you attempted to keep your cool.
You nodded. "It's nothing like anything I've had before," you admitted.
"Thank you, love."
You moved onto the drink. As you went to grab it, Sanji spoke.
"I realized I never got your name," he declared. You paused, simply holding the drink in your hand now.
"Will you be needing it?" You questioned while playing with the fountain glass. His flirty persona faltered with confusion as your tone seemed to have an implication.
"I saw you flirting with the redhead earlier, did you make sure her water came from heaven itself?" You jested, hearing even her crewmates teasing her about the interaction.
He smirked as he was ready to tease, "Are you jealous?"
You only shrugged. "I'm just stating what I observed, darling." Lifting the straw to your lips, your eyes never left his as you took a sip.
You were more of a whiskey on the rocks kind of person, but you had to admit – the strawberry milkshake was far better than good. You couldn’t understand how something so simple could taste so heavenly. There were, in fact, no seeds, and the taste was just the right amount of sweetness that you were looking for, even if you hadn’t mentioned a specific level of sweetness for it.
You think you'd never be able to find words to describe it, just as you had run short of words for the sauteed True Bluefin. "It’s good," oh, please. The two of you knew that you felt you never knew what real food tasted like until you had tried Sanji's cooking – tested out his skills in the kitchen.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the drink. It was so delectable that it was almost painful.
"I like you, Sanji," You confessed before beginning to cut into the fish in your plate again. "I enjoyed our exchange. I certainly enjoy the dish and drink you've made for me." Sanji opened his mouth to reply when someone shouted from the kitchen area.
"Oi, Sanji! You’re here to cater, not to flirt!" Sanji evidently clenched his jaw.
"Just get back to cooking, Patty!" He turned to you again, his jaw now unclenched and his eyes thinning as he smiled.
You rarely told anyone your name. In your line of business, it didn't really matter who you were or how much they knew about you. It was all in the matter of how cheap or expensive your product was, and how hard you were willing to fight for its worth (and your life).
You told him your name. Just your first name – nothing more, nothing less. It led to less hurt that way, if you knew the least you could about each other.
He repeated your name as if to test how it rolled off his tongue, his tone velvety as he spoke.
"Likewise." He moved slightly, indicating that he was now leaving you to eat your lunch.
"But I do mean every word I say. It's nothing I've said to anyone before is all I'll say, I suppose it's up to you to believe that or not. I do hope you consider coming back here despite how shitty it is." You couldn’t help but chuckle as he deprecated the restaurant he worked at. "I'll be willing to cook you up another meal, if you’re up for it."
You pretended to think about it, but you were already dead set on your answer – "Sure, why not?"
Sanji's smile grew as he began to depart from your table, his eyes never leaving yours until he had to take another table's orders.
"That's the broker pirate hunter?" The straw hat declared with his eyes on you. You whipped your head to face them with a puzzled look.
The redhead's eyes widened. "Hey, not so loud!" She turned to you to find that you were already looking in their direction.
"Not a broker, not a pirate hunter!" You corrected irritably.
"See? I told you." The long-nose attempted to mutter as he lightly smacked the straw hat's shoulder.
"Hey, are you the nameless, bounty-less pirates that defeated Axe-Hand Morgan?"
"Woah, woah. You did – you did what?" The long-nose's eyes had widened. He seemed to be unaware of the gang of pirates he had joined.
"Nameless?" The straw hat echoed. He then stood to approach your table. He held out his sauce covered hand which you only looked at. He retracted his hand when you made no move to grab it.
"My name is Monkey D. Luffy. I'm going to be King of the Pirates!" Your eyes widened at his proclamation, your eyes returning to look into his.
Unlike what you expected from countless others who had declared themselves to soon be King of the Pirates, this Luffy character seemed to have something else other than pure determination glimmering in his eyes. It almost had you believing that he was going to be King of the Pirates.
"So just you wait," he then said your name as if you were close friends, "I'll get my first bounty soon."
He couldn't have been that much younger than you. And yet, something about him made you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt.
"That's my crew, by the way." He pointed at his booth. "That's Zoro, Nami, and Usopp."
"Not in your crew," Nami denied.
"Don't introduce us to the pirate hunter, Luffy!" Usopp scolded him.
"What's up?" Zoro calmly greeted.
"I'm not a pirate hunter. That's a pirate hunter," you corrected Usopp once again, pointing to Zoro.
"Not anymore," Zoro corrected you, too.
"Well, I can see that, given how you're in a pirate crew."
He only scoffed. "Uh-huh, nice to see you again, too."
Luffy seemed to be unaware of the tension between the two of you. He grinned as he came to a realization, "Oh, you know each other?"
"Yep." You and Zoro answered in unison, which caused you to glare at each other before looking away.
"Well?" Luffy questioned expectantly, slinging an arm around your shoulders. You looked at the hand on your shoulder and wondered if the boy had any respect for boundaries. You simply shook your head and decided to return to your meal.
"Oh, come on. Zoro!" He whined as he returned to their table.
* * * * * *
taglist: @inf4ntdeath @x-uno @miloonmetis @angeli-fucking-cat @zzbloody-animezz
thank you for your support! <3
(there will be one more part after this one)
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Lucky Break Chapter 5
Yandere Straw Hats x Fem!Reader
4.6k words
Beginning / Previous / Next
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A partial night of rest did little for you. Your head was still killing you, and the dreamless, fleeting sleep did nothing to aid in jogging your far away memories. 
Nami was kind enough to let you stay in her boat for the rest of night, and you were still on it this morning. You didn't feel confident in your ability to cross boats again now that the wind had picked up and the waters were slightly rougher. The last thing you wanted was to fall into the ocean again right after getting a change of clothes. 
You watched with mild amusement as Nami and Luffy bickered about the Grand Line. Well, Nami was bickering. Luffy was dismissing everything. 
“How do you expect to so much as make it into the Grand Line as you are? You have no supplies, no ship, and only two people. You're even more insane than I thought you were if you think that's a good idea.” Nami returned her attention to the map in her hands, muttering under her breath about pirates being a nuisance.
Luffy shoved the rest of the apple he was eating into his mouth, core and all. Cyanide poisoning be damned. He did appear to at least be taking her words into consideration, which was an improvement. “Yeah, we're going to have to get some meat before we go.” 
You snort at the exasperated look Nami shoots him. Of course that was what he was hung up on. Luffy cooked his head to the side, “And what do you mean I only have two people? There's four of us.”
“I am not a part of your crew, this is just a temporary alliance. I'm not about to sail into the Grand Line with anybody, much less someone as in over their head as you are.” Nami pointed at you, “And Lucky doesn't count. She doesn't even remember her name, what are you expecting her to do?”
“What's that got to do with anything? She doesn't need to remember her name to be my crewmate.”
“She's got a gaping head wound! She needs to see a doctor, not get dragged into the most dangerous place on the planet by a delusional captain!” Nami picked up and chucked an apple at his head. An extremely ineffective attack given that he just opened his mouth and ate it whole like some sort of snake-person.
“Maybe we'll find a doctor on the next island, and then she’ll be good to go.” Luffy perked up, “Are we getting close to one yet? I want to get some food.”
The navigator's eyes flitted back down to the map. She still looked annoyed but answered his question, “Yes, we should be at the Gecko Islands soon.”
Luffy cheered and whirled around on his perch to stare into the distance. You followed his gaze and saw a speck of an island in the distance. Being on solid ground again sounded lovely. The unsteadiness of being on a constantly rocking boat felt extremely unnatural to you. Based on that, you felt safe in assuming that you had never spent a prolonged period of time at sea before this. 
And of course, you were looking forward to the possibility of seeing a doctor and having your injury inspected and cared for by a professional. Zoro definitely needed to see a doctor, too, what with his stab wound. 
Though, as you glanced at him, he appeared to be entirely unbothered. The only thing that even hinted at what had happened was the hole and bloodstain in his shirt. Other than that, he seemed fine. Shit, maybe he can sleep off stab wounds. If only you could do the same for your injury.
Luffy kicked his legs in excitement as the island drew closer. “We can get supplies here, and maybe even a new ship! Oh! We might even get some new crewmates! We're going to need a cook before we get to the Grand Line. And a musician.”
Having a cook around made sense, though you were more than a little baffled at him prioritizing a musician over a doctor. Well, whatever. He’s the captain, not you. He can recruit whoever he wants, and you’re sure that he will. Especially considering how much he’s been brushing off Nami stating that she isn’t a part of the crew.
The two boats hit sand as you finally make it to the island. You’re at some empty beach far away from the docks. Nami insisted that this would be for the best considering that her ship has Buggy’s jolly roger plastered over the sail. You jump off the ship and help pull them further onto the beach to prevent them from drifting away.
Being on solid land feels just as good as you had expected. The sand has a give to it, of course, but it isn’t constantly rocking back and forth. You stretch as you scan your surroundings. The beach is boxed in by cliffs, with a manmade walkway leading into a lightly packed forest that helps to hide your ships further. Someone would have to go out of their way to find you guys here.
“The village isn’t far from here, right?” Luffy was looking around excitedly, no doubt eager for a chance to stretch his legs. You were, too. The island appears to be normal and peaceful. It’ll be nice to explore a town without a bunch of pirates in it… you guys notwithstanding, of course. 
“Yes, it shouldn’t take long to get there,” Nami answered passively while scrutinizing the map in her hands. “I wonder where we could find a ship.”
“We’ll worry about that later. Let’s find a place to eat first!” Luffy was actively drooling as he spoke. You’re not sure how anyone can be so hungry after eating what you’re pretty sure was in the ballpark of twenty apples, but you aren’t about to try and get between him and food.
Nami pushed him out of her face harshly, “Would you stop talking about food for five seconds?!”
Your attention was drawn away from them as you saw movement up on the cliffs. You squint and see several bushes rustling from what you’re assuming is some local wildlife. Zoro unsheaths a sword behind you and steps forward.
“Careful… I think we have company.”
That catches everyone’s attention. Nami tenses and steps back while scanning the forest herself, while Luffy is visibly excited about whoever could possibly be here. To you, Zoro seems to be over reacting. It’s more than likely just some animals running around, you’re not sure why he’s instantly jumping to this being an ambush or something.
Then someone starts shooting at Luffy’s feet. Perhaps Zoro was onto something. He scrambles to get out of the way while Zoro rushes forward to help. Before you even have a chance to react, Nami grabs you by the collar of your shirt and drags you back to the boat before shoving you into it and climbing in beside you to take cover. You cough and gasp as she releases your shirt.
The attack stops, so you and Nami peer over the side of the ship to see what’s going on. Luffy and Zoro appear to be fine, thankfully, but now a bunch of flags are popping out of the bushes. All of them have the same jolly roger on them. Ah. So much for you thinking that this island was pirate-free. You just hope none of them have any weird-ass super powers to contend with.
This display does nothing to intimidate Luffy, who by all accounts seems to be having a grand time watching this. A boy suddenly emerges from behind a tree, looking extremely pleased with himself. Some of the tension leaves your body as you are distracted by the fact that this kid has the longest damn nose you’ve ever seen. You didn’t think that was physically possible. You shake your head, reminding yourself that now is not the time to be getting distracted by appearances.
Long-nose crosses his arms and puffs out his chest proudly. “I am Captain Usopp! Leader of the pirates who reign over this village! I’ll have you know that everyone here fears me as much as they sing my praise! Which is a lot!” He gestures behind himself with a dramatic flare, “Go ahead and forget about attacking this village, it’s under my control! Me and my eighty million subordinates won’t let you get far!”
Eighty… Eighty million? You and Nami share a sideways glance at each other. That seems… a touch far fetched. The island doesn’t appear big enough to hold even one million people, much less eighty million plus the villagers. Now that you think about it, It’s odd that he didn’t name drop his crew. He just called them “the pirates”. You let out a sigh and slump against the boat, relieved that this appears to just be some display rather than a real threat. Nami pinches the bridge of her nose, looking annoyed more than anything, and Zoro puts his sword away with a huff.
Luffy, meanwhile, is star-struck. 
“If you’re going to lie, at least make it believable!” Nami calls out to him.
Usopp gasps, stumbling back in shock, “How did you know?!”
Nami rolls her eyes, “And now you’re admitting to it this easily? You’re terrible at this.” She climbs back out of the boat, and you’re quick to follow suit. You glance up the cliff to see Usopp beating himself up for failing miserably at his intimidation attempt. 
He whips back around to face all of you again, trying desperately to save face. “Well, maybe I was exaggerating a little bit, but I can assure you that I do have some very powerful men at my disposal!” He points at a cluster of bushes not far from him. Unlike the rest of the flags, the ones coming out of the bushes were moving, implying the presence of at least a few people. 
Still, those bushes weren’t particularly huge. You can’t imagine that there were that many people hiding in them. You squint, “What? Like three people?”
The literal second you say this, precisely three people spring out of the bushes looking aghast at your accurate prediction. These “powerful men” looked to be a bunch of kindergarteners, who screamed in terror and ran away immediately while Usopp yelled after them not to leave him here alone. Another impressive victory under your sword-belt, you suppose.
Luffy looks at you in awe, “How did you know?”
All you offer him is a simple shrug and say, “Lucky guess?”
Nami sifts through the sand and pulls out some tiny pellets. She examines them with absolutely no sense of urgency. “Huh. I’ve never seen a pirate captain use a slingshot before.”
Usopp gasps and clutches his chest in offense, “What’s that supposed to mean? Don’t insult me!” He pulls a slingshot from his bag and takes aim at her. Nami stares at him blankly. “I have a lot of pride in my weapon! So much so that people call me ‘Proud Usopp’!”
You’ll give him this much: he doesn’t abandon the bit easily. You call out to him, “By people, do you mean yourself?”
Now Nami’s comment didn’t seem all that bad to him. Usopp changed positions to aim at you instead, “Many people call me that! In fact, they call me ‘Proud Usopp’ more than ‘Captain Usopp’ because they’re that impressed by my pride!” He pulls the leather pad holding another pellet back further. “Behold! You’re about to see that my slingshot skills can put a pistol to shame!”
Given how many other things he’s lied about or exaggerated greatly, you aren’t scared. The pellets that he shot at Luffy had some oomph to them, sure, but comparing them to bullets fired from a gun seems excessive. Getting pelted by some pellets is hardly going to be the worst injury you’ve endured.
Before Usopp can decide if he really wants to fire at you or not, Luffy steps in front of you with the brim of his hat pulled down over his eyes. His voice drops to a surprisingly low tone as he addresses Usopp seriously for the first time, “Now that you’ve drawn your “pistol”, you’ve put your life on the line.”
Both you and Usopp gawk at Luffy. Usopp was clearly scared by the sudden mood shift, and even you felt a chill run down your spine. You’re so used to seeing Luffy be carefree and goofy that hearing him openly threaten someone in a genuinely intimidating fashion has completely thrown you for a loop. On top of that, you feel confused. Nothing about this scenario feels heavy enough to warrant this kind of a response.
“You don’t use those to threaten people.” Luffy makes a show of loudly cracking his knuckles while maintaining intense eye contact with Usopp, who is now looking like he’s really regretting his previous actions.
Zoro grinned and stepped forward, just barely unsheathing a sword, “You’re dealing with real pirates now… Are you prepared for that?”
This is escalating quickly. You lean over to Nami and whisper, “Should we stop them?” 
Nami did not share your concern. She examined her nails, barely even sparing you a glance, “No. He’ll lose his nerve before it gets to that.”
For a long, tense moment, there is silence as Usopp is stared down by Luffy and Zoro. Then, just as Nami predicted, he caved. The pellet slipped out of the slingshot and onto the ground. Usopp fell to his knees immediately after, looking thoroughly shaken up from the exchange. His hand clutched his chest as he muttered about how much scarier the words of real pirates are.
Mercifully, the tension dissipated instantly. Luffy dropped the disconcertingly serious look from his face and laughed loudly. “I stole that from Shanks! Your dad is Yassop, right?”
Usopp reels back at that question. “You know Shanks?! Wait- You know my dad?!” He clambers forward, but he isn’t paying attention and tumbles right over the side of the cliff. He rolls the whole way down, landing ass-first at the bottom. You wince, swearing that you felt some of that. The fall does little to deter Usopp, who quickly gets to his feet and stumbles closer to Luffy. “Yassop is my dad, but how did you know that?”
Luffy opens his mouth to answer, then stops abruptly. “I’ll tell you, but you have to take us to the nearest place to get food first.”
The deal was immediately accepted by Usopp, who nodded eagerly, “There’s a tavern not far from here, I’ll show you the way!”
Luffy followed close behind, cheering at the promise of food. How he intended to pay for it, you weren’t entirely sure, but who were you to ruin his excitement? No one else seemed concerned about the financials of this meal, so you suppose you shouldn’t be either.
Zoro casually trails behind Usopp and Luffy, while you and Nami were at the back. You two walked in silence while you mulled over something. This wasn’t the first time you’d heard the name Shanks. You can recall hearing the name thrown around while Luffy was duking it out with the clown-guy… Bucky? Boogie? You shake your head. That doesn’t matter.
Was Shanks someone important? Or was he coming up a lot purely through a series of coincidences? The name wasn’t ringing any bells for you, but given that you couldn’t remember your own name, that really wasn’t saying much. There’s only one way to find out the truth about him.
“Hey, Nami?” You wait for her to glance your way, acknowledging your inquiring tone. “Who’s Shanks?”
Her eyes widened, “You don’t know who Shanks is?”
You raise a hand and tap near your head wound, only to flinch at the pang of pain that shot through your head from that action. Oh, that was stupid. 
Nami sighs, “You really don’t remember anything if you don’t even recognize his name.” Her face turns to a sneer, “He’s some bigshot pirate that’s worked his way up to being an emperor.”
The answer only served to confuse you more. “Emperor? What does piracy have to do with being one of those?”
“It’s just a title, he isn’t a literal emperor.” She waves her hand dismissively, “Don’t think about it too much. The less you know about pirates, the better.”
Aren’t you kind of a pirate now? At least by association. Not to mention that you’re traveling with two of them. Something tells you that Nami wouldn’t care for you pointing that out, so you continue to walk beside her in silence.
A large wooden sign with the words “Syrup Village” is sticking out of the ground once you’ve walked through the small forest. The village itself was small and quaint, possessing a sort of rustic charm that made it feel homey even if you've never been here before. Unlike Orange Town, this place was clearly populated. The local villagers milled about, going about their daily routines. It was a pleasant change of pace. 
Usopp beckoned all of you into a small tavern. There weren't any customers inside, just an elderly man sitting behind a counter, and what sounds like a small staff in the kitchen. 
“I have a lot of influence here. Go on and take a seat, I can handle the rest.” Usopp hurried over to the old man and started giving him some spiel about how you guys were a part of his crew, and thus, deserved only the best. The old man didn't even look up from his newspaper, but was nodding along anyway.
Nami picked out a booth for you all to sit at. Zoro slid in next to her, while you sat at the bench across from them. You glanced over to see Luffy sticking his head into the kitchen, apparently having not listened when Usopp insisted on handling everything. He was demanding an obscene amount of food, more than you thought all of you could reasonably eat in a week, much less one sitting.
As soon as he was done ordering enough food to make it feel like its own lunch rush, he bounded over to your booth and plopped onto the bench next to you, visibly elated. Usopp joined a moment later, dragging over a chair so he could sit at the head of the table. 
“So, how do you know my dad?” Usopp was staring at Luffy expectantly. 
Luffy perked up, “Oh, right. He was a part of Shanks’ crew, I saw him a lot growing up.”
Usopp's jaw dropped. “He's a part of Shanks’ crew?!” He kicked his legs under the table, a dreamy look on his face, “So that's where he's been.”
You quirked a brow at that statement. He didn't know where his own dad was? Did they never see each other? Or at least talk once in a while? You're surprised he doesn't look more bitter about it. You think that you would be if you were him. 
There's a pang in your head, and your eyes go fuzzy for a moment. It's a sharp pain right behind your eyes. You put your face in your hands and massage your temples, trying to will away the pain and cloudy vision. 
You're startled slightly when you feel someone lightly kick you under the table. You pull your face from your hands only to find Zoro staring at you questioningly from across the table. 
“Everything alright?” His face was casual, so much so that it could be mistaken for disinterested, but it felt like his eyes were staring into you.
“I'm fine, I'm just… hungry.” Complaining about a headache felt childish, so you kept it to yourself. These people are being needlessly kind to you, you don't want to start annoying them and risk making them change their mind. 
Zoro stares at you hard, and you get the impression that he doesn't believe you. He sighs and brings a pint of beer up to his mouth, “Well you better eat something quickly before Luffy gets it all.”
Hang on. You look at the table and finally take notice of the drinks and plates of food on it. When did these get here? You thought you only had your head in your hands for a few seconds… how did you not even hear the dishes being set down?
You really need to see a doctor. 
A plate of food and some water are slid to you by Zoro, who apparently thought you were taking too long to make a move. You mutter a quiet thanks and gulp down some water before digging into the food. Hopefully having something of substance in your stomach would make you feel better. 
Something was tickling at the back of your mind, but not clearly enough for you to make anything of it. The faintest whisper of a voice and a bizarre feeling of empty loneliness hung over you despite being surrounded by people. The responsible thing to do would be to focus on the essence of a memory that was trapped beneath the surface of your mind, begging to come forth. You should be trying to bring it to the front and realize it for what it was. But… apparently the person you're supposed to be isn't one for responsibility. You shove more food into your mouth and push the thought down. That memory didn't feel very pleasant. You try to focus on what’s going on around you instead of that.
The table is lively, unlike your foggy mind. Luffy is happily recounting childhood memories of Yassop while Usopp hangs onto every word of it, completely rapt in the stories. Luffy is also choking down an obscene amount of food at a cornering rate. You're not sure he's even chewing any of it given how fast he keeps going back for more. No wonder Zoro was insistent on you eating sooner rather than later. Another minute of hesitation and you would have been shit out of luck.
Nami finishes the rest of her drink and levels Usopp with a stare, “Say, you wouldn't happen to know where we could get a ship around these parts, would you?”
“A ship?” Usopp hums in thought for a moment, then stiffens up. “I wouldn't know anything about where to get one of those. This is a small village. We don't even have many ships passing through, much less up for grabs.”
“What about the people living in that mansion up on the hill?” Zoro nodded his head in the direction of it. The large home was in clear view from where all of you were seated. “Surely someone in a house like that has at least a few caravels at their disposal. Maybe more.”
Dishes clatter on the table as Usopp abruptly stands up and slams his hands down. “You can't go there!” His shout and sudden mood change startles everyone. Just as quickly as he became upset, his face dropped into a more bashful look. “Oh, would you look at the time! I have very important business to tend to, bye!” And with that, he sprinted out of the building, only reappearing briefly as he sped past the window. 
What was that all about?
Nami sighed sharply. “What's got him so worked up? He ran out of here so fast that I just barely managed to grab this,” she held up a small, leather wallet. 
“Nami!” You attempted to scold her, but the smug look on her face told you that your words meant nothing. 
“What? He said he'd take care of everything, and that includes paying the bill. I'm just ensuring that he keeps his word, that's all.” Nami barely even glances at you before opening it up and counting the money. Based on the way her face contorts, you're guessing that it isn't as much as she was hoping for. 
Luffy didn't appear to be even slightly concerned about that. He was happily licking the plates clean. Including yours, which was a little weird, but whatever. Not gonna ruin your day. 
When you hear the door to the tavern open again, you don't think much of it. It's not until some little kids storm up to your table wielding wooden toy swords that you decide to pay attention. It dawns on you that these are the same kids you scared away earlier at the beach.
“W-What did you do with our captain?!” The boy with green hair asks the question as if he is already assuming the worst. All of the kids are shaking like chihuahuas while trying to act tough. 
“Man, I'm full! That was some really good meat!” Luffy flopped against your shoulder heavily, having apparently finally satiated his massive appetite. The boys stared at him in abject horror.
“Your captain?” Zoro's once neutral face curled up into a surprisingly sinister grin. He leaned forward, making the children almost trip over each other to back away. “We ate him.”
The children grew deathly pale, screamed, then promptly fainted into a heap on the floor. 
“Zoro!” You kept switching between looking at the incapacitated children and the swordsman. “Why would you say that?!” 
All that he does is chuckle, looking awfully proud of himself for terrorizing some little kids. Luffy is laughing loudly at the whole spectacle, and Nami is staring at both of them incredulously but also not doing anything about it. You huff and climb over Luffy to check on the boys. While they do look horrified, even in their unconscious state, they appear to be fine physically speaking. You glare at Zoro, “That was mean.”
Your attempt at scolding is once again entirely ineffective. He waves his hand dismissively and downs the rest of his pint, “It was just a joke. If they want to be pirates then they should be able to handle it.”
“They’re little kids. They probably want to be something different every week.” There will definitely be a change next week after having a run in with what they believe to be cannibalistic pirates. You crouch down beside them, shaking one of them gently in hopes of waking him up. He starts to stir and cracks open his eyes behind his glasses. He blinks a couple of times, then focuses on you. For a moment, he stares at you dully. Then his eyes snap open wide and he yelps as he scrambles backwards.
“Calm down! I’m not going to hurt you,” you hold up your hands like you’re dealing with a scared animal.
This does nothing to quell his fears. He tries to get to his feet quickly, and you don’t have a chance to warn him before he cracks his head on the table he clearly didn’t realize he was under. Once again, he falls to the floor unconscious.
“Oh, shit!” You curse and scramble over to him, wanting to check and make sure he isn’t now suffering the same kind of brain damage you’ve got. You lift him up to get a better look at his head, when you hear dramatic gasps.
“She’s got Tamanegi! They’re going to eat him next!” The other boys have woken up and are back to hysterics.
“NO! No one is getting eaten!” You glare at your crew that is doing nothing to help and is instead laughing at the absurdity of the situation. “Would one of you help me here?!”
Zoro laughs loudly at your demand, “No, it looks like you’ve got it covered.”
You can’t believe these are the people you’re stuck with.
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
Sorry if I bother you or send you something a bit suck but I wanted to know if it was possible to you to do a hcs (or other forma, it doesn’t matter) with shanks and mihawk with a s/o who can copying everything (Haki, Mouvement, Physic, Devil power fruit, Everything) thanks to a rare Devil fruit..? Than you if you make it and sorry if it’s not corespondent to your blog or rules. 🐙
a/n - watch shanks fall in love with himself 💀 I added Law bec why not 💜
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, s/o has copy copy no mi (copy fruit)
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- At first, he thought this was some twisted nightmare where he met himself… “Oh god. It’s me.” He was so disgusted 😭 he was also so embarrassed whenever you copied his abilities, hearing you say “room” and “shambles” made him reconsider what he named his techniques. 💀
- “Room…” -law “SHAMBLES!” -you
- “excuse me y/n. It’s my attack.” Man was offended, you literally interrupted him lmfao 😂 he was all like: bitch don’t take away my spotlight it’s the only thing I have
- “But it’s cool when I get to say it!” He also hates the way his voice sounds now because of this. Overall, he’s very embarrassed of himself, so as a result, you do not use your ability around him much. BUT- he does appreciate it when the marines start targeting you instead of him 🤭
- “LAW. HELP!”
- “Huh? I’m not Law wdym?”
- “NO-!”
- (ahem, I will calm down)
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- enjoys it but also REALLY hates it at the same time. Perona gets you two confused all the time, she’ll ask you where Mihawk’s wallet is and you have to remind her of your abilities. “HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHEN YOU BOTH LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME?!”
- “Scars on the back are a swordsman’s shame!” You said, holding Mihawk’s sword in front of a pirate who had tried to take over the island. Your physique and features were perfect, an amazing copy of Dracule Mihawk himself
- “Y/n, I do not say that. The young roronoa says that. If you do something, get it right.” He said, sipping his wine while reading a newspaper under his umbrella. You glared at the man, turning back into your normal self before shoving the pirate off the island with ease
- “Can you at least admit that I am literally a perfect copy of you-?”
- “No, because you’re not.”
- “Why are you so difficult?”
- “Why are you so talented in things that do not matter?”
- “…You think I’m talented? 😖🥹”
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- shanks absolutely adores the fact that yo have this ability. It makes for amazing party tricks! Turn into Uta and sing a beautiful song? Easy. Turn into Rayleigh so you can scold him? Hell yeah.
- you turned into him one day, and he was impressed. With himself 💀 “Damn- I look good!” -_- You had enough of him looking at you and complimenting HIS looks. So you turned into Rayleigh, and that my friend, is how you get your red haired man to shut the fuck up.
- “Shanks, do the dishes before I punch you.”
- “Yes sir.”
- man is deathly afraid of Rayleigh’s punch- 🤪 so everytime he starts fo be rude in any way, you turn into Rayleigh, it always works! Except turning into the dark king isn’t exactly great for camouflage against marines.
- they ended up seeing you and chasing you around since you looked like Rayleigh. “I’m not Rayleigh! I’m y/n l/n of the red haired pirates!” They stopped in their tracks, “Y/N L/N! THE LEGENDARY PIRATE?! GET THEM!” That plan of yours severely backfired, they ended up calling reinforcements.
- “Rayleigh you need some help down there?” Shanks asked with the literal most smug grin on his face. You got the best idea, while the marines were confused, you turned into a random soldier to blend in. They then caught sight of shanks and started going after him instead. Man did not think to argue with you ever again.
- “Baby I’m sorry 😭 please don’t ignore me I need love.”
don’t give him hugs
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a/n - I loved this idea sm 🤭
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spinningwebsandtales · 11 months
Imagine Tracing Law’s Tattoos
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Trafalgar D. Water Law X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Law isn’t taking care of himself, suggestive themes, steam, reader takes charge
Word Count: 1.5k
(A/N:) I’m reading the manga faster than I can watch One Piece and after seeing Law’s backstory and how much tragedy he went through I want to make him so happy. I love how One Piece can balance out it’s tragedy and comedy and with so many good characters I can’t wait to see what happens next for the beloved pirates of this series! So please enjoy this indulgence that I had to write. For some reason driving is good for the creative juices as I’ve been getting some good ideas to write while working! Hope the Law fangirls enjoy this piece! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess 💀
Law had been up for several days and it was beginning to show as the shadows under his eyes continued to darken. While you tried to get him to lay down and sleep, as soon as he knew that you had gone into deep sleep after you both laid down, he would get up and go back to his desk. The stack of books never dwindled and he was always careful not to wake you up. He barely ate and rarely took breaks. If he wanted to find something out or fix it, he would relentlessly pursue the knowledge until he collapsed or the mystery was solved. Whichever came first. He would brush away your concerns, giving you some sad excuse that he was fine. But tonight you were not having it any longer. You refused to let your husband grind himself into the ground any further.
The gentle waves lapped at the side of the boat as the stars twinkled overhead. Chill was setting in and the crew had taken to their quarters. You sighed deeply, your breath fogging in the air until you too went inside your and Law’s quarters. Naturally he was at his desk, reading away and scratching away in a notebook. You spoke his name but he didn’t even acknowledge that you had spoken to him. Your frustration levels climbing more at his lack of focus on his health. Without a word you went over and forcefully shut his notebook, leaving his hand sandwiched between the pages.
“Can I help you,” he sighed, finally giving you the attention you’ve been trying to receive.
“Yes you can,” you bit back. “You can help me, help you, and go to sleep. Right now.”
“I’m not tired,” Law replied starting to reopen his notebook. You slammed a hand on top leaning on it a little where it would keep his hand pinned.
“Law if the bags under your eyes get any darker they’ll have their own gravity field and start sucking us all in!”
“You’re being ridiculous,” Law was becoming angry. His lack of sleep was making his patience even shorter but that was something you were willing to deal with as long as he got the rest he needed.
“No you are,” you retorted. “You’ll be the one they call black hole face because you refuse to sleep.”
“Are we sure I am the sleep deprived one in this relationship?”
“Okay I may be a little tired too but it’s only because I’ve been so worried about you I can’t sleep well. So will you please come to bed with me,” if arguing didn’t work maybe pleading would.
He kissed your cheek giving you a tired smile, “I will when I’m finished here.”
Okay being gentle and sweet wasn’t getting you nowhere. Law could be the most stubborn man but you knew you could be just as stubborn. You also didn’t mind to play dirty either as he had finally left you no choice. You refused to move still keeping his hand pinned between the notebook. This time you slammed the book close that he was reading. That had his temper flaring and he opened his mouth to say something but you quickly went to the second step of your plan. You removed his hand from the notebook and placed it on your cheek. The warmth of his palm bleeding into your skin. Law watched curiously as you grabbed his other hand, trailing your fingers across every digit, tracing the callouses and scars. He shivered as you nibbled at his fingertips before interlacing your fingers with his. Law’s hands were so large but gentle when it came to you. His charm could make you giggle like a school girl but it was your turn to make him blush this time and to get some sleep. 
Leading him away from the desk, Law followed you a little speechless at your forwardness. You shoved him backwards letting him fall on the bed before you jumped in beside him. This time Law didn’t try to get up as you took the hat from his head, his messy black hair sticking in all directions. You kissed his temple while playing with the facial hair on his chin. He groaned in bliss as your plush lips made him forget everything while your long hair tickled his cheek. Normally he was the one to make the first move as your normally shy behavior took over. He liked this new side of you that you had kept hidden from even him. You sat back up taking his hand again with your slender feminine one, your fingers slowly and tenderly tracing over the inked letters on his fingers. Law shivered while you made your way up to the back of his hand. You only stopped to help him open his shirt and remove it so you could see all the tattooed lines that covered the majority of his body. His forearms were next and the muscles flexed under the skin as he reached his hands up to hold onto your waist. 
“Sleepy yet,” you cooed.
“Not even a bit,” he retorted.
You hummed a lullaby your mother always sang to you when you were a child before trailing further up his toned arms. You took your time at his shoulders as the patterns grew more complicated. Law could only grin as he let you take control. His research and work completely forgotten as he was at the mercy of your wandering hands. His skin becoming enflamed at every gentle touch and stroke. You straddled his hips causing Law to stiffen until you placed a tender kiss on his nose. Burying his face in your chest you giggled as he sighed in pleasure as his face sunk into your breasts. You shook your head, hoping that was a sign that he was finally relaxing and giving into your womanly wiles. You moved along to his back. 
Like you were scratching an itch that had been bothering him all day, Law relaxed further. His arms becoming laxed and he moaned, though it was muffled by your chest. You moved further away from the tattoo, leaving no spot untouched as you worked knots out of his muscles he didn’t realize he had. Sitting so long had taken it’s toll on his body but he had ignored his health for the sake of his goal. When you were happy with your work on his back, you focused on the last place that was his chest. The front of his body was the main tattoo, it started from his pecks and went all the way down almost to the waist of his pants. He peeked up from his spot before loosening his grip. You kissed the top of the heart on his chest making Law jolt. You eased him back down, going down with him as you nuzzled into his side. With one single digit you made the rounds, going over every bump of muscle to trace those black lines embedded in his skin. Law yawned and you felt victory so close as his eyes began to droop. You stopped right at his pants and he raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe later,” you promised. “First you need to sleep.”
He yawned again, “You win.”
You didn’t reply, as your thoughts went towards making Law as comfortable as possible. You left his side even though he tried to grab you and pull you back. Holding up on finger had him relaxing back into the mattress. You tugged the boots from his feet and placed his hat somewhere safe. Next you helped him wiggle out of his pants leaving him only in his boxers. You pulled on the shirt he had abandoned on the floor and with a little work you were both snuggled against one another under the covers. Stroking at his black hair Law began to lose the war on staying awake. He wanted to enjoy a few more moments of you pressed against his weary body, but exhaustion was catching up with him quickly. He held you close as he drifted away.
“I love you,” he mumbled while taking one more glance at your face.
You kissed him deeply going back to stroking his tattooed chest, “I love you too.”
The crew knew that their captain was finally getting the rest he needed so they were under orders not to interrupt unless dire emergencies. You watched Law sleeping peacefully and the worry that had been pressing on you finally lifted. With each rise and fall of his chest, you found yourself relaxing more and more until you too were drifting off to sleep. You wanted to give Law happiness that he never really got to have in his life. It was only fair since he had made you the happiest woman in the world, you only felt like you needed to return the favor. As you slept against the man you loved dearly you vowed to protect him and be there whenever he needed you most.
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Compass Of Pirates - Nikolai Lantsov
Summary: Nikolai is given a compass that he was told would solve all his problems, and yet he cannot figure out why it doesn't seem to work. Yes, I am merging with Pirates Of The Caribbean because I fucking can.
Content Warnings: No Beta/Proof Reading.
Nikolai Taglist: @hauntedenthusiasttragedy
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The brass points across the centre of the compass are centred by a sundial, which as far as Sturmhond can tell is the most functional part of the compass. He holds the compass in the clutch of his palm, staring at the red arrow as it gently swings between two points, neither of which are north. He had picked it up from someone in one of the markets in the last port they docked in. It was this rocky, mountainous island, just off the northern coast of the mainland. The name of the port escapes the captains mind, but it was some fishing port with a name not unlike a weapon of some kind. But that isn't really important, what is important is the illusion of help this compass had been acquired under. "It will bring you to what you most desire," they had said, "the compass never leads you wrong." He had been dubious but nevertheless he has hope he isn't sure he has a right to, and yet he was finding the outcome very disappointing.
"This thing doesn't even point north," Sturmhond says, staring again at the compass in his hand. Mal shrugs, offering out his open hand.
"May I?" he asks. He hands it over, without pause and the dial spins to quickly into a new direction the moment it touches Mal's palm. Mal watches the dial and follows it's direction. He knows exactly what the privateer has observed, that this compass does not point north, but instead it is now pointing at Alina, who is leaning over the edge of the ship, staring at the way the waves are breaking onto the boats side, creating the white foam of sea spray and she is smiling like she has never seen the ocean before. "Oh, Sturmhond," Mal says, "it points north alright," he chuckles, "true north."
The Captain frowns. "True north?" he questions, staring the tracker down. "What kind of navigational system are you working on Oretsev?"
"The only one that hasn't ever lead me wrong," he hands the compass back to Sturmhond and the moment it enters his hand it changes direction back to where it had been previously pointing. Mal taps the fabric of his shirt, directly over his heart. "I told Alina about true north once, she asked me what scared me most, and I told her I get the most scared when I am lost, but I don't really get lost. Yet, getting lost happens even if you know where you are sometimes. So I told her about cardinal north and true north."
"Cardinal north is a direction on a map," Sturmhond says. Mal nods, not letting his eyes leave the Sun Summoner. "So, as for true north?"
"True north is home," Mal says, sounding more like a poet than a tracker, "it is where you feel safe and loved."
"Miss Starkov is your truth north," Sturmhond says with a nod. Mal doesn't even need to respond to that. "So you think this compass points to what exactly?"
"Whatever you most desire, that's what the translation says on the side isn't it?" Mal says, finally looking at him. "You did see that, didn't you? Since you're always six steps ahead of everything, and ever so flawless Captain?"
He is too eager to test the theory to even care about Mal's teasing of him. He just thanks him absentmindedly and follows the compass forward. "Don't walk off the edge of the ship," Mal calls after him, "or do..."
He spends a good while walking the length of the decking, trying to figure out why the dial spins into a change of direction, seemingly without link. "Maybe you don't know what you want," Mal teases, observing him.
"Doesn't this interest you?" Sturmhond asks, running a hand through his tousled hair.
Mal shrugs. "What use is a compass what would be pointing right beside me all of the time?" he asks. "Besides my heart always brings me back to her."
"You're good with your words when it suits you, aren't you?" Tamar asks, coming to stand beside Mal, bored of her card game and far more interested in whatever it is that has gotten the Captain all pacing and flustered. "Still staring at the broken compass?"
"It's not broken," Mal says, "it's just not helpful."
"A compass's only purpose is to point north, and it doesn't, so it's broken," Tamar argues.
"It's a heart compass, not a compass," Mal says. The Heartrender laughs.
"Those are legend," she says, taking some walnuts from her pocket to snack on. She offers him one and he shakes his head to dismiss the offer.
"Wasn't the Stag legend too?" Mal retorts. Tamar gives him a shrug.
"That means nothing of all legend," is her response, but she keeps watching Sturmhond.
"It doesn't even make sense," he says finally holding the compass up and above his head to see how the dial moves. "It's not pointing to anything, I thought it might've been pointing to Ravka but I was wrong."
"You're suggesting your truest love is a country?" Mal asks, "what kind of excessive patriotism is that?"
"You're not patriotic?" Tamar asks, her tone littered with laughter.
"No," he admits, not feeling pulled down by the admission, "I came here for Alina. She's my flag, my nation, she is the one thing I remain loyal to."
Tamar's question was to sway Mal from paying too much attention to the captains words, but he doesn't throw her a look of gratitude, instead he returns to his fixation on the compass, as it spins to point towards the ships bow. Some of the crew start to appear on deck, changing placement as the time passes, and Tolya walks beside you, as you tell him something out of their earshot.
He takes his eyes off the compass, staring directly at you, forgetting what his original intentions had been, he offers you a smile and you grin back, all teeth and cheer. Even after the days at sea nothing seemed to sway your mood.
Tamar elbows Mal in the side and before her can take issue with it, she nods his attention to Sturmhond, who has lost interest in the compass altogether in your presence.
"Got it working yet?" you ask, coming closer to the three of them Tolya by your side.
"Think it might be a lost cause," the privateer admits, holding the compass down and to his side, as if to hide it's direction from those around you.
"Come on, Captain, plenty have said that about broken things, but often you just need time or the right pair of hands," you say, "show me?"
He hesitates and Mal and Tamar share a look, a look that spreads into matching grins. "Oh, he is not as smart as he gives himself credit for," Mal says in hushed words.
"Most of the time he is, but any heart can get blind sighted, and when the heart is blind, the mind can fog," Tamar says, voice equally low.
You look at him and he is smiling at you like you're a sunrise, like he is seeing you for the first time, and you wonder how he always manages to look at you like this. Look at you in a way that makes your head spin and your stomach twist. You know Sturmhond, and you know the man can flirt like second nature, that no one you've yet to meet have been susceptible to his charms, so you try not to let go to your head. But that's not easy when he looks at you like he has just discovered what love is for the very first time.
He holds out the compass out and you look at it, not reaching to take it from his hands, you move around to his perspective for the dial to swing back in your direction. You lean around him, to get a better look and then stare out at the ocean. But he just watches you, not as much are daring to confirm what he suspects by glancing to the compass.
You move back in front of him, and the dial points to you, and you turn your head to look at the big blue expanse behind. "Compass doesn't know north that's for sure," you say, giving him a wild smile and a shrug. "But I guess it's no better than most of us in that."
"It doesn't know north," he agrees, shoving the compass back in his pocket, "but it seems to know things I should have before now."
"Hmm?" you ask, turning back to him from the waves.
"Nothing, now, tell me, what was so funny?"
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melloween-candie · 11 months
Envy [P.P]
Jealous Peter Pan x Reader ft. Felix
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Requested // Request Rules
"asking anonymously because I don’t wanna be embarrassed, but Uhm, are you taking Peter Pan requests? Because I’d like one of him being jealous of y/n talking to Felix"
A/n - Lol, You don't have to be embarrassed, and Yes, I am. The peter pan from Once Upon a Time in specific.
Also I had something similar to that in my planning book lol. But yes I'll add you to the schedule :)))
Submitted by @emmaloo21
Warning! jealousy, accusations, assumptions, mention's of parent's death, cussing
Word Count: 882
Once Upon a Time Masterlist
Fandom Masterlists
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***Narrator's Pov***
Peter was never one to be jealous of anyone or anything because he believed that he had it all, and if he didn't, then he would do anything in his power to get it.
That is why most people see him as a ruthless and selfish person. Which really isn't a lie.
One day, you arrived here in Neverland. He took you as a prisoner. There wasn't a real reason; he just did it for fun. What he never thought was that he'd actually enjoyed your company.
Thus, you being a prisoner was no more. He made you into a lost girl and showed you around. Everyone was befuddled to see that their once-used-to-be prisoner was now one of them.
But that was years ago.
Current moment-
You walked towards a log and sat down. Everyone was having such a good time tonight. You didn't want to ruin it with your sulking.
Peter thought it would be a good idea to have a party to celebrate their victory.
The fight wasn't really much... It was just another fight with the pirates. It ended pretty quickly but hey, Peter will use any excuse to have a party.
You weren't really feeling it, though and it seems like the only person who noticed was Felix...
You walked away heading towards your tent with a sad face, and Felix quickly followed behind while Peter watched it all happen.
When Peter saw this... he couldn't help but wonder what you two were up to. Usually, Felix would tell Peter what he intended to do before doing it, so Peter knew where he was and what he was doing at all times... But he never said anything about this.
Peter stopped playing his flute, but everyone kept dancing around the fire.
He just sat there in question. He couldn't help but wonder what you two were doing. He couldn't get the nasty thoughts out of his head. Strangely enough, it enraged him. The idea of his best friend screwing the only girl here frustrated him.
He didn't question his feelings to much as he walked towards your tent.
He was about to smash the door open until he saw you and Felix through the window.
You two sat there on the bed. You weren't doing anything besides talking. Peter's face flushed when he realized he was overreacting. He then quickly lowered his head, hiding himself as he watches you both...
His mind was racing with possibilities of what you guys could be talking about. He knew Felix wouldn't do anything to upset him on purpose.
He grabbed onto the small shelf that held some plants outside your window. He tried leaning in to hear what you guys were saying. He heard nothing, but what he saw that moment made him mad...
It was so childish, and he knew that much, but he couldn't help it. His face burned with anger as he held tighter onto the wood. He saw Felix hugging Y/n. It might have been a small gesture, but still...
What the h*ll are those two doing?! He thought... Why in the world is she in her tent... with- WITH HIM?!
He continues to overthink the situation...
Why does she look so sad... Doesn't she like my parties??
Felix then stood up and left, but not before saying something to Y/n. Though once he stepped foot out that door, Peter quickly grabbed him yanking him to the ground so Y/n wouldn't see.
"Woah!" Felix yelped.
"What the h*ll were you two doing in there?!" Peter's face was so scrunched up. It was clear that he was angry.
Felix was completely dumbfounded... "P-Peter? We-were you spying on us?!" He had a smile on his face. Clearly, he found this situation amusing.
Peter stumbled for a moment before speaking- "N-hh... ANSWER MY QUESTION!" He yelled through gritted teeth.
"Wait- Are you... ARE YOU JEALOUS!?" Felix was laughing now. Peter quickly covered his mouth and looked towards Y/n... She was still there. Good.
"Felix, I swear to god if you don't explain yourself-!"
"It was nothing. She was just sad that we had this party. It had nothing to do with me..."
"W-why was she sad?" Peter's face softened.
"Today was the day when her parents died," Felix said as he sat up straight. He grabbed Peter's hand away, forcing Peter to let go of him. "So be glad. There was nothing for you to be jealous of." He patted Peter's head as he walked away. Leaving him dumbfounded.
"Wait!" Peter stood up. "Then what was with you? You and Y/n have been acting weird all week!"
Felix turned around. "Like I said, it's her parent's death day. While you were being jealous, I've been comforting her all week. If you don't want any other guy stealing her away from you, then I suggest listening to her for once! Seriously dude! She once told you about this day and you completely forgot so much so that you thought it would be a good idea to hold a party! I think you owe her an apology."
Clearly, Felix was irritated at the way Pan had been behaving. So much so he was brave enough to give him attitude as he left.
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Honestly, not my best work. I hope it isn't that bad though. I just couldn't really come up with any better situations for it.😅😭
But don't worry, there will be more moments with Peter being jealous and stuff. (Just in different fics 😅)
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noproofread · 7 months
The Swordsman
This is Zoro x afab!reader. Use of "girl". NSFW. Some light choking, and some praise. Unprotected sex (wrap it up kids, dont do this).
Could be live action or animated versions of Zoro ;)
word count: 1,415
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You walked out to the upper deck of the Thousand Sunny. The salty sea air hitting you as you looked out at nothing but blue surrounding you. Your eyes fixate on Zoro. Pirate Hunter Zoro. It almost seemed impossible that such a prolific bounty hunter would join a pirate crew, but you also knew firsthand how charismatic the captain was. You found yourself staring at him. He was training, practicing his sword fighting techniques. You admired the way he moved, aggressive but still graceful. He is very attractive too, you could admit that, it’s not like you’re blind. He’s muscular, his voice is like honey in your ears, and he did make you laugh sometimes. Usopp would often tell the two of you to stop flirting so much but he didn’t know this was just how the friendship was. 
You aren’t the strongest fighter on the crew. Truthfully, Luffy only asked you to join because you ran really fast and he wanted to beat you in a race. Nami’s the one that figured your agility could be useful as support during a fight. Regardless, you felt like you should have some kind of fighting ability if you were going to keep up with the crew and support the future King of the Pirates.
You approached Zoro confidently, having made up your mind about asking him for help. He looked over at you and stopped his exercises. “Hey Zoro! I was just wondering if you could teach me a little sword fighting.” You met his gaze and noticed he raised one eyebrow, clearly surprised and amused at your request. “I don’t teach for free…” He said with that low tone in his voice that you found intoxicating. “You want me to pay your debt to Nami?” You suggest, smirking as if you don’t know what he’s implying. He chuckles softly “Maybe… Maybe I want a different favor…” Zoro winks at you and you laugh softly. “Well I’ll be glad to do this favor for you if you do this favor for me. Plus, it’s worth it if I get to spend more time with you.” You don’t break eye contact with him, he smiles and takes a deep breath.
“Alright, time for some swordsmanship basics.” He stops and looks you over once before continuing “What do you know already?” “I know how to hold it… That’s basically it” You smile at him as he shakes his head. “You’re lucky you’re pretty. Alright, first rule is never let your guard down. Always be alert.” He begins to teach you but you don’t retain any information. Your brain stopped listening after the “pretty” comment. “You think I’m pretty?” You blurt out, making the swordsman look at you with a smirk. “Shut up and listen. Let’s work on your stance.” You decide to challenge him a little, what’s a private lesson without some teasing?
“Hmm. I love it when you get all dominant like that. Yes sir.” Zoro chokes a little at your comment before smiling “Good girl. After we get your stance down we’ll move onto attacking and defending. You got that?” You felt your body heat rise, suddenly aware of the thick tension in the air. You played along, seeing how far it could go. “Good girl? Oh… Yes I got that.” You bite your lip and continue with the lesson. “Can you help me with my stance, Zoro? I don’t know if this is right.” You say with a fake innocence in your voice as you look at Zoro, your eyes plead and you see him blush lightly. He smirks and walks over towards you. He grabs your hips, adjusting your stance. You gasp softly at the sudden contact of his hands on you. “There, now you hold the sword like this.” He speaks, his voice softer now. Zoro slides a sword in between your hands, carefully placing your hands on the back of the sword with his own. Your breath hitches, you press your back closer to him as you slowly turn your head to look at him. “Am I doing it right, Zoro?” Your voice with a sultry undertone to it, your eyes meet his. “You’re a natural…” His voice is down to a whisper as his eyes are looking at your lips. The air feels thick around you. You feel him press himself against your back, his breathing is heavy, being affected by the tension between you. 
You feel his arousal grow, unable to hold yourselves back anymore he kisses you passionately. The sword clatters on the floor as you throw your arms around his neck. You feel Zoro’s hands travel down your back, clamping down on your ass before giving you a boost allowing you to wrap your legs around his waist as he holds you up. His tongue teases your bottom lip as you open your mouth, allowing him to enter your mouth. His tongue feels soft on yours, you groan into his mouth. Zoro manages to walk into the men’s quarters. And to your benefit, it’s empty.
Zoro puts you down, pressing himself against you. Leaving a messy trail of kisses on your neck. You buck your hips, desperate for any type of friction as heat pools in your lower stomach. Zoro moans into your mouth as you grind your hips into his, feeling his hard dick inside his pants. His hands move under your shirt, cupping your breasts as you decide to unbutton his pants. He chuckles and pulls away just enough to have room to take off his pants. As he undresses himself, you quickly do the same. Suddenly, you feel Zoro’s hands rubbing your legs, moving upwards towards your thighs. You shiver at his touch as you feel his fingers trace the outline of your pussy. You stifle back a moan, looking over at him. He looks back at you, licking his lips slightly, his eyes black with lust. He lines his dick up with your entrance, deciding to tease you a little bit. He rubs the tip of his dick against your clit, earning a loud moan from you as he throws his own head back. You feel dizzy, desperate for him. “Zoro please…” You whine. He smirks. “Begging for me already? But you were doing so good for me.” He leans down and places a rough kiss on your lips. You buck your hips once again, wanting more friction. The swordsman chuckles against your lips. “Eager are we?” He whispers against your lips. You look up at him. “Please, I need you Zoro…”
“How could I say no to you?” He growls as he slowly enters you. The feeling of him stretching you is overwhelming. You moan loudly as he fills you up. Zoro groans into the crook of your neck. Your hands run down his back, scratching as they go. Zoro begins with a steady pace. He raises your hips slightly, the position provides friction for your clit, earning more moans from you. “Fuck, you’re doing so good for me.” Zoro strains his words as his movements become more aggressive. “Zoro…” You moan his name, biting his shoulder to keep yourself from being too loud. Zoro groans, his pace speeding up and becoming messier. “You take it so good, fuck.” Zoro can barely speak, ramming into you. You can feel yourself reaching your climax. Zoro lets go of your hips, bringing his hand to your neck. Your eyes widen in surprise as you meet Zoro’s gaze. He bites his bottom lip as he tightens his grip on your neck. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, overwhelmed by the feeling of him slamming into you and his hand on your neck. “Be a good girl and cum for me.” Zoro whispers into your ear as you feel his dick twitching inside of you. As you hear his voice followed by more grunts, your vision gets blurry as you reach your high. Your walls clamp down on him, making Zoro also reach his climax. His grip on your neck tightens a little more as you both ride out your highs. 
Zoro rolls over, pulling out of you and panting. You feel the absence of him as you try to catch your own breath. After a couple of minutes you finally speak. “Hell of a sword fighting lesson huh?” He chuckles. “We might need to make these lessons a regular thing if you plan on learning anything… A little at a time I guess.”
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
Hi, I've been reading your One Piece stuff and was wondering if you'd ever consider writing for Kuro, no pressure or anything just wondering
Yeah! I actually do have a story already made for Kuro!
Hope you enjoy ;3
Kuro x FemReader
Angst and Spicy Themes
Cat Got Your Tongue?
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"Lady Kaya, I have your tea ready" you say softly, setting down the delicate cup of warm milk tea with honey. She stared at it silently, her eyes still red from crying. It had been only a week since the passing of the Lord and Lady of the house- She was all you had left of them.. You had been their friend for years, your home having been raided by pirates in your youth leaving you penniless. It was those two who had taken you in, giving you a Job as the Nanny and Wetnurse of their only daughter Kaya. Who you saw as a daughter of your own.
"I miss them Nanny..." Her little voice trembled, Your own eyes filling with tears at hearing this. Kissing the top of her head.
"I miss them too Kaya..." You hugged her and felt her start crying in your arms. A loud knock on the door snapped both of you from your grief. Getting up you take Kaya with you tk the front door, Opening it cautiously as you spot the sheed headed man.
"Oh, Mister Merry. Please come inside" You say calmly opening the door fully for him.
Merry smiled proudly at you and Kaya, Stepping to the side as you took his wet coat to hang up.
"Ah! Miss (Y/N), I am happy to see you are still here" You nod gently at him as you return to Kaya side.
"Of course Sir Merry, I will never leave Kaya" you say softly, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.
"You have always been great with Kaya Miss (Y/N) But I worry for you managing such a large estate on your own. So I while out I met a Perfect Butler for the Home along with a maid and Chef he had with him!" Merry exclaimed proudly. Kaya looking up at you in question of this, you however feeling something odd about the convince of such a thing.
There a Man stepped inside, his black suit dampened with the rain as he adjusted his Glasses. He was tall, thin and imposing- Something not sitting right with you at seeing him.
"Good evening My Lady, I am Klahadore. I am humbly at your service" He bowed deeply, Kaya giving a kind smile at this as well.
"It's lovely to meet you Mr. Klahadore, I am Kaya" you heard your ward say sweetly. Also too kind to others who were ment to service her.
"Now Miss (Y/N) the house will be handed over to Klahadore for now, so that you may focus on Miss Kaya and her well being" Merry said cheerfully, Clearly proud of himself.
"...I see-" You whisper softly, while something in your gut told you there was something wrong with this man you gave a polite curtsey.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Klahadore. I place the home in your care as its Head Butler" You said calmly, But those words felt like a death sentence for you.
You felt his eyes watching your every move, it was like a cat watching a unexpecting Mouse.
"Now, Let us have a dinner to celebrate" Merry said cheerfully, Klahadore nodding to the larger man to his left who bowed.
"The kitchen is down the hall to the left Sir" You say calmly, the Chef giving you a curt smile and following the directions you offered.
"Yes.. let us" You say. Taking Kaya with you to change for dinner and get away from the new Butler's gaze.
At dinner you sat next to Kaya, talking and enjoying each others company as Merry joined along. Till Klahadore and the Maid came forth setting the table and the dishes for the evening.
"What is this?" You questioned, raising a brow at the plate presented by Klahadore.
"It is a braised giant shrimp in cream blue sauce" Klahadore said calmly, something didn't sit right about the dish. So you smiled at Kaya.
"Kaya, I'd like to taste the dish to know it is to your liking" You tell her, which she agrees.
"I do not think thay is necessary Miss (Y/N)" Klahadore starts but you give him a polite smile.
"Of course it is. You are still new" You point out making him narrow his eyes at you. Tasting the broth you furrow your brows, it tasted... odd. It wasn't bad per say but odd non the less.
"It should be fine..." You say softly, making Merry laugh heartily as his own plate was set down.
"Miss (Y/N) has always been so protective of Lady Kaya. But it's fine I swear Miss (Y/N) Miss Kaya is in good hands" You nod and continue on with the meal- You starting to feel a bit fatigued and tired. However after dinner you did your normal duties of bathing Kaya and getting her to bed.
That night you couldn't rest well, the dish and its odd smell making you feel unwell. You had tasted it and while you didn't care for it personally it just made you feel- Off. Getting up from your bed you decide a glass of water is needed, Grabbing a candle you start to head down to the kitchens.
Barefoot and silent as you try not to make any noise, still in your own thoughts about that evening.
Walking down to the kitchen area you hear whispering, Crouching down slowly so you not cast a shadow toj blow out your candle and listen.
"That damn Nanny is going to cause us more trouble! She has to go-" You hear Bachi hiss clearly angry with your presence.
"Yeah- She actually tasted that damn poison. If she starts to fall ill like Kaya then our whole plan will be busted- That and she's already suspicious of Captian Kuro" you felt your heart drop to your stomach. Captian Kuro? Of the Black Cat Pirates!? You start to shake and slowly crawl backwards from your crouched position, trying to create distance from the kitchen. You had to alert the village of this and sneak Kaya out!
"Well well well, I see a mouse has found its way to the kitchens-" You hear a deep voice rumble behind you. Before you can even begin to react you felt a hand grab your hair and yanked you to your feet, the wind being knocked from your lungs as you were slammed hard against the near by wall.
He had his arm raised and Blades ready to puncture your throat at a given moment. You stare at him, your eyes wide as fresh tears filled your gaze. Those sharp blades touching delicately on your throat, his gaze locked onto you.
You heard the shuffling of the other two rushing to see what the noise is and finding Kuro holding you against the wall.
"Sir did she-" Buchi started but got a glare from the Captian.
"Of course you fool- This is why I told you to not speak about this until we got her out!-" He growled making both Bachi and Sham flinch. His gaze turning back to you once more, those cold blades tapping the collar of your nightslip taking in disappointment.
"Such a shame... I do find you quite attractive-"
He hummed, In a flick of his wrist his blades Slicing through the front of your slip. You flinched as your bare chest hit the cold night air, Tears running down your cheeks as you sob. Sham looking away from you even at this-
"Such a shame indeed..." He hummed, tapping the tip of his blade against the dip between your breast causing light scratches to appear with small droplets of blood. Kuro was surprised by how much this aroused him, was it the tears running down your face? How your breast moved with every sob thay managed to squeeze from you? Or your nipples responding to the cold air- Whatever it was it sure was affective.
"I hate to be wasteful at times.. so your services will be changing- You will no longer be Serving Ms. Kaya, But me instead" He smirked at this, pride bubbling in his chest as he saw your face shift to shock and fear. "Besides- I'll need some for of stress relief if I'm going to be playing out this Con-" He smirked, pulling his blades away from your chest.
"Buchi- Grab her and take her to my quarters. Make sure not a peep leaves her and tie her wrist to the bedframe. Id hate for her to escape" He orders as the Chef quickly snatches you and shoves a cloth in your mouth, muffling your screams as you were hauled away. Kuro standing there with a grin as he adjusted his Glasses once more and hid his blades. It seems things would be more fun then he thought.
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