#Adon Olam
essaressellwye · 11 months
I don't know who needs to hear this but Adon Olam fits the tune of "99 Luftballons."
Also "Jolene"
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alessandro113 · 1 year
Adon Olam
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unbidden-yidden · 3 months
Jewish Song of the Day #56: Adon Olam
Guys guys guys you have no idea how excited I am about the fact that this album is now out!!!
I first saw this teaser at the beginning of March and was so stoked that it would be coming out soon and now it's HERE!
About Kedmah:
Kedmah is an ensemble of musicians and prayer leaders excavating the power and beauty of Mizrahi Jewish expression through ancient poetry and song. Their debut album, Simu Lev, is currently in production, and this video of “Adon Olam” is the first glimpse of the project.
Led by Rabbi Yosef Goldman and Yoni Avi Battat, Kedmah honors the artists’ Iraqi, Syrian, and Yemenite ancestry in conversation with their intersecting musical influences. Their interactive performances, workshops, and recordings allow listeners to experience the spiritual and emotional depth of Middle Eastern piyyut (liturgical poetry) and the ages-old tradition of Arab melodies that adorn them. Part educational initiative, part performance group, the social and pedagogical impact of this project is strengthened by a commitment to musical creativity, historical accuracy, spirituality, and public performance at the highest level.
I hope you enjoy — I know I am!!
Edit: it seems I jumped the gun, just a bit. They have a few songs out, but the full album comes out April 9th. Get excited!!
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transmascpetewentz · 3 months
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hiddurmitzvah · 1 year
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greenflower21 · 2 months
Rip Hunter you would have loved Wrapunzel
Rip Echo you would have loved Yehuda unsalted Matzos
Rip Tech you would have loved Daf Yomi
Rip Omega you would have loved the Hebrew school Purim Spiel
Rip Wrecker you would have loved throwing candy and lifting people on chairs
Rip Crosshair you would have loved Lag B’omer
Rip Rex you would have loved Jewish Geography
Rip Phee you would have loved searching for the affikomen on Pesach
Rip Batcher you would have loved eating the affikomen on Pesach
Rip Cody you would have loved the Rebbe
Rip Fives you would have loved the book of Daniel
Rip Wolffe you would have loved Lazar Wolffe
Rip Kix you would have loved “Mi Sheberach” by Debbie Friedman
Rip Soup clone you would have loved matzo balls
Rip Howzer you would have loved Nefesh Mountain
RIP Jesse you would have loved AEpi
Rip Boba you would have loved Adon Olam to the tune of Yankee Doodle
Rip Ventress you would have loved the tale of Yael and Sisera
Rip Fennec you would have loved starting arguments on Jumblr
Rip Obi Wan you would have loved Eicha
Rip Qui Gon you would have loved Mordechai Kaplan
Rip Yoda you would have loved Kollel
Rip Mace Windu you would have loved the ADL
Rip Plo Koon you would have loved the reform rabbis on TikTok
Rip Bo Katan you would have loved Yentl
Rip Satine you would have loved Art Scroll
Rip Korkie you would have loved the Prince of Egypt
Rip Din you would have loved the tunnels under 770
Rip Grogu you would have loved tot Shabbat
Rip Quinlan you would have loved Jswipe
Rip Padme you would have loved Hey Alma
Rip Thrawn you would have loved the conspiracies about the menorah being in the Vatican’s basement
Rip Zeb you would have loved wrapping tefillin in front of Kallus
Rip Kanan you would have loved drunken Zemirot
Rip Hera you would have loved JCC moms
Rip Dooku you would have loved the Essenes
… anyway, me and @labelma came up with these and I think we’re hilarious geniuses
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lyracreek · 2 months
me 6 months ago: okay I've googled "Hebrew Songs" and listened to a couple. I don't really think these are doing anything for me but that's okay
me now: I've got to start compiling my favorite renditions of Adon Olam in a playlist. God my Spotify Wrapped is going to be interesting this year
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buffleheadcabin · 6 months
Trio Mandili - Adon Olam
Gospel Sunday
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pargolettasworld · 2 months
Not to take away from the perpetual thunder that is Gaza, but Ukraine is still fighting for its life against Russia.  Now, Ukraine has not always been the greatest place for its Jewish population -- if that were true, my family would still be living there -- but it has come a long way in recent years.  Not just the President, of course, although how cool is it that Ukraine is holding off Russia under the leadership of a Nice Jewish Boy With A Sense Of Humor?  But from all accounts, Ukraine is currently one of the better places in Europe to be Jewish.
So here’s an Adon Olam from Pinchas Minkowsky, who was the cantor at the Brodsky Shul in Odesa about a hundred years ago.  Back in the day, this kind of choral writing would have marked the Brodsky Shul as very modern.  Today, it sounds old-fashioned, but such is the curse of everything that was once highly modern.  It’s still absolutely beautiful, though.
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notaccurateornice · 1 month
Why do I have adon olam stuck in my head?
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raccooninapartyhat · 2 years
my favourite part of shabbat services is adon olam. not because it's the end of service, but because of how joyous everyone sounds and how we stamp our feet and sway and smile and sing from the top of our lungs as if we're shouting out for HaShem to hear. I love adon olam so much and I do just idly sing it throughout the day because it's such a good prayer
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cgi-heart-eyes · 1 year
adon olam to the tune of i want it that way supremacy
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our cantor was trying out a new niggun today so at the end of service she was like “do you mind if we do the first song again instead of adon olam? is anyone going to die if they dont hear adon olam?”
and my friend turned to me immediately and went “you” and the cantor noticed and at first i was embarrassed but then we sang adon olam to the new niggun’s melody instead and it was just so nice that like, she changed the service because adon olam is my favorite. just feels like im more a part of the community every week ❤️
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unbidden-yidden · 5 months
Jewish Song of the Day Archive
Because we all know tumblr's search function and tags are useless! Will update with links as posts are added.
Original post/Ground rules
Olam Chesed Yibaneh - Matt Dubb
The Narrow Bridge - Nefesh Mountain
Yedid Nefesh - Josh Warshawsky
Eliyahu Hanavi - Matt Dubb
Modeh Ani - Tzemed Yeled
Piaseczna Niggun - Derech Achim
Karvah - Eitan Katz feat. Zusha
Tu Bishvat - Batya Levine
Adama ve Shamayim - ???
One Day - Koolulam
Sound of Silence [Yiddish] - Chaim Shlomo Mayesz
Bellida - LALA Tamar
Give Me One Prayer - Shmuel
Orayta - Victoria Hanna
Ani Maamin - Devorah Schwartz
Acheinu - Hadar
Park Ave Niggun - Joey Weisenberg
Am Yisrael Chai - (several :D)
Shir Shel Yom Rishon: Psalm 24 - Gad Elbaz
Shir Shel Yom Sheni: Psalm 48 - Ribi David Kadoch, z"l
Shir Shel Yom Shlishi: Psalm 82 - Tor Marquis
Shir Shel Yom Revii: Psalm 94 - multiple artists & Psalm 95 - Josh Warshawsky
Shir Shel Yom Chamishi: Psalm 81 - A.K.A. Pella
Shir Shel Yom Shishi: Psalm 93 - Josh Warshawsky
Nigun of the Month: Adar I - Nava Tehila
Lo Yisa Goy - Melita Doostan & Octopretzel
Modah Ani - Lahakat Hallel
Arbeter Froyen - Daniel Kahn
Ribono Shel Olam - Simcha Leiner
Tefilat Haderech - Marni Loffman
Avram Avinu - Arleen Ramirez and The Ladino Music Project; Kuando el Rey Nimrod - Farya Faraji (bonus additional version of Avram Avinu)
Miriam Haneviah - Rabbi Deborah Sacks Mintz
Borei Olam - Dovid Gabay
Yigdal - Our Siddur
Old Time Medley - Nefesh Mountain
Halev Sheli - Ishay Ribo
Ein Od Milvado - Avraham Fried & Tomer Adaddi
Dror Yikra - Rabbi Deborah Sacks Mintz
Evening Prayer - Ezra Furman
Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai - Matt Dubb
Ivri Anochi - Benny Friedman
Hana Mash Hu Al Yamin - A-WA
Lo Nirga - Avihai Hollender
Yismechu - Batya Levine
V'Shamru Nigun - Rabbi Deborah Sacks Mintz
Omed ba'Shaar - Lahakat Hallel
Milemala - Chaim Shlomo Mayesz
Machar - Mordechai Shapiro
Bashana Haba'ah - Melita and Isaac
Ante Abate - U-da/Yehuda Pardo
We Rise - Batya Levine
Lecha Dodi - Nava Tehila (two versions)
Vurka - Avrum Mordche
Mincha - Mendel Roth
Hashem Melech - Gad Elbaz & Nissim Black
Adon Olam - Kedmah
Guf Venshama - Yaakov Shwekey
Hakol Mishamayim - Mordechai Shapiro
Ana Bekoach - Lahakat Hallel
Ashrei - Pri Eitz Hadar/R' Shefa Gold
Va'ani Ashir Uzecha - Josh Warshawsky
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transmascpetewentz · 3 months
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br-uwu-cewayne · 2 years
for your consideration: what if bruce and harley met bc their families went to the same synagogue and they were in the same talmud torah class? (i'm also specifically imagining a thing my shul does which is on shabbat mornings, they'll call up all the pre-b'nei mitzvah age kids to help lead ein keloheinu and adon olam at the end and it's very cute.)
Ahhhhhh i love this very much and it sounds very cute T.T unfortunately since I wasn't raised Jewish and am still kinda floundering my way around learning how to get back to it, i don't have much to add in the way of Jewish headcanons and such...
...except of course, the personal connection I feel to a Bruce struggling with the disconnect on that side of himself since he only remembers bits and pieces of what his mother used to share with him, since she, you know, married a catholic (i just... it's a very specific brand of guilt, you see. very different from Jewish Guilt. and it is CLEARLY catholic variety that Bruce carries, thus he must've gotten it from his father) and then died young :(
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