#Alright- *cracks knuckles* HERE WE GO AGAIN-
whereismyhat5678 · 4 months
Drum roll please 😌✨
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@neuro-toxinnn for Beebs from Monkey Wrench!
@shiftyyyy for Baroness Von Bon Bon from Cuphead!
@noodletime for Po from Kung Fu Panda!
@komalatea for Steamboat Willie from…..Disney(?) (I’ll just say that but thanks!)
@alaskacoolkid1 for Hatsune Miku from-….sorry I also don’t know what to say here- 😅
AND @moon9931 for Yoshi from Super Mario Bros!!
I hope I did these characters justice, and I hope you like them!!
And Thank you so much for the wonderful suggestions, it was a really tough discussion to make but I hope you like how it came out still, have a wonderful day guys! <:] 💞💞
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elliyoyo · 2 months
Adverse Effects (Gale Dekarios/Reader)
Hello hello, long time no see. With over 700 hours on BG3, I figured it was about time I cracked my knuckles and got to work delivering the goods. Hope you enjoy and just a reminder: Requests are open!
Desc: You give Gale a magical ring but don't check it's magical properties first. He ends up hot and bothered, and it's on you, good leader.
Warnings: Smut, p in v, oral (m receiving), sex pollen, and a good ol' creampie
Words: ~2.5k
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“My condition is worsening again, I need to consume some powerful magic, or it may become volatile,” Gale begs, nearly collapsing against the tree trunk behind him as he missteps behind you and the rest of the group. If not for you stopping, Astarion and Lae’zel would’ve kept trekking along, but you weren’t just going to leave your poor resident wizard behind after all he had done. He clutches at his chest, heaving as he expectantly looks at your pack for an item to extinguish the enchanted flames building inside of him.
“Here, Gale, use this.” You offer a ring you dug out from the pile of jangling jewelry collecting at the bottom of your bag. The pink stone seemed to glint and shift colors as it was plucked out of your fingers, but you paid it no mind.
He examines it for a moment but has no problem rasping out a “thank you” before pressing it to his chest and letting himself absorb its magical energy. One moment, he’s engulfed in a purple, violent flame, and the next he breathes a sigh of relief, sans ring. His desperate breathing slows and his pain seems to be minimized, however, he is still looking off into the hills, dazed as all Hells.
“Doing alright now? How was that one; still helping less and less as we go?”
He solemnly nods, the relief of the magic already fading away from him. He collects himself for a moment, turning into the dull full-body aching that was a new, not-quite-unwelcome side effect… Better than having no bodily sensation at all in the grave, eh?
“This one was off… different… But I should be alright. Thank you very much, again.”
Should be alright was far from the truth, as you would find throughout the day. Missed attacks, too many close calls to be comfortable with, and just general Gale mishaps that were worthy of genuine concern. One specific battle called it— every single spell missed its target, or had a payoff so low that it would’ve been laughable in some other scenario. After narrowly avoiding death for almost 8 hours straight, you’d had enough and it was time to make sure this was the end of it.
“Okay, I’m beaten, and I bet you guys are too, so how’d you feel about heading back to camp for the night?”
“Yes! Gods, Heavens, Hells, yes, my bedroll is calling my name like a harpy,” Astarion proclaims, throwing his arms in the air dramatically. Lae’zel seems to agree in her own more contained, Githyanki way, pressing her lips together with a subdued nod. And Gale, standing there still-dazed, could only nod and turn in the direction of camp. Your eyes met his for only a moment, but in that moment, you saw a half-lidded wildfire going on, yet you couldn’t help telling yourself he must just be tired as all Hells as well.
So, as you make the trip back to settle in for the night, you can’t help the confusion that hits you when you catch him rubbing and adjusting his waistband. Can’t help but be intrigued by the little faces and noises he makes as he does it. Seems like that ring you gave him had some adverse effects…
Astarion had scurried off to his set up, Lae’zel immediately went to work on maintaining her sword, and Gale took off inside of his tent at mach speed. No grabbing a book, no sly joke, nothing, just bolted out of sight. You take a moment to say hello to and check in with everyone else around camp, but Gale stays prominent in your mind. As you realize nobody else is around to see you flocking to his tent, you clear your throat to let him know you’re there.
“Are you alright in there? Is it the tadpole, or do y—”
“What did I previously say about privacy? I just— ah— don’t feel well at the moment, I’m a little out of my element,” Gale stutters out between gasps and breaths through his teeth. You keep your eyes fixated on the telescope in the front, waiting to see if he continues, but he falls silent.
“Out of your element how? Something you ate, overexertion, magic-related…?”
“Magic-related. For sure. But alas, I’m a wizard! Made of magic! Perfectly capable of handling it, so you should just get some sleep. Forget about my ailment for the night, and it should be dealt with by the time we have to depart in the morn.”
“No, Gale, I’m sorry, but I’m coming in— make yourself decent,” you joke as you walk in, not expecting him to be gripping his cock tight as could be. You gasp, trying to find something, anything, else to look at, but all you keep coming back to is his rubbed-red and raw, weeping head. “Gods, wha— are you alright? What is going on?”
“That ring is happening. It was enchanted, obviously, but differently than we initially thought.” He’s so casual about it that he doesn’t even seem phased, continuing to slowly caress his shaft. “I, uh, I apologize, it’s like I’m charmed, aroused by nothing in particular, it’s strange…”
“Is there anything I can do? Is there a…” You trail off, clearing your throat and turning to look at the moon above you. “Uh, anyway I can help?”
“Without your mouth? Unlikely.”
And he goes beet red, cursing his jabber jaw, his blabber mouth, his fatal flaw of not being able to just shut the fuck up. Clearing his throat, stammering as he pushed out a rushed, “I’m so sorry, you should go. I should stop, this should stop— I didn’t mean to offend, I’m so— Oh gods!”
Without any hesitation at the offer, happy to help a friend in need, and very happy that said friend happened to be Gale, you’re closing the makeshift tent’s door and dropping to your knees in front of him. Even with him lying down, you can still wrap your hand around him and give him a few firm tugs.
“I can do a lot with my mouth, but I can still work some magic without it if you will.” There’s a devilish glint in your eyes as you continue tightly jerking him off, his eyes and mouth wide open in shock and insane pleasure. He’s unable to will any words to escape him, save for the moans, groans, and grunts that involuntarily slip from his sweet lips.
“Is this—” He’s broken off by a whine as your finger grazes over his tip. “The ring? The enchantment?”
“No, no, I don’t feel off, I just… want you. I desire you. I’ve thought of this— maybe not like this exactly— but I never thought… I would ever have a chance.”
“Well, here I am, at your disposal, so please, please.” His eyes flit between your lips and himself, wishing, waiting, hoping, praying to feel the warm, beautiful wetness of your mouth around him. And as if you read his mind, you happily oblige, leaning down under his hiked-up robe to wrap your lips around his head and gently suck. His head flies back in ecstasy, fingers gripping the blanket beneath him to keep himself from tearing your hair out or pushing your head down to make you choke on his cock, as much as he’d love to feel the sensation of the latter.
Small rhythmic bursts of sucking turn into licking him down to his base, tracing a vein or two on your way down, which then turns into lazily dragging your tongue over his balls while your hand makes up for the lack of attention higher up.
“Can I… touch you? Please?” He gives a tug on your shirt. And who are you to say no to Mr. Wonderful, Gale Dekarios of Waterdeep? You pull your nighttime shirt over your head slowly, exposing your bare chest to the chilly evening air. 
“Are we… both okay with this? Are we on the same page here? Is this okay with you?” You can’t help but rapid-fire questions at him now that the thought of him being under the ring’s influence has intruded your mind. He shifts his hand to your face, letting his index finger gently rest against your lips.
“This is not just the ring. I… have harbored some feelings to do with you for quite a while now. It’s all just pouring out at once now, but I’ve never been more sure of anything else in my life, I can tell you that.” That was all that you needed. That confirmation that he wanted to know what it felt like to sink inside of you as much as you wanted to know what it felt like to have him fill you nearly to the brim.
“Then come here,” you whisper, just barely audible enough that he follows your instructions. His lips crash against yours in a deep kiss, his fingers knotting into your hair to keep you as close to his overheated body as possible. He is desperate, teeth gnashing against yours and capturing your bottom lip at points, saliva mixing and temperatures rising. 
“I don’t know who or what enchanted those rings as such, but I must acquire several more if this is the result; me being at your will… needing,” he pants out, still holding your foreheads together.
“Let’s get through this first, then we’ll see about finding some more aphrodisiac trinkets. Tell me more about your growing need, my dear evocationist?” You lazily slip your leg over his waist and begin grinding yourself down against his exposed length. The pressure combined with the texture of your pants’ fabric puts him in pure ecstasy, obvious by the small whines that leave him and the way his teeth catch his bottom lip in a pathetic attempt to hide them.
“My need for you— it hurts, it burns in my core,” he pushes out like a plea for help. His eyes are glossy, his body vibrating with arousal, pleasure, shock, disbelief… and pure attraction.
“And is that right there good, Gale?”
“Gods, yes, don’t stop unless I get to be inside of you,” he groans, bracing himself against the ground to grind his hips in time with yours just a bit harder, further, more any way that he can.
“Ask and you shall receive.” You push yourself off of him, pulling your slacks and undergarments down to the ground. There’s a moment of low, shallow breathing, where both of your eyes dilate as you simply take in the sight of each other. Pleasuring yourselves, more for the other than yourself, and drinking in the expression on the other’s face. The point was to tease him and see how long he could sit in anticipation, but you find yourself getting impatient enough to forget all of that and pounce on him.
You take hold of him by the base and carefully guide him inside of you. It’s impossible to put the fullness you feel into words, it’s all-consuming, and it sends shivers and shakes through your entire body. In sinking down on him, you feel as if you’d been reunited with your girthier other half— complete. A wonderful pressure begins to bubble up in your abdomen as you begin moving, evident to him by the way your nails dig into his shoulders. His hands have found their place on your hips, and in no time, they’re gripping you half-to-death. He’s using his tight grasp to slam you back down onto him, meeting you in the middle. The symphony of skin against skin was sure to be keeping quite a few of your companions up, but it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission in this scenario. His mouth finds its way to your chest, gently taking a nipple between his teeth and grazing his skillful tongue over it.
His lips make a soft pop as they unlatch from you, and all he can do in this moment of boiling hot lust is prop himself up on his elbows and watch you in all your glory. He gazes up at you with that same half-lidded gaze you saw on him earlier, except there’s a bit of boyish wonder. He’s not just perceiving you, but admiring you. One hand eventually trails its way up your leg to your waist, and he begins to help you come back down on him harder, faster— his twitching legs and quick breaths gave away that he was already getting close from the change in pace.
“Gods, Gale, you’re so good,” you groan as you lean forward, forcing him to sit up a bit to support your head as you rest it on his shoulder. This just gives him more of a chance to fuck up into you like a wild animal, chasing more of your moans and his climax. “Fuck! Gale, please!”
“I love this, I love you, I love the feeling of you, I love it!” His voice goes up and up and up until his high pitched breathy ramble is cut off with one last loud groan. Now it’s your time to admire; eyes screwed shut, forehead scrunched up as his mouth lays open wide. With the show you were getting and the feeling of him filling you with warmth, you were helpless against the waves of your own orgasm crashing into you. You two take a moment, nothing but the sounds of your gasps for air between you, limbs still intertwined and sweat still mingling.
“If all I have to do is ask for this, what do I get if I really beg?” Blabbermouth, indeed. You pull his chin up to give him a sloppy kiss, continuing to hold his face as you pull yourself off of him, making a mess of him as his cum drips out of you.
“Save it for next time, I’ll think of a few things we can try down the road,” you joke with a small chuckle as you allow yourself to fall on your back and reach for your clothing. “How’s everything feeling with, uh… the ring?”
“Yes, yes, that was very beneficial. It was like my body was held in lava, until I felt your touch.” He gazes at the mess you two have made, but makes no moves just yet. He pushes his hand through his hair and takes a deep breath, beginning to fall into a daze admiring you as you dress. “Are you going?”
You pause. Are you going? Should you stay? Would that make the journey awkward? What did this mean for you and Gale, that you had slept together to help him out after the being influenced by some magical ring? There was nothing there besides the ring?
Gods damn it all.
“No, no, I just... I used a cloth that was lying around to wipe myself off, it was instinct to get dressed afterwards.” You avoid the question, hoping to take his mind off of your quick separation from him instead of any pillow talk. You fold the cloth you used and hand it over to him, looking away while he cleans himself up as if you didn’t just ride him into next week. “Any way you could conjure a second pillow?”
“Anything you wish, so long as you join me tonight.”
And you do. And many nights after.
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ALRIGHT, *cracks knuckles* let's get into that teaser, shall we?
Should I itemize this? I think I'm going to itemize it lmao.
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Starting here because this is a baseline for Stede, he's got no neckerchief here. This is likely early in the season, probably the very start.
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Man's got a fuckin' ARM.
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This is Ed. You can see the bare right arm in both shots.
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Red neckerchief. Ed's scrap of silk? Beat to shit if it is, which, he did toss it out to sea so, it would be.
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Ed's not wearing the knee brace. Or gloves for that matter. I know the knee brace being an actual mobility aid is unconfirmed canon/fanon but it does make me :(c to see him without it. Either it wasn't actually considered as a mobility aid or he's lost it like he's lost his gloves OR he's going without it because he doesn't care if it hurts.
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Closer shot of the neckerchief.
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I just wanted to point out all the knives stabbed into the table. Also, those look like bits of paper on the windows, did they keep some of the books to repurpose for window blocking purposes?
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THERE HE IS!!!!!!!! Other people have already pointed out the makeup and his ring still on his tie, along with the whip on his hip cjizzy real. He's got a new baldric but I also think his clothes look. Darker? Than in season 1? This is a darker/heavier contrast setting but it carries into other shots of him too I think? Like they're less sun/saltwater faded or something?
Other thing to note: If I have my orientation right, this is to the right of Stede's bed nook and to the left of the library, which means this shelf is the one with the auxiliary wardrobe opening mechanism. Which I bring up because:
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This little guy seems to be in the place of the mannequin. Ed kept the auxiliary wardrobe and gothed up the mannequin to justify it still being there.
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SO much here. This is, I'm fairly certain, Benjamin Hornigold. This camp he's set up (along with what he's wearing) looks like it was made out of a shipwreck. Ed's barefoot and missing his jacket and gloves, and his shirt's torn up at the sleeves. Definitely where he washed up from his dip in the ocean.
Note the trees and the lighting, that comes up later. Ed shoots here and Ben moves with the shot but it doesn't look like he was actually HIT by it to my eyes.
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'Wanted. |Blackbeard| Villainous Pirate. Murderer, thrice over. $400 Reward for the criminal responsible for: theft - brigandry - larceny - arson - tax evasion ➡' Presumably there are more crimes/info on the back, though we see the reverse side in the next cut and it's either blank or all in very small text, I couldn't quite tell.
The poster to the right says 'Port' something which has me wondering Port Royal but that's just the only 'Port' something I know, could def be somewhere else.
(Also, just for fun:
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Here's how much abouts Ed's capture would be worth now.)
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Wider pic than it needs to be but I didn't wanna cut out Olu lol. ANYWAY. Neckerchief again. Also the back of the poster, see what I mean about it either being blank or very tiny?
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Babygirl. . . But also that Bride Ed figure kinda slays. Little bralette with the midriff showing, I see you Babygirl. When will he be allowed to just rest and do silly little crafts WITHOUT heartbreak looming over him?
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Well. Four is not nine. So. There's that. The other five could be used or out of frame though, of course.
OH. He's back to his fingerless gloves! They might actually be different from his original ones though, they look different at the wrist to me, not quite sure though.
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The BOYS!!!! Frenchie looks like he's having a GREAT time. Considering he suggested they turn the hostage into a table and complained about the Republic of Pirates being a bit gentrified I'd say this is more in line with what he's used to in piracy. I 100% buy he was going along with Stede's way because he knew it was an easy ride compared to real piracy. This wouldn't necessarily be a return to form for him but definitely something he's more used to? And he gets to be kitty :3c
And FANG!!! Look at him showing a bit more skin!! Good for him!!
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Everybody say 'Thank You David Jenkins'. Right now. Look at this Mad Max shit. Fuckin' Imperator Jimenez right there. LOVE that tye added the 'beard' after the 'fuck's wrong with your face?' bit in 1x10. Full 'it looked weird on you but I slay' energy.
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Near as I can tell at least. I can't make out if Frenchie is in the shot and I'm pretty positive Ed isn't cause he stayed by the cake when they charged in.
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Man, yknow I know we were all kinda clowning on it a bit at the end of 1x10 but this look really is so JARRING. Like, in the dark it's menacing but in the light? It's unhinged and that reads as more dangerous imo.
Also just for comparison's sake the pre-Ed-ified version of the bride figure. He really did full on customize that thing lol.
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I DON'T THINK ANNE KISSED STEDE HERE. It feels out of character of the show to pull the 'It's fine if a woman does it to a man' kind of thing with regard to unwanted kissing. This is the frame the scene starts on in the trailer. She's leaning back from him and isn't nearly close enough to his mouth to say for certain that's where she was coming from. My money is on her leaning in to whisper something into his ear, maybe under the guise of it being an advance/intended kiss, which would also explain the annoyed look when she's interrupted. She either got ACTUALLY interrupted or it's part of the act. Stede doesn't look nearly as uncomfortable as he would be if she'd kissed him or tried to, he looks confused.
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Izzy going for his sword when this guy tries to get the drop on Stede. He either is starting to care or he knows how much Ed needs him alive.
Also, this is the other potential source of Stede's neckerchief. Mr, Knife right here has a red one and Stede doesn't have it in this scene. I do think this one is a little less distressed than the one Stede has though so it could just be coincidence.
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See? No neckerchief. He DOES have a sword at his hip tho! So this, I think, is after Izzy's started training him.
Also, he actually looks really good in red lol.
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Baby. He's definitely missing the ring in this shot. It sits higher than the baldric is covering. I want to give him a little kissie on his ouchie and then let him have a nap, he needs that.
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The pants match the coat. Also, black shirt. Stede is kinda slaying ngl.
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Still missing her head :(c. Isn't that bad luck?
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Maybe yall didn't hear me properly with the Jim pic. I'll repeat:
I can't get over how Stede's just standing there politely with his arms behind his back lmfao.
Also, Izzy's got his right leg up, he's putting his weight on his left. . . 'foot'.
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I know tits and all but also. The belly. I would like to. Bite.
ANYWAY. On the left (our left) side of the barrel you can see the tip of his right boot so he's def got that leg off the ground. Perhaps someone is trying to relearn their footwork? Now that they've got a different balance than they're used to? And perhaps a difference in sensory input in the leg he's standing on? Possibly?
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This is the same beach Ed was on when he did the fuckin' RAD takedown of the other officer but it definitely looks like different times of day. Having both in the teaser is def meant to be a red herring. He doesn't have the neckerchief in this shot either.
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Bra för honom. (Is how google translate tells me you say 'Good for him' in Swedish.)
Is Jackie's hair the same here as it is in the VF pic with Ed? Or like, similar enough to be a 'later in the day after some Fun™ messing it up a bit'?
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Roach!!! Fully sleeveless now, added a belt, got some flowers tied to the strings/straps of his apron. Looks like he's having fun lighting that cannon lol. Pretty sure this is the same scene as that one leaked photo of him dancing with Fang and Izzy's green screen sock. He had the flowers in that, right?
[Ran out of allowed images, please hold]
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thebearer · 11 months
what about reader coming to the restaurant before family cause she had a bad day and carmen was pissed off about something wrong that happened but when he sees you looking up at him pouting, his demeanor switches so fast
"Fuck, Richie, can you quit fuckin' with me!" Carmen roars, slinging the bowl with a hard shove.
"Cousin, I'm not doin' shit to you, alright?" Richie seethes, rolling his eyes as the other chefs- the new hires- avoid eye contact. Carmen doesn't act erratically often, tried not to for his reputation's sake, but today was a bad day.
"Hey, cousin, you need to chill the fuck out, alright? Get it out of your fuckin' system now before dinner rush because those people," Richie pointed through the window, where there was an empty dining room- for now. It would be filled by six o'clock. "Will fuckin' see you actin' like a jagoff."
"I wouldn't act like a fuckin' jagoff if you would do what I fuckin' ask you to!" Carmen roared, eyes bulging and vein by his neck protruding.
"Hey, relax, alright." Richie grit, breathing deeply out his nose. "Go fuckin' take a break. We got it. Go see your girl or somethin'. Get that stress out, for fucksake."
"The fuck are you talkin' about-"
"Your girl has been in your office for this past twenty minutes while you were actin' like a moron." Richie snapped, Carmen's demeanor suddenly faltering. "Yeah, get embarrassed, cousin. She heard all that shit."
"Just- shut the fuck up, alright? Fuck you." Carmen huffed, stomping towards the office.
"Don't fuck me. Go fuck her. Get some of that fuckin' attitude out, holy shit." Richie snarled, rolling his eyes.
Carmen ignored him, walking through the door of the office. You sat at his desk, mindlessly scrolling though your phone, barely looking up when he walked in. "I swear to God, Richie's a fuckin' pain in my ass." Carmen started in, ignoring your solemn expression. "Fuckin' wise ass. Thinks he knows fuckin' everything, and you know what? He- What's the matter with you?" Carmen stopped his ranting and pacing, skidding to a stop to look at you. Your sad eyes and long face.
"Nothin'." You muttered, looking up at Carmen gently. "What did Richie do?"
Carmen shook his head, sitting on the desk in front of you. "Not important. Tell me what's wrong, hm? What's goin' on?"
You faltered for a moment, deciding to shake your head and ignore your emotions. "It's nothing, Carm-"
"-You're lyin' to me." Not a question, a fact. Carmen's raised brow to you that. "Why are you lyin' to me?"
"I'm not, it's just..." The shaky breath you took in, a strangled, watery gasp had Carmen's heart lurching. "I just had a really bad day." You hated the way your voice cracked, wobbling and wavering with emotions. You'd cried all the way here, the freshness of the tears coming back to you again, flooding your waterline.
"What happened, baby?" Carmen's tone dropped into a coo, a soothing balm over your teary demeanor.
"It's just... I don't know, I felt like I couldn't get anything right today, and-and I just... I'm really tired." You admitted with a small quake in your tone. "I just want this day to be over."
"Did someone say something to you?" You'd bitched a few times about a coworker making off handed remarks to you, and Carmen was more than happy to say something to him. He didn't mind at all, insisted on it, in fact.
"No, it wasn't Toby." You rolled your eyes at the mention of him. "He wasn't bad today, actually, which made it worse. I just, I don't know, my mind was all over the place today and I-I'm just stressed."
"I'm sorry, baby." Carmen rasped, hand on yours, rubbing his thumb across your knuckles.
"It's ok." You pouted, exhaling deeply. "I just want to go home and not have another fucking thought for the rest of the day.
"Wish I could help you with that." Carmen grinned, playfully, proud to see that you smirked, shaking your head at him. "'m serious. You need me to do anything?"
"No." You shook your head. "I'm starving, so I'm gonna eat and then go home. Sit in the bath until I dissolve." You grin lightly up at him.
Carmen smiled, leaning over to kiss you sweetly, hands cupping your face, tasting the saltiness of your tears still lingering on your lips. "Are you hungry now? I can get you somethin' to eat real quick, baby. What do you want?"
"No, Carmy, I'll be alright-"
"Hey, Marcus," Carmen was sticking his head out already. "You got any focaccia ready?"
"Yes, Chef, I have a few prepped-"
"-Gimme one, please. Thanks, Marcus." Carmen nodded, taking the bread, and passing it over to you.
You frowned at him. "I was fine, Carmy. Could've waited until family." You pouted, but you were already tearing the bread basket open, mouth watering at the sight.
Carmen grinned. "I know, but I don't want you to go hungry. Had to taste tonight anyways. Tell me what you think." He muttered, watching you tear off a piece.
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softhairedhotch · 7 months
AHHHH FIRST FIC OF COMFORTEMBER YEAHHHH >:D comfortember day one: safe aaron hotchner x gender neutral reader after having a rough night out, you call aaron and he rushes to find you immediately. he fixes you up and the two of you finally admit how you feel about each other. word count: 1.5k warnings/content: mentions of fighting and alcohol but mostly fluff.
comfortember masterlist here! also on ao3 <3
you make me feel safe
Aaron wakes up to the sound of his phone ringing beside him. It gets to the fourth or fifth ring by the time he grabs it and anxiety bubbles low in his gut when he realises it’s you calling at almost three in the morning. Answering the phone, he immediately asks, “Is everything alright?”
He’s up and out of bed instantly, throwing on the first shirt he finds and the closest shoes to the bed. “Tell me where you are.”
“I’m at, uh, I don’t, I’m… somewhere. My mind is all over the place.”
Aaron’s heart hammers widely in his chest. “Somewhere? Can you look around for me and see if you recognise something? Anything?”
“Okay,” you reply, voice shaky. After a few moments, you clear your throat. “I’m outside the bar we all went to a few weeks ago.”
“The Tipsy Ship? The one closest to work?” 
“Y-yeah, yeah.”
Aaron grabs his keys and runs out of his house, not even thinking about locking the door as he runs toward his car. Jack is sleeping over at JJ's; the house will be fine unattended for now. “I’m on my way. Are you hurt?”
“I think so.”
“You think–” Aaron stops to take a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment before shoving his phone into its holder and slamming his car door shut. “Don’t worry, I’m on my way.”
“Can you stay on the line with me?”
“Of course.”
When Aaron reaches the bar, his heart breaks at the sight of you standing alone outside. He tenses up once he notices that, not only are you alone, but dry blood covers your face, there’s a large bruise forming on your cheek, and the knuckles of your dominant hand are cracked and bloody. “God,” he mutters, running straight for you and grabbing you by the shoulders. He can smell an overpowering scent of alcohol on you and he winces. “What happened? Where’s the bastard that did this to you?”
You point toward an ambulance down the road. “The coward freaked out when I punched him back and thought he needed medical attention. Most they’re gonna diagnose him with is Dumbassery and Stupid Prick Disease.” You look back at Aaron and weakly smile. “And maybe a concussion.”
Aaron can’t help it, he laughs. “At least you haven't lost your sense of humour. But let's get you home and cleaned up, alright?” 
“Can I go to yours? I don’t really wanna be alone right now.”
He smiles. “Of course you can.”
Aaron holds a wet cloth to your face, reaching out to grab your chin between his fingers gently when you flinch away. “Sorry, sorry.”
“It’s cold, is all.”
“Sorry,” he repeats, gently dabbing away the dried blood under your nose and the corner of your lips. “Do you want to talk about what happened?”
“I got into a fight.”
“I can see that.”
You shrug, stumbling on your feet at the movement. Aaron gently grabs you by your elbow and shuffles you toward the kitchen counter so that you’re leaning against it for support. Once you’re stable, he begins to dab the other side of the cloth over your knuckles. “It was stupid, really.”
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“I know,” you sigh. It’s quiet for a few moments as you watch Aaron continue to clean up the blood. “He… the guy who punched me… I was on a date with him.” Aaron tenses. “And he kept buying me drinks and told me I had to drink them. I did because, well, free drinks, y’know?” You sigh and shake your head again, letting out a groan when it results in pain. “So stupid of me.”
“Hey, none of that. You’re not stupid.”
“Whatever you say. Anyway, I think he was trying to make sure I was drunk enough so that he could take me home without much complaint. I don’t know. I refused because I really wasn’t in the, uh, mood, and the night was a bust anyway, and he started… tryna touch me, grab me and all that, his hands were everywhere and I didn’t want them to be and…” You stop to take a few deep breaths, feeling sick at the thought of what could have happened. Aaron feels anger rip through his veins. “Anyway, he ended up punching me and I guess he wasn’t expecting me to punch back.”
Aaron grits his teeth. "Twice as hard, yeah?" 
"Twice as hard," you grin. 
“Good. That’s what I expect to hear.”
You tilt your head at him, trying to read his expression. “You’re not mad at me?”
Confused, his eyes meet yours. “Why would I be mad at you?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, watching as his large hand moves over yours, his thumb gently sweeping over your skin. “I woke you up.”
“You woke– You– That’s what you’re worried about?” He gives you a fond look. “Yes, you woke me up. But I’m glad you did. Thank you for calling me. And for trusting me to help you.”
“I don’t think I trust anyone more than I trust you.”
Aaron’s hand stills as the words sink in. When he looks up at you, he notices that you’re staring at him with so much love that his breath catches in his throat. He hasn’t been looked at like that in… he can’t even remember. But when he thinks about it, eyes never leaving yours as you blink innocently at him, not understanding his revelation at that moment, he realises it’s the way you’ve always looked at him. With complete and utter adoration. 
As if he hung the moon and the stars.
“Oh,” is all he can get out.
“Yeah. Oh.”
Your face falls and he feels guilt grow deep in his gut. “You don’t trust me back?”
“What? I never said that.” He steps closer, moving a hand to your shoulder and looking into your eyes. “Of course I trust you. More than most people. More than anyone else, really.”
His eyes search yours and he nods firmly, squeezing your shoulder. “Really.”
You look all over his face before looking down at his lips, licking your own as your mouth immediately goes dry. “I didn't want… I… I didn't go home with that guy because of, uh, well, you. I couldn’t stop thinking of you... when I was with him.”
Aaron hums as his gaze drops to your lips. “That’s why I don’t go on dates.”
“Because I can’t stop thinking about you either.” He inches closer, moving a warm hand up to cup your cheek. “Can I kiss y–"
And your lips are pressed together before either of you can finish. The kiss is soft, sweet, gentle, and full of so much raw emotion that it’s almost suffocating (in the best way). Aaron moves his lips against yours desperately, holding your face in his large calloused hands as if you might break at any moment, and you wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer. The moment your tongue brushes against his bottom lip, though, he pulls back with a heavy sigh. “Shit, you’re drunk. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not. I’m totally taking advantage of you and–”
“I should know better and–”
“You should feel safe here–”
You press your lips against his again, effectively shutting him up. It’s a much shorter kiss this time, but not any less enjoyable. “I do feel safe, Aaron. Here, with you.”
“You do?”
“Of course. You make me feel safe; you always have.”
He visibly relaxes and pulls you into a hug. “So have you.” He sighs against you, resting his forehead against your shoulder. “I like being with you.”
“I like being with you too, Aaron.”
He smiles against you and holds you for a moment more before pulling back, hands still wrapped around you. His heart breaks at the sight of the dark bruise forming on your face and he leans forward to press a tender kiss against the skin, careful not to hurt you in any way. “I wonder how long we’ve liked each other.”
“I fell in love with you the moment I saw you, I think.” 
Aaron’s breath hitches at the admission. “You’re in love with me?”
You tilt your head at him, fighting back a smile. “Did I not make that obvious enough?”
“I… didn’t want to get my hopes up.”
“Well, get them up, Hotchner, because I’m in love with you, and I’m not going anywhere.”
Aaron’s face softens and he presses a kiss to your cheek, sighing in relief. “I’m in love with you, too.” He runs his hands lovingly over your back. “Now let’s get you changed into some comfortable clothes and into bed, yeah? It seems like we have a lot to talk about tomorrow.”
“Can I sleep in your bed with you?” 
He presses another kiss to your cheek. “There’s no other place I’d rather you be, sweetheart.”
tag list: @criminalskies @ssahotchnerr @hotchs-big-hands @citrusiove @sillyhotchsgirl
lemme know if you wanna be tagged in future fics
708 notes · View notes
kaciidubs · 5 months
24 to 25 [Merry Christmas] | 8 Days of SKZcember
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Prompt: meeting each other's family for the first time over the holidays
❣ Summary: There was a first for everything, and Christmas in Australia was definitely one of them. ❣  ❣ Word Count: 2.07k ❣ Warnings: Fluff, comfort, Chris is a doting boyfriend, slight humor, the whole Bang family is here ❣  ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣  ❣ Additional Tags: Chan is referred to as Chris, Channie, and Baby, Reader is referred to as Baby, and Love, unedited, this was meant to be short, not over 2k words ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist ❣ SKZcember 2023
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Having family living in a different part of the world often meant having to visit whenever time off would allow; however, having a boyfriend in the industry whose family also lived in a different part of the world apart from your family meant those visits were even rarer.
“...and once again, we would like to thank you for flying with us this Christmas eve.”
Toying with your fingers subconsciously, you glanced out of the window of the plane at the vast expanse of land thousands of meters below, your stomach doing flips in the meantime.
A soft touch brought you out of your thoughts, turning your head to see Chris’s hand covering yours with a gentle squeeze added for good measure.
“If you’re nervous about the landing just close your eyes - you can even close the blind if you want?”
Your heart fluttered and you had to stop yourself from swooning at how cute he was, squeezing his hand back with a small smile, “It’s not the landing that I’m nervous about, Channie - well, not entirely nervous about.” Looking down at your entwined hands, you deflated slightly in your seat, “I’m just worried they won’t… like me, you know?”
You were both currently on your way to Australia to visit Chris’ family for the holiday; the decision being made after a long winded debate and heavy consideration over you not wanting to take the opportunity away from his visiting home, and him not wanting you to sacrifice seeing your family just for him - the resolution resulting in two plane tickets and the promise of the next vacation dedicated to your hometown.
Chris scoffed your name lovingly, “You’re worried over that? You know my mom adores you, and my dad asks about you whenever he calls - and you already know how Hannah is, you guys basically talk everyday! Hell, even Lucas brings your name up, you know how rare that is?”
“Hannah doesn’t count cause I’ve already met her - but your mom, dad, and Lucas? We’ve only ever talked over the phone, it’s different from meeting in person - what if I’m not what they expected?”
“Love, look at me.”
Looking at him with a soft pout, he gave you a comforting smile, eyes shining with a fondness you’d fallen for time and time again.
“My family is going to love you, because I love you, okay? They’ve heard me talk about you so much that my mom actually started threatening me to bring you to visit!” When you cracked a smile at his confession, he felt a wave of relief wash over him, “Everything’s going to be fine, yeah?”
Giving him a small nod, you watched as he pressed a small kiss to your knuckles just as the seatbelt light turned on and the plane prepared for its final descent.
It wasn’t long until the plane touched down and you were both following the line of passengers toward baggage claim and car rentals, Chris claiming that having more than one car would be best this time around.
“Alright,” he clapped his hands, seat belt buckled and car running, “Hannah knows we’re on our way - apparently Dad’s busy grilling and Mom’s running around trying to make sure the house is in order.”
“And your brother?”
“Waiting to catch Mom’s reaction when we walk through the door, I’m sure.”
The time between the car pulling out of the rental lot and rolling down the familiar streets of Chris’ childhood neighborhood seemed too short to be true, and you found yourself fidgeting with the strap of your seatbelt as you looked through the window.
“Baby, you’re doing it again.”
Huffing out a short laugh, you shook your head, “I’m just excited - nervous, but excited. Don’t act like you wouldn’t be doing the same thing if you were meeting my parents!”
He puffed out his cheeks, “I wouldn’t!”
“Chris, you practiced talking on the phone for ten minutes before we video called my family for the first time.”
His silence was enough for you to laugh harder, cooing at the blush tinting his ears as he pulled the car into the driveway.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to gather your bags - or, rather, for Chris to gather the suitcases like the gentleman he was while you handled closing the trunk after - and make your way up the short path to the front door.
He looked at you with a glittering smile, tilting his head toward the entrance, “Ready?”
Taking a deep breath, you tried your best to quell the butterflies in your stomach and nodded, signaling him to ring the doorbell.
The sound of muffled barking soon followed suit, Berry readily alerting the home of their potential guests.
No less than a second later, the door swung open to reveal a bright eyed Hannah, a wide smile stretching her lips as she practically flung herself into your arms with an excited squeal of your name.
“You made it! Oh my god, hi! Welcome to Australia!”
You hugged her back with a laugh, “Thank you! It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever!”
“I’m here too, you know.” Chris muttered, though the smile on his face betrayed any attempts of annoyance he tried conveying. “Your older brother? The person you grew up with?”
“Exactly, I grew up with you which means I’ve seen enough.”
Breaking from the hug, she led you both into the house as she went to find the rest of the family, leaving you and Chris in the foyer with a very excited, yet curious Berry.
Your boyfriend wasted no time in crouching down, baby voice in full effect, “Hi, Berry! Berry! Hi! I missed you! I missed you so much!”
The king charles spaniel jumped onto his arms, panting happily before falling back down with a series of excited barks and tail wags, then turning her attention to you with similar gusto. 
Bending down, you offered your hand for her to sniff with a small smile, “Hi, Berry, it’s nice to meet you! Chris talked about you so much, part of me thought this trip was just to see you and no one else.” When her curious sniffing stopped, she ducked her head under your hand for you to pet her, which you graciously accepted, “Oh, aren’t you the cutest? You’re the best girl, aren’t you?”
The sound of footsteps broke you from your puppy praise break and you stood just in time to see his mom rushing around the corner with a bright smile on her face, “Oh my goodness!”
Taking the initiative, Chris stepped forward with an equally wide smile, an air of sheepishness surrounding him as if he were a teenager bringing home their first partner. “Hi, mom.”
She wasted no time in pulling him into a hug, holding him in her arms as much as she could despite how grown he had become - the epitome of a mother’s hug, always ready to cradle their child no matter how much they’ve changed.
Your heart swelled at the display, catching a few murmurs of how much she missed him and how big he’d gotten until she pulled away to look in your direction.
“I feel like I’ve heard so much about you already that I don’t even need an introduction,” she laughed, letting her son out of her arms to stand next to you, “but I’ll let him tell me anyways, I know he’s been practicing this moment.”
“Mom, really?”
“That’s hilarious,” Lucas snickered from the sidelines, which gave you the chance to notice him holding his phone, most likely recording for future memories.
Huffing lightly, Chris took your hand in his and you squeezed in earnest, watching him relax considerably. “Mom, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend,” he turned to you, a warm smile on his lips, “and this is my mom, the person responsible for giving me life.”
“And your good looks,” she teased, stepping forward to bring you into a hug similar to the one she gave him; welcoming, comforting, accepting. “It’s so nice to finally meet you - pictures do not do you justice!”
You could feel yourself melt in her embrace, your previous nervousness vanishing into thin air, “It’s an honor to meet you, Mrs. Bang.”
“Oh, please, it’s an honor finally meeting the person who’s responsible for my son being this happy,” holding you at arms length, she gazed at you with sparkling eyes, “I’m so happy you’re here.”
Just as you went to give another complement, the smell of grilled meat wafted through the air and Chris all but floated off of the ground; a weary sigh escaping him as he eagerly looked toward what you could only assume to be the kitchen.
“I missed dad’s grilling so much.”
“Good, cause he’s been at it all day,” Hannah shrugged, looking at you with a smirk, “He made one of everything - I’d like to think of it as pregaming Christmas dinner.”
Their mom let you go and headed through the hall, “I’ll go help with setting the table - Chris, your room is all set if you want to drop off your suitcases and give her a quick tour, other than that I’ll call when dinner’s ready.”
He gave her a short hum in response, sharing a quick hug with Lucas and a brief introduction between the two of you before guiding you to his old room - or, better known as the room you’ll be sharing for the next few days.
“If the bed’s too small, I can always camp out on the floor, you know.”
You scoffed out a laugh as you danced your fingers along the carefully laid out blanket, “You say that as if we don’t practically sleep under each other already - this is perfect, baby.”
You couldn’t help but take in the details of his old room, scanning over the posters and pictures that decorated the walls, and spotting the board of medals that laid propped against the floor - not that it was hard to miss considering the wide array it held. Before you could get entranced by any more trinkets and hidden gems, his hand gently grabbed yours and he pulled you into his space, trapping you in his arms with a careful gaze.
“How are you feeling so far? If you’re tired from the flight I can always ask my dad to save you a plate for later, he’ll understand and-”
“Baby, I’m okay!” Wrapping your arms around his waist, you smiled up at him, “I’m not tired, and I’m not worried anymore - meeting your mom made me realize I had nothing to be scared about, and just from smelling your dad’s food I know we’re going to get along just fine!” You narrowed your eyes slightly, tilting your head with a soft pout, “Are you okay? Not that I hate the sudden check in, but you seem stressed, Chris.”
Heaving a deep sigh, he ultimately relaxed in your arms, a tired smile falling on his lips, “I’m okay- more than okay, actually, I’m just…” He stared at you, brown eyes warm with love, “I guess I’m just excited over having you here with me, with my family - I want to make sure everything’s perfect and I’m not pushing you into things too soon.”
Cooing at his sentiment, you laid your head on his chest, surrounding yourself in his scent and warmth. “Channie, you’re not pushing me into anything, you hear me? I’m happy we decided to come here, and even if we haven't been here long, I already feel more than welcome.”
His hold on you tightened a bit more as he rested his cheek on the top of your head, grounding himself in the moment until his mother’s voice floated through the hall.
“Chris! Food’s ready!”
“Well,” pulling away from him, you shot him a teasing smile, “ready for your first family dinner featuring your extremely brave girlfriend?”
He chuckled at your antics, “My brave girl, for sure - I was born ready for this.”
As you led the way out of his room, his phone vibrated in his pocket and he snuck a glance at the screen to see a text from your mom; your family’s flight still on schedule to land tomorrow morning.
Biting back his grin, he sent a quick text in return before grabbing your hand and guiding you toward the dining room.
“Dad, there’s someone I’d like you to meet!”
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✧. ┊Tagged lovelies: @goblinracha, @having-an-internal-crisis-rn, @midnightfrog625, @anyhow-everything, @bangchanbabygirlx, @sweetracha, @j-onedrabbles, @happilydeepestwonderland, @nightimescapes, @caitlyn98s, @ch4nn13luv, @ihrtlix, @sometimesleeknows, @jeonjungkookenthusiast1997, @maximumkillshot, @y-ur--i, @acker-night, @dreamescapeswriting, @specialstay, @broken-glowsticks, @s00buwu, @dancerachaslut, @junglyric, @tinyelfperson, @jj-stay, @katsukis1wife, @inlovewithmusician, @keen-li, @armystay89, @main-character0, @vampcharxter, @ddyskz, @prettymiye0n, @bbgnyx, @ivyisnotokay
✧. ┊If your username is in bold italics that means tumblr won't let me tag you. If you’d like to be added to the taglist, fill out this form!
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sweet-as-an-angel · 2 years
Oral Support - Ghost x Reader [M]
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Summary: A disastrous brush with auto-correct leads you down a path you had only ever dreamed of walking.
Notes: 18+, Implications of smut, actual smut, graphic descriptions of smut, no use of pronouns for Reader except for ‘you’, fluffy towards the end of both parts (separated by - ), Reader over-thinks (don’t we all?), oral (male receiving), a bit of angst at the beginning of part 2 (Parts 1 and 2 separated by the - ), mentions of pain, graphic description of smut, fluff at the end, (Y/N) is a little awkward at first, (Y/N) is inexperienced, (Y/N) also gets anxious, nervous knuckle cracking, pet name used.
Wordcount: 4,897 words
The fact that you’d managed to get as close to Ghost as you had was in itself miraculous. Well, ‘close’ being an exaggeration; immediate acquaintances, at the least. Friends, at the most. Regardless, it had come with its many obstacles.
Such as now, after your inquiry about Ghost’s day, which you’d hoped to be benign, which was met with a simple: Alright.
Oh god, the dreaded full stop.
Your heart spiked, your back was up. Your micro-analysis began.
He doesn’t usually end sentences with a full stop - he thinks they’re a waste of time. Is he mad at me? Did someone steal his phone and impersonate him? Is he okay?-
You heaved a sigh. Told yourself to calm down.
It’s fine, you’re fine, he’s fine. Stop over-thinking everything.
But alas, that is what we are all victims to when in the throws of a crush.
The word had crossed your mind every now and again, dancing between your synapses like a demon in a church. It made you cringe, made you feel juvenile. Inferior. But you couldn’t deny it. In spite of its childish connotations, it was what you were experiencing.
You had a crush on Ghost.
Absolutely ludicrous is what you’d called it when you were alone. Totally and unequivocally baseless. You hadn’t even seen his face, nor did you know his name. You just knew that you liked him. And you’d hoped that somehow, somewhen, he’d grow to tolerate you, too. And that hope was being steadily fed by Soap, who’d reassured you during your sleep-deprived, delirious ramblings (of which you remember little) that “Getting Ghost’s number is a good sign,” and that it meant he “at the very least acknowledges you.”
Better than nothing,you’d convinced yourself. Better to be acquaintances than strangers.
You knew not to press the issue. You knew when to stop. But you just wanted to make extra, doubly sure.
You hoped he’d understood your message. Hoped it hadn’t been too vague. Your phone pinged. He always managed to get back to you quick enough, you’d noted - something Soap had brought to your attention, too.
Okay, you told yourself. Enough stress. Time for bed.
You were about to put your phone down. Just about to. Then, a brilliant idea flashed in your mind.
You opened the message board again and began typing.
I’m here for moral support if you want it
Perfect, you told yourself. Not pressuring him to open up but making yourself available to him. Brilliant.
You sent the message, put the phone away, and turned in.
But something crossed your mind just as sleep caught up with you. It was a nagging feeling, the same twinge of anxiety one gets when they wonder if they’ve locked their front door or taken their chicken out to defrost overnight.
It made you uncomfortable. You shifted, hoping a change of position would make it go away.
It didn’t.
You turned to lay on your back, huffed, and looked up at the ceiling, as if the answer lay there.
What is it? you asked yourself. What could it possibly be?
You ran through your day, brushing over everything you’d done, anything you may have missed. Right up until you turned over on your side and tried to get some sleep.
And then it came to you. An intrusive thought, a message from God, a monster lunging out from a closet. It held your heart in its icy grip. Sitting bolt upright, you tore your phone from your nightstand and opened your message board with Ghost.
I’m here for oral support if you want it
How?! you screamed within. How could I have misspelled-
Auto-correct. Of course.
Even worse, Ghost had read it and said nothing.
You were on damage control immediately, putting all PR managers everywhere to shame.
*moral support
I meant moral support.
The full stop and calmness with which you communicated belied the storm that brewed in your mind. You tried to counteract it, asking yourself what the worst he could think or do was. That made it worse, your brain taking you down dark alleys and avenues of a lonely future, forcing you to shake hands with your own doom.
Eyes bleary with sleep and panic, you scarcely noticed that Ghost had replied, the only indication being your phone vibrating.
You scoured the screen, breaking your anxious haze and analysing his message.
Is that offer revoked?
The image - the intrusive image- of the implication of Ghost’s message flashed behind your eyes, blinding you. Your phone dropped onto your covers.
You stifled a scream.
What do I do? you thought. Who do I call?
You considered your best friend, but that was’t an option. Asleep, most likely. It was 2 AM. Their answer wouldn’t come quick enough.
Okay, Y/N, you can do this! Channel the energy of someone who knows what they’re doing.
You began typing.
Not if you want it ;-)
You’d accidentally channeled the energy of someone who had a good track record of flirting. Or, at least, you hoped.
Ghost began typing. Your heart pounded.
I’ll be back in a few days. Be ready for me.
Your heart seized. You screamed.
It worked! It’d actually worked! Auto-correct and your aimless flirting had done it!
Then, the excitement snapped off, a twig from a tree. Realisation dawned on you.
You only had a few days to perfect your technique. Now you really did need to call your best friend. I’ll do it tomorrow, you told yourself, and resisting the urge to message Ghost a plethora of excited nonsense, you took a shaky breath and lowered your phone to your side.
Somewhere amongst your newfound, delighted anxiety lay excitement, the hope that this accident, this interaction, could lead to something more. You smiled widely, the scene of you and Ghost, unmasked, on a date playing behind your eyelids, a projection of the future.
For lack of a better term, Ghost had ghosted you. After your interaction days before, you’d seen (or heard) neither hide nor hair of him; not from the boys, and certainly not from Ghost himself. Thus, here you were, knee bouncing as you perched on the edge of your sofa, mind racing with the ever-looming threat of rejection.
Maybe he was joking, you thought. Maybe he saw it as a throwaway flirtation and nothing more, maybe- maybe-
You didn’t want to cry. You really, really didn’t want to, but there was something about the possibility, the mere indication, of rejection - silent rejection at that - that made you want to choke up and shed a tear.
Get over yourself, it’s not like you had a chance anyway.
A cruel smile crossed your face. Ah well, nothing ventured, nothing lost. Or gained.
With creaking knees, you stood, a shred of a laugh at your absurd attempts to impress Ghost slithering up your throat. The taste of mint slathered on your tongue reminded you of the nigh ritualistic self-care you’d inflicted on yourself these last few days. All just for him.
Sighing, you glanced about your spotless, soulless apartment, any indication of idiosyncrasy shoved under your bed or into the boiler cupboard. After inviting your friend round for a pity party - the same friend who had rigorously instructed you on blowjob etiquette - this place would sooner resemble the remains of a celebrity blowout than the quaint little apartment you called home.
You hummed, hoping the impromptu song would distract you from the growing desire to cry. Wallow, one might say.
A reality-piercing rapping at your door tore you from your train of thought. You jumped, almost throwing up your own skeleton. Your heart thudded in your chest, a steadily unsteady rhythm of anxiety coursing through you like acid.
Silence for a moment. Then: “(Y/N)?”
Your knees almost buckled beneath the weight of your incredulity. THe voice was low, raspy, distinctly British, the North-Western Manchester industrialism evident within it. Almost unbelievable.
Your chest erupted with razor-edged butterflies, nerves frying, heart thrumming, harp strings played by a manic god.
“Uh- y-yeah?” you called, peering round the living room door and down the hallway, the front door just in sight. You didn’t want to sound as if the voice was too familiar to you, just in case it wasn’t. In case it wasn’t Ghost.
“You gonna let me in or what?”
You didn’t move for a second, and then moved all at once. “‘Course, coming!” Your voice wavered as you hurried down the hall and to the door. Reaching it, you breathed deeply, quietly, aware of how thin the walls were, straightened out your shirt, and unlocked the door.
And there he stood.
Very little light made it past him, his hulking form taking up all the room that the doorway could spare him, broad and unrelenting. His mask made him appear as a reaper, eyes dark as the rest of his attire. With him he carried a canvas bag. You swallowed thickly.
“H-ey,” you said lightly, voice strained, cracking. You coughed, tried again. “Hey,” you repeated, normally, this time, and leaned against the doorframe. Ghost only looked down at you, emotions and intentions unknown.
Well, mostly unknown. No doubt the message - the silent promise - you’d given him flashed in his mind as it flashed in yours, weaving itself into the fabric of your psychology as any tangible crush did.
“Did it take you long to get here?” Small talk. Well done, (Y/N). You crossed your arms over your chest, trying to hide the hammering of your heart, making the fabric of your shirt jump as it thudded against your chest.
“Depends.” was all Ghost said. He peered over your shoulder. “You alone?” The question made something in you stir. The implication sat heavy in your stomach. It promised something, wanting to crack and bloom. You nodded, not trusting your voice, fighting the smile blistering onto your lips.“Right, then.” Ghost rasped. He looked at you. You looked at him. You both waited for the other to do something. You realised it was your turn.“Oh!” you exclaimed, folding out of Ghost’s path. “Come in, make yourself comfortable-”
Ghost breezed past you, not one for formalities. You swallowed and shut the door behind him. You begged and pleaded with any deity available that you hadn’t already annoyed him.He found the living room and placed his bag down, its contents heavy, evidenced by the thunk it made as it hit the carpet. He shed his gloves soon after, throwing them atop the bag.
You followed behind, squeezing your fingers, cracking your knuckles. Your breathing was shallow and you felt warm all over, the beginnings of sweat forming under your armpits.
Ghost looked around; you could only assume he was familiarising himself with the environment. You coughed and gestured to the sofa, at which point Ghost turned and looked back at you.
“Take a seat,” you said, more requested, actually. Ghost gave a light nod and sat down, making the sofa bow in the centre beneath his weight. He gave a sigh, shut his eyes, and said nothing. He seemed to be comfortable, and you wondered if he’d come straight here from his latest mission. My head game needs to be immaculate to justify him coming all the way from God-knows-where to my apartment, you panicked.
You had the idea of prolonging said demonstration of said head game by offering Ghost tea, a British favourite, which he declined. You offered him water, biscuits, an omelette, a pair of fluffy socks, a film; he declined them all.
“I’ll tell you what I do want, though,” Ghost rasped, looking at you with undivided attention.
You wanted to be sick. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to do this, you were simply mortified of the embarrassment that would come with not knowing how to walk the walk after talking the talk. You hoped you could buy yourself just a few more minutes to go over the needlessly explicit notes your friend had given you on this interaction. 
You didn’t want to play dumb, nor did you mean to. You just wanted more time. “What?” you said, nigh shaking with uncertainty.
Ghost beckoned you and, with nowhere else to run, you came to him, standing just out of reach of his knees. He took your wrist and pulled you closer. “On your knees,” he said. His voice felt heavier, either because of the mask or…something else.
Your heart jumped up your throat. You swallowed it.
And now, on buckling legs, you lowered yourself to the floor, pants keeping your knees from being carpet-burned. You kept your breathing quiet, trying to deepen it. Your nerves were no less frazzled.
Ghost lifted his hips from the sofa and unbuckled his belt. He withdrew himself from his pants before you could comprehend or prepare yourself for what was happening.
“Woah!” you exclaimed. Then, you felt your heart and stomach sink. I did not just say that out loud, you begged. Oh my god, no, please.
Ghost’s head tilted as he continued looking down at you, holding his cock in his hand. Given how large the rest of him was, this shouldn’t have been surprising. Still, you were impressed; especially considering he was already half-hard. Something in you felt tight and hot.
“Woah?” he said. You could practically feel him raising an eyebrow beneath his mask. “That impressive, is it?”
You found yourself nodding. You were past the initial point of shame until you encountered the next; your own inexperience. Ghost let out a huff of air, likely a laugh or one of its diluted associates.
“Well, I’m honoured,” he said. There was jest in his tone, and for that you were grateful. You smiled, trying to combat the growing fear overtaking you. Not as honoured as I, you wanted to say, but it felt far too mediaeval and, dare you say, cringe, for this situation. You just nodded. Again
And here you were, staring at the dick of the man who had become the most recent and potent object of your affections. With absolutely no inclination as to what to do next. Your hands were folded in your lap. You squoze them together, trying to disperse some of your nervous energy.
With every second that passed you could feel Ghost’s eyes burning holes into you. You knew the bare basics, and that was all anyone could ask of you. Just put it in your mouth and get it over with, you thought. Though, not that you didn’t want to take your time; you would have loved to given that you knew how to make Ghost feel good. But right now, your main concern was trying not to destroy any semblance of respect Ghost may have accrued for you by giving the most terrible head of his life.
All while thinking this, you hadn’t moved, eyes glazed over. Ghost’s baritone came as a startling distraction.
“Somethin’ wrong?” he said. There was mild concern laced somewhere in his voice.
“Oh, no! Totally fine!” you said. Your voice cracked and you winced internally.
“You sure?”
You nodded, smiling through the anguish. “Yeah, yeah. It’s just…been a while since I’ve seen…” you didn’t want to make eye contact with it again; it felt wrong to do so without doing something to it. 
“How long?” The rounded edges of his accent and refusal to pronounce a handful of letters felt oddly endearing to you in this moment. Or perhaps you were clutching at straws, anything else to pay attention to aside from the growing tension in the room.
“Uh…” you pretended to count how long ago your last encounter was, already knowing the answer. “About…I don’t know, doesn't matter - just a long time,” you smiled, your signature at the end of a disaster of a sentence.
Ghost said nothing. Did nothing. He leaned over, placing his elbows on his knees, and stared into you. His mask consumed your vision. You knew you couldn’t look anywhere else, frozen.
“(Y/N)...” he began, sighing lightly. “Do you actually wanna do this?”
“Yeah! I mean, I want to, I really want to! It’s just that…” You wanted to swallow your confession, hide it where nobody would ever find it. Ghost’s head tilted as he looked at you. 
“But what?” he said. His voice held no urgency, no pressure, but something…sincere. Curiosity? Perhaps he wasn’t accustomed to dealing with your sort.“I…” You sighed. The jig was up. Time to come clean.
“I’ve never actually done this before.” You hammered the final nail in your coffin. “Ever.” Your gaze dropped and you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him, to see his disappointment. You hid, pointing your face to the floor, your hands on your thighs. You heard Ghost shift.
“Well then, why didn’t you say so?” You felt a hand slide around the back of your head. You jumped, gaze snapping to meet Ghost’s. There was a glimmer in his eye. “I’ll guide you. Just keep your teeth out the way and suck.” His eyes were darker than they had been before. Even without the mask, you felt that he would look just the same.
You nodded, mouth ajar with shock. Ghost took full advantage by bringing your head down to his thighs and prying your mouth open with the tip of his cock. You jumped, he held you in place. You could feel how many hours he’d put into his strength by his firm grip in your hair; not enough to hurt, but enough to let you know that it could.
And that power made you warm and wet in places that typically couldn’t be provoked by real, physical men. The many figures and books you’d swept under both the proverbial and physical rug were evidence of this.
Taking in the bulbous tip, you recalled Ghost’s explicit instructions to keep your teeth out of the way and all but unhinged your jaw, trying to accommodate the first of many inches. With the restraint of a god, Ghost only watched, waiting for you to accustom yourself to his girth before continuing.
“Y’alright, Precious?” he said, squeezing your hair, prompting an answer. You hummed around him, making his eyes twitch and the rest of him harden. “Now,” he breathed, “be good for me. Keep goin’,”
You couldn’t nod, you couldn’t do anything aside from what he’d instructed you. And so, you descended. You inhaled another inch or two, swallowing when you felt your saliva collecting in your mouth. As soon as you did, Ghost jutted by a fraction. You decided to try something you remembered teaching yourself.
Your tongue gingerly danced along the edge of his shaft, trying to find the tip before it was too far down the back of your throat even for light to reach it. Ghost gave a light groan as your tongue glossed over the veins of his cock, stopping only upon feeling a dip in the head. Then, with little mercy or idea of what would happen, you stroked it with your tongue, continually, back and forth, in a sustainable rhythm that eased you into a comfortable monotony.
You closed your eyes, mapping out his member in your mind’s eye, a new, salt-like taste slick on your tongue as you went. Ghost’s light groaning turned into a deeper grunt, making your stomach feel tight. You recognised this new taste as pre-cum, something you’d thought was a myth until just now.
It excited you to think that you were the one making Ghost feel this way. You hazarded a glance at said man, and upon doing so, found him looking down at you through heavy eyes. You felt seen, and suddenly very naked. No, exposed. You resisted the flight response to withdraw.
Ghost’s hand rested on the back of your head, and, ever so slightly, you felt him pushing on it. “Go on,” he said through deepening breaths. “Take more of me.”
You obeyed, and, swallowing the collection of pre-cum and saliva collecting in your maw, urged yourself to take another inch or two. You gagged, the tip almost hitting the back of your throat. You could feel it practically grazing the soft, wet skin of your throat.
“S’alright, take your time,” he said, his chest appearing to rise and bay like the tide, deep and consistent.
You took a moment to familiarise yourself, to acquaint yourself with his size, before resuming. You knew you couldn’t take much more at this rate, and you didn’t want to open your eyes to see how much was left of him. Though, judging by the warmth radiating against your face and the tickling sensation of hair against your nose, you figured not too much more.
Your previous anxieties had washed away with Ghost’s soft guidance, leaving you to enjoy the sound of ghost’s groan-laced breaths and the barely restrained juts of his hips as his body urged you to take more.
You began bobbing your head, withdrawing your mouth before impaling it back onto Ghost’s length, all the while his breaths became more laboured, laced with groans and an odd moan. Your hands came to rest atop his knees, holding onto him. You yourself felt a wetness developing between your legs, though you tried not to think about it. A tightness formed in your core, jolting you with flashes of rapture.
You sucked hard, coaxing a faint ‘Ah' from Ghost, followed by the purr in his chest. Guttural groans.
You felt the sheer weight of Ghost’s dick on your tongue, making your jaw begin to ache. You tried to push this aside, too, opting instead to focus entirely on making sure Ghost finished. You’d read enough fanfiction to be able to tell when that would happen. 
Whenever you swallowed around his cock, you heard a strangled noise escape him, not yet a moan, but the promising beginnings of one. It was deep, gruff. You wondered if Ghost made noises like this while getting himself off. The thought sent another jolt between your legs.
The sound of your collective breathing and you guzzling your own pre-cum-laced saliva made the room feel smaller, encasing you both in your own story, one which you hoped had a happy ending.
“Fuck me,” he breathed as your tongue caught a particularly prominent vein, “you sure you’ve never done this before?” He looked down at you through half-lidded, almost closed eyes. Hooded. You felt a smile coming on yet was physically incapable of expressing it. You hummed a response, pride swelling in your chest as you watched Ghost’s eyes screw shut at the feeling.
You wondered if he was close, and, judging by the shortening space between his breaths and the amount of pre-cum filling your mouth, you believed so. His grip in your hair tightened and you could feel him becoming more lost by the second as his restraint crumbled, leading to his grip becoming somewhat painful.
You ignored it, instead trying to take the rest of him for the final stretch. You swallowed, then advanced, swallowing the last couple of inches. His tip hit the back of your throat and you gagged, trying to suppress the aching in your jaw and throat. Ghost hissed, his hips bucking once before he settled again. Your nose was pressed against the bottom of his stomach, dark, curly hairs tickling your nose.
You sucked him, felt him, your tongue trying to coat every inch of him in your saliva, the fire in your lower half burning brighter than ever. Your mind wandered to what it would feel like to be filled by him, encouraging you to go faster. Harder. You moved at a pace you thought was beyond your capacity, lips burning from the friction of sliding across the length of Ghost’s glossed cock.
“Just like that,” he breathed, just about capable of forming a cohesive thought, never mind a sentence.Something in your intuition told you he was close. Or perhaps it was in the way his groans had turned into deep, baritone moans and barely-comprehensible curses. You sucked harder.
“Keep goin’,” he said, breathless, “‘m nearly there,”
With a final push, running your tongue along a sensitive vein and swallowing, throat contracting around his tip, he came. Hard. He let out a mask-muffled moan, short yet harsh and potent, tailing off into a symphony of heavy breaths and groans. The sound made your core hot and tight, radiating tension and the promise of euphoria. 
His hand fused with your hair, gripping it tight enough to make you wince. Thick ropes of warm cum filled your mouth and throat, forcing you to withdraw as it went down the wrong way. You kept your mouth closed when you coughed, unsure of what to do with Ghost’s semen. It felt far too precious to spit out, yet you were unsure as to whether you were permitted to swallow. You watched Ghost collect his thoughts, his hold on your head loosening. He ran his fingers through where he’d held you, soothing you. Apologising for how rough he’d been.
His eyes opened, and he looked at you. You could see them widen fractionally as he spotted your cum-filled cheeks, waiting for his order.
“Fuckin’ hell.” he said, releasing a breath. Admiring his work. “Didn’t know you were waitin’ for me.”
You nodded, the taste of salt engulfing your tongue almost overwhelming. Ghost released the back of your head and deposited himself back into his pants, now having softened. He leaned down, just above eye level with you. “Swallow,” he ordered.
You did, and Ghost watched your throat bob. He gave a short hum and ran his thumb over the outline of your bottom lip. You leaned into his touch, his hand warm against your scorching skin.
You didn’t know how long you remained like that for, but it didn’t feel long enough. He withdrew, leaving you to feel cold without his immediate presence. Then, the reality of what you’d just done dawned on you. Your eyes widened, and you tried to keep your surprise to yourself.
You could scarcely believe that you’d actually - or rather, you and Ghost had - managed to do that without disappointing him. You only hoped it was as good for Ghost as he’d made it seem.
“Ghost,” you said, voice raspy and low, soft with inquisition. Ghost only hummed, leaning against the backrest of the sofa. “Did…” you swallowed, the slick remnants of him residing in crevices in your mouth. “Did I do well?” You almost wished you hadn’t asked, cringing at how desperate for confirmation you sounded. In your head, at least.
Ghost didn’t make it seem like that. He gave a slight nod.
“Very well,” he said, his emphasis reassuring you. You felt as if you could release the monstrous doubt accumulating on your shoulders. You gave a smile, plumping your flushed cheeks.
You both remained in slow silence, coming down from the excitement of what had just unfolded. Your gazes wandered the room, looking at nothing in particular. You wanted to maintain the tranquillity that had settled, but you felt another question burning in your lungs, desperate to be answered. You waited, then waited a little longer. Then, you asked.
“Ghost?” you said, your sore throat prickling, the ache in your knees becoming apparent to you. He looked to you. “Why did you come here?” Your question was genuine, and you didn’t want the skin-deep answer you knew was available to him; because I wanted a quick blow before I went home. You wanted him to look past that. His gaze was unintelligible.
“Why’d you invite me ‘ere?”
You blinked, then your honesty got the better of you. “Because…” You felt your face heating up again. You’ve literally just blown him, this should be a cake walk! “Because I...like you…?”
Ghost’s chest rumbled, likely a laugh.
“Well then, there’s your answer.”
Your heart wanted to soar, but the vagueness of his answer made you lust to ask just one more question.
“So…” you hoped your inquisitiveness (or density, as you might call it) was endearing, or at the least an excuse for your lack of abstract understanding. “Does this mean that you like me, too?” Your voice became more and more interrogative, phrasing the question in such a way that made it seem a mockery of itself, as if it were cosplaying its own function, exaggerated.
Ghost went quiet for a moment. “Honestly?” he said. You almost nodded before realising he was going to say more. “Yeah. I do.”
Okay, now your heart soared. You couldn’t fight the smile overtaking your features. Ghost noticed and made haste to try and revoke some of the joy he’d inflicted.
“Now don’t get all soppy on me,” he said, pointing a finger at you. “Else I’ll be forced to take drastic action.” Ignore you until you stop, is what your mind told you he’d do.
You tried to restrain your grin, but it remained. You could only reassure him verbally.
“No promises, Ghost,” you said, biting back the urge to laugh with joviality. Ghost shifted, his gaze becoming more intense. Serious.
“Call me Simon.”
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Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
Taglist: @cutiecusp
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Imagine being the only person the King is protective of
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King: What's wrong? I thought you were going to go to bed.
You: *has your arms wrapped around yourself for comfort* I... I was... but when I got there I could tell someone was or had been in there without my permission.
King: It was probably Yamato, that boy lives in the walls like a rat.
You: I know he does, but I can tell it wasn't him.... who ever it was, I could smell them all over my room, even on my sheets. I think it was a man, based off the smell.
King: What do you mean it was on your sheets?
You: well, when I entered my room I could kind of smell them, and I kinda figured it was just some servant, but then flopped down on my bed.
King: you shouldn't flop.
You: *ignored him* and I could smell them on my pillows, and my blankets, and even my stuffed animals. So I glanced around, and the only thing out of place was my closet door.
King: did you check the closet?
You: no, I was afraid someone was waiting for me in there, so I got the hell out of there.
King: I take it you came here to ask me to go check it out for you.
You: *nods*
King: alright, let's go.
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At your room
King: *squats down and scuttles into your room* wow, the smell really is quite pungent. *Opens your closet door to find a surveillance snail installed* This can't be good for your snail, they need sunlight and fresh air.
You: I don't own a snail.
King: *notices Queen's embossed insignia haphazardly covered with tape off* he fucking didn't.
You: what?
King: let's check the rest of the room to see if we find any more of these. *Holds up the snail for you to see*
You: *after finding three more snails* who would do this?
King: Don't worry about it, I'll place one of the animal mary's in here when you're not around to make sure this doesn't happen again.
You: thank you, but what are we going to do with all of these guys.
King: leave that too me.
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In Queen's lab
Queen: *cracks his knuckles as he sits down at his computer* okay let's see what m spy camera see.
Snails: *in the men's bathhouse*
Queen: *stares at his screen that's covered in hairy asses, before he turns off the entire system* I think I'm gonna throw up.
King: *drops from the rafters* Don't put those in people private rooms, if you do it again I'll alert Kaido.
Queen: ...ugh fine, lesson learned.
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459 notes · View notes
stoic and calm hero x teasing villain??????
“Oh, grumpy…” The villain touched the hero’s neck first and then leaned over, close enough to whisper into their ear. “So tense.”
The villain almost sat down on the hero’s lap but the hero’s hands were on their hips immediately and pushed them back up.
“You shouldn’t do that in a restaurant,” they said. Admittedly, the villain looked perfect tonight. The hero had always considered them to be some sort of devil sent to torture them specifically.
Conflicting feelings weren’t really something the hero understood. Hell, feelings in general were hard to put into words.
They were used to hiding in their offices and lairs, behind a mask or a fake identity. Anonymity was a privilege.
But it was also incredibly lonely.
“Gosh, I am so sorry, my love.” The villain sat down at the other end of the table, smiling softly. “Can’t help myself when I’m around you.”
The hero stared at the bottle of wine they had ordered. Did the villain like wine? They didn’t know.
“Don’t tell me you’re on a date,” the villain said cheerily. They reached out and took the hero’s hand, making the hero’s stomach toss and turn.
“It’s a business meeting,” the hero said, keeping their voice low. Although they doubted anyone could hear them, they liked to be more careful when the villain was around. Maybe someone was listening, maybe someone was recording…
The villain’s fingers were soft when they traced the hero’s knuckles.
The hero couldn’t take that kind of heartbreak again. Being betrayed by the villain was the most painful thing in the world.
“Thank god you’re not cheating on me.” The villain winked and the hero’s mouth dried out.
“What are you doing here?” They didn’t know how much longer they could take this. The villain was haunting them, tempting them to let go of all these terrible responsibilities.
They were so soft with the hero, yet mercilessly violent with their rivals. The hero felt a yearning towards them. Their own body betrayed them and wanted the touch, needed it, just as much as the kind words and the soft lips. And yet, they feared the villain didn’t like them in that way.
“…which I told him is not acceptable. So, I came here to say hello!” The villain smiled. “You’re just so irresistible…hey, is everything alright?”
Now, the villain tilted their head, looking curiously at them. Were they…worried? The hero couldn’t afford conversations like these.
“…yes, I’m sorry.”
“You seem upset.”
“I’m…I’m going to get promoted,” they admitted suddenly.
The villain’s hands were still on the hero’s. The villain turned it around, focusing their attention on the hero’s palm. They traced the lines. They traced the scars.
“Isn’t that something we should celebrate? You’ve been doing so well at work, haven’t you?” Under the table, the hero felt the villain’s foot teasing. Rubbing their shin. They didn’t want this moment to end.
A part of them — a very weak part of them — wanted this to be an evening with the villain as their spouse. They wanted that kind of reassurance and they wanted that kind of comfort. They wanted the villain to touch them and take care of them.
They wanted the intimacy but that was ridiculous. They were too different. It wouldn’t work.
“It means I’ll be basically chained to my desk. I won’t fight you anymore,” the hero said.
The villain’s face fell. They were clearly disheartened.
“I tried to turn it down but they insisted. It feels more like a punishment if I’m being honest,” they said. “I’m really sorry.”
And then, the villain’s face softened.
“Don’t worry about it, you won’t get rid of me that easily.” They squeezed the hero’s hand with a warm smile. “You’re my favourite nut to crack. And I’ve made such progress already. I won’t let a messy work schedule ruin that.”
They stood up and the hero’s heart skipped several beats.
Was this another plan? Another scheme? Was the hero being seduced? Their doubts made it difficult to enjoy the situation, to enjoy the proximity.
The villain hadn’t betrayed them in months. The last betrayal had been of professional nature and they had apologised for it.
The hero knew they couldn’t allow themselves to fall for their enemy, it just wasn’t…
“You look incredible tonight, by the way. Whomever you’re meeting is going to have a great view.” The villain leaned down and pressed a kiss to their lips. Sweet. Short. Kind. The hero’s heartbeat skyrocketed. “Good luck with this business meeting, darling.”
Their fingers went over the hero’s shoulders to their neck. And with that, they walked out of the restaurant, leaving the hero even more doomed.
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wecanbe-heroes · 9 months
Astarion x reader, gn!tav
Requested by a member of the bg3 discord I am in. Tav uses disguise self to show Astarion his reflection. 1.1k words. Short and teasingly sweet.
“Damn this blasted thing!” You hear glass shatter and lean up out of your bedroll, glancing in the direction of the sound. A pale figure stands outside his tent, a broken mirror at his feet. The other people in your camp side eye him before going back to their business, but you rise to your feet.
“What’s going on over here?” You ask gently as you approach, careful to avoid any glass on the ground.
Astarion whirls around to face you, a brief look of anger then shock. “Hello, darling.” His face is a mask of cool now, his lips poised in his signature smirk. “Silly me just dropped my mirror.” He bent to pick it up and a couple extra pieces of glass clatter to the dirt.
“I thought vampires couldn’t see their reflection?” You already know the answer, but ask anyway. This earns a sigh and Astarion looks at the mirror.
“Yes, this is true. A part of me keeps checking though.” He twirls it in his hands for a moment before placing it back on the stool by his tent. “If this wretched tadpole can make me walk in the sun again, I thought it might let me see myself again.” There is a yearning in his voice and you realize it has been over 200 years since the elf has seen his reflection.
“So you’ve never had a portrait made or anything?” You tilt your head slightly to the left.
“Ha! As if Cazador would allow that.” He scoffs and waves a hand. “No, I have no memory before being turned. All I know is what people have told me. White hair, vampire red eyes. Beauty to rival a god.” His smirk widens and he winks at you. You can’t help the faint flush that rises to your cheeks at his flirtations. While perhaps exaggerated, he is quite beautiful.
“I wish I could paint a portrait of you, Astarion. You deserve to see yourself truly.” You sigh. Artistic talent never found its way to you, your hands not built for the finer arts.
“That is quite alright my sweet.” His eyes soften for a moment. Unknownst to you, he is taken aback by your offer. No one has ever cared enough about his vanity, his desire to know how he appears to others, to offer to paint him. He jerks back as you suddenly gasp and clap your hands together.
“I can do something better than a portrait!” How could you forget? You run back to your bags, rummaging through them. You picked up a scroll a few days ago that might be just what you need. Finally, you find the scroll you are looking for. 
"What have you got there?" Astarion's voice holds a hint of wary, trust still hard for him. You give him a smirk and unfurl the scroll.
"It's been awhile since I've cast this spell so I'm studying it." You crack your knuckles and neck, studying the spell. It's not something you keep prepared and you're glad you picked this up in the abandoned house you went through earlier. Astarion steps back and you wave him forward. "Don't worry, it's not a spell for you. It's for me." You reassure him and stand to your full height. You study his features for awhile, long enough he begins to look uncomfortable under your scrutiny. You want to get this right, show him an as exact replica as you can.
"Alright here we go." You give yourself a shake and then begin casting. Magic sparks from your fingers as you wave them around your body. Tingles and light shocks spread across your skin as it changes. The spell is quick and basically painless, more of an itch as it adds an illusion over your body. Your camp clothes disappear, replaced by Astarion's leather pants and ruffled shirt. It's a bit weird, seeing the illusion take over but still feeling your normal look. Within a couple seconds, you are now standing eye to eye with the vampire. His eyes are wide, mouth slightly agape. You have never seen him flustered like this. "Well, what do you think?" You hold your arms out, pale skin gleaming the same as his. You don't feel the elongated canines in your mouth, but you know they are there when his eyes flicker to your mouth when you speak, giving him a smirk mirroring his own.
"My my, I am as handsome as I thought." His jokes armor against his own sensitivity. In truth, his hands are shaking and eyes keep jumping to different parts of you. You give him a slow turn to get the full view. Then you step forward, close enough your boots are nearly touching his. "Those eyes, my eyes. So red." He sneers at the sight. You wonder what color they were before he was turned. A shade of hazel or brown would be staggering, though he likely had a shade of blue as most high elves have. The red is piercing is he studies your face, his face. Drinking you in to burn forever in his memory. You reach up to his face, fingers ghosting the skin. Not touching him, but longing to. 
"I'm not sure if I got the laugh lines right." You say breathlessly, trying to ease the sudden tension. Astarion scoffs and rolls his eyes, you ignore the slight glisten in them to save his pride.
"I am an immortal being, I do not have laugh lines!" He moves away from you, smoothing the creases around his mouth. As you give a soft chuckle, the spell begins to fade. That itching tingle spreads across your body once more and then you are back to normal you.
"I'm sorry I couldn't give you more. Maybe we can commision a portrait once we get to the city?" You suggest, though you're not sure if your team will make it to Baldur's Gate let alone have time for such a thing. 
"No apologies, darling. You have given me enough." He gets far off look on his face before he takes your hand in his, a rare display of affection. "Thank you." He presses a kiss to the back of your hand before he retreats back into his tent. You stand there for a moment in awe before picking up the broken mirror and the glass pieces. A quick mending cantrip and it looks brand new. You place it on the stool outside his tent before going back to your bedroll. The spot on your hand that he kissed phantomly burns as you fall to sleep, dreaming of soft red eyes. 
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morgana-larkin · 18 days
MWAHAHAHAHHA. ALTERNATIVE ENDING TIMEEE. The vender flowers fic thing. I am here to request an alternative angst ending. Ok SO *cracks knuckles* Mel still chooses you and still goes to your place to confess. However, when u lean in to kiss her, she kisses u back. Then, smut (y’all sleep together). Then, she goes home to break up w Gary. She explains her feelings and he was so understanding and loving that she realizes she doesn’t want to let him go. So they end up staying together. Then at school u see her w Gary and you’re (patiently) like “hey what’s up have u done it yet like what’s goin on” and she tells u that she hasn’t but she will and that she can’t wait to be with you. Then y’all fuck again maybe or just make out idk, up to u, and you’re all happi and giggly BUT THEN the next day she tells u the truth. That she doesn’t wanna let him go and you’re like “ok so u just used me/lied so u could get the best of both worlds/just to sleep w me” and then idk what she says after that u can pick. And idk how to end this u can pick hahaha.
Alright, I finished it! And before anyone asks, we made a deal that if I do a lot of angst then I can have my happy ending. 😊 Although I think it’s more sad than angsty. And when you put the cracks knuckles, I burst out laughing. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it.
On another note: I notice that half of you put compliments for me in your prompts and I love reading them, you guys are so sweet! 🥹❤️ Also I spent 10 minutes picking out a gif cause I got distracted looking at Lisa…I regret nothing.
The Vendor, The Teacher and The Roses - Alt End
Warnings: where to start? A bit of toxic Mel, angst, sadness, heartbreak, fluff, smut, happy ending. I literally went through a whole rollercoaster of emotions while writing this so good luck!
Words: 7.3k
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“What do you mean when you said you chose me?” You ask her.
“I mean if I went home then I would be choosing Gary, and I know I would lose you. If I came here then I would be choosing you and lose Gary.” She tells you. “And I can’t lose you.” She adds on and you look at her shocked.
“But you can lose Gary?” You ask her and she nods.
“He’s not as important as you.” She tells you and you look down at your fingers and twiddle your thumbs. Melissa takes your hand with hers and interlace your fingers and brings her other hand to your chin and gets you to look up at her. “I want to be with you.” She tells you and a tear rolls down your cheek. She wipes the tear and cups your cheek.
“I want to be with you too.” You tell her and you lean forward to kiss her and she leans forward to kiss you back. Once your lips connect you immediately feel that this is right, where you’re supposed to be and you’re already hooked on her.
Melissa is feeling the same way and she puts her hands in your hair and moans. She pushes you back on the couch to deepen the kiss but you stop her.
“Me-Melissa.” You say and she pulls back and looks at you. “We shouldn’t do anything else, you’re still with Gary.” You tell her and leans forward to you and puts her hands in your hair again.
“I don’t care, I’ve wanted you for so long and I don’t want to wait any longer.” She says and kisses you again. She pushes you back again and this time you let her. She’s on top of you now and runs her fingers down your body and you gasp a bit and she slides her tongue in your mouth. You moan at that and she takes her shirt off and you run your hands all over the newly exposed skin. She brings her mouth to your neck and leaves kisses all over it.
“Melissa, do you want to go to the bedroom? Lot more space on the bed.” You suggest and she groans. She then slides her hand under you and pushes you closer to her and she sits up and brings you with her. She then picks you up and she stands up and carries you to the bed. She goes back on top of you and goes and sucks your neck and you gasp and buck your hips. She then unclips her bra and takes it off then takes your shirt off. Her breasts fall out of her bra and are freed from their prison and you set your eyes on them and stare. “Take your pants off.” You tell her and she pulls back from your neck and looks at you before she takes her pants and underwear off. At the same time you take your pants and underwear off. She then goes back to you and all you have on is your bra and she straddles your lap as you’re sitting against the headboard. She gets hit by a wave of desire for you and starts grinding your leg and you go and suck on a nipple. She takes the opportunity to unclip your bra and take it off then places her hands on your boobs.
You then place her between your legs and slide a finger in her entrance and she moans out. You notice she’s tight and you slide another finger in to really fill her and she falls forward into you. “Omg! Yes!” She says and you slide them in and out and quickly go faster. “Omg! That feels so good! Yes! Don’t stop! Oh fuck!” She screams out.
“You’re so tight. Been awhile?” You ask her and she nods. “Hmm, how long?” You ask.
“3…we…weeks.” She says and you smile.
“He has you and is able to go 3 weeks without sex?” You say and she whines. You figure he must have a lower than average sex drive and it must be driving her crazy as 3 weeks is too long for her. “You know, when we get together, I don’t think I’ll be able to go more than 3 days without fucking you.” You tell her and she whines again. You place a hand on her back and pull her closer to you and she moans. You place your thumb on her clit and she gasps. A few seconds later her legs start shaking and you feel her clench around your fingers. “Go on and cum.” You tell her and she comes a couple seconds later. You stop your fingers but she starts riding them and places her thumb between her legs to rub her clit and she must still need more and you smile. “Oh you’re very horny.” You say and she moans. You move your fingers in her again and she gasps. You move her fingers out of the way and place your thumb back on her clit and rub it. She places her hands on your back and has her body pushed right up against you. Her legs start shaking again and she comes seconds later. This time it’s you that doesn’t stop and she cries out as she feels another orgasm building and she’s sensitive. The next one hits not even 30 seconds later and she screams out as she comes. You pull out of her gently and she’s holding on to you tightly and you don’t move as her heart rate slows down. She then slides off of you and down your body and is on her stomach and connects her mouth to your clit.
“I love how you taste.” She tells you and goes right back to licking your clit.
“Ooohhh Mel…omg your tongue feels so good!” You say between gasps. She then slides two fingers in your entrance and you scream out. It doesn’t take long until you come with her name in your mouth. She pulls out of you and comes to lay down beside you.
You cuddle each other for a few minutes until you stop shaking and you’re breathing normally. You then go and get a cloth and you both clean yourself up. Melissa then gets dressed and she gives you another kiss before she leaves to go home to end things with Gary.
When she gets home, she takes a deep breath before getting out of the car and going inside. She sees Gary sitting on the couch and watching tv and he’s looking at her with a smile.
“Hey, you’re home. Where’d you go?” He says without any judgement, just curiosity.
“I went to see y/n.” She said to him and he nods, knowing you two are good friends.
“How is she?” He asks and she walks towards him.
“Good. We need to talk though.” She says and sits on the couch next to him. He turns off the tv and turns to her and gives her his full attention.
Melissa then explains everything, leaving out the part that you two had sex. She tells him about the friendship you two formed and when her feelings for you started. Then she admits that she found out you feel the same and that’s why she went to see you.
“And I feel bad about it cause you’re really good to me and I never wanted to hurt you.” She finishes and Gary looks at her with understanding. He then explains how he knew something was going on with the way you both look at each other. Then explains that he’s always wanted what’s best for her and to support her. Melissa looks at him shocked. She expected for him to be angry, not supportive of what she wants and she’s overwhelmed with it. She realises she doesn’t want to let him go but also doesn’t want to let you go, she doesn’t know what to do.
The next day Melissa and Gary arrive in the break room in the morning and you frown. You thought she was talking to him last night but then thought that maybe she didn’t want to do it on Valentine’s Day.
It did hurt a bit when you also see them at lunch, being all happy but didn’t mention anything. Melissa noticed your reaction all day and she feels guilty, knowing she’ll have to make a decision. At the end of the day you go to see her in her classroom.
“Hey Melissa.” You say to her and she spins around to look at you with a smile.
“Hey y/n.”
“So what’s up?”
“I’m happy that it’s Friday.” She answers and you close her door.
“Ya so am I. I was wondering if you’ve done it yet or are you going to, you know, break up with Gary.” You tell her and she smiles at you.
“Ya, I didn’t want to do it yesterday being as it was Valentine’s Day and a Thursday but I’ll do it. I honestly can’t wait to be with you.” She says and you go and kiss her. She kisses you back and it turns into a heated make out session. You end up getting pushed to her desk and you go and sit on top of it, continuing to make out with her. You then pull back after making out for a few minutes. “I just love kissing you already.” She says and you smile at her.
“I love kissing you too. And I can’t wait until I can kiss you whenever.” You tell her and she smiles at you.
“I’ll let you know when I break up with him.” She says and boops your nose and you giggle.
“Alright, but don’t make me wait long.” You tell her and she gives you another kiss and then you both leave.
You go home and sit on your couch and watch tv for the rest of the day, waiting to see when she’ll text you that she broke up with him. You don’t get a text that evening.
The next day she comes to your place in the morning and you open up the door and smile widely when you see her.
“Morning Melissa, so does this mean it’s done?” You ask her and she looks down at the floor.
“We got to talk.” She says and your smile drops and you tilt your head.
“Um…ok.” You say and let her in.
You both sit on your couch and she takes a few deep breaths before speaking.
“I spoke to Gary on Thursday night after coming back from your place. I told him everything, well except for us having sex. And he was so understanding and supportive and I couldn’t let him go. And now I don’t want to let him go at all but I also don’t want to let you go.” She admits and you look at her. You’re processing everything that she just told you and you sigh.
“So let me see if I got this right. So you lied to me and used me to just get the best of both? For him to meet your emotional needs and sleep with me to meet your sexual needs?” You ask and she nods.
“I’m sorry, I never want to hurt either of you.” She says and you suck in a breath.
“You can’t have both of us Melissa, it’s one or the other.” You tell her and she looks defeated.
“I don’t know who to choose.” She admits and your anger comes out.
“If you can’t choose then that means that you just don’t want to tell me that it’s him you’re choosing.” You say sternly and she goes to answer but you don’t want to hear anymore. “Get out.” You grit through your teeth and she looks taken back by your words. “I said get out!” You yell and point to the door. Melissa is on the verge of tears so she does as you say and leaves.
You immediately block her number and text Ava asking if she has plans tonight. She texts you back and tells you what club she’s going to and if you wanted to tag along. You immediately accept and you go to the bar with her and a couple friends of hers and you get drunk. You dance most of the night and get hit on by men and women. You kiss a couple women and by the end of the night Ava gets you a ride home.
You spend Sunday morning trying to not die and get rid of your major hangover that doesn’t leave until the afternoon. Then you spend the rest of the day doing chores, grading and making a couple changes to your lesson plan.
On Monday morning Melissa tries to talk to you but you shut her down and avoid her. You end up avoiding her all day, which is followed by all week and followed by all month.
At the start, Melissa tries to talk to you every chance she gets and found out quickly that you blocked her. As the days go on with you doing everything to avoid her, her hope and determination of talking to you and trying to make it up to you, goes down. You see she eventually gets the hint and stops trying to talk to you. You see she still glances at you throughout the day but those become fewer and fewer as the days pass. Glances you can handle though, as long as she doesn’t try and talk to you then you can deal with her looking at you.
Eventually she stops looking at you at all and you two are basically just co workers who don’t interact. You start to make friends with other teachers that aren’t friends with Melissa or anyone that is friends with Melissa’s friends. Everyone notices the growing distance between you both and Barb is the first to mention something.
“What’s going on with you and y/n?” Barb asks, about 2 weeks after you started avoiding her.
“Nothing, nothing is going on.” Melissa says with a bit of anger. No one mentions it again but feels bad that Melissa is taking it hard, while you seemed to have moved on easily. Ava did mention that you went out to a club with her and her friends and kissed a couple girls, to which Melissa was shocked and got upset at that.
You want everyone to see that what happened between you and Melissa didn’t heavily affect you but in reality, it crushed you.
About 3 months later, you’re having a rather rough night after a bad date so in a split second decision, you unblock her number. All the texts that she sent you in those 3 months pop up and you’re shocked at the amount of texts there were, probably about 200.
Melissa knew you blocked her number but still chose to text you anyway, it made her feel better and no one tried to stop her.
You read all the messages and you feel like you went on a rollercoaster of emotions. She starts with saying how sorry she is about what happened and that she broke up with Gary a week after. Then she goes on saying that she misses you, she misses having you around her, even just as a friend. She says that she wants to have you back and will do anything to make it up to you.
You start to feel sympathy for her as you read them and then remember what she did and how it made you feel and then go back to angry at her and continue reading.
The texts start to get a bit angry as she’s upset about what happened and obviously going through the 5 stages of grief. She goes on saying a bunch of English and Italian curse words, some directed at you and some about the situation. She then goes and apologises for everything she said, even if you never see the texts she’ll know what she said and would feel bad about it. It takes you a good 2 hours to get through all of them. Her last text being the one that hits the hardest.
Melissa: I know you haven’t seen any of these and might never. But wanted to apologise for everything that happened. For not noticing the signs, not having the courage to admit my feelings, and then putting you through hell and having sex with you. I never wanted to use you, it was never my intention. And I’m sorry about the fact that it took losing you to figure out what I want. I guess it’s true what they say, you never know your lover until you let her go. I spent almost 3 months sending you texts, I don’t even know why, but it made me feel better in a way. But now it’s time to fully let go of everything. I wish you the best luck and life you could have and I’m sorry that I messed it up and won’t get to see you thrive and live your best life. Love, Melissa
You cried so much that night and you think about everything that happened and everything she told you and all the texts she sent you. Melissa on the other hand didn’t notice that all her texts went through to you, even the one she sent a week ago. The one she knew she had to send to finally let you go and move on herself.
A week goes by as if you didn’t read all her texts. You’re debating whether you should talk to her or not and think that you should protect yourself and your heart from her. But on the other hand you think about her texts and how hurt she sounded. You see her throughout the day and see that she’s now mostly healed from what happened and you shouldn’t put each other through that again. You come to the decision that you two will never talk and be in each other's lives again.
That day happens to be the same one that you’re too in your head and don’t see a car coming straight for you. All the teachers are heading out to their cars across the street, as they’re fixing the parking lot. You’re crossing the street and it seems you parked right behind Melissa so you two are heading in the same direction. You start crossing the street as she’s saying goodbye to Barb and about to cross as well. Melissa sees a car coming and you don’t notice as you’re crossing, she immediately starts running towards you, and pushes you out of the way right before the car hits you.
Melissa gets hit by the car instead and goes flying into the windshield. Luckily the driver was slowing down as he noticed you walking out onto the street, he still did damage to Melissa but fortunately didn’t kill her. The driver was able to fully stop and got out to go check on her, as well as Barb who saw the whole thing. You hit the pavement and turned around to see Melissa hitting the windshield and rolling off the car. You run towards her as well, overwhelmed with what just happened. You all go towards her and the driver calls for an ambulance.
“Melissa!” You say as you reach her and she’s unconscious as she hit her head on the windshield.
“Oh my Lord!” Barb says as she reaches you both. You both stay by her until the ambulance arrives.
Janine, Jacob, Gregory, Ava and Mr Johnson end up seeing the commotion before the ambulance arrive and go towards it to see what happened. As they get closer they realise Melissa got hit by the car and they start running.
“Omg what happened?” Janine says and sees you with Melissa’s head in your lap and Barb trying to comfort you.
“All my fault!” You exclaimed through tears.
“No it’s not dear. You forgot to check for cars and didn’t notice the car coming, it happens. But it was Melissa’s decision to push you out of the way and got hit by the car instead of you.” Barb says and Janine and Jacob gasp. Ava puts a hand over her mouth in shock, Gregory and Mr Johnson are too stunned to do anything. They all stay with you until the ambulance arrives.
The ambulance gets there 4 minutes after the call was made and they check her over quickly and say she has to go to the hospital for further examination and treatment. They gently and quickly put her on the stretcher and into the ambulance, and then drive to the hospital.
They all stay next to you as they all watch the ambulance drive Melissa to the hospital. You’re still blaming yourself for what happened and even wish that she didn’t push you out of the way. She shouldn’t pay the consequences for your mistake.
You look defeated and walk towards your car and Barb speaks up. “Dear, do you want to get a ride with me and Gerald to the hospital?” She asks you and you turn around.
“Why would I go to the hospital?” You ask her.
“To go see Melissa.” She says with a gentle tone.
“I’m not going to see her. This is all my fault. I mean why did she even push me out of the way? She should have let me get hit by that car!” You say and everyone but Barb leaves so you and Barb can have privacy.
“Sweetheart, it was Melissa’s decision. And she pushed you out of the way because even though whatever happened between you two happened, she still cares about you and would rather save you then watch you get hurt.” She explains softly.
“We haven’t talked in 3 months because I cut her out of my life! How can she still care about me?” You ask with tears in your eyes.
“Melissa feels deeply for people in her life. Once you find yourself in her life then she has hard time letting go, I saw her struggle with trying to let you go. She never said what happened, all she told me was that she screwed up with you.” Barb tells you and you’re crying at this point but you stay away from her when she tries to comfort you.
“I’m not going to the hospital, it’s my fault she got hurt and I don’t want to hurt her more. I do hope she makes a full recovery quickly though.” You tell her and Barb knows you’re not going to change your mind and lets you go. You go to your car and drive home.
She gets Gerald to drive to the hospital to go see Melissa, as well as the trio. They’re surprised when you don’t show up and Barb tells them that you blame yourself. Melissa does end up waking up a few hours later after the doctors treated her injuries. Janine was the first to notice and makes her way to her side beside Barb as Gregory goes to get a Doctor saying she’s awake.
The doctor asks her a few questions and checks her over again and says that she’s healing properly and should be good to go home in a few days. They did mention she’ll need crutches as she got hit in the leg and they put a cast on her left leg. Once the doctor leaves, the trio stays for about half an hour before heading home. As soon as they leave, that's when Melissa asks Barb about you.
“I’m sorry, I tried to get her to come but she was very against it, saying she doesn’t want to hurt you again, and blaming herself for what happened.” Barb tells her and Melissa groans and puts her head back on the pillow. “If it’s any consolation, she was surprised that you pushed her out of the way. She thought you didn’t care about her anymore.” Barb tells her and Melissa looks at her.
“On Valentine’s Day she was going to see me with flowers and a card to confess her feelings for me. She saw how Gary and I declared our feelings and threw out the flowers and the card in the garbage. I guess she must have kicked it in anger cause the bin was knocked over and I saw the flowers and the card. I went over to her place right after and we both confessed our feelings.” Melissa is finally telling Barb what happened. “But then I screwed up. We didn’t hold back and we…we had sex. Then I promised her to go and break up with Gary. I went to do that, like I talked to him about it all but the way he was supportive and understanding made me not want to let him go since it’s been so long since I had a partner like that.” Melissa says and Barb nods in understanding. “She came and talked to me the next day and I promised again to break up with him. But then on Saturday I went over to her house and told her the truth and I said I couldn’t choose between them. She got angry and told me to get out.” Melissa finishes. “That’s what happened.”
“Melissa, you made a mistake, I mean my god. You and y/n are both putting blame on yourselves for making a mistake because you’re human.” Barb says. “It’s not your fault that Gary’s support and understanding made you feel good and left you confused because Joe kept hurting you. And it’s not y/n’s fault that she got distracted and didn’t notice the car coming at her and the fact that you pushed her out of the way and got hit instead.” Barb says and Melissa sniffles. “She got so mad at herself that she wished you just let her get hit.” Barb tells her and Melissa looks at her in shock. “I know you wouldn’t have let that happen and I told her that. But something tells me that there’s more to y/n’s side than she was letting on.” Barb tells her and Melissa goes to her phone to go to your texts to see pictures you sent her. And that’s when her face pales instantly. “What?” Barb asks when she sees Melissa’s face.
“They sent. All the texts that I sent her got delivered. That means she unblocked my number and she must have read them or at least a few of them. Probably not all since I sent a lot.” Melissa says and rambles a bit.
“Do you know when she unblocked your number.” Barb asks.
“It says it was delivered…last week.” Melissa says the last 2 words quietly.
“You know I did notice that she was distracted this week and that she looked at you a few times.” Barb says, knowing that you acted differently this week but didn’t say anything. When you cut Melissa out, you also cut out her, the trio, Ava and Mr Johnson, pretty much everyone in Melissa’s life from school.
A week goes by and Melissa returns back after that. The cast has to stay on her leg for a month and then a brace after for another month. She’s using crutches that she learned to use in the hospital during her stay there.
You secretly spy on her for a week when she returns and you see her get frustrated a few times about her limitations. You stay away though, thinking it’s the best course of action. You even hand Ava your notice, saying after the school year ends in a month, you’re not coming back. Ava accepts the notice but never approves you leaving, she said she’ll put it through on the last day.
On the second week that Melissa returns, she moves one of the crutches wrong, causing her to slip and fall. You happened to be right behind her and you caught her. It took both of you a second to figure out what happened and you lock eyes when you help her back up.
“Thank you.” She tells you and you look down at the ground before looking back up.
“I should be thanking you, this would have been me if you didn’t push me.” You say and she stares at you. This is the first time you guys talk to each other in over 3 months. “Melissa, why did you push me? Why didn’t you just let me get hit?” You ask, the guilt eating away at you.
“Why would I let you get hit? I care about you and I don’t want to see you hurt, especially if I could prevent it.” She says. “I’ll take having to walk around in a cast and with crutches, and cursing when I can’t do something the same way for a bit, if it means that you don’t have too.” She tells you genuinely and you’re speechless.
“How have you been getting to school and back?” You suddenly ask and she tilts her head at you, confused.
“Barb and Gerald have been driving me. They let me sit in the passenger seat to have room for my leg, and they help me in and out of the car.” She explains.
“Can I drive you home tonight?” You blurt out and it takes both of you by surprise. “To give them a break and as a thank you for saving me.” You tell her and she smiles.
“You don’t have to thank me.” She tells you.
“I do actually. I don't know many people who would save someone from getting hit by a car and let themselves get hit instead.” You tell her and she looks down and blushes.
“If you really want, then sure. I’m sure Gerald and Barb would like the break.” She says and you nod.
“Ok, I’ll come to your classroom after school then.” You say and she nods and you walk to your classroom. Melissa watches you walk away and she sighs contentedly. Maybe she can make it up to you after all.
Ava saw the interaction and passes by Melissa. “You might want to interact with her while you still can.” Ava tells her and Melissa looks at her confused.
“What is that supposed to mean?” She asks.
“It means that she gave her notice a couple days ago. After the year is done then she’s not coming back.” Ava tells Melissa, and if she didn’t have crutches then she would have fallen right there.
“She’s leaving?” Melissa mutters but Ava hears her and nods.
“Like I said, interact with her while you still can. There’s 3 weeks until school is done.” Ava says and walks away.
Melissa feels like the weight that once crushed her 3 months ago came back. You were leaving Abbott in 3 weeks and she didn’t know why. She thought you loved it here.
At the end of the day, she’s sitting at her desk when you come and knock on her door that’s open, signalling your presence.
“Ready to go?” You ask and she looks at you. You were probably never going to tell her that you’re leaving, this favour you’re doing is the only thing that you’ll probably do as a thank you before leaving. You were probably just going to finish up the last 3 weeks, and not mention to anyone that you’re leaving. And just leave them to figure it out when they don’t see you again. A bit of anger courses through her at that.
“Why are you leaving?” She asks you and you look at her stunned. You told Ava to not tell anyone, you just want to leave quietly.
“Ava couldn’t keep her mouth shut I see.” You say and her face gets more stern. “I’ll tell you in the car.” You say and she takes that compromise. You help her up and then walk beside her all the way to your car. You take her crutches and help her stay up as she gets in the car and then put the crutches in the back seat.
You get in and start the car and start the way to her house. You see her looking at you and you sigh and take a breathe before answering her question.
“I’m leaving because I have too ok.” You start and she looks confused. “I don’t belong here anymore. I made a couple friends with teachers but nothing too serious. I feel lonely here and all the students and teachers know that you got hit because you saved me. Do you know how many weird looks I get from people daily? I lose count. And I feel guilty everytime I see you or when I hear your crutches. You’re the only one who made me feel welcomed when I got here, and then I cut you and everyone you know at Abbott out of my life. So now I have no one. I figured it was best to leave and just start fresh.” You tell her.
“And you weren’t going to tell anyone?” She asks.
“There’s no one to tell.” You tell her casually and with a shrug. That got to her, the way you said, like you accepted it.
“You told Ava not to tell anyone.” She says.
“That’s because I didn’t want anyone asking why I’m leaving.” You say and glance at her.
“How many of my texts did you read?” She blurts out and she sees you tense. “I saw they got delivered to you, a week before the accident.” She tells you and you sigh.
“I came home after a bad date and I felt vulnerable so I unblocked your number.” You tell her and she gets surprised by you having a date, that means you’re dating again. Melissa decided to break up with Gary and swore off dating forever, not wanting the drama and pain it causes. “I read all of them.” You admit and her eyes go wide. She thought you would never see a single one and it was her way of therapy for losing you.
“I thought you would never see them.” She says and looks down.
“Well whatever the reason you sent so many must have helped as you moved on.” You tell her and snaps her head up at you. “You said so in the last text and you seemed lighter, the week before the accident.” You say. “It’s part of the reason why I thought you didn’t care about me anymore.” You admit.
“What are the other reasons?” She can’t help but ask.
“The fact that I cut you out of my life and you eventually stopped trying to talk to me. I thought you’re the queen of cutting people out and not having any emotional attachment to people that you cut out. Also, I thought you’d be happy with Gary and forget about me.” You tell her and that stung her.
“I broke up with me and I swore off dating.” She tells you and you let out an airy laugh.
“Ya right. Melissa, I know you, you want to be loved, you want to spend your days with someone. For them to give you physical affection and you love cooking for people that you love and want to show that you care.” You tell her.
“You’re right, I want to spend my days with the right person. But that person cut me out of her life because I fucked it up.” She tells you and you’re glad there’s a red light or else you might have made a mistake while driving. “So yes, I gave up because I didn’t see a point.” She tells you and you turn into her neighbourhood. You’re silent for the minute it takes until you pull up in her driveway and then you turn to look at her.
“Why didn’t you choose me then?” You ask her. “I gave you a choice. You told me on Valentine’s Day that you chose me then 2 days later you said you're not choosing me anymore.” You obviously still have anger about what happened.
“I went home and did start to talk to Gary to break up with him. But I never got so much support and understanding that I got from him from anyone else, including Joe. It felt nice and I got confused. I broke up with him a week later but by then it was too late, I already lost you.” She says and a tear rolls down her cheek from remembering how it felt to lose you. “Y/n, it took me 3 months to not always feel the pain of losing you. All I wanted was to talk to you, for you to have me back in any way that you were comfortable with, because I just wanted you in my life. I looked lighter like I moved on but I didn’t, it seemed like that because I was adjusting to life without you, I was finally forcing myself to accept that you weren’t going to be in my life again.” She tells you and looks you in the eyes. “Then I saw that car coming right for you and you didn’t notice. So before I even thought about it, I was running towards you and pushed you to safety, knowing it was you or me that was going to get hit. And I chose for me to get hit, because I care about you. And honestly, if I knew everything that was going to happen, I would have still done it.” She tells you and a tear rolls down your cheek.
She goes to wipe it away but you beat her to it. You turn away from her and wipe your eyes. “Come on, I’ll help you get to your house then I’ll leave you be.” You tell her and she grabs your arm and you look at her.
“You have never been in my way. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I regret not breaking up with Gary when I should have, I regret not choosing you when you gave me the option. There’s so many things I regret and they all centre around you. I regret all the things that made me lose you.” She tells you sternly, making you understand the importance of what she’s saying. You look at her and see how vulnerable she’s being and you’re stunned, she’s never this vulnerable to anyone. Without thinking, you lean in and kiss her. Melissa is stunned for a second then kisses you back. She missed you and even though she only had a few kisses with you, she still remembered what it was like and missed being intimate with you. You pull back a few seconds later with fear in your eyes. “What’s wrong?” She asks you as soon as she sees your eyes.
“I don’t know what came over me. I mean we’re both trying to move on and then I go and do that.” You say and she laughs. You look at her and furrow your eyebrows, confused as hell.
“Oh y/n, I gave you a whole love confession and you think I could ever move on from you?” She asks and your brain goes blank. “You’re adorable. You’re so smart but so clueless. I love you y/n, I always will. No matter what happens, my heart will belong to you.” She tells you and she cups your cheek. “Whether you forgive me or not, whether we’re ever together or never together, if you cut me out of your life forever or let me back in. Even if you break my heart or decide to spend your life with someone else and I have to watch. I will always love you. These past 3 months, I’ve been loving you from a distance. Every day it broke my heart but I never stopped loving you.” She tells you.
“That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. And I’ve watched so many romance movies and read so many romance novels, been to multiple weddings and never heard anything as sweet as that.” You tell her and she gives you a watery smile. She goes to pull her hand back when you don’t react further but you grab it and place it back on your cheek and lean into her touch. You undo your seatbelt and lunge forward and kiss her.
“Woah!” She says as it takes her by surprise. Your lips land on hers and she immediately kisses you back. You pull back after a few seconds and look at her.
“I love you too.” You simply say and she smiles. “I’m not even going to attempt a speech because it will never come close to yours.” You tell her and she giggles.
“I don’t need one. I know how you feel about me. I see it in your eyes and feel it in your kisses.” She tells you.
“You should seriously stop talking, because you’re saying all the sweetest things.” You say and she gives you a kiss.
“As much as I would love to stay in this car with you, my butt is going numb.” She tells you and you get out of the car, grab her crutches and open her door. She uses you to push herself up and balances herself with the crutches. You help her into her house and onto her couch. You feel out of place here and you don’t really know what else to do so you say goodbye.
“Well if you don’t need anything else then I’ll just go.” You tell her and she tilts her head at you.
“You don’t want to stay?” She asks.
“Well do you need help with anything else?” You ask.
“You don’t have to help me with something as a reason to stay.” She tells you and sees the conflict in your eyes. “Well it would help if you stayed. Keep me company cause I’ve been really bored. Sitting here most of the evening with nothing to do. I can’t even cook a lot because that requires two hands and perfect timing. And I wouldn’t mind some cuddles. You were right about that too, I crave physical affection from a partner.” She tells you and you make your way over and sit beside her on the couch. You don’t miss the way she beams when you decide not to leave.
“I knew you were a big softie.” You tease and she glares at you.
“If you tell anyone-”
“You’ll what?” You counter and raise your eyebrows, questioning her threat.
“Well I wouldn’t do anything to you but I’ll have to kill them.” She says and you laugh, knowing her threat is empty.
“I do forgive you btw, for what happened. Do you forgive me for what happened to you?” You ask her and she’s confused.
“Y/n, there was nothing to forgive, you didn’t do anything.”
“If I paid attention then it wouldn’t have forced you to save me.” You tell her.
“Y/n, like I said there’s nothing to forgive, but if it makes you feel better then I forgive you.” She tells you and you hug her. You have your arms wrapped around her neck and body pressed to hers. She puts her hands on your back cautiously then hugs you back. Feeling this is more intimate than any kiss she had with her exes. It’s a hug full of love, of promise to not letting each other go again. And you both keep that promise till death do you part.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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thefallennightmare · 6 months
One Night: Noah's POV-one
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings: lots of smut(mask play, spit play, bondage, anal, fingering, oral(m/f receiving), choking, unprotected sex), swearing, angst, fluff.
Summary: Noah's POV of his one night with Reader.
Authors Note: As previously mentioned, this is basically the same storyline as before just in Noah's POV! As of right now, it'll will be in three parts but might change.
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @sammyjoeee @shilohrosechicken @malice-ov-mercy @thebadchic @niicoleleigh @lma1986 @dsireland86 @bellaboo967 @cookiesupplier @whenthesummerdies @bngurngheart @laurpartyprogram @thisbicc @lyinginbetween @princessmarshmallowx @loeytuan98 @cncohshit @lacktoesandtoddlerants @notingridslurkaccount @calleyx13 @jessiskyee @mrscevans
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I sat on the couch with my hands clasped tightly together, knuckles turning white with anger. My knee continuously bounced as my breathing became uneven and unsteady.
Jolly nodded towards me. “You alright?”
I made a low noise in response but kept my eyes trained hard at a stain on the carpet of the green room, not wanting to talk to anyone. With what I found out yesterday, all I saw was red but did my best to keep my anger in check especially around the guys. It wasn’t their fault, so they didn’t deserve to me on the receiving end of my own personal bullshit.
“Are you going to be like this the entire time Britt and her friend are here?” Nick asked with a sigh.
“Wait, what?” I raised a brow, finally taking my eyes off the floor.
Nick rolled his eyes as he went back to setting up his tattoo gun. “I told you Britt is coming by tonight so I can finish her tattoo and I invited her and her friend to stay for the show.”
My shoulders fell at the mention of his cousin.
“No offense, Nick, but I’m not in the mood for your cousin trying to play matchmaker for me tonight.”
“Oh, come on,” Folio spoke up while coming out of the bathroom. “You’re still blaming that on her?”
I scoffed while cracking my knuckles. “Because it worked out so well last time.”
The room when quiet, them already knowing what I meant, so I didn’t have to explain; again.
Folio ran a hand over his face. “Well, can you not take it out on her? I don’t want things to be awkward tonight.”
I knew his feelings for Britt and understood that he didn’t want my problems and issues to ruin what he had planned for them tonight. Which was fine, I didn’t plan on hanging out in here once they arrived.
A boisterous laugh echoed into the room through the door and as we all stared at each other, my shoulders went stiff. Hearing that laugh made something twinge inside my gut in the best way.
“They must be here,” Nick muttered while heading towards the door.
He stood with his back to me as he welcomed the two girls on the other side of the door. “Nice to meet you.”
A soft, angelic voice carried into the room, and my heart stopped for the briefest of moments. “You too.”
“Alright, I’m almost set up. Come on in,” Nick motioned for them to follow him into the room.
Dark eyes followed Britt as she walked in alone until reluctantly, someone else followed, and when her full form stepped into my line of sight, I sucked in a breath. Hair cascaded down to her shoulders as she stood still, almost like a statue. I watched with curious eyes as she rubbed her hands up and down her thighs.
“And Mr. Antisocial over there is Noah,” Britt’s voice snapped me out of my accessing gaze. “Noah, this is Y/N.” Britt introduced us.
I repeated her name in my mind over and over, wanting to know how it sounded on my tongue but refused. I couldn’t allow myself to fall so hard; not again.
But that didn’t stop my eyes from grazing over every inch of Y/N, from her feet all the way to her eyes where I held her gaze. They shined with their own curiosity and I swore when her lips twitched; I felt my stomach flip before letting out a low hum, dropping my gaze back to the floor.
“You’ll have to ignore him,” Jolly said. “He found out yesterday that an ex of his cheated on him when they were together so he’s a bit upset.”
My eyes snapped over to him as a low scowl pulled on my lips. I didn’t need for Britt and Y/N to know my personal business.
“And you’ll have to excuse Y/N,” Britt spoke as she grabbed Y/N’s elbow to pull her towards the other couch in the room. “She doesn’t get out of the house much since her break up so she seems to forget how to socialize.”
She glared at Britt. “Fuck you.”
The corner of my lips curled up in a small smile as I shifted on the couch, hands now resting on my knee’s as I watched them sit across from me, Britt rolling up her pants so Nick could tattoo her. Jolly came to sit next to me and while Britt talked with her friend in a hushed conversation, he elbowed my side.
“You’re staring,” he muttered under his breath.
I rolled my eyes while running a hand through my hair. “No. I’m not.”
“You can lie, Noah. But remember I see everything,” Jolly smirked.
“Whatever,” I grumbled under my breath before going back to aimless browsing though my phone.
Jesse texted me earlier to let me know Rhea came by earlier to grab her things that she kept at my place. It only took her four months to pick up the box that sat by the back door that entire time. I sent her one text after the breakup to let her know that her shit was ready to get picked up, one she ignored. It was a box full of her clothes, makeup, and other random things she had scattered in my house.
“Well they always say, in order to get over someone it’s best to get under someone new.”
I looked up through lashes as Y/N shifted in her position with Britt’s words. While everyone agreed with her words, I let them linger in my mind for a few seconds longer than I should have. According to Britt, Y/N needed help to get over someone.
I know how that goes.
As if she felt me staring, Y/n’s eyes locked with mine and I swear I felt all my breath leave me with how intense the connection felt. My eyes darted from hers, down to her plump lips that were parted as she took deep breaths. Reluctantly I darted my gaze away as Britt scolded her for something.
“He cheated on you, Y/N. Multiple times,” Britt deadpanned.
I bit the inside of my cheek as my own personal problems crept its way back into my mind. Clearly, both Y/N and I were dealing with the same issues.
“I’m not going to look at your nudes, Y/N. Give me your phone,” Britt repeated with a bit more force in her voice.
I shifted in my spot at the thoughts of Y/N having nudes on her phone. Why did this girl who I met less than an hour ago have this effect on me? None of this made sense but I couldn’t stop gazing at her, studying her as she bit her lip, rubbing her hands on her thighs.
“I don’t have any nudes on there,” Y/N said with a slight waver to her voice.
I caught the sideway smirk from Britt to Y/N, a clear indication that she didn’t believe her for one second. Britt worked fast to block this guy from Y/N’s phone before handing it back to her, Britt’s next words giving me pause.
“Because it’s not. Y/N wasted two years of her life with this douchebag. His dick is the only one she’s ever had.”
“Oh, for fuck's sake,” She groaned burying her face in her hands.
I tensed as I thought of Y/N being with one guy. I didn’t know anything about her but from what I’d been gathering from their conversations and what I noticed under my own curious eyes was that this guy fucked with Y/N’s mind extensively.
After Nick finished the tattoo, Folio took her out of the room when we all felt the sudden tension; but not before making sure Y/N was alright. Folio wanted to have some private time with her so the first opportunity he found, he took it.
“Bryan wants to get some pictures of us for Instagram,” Jolly spoke up after a Nick and Y/N finished their own conversation.
Nick nodded before turning towards me. “Want to tag along?”
For the first time since Y/N arrived in the room, I spoke up. “No, I’m good. Tell Bryan he can get some before we go on.”
Jolly looked from Y/N before back to me. “Is it alright if Y/N hangs out here?”
“If not, I’m sure I can find Britt and crash her date,” She rushed out, clearly not wanting to make me uncomfortable.
My heart pounded loud in my ears and hard in my chest with the thought of being alone with her. My mind was running fast with the idea that’s been stabbing at my brain with Britt’s earlier words: “Well they always say, in order to get over someone it’s best to get under someone new.”
“You can stay,” I shook my head, the first time speaking towards her with some underlining meaning behind it.
She didn’t say anything, simply running her hands over her thighs as Jolly and Nick left the room.
“Your boyfriend sounds like a real ass,” my soft voice echoed in the quiet room after some silence.
Her eyes darted towards me as she corrected me. “Ex.”
The corner of my lips curled up. “Is what Britt said true?”
Y/N shook her head as her one word came out wavered. “About?”
“Your ex was the only one?” I asked while twirling my bracelet between my fingers.
She didn’t say anything as a red hue crossed over her delicate features and I gave a curt nod with her silent answer.
“Maybe Britt was right. I need someone to help get over him,” she muttered while rubbing a hand over her face.
I simply hummed in response to her words, agreeing silently to myself.
“What?” Y/N raised a brow. “You think it’s stupid.”
“I never said that,” I shook my head.
I didn’t miss the way her eyes doubled in size but kept that to myself.
“So you agree with me,” she responded after a moment.
I shrugged. “Britt has said some weird shit the last few years since I’ve been around her but that doesn’t mean she’s not wrong about her advice.”
“You know from experience?” She wondered while crossing her arms over her chest.
Internally, I smirked at the jealousy that oozed out of her, but still let out a low laugh.
“No. Folio’s liked her for a while now, I wouldn’t do that to him. Plus, she’s not my type,” I finished with a shrug as I leaned back into the couch, resting my arm over the back of it.
I watched with intense eyes as she licked her lips before dropping it to the floor “What is your type?”
My eyes flicked up from the floor to her face where I kept it there, silence falling between us. Y/N shifted in her seat while running her hands over her thighs again.
“Do I make you nervous?” I asked suddenly.
I motioned to her hands when she didn’t understand my question, to which she stopped immediately.
Clearly a lie.
I hummed as I finally made the decision that I knew no one would understand. Not only did I need a night to forget about Rhea, but Y/N needed to realized that there’s more out there than this asshole of an ex she was hung up on.
It’d had been awhile since I had a release that wasn’t brought on by my hand and from the second Y/N walked into the room, I wanted to have her all to myself; in more ways than one.
“I’ll do it.”
Y/N’s eyes snapped away from grazing over the tattoos on my arms as she shook her head. “Do what?”
My lips parted to speak but her phone rang which made me close them with a tight smile.
She answered it with raised brows. “Hello?”
“Y/N, what the fuck! Why can’t I call you?”
I watched as she froze, face going white, at the deep, demanding voice. “Jacob?”
Ah, the ex.
“What’s going on with your phone?”
I watched intently, arms still spread over the back of the couch, ankle crossed over my knee, as she almost dropped her phone.
“What do you want? Why are you calling me?”
“I’ve been trying to call you for the last hour and when my call didn’t go through, I got worried so I borrowed my roommates phone.”
I pursed my lips at how persistent he was.
“I’m fine, Jacob. You didn’t need to call,” Y/N let out an exhausted breath.
“Let me come over. We can watch a movie or fuck.”
I couldn’t stop the way my shoulders went stiff, gaze turning hard while waiting for her answer.
“I, uh,” she stuttered while licking her lips. “I’m not home.”
“Where the fuck are you?”
Immediately, I sat up straight at the tone of voice and beckoned Y/N over with a finger. She tilted her head slightly before shaking it.
“Y/N, come here.” I demanded in not a hushed tone.
“Who are you with? Are you cheating on me?”
Y/N scoffed into the phone, gripping it tight in her hands. “You were the one that cheated. Many times. And every single time, I took you back like a fucking idiot.”
“I don’t like this attitude, Y/N. You were never this mouthy. Although, I remember how great you were with that mouth in other ways.”
A scowl appeared on my lips as I clasped my hands together. It wasn’t jealousy that made me angry. It was the way he was talking with Y/N.
“You’re disgusting,” she scolded.
“There was a point that you didn’t think that. If I recall, you loved how disgusting I was.”
“Oh please. If I loved it so much, wouldn’t you think I would have orgasmed even once?”
As silence came from the phone for the first time since Y/N answered, I gave her an amused smirk before standing abruptly and taking two large steps towards her. Her squeals echoed throughout the small room as I lifted her from the couch to my lap as I sat down.
“What are you doing?” She asked as I gazed up at her.
I gripped her hips tight as my warm breath fanned across her neck, breathing in her scent. My cock twitched underneath her, the simple smell of her driving me wild.
“You faked it?”
Jacob’s voice brought both of us back to the phone conversation and when I noticed Y/N was about to hang up, I stopped her.
“Keep talking to him,” I muttered into her neck.
She pulled away slightly to give me a bewildered look. “What?”
“I believe he asked you a question,” I motioned to the phone in her hand.
“Uh,” she blinked while tearing her gaze away from me. “Yeah, I did.”
“Even the weekend we stayed at that hotel?”
My fingers traced over the front of her jeans causing her to suck in a deep breath, shifting on top of me. I groaned quietly when she pressed against my hard cock that was almost begging for release.
“What are you doing?” Y/N asked through shaky breaths.
“If it’s alright with you,” I locked eyes with her, my tongue darting out over my bottom lip. “I want to make you cum while you’re on the phone with him.”
My voice was husky, laced with lust as I made quick work of the button on Y/N’s jeans. The thought of making her cum by my fingers while on the phone with her ex made a fire burn low in my stomach.
When I realized she didn’t answer, I left her jeans unbuttoned to lift her chin so I could look deeper into her eyes. “Do you want that?”
“Did you fake it every time?”
Both Jacob and I asked our question's at the same time but somehow I knew from the way her forehead dropped against mine slightly, our eyes locking, her answer was directed to me.
The sound of a zipper echoed in the room and her head fell to my shoulder when my finger grazed over the fabric of her panties. I motioned towards her phone, to keep the conversation with Jacob going..
“Jacob, why are you calling me?” She asked.
“I miss you, baby.”
A groan of sheer ecstasy fell from her lips when my finger pushed past her panties to tease the slick folds for a few strokes before settling on her clit, rubbing in slow circles.
“Don’t call me that,” she said breathlessly.
My cock was throbbing now, her soft mewls of pleasure driving me wild.
Jacob sighed into the phone. “You used to love when I called you that.”
“I also loved it when you didn’t cheat on me,” Y/N shot back.
I hummed into the skin of my throat pausing the mark I left. “Who would ever cheat on you?”
“Who was that? Are you with someone else?”
I couldn’t stop the laugh that shook through my body at how jealous he sounded.
“Why does it matter? We’re not together anymore.”
When I slipped a finger inside of her, her hips bucked against mine, and my other hand slid up against her back underneath her shirt. Y/N’s skin was on fire with my touch and I reveled in the burn. For the first time in a long time, I felt alive.
“Oh fuck,” she moaned, forehead still resting on my shoulder.
“Did he ever make you this wet? I can feel you clenching on my finger, angel.” My teeth grazed over the skin of her exposed collarbone.
The nickname slipped before I even realized. She had this aura about her that shined bright, something I picked up on the second my eyes landed on her.
“Answer me,” I demanded when she remained silent.
Y/N ground her hips hard into my hand while quickly shaking her head.
“Never this wet,” she moaned.
“Y/N, who are you with? I’ll fucking kill him.”
The phone dropped from Y/N’s hand onto the couch next to us when my thumb pressed hard onto the swollen nub of her clit as my finger continued to pump in and out. She leaned away from me to show me her full form and I drank in the sight of her tilting her head back, lips parting as her body shook.
“Are you going to cum?” I asked in a low voice.
She nodded, unable to talk, until I pressed my aching cock into her where she let out a low whine.
“You want this cock, huh?”
I couldn’t help but chuckle when I noticed how eagerly she nodded and went back to leaving red marks all over her collarbone.
“If you’re a good girl and cum for me, maybe I’ll give you my cock,” I spoke into her unholy skin.
It tasted fucking devine on my tongue.
“Oh fuck,” Y/N’s body went rigid; she was close.
“Y/N, where the fuck are-.”
I repeatedly hit the red button on her phone before tossing it to the other couch as my thumb worked in fast circles against her clit.
“He doesn’t get to hear you fall apart. It’s only for me,” I ordered while kissing along her jawline.
“‘m so close, Noah.”
Oh, fuck. My name falling from those sweet lips almost were my own undoing as her yells of pleasure sounded like music to my ears. Her orgasm making her grind herself harder against my hand.
As her vision cleared, both of our dark eyes staring deep into each other, I brought my fingers to my lips, licking her arousal off of them.
“Fuck, angel, you taste so good.” I hummed low in my throat. “I can’t wait to taste you for the rest of the night while I’m on stage.”
She sighed in content with a lazy smile. “Thank you.”
“Y/N,” I tipped her chin up. “You don’t have to thank me. I just wanted to help you forget that asshole for a moment.”
“Hmm, can I keep you around for the rest of the night?” She wondered, joking slightly.
Gone was the lust haze that surrounded us as I shrugged, letting her know I was serious about my previous offer. “I’ll do it only if you agree.”
Still on my lap and jeans undone, Y/N shifted on my still aching cock and I gritted my teeth to keep my own moans quiet.
“What, spend one night with me?”
It was pretty simple, this idea that I’d been thinking of all night. Clearly, it was something we both needed.
“Yeah,” I glanced at the clock on the wall behind her. “It’s just after eight. Our set starts at nine and will end at 10:30. After that, we can continue where we left this. Then by 7 in the morning, we can part ways. Just one night to forget our problems.”
As she thought over my offer, I continued to graze my fingers over the skin of her back, tracing down the line of her spine.
“Why would you do that for me?”
Her question came out quiet, just above a whisper so my tone matched hers as I revealed a part of me.
“You’re not the only one that needs to forget someone.”
“So,” Y/N spoke slowly after a moment. “One night of sex then by the morning we say goodbye?”
My heart sunk at the word goodbye. I hated that word; it brought back too many dark memories.
“What do you say?” I asked with a raised brow.
Before Y/N could answer, the door behind her opened which caused her to scramble off my lap, quickly fixing her jeans. As Jolly walked in first, an amused expression on his face, I discreetly adjusted myself while wondering what Y/N’s answer would have been.
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Heartfirst: A Ted Lasso Story - Chapter Three
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Chapter Three: Meet the Greyhounds
Plot: On the first day of season training, the Greyhounds welcome the newest member of AFC Richmond and Y/n gets a crash course in Ted Lasso’s unconventional coaching methods.
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: language, use of f!reader (16+)
A/N: Here we are again, now with the Greyhounds entering the story…👀
As always, let me know if you’d like to be tagged, though I’m still only tagging 16+. Enjoy!!
Contrary to the whirlwind of her hiring, Y/n’s first week at AFC Richmond was nothing but calm waters.
The first few days had been spent mostly in meetings with Higgins, learning the basic operations of parts of the club she’d be involved in. She bounced back to the KJPR offices every few days for a meeting with Keeley. Already, there was a rhythm developing to her days.
Y/n took the weekend to set up her office, driving over a few boxes of books, wall hangings and office supplies to Nelson Road Stadium. Season training started on Monday and Y/n knew it was her last chance to get settled before the work truly started.
On Sunday evening, she stayed late organizing her desk the way she liked. When she was finally done, taking a final satisfactory look at the space, she collected her coat and locked up for the night. She was on her way out when she noticed up the stairwell, there were still lights on.
Thinking only her and the night cleaning crew were still around, Y/n shuffled up the steps. The closer she got, the better she could make out the light was coming from Rebecca’s office. Not only that, she could hear mumbled curses.
Y/n rapped her knuckles twice against her boss’s door, poking her head in just enough to show who it was.
“Oh,” Rebecca breathed, sat behind her desk, “Come in.”
Y/n took a cautious step through the doorway, giving a little wave, “I saw the light and didn’t know who was still here.”
“Well, I shouldn’t be here,” Rebecca replied, trying to put on a smile for Y/n, “Not till tomorrow anyway.”
Nodding, Y/n shifted her coat in her arms.
“You’re here awfully late as well,” Rebecca changed the subject.
“Oh,” Y/n answered, “Finally took the time to unpack everything. Figured it was a good idea before tomorrow.”
“Good,” Rebecca replied.
It went without saying that there was something wrong. Rebecca had no reason to be there.
“Is everything…” Y/n shifted in her spot a little. She was skirting one of the professional lines she valued. “Alright?”
The moment the question hit the air, Rebecca’s facade cracked. The edges of her smile drooped ever so slightly and whatever faux cheeriness had been masking her eyes faded.
“Do you read many tabloids, Y/n?” Rebecca asked.
“Not actively, but,” Y/n answered, her eyes darting between the floor, the lamp, anywhere other than directly at Rebecca until absolutely necessary, “I see things.”
Rebecca knew, without asking, what headlines she was referring to.
“My ex-husband recently purchased West Ham United,” the woman began to explain, “He poached one of our coaches from last season and…” Rebecca shook her head from the ridiculousness of it all, “There was just a headline that…”
Y/n waited for her boss to find the words, knowing they probably wouldn’t come. Nor did they need to.
Rebecca inhaled, “I suppose I shouldn’t let it get to me but…”
“Hey,” Y/n held up a hand, “There’s no judgement here.”
Rebecca gave a genuine smile, thankful for the understanding. “Well, we both need to get home and get some rest,” she said as she rose from her desk.
“We do,” Y/n was thankful the subject was shifting from personal matters, “Goodnight, Ms. Welton.”
“Oh, please don’t tell me you’re going to call me that the entire season,” Rebecca sighed, half-laughing at the formality, “Rebecca.”
It shouldn’t have mattered, but Y/n felt most comfortable with her barriers in place. However, going up against Rebecca was a fight she knew she’d lose.
“Alright,” Y/n conceded, the only time she planned on doing so, “Goodnight, Rebecca.”
“Goodnight, Y/n,” Rebecca said in return.
That night, once she returned home and settled in bed with a cup of tea, Y/n did research on the enemy. Rupert Mannion, Rebecca’s ex-husband, had indeed purchased West Ham United at the end of last season. He’d gone one step further and hired Richmond’s old coach, Nathan Shelley. There was much speculation as to why the former kitman had left and why he’d chosen specifically to work for Rebecca’s ex. Several tabloids had framed the upcoming season as a battleground not only for the Greyhounds and Hammers, but the ex-spouses as well.
Y/n shut her laptop and rubbed at her eyes. She could uphold all the professional boundaries she liked, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t become a part of a deeply personal fight.
Come Monday morning, the parking lot at Nelson Road was packed.
Season training had begun.
Y/n had gotten in early, having stopped by Keeley’s office to pick some papers up, and had yet to cross paths with any of the Greyhounds or coaches. She wasn’t trying to avoid meeting them, but she also wasn’t actively seeking out the opportunity. There was safety in the isolation of her office with the only intruder being Higgins every once in a while.
It was around 10 when the first knock at the door came.
Y/n looked up from her desk to see Sam Obisanya standing in her doorway.
“Ms. Y/l/n?”
“Yes,” Y/n answered with a small smile.
“Ah,” Sam took one step inside the office, “I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. Sam-“
“Obisanya,” Y/n finished for him, rising from her desk to come and shake his hand, “I may not be a football fanatic, but I know your work.”
Sam laughed humbly, Y/n didn’t think there was such a thing until then.
“You’re very kind,” Sam let go of her hand, “I heard you were hired over our break and I wanted to be one of the first to say ‘welcome.’”
“That’s very kind of you, Mr. Obisanya,” Y/n replied, feeling genuinely touched.
“Please,” he smiled, “Call me Sam.”
“Sam,” Y/n nodded, she was 0 for 2…
“Are you finding everything okay?” Sam asked.
Y/n glanced at the space around them, “Everything I need so far, yes.”
“Ah, good,” Sam grinned, “Well, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. It’s a lot to get used to.”
“Well, I’ll agree with you there,” Y/n chuckled, “But really, Sam, thank you. I genuinely look forward to getting to see you play this season.”
“Ah,” Sam’s hand briefly touched his chest, “Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful day.”
“You as well,” Y/n replied as the midfielder headed back through her office door. Her Youtube observations had been correct; Sam Obisanya was as genuine off the pitch as he was on it.
A few moments after settling back at her desk, a second knock came.
“Hola, Ms. Y/n!”
Dani Rojas.
“Hi,” Y/n greeted, a little surprised, “You must be Mr. Rojas.”
“Dani, please,” the player grinned, “I wanted to come and officially welcome you to Richmond.”
Y/n rose from her desk and crossed the room once again. “That’s very kind of you, D- oh!”
Dani had pulled her in for a hug and had practically lifted her off the ground. In any other case, Y/n would have slingshotted them both into the HR office, but she could tell his intentions were 100% pure.
“I hope you will be very happy working here with us,” Dani said, finally releasing Y/n from his arms, “It is like one big family.”
Y/n chuckled awkwardly, trying to hide her dismay at the thought from someone who was the human embodiment of joy.
“I’m sure I’ll be quite content,” she replied politely, “And I look forward to seeing you play, Dani.”
“Oh, thank you,” Dani said, his grin hadn’t dropped half an inch since he’d arrived, “I look forward to getting to work with you.”
“You too, Dani,” Y/n nodded, “I hope you have a great day.”
“You as well,” Dani wished cheerily before exiting Y/n’s office.
Y/n stayed in the middle of the room a moment longer, trying to process the interaction. She was half sure that within the next thirty seconds, another Greyhound would come through her door.
She wasn’t wrong.
Five minutes after Dani, Colin Hughes and team captain Isaac Mcadoo showed up. While their greetings were less personal than Sam’s and they let Y/n stay on the ground, unlike Dani, they took their time to welcome her. Two minutes after them, Thierry Zoreaux swung by. Just as he was leaving, Jan Maas took his place. In and out, the Richmond players seemed to form a never ending stream of well wishes.
As Will, the team’s kitman, was on his way out from his introduction, Y/n decided answers were worth seeking.
“Can I ask,” she tapped her pen against her desk, “How did you guys even know I was here?”
“Oh, Coach Lasso told us,” Will answered plainly, “He wanted us each to stop by and introduce ourselves. See if you needed anything, officially welcome you to Richmond.”
Y/n nodded, it all made sense now.
“Got it,” she politely smiled, “Well, thank you, Will. I definitely feel welcomed.
With a polite farewell, Will left Y/n on her own once more. She felt like locking the door just to ensure she could actually get some work done. She was pleased to know that the team she worked for wasn’t comprised of inconsiderate pricks, but their kindness had been more than overwhelming.
“Alright, Ted Lasso,” she mumbled to the empty room, “Message received.”
Itwas an hour later, after five more stop-bys by various Greyhounds, that Y/n escaped her office. She headed to the cafe to grab a tea before her morning meeting with Rebecca and Higgins. She made it in and out without any more ambushes, and headed on her way to Rebecca’s office.
Just as her eye caught on one of the placards on the hallway wall, a door swung open at Y/n’s side. She froze as the emerging body nearly bumped into hers.
“Whoa,” the culprit said as they too stopped in their tracks.
Y/n awkwardly laughed as she held her tea in the air, trying to prevent a mess.
“Sorry, that was on me,” the man apologized as the door swung back into place.
“No, no,” Y/n exhaled, “It’s on me for not paying attention.”
The man breathed out a laugh as Y/n brought her arm back into her side.
“And nothing’s on anyone so,” Y/n gestured to her tea, “Could’ve been worse.”
Finally looking up at the man in front of her, Y/n recognized him instantly.
“You’re Jamie Tartt.”
Jamie pursed his lips and pointed a finger at Y/n, “And you’re the new girl? Keeley’s new hire?”
Y/n didn’t love the sound of her position being explained so casually. “Miss Jones hired me to do some work for Richmond, yes. Y/n Y/l/n.”
“Ah,” Jamie nodded, attempting not to laugh at the formality, “Coach wanted us all to come by and introduce ourselves.”
“Well, you saved yourself a trip,” Y/n replied, somewhere between a polite and genuine smile.
Jamie chuckled, his hands awkwardly clasped in front of him. “Well, good to put a face to the name.”
Y/n nodded a little, “Same to you.”
“Right, well,” Jamie bent at the knees and flashed Y/n a smile, “See you ‘round, I guess.”
“See you around,” Y/n returned.
Without another word, Jamie and Y/n walked off down opposite ends of the hallway.
As she climbed the stairs up to Rebecca’s office, Y/n made a note that the Jamie Tartt she’d (quite literally) run into was, indeed, far different than the ill reputation he’d built for himself. He seemed perfectly pleasant, a little blunt, but polite nonetheless. It didn’t seem like the Greyhounds didn’t have any bad eggs.
Switching back to work mode, Y/n knocked on Rebecca’s semi-open door.
“Ah, come in, Y/n,” Rebecca quickly greeted.
Y/n walked in and saw that Higgins and Ted were already standing across from Rebecca’s desk.
“Hey, it’s the newest Greyhound,” Ted said cheerily.
“So sorry I’m late,” Y/n apologized, setting her purse and tea down on the coffee table. She was happy to bypass Ted’s greeting with nothing more than a polite smile.
“Oh, no it’s fine,” Rebecca waved her concern off before turning back to the matter at hand, “As I was saying, everyone alive has picked Richmond to finish in 20th place this season.”
Y/n came to stand between Higgins and Ted.
“Except for the The Daily Mirror,” Higgins interjected, “Which has us finishing ‘twentyelf.’ An adorable but devastating typo.”
Ted hummed, “Okay. Well, you know what? I predict all their predictions ain’t gonna come true. So it looks like we got ourselves a prediction Mexican standoff,” Ted turned to Y/n and Higgins, “Or as they call them in Mexico, a prediction standoff.”
Y/n wondered if the man had an off button.
“Well, the worst part is they’ve picked Rupert to finish in the top four,” Rebecca said with a heavy sigh.
“Rupert’s gonna play this year?” Ted asked in all seriousness.
“What?” Rebecca replied, “No.”
“You’re referring to West Ham United,” Y/n spoke up, trying to move the conversation along, “Correct?”
“Precisely,” Rebecca said, “Everyone thinks he’s better than us.”
“They,” Ted corrected his boss, “Everyone thinks they are better than us.”
Rebecca nodded a little too fast to be considered normal, “Yes, that’s what I said. They. So, what’s the plan? How are we going to beat him?”
Once again, Ted caught the error that Y/n knew was no error at all. “Them.”
“Exactly,” Rebecca replied.
“Oh, boy,” Ted said lowly.
“You know, this might be a good time for us to update our roster,” Higgins spoke up, “Put some more firepower in the team.”
Rebecca pointed towards Higgins, “That is an great idea, Leslie.”
“I agree,” Y/n threw in her support, thankful the conversation was moving back towards work, “Plenty of opportunity to make a big fuss over it, get people excited, pack the stands a little more.”
“Let’s put some feelers out, shall we?” Rebecca continued, glancing over to her manager, “Ted?”
“Well, I know Roy and Coach Beard are workin’ on some new tactics,” he answered, “And, you know, the fellas we already got are gelling real nice. I think we’re gonna do just fine this season.”
If Y/n could have measured the indignity on Rebecca’s face, she couldn’t have.
“Ted, this team doing ‘just fine’ is a far cry from you telling me we’re going to win the whole fucking thing.”
Y/n’s eyebrows raised just as Higgins exclaimed, “Whoa!”
“Did I really say that?” Ted asked, just as shocked.
“Yes, you did,” Rebecca’s voice raised an octave as she pointed towards her couch, “Over there after the Man City loss. Just before you blasted half a liter of Pellegrino in my face.”
The memory finally rang Ted’s bell, “Oh, right.”
“Wait, what happened?” Higgins confusedly asked.
Y/n nearly raised her pen to ask questions but decided against it.
“That,” Rebecca pointed towards Ted, “Is the Ted Lasso I want coaching my team this season. The one who’s willing to fight. Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Ted nodded, “You watch, from now on, I’ll be floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee. Except I won’t die immediately after using my stinger. I plan to float and sting for the entirety of the whole season.”
“Excellent,” Rebecca’s expression finally shifted and she looked to Y/n, “I apologize if we’ve thrown you into the deep end of our problems.”
Y/n held up a hand to signal there were no issues, but she was a little confused as to what the purpose of the meeting had been.
“I have a very important lunch meeting with one Miss Keeley Jones,” Rebecca continued as she collected her purse and came out from around her desk, “For some much needed girl talk.”
“Hey, tell her we said howdy and…” Ted wished before looking to Higgins.
“Yo,” Higgins added in a deep voice.
Rebecca looked to Y/n last.
“Tell her I’ll be in tomorrow,” Y/n added, still holding onto her binder.
“Okay,” Rebecca left out the door, off to the KJPR offices.
Y/n sighed as Ted and Higgins began to converse over the later’s out of character greeting.
“Hey, Y/n,” Ted tapped her on the arm, “You settling in alright?”
“Yes,” Y/n nodded, adjusting the waist of her skirt, “Very excited to get started.”
“Well, don’t be afraid to stop by if you need anything,” Ted smiled, missing the slight edge to Y/n’s words, “Or if you just wanna chat. Roy and Beard’d love to meet you.”
Y/n gave one more cordial nod before crossing the room to retrieve her belongings. “I’m sure we’ll cross paths at some point,” she replied, desperate to escape, “But I really do have a few things that need to get done. I’ll see you both later.”
With a trail of goodbyes from Ted and Higgins, Y/n vacated the office as quickly as she could without being too obvious. Not only did she feel it was a waste of a meeting to simply discuss the team’s standings, but no work had really been accomplished. She did, however, learn a great deal more about Rebecca’s mindset for the season than she’d set out to know.
When she returned to her office, Y/n shut the door and locked it. No more interruptions, no more distractions, she could do what she was here to do…her job. If the only way she could do that was by literally shutting Richmond out, so be it.
Much later in the day, Y/n took her second scheduled leave back up to Rebecca’s office. There was a West Ham press conference being held and Rebecca had requested her presence for the viewing. Something about PR strategies, but Y/n suspected she was partially valued as another essential piece in the takedown of Rupert Mannion.
She arrived just as Higgins was coming to stand behind Rebecca’s desk with her.
“Has it started?” Y/n asked as she crossed the room.
“Just about to,” Rebecca breathed, steel in her voice already.
“Are you sure you want to watch this?” Higgins made a point of asking.
“No, I don’t want to, Leslie,” Rebecca replied, as she loaded the stream link, “But it’s part of my job. I need to be ready to comment if Rupert were to say something snide about me or the team.”
Y/n came to stand on the other side of Rebecca, “I agree. Preparation isn’t always fun, but necessary.”
Rebecca blindly gestured to Y/n as she clicked away on her screen, she only looked up to glance out her window. “Where are they, by the way? Shouldn’t they be training now?”
Y/n peeked out the glass, she hadn’t noticed that the team was completely absent from the pitch. Odd for the first proper day of training.
“Oh,” Y/n said, coming to stand a little closer as the laptop screen changed, “It’s loading.”
Rebecca scooted her chair closer as the feed went live and a West Ham United backdrop became visible. Striding in from off camera came Rupert Mannion, calm, collected and charming.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the press, welcome,” he announced, “Lovely to see you all, and thank you for selecting our humble little football club to do so well this season.”
As the press let out chuckles, Rebecca reached into her desk drawer and pulled out a small pink box. Y/n watched as her boss pulled it open and angrily shoved a bite of a thick biscuit in her mouth.
“Twat,” Rebecca mumbled through a half-full mouth.
“The person you are here to see,” Rupert continued in a grandiose tone, “The Wonder Kid himself, our new manager, Nathan Shelley.”
Rebecca’s ex extended a hand towards his right and seconds later, Nathan and him exchanged places in the center of the room.
“Thank you,” Nathan smiled once he was seated, “Very nice to be here. I’m pretty sure I said ‘wunderkind.’”
Silence from the press.
“This is the same Nathan Shelley who was the kitman here,” Y/n said, half-asking, “Became assistant coach and then stole over to West Ham?”
“Yes,” Higgins answered as Rebecca was chewing, “Rather a hasty and heated exit.”
Y/n hummed in reply, nothing about the man struck her as particularly hasty or heated. The tabloids had painted a much different picture of the man. As Nathan stuttered over his answers, Y/n sensed nothing but a rather awkward humility.
She was proven terribly wrong over the next two minutes.
Nathan’s answers came quicker and were delivered with more confidence. At some point, they became biting. The sudden character shift felt like a reverse of Jamie Tartt’s, from the little Y/n had observed of both.
“Coach Shelley, regarding your old team, AFC Richmond,” one of the reporters began, “Any idea why everyone is expecting them to finish 20th this season?”
Y/n shifted in place as they awaited Nathan’s answer. Something about the smile that pulled at his cheeks just before he spoke unsettled her.
“Probably because there’s no 21st.”
If there was tension in the room before, it had just intensified tenfold.
“Meow,” Higgins commented.
Y/n turned to her co-worker, “Hasty and heated, you said?”
Before they could hear the next question, the Twitter alert on Y/n’s phone sounded from her jacket pocket. She’d set up alerts for the club, each Greyhound and the coaches. Pulling out her phone, the keyword ‘AFC Richmond’ was the first one she saw.
Her eyes widened, “Oh, no.”
Higgins tugged out his phone half a second later.
“What is it?” Rebecca asked.
Y/n and Higgins looked to one another, Higgins braving it and showing Rebecca his phone. Displayed on both their screens was a picture of the Greyhounds, led by Ted Lasso, climbing down a manhole into a sewer.
A PR nightmare.
Y/n distractedly looked up at Rebecca’s computer screen, still scrolling the tag. Someone had asked Nathan a question regarding the photo.
“Yeah, well, it makes sense,” Nathan answered, “They probably have to train in a sewer because their coach is so shitty.”
The press both gasped and laughed, each reporter’s eyes lighting up at the headline possibilities.
Rebecca slammed her laptop shut, fuming.
“Oh, boy,” Higgins broke the silence.
“Coach Lasso needs to address this,” Y/n spoke up, going into strategy mode, “Immediately. This is being turned into memes as we speak.”
Rebecca took a deep breath, pressing her hands together and to her lips in an effort to retain calm. “I will be speaking to him the second they are back,” she answered, before looking up to Y/n, “Come up with some potential response for the press conference.”
“Absolutely,” Y/n nodded, already out from behind Rebecca’s desk, “It’s best if the players don’t say anything either. Don’t give Coach Shelley any more ammunition.”
The day had officially turned and while Y/n had prayed for actual work to do, she hadn’t wanted it like this. Was this the gig? Digging Ted Lasso out of whatever absurd headlines his actions created? Combatting bitter ex-coaches?
Come 2:15, fifteen minutes before Ted’s press conference was scheduled to begin, Y/n gathered the notes she’d made and headed downstairs. She waited outside the press room until Ted came out of his office.
“Coach Lasso,” Y/n called, coming to walk alongside him, “The press are all ready for you but I think it’s important to address the matter of the picture trending on social media. The best strategy is not to stay on it too long, but don’t laugh it off. I wrote down a few responses that might be of use.”
By the time she’d finished, they were stood outside the press room once more.
“I appreciate it, Y/n,” Ted thanked her, “But I think I’m gonna Buffalo Wild this one.”
“You’re gonna-“ Y/n began to question the sentence before connecting her dots, biting down on her lip, “Wing it?”
“Exactly, Tom Clancy,” Ted smiled easily before heading in through the side door and leaving Y/n in the hallway.
With no one else around, Y/n took the opportunity to take a deep breath, throw her head back in frustration and scrunch up her face. Things were about to go from bad to worse.
After collecting herself, she rounded the corner of the hall and entered the press room through the back door. Rebecca was already waiting at the rear of the room.
“Did he take the suggestions?” Rebecca whispered as Ted began to speak.
Y/n inhaled deeply, “He did not.”
Side by side, the two women tried to contain their emotions and project confidence towards whatever was about to be said.
Though his ability lay in questionable standing, Y/n was surprised at how well Ted handled himself. The reporters and him had a rapport that Y/n shouldn’t have been shocked by. For all the comical flaws he possessed, Ted Lasso was likable. It wasn’t many coaches who would compliment a reporter on her new choice of hair color before she asked her question.
“Coach, how are you feeling about the unanimous opinion that Richmond will be relegated at the end of the season?”
“Yeah, that’s true, isn’t it?” Ted replied, “Expectations for us are as low as a rattlesnake’s belly button, huh?”
A few chuckles and smiles from the press.
“But, hey, we got 38 chances to prove all them folks wrong though, right?” Ted continued, “Yeah. And my hopes are as high as a giraffe’s top hat. Next question. And if it’s ‘why is a giraffe wearing a top hat?’ Don’t ask me, man. Go ask a giraffe.”
Y/n felt like she was regaining the ability to breathe as the midwestern wit was accepted. Ted chose his next interrogator, Marcus Adeybo, who was clearly known but in a new position judging by the ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ of the press room.
“Do you have any response to comments made earlier today by your former assistant coach, Nathan Shelley?” Marcus asked.
Y/n tightened her hold on her notebook, Rebecca pursed her lips. They waited with bated breath as Ted thought over his next words with great care.
“Uh, yes, I do. Yeah,” Ted began, pausing with a small smile before continuing, “I thought it was hilarious.”
Through her peripherals, Y/n could see Rebecca was less than pleased. She was thrown herself, but decided to wait for Ted’s full answer before reacting in full.
“I mean, he came and got us, didn’t he? No doubt about that,” Ted laughed, “Hey, but that’s Nate the Great for you, you know? He’s the same way on the pitch. He’ll find the tiniest weakness in a team and just wanna attack that, you know? I mean, he’s a junkyard dog, man. And smart. They’re real lucky to have him over there at West Ham. I wish him the best of luck.”
For all her schooling and experience, Y/n found herself watching Ted in pleasant surprise as he pulled out a strategy she never would have thought of.
“I guess I am a little surprised that’s all he could come up with,” Ted kept going, shrugging slightly, “Especially against me. You know, not one joke about me being a dumb American? Come on, man. It’s sittin’ there. I mean, I’m so dumb…”
Ted’s grin hung open as he waited for a reply to a joke that clearly only served on one continent.
“Y’all are supposed to say ‘how dumb are you?’” Ted helped them out. One reporter raised their hand, “Gary?”
“I-I mean, it’s just classic joke structure,” Ted answered, “Give it a shot. I mean, I’m so dumb…” he nodded towards another reporter, “Lloyd?”
“How dumb are you?”
“Okay, well,” Ted raised his voice loud enough for the room to hear, “I’m so dumb, that the first time I heard y’all talkin’ about Yorkshire pudding, I thought it was a fancy word y’all had for dog poop.”
A few laughs came quietly.
“I mean, I’m so dumb,” Ted continued, waiting for the next line. A slightly confused chorus of questioning his intellect followed.
“Yeah, okay, well, whenever I text someone over here about money, I still spell pounds L-B-S.”
Y/n allowed herself to smile, realizing that there had been no point in giving Ted any suggestions. He was far better on his own.
“Look, man, I’m not a great coach,” Ted shrugged, “Probably ain’t. You know, I’ve been doing this sport now for three years, and I still get a chuckle every time someone talks about a handball violation.”
Shaking her head as it happened, Rebecca nudged Y/n with her elbow and held up her phone. There was a text from Keeley.
Way to let Ted be Ted!
Quickly, Y/n pulled out her own phone and opened up Twitter. Sure enough, there were tweets pouring in under Ted’s name, filled with nothing but praise and ‘LOLs.’
“Yeah, and not one crack about my appearance?” Ted continued, “About this mustache? I look like Ned Flanders is doing cosplay as Ned Flanders.”
Finally, the whole press room was laughing. Even Rebecca had found her smile once again, reserved as it may be for the unconventional approach.
“When I talk it sounds like Dr. Phil hasn’t gone through puberty yet.”
Y/n covered her mouth as she snorted.
“Yeah, I’m more corny than Kevin Costner’s outfield,” Ted waited for the joke to land, with no such reward, “Oh, I lost you on that one. Yeah. Field of Dreams? No?” Ted glanced to the back of the room and spotted Y/n who gave him a slight nod, signaling she understood it. “I guess y’all don’t really like baseball over here, so why would you like movies about it?”
Ted briefly bent down to check his phone, giving Y/n and Rebecca the chance to glance at one another. Rebecca sighed and Y/n shrugged with one hand, the wheels were entirely off and there was no point in trying to reattach them.
“Well, hey, how ‘bout this one?” Ted went on with a new strength, it seemed, “Regarding my panic attacks, I’ve had more psychotic episodes than Twin Peaks.”
The room filled with laughter again, including Ted’s.
“I mean, I’m so crazy…”
This time, both Rebecca and Y/n joined the reporters in asking just how crazy Ted Lasso was.
“There we go,” Ted said approvingly before continuing another round of self-depreciation.
As Y/n watched the room, and Twitter, sing Ted’s praises and reject Nathan Shelley, she made a mental note. No more notes on speaking to the press. Ted was aiming to kill with kindness, and she wasn’t planning to stand in his way.
Names and press conferences, the only things she planned to bend on.
By the end of the day, Ted was trending heavily and by association, so were the Greyhounds. The manhole picture had been thoroughly memed and it would take a week or two for the image to get lost in the Twitter-verse. Regardless of how good Ted was with the press, Y/n suspected there’d be several more sewer-type messes to clean up.
The sun was just setting as Y/n headed out to the parking lot. A few stray players had stayed late and were trailing out, most of whom she’d already met.
As Y/n searched through her bag for her keys, she heard a familiar voice wishing a teammate a good night. Jamie Tartt.
Y/n glanced up as the striker walked towards the car parked two spaces apart from hers.
“So tell me,” she called across the lot, “Do you guys save the sewer visits for special occasions or am I going to have to get used to doing this kind of damage control daily?”
Jamie chuckled, slinging his bag over his shoulder, “Uh, yeah, that was a new one.”
“Uh-huh,” Y/n’s smile was barely perceptible.
“Coach was tryin’ to teach us a lesson,” Jamie explained, standing at the boot of his car, “See, everyone’s got us finishin’ dead last, but we’re supposed to let that shit flow,” Jamie made a sweeping gesture with his hand, “Like the canals in the sewers.”
Y/n’s tongue poked her cheek as she tried to understand the teaching moment.
“I know it sounds bizarre,” Jamie admitted, most of Ted’s methods sounded insane outside the Greyhound’s locker room, “But he had a point.”
“Uh-huh,” Y/n replied, before grabbing her keys, “Well, whether the shit was literal or metaphorical, you guys just made my job a hell of a lot more interesting.”
“Hey, you didn’t have to fuckin’ go down there,” Jamie’s voice jumped an octave.
The two shared a laugh before moving to unlock each of their cars.
“I’ll see ya,” Jamie said with a smile.
“See ya,” Y/n replied, sliding into the driver’s seat.
Once she shut the door, she let her head hit the headrest. The day had felt like one big preview of how the season would go, and if it continued that way, Y/n was in for much more than she’d bargained for…
Heartfirst Taglist: @lalla-04p @optimisticsandwichgladiator @makingmunson94 @taytaylala12 @storysimp @sokkigarden @lightninginab0ttle @poohkie90 @alipap3 @verra-nerevarine @shineforever19 @spaceagechimera @burnafter-reading @qardasngan @cyberpvnk-enthusiast @sogoodtoheritsvicious @buckybarnex
621 notes · View notes
th3crow · 11 months
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“then she gone, i can still hear her voice loom. but she only exists in the dark of my room.”
CONTAINS: cussing, bullying, mentions of ghosts, corpse features
A/N: this is inspired by Insane Clown Posse’s song, In My room. this is also part 2 to this story so i do suggest you read pt.1 before this one but if you don’t that’s okay, you’re not missing much:)
dalton let out a deep sigh, letting his hand rest against his drawing. the deep dark colors of the portrait staining he sides of his hands, his knuckles red from how hard he had been coloring and drawing. his eyes scanned his drawing, seeing if there were any flaws. to him, there wasn’t. but who knows if his art teacher would accept a drawing of a random girl that dalton had seen just last week.
“is this somebody you know?” she asked, her eyebrow raising upon seeing dalton’s work.
dalton’s mouth hung open slightly as he tried to gather the right words, his eyes moving between the drawing and his profesor. “um—no, not really.” he mumbled softly.
his professor hummed slightly to herself, her eyes observing the portrait with many emotions gleaming through her looks. “so you just…made her up?” she started, “you do realize that we as humans can’t just make a face up. it has to be from somebody or—something we’ve seen before.” her fingers moved to touch the portrait. “the cracked lips, the eye-bags. is this intentional? are you attempting to make her look like…”
“a ghost.” dalton interrupted. his gaze slightly moved towards the eyes he had drawn, one’s that looked so-dead. “i don’t know, it’s something i had a dream about.” he mumbled softly, putting the charcoal pencil down.
his professor nodded in approval. “good work, mr lambert. i’m intrigued to see where this art-piece is going.” she said, making her way to her other student’s work.
dalton smiled slightly to himself, admiring the girl from his dreams he had brought to life on his canvas. but the other part of him felt crazy, why was he seeing this? what were the meanings of his dreams and the meaning of seeing her. was she real? or was she simply a figment if dalton’s imagination.
what was this red door and who was this girl he kept seeing?
after class, dalton held tightly onto his canvas. pulling his phone out from his pocket and quickly moving through his contacts. his thumb hovered over his mother’s contact. but ultimately, he ended up clicking on his brother’s contact, listening to the line ringing.
“why are you calling me?” his younger brother’s voice echoed from the other side of the phone. dalton slightly chuckled to himself, “i’m calling because i need you to tell me everything you know about my coma.” he mumbled slightly, walking through the crowds of people.
“your coma? dude you’re asking the wrong person. i don’t remember shit other than seeing you in freaky that hospital bed in the house.” foster said, letting out a loud sigh. dalton shook his head, his eyes shifting to the covered canvas he held closely to the side of his body. “what—what about having like an imaginary friend? do you remember anything about that?” he asked.
the line went quiet for a moment. dalton continued walking, hoping to make it to his dorm room without dropping the canvas that he held close to him. “hello? you still there?” dalton said. “yeah, i’m still here.” foster replied before ultimately going quiet again. “i—i don’t know, i mean sometimes you’d talk in your sleep. but it was never anything like weird, y’know?” he stopped. “if you want to talk to someone about your coma or your childhood, i think you should call mom.”
dalton let out a sigh of defeat, shaking his head as he made his way towards his building. “alright, thanks little bro.” he mumbled softly, not waiting for foster to reply before quickly hanging up. dalton looked down at his phone, his eyes moving towards his mothers contact.
he continued walking, his eyes glued to his phone before he felt himself bump into somebody—hard. his canvas fell to the floor, the slight groan of the other person making dalton sigh as he looked up. “sorry about that.” he mumbled softly, his eyes widening once he noticed who it was.
“watcha got there?” nick said, his eyes looking at the exposed canvas that was now on the ground. “you drawing corpses or something? cause if you are, that’s really creepy.” he muttered, moving down to pick up dalton’s drawing. “the fuck even is this? this is actually kind of disturbing.” he said once he got a better look at it.
“can you just—give it back?” dalton sighed.
nick looked at the drawing before throwing it towards dalton. “take your creepy ass drawing.” he mumbled, walking by dalton. “fuckin’ art students i swear to god.” nick sighed as he made his way past dalton.
dalton shook his head, picking up his drawing as he covered it once again. his phone slightly buzzed, looking down at it (without walking this time) he slightly smiled at the text on his phone screen:
chris - 1:45 p.m.
wanna go make fun of frat ppl later?
dalton - 1:46 p.m.
dalton smiled to himself, shutting off his phone and stuffing it back into his pocket. he walked inside the dorm building, ignoring everybody who was in the hallway’s. slowly, he made his way up the dark stairway—tired from holding the canvas and his backpack everywhere.
at least there was nobody else on the stairs.
“dalton.” a voice whispered out, causing him to jump. he turned and looked all around him—even at the steps underneath him and there was nobody. dalton shook his head, continuing to walk up the stairs before he started hearing slight tapping noises.
dalton turned around, looking at the walls. but there was nothing—the tapping noises had seemed to stop as soon as he noticed them. he continued walking, attempting to block out the tapping and the slight whispers that would send chills down his spine.
suddenly, the lights in the stairway began to flicker. the whispers grew stronger and louder with each step dalton took, before he ultimately made it to his room. slamming the door behind him with all the whisper’s being locked out.
dalton shook his head, placing the drawing of the mysterious ghost girl next to the drawing of the red door. something felt off, he couldn’t pinpoint what—but he also felt like he was close to something. to remembering, feeling like he knew something.
dalton shook the feeling off. hoping that maybe it was just his artistic imagination, nothing too serious. maybe he had in fact dreamt up the girl he had a conversation with in his room a week ago, and now she was gone. the red door and the girl were simply, not real.
dalton let out a loud sigh, playing music through his phone as he opened his closet door. his eyes scanning the clothes he had, thinking about what to wear. it’s not like it was anything fancy, just a stupid frat party with stupid frat jocks who peaked in high-school and don’t know what to do with their lives anymore.
dalton picked out a shirt, taking it off the hanger while he took his own shirt off. instantly giving him goosebumps. he fumbled around with the shirt in his hands before hearing slight, tapping sounds again. dalton quickly turned around, jumping slightly when he noticed you sitting in the corner of the room. your legs pressed against your chest as your knuckles hit the wall, your eyes locked on the wall in front of you, completely ignoring dalton.
“holy shit—you scared me.” dalton mumbled. but then, the realization hit him. you weren’t a dream, he was seeing you again. you were, real. “hey—are you, are you okay?” he questioned, moving slightly towards you.
“your the one seeing dead people, you tell me.” you whispered slightly, still keeping your eyes off of dalton and on the wall in front of you. dalton had slight goosebumps at your words, following your line of sight to the empty wall in front of you. when he looked back, you were gone. “how does this not freak you out?” you whispered again, this time you were behind dalton—making him jump slightly.
“um—i don’t know, i guess i just feel like…like i’ve done this before? this all seems so—familiar. i just kind of want answers more than anything.” dalton mumbled, watching as your eyes stayed glued onto the painting of the red door. “that—do you know what that is?” dalton asked, watching as fear flooded your sunken eyes.
you opened your mouth as if to speak, but no words came out. instead slight fog started to surround you and dalton. you looked down suddenly, panic forming in your face as faint music played in the distance. you looked back, afraid of the song that grew louder and louder by the second.
“what’s that?” dalton questioned, making your eyes widen.
“don’t speak.” you whispered, your hand covering daltons mouth as you looked behind the two of you. “wake up, dalton.” you whispered before ultimately disappearing, making dalton’s body jolt.
dalton jumped, noticing that he was standing in the middle of the room. he looked around, noticing that chris was standing at the door—dalton quickly put a shirt on. “dude, why were you just standing in the middle of the room with your eyes closed?”
dalton slipped the shirt on over his head, grabbing his phone and slipping it down into his pocket—making sure he had his dorm key on him. “uhh—just thinking, you know art student things.” he said, cringing at himself for the words that stumbled out of his mouth. “cmon chris let’s go.” he whispered, putting his hand on her shoulder and leading her outside to the dorm room.
“you are so weird.” she mumbled, shaking her head as the two walked side by side in the hallway.
dalton ignored chris’s remarks, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that somebody was watching him. he looked back behind the two of them, noticing the lights behind them flickering—giving dalton goosebumps.
“jesus they need to get these lights fixed.” chris sighed, looking behind the two of them.
dalton nodded in reply, the slight whisper of his name sending chills down his spine. but instead of looking scared in front of chris, he simply sent her a fake grin as the two of them made their way towards the frat party.
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moralesmilesanhour · 6 months
Miles (1610 or 42 it doesn't matter to me really) x alt black!reader because i've been drawing it and i love it so far and i would for you do your own version of it
I've seen this prompt circulating for a while now and was never sure how I'd approach it sooo let's go!!
she plays bass
The pads of your fingers were red and sore as you plucked the tough strings of the borrowed bass guitar. The music room was empty now, but you were allowed an extra hour of practice. An amp had even been left out for you.
Your hand struck the front of the instrument repeatedly as you approached the part of the bass line that you always seem to miss, when the metal clang of someone pushing the door open interrupted you.
The lanky boy's expression was already sorry before he even opened his mouth to speak. A green puffer jacket was thrown over his royal blue uniform blazer and engulfed him (yours was currently tied around your waist).
When he finally did speak, he laughed nervously.
"Forgot my headphones. I'll be outta your hair in a minute,"
He took a glance at your afro, picked out carefully until it was nearly twice the size of your own head like a thunder cloud. Two beaded braids framed either side of your face.
"...Which you seem to have a lot of."
You stared at him blankly.
With a tight smile, he grabbed his headphones off of a stray music stand and nearly sprinted out of the room, making sure to stumble over an untied shoelace on his way out.
The next time you saw his face was in chemistry class, as your assigned partner for a lab. As the frumpy professor explained the procedure, the boy got your attention with a whispered "Hey".
You stared at him warily through tightly-lined eyes swept over roughly with black pigment.
His eyes darted back and forth before settling back onto you.
"It's uh, nice to see you again. You play guitar, right?"
"Uh-huh. Why?"
"No reason," he shrugged, scratching the back of his head. "I just thought it was...cool. What kinda music do you play?"
You gave an equally non-committal answer:
"Rock, funk, whatever has a cool bass line."
Out of curiosity, you stole a glance at his red sneakers propped up on the stool he sat on.
"Your shoes are untied."
He grinned, like he'd just made a clever joke. "It's a fashion choice. I never fall, anyway."
You snorted, "Sure."
"Aye, you wear ripped tights in the winter and turn your uniform inside-out. Lemme have this one!"
This managed to pull a giggle from you, which unfortunately caught the professor's attention.
"Quiet in the back, please!" he admonished sharply.
Neither of you were paying attention.
You, because you were too busy trying to school your expression back to normal, and him because he liked the look of your crooked smile.
He saw it again after following the sound of your playing back to the music room during lunch time.
"Lost your headphones again, or are you following me?"
"Care to have an audience?" he smiled, grabbing a seat for himself.
You pursed your lips in consideration before answering, "Alright. You better not invite your friends in here, though. Music room's mine between classes."
He raised his hands. "You got it, relax. Not like I got friends to bring."
"Is that why you came over here to bother me even though we don't even know each other's names?"
"No, I came to figure out what that fire ass song was," the boy leaned back in his seat, and smiled. "And I'm Miles, by the way."
"Y/N," you said with a sheepish grin. "And thanks. Composed it myself."
Miles' eyes widened. "Damn. Can I hear it again?"
The piece was unfinished, but it was sharp, dynamic. Plenty of bass-slapping to go around. You even managed to nail that one part that your fingers usually slipped on.
"I still need to work out the ending, but...yeah. That's pretty much it," you remarked casually. "Thoughts?"
Miles let out a low whistle. "You need to finish that ASAP. Are you in a band?"
You set the guitar down, and cracked your knuckles. "Nope. I just play by my lonesome, for fun."
"So no one's heard you until now?"
There was silence for a beat, then you asked, "Do you play anything?"
He shook his head.
"Not all of us have that gift, I'm afraid. Wish I did, though."
You looked around the room, scanning the instruments until you landed on an acoustic guitar.
An idea.
"Say, Miles," a smirk spread across your lips, "How would you like to change that?"
Miles immediately caught your drift and perked up.
"When do we start?"
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herofics · 4 months
A Hangover
A/N: Just more of my good Geto AU stuff (Geto never went rogue, saved Mimiko and Nanako and stayed at Jujutsu High with Gojo and reader, and they started a relationship), these aren’t really in any particular order, and you can find the previous stuff in the “good geto au” tag. Idk what this is, but it was fun to write
“We really shouldn’t have let him drink so much” you said as you and Geto were helping Gojo up the stairs
"You know he’s a lightweight, and he had like two drinks” Geto said with an annoyed tone.
“We should’ve made him stick to mocktails” you groaned as Gojo leaned against you in his drunken state.
"What you two talkin about? I’m fiiiiiineeee” Gojo muttered, trying to stand without support, almost falling on his ass at the top of the stairs
“Alright, you’re almost in bed love” Geto said as Gojo leaned against the doorframe.
“(Naaaameeeeeee), I don’t wanna go to bed, Suguru’s bein a meanie” Gojo complained very loudly.
“Satoru, you have to, you’re way too drunk to do anything else” you said and brushed his hair off his face and kissed him on the cheek.
“You’re comin with me then” he smirked and started dragging you towards the bed.
You let him, since that was probably the only way you could get him to bed. Gojo fell face first onto the bed and curled up on top of the covers, still holding your hand.
“Come to bed with meeeeee” Gojo said with a sing-songy tone.
You sat down on the bed, and Gojo brought your hand to his face and kissed your knuckles.
Geto was just leaning against the door frame and watching the two of you. He had a gentle smile on his face as he looked at you and Gojo. You looked back at him with an amused expression and mouthed the word “lightweight” at him before rolling your eyes. Geto chuckled and motioned towards the stairs indicating that he was going downstairs. You nodded and whispered that you’d be there soon.
Gojo had fallen asleep, but he was still holding onto your hand. You tried to pull your hand away, but he tightened his grip and muttered something akin to “no, mine”. You brushed his hair away from his face again, and pressed a kiss on his forehead.
“Love you, get some rest” you whispered and stood up, leaving the room.
Geto was sitting on the couch, TV on, but the sound was very low.
“I’m never letting him drink again” you groaned as you collapsed next to Geto on the couch.
“Well thank god for mocktails, or we would’ve had to carry him all the way back” Geto shook his head.
“I guess him being lightweight brings some balance to him otherwise being like the most powerful person on earth or something” you joked.
“Yeah, that’s probably the reason” Geto rolled his eyes with a chuckle.
“He’s gonna be so hungover in the morning”
“So am I, I can feel it” Geto sighed, rubbing his right temple.
“We should probably go to sleep too, besides, if he notices there’s no one in the bed with him, Satoru’s gonna try to come down here and crack his head when he falls down the stairs”
“You’re probably right” Geto agreed.
“I’m gonna sleep in my room, you can take care of our drunk little prince”
“Goodnight, Suguru” you yawned and started making your way towards your room.
“Goodnight love” he smiled.
Geto climbed the stairs to the second story, and disappeared into the master bedroom as you closed the door to your room.
Gojo was spread out on the bed like a starfish, so Geto had to push him around a bit to fit on the bed comfortably. Gojo looked quite adorable when he was sleeping so peacefully. Geto and you had to pretty much drag him out to have some fun that night, but in the end he had a good time, and so did you and Geto of course.
Geto laid down next to Gojo and kissed him on the forehead, before closing his eyes and going to sleep.
You woke up in the morning to a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. You put on your slippers and dragged yourself to the kitchen.
“Good morning!” Gojo said as you appeared from behind the corner.
He looked all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, what the hell?
“How are you not hungover?” you asked, completely baffled as to how he was up before you and Geto.
“I’m the strongest, don’t you know? A little hangover won’t keep me down” Gojo grinned.
“But every time we’ve gone drinking before, you’ve been absolutely miserable the next morning, so why not now?”
“It’s a Christmas miracle” he joked.
“It’s not Christmas” you noted sarcastically.
“A Saturday miracle then?” he questioned.
“Sure, let’s go with that” you sighed.
“I think Suguru’s still asleep, but coffee is done already”
“Thanks, but I think I’ll stick to tea. You and Suguru can have the coffee, though you might not need any more caffeine” you noted as you filled the kettle with water and turned it on.
“Coffee sounds good right about now” Geto yawned as he came down the stairs, wearing just a pair of sweatpants, stretching his arms towards the ceiling.
“You hungover?” you asked Geto. “Because our lightweight partner here is just fine” you motioned at Gojo.
“You used RCT” Geto stated, more like a fact than a question.
“I don’t know why I haven’t done it before, it was such an obvious answer” Gojo smirked.
“That’s cheating, you should suffer with the two of us” you complained, motioning at yourself and Geto.
“Well you don’t look very hungover either” Geto said to you.
“I have a pretty nasty headache, but not much more” you said.
“So I’m worse off than both of you combined” Geto groaned, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Come have some breakfast, you’ll feel better after” Gojo said, and set down a cup of coffee on the table.
Geto sat down and took a sip of the coffee, before leaning back against the chair with a deep exhale. Gojo set down a plate in front of him and another one in front of you. His cooking smelled delicious when you had woken up but now the smell of food was just making you nauseous.
“I’m gonna grab us some ibuprofen” you sighed and left the kitchen, trying to hide your desire to throw up.
“Thank you” Geto said.
“I think they’re feeling worse than they say” Gojo noted quietly, not wanting you to hear.
“Probably, you know they don’t like to show it” Geto agreed.
“We’re out of painkillers, so that fucking sucks” you groaned as you returned to the kitchen, slamming the empty ibuprofen bottle on the table.
“You okay?” Gojo asked as you pinched the bridge of your nose.
“Yeah, this headache is just killing me” you sighed. “I’ll be fine though, even without the painkillers”
“You sure? I could go get some painkillers, you two look like you really need them” Gojo motioned at you and Geto.
“Please and thank you” Geto said, more for your sake than his own, because he knew you wouldn’t want to bother Gojo with something like that, at least not just for your own sake.
“I won’t take long” Gojo said and kissed both you and Geto on the cheek, before hurrying to put on his jacket and shoes.
Before you knew it, he was out the door. Gojo was wonderful, even though he could be an idiot sometimes. Geto was much more cool headed, but just as amazing. You loved them both so much, and you knew they felt the same way about you. You could never stop worrying about them though. They were two special grade sorcerers, the strongest there was, but still, every time they stepped out of that door, you were afraid they wouldn’t come back. Maybe it was just the line of work they were in, what you’d been trained for too. You didn’t end up choosing that life but you still saw it. You saw how tired it made them.
“Thanks for always worrying about us” Geto said suddenly, like he could read your mind.
“It kinda comes with this whole relationship thing” you said jokingly.
“I know, but I appreciate it, and I know Satoru does too, even if he forgets to say it” Geto smiled.
“Thanks” you smiled back.
Gojo didn’t take long with his trip to the pharmacy, and him being in the best condition out of the three of you, he wanted to take care of you and Geto. Geto resisted at first, but Gojo wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“You took care of me last night, so let me return the favor you stubborn-!” Gojo argued as he tried to carry Geto to the couch.
“I don’t need you to carry me!” Geto argued back, pushing Gojo away, but he held his grip.
Even though your head still hurt, these two idiots still got a laugh out of you with their bickering. You wished it could be like this forever, just the three of you, happy in your own little bubble.
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