#Although I'll need hotels for those trips
salvadorbonaparte · 5 months
Being at home all the time is genuinely bad for my mental health so visiting friends abroad or going on a little solo trip would actually be great for my mental health
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yellowbunnydreams · 2 months
The Blood Runs Thicker (part 15) ~vampire!William Afton x F! Reader~
~Sorry this has taken so long to come out! I've been on a mental health break and had assignments due and things. I've also meme'd the old man and I'm not entirely sorry for it.~
Tag-List; @ruh--roh-raggy @randymeeksisafinalgirl @sleepy---head @robin-the-enby @hungrhay @likoplays @slxsher-whxre @nicolezghostz @spiderlilytengu @yondus-girl @puppetstr1ings
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Want more or something different? *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
CW:Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - ??), graphic acts of violence, biting, knife-play, blood, blood-drinking/licking, mention of dead children, anaemia. Mentions of torture. Drama/Angst. Possessive behaviour.
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You weren't sure what time it was when you woke up, feeling stiff and sore and like you'd been hit and then backed over by an SUV. Groaning as you shivered under the thin motel sheet, turning onto your side with your eyes still closed before they snapped open and you remembered that William had been on top of you when you fell asleep. Sitting up and holding the sheet to you, swallowing softly as you looked around and heart beginning to beat a little faster as you stood up to look out of the window to see if the car was still there.
It wasn't.
You swore, scrambling to find any form of clothing as the thought raced in your mind that you had been left in a bloodied hotel room where the receptionist went missing and the last call was logged to your room. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together and naturally point the finger at yourself.
Tripping over a table leg in your haste, you grabbed onto the top and hissed as the thin sheet offered little protection around your body and was most definitely a contributing trip hazard, although despite your best efforts to stop and defy gravity's grip on you, your head meets the worn out motel floor with a 'thunk' that rattled about what was functional of your panicked brain. Groaning as you lifted your head and wrapped the sheet more tightly around you, feeling the front of your face warm and wet as you tentatively reached up a hand and it came away red. Swearing at yourself under your breath as you tried to gather yourself up off the floor and hearing the door rattling in the frame.
Had it even been seconds since you hit the floor? You felt fine apart from the pain in your face and your pride. Sat on the floor like a pathetic wet cat, wrapped in a bloodied sheet as William opened the door with his shoulder. Dressed in a baggy dress-shirt and some slacks, he looked almost like a counsellor at the careers office you had gone, and then you remembered that that was exactly what he was before you had gotten dragged into the whole messy affair that was the Afton family and Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.
He dropped the bag that he was carrying, rushing over to you and kneeling besides you as his large calloused hands gripped your face and inspected you for damage. You wondered where he'd gotten another pair of those glasses from, since you didn't remember them at all the day before. His thumb stroked over your cupids bow as his brow furrowed and his lip curled up into his customary snarl.
"What happened? Did somebody come in? I'll fucking kill them if somebody-" You blinked at the surprisingly possessive and protective tone to his voice, quickly shaking your head and gesturing to the slightly disrupted table.
"I-I tripped, William. Calm down, I'll be okay." Shrugging slightly and trying to calm your pounding heart from the adrenaline you had experienced at seeing the car gone from outside. Looking into his steely eyes and trying to offer him a reassuring smile.
"And why the fuck weren't you looking where you were going? Bunny you need to be careful, you're probably a bit worn down from yesterday and all the shit that came with it." He said, frowning as he easily picked up on your racing heart, seeing the concern in your eyes even as you tried to hide it.
"I..." You trailed off, looking at his intensity and unsure whether the predator before you even cared to know why you were panicked. Would he care? Understand? You didn't even realise as hot tears pricked at your eyes and caught him off guard once again. William Afton was not used to being a man who had tears shed over him, rather the tears were for his victims and their families. "I thought you were gone."
"T-The car wasn't t-there and I...I was rushing to t-try and...and find you c-cause I thought...." The words were hard to push out, hiccupping as William's expression softened for once, carrying something behind his grey eyes that you might have construed on any other person as care. He wrapped his arms around you, strong and warm, reassuring as his large hands rested on your back and the back of your head, cradling you against him. His nose pressed to your head and breathing in deeply.
You smelt like blood, iron and sex and panic. Things William adored usually, but it smelt wrong in that moment. He wished he had the chance to smell you like you had appeared to him for the first time. Vanilla and fruits, something sweet about the products you used and even down to your barest being. He wanted you to smell like him from the night before. Not faintly like gasoline and agony.
"Stupid bunny, you thought I'd fuck you and leave you all alone?" He asked, cooing into your head as he felt you shrug in his grip. Sighing softly as his grip only tightened at your confirmation.
"I'm a fucking monster, but even I wouldn't do that. Plus, I hate leaving debts unpaid and you certainly are owed a substantial once since you saved my life. I ran to the store to get you some things since I noticed you had nothing packed for yourself." He explained, kissing the top of your head and allowing himself to hold you a moment longer before pulling back and giving you that usual curled lip snarl that made your own mouth curl into a smile now. "You're not getting rid of me that easily, blood-bag."
His calloused demeanour made you smile, and you nodded, wiping at your eyes with the heel of your palm before William scooped you up from the floor. Muttering under his breath as he kicked the door closed and carried you back over to the bed, placing you down on it before he grabbed the bag and opened it. Pulling out a couple items of clothing and placing them on the bed next to you, looking between you and them for a moment before nodding with himself satisfactorily.
Your eyes wandered over his choices and raised an eyebrow as he held up the first item for your inspection, blush warming your cheeks as you snatched the underwear from his hands and watched the feral but charming grin he gave you as you stripped in front of him and you could feel his appraisal as he scanned your body.
"Oh that is a view I'll never tire of....especially with you all marked up, bunny."
Your cheeks warmed up more, and you shook your head as you pulled on the jeans which were a little large on your frame and there was a soft beige turtle-neck sweater which you were honestly surprised that William managed to get ahold of considering the time of year, but you dutifully pulled it on anyway, rolling the baggy sleeves up to your elbows and sighing as you already felt warm.
"I wonder who's fault that is?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at the older man as he scanned you quickly before giving an approving nod. Pulling more clothes out of the bag and stripping off his shirt to reveal his broad, scarred and coarsely haired chest. The warmth flushing through you as you averted your eyes and his low chuckle made it all the worse.
"Now you're embarrassed to see me shirtless? After all the things we did together last night? I would be hurt if my cold, dead heart could hurt." Cocking his head and flashing a wicked grin as he pulled on a new plaid shirt then a sweater over the top, combined with his jeans and sensible shoes, he looked like a dad, or perhaps that one counsellor who didn't mind that you needed a hug when you cried your eyes out.
"Well I do believe it was technically only very select parts of you I saw."
"Hm... I suppose, but don't worry blood-bag, you'll get more chances to look." You could hear the smirk in his voice and rolled your eyes, shaking your head before pulling on the worn out shoes you'd previously worn to the pizzeria. Still coated in blood and gasoline. William wrapped his arm around your shoulders and nuzzled into your shoulder for a moment, inhaling deeply before giving a little squeeze and heading to the mini-fridge, pulling out the blood-bags that had been left in there and keeping one in his hand as he gestured towards the door. "We should get going though, as tempting as you are."
"Go where, William? Elizabeth and Mike will be crawling all over Hurricane to make sure you're gone." Crossing your arms and pouting as you walked out to the car, watching William locking the motel door and chucking the keys somewhere into the wooded area nearby, the same place that there was a freshly dead body disposed of.
"You'll see. Just get in the fucking car."
Piling dutifully into the car, you watched as William grumbled adjusting the seats properly again. Making sure that it was properly adjusted back to him as the smell of a spiced air freshener almost coated the scent of bleach. Glancing into the backseat to see the the leather cleaned up better than you could have attempted. But you guessed that William had had plenty of practise cleaning up things like blood over the time he had been alive. Not that you were sure how long that was.
The radio had been turned on, William fiddling with the dial to tune it and pausing only for a moment on a radio station as you pulled onto the highway, listening as the announcer spoke in those chipper, but somehow sombre tones.
"And in local news, a once beloved establishment was burnt down. Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, a now defunct children's entertainment restaurant that was subject to a series of-"
William changed the station quickly as his shoulders tensed up. Something in his expression softened, and you realised that it wasn't his usual expression of annoyance, but rather a touch of sadness. Freddy's had clearly meant something to him.
Most of the ride was silent. And it was only around mid-afternoon that William pulled into a mall parking lot that was entirely unfamiliar to you. Putting on some sunglasses from the glovebox and swapping them with his regular gold aviators as the Utah sunshine continued to beat down on everything and make it unseasonably warm.
"Does the light bother you?" The first words you'd spoken since you started driving to...somewhere. You weren't sure where you were going still, but William seemed to know at least. Watching the vampire turning his head and look at you from behind the dark plastic, watching his brows turn in and a frown form before he looked back out at the mall parking lot.
"It does at the moment, I'm still healing up Bunny. Bright sunshine gives most vampires a headache I've found." He finally answered after a moment, his large hand continuing to rest on the steering wheel as he kept his stern expression, fingers tapping like he was waiting for something.
"You've met others?"
"A long story for another time. And, I must have met one before, wouldn't I, dumb bunny." Gesturing to his extra canines and how sharp they looked at he flashed you a wicked grin before settling into a grim expression again. "Anyway, we're stopping for you. You need to stretch, keep up the circulation in your legs. Get some food, do whatever you living things still need to do."
"Has it really been that long since you were alive?" You asked incredulously, trying to imagine how old William must be to forget what it was to be alive. The vampire sat with a stern and serious expression. But you caught the slight slip of the corner of his mouth and you smacked his arm, making him chuckle and tut dissaprovingly.
"Asshole! I thought you were ancient or something!"
"Dumb bunny, I AM ancient compared to you." He smirked, making you frown and cross your arms, eyebrows raised sceptically, earning another chuckle from him.
"Okay, so how old are you?"
"That is a very personal question young lady. But I was made as I am around....1987?" He thought for a moment before nodding, chewing his lip for a moment and running his free hand over his beard briefly, scratching subtly at the still healing skin underneath.
"How old were you?"
"About thirty? You kinda stop counting after twenty-three I find."
"So what...You're old enough to be somebody's grandpa?That's...honestly I had images of you in like Victorian gear." William snorted at the statement and began to laugh, that deep rumbling laugh that made your chest tighten and a smile light up on your face that you made the not-so-old being laugh so much.
"Good God no, fuck that! I did know a guy from that time, but we are creatures of habit. Luckily, 'steampunk' and goth fashion allowed him some leeway." Shaking his head, William opened the car door and stepped out into the oppressive heat, you following suit shortly. Making sure your sleeves were rolled up properly.
"Do you think of yourself as...however old?"
"Anybody asks, I'm in my fifties. I can mention I had kids, nobody questions it and I can talk about the eighties as much as I like."
"Sure, whatever makes you happy, little perverted bunny." He stuck out his long tongue at you, earning his another light smack and a chuckle as he wrapped his arm around you, holding you possessively close as you walked into the air-conditioned mall.
"I'm not a pervert!"
"Hm...You've still fucked an old man."
"And you nearly gummed me to death." You retorted, the hair on the back of your neck raising as you heard a low, deep growl in his chest under his laugh. Leaning in and kissing the top of your head affectionately, looking to all purposes like a normal couple to anybody paying you attention before he whispered dangerously in your ear.
"Careful now, you're my dumb bunny but stupidity doesn't win you a free pass on everything." Nipping your ear harshly and making you hiss as you felt the jolt of a canine biting through skin and cartilage, leaving a pearl of blood against your skin and dripping down the shell of your ear.
He kept his arm around you as you walked. Sneaking glances at you to make sure that despite your earlier tumble and now his little bite, that you weren't looking in too rough a shape. Something in his chest tightened at the thought of you being hurt like that, he wanted to bite and mark you up for certain, but he didn't want to spoil your pretty face.
He knew that where you were going would be safe, and that you would be able to get help. He would be able to get help. But for the first time in his life, William Afton genuinely considered how much it would hurt somebody else when he had to run from it all again.
Lunch was uneventful, William had taken the time to pull you into the back seat and kiss you for a little while. Calling it an apology for scaring you so much earlier, whispering sweet nothings between his lips capturing yours and his beard scratching your skin slightly. His large hand cupping your cheek and thumb stroking over your cheekbone as you sat in his lap.
Of course, he'd had to have lunch too. Although despite your protests, he had used a blood-bag and not you, but he had silenced any protests by pointing out that you'd already been fed on the previous night, and even in the best case scenario you weren't replenishing your supply THAT quickly. However he had humoured you in trying a vanilla milkshake and mixing some of the blood in, successfully hiding it as a strawberry one and realising that whilst it wasn't as good taste-wise, he did manage to get some of the flavour through.
The rest of the drive saw a little eased tension, occasionally getting William to joke and laugh with you, tutting and shaking his head as you sang along quietly to the radio or did a little dance in the passenger seat. He couldn't help the smile that filled his face as he watched you from the corner of his eye, how his expression softened as you tried to sing along to a new song even though you didn't know the words.
Or the way the gradually darkening sky cast soft orange and golden glows over your skin as the sun set and he could switch back to his usual glasses. The way your nose scrunched up when you accidentally picked up his milkshake instead of yours and took a sip. A frown began to form on his face as the sun sunk further into the horizon, his hand rubbing over his beard again nervously.
He had to remember that you were only human.
But as the darkness coated the sky, occasionally blocking the stars with the orange glow of sodium lamps along the highway and you had quietened down as you fell asleep against the seat, head facing towards him, which made him smile a little, he spotted the sign he'd both been hoping for and dreading.
Eventually, he spotted the worn out but well cared for road a few blocks before the city proper. Turning down it and feeling his undead heart beating far too quickly for his liking. Swallowing softly as he reached over and shook you gently, smiling slightly as he watched you waking up and rubbing your eyes with the heel of your palm.
"Where are we?" Your voice still laced with the last traces of sleep as you recognised that you'd turned off of the highway and onto a smaller road, peering into the darkness as you spotted a house at the end. A little like how William's was set back from the road, but without the woodlands to shelter it and this house was distinctly more modern and cared for. A well tended garden coming into view as William pulled the car into what you assumed as the end of the driveway, spotting a mini-van parked besides it and looking at the dash to see the time before he turned the car off.
"Somewhere necessary." Was the quiet reply, the vampire taking a deep breath before stepping out of the car and coming around to help you out of your side. Making sure that your sweater was adjusted and covering any marks he might have made before he locked the car and headed towards the door of the house, gesturing for you to follow him.
There were lights on inside, which was strange considering the late hour but you couldn't help but sense that something about William was tense and ready to spring. It made you nervous that the predator you had become intimately acquainted with feeling out of his element and less confident, what on Earth scared the formidable and mostly unkillable William Afton so much?
His large hand reached up and he hesitated before he knocked, looking at you briefly before seeming to make up his mind and straightening his shoulders and knocking briskly. A quick series that sounded firm, but friendly all at the same time.
Sounds of movement behind the wood snapped your attention back to the building, and you watched as the door cracked open slightly. William stiffening slightly as there was a pause before the door opened slowly and revealed the person behind it.
He was an older man. Wearing thick glasses and clearly somebody who used to be wirey and strong despite the slightly larger body he had now, sagging with age and possibly years of homemade meals by the paunch he supported. His green eyes blinking as you noticed his curly, mostly silver hair was tied back and peppered with the last remnants of what might have been black or very dark brown. His expression slack jawed and loose as he simply stared at William, seeming to not even notice your presence as William shifted uncomfortably.
"I....You...You're..." The man stammered, his voice croaking as he found it and swallowing a few times before he seemed to come to some sense and the expression of disbelief become more clear on his soft features. "William."
"It's good to see you again, old friend." William said after a moment, giving a tight, closed lip smile as you furrowed your brow. Watching the taller man swallow and shift his weight uncomfortably onto one foot before he gestured to you, drawing the older man's attention over to you finally. William calling you by your name for the first time in a while before he sucked in a deep breath and turned to you with what looked like a pained but attempting to be reassuring smile.
"This is my old friend, Mr. Henry Emily."
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sad-sweet-cowboah · 7 months
The Heart of Your Home Pt 2
Summary: Arthur comes across a woman in need. What he thought was a simple good deed would take him down a much further path than anticipated.
Warnings: Cursing, eventual canon-typical violence, eventual smut.
Word Count: 4,976
A/N: I hated how long it took me to write this piece, ugh. It's a slight slow burn, but it becomes much juicier later.
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Arthur awoke to the quiet, drowsy chatter of the women in camp. He slowly sat up, blinking the remnants of sleep from his eyes as his body drew in a wide yawn. With the sun still somewhat low in the sky, the air was frosty. He grabbed the jacket that was draped across the clothes chest at the foot of the cot and pulled it on as he stood up, letting the warmth sink into his stiffened limbs. 
He made his way over to the cooking fire, looking for the familiar black kettle resting upon the tiny flames, but was disappointed to find none. Abigail and Mary-Beth were standing around it, their shoulders wrapped in shawls to cover their thin sleepwear. They greeted Arthur with tired smiles, their eyes still bleary with sleep. 
“Coffee,” Pearson’s voice broke through their barely started conversation. The balding cook lumbered toward the small crowd and placed the kettle just over the fire. “it'll be ready in a few,” he straightened up and met Arthur’s eye, bidding him a good morning as well. 
It was going to be a dull day, and Arthur could tell. One of those days where he was free to mill around camp or venture out, although he preferred the latter, lest he was pulled aside for some job or another. He’d hunted a gargantuan beast with Hosea, robbed a homestead belonging to some odd folk with Javier, drank himself silly with Lenny and had nearly gotten caught by the Valentine lawmen after a drunken ruckus, begrudgingly rescued Micah from being hanged in Strawberry, and rescued Sean from the Pinkertons just outside of Blackwater. A day to himself was desperately needed, even if it meant just mounting his horse and riding aimlessly for a few hours. 
He thought, maybe, he ought to have a hot meal at the Valentine saloon. Perhaps he may pay for a bath in the hotel, Lord knows he needed one, and taking quick rinses in the Dakota River could only do so much. 
Hearing his name severed his train of thought. His eyes swiveled to meet Mary-Beth's, who was patiently holding a tin mug of steaming coffee to him. “Oh,” he said, taking it with a smile. “Thank you, Mary-Beth.” 
A smile of amusement crossed the young woman’s lips. “Get your head outta the clouds, Arthur,” she joked. “Nothing good up there, except rain.” 
Arthur exhaled slightly through his nose with a small laugh. “I'll keep that in mind,” he took a sip of his drink, slightly wincing from the scald that passed across his tongue. He began to trudge back to his canvas outcropping, starting to plan his day once again. 
He was able to leave shortly thereafter, heading off through the thicket as the chilly morning air steadily began to warm up. Valentine wouldn’t be his first choice in a day of relaxation, but the convenience of its proximity outweighed other less than ideal features. After a short trip he arrived, passing the busy stockyards and bustling side streets, his sights on the hotel first. 
With a quick interaction with the hotel clerk, Arthur soon found himself in the bath. The warm, soapy water was a welcoming touch to his wind-weathered skin and aching muscles. He rested his head against the lip of the tub, closing his eyes and allowing relaxation to overtake him. 
It wasn’t much longer until a small knock on the door announced the arrival of a bath girl, which he accepted. A young woman came in with a smile on her face, dark hair falling in gentle curls around her shoulders, and her chemise sitting low, which Arthur never glanced twice at. She had a sweet voice and a gentle touch, freckles dotted her nose and a touch of red on her lips. He would have called her pretty if he had the courage, but instead made admittedly awkward comments about his life that she giggled at. 
“I was almost married once, she never bathed me,” he said with a half-smile. 
“Well how about that!” The woman said with a soft chuckle as she smoothed a sudsy hand along his leg. 
Although he’d never admit it out loud, he truly did miss the touch of a woman. Quiet moments stolen from a harrowing life lead to guilty afterthoughts. He didn’t deserve a woman, not any more than he deserved kindness from strangers, even if they were paid to do so. 
The bath finished shortly after, with a soft kiss planted against his cheek and a well wish for the remainder of the day. The water had cooled then, prompting him to reluctantly redress and leave. 
He wasn’t exactly sure how much time had passed during his bath, but the morning sun since disappeared behind a blanket of cool gray cloud cover, a gradient casting into iron just north, brooding over the Ambarino mountains. A cold gust carried the scent of rain with it, gathering underneath the brim of his hat. 
The last thing he wanted to do was to get stuck in the rain. 
Arthur’s gaze drifted to the saloon across the way, which from what he could see wasn’t all that busy. It had to be around lunch time now, and the uncomfortable gurgle in his stomach agreed with his thought. He began to cross the street, although something caught his eye. 
He wasn't sure how he noticed it; horses lined the posts along the muddy pass. Sorrel and bay and palomino, except that one, the distinctly patterned overo coat shining like a beacon amongst the others, settled more toward the doctor’s office down the way. That mare he'd plucked from the wilderness to return to her once equally as lost owner.   
It'd been some weeks since the encounter, one having blurred in with every other fleeting job he’d accomplished during their relatively short stay at Horseshoe Overlook. The memory which was buried in the back of his mind unearthed fluidly: the wolves, the screaming, the delicious and hearty stew. His mouth watered at the thought, and another memory surfaced; you, all smiles and hospitality, not timid in the slightest even after your close brush with death. You welcomed him in for a hot meal and then further gave him permission to stop by your little homestead if in need of a moment to rest his feet and fill his belly.   
Admittedly there were plenty of moments of bone tiredness and late days, if he had remembered, he would have gladly taken the opportunity. 
It were as if the heavens above somehow heard his thoughts. He turned to spot you just exiting the general store, a smile on your face and a bag slung across your shoulders.  
Arthur tilted his head in response. “Afternoon,” he said with a slight smile of his own. 
  “it's so good to see you again!” You say as if greeting an old friend. “How have you been?” 
  “Oh, I've been alright,” he responded with a slight shrug. “Can't complain. How about you? No more trips in the forest?” 
You lightly scoff, but the smile on your lips remained. “None of the sort, I'm proud to say. I've kept myself restricted to Valentine since then.” 
“Good,” he nodded again, and gestured toward the bag you held. “I suppose you're makin’ more stew?” 
You glance down at the bag, then back to him. “No stew, but I did pick up some chicken from the butcher around the corner. Thought I could do something different.” 
“Okay, well don't let me stop ya,” he waved his hand in an act of dismissal, the talk of food only making him hungrier. He turned halfway before your voice spoke out again. 
“Wait, would you like to join me?” 
Arthur blinked and turned to face you again, slightly confused. “Huh?” 
“Join me for lunch? I never did thank you properly for returning my horse, and you haven't stopped by since I extended my offer. Seems like a good time as any,” you explained with a half shrug. “Only if you'd like to, of course.” 
Hesitation filled his mind, completely caught off guard by this invite. He glanced at the saloon again, and then back to you, the hunger roiling expectantly in his guts. It would be easier to stay, have a few drinks and not risk the rain. But who was he to turn down another free meal, even if it meant waiting for just a little longer? 
“Okay,” Arthur finally said. “Sounds good.” 
Your smile widened, eyes brightening even with the increasingly darkening sky. “Great, please take your time, I’m going to head home and start. Do you remember the way?” 
He watched as you bounded toward your mare, mounting with ease and heading westward in a smooth lope, splashing lops of mud with each hoof beat. He supposed he should allow you a head start; not to awkwardly wait in your house as you finished cooking. 
Another thought sprang up. But what of your husband? The fool that moved you out here and left you to your own devices. Would he be so lucky as to meet this unwise fellow, and wondered if this man knew of your nearly failed journey. 
  Unless said husband happened to be on another trip of his, Arthur inwardly guessed, and surprised himself with just how much detail he remembered of you. Then again you weren't the only person of unique circumstance he's met over the years, some he dared to say he called a friend. 
A heavy drop fell upon the brim of his hat, the first arrival of the storm above. Arthur automatically began to move forward, sheltering himself beneath the outcropping of the saloon. This only tempted him further to just to stay here. But it would be rude to ignore your invite, and despite his gruff exterior and lifestyle choice, he did have manners. 
He decidedly spent the next twenty minutes aimlessly browsing the general store, restocking his health cures and cigarettes. By the time he made his way back outside, the drizzle turned into a steady rain. His Andalusian sat waiting for him, the rain darkening the silver coat. Arthur quickly mounted and headed in the direction you took earlier, easing into a quick pace, hoping the ride wouldn't soak him to the bone. 
Arthur spent the remainder of the ride at a steady gallop, head turned down to avoid most of the rain spattering his face. His jacket had been soaked and the shirt beneath was beginning to as well when he finally reached your home. Leading his stallion to the barn behind just as before, before rounding back to climb the front steps. The door was closed, and he knocked and waited. 
You appeared just seconds later, throwing the door open and welcoming him inside enthusiastically. He stepped in, suddenly conscious of the torrents of rainwater cascading from his body. He removed his jacket immediately and placed it on a hanger by the door, same with his hat, a small pool beginning to form underneath. 
The warmth was the first thing that greeted him. The oven radiated a soothing heat in such a contrast to the chilling wetness that shrouded the surrounding landscape. Arthur’s tense frame relaxed, and he breathed in, taking a first whiff of the savory, herbal aroma that accompanied the heat. 
“You came just in time,” you said as you headed toward the oven, propping open the door and removing an appealing looking roasted chicken. “I was just about finished.” 
He watched as you placed the perfectly roasted whole chicken onto a large plate, his mouth watering at the sight. 
“Take a seat!” You gestured toward the table. Arthur did so quietly, taking the same spot as his previous visit. It only took another moment before you placed a generous helping of herb crusted chicken in front of him. You settled across from him with your own helping. 
“I take it your husband ain’t here,” he said, noting the size of the servings on each plate. 
“He’ll be back tomorrow, I think,” you respond. “Sometimes it’s hard to tell with that man.” 
Arthur hummed a response, taking the first bite, his stomach rumbling gratefully as the flavors greeted his tongue. Oregano and thyme, he detected, so delicately laced with moist poultry. He swallowed and took a deep breath, reminding himself to keep his manners for once again another delectable meal from your hands. 
He looked up and realized you were watching him expectantly. He blinked and averted his gaze, cutting himself another sliver. You were just waiting for his opinion. “Jus’ as good as the stew, maybe even better,” he complimented before chewing the second piece.   
“Thank you!” You say, beaming. “And thank you for ensuring my hard work doesn't go to waste once again.” 
Arthur chuckled in response. “Your husband’s a lucky feller. I'm surprised he don't get a closer job, with the way you cook, I'm sure he misses it on his travels.” 
“Oh, if only,” you sighed lightly and began to eat from your own plate. 
It fell silent from then on, aside from the scraping of silverware on the plates and the steady fall of rain outside. Arthur fully immersed himself in his delicious meal, taking slow and deliberate bites to ensure he wouldn't be soon stuck out in the dreary weather once more. You then offered him a glass of wine, which he gladly took, the alcohol dry and bitter but it further settled into his stomach, warming him from the inside out. 
The air was calm and peaceful, absent of the concern Arthur held over the past month. As chatty as you'd been before, he appreciated your decided silence now. It wasn't awkward nor tense, and he could enjoy the company of someone who didn't need to constantly talk his ear off. As insistent as you were, it didn't bother him in the slightest. Being here offered a nice break from the responsibilities of the gang, even if it meant for a short while. Perhaps he could stop by again, later in the week, should your husband accept him as a guest as well. 
A cold, wet drop falling into his unoccupied left hand nearly startled him. He looked at the faint glimmer of the water that rolled along his skin, only to feel another land on his nose. Arthur blinked and looked up, noticing for the first time the waterlogged wooden panels condensed into one spot, directly above where he sat. 
“Oh, for Heaven’s sake!” You exasperate suddenly, then sigh. “I'm sorry, Arthur. Frederick was supposed to have someone come and fix that...” 
Arthur assumed that had to be your husband’s name. He simply scooted to the side, not bothered in the slightest by the slow leak, while you hurried over to place an empty can where he just was. He caught your muttering of annoyance, something about three weeks?   
“It ain't a bother to me,” he says to you. “How long you been waitin’ on that fix?” 
You look to him, your mouth tightening slightly. “Too long, I'm tired of it ruining my table,” you answer with a gesture to a spot that Arthur hadn’t noticed on the surface. Slightly raised and rough in appearance in contrast to the smoothness surrounding it, indicating water damage.   
He would have simply suggested moving the table, if the small kitchen wasn't already occupied by other furniture. Still, he could understand your concern. A roof patch wasn't a terribly difficult task, if your husband would lift a finger to learn how, instead of hiring what already seemed to be an unreliable man for the job. 
“I could fix it, if you'd like,” he offered. 
You blinked in surprise, clearly caught off guard. “Arthur, that's not necessary. I will just have to remind Frederick when he comes back tomorrow.” 
“it's necessary enough. It ain't a hard job either, shouldn't take longer than an hour,” he responded with a shrug. 
“You already saved mine and my horse’s lives. You shouldn't be bothered with such a task,” you say. 
“it ain't a bother,” Arthur shook his head to further make his point known. “After waitin’ that long, you oughta have somethin’ done.” 
There was a moment of silence. Your gaze held steady as you regarded his offer, lips pressed into a thin line. Finally, you sighed and said, “Okay, but not today.” 
“Weren’t plannin’ on it,” Arthur pointed out. “If the weather’s nicer tomorrow, I'll stop by.” 
You nodded to his plan. “Do...you live close by? I wouldn't want you to travel far for my sake.” 
Arthur hesitated, wondering if you were about to invite him to spend the night in the spare bedroom dependent on his answer. Probably not, if your husband was due back tomorrow, it would be an awkward conversation to explain another man under the roof of a married woman. So he finally answered, “Yeah, not too far from here.” 
“Okay,” you say, still looking unsure about this entire idea. You then rounded back to your side of the table, beginning to clean the remnants of the dinner. “Thank you, Arthur. You really don’t have to…” 
He waved his hand as if to brush off your words. “Think of it as a thanks for another good meal.” 
Leaving shortly after that conversation, Arthur was glad he managed to wait out the brunt of the rain, which had dissolved into a light misting by the time he mounted his stallion. His coat had mostly dried out and his body felt warm and full, which easily gave him energy for the remainder of the day. 
He’d gone back to his original plan to just relax for the remainder of the day, taking an easy ride down by the Dakota River and just enjoying nature. Another hour passed when the rain finally cleared and the clouds made way for bright blue skies, instantly bathing the land in sunlight and warmth. Time became lost as the river opened to the gray expanse of Flat Iron Lake ahead, new sunlight glinting in the still waters. 
Perhaps he should fish. 
The sun began to set when Arthur’s satchel became decently full and he took the time to fry a few once his stomach began to rumble again. Even over a campfire and a few herbs dusting the gritty fish, he had to wonder what you'd do with his catch in a better stocked kitchen. He ought to ask tomorrow, seeing as he had more than enough to spare. 
Heading back to camp just as the fiery hue in the sky gave way to a cobalt twilight, he offered some of his catch to Pearson before settling into his cot for the night.   
The next morning showed the promise of blue skies and sunshine, as Arthur repeated his beginning day ritual of bitter coffee and a few spoken words to his fellow early risers, before taking off on horseback. 
His steed settled into a leisurely trot, decidedly taking the route of the ravine instead of going around by Valentine. It was quieter, and he didn't have to subject himself to the rancid smell of filthy stockyards, even if it were just for a few minutes. The view was pleasant too, appreciating the lush green after staring at a canvas of grays and whites for weeks, reminding him bitterly of those harsh few weeks in the mountains after Blackwater. 
Arthur had become so lost in his thoughts, he hadn't realized how much time passed, or how far he traveled. Before he knew it, he was upon the smaller path that led to your quaint little house just beyond the trees. 
You greeted him with the same enthusiasm as yesterday, but still hinted that he was doing too much. He once again waved it off, then remembering the fish from yesterday, pulled them from his satchel and handed them to you. Your face was full of confusion, until he told you about his prior thoughts about cooking a better fish in your kitchen. 
“Oh!” You said, still slightly befuddled. “I don't have much experience cooking with fish, but I’ll do what I can!” 
Afterward you directed him to the barn, where the tools were, before heading back in to begin cooking. Arthur greeted the familiar mare after allowing his own horse in to share some of the hay. He gave a quick glance of the surroundings, managing to find a ladder and some hand tools. With just a few moments of carrying everything out, he climbed up top and began to work. 
The roof was shingled, and old. Moss and lichen grew a thick layer, indicating the distinct lack of maintenance. He had to wonder how long this place sat before you and...Frederick? Moved in. 
He slowly moved, mentally mapping out the room beneath him to try and locate the source. It didn't take very long; the rotten wood softening beneath his careful feet. 
Home repair wasn't a skill he'd boast about, but he’d managed well enough. Fifteen minutes into the job, movement caught his eye. Automatically tensing, Arthur shot a quick glance toward the woods, easily identifying the newcomer. It was a man, surprisingly sharply dressed and carrying a suitcase, giving him a slight air that reminded Arthur of Dutch. Very out of place considering they were on the edge of the wilderness. He emerged from the tree line, a smile on his face. His eyes met Arthur’s, and the smile slightly faded. 
“Frederick!” Your voice called from below, pulling the newcomer’s attention away. You appeared just a short second after, crossing the distance between you and your husband, pulling him into an embrace. 
Ah, that made sense. Letting himself relax again, Arthur shifted his attention back to the roof. He made a show of what he was doing, hoping not to rouse any suspicion. He could feel your husband’s curious eyes on him and caught the quick explanation you gave. The repairman Frederick had supposedly sent for weeks ago finally showed up. It seemed like a better solution other than trying to explain the man who saved your life returned to fix a leaky roof out of the goodness of his heart. 
Goodness of his heart, Arthur snorted to himself. What good? 
From what sounded like an approval from the other man, the two of you soon disappeared into the house, allowing Arthur to work in peace. 
It had to only be another few minutes when the creak of the door sounded again. Arthur glanced back down to see Frederick had appeared again, staring at him with curiosity. 
“Fine work you’re doing there!” the man spoke in a flourishing accent that almost matched Josiah’s. 
Arthur had been caught off guard by this. He offered a slight smile and called out, “Uh, thank you.” 
“And thank you for your craftsmanship! My wife will have your pay,” Frederick continued. “Find her once you’re done!” 
Arthur merely nodded, and watched in confusion as Frederick made his way toward the tree line again. Was he leaving, just five minutes after arriving? Arthur only sighed and turned his focus back to the job. 
For the next thirty minutes or so, Arthur managed to identify and fix the issue, which he found wasn’t difficult in the slightest. He wondered why no one came out sooner, and he was glad to have repaired it before it’d gotten much worse. Satisfied with his handiwork, he gathered the tools and made his way for the ladder. As he climbed down, he was surprised to see you already standing at the base, waiting patiently for him. 
Momentarily stunned by your sudden appearance, Arthur placed the tools down and gestured toward the roof. “Weren’t too bad of a fix,” he said. “Jus’ a simple patch, but it should keep the rain out.” 
You smiled at him sweetly. “Thank you, again, for that,” you held up your hand for Arthur to see a billfold in your palm. “It’s fifteen dollars.” 
Even though he offered for free, he wasn’t the one to turn down any sort of monetary gain. Just a little bit more to add to the camp. Arthur took the money from you, counting it out. It was indeed fifteen. As he placed it into his pocket, you continued to speak. 
“I also cooked the fish. Would you like some? I offered some to Frederick, but he had to leave.” 
That brought on Arthur’s previous curiosity. “Why did he leave so soon? He couldn't have been here for all but ten minutes.” 
The smile on your face faltered slightly. “He had some business in Valentine,” you say with a small sigh. “But he promised he’d be back tonight." 
Well, at least it wasn’t for another long trip. But from the look on your face, he could tell it bothered you more than you’d let on. He wondered how often Frederick left you alone these past few weeks, and how painfully lonely it must've been. Arthur shouldn’t judge your husband’s business, but it seemed shameful the man couldn’t spend at least an hour at home to enjoy lunch with you. 
His stomach rumbled expectantly, and he decided to take your offer for a third time. 
He couldn't help but notice your face light up in delight when you served him the fish. Even for your supposed lack of skill in cooking them, he found they were just as delicious as your last few dishes. The meal was eaten with mostly silence, aside from you once again thanking him for the roof job and double checking to ensure the fish was cooked properly. 
As you cleared your spot, Arthur couldn't help but notice the content look on your face, probably grateful knowing your cooking didn't have to go to waste today. He stood up and stretched a little, his belly comfortably full. He picked up his own plate and brought it over to the sink, placing it on the counter as you pumped water in to rinse yours off. 
“Thank you,” you say, nodding to his plate. “I trust it was good?” 
“As good as I said it was earlier,” Arthur assured you once again. “I promise.” 
Your eyes held his for a second, as if looking for a falter in the truth. After a moment, you chuckled dejectedly to yourself. “Sorry, last time I cooked fish, Frederick was sick for a day. I just wanted to be sure...” 
“Second time’s the charm,” Arthur pointed out. “’Less your husband has a weak stomach.” 
You laughed again, a light and hearty sound. “I suppose that could be it,” you said thoughtfully, grabbing Arthur’s plate to wash next. “Or he just doesn't like fish.” 
Arthur chuckled himself, folding his arms to lean against the counter. “With the way you cook, I find that hard to believe.” 
The smile on your face was soft and bashful, though your eyes kept on the plates. There was a slight flush in your cheeks, or maybe that was a trick of the light? “Enough of the flattery, Arthur, you've done more than enough already.” 
  With a mere shrug, Arthur stood up straight again. The need to leave sparked in his mind but dwindled just as quickly as it arrived, thinking he could drag his feet a bit. The thought of heading back to camp only to be recruited into another job didn't seem as tempting today. Strauss was beginning to look desperate, and that was the very last thing he wanted to amend. 
He could only barely hear Dutch’s tone, reminding him that it needed to be done. Debts to be paid. He shook his head slightly. 
“What’s wrong?” 
Arthur then realized at that moment, you were looking right at him, a wrinkle of concern on your forehead. 
“Oh, uh, nothin’ important,” he said. “Jus’ not excited for what awaits me back at home.” 
A frown touched your lips for a split second before smoothing out. “Then don't let me hold you up.” 
“You ain't,” Arthur assured you. “It can wait a while.” forever, he added silently. 
The corner of your mouth quirked almost into another smile. You set the dishes to dry and turned to face him fully just a moment later. “I’d rather not get you in trouble,” you tell him. “Not over some stranger who needed their roof fixed.” 
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Nothin’ I can’t handle.” 
You sighed and shook your own head at him, like a mother dealing with her child’s antics. “Well...I highly doubt you’d want to spend more time around me to avoid your responsibilities, haven’t I bothered you enough?” you ask him, placing your hands on your hips and looking expectant. 
Arthur shrugged Again. “You caught me,” he lightly joked with another chuckle, and then reluctantly added, “Though I guess I might as well head back. Don’t need your husband showin’ back up and wonder I hadn’t left yet.” 
There was a small giggle from you. “Well good,” you fake chided. “I don’t need you to be in trouble on my account.” 
Giving her a half smile, Arthur walked towards the door. “Alright alright, I got the point.” 
As he stepped out, he realized you were following him. He treaded down the porch steps and turned slightly to give you a proper goodbye. 
Your face still held a smile of amusement, but there was a flicker in your eyes. Sadness? It disappeared at an instant as you spoke. “Arthur, you're a good man. Thank you again for everything you've done.” 
Arthur tilted his head in appreciation. “You have a good rest of your day now.” 
“You too,” you say. “And please don't hesitate to stop by sometime. My original offer is still up, if you're ever in the area.” 
“’Course,” he nodded. “I haven't forgotten. I'll swing by soon enough.” 
Your smile widened. “Then I’ll see you soon.” 
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themculibrary · 5 months
Peggy/Natasha Masterlist
A Minor Distraction (ao3) - orphan_account E, 3k
Summary: Rumors about an organization experimenting with the super soldier serum bring Peggy Carter to Russia, where she meets a young factory worker named Natalia.
Better Together (ao3) - rearranged (her_ghost) E, 5k
Summary: Peggy adjusted to life in the 21st century because she had no other option. One trip across space-time was an anomaly, or so she thought.
When she was yanked into an alternate universe by a being with incredible power to help fight against a multiversal threat, Peggy realized the idea of finding a way back to her time might be an achievable goal.
The Watcher told Peggy that her world, and that time, needed their Captain Carter. He showed her why with a few detours on the way home.
Carter (ao3) - crackdkettle G, 1k
Summary: An AU in which Peggy is the Winter Soldier, and she and Natasha have a remarkably uncomplicated relationship over the years.
Co-Captains (ao3) - orphan_account T, 4k
Summary: This is starting to move beyond normal co-captain behavior.
Coming and Going (ao3) - Anonymous M, 3k
Summary: Natasha tilts her head to allow Eileen access to her neck and, god, Peggy can’t help staring at her, just a little, hair mussed, vivid red lipstick smeared slightly, she looks like… She’s looking right at Peggy.
Right. The mission. The signal.
Disposition (ao3) - Anonymous E, 2k
Summary: Natasha and Peggy learn more about the other than they expected when they go undercover at a retreat for couples.
i break wild roses (ao3) - halfmoonsevenstars M, 7k
Summary: It’s August 1950 and Peggy Carter, Director of SHIELD, is back in New York for the week, wrangling diplomats and soothing fractured bureaucratic egos by day. By night, Peggy goes out for drinks and dancing with Angie, but it’s a beautiful Russian girl she brings back to the hotel room.
(I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons (ao3) - Eustacia Vye (eustaciavye) E, 6k
Summary: I love you for sentimental reasons. I hope you do believe me, I'll give you my heart.
I may never go home but at least I have you (ao3) - ziazippy5379 T, 1k
Summary: Peggy finds a woman in strange clothes in the alley behind her apartment.
Match Made (ao3) - fluffharpy E, 16k
Summary: "What about you?" Peggy asked over a disposable cup of tea, the exasperation in her tone for once not coming from the fact that there was something subtly unnatural about trying to drink hot liquid out of a plastic lid. Her gaze locked on Natasha Romanoff seated across the table from her, full of righteous challenge. "Who are you dating?"
The look Natasha gave being called on her game, skeptical and just a bit petulant, was gratifying.
"If you're so eager to find me a date," Peggy said, imperious, "then you'll have to find one for yourself as well."
peggynat (ao3) - slayyybestie N/R, 3k
Summary: tumblr requests for peggynat fic
Remember When (We Used To Be) (ao3) - flipflop_diva T, 1k
Summary: Peggy stared, her heart thudding in her chest, her hand that was still holding the gun shaking. Those green eyes. Those beautiful green eyes. It couldn’t be. It couldn’t. It was impossible.
“Natalia,” she whispered
“Who the hell is Natalia?”
show me how to fight for now (ao3) - hallowed (AMRainer) T, 1k
Summary: there's nothing as intimate as dancing ; and Natalia knows exactly which steps to take.
undercover in our overcoats (ao3) - Dayadhvam T, 5k
Summary: Prague, 1968. Neither Agent Carter nor the Black Widow would have called it anything like love.
what you can't bear to lose (ao3) - Melime T, 7k
Summary: A mission gone wrong leaves Peggy and Nat buried under the debris of an exploded building, and although they are rescued, the danger of the situation forces them to confront their feelings for each other.
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bcacstuff · 4 months
Hello, my name is Samsonite. Although everyone knows me as Sam. I am SH's cabin suitcase. And I'm terribly exhausted. I need a vacation, how paradoxical. When I decided to work as a suitcase, no one warned me how hard my job would be. The year has started strong. I don't want to think, it's only February. I think I'm in Mexico, there is a strong smell of tequila. But who knows, I'm confused. I guess it's the jet lag. I'm tired of so many stickers. They are doubled, tripled! Oh God and here comes the flag of Mexico. I can't rest in the hotel either. All those athletic blondes just talk stupid things. I think I'll have a tequila or two. Oh God! He is preparing another trip for Valentine's Day! And then we're going to Australia, I can't take it anymore. My salary doesn't compensate for this! Goodbye
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neckromancy · 3 months
Not self ship related.
I've barely told anyone but I've decided to fuck it all and book my dream vacation.
I've been saving up since I was 19 to go to New Zealand. I am 31 now. I've had enough savings for a while and it has actually caused me so much financial distress to have so much money in my bank account; any financial benefit was forfeit despite being low income. I've saved hard with the little that I've always had. Only since a year ago I became more financially stable, although old habits die hard, I am still quite scarce in what I spend on food, living etc... I've always prioritized my dream vacation. The thing to keep going for, the reason to live, etc etc.
I've not booked my holiday because I had fear of going alone. I have autism and I get stressed out easily, and when I get stressed, I basically blank out, nothing makes sense anymore, and I basically go crazy (not in an angry way, but just a very upset way).
However, I've been grinding my gears so hard over this. None of my friends shared this dream and only in recent years it had come to light that some are interested. Issue is that they never saved up for it, and I honestly felt my heart dropp when they told me they would be ready no sooner than 2029.
A lot can happen in those years. They can lose interest, they can fail to bring up their savings, any of us can get cancer and die - YES this is literally where my mind goes. I genuinely often think about getting some terminal disease before I can go. I'll also be closer to 40, I am overweight, will I be as capable of going? It brings a lot of anxiety. Heck, what if my financial situation turns around again and I have to go back the way I lived before? My savings started draining VERY hard because I had to find out I cannot work fulltime and I had to eat away at my New Zealand money, watching my dream falter slowly, because any financial benefit... I was just not eligible for unless my savings would lower drastically.
So I've been thinking for a couple months now, more than half a year actually... about going alone after all. I've had so many talks in therapy, with fellow colleagues, just... people, about the situation, and honestly... I've cut the tie.
I'm going to New Zealand. I'm like ... crying over how much stress it is giving me, yet also joy. I've booked a trip and paid for the deposit. To pay for the rest I am still managing bank administration.
It's just giving me SO much stress though.
I've had to do the one thing I hate: install a banking app on my phone. It is the only way for me to do a payment above the 5k threshold, they literally won't let me do it through the browser (I tried, I called them, and I hate phone calls). I had to order a credit card because it is the only way to get my e-visum, along with accidentally uploading the wrong photo which means that I have to re-do it after they find the mistake in a few days, which I also needed to install an app for... gods!
I never wanted my phone to be involved with any financial things, but I suppose it's worth it for my dream vacation.
But here's the thing.
I did not tell the friends yet. The ones I'd go with. I am still too heartbroken by the 2029 shocker. I don't know how to tell them I'm going by myself, that I said "fuck it, 2024 is my year" and went ahead with it.
It's why I am posting about it on this blog and not my personal one, one of them follows me there.
I don't really know how to deal well with this. I'll first focus on getting my administration sorted, because god damn.
A cancellation insurance costs another 500 euros, and for what? The small chance I end up hospitalized and cannot go anymore? I have 6 more days to pick it up... but for now I am too stressed. It's just so much to do all of this by myself.
Oh, and the only reason I am capable of doing this alone is because I am taking a guided tour. No way I could do without, I have no driver's license or anything. The tour includes the flight, the hotels, the travel... it's nice. I just need to do a separate booking to visit Hobbiton, obviously I am going to Hobbiton. For that I also need to wait for my credit card...
I'll be so relieved when all administration is done.
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pendarling · 1 year
Methods Of Havoc
Exorcist x Ghost // Exorcist vs Ghost
• Part 2 > End >>
They weren't too particularly excited to go out again. It was the same as always for the preacher.
A few months' worth of a trip from point A to point B had them prepare enough money and a few rations on their way to their new home. It was a small plot of land passed down to them from a passing relative. From there, they would move in and start over again to rebuild their religious foundation. Most of their work was committed to converting all lost souls to the newfound truth. Instead of being seen as a figurehead, they were simply known as the "Travelling Exorcist," which wasn't wrong. Still, it had left them with a rather… interesting impression of all their work so far.
At least there were some perks to becoming the most popular expeller among the villagers. Free food, a nice place to stay, and even some friendly faces.
"Could you take care of that? I'll give you about a hundred." Another villager dimly stared off at the distant home.
"I'll add double if you can get rid of it."
Was it really that bad?
Exorcist smiled shyly, "I'm not sure if I want to deprive you all of your earnings--"
"I'll tell you what!" A loud voice boomed behind them, "You stay here for as long as you need; I own that hotel just down there. As long as this town is spirit-free, I'll do anything!"
Exorcist gulped; the townspeople seemed to have developed a known hatred for this cursed ghost. It must've been a powerful one, and although Exorcist had dealt with those types before, they never had done it alone. Each town had another religious figurehead or a person capable of fighting spiritual beings, and they always tagged along. Still, it seemed this place was barren of anything similar to that.
Inside their caravan were several valuable items and even some other trapped spirits. They contemplated if they could convince those other wretched things to do the hard part.
In any case, they were sure in for it.
It wasn't anything too grand. Almost boring Exorcist to death; their eyes turned toward a small glimmer of light in the corner of their vision.
A tall, smooth figure stood with about as much care as the rest of the room. Dull glowing eyes caught their own for a split second. Exorcist discreetly ignored the ghost's stare.
They always knew their extraordinary eyesight had allowed them to see things beyond the living, which was why Exorcist had gotten so good at their job.
The villager directed Exorcist's attention to the kitchen, "I used to live here for about six months back in July and couldn't stand the mess on the floor here." Exorcist nodded, their vision still making out the cold figure silently watching from a distance. "I'll probably come in a few times a week to drop off some food for you."
They followed the ex-homeowner to the living room, still pacing further behind them. The hallways were narrow, with wood chipped in each corner and wallpaper torn. Exorcist scanned the dusty shelves and eerie lamps aligning the walls. They heard the other gasp and watched the ex-homeowner step back, yelling with shock.
Quickly, they caught up and saw what had startled them, "behind me!" they ran up to the living room and were astounded to find a neatly stacked set of fine porcelain tea sets. They went vertically upwards in an impossible figure, unmoving.
Exorcist flung their eyes open, their heart pacing again, and the other hid behind them. "S-see!? This is the kinda bullshit I had to put up with!"
They felt their arm pulled to the side by the distressed ex-homeowner, pulling them back from the scene. Exorcist examined the room. It was empty; the ghostly figure must've disappeared.
"Calm down… there's nothing to be scared of." Their hands tangled as they were pulled back further. It seemed like the ghost was sneaky as much as they were playful.
"What'll you do?!"
"Uh…" Exorcist pondered for a moment, they certainly had no plans of staying, but it would be more convenient to get this over with so they could continue their journey.
"You'll stay, right?"
They sighed and nodded reluctantly.
Part 2 >
End >>
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luke-o-lophus · 2 years
Till the Candle's Out (Part 2)
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Read part 1 here although this can be read stand-alone too
Summary: Four days ago, you'd appeared at Marc's doorstep, having taken out people after his life. As Marc had taken in your battered and bruised form, emotions had spilled. Confessions had been made. But as life slowly trickles back to normalcy, how do you figure out what the new normal is going to be? What with a man who's terrified (and terrible) with spoken words, and you, trotting beside him on eggshells.
Warnings: injury recovery, partial nudity but nothing sexual.
It takes you two days. Two full days of bed rest, mostly in a drugged sleep. By day four you're in some shape to move around. A short trip to your old hotel room to pack your stuff, and you both are halfway across the state by evening.
Marc finds a fancy hotel. You both deserve it, you know. There's a proper bath, a plush couch, a bed far softer than anything you're used to. You sink into the mattress when you sit, curious gaze following Marc who moves busily around the room. "I don't need anything", you sigh seeing him pull out his trusted medi-kit.
"Bullshit", he mutters, producing a half-empty tube of ointment. "Take off your shirt."
"Whoa, at least buy me dinner, Spector", you mutter mirthlessly, earning a groan from him. You comply however, leaning back against the cushioned headboard. Marc's brows are pinched, lost deep in his own mind as he scans the healing bruises splattered across your torso. They've faded, purple and black giving way to browns and yellows. But every time he sees them, it's takes him back to the first time.
"Marc", you call, hand resting over his. His eyes snap up at you, excuse ready at the tip of his tongue. But he swallows it seeing the look on your face. "it's just.." he sits himself in front of you. "You're ...gonna be in pain for a while...and I'm not good with that."
"It'll pass, it was worth it", you say softly. Talking to Marc is a careful dance, and a small off-comment might send him into a spiral. "But it's the last time you're doing this", he unscrews the ointment and squeezes out a dollop. "You're not going in alone with those men again. They're far too dangerous. I'll join you, if you have to" You open your mouth in practised protest but stop when his fingers start smearing the white cream on your bruises. He does have a point.
He's being gentle, but your skin is still far too tender. A stroke over a particular spot has you whining and grabbing his wrist. "S-slower", you request almost apologetically. He nods, shifting closer and starting again, lip sucked under his teeth in concentration. But soon, you're whining and squirming out of his reach again. "S-sorry", you grunt in frustration. "I don't know what's wrong with me today..."
"It's been a long day. You rest, I'll get some ice", Marc shrugs, capping the tube and tossing it aside. A hand on his wrist stops him. He blinks stupidly for a moment, then looks up to take in your indignant pout. "I don't want ice. Or painkillers. I'm tired of sleeping", you hold his gaze with determination. Marc's lips are pressed in an unimpressed line, but he can hold on only so long when you're sticking out your lip like that. His shoulders sag in a sigh of defeat as he relents with a,"Fine, what do you want?" It's your turn to stare dumbly, because you know what you want. In vivid clarity. But words die on your tongue while your mind screams 'Hold my hand, hug me, stay in bed with me, I need you'
"I-I.." you stutter, warmth blooming on your face, eyes flitting nervously. "Can you...can you stay?" Marc's eyes narrow in obvious confusion, and who could blame him? You were going back to America together, trying to keep thugs off your trail : that was the plan decided upon. Of course he is going to stay, what else has he been doing? "Not like that, I mean..I know..", you begin again, trying to find words that don't sound overtly needy. Words that don't put him on the spot. The last thing you want is him doing things he doesn't want to because he feels like he owes you something. After your conversation few days back, even a hug right now would be loaded with meaning and implications. Is Marc even ready for that, would he even want to? Having feelings and acting on them are two entirely different things, the latter not a privilege that comes easy. You don't want Marc holding you like a lover when all he wants to convey might be gratefulness. Apology. Sympathy, maybe?
"Hey", he calls again, pulling you back from the small spiral. "Is this..." His fingers trail down your forearm to gently link his fingers with yours. He scoots closer, seating himself against the headboard, your joined hand resting on his thigh. "...Is this alright?"
Something as simple, as chaste as this shouldn't make your heart race. But as you shyly rest your head on his shoulder, you're almost positive he can hear your heart thumping loudly. "S'good", you whisper, resting your face on the crook of his neck and pressing a shy little peck on the fabric of his shirt. Beneath your lips, you feel a shudder pass through him. Then a press of soft warm lips on the top of your head, and a barely there whisper of "Good"
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ms-m-astrologer · 8 months
Hi Ms M, hope you're doing well these days!
Gots you a question aboot eclipse season (henceforth=ES). You always throw in a Charles & Diana warning (which btw I don't understand? did they get engaged or married during one?) and advise against starting anything new or major.
I've been planning an overseas trip and researching it since before ES, the trip itself will not be till November - ie after ES. Now, at this pace it looks like I'll be ready to do the bookings during ES (dunno if it matters whether it happens before or after the new moon eclipse?). Can't tell hotels and flights not to get their November listings booked till my woo woo ass clears ES on Oct 31 😂🌚 Y'know?
So what say you? Would this scenario incur any, uh, unpleasant surprises just because I did the bookings part of things during the dreaded ES?
Placidus chart: my 10th house starts in Libra (though it occupies a good chunk of the 9th, where the new moon eclipse at 21°08’ falls) and my 5th starts in Taurus (again, at 5°09’ full moon eclipse falls in the chunk of Taurus that's in the 4th). Naturally, this would imply a Cappie ascendant. Sigh.
Ms M. Je suis confused. And slightly terrified of awful things happening. Especially with all the big red screaming warnings about ES and the damned, doomed, and generally gulptastic Libra season that accompanies it.
Thank you for existing and doing your li'l thing here. ☮
You’re welcome! Thank you for the feedback, too.
Diana and Charles married in the shadow of the eclipse, which is why I always mention it. Although that was 40 years ago and maybe I need to look for something more recent for all those Pluto/Sag people………!
Usual disclaimer about needing to see the whole chart - I think your trip is going to be fine - booking during ES isn’t the same as actually traveling during ES.
And since Libra season is indeed an almighty b!tch this year, you’ll enjoy November travel even more. Take me?!?!! Blessings, ❤️❤️❤️
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clover-46 · 10 months
I'm just giving out crumbs that's all. This praise gonna have me blushing and shit sheeeesh
But I bring you Bartender Gavin in this time of hunger.
Gavin has the social skills to be a good bartender and the face to pull in lots of tips each night (no pun intended. Or maybe it is idk) he has people gathering at the counter to watch the up and down motions when he's mixing drinks. The apron he wears around his waist cinches just right that who needs corsets in this day and age. (He would totally rock that trend of "you bring the corsets I'll bring the cinches, no one wants a waist over... Nine inches")
People are sliding him napkins with their numbers every night. Some people even hand him their hotel room cards. Sometimes he takes them up on the offer and rails them into the mattress so hard that noise complaints are piling in. But most of the time he simply gives them a charming smile to lessen the awkward pain of rejection.
If he is wearing sleeves, you bet those are rolled up. Most of the time he's just wearing a sleeveless shirt since it can get a bit warm. Whenever hes mixing, pouring, shoveling ice his arms are constantly flexing with every movement. In the dim lighting of the bar it's the most mesmerizing shit to watch.
Freelancer, like every college kid, goes out to drink with their friends. Lasko recommended the place (he's been here a few times and taken a few rounds with a certain bartender if you catch my drift). They decided they want to get Damien drunk and see if they can drink Huxley under the table. Most of their thoughts rush out their head at the sight of Gavin, leaning on the counter as he flirts with another customer. They watch, transfixed, as he pulls the cherry from their drink and puts it in his own mouth. And maybe their soul just left their body.
"Aren't you the little voyeur." A smooth voice purrs in their ear. It takes him grabbing their DAMN sweater collar so they don't fall backwards onto their ass. They aren't breathing with his hand so close to their neck. Gavin notices, of course, and lifts a finger to trace their jugular before letting go of them. "Can I get you a drink, voyeur?"
They can't remember the drink names they had been thinking of ordering so they just ask "can I get some cock...tails?" And they don't know why they paused in the middle of the order (yes they do. Gavin's gaze is VERY distracting) and he's laughing before asking them which kind.
It takes several moments before they bring the drinks back. Damien is wondering what took so long and Huxley wonders if they're okay. Lasko is just sending them a sympathetic look. He's been in their shoes multiple times. It's an attention you dread and enjoy at the same time.
After they finish off their drinks and Freelancer gets the courage to return, Gavin is already waiting for them, playing with a cherry stem. He asks what they would like and they just ask for what he would recommend. He works here after all, so he would know what's good. As if this is a restaurant.
"Oh there's plenty I would love to give you, my little voyeur. But how about sex on the beach with a blowjob to accompany it?"
They're just staring at him and he grins before explaining that both are drinks and what they contain. Freelancer just gives a shaky nod and Gavin starts making the drinks. After he's done he hands the drinks to them and leans in closer.
"Although if you're interested, the offer is open. I can do lots with my tongue" before pressing the tied cherry stem into their hand and stepping away to the next customer.
- 🙊
speaking of gavin did you know he’s getting a sleep aid soon im vibrating in my bed thinking about also DEAR GOD THIS WAS A FUN ONE TO READ
classic gavin
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freelancer is always tripping or something in these (id be too shit).
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wwjfjdg-blog · 2 years
starting fresh
Hello! This first blog post is hopefully going to cover my journey from my home in the UK to my new home in the south of Kumamoto prefecture, Japan. I'll try not to make it too long.
August 20th, 2022, Heathrow airport. The drive to the airport was oddly... normal. My parents, partner, and I chatted like we would have on any other day. I think that my parents and I purposely 'forgot' the fact that I was moving away until we got to the drop-off point outside the terminal, so once we arrived, there were a few moments in which we sat slightly apprehensively. Though we wouldn't see each other for some time, none of us really wanted an overly emotional goodbye, so I appreciated them for helping me to get on with it as though it were nothing more than a weekend trip. It was then into the airport to meet the other people from the UK heading out on the program. Even though there were around 100 of us, I actually ended up eating alone in the airport which was not a very me thing to do. Perhaps the gravity of what I was about to do was hitting a little bit, but I think that I just needed a little bit of space. I sat in an Italian restaurant and ate a pizza as I'd heard that pizza was expensive in Japan.
Cue 24 hours of airports and flights - ouch. We flew 11.5 hours to Doha, Qatar, and then, after a few hours layover, another 10 on to Tokyo. It was a lot of flying and I didn't sleep at all (my first day on my own and I was already making poor life decisions, whoops), but other than that, the flights were fairly easy and had very little turbulence.
August 21st, 2022, Tokyo. We landed in Tokyo on the evening of the 21st, and took an hour-and-a-half bus ride to the hotel in Shinjuku. Whilst the flights were tiring, and although I only had 2 days in Tokyo, I still did my best to make the most of the time there. The first full day there, after a full day of conferences and lectures, I fancied a run so I headed out to explore a little. I ran around 代々木公園 (Yoyogi park) and grabbed some breakfast for the next few days from a 7/11 before heading back. It was only about 7km, but in my defence, it was over 30°C and 100000% humidity. Feeling slightly like I wasn't taking enough advantage of being Tokyo, I decided to get up early the next morning in order to head to Shibuya. I walked through the park again and then had a coffee in the Starbucks that overlooks Shibuya crossing before doing a little bit of exploring in the surrounding area. After some more lectures, I went out and sang Karaoke with a few of the other people on the program and then headed back to the hotel to get some rest; we were leaving to fly out of Tokyo at just after 6 the next morning. These are the only pictures that I took in Tokyo but I thought I'd share them here (my inability to take photos is one of the things that I plan to work on in my time here).
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August 24th , 2022, Kumamoto. I arrived at my new home around midday on a Wednesday after flying down from Tokyo and then driving for around an hour and a half into the countryside. I have to thank my coworkers for the lovely welcome and help that they provided when I arrived because without them, it would have been a tricky day. We went out and bought some furniture, food and other essentials before they dropped me back at my appartment. With that, my journey was complete, I had travelled 6000 miles from home and was now sat on a single sofa in an empty apartment. I might have been fairly overwhelmed if it hadn't been for the fact that I was absolutely shattered (Maybe not sleeping on those planes was a good thing after all???). I called my partner and my parents to let them know that I had arrived safely and then headed to bed. First step of my 'fresh start' complete.
It's now the middle of October, almost 2 months from when I arrived, but I thought that considering what this blog is going to be about, the journey to get here was a good first post. There are a few things that I plan to write about on this blog, goals, thoughts on different aspects of life here, plans, etc, though I have no idea when I'll get around to writing them. For the moment, here are some rather lovely photos of the area I now live in:
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I think that's probably enough for now so thanks for reading; I'll hopefully see you soon with another blog post.
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mrs-theirin · 4 months
6 15 26 for the road, the hidden truth, and you!! <3
6 (what do you need to write? is there anything special you need to do/have to help your creative flow?) - first off hiiii alex i love you second off i usually don't need anything super specific, but if i'm having trouble focusing i will put on instrumental music to fill the silence, because usually, lyrical music will distract me lmfao although i have been known to also put on eden's playlist when writing about her, those songs i can blur the lyrics out because i've listened to them a lot
15 (was there anything you had to research for this fic? do you usually do a lot of research?) - lmfao YES i had to look up how long it would take to drive from las cruces, new mexico (now actual kirkwall in the rewrite, but it's still where las cruces is) to new york city and then i had to split that up evenly during the road trip, and i had to make sure the time zones were right (i did not have to do that. to be clear. but i did).
live 2020 reaction when i realized i was not thinking about the time zones
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then (if you count this as research) i had to find songs that correlated to the state that they were in to put lyrics at the beginning of each chapter. other than that, no. everything else was pretty simple i think. i DID do some research on how to hijack a car without pulling out the wires but my research led me to "you can't" so i just pretended like i didn't see that and went with the good ol "omg wow eden doesn't know how these kids did it and also it is never ever explained" akdhsskhdn
26 (wild card! i'll tell you a fun fact about this fic) - ummmm lemme think. my first thought always goes to the screenrant article that shit is so so cool but that's a tired fun fact lmao i say as much in the beginning of both fics, but the idea was given to me by @merrybandofmurderers and i just ran with it, so really, if you like it, you should all be thanking scottie. OOH a good one is um.
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found out most hotel beds are pretty far apart. but we're ignoring it again <3 yayyyyy for ignoring things. anyway that's it i think. wait also fun fact this fic inspired the idea of modern au + band au eden/anders but i never fully fledged that out. maybe someday
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Kakehashi 2022 - Day 0
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Now that the background info is out of the way, I can start talking about the trip itself! First off, there's day zero; the travel/transit day.
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Day 0
Given that we all live in the States, we had quite the long flight ahead of us. Between the connection flight to ATL and the long-haul flight across the pacific to Haneda, we were in the air for at least 15 hours, maybe more. This was absolutely grueling; made worse by the fact that I didn't get any sleep the night before and that I had missed breakfast before leaving home. The night before, one of us had a close call with the documentation that Japan requires for the quarantine fast-track program, nearly costing them the trip; fortunately they were able to get it straight in the end. (With only a couple hours to spare at that!)
This was my first time overseas, and also the first time I had flown at all in many years, so I made a few mistakes in my carry-on packing. I had the right-side aisle seat. My bag ended up in an overhead bin across in the left-side aisle, so I couldn't reach it during the flight, leaving me with just what I had on me at the time. I quickly learned that I wouldn't be getting any sleep on the flight either, being a tall person without a properly reclining seat or something to lean on. The only saving graces were the pillow that Delta provides and the in-flight movies. Without those, I might have gone insane lol.
We arrived at Haneda at long last, having chased the sun across the sea. My phone was having a wonderful (hard) time figuring out what day it was, at least until I got it properly connected to the cell network. As a sidenote, I can now highly recommend Google Fi in Japan; I had full signal for the entire trip on my US-model Pixel 6. It doesn't even support all the cell bands that Japan typically uses, so why do I have dead spots at home but not there!?
Quite unlike most airports I had been to before, Haneda's exit terminal was run like a well-oiled machine, churning thousands of people through each hour. It was extremely well-staffed, having people handing out fliers detailing the recent changes to the quarantine requirements, along with what documentation would be needed shortly. Customs went smoothly, although the worker understandably didn't speak English. (Or at all, for that matter. Japanese would have been better than just pointing at things to me lol.)
Inside the exit terminal at Haneda:
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After claiming our bags and regrouping, we met up with JICE and were brought to a tour bus. At this point, it was nearly sundown in Tokyo, so we headed straight to the hotel in Koto-ward/ku (just east of Chuo-ku). On the bus ride, I saw all sorts of new and unfamiliar sights, such as "buildings with multiple floors" and "stores". (Joking aside, the southern US is definitely not famous for its infrastructure or wealth.) I also got to see the edge of Odaiba (which I went to later!) and Tokyo Big Sight on the way in, albeit partially obscured by buildings.
The Hotel was much better than I was expecting, being one of the largest buildings in that part of the city. My room was relatively small compared to US hotels, but it had everything I needed and then some, amenities-wise. But the biggest unexpected detail was the view out my window. It was jaw-dropping, having an unobscured view of the cityscape, including a perfect view of the Skytree. (See video clip below!) I wasted no time though, passing out as soon as I got settled in the room for the night, getting some greatly-needed rest for the days ahead.
Interior of the hotel room:
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View of the Skytree at night:
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Morning cityscape pan:
To be continued…
(Also, later on I'll include some full-res photo albums of each day, rather than just the highlights that I've included here.)
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periodicreviews · 2 years
Momocon 2022
On Memorial Day weekend, I went to Momocon in Atlanta, GA. With this being the first convention I'd been to since December of 2019 and my first out of state vacation since February 2020, I was definitely nervous about being around so many people. The convention itself was a mixed experience, but overall the trip was well worth the insane gas prices and extra time involved in driving rather than flying.
So why Momocon? Megacon happened a week or two ago in Orlando and I could have easily driven 30 minutes to get there but I didn't. That maybe speaks more to not wanting to deal with the circus that is Megacon and having increasingly negative experiences there.
Part of it was realizing that I had Memorial day off from work and feeling like I should go somewhere. Another part was the musical lineup which included Mega Ran, Richie Branson, and Substantial. Those first two I've seen several times and they've never disappointed. Substantial is someone I've only seen on streaming so I wanted to experience him in person. The third part was that I was going to be able to stay at a friend's place that I hadn't seen in awhile. Although counter-intuitive, that felt more comfortable than dealing with a hotel and more strangers with unknown habits, even if that meant everything wasn't necessarily sanitized before my arrival. Finally, I felt like I needed a bit of training before another vacation I have planned for October, when I'll be in a completely new city and flying for the first time in 2.5 years.
I should also mention that the con explicitly said that masks were required in all indoor areas, whereas I don't think Megacon had any kind of announcement like that. Though even with that "rule", I had no way of really knowing if it would be enforced at all, but some attempt was better than nothing.
I got on the road at about 530am in an attempt to avoid the expected traffic that comes with a holiday weekend. 95% of the drive was relatively stress free, though as I got closer to Atlanta, a number of accidents appeared which slowed me down a bit. Once I got into downtown, the traffic was the nightmare that I had always heard about and up till that point only experienced in the passenger seat. It reminded me a lot of driving on the beltway in DC, though slightly less stressful than that because I was in a car and not a giant truck.
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After meeting up with a different friend for a meal, I headed to my friend's house to park and ride the train downtown as I had no appetite for any more driving.
Day 1
Once I approached the convention center, I was struck by how many black cosplayers I saw.
It might seem obvious that a convention in Atlanta is going to have a higher percentage of black people based on the demographics of the city. But it also stands out in contrast to all the other conventions I've been to in Florida/Austin,TX/Boston,MA having so much fewer (at least from my casual observations) black people in attendance. Although I've been to Anime Weekend Atlanta several times, it never stood out to me, so maybe I'm just noticing it and it's always been like that in Atlanta. Or it could be that Marietta is just demographically different.
According to Census.gov 2021 estimates, Atlanta is 40.4% white and 49.8% black or African American. While Marietta is 53.4% white and 32.3% black or African American. For Orlando, it's 57.4% white and 24.2% black or African American. So my casual observations seem to line up with the data. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/orlandocityflorida,atlantacitygeorgia,mariettacitygeorgia/PST045221
Once I got inside, it was apparent that the mask rule was not going to be enforced. Maybe half the people had some kind of mask on. While the other half either had nothing or it in various states of falling off their face. I was disappointed but thought to myself that despite what everyone else is doing, hopefully my N95 mask will truly provide the advertised protection. There were a surprising number of old fashioned bird beak plague masks and I couldn't tell if they actually had any kind of filter inside or if they were trying to make a statement about how masks are pointless.
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After picking up my badge, I was funneled into extremely tight quarters on an escalator packed with people. I started to immediately regret my decision of even making the trip in the first place and began to have flashbacks to similar tight quarters at Megacon. It’s not so much the fear of Covid in that moment but just the idea of being pressed against random people and the fear of being crushed.
Once through the entrance gauntlet, things were a little more spread out but it was clear that there were a lot of people at this event and it had me questioning why I had picked such a large convention for this first outing. I was also questioning the design of the building, since the hallways seemed entirely too narrow for the number of people that were at this convention. I can only imagine what it must have been like at the previous venue for this convention which was apparently smaller.
I wandered into the exhibit hall to try to figure out where the stage was for the concert with Mega Ran, Richie Branson, and Substantial. I think the increased space was here in the exhibit hall, rather than in hallways or rooms, though there was still the same problem here at entrance/exits as people were funneled into a small space.
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As I came upon the arcade, I was definitely impressed with the sheer number of DDR machines as well as the variety of other games that I normally don't see like Dance Maniax. Dance Maniax is similar to DDR but you wave your hand over what I assume is an IR sensor in time with notes that appear on screen. There are sensors on two sides so you have to wave both above and below with your right and left hands. I was struck thinking how perfect it is to have a game like this that doesn't require any touching (aside from the buttons to start/select songs) in this Covid timeline. They also had Dance Evolution which uses the Kinect and truly has no touching involved.
Anyway, onto the show, which I showed up at probably 745pm for the supposed 8pm start time. Everyone was seated despite there being open floor space near the stage, so I took a seat near the front with the intention to get up once the main acts showed up.
They had a DJ who was playing a bunch of mashup tracks, which normally, I would be really into. But as he continued to play more tracks after 8pm, I steadily lost my patience since it seemed like they were just stalling for time. When he played a mashup of some Snoop Dogg song and Down with the Sickness, I really died inside. I thought he was just like the opener, but looking at the event flyer, I see DJ Rockman is in fact listed.
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Next up was Soy is Real, who I was surprised to hear was from Orlando. He had some solid beats, but the whole time I was thinking something was missing. Maybe the other performers felt the same way, so at various points they came up to do some freestyles or at least attempt them. Obviously it’s a lot harder to freestyle and there's a clear skill gap between Mega Ran and the others.
Prior to any of the performers joining Soy, I was kind of waiting for a beat that I really enjoyed to get me out of my seat and up onto the floor. The beat never really came, but after I watched one guy get up, I felt like I should join him. I was pleasantly surprised to realize he was Mark Cooper who is another nerdcore rapper that I enjoy.
Next up was Shinobi Stalin, who showed up in like a floral bath robe, which I appreciated as far as a way to establish stage presence and then of course to take off at some point in the set as he's heating up. I was again surprised to learn he was from Orlando since I hadn't heard of him or Soy before. I couldn't tell if it was technical difficulties with his microphone but I could not understand a word he was saying, even with taking my earplugs out. Mark Cooper then leaned over and asked if I could understand him and I realized it wasn't just me. Towards like the 2nd or 3rd song, it seemed clear that either he hadn't exercised his throat or he was sick because the strain in his voice was clear.
Things continued to go downhill with the 3rd performer, Afro Cocoa Puffs. She was introduced as a cosplayer/performer that had recently gone "viral" and she came out in a cosplay that I think is from Danganronpa. Her first song was about people complaining a character isn't black when a black cosplayer chooses to dress as them, which is very important message to try to get across in a song. The problem was with her performance because I again couldn't hear what she was saying. Unlike Shinobi's throat issue, I think she was just lip syncing or singing very quietly. It almost seemed like she didn't know the words of her songs. She also stayed very far back on the stage, almost on top of the DJ table which I don't think helped her engagement with the crowd.
I'm very aware of just how hard it is to be on stage and perform, so perhaps her issue is that she just isn't used to performing in front of crowds and was nervous. It’s very different to make videos online (if that's what she does normally) and then make the transition to performing live in front of a crowd. She also kept cutting off the songs after like 1 verse so I didn't feel I could get into them.
Next up was Raisi K, another DJ. During his set, people in the crowd decided to make a dance circle. I was kind of conflicted on how to feel. On the one hand, its people expressing how much they are enjoying the music. But on the other hand, it felt like a lot of the attention of the crowd was on the dancers themselves rather than the music. The guy was smiling the whole time so I can only assume that he took it in a positive light, particularly when the crowd was doing nothing for the previous performers.
Next up was Kadesh Flow who raps, sings, and plays the trombone. I can't remember if I've seen him in person but I've definitely seen a few streams and he was just as solid in person.
Finally we had arrived at the home stretch of the people I had come to see. Richie Branson is the artist that really got me into nerdcore in the first place with his Gundam Wing EP. He has a great stage presence and usually throws out a few solid jokes in his MC segments. Unfortunately, it seemed like he wasn't really prepared, he had this back and forth with the DJ on more than one song to figure out what the next track.
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By the time Substantial came on, I felt like the energy (and crowd) had drained out of the room. Mega Ran/Richie Branson were on the schedule for 930 and here it was 11pm and only Richie had performed. I also felt like a lot of people didn't know who Substantial was. It's unfortunate because his set was solid and he tried to teach the crowd a few things about artists that had influenced him.
When Mega Ran came on, I was kind of just checked out. At this point, I had spent the last 2 hours with an audience member in front of me constantly taking off his mask to cheer and then putting it back on. My neck was also starting to hurt so I went to go sit down. Mega Ran played Avalanche and I just could not get excited even though it's one of my favorite tracks.
He also made a critical error when talking about FFVII remake by confusing Beau Billingslea (who voices Barret Wallace in the movie), with the guy who voiced him in the video game. He complained that Beau sounded awful in the video game, which I realize was likely an unintentional mix-up, but a pretty big one given he's interviewed Beau.
Mega Ran always has a freestyle section of the show where he asks people to take things out of their pockets and hold them up as inspiration for a freestyle. I got up hoping that he would use my Toonami shirt. It was all good until I watch mask guy take off his mask and offer that to Mega Ran. I was so disgusted that this person would not only not understand masks so much but also jeopardize the health of a performer it seemed like he was enjoying. I really wish Mega Ran hadn't grabbed it and at that point I decided to leave. Mega Ran's set was ultimately cut short because they were far past the scheduled end time which was even more disappointing given how much time was wasted earlier.
I think I ended the night with a game of DDR and at my friend's insistence took an Uber home instead of the train. I think I had stayed past the last train departure time anyway.
You definitely get a different answer regarding the MARTA train system depending on who you ask. Personally I haven't felt unsafe on it, but I'm also not normally riding it at 1am alone. Maybe it’s part of that feeling like nothing bad will happen just because I haven't personally had a bad experience on it.
Day 2
I started off the day slow by going to a farmer's market and honestly considered not even going to the convention based on how disappointing the concert had been combined with the number of people and the lack of masks.
The best part of the weekend might have just been the time that I spent with my friend, which either speaks to how much I didn't enjoy the convention or how much I enjoyed just sitting on the porch of my friend's house and catching up.
Before heading to the convention, I needed something more to eat so I headed to a place called Verde Taqueria. They had a buffalo tofu taco which is something that I don't see many places so I was interested to try it. The buffalo sauce was fine, but the tofu itself was the cheap deep friend stuff that was just way too hard.
Things took a turn for the worse when it came time to pay. They had QR codes on the table that you had to scan to reach a webpage where you would apparently pay. It was my first experience with this and no matter what angle I used, my phone could not recognize the code.
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I was kind of panicking/embarrassed that I couldn't get this basic thing to work that clearly everyone else at this restaurant (who may be far less knowledgeable about technology than me) has no problem with.
Eventually the waiter came back and said that some people have trouble with it. He then brought over a paper bill to accommodate me. Obviously I dwelled over this small inconvenience all day as some big deal even though it's not but kind of is. Was it just my aging Sony Xperia XZ1 that just cannot handle some new QR codes? Or just my lack of indoor(though technically outdoor) dining experience in the world of COVID? Or just the QR code had some smudge on it at this particular table? The world may never know.
When I finally showed up to the convention, I think it was around 4pm and there were still a ton of people there, as one would expect on the Saturday day of any convention. I made my way to the vendor hall since when I tried to go on Friday, it was already closed.
As I perused the rows, I felt like I was burning up and I couldn't tell if the buffalo sauce tofu tacos from lunch had actually given me food poisoning or if the A/C in the vendor hall was off. Looking around at all the vendors and their conveniently placed Japanese style fans, I was definitely tempted to buy one right there. I think it was a combination of both things as eventually it felt cooler and my stomach felt better.
When I go to the vendor rooms these days, I'm looking for soundtracks that I can't buy digitally. I spotted the vendor that I've seen many times at Anime Weekend Atlanta and after not seeing anything catch my eye, I moved on. I spotted another vendor with perhaps everything I was looking for and more. Tubs filled with CDs organized in alphabetical order in a language I can't read. I didn't buy anything but I think I looked at 75% of the hundreds of discs they had.
From there, I made my way to the main stage in the exhibit hall where Phil LaMarr and Greg Baldwin were speaking as the voices of Jack and Aku from Samurai Jack.
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The panel started off a bit rough with some technical issues on stage with muting the background music and getting the proper microphones turned up.
For whatever reason, they had this intense EDM playing as the background music and I had to put in my ear plugs while I waited. Though my ears are more sensitive than others, it seemed like overkill to have it turned up to 11.
Eventually they brought the guests out and it was cool that Greg had showed up in an Uncle Iroh cosplay since he also voiced that character in Avatar: The Last Airbender.
I had mixed feelings about the moderator because he started off by going into questions about theater and topics that it seemed like he was personally into. I get that if I had the chance to interview people that I really liked, I would probably indulge myself in asking a question that was personally interesting to me.
The problem being is that the panel was billed as the stars from Samurai Jack, so I'm expecting those types of questions to be asked. If the conversation leads to theater, great, but at least give us what someone people showed up for first and maybe sprinkle in your questions in the middle. Overall it was an entertaining hour (though not quite because they started late).
I then headed over to another room to see a panel with Justin Cook who voiced Yusuke Urameshi from Yu Yu Hakusho. The start time came and went and we were all still sitting there waiting. After 5/10 minutes, the emcee got on stage to try to kill time and Justin showed up shortly after that. The panel got off to an interesting start with him showing off the records that he had purchased earlier. I kind of wish that there were more non-standard guest panels where instead of just taking questions, they are showing off something they love or their creative side.
But I soon got the impression that the moderator wasn't exactly up for the task of interviewing Justin Cook. She was aware that he had voiced Yusuke and a character from My Hero Academia (which I was unaware of), but it was this question that was disappointing.
"In the past, anime was mainly shonen battle type shows like Dragonball or stuff like Gundam, or shojo shows. But nowadays it’s so much more diverse. What are your thoughts on that shift?"
Justin's response was something to the effect that it's not that anime is more diverse now, but that companies are licensing almost everything that airs in a season, so it just seems like it is. He phrased it in the most polite way to say that she was wrong and it was a bad premise. But even putting aside that there are all these shows on streaming, there was still a good chunk of shows that made it to the US pre-streaming that were not shonen battle, Gundam, or Shojo. Things like Detective Conan, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost Stories, Elfen Lied, or even Hamtaro. You might have to dig deeper and there were certainly less options but they were there even if they didn't get played on Toonami.
Between this and some of the other questions, it just seemed like the moderator didn't necessarily do their research. Personally, if the emcee/moderator is doing more than just translating, I'm expecting some more researched questions beyond what the typical fan coming up to the microphone would ask. Anyone can ask "how did you get started" or "what's your favorite character".
One could argue that that is an interview style in itself. I've seen an interview with Larry King before where he said he could go into a sports locker room after a game, without knowing the sport or who won, and get through 5 questions with any player. He also talked about how he favors simpler questions because he believes that the guest should be talking 90% of the time and the focus shouldn't be on the interviewer.
I left the panel at about 7:30pm to head to get some food that was slightly higher quality than the convention center. The first place I tried "Kwan's Deli" was closed for the weekend so I went to a place called Bakara.
Although a bit of a walk and it had a very unassuming presence, it was still packed with people even at 8pm probably due to its Yelp rating. As I waited in line, I had a lot of time to think about what happened every time someone ordered.
The first being the spiciness scale. The cashier would describe it as American, medium, and Indian spicy. And as people ordered, most appeared to choose medium. I can't help by consider the psychology behind how the description of the spiciness choices as not just "mild" but "American" has to contribute to pushing some people to choose medium even if they would normally pick mild. Or maybe most people just pick medium by default. To me, picking “American” has the connotation that you are too weak to handle any kind of spice at all that people from other countries treat as just normal flavor.
Incidentally, based on reports from people who work at Taco Bell, Mild is their most popular sauce category, as opposed to Hot or Fire.
The second being that the cashier would tell the total price in pennies. So $13.65 would be 1365 pennies. It seemed like such a bizarre choice but hey, whatever gets you through the day.
I got my falafel pita, medium spicy of course, and headed back to Centennial Park to eat outside. It was fortunately a very nice night outside amidst the honking horns, the music blaring from car stereos, and the car accident that occurred like a block away.
Back at the convention, I went to this "Youtubers Live" concert. Nowadays when I go to shows, I stand more towards the back and always get that feeling that I'm giving off creeper vibes. This was particularly relevant because as the music started and a guy named Gabe was performing, I realized this was targeted at a much younger crowd. His music isn't something I will actively seek out, but it wasn't awful. But I left after a few songs and headed to the AMV room.
I had missed the AMV contest but they were thankfully replaying some of those videos. There were a couple that stood out: "Oh heck a seal" with Lil Nas X's Montero, one with Himouto Umaru-chan and Body Count's Institutionalized, and another with Ghibli footage to a song called "What's inside your butthole". The Body Count one I had seen before at AWA but it's always enjoyable to see the crowd enjoying Body Count.
Finally it was time for the anime rap takeover show on the main stage. One of the artists, Shwabadi, I had seen on a live stream somewhere so I was interested to see how he was in person. I got there at like 7:50pm and I realized my mistake and went to the arcade. I came back at like 8:05pm and they were still doing a sound check. 5-10 minutes later, this sound check was still in progress, no thanks to seemingly all 10 performers needing a microphone at the same time.
Since I wasn't really attached to seeing any of these artists, I just decided to leave and go back to the AMV room. From the issues on Friday night with the concert, to the issue earlier that day with the Samurai Jack panel, this just felt like the 3rd strike and it wasn't worth me waiting around till they could figure things out. I don't know if this time it was the fault of the performers or the crew, but regardless, it just felt uncoordinated.
At some point I left the AMV room and spent the next hour or two in the arcade playing Taiko Drum Master and Dance Maniax. This time when leaving, I did take the MARTA and there were a good amount of people from the convention on it, so it wasn’t just like me and whatever random creeper. Obviously if I was here as a single woman, I would probably still not have made the decision to ride it.
Day 3
When I arrived, I went to the vendor hall again and ended up purchasing two video game soundtracks, Shadow Hearts from the New World and Metroid Prime/Fusion. From what I could tell, these were not available digitally, with Prime/Fusion being something that I was very surprised to see.
I headed to the AMV room again and saw that they had food and drinks set up in a table in the back. Someone in the room later announced it was free leftovers from "AMV Brunch". I had seen that event on the schedule but figured it was just a euphemism and not actually brunch, but I gladly took them up on the offer even if it was just bananas and granola bars.
Next up was the Matsuriza Taiko Drum performance. I've seen them perform several times in Orlando, since they work at Disney, and it has always been entertaining. It was a much smaller scale setup with only 10 or so drums instead of their 50-100 performances. But the room was packed and the crowd loved every minute of it.
The entertainment comes not just from the music but from the physical comedy they add into the show as drummers "knock" each other off the drum sets or perform various tricks like throwing the sticks in the air.
When it came time to pick members from the audience, it was a little uncoordinated, perhaps due to the stage layout or the darkness in the crowd. I got concerned when they picked one of the loudest people in the crowd shouting "pick me!!!!!" and my fears were realized as he proceed to make himself the center of attention. As the leader of the group was instructing them, "Pick me" guy was showing off to the crowd. He was seemingly unable to follow directions to which the leader who’s originally from Japan asked "Do you speak English?" I couldn't help but laugh.
After the performance, I got in line for the Triforce Quartet. I had maybe listened to one song of theirs when I was preparing my list of events but I wasn't concerned about enjoying them since string quartets playing video game music is usually a sure bet for me.
Like the taiko drum show, they started on time which was a welcome departure from the rest of the weekend. They had some great Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy arrangements and the audience seemed to be enjoying it just as much as I was.
The member of the band who introduced the songs had a very dry sense of humor that was refreshing. When he took the mic after a piece he said for example, "That was Smash Ultimate, but you probably already knew that." I guess maybe nonchalant is a better word to describe his energy.
After the show I headed back to the game room for one final round of DDR.
I didn't really mention it before, but looking back on the weekend, the arcade is probably one of the more enjoyable experiences. Mainly for that ability to just jump onto a game with a random stranger and either they blow you away or you look like an expert. I also have not really been going to arcades to play DDR/rhythm games like I used to so it’s refreshing to feel like things are getting back to how they were.
In case you're wondering, it's not exactly easy to play DDR with an N95 mask on. And for that reason, many people were taking them off. Anyway, I ended up accidentally selecting a song/difficulty that 3 years ago I would have had no problem with but I quickly realized my mistake about 10 seconds in. After 3 songs, I was drenched in sweat and gasping for air. I headed outside and sat down for like 30 minutes and thankfully didn't pass out or throw up.
By that point, the con was over, so I headed back to my friend's place on the MARTA and then drove back south in the morning.
Overall, I enjoyed the weekend, in spite of the disappointments at the convention. I don't know if I would return to Momocon after such a rough experience without hearing some kind of review from next year or if there was a guest that I felt like I really had to see. I'm also not here just venting into the void, I politely filled out their post con survey with my issues.
I took some at home tests after I got back and both came back negative, despite also finding out that the day before I drove up, I had been around some COVID positive people at a food truck again. So thankfully I dodged both bullets.
In general, conventions don’t really have the luster they had for me back even like 5 years ago. Some of that is pandemic related. Large crowds are not really enjoyable still and also things that I once enjoyed have just inexplicably become less enjoyable. Some of it is maybe just fatigue or feeling like I’ve seen enough voice actor Q&A’s to last a lifetime. The main draw for Anime Weekend Atlanta after the first time was really the music and when a con doesn’t have that or the music ends up being disappointing, it kind of feels pointless, like why am I spending all this money to be bored? So maybe that’s also why I chose Momocon, to see if other conventions have something new or that I’ve been missing from only going to the ones here in Orlando for the most part.
I’m not sure where I was going with this but I felt there wasn’t enough existential dread in this piece so I needed to add it here at the end as I’m finally finishing this “review” a month after the convention. That’s all for now.
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yup-thats-me · 2 years
Meant to be || Johnny Depp x model!reader
a/n: Hola! So, I had this idea for a little while and wanted to write it. Hope you enjoy!! :D
pairing: Johnny Depp x model!reader
summary: when model!reader is sad that Johnny can't come to her show at the Carrousel du Louvre, her gang and Johnny has a way to cheer her up
warning: kind of seperation anxiety? Nothing serious. Insecurities, big fluffy ball gowns, cameras, and fluffy :))
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"You sure, Johnny you can't come?" Y/n asked softly, her eyes glistening.
"You know I would have of I could have, my love", Johnny whispered. "I wish I could hug you," he said.
Y/n and Johnny were miles apart right now. Y/n had come to France for the Paris fashion show that will be held in Carrousel du Louvre, tomorrow. Although she was accompanied by her friends Kendall, Bella and Gigi for the trip, but Johnny wasn't here to hold Y/n. Calm her when she'd get her nerves, tell her that she'll do great at the runway. Johnny had to stay back at LA, he had some scenes to shoot.
"I miss you," Y/n smiled weakly. "I do too, baby," Johnny replied, staring lovingly at his beloved girlfriend. "Go to sleep now, love. You need your rest. I'll call you tomorrow," Johnny continued before pausing a bit, and blew a kiss to Y/n who acted as if she caught it.
Giggling, Y/n hung up. Placing the phone on the nightstand, she pulled the sheets over her to let her tiredness take over her body and send her to a deep slumber. Y/n was woken by her phone buzzing from beside her bed. Stopping the alarm, she sat up on the bed, staring at nothing. There was a violent knock on her hotel room door. She rolled her eyes. She knew exactly who that was.
"Waiit you guys. I'm coming!" She shouted at the door. Opening the door, she was greeted with the smiling faces of Bella, Kendall and Gigi. They giggled as Y/n stood aside to let them in the room.
"Mornin' sleepyhead," Kendall smiled ruffling Y/n's hair. "Mornin' to you too."
"So. Excited for today?" Bella asked from her seat in one of the chairs. Y/n shook her head and sighed. "Yeah..." She drifted off. The girls got the sign and all went in for a group hug. They knew that Johnny was there for all of her shoes, to cheer her. But he wasn't now.
"Aww. C'mon babe! You'll see Johnny in two days!" Gigi tried to cheer her friend. "Yeah. In two days," Y/n sighed heavily.
"Well, you better get ready. We had a call. They're waiting for us at the venue," Kendall said. After chatting for a minute, the girls left the room to let Y/n get dressed. Meanwhile, they had something else to work on.
The fans outside the black limo were screaming the model's names as they walked towards the Carrousel du Louvre.
Y/n's balck sunglases shields her eyes as she grabs hold on Kendall's hand for support even when the body gaurds tried to push the screaming fans away from the models. Y/n was startled by the screams of her name. Walking as fast as they could, the girls finally arrived inside the auditorium. People were rushing from across the big hall, where the seats for the guests were placed, the make-up artists running around, the cameras and lights set in their positions.
"Hello, ladies. Come, hurry", the manager of the event, Mr. Fernandez, welcomed the girls and rushed them to the backstage.
The backstage was hustling and bustling with people. Models, costume designers, make-up artists, the photographer's, all doing their job to make the event perfect.
Y/n saw a chair with her name in the back of it, and nodded her head towards the others, telling them she'll go to her seat. The girls nodded and smiled in response.
"Hello, Ms. Y/n. I'm Lucy and I'll be your make-up artist today", a cheerful lady said as Y/n took her seat on the chair. Y/n smiled at Lucy politely.
Placing her phone on the dresser in front of her, Y/n looked at her reflection. Lucy stared at Y/n. She could see a hint of sadness in those pretty (e/c) eyes of her's. Thought she didn't wanted to seem nosy, so she let that slide.
Lucy started at Y/n's face. Applying the primer all over her face, she put some foundation, highlighter, blush. Y/n was done for her face and looked absolutely amazing in the nude makeup look (a/n : I'm sorry I don't know a lot about make-up 😖 and as always, change the look and the colour too if you don't like it:))
While Lucy was doing her hair, she saw Y/n looked gloomy. "You can go through your phone ma'am" Lucy suggested.
"Okay," Y/n smiled.
She the began at her hair. Lucy put some hair spray, combed through the (h/c) hair, played with the strands and th final product was a beautiful updo which Y/n had to admit, was very impressed with.
As Lucy was working on ber hair, Y/n was on Instagram scrolling through, when a particular post caught her eyes.
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Liked by 709,560 people
@et!news✓ Am I seeing this right or is it Mr. Johnny Depp with a bouquet in his hands? Who could that be for? We have news that super model Ms. Y/n L/n, Johnny's supposed girlfriend, is in Paris for the France Fashion Week, along with Kendall Jenner, Bella and Gigi Hadid. If Y/n's not here, who is the bouquet for? 🤔 Follow for more!!
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user79 can't you mind your own business,lady?
fan83 you have no buisness with whoever that bouquet might be for 🙄
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The post made Y/n a bit sad. Sure she didn't think Johnny was cheating on her, she could never. She trusts him with her life. What made her sad was, Johnny seemed genuinely happy in that picture but yesterday, he looked as sad as her. Not that he can't be happy without her presence, but with Johnny not there, her insecurities were catching up on her.
"We're done, ma'am", Lucy exclaimed. "I'll be back in a minute with your dress," she continued.
Y/n nodded her head. Looking back at the phone, she called Johnny. His phone seemed to rang before the beep for voicemail sounded. 'Hi, this is Johnny Depp. Can't pick the phone right now. Lleave a message!'
"Hey, John-John. It's me Y/n. The show will start in a hour and half. Wish you were here. Anyway. Call me me when you can. Bye!" Y/n said softly.
As promised, Lucy came back within a few minutes with a massive bag in her hand. She also had a helper to carry the bag. Seeing that, Y/n's eyes were blown wide. 'Does that contain my dress?' she wondered.
"Here, ma'am. Your dress," Lucy stated opening the zipper of the bag. The helper also helped her take out the dress.
When the dress was presented in front of Y/n, she was speechless. The dress was from Dior (a/n or any company you like:)) It was black bodice tulle dress.
"Oh my god", Y/n gasped grazing her palm on the dress. She was quickly taken to the dressing room where Lucy helped her get in the dress.
When she came out the dressing room, Kendall, Gigi and Bella were standing outside for her to come out.
"How do I look?" Y/n asked nervously. "Babyyyyy, you look stunning!" Kendall complimented, the others nodding their head in agreement.
Y/n saw that the girls had a mischevious grin on their faces. She had been friends with them long enough to say what caused that kind of smile. She knew this smile was one for mischief.
"I know that look, you three. Tell me what's on," Y/n exclaimed crossing her arms over her chest. "What? Can't we just admire our beautiful friend?" Bella smirked.
"Oh. I know you guys for a long time now. I can tell something's up," Y/n reasoned. "Pufffff! It's nothing. C'mon let's take some pictures", Gigi suggested, grabbing Y/n's hand taking the group to a secluded corner.
"You guys look awesome!" Y/n complimented her friends. They smiled in return. Y/n knew something was up but she let that slide for now.
After taking a dozen pictures on each of their phone, there was an announcement made. "My fellow ladies and gentlemen. The show will start in 25 minutes. I hope we all have a good time," the event manager, Mr. Fernandez announced.
The girls looked at eachother and started to walk to the main room. They sat and chatted. The costume designers also came once in a while to put the finishing touches to make sure everything was in place.
The show began within the next twenty minutes. "Hello, Ms. Gigi, Kendall, Bella and Y/n. You are called to by Mr. Fernandez. He's waiting for you. Follow me", a guy said coming into the room.
The girls got up and followed the guy. They were met with Mr. Fernandez. "We'll. Don't you all look gorgeous?" He smiled.
The girls smiled in turn. The que was set. There were a few models before them. Then Bella will go, then Gigi, Kendall and at last but not the least, Y/n. After Mr. Fernandez told them the arrangement, Y/n saw Kendall whisper something in his ear. Mr. Fernandez perked up with bright smile. The other two girls were giggling beside Y/n.
"Can someone tell me, what's going on?" Y/n questioned frustrated.
"There's nothing to worry about, miss L/n" Mr. Fernandez reassured her and left.
The models all stood in their assigned places, Kendall behind Y/n. The music began and the models started to walk out to the stage. Y/n could hear the cameras flashing. That also didn't quite helped her with her anxiety. She still wondered if Johnny had called back or not.
When Bella walked out, she was brought back to her senses. They walked the runway as gracefully as ever.
As Gigi started her iconic walk, Y/n put on her super model face. When Gigi made her u-turn, she came on to the stage. The skirt of her black gown moving with each of her step. She walked the runway perfectly.
But, she can to a halt when she reached to end of the runway. There, sat Johnny, her Johnny with a big smile on his lips and the bouquet in his hands. He smiled at her. She stood there frozen, then she heard Mr. Fernandez announce again. "Surprise, Ms. Y/n!" He called out cheerfully.
Kendall came running to Y/n, to tell her something. "You can go to him", Kendall smiled brightly. "Seriously?" Y/n asked unbelievably. "Yeah. Go ahead!" Kendall said smiling.
Y/n broke all her model-etiquettes and sprinted full force towards Johnny who had already stood up from his seat, and had walked on the runway himself.
Y/n's dress flowed graciously behind her as she ran for her long-waited embrace from her lover. She was pulled by Johnny for the biggest hug. Y/n was sniffling as she held on to Johnny, relieved to see him.
Johnny had also waited for their reunion for three weeks now. He couldn't help Kendall, Gigi and Bella enough for this. "I missed you so much!' y/n cried. "Sh. Sh. I'm here. I missed you too babygirl", Johnny calmed her.
After staying in that position for a few minutes, they parted. Johnny grabbed Y/n's face and kissed her passionately. He didn't cared that a million of people were watching them. He just was relieved to hold his love in his arms again.
Y/n was so lost in the moment that she couldn't even hear the audience cheering them on. People were clapping, shouting, whistling. They were also very happy to see them together.
Y/n came to her senses again. She turned around and looked at Kendall who was smiling at her. Then an idea sparked her head. "Johnny? Why don't you walk the runway with me?" She suggested.
Johnny hesitated for a moment before grabbing Y/n by the waist and walked along with her. There were cheers heard all around the hall. Kendall, Gigi and Bella were evidently jumping with excitement.
"EVERYBODY. GIVE IT UP FOR JOHNNY CHRISTOPHER DEPP!" Mr. Fernandez said through the microphone.
The music began once again, and the show continued. Even when Johnny walked the runway with Y/n, he was offered to stay and walk for the rest of the evening. Johnny gladly accepted the offer. The costume designers all hurried and found a number of dresses for Johnny to wear, which miraculously, thought Y/n, fit him perfectly. And, Johnny didn't need any extra makeup. He was as handsome as ever.
~time skip~
"You know Johnny, the last two weeks Y/n was all gloomy and sad. But now that you're here, you can see she's literally on cloud nine", Bella said eating a lettuce from her plate.
Johnny squeezed y/n's shoulders in a possesive manner and chuckled. Y/n, Johnny, Kendall, Bella and Gigi were out for dinner after the show. They were all chatting, catching up on each other's lives. Y/n was telling Johnny of how she spend her two long weeks by calling each other, facetime, scrolling through Instagram and all.
"But, you said you can't come today," Y/n whined.
Johnny looked at the three girls before him. They gave him a knowing look. Y/n saw them having conversations with their eyes, she gasped.
"I may have to thank the ladies for out little reunion, baby", Johnny smirked.
"Don't you tell me these three had planned this all along!" Y/n looked offended.
Bella stopped her eating and turned to look at Gigi. Gigi then proceeded to nudge Kendall, signalling her to speak up. "Actually we did..." Kendall drifted.
"We had set it up from the beginning. We also were able to convince Mr. Fernandez to let you do what you did on the runway," Gigi explained. Y/n's eyes were blown wide with surprise.
"And we also may have requested the designers from Dior to arrange some of their new clothing for Johnny so that he could walk the runway," Bella continued.
"Y-you three! How were you able to do that?" Y/n demanded shocked.
"You know, we all can take advantages of being celebrities!" Kendall giggled.
Y/n gave out a small giggle before smacking Johnny's chest playfully. "And you didn't even think to tell me about all this," she said.
Johnny placed a kiss on Y/n's forehead. "I couldn't possibly ruin the surprise for my beloved now, can I my baby?" He smirked.
There were aw's all across the table as the models watched Y/n melt in Johnny's strong hands. They were meant for each other.
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Anon said: tried to read through all your request rules, but I didnt specifically see which Characters you write for. If you do, could you write for Porco helping his S/o sleep? I have super bad insomnia most days, and I just really want something fluffy with Porco...just cuddles or stories or something. If you dont write for Porco though could you switch it with a AoT character you do write for, I'm not really picky. Thank you so much in advance! 🥺💗
Porco helping you sleep
{Porco x reader | tw:none | sleep help, fluff | canon }
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{ "The Night School" C.1660-C.1665 By Gerrit Dou 1613-1675 }
Unmoving shadows cast into the empty white walls, slightly flickering with the flame on the white candle sitting on the nightstand. Half lidded eyes observe their small movements for they're the only interesting thing in this empty hotel room you've been assigned. 
Your beige uniform tucked into the small closest with a single hanger inside, the armband hanging on the closest door for easy reach. The squeak of the spring mattress chirping up whenever you moved to flip your too stiff pillow. 
Judging by the amount of melted wax collecting on the bottom of the candle, you've been awake for far too long. 
This isn't the first time this has happened, you're used to getting acquainted with the room's walls and shadowy furniture.
Sleep has abandoned you long ago, its friend insomnia visiting you daily instead. Only leaving every week or so to remind you of what you could never have, taunting almost.
You've tried to force yourself to sleep really, did every known trick in the book, you even tried mediation like Zeke has been preaching to you about, but to no avail. so you've started making peace with the thing, you know at least using the night time to get things done since you're not getting rest either way.
Books were your first friend, for staring at the walls could only be entertaining for so long, but now with your stash of books miles away back home, you're left with nothing else to do.
The nightstand drawer only contained an emergency gun with several bullets inside, and the pocket knife under your pillow wasn't interesting enough.
Getting up from the bed, you picked up the candle before slowly inching the creaky door open. Maybe a glass of water could help, who cares that this is your third time going for water in the last hour? Well hydration is important after all, or so you tried to bargain for an excuse to stretch your legs.
Attempting your best to glide through the old wooden boards without as much as a squeak, you headed towards the kitchen, passing through several other bedrooms in the process, probably all deep in dream land already.
Everything was too quiet, the sound of water filling the glass was the only thing interrupting the silence, its cool feeling going down your dry throat helped you a bit.
Drinking down what you can, you decided to take the rest with you back, a good excuse for a trip to the bathroom later. Although as you turned, a figure was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed and staring at you.
"Isn't it too early for breakfast?" Porco said, covering his mouth with his hand as he yawned, "you should get some rest while you can, we're getting thrown in the front trenches tomorrow." 
Just the mention of it made your stomach roll at the thought of staying in a muddy hole for days, the smell of gunpowder and yelling of soldiers, not to mention the crowded train rides back home.
"I know, it's just…" you stared at the water moving inside your glass while tilting it, "one of those days, you know?" 
eyes narrowing with his eyebrows pulling down in concentration, even Porco's sleep clouded mind could recognise the heavy bags under your eyes. The ride here used all of your energy and now you're too tired to even sleep.
Feeling an unpleasant weight on his chest, he wasn't sure what to say as he approached you, awkwardly leaning against the sink, a heavy sigh left him.
"You know, you should bother me more often, I don't mind it." His gentle tone was followed by a melancholic smile, "let's just...go to bed."
With that his hand wrapped around your wrist, loosely at first like he was reluctant about it, before it got more secure once you didn't pull away.
The old door gave out a creek as it closed behind you, the room dimmer than you left it with the candle you're carrying almost burning out. 
Looking at the small bed with a single pillow, you wondered how the two grown people would fit in it and judging by the frustrated look Porco was eyeing it with, he must be thinking the same.
Looking at him, your mind wondered back to all the battles you've fought together. For some reason the superiors always seemed more strick and harsh with him, especially after the paradise mission was launched.
Belitting and nagging, carelessly throwing him in risky situations.
Your grip tightened around the water glass, feeling growing thickness in your throat. "Hey...it's okay you can go to your room, you need sleep." You said moving past him to sit on the bed, "I'll be fine."
"Should've thought of that before waking me up, now scoot over." He said, rising an eyebrow and stepping closer.
"I didn't wake you up, you're just a light sleeper." Laying down, you stretched your limbs filling the bed, "there's no room, it won't fit."
Silence filled the room for a while, you could feel his eyes roaming over you, "Oh really? Well…"
One second, you were laying on the mattress while staring at his stubborn expression in confusion, the next a pair of arms was lifting you up as he stole your place before dropping you on him. His arm circled your waist not trusting that you won't pull away
"I made it fit." he looked at you with smugness in his eyes
His warm skin felt comforting against yours, contrasting with the cold room air, you could hear his slowing heartbeat with being so close to his chest, your legs slowly tangling to fit under the blanket covering you.
Apparently that's as far as his genius plan went, because after that an awkward silence filled the room.
"So...you made it fit huh?" You couldn't help but say, a grin slowly spreading on your face. 
Porco blinked in response, tilting his head, before his eyes stilled as his ears flushed. "Fucking god, you're such a-" his attempt to scold you was interrupted by a chuckle escaping mid-sentence.
Having a contagious laugh, soon enough you too joined him.
After it died down, the atmosphere was replaced by a much more relaxed one as his hold on you softened, more intimate than the previous one. 
"When I was a kid, i used to have trouble sleeping- well more like i was too stubborn to fall asleep." Porco said, trailing his finger up your back soothingly, "and since Marcel was stuck sharing a room with me, he'd tell me stories to get me to fall asleep."
"What kind of stories?" 
"...if you tell this to anyone I'm reporting you to the higher ups you for treason, they were flower stories." Clearing his throat, you could feel his heartbeat rising under you, 
Closely watching your reaction, Porco continued after some seconds. "now I'm not calling you a kid nor do i think it's as simple, i just think...we should give it a chance." 
With the heaviness of the blanket above you and warmth of his body underneath you, it was hard to refuse his request, especially with the way he looked at you so earnestly. 
You agreed, and felt his other hand reach to pull up the blanket more, tucking you protectively between his body and the soft fabric. 
"This first one is called...well i don't remember what names Marcel gave them, but it's about poppies."
Crimson red bringers of eternal sleep, their crumbled petals and dark centers often found in the ancient tombs of soldiers.
As the mother of nature, Demeter, mourned and grieved from the betrayal of Zeus, it wasn't only the mortal realm in which death loomed at every corner, for her own mind was a tormenting prison of never ending suffering.
And so a droplet of her blood sprang and flourished to create a six petaled flower, easing her heartache if only for a moment as the poppy put her to sleep, numbing the pain.
Following in her trail was a red carpet of poppies, soon enough death and sleep themselves wore the flower, red crowns resting on top of Thanatos's held up head and one almost slipping from Hypnosi's leaning one as he dozed off. for eternal sleep was only another name for visiting the underworld. 
A symbol of peace in resting and condolence for the loss of a loved one, became the poppy's role. 
"This is why you'd often see them in people's front pockets whenever we return home." Porco said, the light slowly vanishing from the room as the candle burned itself out, the flame snuffed.
You've never questioned why a delivery of poppies would always be on the requirements in each returning celebration, it's just always been there. 
Slow and easy breathes flew through you, lazily stretching your arms up till it met something soft. Porco seemed to tense as your fingers loosely combed through his hair, leaning into the touch after a while.
"Don't stop." He murmured, sleep clear in his voice as another yawn left him.
"Do you have any other stories?" Drowsiness sweeping through your mind, you buried your hed deeper against his neck, eyelids fluttering shut.
"Yeah just…" his hand stilled from behind you as he looked into space attempting to recall a memory, soon enough the soft stroking returned. "This one is about peony."
Named after none other than Paeon himself, these flowers lived up to their reputation of healing and honour, for they have their own story to tell.
How the peony came to be declared king of flowers.
During the Tang dynasty, empress Wu Zetian strolled through her garden. Frowning at the empty field of green covered in thick white blankets of snow, the harsh season not showing mercy for the plants.
With a new goal in mind to flip this dreadful looking graveyard of a garden, she set to defy nature for she is the ruler of the land and her word is law.
Per her majesty's order, all flowers shall bloom in the midst of winter's visit.
As the word travelled far, all the fairies in the land couldn't believe their ears, how could such delicate fragile petals grow amidst the storm and snow. For flowers only bloom in spring, how could we go against mother nature?
While merciless mother nature was cruel, she couldn't compare for the empress's strong rule. For the fairies feared for their wings as their knees shook in her presence.
When the sun shined again, it welcomed colourful fields of different flowers in full bloom. The empress was pleased with their sweet smell and proud colours, each one rivaling the other.
And yet, she stood still near one flower bed, eyes wide. The peony deified her words and stubbornly refused to open, only sticks and brittle leaves left in their place.
In a fit of rage, the empress banished the flower to a far away city, striping away their status.
Living up to their stubborn nature, the peony bloomed that spring the most beautiful flowers humans have ever seen, turning the city of Luoyang into a heavenly soft land as their petals danced through the wind.
But their beauty couldn't last long, for a hungry fire swallowed them all, under the order of the empress who turned their green to coal.
And yet to everyone's surprise, when the earth circled the sun again, the peonies were back in bloom. Springing from the ashes were their mesmerising big petals and soft colours. 
In their respect, the fairies crowned them for their bravery as the ruler of the flowers, for wasn't it for their sacrifice the flowers wouldn't have been freed.
"They stayed on the right way, even if it meant going against the world." Porco's slurred words were half muffled against the pillow, head buried in it, his eyelids seemed to get too heavy for him to force them open again.
Turning his head to the side, you felt his lips press a light kiss against your forehead before whispering a goodnight, his hold still comfortably secure around you as if you might slip away. 
Soon enough, you too drifted into sleep as only his soft snoring filled the room. The moon watching over both of you through the windows as her light barely reached inside. 
And at this instant, you didn't think there was anywhere else in the world you'd rather be. Thoughts of what the future holds were pushed to the back of your mind next to the past, for the present is now and what a waste it would be not to bask in these rare moments of peace in this horrible world
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