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Another (old) #paleostream sketch
Albertonykus, here portrayed as extra floofy. The plumage is thick enough to cover up the tiny arms it had.
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alphynix · 9 months
Spectember 2023 #01: Kiwi Alvarezsaur
It's #Spectember time again!
I'm still trying to work through that big pile of speculative evolution concepts from a few years ago, so I'm hoping to make this month sort of a "lightning round" to finally clear out the backlog.
(I'm not going to set a definite posting schedule this year because things are pretty chaotic right now. But I'll try to fit in as many as I can!)
So let's start off with a concept from an anonymous submitter, who requested a "kiwi/sengi niche alverezsaur":
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Khamartaia dolabella is similar in size and build to Shuvuuia, about 1m in length (3'3"), with slender legs and stumpy arms with massive thumb claws. Unlike its close relatives, however, it has small eyes and fairly poor vision, relying more on its other senses to forage around during the darkness of night.
It has an acute sense of smell, and its long narrow snout is full of highly touch-sensitive nerves, allowing it to probe around for invertebrate prey in soil, undergrowth, and cracks and crevices. Its chunky thumb claws are used to dig up burrows and to tear through bark to access deeper insect nests.
It mainly relies on its long legs to sprint away from threats, although with its poor eyesight these escapes are often rather ungainly.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 8 months
Trick or Treat!
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paleoprojections · 2 years
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Trying another attempt at an alvarezsaur head.
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thedrawinggizzard · 8 months
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Prehistoric planet fanart. Just realised they're all from episode two.
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actual-haise · 1 year
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As the tide recedes, the corpse of a beached mosasaur attracts the first curious onlookers.
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thycheshirecat · 1 year
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Super proud of this little Breme mugshot I did, think this might be the best bit of FF art I've ever done, at least so far. I've always been fond of Breme. It's such a weird little gremlin. Not sure why they picked Bradycneme of all animals to make a vivosaur out of, considering it's extremely scant fossil material, but it lead to this absolutely gem of a vivosaur so I'm glad they did! It's just a shame that Breme's always available way to late in both classic FF games for anyone to actually be able to get good use out of it in the story without getting lucky in the shop, it's outclassed by quite a lot of things, especially in Champions... nevertheless though it stands as one of the coolest looking vivosaurs in the series with its vampire theming (which honestly makes it look more like a Chupacabra than anything, at least to me).
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vickysaurus · 2 years
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Prehistoric Planet screenshot wallpapers 3/10
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cypressure · 4 months
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sketchpainting for a Hatzeg forest floor scene?
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fishsfailureson · 3 months
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A watercolour drawing of Albertonykus
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the-paleoraptor · 6 months
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Been slacking on art so have this Jaculinykus yaruui, an Alvarezsaur from the Barun Goyot FM
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Another sketch brought to you by #paleostream
Anodontosaurus being used as a bridge by some alvarezsaurs.
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albertonykus · 1 year
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One for the fans of Mononykus from Prehistoric Planet Season 1. Hooked claws, night vision, tails for turning, shrinking size... What have we learned about alvarezsaurs in the last three years?
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 7 months
Trick or treat :3
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Please do not send me more trick or treat asks, I am only answering the ones I could not get to after I hit post limit last night, it is Nov 1st we have other shenanigans to attend to!
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new-dinosaurs · 1 year
Migmanychion laiyang Wang et al., 2023 (new genus and species)
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(Cast of the hand of Migmanychion laiyang, from Wang et al., 2023)
Meaning of name: Migmanychion = claw mixture [in Greek]; laiyang = Laiyang [referencing the Shandong Laiyang Cretaceous National Geological Park, where the original fossil is housed]
Age: Early Cretaceous (Aptian), about 121 million years ago
Where found: Longjiang Formation, Inner Mongolia, China
How much is known: A partial left forelimb (including a complete hand) and some rib fragments of one individual.
Notes: Migmanychion was probably a maniraptoran, a diverse group of feathered theropods including alvarezsaurs, therizinosaurs, oviraptorosaurs, and paravians (which in turn include birds). The bones in its hands were very slender and its hand claws were not sharply curved. A particularly unusual feature of its hands was that the claw of the second finger (equivalent to our index finger) was longer but not as deep as the thumb claw. In most other theropods, the longest hand claw is also the deepest.
Migmanychion might have been closely related to Fukuivenator, a maniraptoran from the Early Cretaceous of Japan that some recent studies suggest was an early therizinosaur. However, more complete specimens will likely be needed to confidently determine what type of maniraptoran Migmanychion was.
Reference: Wang, X., A. Cau, Z. Wang, K. Yu, W. Wu, Y. Wang, and Y. Liu. 2023. A new theropod dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Longjiang Formation of Inner Mongolia (China). Cretaceous Research advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.cretres.2023.105605
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greenfrog04 · 6 months
Restudy of shoulder motion in the theropod dinosaur Mononykus olecranus (Alvarezsauridae)
Published 5th December 2023
Investigation of the range of motion at the shoulder in Mononykus olecranus is conducted by measuring the angle of the humerous. Results show that Mononykus olecranus was able to tuck its arms in at the sides allowing them to sprawl to orient the palm downward ,enabling a hook-and-pull digging at surfaces to forage for insects.
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Experimental setup and Range of humeral motion in Mononykus olecranus
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Life reconstruction of Mononykus olecranus foraging for termites in some wood, artwork by Leandra Walters
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