#And Tim is like oh he thought i was serious??? Uh
voiider · 5 months
fake psychic Tim but its just. its just psych. Jason dies and batman goes off the deep end so Tim (instead of becoming robin) starts going ham on the 'tips to the police' bc if the police can deal with the smaller crimes then Tim doesn't have to worry about batman killing a petty thief.
Except he's running himself into the ground and he starts getting sloppy bc he's giving the local police info, and bludhaven info (bc dick) AND probably giving Nightwing info when he can and someone catches him or he leaves a paper trail and then Officer Dick Grayson apprehends him and takes him in for questioning and Tim is like "you can't talk to me without my parents or a lawyer present, I'm a minor. And my parents are in Guatemala, so you better call my lawyer."
and Dick is like "kid you're not in trouble i just need to know who's giving you this information." Because there is NO WAY this kid isn't working with someone. Someone who is using a child to drop off information, which while noble to help the police, is putting this child in danger and tim is like, pretty offended actually. That it's being implied that he COULDN'T do this himself.
So he's like "im not working for anyone."
and Dick is like "you have to be getting the info from somewhere. I just wanna help."
and Tim is like AUGH ADULTS "I just- i figured it out on my own" and its CLEAR that Dick doesn't believe him which is, first off, super insulting, never meet your heroes, and second he shouldn't be talking anyway or admit that he goes out at night or Dick will do something stupid like try to make him stop. So he's like (rolling eyes) "I'm psychic. Are you happy? Can I have my phone call now?"
#batman#tim drake#Cue Dick ALMOST not buying it but he's like 'okay kid'#if you're psychic prove it.#And Tim is like oh he thought i was serious??? Uh#“you're favorite animal is a bat.“ And Dick looks at him confused but then sorta pales a little and is like ”... what.”#and tim is like “and you really like nighttime... walks.”#And Dick like turns off the recording and is like “kid what are you saying to me”#and Tim is like “I know you're Nightwing. The ... spirits told me.”#and honestly it's more believable that a 12 year old kid is psychic than that he figured out who Nightwing was on his own#ted talks#anyways lots of fun hijinks can ensue. Tim is technically a security rick and even though dick REALLY doesn't wanna talk to bruce#he should tell him about this... psychic child#Which can just be more questions and Tim answering them and is like#if i wasn't psychic how would i know this.#and Bruce.... doesn't know. So they have no choice but to believe him#psych tim au#also including: bruce being like “.... can you tell my son (jason) i love him?”#tim would actually be pretty good on the field with moments notice observations#he's been trained his whole life to read people at parties and know what they want from him and what they mean#regular people are MUCH easier to read than the elite who say everything backhanded and all have like poised masks of perfection#raye was telling me their psychic tim au and i was like 'ok but what if just psych'#catch us out here both writing separate fake psychic tim aus
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suzukiblu · 9 months
Excerpt from the one where Kon meets pink kryptonite and decides to fuck Tim and his boyfriend about it.
(The read-more is definitely necessary, length-wise. I . . . got very into this idea and frankly this is barely a third of it so far, lol.)
"So, uh . . ." Kon says, skeptically eyeing the softly glowing rock in his hand. Metallo, like, threw it at his head. He has no idea why. "Is this supposed to do something or . . . ?"
"It's pink," Kara says leerily, staying very firmly back. Like, unexpectedly far back, in fact.
"Yeah, I'm not actually blind, thanks," Kon says, turning the rock over and squinting at it. It continues not to do anything, aside from the glowing thing.
"No, it's pink kryptonite," she stresses.
". . . it literally doesn't hurt at all, though?" Kon says. Though he probably should've figured it was some kind of kryptonite, given that Metallo had it and had apparently thought he could hurt him with it.
Seriously, though, his gloves are fingerless and he's got it right in his hand. It should be hurting him, if it's actually kryptonite.
"Pink kryptonite doesn't work like that," Kara says, edging a little farther back. They're floating a few hundred feet in the air right now, but from the way she's acting Kon's vaguely concerned that he might be about to explode or something. "It just affects our sexual . . . urges."
"Oh," Kon says, frowning in confusion. Weird, but . . . "Is that all?"
"I don't mean like it makes you horny, Kon, I mean like it makes you homosexual," Kara hisses, looking mortified. "And don't ask how I know, alright?!"
Kon . . . blinks.
"What the literal fuck?" he asks incredulously, just staring at her. "How does that even–are you telling me Metallo went and chucked gay kryptonite at me in the middle of a fight?"
"Yes!" Kara says, still clearly mortified. "So just–just stay over there with it until somebody shows up with a lead box, okay?! The effects will stop after we get it contained."
"Alright, alright. So then do you think the dude was flirting with me or is he just a fucking idiot?" Kon jokes, balancing the kryptonite on his index finger with his TTK. "Although I really don't think he'd be my type either way. Like, nothing against cyborgs in general, obviously, just the whole thing with him being a murderous supervillain who literally runs on kryptonite seems like it'd make us totally star-crossed. I want somebody I can actually commit to, you know?"
"Sure," Kara says, still eyeing the kryptonite with serious trepidation. It's really not helping Kon feel less like a time bomb, to be honest. Is there like some other side effect that he should be worrying about right now or something? Like, is he missing something here?
"You seem kinda high-strung about this," he observes, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Look, you'd have avoided it too if you'd dealt with it before!" she says protestingly. "So stay over there and definitely keep it away from Kal, I don't know if Jimmy ever really recovered from the last time."
"Oh, well, congrats to Jimmy, I guess," Kon says, since he can't really see a downside to scoring a one-night stand with Superman. Like, a downside for somebody who isn't literally his clone, he means. The clone thing would definitely make it weird.
Just it's also Clark, though, so he'd probably be the generous type in bed. Like, the sort to really take care of somebody. Be as gentle as happened to be appropriate but also be down if his partner maybe wanted it a little rough for whatever reason. And he'd definitely be able to go all night. Again, Kon isn't gonna go there himself, it really would be too weird, but he can make a logical conclusion. Extrapolate one. Whatever.
Then again he'd be down with Power Girl absolutely destroying him whenever the fuck she wanted to and she's genetically his . . . some form of cousin or something, he guesses. His half-cousin from another reality. So really, Clark's not even that weird an option. And like, all appearances aside Kon's a binary clone anyway, not even a one-for-one match, sooooo . . .
Actually it's probably weirder that he thinks Power Girl is so unspeakably hot but comparatively Kara is just . . . fine? Like, that's a little odd, isn't it?
Maybe it's an attitude thing. Or the costume.
Might be safe to blame the costume, yeah.
It's just such a good costume. Like, Kon aspires to reach that level of costume.
But really, all that aside he still doesn't even know what the big deal about temporarily going gay is, although to be fair he's also currently talking to Supergirl and not, like . . . literally any dude whatsoever. So like, who knows how weird this stuff might actually make him under those circumstances. Maybe it like fucks with inhibitions and stuff too?
Yeah, hell if he knows. He's really only dealt with green kryptonite before. He was vaguely aware that other colors existed and apparently did different stuff, but . . . this just seems very different, put it that way.
Maybe best to avoid Jimmy Olsen for a little while, Kon decides privately. The guy probably doesn't need that.
Besides, Clark apparently got there first anyway and Kon just really doesn't want to be worrying about measuring up. Miss him with that, thanks.
. . . although maybe he'll go visit Tim later.
Eh, no, Kara made it sound like the pink K's gonna stop affecting him pretty quick once they box it up, so not much point in bothering. Though maybe he'll visit just to hang, come to think of it; they haven't seen each other in almost a whole week. Well, he hasn't seen Tim, at least–who knows how much Bat-surveillance Tim's seen him through.
Kon should maybe sweep his room for bugs again. Note to self.
Although would it be weird to just like . . . keep the pink kryptonite, maybe? Since it apparently doesn't actually hurt anyone or anything? Because that could be, well . . . just interesting, that's all. Like, Kon is open to exploring that experience. Just–as an experience.
"Actually, you're surprisingly not high-strung about this," Kara says.
"Am I?" Kon asks. "I mean, it's not that big a deal, is it?"
She stares at him.
"Kon," she says slowly. "Pink kryptonite affects your sexuality. It makes you attracted to people you're not normally attracted to. It confuses you and everyone around you and it is really freaking embarrassing to explain afterwards."
"I've been mind-controlled into shaving my head and breaking my best friend's arm," Kon says, continuing to not really see what the big deal is. "That was embarrassing. And fucking traumatic. This? This is just kinda weird."
"Only kinda?" Kara asks incredulously. "You're one of the straightest guys I know! How are you just fine with this?!"
"I mean to be fair, that's probably making some unfair generalizations about straight guys," Kon points out. Kara stares at him. "What?"
"I don't even know how to respond to that," she says.
"Sorry?" Kon says, then tucks the pink kryptonite into his jacket pocket with a shrug. He's not trying to hide it or anything; just getting kinda sick of holding it. And it's that or he either ditches it somewhere or starts tossing it around and that'd probably be . . . just, well, absolutely epically stupid of him.
Or it seems like it would be, anyway. Whatever color it is, it's still kryptonite.
"I mentioned keeping that away from Kal, right?" Kara says.
"Yeah, on that note, are they like . . . done down there yet?" Kon asks, glancing down towards the mess of the street that Clark's standing on a few hundred feet below with a whole bunch of randos from S.T.A.R. Labs, for some reason. Somebody mentioned something about neutralizing Metallo's kryptonite heart without actually killing him, but mostly it was science talk and clearly theoretical anyway so to be honest Kon'd kinda tuned it all out as "not currently relevant", and that's all he knows.
"Definitely not," Kara says.
"I'm gonna call Robin while we're killing time, then," Kon says, pulling out his phone.
"You're going to call your closest male friend," Kara says. "Right now. While you've got pink kryptonite in your pocket."
"Yup," Kon says, already pulling up Tim's contact.
"Can you not see how that might be a bad idea at the moment?" Kara asks. "Not in any way whatsoever?"
"Well I'm not calling Impulse," Kon replies reasonably. Kara stares at him again, for some reason.
Eh, whatever.
He calls Tim.
"Hey, Conner, what's up?" Tim answers distractedly, which Kon doesn't hold against him because when isn't Tim distracted, really. Dude's got too much going on in that head of his, for real. He's just glad the guy ever picks up the phone at all.
"So apparently I'm gay right now," Kon greets conversationally, figuring he should lead with that just in case he actually is about to do something embarrassing to explain. "Pink kryptonite is fucking weird, man."
". . . uh," Tim says as Kara covers her face with her hands. "What?"
"Pink kryptonite makes you gay, Kara says," Kon says. "And we're both just kind of chilling above downtown Metropolis waiting for Kal to finish up with the science-y people so we can get said pink K locked up, so I'm bored out of my mind right now and calling you to complain about it."
"You're calling me," Tim says slowly. "While you're . . . gay."
"What, is he asking to come over?" another voice asks from the phone, sounding amused. It takes Kon a second to recognize it, but–oh yeah, that's the mysterious Bernard, isn't it?
Right, Tim has a boyfriend now. Kon's never actually met him on account of being the worst at secret identities and the whole thing that is Bernard living very firmly in Gotham, land of "no metas allowed unless you're either a supervillain or Batman's too dead to stop you", but he's heard him over the phone a couple times now, although they've never actually personally talked. So maybe thinking about Tim while being high on pink kryptonite isn't actually, like, kosher? Or polite. Or whatever.
. . . then again, Bernard did ask.
"I don't know, maybe?" Kon says thoughtfully, considering the idea. "Are you open to me coming over?"
"Yes," Bernard says.
"Bernard," Tim says.
"Babe, I know we're pretending I don't know you're an ass-kicking vigilante and all but come on, don't make me turn down Superboy," Bernard says wryly.
"We're–wait, pretending?!" Tim sputters.
"Pretending so, so hard," Bernard confirms, sounding nothing but fond. Kon's actually a little jealous of that tone of voice, he's gotta admit. Like–it's been a bit since anybody's talked to him that way, is all. "But like, if you actually thought you were being subtle maybe you shouldn't talk about kryptonite on the phone right in front of me or put themed emojis next to all your superfriends' civilian names in your contacts list?"
"Oh my god, you do that?!" Kon asks with a gleeful cackle, immediately forgetting everything else in favor of that absolutely delightful piece of information. "You're the worst! Batman just rolled over in his grave and Oracle is absolutely losing her shit on the other end of her wiretap!"
"B's not even dead right now," Tim says in exasperation. "And if O cared she'd have already hacked my phone and changed them. And for the record plenty of people put random superhero emojis next to their friends' names, that's a totally normal thing to do!"
"Usually the random superhero emojis aren't associated with contact pics that are dead fucking ringers for said superheroes," Bernard says, sounding amused again. "Just as a thing and all."
". . . anyway so you're gay today, how's that going for you, Conner?" Tim says as Bernard laughs gleefully in the background. "Triggering any unfortunate mental health crisises or anything? Making you worry about the validity of your masculinity? Because I can safely assure you that's all bullshit and you're fine."
"Naw, I know all that, being gay is just a thing," Kon says with a shrug. "Kara's being a little weird about it but honestly it's going way better than, like, the times supervillains mind-controlled me into being into them. Like just as an overall experience, I mean."
"Wait, how many times has that come up?" Tim asks in bemusement.
"I dunno?" Kon shrugs again. "I mean you were there for the Poison Ivy incident, and then Gorgeous Gilly happened to me a while later, which was, uh, genuinely horrifying because she tried to literally marry me during all that, so . . . I think just the twice, probably? But don't quote me on that, I don't even remember what I had for breakfast."
"And how is Kara being weird, exactly?" Tim says in his very unsubtle "assessing my teammate's psychological condition" voice.
"Oh, she's mostly just avoiding me?" Kon says, as a guy who's personally not really all that concerned with his psychological condition at the moment. "Because I've got the rock in my pocket on account of not wanting to just leave it lying around somewhere and she doesn't want to get affected by it. I don't know why, I don't really get why it matters."
"I mean it matters, definitely," Bernard says. "Like it very strongly matters to a lot of people."
"Fair, but I think we're all too invulnerable to really have to worry about getting gay-bashed or anything," Kon reasons. "Like, at least not as a heat of the moment thing."
". . . god can you imagine the world we would live in if every piece of shit gay-basher had to deal with the consequences of punching fucking Superman?" Bernard says feelingly. "For real."
"Oh, pink K's temporary," Kon clarifies. "Kal's not gay anymore."
"Hold up, I'm sorry, are you saying that at some point he was?" Bernard demands in obvious delight. "Is that what you're telling me right now?"
"I guess he was into redheads?" Kon says, tilting his head. "Slightly twinky redheads, specifically. Which I don't blame him for, I'm gonna be honest."
"Well now I know that forever, thanks," Tim says dryly.
"Alternate option: he could've been into Batman," Kon points out.
"Redheads it is," Tim says. "You just . . . redhead away over there."
"I mean I thought about it, kinda," Kon admits.
"Ngh," Tim says, for some reason.
"No thinking about Batman, though?" Bernard asks with a snicker.
"Not so much," Kon says, making a face. "Did consider having some Superman thoughts but I'm apparently not that narcissistic, surprisingly enough."
"Kon!" Kara chokes.
"Tell me you've never considered having Superman thoughts and I'll tell you you're a fucking liar," Kon snorts, shooting her a dry look. "Weren't you like totally naked when you first showed up on Earth? And then he found you like that and wrapped you up in his cape all nice and gentlemanly and took you home with him?"
"He is my baby cousin and you're being affected by pink kryptonite poisoning!" Kara accuses, her face bright red.
"Wait, is it actually poisoning me?" Kon says with a frown. "I feel like you should've led with it actually poisoning me, if that's actually a thing."
"Well no, not actually, it's physically harmless," Kara says grudgingly, folding her arms. "But you're still being affected! You're having Superman thoughts, of all things!"
"He just seems like he'd be considerate," Kon says reasonably. "Like, you know. Biblically."
"Ngh," Tim says, again for no apparent reason. Bernard sounds like he might be laughing. Or choking? Or maybe both; it's unclear.
"Please don't hit on Kal," Kara says. "Especially don't hit on Kal with pink kryptonite in your pocket. I don't want to know how that situation would end up."
"Ideally with him being considerate," Kon says. Tim chokes. Kara covers her face again.
"Does pink kryptonite affect your inhibitions too or are you just always like this?" Bernard asks curiously.
"Eh, pretty sure I'm just always like this, going by the things I've definitely still not been forgiven for saying to Power Girl," Kon says, idly tapping a finger against the side of his phone case. "Like, pretty damn sure at this point."
"That is unfortunately accurate," Tim agrees resignedly.
"So you're saying it is ethically okay to have Superboy over while he's gay," Bernard says in a promisingly speculative tone. Kon grins. Just a little, but yeah–definitely he grins. Kara grimaces, because she is absolutely no fun whatsoever.
"I did not in any way say that," Tim retorts dubiously.
"I mean that's what I heard, man, and I'm the one with super-hearing in this conversation," Kon says with a wider grin. "My inhibitions are all inhibited and my personal opinions of people are all the same, I'm just currently batting for the other team."
"So your normal opinion of me is that if you were gay, you'd come over," Tim says dryly.
"Yeah?" Kon says, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, obviously."
"How is that obvious?" Tim says.
"Because I already come over every time you let me," Kon reminds him.
"Oh yeah?" Bernard says slyly. "And how often does he let you come, exactly?"
"Not often enough," Kon replies honestly, and doesn't even bite at the obvious dumb sex joke Bernard so thoughtfully set up for him even though it is frankly painful not to.
"Ngh," Tim says. Kon continues not to understand the reason for him repeatedly making that same weird little noise, but whatever, he guesses. It's Tim, maybe he's stitching his own bullet wounds again or something. Guy's a multi-tasker like that.
"You know this would probably make for a fascinating case study about sexuality, actually," Bernard says musingly. "I mean, all I intend to do is abuse the situation to get into your very tight tights, but seriously, maybe we should all be taking notes or something."
"Ugh, hell no, Rob'll go full Bat if we let him do that," Kon snorts, then smirks. "He can take pictures, though, I know he's into that."
"Ngh," Tim says yet again, accompanied by a weird random "thump". If Kon didn't know better, he'd think he'd just fallen off a chair or something.
"Aw dammit, dude, I think I actually like you as a person now," Bernard says, sniggering. "Are you keeping the kryptonite? Please keep the kryptonite. Like, just for Valentine's and Tim's birthday, that's all I ask."
"Honestly don't know if Superman's gonna let me but I do kinda wanna," Kon admits. It seems pretty convenient, really. And definitely fun.
". . . and you're sure his inhibitions and opinions aren't being influenced in any way, Kara?" Tim asks suspiciously.
"He's really just like this, yeah," Kara says resignedly. "Well admittedly Kal spontaneously developed opinions on window treatments and used the word 'smashing' in cold blood when it happened to him, but that might've just been him sucking at flirting. Because he really does suck at flirting."
"What about when it was you?" Kon asks curiously.
"No one ever said it happened to me," Kara says.
"You kinda implied–"
"No one ever said it happened to me," Kara repeats, narrowing her eyes at him and doing an impressively bad job of acting like she's not blushing.
So it definitely happened to her, yeah.
"Okaaaaay, we'll pretend about that too then," Bernard says. "Well, what are your opinions on window treatments, Conner?"
"That I don't know what they are," Kon says.
"Sounds like he's in his right mind to me," Bernard says.
"He is absolutely not," Kara retorts dubiously.
"I really don't feel weird or anything, I swear," Kon tells her, since he still doesn't get the problem but also doesn't actually want to worry her either. "I don't even feel any different."
"Kon, you are hitting on your best friend and his boyfriend," Kara says. "Together. At once. Simultaneously, one might even say."
"You've met Wonder Girl and Arrowette before, right?" Kon says. "And both the Batgirls? And–"
"Oh my god, Kon," she cuts him off.
"Just saying," he says, then pauses for a moment and frowns consideringly. "Actually, question, how gay is this stuff making me, because while we're on the topic of threeways I kinda always wondered about what Starfire and Nightwing get up to together and if–"
"KON!" Kara yells, covering her ears.
"I'm just asking," he huffs.
"I don't know if it's actually possible to be gay enough to not be into Starfire," Bernard says musingly. "Like I can't imagine how it ever could be."
"Right?" Kon says.
"It's possible to not be into Starfire," Tim says. "Like, theoretically. Asexuals and aromantics both exist, for one."
"Do they?" Kon says doubtfully. "Like in general, sure, but when around specifically Starfire?"
". . . I can't technically prove you wrong due to a lack of reliable evidence but still," Tim says. "The possibility is there. If nothing else the multiverse is a thing."
"Last time I saw her she was wearing half a gold lamé bikini and I am not going to tell you which half or define how loosely I am using the term 'wearing'," Kon says.
"I said it's possible, not probable," Tim says.
"What about you, man, are you the gold lamé type?" Bernard asks with a teasing snicker. "Just while you're gay and all, of course. That's like, practically a cultural thing. Gotta be authentic to the experience, yeah?"
"That is in no way whatsoever a cultural thing, babe," Tim says dubiously.
"Please, like I've never worn freaking lamé," Kon scoffs. "I've worn collars and loincloths and leather and crop tops and enough unnecessary belts to tie up a Bat, lamé is nothing."
"Collars and . . . loincloths?" Bernard repeats, sounding confused.
"Yeah, this one time I crash-landed on a lost isle of beast-men and they kidnapped and enslaved me for a few months," Kon explains, waving a hand distractedly. "Frankly I count myself lucky they even let me have the collar, much less the loincloth."
". . . um," Bernard says.
"You, uh, never mentioned the collar part of that story before, Kon," Tim says, clearing his throat. "You very definitely never mentioned the collar part of that story before."
"Oh yeah, the prince kinda kept me as his pet for a little bit?" Kon tells him with an easy shrug. "Like he and all his buddies ganged up on me and then took me home with them, but I was kinda . . . feral, I guess? Technically? So like, collar and chain setup. But he was cool, he took real good care of me."
"Ngh," Tim says just barely faintly.
"Yeah you should definitely come over," Bernard says. "Tim, get the check. Conner, exactly how super is your super-speed?"
"You can just call me Kon," Kon says. "And . . . mach 3, last I clocked it?"
"Isn't that like two thousand miles per hour?" Bernard asks.
"Two thousand two hundred and twenty-three point three," Kon replies with a pleased smirk. "Faster than a speeding bullet. Or so they tell me."
"We'll just meet you at Tim's, how's that," Bernard says. "That work for you, Kon?"
"That works for me, Bernard," Kon confirms, smirking wider.
"Oh my god, Kon, you cannot possibly be serious right now," Kara says in exasperation, rubbing at her temples. "Just because you're temporarily gay doesn't mean you should do anything about it!"
"I mean, I'm feeling pretty serious?" Kon says, shrugging again. He still doesn't get why she's being so sensitive about this. "It's not like this is the weirdest thing I've ever done in pursuit of a good time. Like, holy hell, lemme tell you about the Ravers sometime."
"You're going to have to look Robin in the eye after this!" Kara says. "And work with him! And be a normal person in his presence! Normally!"
"I'm aware?" Kon says, vaguely bemused by her concern. Like he's never been normal around somebody he's slept with before, geez. "Tell Kal I ran off with the pink K, if he wants to lock it up in the Fortress or wherever I can bring it back tomorrow."
"Maybe Monday," Bernard says.
"Or maybe Monday," Kon amends.
"It's Thursday!" Kara sputters.
"So it's a long weekend," Bernard says.
"I'm not explaining this to Kal," Kara says. "I'm not explaining this to Batman."
"I really don't see why you'd have to," Kon says. "Rob, you cool with the long weekend thing? Not too much of an imposition?"
". . . I got the check," Tim mutters in obvious and absolute mortification.
Kon's gonna take that as a "yes".
"Cool," he says, grinning broadly. "See you soon, Boy Wonder."
He ends the call. Kara drags her hands down her face and continues to stay very far away from him and the pink kryptonite in his pocket.
"When you go back to normal and freak out and make everything weird with Robin and your team and even Robin's literal boyfriend, I'm going to say so many 'I told you so's," she swears vehemently. "So don't say I didn't warn you."
"Your objection is on the record," Kon says, then tosses her a lazy salute with another grin and takes off, kryptonite and all.
Best to just scarper while Clark's distracted, yeah?
Definitely best.
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gilbirda · 1 month
I'm just a simple guard, man
Part 6 of my Danny is an Arkham Security Guard AU (og tumblr post)
[Read on AO3] [Read on FF.net]
<< Prequel - Clown around and find out | First Part
There was silence and tension as they watched Batman go through the motions, tying up the unmoving but awake Joker and moving him to somewhere closer to the entrance. Joker was surprisingly responsive and lucid, just mellowed and obedient. Somehow it made it better — if he was a vegetable Jason knew Batman wouldn’t let that go until Danny undid what he had done.
The Ghost King.
Jason didn’t know exactly what that meant. Heck, until today he didn’t know that ghosts were kind of a thing. Mythical creatures, he could buy. Apparitions, imprints of conscience that were unavenged — that he could buy too. But a Ghost King implied an organized society with status and a legal organization. A power structure.
“Oh yeah, forgot to mention that.”
He turned towards the doctor well aware his face showed every emotion.
“The fuck?”
“Did that really happen?” Duke was trying to keep calm, but his eyes were wide open and his hands slightly trembling.
“Yeah?” She lifted an eyebrow.
“How the heck—”
“ — how did he do that —”
“ — did he set him on fire!”
“ — and is he even human?”
“Children,” Alfred stood from his seat, positioning himself between the brothers and their guest. “Let her breathe.”
“It’s okay, Mr. — uh…” She blushed as she realized she never asked for his name.
“Alfred,” the butler smiled, “Alfred Pennyworth.”
“Mr. Pennyworth,” she nodded politely. “I’m fine. I am aware that after that… theatrical spectacle, explanations are needed.”
“Indeed.” Batman cut in the conversation. “Proper explanations are in order. After I deliver the Joker to Arkham.”
“You can’t be serious!” Did the old man go crazy? Back to that place?
Jazz frowned, seemingly sharing his thoughts. She leaned closer to the microphone and spoke in a controlled voice. “Where are you delivering him? In the hospital.”
Bruce took way too long to answer, so Tim did it for him. “Through the front door?”
Jazz didn’t find it funny. “Wait for me.”
“I said, wait for me.” Jazz reached for her discarded jacket, eyeing the door to the elevator back to the manor. “Joker is my patient and I need to be there.”
“What for?”
She turned to look at Jason. “He doesn’t deserve to be left at the mercy of some of the people in the Asylum. They could—”
“He can rot for all I care.”
The vigilante walked up to her, getting in her way and using his height and build to scare her into submission. Jazz held his gaze, defiant, muscles tense and ready to throw down if needed.
“You don’t know that place like I do.”
Jason huffed. “Whatever the inmates want to do to him, he deserves it.”
“I wasn’t talking about the inmates.” Her teal eyes steeled with fury. “Arkham has a history of staff abusing their authority.”
Duke glanced at Alfred, unsure what to make of that statement. He quietly stood up, getting ready to intervene in case Jason decided to get violent; but Alfred held him back with a gloved hand on his shoulder.
“Again, he deserves it.”
Tired of craning her neck to look up at him, Jazz stepped back. “He deserves the judgment of the people he’d hurt in the past — something my brother and I can promise you will happen.” Given what they saw in the camera feeds, nobody doubted the siblings could ensure it. “But I’m not going to tolerate that my patient spends his last years alive being unnecessarily abused.”
“I told you—”
“What do you think,” she interrupted Jason, her gaze cold and her body tense, “will happen if someone dies full of rage? If in their last moments they wish they could enact vengeance on those that harmed them?” She narrowed her eyes, knowing her words were hitting something in him. “What do you think will happen to the Joker’s soul if he’s abused and tortured at Arkham, and probably killed, after he crosses the Veil?”
“A huge pain in the ass, it’s what will happen.”
The tense silence could be cut with a knife. Duke couldn’t understand how Jazz not only managed to stare down the six foot something tank that Jason was, but she also commanded the attention and respect. He was a newcomer to the place and he had done more than enough crazy stuff during his time in a gang; but he still struggled with openly challenging Jason and Cass. And Tim, but that was when the vigilante fell into his weird mumbling-in-the-dark episodes.
“I’m taking you there.”
He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the garage section of the cave. Jazz yanked her arm free and stopped to cross her arms.
“I can walk on my own.”
Jason bristled, opened his mouth to continue their fight, but apparently that was when Alfred had enough.
“If you want to get there in time,” his voice was neutral, controlled, and his face wore his signature arched eyebrow, “I'd recommend leaving right now.”
His tone was final.
Jazz and Jason looked at each other, frozen under the certified Alfred glare. They nodded and walked quickly towards where Jason’s signature red bike was parked.
Arkham Asylum was a mess when the duo arrived — police cars flooded the entrance, and the Batmobile stood out like a sore thumb in the midst of all the red and blue lights flashing around.
Jazz cursed under her breath. She would have preferred to not turn the situation into a circus.
They managed to walk through the sea of cops and civilians looking in the compound from the metal gates. Funny enough, the few guards blocking the way didn’t move to stop them once both glared at them at the same time.
Jazz made a beeline at the Director chatting animatedly with Batman. Black Bat was standing a bit back with Red Robin, probably discussing what just happened with Danny, but the Arkham doctor didn’t care about them.
“I demand I see my patient.” Jazz didn’t beat around the bush.
The Director blinked and slowly looked away from Batman, as if he couldn’t believe someone had the audacity to interrupt this moment. “Miss Fenton—”
“Doctor.” She corrected him.
The man cleared his throat, throwing a nervous glance at the silent Dark Knight.
“Doctor Fenton,” the word was spit like it was a curse, “your shift doesn’t start until eight.”
“But the Joker is my patient and I know he’s in there.” She gestured at the looming Asylum with her hand. “After such a traumatic event I need to see him.”
Someone coughed a laugh behind the Director. At least the man had the decency of hiding a smile.
“The Joker is not going anywhere, Miss— Doctor.” He added when she glared at him. “You can schedule a session tomorrow. That is, if your patient is up for conversation.” With that, the man deemed their conversation over and turned back to Batman. “Once again, thank you so much, Batman. I’m not going to ask how you did it this time, but we will certainly appreciate the results.”
Jason was as happy as everyone else that Joker wouldn’t be a problem anymore, but the way this bastard was treating Jasmine was outright criminal. He squared up for a fight and tried to step forward, but a cold hand on his forearm stopped him. Jazz moved her eyebrows up and her eyes went over his body before she looked back towards the police. Several new vehicles joined the party — all the Gotham news channels were here to record the event.
And he wasn’t wearing his suit. Right.
He nodded and remained where he was, but made a gesture towards where the Director was waxing poetry about how good Batman was for their city and how much the city owed him.
Do you want me to beat him up for you? He wanted to ask.
Jazz chuckled, hiding her smile behind her hand. She shook her head and patted his arm a few times.
“Thanks,” she whispered, “but not today.”
He didn’t know how serious she was. This was the same person who pulled a gun at Red Hood and five seconds later forced him into a therapy session. The same lunatic that was excited about having the whole bat flock in her apartment so she could question them.
For the first time since the alarm sounded about Joker’s escape, Jason let himself relax a little bit. Jazz was crazy enough to take on Arkham’s finest and leave victorious.
“Director Kallwick,” her voice was pure steel, “I’m afraid it’s imperative I see my patient after such a traumatic—”
“I think there’s something you are not understanding, Miss Fenton.”
“And what is it?” She crossed her arms.
The Director raised an eyebrow, now fully facing her. It didn’t escape Jason how the man squared his shoulders to look bigger and overpower Jazz. He had seen that behavior way too many times, in many different situations — and he didn’t like it when men like the Director used it against people that couldn't fight back, specially women.
He glanced at Bruce, trying to gauge how much the old man would flip if he intervened anyway. He trusted Jazz, but he really didn’t like the Director right now.
“I’m positive that after today’s… development,” he smiled, “things at Arkham will definitely change. For the best, of course.” He raised an eyebrow. “Starting with streamlining our staff and making sure we count on experienced doctors to treat the patients that really need it.”
Was he implying…?
Jazz hummed, regarding the man with as much contempt as she allowed herself to show. “I know you don’t like me, Mr. Kallwick. You never did. I know you hired me because you needed cannon fodder to sacrifice and keep the Joker entertained.” She smiled. “I’m young, but I’m not stupid. And I know men like you — weak, scared, and cowardly.”
“Hey there young—”
“I know you’d rather let your staff die than develop better and healthier outlets for patient’s destructive tendencies.” She lifted a hand and walked closer, poking the man’s chest. “I know that you look the other way when guards and doctors mentally and physically abuse inmates because you actually think they deserve it.” She poked him again.
“I don’t—” He went to grab her hand.
She moved away from him so quickly and so smoothly that it looked like a dance step.
She smiled. It wasn’t nice. “And I know all about what you’ve been doing with the funds and donations.”
Even in the middle of the noise from the crowd at the gates, you could hear the man loudly swallow.
“I know about the embezzling and the bribes and the interesting filing mistakes and convenient registration mishaps, Mr. Kallwick.” Her eyes slowly turned greener. It was subtle, but you could see that her usual teal color suddenly looked greener than blue. A trick of the lights, you could think, but the bats knew better. “I know you don’t care how or why the Joker is unresponsive, but I do; and if you want me to stay in my lane I highly recommend you stay in yours.”
The man processed her words, the thoughts clear in his eyes. He was probably thinking how she could have found out, or who told her, or how was he going to silence her better.
Jason saw the switch to the later thought as clear as day.
Bruce saw it too.
Before the man said or did anything else, the tall and quiet shadow of Batman placed himself behind Jazz, one hand on her shoulder as an obvious sign of his support. The other two bats placed themselves on the sides of the Arkham doctor, arms crossed, looking down at the man who was realizing too late the mistake he made.
“Are you still mad?”
“You sound like the old man.”
Jazz glared at him, violently stabbing her ice cream cup and breaking her plastic spoon.
“You may need to deal with those anger issues. Have you thought about going to therapy?” He said with a bright smile.
She stood up, not caring about attracting attention. Who was going to pay attention to them, Jason didn’t know. It was way early in the morning — or late at night, it depends on how you see it — and Jazz had demanded they go to the closest ice cream place that was open.
Luckily he knew a place, because of course only in Gotham someone would be crazy enough to have an ice cream shop open at this hour.
“Some vigilantes, and some rogues, really like ice cream. It is an untapped market.” The man running the place said when asked, shrugging like it was obvious.
Jazz sat back down, now with a new spoon, and continued eating her sweet monstrosity of layered chocolate and dulce de leche.
“If you are this mad I highly recommend you take it with Bruce. I’m sure he will be very understanding and accept your feedback.”
She kicked him in the shins, rolling her eyes at his sarcasm.
“Whatever you say, mister Daddy Issues.”
It was his turn to kick her, but she was expecting the movement and moved away before he made contact. She smirked, taking another bite of her ice cream with a smug smile on her face.
God, he hated older siblings and their knowing smiles.
He prepared to kick her again..
“Don’t even try,” a new voice said, the person taking the empty chair on their little table. “Jazz is like a ninja when she really wants to.”
Jason wanted to differ and explain he had trained with literal ninjas, but the speed at which she whipped a gun on him not that long ago came to his mind. Was it a liminal thing? Or a Jasmine thing? Maybe a Fenton thing?
“Hey back at you.” Danny sighed, taking Jazz’s ice cream cup and biting directly from the top layer. “That bad, huh?”
Jason bit his simple chocolate cone, watching the siblings talk.
“She’s mad because B scary dog privileged his way into making the Arkham Director submit and it undermined Jazz’s authority. She did a neat speech and everything.” He shook his head. “All wasted.”
She huffed and stole her ice cream back. “I didn’t need his support.”
“I know you don’t.” Danny glanced at Jason. “But it’s better if you have Batman’s backup, yes?”
Jazz ignored him.
Jason took the chance to look at Danny, trying to find anything that was different about the young man. He still had the scene back with Joker burned in his mind.
King of the Ghosts.
He would have never guessed, given the scrawny and sleep deprived raccoon of a man sitting next to him. He was still wearing the same shirt and under the fluorescent lights of the ice cream shop, it was easier to see the scars on his arms and hands — and the ones peeking from under his collar.
“Spit it out.”
Danny rolled his eyes. “You have questions. Ask.”
“I don’t—” He tried to deny it, but thought better about it. Jason bit his ice cream and cleared his throat. “I want to ask about —”
“Of course you want to ask about what happened.”
A soft thump! came from under the table, and given Danny’s glare at Jazz then she probably kicked him for the sass.
“What do you want to know?”
“Why are you being so forthcoming?”
“I’m feeling charitable today.” Another kick from under the table. “Ok, ok! No need for violence.” He sighed. “Jazz’s right. This is not my territory. If we want to stay, we have to play nice with you guys.”
The way he said it, and the way he made a face when he said it, told Jason that Danny was really struggling with trusting the bats with the information. Trust issues he could understand — one wasn’t in their line of work without being betrayed or hurt enough to warrant these issues.
No. It was something deeper.
“Why what?”
There were many questions burning in his mind and he didn’t know how long they had. “Why… Gotham? Why Arkham? Why a guard?”
“You just wasted your time man. You already know the answer for that.” He pointed at his sister, who nodded in agreement. “I followed her.”
“And I came here because I was interested in the rogues.” She added, licking her spoon clean.
Jason shook his head. “I meant — why is the King of the Ghosts… just… here?” He lowered his voice, glancing at the ice cream man. The man was half asleep on the counter and clearly not listening. “Don’t you have better things to do?”
Danny responded with a dry laugh. “I have no interest in being the king of anything.”
He looked away, suddenly very uncomfortable.
Jason glanced at Jazz, but she was glaring at the table.
“What happened?” He poked the siblings, trying to be soft. It was obviously a touchy subject, and whatever happened was painful enough that they’ve been avoiding any mention of their past before Gotham like the plague.
“It was… It happened a few years ago. I defeated the previous Ghost King, but nothing happened for a while. I thought… I thought things had calmed down since ghosts stopped attacking my town so often. And then, after I graduated highschool, the Observants started harassing me about taking the throne.”
“Did they hurt you?” Jason didn’t know what these “Observants” were, but he could guess from context.
Danny shook his head, stealing Jazz’s ice cream again. “They were fucking annoying, but they couldn’t touch me. As the Prince, I was technically their superior and untouchable.” He bit the cold treat and chewed. Somehow Jason wasn’t surprised Danny never got a brain freeze. “It was a few more years of avoiding them and trying to keep peace in town, as well as trying to get to know the Infinite Realms.” He chuckled again. “I even considered, for a moment, that being King wasn’t even that bad.
“It was a pretty normal day when it happened. I went to the mall with my friends. Sam, she — She had a fight with her parents and went there to cool down and cheer her up. The ghosts came first,” he pushed the ice cream back to his sister, and avoided Jason’s eyes, “but nothing was out of the ordinary. We fought. I defeated them. More and more kept coming, faster than I — than we could contain them.”
“I was away at college, but I later learned that it was a massive all out attack on just Danny.” Jazz placed a hand on Danny’s. “It was a coup attempt.”
“I didn’t know. I didn’t know that so many people were against me being King, and all that time they were planning the attack, and if I just paid a little more attention… If I wasn’t so—”
Another kick under the table. Danny cleared his throat and tried again.
“The GIW came as well. Things went from bad to worse, and by the end of the day it was an all out war between us, the ghosts doing a coup and the GIW. With our parents at the head of the attack.”
Jason frowned. “But you guys knew they worked with the GIW.”
Jazz gave him a warning look. “We knew they collaborated and consulted for them. We knew about the patent weapons.”
“But we didn’t know that they’d lead an attack on me.”
Danny did a brief pause to breathe, and stole more ice cream from his sister. She just pushed the cup towards him, apparently done with the treat.
Jason followed where the siblings were going. “They knew you’d be at the mall. That… That Phantom would be at the mall.” Danny looked up, his tired eyes confirming his thoughts. “They knew.”
It wasn’t a question.
Jazz nodded anyway. “We don’t know how long they did, but the truth is they knew about Danny. And went for him anyway.”
Minutes ticked by. Jason and Danny made quick work of their ice creams, lost in thought. Jazz checked her phone, frowned, and typed a few messages before putting it away.
“People died.”
Jason blinked at the non sequitur. Danny swallowed the last of the ice cream and wiped his mouth with a napkin.
“Neighbors, friends, people I knew. That day. They were fine and then they were dead.”
Guilt. It was clear as day.
“Is not your—”
“Don’t.” He cut him off. “Please.”
Jason nodded and decided to move on. “So you won the fight?”
“Barely. The ghosts were either captured by the GIW or retreated when they became outnumbered. Tucker and Sam managed to mess up with the idiots in white’s machines and weapons long enough for us to retreat. But we knew that wasn’t the end of it.
“We packed what we could and I hid at Sam’s, with the excuse that I would help her while she recovered — she broke her arm at the fight. We were a hundred percent sure if… if Jack and Maddie actually knew I was Phantom or not, but just in case.”
“I stayed. They didn’t target me so we were positive they didn’t know about me being liminal, so I stayed home.”
The vigilante frowned at Jazz. “What for?”
“Someone had to monitor them to see what they knew exactly. I also hid away any weapon they could potentially use against Danny.” She shrugged. “Not that it actually helped, because neither came back home in the weeks after the incident.”
“They were at the GIW base.” Danny crossed his arms and leaned back on his seat. The young man looked tired. “Because of course there was work to do with the captured ghosts.”
Jason hummed. “So they’ve been working on experimentation since then?”
Jazz shook her head. “We were telling the truth when we said they weren’t involved in that, at least not by the time we left Amity Park. Back then they were more involved in investigation on ghost containment and weapons research.”
He nodded, and turned back to Danny. “And the coup?”
The young man cursed under his breath. “Dealt with them.”
Jason waited for him to elaborate, but he didn’t. He cleared his throat and tried again. “What—”
“Listen, man.” He slapped the table and stood up. “That doesn’t matter. They don’t matter. I dealt with it. I accepted the damn crown and then told everybody to fuck off. And they have done that so far.” He breathed in, breathed out. “I’m nobody’s king, I’m just a simple guard now, okay? Nothing more, nothing less.”
With that, Danny walked away and left Jazz and Jason simmer in the tense silence. He looked at her, trying to gauge if he had said the wrong thing, but Jazz appeared apologetic.
“Before you ask — I don’t know either. Nobody does. He just… after we took down the GIW base, he took the captured ghosts back to the Realms. He came back two days later, hurt and barely coherent, and never spoke of what happened there. To anybody.” Not even me, the hurt statement was implied. “He was… changed. He didn’t say what happened but from what we could piece together it was bad, very bad.”
A myriad of possibilities crossed Jason’s mind. How bad is “very bad”? How much did Danny stir things up at the Realms that he had remained unbothered ever since? He tried to map the scars that he saw, and grimaced at the idea of two straight days of fighting after doing a raid to the GIW base.
Danny was done. With being a hero. With fighting. With trying to do the right thing.
What was even the “right thing” here? Going back to being the King of a dimension that doesn’t want him and he doesn’t want in return? Give it up, and risk someone worse taking control of so much power? Destroying the GIW? Going after their own parents?
He thought about the Joker. He asked Jazz when she was back from checking on the clown, and she willingly shared some details about his state. Jason never felt sorry for the fucker, but gained a new appreciation for Danny and his abilities.
The power to take someone’s soul and seal it inside their bodies — what else could he do? What other otherworldly and potentially devastating powers did he have at his disposal?
What else was he choosing not to face? What else was he running away from?
He stood up and followed Danny outside, finding him standing in the cold morning rain of Gotham. It wasn’t pouring, but it was easy to get soaking wet if you underestimated it.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I wasn’t going to ask.”
Both ignored the door when Jazz quietly followed them out of the ice cream shop.
“Good.” The younger man looked up at the gray sky, maybe looking for the sun. Water droplets fell down his face, and he welcomed them with a relieved, albeit tiny, smile. “Because I don’t have anything else to say.”
Jason rolled his eyes. What a drama queen.
He glanced at Jazz, who was shaking her head. “Whatever you say, edgelord.”
She pulled Danny to her chest for a hug, which he only protested with a tiny grumble. Jason chuckled before he was pulled in too by a surprisingly strong grip.
“If I have to suffer sisterly hugs then so do you.”
Jazz giggled but welcomed the addition to her arms, not caring that she could barely hold both of them and her arms fell short. She squeezed them harder towards her chest, humming in delight.
Great, she was a hugger. Jason really didn’t need another Grayson in his life.
<< Prequel - Clown around and find out | First Part
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 8 months
angsty hcs?
I hope that breaking up headcannons are angsty enough! The ask wasn’t super specific and I had a hard time coming up with stuff so this’ll have to do.
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He looked at you like you were absolutely stupid when you said those words
“I want to break up.”
You want to what?
He laughs in your face.
No. Absolutely not.
He’s not letting you go now that you’re his! Now that he’s gotten what he wanted.
Jeff would lock you away. Telling you to think about your decision more thoroughly, just so you can make a good final choice. Making sure to emphasize the word final.
Regardless of what you chose, you’d still be staying with him. He wouldn’t change how he acted at all either. You’re his whether you liked it or not.
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He just stood there silently
Huh? He thought things were going well between you two…
He gave you anything you could possibly want, why would you want to leave him?
It hurt his feelings to know you didn’t want him after all he’s done for you
He protected you against all the creeps and their… Creepy… Advances.
If he figured out it was because you liked someone else, he’d bring you their heart on a platter. If you wanted it so bad, there it is.
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Another to laugh.
He thought you were joking!
“Tim I’m serious… I don’t want this anymore…”
Only when you said that did his smile drop.
You can’t leave him like everyone else did…
He wouldn’t be able to see straight. He’d fall into an episode, dragging you up to his room and locking you there. He needs you. You’re the last person left.
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Another creep who stands in silence. You feel his eyes burn holes into you.
He’ll give you a kiss on the forehead, lifting his mask up only half way to do so before opening the front door for you
You’re surprised he let you go so easily after all the work he put into keeping you here
You hesitantly walk out the door, sprinting when you get outside
He lets you go, only for a little while. He’ll let you get just to the edge of the forest before he drags you right back.
It’s downright terrifying how quickly and quietly he can get to you. You’d never get away. You only got that far because he let you.
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He’d either break down and cry or lose his goddamn mind
If it’s the first option then he’s 100% on his knees, grabbing desperately to your pants and begging you to stay.
“Please! P-Please… I need you Y/N! I c-can’t live without you!”
If it’s the second option… Uh oh…
He’s chasing you around the house, hatchet in hand, screaming about how you could even think about leaving him.
“You’ll never leave me!! N-never! You’re mine Y/N!! MINE!”
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notsoattractivearenti · 6 months
Wanna Prove It? (Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader)
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WC: 800+
Warnings/Tags: pure fluff
A/N: a short one cuz i need to get it out of my system lol. he really is gonna be a great dad one day to our children cuz christian and babies = 🫠😍💗💗💗! btw no it's not dad!pulisic (y'all gotta wait until christmas 😋). anyway hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 💗 apologies for any errors! feedbacks are highly appreciated 🤍 (ps: if you want to be added in my taglist just lmk!)
Christian and I are having a chill night in, and we spend most of the night laying on our couch with TV on. He gets up into the kitchen to get us some ice cream while I scroll through my Instagram feed on my phone – until I stumble across a video posted by USMNT of Matt Turner and Tim Ream answering a couple of "dad" questions. Just in time, Christian walks back into the living room holding a pint of ice cream and two spoons in his hands.
“Babe, have you seen the video USMNT just posted on Instagram?”
“What video?” He replies.
I show the post to him briefly as he sits back and puts the ice cream and spoons on the table in front of us.
“Oh it’s Matt and Tim! I thought it was another VW video I did!” He laughs. “ I haven’t seen it. Let me have a look.”
“Watch it until the end, I think you’re going to love it.” I suggest as I hand my phone and grab the ice cream.
He watches the short clip and makes some little comments during. He isn’t aware at the moment but from my point of view, excitement is written clearly on his face. There’s no denying he genuinely loves his national teammates (or as he usually calls them: buddies) – he does have some wonderful bonds with most of them.
“Yeah, I can see Joe and Brenden being terrific dads.” He agrees with one of Matt’s answers on the video.
“Wh- Aww, stop it.” Christian slightly blushes when Matt stated Christian would be a great dad and Tim agreed with it. “They’re so nice for saying that.”
“I do love their kids. They’re adorable and sweet!” He excitedly adds. “Also, who doesn’t love to hold babies!?”
“People who don’t like babies, I suppose.” I spontaneously answer him with a mouth full of ice cream – even though he doesn’t ask for one.
“Well, I think they are missing out on one of the best things in the world.” He comments back and it makes me chuckle.
I want to get more reaction from him so I ask him, “Do you think they’re right? That you’re going to be a great dad?”
“Uh…” He pauses. “Do you?”
“Hey, I asked you first!” I jokingly point my finger at him. “Don’t turn it back at me.”
“I mean, I hope I will…” He shyly hesitates. “But I don’t know. I don’t want to sound so cocky...”
“I know you will.” I wink at him.
His face suddenly turns pinkish red but his eyes lighten up so quickly.
“Say what you want Chris, but you know I’m right.” I try to convince him.
“Maybe…” Though he sounds unsure, he still agrees with me. “You know, I’m glad you think that way.”
With a spoon still in my mouth, I give him a little smile and nod my head. “Mmhm, you’re most welcome.”
The conversation ends there and we go back to finishing our pint of ice cream - or so I thought.
“You wanna prove it?” He breaks the brief silence.
“Huh.” I think I know what he’s implying but I’m not quite sure. “Prove what?”
“We can make a baby right now and prove I’m capable of being a great dad.” He smirks as he gently grabs my shoulder, pulls me closer then whispers in my ear, “We don’t need to wonder no more…”
Yup. That is exactly what I thought when he said “prove it”. Now it’s my face that turns so red and I nearly choke on my ice cream when he whispered so seductively. Oh, he surely knows how to get me good – what a cheeky man my boyfriend is!
“Christian Mate Pulisic!” I playfully gasp. “You can’t be serious!”
“Do I look like I’m kidding?” He laughs seeing me so visibly flushed. “I am just offering something you and I both want, sweetheart.”
“Why are you so sure I want it?”
“Well, I mean, you literally talked about always wanting to have babies on our first date, didn’t you?” He states. “You can’t deny it. I remember every word you said, Y/N.”
“And I remember I specifically said one day when I’m finally ready, Chris!” I clarify his statement before he continues. “I am totally not there yet.”
“Okay, but you do want babies right? So my offer still stands.” He moves his eyebrows up and down while giving me a cheeky grin.
“Oh…” I cover my face and shake my head. “Of course but not now, babe! Besides, if I get pregnant today, it’ll be like… A teen pregnancy!”
“You’re in your 20s, Y/N!” He cackles at my remark.
“Still! I feel like I’m way too young to have a baby. I’m still one myself!” I jokingly whine.
“My God, Y/N, you are a baby.” He says sarcastically. “I’m just messing with you, my love.”
“I know, Chris, I’m not dumb.”
“Don’t worry, no need to rush, yeah? We can definitely wait.” He kisses my forehead. “‘Cause you’re the only baby mama I want.”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @swimmingismywholelife @chilwellspulisic @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @masonsrem @landoslover
162 notes · View notes
dreamstatez · 5 months
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Tim LaFlour X Reader
summary: after a day out with tim he invites you to his dorm and offers to show you his room. he also has a confession to make.
warnings !!: small praise, cussing, semi sexual tension, semi smut, semi gender specific compliments, fluff ?
word count: 685
Besties, please be nice to me. I'm rusty and please (nicely) tell me how to improve with writing.
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“no really...I insist..I'll show you everything...”
You and Tim we're walking on the street, laughing with each other. You stopped in front of his dorm building. Tim let out a small sigh,
Tim: “You wanna go up to my dorm?”
Y/N: “Oh..I really shouldn't.”
Tim: “Oh come on! It'll be fun..just for a second, okay?” You nodded and walked upstairs with him. He had on a black and red striped sweater, baggy low-rise jeans, a chain cross necklace, dirty black converse, and white above ankle socks. He excitedly stopped in front of his dorm door.
Tim: “Here we are! Beautiful isn't it?” he fakely sighed and pressed his cheek against the door. And you both giggled. “Soo..do you wanna like…go inside at all or?” He moved from the door and came a little closer. Silently giving you siren eyes.
Y/N: “I should really get home-”
Tim: “But it's uh…cold outside, plus you haven't even seen my room yet! I promise that my room is cool as fuck!” You both laugh as he keeps talking. “I promise.”
Y/N: “It’s really cool?”
Tim: “Super…cool..” He came closer, he was slightly towering over you. It felt as though within the silence, Tim was thinking about reaching out to touch you. The silence was; for some reason; exotic? Tim kept looking down at you. His eyes seemed to be creating images of what you'd look like unclothed, you didn't know for sure, but you were certain. He suddenly cleared his throat.
Tim: “Uh…do you wanna go inside now?” You nodded. And you noticed how Tim was a little nervous, it was kinda cute. He showed you the bathroom, Darryl's room as he wasn't home, and you finally reached his room. He sat down on the side of his bed and looked at you as you came in. “Welcome to my lair!” he giggled and jumped on the bed as you sat down next to where he previously sat. He bounced back down to sit on the bed and looked at you. “Sooooo…what do you think!? Is it cool as fuck?”
Y/N: “Yup..it's amazing” you said, unimpressed.
Tim: “Ohh, Come on! My room is amazing. Especially my bed. You see how soft this is!? Feel this shit. Move real quick.” He got up under the covers and the sheet and looked at you as you stood up and smiled. “Get under the covers with me! It's so fucking soft I swear.” You sighed and got underneath beside Tim. He poked your cheek and quickly looked at a wall like he didn't do anything.
Y/N: “Wh…did you poke me?!?” you chuckled and he looked at you “confused”.
Tim: “Who? Me? Pfft! What? No! I would..I would never!” His laughter tried to break in as he tried to speak with a straight face. You lightly nugged his shoulder. You two locked eyes again. He seemed to slowly lean in as he looked at you. His eyes softened and he licked his lips. He seemed to study your face as well as you looked at him. He caressed your face and slowly leaned in. “Can I?” You nodded, and with your silent consent Tim kissed you. And then more and more followed. With every kiss, his hands decided to explore you and hold you. One hand slightly held your hair and face, the other holding at your waist.
Tim: “I don't know if right now is the right time to say this…but..I've always thought you were so gorgeous. And I have had a crush on you for the longest time..”
Y/N: “I like you too actually..”
Tim: “You do?”
Y/N: “Mhm”
Tim: “Holy shit…no way! Are you fucking serious!? No fucking way! Really!?” The excitement on his face was adorable. He kissed you again. “Do you maybe wanna…go out some time?”
Y/N: “Uh, yes!? Of course I would!”
Tim: “Sweet! When can I pick you up? 3:00pm? Mall?”
Y/N: “Sure, Tim” You kissed him again and he smiled as he pulled away.
Tim: “I must be dreaming..” You both laugh and look at each other. Before exchanging more soft kisses.
[y'all it's 12:49am. I gotta go to BED.]
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Something something, Bruce accidentally keeps adopting his friends' wards. It doesn't sit well with his kids.
Diana's been training Yara for a little over a year. She's scrappy, brave, and unafraid to stand up for herself against the world. She reminds Bruce of a dearly beloved Ghost, and even dearer son.
" Oh wow. You're, uh. You're Batman. Love your work. I mean, Princess Di says you should take it easier since mortals don't fight gods, but it's so cool to me that you do. My mom died too! ...Sorry. Can you sign my pegasus?"
" Jerry. I mean, -- Yara! Sorry."
" Meeting new people isn't exactly my forte. It's fine. Is my training plan working for you? We can adjust it together."
"Oh! Well, I have some cool ideas,-"
For some, emotion gets lost when it comes to Batman. They see a wall of stone and tragedy, nothing beyond a twitch of lips reminding them there's a man wearing the cowl, not the other way around.
Dick's mouth is hanging open as he watches the blank expression on Bruce's face, patient with the excitable rambling in front of him. He rarely looks so happy on patrol.
"He smiled at her!"
Damian is very stubborn. He just won't accept it. Not even with the evidence of Diana's student taking a stream of selfies with his Baba, where he even smiles in one of them!
" Don't be ridiculous, Grayson. That's reaching a new low of stupid, even for you."
" Okay, one. I'm a very capable detective who thought YOU the robin ways. If I'm an idiot, you're an idiot."
" ...TT."
" Second... It wouldn't hurt to be home more often. I think he's lonely."
Damian frowns, " Baba deserves better than pity scraps. And you deserve better than forcing yourself to be here when you're not ready. It's unfair to you both."
"...Maybe I'm not an idiot after all."
The real challenge? The superboys.
"It's not that serious, Dames."
" Not that serious?!" Damian hisses when he's sad, it's a well known fact, " He put MY stickers on your bandages. You don't even NEED bandages!"
Jon shrugs, maybe, perhaps, intentionally flaunting the pink dragon stickers on his wrist. Accepting to arm wrestle Cass had been a bad idea, " It's a nice gesture."
Damian points a finger at him, then calms himself with a hollow breath, " I'm going to walk away. My therapist would be extremely proud of me."
But the bets were off when Jason visited.
"...What's your boy toy doing in my room?"
Tim drags a hand over his face as Kon whistles a marry tune, lounged comfortably on Jason's bed like a spoiled cat, " Dad Invited him over for dinner."
" I just figured it'd be nice to settle in! Since I'll be moving in soon and all," Kon smiles very smugly, " Bruce needs someone around since you just hate being here so much. You don't mind, right?"
" You know," Tim figures he should at least try to stop the slaughter, " I think Alfred's cookies are done. Let's go check."
Jason's radiating murder, " I think it's time for you to go home."
" Oh, I'd really love to see you make me."
Tim discovers Kon is immune to bullets, but not to being crashed through a wall.
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theaceofarrows · 2 years
Tim: I think one of the most jarring experiences about going from being an only child with free reign of an empty mansion, to now being in a giant family with countless siblings, is that I now have to knock on the door every single time whenever I enter a room. No exceptions
Kon: Why...?
Tim: One time I was going to the bathroom, and I walked in on Jason shirtless and flexing his muscles in the mirror while saying "oh, yeah I am the shit. I look good. Those criminal bitches better run", all while listening to I'm Too Sexy For My Shirt. The door was unlocked
Kon: Okay, but that can't happen ALL the time-
Tim: There was another time that I walked into the kitchen and found Dick on top of the cabinets eating a bowl of cereal and watching F.r.i.e.n.d.s. on his phone, while somehow also being able to clap to the theme song
Kon: Wait, what-
Tim: Oh, yeah. And this other time I was going to the manor's library, and when I opened the door I found Damian reading Titus Andronicus to his dog and once he finished reading he said "this is your namesake. You have much to live up to" in a completely serious tone. Why did I listen to the whole thing you might ask? Simple. I was too stunned to leave
Kon: Alright. But, uh- Bruce can't be that bad. Probably. I think
Tim: [dead eyed expression] I went to his study one time to ask him a question about a case, and I found him drinking straight from a wine bottle like it was water while he was doing WE paper work
Kon: ...I suddenly don't think my family is as weird as I thought...
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piived · 5 months
Justice is Swift (Vengeance is Sweet) — Ch.3 Memes/Shitposts
master post || <- ch.2 memes || ch.3
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Danny: Wow this coffee is so good I hope nothing happens to it…
Jason, spilling Danny’s coffee all over his shirt: Oh no, I think you need to take that off. Right now ;)
Tim: Can you guys fucking STOP and flirt like NORMAL PEOPLE?
Bernard, secretly filming: No, don’t listen to him, keep going.
Danny, sleep deprived and in desperate need of caffeine: *catches a glimpse of Jason*
Danny, blinking: God?
Jason, absolutely smitten: Not quite, sweetie :’)
Danny: Oh, good, I thought I died again for a second
Jason: HUH?
Danny: Oh I think that barista gave me her number by accident lol it’s clearly meant for you
Jason, taking off his shirt: He’s so fucking stupid I must have him
Danny: lol yeah Amity is Super Haunted
Tim, full conspiracy board mode: Why the fuck have I never heard of Amity before?
Danny: Okay time to lay low and be completely normal. No Phantom, no problem :)
Also Danny the second Amity is brought up, no self control in sight and ready to spill everything: So ghosts are actually real and there’s this one really cool one named Phantom who’s basically my best friend —
Danny, telling a story and casually mentioning ghosts like it’s nothing bc he’s used to no one in Amity Park batting an eye at the paranormal: — and then Skulker came around and threatened to ‘mount my pelt’, which after the hundredth time hearing is just kind of like, ‘yeah, whatever dude we get it, can I just buy my ice cream now?’ like he’s a serious vibe killer y’know but his girlfriend Ember is pretty cool when she’s not mind controlling people with her music an—
Any Gothamite he speaks to thinking he’s insane: Yo, what the fuck?
Danny, confused: What? You’ve never seen a ghost? Weird :/
Danny, resigned to collecting strays: Whatchya got there, Ellie?
Ellie, holding a smoothie and two feral kittens: Uh, a smoothie.
Jason: Get me a notepad.
Tim: Are you going to just draw a dick like last time?
Jason: … No.
Tim: You hesitated.
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augustvandyne · 12 days
5 times she almost she almost confesses, and the one time she actually does. ( Lucy Chen x firefighter!reader.)
been in the works for a long time.. i apologize
it has been a while but i’ve been struggling (still kinda am) but im trying to work on myself and i have more time to write now!!
The first time she almost says it, it’s mainly as a joke, but she’s cut off by you.
It was only the third or fourth time she’d met you, but she thought you were gorgeous and she would’ve sold her soul to go out with you.
On a random Tuesday, her and Officer Bradford responded to a distress call that happened to involve a house fire. Which was why you and your station were later called.
You’d had run-ins involving Tim Bradford and his rookies in the past, so you weren’t completely struck by this form of ‘teaching,’ but you were still surprised.
When you arrived on the scene Officer Bradford was telling Lucy she should help out since they were the only ones available in the moment, and you all but yelled out for Lucy not to do that.
“Officer.. Bradford!” Bailey shook her head in disapproval. “You should never enter a burning house without the correct equipment.”
“We were busy waiting. For you,” Tim leaned forward angrily, and that was when you entered the house, so you didn’t hear the end of the conversation. But you would bet good money that Bailey won that argument.
You moved through the house along with a few other firefighters, and that was when you found Lucy in the kitchen, all but coughing her lung out.
“Officer Chen,” You took one of her hands and placed the other on her back so you could help her out of the house and off the counter she was leaning on.
She leaned most of her weight on you, because she was weak from smoke inhalation, but you eventually picked her up to get her out.
You sat her on the back of the ambulance, and started checking her out since you had some paramedic training under your belt, and the other paramedics were checking on the more serious injuries.
“You okay?” You immediately put a gas mask over her face so she could breathe.
She tried to remove the mask to speak, but you shook your head and said, “Don’t talk. Just nod yes or no.”
She gave you a nod to let you know she’s okay.
Officer Bradford appeared in front of the two of you, but you shake your head at him.
“Uh-uh,” You pursed your lips and stepped in front of him. “I think you should go elsewhere. After the stunt you just pulled, you ought to be put on probation, but it’s not up to me.”
“I—“ Tim stood there with his mouth open, like you could stand there and talk to him like that.
“So you can take yourself back over there to the rest of your cop buddies, while I clear Officer Chen for duty,” You stood, one hand on the mask and one hand on your hip.
Tim clears his throat, “I’ll wait over there.”
“I thought so,” You nodded and watched him walk back over to the police cars.
Lucy let out an exasperated laugh, “Thank you. I needed that. I may regret it tomorrow, but, he deserves it.” Lucy pauses. “I literally lo—“
“It was no problem, really, I see he’s a bit stuck up. Someone had to put him in his place,” You cut her off, not even realizing she was trying to speak until after. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
“Huh?” Lucy thought it would be best if she acted like she wasn’t saying anything. “Oh, nothing.”
“Okay,” You nodded. “You’re okay to go, but take your time. Make sure if you’re out of breath at any time, that you take a second to rest. My orders.”
“You got it,” Lucy stuck her thumb up with a smile.
“Bye, Officer Chen.”
The missile attack took everyone by surprise, even you.
The Los Angeles Fire Department worked to help with damage control and to help maintain traffic on the freeway and along the streets.
It didn’t work very well, but it made you feel better to do that than to just sit around while the world ended.
Angela and Jackson eventually told you to just give it up because nothing was going to help if the world was really going to end in less than an hour.
You fought against her, but she told you and Bailey you should go find Tim and Lucy and find shelter, as they weren’t answering the radios.
Bailey grabbed your arm softly and pulled you away, because she knew about your small but growing crush on the woman, and she knew how worried you were, even if you pushed it down.
Angela told you their last known location, and that’s where you found them, drinking their worries away.
“Officer Chen,” You nodded with a small smile on your face — although it was fake, it was nice of you to try.
“Y/n,” Lucy’s eyes softened at another familiar face.
You look to Tim, and even though you weren’t his biggest fan, you greeted him with a pat on the shoulder. There was no need to keep enemies if you were about to die together.
“What are we drinking?” Bailey asked nervously.
“Tequila and Scotch,” Lucy tried handing the tequila to Bailey, but she shook her head.
“I’m not a tequila girl.. wine, and I can get down with.”
You chuckle lightly as you watch Bailey wander off to find a bottle of red wine, and take the bottle from Lucy. Your hands brushing in the process.
“I think I love you,” Lucy stumbled over her words slightly, and you just let out a breathy laugh.
“That’s very sweet, Officer Chen,” You kept your eyes on her as you took a sip from the bottle.
“The world is gonna end, so I thought I’d tell you,” Lucy shrugged jokingly, but deep down inside (and later in the months) she wasn’t really joking.
When it was all over, you found yourself sort of wishing she’d meant it, but you’ve only seen her a few times, and you barely even knew her favorite color. Not to mention she’d never even asked you on a date.
You were very surprised when Lucy had asked you to be her date to Officer Angela Lopez’s wedding, but you reluctantly agreed to go.
The two of you had swapped numbers after the false missile attack, and she texted you like crazy.
Not that you’d ever complain, because the pictures of puppies and random selfies throughout the day was something you came to look forward to.
It’s months later, though, and you’re glad Lucy asked you out (kind of), finally!
You lived with Bailey, as she was your best friend, and the two of you decided to get ready together since John Nolan had asked her to come along as well.
You wore a lighter blue dress that had just been sitting in the back of your closet for months. It was a spaghetti strap, and it flowed along your body nicely with a slit up your leg.
You bought it for another occasion, but never ended up using it, so you just pushed it in the back, thinking you’d never have another need for it. But Bailey found it and convinced you this was exactly what you needed to wear to impress Lucy.
And she was right.
You’d pay good money to relive Lucy’s reaction to your dress over and over.
She had no shame in looking you up and down, which was good, because you had no shame in doing it to her, either.
The both of you looked away with a small blush on each of your faces from being ogled. That is, until Jackson pushed Lucy towards you.
“I’m going to go check on Angela,” Jackson removes his hand from Lucy’s back, and the two of you nod, but you aren’t really looking at him — more at each other.
“You look.. gorgeous,” You shook your head, amazed.
“You do too,” Lucy scoffed slightly. “If there was a competition, I think you’d win with flying colors.”
“Have you seen yourself?” You continued to ogle her.
You grab her hand softly, and lift your arms above the two of you so you can spin her around, her dress flowing freely with her.
“Oo, you’ve got moves,” Lucy laughed as you spun her back towards you.
“Yes, I do,” You lifted your brows jokingly. “We’ll have to dance together later.”
“Why not now?” Lucy whined. “We could just dance right here, right now. I don’t care who sees. Please?”
“Fine,” A small smile graces your lips. “But only because you asked so nicely.”
You timidly place a hand on Lucy’s back, because this was new territory, and you didn’t want to overstep. And you place your other hand in hers.
The two of you slow dance to a song that doesn’t even match your rhythm, and neither of you care.
Lucy spins you this time with a giggle, and your all but fall into her arms on your way back in. But you’re especially struck when she dips you without warning.
“I have moves?” You question with a huge grin on your face. “Look at you, Miss. Chen!”
She slowly lifts you back up and you are about to kiss her when a bunch of people start crowding around you.
“Lucy,” John is the first to speak, and with a shake to his head, Lucy removes herself from you.
“What?” Lucy’s smile is gone, and she’s given sympathetic looks. “Someone tell me what’s wrong. Now.”
Tim steps forward anxiously and whispers something in her ear, and you only catch parts of it.
Lucy looks like her hearts been ripped out of her chest over and over again, “O— oh. What— who did this?”
You lean forward and grab her in your arms, because all you heard was “Jackson and Lopez,” and “Missing.”
“Lucy,” Grey says in a plain voice, but there’s so much behind it, and Lucy pulls herself together.
“I have to—“
“Of course,” You held onto her hands, pulling her in for a small kiss on the cheek. “Text me if you need anything, okay?”
“Yes,” Lucy nods. “I lov— erally can’t thank you enough.”
You shake your head trying to figure out what she just said, but then Bailey is beside you and the two of you are following closely behind them to exit the venue.
You hadn’t heard much from Lucy in the span of a few weeks, and you were starting to worry.
Especially because Lucy was an over the top texter, and she hadn’t so much as sent one message a day. More like two in a week.
She was coping the loss of her best friend, you knew that, but it didn’t stop you from worrying.
You wanted to bake her some cookies and put together a small basket like she had when you were sick a month or two ago.
Bailey offered to come along, but you told her not to worry. Not because this was something you wanted to do on your own, but because she’d been off and on with Officer John Nolan, and you couldn’t stand to be put in more than one awkward interaction today.
Once the basket was put together (you had to have Bailey help you wrap it up and put the bow on, but that’s beside the point) you left and made your way to the station.
“Is Bailey with you?” John perked up from the front desk upon your arrival, but he was quickly put back down after not seeing her.
“Not this time,” You shrugged apologetically. “I’m looking for Lucy. Is she in?”
He eyes the basket up and down, “She might be in the break room for her lunch.”
“Has she eaten?” You knew it was a long shot asking him, because he’d probably been out there all morning, but it was worth it to try.
“If I guessed, I’d say no,” He shook his head.
You sighed, biting the inside of your cheek, “I’ll just have to force feed her some of these cookies.”
“Sounds good,” John chuckled as you walked through the station, finding Lucy sitting where John said she might be. No food in sight.
“Y/n,” Lucy gives a slight smile, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.
“Hey,” You placed the huge basket on the table and Lucy’s eyes are drawn to it.
“You didn’t..” Lucy frowned slightly. “You really didn’t.. have to.”
Lucy’s lips started to quiver, and you were quick to hug her tightly. You hadn’t seen her since the wedding, and obviously hadn’t spoken much either, so you were walking in blind today. No clue how she was holding up.
“Shh,” You let her cry into your chest, rubbing her back reassuringly. “It’s okay, love. It’s okay.”
Smitty begins to walk in, head hung as he looks at his phone. He looks up with a startled expression, “Oh— uh, Chen..”
“Get out!” Lucy cried into your arms, and you just chuckled at the interaction.
Smitty stood still, unsure what to do, “I think it’s best if you go..” The two of you stood awkwardly, just staring at each other. “Hello? Move.”
He swallowed and nodded his head, shutting the door on his way out.
“I lo—“ Lucy stutters and you just nod your head.
“I know. Shhh, I know,” You place a small kiss on her head. “It’s okay.”
Responding to a quiet call in what looked to be an abandoned house was just what you needed today. Until it wasn’t.
You’d disappeared through a hallway because Bailey said she had the foyer, but she didn’t.
When you came back, she was trapped in what looked to be a trap of some kind — and you could only assume it had to do with Rosalind Dyer.
You and your group quickly called the LAPD, and soon enough, your girlfriend of two months walked in. You’d now known each other for a year and some.
“Y/n,” She hugged you quickly, placing her forehead to yours. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
“Gee, thanks,” Bailey said sarcastically from below.
“I don’t think I could handle it if it were me down there,” You say truthfully. “You’re smart, and you’ll know what to do, Bails.”
“It was designed for me,” Bailey quickly observes the tank.
Your heart drops and breaks in your chest for your best friend, and you’re so scared you feel as though you may have a panic attack.
You feel Lucy shift closer to you, her lingering touches bringing you comfort.
A sympathetic smile sets on her lips, a quirk in her eyebrow to ask if you were okay. You give a nod in response.
Things escalate quickly after that. John disappears, Bailey comes close to death, it’s a whole mess. And you’re struggling to breathe because you can’t lose your best friend tonight. It just couldn’t happen.
As Celina encourages Bailey to stay under the water longer when the explosions happen, you’re standing off to the side, a hand held to your mouth to hold the vomit in.
Lucy stands from her crouch, a gentle hand coming to your back to soothe your anxiety.
The bile lowers, and you attempt to speak, but she beats you to it.
“I l—“
For once you think you understand what she’s trying to say, and the swallow that contracts her throat says it all for her. You knew, and you reciprocated, but now wasn’t the time. There was too much going on all at once and you couldn’t accept the words here— not like this.
A slight nod from you and Lucy’s eyes changed.
“She’s going to be okay,” It was an empty promise, both of you knew, but she was trying to convince the both of you. “Come here.”
She wraps you in her arms and for once you feel safe.
When she actually says I love you, you were in the hospital.
It was a fire rescue gone wrong, and you were in critical condition.
When Lucy got word she dropped everything and hurried to the hospital. Not even caring about Tim’s insistence on letting him drive her.
She broke twenty different laws on the way there, but the only thing she was worried about was getting to you.
A small smile formed on your lips when you heard her shouts — actual shouts — at the nurse to let her see you. You even think she flashed her badge, and if you weren’t in so much pain you’d laugh.
She does finally appear at your door, her pleads finally working, and you’re more than happy to see her.
She timidly sits on your bedside, afraid she’s going to hurt you from three feet away.
“Lucy..” You try to talk, but it pains you to even do that, and Lucy can tell.
“Don’t talk,” She reaches her hand out but draws it back at the last second because the last thing she wasn’t to do is make you uncomfortable. “Let me speak.”
You scrunch your eyebrows together in concern, because what did she have to say?
“I’m sorry.”
“This isn’t—“
“What did I say?” Lucy attempts to be stern, but it just makes you smile. “I’m sorry this happened to you.”
Your lips wobble and she hates to see you like this.
“Bailey told me you had been rushed to the hospital. I’m so glad she did because I love you and I absolutely cannot lose you—“
Her eyes widen when she realizes what she’s said, her hand shooting to her mouth in shock.
“I.. I—“
“Should I go? I should probably go, right?” Lucy nods nervously. “Or— just forget I said anything at all.”
“Lucy, I love you too.”
Your words catch her off guard, and suddenly the frown on her face is turned into a wide smile.
“You do?” She breathless.
“Of course I do. How couldn’t I?”
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ladytauria · 7 months
“I’m going to ask you how you are and I would like you to answer me honestly.” chose your ship >:)
i went with jaysteph, 'cause i haven't written for them yet & they've been on my mind lately <3
i hope i wrote steph okay; i'm still feeling out her characterization ^^;
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“So,” Steph says, perching on the arm of the couch like there aren’t two open seats right there in front of her. “Here’s how this is gonna work. I’m gonna ask you how you are, and you’re gonna answer me honestly.”
Jason crosses his arms. “You boss Tim around like this too?”
“Sure do,” she says breezily. “You’ve seen me do it.”
Jason purses his mouth. He isn’t pouting—though the look Steph gives him insinuates she feels otherwise. His arms twitch. He barely stops himself from crossing them over his chest, or slumping back into the couch. All of which would only further her—mistaken—impression.
When he doesn’t say anything else, Steph says, “So… Jason. How are you?”
“Peachy,” he bites.
Steph crosses her wrists and mimics the sound of an incorrect buzzer. “Nuh-uh, buddy, try again.”
“Oh my god,” Jason says. His head falls back against the couch.
“Look, I know emotional constipation is like—our whole thing, but… a little honesty here isn’t going to kill you,” Steph says. “I mean— Do you want me to bring up the B-word? ‘Cause I’ll do it, if it means we can bypass all… this.” She gestures vaguely.
Jason grimaces at the ceiling. “Please tell me the B-word is breakfast. As in, you want breakfast for dinner and will let this go if I agree to make you waffles.”
She doesn’t even dignify that with an answer. Which—yeah. Fair. If Steph wants waffles for dinner, Steph gets waffles for dinner, no bribery required. He’s easy like that. (It’s that thousand-watt smile—the way it leaves him weak at the knees, stomach fluttering. All that romance novel shit he never thought he’d actually have.)
Jason sighs, throwing an arm over his face. He loves that she cares. Really—he does. But he still hates talking about it. Like—okay. Some of it is easy. He can talk about how pissed he is that the Joker is still alive any day of the week. But when you get down to the other shit, the personal shit…
It’s harder. The words stick in his throat, like he’s swallowed a big glob of peanut butter, or like he’s got the worst flu of his life.
But Steph is asking—and. He’s trying to be honest with her. Even about the shit he doesn’t want to talk about.
Also, she’s serious about bringing up Bruce. So. There’s that.
 “How am I?” he repeats, as he picks through the snarled up briar patch growing in his chest. “I’m— not great.” Understatement. He feels like he’s unraveling at the seams, lately. Like, if he isn’t careful, eventually he’s going to unwind completely. “Everything has just been… a lot.” 
Steph slips off the arm of the couch; tucking herself up beside him. He can smell the honey of her body wash; the coconut of her shampoo. It’s nice. Almost as nice as the warmth of her, or the fingers that find his hair, toying gently with his curls.
“A lot?” she repeats, softer now.
“Yeah.” He drops his arm, twisting his torso so he’s curled toward her. He rests his hand on her hip, stroking it with his thumb over her shirt. “I don’t— I can’t point to one thing,” he says quietly. “It’s Bruce, a little bit.” It’s always Bruce, and often more than just ‘a little bit.’ “The city, too. Feels like—like nothing I’m doing, nothing we’re doing is helping. Changing anything. An’ I know that’s not true. I’ve seen the people we’ve helped. But— the bad shit just keeps happening, and. It just. Feels hopeless, sometimes. A lot of the time.” He pauses.
“An’... I’ve been thinking again. About all the stuff I missed out on. An’ I know it’s not too late for all of it, I know I can still— I can go to college. We can make an identity for me, somethin’ I can live in. But, I just. I think about balancing that with everything else, and it just— It’s a lot. I see you do it, and you— Baby, you do it amazingly, and— I want that too, but—”
Steph quiets him with a gentle finger to his mouth. She lays that hand on his chest, tracing the fading graphic on his tee. The other hand stays in his hair. “It is a lot,” she says quietly. “But it’s also nice, to have that break. That connection. Reminds you that all the shit we see isn’t everywhere. It might help.” Her mouth quirks, a little. “And as for B. I’ve hit him once. I’ll do it again, if it’ll make you feel better.”
Jason can’t help his grin. “Only if I can watch.”
Steph winks. “I’ll be watching for opportunities,” she says. Her expression gentles again; and she’s looking at him with an expression so fond that it makes mouth dry up, his eyes sting. “Until then— What do you say we take the night off, yeah? Turn the living room into a blanket fort, order pizza, and watch all those movies we’ve been wanting to see.”
“That—” He has to cut himself off; swallow and start again, when his mouth isn’t desert-dry. “That sounds great, babe.”
She kisses him, brief and fleeting. “Of course it does. I have the best ideas. Now, get moving, Jaybabe. You start on the supports, I’ll call the pizza place. The usual?”
“Yeah,” he agrees, rising to his feet.
He doesn’t know how he got so lucky, but he’s not about to question it. He’ll just have to make sure he never forgets.
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serxinns · 29 days
Sweet treats! Chap 3!
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"Ochaco!? Izuku!?" Your mouth was hanging wide open while looking at the 2 Izuku was now taller than you and very muscular and Ochako's hair had now grown a bit and was the same height as you " It's such a pleasure to see you and what are the odds in a cafe!" She squealed as she hugged you across the register "Heh yeah It seems like I liked baking more than fighting heroes it seemed calmer and safer" "That's completely understandable! Her work can be extremely dangerous and very crazy at times but at least you saving Heros with your treats!"
Ochako chuckled and at her boyfriend's dorky comment while Izuku looked so proud and embarrassed about it "So what have you two been up to? Seen you two on TV a couple of times beating villains I even saw Ochako holding Deku princess-style ~" Ochako and izuku faces were both red in the face at both your teasing smile and at each other "s-shut up! It's not like thatatallhewasjustinjuredtothepointhecantwalkandI-"
"Mochi please-.." she was waving her arms in different directions while Izuku watched trying to calm her down "Heh anyways what would you like to have!" They looked around "Can I have the sugar-frosted cookies strawberry and birthday cake flavor please!" "And I'll have 2 of the jumbo cinnamon rolls!" You happily wrote it down and strolled away in the back with our shoes on wheels the couple was watching your every move almost like they were mesmerized by the way you hummed happily to yourself talking to a pink-haired boy!? Was he ur boyfriend? Were you dating? They had so many questions
"OK! They'll be ready in a few minutes if that's ok?" They quickly were snapped back into their thoughts and gave you a quick smile "That's amazing also who's that boy you were talking to?" Ochako's tone turned a bit serious izuku gave her a nervous glance before he could say anything "Oh, maharu? He's a friend of mine! My grandmother offered him to work there to earn some money!"
Ochako softened her gaze a bit and smiled "Oh well I bet he's doing an amazing job!" Izuku signed in relief but still showed a look of concern, as you and Ochako were happily chatting with each other izuku was busy in his thoughts, as much as he and Ochako missed you he didn't make you uncomfortable and blew their cover they had to do this in a slow past or it'll-
a ding snapped out of his thoughts and Ochako gently shook his shoulder "Izu we got our pastries! Aren't they pretty?" She smiled at the beautifully decorated sweets in a cute box-like container "Oh! Uh yeah, they're pretty! And I bet they're very tasty as well!" He smiled while looking at the treats he wasn't lying they looked absolutely amazing he didn't even wanna eat it!
Ochako and Izuku looked at each other ochako did a pleading eye and izuku playfully rolled his eyes and nodded "so Y/n I was wondering if you have free tim-"
"OMG IT DEKU AND URAVAITY" A bunch of people who seemed to be fans were cheering, taking pictures, and squealing holding out papers and items to sign you were surprised about the sudden appearance
"Fuck.." mochiko hissed under her breath while Izuku was busy trying to calm the situation down by quickly signing autographs "Aw well we'll see you later y/n it was such nice meeting you again" Byee!- HOLD ON WAIT!" You dashed to get a piece of paper and wrote a few numbers down "It's my phone number just in case you wanna come to chat with me! Ochako's eyes beamed and a big smile was plastered on her face "Thanks y/n I will! And see you later- hey now one at a time! Ochako smiled while trying to get the fans to calm down and stop overwhelming her boyfriend
You giggled and lazily waved at your former classmates while they were surrounded by fans
Later that night as you and your friends were walking down the street towards your homes maharu and Ziki were arguing about which ice cream, the flavor was better and Kitkari was ranting to you about her ex-boyfriend suddenly you felt a chill up your spine somebody was watching you kitkari notice this and gently put a hand on your shoulder "Hey you ok?" Maharu and Ziki stopped and looked behind the two of you "Yeah I just felt like someone was watching me but it's fine " you jokingly said trying not to sound scared your friends looked concerned
"Want us to spend the night with you?" "Us!? I ain't about to get slashed by Jason Voorhees" "DUMBASS HE ONLY KILLS PEOPLE IN CRYSTAL COVE" Kitkari rolled his eyes while seeing two of his friends fight "It's ok y/n we won't let anyone happen to your promise!" You felt calmer and made a small smile "ok then let's go to my place I'm sure Xin won't mind do you, boy?" Xin mewed and was resting on your shoulders the 4 of you walked away smiling laughing and goofing ur friends may be crackheads but they're the sweetest crackheads you could've asked for
?????: I hid in the bushed quietly while watching my gum drop and her little friends walked off into your house "sneaking into the bushes again #&%&=#*$? I looked behind to see my boyfriend #$%<^[< "$%^* will get very worried for you, you know she doesn't like you stalking y/n without her especially late at night" I groaned I know but I wanna see if they're safe and sound $%^& wouldn't mind &$^<^[< rolled his eyes
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vermillioncrown · 9 months
ttbh - picking korvin up from canon daycare
Kon can’t get the bracelet activated soon enough. If Robin IV riling Tim up didn’t delay them another ten minutes (which, maybe some of his points were fair? Even if Tim didn’t think so), they could have avoided the Order-verse Jason’s death glare as soon as they popped into the Middle-verse.
…He’s not fucking calling it “Middle Earth”, no matter how much he loves Tim. Korvin would probably be on Kon’s side, likely out of principle due to his eye rolling at the whole “multiversal bullshit.” He’s going to be so pissed that despite lecturing Tim about borrowing trouble and poking things that should be left un-poked, it’s Tim’s penchant for poking that saved their ‘verse and his existence.
But speculation is moot—they’ll have to wait and see.
“Yeah, yeah, we’re late—blame him,” Kon jerks his thumb towards his Damian, who haughtily steps in front of him to survey the Middle-verse’s entourage. It’s a little funny to hear their surprise at his appearance.
Judging by the very tiny ‘hm’ Kon hears, Robin IV’s verdict on the situation: barely passable.
“Korvin,” Damian kneels down on one leg and beckons Mini-Korv over.
Mini-Korv perked up when they arrived, and his heartbeat makes a happy little stutter at being called. He turns to give Allie a big smile and hug (Kon’s about to scream—oh, why oh why is he so freaking cute like this?!) before running over to them. Even cuter is that he sways to a stop before crashing into them, and stands at attention to say, “Hi, Big-Dami; hi, Kon. Are we goin’ home?”
There’s a pause where Damian preens, nearly unnoticeable, at the new prefix. “Yes,” he answers solemnly, inspecting Mini-Korv and finds him no worse for wear. He reaches out to pat him on the head, twice exactly, to which Mini-Korv leans in. “We have the solution to your situation at the ready.”
“Okay,” Mini-Korv says agreeably. “Allie said it’s fine and we’re not gonna…uh.” He blinks and turns back to look at Allie, who mouths something at him. “Death of self. So, we get to ‘member,” he finishes with a dimpled smile. Of course he’s trying to be cute while saying something mildly horrific—as always.
For once, Kon and Damian share a look with each other before addressing…that. In the periphery, it looks like Allie is glaring at them and Order-verse Jason has his arms crossed.
“Ah…haha, yeah, that’s great, yep,” Kon nods along. “No dying.”
“The mechanics are as such that your memories and experiences from here will remain,” Damian clarified, his tone gentle for once. He then stands and holds out his hand for Mini-Korv to take.
A little hand readily latches onto Damian but a second one tugs at Kon’s sleeve.
“Kon?” If only he could get actual Korvin to call him ‘Kon’ so freely…not that he minds the work to get the other man to give in. “Kon, I have a question?”
“What’s up, Korv?”
Mini-Korv’s brows are scrunched, expression chubby-cheeked yet straight-faced, when he asks, “C-Can…um, can you get more earrings, please?”
Kon flicks the gold hoop he’s currently wearing, watching Mini-Korv’s eyes follow the motion—his little magpie behavior is much harder to hide in this state. “Well, it’s not that simple.”
The serious face turns into what would probably be a thoughtful frown on Korvin, but ends up as an adorable pout on Mini-Korv. “Why not? Allie’s Kon has one in his nose. You can be an even better and prettier Kon if you had more.”
He’s really leaning into the type of sweet-talking for when he’s trying to (with great success) get his way. It’s already potent enough when he's fully-grown and looming over everyone—the contrast does it; being itty-bitty makes it that much more straightforward and powerful.
…Damn, he should have asked Order-verse Kon about the nose ring. Maybe Tim (and Korvin, once he's ‘back’) can figure something out? He wouldn’t mind more hardware, especially if he gets to choose. Even better if his Bat Boys really, really want it.
“Just earrings?” Kon teases, going to adjust the bracelet’s settings and letting Damian confirm. Buddy system, check—they’re on their way home. No last minute fuck ups here.
“No, you should get so many pretty rings. Everywhere you can, and then my Kon can be the best and prettiest Kon,” Mini-Korv declares. His big brown eyes practically sparkle with how innocently enamored he is at the thought.
‘His Kon’ and ‘everywhere’, huh? What an idea.
Damian’s face morphs into horrified disgust as Kon smiles down at Mini-Korv and offers, “Let’s talk about it when you grow back up?”
“Okay,” Mini-Korv cheerfully agrees as Damian spits out, “You Petri dish harlot—”
Kon times it perfectly, and the bracelet takes them away before that rant can gain traction.
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secretkittywolf · 4 months
High Life
Chapter 7
Grian arrived at Jimmy's penthouse and finds an unconscious Scar. "What did you do?!" "I... knocked him out?" "Tim! Are you serious? You could've killed him! We only have one life, remember?" Jimmy looks down as Grian's wings flap all over the place, his chest was puffed out and he was squawking angrily as Bdubs looks with confusion. "Uh.... What'd he say?" "He's mad that I knocked Scar out" translates Jimmy. "Ah okay. I just don't understand squawks" Grian lets out a huff and picks up Scar. He glares at Jimmy before leaving, muttering "Stupid Tim" and "He's such an idiot" and other insults. "Well, thank you Jimmy for saving me and -hopefully- Scar and I'll bid you adieu" Bdubs smiles. "See ya, Bdubs" The shorter male left, leaving Jimmy alone. "How was I supposed to know that I could've killed him? I'm not a doctor! I know bits of first aid, but had to wing it when it came to removing the bullet" The canary sits down in a armchair and lets out a long sigh. He soon feels his comm buzz and takes it out.
Skizz: Hey Jimmy!
Jimmy: Hi
Tango: Okay something's up.
Jimmy: What do you mean?
Skizz: You normally put a smiley face at the end of every "Hi" message. What's wrong?
Jimmy: Nothing
Tango: That's it. We're coming over
Jimmy: What?!
Skizz: Send us your coordinates now and we'll be with you shortly
Jimmy sighs and sends them his coordinates. He then begins to tidy up as the two make their way to Jimmy. As Skizz gets closer to Jimmy's a hand lands on his shoulder. "Hey Skizz" he freezes. "Oh, hey Scott" he turns around, quickly kissing him. Scott begins to kiss back but Skizz pulls away before things could go further. "Sorry, I'm in a bit of a hurry" "Gonna try and get your motive done?" Questions Scott. "Something like that, yeah" he lies. Scott frowns. He knew that was a lie. He was going to see Jimmy and Tango. "Well I won't keep you from doing your motive. Love you!" He grabs Skizz by the cheeks and kisses him. Skizz was slightly startled as he felt Scott's arms wrap around his neck, deepening the kiss. He kisses his boyfriend back which lead to a short makeout session. "Okay, now I really have to go" Skizz chuckles, pulling away. Scott playfully pouts removing his arms. "Okay okay" Skizz quickly kisses him on the cheek and runs off "See you later!" As the angel leaves, Scott's happy nature disappears instantly.
"See you later, you cheater" Scott walks away, annoyed and angry on how Skizz could do something like this. Was it him? Was he not a good enough boyfriend? His thoughts began to fill with so many questions as he walks closer to Impulse's. "Maybe Impulse is down for a chat? Or maybe something to eat" He walks inside the building, sending Impulse a message before making his way to the penthouse. "Hello Scott!" smiles the imp. "Fancy grabbing something to eat?" He asks. "Sure! I could eat" Scott smiles and the two head down and out into the city. They make it to a café and sit down at a table. "So what's wrong?" Impulse asks. "Wrong? Nothing's wrong. Wh- What are you talking about?" Impulse gives Scott a 'Are you serious?' look. "Fine. Yes something's wrong" "What is it? Come on, tell old Impulse what's up" "SkizzandIloveeachotherbutIfeellikeheprefersJimmyandTango,butinsteadoftellingmethathedoesn'tlovemeanymore,hegoesofftobewiththem,leavingmealoneandangryandIjustreallywanttoknowwhy!Whythem?IsitsomethingI'vedone?HaveIdoneorsaidsomethingthatmadehimmadatme? Have I-"
A hand covers his mouth. "Woah! Slow down, Scott. You're talking at like x 5 speed. Take a deep breath and repeat it again, slowly" Scott listens and takes a deep breath and Impulse's hand is removed. "Skizz and I love each other but I feel like he prefers Jimmy and Tango, but instead of telling me that he doesn't love me anymore, he goes off to be with them, leaving me alone and angry and I just really want to know why! Why them? Is it something I've done? Have I done or said something that made him mad at me?" repeats Scott, slower so Impulse can understand him. "Okay, wow. That is a lot" Scott nods as their food appears. "And just today, he quickly kisses me then pulls away before I can kiss back. He lies to me and then makes out with me. I'm so confused!" Impulse watches as Scott stabs his steak with a fork before tearing off a chunk with his teeth. "You can cut it, you know? You don't have to eat it like an animal" "I'm mad" A pair of hands land on top of his. Impulse's hands are larger than his. He thought they'd be rough, but they're soft, as he guides Scott's hands to cut the steak.
"I know you're mad. But how do you know that Skizz is cheating on you? Have you seen them kiss or go on dates? You can't just base it off on assumptions. If you saw them making out then yes, I'd completely understand your anger, but if you're so worried, why not talk to Skizz? I'm sure he'd be willing to explain everything" Scott watches as his cheeks get cupped and looks at Impulse. "I know Skizz and he wouldn't do something like that. Just trust me okay?" Scott couldn't help but smile. Impulse was such a sweetheart. "Okay. I'll trust you and talk to him. But if I'm right, you owe me" Impulse chuckles as he removes his hands. "Fair enough" The two continue talking about anything and everything. Scott felt relaxed with Impulse, like he does when he's with Jimmy -or was- and Martyn. The imp was very kind and lovely but can also be quite scary too when he's a red name. He could make a good ally.
At Jimmy's penthouse, Tango and Skizz arrive and find the canary in his room. "Okay Jimmy, what's up?" The blazeborn asks, sitting down next to the canary. "Scar and Bdubs approached me as Doc was trying to kill them, so I offered them shelter here, but they both got shot. I tried to help Scar out and sent a message to Grian to give me a hand, but he wasn't responding, so I took matters into my own hand which resulted in him getting angry at me" he admits, sighing again. "Doc is trying to kill players again?! First Ren and Cleo and now Bdubs and Scar? We best watch our backs or we could be next" Skizz places a hand into Jimmy's shoulder, pulling the canary closer to him. "Don't beat yourself up. You were only helping" Jimmy hums an agreement. "Yeah. Skizz is right, Jim. Don't beat yourself up" Tango leans in and kisses Jimmy, as the canary wraps his arms around him. Skizz couldn't help but smile at the two. "Don't think you're going to be left out!" Jimmy turns around and kisses the angel. Skizz knows it's wrong. He knows he shouldn't kiss them, but he feels so happy with them. He needs to talk with Scott.
Tango moves so he's behind Skizz and places kisses along the back of his neck. Jimmy pulls away and chirps, nestling his head in the crook of Skizz's neck and the angel kisses the top of his head. Tango kisses Skizz and the angel moves so he can hug Tango. The three lay in the bed together and for once, they were happy. Worries about the mad goat, the motives, the one life and death just seemed to vanish. They were happy and had each other. Unbeknownst to them, a certain starborn saw and begun to run away, tears pricking his eyes as they fall down his cheeks. He was right. Skizz was cheating on him.
Some Skizz/Scott and some Skizz/Jimmy/Tango and maybe some Impulse/Scott???? I'd love to hear some ship names since I can't think of any, same with Gem/Pearl and Gem/Cleo! The bold and italic text means avian language which is just squawks, chirps and tweets.
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kanerallels · 3 months
A little late, but the first few chapters of my first-ish Chenford fic are up! They're also prompt fulfillment for @monthly-challenge's Februfluff, day 27: stuck together. First chapter under the cut, the second is up on AO3!
Some people had a hard time believing in the impossible. Lucy Chen had never been one of those people. Sure, it probably helped that she was a vigilante who could manipulate light energy with her bare hands, but that hadn’t always been the case. There had been a time she was just like everyone else.
But that had been a long time ago. Now, when night fell, she was Lyra, one of many vigilantes that patrolled the streets of L.A., looking for people in need and crime to fight. 
Usually, her version of crime fighting saw her out on the streets in her disguise, fighting muggers. But there were the occasional circumstances that required a slightly more delicate approach. And today was one of those circumstances— a restaurant that one of her fellow vigilantes suspected was running drugs out of the back room.
Hence why she was sitting at a table in a nice dress, eating dinner across from the last person in the world she would have expected to be sitting across from about two months ago.
Lucy had met Tim Bradford approximately three months into her work as Lyra. Ex-cop turned woodworking shop owner, he’d been serious and a little grim, but respectful. Lucy had been curious about him when Jackson, her roommate, mentioned him, and had slowly gotten to know him better as time went by— his shop was a few storefronts down from the coffee shop where Lucy was currently employed.
Around the same time, she’d met Orion— the stern, incredibly boss vigilante who was known as the Huntsman by local gangs. He was notorious for his intense attitude, vicious but generally nonlethal attacks, and strict adherence to police procedure when necessary.
Lucy had mostly just found him annoying. Especially since he had a habit of showing up in the middle of her work and lecturing her on what she was doing wrong. And he called her “boot” a lot— which, thanks to being roommates with a cop, she knew what meant. This did not make it any less obnoxious.
They’d gotten off to a rough start, but it wasn’t long before Lucy found herself working with Orion more and more often. He was smart, and they made a good team. And he’d saved her life more times than she could count at this point— although it was definitely true the other way around as well. Which Lucy never let him forget.
All things considered, she shouldn’t have been surprised to find out Orion was Tim. The attitude, some of the jokes, the rookie cop nickname and the stickler for procedure attitude? It made perfect sense.
Somehow, it had still surprised her when she found out. Although her reaction had definitely surprised Tim, and Lucy snorted in amusement at the memory.
Glancing up from his steak, Tim lifted an eyebrow. “What?”
“Nothing,” Lucy said, waving a hand. “Just— do you remember when I found out who you were?”
“You mean when I found out who you were?” Tim corrected her. “I basically handed it to you on a platter.”
Rolling her eyes, Lucy said, “As if I didn’t do the same thing for you. Anyways, I was just thinking about it, how I reacted.”
“Oh, I remember that part pretty well,” Tim said with a dramatic wince, and Lucy scoffed.
“If you didn’t want to get slapped, you shouldn’t have called me boot so many times.”
“You’re sounding a little too pleased with yourself there, Chen.”
“Uh-huh.” Holding back a grin, Lucy glanced around the restaurant again. It was a nice place, with a bar at the back and instrumental music playing in the background, overlaid with people’s conversation. You wouldn’t think a place like this would be a front of some kind.
“Hey.” Tim’s voice cut through her thoughts, and she looked back at him. His expression serious, he said, “Stay sharp. Just because it’s got a pretty cover doesn’t mean the Ghost’s intel is off. Generally, she knows what she’s talking about.”
Nodding, Lucy said, “Right, got it. But— how exactly do we find what we’re looking for, here? I mean, we’re probably not going to just stumble across a cash exchange— and even if we did, we’re civilians right now.”
“Which is why tonight is about surveillance and keeping a low profile,” Tim told her. “We watch the waiters and the rest of the staff, and if we can, we’ll get a look inside the kitchens. Anything we can get pictures or proof of, we bring to Lopez, and she gets a search warrant.”
“Got it.” Tapping her fingers against the tabletop, Lucy resisted the urge to look around the restaurant again. No matter how much she wanted to catch these people, she couldn’t make herself conspicuous. It was better to focus on what was in front of her instead.
Namely, Tim, who looked just as impatient as she felt— if the people around them were supposed to think this was a date, they weren’t giving much of an impressive performance. Time to change things up a little.
Leaning forward, Lucy said, “Okay. Tell me about work.”
Lucy couldn’t hold back a grin at Tim’s baffled expression. “Come on— we’re supposed to be on a date. If we just sit here in impatient silence, that’s not really going to sell it.”
Nodding, Tim said, “Good point. Uh… work was good. Celina’s finally learning how to use the woodstain without getting it everywhere, which is an upside. She’s a good kid, though. Nolan was right to hire her— don’t tell them I said that, though.”
“What, do you think they’ll figure out that you have a heart?” Lucy said, raising an eyebrow.
“Exactly. I can’t be seen as the good guy here, you know.” Tim quipped back, and she laughed.
“I’m pretty sure that ship has long since sailed.”
“That’s not what you said when we first met.”
Rolling her eyes, Lucy said, “Okay, that barely counts. You were intentionally mean then— wait. Which time are we talking about?”
“Which time are you talking about?” Tim countered.
“The second first time,” Lucy said. “You showed up and immediately started telling me everything I was doing wrong—”
“To be fair, you could have been killed if I hadn’t—”
“—and you wouldn’t stop calling me boot. The first first time you were a lot nicer. Or… less mean, at least.”
“Because you were a customer,” Tim said, taking a drink from his glass of water, “not a rookie vigilante who was about to let a two bit criminal stab her because she hadn’t secured him properly.”
Pointing at him, Lucy said, “See, if this was a real date, this is the part where I’d throw a glass of water in your face and stomp off dramatically.”
Holding up his hands, Tim said, “Hey, you’ve improved a lot since then.”
“Well, what do you want me to say?”
Tapping her finger against her chin thoughtfully, Lucy said, “Hmm. How about… “Lucy, you’re the best rookie I’ve ever trained”?”
“First of all, I already said that you were one of the best,” Tim pointed out. “Second of all, you’re not a cop, so it barely even counts.”
“It counts!”
Tim opened his mouth to argue, but something caught Lucy’s eye— a man moving towards the kitchen. In one hand, he held a briefcase, and Lucy could make out the clear outlines of a gun under his suit coat.
“Tim,” she said quietly. His gaze snapped to her immediately, and she nodded to the man disappearing into the kitchen. 
Understanding flashed across his face, and she saw his hand twitch, the way it did when he wanted to reach for a gun he no longer wore at his side. “Let’s go,” he said, getting to his feet.
Lucy rose and followed him across the wide main room. None of the other customers so much as glanced at them, and Lucy silently thanked her lucky stars for that.
The main room was partitioned off by low wooden walls framing, but not completely obscuring the dining area. To their left, a walkway led to the entrance. To the right there were two doorways— one leading to the bathrooms. The other at the end of the hall, a swinging door, opened into the kitchen.
As they moved around the corner, Lucy glanced at Tim. “Hey— let me take the first look,” she said, keeping her voice low. “It might look less suspicious if I’m spotted then if you are.”
He gave a brief nod, hanging back a little. As Lucy headed towards the kitchen door, she couldn’t hold back a flicker of pleasure. It couldn’t have been that long ago that Tim wouldn’t have trusted her with this role. Things had changed a lot between them.
Coming to a stop next to the door, Lucy peered over the low swinging door. There was the usual bustle of a restaurant kitchen— cooks weaving their way around each other, the clatter of pans and sounds of voices.
And then Lucy spotted the man with the briefcase. He was talking to another man, with short blond hair and a scar cutting across his brow. The two of them spoke in voices low enough that Lucy couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. 
The briefcase sat open on the counter in between them, the contents obscured by the blond man. If I can just get a better angle… Quietly, Lucy stepped closer, her hand coming to rest on the top of the door as she peered into the kitchen.
She caught a brief glimpse of what could only be cash— stacks of it, lining the inside of the briefcase— before the door under her hand moved slightly, letting out what felt like a shatteringly loud creak.
Both men turned at the sound. Lucy’s heart nearly stopped, and she ducked away, turning her face so they wouldn’t catch sight of her. She couldn’t hear what they were saying over the noise in the kitchen, but she knew criminals. They were paranoid, and with good reason. Which meant there would be someone out here to check in a few seconds.
She sensed rather than saw Tim moving up behind her. “They saw you?”
“Only barely,” Lucy said. Her heart had regained momentum, and was pounding against her collarbone now. “But someone’s going to be out here soon.”
It wouldn’t be long— and they wouldn’t be able to make it back to their table without being spotted. Better to stay here and come up with an excuse, and there was only one that Lucy could think of.
Spinning to face him, she said, “Kiss me.”
His jaw dropped, just slightly. “What?”
Lucy caught what sounded like a creak behind them. Abandoning any pretense of explaining the situation to Tim, she caught hold of his face, and kissed him.
He didn’t freeze, which shouldn’t have surprised her. Tim was a natural at adapting, and they’d been working together long enough that it wouldn’t be too hard for him to pick up on what was going on.
What did surprise her was the kiss. It was supposed to be awkward, embarrassing even, to kiss Tim. It was supposed to be something she wanted to get over with quickly, and not linger on.
It was none of those things. It was the opposite, and so much more. Her heart was pounding and she knew there was something she was supposed to remember, but all she could really register was Tim— his lips against hers, his hand at her waist, tangling in the fabric of her dress.
And then someone cleared their throat, loud enough that it broke through the trance she was in and reminded Lucy where she was, and why. Pulling back, she made eye contact with the man who’d been carrying the briefcase.
Before he could have a chance to speak, she did. “Oh, I’m sorry,” Lucy said, letting an embarrassed half-smile cross her face. She was pretty sure she was a little flushed, which definitely couldn’t hurt the illusion. “We, ah, we didn’t realize anyone was back here, did we?”
For a minute, she didn’t know if Tim would chime in— he was completely still. Lucy could feel his heart beating against her palm resting on his chest. But then he said, “Nope. Is this area off limits?”
“No,” the man said after a brief pause. “But the kitchen is. Why don’t you two go back to your seats?”
Lucy shrugged, flicking a nonchalant look at Tim. “I guess this can wait until later. Come on, babe.”
Catching hold of his hand, Lucy gently tugged Tim after her, forcing herself to move casually and not look back. When they reached their table, she sank into her chair and looked down at her half empty plate. As Tim sat across from her, she asked quietly, “Is he still watching us?”
“He just turned and went back into the kitchen,” Tim told her, and Lucy let out a long breath.
Finally, she looked up at him. His expression was set in the Tim Bradford Cop Expression, which was… understandable, honestly. “Hey— I’m sorry about springing that on you,” Lucy told him, feeling herself flush a little. “It just seemed like the best move at the time.”
“It was,” Tim said, shrugging. “It kept us from getting caught, so, you know. Good work on that.”
“Yeah, you too,” Lucy said, and nearly groaned at her own words. Things were awkward now— and why wouldn’t they be? It made a lot more sense for things to feel awkward than for them to feel… the way they had earlier.
She shoved the thought aside as Tim said, “I don’t think we’re going to get anything else here tonight. Should we—”
“Call a night, yeah,” Lucy finished for him. “Great idea. We can debrief and regroup tomorrow.”
“Sounds good.” Tim turned and waved for a waiter, and Lucy sat back in her chair, holding back a wince.
They paid for their dinner and left the restaurant. Tim had driven them there, so he drove her back to her place first, and walked her up to her apartment. When they reached the door, Lucy hesitated before she went in.
“We’re okay, right?” she asked. The rest of the thoughts that had been boiling in her head came rushing out as she continued. “I— I know it was out of nowhere and— and weird, right? Obviously it was weird, I just know that PDA makes people uncomfortable, so the guy wouldn’t have questioned it as much, and… yeah.”
Tim had waited patiently through her whole rant. When she finally trailed off, he said, “Lucy. It’s fine. I was a cop, remember? I wasn’t a UC, but I still get it. It’s not a big deal.”
“Oh— of course, right,” Lucy said, a little twinge going through her. Of course he’d get it. And of course it wouldn’t affect him. She should never have thought otherwise, even for a second. “Okay, glad we got that settled. Um— talk to you tomorrow?”
“Talk to you tomorrow, Chen.”
And then Lucy was stepping into her apartment, the door was closing behind her, and she was pretty sure she had a headache.
So she did the logical thing and went to bed before Jackson or Tamara could show up and interrogate her about her date or who she’d been with, internally swearing to not think about the whole thing until tomorrow.
Her dreams had other plans. It was like her traitorous brain insisted on reminding her of the kiss— replaying parts of it over and over again until it was hard not to think about it.
Which was stupid. She didn’t have any reason to think about this so much, Lucy reminded herself as she got up to have breakfast before work. It was just one kiss. Didn’t mean anything, especially not from Tim of all people.
Right, her mind said. Tim. Who you used to be interested in. And WHY did she have to remember that right at this moment?
So she’d been interested in him when they first met. She’d been curious about the admittedly handsome, stern stranger who only softened on very rare occasions. But it hadn’t been long before it had been clear to Lucy that Tim wasn’t looking for romance, with her or anyone else. So she’d stuck with just friends, especially after finding out he was Orion. Romance with Orion was unthinkable on a level she couldn’t begin to comprehend.
Or it had been, anyways.
Okay, enough of that. Lucy pushed the thought out of her mind. And continued to do so as she got ready and went into work.
Lucy had worked at Wellington’s Coffee for almost a year now. It was a nice shop— the decor practical and sturdy, matching the personality of the owner, and the wide windows at the front filled the blue walled shop with light. And, luckily for Lucy, she clocked in today right when the lunch rush started. So she had plenty of time to take her mind off of the fiasco that was last night.
Not that that stopped her co-workers from bombarding her with questions. And they weren’t the only ones.
“So, did I hear you went on a date last night?”
As Lucy passed Aaron his coffee, she frowned at him. “Where did you hear that?”
“If I tell you, will you answer the question?” he countered. The younger man was a usual at their shop, and a good friend. He was also a little too invested in Lucy’s love life ever since she’d asked for his advice on how to break up with her last boyfriend. 
Sighing, Lucy said, “Yes. To both, but it wasn’t a big deal— I don’t think we’re going to go out again.”
Aaron’s eyebrows went up. “Really? Cause that’s not what I heard.”
Lucy frowned. “Okay, where exactly are you getting this information?”
Both she and Aaron looked up at the voice calling her name. Tim was striding across the coffeeshop towards her, his expression serious. Which was pretty on brand for him, but Lucy had gotten good at reading the different types of seriousness. There was definitely something wrong right now.
Giving Aaron a brief nod, he turned to her. “Hey. We need to talk.”
“Okay,” Lucy said. “I don’t think anyone’s using the break room right now— follow me.”
She moved out from behind the counter and towards the door marked “employees only” at the back of the shop, Tim on her heels. As she moved, she saw her co-worker, Dark, moving out of the back room, and waved to get his attention. “Hey— I’m taking my break. Can you watch the register?”
“...sure,” Dark said slowly, his voice making it clear he had some questions. Most likely about Tim being there— but honestly, Lucy had neither the time nor energy to handle that.
The break room was, as predicted, empty. Lucy didn’t bother taking a seat, but turned to face Tim. “Okay— what’s up?”
He hesitated, which was definitely rare for him. “Ah… okay. We were seen last night?”
Frowning, Lucy said, “Wait. What do you mean— we weren’t even there as Lyra and Orion, how could we be seen?”
“Not… that kind of seen,” Tim said. “My former watch commander was there having dinner. With his wife.”
What does— and then it clicked, and Lucy’s eyes widened. “Oh. Oh, no— did they see—”
“If he and Luna’s visit to the shop this morning, and her comments about the lovely young woman I had with me are anything to judge by… yeah.”
“Crap,” Lucy whispered, with as much emphasis as she could muster up. Starting to pace back and forth, she rubbed a hand across her forehead. “Okay. This is fine— we can figure this out. I mean, we can’t tell them we were undercover, but we can figure this out. What did you tell them?”
Grimacing, Tim said, “That it was a one time thing, and they were reading too much into it. I don’t think they bought it— and they’re not the only ones who know. Luna told their daughter, who’s friends with Nolan’s kid, who told him, who told Celina—”
“Who told Aaron,” Lucy finished, the realization hitting her like a bus. “That explains a lot. Ugh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to blow up this way.”
“Hey,” Tim said, his voice stern but with just a hint of gentleness that definitely didn’t make Lucy’s heart flutter. Because that would be absurd. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have predicted this.”
“Couldn’t have predicted our friends being incredibly nosy?” Lucy said, lifting an eyebrow.
“Well, that’s pretty much a given at this point,” Tim said wryly. “But it’s still not your fault. They’ll forget about this after a week or two— let’s not worry about it right now.”
“Right,” Lucy said, nodding. “Focus on the job instead. Um… oh! I saw what was in the briefcase last night.”
She gave Tim a quick recap of what she’d seen, from the cash to the man with the scar who’d received it. He listened with a deep, thoughtful frown, not speaking until she finished her description. “I’ll have to check with Lopez— but that does sound like a felon she’s been watching for a while now— Valen Rudor, I think. Guy’s got a long list of charges, and a warrant out for his arrest. But if we can’t get proof he’s there—”
“It doesn’t matter,” Lucy said, nodding slowly. “Okay— any ideas how?”
“Actually, yeah,” Tim said. “It involves going back to that restaurant again tonight, and you doing some light sneaking while I start a fight. You game?”
Oh, this was a bad idea. After the first time, putting herself in a situation where she had to pretend to be Tim’s date again? There was potential for this to end very badly.
But there was a dangerous felon out there who needed to be stopped, and Lucy didn’t back down from a fight. “Count me in,” she said.After all, she thought as she headed back to work, what’s the worst that could happen?
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centralperkchenford · 9 months
A fic where Ava asks for a brother or sister? 🤰🏽in the funniest ava alway possible 🤣
This was kind of hard to write because I wasn’t sure how to have a two year old ask 🤣.
Also part 2?? 😏
A fic where Ava asks for a brother or sister? 🤰🏽in the funniest ava alway possible 🤣
But I've found 'em a better kind of crazy Now that I've got babies
“Mommy.” Lucy looks down and sees Ava looking up at her, big blue eyes wide and curious.
“Hi baby.” Lucy says lifting Ava to put her on her lap. Ava adjusts herself on her lap and then clasps her hands together.
“Want baby.” She says. Lucy tilts her head at her. Ava has a serious look on her face that looks so much like Tim it brings her back to her Rookie days.
“What?” She asks her daughter. “What does that mean?” Ava sighs in frustration and jumps off Lucy’s lap. She back in a few minutes with one of her baby dolls.
“Want baby!” She says again. She comes back over to Lucy holding the doll in her arms and rocking her back and forth it.
“You want another doll?” Lucy asks. Ava shakes her head hard her eyes narrowing at Lucy.
“No!” She says almost dropping the doll. “Want baby!” She stomps out of the room making a noise of frustration as she leaves.
Lucy leans back against the sofa more confused than she was when Ava came in. Maybe she did want another doll.
She rubs her temple she needed to find out what want baby meant.
Tim is working in his office when Ava comes in with her doll. It’s strapped in haphazardly. She rolls it in and parks it at his feet.
“Hi Ava bear.” He says looking down at his daughter. She crosses her arms and looks up at him with a scowl. “What’s up baby?”
“Want baby!” She says. “Give me baby.” Tim frowns at her a little confused.
“What?” He asks. “What do you—”
“I want baby!” Ava says raising her voice her eyes filling with tears. Tim kneels to her level.
“Sweetie we don’t yell okay?” He says gently. Ava nods but she still has tears in her eyes.
“No understand.” She says and she slumps out of the room, leaving her baby and stroller behind.
Tim stares after her scratching his head. He pulls out his phone and orders a baby doll on Amazon.
He sits back down in his chair, he knows Ava is only two and has limited speech but surely she could have said I want doll?
He sighs and closes his eyes. Well at least the doll would be here between 5pm and 8pm
“Hey.” Says Lucy turning to look at Tim. “Ava said something weird today.” Tim looks over at her his eyes wide.
“Was it want baby?” He asks. Lucy nods at him.
“And then she went to get her doll. So I thought she wanted a baby doll.” Lucy says.
“Me too.” Says Tim looking a little sheepish. “So I uh ordered one for her.”
“Tim!” Lucy says hitting his arm. “You didn’t! You know she is probably hustling us!”
Tim shrugs and Lucy shakes her head at him. “You are such a sucker Bradford.”
“I didn’t know what she wanted! She couldn’t tell me.” Tim says defensively. “And you know her dolls could always use a sibling.”
A sibling. “Oh my god!” Lucy says suddenly punching Tim’s arm. “Oh my god! I know what she was asking!”
“What?” Grumbles Tim rubbing his arm. “Why did you have to punch—”
“She wants a sibling!” Says Lucy cutting Tim off. “Want baby means she wants a baby brother or sister.”
Tim’s eyes widen in understanding. “Oh.” He says. “That makes sense.”
Lucy nods. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of that sooner!” She says. Tim leans over and kisses her.
“Hey at least you didn’t order her a new doll.” He says. Lucy burst out laughing and rolls on top of him.
“So do you want to give Ava a sibling.” She asks leaning down to kiss him. He nods and switches their position so he’s on top.
“Absolutely.” He mutters. “Always with you.”
The next day Tim and Lucy sit Ava down. She’s clutching the new doll that Tim had ordered her.
“Honey, do you want a baby brother or sister?” Tim asks her.
Ava’s face breaks out into a smile and she nods her head and claps her hands. “Yes! Baby sister!” Lucy snorts and looks at Tim a smile just as big as Ava’s on her face.
“Well maybe one day we will give you one Aves.” Lucy says kissing her cheek. “Maybe one day.”
One month later, Lucy is holding a positive pregnancy in her hands. She smiles down at it. She’s not sure who is going to be more excited. Tim or Ava.
She couldn’t wait to tell them.
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