#Anti Fuckers Core
df-begotten · 2 years
Track 71 of DFr_1 - Apocalypse 2020 (2020) ; Anti Fuckers Core - Cianuro Cocktail (Extratone)
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prickly-paprikash · 29 days
Kendrick doesn't just hate Drake as a person. He hates the very idea of Drake.
Hip-Hop is rooted in revolution. In defiance. These are the songs of an oppressed group of people, and decades upon decades people have hated it. Accused of being meaningless and invalid. Media outlets took steps to belittle hip-hop and make sure it isn't recognized as an art form and as a means to fight back.
2Pac spoke of wealth disparity and inequality. Tupac was literally a member of a communist organization when he was younger and never stopped speaking against capitalism.
Lauryn Hill spoke of the struggles a woman faces. Not just women, but black women. Salt-N-Peppa. Queen Latifah. MISSY FUCKING ELLIOT.
N.W.A made sure people knew about police brutality and violence against the Black community.
And now, in this day and age, we're also experiencing an explosion of Queer Hip-Hop. Lil Nas X is at the forefront of this. Lil Uzi Vert came out as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, even when they knew that a lot of their fans would never use it or even respect them for it. Auntie Diaries, a song about a young man who grew up in a transphobic environment and bought into those beliefs, but could never fully do it because his Uncle loved him so much and taught him a lot of life lessons, and that wisdom translated to him accepting his cousin as a woman as well.
Drake is none of that.
He's the perfect representation of what people think hip-hop is. Flexing. Posturing. Objectifying women. A fucker so insecure he bought 2Pac's ring just to feel like he's part of the black community. Rejected by Rihanna publicly. Tried to groom Millie Bobby Brown. Kissed and inappropriately touched an underage girl during his concert. His songs have inspired so many young boys to treat girls like shit. His belief that the amount of rings and chains and cars he has is the true meaning of success.
Additional Edit: This is my fault. If this post gains more views, then it would be remiss of me not to add to this. It was my fault to begin with, not stating this beforehand because while I did know, I got lost in celebrating Hip-Hop in a place that doesn't usually do so, and rightfully so.
2Pac did fight for wealth equality and better social living for the black community. He also has a long, long history of battery, domestic abuse, and sexual harassment against women. Specifically against women of color. He made a song to celebrate his own mother, but outright refused to give the same show of respect to other women in his life. His hypocritical nature was brushed off in later decades, just the way I did now.
N.W.A is the same. Sexual assault charges, violence—they spoke of Police reform, but refuses to give the same treatment back towards the women in their lives.
50 cent refuses to backtrack on any of his misogynistic lyrics.
Modern rappers of today, such as the dead XXXtentacion. 6ix9ine. Kodak Black.
I do love Hip-Hop. I love rap. And the music itself has always been anti-authoritarian at its core, because those are its roots. And I was happy that circles that did not normally know of it or enjoy it were getting into it, even for one thing like this rap feud.
Lil Nas X, Little Simz, Childish Gambino, Missy Elliot, Queen Latifah, Lauryn Hill—rappers who have at the very least consistently tried to put their money where their mouth is. Who have tried to act in accordance to what they rap and write and sing for.
@shehungthemoon @ohsugarsims finnthehumanmp3 were the ones who rightfully clarified in the comments. I know an apology won't correct my hypocrisy or my stupidity. I should have added all of this before making this post, but I wanted so badly to celebrate a genre of music but failed to do my due diligence in showing a better, holistic view of it. If anyone felt triggered, offended, troubled, frustrated or any other intense negative emotions surrounding this, please do block me. I'm sorry.
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stars-at-5pm · 11 months
Watch out.
Pairing : Mafia!Stucky x mafia!reader
Summary : Reader finds a camera, thinking that Steve and Bucky were recording them without their consent and reader confronts them about it.
Warnings : Swearing, stalking, confrontation, mafia, toxic ex
Type : Angst
It was about noon, you were about to go get dressed for the day as you entered your wardrobe closet. You were humming a silly song that was stuck in your head when you suddenly noticed a red light pocking at you from behind your pile of swimwear.
" wtf ? "
" is that.. ? You gotta be shitting me. I can’t believe them !! A camera ?? Christ. " you took the little camera in your hands, looking at it, searching for details. " A Loki Factory one too ? They’re disgusting. "
" Filming me ? Like that ? Ew. What a bunch of pervs."
Loki was also in the mob, you used to date him a while ago, but he was very toxic and your break up didn’t go, great.
You walked down to your kitchen where you found your two boyfriends talking and working on their computers. Steve was standing up, snacking on a sandwich while Bucky was sitting down, wearing his anti-blue light glasses (what an old man lol).
"Guys we need to talk. Now. " you said, coldly. Steve and Bucky’s gaze meet yours immediately, they tensed up feeling their jaw clenching.
" Care to explain this ? "You showed the camera in your hand " I can’t believe you guys. What about trust ? Boundaries? This is disgusting!! I thought I could trust you !! “ your face was hot and your hands shook.
" Wow wow, what’s that doll ?? I don’t know about this what- "
" Oh don’t you play dumb now !! It’s too late. I don’t want to hear any of it. I thought you guys were more than this."
" Okay let’s take a deep breath. I don’t know about this and neither does Bucky apparently. Darling, you know that we would never record you like this right ? I mean if we did, we would have gotten your consent beforehand. "
" Where did you find it anyway? "
" In my wardrobe. At the perfect angle for filming every.little.details. Guys be honest, do you really know NOTHING about THIS ? Because I swear to god I’m about to go feral. "
" Doll. " He said standing up, he was walked to you slowly, careful to not make you flinch or react badly. " We would never, and I mean NEVER do this. We love you so much. Look at me, he cupped your cheeks with his hands, we didn’t do this. we respect you. I love you. "
You let out a shaky breath, feeling a single tear roll down your cheek. This was very comforting but also very worrying, who was filming you, how long as it been, what do they do with the recordings ??
" You know, I felt even more betrayed when I realized that this little camera right here, happened to be a Loki Factory camera. I mean come on ! Buying from the enemy is a little over the limit in my opinion, I know that he isn’t a direct enemy because he hasn’t done anything against you but he’s still my ex and- "
Before you could go on longer about your rumbles, you felt two strong pairs of arms hugging you tightly. Bucky was in front of you while Steve held you from behind.
What you couldn’t see though, was the absolute anger that was burning in their eyes. They stayed calm, not wanting to make you panic, but deep inside ? They were freaking out. They felt so angry to know that they’re girl was behind literally stalked by the enemy. Especially by Loki, they hated that fucker to their core.
" Darling, I don’t want to worry you but, if you found one, there’s probably more and if it’s from Loki.. he’s probably the one stalking you. " Steve said, feeling rage filling his body.
" I dont like this, at all. We need to get out of here as fast as possible. NOW. Steve get all the security on full watch out, doll let’s get you out of here. "
" It’s okay sweetheart, you’re okay. " Steve said, as he kissed tenderly your forehead.
" See you tonight love, be safe " you were filled with anxious thoughts. Why was this happening to you, and how were the boys so.. chill about it ?..
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annimoose · 12 days
Ranking malevolent characters on how hot I think they might be:
Arthur lester - 7 or 8/10
A lot of people seem to be drawn to him, whether that be appearance or personality wise (I totally believe this to be a side effect of John's manipulation bleeding over but skeijrir)
Claiming this because Noel asked him if was married during being asked what he wanted and when Oscar was going to ask him if he wanted to go do... something 🏳️‍🌈❓️
John Doe - 1 or 10/10
There is no in-between for this. He's either the beautiful and elegant fractured piece of the kiy or a shrimp. I will not elaborate further.
Peter Yang - 10/10
He was too sexy for the world. 😔
Eddie - 8/10
Big bruiser guy can attack me anytime, lord have mercy
Kellin - fucked up/10
I mean, hes a war veteran who wears a gas mask at all times. He's fucked up physically and mentally. I hope he's doing alright. (I- know he's not)
Antoine - 10/10
Another character too hot for the world. What a shame. 😩
The King In Yellow - 9/10
He's an elder god who's known for lavish and madness, I KNOW he's hot. Minus one point because he prolly is a lil fucked up after being split in two.
John even comments on how remarkable he is (this could be just to inflate his ego but whatever you say john,, 🙄)
The Vanguard - 0/10
Would've been a great mascot for the Talking Heads
(If I see a what that mouth do comment I will delete this fucking post)
The Trader - 6/10
Honestly, I just would love to see some Trader fanart. I think he would look cool :)
Micheal Faust - delectable/10 or 11/10
Are you Mr. Faust because damn you're looking like a fine snack. 🥴
Had a guy eat him out, like literally.
Lorick - FROG/10
FROG FRIEND, FROG FRIEND. No hot is simply FROG frien 🐸
Kayne - eeeehh,,, 5/10,, probably 6 being generous?
I know a controversial take but let me splain
Not necessarily calling him bad looking but I feel like his features would definitely be stretched and contorted just enough to be unnerving. Looks human but you can definitely tell he's not.
Yellow - piss baby/10
Roll em up like a jaundice blunt and smoke em up. 🚬
Uncle - 0/10
I know what I said about Auntie Nyan Nyan but I promise you I'm not a monster fucker.
Mmmm Antie Nyan Nyan could put a collar on me and walk me like the dirty dog I am anytime.
Wallace Larson - 8/10 personality wise - -0/10
Would probably look hot, ngl,, too bad hes rotten to the core.
I hope he's getting his femur shattered over and over again during his permanent vacay in the Dreamlands.
The Butcherrrr - 6/10
Probably wouldn't look too bad for an old man. I really dont have much more to add on him.
Butcher my beloved 💖
Marie - widow/10
She deserves the world on a silver plater 💖
Now if we're going to talk about Lilith, everyone knows she's a 20/10. That's literally her thing to be hot and to swoon men. Thankfully she did NOT do this to Arthur.
Oscar - 5/10
Idk, I just feel like he wouldn't be that hot. 🤷‍♀️
This does not make me love him even less because GOD he deserved better. 💖
Detective Noel - 9/10
God I miss my man wife. It's not even funny. 😭
I'm starving now, gotta see if I have any left over Mr. Faust in the fridge.
Yaaay I did most characters. 🎉
This kinda derailed a little bit, but eh, whatever.
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wild blue yonder
the tardis can regenerate itself...... !!! I mean, wait we knew that already kjhkjh but I just connected the dots now that... that means The Time Lords mined and mauled the child just to make their cars better, as well. Damn...
in classic who u used to have to use ur imagination to pretend everything wasn’t a wobbly set... now u have to use ur imagination to pretend everything isn’t a greenscreen :/
"is that who i am now?" the shocking thing isn’t that he is gay (that’s what donna interprets) the shock to himself is voicing how horny he is lol
Someone is gonna say gravity and that's gonna be fucking weird
"it would take trillion years to get that far” chills!
"no one is ever been this far. till us. and this ship" colonialism fiction dna shining thru
“you little streak” <3
"she'll move on" "not shaun, he'll go to that alleyway every year..." \ten at the alleyway to see rose parallel....
Ghost aroma!!!
blue and orange motif....…………… 13 aesthetic moments.... [13 and Swarm coded? / aka entropy/life coded?/donna and the doc...]
“maybe there's a tribe and they worship it… (…) time passes and the city falls... and there's the tardis" beautiful!! I'm could do somth w/ re: w/ the doctor and their companions. (eyes emoji)
"it got complicated" UNDERSTATEMENT OF A CENTURY #2
"The notion of shape is strange." "it limits" literally current architecture theory
This is so nofna solar system-core
love a classic “anti matter hates matter” story
[the no-bodies…?....cousins to the the could have been king ... with his army of never wheres…?]
This feels very [doctor trying to figure out their body in each regeneration] [intentionally?] this is so end of evangelion poster-core
"it’s strange enough my face coming back, but not this big" / [metaphor for reboots?]
This episode is like the clamoring for us to get a castrovalva 2 escher-like world again next season
"that's not gonna work either" i love these idiots
"why does it have to be one last trip?" rtd ringing moffat / gatiss / gardner / etc and being like like -
ok but follow this reasoning: if the doctor is the same person bc they keep their memories (as the show makes a point of.... constantly) ... and if the memories make the person ... then indeed an entity that copies the memories is the same person, is it not? Where do we draw the line between who’s “real” and who isn’t, in this scenario?
A CREATION I DEVASTATED / literally watched WoM two seconds before this w/ ten all "everything i do just makes it happen" sdjsdkf this is what i mean when i say the doctor has never Processed anythingggg since that Bottom Pit moment
"it wasn't your fault" "i know! (but it stil sucks!!!)" me at therapy like
"WHY DOES HE NEED YOU?" me, Pavlovian tone: because he is lonely...
“when something is gone, it keeps existing” → highlight this!!!! this is gonna be the new thesis statement about Grief!!! this is gonna be The Point for the next 4 years lol
It's very fun to watch this after marath6ning all of ten's era bc it's like... that boy never processed any of that shit. did 11 process shit? did 12? 12 maybe a little but really i think they just got even more trauma (bill ): ) dkdksks and don't get me started on 13. basically what im saying is the doctor Never did get a break on between waters of mars up until now... [and i guess to go further never did get a break after since like....... freaking ghost light skskskskkjkj seven is still There. we don't think about that enough.]
Donna being a clone fucker is not a headcanon ever thought i had but im glad its been confirmed now "donma doesn't think she"s stupid" im sure rtd has launched this exact same rant on so some unwilling family members while browsing ao3 "stop copying and make up your own minds" social commentary / commentary on reboots again / core "individualism > society" dr. who 101 messaging
The not things are kinda.... cute? skdksk if they weren't murderous they look like ppl to hang out w/ and play videogames......
"what do you want?" "you tell us" fundamental doctor-companion dialogue....
"love letters don't travel very far" put a pin on that...
ok.... ARGHGHGHH LET ME THINK THINK THINK skskks me failing at CBT be like
What if the doctor is from our universe. what then the doctor being like we have to mill ourselves immediately feels very 13
this is like "what if turn left and midnight but they go through it together this time <3" fic "where the walls are thin and anything is possible" eyes emoji
"that copy was 99% donna" so maybe re:earlier... what the show is saying between copy vs real is that it's all about the x factor, the 1%....
CONCLUSIONS! lived up to the hype! i think it's a bit 13-era vibe in that it's clearly influenced by all the prestige space-base-isolation scifi we see in the ~cinema now every year. the aesthetic is hitting that vibe (and going to the root, there's also a very clear Alien influence). kinda wish we had more one offs just like this one :( bc i feel the other 2 specials have too much Work to do, so there's not enough time to do.Fun like lore and character stuff. Execution wise is very successful. the switcheroos work. the callbacks work. there's a lot of character stuff happening ("I just realized I'm still working through that!") but it doesn't interfere w/ the adventure itself. My one grip is there's a couple shots that do feel too green-screen-y, but overall the ep is visually amazing. def only a story you could do now. also I love that the NMDs were like "rtd is gonna retcon the timeless child!!! everyone hated it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and he was like "cool. now watch this" lollll king moments. rare moments where it feels like we live in the best timeline.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
I'm planning to write a DPxDC fic, though the world is ending and not even Danny nor any of the Justice League can stop this event, It's inevitable, do you perhaps have any Idea for this au?
Ooooooo. Well the answer extremely varies depending on what is causing said world ending event.
One answer that can be a very easy way to destroy earth: Darkseid. Unsure how much you know about this character but imma explain it just so those who don’t know about him can learn somethin new :).
Darkseid is DC’s version of Satan. He’s the embodiment of evil. No literally. The dude is the ruler of the 4th dimension planet Apokolips. It’s a literal hell planet. Everything is red and it has giant holes in the planet that spew out flame from the planets core. n. He cannot be killed. He is the exact same person through every single dimension. This planet wars with New Genesis who’s planets race is called the New Gods. They are locked in an eternal war.
Darkseids one goal is to destroy free will of the universe via the Anti-Life Equation. The equation has some fucking wild ass history but to sum it up simply: it’s like The Ultimate Weapon. It destroys all hope and free will of everyone in the entire universe if used. If Darkseid gets it, he wins.
Darkseid is not only OP as fuck, he’s omnipresent. He has a single consciousness that extends to every single universe. The character you see in the comics isn’t truly Darkseid. It’s an avatar of his consciousness. His avatars can die but the true Darkseid He Cannot Be Killed. I repeat literally cannot be killed. He cannot be killed the same way more than once and if he dies he always comes back eventually. He also has his Big Move that’s are his Omega Beams. If these things hit you it’s basically an instakill. In many DC wikis you can spot extremely powerful heroes by the documentation that they can survive an Omega Beam.
It’s not like it’s just Darkseid against everyone. Apokolips has a seemingly endless supply of parademons which are the infantry of Apokolypis. Other notable fighters are Granny Goodness and her Female Furies. They’re head torturers and are damn good at it too. (If u wanna see that shit up close and learn more: Miracle Man by Tom King is a truly incredible read and lets you know a lot about the Apokolips & New Genesis War. If you wanna get a read on Darkseid and how catastrophic his attacks on earth is you can also watch Justice League Dark: Apokolips War. It’s on HBOMax and a pretty damn decent movie.)
Darkseid conquers planets and repeatedly attempts to conquer earth. This fucker turned Apokolips into a hell pit and goes out to conquer other planets and terraform them with those giant flame spouts out of the planet (usually the threat of those is that Darkseid is planning to mine the Earth’s core for resources which’ll make the planet inhabitable.). He wants to do this to the entire universe until eventually literally every sentient life form is stripped of their free will. Dude is bad news.
So what if Darkseid succeeds? He conquers earth? He successfully destroyed the reality changing heros like The Spectre and so forth and the machines used to drill into Earth’s core penetrate earths core before Earth’s Heroes can stop them? The earth would well and truly be fucked.
-Darkseid created Doomsday via forced evolution by yeeting a kid with spliced together Superman DNA onto Krypton until it was strong enough to slay the most powerful beings on earth. Darkseid could do the same with Danny. Fuck around with his DNA, do some funky forced evolution by yeeting a baby into the Ghost Zone until it was powerful enough to defeat even Danny.
-Is it a ghost entity that’s allpowerful? Is it Black Adam? The guy almost destroyed the entire world and the only thing stopping him was like 70 magic users all collectively casting a spell to stop him.
-Is it a natural disaster? Is there just some fuckery that causes earths axis to change and the planet gets farther from the sun and very quickly causes an ice age that causes everything to freeze?
-A silent invader of some life form that was so stealthy with its invasion that by the time the League or anyone noticed, it was already too late.
-A Virus, bacteria, or fungi that just fully wipes out the human race. Something so quick and rapidly mutating that there’s not even a chance to synthesize a cure in time.
The big question for me is what is stopping heroes with time travel from changing the timeline and reversing it. If you plan for this to be a time travel au, then why is that ONE person traveling back and not the other heroes using other ways to time travel. Why is it this attempt of time travel the one that works. Lemme list some ways that DC and DP can time travel that I know of off the top of my head.
Ghost portals (Ghost fuckery)
Clockwork (Time Fuckery)
A Dozen Speedsters (Speedforce go brr)
Superman (only sometimes tho. Dude flies around earth so fast that he reversed the rotation and goes back in time. No I am not making this up.)
Time Spheres
Abra Kadabra (Flash Villian. He’s from the 64th century and uses future tech that’s so advanced that it appears to be magic. Has a Time Machine be goes back n forth between now and his time period to collect tech)
Composite Superman (does he still exist in canon? No. Will I still mention him because he’s funny? Yes. Please for the love of god look up this man I promise you that you’ll laugh your ass off. his design is Peak Perfection.)
Booster Gold (from the 30th century. Stole tech from Hall of Heroes and Time traveled to present day for fortune and fame. He pops in and out of time sometimes and helps fix stuff. He’s a time cop.)
Hope this helps spark some ideas anon! I wish you luck on your writing!
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helenofsimblr · 9 months
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Guy just pooped back to the door and picked up a green colourful looking metal barrel and proudly displayed it to Lysa. Lysa studied it for a moment and couldn’t work out what it was. 
Lysa: I’m… uh, what the fuck is that Guy?
Guy: It's a robot, well, it's a prototype. I made it.
Lysa: Oh, that’s… Is it dangerous?
Guy: No! Of course not! I wouldn’t give you something dangerous, you silly curly girly. I have extensively tested it and it works.
Lysa: I realise I am probably going to regret this, but, how does it work?
Guy: It has an autonomous self recharging delta phase core booster with triolic charge brackets. Surrounding a minaturised self monitoring electro-plasma reactor. The detection system has a duopoloric read-write processor designed to learn what kind of dirt is most common in the location it works. The suction system has vortex…
Lysa: Ok, I get the picture… it's like super space technology vacuum cleaner. I meant how do I turn the barrel shaped little fucker on? 
Guy: Just use the on off button?
Lysa: Now had you just led with that, that’d be fine. So how heavy is it, it looks heavy.
Guy: It's about 170 pounds in weight. But don’t worry, it has a Thompson 2 anti grav system in it. That is, literally top secret, never ever talk about that. So far it's proved dead end tech but, maybe this is a good use for it? I dunno. Just never speak of it.
Lysa: Guy, what sort of dork do you take me for? Oh yes, come over, and while you’re here let me tell you all about my space vacuum cleaner and its Thompson 2 system. Please…
Guy: Fair point. Do you like it though? I thought it’d be useful with all the animal dander, and puke, and other animal waste products that are likely to get on your floor. 
Lysa: It's a very thoughtful and practical present little brother, I do like it. Thank-you. I will make good use of it. But, it sounds like you could easily patent it, certainty sounded that way when you were talking about the stuff saying about the things… 
Guy: Maybe I could Lysa, quite honestly, that never crossed my mind when I was building him. Here, let me just set him down there.
Guy put the robot down in the corner and it made a resounding thud as he did.
Lysa came and took her younger brother into a hug.
Lysa: Gods, you are rock solid aren’t you?
Guy: And you’re absolutely bulging up front! When is she due?
Lysa: soon I hope. I’m getting a bit tired of being pregnant now.
Guy: Not long to go now. Anyway, I’ll scoot and leave you guys to your evening.
Lysa: Nonsense, sit your big ass down. You can stay for 5 minutes. 
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wack-ashimself · 7 months
Fanatics are fantastic (at ignoring reality)
Describe yourself.
But, don't use your job, family, relationships, movies, sports, tv, music, religion, nationality, sexuality, race, politics, sex, books, art, etc be ANY of the ways you do so. It's got to be who you are at your core, without using things around you to do so (cuz if all you are came from the things you like, you're also ignoring the parts of you that came from things you hate.)
Who are you?
What are you?
I'm wack. Have been since....8th grade?
Originally stood for 'weird and crazy ken.'
Turns out, tho, weird has a bad connotation. So I went with wild (tho in my head, it's always been weird.)
I have always liked making people happy. Since I can remember. Earliest memory. I loved seeing people smile.
However, I learned at a young age doing the right thing, saying the right thing, and being willing to do whatever you can do to make people happy can work, but not permanently.
Cuz the world fucking sucks.
ALWAYS ALWAYS has. Anyone who says otherwise either had it fun/easy, or is in that category of denial of 'you can find happiness in every day moments' (while their taxes murder babies. Usually religious idiots.)
So...I had to figure out a way to make everyone, everywhere, happy, LONG run (so if it means they are unhappy short run to get there, so be it.)
And the only way to do that is with the truth. Not MY truth. THE truth. The undeniable, all encompassing truth.
Which is insanely fucking difficult. Cuz the truth is hidden by the richest most influential people on the planet with propaganda machines that run 25/8. They stay in power from 1/2 truths & lies exclusively.
So even if you find the truth, proving it is a WHOLE other matter (they now have access to AI that can fabricate ANY document, audio OR video. They can frame anyone for anything.)
And I'm still trying to figure that out. All I know is being the GOOD guy is not being the NICE guy. It means doing whatever is right, even if you're hated for it.
Like, I once called out a close relative, at a family function, in the middle of the event, cuz they said something anti muslim without ANY FOUNDATION. Literally, none. They retracted it, I got ANGRY looks and stares (told 'I didn't have to go there'), BUT I WAS RIGHT MOTHER FUCKERS: they were spreading ignorant hate for no reason besides that's what they believed, without fact. Fuck, I even remember saying 'when was the last time you even had interaction with anyone of that background?' which is what shut them up.
SO yeah, I will make enemies of even my closest loved ones to find the truth and let it be known.
Are you?
Do you even know if you are even capable?
I know I am.
Because I know who I am without external validation. or 'likes'.
(as I am waiting to see how popular this post gets ;) If only to see if the truth spreads lmao I'm such a tool sometimes...but funny most times.)
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antisolanum · 11 months
I feel like an elder scrolls-type large-scale fantasy RPG should have three core difficulty modes: "Storyteller", "Adventurer" and "Crusader", and they aren't "easy, medium, and hard", they're fundamental shifts in some core ways that the game interfaces with you.
"Storyteller" mode could have a larger communication interface with more information available to the player, more like Fallout 1 and 2, and have additional, non-essential dialogues that provide additional context and flavor. It could also by default activate one of the optional difficulty-modifying options, "participant" mode, which makes it so that most standard "go to the place and fight the guys" missions would have allied factional NPCs there to assist you, like if in Skyrim you got a quest to go clear out "Butt-Fucker Cave", a handful of "Imperial Scouts" would be there to help you out, because you are helping the Empire (or whatever), as well as increasing the presence of traveling allied NPC caravans who can help you out if you run into shit in the field. Not "Easy Mode", just a mode tailored to someone who is there to enjoy a cool fun story experience.
"Adventurer" mode would be more jack-of-all-trades, with a more Mass Effect-like communication interface, no optional modes active by default except for one very normal one that Storyteller mode would DEactivate, which would allow enemy groups to have "organic composition", meaning a bunch of random bandits you encounter wouldn't be "Goons 1-6", they'd be a "Thug"(tough guy), a "Pickpocket"(quick, DPS, stunning), a "Bossman" (leader, combat aura), and so on. A more cooperative, organic composition instead of a bunch of copypasted randos. More complex, but not numerically more "difficult".
"Crusader" mode would be focused on gameplay over story, with dialog being shortened, linear, no options for asking questions (although all relevant information would still be available both in a codex and quest listing and if you go back to talk to an NPC non-essentially, it would default to the Adventurer interface), and NPCs would have an icon next to their information to tell you if they have no unread info or only purely optional info (grey icon), relevant info and current quest content (shining bronze icon), or new quests and key information (shining gold icon). Quests would also have completely unique categorical iconography to indicate whether it is a technical challenge (combat), a communicative challenge (go to man, speak to man), or an adventurous challenge (go to place, investigate, find my lost daughter).
"Storyteller" mode would disable the presence of "Espollier" enemies, challenging enemies who are essentially "anti-protagonists", they are knights from a hostile foreign territory who travel the land adventuring just like you, but under the banner of their kingdom for the purposes of slowly conquering the land with "kindness" (but the insidious kind of kindness that offers disaster aid in exchange for the rights to build a military base on your untouched wilderness). They exist to be a technical challenge, where these knights in armor are about your level, but step back when they engage you in combat and let their goons fight you, and everything you do while fighting those goons levels the Espollier up, and grants them buffs, and changes their gear (they 're-equip') specifically to fight you. Are you sword-and-board? By the time you're done fighting their four hired swords, they're four levels higher than you, have specific buffs to counter your fighting style, and have switched to a lance to counter your sword-and-board style.
"Crusader" mode would not only have Espollier enemies, but would buff them, make the fights more complex, and increase the likelihood of encountering them, and increase the rewards for beating them.
Like I said, not "difficulty modes", but core differences in how the game approaches presenting you with the game mechanics.
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
The biggest boy of all Jamato! Vs! The two big boy Riders!
...I uh... can't really come up with an intro today, I'm a little preoccupied.
Spoilers, I guess...
-The lying-ass sparrow! He's gone!
-Punkjack! I missed you!
-"Eh, well... your grandpa helped pay for all this, sooooo... we might not kill you."
-Did he miss Ace? :3
-Hot damn, Duncan's got strength.
-"Blardy blardy blar... Hahahahhaa... Nobody's smart but me~!" type energy.
-If you get that reference, I give you a kiss (platonically).
-"Archimedel~! Sweetie~! How are you today~?"
-Caught you at a bad time?
-Kamen Rider Goots.
-"Backstabbed again, little lady?"
-Fucker deserved it.
-Ohhhhhh right, Sara doesn't know.
-"So like... are you gonna kill me too?"
-Guess Boss Man Suel has a jorb for you.
-Grand End!
-Where we're all gonna fucking die.
-"So like, you wanna deal with Beroba for me? I have lunch with Samas at 2 PM."
-Oh thanks, Buffa.
-He's helping us? :3
-I can get behind this team-up more.
-Oh, thanks Niram.
-I suppose we're piling up all the big final all-or-nothing gambits.
-Hey, the world's ending, I say why not?
-Neon... :(
-"The world doesn't need to worry about Kurama Neon."
-"I do!"
-Can't believe
-Hello, Keiwa. I sure Ponkicchi doesn't exist for too long.
-Yes! Friend~!
-And here comes Kousei!
-Bro shut the fuck up, you don't get to be mad about this.
-You enabled it. You profited off it.
-The simple things in life~!
-True happiness was very easy.
-Oh I see Buffa drew 'em all.
-Well he doesn't seem a very artsy type, but I am impressed with his detailing.
-They kinda remind me of Tbh jhlkhg
-Especially Keiwa and Neon.
-"You're missing someone :3"
-Oh okay, sure
-Show off!
-My new headcanon is that Ace struggles to draw bears so he just made Punkjack's helmet from memory.
-I don't really think of Buffa as an anti-hero at this point.
-With how aggressive, unsympathetic, cruel, and downright savage he is as of now, he's ironically far closer to a classical Greco-Roman hero.
-Idk Ace, I think perhaps you're being a little generous here. It's pretty damn cruel to rip someone's dream away, even if it meant saving them.
-You're a sweet gal, Sara-neesan.
-She stands.
-"We are going to win this."
-...wait a minute, I just thought of something.
-If Sara knows how to use the Spider Phone, then surely she must've popped open the score screen at some point.
-...Keiwa, you should've been found out the MOMENT she got the phone.
-Takahashi, what the fuck???
-"Hold it."
-Duncan Jumpscare.
-"There's Big Sister..."
-Will one of you guys fucking jump in?
-Finally, you go Keiwa!
-I'd better be seeing cute sibling teamups soon, Takahashi.
-"Whatever, this is our problem now."
-The Na-Go Nation accepts Hakubi as one of our leaders.
-Alrighty then Ace, show us what you got.
-Well then, Buffa. Show us what you're made of.
-Let's goooooo!
-This is fascinating camera work.
-Jetlagged Fox.
-Oh, he
-He swims.
-Yeah this is pretty sick
-Shoot him harder, Buffa.
-There goes his armor.
-Oh! Okay, that was cool.
-You're a bastard Buffa, but I can't deny your sense of style.
-...Monster looks pretty silly on you though.
-"I'm dying... I'm cold... but my boys will grow big..."
-This hurts.
-The Jyamato are just another of the Admins' many victims. Born and bred to fight and die for their entertainment.
-Good night, Archimedel. Gardener.
-"This sucks."
-Oh dammit, that's Nadgey's Core.
-"What do you want now?"
-"DGP is cancelled."
-What that????
-The buckle's orange... Boost MarkIII?
-...he looks so naked like that, what the heck?
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Thoughts on the Fujimori post and colonialism
Interesting post on the blog recently about Peru’s former president, Alberto Fujimori: https://www.tumblr.com/whatisonthemoon/708072662173351936/fujimori-sterilization-sasakawa-etc-upf-as-a?source=share
It got me thinking about how sterilization has historically been used as a tool to shut down even potential resistance of colonized people. This was done to thousands of Puerto Rican women unknowingly. So many aunties that should’ve been mamas, abuelas, and wanted to be. At the time, too, the Boricua/Puerto Rican independence was strong and militant. Their nationalism was undoubtedly backed by a growing marxist consensus into the 60s. There were thousands of Boricua-led militant actions from the 50s to 70s, and almost as many Boricua political prisoners in the US. This history gets lost.
We forget how close colonial violence and anti-colonial violence is all the time. Even now.
For those you in the US, you’re on stolen lands. Your country’s history is rich in genocide and slavery. This story didn’t end either. The US never became a progressive force in the world. It has only continued its violence, and supporting imperialist violence all over the world.
And we can witness a more fresh example of colonial violence in Israel. It’s all the same game...
And I think about how fucked up Sun Myung Moon was, to create a cult that literally enslaves people for his own influence and power and to feed his narcissism, and I realize all these mega-wealthy fuckers are just as violent and despicable.
And too often, those who are not even all that wealthy, but benefit from the suffering of the majority of the world just by being OK in the imperial core, are unable to see this...
We all (the 99%) have the same enemies. We are all dealing with the same fucked up systems. Let’s stop finding ways to hate each other, to further the colonial violence of the last 500 years, and recognize Moon, Putin, Biden, Trump, and any 1%’er asshole isn’t worth putting your faith into...
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earth-and-stars · 1 year
REMINDER: this is my backup blog for @lunarpiscesangel which is my main account
You can call me Luna, I'm 26, and bi/queer, my pronouns are she/her and I’m cis. I'm a sub/little and I'm in a monogamous LDR with the love of my life/my daddybear. Their pronouns are they/ them and we have been together over 4 years now!
Some of the kinks you'll see me reblog/post about are: ddlg (I know that's technically considered ageplay so if that bothers you, don't interact/follow, I consider myself a little, and my partner is my Daddy, it's the core of our dynamic) • dom/sub dynamic • humiliation • degradation • dumbmification • anal • piss play • cnc • somno • free use • occasionally light pet play
Important: don't rly tag my kinks, unless it's relating to cnc, free use, or somno, so just be aware of that!
DNI: MINORS or people that support minors in kink, EW!!! Feeder/Feedee blogs, ED blogs, Incest Blogs, Misogyny Blogs, Raceplay Blogs, and all the previously listed people at the top of this pinned post!!
And please don't interact with my blog if you are anti-ddlg/demonize people who engage in ddlg. And don't interact with me if your own DNI says "cis people DNI" because I am cis. I do my best to always check the DNI's of folks I reblog from, as well as the OP of the post, to make sure l'm not crossing anyone's boundaries and I would just ask that you please do the same!
I'm sure l'll add more to this at some point and edit some things, but that's basically that!! Okay bye!!💕
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bigguywithredhand · 2 years
A Lot of Shit has Happened
uh like the title pretty much says a lot of fucking things has happened; I used to be a hard core anti-sjw because I thought at the time taking some notice on some of the things in real life was stupid. And frankly a bit melodramatic but I was speaking from a powerful privilege position just like the supposed “counterpart” of my “enemy”. It wasn’t until I actually started to pay taxes and took classes on financing where I realzie that holy shit the right wing privilege dickheads are the real problem.
Not Cletus, the racist hillbilly, he’s a problem. But he’s a symptom, not a disease.
I’m talking about the people like Gregg Abott who apparently wanted to defend the fucking ERCOT when the fucking blizzard started to happen. Oh yeah I was in Austin when that was happening, shivering my fucking feet til they were numb huddled with my girlfriend in an icy fucking apartment until I had to get out of my said apartment and walk in the frozen tundra until I reach my apartment’s garage and sit in the car and wait until my fucking phone charged.
Yep. That was how I spended my wonderful valentine. And that got me thinking at the end of the fucking day that some political affilations had change tremendously. I was always left leaning anti-sjw but now I’m just full out of that phase.
Yeah. That was a phase. I can’t believe I typed me being a total hate fuck was a phase because it’s true. You can say all of the so called real problems are the democrats but from what I can read is that the republicans are passing the dumbass laws.
One group even overturn a basic right that should be for all women. And now they might be gunning for other basic rights and as someone who has been through it all almost, I can simply say fuck that.
So what am I saying:
I am not going to sit by and become a constant symptom. I want to do better and I will do better in the future. Also I learned if you pretty much just stop trying to fight with the democrats they actually are a little bit more coolheaded. But for some reason; a lot of alt right fuckers on the internet are sure acting like they don’t have any crazies on their side either. And honestly it’s fucking annoying.
And besides; political affilations = personality is so outdated, I’m kinda more than that. I’m a gun lover, a video games enjoyer, a horny degenerate, a bisexual black guy, followed by a left leaning towards anarcho-communism and I love comic books.
This blog is just gonna be what I want it to be which is a fucking work out diary and blog of my normal bullshit. I need a place to vent without yapping to my girlfriend’s ear off.
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Okay so today i learned that the take "it was morally wrong of WWX to give JC his core without his consent" exists, and I'm honestly curious to see how you feel about that 👀👀👀
Ehhh... excuse me, but.. what? Haha did you really have to hurt me like that? I was perfectly fine not knowing that such thing existed. I’ve aready reached my limit of stupidity this week lmao. Is it some anti-wwx squad?? Pls tell me, it doesn’t actually exist, bc I’ve already lost my faith in humanity as it is.
Well, my take on this is.. JC whole life was revolving around developing his core, increasing the level of his cultivation powers, becoming the clan leader and outbesting WWX.
The truth is, without the core he would literally slowly rot for the rest of his life. His cultivation skills were pretty basic (he was mad about it and was jealous of WWX getting the attention, hell, even his mom was mad about WWX being better at things than her son), but without them he’d be a big fat nothing and that would’ve killed him. WWX knew that and Wen Qing also knew that. That was the main reason she agreed to this, bc she liked WWX and knew that he couldn’t bare to lose another family member, cause he was like a brother to him. They both knew that JC life would basically end without the golden core and he would be like an empty shell, cause he simply couldn’t go on without it.
And the moment he lost it, he was so blinded, he didn’t even think about the fact how even such miracle of “returning his core” suddently appeared. He didn’t even check the if it’s possible or questioned it. I don’t think he’s stupid really. There’s no way deep down he didn’t feel that it was hella weird that somehow he was magically saved pretty easily. But he went with it anyway, bc he didn’t care about the consequences or questioned if they’d be any. Like did he think it was a magical lottery “bring your old broken iphone and we’ll exchange it for the last model”? I mean, he was so caught up in his ass, he didn’t even think for a moment that it was too damn easy and too damn lucky?? Also like WWX’s lie wasn’t even that good.
And like sorry we didn’t ask for your consent and “forced” our golden core on you, but we just couldn’t let you die. We’re morally wrong like that xD. We also didn’t have much time to babysit a vegetable, some were also grieving at this moment, but who cares, of course, the strong ones will be fine, right?
WWX really genuinely didn’t want for him to find out the truth like.. ever. So that mister could shine in his glory, meanwhile constantly shitting on him. So god forbid some fuckers say smth about him being in the wrong in this situation tbh.
Also I laughed a lot about the fact that JC really thought that he suddently became “oh so talented” out of the blue. Like dude, you were so freaking average, then you “get your core back” and you’re this powerul cultivator... 1+1=5?? I’m.. facepalm seriously.  
The moment Wen Ning told JC how much of an idiot he is, was a blessing for me really, oh, the satisfaction I felt in that maoment. It might just be my favorite moment along with the Wangxian confession. Cause I was like “finally, bitch, finally”, go run around with WWX sword like an idiot now xD I’m sorry like but really, that’s how I felt, I was tired of his bs. Dude’s jealousy blinded him so much, he really would rather watch WWX being stumped on, than stand up for him. That’s such a disgrace seriously.
But I seriously think there’s a possibility that some tiny part of JC knew that this was fishy, but he just blocked it. He wanted the core back so bad, he didn’t care how honestly, if he did, he’d ask questions, but he didn’t. I’m like.. I get it, yeah, but like if someone knocked on your door and be like “here’s your 1 milllion $”, would you seriously be like “yeah, sounds legit, thanks”?? 
Does he not know that saying “free cheese can only be found inside a trap”? Like his pride was rightfully hurt for eternity and he will be reminded of it each time he uses it, but he 100% himself thinks that “it’s better than without the core”.
Anyways... “without consent”... I’m just... you freaking kidding, right? What else? The age difference between Lan Wangji and  Mo XuanYu ‘s body is too huge? Anyone abusive maybe? WWX and LWJ are trash bc they’re too powerful and they don’t deseve to be born this way? I’m.. I’m gonna die istg
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dopeherolightangel · 3 years
some history for you ignorant fuckers claiming that the situation in Palestine is too complicated to support one side:
“european anti-semitism required jews to be given a safe haven elsewhere. british decided that Palestine should absorb them. As european anti-semitism grew further, a jewish nationalist movement started, wanting a jewish nation- israel. And Israel popped up in an otherwise Arab zone. this is the core of the geopolitical conflict. not some random decades old story about muslims destroying temples. Anti-semitism is a product of european export, like pretty much all other devastations on this planet.”
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bellygunnr · 4 years
Parallel Forces
an “adrian teams up with barney, actually” tale.
Seven hours had been and gone. When? Adrian couldn’t say. Every minute seemed like the same seven hours over and over again. A sky torn asunder by dimensional rifts and incomprehensible contraptions, the horizon blurry with the rush of a broken humvee’s wheels over uneven, wild terrain. The steering shook and jumped violently beneath his hands whenever he guided the big vehicle over a layer of rocks instead of sand or baked dirt. Sometimes, the headlights would illuminate some kind of creature, and in a fit, he’d run right over it. To his credit, the person riding shotgun usually confirmed it as an alien.
Aliens. God, what a fucking joke. How many days have passed since his life was normal? The call to action was so crisp and clean in his mind. Up and at’em, soldier, you’ve got to storm the goddamn crazy factory halfway to the core of the earth some ten miles south of your shitty Marine base. Then somewhere between point A, B, and D, you missed your Osprey Express and had to hoof it on your own because the guys couldn’t wait.
Perhaps the best outcome, in the end, but it all started with aliens. 
And maybe some mystery man in an orange suit, but he never saw the guy, and quite frankly, no longer cared. 
“Adrian! Adrian, watch the goddamn road!” Barney barks, grabbing the wheel out from beneath his hands. “Jesus fucking Christ, man. Let me take point!”
It takes all of his concentration to ease on the gas. The Humvee sputters and coughs as it winds down from its abuse, its dusty trail slowly engulfing it. He blindly slams the thing into park before popping open the door and falling out. To his surprise, there’s someone there to catch him.
“You’ve done plenty, young man,” the person says. Rosenberg, Adrian’s exhausted brain supplies. “Get in the back, now. Mind the child, mind the child.”
He can’t protest against being manhandled into the back of the Humvee. His body, battle kit and all, is shoved roughly into place between at least two other bodies. He can’t bring himself to look at them, instead staring straight ahead into the driver’s cab. Barney is still settling into the driver’s seat.
“Barney,” Adrian says roughly, patting the man’s shoulder. “Hold on. Take this, man.”
Adrian reaches into a pocket on his vest, withdrawing a wrinkled parcel. He peels back the plastic to reveal a stack of tiny tablets, though his hands shake so badly trying to claw out just one that he nearly drops them all. Finally, he gets one between his thumb and index finger. 
“Gonna need it. Keeps you up,” Adrian says, thrusting the pill over Barney’s shoulder. 
“The hell is this?” Barney snaps, turning to look at him. The tablet sits in the center of his palm.
“Anti-fatigue shit,” Adrian replies. “Don’t tell me you don’t need it, fucker.”
Rough language and aggression is his forte. Exhaustion and suspended nerves makes it easy to play it up even further. He maintains bloodshot eye contact with the other man until he can detect his will slide away.
“Soldier shit,” Barney mutters. He swallows the pill dry before turning away.
Adrian lets himself go limp against the seat. He knows he won’t be able to sleep, so he contents himself with tipping his head back and staring up at the ceiling. Something gnaws at the back of his mind, but trying to parse it out is-- impossible. 
The humvee coughs as, once again, it’s eased back into the midnight desert.
Their camp is a rough one. Food is eaten cold because a fire might attract things worse than headcrabs and animaloid zombies. Time is a blur, but Barney’s fairly certain that it’s been almost a week since they beat it out of Black Mesa. Long since they crossed the border, long since they saw the end of seven hours, and real short since the last time they saw a UFO skating the skies high above.
A real smooth flier, whatever the aircraft was. If not for blotting out the moon, they wouldn’t have saw it at all.
Barney grips the shotgun between his hands. Eight shells loaded, one in the chamber. Eyes peeled wide to keep watch, but there’s a shakiness afflicting his fingers and an erratic heartbeat in his ears. How many days has he been awake?
How many days was it that a man could be awake without going insane? Three? Four?
Sleep, says Rosenberg. Let us take the load, coaxes Vance.
But he’s already seen far too much to release what little control he has. With Adrian out cold for-- how long, how long-- there wasn’t much of an alternative. Not in his foggy, wired brain. He’d die before letting the team go unguarded.
Even if it meant that little Alyx feared the two armoured men for their bloodshot eyes and tenterhook control.
Until something gave, Barney saw no other alternative.
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