#Avatar x yn
your-averagewriter · 1 year
"Breathing's harder when a pretty girl's touching your chest."
Summary: When the Sully family come to seek refuge, (y/n) is tasked with teaching the children the essentials and becomes particularly close with Neteyam. She wants to help him with his breathing techniques because he's been struggling but seemingly her being close to him is quite distracting... who would've thought?
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: making out, swearing, creatures
I slide off of my ilu and dive into the water, but not before seeing the crowds on the beach. Standing up on the sand I flip some of my hair back into place before walking over. I watch what’s happening and then I see my brothers teasing the newcomers so I walk over. Swatting away Rotxo’s hand from one of their tails I tell him off.
“Stop,” I say, then look up to the older one (whose tail Rotxo was messing with) who’s already looking at me with a smile. I smile back at him.
I was going to start talking to him but then my father arrived with a theatrical entrance. He does this whole speech and the leader of the six outsiders who I now know is called Jake Sully and was the leader of his clan begs to be able to stay. It’s difficult to watch as it’s clear that he only wants to protect his family but mother disagrees with them staying. The verdict eventually ends with them being able to stay.
“Our son, Aonung, and our daughter, (y/n), will show your children what to do.” Father declares and I can’t help but smile at the prospect of new friends and people to teach.
Aonung protests but he is overruled. They stand them staring at each other but I interrupt them.
“Come, I’ll show you all around our village,” I say with a smile leading them first to get some supplies then I lead them to their pod.
“This is where you will stay, I hope it’s okay,” I say and Jake reassures me that it’s fine,
“You’ve done a lot for us, this place is more than good enough.”
“Okay, I’ll leave you guys to settle in now and I’ll come to find you tomorrow with Aonung and we’ll get to work,” I say with a smile and wave before leaving. A small wave of ‘thank you’s is heard before I make my way to my pod.
The next day I wake up and head straight to their pod. Collecting the siblings, I leap off of the side of the pods, urging them to follow after me. The adults head to meet with my father.
The first to jump after me is the older brother, then the younger brother, the younger sister and then the older sister. I’m suddenly realising that I don’t know any of their names. I watch and smile at their face, awe-struck at the beautiful creatures and plants. They don’t seem to be able to swim long though so they have to swim up to the surface. I look at them confused before signing for them to swim with me and my brothers but they keep having to go up for air.
My brothers make fun of them but I dismiss them before checking they’re alright.
“Are you guys okay?” I ask looking at their gasping faces.
“You’re too fast! Wait for us!” The younger one says.
“What’s your name?” I ask softly.
“Tuk.” she answers.
“Well, Tuk, give me your hand,” I say but she’s a little apprehensive. “Come on, I don’t bite,” I say coaxing a giggle out of her. She passes me her hand and I look to the others before starting again. “Everyone okay to go again?” I ask and dive in again seeing their nodding faces. A little later on we resurface again.
“Wait where’s your sister?” Aonung them and I look around not seeing her.
We don’t find her so head back to the shallows. Aonung takes the lead in explaining the ilus and what to do.
“Okay,” I start then realise I don’t actually know his name. “Sorry, I haven’t asked your names,” I say looking down, embarrassed. 
“I’m Neteyam, that’s Lo'ak.” He says pointing to his brother. “Kiri.” He points to her. “And Tuk. But you know her name.” I repeat the names enjoying how Neteyam’s name sounds in my mouth.
“I’m (y/n).” He chuckles.
“I know.”
“Oh yeah,” I say tucking the hair behind my ear.
“Stop looking at each other all googly-eyed.” Aonung walks by and I stutter a bit both continuing the lesson slightly embarrassed.
“So, umm, oh yeah, okay. You’ve got to make the bond.” He moves his queue close to the ilus. “Gently,” I emphasise putting my hand on top of his to slow it down. 
He makes the bond but rides the ilu unsuccessfully but gets it the second time.
“Well done,” I say clapping excitedly as he rides the ilu back to me.
“Thanks,” He says shooting me a charming smile. 
Once everyone’s gotten the hang of riding the ilus we go riding and accidentally meet up with Kiri. We ride the ilus for a while so that everyone has time to practice and once we’re done we head back to the beach to try some breathing techniques to improve their breathing.
“Breathe in. And out.” I lead the exercise and I’m sat next to Neteyam. I can hear that he’s not doing the exercise right so I place my hand on his chest and lower stomach. “Breathe from down here,” I say feeling his breathing and heartbeat. I coach him on how to do the breathing properly but for some reason, his heartbeat increases rather than decrease. “Your heartbeat has increased. Try to calm down.” I say unaware of my brother chuckling in the background.
“Right, okay.” He says, presumably trying to calm down but I only notice his heartbeat increase so I suggest we try again later on.
“Okay, why don’t you guys go back to your pods and get a good night’s sleep then we can continue tomorrow,” I say.
The next few days we keep practising the breathing techniques and mastering riding the ilus, they all got on well except for Neteyam who just couldn’t get the breathing. I gave him a few more days to master it along with the others we’d already practised it for but he just couldn’t understand it. 
In these couple of weeks, we’d become friends, quite good friends very quickly so it wasn’t abnormal for us to hang out. Usually, I’d dismiss the siblings and everyone would do their own thing however most of the time we’d hang out. It was this time again, I dismissed his siblings and mine before dragging him to a more secluded part of the beach.
“Where are we going?” He asks as my grip on his arm slides down to hold onto his hand as I pull him with me.
“You’ll see.” I turn back and smile at him before continuing to take him with me. I hop onto a rock and pull him with me, and we both sit down.
“What are we doing here?” He asks slightly confused but charmed.
“Well, I want to help you with your breathing, so you can swim with us.” 
“I’m not that bad.”  He says, smugly.
“Okay, go on then,” I say, knowing that he can’t do it. He closes his eyes and starts trying to slow his breathing. I place my hand on his lower stomach feeling his breathing again and rest my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.
His heartbeat accelerates and his breathing doesn’t get any slower like usual.
“See?” I say, it was an ‘I told you so’ moment but I didn’t want to rub it in. “Come on, Tuk can do it even Lo’ak!” I say.
“I can’t do it because you’re so close to me!” He says, snapping. “Touching my chest and stomach, I can’t focus.”
“Sorry,” I say quietly, shrinking back into myself. “I’ll just…I’ll go so you can practice without me distracting you,” I say sincerely, standing up.
“No! That’s not what I meant.” He says sighing then standing up quickly, walking after me. “I just, you’re really pretty and I really like you and you make me nervous when you put your hands on my chest and I like it but it’s distracting and I can’t focus when you’re around because you’re all I can think about.” He says rambling but I shut him off by gently pressing my lips to his. He stops talking and when I pull back I look at his dazed face.
“Can you focus now?” I ask holding onto his face.
“Fuck no.” He says before pushing his lips against mine and wrapping his arms around my waist. He lifts me up making me yelp in surprise, he spins us around and places me back down but doesn’t disconnect our lips as one of his hands rises to rest on my face. I move my hands up to thread them in his hair pulling a satisfying sound from his mouth. He slides his tongue into my mouth through my slightly parted lips and swirls his tongue around mine. The closeness of our bodies causes butterflies to erupt in my stomach, a tingly sensation takes over my body dancing up and down my spine. Eventually, he pulls away gasping and I smirk at him.
“I see you can hold your breath longer when there’s an incentive.” 
“Y-yeah I guess so.” He says rubbing his head.
“I’ll have to bear that in mind then,” I say before pressing my lips to his again, smiling against his lips.
AN: I just watched Avatar: The Way of Water and I really enjoyed it (except for the fact it had some really sad moments that I was crying for) and I loved the characters.
Thanks for 200 followers!
Edit: This is rapidly increasing thanks to you guys!
I hope you enjoyed!
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system-to-the-madness · 2 months
Cherry Blossom Comfort 🌸 Zuko x Reader
Pairing: Zuko x Reader(can be read as any gender, no pronouns used) Genre: fluff Word Count: 1 724 Warnings: Major Spoilers for the graphic novel “The Search” Summary: Zuko opens up to you about his feelings about his family
Sakura Festival Masterlist - Masterlist
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Zuko’s head was heavily resting in your lap, cushioned on the deep red fabric of your gown pulled over your soft thighs. His amber eyes watched your face closely as you ran your hands through his dark hair, admiring the way the soft strands so effortlessly slipped through your fingers. It had been a while since you had sat like this. Between the conflict at the former colony of Yu Dao, now its own state, and the immediately following search for Zuko’s mother, there had been little time for any kind of quiet intimacy between Zuko and you.
After you had found his mother, and had returned to the palace, Zuko had been quieter than you knew him to be. He had spent a long time talking to his mother before leaving her and his half-sister in order to return to the palace, and you suspected that whatever they had discussed, was still occupying his mind. Usually, he talked to you about whatever thought he couldn’t get rid of, but so far, he had kept it shut inside, making you wonder if it simply was something he did not want to share, if he didn’t want to share it with you, or if he only needed a little more time to think about it.
A few days ago, he had eventually asked if you wanted to come to Ba Sing Se with him, an invitation you had gladly taken. You were staying at his uncle's place, a small house with only a few rooms, which gave the two of you the opportunity to share the narrow bed and cuddle up each night. In the palace, there were always guards around, and Zuko had been advised that it would be better if the two of you were not to sleep in the same room, at least not too often, to avoid gossip. Zuko had been in an especially bad mood after that for a while, grumbling about how he was your boyfriend and why anybody other than the two of you should be concerned with your relationship.  But if he had learnt anything in the year of being Fire Lord, it was that certain advice was better to be followed, and as much as both of you hated it, this was one of the instances.
This in turn meant both of you cherished the time at Uncle Iroh’s home even more. With the excuse of not enough space, you got to share a bed each night, falling asleep in each other’s arms without the concern of guards walking in or starting rumours.
Both of you were aware that you could not hide out in Ba Sing Se forever, but you had agreed that a holiday of a few days would be acceptable, and so you spent the days either helping in Uncle Iroh’s tea shop or talking long walks in the parks that spread wide and far through the city.
Now you were sitting in the garden that belonged to his uncle’s tea shop, back against the trunk of a blooming cherry tree, Zuko laying spread out on the ground, his head resting in your lap. Usually, you would have taken the opportunity to ask him what he was thinking about, but considering the events of the past month, the almost-war at Yu Dao and the reunion with his mother, which he still hadn’t talked about, you thought it would be better if he were the one to talk first. Or not. While you were curious about what had happened, you never wanted to make him feel like you were prying into parts of his life he wasn’t ready to share with you.
His eyes flickered from your face to the pink blossoms above your heads, before focusing back on you, a smile tucking at his lips before he spoke.
“You know,” he began, his voice soft, “For the time in which I was thinking Ikem was my father, I was almost relieved.”
Ikem, the man his mother had loved before having been married to his father Ozai, and the man who she had returned to after leaving the palace.
Quietly you nodded, more to yourself than Zuko. You had suspected as much, judging from his behaviour and how he had talked about Ozai in these days.
“If Ikem had been my father, I’d never have to worry about turning out like Ozai again,” he explained, his eyes almost absentmindedly tracing your features, like a routine that brought him comfort. “I wouldn’t be in danger to turn as crazy and delusional as him, or Azula. And I could have stopped feeling guilty for not being as powerful a firebender as them.”
You wanted to disagree, tell him he was as good as them, but the truth was they were more powerful than he would probably ever be, even though he had by far the better techniques and his skills were more refined. The only ones who had ever looked down on him for that had been the two of them, and to you it couldn’t matter less how good at firebending he was, or whether he was a bender at all. But you had a feeling this talk was better to be had at another time. Right now it was more important that Zuko got to share his thoughts uninterrupted, while he felt safe and comfortable enough to confide you.
“And Azula…” He trailed off, his eyes leaving your face and returning to the blossoms above him. “I always got told these stories when I was little, about siblings sticking together, through thick and thin, like Sokka and Katara. But Azula and I never were like that. Even when I tried to be what I thought a big brother should be like, she only ever took pleasure in humiliating me. If I had been only her half-brother, it would have felt like an explanation, and I could have stopped feeling guilty for it.”
A crease was forming on his forehead, and you brought your hand from his hair to his face, brushing over his forehead with your thumb.
“Why would you feel guilty for the way she was treating you, hm,” you asked. “It doesn’t make sense.”
“No, it doesn’t,” Zuko agreed. “Still there were times when I just wanted to get along with her. I just wanted a normal family. For my father to love me the way my mother had, for Azula to treat me like her brother, even if that includes the one or the other rivalry. But not like some second-class human being.”
“In Azula’s eyes everyone who isn’t her is a second-class human being,” you mumbled.
“I know,” Zuko sighed. “But still.”
“I’m sorry that you never got the family you wished for,” you whispered. “You have every right to be upset about that.”
“For a moment I thought, I could have that family, you know,” Zuko admitted. “If Ikem really would have been my father- I could have had a normal family, the one I always wanted, a father who’s proud of me, my mother who never made me feel small or irrelevant and a sister who actually sees me as a human and not just a challenge.” He took a deep breath. “But I always would have doubted my position as Fire Lord,” he continued. “I wouldn’t have known where I belonged anymore.” He hesitated for a moment before he added: “I think I would have even started to doubt that I belong at your side.”
“I wouldn’t have allowed you to doubt that,” you told him, and the crease on his forehead softened under your insistent brushing over it. You could have been only of little help if he had started doubting his position as Fire Lord, but you would never let him question that the two of you belonged with each other. That was not a matter of heritage, it was a matter of your hearts, your souls. As dramatic as it sounded, you were convinced that Zuko and you were bound together by more than the emotions you were aware of.
Even before you had really gotten to know another, back when you had still been enemies, you had always found and saved each other, even when all rationality had dictated the opposite. You had defied probability and logic again and again, consciously, and subconsciously, so much that by the time Zuko had turned up at the Wester Air Temple with an awkward “Hello, Zuko here”, you had been convinced you were cursed to always run into him.
Now you were convinced it was something else entirely, something that would lead you back to find each other no matter when and where you were. For a while Zuko had loved to throw around the word ‘destiny’, and even though you hardly believed in that concept, you couldn’t imagine to not be bound to him by destiny.
Zuko’s eyes found yours, clear amber staring up at you on a mixture of wonder and admiration.
“No,” he finally agreed with you. “I belong with you. No matter who I am, or where, or when. I’m yours.”
You smiled at the certainty in his voice, knowing that right now there was absolutely no doubt in neither of your hearts about that. Gently you brushed his hair aside and leant down to press a kiss to his forehead. His eyes flickered closed blissfully, and you grinned at the way he puckered his lips, expecting a kiss there too, but you pulled away teasingly. When he realised you weren’t going to kiss him, he blinked his eyes open, frowning at you disapprovingly, while snuggling into the palm with which you cupped his face. Sometimes it still surprised you how touch starved he was.
“And I’m yours,” you whispered, making him blush. After almost a year of exchanged whispers like this you would think he had gotten used to them yet, but you loved how you were still able to fluster him so easily.
“I’m just glad I get to be by your side,” Zuko confessed, making you smile.
“I’m glad, too,” you replied before leaning down again, this time softly kissing his lips, pretending like the soft sigh that slipped past his lips did not make your heart skip a beat, but you had a feeling Zuko knew either way.
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professional-yapper · 3 months
Massive massive congratulations to myself and every avatar writer who does X readers and has to fight through figuring out ways to not use y/n or a random name. We're doing great keep it up 👏👏👏
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loaksreya · 1 year
ੈ✩‧₊˚ avatar the way of water on twitter 💟
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heyworld-whatsup · 6 months
Something for the So’lek lovers
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Here ya go 😘
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gardnhee · 2 months
faint memories - zuko
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୨୧- tw/content. angst with a pinch of fluff, intentional lowercase, not proofread, little cursing here and there.
୨୧- zuko x afab!reader
୨୧- note. this applies to both animated and live action zuko!! requested by my baby @lovlyrickyyy 🤍
୨୧- dividers by @plutism !
୨୧- wc. 1.2k
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“stop…moving!” you grit, holding zuko’s face as he glares at you, small wince erupting from his throat.
“how do you expect me-“ he hisses, hands instinctively flying up to get a hold of your wrists. “to not move when there’s this huge fucking burn on my face!” zuko retorts, grip tightening on you. you sigh, heart dropping as you no longer see that glint in his eyes. the glint that is now replaced with sadness, pain, suffering.
zuko’s chambers grew dead silent, no more arguing, no more disagreeing from you or him. just silence.
a small smile spread on his face as he now caressed your wrist with his thumb, pressing a small kiss to it, “i’m sorry for grabbing so hard.” this made your head perk up, blush spreading across your cheeks. you shake your head, “i understand.” the room goes silent again.
only thing that could be heard were the faint yells of the firebenders training outside and the mouse like footsteps of whoever passed by the unnecessarily and stupidly huge doors.
you kept applying the ointment onto zuko’s wound, sitting back with a small huff to examine him. to you, even with that huge scar on his face, he’s still as handsome as ever. you noticed how he tried to hide it from you, looking down at his trembling hands as the events from earlier are still fresh in his mind.
he slumped back on the bed, eliciting a whine of disapproval - you weren’t done tending to him. zuko ignores this as he just lays there, gazing up at his tall ceiling with a blank stare.
you knew him all too well, which means you also knew he was hiding something. restricting himself from talking. you hated it.
“zuko-?” you started as his body jerked up from the wine red sheets.
“i’m getting exiled.” he didn’t let you speak, words crawling up his throat as he was unable to hold them back.
you felt as if all air had been knocked out of your lungs, like a punch to the gut. your chest heaved, eyes squinting and eyebrows knitting together.
“w-what?” it’s not that you didn’t hear, in fact zuko’s words unfortunately fell upon very perceptive ears.
“you’re joking, right?” you chuckled awkwardly, fading into nothing as his eyes saddened. “i’m sorry.” was all he could muster. you frantically shook your head, disgusted that he felt forced to apologize for something he had no control over.
“how long?”
zuko hummed, eyes spaced out somewhere, looking everywhere but at you. you bit your lip, kneeling towards him, cold and shaky hands cupping his cheeks.
“stop avoiding and answer me, zuko. how long?”
zuko’s eyes peeled away from wherever he was previously glancing at, “however long it takes.” he mumbles and you frown, “what does that even mean.” you grunt, sitting back in defeat as you run your fingers through your hair.
“until i catch the avatar.”
you scoffed, “that’s fucking ridiculous.” zuko agreed silently, but that wasn’t enough for you. nowhere near, actually.
“i’m going to speak with your father.” you stand, making him stand with you, eyes wide and pupils blown.
“you can’t, yn.” he reaches for you in vain as you yank your hand back. “don’t try to stop me, zuko.” you were beyond pissed, tone dripping venom as zuko stood in front of you, obstructing your way to the door.
“move, goddamnit!” you hit his chest repeatedly, each strike more desperate than the last. “how are you just…okay with this?” you sobbed, forehead propped against his chest, his arms falling beside him, stiff as a statue.
“what more can i do?”
he made a good point, so good that it shushed you with a slap to the face.
“i’m leaving.”
“yn please wait-“
“im. leaving.” your lip quivered, voice shaky, eyes watery. zuko nodded, moving back to his bed, sitting on the edge.
you made your way to the bed as well, grabbing the ointment and placing it back on the metal tray.
“i hope to see you again, yn.” he murmured, back facing you as you stayed quiet, not wanting to entertain the idea of him leaving. sadly, it doesn’t matter if you entertain said idea or not, it’s happening anyway.
the moment you stepped out the door, that was it, even the hope of ever seeing him again started to dissipate.
by this point you were halfway down the dim hallway, ready to turn the corner to the servant’s quarters. you looked back, guards standing proud and tall outside the prince’s room. you bit your lip, gazing down at the cold tray in your hands, caressing it with your index finger.
after taking a deep breath and preparing yourself for a life without your first love, you walk off, never to hear from zuko again.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“fucking hell!” zuko groaned as the memory made an unwanted visit for the nth time this week, standing from his cot like bed. he looked outside the small ship window, eyes landing on an endless ocean, stretching far and wide, separating him from you.
it’s been 3 years since zuko had the pleasure of laying eyes upon you. your pouty lips - which he longed to kiss - sparkling eyes, and beaming smile, he missed it all; every single second of it.
he made it his mission to capture the avatar, whatever it took, zuko will bring him before his father and finally get to feel your embrace again.
the fact that he didn’t seize the opportunity to confess, to tell you just how much he loves you - vocalize the burning desire to make you his partner - was eating at him from the inside out.
zuko paces around the room, breathing heavily as he grows anxious. his patience is running thin and he doesn’t know how much longer he can stay civil.
with three curt knocks zuko turns, uttering a ‘come in’ as his mind was somewhere else. a soldier walks in, with a small bow of his head, he exclaims, “we’ve found the avatar, sir!” this made zuko’s face brighten, nails no longer trapped between teeth.
“where?” the prince breathed, unspoken urgency in his voice. “here in the south pole, sir.” he raised a brow, “how far?” zuko questions.
“close by, approximately 2 nautical miles.” despite his shocked expression, zuko was elated.
“good job.” was all zuko said before strolling out his suffocating room. his palms grew sweaty, his heart hammered against his chest. he simply couldn’t contain himself.
he will see you again.
oh, he’s just imagining it; walking up behind you and surprising you, indulging in your warm laugh, welcoming eyes, and safe presence.
this is something he simply won’t - can’t - pass. zuko has the target within reach and he’s going to hold on tight, so tight the avatar will have no choice but to turn himself in.
a way one ticket, an opportunity peeking its face through the blur that is his life.
no matter the circumstance, he will not miss or give up - no, he’s coming home to you, forever this time.
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© GARDNHEE 2024, do not copy, modify, or upload on other platforms
୨୧ - hope you liked it!! this is kinda rushed so im sorry if there’s any spelling errors :( please like, comment, and reblog. would be highly appreciated 🫶.
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atxxokirina · 10 months
Seven Deadly Sins.
noun • habitual greed or excess in eating
Lo'ak x Fem Na'vi Reader | 18+, MDNI
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Banner credit ♡
Contains: SMUTTY SMUT, pussy eating and fingering, dom Lo'ak, denial and edging, squirting, very VERY slight mention of somnophilia at the end, i think that's everything .
Author's note / plot: I decided to do a series based off of the Seven deadly sins, which are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. I have plans for multiple fics including each sin, and each one will consist of different Avatar characters. <3 hopefully you all love this idea as much as I do!
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It was no secret that Lo'ak loved eating pussy— yours, of course. He worshipped it. Obsessed with your tangy slick, the way it pulsated around his fingers and tongue, and your perfect little clit.
Lo'ak squeezes the plush of your thighs, holding them open as you struggle to stay still. "Stop moving mama, let me finish eating this cute pussy." He mumbles on your cunt, half of his tongue meeting with your spongey walls as he suctioned your clit. "I-I'm trying..!" You gasp, followed by a moan. He's been at this for Eywa knows how long. You feel so you numb and sensitive. "Lo'ak, please.. I-I can't cum again." You whined. Trying to scoot your hips back, but to no avail. He simply growls, sending vibrations to your cunt which just made your hips fall back. "I'm not done with my meal yet, mama." He teases in a low tone, smacking your mound, resulting in a high pitched whimper. "Stop.." You breathe out, fighting back another orgasm. Lo'ak scoffs, repositioning himself. He scissors your folds open with two digits, kitten licking the puddle of wetness that spread onto your thighs.
"You know.." He starts, teasing your entrance with his fingers. "I thought I told you about telling me what to do," you hum, followed by a whimper. Looking down, you see a dark look in his eyes. Darker than usual. "L-Lo'ak, what are you doing.." He ignores you. "..because, I'm in charge here, and not you, yeah?" He emphasizes the last word with a huff, plunging his long fingers into you, curling them up and reaching your sweet spot. Your eyes shut themselves closed. Breath shuddering while needy moans fall from your mouth. "Mmmm!" You squeal, tears began to form in your eyes as his digits pounded you nonstop. "I'm- cumming! I'm gonna cum, oh shit.." You feel your heartbeat pattern change drastically as your lower core tightens. "Yeah mama, squirt in my fucking mouth. Let go for daddy." He quickens his pace, jamming his digits into your sweet spot even more as he makes out with the rest of your cunt.
Your body lets go. Thighs shaking as the clear liquid spews out of your pussy, eyes rolling back while you grip Lo'ak's head. Pushing him down. He catches your squirt in his mouth, swallowing without hesitation. "Fuuck," Lo'ak groans as he slurps the residue off, listening to your moans die down as you pant. He lets your thighs go, climbing on top of you. "Wake up." He grumbles, cuppping your cheek, moving your face from either side. "I don't care if you're passed out, mama. I'm still gonna eat." Was the last thing you heard before he went back down..
taglist: @pandorxxx @sweethoneycn @neytirishottie @sullybrosimp @tsireyafavgirl @teyamsbitch @encephalitis-on-sundays @sassypain @neon-groves @rosyj @hidingfrommanda @whore-for-hawks
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nylpad · 3 months
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Warnings: enemies to lovers, war
In the heart of the Water Tribe, there lived three siblings: Katara, Sokka, and you, Y/N. You were the youngest, born with a unique gift of waterbending unlike any seen before. Your abilities complemented your siblings', and together, you were a formidable team.
When Aang, the long-lost Avatar, was discovered, your life changed forever. You joined him, along with Katara and Sokka, on a journey to master the elements and defeat the Fire Lord. But among your adversaries was Prince Zuko, a firebender with a fierce determination to capture the Avatar.
At first, your encounters with Zuko were fraught with conflict. His fire clashed with your water, his anger with your calm. Yet, as the moons passed, you began to see the pain behind his eyes, the burden of a destiny he didn't choose.
During a skirmish, you found yourself face-to-face with Zuko. Instead of attacking, you reached out with your waterbending, not to harm, but to heal a wound on his arm. Surprised by your act of kindness, Zuko hesitated, and in that moment, something shifted.
As the Gaang continued their quest, Zuko's path intersected with yours in unexpected ways. He saved you from a dire situation, and you, in turn, offered him understanding. Slowly, the enemy became an ally, and the ally became a friend.
When Zuko finally joined your group, the balance shifted. You found in him a kindred spirit, someone who understood the weight of expectations. Together, you trained, your water tempering his fire, creating a harmony that resonated within the group.
The war ended, peace was restored, and through it all, your bond with Zuko deepened. You balanced each other out, the yin to his yang. And as the world began to heal, so did your hearts, entwining like the merging rivers of your homeland.
In Zuko, you found not just love, but a partner who stood by your side as you helped rebuild a world where balance reigned supreme. And in you, Zuko found not just a lover, but a beacon of hope that guided him towards a brighter future.
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teyamsatan · 10 months
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^^^ this right here??? made me slide up a wall in need. now imagine dilf!jake, cause that's all i can imagine. enjoy x
wc: 660 words
smut under the cut, minors DNI 🔞
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You loved days with Jake, you really did. He was a good leader - strong and fearless, compassionate and patient, he made everyone feel secure and at ease, made everyone feel included and heard. You loved training with him, hearing him talk, watching him listen. You loved his demeanour and his wit, and how he sacrificed so much and lost a planet and a bond to his own kind in order to protect yours. He was a good mate - considerate and thoughtful, funny and giving, he made it his life purpose to make you happy, and you appreciated him every single minute of your life.
You loved days with Jake… but nights… Eywa, the nights were the best, and you had a perfect example as of why right now, laying sideways on the bed, your head pushed so far back, it was resting in the crook of his neck, drawn out moans and skin slapping together the only sounds you could hear in the quiet of the dead of night. You haven't slept through the night once since meeting Jake. How could you, when more often than not, after a thorough fucking, he loved to fall asleep with his cock still buried deep inside of you, loved for the feel of your tight cunt and smell of your scents mingled together to be the last thing on his mind before he passed out for the night... or at least for a few hours, until you inevitably woke up, needy and desperate once more, grinding on his half-hard length until he was rock hard once more, his body unable to resist you, even asleep as he was.
Now, here you were once more, three orgasms in, crying as he slipped in and out of you with ease, your cum and slick allowing him to bottom out in you, bulging up the skin of your lower abdomen. He loved to sneak his hand from your hip, where it was rested in order to pull you further down his length, and reach around and press on the spot, until you squirmed and whined, until the tears flowed freely down your face into your ears.
"You feel how deep in you I am, angel? That's daddy's cock pushing your pretty skin up, mm? You're taking it so well, aren't you? Always so good for me."
"D-daddy... pl-please!"
His words pushed you closer and closer to the orgasm you knew would take you out for the night, the intensity of the last couple of hours taking a toll on your mind, until you were just a mess of words and incoherent babbles, drunk of his cock and the soft kisses he was peppering on the back of your neck. You could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke.
"What do you need, baby? Need daddy to let you come on his cock?"
His thrusts sharpened momentarily as he was hitting the spot that made you see stars and cry out in unadulterated ecstasy, until you were sure the whole clan could hear how well the Olo'eyktan's mate was getting fucked night after night. Right now, you couldn't find it in you to care.
"There you go, baby girl. Come for daddy so he can fill you up, mm?"
The promise of being marked by him, of his cum dripping out of you and down your thighs for days to come was enough to push you over the edge, and you came, making a mess of the mat, that needed to be changed daily anyhow, as you squirted all over him, gushes of warm liquid mixing with his own, and, spent and filled to the brim as you were, you allowed him to pull you closer and whisper sweet nothings in your ear as you drifted off to sleep.
"Daddy loves you, sweet girl."
You knew, and yet, you couldn't wait until tomorrow night, when he'd more than willingly prove it to you again.
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somebody sedate me honestly
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astra-kamari · 3 months
Sleeping was overrated anyway
Summary-nightmares have been plaguing your mind-and everyone tries to help
Gaang x Y/n - Sokka x Y/n
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You havent been sleeping. The nightmares just keep coming and coming. In them you always loose your friends. First Katara, then Zuko, then Toph and Aang, and then- you didn’t want to think about it. Sokka, his death always hurt you the most.
So you decided if you didn’t sleep no problems would happen. At first it was easy, you would go for a walk, train, or just look at the stars.
After a few days your friends started to notice. You were constantly yawning, moving slower in training, and you were constantly irritated.
Each of the gaang tried their own ways to ask what was wrong.
Katara and Y/n were making breakfast. Katara quickly noticed how much YN was yawning, and getting upset at every little thing with the food.
“Are you alright?”
“Im fine”
“Ok you just look a little tired…”which was a understatement when she saw the bags under your eyes
“Im fine-and im not tired.”
“Ok” she says watching you struggle with the food. “Why dont you go train with Toph?” Katara was hopeful that Toph would have better luck figuring out what was wrong with you.
Toph and Y/n started training in hand to hand combat when they stopped to eat some lunch. It had been quiet for a minute when until Toph decided enough was enough and nudged Y/n. Her head immediately snapped up
“I’m awake, I’m fine, I’m awake.”
“Are you sure theres nothing you need to tell any of us? You can talk to anyone, you know.”
“Yup” you said popping the p
“And you’re not tired?”
“i am 100% ok”
“If you say so”
Aang and Y/n were out for a walk, You were trying to focus on walking so you didn’t trip, but the world had other plans as you stumbled but you caught her self on a nearby tree. After that you focused extra on walking and less on Aang babbling about the air benders air ball matches. Only to be defeated by air again, as you started falling to the ground, however Aang quickly caught you.
“Are you sure your ok?” He says carefully “you’ve been acting kind of tired-“
“I’m not tired!” You breathed in and out “i am perfectly fine and wish people would stop asking me if im tired!”
“Ok-lets just head back its almost dinner anyway”
Zuko had made tea while you and Aang were gone, he looked up as you walked into camp. “Hey guys want some tea? It’s the kind my uncle made…jasmine i think”
“Yeah ill take some” Aang grabbed his cup and left to his tent-leaving you and Zuko alone.
“Soo”Zuko said, trying to start conversation
“Don’t even start” you say raising a shakey hand of tea to her mouth. You try to use your other hand to stabilize it, but that just makes things worse and you spill the tea. You angrily set the cup down and stare off to the distance.
“So…uh….do you need anything?”
“No” you replied curtly
“Um ok then.” After a couple kinda awkward minutes he stands up and leaves….to Sokkas tent?
You pulled your knees up to your chest and look at the stars. Then yoy see why Zuko went to Sokkas tent. You were quickly trying to come up with a believable lie, when Sokka started walking towards you.
“Hey” he said sitting down next to you. After you ignore him, he pulls you into his lap, pushing your armas away and raping his around you.
“You want to tell me whats wrong?” He whispers into your hair. You shake your head no and sink into his chest.
“You know your going to have to sleep eventually.”
“I dont want to.”
“Well its kinda a bodily function, everyone’s human-or do you have something you want to tell me?”
“No, your right, i have to sleep. Its just…. Well i-“
“Its ok, you dont have to tell me”
“No i will, i just-saying them out loud makes it real”
“Makes what real?”
“The fears-the nightmares bring them to life”
“nightmares?”he pushes
“Yes, nightmares. Thats why I haven’t been sleeping. I-im scared of loosing all of you. Every single time i close my eyes i see everyone dead around me-and i cant move, i cant scream, i cant do anything. And every time i saw you dead on the ground, i broke. It hurst so bad, and im-scared.” You finish sucking in a long breath.
He looks down at you “i have a idea” and with that he scoops you up bridal style, and carries you to his tent.
Its not like you havent been in here before-but this felt different, more comforting. He flings open the sleeping bag puts you in there and snuggles in right next to you. “Better?”he asks
“Better.” It’s quite for a while. “Sokka?what if the dreams come back”
“It will be different”
“How do you know?”
“Ill be there to protect you”
And you’ve never slept more peacefully in your life.
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deadghosy · 2 months
𖤓PROMPT: you fell inside your comfort show.
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✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩it was during book 2, you were happy to see toph show her father that she can take care of herself. You had wished to see it in person. And booom! You were suddenly in the show where you can see Aang get busted free from the metal cage.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩after the whole fight scene, toph noticed you and pointed you out. You knew there was no chance in running, so you outed yourself out. By calmly saying you are from another world. As much as you sounded crazy, they laughed while Toph knew you weren’t lying by your heart rate. You showed them your phone and that’s when the main Trio stops laughing and got curious
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩Sokka most definitely will ask if the ladies back in your time era are attractive, you said yes and this boy was asking to see what they look like on your phone 😭
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩and that’s how you got into the gaang. You were the therapist of the group, always listening to their troubles and helping them with all the knowledge you knew about their characters.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩katara always likes to rant about her day to you, and you don’t mind which makes her feels comfortable around her. Book 1 katara was very open on making friends. Book 2, I’ll say the same. If you had meet book 3 katara, YOU BETTER HAD PRAY FOR MERCY LMAO.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩aang likes to play with you with his airbending, and you enjoy the hell out of it. Literally you would smile with the brightest smile, and Aang smiles with you along. Just two sunshines having fun.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩toph likes how you taught her swear words. You and toph curse like sailors😈 lmao. Aang accidentally got influenced and that make katara step in and shut shit down 😭😭.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩you love appa and momo! These furry cuties love you too as appa always licks your face when you show up. Momo sometimes leaps on your shoulders, maybe even trying to share a fruit with you.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩Aang steals your big shirts, and you would try to match with him which makes him even like you more as a friend. You turn into his best friend right there and now.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩with you being a non-bender..protectiveness is to the roof! Literally even if you can fight. There’s still bending that can take you down without a single thought. The people who at your body guards are Aang, toph, Katara, and Zuko. The four powerful benders. But the ones who stick the most are Zuko and toph. Toph because she likes how fierce your personality is. Zuko, Zuko is just himself. Plus he needs more friends.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩Zuko awkwardly ask you a lot of questions from your generation. Like a lot to the point you grabbed his lips shut. That’s when Zuko knew, you weren’t playing games.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩headcannon on zuko and you just being awkward teens not knowing how to start the conversation so all he starts off is, “so, is war a thing in your world?” The way you gave him a wild side glance.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩I can see you making the gaang learn slangs LMAO. You made katara understand the wordings of “What you being messy for?” And she started to use on toph and Sokka 😭😭 you’d probably give Aang a short ass but wholesome slang.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩if you had curly hair, and not some katara curly hair iykwim. I mean like 4c ass hair that I possibly have 😭. I can see katara just amazed and ask in g to comb it which you quickly say no to. Toph, just stands there but probably does touch it when bored. People who ask to touch it is suki, Zuko, and Aang. Those three are people who I can see ask before doing it. Sokka will ask, but will touch it as it ask after 🧍🏾
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩big headcannon Sokka training you on sword fighting, but then Zuko comes in because Sokka is apparently “showing” you the wrong way lol.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩suki most definitely would love to teach you her ways of fighting. Plus chi blocking. Once you mastered it, she would take it up a notch and have you spar with her. In honor of her teaching, you agree. You had the upper hand until she practically cheated by distracting you. Making you lose your focus, she nailed you down. But in all warfare, it was full of laughter and friendship.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩imainge you showing them that “car” comercial..(of course toph can’t see it lmao) 😭 ZUKO PROBABLY BURNT YOUR PHONE 😨 ALL BECAUSE HE GOT SCARED
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your-averagewriter · 1 year
Midnight swim.
Summary: After her brothers get into a fight with the Sully siblings she tells her brothers off, sending them away and covers for the Sully boys. She then goes on a midnight swim with Neteyam.
Word count: 1.2K
Warnings: making out, fighting, blood, injury
I sit in my pod finishing off with making dinner as I look out at the beach. Kiri‘s sat in the shallows talking to my brothers. I look at them with a small smile, happy that they’re getting along but I start getting suspicious when neither party is smiling, Kiri’s even frowning. I observe them from afar for a little longer as Kiri stands up and tries to walk away.
Her arm is grabbed by one of the others and I stand up to go after them to stop them but I see Lo’ak get involved and then a couple of moments later Neteyam joins in. I pause for a second, waiting to see them resolve it but it becomes violent when Lo’ak throws the first punch at Aonung, it seems deserved but I head over anyway. I jog over as the fight escalates, and Neteyam gets involved. They’re all involved now, rolling around on the floor and in the water throwing punches at each other. 
I stand by the side of the tree and as the oldest sibling, I’m afforded a little more respect than the younger ones. 
“Stop!” I yell at them but calmly and instantly everyone freezes turning to look at me. “Get up!” I order my brothers and they urge their friends to also follow what I say. 
They stand up quickly and I grab Aonung by his ear pulling him down to my face because he’s taller than me. He hisses, me grabbing his ear hurting presumably.
“Clean yourselves up and go home,” I say, letting go of his ear as Rotxo scoffs before leaving, following Aonung. “And you too, go home!” I tell their friends as they scurry away.
I take a deep breath before turning to the Sully siblings.
“Are you okay, Kiri?” I ask even though she wasn’t in the fight.
“Yeah. I’m not hurt.” She says with a smile.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t have gotten here sooner, I saw them talking to you and I didn’t think anything would go wrong, I thought they were being friendly.”
“Oh no, it’s fine they didn’t hurt me or anything.” She says shaking her head.
“Are you guys okay?” I ask kneeling down next to the two boys.
“That was badass,” Lo’ak says and I chuckle.
“Are you hurt?” I ask him and he shakes his head with a smile. “How about you?” I ask Neteyam.
I cup his face in my hands and brush one of my thumbs over his bleeding lip before he can reply.
“You’re lip is bleeding.” I point out staring at his face. “And your face is bruising,” I say with a worried tone and frown.
“It’s not that bad.” He says trying to act tough and I interrupt him.
“You boys should be more careful. You shouldn’t get in so much trouble.”
“They were being horrible to Kiri!” Lo’ak exclaims whilst I stroke over Neteyam’s bruised eye and his statement quickly turns my head.
“What?” I ask, shocked, my nostrils flaring angrily. “What did they say?” I ask.
“They were calling her a freak! They’re always so mean to her!” He says, grumpily.
I sigh. “I’ll have to talk to them about that,” I say then. “Why don’t you guys go home, it’s nearly time to eat anyway,” I suggest.
I walk with them to their pod and leave them to have dinner with their family. After dinner, I decide to go back over to the pod to apologise on behalf of my brothers seeing as it doesn’t seem like they’re going to anytime soon.
I walk up to the pod but hear the boys being told off by their father. He fully blames his sons when it is very much not their fault.
“I am sorry to interrupt,” I say and bow trying to be polite as possible as all the Sullys look my way. “But this altercation was not your son's fault, the blame is all on my brothers and I can’t apologise enough for them,” I say finishing with another bow. 
Jake Sully returns my bow and then starts speaking. “If you were to explain the situation to me, something neither of my sons will do fully then I might be more inclined to let them off.”
I briefly explain it to him being as polite and respectful as possible even though on the inside I am incredibly annoyed with my brothers. 
“Well, I believe you, it sounds like I’ve been too harsh on my boys.” He pauses and the boys get excited that they’re off the hook. “But, do not stir up any trouble and you are not completely off the hook as Lo’ak you were the one to throw the first punch.” He warns seriously and Lo’ak groans.
“I can’t overstate my apologies but I can assure you that I have had a very serious word with my brothers.” I say before leaving again.
I walk along the path a few metres before I hear Neteyam’s voice.
“(y/n), wait!” He says catching up with me. “Thanks for doing that, you didn’t need to.” He says, resting his hand on my forearm.
“I didn’t need to but I wanted to, my brothers can be horrible sometimes.” I say sliding his hand from my forearm into my hand. “Do you want to go for a swim with me? The sea’s really beautiful at night.” I say looking into the water at the luminous creatures.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.” He says looking into my eyes. “You have really pretty eyes.” He says. “They look like the sea, they glow just like the water.” He says and I’m almost speechless.
“Thank you,” I say looking down, shyly feeling heat rise up my neck.
“Do you wanna go for that swim now?” He asks, smugly knowing how his words affect me.
“Yeah.” I reply as he drags me into the water with him.
We dive into the water, hand in hand as we shoot through the water. Dodging the corals and avoiding hitting the sea creatures we spin around slowly now holding each other's hands. His smile is charming and dazzling, his skin glistening and his eyes shining as we stare at each other our smiles ever-growing. We dance through the water and neither of us can stop smiling like toddlers. After a little bit, we slow down looking at the glowing creatures and flowing water that surrounds us but eventually, he has to go up for air so we swim up to the surface.
Emerging from the water Neteyam is gasping but I just start giggling. 
“‘Teyam.” I say giggling.
“What?” He asks chuckling at my amused face.
“You just look really cute,” I say still giggling as he places his hands on my waist.
“I think you got me mixed up with yourself.” He says, smirking and making me absolutely swoon. 
I move one of my hands to cup his face and the other to his neck as we both stare into each other's eyes. My heart’s racing as I watch his eyes flicker down to my lips repeatedly. Finally, he presses his lips against mine and my hand moves up to thread into his damp hair. His lips work feverishly against mine as we grip each other's bodies, his hands imprinting upon the flesh of my hips. My lips slide against his and they’re softer than I thought they would be. The water around us glows with the sea creatures and the moon is shining beautifully, I can’t imagine a more perfect moment than this one.
AN: I have written so much stuff for Neteyam and Avatar: Way of the Water, if you want to be tagged in any of my other Avatar posts then comment and I'll make a tag list.
Also if you have any Avatar requests (I'll write for pretty much anymore from the movie) then feel free to send them in.
I hope you enjoyed reading!
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hazashiovo · 2 months
I can't get rid of this thought. What do you think of the idea for writing smut Zuko x reader, if you take a photo of Kate Middleton and Prince William, where "king" is written on his chest in red lipstick. It's so hot, i can't
I didn't find a photo of said characters,but I can definitely try something similar ;)
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Zuko x fem!reader
"My king,and only mine." The Fire lord's eyes follow you with passion, silently watching you mark his chest with red hot lipstick.
His face red and hot, finding the situation unusual yet not unpleasant.
His loyal servant treating him like the King he truly is. The mighty firelord that helped the avatar restore peace in the world.
You made sure his eyes were fixated on you, your dark red lipstick shaping in a word only meant for him.
Zuko's precious knight in shining armor marking the fire bender as her own ,with passion burning deep in every painted kiss on his chest, collarbone and all the way to his pretty neck.
His calloused hands wrap around your sweet little face, drawing your beautiful gaze to him. You know he's at a loss for words, besides rapid breaths,Zuko doesn't speak.
It's not because he's not enjoying it,it's because you just left him speechless. But after all, there's no need for your dear King to speak,his body speaking more than his words ever could,and you are the only one who can understand it.
The king that only belongs to you like you belong to him.
Kinda short,but I think it turned out great
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atokirina-writings · 1 year
“I remember his hands, and the way the mountains looked.”
Neteyam x Omaticaya Reader (Fluff, SFW)
• Neteyam is aged up he is around 20 and Y/N is 19 (Established Relationship)
Synopsis: Neteyam takes you to a secret spot on Pandora, just to be alone with you.
• Authors note! This is my first work in over two years my writing skills have gone 6ft under so bear with me. Feel free to submit any request you have. A masterlist & my rules will be coming out soon. Please support this as I am trying to grow my blog. Sidenote this fic is inspired by Sades song and you’ll see the inspiration if you squint.
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“I have somewhere I want to show you” Neteyam says.
He grabs your hand and leads you to his ikran, and you call yours to you. When you hear her response from above you look up to see your beautiful girl as she lands in front of you.
Neteyam watches you as you admire your ikran, he has always adored the way you care for the na’vi and all of Eywa’s creations. How could you just stare at something and look so damn beautiful he wonders.
You and Neteyam have recently mated and you couldn’t be happier with the life is treating you right now. Waking up next to him, flying with him, even the simple things like hunting for food with him. Everything has more meaning now that you two are together. Bonded. Mated for life.
“What is this all about my love, where are you taking me?” you ask eyes full of curiosity and love for your mate. He hops onto his ikran and you follow his movements. “You will see when we get there y/n, it is a place i’ve discovered and I want to share it with you.” He replies with a smirk on his face, and with that you’re off.
You fly with him side by side, admiring his sun kissed face and the wind blowing through his hair. Occasionally drifting your ikran into his, earning a laugh from him. You’ve been flying for at least 45 minutes and don’t recognize the new area you’re in, nothing but the lush forest beneath you.
“We’re here!” He yells over the loud sound of wind in your ears. His ikran dives into what looks like just trees. What is this boy up to you think to yourself. It isn’t until you follow and break the forrest barrier of trees that you realize where he has lead you.
A gasp escapes your lips as you break the bond between yourself and your ikran. Looking around you see the bioluminescence of Pandora’s plant life underneath the moonlight and a beautiful fresh waterfall and spring. Overwhelmed by the beauty of where you are you turn to your beloved Neteyam to find he’s already looking at you. He grabs your hands in his bringing them to his lips, planting a short and sweet kiss. “I discovered this place hunting one night and I immediately knew that I had to share it with you.” Neteyam says with the most pure smile on his face staring into your eyes. “My Neteyam… it is gorgeous I-” You can’t even be bothered to complete your sentence as you take in that you are truly here, with him. Neteyam releases your hands and places his firmly your waist, pulling you into a sweet kiss. Your lips part and you rest your forehead on his.
“I see you y/n.”
“I see you Neteyam.”
Playfulness possesses your body as you run to the body of water, diving in head first. Neteyam following right behind you. You rise from the water with a splash and don’t see your mate, confused by this as you don’t see him anywhere else. That is until you feel yourself being lifted in the water from below siting on Neteyams shoulders. “AAARRRHHHHH” He growls trying to imitate an animal of some sort, a laugh exploding from you as he leans back dropping you into the water.
Things like this remind you of simpler times. The memories of you two growing up and having play dates without a care in the world. After a while of swimming you and Neteyam find yourselves sitting on the edge of the pool. Admiring him as the light shoots diamonds from his eyes reflecting the bioluminescence of the forest. “Y/n I am so happy to be here with you right now and share the beauty of our planet with you, I just- I just love you so much and I just can’t see myself with anyone else but you. I wake up and thank Eywa for you each day.” He says with a hand on the side of your face and the other resting on your thigh. Feeling heat in your face from his words you look down at the water, his hand then cups your chin forcing you to look at him. His eyes are filled with nothing but adoration and love for his perfect mate. You. “Aw Neteyam.” You sigh. “I love you too, thank you for showing me this place. I thank Eywa everyday for you as well.” You scoot closer to him, head resting on his shoulder looking at the area around you with his arm around you. Hand rubbing small shapes onto your arm. “I can not wait to show our kids this place someday.”
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loaksreya · 1 year
ੈ✩‧₊˚ atwow on twt 🧁
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mooooonnnzz · 1 year
The Lamp Is Low // Neteyam x gn!reader
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💙 You and Neteyam’s relationship headcannons 
the title has no correlation to the story 
had nothing else to call it so i named it after a song i was listening to while making this LMFAO
reader is gender neutral AS ALWAYYSS
neteyam is addicted to readers kisses fr
did not proofread I APOLOGIZE FOR MISTAKES
1k words
ALSO MY REQUESTS R OPEN RN SEND REQUEST (would love to see sum neteyam requests and some for lo’ak AND KIRI TOO NEED MORE KIRI CONTENT)
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you kiss neteyam way too much
at least thats what lo’ak says, but how could you not?? 
neteyam had such a kissable face, how could you resist?
neteyam loves it though. 
the feeling of your feathery kisses littering his face made his heart full. he literally begs u for more kisses, like he can’t get enough 
♡ Your soft lips pressed against his forehead then his cheeks. “Be safe, Neteyam.” You placed one last kiss on his lips, a parting gift to take with him as he trains with his father. Neteyam’s tail wagged happily behind him, smiling brightly at you. “One more?” He asked. You shook your head affectionately and kissed his lips once more. “One more and I’ll go.” Neteyam said, closing his eyes and leaning closer to your face. “Neteyam.” You scolded playfully. You couldn’t ignore his request so you did as told, you gave Neteyam the kiss he was practically begging for. You patted his chest with your hand, pushing him away from you. “Okay, now go!” Neteyam stayed rooted in his place, a bashful smile on his face. “One more kiss?” 
my man is always deprived of your kisses he needs ur lips constantly on his face or he dies 
he has told u this once, like he was so fr he was like
♡ “You have to give me another kiss or I die.” He said randomly after you gave him a kiss on his lips. You furrowed your brows in confusion. “You are going to die?” You repeat slowly, watching how Neteyam nods his head vigorously, like if he nodded any slower he was going to be knocked out dead. You weren’t going to give in and give him that kiss. He’s had enough of them, any more you’re sure your lips would fall off. “You don’t have enough time Neteyam, you must go.” You say. Neteyam looks at you then suddenly gasps dramatically, his hand slapping against his chest. “I think I’m dying!” He rasped out, flopping his body against yours. You just stared at him, looking at him unamused. He opened one eye and then the other, huffing out, he whispered. “You are supposed to kiss me to bring me back to life.” You puckered out your lips, eyes narrowing as you pretended to think about what Neteyam just said. “I don’t think I will.” You said. Now this time, Neteyam’s gasp was real. He shot up and he genuinely looked so hurt.  “What? How could y–” You shut him with a kiss. You separated and you pushed him away. “You better not come back!” You say. “I make no promises!” 
you patch neteyam up whenever he comes back injured from whatever he was doing 
he sometimes gets hurt on purpose so he could feel your fingers graze his skin 
lo’ak had witnessed neteyam “accidently trip” on the roots of the trees just so he could have a scraped knee
its actually so embarrassing 
♡ “Bro, you are not fooling anyone.” Lo’ak said, crossing his arms over his chest. Neteyam got up from the floor, brushing the dirt and grime that stuck to his legs. “I’m fooling y/n, though.” 
is he though?? 
♡ “For Ewya’s sake, do you fight with your eyes closed?!” You gently pat down one of Neteyam’s gashes on his back dry. “How do you manage to come home everyday with a new injury?” Dipping your two fingers in the healing paste you cultivated earlier while the boys were out, you delicately glided the ointment along Neteyam’s wounds. His ears flickered, a hiss left his lips. “That hurts!” He said through clenched teeth. “Oh, so now you are complaining about the pain?” 
okay at first, he did fool you but after a few times of him coming back with a bleeding leg or arm, you figured he was doing it on purpose 
whenever Neteyam has a rough day or has been chewed out by his dad, he always comes to you to be at peace
you tend to rebraid his hair while adding more beads to his collection
he has said that it helps calm him down 
you also message his head he absolutely LOVES IT
♡ Your fingers intricately worked with each strand of Neteyam’s hair. Crossing the strands over each other, you woven each strand into a braid. Digging your fingers into the bowl full of beads, you plucked a few out, ornamenting each braid with a bead of their own. “How have you been?” You ask, fingers gliding down his newly done braid. A satisfied smile was pulled onto your lips, fingers rolling the stray bead that you had found on the grassy floor. “The best I can be.” Neteyam vaguely responded. You knew he wasn’t telling you the truth, he wasn’t the best at lying. You dropped the bead back into the bowl with a sigh. Throughout the whole time you have been braiding his hair, Neteyam has been cold and quiet. Only uttering a few words to you when needed. A stark contrast from how he usually acts. You threaded your fingers through his hair. “How was the hunt with your father?” You watch as Neteyam’s body physically tenses at the mention of his hunt. “Nothing out of the ordinary.” He lies straight through his teeth, his fingers anxiously wrapping themselves around the grass. “Neteyam.” You sternly said. You got up and moved around him, sitting right in front of him. “I know when you lie.” You tell him, narrowing your eyes at him. He shrinks under your intimidating gaze, his tail flicking nervously behind him. Neteyam sighed out and finally allowed himself to open himself up. He began to explain how his father blew up on him during a hunt, how he yelled at him for not getting his aim right after various corrections from his father. After he ended his rant, you offered him a piece of your advice and what you thought about the situation. You helped him regulate his emotions and calm down. Neteyam had visibly relaxed and his mood perked up after you and him talked about it. He laid his head down on your lap. Wordlessly, you tangled your fingers in his hair and pressed the tips of them on his skull. You slowly messaged his head, fingers skillfully moving from the next point onto the next. Neteyam sighed, closing his eyes. With you by his side, he could overcome anything. 
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Taglist: @writingsbybirdie @tzurue @lokisblueskin @slaypussypop-21​
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