bonefall · 2 months
I LOVED hearing about the Ripwater episode!!!! Could you discuss whichever episode that would include Jayfeather‘s warrior training perhaps? If not I’d LOVE to hear about any other!
Jay's warrior training happens across lots of them! He only pivots to being a Cleric near the VERY end of the arc. He's considered fully trained after "saving" Hazeltail by secretly kicking Moleflight's ass.
Jaypaw -> Jayfang -> Jayfeather
Blackstar's Bog Project seems to be the conflict so far that's going to be featuring Jaypaw's training the most, though, the way that most of these episodes end up being centric for one of the three.
Jaypaw will be dominant in ShadowClan-related episodes because his first rival shows up here; Owlpaw, later called Owlclaw.
If you recognize that name, it's either because you know he's the secret brother of Kestrelflight and Harestar, or you remember that he's the father of Weaselkit and Happyface which causes familial problems within Violetshine's adopted family. Noteworthy recurring ShadowClan cat!
Head's up this one's way less organized than Ripwater's
Pre-Bog Project; The beginning of Jaypaw's apprenticeship Ableism and Longtail
Before Blackstar begins the bog project, I want there to be a decent amount of battle between ShadowClan and ThunderClan.
At the time, The Three are kits or young apprentices. For the most part, they're born into a world where they mostly know ShadowClan as this kinda distant, scary thing that the older warriors fight a lot.
When they become apprentices, it doesn't help that ShadowClan's presence is sharp. They have a very dry, dark sense of humor which can mask bullying. They cite the Warrior Code a lot and take blasphemy seriously. It's not always obvious when they mean what they say or if they're being sarcastic
This is especially bad with ThunderClan cats. Tawnypelt had a REALLY hard time adapting to this culture back in TNP.
there's one major fight Jaypaw takes part in between the two, as a young apprentice. Enter Owlpaw.
It's REALLY important that in this fight, Jaypaw gets his ass kicked.
Owlpaw is the third oldest lakeborn cat. He's big, mean, and vicious. He is a DIFFICULT opponent, he really is an Owl to a Jay at this point. Bad Bad Leroy Brown type shit
This curbstomp messes with Jaypaw baaaadly, shaking any confidence he'd gained in the short time where he's started training with Longtail.
When Jaypaw FIRST becomes the apprentice of Longtail... it wasn't actually welcome. Jaykit's ceremony was nearly delayed, as if Firestar was just going to pass over him.
An objection was raised, as it was wondered what would happen with Jaykit. The poor kid was put on the spot, when he'd just been expecting to get given a mentor the same as his siblings.
When Firestar and Brackenfur had an awkward answer, Longtail leapt in heroically, demanding to be un-retired so he could come and mentor his grand-nephew.
While most of the Clan saw this as impressive, Jaykit did not. It was humiliating and embarrassing!
It was like they were just going to skip over him, and "the only mentor I could get was another useless cat, like me..."
Jaypaw is dealing with a lot of shame through internalized ableism. It's that kind of sticky misery where you just end up hating everything you touch. NOTHING is good or okay. Everything is awful and if you try to tell me otherwise I will double down.
The type that you can't reason with. So Longtail trying to get through to this kid was already hell.
He was trying to be motivational and uplifting. "We'll prove them wrong, together!" and "Stick with me kid, I'll teach you everything." and "There's lots of ways to be a warrior, we'll find what works best for ya."
It does not work. Jaypaw is determined to hate him, dismissing him as being insincere and fake-nice.
And when that first fight comes up, Jaypaw's spent however long as an apprentice being difficult and his first real matchup is against ShadowClan's Youngest Blender
So of course, Owlpaw toys with him like canon. Keeps dodging and taunting him, making little jabs, commenting on how weak ThunderClan must be to put him out on the battlefield.
After the fight ends, Longtail tries to let Jaypaw mope for a bit about it, lick his wounds, recover.
But he just ends up at his lowest point, and snapping at Longtail that he'll never amount to anything anyway, "a blind warrior isn't worth anything."
And Longtail's LOST his patience. That's IT.
"Get up right now and fight me."
"wh... what?"
"Maybe you're used to everyone else just letting you say whatever dumb thing, but when you insult yourself, you insult ME. And I've got the Right to Challenge over my honor. So GET UP."
Over the course of this fight, Longtail uses it both to coach him on how to properly move, and also to let Jaypaw blow off steam. He taunts him to just let his claws out, while keeping his own sheathed.
And during all this, Jay can barely get a hit in. The fight ends with Longtail easily pinning him to the ground, and he reminds him,
"Don't wanna be a blind warrior? Fine. I can't teach what you don't want to learn, you tell me and we'll find other options, but if I EVER hear those words come out of your mouth again, it's personal."
And after THAT, it clicks for Jaypaw. It's personal. Longtail didn't need to do any of it, stand up for him, mentor him, he wants to.
When he insults himself, or when he thinks of Longtail like he was some cheap option, it hits both of them.
Longtail is an excellent warrior-- and a warrior defends their honor.
Still, Owlpaw remains, and these aren't just internalized thoughts only he has, "don't get mad at me for insulting your honor. I was just repeating what Owlpaw said to me. He said a blind warrior isn't worth anything at all. And it's like the whole Clan agrees, but they just don't say it."
"Then we'll kick his ass," removes his paw from his apprentice's back, "We'll kick all their asses. But you're not going to go around agreeing with them before you even learn how to fight."
The grand irony of this is that after making this promise to kick Owlpaw's ass, having this as a goal in-mind, Firestar begins the fruitful negotiations with ShadowClan which will result in a period of sweet peace. There aren't any battles to get into between them for a while.
So Owlpaw continues to be this sort of "goal" on the horizon. Jaypaw wants revenge against this specific person, while also being forced to work with him at various points, as ShadowClan is their ally.
Something interesting I plan to do is to secretly write Breezepaw as being a MUCH stronger fighter than Owlpaw ever was. Owlpaw is big and strong, but it's BREEZEPAW who's the truly vicious fighter of the Po3 apprentice generation. A cat that Jaypaw faces off with several times, and has a difficult time fighting because of Breeze's aggressive, straightforward fighting style.
Jaypaw fights best against cats who try to get out of his grapples, because he can turn it against them. When a cat is so ferocious that they don't relent at all, meeting him with even more biting and scratching, it effectively counters his unique style.
Between his brawls with Lionpaw and Breezepaw, Jaypaw has no idea how overleveled he is lmao
Bog Project
There's two times that I want to zoom into the Bog Project in Po3.
The first one is when they FIRST construct the dam that destroys the pine plantation, including an altercation with human plantation workers who come to try and dismantle the dam. The Clan cats run circles around them as the humans are too heavy to not sink into the mud. I want someone to jump off the dam, bounce off a person and knock them over with a SPLAT, and then jump back on the dam in one smooth movement lmaoo
(Switch over to the researchers for a second and they're actually scrambling to get the area turned into a different classification of protected site during this. Unknown to ShadowClan, they really do just have to buy some time.)
The SECOND time is when they're simply repairing some damage, Owlpaw starts a fight with Jaypaw and swings the first blow, and Jaypaw realizes it's time to take this man to Clown Town.
The fight begins while they're up on the dam, trying to figure out where a leak is or some other minor thing.
Owlpaw starts REALLY getting into it with Jaypaw. "I can't believe they put me up here with you. It's like they want you to have a little accident so I can say I have no idea what happened."
I'm REALLY TORN between Jaypaw either playing this as peacefully as possible, so it's completely Owlpaw's fault they got into it... or realizing he can totally goad this fight and then be able to say it wasn't his fault because Owlpaw threatened him first: "Bold of you to talk about little accidents. Ur mom"
I'm leaning towards Jaypaw goading it after Owlpaw started it, realizing that snark is a very useful tool. Thinking back to how he used to call himself useless, how Longtail used it to make him unload all his pent-up anger and aggression. It has a purpose.
and that purpose, right now, is making an opportunity to put this git in his proper place.
But either way, when Owlpaw starts lashing out at him, SO much like that first fight, Jay notices something REALLY interesting
Owl always tries to stay out of the line of his whiskers. The blows are hard clobbers, but he's not really scratching because he doesn't want to get close
Jaypaw stays perfectly still, UNNERVINGLY still, and takes one, two whacks. Then he knows that his opponent favors his right paw, and he's about... 2 mouselengths away.
Owl lifts his paw again, and in one, smooth move, JAYPAW LUNGES
Caught square in the belly, they roll back along the wall
Owl recovers, twisting onto his opponent, hissing and scratching to untangle, and they tumble right off the side in a clattering shower of sticks and daub
They make a SPLORCH as their bodies splatter the mud below them
"THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING" -Lionpaw probably
The entire construction crew gathers around. "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"
Owlpaw seems to be getting wise, trying to wriggle out of the grapple to win back distance, but Jay hears Longtail's words of wisdom echoing in his head
"To know his own limits,"
He never lets his opponent out of range of his whiskers, Owl breaks away only to expose his back to a vicious opponent
Jaypaw grabs his foe by the neck, rears up and dunks his face down in the mud. SPLAT!
Owlpaw screeches in rage, snorting muck out of his nose, blinded
The big bully has no idea to slow down and think about where the blows are coming from, or anticipate how his opponent moves.
Jaypaw's jaws close down viciously on his shoulder, and in a flash, he's wrapped around him like a snake.
Trying to buck him off is only causing Owlpaw to sink into the mud
Jaypaw only releases his lock long enough to command; "SAY UNCLE"
Terrified, like a rabbit with a weasel with its fangs dangerously close to its pulse, he obeys; "UNCLE!!"
Jaypaw disentangles and hops off, and it's only now that he registers the size of the crowd.
Hazelpaw, Poppypaw, Cinderpaw, both of his siblings, every ShadowClan apprentice, plus all the warriors who were assigned to the project
Most are cheering, others murmur with awe or hiss with frustration, Owlpaw's mentor is helping him out of the mud, asking him what the hell happened back there
Jay is GLOWERING. He can't help the smug smile that paints his face, or the pride that washes through his veins, though he nonchalantly flicks the mud off his tail.
but the gloating is cut short. Longtail's rough tongue passes over a swelling lump next to Jaypaw's eye, and a little cut he didn't realize he'd gotten had started to sting.
"Knock it off!" He grumbles, doing nothing to stop him, "you're embarassing me!"
"Embarassing?! I'm so proud out of my fur I just might cry about it and embarass you even more!"
In the aftermath, Owlpaw is the one who gets blamed for the fight on the wall. Though Longtail freely admits that his apprentice can be rude, Owlpaw is the one who escalated it to blows.
That said, no one really "gets in trouble" for it. It's written off by both Blackstar and Firestar as an "apprentices will be apprentices" moment. BB!Battle cats can have battles without holding a formal hearing in parliament about it.
What DOES happen that Jaypaw finds bizarre is that when he gets home and the news spreads, Bramblestar is one of the first cats to start gloating. He feels odd about how odd he feels about it.
But after his father has given his ear a proud lick and explains the situation to Squirrelflight who gives a proud lick to the other one, Jaypaw examines the feeling. He tries to think of other times Brambleclaw has been this proud of him, and that's when it clicks; there are none.
Lionpaw is an accomplished fighter at this point, having landed the fatal blow onto Ripwater. Hollypaw is at the forefront of nearly every diplomacy meeting alongside her mentor, Brackenfur. But Jaypaw.. well, most of his brawls have been little skirmishes. Not really "achievements."
It's not like Brambleclaw has been absent or anything, so... he's not yet sure what to do with this feeling. It's quickly buried as the other apprentices dogpile him, begging for the full details.
Assorted closing thoughts for other episodes and such;
Jaypaw's power is plane-hopping. He can move freely between supernatural realms-- dreams, heaven, hell, Earth. He can interact, physically, with anything on these planes.
No more magic empathy. Society has progressed past the need for magic empathy.
He's going to get several little moments in other episodes where he helps to heal others, especially when Cinderheart breaks her leg.
Becoming a Cleric is a choice that should have significant build-up, since he chooses it over Poppyfrost.
I think the REAL inciting moment that he decides to commit to the bit is that he ends up having some kind of dream where Moleflight (Poppyfrost's ill-fated brother) visits him, just after getting his warrior name, and Mole says, "you will be an excellent warrior."
Jayfang: "theres no way youre just being nice to me. What are you trying to stop me from doing."
He also really likes giving advice and listening to people. Enjoys a good little debate, but I kinda want to show him visibly sharpening his emotional intelligence as Po3 goes on.
It starts with Longtail, who whittles that aimless cynicism into something earnest and constructive.
I also want to work in some scenes where Longtail explains to Jaypaw how much he reminds him of Swiftpaw, his "uncle."
Sootfur too, sometimes. In the humor.
Jay: "Great track record, two dead kids."
Longtail, very quiet... only to break the tense silence himself, "Sootfur, no. Swiftpaw... yes. I should have been a better mentor."
Everyone knows a mentor is meant to teach an apprentice. But Longtail realizes that an apprentice is meant to teach their mentor, too.
And he wouldn't be worthy to guide another paw if he hadn't learned his lessons from Swiftpaw.
"I taught him to ignore his limits. I made him think that he had to "prove" himself to be worth anything. It was something my mentor taught me, which was something his mentor taught him. Jaypaw, there's going to be things you can't do, and when they come, you'll hate me for stopping you. But I'm not here to raise another brave fool who dies to prove a point."
Jaypaw also meets Rock at various points through BB!Po3, especially when StarClan isn't being straightforward about answers or they end up in the tunnels.
Rock is VERY gentle with Jaypaw, but no one else. If Jaypaw hadn't been in the tunnels that time the WindClan kits went missing, he probably would have just left them all to drown lmao
The first hint The Three discover about their powers, and the prophecy at all, comes through Jaypaw inadvertently ending up realm-hopping. I'm keeping it on standby for him gaining access to information through dreams.
Before he eventually pressures Dovepaw to spy on other Clans, he was using his own powers to gather what info he could.
Thankfully, he doesn't discover how much power this actually grants him, or what he can consciously do with this, until OotS.
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Title: Sign of the Moon
Arc: Omen of the Stars
Country: China
Type: full cover art
Characters: Half Moon and Jayfeathe
Artist:   刘野  Liu Ye
Source: https://warriors.huijiwiki.com/wiki/Category:%E5%88%98%E9%87%8E%E7%BB%98%E5%88%B6%E7%9A%84%E5%9B%BE%E7%89%87
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wcphasesofthemoon · 6 months
Trying Out Some Hunger Games Sim - Day 3
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Gingerstep isn't the WORST cat to give explosives ig...
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Honestly "Graystar questions his sanity" is an okay way to sum up his feelings towards leadership hfjkfk
POOR ALDERHEART MY BB. Idk why Cometflash and Jayfeather are holding paws tho. And Moon and Lion seem to have a complicated brotherly relationship rn.
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tlksam · 1 year
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Altered Stars is a project of mine, aiming to rewrite the warriors series in order to fix plot holes, timeline issues and inconsistencies, as well as applying proper feline genetics to every cat. 
Designs for first arc characters, beta designs for future arcs!
Phenotype- Small, long pelted ginger molly with ticked striping, a white paw and locket, glowing green eyes, and a long bushy tail.
Genotype-  OO BB Dd AA McMc Spsp Tata ll Ss
Phenotype- Well muscled gray-and-white tabby molly with shredded ears, a short, scarred coat, and icy blue eyes.
Genotype-  oo BB dd Aa McMc Spsp Ll SS Ccs
Phenotype- Small downy molly with a long feathery coat, a white locket, and gentle green eyes.
Genotype- oo BB dd aa McMc? Spsp ll Ss Ccs
Phenotype- Plump, spotted brown-and-white molly dappled with ginger patches and warm amber eyes
Genotype-  Oo BB Dd Aa McMc Spsp Ll Ss Ee
Phenotype- Broad-shouldered, muscular, dark brown tabby tom with a scarred pelt, a torn ear, and piercing amber eyes.
Genotype-  o BB DD Aa McMc spsp ll ss Ee
Phenotype- Massive golden tabby tom with a long shaggy coat, a thick, lion-like mane of fur around his neck, a torn ear, and fiery amber eyes.
Genotype- O BB Dd aa McMc Spsp ll Ss ee
Phenotype- Sleek, long limbed black-and-ginger molly with a lengthy, smooth coat, and piercing green eyes.
Genotype-  oo BB Dd aa McMc Spsp ll ss Ee
Phenotype- Scrawny blue tabby tom with winding stripes and shining, sightless blue eyes.
Genotype-  o BB dd aa McMc Spsp LL ss
Phenotype- Handsome flame-coloured tom with striped limbs and shining green eyes.
Genotype- O BB DD AA McMc Spsp Tata Ll Ss Ee
Phenotype- Well muscled, sleek furred, pale cream molly with faint striping, dusty gray patches, and sharp, pale green eyes.
Genotype- Oo BB dd Aa McMc Spsp Ll ss
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rewritedesigns · 10 months
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A cream tabby she-cat with low white. (Ll, RR, ReRe, lplp, whwh, LyLy|XOXO, bb, dd, dmdm, aa, Mcmc, spsp, Tata, bmbm, ii, wbwb, EE, ShSh, CC, kk, Wswg|acac, sfsf, JbJb, mm, RtRt, mkmk, pdpd)
(More under the cut)
Clanmew Name:
Shef (Sand) + Fharrl (Storm)
Previous Name:
Sandkit, Sandpaw
Daughter of Runningwind and Redtail. Younger sister of Longtail. Grandchild of Halftail (Runningwind) and Rosetail (Redtail). Mother of Squirrelflight and Leafpool. Grandmother of Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze and TBN. 
Apprentice (Start of Into The Wilderness)
Oh boy
If anyone here knows how genetics work you know this isn’t possible 
I am going to avoid this but I kinda had to in this case
She’s Mrs.Warrior Cats
Look if you guys really want to you can pretend she has blue on her where you can’t see
Also pretend she has low white
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mallowstep · 3 years
Jayfeather and Poppyfrost's hypekits?? 👀
<3 jaypoppy my beloved
okay so: jayfeather is a silver tabby, i like classic tabby, short hair, etc., and carrying cinnamon.
and poppyfrost is a "pale calico"...let's make her dilute chocolate. i'm only going to give her one white spotting gene so there's variety in the kits
alright! y'all know how this works by now. pick one from each row and get a kit:
Bb, Bb1 (black); bb1 (chocolate); b1b1 (cinnamon)
Dd (not dilute); dd (dilute)
Ii (silver); ii (not silver)
wbwb (no wide bands)
Aa (tabby); aa (solid)
Tata (ticked); tata (not ticked)
Spsp (spotted); spsp (not spotted)
tmtb (mackerel); tbtb (classic)
LL, Ll (short hair); ll (long hair)
Wsws (<50% white); wsws (no white)
O (tom, ginger); o (tom, not ginger); Oo (she-cat, tortie); oo (she-cat, not ginger)
and four examples:
k1: brown silver spotted tabby she-cat with long fur (bb1/Dd/Ii/wbwb/Aa/tata/Spsp/tbtb/ll/wsws/oo/CC)
k2: blue calico she-cat (Bb1/dd/ii/wbwb/aa/tata/spsp/tbtb/Ll/Wsws/Oo/CC)
k3: brown tom with long fur (bb1/Dd/ii/wbwb/aa/tata/spsp/tmtb/ll/wsws/o/CC)
k4: red ticked tabby tom (b1b1/Dd/ii/wbwb/Aa/Tata/spsp/tmtb/Ll/wsws/O/CC)
and pictures! this looks like a litter i can actually do a full set for.
k1: chocolate silver spotted tabby
k2: blue tortie van (note: this is much more white than you would expect, but i didn't have a lower white option)
k3: chocolate (these r some of the prettiest cats imo i love them so dearly)
k4: red ticked tabby
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aerial-jace · 3 years
OK QUESTION is needletail in bb brother lionblaze au because i want her to be
Ok, so as we all (should) know, I've only read through The Apprentice's Quest so far so I can't come out with something fully formed to involve her, BUT! I quite like the idea of having her be the subtle bad influence friend of Spark and Alder that Jayfeather disapproves of. Expect lots of him grumbling to them about their bad choice of friend, and specially Alder because lowkey Jayfeather expected better of him in particular.
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fencesandfrogs · 3 years
clan culture inspiration fic master post
a collection of fics/series/w/e i've used for inspiration. ordered by how much i used them
Flightless Dove, Poison Ivy acaciapines
read it, it’s good. it's 100% my main fic inspiration, i love it, it's very good.
the light that shines on you solacefruit
huge inspiration for my riverclan. just. massively where i get a lot of ideas. probably a larger source of material than flightless dove, if i'm being honest.
RIVERCLAN leaders have a litany of names. weather caller, storm seer, spirit walker. a new leader being made is a chance to find another for the list. these names are to honor leaders for the role they play in their lives.
(names. leaders. meaning.)
so you can see where i got that from.
Warriors Redux Deconstruction Dullard on ao3 (not linked)
i've split this into two parts, because there's a lot. i'm a fan of this in terms of world building, but i've been select in what i've used from it. deconstruction is linked highly because it had a lot of key details that shaped my opinions on what wouldn't be. a lot of this i would've changed anyway, but i wanted to list WR because it'd be dishonest to act like this wasn't shaping my thoughts.
anyway, a short list of things that were mentioned in WR:D that i'd already decided on or am now using
behaviors. i mean, i've said "flicked her tail" or "flattened his ears" so much it's getting old, but by god if i am not being true to cats movements. i think WR:D is somewhat conservative on use of purring, but i've also been writing about kits, and a lot of purring is involved with kits, so special case, i suppose. but i'm very cautious with my descriptions. i've tried really hard not to use smile, because cats don't smile. that's the one that gets me the most.
water. this is kind of a specific thing. but. in ctd's fading echoes. the lake is a concern not because the cats need water, but because the prey needs water.
queens and toms. now. i have always been irritated by this. and the lack of female leadership. because toms should know they're kept on the graces of the queens. the sisters got it right. but i can't just kick out half the cast, so i'm forced to keep them. i have, however, kept toms out of the nursery. queens are protective around their kits. it's the best i can do to appease my strong desire to literally just kick every male cat out of the clan. in all of my stories, though, i keep track of who's in the nursery with what kits, because those kits are going to bond to every damn mother. it's super annoying that this isn't kept more clear anywhere. i have to do so much math and check so many allegiances every time.
kits. it's basically impossible to convince me to write this the way the hunters do, so even in ctd, we see kits not walking, not opening their eyes, until real kittens would. does this make the early chapters of growing shadows a pain because dovekit does basically nothing but sit and listen? yes. do i care? yes, it is important to me that dovekit does nothing but sit and listen because she's a baby. bb. need protect.
genetics. usually i correct coat colors for POV cats. because it bothers me. see: tortie dovekit/ivykit in CTD, and the fact that i think in jaywing, jayfeather is going to end up amber like brightheart. i need to do some research to double check, but...i think that's what will happen. (please don't ask about hollykit, ivykit, and lionkit. i don't even know who their parents are. how is crowfeather "dark grey, almost black"? what does that mean. how is leafpool even leafpool. i don't understand anything.)
religion. i'm not fundamentally changing how starclan works, because i'm writing the books where magic is confirmed real, but...i've tried to distance the connections with it. and god, so help me, i'm going to make things a proper religion for w&f. there will be religious things like prayer. god.
cultures, folklore, names. this is getting long so i'm lumping this together. basically, i've got some name stuff sorted out. it's not "traditional" naming, because i'm not going WR on this and renaming really important cats (altho the reason WR has my respect for traditional naming is because they're not afraid to rename cats to fit the scheme), but i have some pretty defined rules. and there will be folklore and stories. this is especially important for dovefeather, when she goes to riverclan.
Sharing Tongues Icej
a series. i don't think i've used much of this directly, but it has shaped a lot of my opinions on clans. it's why thunderclan is militaristic and why windclan is so strict.
it's also shaped my thoughts on a lot of parts of clan life. i'm writing this all out of order, so i'll say, a lot of the inspiration that warriors redux had, is shared in this series. i'm not sure if there's overlap in the interst, but it's got simularities.
especially in terms of relationships. i have a bit of a fascination with story telling as a form of culture, if only because in my personal life, story telling, especially verbal story telling, has always been really important. so i think a lot about it.
anyway, these are a good set of fics, and they're ranked so highly because they're kind of a paradigm i've crafted my thoughts around.
Tell me about your Ancestors Drowsy_Salamander
so this was what got me started, even over flightless dove. it got me thinking about the differences clans would have.
i haven't written "funerals. mourning. prayer." yet, although as you might guess from the fact that i have a title, it is on my mind. i think i'll draw heavily on this for that.
one other very specific line in this that i draw on is
When SkyClan was reformed by Firestar at the gorge, it was reformed in ThunderClan’s image.
now i say that specifically because i didn't want that. i wanted leafstar to find her own tradition. a lot of skyclan's destiny deals with her struggling to adapt the warrior code to her clan. so Ancestors continues by talking about tree's influence, and this is what i got from it:
SKYCLAN once held ceremonies at tilt, when the birds were quiet, but now, they hold most ceremonies at low moon, when the spirits are strongest. ...
apprentices are made at low sun, born from a time when they were not always gathered.
and i'm happy with that
Warriors Redux: Ammendment Dullard on ao3, not linked
this is ranked significantly lower than deconstruction because (a) i'm borrowing superificial things at best and (b) i had already come to a lot of these conclusions. still, i'm writing a full list because there are little things i don't think to write whole essays about sometimes. that said, whereas in deconstruction, i could basically say "yes, everything that's said here, i agree with, i'm only tweaking things for personal taste or because of differences in perspective" here it's more like "here are the things i'm using" and the other stuff is just there, but not really anything i want to use
time and date. in one of my generic CTD posts i had a few paragraphs about this. basically, i like the system of time. except for half, because that confuses me. so it's dawn, sunrise, low sun, (sun) tilt, sunhigh, dusk, moonrise, low moon, (moon) tilt, moonhigh, repeat. and kits are aged to apprentices at the beginning or rough midpoint of seasons.
numbers. math. drawing things in the dirt with claws. in short, yes, no, what the...no. just no. cats in my stories can basically count, but they don't really, like, count the way we do? they might say five leaf bares ago, because i am not saying, "the leaf bare before the one with X which was before the one with Y" and that's what a cat is thinking and maybe they have words for this, i don't know, i'm not writing that. four and nine are holy numbers, or the closest cats get. (apprentices are apprenticed at nine moons in the holy sense, because a queen pregnent for a three --- two, but who's counting --- and in the nursery for six. this will never come up in a story unless it's a background note, because it's confusing and hard to explain off the cuff.) i don't have to explain my last point.
names. i have my own rules. i don't intend on changing character names with the exception of the symbolism in jaywing and dovefeather, but i may at some point make some comments on what, based on my rules, i would do. i don't want to change names because it confuses me, but i don't want to say for sure that i won't. definitely not based on WR rules, i have my own form of "traditional naming" for the w&f world.
clan specific notes. you can find it in my writing. there's a lot of influence in it. i don't want to list everything.
come back to you one by one solacefruit
i haven't really used this for anything, i just generally like it. it's definitely given me inspiration for how i use stories, but not any particular thing.
it really is beautiful, though.
alright, that's about it.
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need1etail · 4 years
🐱 squirrelflight x crowfeather?
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Bb! Idk how I feel about her tail stripe thing but I like her :) originally she was gonna be just black but I found it boring lmao. Jayfeather is blind because of genetics reasons right so she could be blind too? Idk lmao I like the idea, and she's a warrior so it's good.
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bonefall · 6 months
Given how first litter went, how did Poppyfrost react to being pregnant again? And basically everyone who knew about the Situation? Was Jayfeather the one to do the check up and tell her the news? Did Cinderheart had war flashbacks and just tell her straight up 'Poppy I SWEAR TO GOD if you drop another litter on my head I will kill you and then Berrynose AND then myself' (to which Poppy does a peace sign and fades away like that one meme)? Just Bad Time for everyone involved?
Oh lord, it was SOMETHING for everyone.
Poppyfrost Herself
Her key trait is being avoidant. She wants to move on from her love for Jayfeather SO badly, she'll take anything.
Berrynose made her feel special, good, important...
So, having his kits felt good, too. She wants to focus on the kits she can raise with her mate so she can... forget move on from the churning feeling she gets in her belly, when she looks at Dovepaw and Ivypaw.
She would be trying to make small talk as Jayfeather does her check-up and confirm her pregnancy, just blowing RIGHT past the butter-thick tension in the room like she can't even tell it's there.
(She CAN tell it's there. Jayfeather can too. You could cut the tension with a knife. But she's straightup just trying to power through it.)
Is she REALLY just... talking to me like she's never been pregnant before?
She's asking for tips she knows???
Do I just... do I make a comment on it?
Even Jay "has a witty comment for everything" Feather is absolutely dumbfounded here
CAN he even say anything, when Berrynose is right there and being snarky would reveal everything? Is that why she's being like... this??
?????????????????????????????????????????? live jayfeather reaction
But as time goes on, he starts to see the truth of it. She's really just trying to forget that they had kittens together.
He thinks, again, to Leafpool. Is this what it was like for her? When Crowfeather had Breezepelt so soon after they'd parted ways?
He sorts through this in his mind, thinking about Crowfeather and Poppyfrost... no, they were quite different as far as cats go. But still, he wondered if the feelings he's having are things she had gone through as well.
They're still awkward with each other, though, so he still won't ask her. Lionblaze is closer to Leafpool than Jayfeather is-- Jay's still parsing his feelings towards his aunt, second mentor, and secret bio-parent.
Oh god Berrynose is multiplying
Uh, also whatever Jayfeather said.
(honestly he doesn't really have strong feelings on the drama, he's thinking about the Clan, his daughters, and the prophecy he only learned at the end of BB!Po3)
Honeysnake and Cinderheart
For Cinderheart, Poppyfrost dropped a litter on her, directly caused Hollyleaf to snap and vanish, and then GHOSTED HER MAKING THE WHOLE THING FOR NOTHING
Cinderheart is coming hot off the heels of an arc about mindfulness, when she was younger she would have confronted Poppyfrost and revealed everything and caused a massive drama explosion
But nowadays, she's able to understand that this is a destructive impulse, she has two kittens to consider, Jayfeather is the Cleric and this revelation will ruin him too, Poppyfrost is moving on...
"I AM FULL OF GOOD WILL FOR MYSELF AND OTHERS," -Cinderheart, through gritted teeth
However, she does get closer to Honeysnake as a result
Because Honeysnake is, honestly? Kinda pissed
She broke off with Berrynose for a reason, he was awful to her while she was recovering from her snake bite and then made her Honor Title all about himself! He's a jerk! And Poppyfrost just WALTZED in!
She's supposed to be her sister, but now she's mates with her ex and pregnant with his kits.
Honey and Cinder are united in their frustration towards Poppy. Cinder can't reveal her secret, but it makes her feel better to listen to Honey gnash her teeth about the whole thing (and join in).
Thankfully, none of the three girls involve Mama Sorreltail in the drama. Grandbabies are grandbabies, and so soon after Brackenfur died... They're all on their best behavior as a group around her.
Moleflight up in StarClan is happy for his sister. He wishes things could have been different and Jayfeather renounced his clerichood, but... he wishes Poppyfrost happiness.
Daisy is going to see her first grandkits! Berrynose is a snot, but he's also really close to his own family. Toadstep, Rosepetal, Hazeltail, and Mousewhisker are all very excited for him, and Poppyfrost loves her in-laws
(especially since Honey and Cinder are kinda... distant right now. And she loves her mom but Sorreltail's taking Brackenfur's death pretty roughly)
No one else in the Clan is aware that Jayfeather is the biofather of Dove and Ivy. He shares this secret with only Lion, Cinder, and Poppy herself, plus Holly who deduced it on her own and didn't take it well.
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Title: Night Whispers and Sign of the Moon
Arc: Omen of the Stars
Type: gold collection cover
Country: Russia
Artist: E.A Savelyev
Characters: Jayfeather and Half Moon
Source: https://warriors-cats.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%97%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F
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ems-cats · 3 years
Who's your favorite warrior cat?
my bb jayfeather 🥺🥺 or squirrelflight !!! or grey wing!!!!
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build-a-buddy · 4 years
Current Hoard Members (10/3/2020)
Pillow Central
Lemon Demon
Graduation Bear
Daughter Otter
Hope Bunny
Jewish Mouse 1
Jewish Mouse 2
Jewish Mouse 3
Eve Whitaker
Green Bean
Black Bean
Sister Otter
Sea bunny
Little shark
Coffee Man
Coffee Boy
Halloween Boy
Big Chungus
Little Chungus
Peanut Butter Dog
Ramblin’ Sam Bernice
Yurutto eevee
Mix au luit glaceon
Sleepy eevee
Mix au luit Espeon
Mix au luit Eevee
Mix au luit Sylveon
Big espeon
Coffee Brother
Seal Bear
Yurutto pikachu
Fluffy Vulpix
Little Squeezer
Pluto tsum tsum
Big Umbreon
Dragon + Knight
Elusive Girl (Ellie)
Coffee Uncle
Cube Eevee
Big eevee
Squishy moomin
Pink alpaca
Squishy penguin
Squishy dinosaur
Tongue out shiba
Daughter Shark
Little kitty
Big fluffy eevee
Standing eevee
Floppy ear eevee
Luna moth 1
Bread boy 1
Bread boy 2
Tiny bread boy
Tiny wooloo
Crochet dolphin?
Big Mimikyu
Corn dog
Ditto squirtle
Hat pikachu
Lucky cat
Shark friend
Birthday penguin
Fish sticks
Dragonite w heart
Artist penguin
Boar seal
Gudetama ice cream
Mimikyu (rough)
Squishy dino
Yumutto charmander
Cube magikarp
Hanging tail pika
Umbrella kirby
Salior pika
Bow tie pika
Japanese cat I forget name of
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Genetically accurate:
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mallowstep · 3 years
When Mothwing chose Jaykit to be the next seer... Did she actually have a sign from Starclan about it? Or did she just choose him randomly out of the kits since she lacks that belief/connection?
as far as mothwing knows, she didn't get a sign, she just worked on intuition.
we're kind of playing with the timeline, but the basic idea is she sees Something in jaykit that makes her think, "yeah, he should be a seer."
she's really drawing on the Stories of being chosen, because she was chosen fairly late and in an atypical way. leafpool's first memory is being chosen, and obviously mothwing and leafpool are very close, so that's going to influence her the most.
but from mothwing's perspective, there's no real rhyme or reason to how to choose a seer. the three seers she trained with (yellowstorm, spottedleaf, and leafpool) are all very different, and she's different for them. so being mothwing, she's feels like it's about time to take an apprentice, and she's looking for qualities she thinks will be good in a seer.
since she's very close with the three, she knows them all well, even as lil bb kits. hollykit and jaykit are obviously and clearly the smartest (sorry lionkit), and so it's kind of just hoping she makes a good choice.
mothwing's experiences with being a seer are complicated, but she looks at the clanborne seers she knows, and they're mostly happy. she doesn't really see much of leafpool's internal struggle, because they're both kids and mothwing has her own problems to work through.
so she kind of wants an Archetypical Good Seer. she just doesn't know what that means, so she chooses jaykit.
some metaphysics and theological ramblings under the cut, if you want to preserve the ambiguity of starclan. mostly me doing some character analysis of mothwing, but also talk bout The Realness of StarClan.
i've been kind of vague with how starclan works.
mothwing's interesting because she spends a lot of time...almost having a connection to starclan, but at the same time, it's not the same way others do. she doesn't have clear dreams of ancestors from days past, she never knows what's up with the sightstone, and it's really easy to connect her experience of starclan as just a nightmare.
starclan has two moments of "okay, you can't really ignore that they Did a Thing": the first is in yellowstorm's piece with the sightstone (something i swear i haven't forgotten about), and the second is when leafpaw and mothpaw find the moonpool.
both of those exist as firm evidence because i needed certain things to happen in a certain way. and because well. it's supposed to be ambiguous and vague and Not Clear. that's just how i like to do things.
so. mothwing. she ties her spirituality in with her brother, yeah? she sort of...he's the one who fits into riverclan. she thinks of herself as being closer to her mother, in a lot of ways.
She pulled them each in. Mothpaw couldn't hear what she told Hawkpaw, but she wrapped her tail around Mothpaw and whispered, "I love you more than the moon and sun."
i liked this bit because...mothpaw doesn't assume sasha is telling them both the same thing. she kind of assumes her relationship with sasha is Unique and Different and Not Like Hawkpaw.
and so we get "i love you" as this connection to not being a clan cat that comes up again when she tells leafpool she loves her, after the kits are born. she repeats a clan approved blessing, but then she ties things back to her mother.
mothwing connects a lot of her spirituality to sasha and loner ideas. i didn't want to set up a lot of ideas that i couldn't follow through with in 3-4k words, so i focused on the idea of the fox and the cat. both clever creatures, caught in this endless chase. i think, where clan cats think of lions and tigers and leopards, of their ancestors as powerful creatures, loners don't.
they know they survive because they are small and fast and clever, not because they are strong and powerful.
so in the fox and the cat, which is mostly an allegory for death, you have this endless chase. the fox chases the cat, and that never changes, so it's not quite an afterlife story, but it has the same idea.
mothwing takes this particular story to heart, because she spends a lot of time building relationships and chasing after people she can't keep. she loses tadpole, sasha, hawkfrost, leafpool, and jaypaw. her brothers both die, but the others are still alive, she just can't be with them.
so for mothwing, death isn't really big barrier in her life. she doesn't want to talk to hawkfrost, and while tadpole definitely impacts her, it's much more about her relationship with hawkfrost than actual guilt over tadpole.
instead, it's clan rules and life that's keeping her from sasha, leafpool, jaypaw, and to a lesser extent, hollyleaf and lionblaze.
but my point here is supposed to be about starclan, not mothwing.
starclan is taught to her kind of as this series of deals. open your ears and they will tell you things: well, mothwing is listening, and they're not speaking.
she has some kind of connection with them as a kit, but does she? heck, kids dream of weird stuff all the time. it's not hard for a bit of imagination to start connecting false dots, and of course spottedleaf would leap on those.
i didn't want to tip my hand in spottedleaf's piece, but yeah! hawk is trying to manipulate the situation. he's just a kit, and the circumstances are different, but he definitely internally takes credit for it, and he tells her about it.
so this one thing, this one tether of belief: they chose me, they are not silent; that gets broken.
does starclan have an impact on her? when she gets a message via leafpaw, she traces it back to kithood stories, and this time, it's a riverclan story. it's nearly forgotten, even though the idea of the moon and the river is very fundamental to riverclan, and moth would have been inundated by stories as a kit.
so like. starclan could have given mothwing a sign. could have sent one that made her think she should pick jaykit.
but both yellowstorm and spottedleaf present choosing as intuition, not a tangible sign. it's one and the same in their minds, but from an external perspective, maybe they're just aware of the needs of the clan(s).
all of this is to say: it's up for interpretation whether starclan could have given mothwing a sign, and beyond that, it's up for interpretation whether or not they even would send her one.
i don't really want to come down conclusively on this, but there's not a wrong reading of it. i was deliberate about not including a specific answer.
maybe starclan is real, maybe not. i don't know what happens in oots but there's a reason all of the oots medicine cats are skipped. (apologies, flametail. you have an interesting story that won't get told.)
we also aren't getting to the broken code, we're stopping with alderheart in avos. because i don't want to answer the reality of starclan, i want reading stolag to feel like i felt reading tpb: you can see these tangible effects. bluestar comes back to life after being dead. fireheart has prophetic dreams.
but like, i had several dreams that came true as a kid. it doesn't mean there was someone nudging me to know what the future is.
and basically every omen is super, super hazy. i firmly believe we should have more omens instead of prophecies, because they're more interesting. and vague. what's the difference between an omen and an imagination? it's never explored, which is a shame.
would've been cool to show that in leafpool and/or jayfeather's training, considering they're both said to have a connection to starclan.
in summary (again): starclan is a grey area.
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A little thing (actually very big thing woah) on the three even though I haven’t really gotten anywhere near their designs yet.
Though I’m not fully caught up on the series due to being a bit lazy and also getting into the actual books really late since no bookstores near me sold them, I’ve seen enough amvs and read enough of the books to know the basic gist of things, especially since I got into warriors around the same time of omen of the stars coming out and weirdly enough one of the only books (and the first warriors book I ever got) I physically own is night whispers which was weird to get into because it wasn’t even the beginning of that arc damn it, but that’s not the point. The point is that from what I’ve read, seen, and heard of (still reading through the series damn it, do not even care for spoilers at this point) I kinda wish things had gone differently.
First off, in this AU I want ashfur to instead have fallen in love with Brambleclaw, who in this AU gets a slight name change to Bramblepelt, mostly so he has a connection to his sister, Tawnypelt, no matter how far apart they are. Ashfur is originally good friends with squirrelflight (renamed Redflight after Redtail) and this friendship is severed when her and Bramblepelt begin seeing each other. Redflight never really gets into relationships with other toms in this, it’s just an off and on relationship, with her going to her friends and family for comfort, this including Ash for awhile until he distances himself completely from her. The plot against firestar, or in this AU, Ravenstar, is actually so he can gain Bramblepelt’s favor in some way, as he believed when Bramblepelt became leader after his death, he’d be able to admit he helped Hawkfrost and that Bramblepelt would be pleased with him. It didn’t work though, and Ashfur slowly began to blame the object of his affections.
Meanwhile, Leafpool still has her thing with Crowfeather, who is developed a bit differently in this AU and not as much as an Asshole as he is in canon. I think their relationship spurred after Redflight introduced her to him at a gathering, as ofc one of the toms who went on the journey with her since I think they’d be close buds here. The relationship spirals out of control and ofc leafpool decides she can no longer continue this relationship and the two amicably decide to end it. Then leafpool finds out she’s pregnant.
Now we can get into the main bbs, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Jayfeather. These three will have parts of them swapped, though overall their personalities are unchanged, except for Lionblaze. Lionblaze grows up to be a softy, he originally wants to become Medicine cat, but the stars instead have him become a warrior. His suffix doesn’t match his personality at all, and most are very confused as to why he isn’t in the medicine den, almost just as confused as to why he’s so damn strong. He’s not amazing at tactics, but has amazing brute strength, which he hates. He’s really close with Leafpool, and loves his parents dearly. He also sees himself as close with Ashfur, who constantly wants to distance himself from him. He instead loses his powers due to the following.
Jayfeather remains the same, but instead of lionblaze being the one to train in the df, it’s him. After he is eventually judged rather forcefully into becoming a Medicine cat, Jaypaw awakes in the dark forest, where the cats there train him to hone his fighting skills beneath everyone’s noses. Eventually, he realizes the dark pull the dark forest has on him and abandons it completely, though most cats are very suspicious as to why he has noticeable muscles and scars on him. He’s mostly unchanged besides that, and secretly being a great fighter despite his blindness. He got a lot closer to Redflight than he did to Bramblepelt, though he ofc still loves him. Redflight also consistently tried to get him to become a warrior no matter what, and was heart broken for him when he eventually had to become a led cat.
Hollyleaf barely changes, but her better qualities are more exaggerated. She’s a deligent warrior who knows the code word by word and has amazing battle tactics and a good head on her shoulders. She’s the glue that holds her siblings together and the mediator, very calm and logical. She’s a daddy’s gal, Bramblepelt would always cheer his kits on, no matter what they chose to do, and he could tell Holly wanted to become something greater as a kit, so he always incouraged her. She gains her own power in this, which is basically very similar to a Sherlock Holmes thing, she can observe small, insignificant details to anyone else and eventually piece together the entire image rather quickly, she may also have the ability to see into the past in brief flashes, but only of the place she currently stands in.
This is where the even bigger changes happen.
So the fire scene happens, Ashfur gleefully ready to let the kits of his beloved and their mate die in a fire so that he can further torture Redflight. Redflight forces herself to act as if she doesn’t care, because the kits aren’t hers. Ashfur, shocked, and equally pleased, let’s them live, planning to eventually tell Bramblepelt and turn him against his own family.
Instead of Hollyleaf being greatly distraught, it’s Lionblaze. Lionblaze, who trained for moons with Ashfur, who loved and trusted his parents, and had known nothing, but being kind and gentle, felt an immense hatred build up inside him. This is what leads him to kill Ashfur. Hollyleaf stumbles onto the scene, and though horrified, helps her brother cover the murder up so that he would not be blamed. Lionblaze becomes a wreck, unable to quite forgive himself for what he’s done, and inevitably regretting it, as if Ashfur haunts his every step.
Hollyleaf grows weary as she watches her family fall apart, and her poor brother grow sicker and sicker with the stress of what he’s done, but she also grows angrier. She eventually is able to piece together everything she currently knows about her family, and is able to get information from cats outside of her family, piecing together that her parents are actually Leafpool and Crowfeather with what some would call very little information. She is disgusted by this, and begins to blame Leafpool and Crowfeather for her family’s pain.
Jayfeather attempts to move on, he attempts to live the life he’s been given the best he can, only distancing himself from his family. The glue that was Hollyleaf is running dry as she becomes more and more obsessed with justice, with finding someone to blame, anyone. Jayfeather falls into a silent depression, he hides his feelings on the topic and focuses on the prophecy.
Eventually Hollyleaf reveals that Lionblaze killed Ashfur and that her and her siblings parents are Leafpool and Crowfeather. Chaos ensues, and Hollyleaf quickly comes to realize that everything has been made worse. She blames herself, but still not as greatly as her biological parents. She still tells Leafpool to eat the death berries, but her reasoning is instead due to the pain and grief her family, her real family has gone through all leading back to her. Leafpool expresses that she had no other choice, she couldn’t be a mother and she knew it, and she couldn’t leave her duties, and now that everything was said and done, she’d rather be dead than have put all of them through this. Hollyleaf has a brief moment of clarity, of sympathy for Leafpool, not quite sure how to feel at all about this, and when Jayfeather walks in on them, she panics. She runs off, towards the tunnels, the self hatred in her building up as she comes to the conclusion that there wouldn’t be this much hurt if she hadn’t opened her mouth.
She runs into the tunnels, and it of course caves in, Lionblaze and Jayfeather watching as their sister dies (but not really), and instantly turning against each other, Jayfeather blames Lionblaze, arguing the only reason she did any of this was to defend him, and that he did not once attempt to lift the weight off her shoulders, Lionblaze, enraged, attacks Jayfeather, and is interrupted by Bramblepelt and Redflight breaking up the fight. Redflight begs for them to apologize to each other, that they’re all that they have now, and Lionblaze, still heated and angry snaps back that Redflight isn’t their mother, that they aren’t family. He marches off, Leaving his adoptive parents with a slightly scratched, but alright Jayfeather, who attempts to comfort his mother as he breaks to her the terrible news.
After the fact, the entire family is mostly split, Leafpool and Redflight comfort each other, Bramblepelt has no real clue on how to feel and what to think, and Jayfeather and Lionblaze completely distance themselves from each other and their families. Eventually, very slowly, the two brothers become close again, just as Bramblepelt and Redflight forgive each other. They start to heal. Lionblaze figures out he’s lost his power, and Jayfeather and him become very confused. Though lionblaze is glad, but this means he’s no longer apart of the prophecy, which begs the question.
Who’s the third and second cat?
In their minds, Hollyleaf is dead, meaning the second cat is dead as well, and Jayfeather takes this to mean the prophecy might be dead too. That is until Dovepaw comes around, and adds even more questions to the entire thing. If the prophecy isn’t dead, there’s another cat out there who’s going to join them. Even though Lionblaze no longer is apart of the prophecy, he helps Jayfeather since he was for so long.
Meanwhile, Hollyleaf is spending time finding herself with Fallen Leaves, and basically mothering a Fox kit. This gives her time to think about herself and what she’s done, and eventually, forgive herself. She thinks she’s no longer apart of the prophecy, but is proven wrong when she is able to see into Fallen’s past while in the tunnels. She then realizes she needs to go back home to help her clan.
I think everything basically is very similar to the books up until the battle, where Hollyleaf lives because fuCK YOU. Instead of dying, she gets lots of heavy wounds before Bramblepelt swoops on to try to save her, but gets overwhelmed quickly. Surprise though, Ashfur (who joins the df instead since before he died in this au he might’ve been involved with them via Hawk) turns against Hawkfrost, dies during battle, and before things can escalate any further, Tigerstar is killed and everyone retreats.
After the fact, the three lose their powers, and StarClan makes it known to Bramble and Leaf that Jayfeather and Lionblaze can now follow their wanted paths in life. A ceremony is held where Jayfeather becomes a warrior and is named Jayfire after his grandpa, and Lionblaze becomes a Medcat and is named Lionflower, after his grandmother Goldenflower (also technically Lionheart). Redflight still becomes dep, but I plan to make holly her dep for when she becomes leader. Also CinderHolly or Hollycinder is real here and Lionflower is the surrogate father which is allowed since he won’t be raising the kits. Jayfire becomes a great fighter, and becomes really popular thtoughout the clans to his own dismay. He’s still a grumpy lil shit, just the way I love him.
Spark and Alder are still born, ofc, they have a more sibling esc relationship with the three since bramble and red don’t just drop their adoptive kits out of their family because they’re not theirs and that’s how family works. Alder becomes med not due to being a bit behind, but go geniunely getting into Medicine cat duties by being really close with Lionflower. Bramblestar encourages his sons choice because he’s gonna act like an actual fucking father and not an idiot please.
Holy shit this post is long. I’m not even done with the first and second arc what am I doing.
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