#Balanced Crown Chakra
awakenlng369 · 2 years
Chakras - Balanced
Chakras – Balanced
Balanced Root Chakra, Balanced Sacral Chakra, Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra, Balanced Heart Chakra, Balanced Throat Chakra, Balanced Root Chakra, Balanced Third Eye Chakra, Balanced Crown Chakra What are Chakras:
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claudsville · 1 year
Chakra Meditations Album Release
Chakra Meditations by Earth Tree Healing is now available on digital stores to stream and purchase. A musical tool with frequencies to relax, balance, meditate and do chakra work to. Music Links https://linktr.ee/earthtreehealing Muladhara (Root Chakra) Svadhishthana (Sacral Chakra) Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra) Anahata (Heart Chakra) Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) Ajna (Third Eye…
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sproutedlavender · 11 months
A Beginner’s Guide to the Seven Main Chakras
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What Are Chakras?
In Sanskrit, the word “Chakra” translates to “Wheel” or “Disk” and is considered to be a point of energy within the human body. Although there are many smaller chakras, there are seven main ones which have the power to greatly influence your life and health. These seven main chakras each play a different role in balancing your health and can influence the way you feel. This is one of the reasons why it is important to become aware and take care of these energies.
Chakras run along the spine, each taking up a different spot along the human body. Beginning at the base of the spine, the chakras continue upwards to the crown of the head. Each chakra plays a different role in how a person feels both physically and emotionally.
Read the full post here!
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ithrivehere · 1 year
The 7 Wheels of Energy for Beginners (Chakras)
Life is evolution and it’s an important part of our journey to experience life with passion. While we live with passion, we must never stop learning. With an open mindset for higher learning, advance our lives with new opportunities. All is possible! The doors of opportunity open for us because we’ve allowed space in our life to educate ourselves. It is imperative to commit to yourself. You don’t…
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Since my retirement from Toyota it is nice to have the time to do one of the things I love and enjoy...and help others with my chakra oils 😊
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dreamzandexperiences · 9 months
Vishuddha Chakra : Is the 5th Beautiful and Powerful Throat Chakra.
Vishuddha Chakra , its Sanskrit name, translates to "especially pure."
Unveiling the Secrets of the Throat Chakra Discover the Path to Clarity, Connection, and Creativity In the intricate tapestry of our bodies, there lies a hidden realm of energy centers known as chakras. These spinning wheels of energy hold the key to our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Among these mystical centers, the Throat Chakra, also called Vishuddha Chakra, emerges as a…
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harmonyhealinghub · 10 months
Exploring the Crown Chakra: A Guided Meditation for Divine Connection
Shaina Tranquilino
August 7, 2023
Finding moments of peace and clarity becomes crucial for maintaining overall well-being. One way to achieve this inner balance is through meditation, a practice that has been celebrated for centuries across various cultures. In this blog post, we will delve into the crown chakra, the energy centre located at the top of our heads, and explore a guided meditation tailored to activate and align this vital spiritual gateway.
Understanding the Crown Chakra:
The crown chakra, also known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit, is associated with spirituality, higher consciousness, unity, and divine connection. It acts as a conduit between us and the vast cosmic intelligence that surrounds us. When balanced and open, it allows us to tap into universal wisdom, experience profound states of bliss, and gain deeper insights about ourselves and the universe.
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Meditation for Activating the Crown Chakra:
1. Preparation:
Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down without any disturbances. Close your eyes gently and take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind.
2. Grounding:
Before focusing on the crown chakra specifically, it's essential to start by grounding yourself. Visualize roots growing from the soles of your feet deep into the earth's core—connecting you firmly with its nourishing energy.
3. Breath Awareness:
Shift your attention towards your breath – inhale deeply through your nose while counting to four; hold your breath briefly before exhaling slowly through your mouth for another count of four. Repeat this several times until you feel centred and present in the moment.
4. Visualization:
Imagine a radiant lotus flower blossoming above your head at the crown chakra's location. Picture its petals glowing in pure white or violet light – representing spirituality and enlightenment.
5. Affirmation:
Repeat a positive affirmation in your mind, such as: "I am connected to the divine source of wisdom and love. I open myself fully to receive universal guidance." Feel the energy of these words resonating throughout your being.
6. Divine Light:
Visualize a beam of bright white or golden light descending from above, entering through the top of your head, and flowing into your crown chakra. Experience this light expanding within you, purifying and activating your spiritual centre.
7. Unity with the Universe:
As you embrace the sensation of divine light filling your crown chakra, imagine it merging seamlessly with your own consciousness. Sense yourself becoming one with the vast expanse of the universe – a part of something much greater than yourself.
8. Surrender and Let Go:
Release any thoughts or expectations that may arise during this meditation. Surrender to the present moment and trust in the process. Allow yourself to bask in the tranquility and unity that comes.
Practicing regular meditation focused on balancing and activating the crown chakra can help us cultivate a deeper spiritual connection, gain clarity about our life's purpose, and access higher levels of consciousness. By prioritizing our spiritual growth through this powerful energy centre, we expand our awareness, align ourselves with universal love, and invite profound transformations into our lives.
Remember that consistency is key when it comes to meditation practice – make it a habit rather than an occasional indulgence. As you embark on this journey towards unlocking the power of your crown chakra, be patient with yourself and embrace the transformative potential within you!
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solaura-moonlit-soul · 10 months
Awakening the Crown Chakra: Illuminating the Path to Spiritual Connection and Enlightenment
Discover the gateway to spiritual enlightenment and divine wisdom. Dive into our transformative blog post, exploring the profound significance of the crown chakra, its attributes, and techniques to elevate consciousness.
Introduction: The crown chakra, known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit, stands as the pinnacle of the chakra system, representing the gateway to spiritual awakening and divine wisdom. Situated at the crown of the head, this ethereal energy center serves as a bridge between the individual self and the cosmos, connecting us to higher realms of consciousness and universal intelligence. In this…
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bryannellium-blog · 1 year
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rumi-nations · 1 year
Crown Chakra Balance: Cosmic Consciousness
Crown Chakra Balance: Cosmic Consciousness
Sahasrara is the crown chakra. The chakra of enlightenment, highest being, universal knowledge, all that jazz. You can imagine that any imbalances – blocked or overactive – have big effects on how we process the world around us. Physically, this chakra is located at the top of the head. Some depictions have it floating, like a halo, just over highest part of the cranium. It’s also tied to the…
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daportalpractitioner · 2 months
aries degrees in the natal chart (1°, 13°, 25°)
1° = initiator. pioneer. noob. impulsive. stepping into leadership. issues with taking action. fear. immaturity. sheltered. deemed as incapable. taking unprecedented action. changing the algorithm. nu ventures. ancestral support. struggles with discipline + following thru. craziest ideas. misunderstood. a need to self-validate your actions. curiosity with action triggers development. risk taker. passion doesn't last long. innocent. doesn't think before acting. fleeting emotions + attraction. gets bored easily.
13° = warrior innerG. struggles to get out of survival mode. selfish. wounded masculine energy. narcissism. unprocessed anger. hella opps/haters. imposter syndrome. power struggles. narcissistic parent(s). overcoming people pleasing. boundary pusher. learning to be more considerate. gets physically hurt easily. abusive relationships. anger management class. dark feminine innerG. rebel. challenges inequality. deals with people trying to shut you down. moody. intolerable. struggles with inflammation. headaches/migraines. sensitive crown chakra. identity crisis.
25° = breaking free from parents. not giving a fuck what anybody thinks. learning how to honor your sacred rage. obtaining freedom. cannot be controlled. pro manifestor. learning how to honor + respect boundaries. a need to develop a secure attachment style. a need to balance your yin/yang energy. you have to give to receive. strong relationships. lover and a fighter. makes a great leader. learn to be a confident decision maker. desires marriage. honors the importance of freedom. dealing with people tryna gaslight you. strong identity. entrepreneur vibes. gets what you want without any force. very confident. honest.
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vanillamoonsoap · 2 years
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#Chakra #soap #VanillaMoon #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #throat #thirdeye #crown #balance #chakras #mindbodyspirit To order please visit website in bio, thank you. 💖 https://www.instagram.com/p/CgXqRqngDwO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reunionatdawn · 2 months
Weighing in on ATLA shipping discourse
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Iroh: You're not the man you used to be, Zuko. You are stronger and wiser and freer than you have ever been. And now you have come to the crossroads of your destiny. It's time for you to choose. It's time for you to choose good.
Why did Zuko have a fever after decided to let go of his Blue Spirit mask? Well, the imagery suggested that he experienced a Kundalini awakening. A Kundalini awakening is a profound spiritual experience that involves the activation and rising of Kundalini energy, located at the base of the spine. In Hindu and yogic traditions, Kundalini is often depicted as a coiled serpent, symbolizing dormant spiritual potential.
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Ida and Pingala are the two energy channels that run alongside the spinal column and correspond to the left and right sides of the body, respectively. Ida is associated with the feminine or yin aspect. It is linked to qualities such as calmness, receptivity, intuition, and nurturing. It is also associated with the moon, coolness, and the element of water.
Pingala represents the masculine or yang aspect. It is associated with qualities such as activity, dynamism, alertness, and willpower. It is associated with the sun, warmth, and the element of fire. In the yogic tradition, the balance and harmonization of Ida and Pingala are considered essential for achieving physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Once the two energies combine at the crown chakra, a person's consciousness is supposed to transcend duality. What does that mean, exactly? It means to move beyond the perception of reality as consisting of opposing or dualistic concepts, such as good and bad, light and dark, right and wrong, or self and other. You understand that these apparent opposites are part of the same unified whole and are interconnected in a deeper, more profound way.
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"I was head writer of ATLA, and this is exactly how I see it! There was some controversy that Zuko made the "wrong choice" at the end of season 2. A lot of fans were ANGRY! But it had to be this way… we wanted him to get everything he thought he wanted. The triumphant return. His father's respect, and a seat at his right hand. Only then could Zuko truly outgrow these things, and choose to do the right thing in a meaningful way." (Aaron Ehasz)
So, the symbolism definitely favors Zutara in that respect. Katara learned through Zuko that the Fire Nation is not innately evil. Even though he hurt her with his "wrong" decision, part of her character arc was understanding why he did it and being able to forgive him. And because he made that choice, she could trauma-dump onto him and that led to her gaining closure about her mother's death.
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"I was head writer of ATLA. Azula and Zuko's relationship was not always well understood, even by the team internally. Azula loved Zuko, more than anyone save her father. She also felt competitive with him for their parents' attention of course, but since she had alienated herself from her mother, she focused her energy on pleasing dad… which of course meant acting in more and more intense and possibly evil ways." "By the end of the series, of course, her loss of her friends shatters the part of her identity that she could somehow control affection and love through intimidation. As a result she spirals… I did however intend to leave a kernel of humanity, and had we made a season 4 Azula would have completely bottomed and we would have explored the possibility of a path to redemption. True story!" (Aaron Ehasz)
But it's not even just Zutara. What I found interesting was that Azula was the blue dragon and Iroh the red dragon. Azula was crazy and needed to go down, right? By siding with his sister, you're meant to think that Zuko chose "evil" instead of "good". But it looks like some of the writers meant for it to be more complicated than that. There was no "good" or "evil" choice. Azula had a softer "yin" side, too.
Zuko wanted to get along with his sister. He did not want to kill her, even though Iroh thought that was the only option. The fact that Azula never got her redemption arc did a massive disservice to Zuko's arc as well. The fact that Azula had good in her is exactly why Zuko's choice in BSS couldn't truly be called "wrong" or "evil".
Azula loved Zuko and that idea wasn't conveyed very well in the cartoon. She was the one person on that beach who actually did understand him. She was jealous that Zuko chose the Avatar over her. And she knew that targeting Katara with her lightning was the best way to hurt Zuko. Katara found a non-lethal way to defeat Azula for Zuko's sake. Because after seeing how hard it was for him to fight her, she finally understood why he made his choice in Ba Sing Se.
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"[Azula] had not bottomed in the end of season 3, she had further to go. At the deepest moment in her own abyss she would have found: Zuko. Despite it all, her brother Zuko would be there for her. Believing in her, sticking by her, doing his best to understand and help her hold her pain that she can no longer hold alone. Zuko — patient, forgiving, and unconditionally loving – all strengths he gained from Uncle Iroh." "And I always imagined that after coming out the other side, she would be one of those people who hilariously over-shares her own feelings all the time, and that she would be a bit over-apologetic. Like a Canadian version of Azula." (Aaron Ehasz)
The first episode of Book 3 was called The Awakening. Aang literally awakened to the energy twisted up in the middle of his back. He did not complete his spiritual transformation. The Kundalini energy did not reach his crown chakra. It was still blocked because he had an attachment to Katara that he hadn't worked through yet.
Zuko's awakening was figurative. Mai didn't understand how he felt. Symbolically, when she turned his head to kiss him, it showed the audience the scarred side of his face. When Zuko lied his sister, the unscarred side of his face was shown. I suspect that the writer for the episode, Aaron Ehasz, wanted to hint that Zuko did still feel a connection to Katara and didn't want Azula going after her and Aang.
Zuko in The Crossroads of Destiny was not supposed to be the same Zuko from The Avatar State. Both versions of Zuko still wanted to go home. But 201 Zuko was motivated more by selfish attachment. 220 Zuko was more motivated by love. He loved Azula unconditionally. Even with all of her twisted, ugly, and cruel behavior. His consciousness had transcended the duality of Iroh and Azula being opposites where one is "bad" and the other is "good". During The Beach he was fantasizing about a time when Iroh played with both of them as little kids. Back when they were all a family.
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Mai: You know what will make you feel better? Ordering some servants around. I might be hungry for a whole tray of fruit tarts. And maybe a little palanquin ride around town. Double time.
I don't dislike Mai. I think she is an interesting character who was not a bad person or anything. I just thought she served a very specific narrative purpose. She was there to show how Zuko wasn't compatible with his old lifestyle anymore.
Mai wanted a typical socialite boyfriend. They really didn't get along too well or have much to say to each other during The Beach. She didn't like him when he started talking about his trauma and showed his uglier side. Zuko was insecure and jealous because he was not even sure if she really liked him. And she didn't even know the person he was after his banishment, only the person he was as a child. When he turned his head away from her, his unscarred side was shown.
Zuko: When I got to the meeting, everyone welcomed me. My father had saved me a seat. He wanted me next to him. I was literally at his right hand. Mai: Zuko, that's wonderful! You must be happy. Zuko: During the meeting, I was the perfect prince. The son my father wanted. But I wasn't me.
He walked out of that war meeting with the scarred side showing. Mai didn't love Zuko. She loved the perfect prince. The fantasy she built up in her head and the role Zuko was acting out at the start of the episode when he was ordering her the fancy fruit tarts.
Mai: I guess you just don't know people as well as you think you do. You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you.
Mai stood up to Azula to save Zuko, and she genuinely believed she loved him. But he left her behind to be with his new companions. If not for Ty Lee, she would have died. That should have been the end of that relationship. I thought it was very weird that they got back together. The NATLA writers should definitely find a different way to conclude Mai and Ty Lee's character arcs. Especially Mai. She deserved a more dignified ending than being left in prison and then threatening her ex-boyfriend to take her back.
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"I love that even though Aang is sort of not in this story very much, to me, he's-his presence is in all of these scenes 'cause you know he's like the little angel on her shoulder [...]" (Bryan Konietzko)
The main reason I think the shipping discourse in the ATLA fandom is so toxic is because the creators Mike and Bryan saw the narrative differently than the other writers. They seemed to have a completely different vision for the story and characters compared to the head writer. So, there were two conflicting visions and fans who liked one over the other could argue their side indefinitely. Bryke saw things as more black-and-white and good vs. evil. You can see it in some of the interviews and commentary, particularly with Bryan.
IMO, there really was no "good" and "evil" side in The Southern Raiders. There was no "angel" or "devil" sitting on Katara's shoulders. To Katatra, what Aang said must have sounded like nothing more than a trite platitude. It's true that in the end, she didn't choose violence. But I don't think Aang's words were very pertinent to her decision-making when she finally faced Yon Rha, LOL.
It's understandable why Aang would come off as preachy, though. He was just a child coping with his own grief. The Air Nomads' philosophy was one of the only things he had left of them, after all. Such a teaching was no doubt his own personal coping mechanism.
Aang was right in the sense that Katara didn't need to resort to violence in the end. But ya know, maybe she would have if she didn't have someone by her side who understood her inner darkness and accepted her even if she had chosen violence. Just like how Aang might have killed the sanbenders if Katara hadn't been there. And Katara would not have condemned him if he had done so.
"Zuko and Katara might have shared some sparks, but sometimes there are people along your 'journey of love' who are there to teach you about yourself and what you really need, but don't necessarily end up being your partner. Come on, kids! 'Zutara' never would have lasted! It was just dark and intriguing." (Bryan Konietzko)
Zuko was a character of duality. Yin and Yang. Light and shadow. His two sides were represented by the scarred side and non-scarred sides of his face. I think Bryan viewed Zutara as a "dark" ship because a big part of Zutara was about Katara's shadow side.
Just like Mai did with Zuko, Aang built up a fantasy version of Katara in his head. The perfect, well, "waifu," I guess. The endlessly patient feminine maternal figure. The sweet beautiful girl with such manageable hair. But that's only half of who she was. There was another side to her that he never saw. One that used bloodbending. Angry, hateful. Yes, even ugly. And that's not a bad thing. It's human.
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sunkissedchld · 7 months
𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒔
the piles go from top left to right. so, the cartoon cat with a frog hat is pile i, the white cat by itself is pile ii, and so on and so forth.
take the time to close your eyes, breathe, and meditate on the PAC prompt, then open your eyes and let your guides lead you to the pile for you. i hope you enjoy!
PS. - this is my first PAC all on my own 😲 please let me know if it resonates with you! my ask box is open (even to anons)!
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"Focus" by Ariana Grande
"Next Level" by Aespa
9, 17, 8, the golden children, pleiades, raphael, aphrodite, pluto, demeter, sagittarius
from my personal deck, i noticed all the cards i pulled were pink with mainly blue writing. pink is associated with traits such as compassion, sympathy, romance, femininity, and timidness; blue on the other hand deals with trust, responsibility, calm, support, and confidence. you may have a balanced feminine and masculine energy; you might also be non-binary of somewhere on that spectrum.
the second house came out reversed, but later on the tenth house came out upright; the twelfth house also came out upright. there may be an ending to a flow of money coming in or a lack of money coming in. it could have to do with self-sabotage. maybe you feel under appreciated at your job or think you need to go into a new career field as this time. water came out in reverse, which could indicate fire. maybe something sparked a shift in you to where you feel or felt the need to leave your job recently because you realized it just wasn’t for you. marigolds also appeared, which represent death and despair, but also resurrection.
from the work your light oracle, i pulled the great gathering which pictures a group of people with cloaks staring at a larger piece of nature. logically, you may be thinking that this was not your smartest decision; maybe you left without notice or without a clear backup plan, but this immediate sense of needing to leave was intentional. your guides are laying down a foundation for what’s to come. maybe you were putting this transition off; you didn’t think you were quiet ready, or you didn’t feel comfortable exploring some other option independent from your 9-5. your guides took the situation into their own hands and released your restraints. to them, now is the time for you to do what you were thinking of doing - maybe starting your own business, finally taking the time to relax, or something of that nature.
the feeling is that whatever you felt the need to do needs to be done because it’s bigger than you and/or apart of you. maybe you need to heal your inner child or help others to do so. either way, there’s a major emphasis on healing and allowing yourself to feel vulnerable. now is the time to peruse whatever you thought of when you read this. go do it! your guides have already (or are working on) pushing you to do so, therefore it only makes sense to go ahead and follow through fully on your own terms.
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"Blue Hour" by TXT
"Day I Die" by DeathByRomy
2, 7, 9, aries, saturn, heavy 2H placements - maybe a stellium in that house or taurus
mercury in reverse but jupiter upright. you may doubt yourself or have trouble voicing your thoughts, but luck and higher opportunities are quickly on the way! i also pulled the fourth house, which leads me to believe you need to be focusing on self care and your emotions than you do right now. you might feel unstable or insecure right now, but in the near future you will feel secure and know what you’re meant to do.
right now, you’re not aligned in some way. maybe one or a few of your chakras are blocked. i kept sneezing a lot, so maybe it’s your throat or crown chakra? either way, you need to activate them and work on becoming more open and honest with yourself. furthermore, i’m 99% sure you know what you’re supposed to be doing. maybe you keep doubting it by thinking you’re not enough or playing down your self worth. this is your warning to stop. it’s not helpful, and it’s also not true. you’re unconsciously (and maybe even consciously) dimming down your talents because of this lack of trust. you are meant to be a leader or bring new ideas or consciousness to wherever you feel inclined to. prepare to be the leader you wish you had or want to be.
it’s not quite time for this transition into leadership to happen. as mentioned before, you’re not fully aligned and are still doubting your self, but as you work on those things, become more in tune, aware of, and honest with your emotions, and align your chakras, your guides will tell you little by little when it’s time. good luck!
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"Aurora" by Ateez
"Adore" by Ariana Grande
"Everyday We Fight" by Day6
"You Can't Win" from The Wiz
3, 5, 7, 9, 9, 1212, orion, hadarian
your guides are mad talkative lol. i feel like whatever is next for you is life changing. the houses that came out were the tenth, twelfth, seventh, and fifth! whatever your guides are planning will bring forth recognition, status, relationships (possibly even marriage), romance, and fun. although all this good will come through, it will only happen if endings, healing, and closure come before. there is a need for you to let go of something and be open to the new, even if you don't know the play-by-play of what's going on. i also think you don't need to search out these advantages that will come after some losses; it will automatically come to you as a result. there's a high emphasis on focusing on your goals. you may need to speak out about what you want as affirmations or manifestations. the universe needs to hear you.
the path set out for you is one where you need to take the lead in initiating it. the card i pulled literally says "if you knew you would be supported, what would you do?" your guides and ancestors are watching over you and guiding your success. you have absolutely nothing to worry about. please just go for whatever it is you want. i don't know how else to say that it's already yours if you desire it. i get the feeling whoever picks this pile is a starseed and/or more closely connected to their ancestors than most people. you might be an artist or a creative ad maybe want to work in the entertainment industry. go for it, babe!! go, go, go!!
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"Scars" by Stray Kids
"Can't Stop" by Red Hot Chilli Peppers
"Just A Dream" by Nelly
"A Little Space" by Pentatonix and Ateez
"Queen" by Charm La'donna
3, 4, 5, 9, heavy water placements, scorpio, cancer, virgo, capricorn, saturn, hardian, orion
it seems like whoever chose this pile is in a lot of pain. some important phrases kept coming through: "i've cried hundreds of tears over you. i won't anymore - i refuse."; "i forgive you"; "it's okay to hate me for what i've done"; "watch out". the eighth house popped out, so maybe you recently lost someone or experienced a major change that you weren't expecting. i get the feeling you need to talk to someone. black came out in reverse, so maybe you've recently felt betrayed, pessimistic, or depressed. you may be feeling hatred towards whoever left, but you may also feel lost without them. similar to pile ii, i keep sneezing a lot, so maybe you need to properly align your throat and/or crown chakra.
although you're in pain, this situation of loss, betrayal, and pessimism is to help you vocalize your emotions and feelings. stop stifling your voice or allowing others to do it for you. you deserve to have your voice heard - to be recognized as a full human being like everyone else on this planet. take care of yourself. take a steaming bath, go get a massage, rest, sleep in. you deserve the same caring treatment you give to others, so give it to yourself.
there's also a feeling that you're ignoring something or it's unconscious to you for now. this is possibly another starseed pile. you're a born leader and deal with it in an unconventional way. i get the feeling you pour a lot of time and energy into others and because of this, there's a lack of boundaries that are severely needed. this may be the start of you notice the need for these boundaries. this is the time to learn from whatever loss or betrayal you've encountered and learn to not only place care into yourself, but also recognize when to pull it from others who take advantage of you.
read piles ii and iii if you feel drawn to either or both of them.
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"Hallelujah" by Pentatonix
"Note To Self" by J. Cole
"God's Menu" by Stray Kids
2, 5, 7, 9, libra, strong first, fourth, and eleventh house placements, moon dominance, neptune dominance
two colors came out in reverse: blue and purple. with blue reversed, you may not currently feel protected or calm. maybe you're at a point in your life where things are sort of chaotic and therefore you feel vulnerable. with purple in reverse, i feel like you may feel as if things may be revealed even though you do feel this way. the color green came out upright, which means you may be feeling envious or judgmental as a whole. maybe you feel that you yourself are inadequate in comparison to others. i think you'll be figuring out who you define yourself as soon, and you may be making new friends because of this. raphael popped out, which indicates happy meetings. metatron came out too, so those two may be guiding you or trying to reach out.
there is an awakening coming up for sure. as opposed to the other piles, i think you may already be on your path, and now you're just tuning up things in order to be the best version of you. there's a calling to release the old version of you; maybe the envious, judgmental, chaotic person mentioned in the first half. of course, it's okay to express yourself and your feelings, but not everything others have is for you. you need to stop being so focused on the material things, on the small details, and instead think about the bigger picture. you already know that you're a leader, but you need to wield your leadership and power correctly or else it will backfire. overall, be more humble!
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"Water Me" by Lizzo
"If I Ain't Got You" by Alicia Keys
"Answer" by Ateez
2, 7, 8, strong jupiter and mars placements, possibly twelfth house placements
your guides are also talkative lmao. something new is coming. although you might feel scared or unprepared, your guides are right with you (4/44/444). both demeter and uriel came out which leads me to believe you're in a period or about to be in a period where you're planting the seeds for your future. your guides are providing you with guidance, wisdom, and creativity that will be beneficial now and in your future; "is that what i taught you" popped up, so be sure to take mental (or physical) notes on things you feel strongly pulled to. with ares and violet upright, i get the feeling this new adventure will be something you'll go at with tenacity. you may not even know why you're doing it, but it will come to you naturally. it will be like your eyes are being uncovered to something you'll feel like you should've been doing your whole life. i get the feeling you may ignore important messages though. like in pile i, every blessing comes with a loss before or after. you may experience some sort of pain directly before or after this new revelation; don't let it sour your spirits though, just listen and talk to your guides about it.
your guides are really emphasizing the fact they are helping you to train and therefore, you need to listen. this is something you need to experience in order to get to wherever they need you to be. whatever it is may be karmic; it might also have to deal with your mother or the female figures in your life. this is somewhat confusing because there's so much news about new things and wisdom and protection, but there also seems to be a lot of talk about conflict and possible pain. i pulled the card "wait", so maybe you'll feel like you need to jump start whatever this new beginning is, but your guides are telling you that this is being run on divine timing - not yours. overall, have trust in them through the easy and tough times. they have the answers. i think they want you to reach out personally.
look at pile i also if you felt drawn to it.
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tiredwitchplant · 8 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Amethyst
Amethyst (“The World’s Most Popular Purple Gem”)
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Color: Dark Vivid Purple to Pale Lilac
Hardness: 7
Rarity: Easy to Acquire
Type: Quartz
Chakra Association: Third Eye, Crown
Deities: Buddha, Dionysus, Diana, Artemis
Birthstone: February
Astrological Signs: Pisces, Aries and Aquarius
Element: Air
Planet: Jupiter
Origin: USA, Britain, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, East Africa, Siberia, India
Powers: Pride, Sobriety, Peace, Spirit World, Protection, Celibacy, Luck, and Homesickness
Crystals It Works Well With: Ametrine, Citrine, and Moonstone
How It Is Created: Amethyst receives its color beginning at the crystal’s growth. At the first stage, trace amounts of iron are incorporated into the crystal as it starts to grow. After the crystallization starts, gamma rays are emitted by radioactive materials within the host rock and the irradiated iron gives the amethyst its beautiful purple color.
History: One of the earliest references to amethyst is in the Old Testament book of Exodus as it is mentioned that one of the stones in the breastplate of Aaron the High Priest was an amethyst. There is not a clear indication to where the name comes from but it is said that it is derived from the Greek word “amethyst” which means “not drunk”. Despite this, it is associated with the god, Dionysus, because the purple hue of the crystal looks like delicious grape wine. Wine goblets were carved of this stone to prevent drunkenness. There is also a Greek lore involving Dionysus with a young girl named Amethyst. The lore reads:
“Dionysus was angry one day and swore that he would exact his revenge on the next mortal that came by. He created several tigers, informed him of their mission and went his way. As it would happen, a lovely young girl named Amethyst was the next to come by, on her way to pay homage to Artemis and was attacked. Artemis quickly changed the girl into a statue of solid quartz. When Dionysus returned to see what he had wrought, he was overcome with remorse and wept tears of purple wine which flowed over the statue, staining it permanently.”
The color was also in demand throughout history since the color purple is associated with royalty and was worn by royals in Egypt and Europe. In some traditions, Catholic Bishops wear amethyst rings to symbolize their piety and celibacy, and rosaries are still fashioned with this stone.
What It Can Do:
Excellent focal point for meditation and scrying
Used to unlock mysteries and figure out spiritual matters, such as death and rebirth
Helps cleanses, purify and heal the body, spirit, and mind
Balances emotions and prevents nightmares
Useful for spells to help let go of addictions
Uses on the tip of wands for healing and can produce high spiritual energy
Brings a sense of calm and clarity
Helps with decision making
Can open your third eye and connect to the crown chakra
Protects the mind from dark magic
A gateway stone to connecting with the spirit world
Helps with transmitting energies to a specific point
How to Get the Best Out of Amethyst: Wearing it on your person with a bracelet or necklace. Putting amethyst on bare skin invites the stone to release its vibrations directly into the body, amplifying its power.
How to Cleanse and Charge Amethyst:
To cleanse: Leave your Amethyst stone placed under the light of the full Moon for a whole night, that is, about 8 hours
To charge: It can also be recharge via the moon so just leaving it in the moonlight can do double duty.
Crystal Grid:
Protection and Cleansing (Hexagram)
Snow Quartz
Hold your crystals in your hands and state your intention for the grid.
Lay the first triangle, placing clearing crystals on each point.
Join up the points and spray the grid with clearing essence.
Lay the light-bringing crystals in an overlocking triangle over the top of the first. Join up the points, starting with the first crystal you laid.
Place your keystone in the center, stating your intention once more.
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cupiddivinearrow · 6 months
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What is your 💫💫💫Starseed ⭐️ Connection 💫💫💫? PAC Reading
Website Link: (Still a work in progress. So please bare with me)
Hey, check out my website, "Cupid’s Divine Arrow" with this link: https://cupiddivinearrow11.wixsite.com/cupidsdivinearrow-2
Discord link: https://discord.gg/bsWTW7FKbg
(I offer reiki sessions, energy shields, general, love, career, past lives, etc readings, sigils, etc. at reasonable prices…)
Take a moment to close your eyes and breathe, in through your nose, out through your mouth. When your body feels calm, open your eyes and let your intuition guide you to your pile. It’s okay to pick more than one pile!
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Crystal of Choice:
Smoky Quartz
• Keep you grounded if you're doing spiritual work or meditating
• Encourage a deeper connection to the Earth
• Support feelings of peace and calm
• Help you work through personal fears
Healing Energy
Trouble going with the flow
Innocent, Pure
Magnetic pull to water
Emotional, full of love, guided by love
Self discovery, Finding yourself
Divinely Guided
Unexpected Discoveries
Gaia, Mother Earth, Earth
Animals of Significance:
love, prophecy, verbosity, mediation
Feminine power, spirituality, renewal
Chakras of Significance:
Crown chakra
3rd eye chakra
Heart chakra
Astrological Energies of Significance:
Pile 1, this group is a very intelligent group. This pile is big on change and exploration. This pile might often have a traumatic past that can be crippling to some.
This pile may also have REALLY BIG HEARTS and moves out of love, most of the time.
The experiences that this pile undergoes are the stepping stones on their path. This pile often goes through changes, are often healing from friends and family, loved ones, that betray them. It’s hard for this pile to trust.
Pile 1, y’all often tap into your intuition due to the inner knowledge that y’all have buried within, knowledge that’s meant to help guide the Earth through the knowledge gathered from past experiences. This pile is meant to keep moving forward, to push through the hardships that could break an individual.
Pile 1, you may be seen as pure, innocent, angelic. Have a fondness to being close to the water.
Overall, this pile has the inner knowledge to push through any hardship, learn from it, and rise up from the ashes like a Phoenix.
Pile 1, you are here, on Earth, to share with the world about Patience. The world is always on the go, maybe this pile too, and it may be a bit difficult to slow down and just be. Be still. Be patient. Wait. But the thing that Pile 1 wants to express to the world that even when there is confusion on your path, being patient and keep in your faith will help push things along. People forget that faith sometimes requires patience, even when things are unclear.
This pile is big hearted, full of love, and nurturing energy. A part of your soul remembers the peace, unity and love that it shared amongst its soul family before having came to Earth and it yearns to feel that again. So when people hurt you, it strikes deep. Because it’s not really here on Earth. Which is the karmic wound that needs healing. Earth needs to heal the parts that make them stir the pot that causes a rift in unity. This pile is meant to shine a light on what’s keeping the Earth so divided, so it can be acknowledged and worked on.
Earth needs to learn how to tap into that Universal love that we all have access to and learn how to truly be sorry to those that are hurt by the carelessness of others. The shadows, hate, wounds, separation, severing, wrongs, and sadness must be acknowledged to bring change. To bring peace.
Pile 1, you may become a bit irritated or impatient at the idea of having to wait and be patient. Especially when your soul remembers being able to manifest your desire without the need to wait, or being able to listen to your intuition then and know what to do and where you were going vs now, where your intuition may whisper to you or not, and you feel more lost than grounded. Try to remember that other planets move differently than Earth, as well as, any progress is still progress. You don’t have to know where you’re going or what’s going on to move forward, just try to listen to your instincts and take a step. That’s all it takes. And by doing that, you’ll also be teaching the Earth to do the same. You’ll be leading by example which will encourage others to do the same.
Pile 1, have y’all been feeling homesick lately? Is your soul remembering the times it had back home? Remembering the feeling of home? Just know that everything will be okay P1. Try to remember that you chose to come here to Earth and that you’re not alone. You didn’t come here alone. It’s time to fully give in to the human experience. Try to anchor your personality, your soul, and your spirit to the life you are living now. Whether you’re yearning for a place or person to find home, just know that this was your choice. Commit by putting both feet completely in and ask yourself how you can be more so? This has been a challenge for you Pile 1, and it’s one that you can overcome.
Pile 1, your soul is being called. It’s being called to connect with the Earth, with Mother Gaia. So often, we can get thrown in a rut; in a repeating cycle that leaves us moving on auto, doing the same things, over and over again, daily. This can cause our souls to start thirsting for more. Our souls were never meant to be stuck in a box. Limited. Stuck. Unsupported, alone. Stagnant. However, when we give ourselves permission to get in touch with nature and ourselves, it allows us to connect more to Mother Gaia, to Earth. To fill that void that we continue to try to convince ourselves will close if we just move, act, sound, etc a certain way. Allow yourself to listen to that little voice that tells you to go against the grain. It’s time to slow down and spend some time out in nature. Listen to yourself. Be still. Breath with Lady Gaia, Earth, the Divine.
🌎 Closing Comment:🌎
Pile 1, you are being asked to take things slow… one day at a time. Maybe it’s time to start looking into the stars and crystalline grids, which provides stored information that contains ancient codes of wisdom that had been forgotten by humanity. These ancient codes will help Pile 1 to assist humanity with the vibrational shift that’s taking place. The crystalline grid are constantly having stars shower emanations onto it, and information sent back to it once things are balanced on Earth. Lastly, this pile’s vibration may be raising and it’s causing y’all to activate your energy body to its highest form: The light body, which will require this pile to move slow in order to integrate this change.
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Crystal of Choice:
Rainbow Moonstone
Represents inner clarity
Cyclical change
Connection to the feminine
It is a symbol of light and hope
Encourages us to embrace new beginnings
Closely linked to themes of femininity:
Divine Feminine
Divine Masculine
Innocent, Pure
Old Souls, Wise
Instinct, Impulsive, Spontaneous
Ice, Water, Emotional
Priest, High Priestess
Trust, Faith, Divinely Guided
Forward Movement
Completion, Ending of Cycles
Fate vs Destiny, Akashic Records
Saturn energy
Spiritual Warriors
Native American
Arctic/ Alaska
Cold/ Ice
Crown Chakra
3rd Eye Chakra
Throat Chakra
Soul, Divinity, Liberation, Creativity, Rebirth
Creation, Magic, Illumination
Polar Bear:
Power, Wisdom, Peace
Fire Energies
Some of you may want to check pile 1
Pile 2, **YALL ARE POWERFUL**!!!!! This is the pile that is meant to bring harmony and balance to the world. This pile has dedicated their lifetimes to bringing peace to the world. Y’all might not like big groups or need time to recoup after being in one. This pile may love being near water, or may need to. Some of you may be seeing 222 a lot, 888, 999, 1111. This pile may consist of those that may be on their twin flame journeys. Some of the people in this pile may be highly intuitive, which means you receive lots of downloads from the Divine/ Source/ the Universe. May be immature when it comes to communication, but stay in their heads a lot. May have a lot of love to give but may seem closed off. This pile may love to listen to music, or may be musicians and dancers, very artistic. This pile may also face a lot of trauma that they must heal from, to end unhealthy cycles so you can be reborn. This pile is helps the world to transition by spreading peace around the world through your life experiences that cause you to change and evolve. To grow without going dark. This pile is meant to make moving on and handling issues with Grace. To find yourself through lessons that teach you to let go of anything trying to hold you back and by doing the things you love, things that feed your soul. This pile is all about fairness and Justice through reflection and ascension. This pile is destined to have fulfillment. Y’all are or will be known for making life difficulties look easy. This pile is screaming Spiritual Warriors. You’re all about Faith.
As of late, pile 1, y’all may be letting things be for now. Not pushing anything, but learning to let things come to you. You came to Earth to teach others to do the same. You’re learning how to take the lead in your life. This pile may have a hard time trusting others to lead, as well, in themselves. Y’all might be having a hard time trusting in your actions. However, doubt is part of life. Every hero or leader has doubts, but they had to learn when to push through them. You asked to be here. You asked to undergo these lessons to ascend. You’re here to show Earth that just because something happens that doesn’t feel good, doesn’t mean it was bad or you’re living wrong. Social law vs Spiritual law. Which one matters more? Which one applies more? Care less what others think, and trust your instincts. So often people forget that Earth’s laws don’t apply to what’s meant to be. Now’s the time to help teach the Earth how to let go of control issues by ignoring the background noise, which sometimes, it’s our self sabotaging ways, and focus on your purpose.
Pile 2, have you been facing a lot of difficulties lately that’s been making you feel as if you’ve hit rock bottom? It’s time to love on yourself a little bit harder and have some compassion for yourself. As trying as it has been, please try to remember that situations in life are temporary. That nothing lasts forever and that diamonds are only formed under pressure baby! And you, pile 2, are diamonds in the making, if you’re not one already. So many people don’t realize that hitting rock bottom is a gift. A true blessing. Because the only way you can go is up. And the only way you can truly find out just how strong you are is by learning your fullest potential. Surrender to the alchemy of life. Don’t give up, you’re a Phoenix baby! Rise from the ashes and learn just how powerful you truly are. I bet you’ll surprise yourself in the end.
Pile 2, you may want to learn how to think like the Pleiadeans. You’re being called to learn how to let go of the situations in the past that made you feel bad about yourself. You’re being asked to see the bigger picture. What can you take out of those experiences? Have you tried to ask yourself what about those experiences that left you feeling down and out were a blessing? What did you learn? What was something positive you can take from your experiences. It’s all about perspective. “The glass half empty, half full” saying comes to mind. Just know, an old dog can learn new tricks, and it’s never too late for you to learn something new that could help change the future. Maybe you’ve been feeling inspired lately? The world needs more people that can see the big picture, artists, dreamers, inventors, & visionary thinkers. Trust in the vision that you have and follow through. It takes courage to pace a new path- have faith anyways. Trust that everything will work out as intended. Trust in yourself.
Also, Pile 2, some of you may already know that you’re a pretty strong empath, and for those that didn’t, well now you do... P2, it’s okay to keep some things for yourself. Y’all are so sweet, y’all make be overextending yourself, which can play a part on you feeling drained. So, P2, it’s time to start looking out for self more. It’s okay to take some time to self and to fill your cup. I mean, who’s gonna give you what your body needs and craves if you don’t? You gotta take care of you before you can help anymore. Being an empath, you can draw in others emotions and vibes, and it’s important to take the time to nourish yourself. And don’t worry about whether or not you have time to nurture yourself and do your life’s purpose. As long as you take care of self, the Earth will automatically receive the love that it’s meant to, because it’s literally surrounding you. All you have to do is BE. It’s time to take care of your energetic self. It’s okay, P2. The world won’t stop if you take some time for self, I promise.
🕊️ Closing Comments🕊️
P2, your soul is calling out to you to work on your perspective. It’s time to wake up. Yes, life can be hard. Especially when you’re feeling a calling to find a home, person or place where you feel at home, at peace. Your soul craves it because it remembers it, before all the difficulties of life on Earth. However, the difficulties we face can sometimes cloud of judgement and that’s all we focus on. Not realizing that all it is is a distraction. We’re a small speck of dust compared to what’s really going on out there. Time can be so fleeting. It’s time to see how our mindset affects our ability to follow our contract. Our soul’s experience is a flash compared to what’s really going on in the Universe. Take a moment to see the bigger picture. Find the strength to live on Earth with all your strength and keep pushing forward with great compassion and love from within. Don’t let life’s difficulties change you for the worse. You are a being of love. Try to remember to look at any experience with love in your heart, that’s the only way to truly move forward without allowing poison to warp our perspectives.
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Crystal of Choice:
Amethyst Crystal
aka “All Purpose Stone
Inner peace
Draws in love
Healing abilities
Assist in curing physical illnesses related to the head, lungs, pancreas, liver, stomach, muscles, and reproductive organs
Increase in Spiritual abilities
Cosmic Ancestors
New beginnings
Star energy; popular, magnetic
Needs to stay grounded
Unexpected Changes
Waters, Bodies of Water, Emotional
Forward movement
A shift
Creation/ Life/ Fertility
Greek ties —> Goddesses Artemis or Amphitrite
Egyptian ties —> Goddess Isis
Hunger for life, change, something new
Wish fulfillment
Masculine energy
Chakras of Significance
Third Eye
Animals of Significance:
Instinctual Energy, Independence, Regeneration
Fertility, Purity, Divination
Water, Creation, Emotions
Animal Deities
Divinity, Guidance, Wisdom
Astrological Energies of Significance
Mars energy
Neptune energy
Pluto energy
How’s it going P3!
This pile may be into the arts, such as music, dancing, drawing, etc. Some of you may be seeing 111s and 222s a lot. Some of y’all in this group may be intuitive. Some of y’all may have had to move on from things that could’ve left you broken. This pile might have a hard time balancing their emotions and their thoughts. Some of you may be feeling a bit pessimistic or depressed? Some of you may be thirsty for life and might be needing a change? Some of you may be dealing with some people in your life that are deceivers, liars, out for self, and it may be keeping you in a distorted energy. Some of you may be heavy in your masculine energy right now, whether you’re a man or woman (I go off energy, not gender). Some of you may be trying to juggle life, career, or relationships, especially after an unexpected change. Some of you have been manifesting a change in your career or hoping to receive a gift that would be a wish fulfillment. If any of this resonates, then this is your pile P3.
P3, after a long and challenging time, the world is officially undergoing a shift. And that’s thanks to y’all doing your part P3. However, I see you’re having a hard time seeing past the difficulties in life and finding that spark again. It’s okay to focus on your spiritual growth, but you must also remember to live in the 3D. You may be feeling like you recently hit rock bottom. You need to remember that it’s okay to be spontaneous. It’s okay to surrender to pleasure and joy. You really need to focus on filling your own cup back up again. The Universe doesn’t want you drowning for love and fun, but to live! To find that spark that motivates you to keep moving forward. This world will drain you if you let it. Stay focused on moving forward, P3. I guarantee, that your manifestations and wishes are just around the corner. That’s a promise. Also, try to remember that life isn’t a race. It’s okay to relax and enjoy the moment. Enjoy the process. Have no regrets when looking back. You’re so much closer than you know P3.
Awwww P3 🥺🥺🥺 One word. Balance. It’s time to find balance. Some starseeds that come to Earth have a harder time living in it. Some starseeds have a hard time balancing their life out with their spiritual side, finding it easier to be part of the Earth than to worry about other things. This battle between the spiritual and Earth is called Transcendence vs Immanence. Most starseeds feel more comfortable with transcending. P3, you came to the Earth to show people how to balance out the 2. You need to learn how to BE in the world P3. Because you have a hard time having boundaries, it may be hard for you to BE in this world. You’re beings of pure, unconditional love. So you see the good in people, which often leaves you taken advantage of. Some of you have been relationships that you may partake in may tend to be a bit unhealthy, and this happens a lot. Some of you are here to learn how to love while in a separate body. P3, it’s time to learn how to love yourself and establish healthy boundaries. You are full of all the love you need and require. Maybe some of you are in a codependent relationship, or maybe some of you are in relationships where you give more than what you get and it’s draining you. P3, it’s time to establish healthier ways. If you lose yourself in relationships, it’s time to maybe, take some time to self and focus on loving yourself and getting to know yourself better.
Some of you may be Golden Children, aka Children of the Sun (I also heard Ra). Children of the Sun are suspected of being highly intuitive and gifted, but often are treated in a not so nice way on their journeys. Some of you may need to heal your inner child from trauma, and some of you may be expecting or will be expecting soon, and it could be a Child of the Sun. To help bring these intuitive children into the world to nurture and guide. Also, some of you who have trouble upholding your boundaries are a bit of a people pleaser and this is causing you to pour salt in your wounds, while adding on more. You’re not meant to be everyone’s cup of tea. You’re not meant to please everyone. The person you should be concerned with pleasing is yourself. Stop giving away your power. Embrace who you are and who you were meant to be. It’s okay if everyone doesn’t understand you. You weren’t meant to be placed in a box (society standards). Embrace the weirdness. Your uniqueness. It’s what makes you shine.
The life lesson you came here to learn P3, is that anything that is unaligned in your life must go. It’s time to question everything that you know and virtually scan what is acceptable and needed in your life, and what isn’t… or who. The shift that is occurring will be doing the same for the world. Society, the World, how people think…? The Unseen will start to be seen. Everything will start to change, or it will not survive. So you must make sure you’re doing your part. Yes, it may be difficult, but it is necessary. It’s time for the world to be reminded how the Universe operates, which isn’t based on what society is pushing today. It’s time to dismantle the ways and beliefs that are no longer serving. It’s time for you to trust in what you need to do and take the baby steps to make it happen.
P3, it’s never too late to learn something new. To change your perspective or goals, your career, or the relationships in your life. It’s time to step into your role and be a visionary for the planet. You decide what you believe… what you follow . And the decisions you make today could affect the wellbeing of the planet and its species, so it’s important that you get a different perspective than the one you’ve had. It’s time to open your mind and dream a new world. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. It takes alot of courage to take the path you’re being called to take vs the easier one. Trust that what you’re about to do will be successful, just hold firm. Doors are opening for you P3. You have the Midas touch right now. Your thoughts are extra powerful right now, the planets are aligned and the timing is right. The Universe has your back P3. All of your hard work is about to pay off, just keep going! Especially since now is the time to work on moving towards your dreams abd ACHIEVING those dreams. If you feel like you’re being called to shake things up and make some big changes, NOW’S the time to do it. Effortless changes are about to happen for you, if it’s not happening already P3.
Some of you may want to check out P1 if you were called to do so.
P3, it’s time to remember that you’re not alone, it can just feel that way when you’re not balanced in the 3D & 5D. You’re being called to check in with yourself more, and to start practicing honing your gifts. It’s time to step up. You came to Earth with a double mission. To grow as a soul and to assist in the shift to raise the consciousness of the world. Some of you in p3 may have many unique gifts that you do or don’t know about that has yet to fully be uncovered. Move towards your being called to do, whether it’s a creative project, a passion, or an adventure. It’s time to step up and leap. Also, some of you in P3 need to take some time to reach out to family or friends, or go on a friendly walk with a someone to gather your energetic resources. As an old soul, sometimes starseeds feel the need to isolate or be alone. But we’re humans. We’re beings that require group interaction and closeness. Find the balance, P3.
⭐️Closing Comments:⭐️
P3, if you’re working on any projects, just know this pile whatever it is has great potential to be successful. Don’t give up. Be like the Mintakans who saw the light in everything and everyone. There is potential in humans and situations, just gotta train yourself to see that. Try to have faith P3, and know that EVERYTHING and everyone are working out to the highest potential for all those involved. Also, try to figure out any unconscious thoughts and patterns you have and bring them to light. If we don’t face what is needed to addressed, they have a tendency to show up. So deal with whatever you’re not dealing with P3, before you’re made to by the Universe.
Children of the Sun
✨ And that concludes this reading! ✨
🕊️🕊️🕊️ Blessings!🕊️🕊️🕊️
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