#Batfam Headcanon
confused-wanderer · 1 year
Dick: Hey guys what’s up?
Damian: Silence! this is a debate I intend to win.
Dick: huh?
Jason *eating popcorn* : You’re gonna wanna see this
Jason: They’re fighting over who was the loosest cannon Robin which caused the most chaos
Dick *reaches for popcorn*
Jason *slaps his hand* : Nuh-uh Goldie only the one with the title of MOST CHAOTIC ROBIN gets to eat popcorn
Dick: what now-
Steph: Dudes I was literally Robin to piss off my dad and became friends with poison ivy and Harley
Jason: You’re all just competing for second place
Dick: .. wait what about me?
Everyone *stops and stares*
Damian: Nightwing, this is serious
Tim: Yeah dude I remember your reputation as Robin and you haven’t changed
Batman: .. are you all done with the bust?
Steph: BATSY! Just who we want to see! So.. tell us, who was the most chaotic robin ever
Batman *without hesitation* : Nightwing
Penguin *tied up after the bust* : Yeah it was blue
Dick *steals popcorn* : Y’all better start putting respect on my damn name
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squintydrawafist · 2 years
Damian gets a pet peafowl for his birthday (sent by his mom so it's also a ninja peafowl)
Damian has two choices here (okay three but where's the fun in that) Either name the bird 'Peaman' or 'Batcock'
Peaman the Batcock and Jerry the turkey become gay bird lovers
Bruce: "I'm gonna have to veto the Batcock part of this pet's name" Damian: "Coward" Jason: "Hypocrite" Bruce: "How???" Jason: "You let Dick go by 'Dick'"
Steph: "Would you rather Damian name him 'Batpea the Mancock'?" Duke: "Or 'Peabat the Cockman'?" Bruce: "Stop"
Dick: "I would like to propose the peacock be named 'Soup,' cause I thought that's what we were talking about." Damian: "No, it's too late. This is Batcock the Peaman." Alfred: "I think 'Soup' is an excellent name for a peacock." Dick: "Thank you, Alfred"
Damian: "Everyone, I have someone to introduce you to; This is Soup the Peahen." Tim: "Where did he get another peacock??" Cass: "Found it by Robinson Park. Took it home, said it's his now." Steph: "Yeah that checks"
-- Soup is a lesbian
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Hello, hope you are having a good day/night?
I was wondering if I could request something where Joker uses Jason Todd's DNA to create a child (male) and raises him. What would happen when Jason finds out he not only has a kid but the kid been being raised by Joker the man who tortured and killed him!
And how will Bruce react to seeing Jason's son and how much he looks like his dad?
Platonic batfam x kid reader
I’m still right in the middle of exam season right now, which is why I haven’t been writing much.
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Like I said, you are a redheaded kid, because I love redhead Jason too much not to add it. Joker being the joker would most likely make you color your hair black though, just like Jason did when he was robin.
If Joker got Jasons DNA when he killed him, then you would be around 8, as Jason died at 15 and is 23 nowadays (I got this age from the dc twitter account), and because of Jasons genes you are most likely a small and skinny kid.
The smallness most likely also comes from the fact that Joker is the one raising you, alongside Harley if they are still together at that point.
Raising you is a very loose word, Joker does not have a parental bone in his body, and only clones you to taunt the bats. So, he is nowhere near a good parent and treats you like an extension of the Robin he killed.
This would lead to a lot of mistreatments, because it’s the Joker, what do you expect. Both mental and physical abuse would be present in your life, as the Joker wouldn’t feel any love or care for you as a person.
Because of this you wouldn’t be going to school either, but you are smart, so you teach yourself how to read and write, and you’ll have to learn math and the likes to be able to use some weapons to their full potential.
Instead of being allowed to be a child your only purpose to exist is to be a tool to taunt the bats, so you most likely wouldn’t be given a name either and would just be called Robin by Joker and anyone else who knows you exist.
Being “raised” by joker also means your morals are very skewed, and you have no problem with murder or torture, but what do you expect from someone like the joker.
The bats would learn about your existence during one of the Jokers latest plans. It would be during one of his more crazy ideas, you know, with a lot of hostages and a lot at risk.
I can imagine two scenarios. The Joker either tying you up and posing you bruised up and bloody whilst wearing the Robin outfit, to taunt Batman.
Or you are being used as a surprise attack when they get a little too close to catching the Joker. Joker of course wouldn’t care about your wellbeing besides being a tool for him, so if you get shot or break bones he doesn’t care.
They would of course all be shocked and shaken at seeing an 8-year-old kid wearing Jason’s robin outfit there, and especially with how little care you show about yourself and your own wellbeing.
Joker would whisk you away at the last moment, though not without you being hurt during the fighting, because he still has plans on using you to harm the bats, especially batman and red hood.
The batfam would panic at the knowledge that Joker has a child that hes using for his evil plans, they have no idea you are Jason’s clone yet, but they still want to rescue you.
They can only assume you’ve been trained since birth, with how skilled you are, which makes them all emotional. Especially the likes of Damian and Cass, since they were trained from infancy as well.
They would immediately start searching lost child cases for anyone fitting your description but come up empty handed because you are a clone.
After this encounter the Joker would use you in his plans more and more, because he gets great joy from seeing how desperate the batfam is to figure out who you are or to save you.
You’ve never felt kindness before and have never been your own person though, so you don’t trust them and just do whatever the Joker orders you to do, putting yourself in life and death situations more than once.
Bruce would be heartbroken with how familiar you look in your robin outfit, as you are a complete copy of how Jason looked back then. Dick and Jason, and maybe Tim, would be the only ones able to recognize your appearance, which would make them all want to save you even more.
After finally getting your blood and/or DNA to test after another deadly situation you’ve put yourself in, they take it back to the cave to test, where they learn your relation to Jason.
To say the batfam would all be shaken and enraged by the discovery would be an understatement. They’re shaken at the fact that Joker has had a child grown from Jasons DNA for who knows how long, and would be enraged at the fact that Jasons DNA was used and that you’ve obviously been abused this entire time.
They buckle down even more to get you to their side and make you come with them willingly, and it works in their favor as the Joker has become more lax with your reigns. It seems he’s growing bored of using the same thing over and over again, so he’s kinda just letting you run freely as he comes up with new plans.
It would start with Jason or Tim, or maybe even Cass, who would be able to get closer to you. They wouldn’t push to get you to come with them, and just get you to be used to their presence instead of immediately seeing them as a threat.
They know this is a slow process and that they can’t rush it, since you would run at the first sign of them trying to snatch you up.
As this is happening Jason can be caught reading parenting books, things about child psychology and the affects of child abuse. He already knew all of this, but he keeps refreshing it for when they get you to trust them.
Bruce would be going through a grieving process again, as you are a direct result of him failing Jason. But this time he would have a larger support system which would stop him from spiraling like last time.
Over time you get used to the presence of the batfam when you are on your own, they bring you meals or stuff to drink. Of course, you don’t trust it in the beginning, knowing they could be drugging you, but as time passes you start to eat with them.
At some point, Damian would end up telling you about his own childhood and how wrong it was, and that he didn’t deserve that abuse, and neither do you.
That would be what starts to make you understand that the Joker isn’t a good guardian and that you may be worth more than he says you are.
They don’t get much further though, as the Joker has gotten bored of you and the purpose you were supposed to serve, so he wants to get rid of you. He would try to recreate the day he killed Jason, with the crowbar and everything.
Bruce is the one to save you before you get blown up though, Bruce almost in a frenzy to not lose another kid that way every again. You would be bruised and battered with broken bones and a concussion, but you would be alive.
They would bring you to a doctor or healer, probably a league one for identity reasons, and the fact that they could use magic to heal you faster.
Jason wouldn’t leave you alone as you are unconscious for days, the batfam would stick close by but also be working hard on cracking down on the Joker and destroying whatever he has left of his cloning experiments.
After you wake up, a lot of time would be used introducing you to the life of a normal child, and helping you heal both mentally and physically.
Thankfully they have a lot of experienced with helping kids who were raised to be weapons, with Cass and Damian and the likes, so they know what to do for the most part.
Jason never thought he would be a dad, especially not with how young he is, but he takes to it like a duck to water. Hes always had a soft spot for kids, and maybe in the back of his mind always wanted a kid of his own, so you help him settle in a way he didn’t know he could.
They all joke about Bruce spoiling you, because you are like a mix of Cass, Damian and Jason, and that Bruce’s fatherly urges can’t be stopped. It isn’t a joke though, after you learn to have your own opinions and wants, Bruce would bend over backwards for you like he would for any of his kids.
The first time you call Jason dad, he has to choke back tears, because he never thought you’d see him as your dad or accept him. You two go out to bat burger to celebrate.
They of course make up legal papers for you as well so you can start going to school after healing mentally and physically. They wouldn’t allow you to run around at night with them for a while either, as they want you to find who you are before you decide to be a hero or not.
And whether you decide to be a vigilante or just a civilian, they support you the entire way. Even if you pick to be a hero, they’d still be overprotective since you are the youngest, much to your annoyance, but you know its cuz they love you.
They all love you, and you love them. And if you choose to be a hero and base your outfit around your dads and it makes him cry, who will catch him with the helmet on. The other heroes think you are adorable too. You have youngest child privilege in the hero world, learn to wield it.
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sepia-stained-sunset · 11 months
Stalker! Tim but only because their universe has set and reset so many times that things have started glitching and one of the glitches is that Tim has a head full of random facts about his family that he Should Not Know.
Dick: God, I miss that show
Tim: Agreed. You cried so much when it got cancelled that you missed school for a week
Dick: How do you know that?
Tim: Uhhh...I... don't...know...?
Bruce: *reaching distractedly for some garlic bread during a gala*
Tim: *not paying attention, grabbing it from him on instinct* Best not. Don't want another international incident do we?
Bruce: *wide eyed* How- Barbara scrubbed every record of that, she made sure of it
Tim: *equally shocked* I- I- okay?!
Duke: I had the biggest crushes on-
Tim: I know. You had their posters up till you were 14
Duke: Why-
Tim: Whydoiknowthatwhydoiknowthatwhydoiknowthat-
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the-undead-robin · 3 months
recently tim is a big fan of taking pictures of us through our windows and sending them to us from unknown numbers when we piss him off. its like him going “im in your walls” but he’s taking it a little too seriously but he thinks its SO funny
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au where the batkids just sort of,,,,,,invent a new batkid
it starts fairly innocuously, a cowl for someone’s costume ends up the wrong shape or the wrong colour. dick, having dropped by the cave to hand off some evidence or beg alfred for his new potato recipe (most likely both), sees it and his instant reaction is oh my god did bruce adopt another child vigilante? he’s colour-coding us now? fucking splendid
the confusion is cleared up quickly, but everyone got such a good laugh out of it that they keep the new helmet, insisting it belongs to bruce’s new kid ecurb. their vigilante name is Shadow The Dark Lad Blackwing Moron-With-An-Orange-Helmet Batbird. ever so creative.
(bruce doesn’t want to know.)
they collectively design a new costume for him. they convince oracle to help them get ecurb into the system, though it really doesn’t take much convincing, just a bit of dick’s puppy eyes and the utter ridiculousness of the situation that has her cackling. ecurb’s backstory is that he was part of travelling circus in america when he was kidnapped, held as a hostage, and tortured by the joker, during which he learned of batman’s true identity and also How To Fight Good, then was sent to kill bruce but was adopted by him instead. he’s a little older than damian but a little younger than duke, fights exclusively with brass knuckles, and his costume is black with orange polka dots.
(bruce really doesn’t want to know)
they talk about good old ecurb, or batbird depending on the company, amongst themselves all the time. good old ecurb, the only bat fast enough to get cass in rooftop tag. i heard ecurb took on bane with nothing but a water balloon and an empty laptop case and won. well i heard ecurb can get the gotham’s corrupt politicians to apologize to him. yeah, well i heard ecurb’s secretly a meta whose power is to neutralize other metahumans, and bruce keeps him as the ultimate contingency plan.
they talk about ecurb so much that the justice league believes bruce really did acquire a new child. other superhero teams are a little more skeptical, but after several select appearances in which different batkids donned batbird’s armour and were conveniently caught on camera, even they start to believe it. the titans really want to meet this new vigilante who can actually, consistently get dick to sleep. young justice want to fight him. but ecrub’s always undercover, or on a mission, or recovering because bruce trusts him so much, he’s already putting him in charge of the big stuff.
(bruce really really doesn’t want to know)
there are legends about ecurb. photos of him looking powerful yet mysterious, a carbon copy of batman but with orange polka dots. there are stories of the villains ecurb took on singlehandedly and won. apparently the green lantern corps contacted him and he turned them down. apparently he infiltrated the fortress of solitude and now is the leading expert on kryptonian tech. ecurb doesn’t fall off a cliff, he just changes the altitude of his fight. ecurb crashed a plane into a mountain and the mountain apologized to him.
they fake ecurb’s death as part of a plan to save the world. over a hundred heroes show up at the funeral. clark’s heart aches at bruce’s red-rimmed, watery eyes. bruce is two seconds away from collapsing on the floor in disbelieving laughter. ecurb rises from the dead a couple weeks later, no worse for the wear. his new costume now includes orange and pink polka dots.
the bats swear to take the secret to the grave.
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not-back-to-this · 29 days
Tim: Steph kinda reminds me of the dragon from Shrek, doesnt she kinda remind you of the dragon from Shrek?
Dick: No??? I really like her though because-
Tim: The dragon???
Dick: ... no ... Steph...
Damian: You have no critical thinking skills
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theaceofarrows · 9 months
Red Hood teaches Crime Ally kids "life skills" that consist of the following⬇
The best way to change a tire
The best way to steal a tire (or 4)
How to hotwire any vehicle in under 20 seconds
How to give someone a major burn using Shakespeare qoutes as insults
How to guilt trip Batman into giving you candy 101
Bruce isn't super happy about it, but the Crime ally kids love it and Jason loves making Bruce's hair turn grey while also helping the kids
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 2 months
Does anyone know about this Tim Drake x Reader fic where I think she gets kidnapped by R'as Al Ghul and ig he wants to have Tim's children or something like that and she's like" the only person who gets to have his sperm is me!"
maybe this was a giant fever dream because as I type this out I realize just how crazy I sound but I could've sworn that I've read a fic like this before
i feel like there was a helicopter involved as well
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yaderyngoch · 9 months
Please consider: Tim's really into D&D. He doesn't have much time for it after High School but in Middle School and High School he got really into it. Bruce wanted to encourage him to have a social life and not be constantly working on Robin stuff, so he let Tim turn one of the rooms in the manor into the D&D room.
One of Tim's fondest memories with Bruce is Bruce staying in one night to help Tim paint miniatures. He makes mistakes as a dad but he's trying harder to make time for his kids.
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redrobbingabank · 11 months
Headcanon that older Batkids will make big deals out of younger kids' injuries to distract them while they're treated.
Dick happens to be in town the first time Jason gets shot in the shoulder, and while Alfred is cleaning it up he comes zooming into the cave like 'AYYY BABY'S FIRST BULLET WOUND'.
And internally he's flipping his shit cause that's a child and WHY WOULD BRUCE ALLOW JASON TO DO THIS DID HE NOT LEARN FROM DICK'S BULLSHIT
But he can't let Jason see that so instead he shows him the scar above his knee where he first got shot and hypes him up about the scar and offers to take a picture. Jason slowly stops crying and gets excited, and Alfred eventually has to tell him to sit still because he and Dick are playing off of each other and the chaos is growing.
Dick does the same for Tim, and Jason obviously wouldn't when he first gets back, but a couple years down the line Tim gets trapped under some rubble and Jason is the first one there. To mitigate his own panic attack and help Tim out of the one he's currently having, Jason falls back on Dick's methods. He convinces Tim that it's a rite of passage to be stuck under the building. There's some deeply concerning jokes about how Jason's experience was cooler, but in the end they have a selfie of them together(Tim's lower half is still trapped under concrete and his face is all twisted because it hurts). Dick puts it in the scrapbook(there is a scrapbook at this point. They take turns hiding it from Bruce because he hates it. The covers are Jason and Steph's gravestones.)
The thing is, the tradition doesn't feel quite right until the Robin before you participates. After Damian becomes Robin, he gets loads of pictures in the scrapbook from Dick. There's even a few from Jason. None from Tim. He pretends he thinks the whole thing is idiotic, but it still bothers him.
Then he breaks several bones fighting Bane, and Tim swings by the infirmary. Damian pretends to be annoyed when Tim shows him the scars from the last time he and Bane met. He scowls at the camera. But Dick often catches him staring at that page in the scrapbook.
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confused-wanderer · 2 months
Do you ever think Nightwing can sniff out candies like a bloodhound?
The batfam doesn’t like to admit they all stole Bruce’s ideas of having lollipops and snacks for children. So they try and hide it as much as they can. But when Nightwing drops by, it doesn’t even take a second before he’s confidently striding upto them, taking a candy out and popping it in his mouth while walking away in one swift motion, as if this whole act was so casual it was basically mocking the painstaking efforts everyone went through trying to hide their empathy.
Dick Grayson always did have a habit of knowing exactly where they all hid their hearts.
That fucking asshole.
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kindly-gourd · 2 years
The Batfam’s Safe Foods:
Bruce - peanut butter. He eats it with a spoon right out of the jar. Alfred reluctantly allows it because at least he’s eating.
Dick - Cap’n Crunch’s Crunch Berries cereal. Jason think’s it’s disgusting. Dick says he just can’t handle the Crunch™️.
Jason - animal crackers + Nutella. A man of culture.
Tim - veggie straws. Damian secretly eats them too sometimes, despite criticizing them for being bland and having none of the nutritional value of actual vegetables. (Alfred knows. He always knows.)
Damian - fresh fruit, cut into bite sized pieces. He will also settle for fruit cups but he prefers fresh fruit.
Cass - peanut butter. She picked this up from Bruce, to Alfred’s dismay. They each have a personal jar. Also cheese sticks, but they aren’t always at the manor because Tim will eat them despite being lactose intolerant.
Duke - peanut M&Ms. It’s not really food but he argues that if Dick can have cereal for any and sometimes every meal, he can have his M&Ms that at least have real peanuts in them.
Bruce makes sure Alfred keeps everyone’s safe foods well stocked, even when they aren’t staying at the manor. Just in case.
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Can you please do a plotonic Alien Reader x Damian Wayne?
Basically, the reader is from an alien race that is known to raise their hatchlings in groups/ colonies.
Reader just takes one look at Damian after joining the heros, and was like "yep, that's also my child now."
Reader just helping Damian with his sensory issues and being a somewhat emotionally available parental figure.
- 🦊
Platonic Damian Wayne and Alien male reader
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Imagine the reader and Batman hissing at each other like angry alleyway cats because they both are adoption addicts, and have spotted an orphan at the same time.
You were from an alien species. You were reptilian in appearance, think Argonian from Skyrim, except you are taller and more built, have 6 eyes, 4 arms, and a long flexible tail.
What makes your species special is the fact that most have an elemental power of some sort. For most it isn’t very powerful, but for you it was strong enough that you were able to defend your home planet from invaders, singlehandedly.
Where most of your kind will only control one element, you are able to use all of them, and even able to do things like warp energy, magnetism, liquification, and more.
Your power is what has helped you defend not only your home planet, but earth, and the universe. But it has also hindered your ability to take part in your people’s tradition of raising children in colonies. You are so powerful your duty is to protect the universe, meaning you are far away from home most of the time, which leaves you feeling like you’re missing something most of the time.
Your species feels a deep urge to love and raise young, and things like adoption is very common as all kids are pretty much mutual ground, though children tend to have one or two people they prefer more than everyone else.
This also leads to a lot of outside adoption, as your people see children as most precious and think all children deserve a great future and good childhood.
When you met the justice league for the first time, it was because you were hunting down the current big bad who had wanted to destroy your home planet, and they fled to earth. The league didn’t even have time to take the guy down before you had smited him with lightning strong enough to make Zeus sweat.
It took a while for the league not to think you were a threat, but thanks to the green lanterns having worked with your people before, they were able to explain who you were and act as translators.
Your species doesn’t possess vocal cords the same way earthlings do, resulting you in having to use some of your powers to allow you to speak in a way they understand. There are new heroes on your home planet, so you are able to stay on earth.
Your people see it as a trading of information, like an exchange student program, as they are curious about the league and the league is curious about you, since you are rumored to be very powerful throughout the galaxy.
When you see all the young heroes for the first time you almost have a heart attack, because why would these adults allow the young ones to go out and put themselves in danger like that.
It took some explaining from Hal and other Lanterns to explain the cultural difference, and though you aren’t a fan you accept that its part of their culture, and that children aren’t coddled here like on your home planet.
On another note, you become quite popular with the younger heroes, since you always try to help out and treat them as equals.
The first time you meet Damian the parental part in your biology immediately starts chanting and making noise, pointing at Damian, and yelling “our child now”.
Of course, you can smell he’s batman’s offspring, but you notice that Batman doesn’t meet the standards for a guardian, and before anyone knows it you’ve scooped Damian up and declared him yours.
This of course doesn’t happen one day to the next, it takes a lot of bonding and getting to know each other. Damian has no idea what to do with the fact that you are so willing to be emotionally available to him, as he’s never truly had that.
 When you learn that Damian is autistic (my hc), you immediately start researching autism in humans and how it affects them and their daily lives. This becomes very useful in your everyday life too of course, but it’s mainly for Damian.
Damian liking animals so much probably helps too, since you look like a lizard for the most part. You liking to sunbathe for warmth results in Damian joining you even though he doesn’t need it, and that becomes your spot. That’s when he opens up to you about his issues after a while, and you grow closer.
You start carrying noise cancelling headphones around when you learn Damian gets sensory overload, and use your powers to block out noise or light if it becomes too much for him.
With Damian comes the rest of the bats, and you are more than ready to adopt all of them. You don’t even comprehend how this isn’t normal for earthlings, so when you start to refer to them as your pod or colony, you don’t notice the confused looks you get.
Cue confrontation with Bruce, though to everyone else it just looks like two feral cats puffing up at each other and hissing a bit. You end up having to get outside help to figure it out, and after that you two figure it out.
Some of your teammates and the batkids definitely make fun of you guys for being coparents. I can imagine Jason calling himself a child of divorced parents even though you and Bruce are nothing but friends.
But even though you’ve pretty much accepted all of them into your colony, Damian is still your baby. He’s just young and small and you want to protect him, even though he hates being babied. Damian will never say it out loud but he likes being someone’s number one no matter what.
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sepia-stained-sunset · 10 months
Ok, but Duke being the only younger brother Dick has to legitimately work on impressing though?? My new favourite headcanon.
Like, Jason looked up to him because he was the distant older sibling who was there first, Tim thought (and still thinks and will forever think) that he hung the stars, and Damian got closer to him after they both put in the world but admired him on his own.
Duke, though, is like, "meh, I've seen better (teasing)" and Dick rises to the challenge instantly.
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jasontodd-is-alive · 1 year
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