#Big Brain
ashthefrogprin · 7 months
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I thunk of somethin
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mothman4life · 10 months
gotta say i am very pleasantly surprised the barbie movie didn’t have barbie and ken end up together as a resolution to their conflict both as aro rep and support of the idea that women don’t owe men relationships
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linksboobs · 11 months
Just fuckin realized when time scares wars with the stalmask or whatsver the fuck it's called (I haven't picked up mm in so long) and twilight just stares at him with this look
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Beasties | 1991
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wercobubblvs · 8 months
Percy: Werewolves are almost impossible to kill. You need silver bullets or celestial bronze
Nico: Why don't you just feed them chocolate?
Percy: Why would I- OH MY GODS!!!
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wojakgallery · 2 months
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Title/Name: Big Brain Tesseract Cube Known As: In geometry, a tesseract or 4-cube is a four-dimensional hypercube, analogous to a two-dimensional square and a three-dimensional cube. Wojak Series: Brainiak (Variant) Image by: Unknown Main Tag: Brainiak Wojak
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veryrealauthorthings · 2 months
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skillzissuez · 4 months
Lovers who Know it’s hopeless. Lovers who have no choice but to inflict final wounds on each other. Lovers who are tragedies, embodying broken narratives and misshapen tales unraveling at the seams-destined for dissolution.
Lovers who, despite it all. Love each other anyways. Like love; despite the torment, is the sole refuge they understand. Like love; was an indelible script into the very marrow of their bones.
Lovers who were sculpted to love- yet cursed to meet their demise in its embrace.
Lovers who, despite it all. Count the stars in the skies, hold each other close on a cold night, and choose each other again and again.
Lovers who will continue to love each other even knowing that it defies reason. Even knowing it will end. Even knowing that they will wilt to the prelude of the inevitable.
Even knowing it, they will embrace it; for what were they made for if not each other?
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whumpster-dumpster · 10 months
Never been prouder to be in this community as the knowledge I've absorbed here allowed me to translate the jargon of some test results, breaking down medical abbreviations and prefixes related to x conditions that had my family looking at me all surprised and impressed 🏆
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taylortruther · 1 year
One thing about the album is the subtle narrative progression on so many different topics on the standard version. Ideas and even just words repeating in later songs. I think the journey from Anti-Hero to Mastermind is that she accepts being the Anti-Hero. It's like when she said in an interview that she is going to stop pretending like her career success is an accident and not a product of what she did. I think that acceptance is actually in the jubilant final chorus of Anti-Hero after the breakdown. She never says she is going to change or even try harder to be more heroic in that song. When we get to songs like Vigilante Shit, Bejeweled, and Karma she is embracing the Anti-Hero qualities of those songs. Mastermind then caps that off where it sounds like the name of a comic-book villain.
oh... my god? i have nothing of value to add here, but i just want to elevate this ask because your brain is huge. the pipeline of being an anti-hero and then embracing being a vigilante and a mastermind through the end... i love you and thank you for sending this
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lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
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A bunch of manic eepy doodles part 2
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I know this may have been super obvious to everyone, but Krang was MUTATING everything. And at first I thought, “Yeah ok, so?” but then I thought about it again. We know at this point that the source of all Yokai was a decomposing Krang body at the Crying Titan. But then I wondered “yeah but if Krang is the source of mutation, why didn’t everyone mutate into animals? Lol'' and I simply thought it was a plot hole. But the way the ooze works in Rise and most variations is that you don’t change into random things, you change into what animal you were last in contact with.
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And what were all the citizens in last contact with?
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So my theory is that it's the Krang BLOOD that acts as ooze. With their biology acting as the foreign agent that triggers what they will mutate into. And because the Krang have such strong powers (mental and otherwise) that explains why it almost looks like a zombie hive mind.
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But wait
If the EPF cured all the citizens does that mean they can cure the mutants-
No never, first of all it doesn’t seem that any of the mutants want to be human again (except Rupert Swagert but it wasn’ that he wanted to be human he wanted to be on tv again). And brings us to the main difference between the ooze and krang blood. The ooze at the crying titan has been there for thousands of years, the krang it comes from is just a husk of who it was and is incapable of giving a viable dna source. In this time it's not hard to think the blood, after mixing with the environment and all the animals all this time, evolved as the creatures it infected eventually evolved into what we know today as Yokai. Without the external factor of a Krang jerk to control them. Plus the Krang blood ,even though it seems to attach pretty quickly, also seems to take longer to fully integrate into the body. Which is also why there were so many krangs in the future.
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Then I thought about the Crying Titan, the source of all Yokai power and Draxums’ relationship to it. One of the things I always liked about Draxum was his vine attack which is so cool and versatile. And i wasn’t surprised to see Krang using that same sort of attack. My first thought was “oh cool they just like vines’
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but NO. Draxum ,like all yokai, is technically a descendent of the Krang. That combined with the fact he's an alchemist who made the ooze\squitos, spent so much time at the Crying titan collecting samples. If you don't know alchemy you know that it's based on chemistry. So it almost makes sense that a chemist who spent all his time studying the ooze would eventually learn how to use it in the same way the Krang did and how Krang didn’t know what RAph was cause mutants and yokai didn’t *exist* before they arrived
Not to mention the Titan has HORNS like someone else we know!
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So it’s even possible that the Titan was about to be Krangified and sacrificed himself to stop the Krang in him. CAUSE LOOK AT HOW THE CRYING TITAN IS HOLDING HIS EYE
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And now Draxum pays homage to the Titan by wearing his horned. And if he was descended from the Titan, theorized by Jade, then it also explains why he has the rank of Baron AND why he was so obsessed with protecting yokai. Cause how could he not after he’s descended from a TITAN
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hypnoneghoul · 6 months
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mirukosbitchywife · 1 year
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mean gfs with their sweet gf...... thinking so hard rn
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wojakgallery · 2 months
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Title/Name: Big Brain Elephant Wojak Series: Brainiak (Variant) Image by: Unknown Main Tag: Big Brain Wojak
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thequeenofsarcaasm · 4 days
EVA unit 00 and EVA unit 01
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Shinji Ikari
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Kaworu Nagisa
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Asuka Langley (I just wanted to include Maki cause I love her)
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