#Bobo Del Rey x Doc Holliday
Hollirey Week (Nov 30-Dec 7) Prompts
November 30th : Tempestuous, Fine line, Abandon 
December 1st : Grounding, Haven, Escape   December 2nd: Dance with the Devil, All in, Act of Desperation   December 3rd: Fallen, Spiral, Pieces   December 4th:  AU   December 5th:  Vices, Push and Pull, Collision Course   December 6th: Bury the Past, Burn, House of Cards
December 7th: Free Day
Now, these can be anything from moodboards, to drabbles, to art, to whatever you feel like creating! Point is to just have fun and be as literal with the prompts or out of the box. Any questions or concerns feel free to send in the ask or dm me directly! And don’t forget to tag Hollirey Week or @ this blog so that we can post all your creations! 
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Learning Curve
Series: Wynonna Earp
Disclaimer: The pairing and plot are mine and the characters are borrowed in this work of fan-made fiction off of which no money is made.
Pairing: Hollirey
Rating: PG
Self-indulgent drabble regarding a personal HC that the one sure way of making Bobo Del Rey uncomfortable is anything soft and tender because that's when feelings are at risk. Given a choice, he prefers less gentle encounters because then it doesn't have to mean anything. So when faced with something that goes against that, he does the only thing he knows how to do; run.
Thankfully for them both, Doc is far more stubborn than Bobo could ever be scared.
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Learning Curve
“Is something up?” The question has Doc slowly shifting his gaze at Waverly who is watching him from the other side of the bar worriedly.
“Why ever would you think that?”
“Because you’ve spent the last couple of days looking at your phone with growing degrees of exasperation and annoyance.”
He was being obvious, he realizes and that wasn’t exactly what he’d wanted. “It’s...complicated,” he responds as he slides the phone into his pocket trying for a smile and sure it doesn’t reach his eyes at the moment, “but it’s...fine.” Except he has the sinking suspicion that it is anything of the sort which was most of the problem.
“Are you sure?”
He brings the cup to his lips unsure how to answer that without it being a clear lie. If he had to make a true guess; nothing was going to be alright until he went and forced the other to talk to him like a normal person. And the ground was shaky enough between them that he didn’t really want to muddy the water further by getting anyone else involved. So he takes a sip before murmuring, “I’m sure, Waverly, but thanks for the concern.”
It’s another couple of days before he’s absolutely had all he can take of the nonsense and he drives himself out there. He’s not even sure what he’s supposed to say or what excuse that might possibly work here but if he didn’t do something he was liable to shoot someone.
Or actually see what it would take to raise a man and then kill him again.
So without more than how he feels coiling him tighter than a spring, he bangs on the familiar trailer door and waits. Then he bangs again. Waits. Repeats. It’s the seventh time before the door opens with a snapped, “Th’ hell do you want?!”
“Hello to you, too, Robert,” he greets, “Mind if I step in?”
“Absolutely not,” comes the immediate response as the other’s demeanor goes guarded and wary, “I thought I made it quite clear to you that…”
And it was as far as Doc was willing to let the other go as he took a few steps in and crowds the man back into the trailer. “What part of ‘no’ was not clear in that?” Bobo demands teeth bared at him.
“All of it,” he replies amiably.
“How...You know what, I’m not asking anything else. Get out. And stay away from me, Holliday.”
“Now, Robert, I know you don’t mean that.”
“No? You want me to throw you out and see if I don’t mean it?” comes the low warning in a growled tone that should have him worried but honestly, he’d spent the week concerned about other things.
“Robert, what is this really about because I know something happened. You have never pulled away this hard before.”
“There is nothing between us for you to concern yourself about. Go back to Shorty’s and leave me alone, Holliday. I mean it.”
But he didn’t, that much was clear. In fact, the more Doc looks the more afraid the other seems. Of him. It hits like a freight train as he finally realizes what he should have known from the start in terms of this man alone: there were things Bobo Del Rey was used to, a lot of them. However, there were things he wasn’t and Doc had probably hit them all the last time they were together.
Robert was absolutely not sure how to handle what had transpired the last time they were together and he was running scared. Doc should not have waited this long to come and find him but he’d been hoping the other would calm down and talk. Clearly there were things so broken that he had to be more conscientious of them if he wanted to make this work between them. And he did very much want this to work.
“Robert,” he says softer this time, more gently, “I told you that I was in this to the end and I meant it. You can trust me not to hurt you on purpose. You mean way too much to me for me to just let this go. Confide in me or at least give me an idea here what happened.”
The warning was clear: he did not want to have this conversation. At all. But Doc was nothing if not a stubborn bastard so he takes an alternative road and leans the inches between them to press his lips to his softly, sweetly. And it definitely catches the other off-guard drawing a soft sound from low in his throat. Doc breaks it with a quiet, “You are not used to someone being sweet to you, are you? You have no idea how to handle this.”
“Robert, you deserve to be treated gently because you deserve all good things. Me being kind to you does not come with any sort of strings. There are no ulterior motives, nothing waiting in the wings to trip you up and trap you or hurt you worse, I promise. Just let me love you, you insufferable demon and stop hiding from me.”
“You don’t.”
Doc blinks at him a moment at the sheer audacity those two words hold. “I don’t?” he asks, “You tellin’ me how I feel now?”
“You can’t possibly…”
“Oh, I can and I do,” Doc interrupts him not wanting to hear the rest of it but knowing what he means, “You seem to forget, Robert, that I am not now nor have I ever been like Wyatt Earp. I do not abandon what should be most precious to me. I am a lot of things but what I am not is in the business of usin’ a man for my own ends.”
“You have every reason to. Wyatt certainly…”
“Wyatt,” Doc sighs softly, “Listen to me carefully about Wyatt goddamn Earp would you? The man neither deserved you nor treated you properly. Hell, I didn’t do you any much of a service either back then. But unlike Wyatt, I do not intend to repeat my past indiscretions where you are concerned, Robert. I do not.”
“Just...please go.”
“No,” he says firmly, “No, Robert.” There is something heartbreaking about the look he’s flashed, the look of just desperation as it becomes clear that losing him might just be the last straw in a lifetime of abandonment and he’d prefer to do it now rather than later. Doc reaches and tugs the other to him. “I’m not leavin’, Robert. I’m not. Not without a hell of a fight. You’re stuck with me, Bobo Del Rey.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Henry. Don’t you dare.”
“I’m not, Robert Svane.”
He feels the other shift so he can press his forehead against Doc’s. “I can’t…” comes the quiet admission, “I cannot do this again, Henry. I can’t.”
“And you won’t,” he tells him, “Not alone. I’m not gonna leave you. I’m not. I’m here and good, bad, or ugly here is where I’m stayin’. Trust me a little would you?”
“Do you know what you’re asking? Do you honestly understand what you are asking of me?”
“I’m asking you to let me have what’s left of you, yes. You hold all that I am as well if you hadn’t noticed. I love you, insufferable demon, so stop hidin’ from me because I ain’t nearly the scariest thing here in Purgatory. That’s you if you’ll recall.”
It earns a soft sigh before he reaches and lightly brushes his fingers along the side of the other’s face. “I know you’re used to people leavin’ when you need ‘em most, Robert. But I’m not goin’ anywhere without a hell of a fight and so much fuss the devil himself would get out of the way. I promise. You have to trust me better.”
“Trust isn’t something I’m good at. I did that with Wyatt, remember? And you know what that earned me.”
“I know,” comes the soft, sad response, “I know, Robert. But I’m very, very much not him.” And he'd do whatever it took to convince the other of that and of the fact that at the end of all things with him is where Doc wanted to be. Robert had become his home and his reason. He leans and gently kisses the corner of his mouth. “One of these days I am hopin' that you'll start to believe me.”
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stardust-andwine · 4 years
Explicit | Bobo Del Rey|Robert Svane/John Henry “Doc” Holliday | Wynonna Earp | Smut, Tenderness, Snark for Days  
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casualearper · 5 years
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Here are some of my favorite photos from the amazing @false.peak on Instagram!
He just released a bunch of never before seen photos from behind the scenes of Wynonna Earp, to help spark your #FightForWynonna spirit!
Go give him some love for giving us these, and, of course, give credit if you repost his photos!
I was told to spread the word, and now I tell you to do the same!
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singlelesbiansworld · 4 years
Round 2 of voting for Audience Choice Award begins TODAY AT 1PM.
Reminder: Vote count is RESET!
Website: 100 votes per day, just like Round 1.
Social Media: vote using hashtags "#CdnScreenAwards + #KatBarrell."
Pd: Its the same as last year, but this time its for Kat ❤️
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intricatecakes · 4 years
A last-minute drop-out meant Bobo del Rey was spending the few sweet warm months teaching at a summer college camp, alongside the hottest omega he's ever met. Their summer fling was strictly no strings attached, but it seemed that was easier said than done... 
Doc Holliday/Bobo del Rey, 6,128 words, thank u to the @hollirey Support Squad for the encouragement and dips in the lake
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haught-n-cold-gay · 5 years
I’ve been rewatching Wynonna Earp with my sister who is seeing it for the first time (after months of me trying to get her to watch it) and it is so fun to see a person react to all of the twists and surprises. I should record her reactions because she always looks like the human form of the emoji🤯 (except the literal brain explosion...I’m leaving that to Lucado...)
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wayhaughterthanyou · 6 years
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MichaelEklund: Like this one? Myself and @DominiqueP_C Behind the scenes. @WynonnaEarp #wynonnaearp #bobo
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shin23lee · 5 years
apparently, being the 'other woman' is a trend among the earp sisters.
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rowdy-revenant · 5 years
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Bobo/Jeremy/Doc OT3 for @strivia
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Attention Earpers and Hollirey Shippers!!
{{Since my first attempt at this wound up being deleted, I’m going to try this again...
Hollirey Week is going to be moved to November 30-December 7! So if you’re still interested in doing something for this fantastic ship, these are the new dates!!}}
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Splitting Open
Series: Wynonna Earp
Disclaimer: The plot and pairing are mine and everything else is borrowed in this work of fan-made fiction off of which no money is made. 
Pairing: Hollirey
Rating: PG
When Bobo Del Rey has a migraine and tries to ignore it, he ends up having to be taken care of. 
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Author’s note: As someone who suffers chronic migraine, I wanted to write a drabble with Bobo Del Rey experiencing them and having to have his partner and found!family taking care of him. So you get this. 
Splitting Open
It crept upon him in increments so he hadn't fully caught the warning signs too used to the thrum of the curse and the constant heat under his skin. It made him sort of push passed anything else that didn't hit him like a freight train.
Until the throbbing, stabbing pain centered behind his eyes has him doubling over and nearly vomiting mid-step. Ones like these that came slowly and then struck at once tended to put him out for hours if not a full day. And this was particularly problematic as he was on his way to meet up with a certain heir. He braces himself against the door of the truck and considers just canceling and telling her that he had better things to do and she'd just have to wait but...
Waverly would be there and honestly, he didn't want to disappoint her. His stomach revolts violently and he ends up gagging but at least the pressure has lessened somewhat. It grants him at least clear enough vision to drive himself to Shorty's. In hindsight, he probably should have just asked one of the Revenants to do this but there was no way he was having them see him in this sort of state.
It still takes him longer than he likes and he misses a couple of turns, twice. Hopefully, Wynonna didn't expect him to be punctual.
Getting out of the truck leaves him dizzy and realizing that this was probably the worst idea he'd had and that in retrospect he was probably not thinking too clearly as his head was throbbing and it was very hard to focus on any one thing for too long. He closes his eyes a moment to try and reorient himself which once again takes longer than he'd like. He feels hot and cold and dizzy. Clammy and not at all like he should be doing this. But something, something wouldn't go well if he didn't. The reason was now fuzzy but he doesn't like it so he forces himself a step at a time forward. The light hurts, sounds hurt, everything just hurt.
Entering is no better; the sharp smells and sounds only make him want to vomit again and he struggles to stay upright. “It's about time you sho...Bobo?”
He struggles to look anything close to cocky and imposing and is sure there's no point as the look he's getting is quite concerned. And when it's from Wynonna, well he's clearly not hiding anything. “Migraine,” he manages to get out, “S-sort of snuck up on me...” His gesture is shaky, sloppy even as he tries to sound like it wasn't as much as it was.
“Migraine,” Wynonna says slowly gazing at him.
“Mmhmm, you know; headache on steroids? Everything hurts, smells are vomit-inducing, lights are awful, noise is worse. Those things? Got one trying to stab me through my eye. S' fantastic.”
“Then why the hell are you here instead of laying down somewhere?”
He wants to point out what should be obvious; they had a truce and he was getting tired of being accused of not pulling his weight in it but his stomach decides at that moment to want to revolt and he barely manages to get to a trashcan before he's retching miserably the throbbing worsening. “Goddammit, Bobo Del Rey,” Wynonna huffs as she approaches, “There are some things you don't try to force yourself through. This is one of them.”
“'S not...like I'd get much in the way of quiet at the compound a-anyway so if I'm going to be miserable might as well do as you asked.”
“Except, I'd like you to be coherent enough to give me an update. You are clearly feeling like someone ran you over a few times and I really do not want to deal with you having to get a trashcan every few minutes.”
He wants to argue but at this point; was he really going to win? Everything was just making things so much worse. Footsteps approach and he grimaces. “Is he okay?” Robin asks softly.
“Migraine apparently,” Wynonna answers, “Should probably put him in Doc's room until he gets back and can deal with him.”
“Ahhh, yeah, if you do that let me get something that might help. I'll be right back,” comes his immediate quiet answer before the steps recede lighter this time. Bobo had to hand it to that one in particular; he didn't absolutely hate him.
The jury was still out on the others most of the time.
He can barely finish that to completion before he winces at just everything. And then there are the soft footsteps before something is slipped over his head and the noise goes silent. Oh. Headphones. Robin had...
Yes, he definitely would let this one live. Of course he's lightly tugged and he goes with deciding that he's had more than enough of all of this. Of everything. The silence helps the throbbing and he is far more pliant to being pushed into the familiar sheets on Doc's bed before he just curls up. He's pretty sure the headphones keep him from hearing anything that might remotely be insulting about his pitiable state whether it's imagined or real and he is fine with that.
Sleep comes in fits and starts until there is a gentle shifting and he blinks blearily up at Waverly. His angel smiles softly before lightly pressing and he moves so he's laying on his back wondering what she was... The feel of a cold pack against his forehead startles him somewhat but helps immeasurably. His eyes slowly flutter closed and he's sure she mouth's something but can't quite make it out as he settles once more.
The next time he awakens the pain has lessened and the still cold item against his skin tells him it's been changed recently. Slowly shifting it and removing the headphones, he finds the room dark but can make out the figure sitting in the chair nearby. “Henry,” he manages.
“Robert,” comes the soft response, “You should take better care.”
“T-to be fair I didn't exactly notice this one coming. It happens sometimes.”
“Well, when you knew you should have called. I would have come to the park and kept an eye on things. Wynonna, for all her faults, would understand not wanting to deal with anyone in that case. Your health is important to us.”
“Is it now?”
“Do not be daft,” the man warns him, “I'm sour enough with you for things to be uncomfortable but there is also Waverly who would like you to know and I quote 'you have absolutely no common-sense or sense of self-preservation and when you are well enough she's going to punch you for this' end quote. So maybe learn a little better not to upset your family.”
“She...said that?”
“That she did and I am sure she means it, too.”
He can't help the soft chuckle before he'd murmur, “Maybe not the worst thing to hear in all of this.”
Doc rolls his eyes as he moves closer before gently reaching to brush his fingers along his jaw. “I let Levi know you'd be here for a spell and not to worry about you as well as to keep your more tempestuous community members in check so that you do not have to worry.”
“You actually trust Levi to do that?”
“No, that's why I also called and repeated it to Hui and Howard both.”
Bobo can't help laughing softly. “You are certainly learning, Henry. And...thank you. For what it's worth, you didn't have to do that and I appreciate it.”
“Hey now,” Doc murmurs gently as he cups the side of his face, “We are partners, yes? That means I'm allowed to try and help look after the boys if I feel the need.”
“And we both know the boys need all the looking after in the world.”
“Ain't gonna argue that because they are frightfully bad at a lot of things. However, you are to worry about nothing and just rest. I mean it.”
“You know I'm pretty bad at that,” he remarks, “How are you going to be sure that I will?”
At that, the other straightens before removing his hat and making short work of his boots, pants and shirt before slowly sliding into the bed curling an arm around him. “Because, Robert,” he murmurs nuzzling against his jaw, “I'm gonna be right here makin' sure you do.”
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stardust-andwine · 4 years
I got dragged into the Wynonna Earp fandom expecting a kitschy, fun ride and ended up leaving shipping this absolutely unrepentant diva, Doc Holliday
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 With the King of the Extra Ass Fire Circles HIMSELF, Bobo del Rey
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And ya’ll wanna know the worst part? 
I’m not being ironic. At all. It’s for real. I think they’re the best match for each other. Oh, good lord. 
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wht-a-ugly-mess · 6 years
Nicole Haught
So my english isn't perfect but i'll try to express myself about all the "Wynonna and Nicole are going to became enemies" theories.
Nicole can't be Bulshar's daughter because the little cunt was in that box for a century unless there were sperm banks back in the day and they kept it and, i mean, that would be kinda funny and interesting but not the point, Nicole ain't a immortal 26 years old woman she was 6 when the massacre happen so...
About Nicole being a Clootie, it isn't impossible
Bulshar and Constance had two sons and I don't know how old they were when Wyatt killed them but still they could have got someone pregnant that run away from purgatory after the baby's father died. So the lineage could have continued.
Now that Nicole is turning 27
Nicole's birthday is in January (5th) and she was born in 1991 so she is really turning 27 and if she really is the heir it could affect her relationship with Wynonna but...
But there is something all these theories are missing
Nicole has risk her life over and over again for the Earp sisters and even if she is the clootie heir she would NEVER, LIKE NEVER go against Waverly and Wynonna and everything SHE BELIEVES IN
So this leads me to conclude that:
Lgbt fans are so used to be treated badly that when we get treated exceptional good we start thinking about all the ways it could go wrong in this case by saying Nicole will be the villain
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panda-grenade · 6 years
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My custom lego figures from Gemstarraw https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Gemstarraw
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soitgoeskolibri · 6 years
Is this relevant?
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