#But then it escalated to Five
trashiiplant · 6 months
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bro is going through it
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pencilofawesomeness · 2 months
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*baps Mystogan on the cheek* I hereby dub thee: a cat person.
Because drawing a happy Mystogan gives me serotonin, here's Myst and his now-half-indoor-cat Shadow, who he has successfully smuggled into the building.
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oktoramaa · 6 months
oh my god i hate them all [click for quality]
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rocksibblingsau · 1 month
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Fuck you
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sysig · 10 months
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Old habits die hard all the way around (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Sylvia#Wander#More of the Peepers is left in the care of the main duo idea lol#He managed to get to sleep! Everyone did in fact! Obviously Wander's gotta be the first one up tho#Peepers would probably be up first normally what with his average of like five hours of sleep lol but he was up late digging#Was he also protecting Sylvia and Wander by choosing to sleep near them rather than just digging a trap around himself? :3c#There are better odds in numbers but even still hehe ♪#He's also quite unused to body heat while he sleeps - all the Watchdogs sleep in their own cubbies but he has his own separate room!#Would it actually be comforting or would it make him restless haha#I like to think that it'd be harder to get to sleep but he'd sleep much deeper once he gets there :)#They really are adorable just defenselessly sleeping together ah <3 So little in that wide shot!#Wander was fun to draw for that one too haha I love his big silhouette expressions#Starting starting to fall into a rhythm with him! It's fun! :D#Big eyes and long silly limbs haha#Of course he's able to use his chaotic nature to completely undo all of Peepers' hard work haha#What probably took him at least an hour or so probably took Wander all of like five minutes to rectify - it's a skill lol#Nullifying his trap is just going to make him try to go even more all out next time! Escalating into ridiculousness haha#Until he eventually manages to back them into a corner only for Hater to take the pratfall lol#Silliness
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kristoph: the law is perfect. it’s absolute.
klavier: you literally manipulated it to get away with murder
kristoph: yeah, the exploits are perfect too. for me. and my crimes.
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ophii · 7 months
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cant draw backgrounds
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redgoldblue · 11 months
Fuck It Friday (also on saturday bc fuck it)
tagged by @itwoodbeprefect ❤️ ❤️ 
I’ve been doing a lot of rereading of the 23k of state of disrepair that’s already written and very little writing of it so here. y’all can join me in that.
“Again, I understand why you had to go on this little Eat Pray Love trip.”
Steve looks up, slightly startled, but doesn’t get a chance to say anything before Danny continues.
“And I’m not mad at you about it. But if you ever leave me again, Steven, I will kill you myself.” It doesn’t come out quite as rock-hard as Danny might have liked, softened by a miniscule waver in his voice at the end. Most people wouldn’t even pick it up, but he hears it, so he’s sure Steve does too.
“No vacations without Danny. I’ll write it down.” When Danny looks over at him, he’s looking back, quiet and heavy, solemn enough that Danny knows he understood.
“Exactly,” he replies. “Don’t start taking too long at the store either, or I’ll be heading for the kitchen knives.”
Steve shakes his head. “Of course your murder weapon of choice would be a butcher blade.”
“Don’t demean the classics,” Danny chides. “They got many a housewife out of a bad marriage.”
“You know, I don’t think I like the turn this conversation is taking.”
Danny stops, considers, and frowns. “Me neither. I think I just called myself a housewife.”
“And this a bad marriage,” Steve adds, gesturing between them, an offended emphasis on ‘bad’.
tagging @faorism @bookwhimses @osointricate @thomtrebond if any of y’all care to *to the tune of Devo’s Whip It* fuck it
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gojos-thot-patrol · 8 months
Okay, Anon Is officially turned off. I've gotten a lot of hate in my time, but to the person who thought it was okay to send me a novel about the way you want to hurt me:
What the fuck is wrong with you? Please seek professional help you are fucking sick.
This is your friendly reminder that I'm a real person, with real feelings and emotions. I'm fucking human, please treat me as such.
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regallibellbright · 7 months
Sometimes I think about my ideal Batman story, in which the Joker is killed by some nameless random Gothamite in the middle of a scheme with no build-up whatsoever, no mystique, just some henchman who he's turning on just saying "fuck it" and shooting him or some hostage managing to get free and then hit him repeatedly with their own chair until he doesn't get back up. It's quick. No one stops them. They're all too shocked it's working to stop them, and at the end of the day, EVERYONE wants that clown gone. That's the first action sequence and it's done by the end of issue one, preferably even at the three-quarters mark. (As far as I can tell he is considered dead at the moment, but it was climactic and showy and while he presumably exploded we all know he'll be back and probably be revealed to have never died at all somehow, and I want him dying in the most anticlimactic way possible.)
The rest of the arc's just dealing with the fallout. We see his body at the coroner's and confirm it is disposed of (thoroughly and in secret, so there's nowhere for assholes to visit or necromancers to try and resurrect.) People across Gotham throw parties. Some people OUTSIDE Gotham throw parties. Batman is in the cave making sure literally every means of resurrection is NOT available to the Joker, thank you VERY much, because he gets to be JUST shy of fourth wall-aware and therefore recognizes this is never going to stick and he'll be back as soon as the next writer comes on. No alternate universe versions are able to come through. There is no DNA from which to clone him. It wasn't a body double, a Doombot, or an elaborate illusion. He has been 100% confirmed to be 100% dead like three times in this issue alone. No time traveling Jokers to account for. Everyone else thinks Bruce is overreacting but when the Joker does inevitably come back ideally Bruce does get a scene being utterly unsurprised because on some level he understands that he is stuck with this fucking clown forever no matter what he does.
We get a mention that the random Gothamite IS put on trial for murder but it's unanimously ruled self-defense. This is the one circumstance where I'm willing to give this Gothamite a name. It is important to me they never appear again after this. They are here to kill the Joker and then recede back into the crowd.
Because the point is that the Joker dies like a fucking loser, because he's not some unkillable mastermind force of chaos, he's just a clown whose biggest win was killing a twelve-year-old, a feat he only got away with at the time because of an incredibly convoluted and even MORE incredibly racist plot point about him somehow getting named an Iranian ambassador. (No, seriously. That happened. It is every bit as terrible as you're thinking. There's a reason why adaptations cut it, but it's TELLING that the writers felt the need to come up with this contrived reason for why the Joker could kill Robin and live to tell the tale so they wouldn't have to utterly BREAK Batman as a character whether he breaks the rule or not.) Jason Todd is alive again. His second biggest win was shooting someone I'm pretty sure he didn't know was a superheroine, which was entirely incidental to his desire to torture her father which was ITSELF incidental to his desire to prove a point to Batman. And I have the DEEPLY mixed feelings of a disabled person who thinks Barbara Gordon's treatment in TKJ and especially editorial's approach to it was atrocious but who still deeply appreciates Oracle as a wheelchair user and such a nontraditional superhero, but ultimately: Yeah that's no longer a win for him, either.
So the Joker dies, it's made entirely clear that he is dead, he dies in a way that underlines how fundamentally pathetic he is and how fundamentally RIDICULOUS it is no one in Gotham did it before that point (because if you're going to die either way, why not go down swinging?), everyone celebrates, eventually even Batman's hypervigilance is appeased enough to eat some cake, and we get a good few years without that fucking clown everywhere until he inevitably returns. Hopefully by that point, everyone in reality considers how absolutely BORED they are of the Joker as some Ultimate Evil Super Successful Murder Clown of Doom, and when he does come back it's a version who's much more funny than scary.
Yes, my favorite episode of BTAS is Joker's Favor, but I don't think that changes the fact that the clown is overplayed and that having villains around who routinely kill is just narratively and objectively a bad choice to put with a character who you're defining by "does not kill". Like, you as the writer are weakening your own central thesis and then you have to come up with elaborate justifications why Batman Not Killing is right (because these comics are nominally still being sold to children, and also editorial will never let you ACTUALLY do it) when you could just solve the problem by not having the villains Batman fights routinely kill people. Knock it off. Yeah it's unrealistic but superheroes are inherently unrealistic, and yes, I'm including Batman, do you KNOW how much any given injury writers consider routine ACTUALLY fucks you up long-term?
Don't even get me started on Victor Zsasz.
Anyway I saw DC's doing a Joker Year One next year and just wanted to get that off my chest. Carry on.
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batsplat · 26 days
speaking of races i missed out from my casey recs post, deeply pissed at myself for not including assen 2007
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soldsouls · 4 months
I'm just imagining the first time Luci irritates one of the others enough that they sock him. They probably expect him to strike back or at least throw a venomous comment. He does not. Simply picks himself up and carries on like nothing happened. The confusion on their faces.
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Okay WHAT did you do
I don’t think you want to know that
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theood · 3 months
Sorry to beat the dead horse I live in lately but I'm so tired. A break from social media probably could help. If I figure out how else to occupy my time doing absolutely nothing. It's what I say every fucking day. Just wish I had friends. People my age around here to talk too. Even younger. Anything. I'm so fucking lonely. I love everyone I talk to online, I have meaningful connections with so many of you but I also haven't had meaningful conversation IRL in idk. Years probably. I haven't seen any of my old friends because we moved and I had to isolate myself because no one really wanted to hang out with me or could get here. And I really don't do anything, I can't be stressed. I can't be depressed I can't. I can't. I can't. Just like every adult in my life says. I don't know. I just wish I could actually see it's going to get better. Be better for me
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rejoyous · 3 months
Do you know how I got these scars? Because somebody purple murdered me!
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boygirlctommy · 4 months
im in an ethics class this semester and i half dont like it bcus trying to choose one moral code that all people do/should ascribe to all of the time is impossible and half bcus everything we do reminds me of sanders sides
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