no1canbreakyou · 1 year
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    I SAW TEARS GET MENTIONED AND I WANTED TO SAY-- my Shadow, MUCH TO his own shame and disappointment, DOES cry... more frequently than he'd like. He can usually keep it together, if it's an episode that comes out of nowhere, and save it for when he's alone at home. His sobs are like voiceless wheezing, and he usually tries to hide his face completely, either by burying it against a pillow or into his sheets, or even crumpling against the floor. If it gets that bad, he is the type to salivate while he cries, just looking a complete mess. But episodes like this are VERY rare for him-- usually triggered under extreme duress or an intense failure... after all, Shadow holds himself to ludicrous standards, so he's the ultimate self critic.
    He has NEVER let himself break into those ugly, visceral sobs in front of ANYONE who knows him now. The idea of being seen in such a way is terrifying to him, and he wouldn't want that image burned into ANYONE'S head... but it isn't to say it's impossible!
    When I wrote No1 a decade ago, he had been in a relationship with a Sonic, and back in that iteration, No1 did break down in Sonic's arms, face buried against his chest, fingers digging into Sonic's arms while he held him, and just squeaked out his wheezing sobs, mouth open wide as he panted out his crying but only wheezing instead of wailing came.
    He tries to be... perfect. It was easier when he didn't care about dying. It's not that he isn't able to be very serious and capable... in day to day, you wouldn't even be able to TELL he had all this baggage going on behind the scenes! And he intends to keep it that way!
    He's also the type to start crying without even realizing it, like tears suddenly streaming down his cheeks and he doesn't know why... IT'S THE TRAUMA! YIPPEE! But so far, only Team Dark (and Amy) have seen this side of him...
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lunatrics · 9 months
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Byleth was inconsolable after losing Jeralt. His death was never something she'd thought about during their days as mercenaries, but she also didn't feel much of anything until coming to the monastery. If it hadn't been for her time as a professor, I don't think she would have shed tears ; she would have felt lost definitely, but even though she loves Jeralt she wouldn't be able to feel strongly enough. Now? She sobbed over his body until she was exhausted, and that was the first time she'd ever felt so much it was consuming. She huddled over him, and she wouldn't let go. Tears stopped and stained her face by the time people arrived. Byleth still wouldn't let go, but she wasn't resistive, just completely out of it. When they finally got her to her feet, she didn't usher a word, and in a daze followed them back. The moment she was alone again, left with the reality of it, tears couldn't be stopped. She was in her room for a long, long time after that, because otherwise, she'd of still been in a dazed state around her students. Her students were and are the only thing that kept her moving forward during that period.
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mimisplayground · 5 months
Dr. Ratio…..Sunday….
That angel would have you by your throat with your face in the pillows faster than you can say his name. Would mock you in a faux sweet coo, watching you writhe and plead underneath him.
Totally would be into orgasm denial. Would spend hours bringing you to the edge just to stop and watch you sob. Would call you a filthy little animal for crying for him so much. Would call you his favourite stupid little pet :(
Sunday would be so mean to you all with a smile on his face and sweet tone to his voice.
Dr. Ratio wouldn’t even hide his condescending attitude towards you. Would ask if you’re genuinely too stupid to form words after a few thrusts.
And I KNOW it was just one scene of him in the bath but my headcanon is that he loves his white girl bathtimes. Would get frustrated if you interrupted it for any reason, a simple question or to let him know that you made him food. You would find yourself stripped down and promptly pulled into the tub, listening to the man grunting about how if you were going to be there you might as well be useful.
Bc free use kink….
Would TRY to cure your idiocy that he ‘diagnosed’ you with. Making you read out a book to him with his dick jammed deep inside of you with the excuse that its the only way your feeble brain can pay any proper attention.
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randomyuu · 10 months
i keep the warmest truth.
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Well you look at that. Another comic hahahaha why did I do this to myself—
But I do enjoy drawing this comic! It was a different kind of challenge, where this one focuses a lot on close-ups, so I need to learn about the subtlety of expressions. Can’t say I learn a lot (I use lots of copy-pasting of the same position lmao), but I still learn... something!
This beautiful one-shot fic is titled i keep the warmest truth by Dehawny. If I have to summarise the fic, it’s basically Ace!Gojou and Adorable!Yuuji. It's more like gray ace but better keep the “A” going, haha. And as usual, the fic is NSFW, so please do read the tags before you decide to give it a read.
Ace!Gojou is something I don’t know I need. I think I love almost every kind of Gojou headcanons, but Ace!Gojou holds a special place in my heart. I could be biased as someone in the ace spectrum, but the way Dehawny wrote Gojou and Yuuji’s interaction is truly heartwarming. And also a bit possessive, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Possessive Gojou is my jam.
And Yuuji. Oh, dear lord where do I even start with this boy. I don’t have enough vocabularies to express how much I adore Yuuji. Him being his horny teen-self and constantly worrying about making the pleasure mutual is too much for my heart. And he’s still understanding of Gojou’s sexuality. Yuuji is kind, like that. Don’t mind me as I’m crying out happy tears in the corner.
Alrighty, below are my thoughts as I drew this, as usual haha:
After I got a taste with comic-making from my previous GoYuu comic, this one is a bit easier to plan once I narrowed down the scene I want to draw. I wanted the comic to start with Gojou positioning himself and Yuuji in the futon, bringing up Yuuji’s question weeks ago, but that means I have to draw 10+ pages and I was like, “haha nope”. I still love my hands, thank you very much. So I start with Yuuji’s reaction after Gojou explains a bit about his sexuality.
Panelling is still a struggle. In a way that I still feel that the layout can be improved, but I can’t for the life of me figured out what needs to be improved. I guess this kind of thing will come eventually, but not now.
During the sketching, I must say I got super hyped drawing Gojou’s eyes. That eye close-up? I really want to try making it as ethereal as possible in an achromatic setting. It’s intimidating, don’t get me wrong, but I have always loved drawing eyes since I was a kid and this is a fun thing to test my love for eyes.
If I have to complain… it would be the intimate position of them laying on the futon. I never really try drawing “couple-like” positions before, but it was really hard! Like, holy shit, can you guys stop being so awkward looking? Where the hell did I draw it wrong??? Thankfully references have helped me a lot with positioning.
The line art took sooo much time because I realise I want to make Gojou and Yuuji more… buff (kinda) so I need to re-sketch a bit :(( but the result is better than the previous one, so I’ll take what I can get haha. And I start to really like using screentones for shading—once I properly learn how to do manga layout, I think I might fall in love with drawing mangas!
But overall, this is a fun process to do, and I hope you enjoy the comic and this rambling of mine! :D
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pep-rambles · 3 months
Lucifer is a Swiftie headcanons because I kin this man so much I am projecting my other hyperfixations on him
But also I mean c'mon,
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Look at him
yes there is RadioApple in this
-It probably started from Charlie. When she was in high school (post emo phase obviously) she may have enjoyed Taylor Swift (maybe Fearless got her through her senior year because I can't stop projecting) Lucifer started listening to try and have something to bond with his daughter about. But about the time Charlie kind of lost interest is about the time Lucifer doubled down on his obsession.
-He has been to basically almost every Eras concert, usually in really good seats because many a swiftie has offered to sell their soul for tickets. He said keep your soul just let him tag along.
-He is definitely an Evermore stan mostly because of relating too hard to the divorce narrative of it.
-Speaking of, Charlie has threatened to lock him out of his Spotify after catching him on the floor crying to “Champaign Problems” on repeat too many times. She never would but most definitely tried to ban him from listening to it for a month.
-She then caught him crying to “You’re Loosing Me”
-Angel Dust is most definitely  Beyhive (killer bee probably) and though initially joking that they are rivals the two men bond over their love for the two queens of pop, recommending songs and videos to each other.
-Angel is a Reputation Stan though 
-After one of Lucifer’s many tiffs with Alastor,  Charlie is expressing her frustration asking her dad why can’t they just get along and Lucifer explains that he doesn’t trust Alastor because “I think his ever-present grin is a little troubling” and is a little upset when she doesn’t get it 
-One day, Luci is sitting in the Lobby doing his work while listening to Taylor on shuffle. He’s casually minding his own business jamming out to one of her poppier love songs and Alastor wanders in commenting on the “Obnoxious trite little diddy” Lucifer doesn't even hesitate to take the bait
L: HOW DARE YOU! SHE IS A TALENTED GODDESS!! A DOWNRIGHT MUSICAL CHAMELEON! You are such a snob Alastor! Good music didn't stop getting made after your tiny little lifetime.
A: I never said it did but it's certainly not this frivolous noise!
L: Oh, you uninformed uncultured cur! She is a fucking poet!
He then proceeds to play examples for Alastor of her most creative and heart wrenching lyrics (he absolutely makes Al sit through all 10 minutes and 13 seconds of ATW) 
After all that though Lucifer will never get Alastor to admit that he finds T.S. musically talented (or that Lucifer did in fact catch Al tapping his foot a couple times)
        -Alastor does come to Lucifer, after a bit of research, admitting that though he does not find her music enjoyable, he respects her business cunning. Luci figures that's good enough. For now. 
-because I bet my non-existent Eras tour tickets that Lilith was a hater. I’ll leave it at that.
-OP works at Barnes & Noble and let me tell you there are about 80 different Taylor Swift magazines that even my swiftie ass thinks is excessive but Lucifer has every single one
-including the Taylor Swift paper dolls magazine (yes this is a real thing). He probably gets a few because he convinces Charlie to use them as a team building activity.
-He has at least 3 copies of each of the covers for the 2023 TIME Person of the Year magazine. 
-Also all cardigans. On a casual day he definitely lounges in them and has a set rotation of when to wear each one (and I am totally not gonna draw that nope)
-Well, it seems Lucifer is no longer crying to the depressing break-up songs on repeat but now he seems to be angrily listening to “Gorgeous” on repeat. Charlie asks him about it and he goes full denial mode “No no Charlie I'm not thinking of anyone specific, I've just been really into this song lately.” Everyone else in the hotel, besides Alastor, has already figured out what's going on
Alastor: If I have to hear that obnoxious noise one more time I will reduce that tiny maniac’s room to rubble as well as the abode of whatever sad sack is making him play it.
Angel: *knowing smirk* I'm gonna hold ya to that one, Antlers. 
-Al may very well hear it one more time if Lucifer uses it as his confession song (I don't fully commit to this headcanon, I just think it's funny) 
-Anyway boy’s probably in his Reputation stan Era b/c LWYMMD is like his long overdue big F-YOU to Heaven song 
btw this is NOT gonna end at these headcanons I am running with this idea like scissors.
@nose-nippin-fun (I know you're not a swiftie but we talked about this so idk if you care I can un-tag you if you want)
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loving-azerath · 7 months
No one asked for this. HOWEVER As a person with ADHD who gets the zoomies when I am overly tired. Here is the list of headcanons of how I think our COD men that I can't get enough of would react to you having the Zoomies :)
(This is inspired by something I did with a Konig bot....so uhhh....leave me alone about it?? KAY THANKS LETS GOOOOOO
Captain John PleaseCureMyDaddyIssues Price
The man adores you. He would laugh at your antics, and beam at you as you laughed at things that aren't funny but for some reason are really getting you fucking cackling tonight. He would find words that worsen your laughing fits and would say them right when you calmed down just so that you will laugh again and grab onto him in your fit. He would ADORE that you are so fucking cute when you get like this. John would also record them sometimes, if you were being real rowdy so he had blackmail and so that he could watch them when he's deployed just to beam at the phone because he misses your zoomies. You were in bed beside him one night, giggling because of something he had said. The giggle never stopped giving him the tell tale sign that you were about to get the zoomies.
"Uh oh Love, should I take cover?" He would ask and you would laugh and shake your head.
"No, it's fine. I'm fine. I am just tired." You would say and then start laughing again which would make him grin.
"Doesn't sound like you are fine. Sounds like I am about to get hit with a pillow and called curses that would make my men blush" He would poke and you would drop your jaw in false offense grabbing your pillow and slamming it on him.
"You fucking twat waffle what the fuck" You would say which he would chuckle at. If you tried to playfight this man...he would restrain you very playfully and yes you two would fuck. #AfterZoomiesPeePawDick
Johnny Soap Dial Mactavish
This man would get the zoomies with you! You think that he isn't laughing at the same shit? He would be wheezing he is laughing so hard. Some nights you two would be on one for so long that by the time you both actually stopped passing around the laughing fit it was near three AM and you had to work the next day. Worth it though because you LOVED those moments with him. Some jokes would make him laugh even the next day though when he would tell them to his friends at work they would NOT find what you two found so fucking funny it kept you up. That amusing. Sometimes when it was only you though, to start, he would make jokes aimed to drive you further into madness.
"Ay, bonnie baby I got a joke for ya" He would say which you ALWAYS fell for because you loved his fucking jokes.
"Tell me"
"Why was the Strawberry crying?" He would ask, and you would try to hold in laughter that was already bubbling in your throat and trying to escape.
"Why?" You asked, squeaky because you were trying SO FUCKING HARD NOT TO LAUGH.
"Because it was in a jam" He would say, which would have you rolling. Like full on clutching your stomach and every fucking time you would get air you would just repeat the last word. And laugh again. "Ghost loved that one too"
Simon PleasefuckmeGhost Riley
The man LIVED FOR THIS SHIT. When I tell you that he would watch you with so much love and fucking admiration. He would find this adorable 10/10. Like I picture him not showing it on his face much because I reckon he is a bit controlled with his facial expressions. But he would for sure just watch as you zoomed around him. He would also take videos and watch them on deployment because the thought of never seeing those zoomies again made him a tad sad. So he would do it when he missed you. Though you liked to playfight with this man and he would playfight back. He would throw you around and then eventually you would just fuck. He would pin you and you would tease him and he would rail you into next week where you would do the same thing again. <3 One night where you had a long day dealing with customers. You were tired but the zoomies called and you always answered with an enthusiastic cackle. Twas time to annoy your husband.
"Don't start with me" He would say, the look on your face clued him in. The stance. The energy. The small giggle. "No....don't fucking start with me"
"I don't know what you are referring to. I don't start anything. I am an angel" You would say and he would scoff
"Angel of fucking Chaos maybe." He would say "No...DON'T YOU FUC- I will throw you on your ass- LOVE, THINK ABOUT THIS"
It was too late. You were already throwing a mean false jab to his (untraumatized) ribcage. Which he would counter by grabbing you and throwing you onto the bed. Grabbing the pillow you would slap it across his body but he always grabbed it from you. Tossing it to the side. Until you were out of pillows. Only then would you unleash...the jump attack. Which he always caught as well. Slamming you right back into the bed.
"Thought I said not to start with me" He would say and you would giggle
"I'll fuck you up you Spooky bitch" You would quip which would make him laugh but he would also take it as it was. A fucking threat. And how did he handle threats from you?
He would fuck you. That's how. He would fuck you...you silly bitch.
Kyle Gaz littleBritishShit Garrick
He's a switch. I don't mean in the sexual way though probably there too. The man gives I would be on my knees in the shower eating you out vibes. However, in this case sometimes he would join in on your zoomies and other times he would watch. If he was joining in, you both would be slamming each other with pillows. You would try to pull the blanket over his head and he would body slam you into the bed. Sometimes if you were tickling him (Gaz is ticklish idc) he would accidentally throw you off the bed. One time you did hurt yourself and you both still laugh about it. On times that you are not joined he would make fun of you. He would make jokes and wait until you were almost asleep to make you laugh and each time you would break and you would slap his shoulder and his arm and he would pretend that it hurt.
"OW! You fuckin heathen" He would say which would make you snort
"HEATHEN? Who uses HEATHEN ANYMORE?! Are you from the 1800's?" You would ask and he would roll his eyes
"Piss off mate! You're being a gremlin and you know it! You just punched my shoulder!" He would retort.
"Have you tried not being a little bitch about it?" You would ask and he would chuckle
"Have you tried pissin off?"
"Yeah I piss off my boyfriend all the time" You shrug and then punch him again. Which turn into you on top of him. Pretending to punch while he pretends to block and plead under you making you laugh. Can you guess where this heads? Yeah bitch you get fucked.
Keegan P(ussy destroyer 2000) Russ
He would for sure watchyou for a while with a cocked head and an arched brow. He would laugh with you and would for sure record that shit and send it to you the next day. Only to be like like. "You're a fucking weirdo and I love that shit". I also think that he would without a fucking doubt call them crackhead hours. I don't know why that feels right. But I feel it would go like this. You would start your zoomies right, which would bring fear into this mans heart but amusement into his eyes and blood to his dick.
"Oh no" He would say
"Crackhead hours are upon us" He would deapan which would make you flip him off.
"Fuck you, I am not a crackhead" You would argue. "I don't do crack"
"Doll you are acting like a crackhead." He would state. Which would offend you. Which would start a playfight. He would also probably I feel get annoyed if you tried to fight him. He would for sure pin you in like two seconds because he wants you to stop trying to egg him on. He wouldn't want you to actually get a hit in because he was too confident to even defend himself against your weak ass punches. SO he would most def just pin you and then with consent of course fuck your brains out. :) Keegan gives GREAT crackhead hours dick.
König CouldShoveMeInTheDryerOnHighestSetting.
LISTEN! He loves the Zoomies and he finds them adorable. He is obsessed with you when you have the Zoomies. He likes how easy it is to make you laugh so hard you are crying. He likes how your face turns red from laughing so hard. He does playfight back but rarely and if he does he barely puts effort in because he DOES NOT WANT TO HURT YOU. He would most likely also record as well. He doesn't just watch them on deployment though he would watch them ANYTIME he missed you. Even if he was at work for a single hour he would pull out his phone to see the latest zoomies. Which his reaction to for the first time was hilarious. He was chuckling at your antics.
"what has gotten into you mein liebling?" he would ask with another chuckle
"Gimme your hand" You would order and he would carefully give you his hand which you would bite. Not hard at all, just enough to fix your affection aggression that was riling up your zoomies.
"Why did you bite me?" He asks amused that there was no pain but equally confused. "Did I as least taste good Schatz?"
"I needed a nom"
"A nom?"
"Shit sorry, I'm hyper" You would say "Wanna know what I call these moments?" You would ask, literally so amused with yourself you could hardly keep it contained.
"What is it Mein Engel, what do you call it?" he asks turning to you completely. Your energy having completely gotten his attention you were already giggling. Barely keeping the laugh behind your lips.
"Zoomies" You say cackling and falling into him with amusement which would have him cradling you in your laughing fit.
"Oh mein Engel. You are too precious" He would say. I need this man to fuck me so hard I see beyond this fucking galaxy.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 7 months
Holy shit, Always on the Sidelines had to be one of my favorite fics. As a person with chronic pain I always feel like I’m pushed to the side and like I’ll never find someone who will love and care for me like that.
If you wrote more I would def be happy
(ok. im fangirling a lil bit because i absolutely LOVE your jamie tartt fics and i cant believe my fic has become one of your faves! anyway, here's a lil snippet after the events of Always On the Sidelines!)
Here On Out
Summary: You're out with Jamie and your friends, but then your leg decides to act up and you have a bit of a breakdown.
A/N: hurt comfort! also, i headcanon that Jamie is a 1D fan.
You're really fucking bummed out. You were having so much fun hanging out with Jamie and the boys, your friends, because, yes, his friends are now your friends and they all adore you and you them.
Anyway, you'd gone to a club with them that was having a One Direction night. Drinks were flowing and you were having so much fun dancing with Jamie, then singing at the top of your lungs with Keeley, taking shots with the guys. It was all so much fun...but then your knee started acting up.
You excuse yourself from the dancefloor and Jamie follows you with concern. But you brush him off, not wanting to ruin his fun.
"I'm just gonna rest for a bit. Go have fun." He hesitates and you practically push him back towards the dancefloor, "Go! I'll be fine!"
"Alright. But you tell me if it gets worse and we'll go, okay?"
"Okay," you shoo him away and as soon as he turned his back, you hobble your way to the bathrooms so you can cry.
As soon as you enter the women's room, you lean against the counter and let out a sob. You curse your knee for causing you so many issues. You can't play football, you can't be on your feet for long, you can't even last having fun with your fit as fuck footballer boyfriend! You felt so...broken.
Two women, a brunette and a red head, enter the bathroom laughing but then stop when they see you teary eyed. They immediately rush over to you, "Oh my God. Are you okay?" The red head asks.
"Do we need to kick someone in the dick?" the brunette asks.
You chuckle, "No. I'm fine...kinda."
"What's goin' on, babe?" the brunette asks, looking genuinely concerned for you.
You shake your head, "I had a knee injury a while back and it starts to hurt if I'm not my feet for too long or doing extensive movements."
"Do we need to get you someone?" the red head asks, wiping away some of your tears.
You shake your head again, "No. It'll go away eventually it's just," you let out a deep breath, "It just makes things complicated for me. Like, I came here with my hot boyfriend and we were having the best time and now my knee started hurting and I had to step away-"
"Why isn't your boyfriend with you?" the brunette asks.
"I told him not to worry about me. Didn't wanna ruin his fun."
The door opens again and Keeley lets out a sigh of relief, "Fucking finally! Jamie's looking all over for you! You're not answerin' your phone!" She suddenly takes note of your teary eyes, "Oh shit. I'm getting, Jamie."
"Wait, no-Keeley!" but your cries fall deaf on her ears as she rushes out in search of your boyfriend.
Red head looks back at you, "Wait, was that Keeley Jones?"
You nod, "Yeah."
Moments later, Jamie comes in, hand over his eyes, "Is everyone decent? No one with their undies down, right?"
You can't help but snort, "You're fine, Jams."
Jamie drops his hand and zeroes in on you, "What's going on?"
"Holy shit," brunette starts to freak out, "You're Jamie Tartt! You're-"
Keeley steps in, pushing red head and brunette out the door, "Right! Let's go dance, ladies!"
"But I still need to wee!" brunette exclaims.
"Hold it in!" Keeley replies aggressively.
It's now just you and Jamie left in the room. Jamie slowly approaches you, hands on your hips to steady you, "What's wrong?"
You let out a sob as you tuck your face into his neck, "I feel so broken!"
"Love, you're not broken."
"But I am! I can't keep up with you and I fucking hate it! I hate hurting all the time. I hate making you cut your time short when we're out with friends. I hate that you can't fully enjoy yourself when we're together. I-"
"Hey, hey. Look at me," he pulls back, gently holding your face in his hands, "You're. Not. Broken. Your injury doesn't define you. I mean, look at grandad! Sure, he had to retire 'cause of his leg, but he's still out there coaching us, giving us a hard time, still doing the things he likes to do. He doesn't let his injury stop him.
"And you shouldn't either. I don't care that if we have to leave parties or gatherings early because your leg hurts. All I care about is you and how you feel. I don't like you being in pain. That's why I always check in on you. I don't want ya sufferin'." He wipes the tears the slide down your cheeks.
"What if you get tired of me? Get tired of taking care of me?"
Jamie shakes his head, "Never. I experienced life without you and I was fucking miserable. Besides, like how cuddly you get when I take care of ya. Makes me feel loved and shit."
"Jamie Tartt, you're such a softie," you playfully say, nudging his shoulder.
"Only for you, love," he murmurs before kissing your forehead. You two stand there, just cherishing each other's presence for a bit.
Keeley then pops her head in and says, "You two coming out soon? 'Cause a line is forming and these girls really gotta go."
Jamie steps back and asks, "Can you walk?"
"I can limp," you reply.
He shakes his head, "Piggy back then," he turns his back to you, crouching down a bit.
You do your best to hop onto his back and he lifts you with ease. Keeley opens the door wider for you both, "Thanks, Keeley," Jamie says and his looks at the line of waiting women, "Sorry, ladies! Me girl wasn't feelin' well!"
Keeley follows the both of you to the booth where everyone was sitting and taking a break from dancing.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Dani asks.
"My leg again," you sheepishly reply and the boys nod their heads in understanding.
"Feel better," Isaac says.
Colin chimes in, "Do you need help to the car?"
"Nah, mate, I've got it!" Jamie replies and pulls out a few hundred notes, passing them to Isaac, "Hope that covers our drinks and some of you lot!" the guys raise their glasses in cheers to Jamie and wave good-bye to the both of you.
Keeley and Roy follow you two out just in case.
"Can this count as some of me trainin', grandad?" Jamie asks.
"No," Roy rasps out and you giggle.
"Prick," Jamie mumbles with a smile.
When you get to Jamie's car, he helps you in and then gives Roy and Keeley a d hug good-bye. Roy nods at you and Keeley blows a kiss your way. You wave at them until Jamie drives away.
When you get back to Jamie's, he carries you to the bedroom you share. You undress while he runs a warm bubble bath for you.
Once it's ready you get in and he quickly undresses, sitting behind you. You sigh in relief as you lean back against his chest and he starts to softly massage your knee.
"See? Cuddly," Jamie murmurs against your neck and presses a kiss.
"I love you," you whisper as you close your eyes and let the water warm your body up.
Jamie's smiling wide. This isn't the first time you've said it to him, but it still makes him all bubbly inside when you say it.
"I love you too. Always will. From here on out."
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ghoul-slime · 6 months
HELLO oh man, I thought about this ask for two whole days.
Trying to think about my Mountain/water! Dew WIP that's been giving me trouble for weeks - which is because I constantly have DEWTHER on the brain.
But really I have been thinking about domestic Aether/Dew so much lately. Been thinking about how happy Aether is to have Dew back now that the tour is over. About how fucking badly they missed each other. How much harder than they ever thought it would be to be separated for so long. Now that Dew's back they're spending so much time together to make up for it. Dew cuddled up with Aether in a big cozy nest every night, snuggled up on the couch in the den together during pack movie nights. About how they can't keep their hands off each other. Dew resting his hand on Aether's thigh while they eat breakfast in the morning, Aether giving Dew sneaky little kisses to the cheek, pressed to his temple, or the crown of his head during mass. About how Aether still picks up the Fantomen and plays with Dew during practice. How they still spend time together playing and jamming and fiddling around with music even though Aether isn't playing with the band anymore. About both of them reaching out to swat at each other, to grab, to squeeze whenever they pass each other in the halls.
+Some NSFW thoughts under the cut
Thinking about how the first night he's back, Dew's off the bus and dragging Aether down the hall to his bedroom and kicking the door shut behind him. How quickly that first, sweet kiss turns hot and wet and heavy, all tongue and teeth and heavy breaths into each others' mouths while Dew tears at their clothes. How maybe they both cry just a little bit when they finish, laying tangled together laughing, covered in sweat and tears and cum and just so fucking happy to be together again. Thinking about how for the next few days the other ghouls only catch glimpses of them emerging from Dew's room for snacks or for water. Or a bath. How Dew wobbles in on shaky legs dazed and happy, hair an absolute tangled wreck, skin covered in light little bruises and bite marks. Aether looking exhausted but absolutely beaming with joy, his own neck sporting a set of matching Dew-fanged bite marks.
Thinking about how they can't possibly get close enough. It's not enough, Dew needs to feel Aether inside him. Perched on top of him, warming his cock for hours, doing his best to drag it out, keep them both from coming until they're both going fucking crazy with it. Or how Dew needs Aether inside his mouth, his cock or his fingers, his tongue. How Dew's mouth is attached to Aether's skin when it isn't filled with him. Licking a stripe up his pulsing jugular, sinking his teeth into the soft flesh of his thighs, mouthing hot and wet at his tits.
And thinking about how Aether can't get enough of making Dew cum, just absolutely addicted to making him fall apart as many times as he can wring out of him. Tonguing him between his legs until Dew is sobbing with it, or sucking him off until his cock is soft and oversensitive but he's still begging for more. Or maybe he's just slipping his fingers inside Dew's body, slow and unhurried, feeling his pulse from the inside and watching his pretty golden eyes roll back as Aether pets inside him.
For those first few days back together, when Dew isn't sleeping it off, Aether's working him up, taking him apart, drinking in the blissed out expression on his most precious ghoul's face. But as addicted as he is, nothing beats watching Dew sleep, peaceful and perfectly sated and finally back in each other's arms.
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sinister-things · 1 year
Hi! Could you do the rise turtles with a Singer reader who is kinda like melanie martinez, like the readers songs are metaphorical and talk about serious topics and has sick as hell fashion! (Tho their probably not as pastel pink as melanie)
Turtles × Singer!GF
Credit to morilicious . Their headcanons really helped me write this post
Note: I LOVE Melanie!!
Reblogs > Likes
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• I see Raph as someone who listens to "jam music"
• Like, something that isn't to loud, but also not to soft so he can still enjoy it
• He finds something he likes and sticks to it, but isn't to afraid to explore
• So when he met you, he immediately took a liking to your voice
• It was just so smooth and relaxing!
• He loves sitting in the studio and listening to you recording your songs
• Sometimes wonders how you manage your day-to-day life in the outfits you wear(but he still thinks your pretty)
• He also loves your passion for music and the rich story/meaning they have
• Is to afraid to tell you how pretty you are, so he just sits and admires from afar
• Loves cuddling in the studio
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• Before you two met he was actually a big fan of your music!
• This is the kind of guy who openly lip-sync's to Lady Gaga
• He's your biggest fan! He worships you
• He loves how you sing about such important issues and educate others through your music!
• LOVES your style
• Please do his makeup please do his makeup–
• He's walking around the lair all day flexing your makeup skills
• "Oh, this? My girlfriend did it. Isn't she the best?"
• Sneaks into your meet-and-greets
• If your songs have choreography, he's learning it or already has it memorized
• His favorite word is girlfriend
• Overall, he loves you and your never getting rid of him
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• Donnie isn't really the kind of person to listen to another genre. He sticks to what he likes and rarely changes it
• But one day, April brought one of her other friends to the lair: You
• While the others(mainly Leo) really liked your music upon first listen, it took Donnie a little while for it to stick
• But once it did, he would analyze all your songs and music videos for hidden meanings
• And he loves your sense of fashion
• He's over the moon!
• You have a pretty singing voice and listen to him ramble about his tech? You're literally perfect!
• He found out all he could about the music industry as a whole just so you guy's can have something to talk about
• He definitely helps you write/record your songs
• You can bet all my internal organs that he and plays your music when he's working in his lab
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• Unlike Raph, he will tell you how pretty you are
• No matter what you're doing
• "Has anyone seen Y/N? I need to tell her she's pretty."
• Literally has your entire discography memorized
• He's literally taking notes so he can be as fashionable as you
• You two are literally models whenever you go out
• Has an entire Spotify playlist dedicated to you
• Goes to all of your concerts
• And gives you all the kisses and praise afterwards
• Lord this boy loves you so much it's INSANE–
• If anyone DARES catcall you they will be dealing with Dr. Delicate Touch
• "This looks like a job for Dr. Delicate Touch!"
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snakxreader · 7 months
ANOTHER ONE the electric bungalow!
Filbo x journalist, fillbo just being overprotective and comforting to the traumatized journalist after POST CANON
Personal headcanon is that sprout sacrificed themselves to save the journalist and got jammed “literally and figuratively 😭” from the momma melon,
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A/N: As the world’s biggest Buddy kinnie, I love Filbuddy!! Tysm for this request! I cut out Sprout dying because it’s kinda iffy with my third rule, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!!
Filbo x Buddy (Postgame)
Trauma was honestly the worst, and Buddy could tell you that first hand.
Every night after Snaktooth made them feel awful, every nightmare of watching Lizbert and Eggabell’s bodies fading away, the roaring of the Bugsnax trying to eat him and their friends, the sickening feeling of the parasites all over their body when they were in the Undersnax.
It go so hard, trying to just live sometimes. Getting up everyday and pretending that everything was fine for his boyfriend’s sake. But they just couldn’t.
They blankly stared at the ceiling, cuddled in their comforter, not willing to leave their room today. Or the motivation to do anything. Their tear soaked fur was as messy as it was thin and bloodshot eyes from said crying. They just wanted to slowly rot, slowly decay in their bed.
They heard footsteps approaching from the door, and knew who it was without even looking. Buddy closed their eyes, pretending to be asleep, before hearing the door open. Silence.
“Buddy, I know you’re not sleeping.”
Buddy still kept their eyes closed.
They heard a sigh, and felt someone crawl into bed with them, tucking them gently in his arms. They felt their paw being rubbed gently by their partner’s thumb.
“Hey Buddy, bad day?”
“Every day is a bad day, Filbo.” They couldn’t help but growl, but their demeanor swifted back quickly. “I’m s-sorry.”
Filbo kissed them. “It’s ok, sweetheart. Just talk to me. Please.”
A choked sob left Buddy’s mouth as they clung onto Filbo’s shoulder, The mayor held them tightly, letting his trembling partner breakdown in his arms.
“I see them everyday, Filbo- all the stupid parasites I fed everyone, all the carnage, I just can’t do it anymore!” They sobbed. “I don’t have the strength to be strong for anyone anymore!”
“Then don’t be.” Filbo tried to reassure. “You don’t have to be strong for them, you don’t have to be strong right now.”
“But what about you?! You’re not dealing with this any better than me, Filbo!” Buddy retorted, sniveling. Filbo looked prepared to argue, but sighed and stopped. “You’re right. It hasn’t been easy for me either. But ot sure as hell isn’t easy for you right now,”
Filbo held Buddy tightly. “And I’d rather make sure my boyfriend is ok more than anything else in the world.”
Buddy broke down once more in his boyfriend’s hands, feeling loved and secured. They didn’t have to be strong right now. They could just be themselves. And felt amazing to them.
Maybe they wouldn’t feel immediately better, but they had Fibo. And maybe that was enough right now.
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ghostradiodylan · 2 months
What type of music would the counselors listen to?
I know some of my mutuals have answered this question before and I'm sure my headcanons will be influenced by theirs, AND I'm also significantly older than the counselors so they're probably listening to gen z stuff my late millennial ass doesn't even know about but here goes nothing!
Laura So much SIØBHAN! Just kidding. Laura feels like two completely different characters in the game so I have a hard time deciding what I think spunky but straight-laced, ‘this is my first cop,’ over-achieving pre-vet student Laura Kearney would listen to vs badass avenging murder spree Laura Kearney (but maybe she always had that inside her). Part of me wants to say, like, 80’s pop (Prince, Blondie, Tiffany, Michael Jackson, Pat Benetar, etc.) and part of me wants to put her in the hard rock/metal zone with Ryan. Maybe she’s a bit of both.
Max I believe it was Addie (@insertlovelyperson) who said Max would listen to country music where women murder their cheating or abusive husbands. That tracks to me. Maybe it's the use of Alma Cogan's version of 'Fly Me to the Moon' in the game, but I also tend to associate him with crooner type singers of the 40's and 50's (Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Dean Martin, etc), which is what I said he'd choose for karaoke. And because of this fanart I have no choice but to HC him as a major Ariana Grande fan, he's probably the one who chose the music for the drive to camp. So. Max has range.
Abi is the K-Pop/J-Pop stan to me but I know so little about that music beyond the crossover bands like BTS that I can't speak to it a whole lot. I think she'd also like some emo, pop-punk and moodier alt/pop. Avril Lavigne, Paramore, Melanie Martinez, Florence and the Machine, Metric, Lorde, Halsey, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Billie Eilish, Phoebe Bridgers/boygenius, etc. I feel like she's really into female fronted bands for some reason.
Jacob likes pretty much whatever is on the radio. He's a top 40 guy and has no shame about his enjoyment of Ed Sheeran and Justin Beiber, or about ugly crying to Taylor Swift and Coldplay. He rarely listens closely to the actual lyrics (and often gets them humorously wrong), he just goes on vibes. He discovers half the music he listens to via TikTok (not that there's anything wrong with that).
Emma is a theater kid through and through and loves broadway musicals. She goes through phases with each popular one. She's had a Waitress phase, a Mamma Mia phase, a Wicked phase, and a Hamilton phase, of course, and now she's into Mean Girls, Heathers, and Hadestown. Beyond that, I think she'd be a dedicated Swiftie, big Adele fan, and a lover of Britney Spears's entire body of work from the 90's through today.
Nick probably listens to stoner bro music. Like jam bands and psychedelic rock and stuff. He probably likes Dave Matthews Band and the Grateful Dead/Dark Star Orchestra, Sublime, Widespread Panic, Tame Impala, and O.A.R. Googling jam bands to remind myself which ones exist led me to the knowledge that there's an Australian psychedelic rock band called King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard and that name is so bonkers that I've decided without listening to more than a few bars that it has to be Nick's favorite band.
Ryan is a little bit emo and a little bit goth and a little bit old school punk. He needs music that's loud and moody to help sort out his feelings about life and drown out all the excess noise inside his head. He's into metal, the harder side of emo/screamo, goth rock, hard rock, punk, and post-punk. He definitely listens to Nightwish, GOJIRA, Mastodon, Lacuna Coil, Linkin Park, Rage Against the Machine, Bauhaus, Joy Division, Nine Inch Nails, Deftones, Thursday, Alkaline Trio, My Chemical Romance, AFI, Bad Religion, Black Flag, Minor Threat, The Misfits, Ramones, etc. He doesn't hate more accessible pop and rock music, but the closest he gets to choosing it for himself is probably something like The Cure or The Smashing Pumpkins or Depeche Mode, maybe some of the creepier Weeknd songs and Muse tracks too heavy to go on the Twilight soundtracks. He and Abi listen to Babymetal together.
Kaitlyn classic rock and 90's alternative. This girl likes the Stones more than the Beatles, though she'll listen to both. Led Zeppelin, Joan Jett, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Black Sabbath, the occasional hair band. She especially loves the 90's girl rockers like Alanis Morisette, Garbage, Hole, Veruca Salt, and No Doubt (Kaitlyn can't believe Gwen Stefani is married to pop-country dork Blake Shelton who sings that song about being your honey bee, because Gwen used to be so cool [I'm definitely not projecting]). I feel like she'd also love Bikini Kill and Sleater Kinney, Le Tigre, and The Donnas.
Dylan is the Music Guy ™ (and my personal bias/url namesake), so I've admittedly thought about his musical tastes more than most of the others'. The official Quarry website mentions his 'deep musical knowledge' and I imagine he has pretty broad views on what constitutes good music. He's got kind of a vintage vibe to him, maybe it's the reproduction band shirt from 1988, or the fact that he's into analog technology, or both, but I've noticed he's often depicted playing Queen or Bowie or something of that era in fics, which I think is realistic. This kid goes to the used record store and just buys whatever looks cool.
Fun Fact: According to the datamine, the chapters originally had literary or musical quotes at the beginning of each, and Chapter 5: White Noise (the radio hut chapter) was originally headed by the opening lyrics from Queen's 'Radio Ga Ga':
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He's also the only character we see play music in canon, so we know he likes... songs from random compilation albums with inexpensive royalties. XD Just kidding, but these are the diegetic (in-universe) songs we get to hear from Dylan's playlist at the bonfire party:
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All pop music of varying subtypes, so we know he appreciates a well-crafted pop song. I honestly am a fan of all of these. I think Dylan genuinely listens to everything but he seems like the type to especially like alt and indie pop, classic rock, garage rock, a bit of the more melodic side of punk, emo, and pop-punk, new wave, synth pop, electronic, and a little bit of hip hop that’s sufficiently nerdy white boy friendly (probably Beastie Boys, Run the Jewels, Post Malone, emo rap like Blackbear, etc). I also tend to gravitate towards early-mid aughts indie for him, like MGMT, Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, OK Go, LCD Soundsystem, etc. Just seems to match his vibe. I think he'd really like BØRNS, Hozier, COIN, Mitski, and K.Flay and probably have a fair amount of overlap with Ryan's more melodic picks (MCR, Muse, The Cure, etc). Dylan probably hates Morrissey but begrudgingly loves The Smiths and definitely cranks up The Killers in his car. He’s also listening to bands right now that you’ve never heard of but will be huge in a couple years. He can probably tell you the difference between subgenres like chillwave, dream pop, and shoegaze but don’t ask me about it because I have no fucking clue.
Since we’re on the subject, here’s my absurdly long and ever-growing Rylan/Radioheads playlist because I have a problem.
And my Sweet Summer Jams playlist, that’s just a bunch of random songs I think would be clean enough to play at a summer camp as long as the kids/your boss don’t ask too many questions.
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aberooski · 11 months
Fuck it.
Random Yugioh GX headcanon dump!
I've posted about some of these at various points in the past in more detail but yknow 😌
All in no particular order of course, just the order they pop put of my brain lol
Syrus is actually really smart, but school is hard for him because of anxiety
Alexis is the spitting image of her and Atticus's mom
Jesse's favorite song of all time is Our Song by Taylor Swift
They're all varying degrees of Swiftie
Crowler's favorite show is The Golden Girls
Jaden will accidentally burn down the kitchen if they let him try to cook anything
Syrus, Alexis, Atticus, and Zane all knew each other pre-series. Or at the very least knew of each other since Atticus and Zane were already friends.
Syrus is afraid of storms but actually really likes gentle rain
Bastion was always insecure about his skills and needed and craved validation and recognition from others
Chazz has a hard time expressing and understanding emotions and distinguishing different kinds of love and care because his family is so emotionally distant with each other
Chazz and Alexis are platonic soulmates he's just confused by the platonic part. They love each other but are not in love with each other.
On that note, when Chazz is able to finally move on from Alexis, they develope and almost brother/sister relationship
Alexis suffers from separation anxiety and paranoia after Atticus returns because she's so scared of him getting hurt or being taken away from her again
Jaden is so protective of his friends because he didn't have any as a kid after the whole Yubel debacle even though doesn't remember Yubel for a while so he desperately wants to keep the ones he has now at any cost and keep them from getting hurt because people have been hurt because of him Yubel in the past and doesn't want to go through that whole rigamarole again. Also because he just loves his friends, but that's a given.
Syrus has a scar from being bit by the duplicate Camula in episode 32
Chazz has scars from being abused by his brothers. Only Atticus has ever actually seen them.
Hassleberry has chronic pain because of his dinosaur leg that he hides so the others won't worry about him
The J-Squad never told Hassleberry about a lot of stuff that went down in season 1
Atticus is uncomfortable in the dark and has trouble sleeping when he returns so he sleeps with at least one light on every night
Atticus's positive and silly personality and quirks and eccentricities are all genuine and authentic, but they've also become a coping mechanism for his trauma after his return
Hassleberry is a massive Dolly Parton fan
Hassleberry's seen every movie Dolly is in. Steel Magnolias makes him cry every time.
Syrus doodles on stuff in class and like on his notes and homework and stuff. It's something he does to help him focus and think
Bastion actually really likes classic movie musicals. His favorite musical is My Fair Lady
Chazz says that he has a dog at home in the dub, but it's the family dog. He's more of a cat person.
Atticus, Chazz, and Alexis are a Sun, Moon, Star trio respectively.
Hassleberry and Chazz are the biggest hopless romantics, actually
Both Crowler and Alexis's favorite movie is Titanic
Atticus can play any and all stringed instruments. If it has strings, he can play it. But his best instrument is the guitar.
Atticus hosts weekly campfire jam sessions for the J-Squad down at the beach. He pulls out an acoustic and just plays songs for them to sing and have fun together
On that note, every single one of them can sing. All of those kids have vocals for days.
Chazz and Atticus have sleepovers dates every Saturday night where they get together and watch movies. Atticus usually picks and makes Chazz watch musicals and romcoms and chick flicks.
Chazz actually enjoys musicals, especially watching them with Atticus. Hence his quoting Bye Bye Birdie during his duel with Adrian.
Atticus's favorite movie is Singin' In The Rain
Atticus does a lot of dumb shit in attempts to impress Chazz or otherwise get his attention
Syrus takes more after his and Zane's mom, while Zane takes more after their dad. Hence her saying Sy's the one who got the looks 😌
Jaden doesn't even know what sexuality means let alone what his is. His sexuality is Jesse.
Jaden's mom is a pianist
Chazz's family is all sooo much older than his is. For example, his brothers are at minimum ten years older than he is.
The worst familial relationship Chazz has is with his brothers. He's his mom's favorite, and he just doesn't really have a relationship with his dad at all. Cold, distant rich old businessman dad y’know?
Chazz wasn't necessarily an accident, but I don't think they planned on having another kid so long after the first 2 either.
Chazz's brothers manipulate their parents' perception of them and their relationship with Chazz so they don't know how bad things actually are with the three of them
Jaden thinks it's really silly and fun that his and Chazz's birthdays are the bookends of the month of August since they're rivals and stuff
Chazz has naturally cold hands
One time after graduation the kids got Crowler a father's day gift kind of as a joke. But it made him so happy they get him a group gift every year. They got him a world's best dad mug
Everyone crashed the next year's graduation so they could see Hassleberry graduate number 1 in his class 🥺
That's all for now!
Part 2
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so i kind of went to see ajr this past weekend (they were absolutely phenominal btw, go see them if you haven't and you like their music) but during the down time i may have gone a little nuts with art. finally figured out my style, so that's good.
presenting: the babies
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some extra notes about all of them (that didn't fit into the ref sheet)
x: - even though x is very in touch with their feminine side, putting she/her as pronouns didn't feel right. it's not a part of his Main Pronouns, yanno? if someone calls them that, though, they won't really mind, though it may throw them for a loop. - x is the only character in this headcanon that doesn't prefer one set of pronouns to the other. they're fine with they/them as much as he's fine with he/him - "nanah" as a nickname is derived from the fact that they lowkey look like a banana. also because two and x have food themed nicknames for eachother. - instead of calling him "xy" for a nickname like in canon, i went with xie instead. this is because, if you're aware of miraculous ladybug, like you've seen a handful of the earlier episodes, you might be aware of the fact that there's a character in that show named xy. he's a horrible person and i hate his guts. can't associate my favorite variable with that guy, the hell? - they're very prone to wandering off while in a store. also, they must touch everything. - x is the most emotionally intelligent out of the three. - x's favorite food is a bagel with cream cheese covered in strawberry jam.
two: - two prefers he/him pronouns to they/them pronouns, but also he doesn't want to fully label himself as anything. either is fine, though he very slightly prefers he/him. - two is very himbo, but the good kinda himbo! he’s not unable to do shit, they’re genuinely really dedicated and smart, but he gets pretty distracted from the task at hand if he isn't fully invested in it. if they put their mind to something though, they will get it done. - four only called two "twink" once and two started crying laughing about it. he finds it hilarious. - is still british! that's an important distinction since that's one of the core pieces of their character in canon fhdsufhdsu
four: - four prefers they/them as pronouns but also likes the feeling of being "boy," so him and two have opposite problems. - four has a resting bitch face, which means that x has scary dog privileges while they're out in public. - our has really bad panic attacks when they go out in public alone. like. sitting on the ground, back against a wall, sobbing violently kinda panic attacks. being with x and, as much as four hates to admit it, two helps a lot though. helps keep his mind off of everyone around him
anyways, thanks for reading, that's all. expect more art of them (i already have two more fully done pieces of them and one more that was supposed to be a sketch but kinda got away from me dfhsudihf.)
- moondancer
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
Hi hi Kaia! Just wanna say, that soft nsfw Kidd fic you wrote legit just made me want to cry 😭😭 Soft Kidd is something I didn’t know I needed, you wrote him so well tbh! Following that note, if it’s alright could I ask for a nsfw request for Kidd but with a reader smoler than him? In my own headcanon I like he’d def have a size kink and be damn teaser because he’s like 7ft tall👀 lool If not, no worries! Thank you either way!
awww i’m glad you liked it, i had so much fun writing it (who knew i needed soft kid in my life like hello 😭👋🏾). also yes yes yes yes, a billion times yes, i gotchu  ♥️ the way that man lives rent free in my head is unreal 🥵
2.3k words, fem reader, nsfw (it's kid, idk what to tell u), 18+ mdni pls, a little playful banter, some alcohol, other cute stuff includes spitting, size kink (reader is short), clothes ripping (what can i say), kid being a general menace; i tried to keep it short but *washes hands*
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you know better than to distract him while he’s in the middle of a project, but you have very little self preservation when it comes to eustass kid. it’s late at night when you find him tinkering away in his workshop; with his music blasting, head bobbing along as he wordlessly mouths the lyrics to the song, you walk in undetected. even as you close the door, he doesn’t turn around — and while, you should make sure to lock it, you don’t bother. everyone for the most part is asleep or far enough away that you’re not worried about being interrupted.
this is your first mistake for the night.
sauntering around like the mischievous cat you are, you loosely hold a bottle of rum in your hand; you picked it up on the last island the ship docked at, someone gifting you the whole thing as thanks for assisting them. you unscrew the cap and take a big swig, the dark liquid flooding your senses as it glides down your throat with ease. one of the smoothest drinks you’ve had in a while, if you do say so yourself. 
the thing is, while you might think you’re being stealthy, kid has been aware of your presence this whole time. he’d be a shit captain, otherwise, right? still, his curiosity rivals yours, and he wants to see what you’re up to. pretending to jam to the music, kid catches you sidling up to him and smirks to himself, but purposely keeps his focus on the wrench in his hand. the smile on your face is evidence enough of your misdeeds — that you truly believe you’ve gotten away with infiltrating kid’s space, but before you can announce yourself, kid bursts your bubble quickly.
“you’re shit at sneaking around, y’know that right?” he turns his head, tilting it a bit, features morphed to denote a faux-bored expression. he leans his elbow on the worktable, and props his head up with his large hand.
mouth open — because, how else are you to react to him saying that? — words jumble around in your mouth, and you start stuttering. before you can make more of a fool of yourself, you jab a finger at him, hitting his chest on your first attempt. amusement blooms onto his face with ease, disrupting the game he wanted to play with you. 
“shut up, you’re the worst,” you say before pouting at him, brows furrowed as a wave of childishness takes over you. “now i don’t even want to share this with you.” he drops his gaze down to the bottle in your hand but grabs it before you can step away.
“rum? really.” he’s a scotch kind of man, with gin and vodka being suitable alternatives. you know that he’s not into rum like that, but you figured you’d ask him to try this brand for fun. now all you feel is residual embarrassment; cheeks burning, you lunge your arm out to grab it, wanting to just go sit somewhere on the deck and drink alone, but kid doesn’t let you. instead, he pops the cap off, tosses it somewhere and drinks from the bottle. 
you blink several times, watching in shock as he drinks for longer than you think he will. “kid!” you yank on the bottle, annoyance building slowly as you struggle to take it back from him. “don’t drink it all,” you whine helplessly, not wanting your big brute of a captain to ruin your night. kid acquiesces, leaning back in his chair, dark orange hair falling messily over his forehead, eyes drifting down your body, drinking in the sight of you. despite the rum being a bit sweeter than he’s used to, the quality of it impresses him, but he won’t say that. not yet.
ignoring the way your body reacts to his heated looks, you pick up where you left off, taking another swig of the rum, swaying to the music that carries around the room — the notes wrapping around you, coasting along your skin as you hum along. he watches you, amusement never dwindling, tongue running along his bottom lip before he decides that enough is enough. 
“c’mere, you’re drinking it wrong,” he says, voice dripping with intent, as he pulls you to him and plucking the bottle away from you again and setting it down. for safekeeping. before you’re even able to protest, before you’re able to fuss at him over pestering you like this, kid’s hand drifts lower and grabs onto your ass playfully. you smack his chest, face burning, thighs pressing closely together, an ache shooting through you faster than you can stop it. 
before you know it, he has you seated on top of the table, whatever he was working on is momentarily forgotten and haphazardly pushed aside. you lean back on your hands, head tilted as kid stands in between your legs, anticipation crawling down your arms, wrapping itself around your chest with familiarity. breathing slowed, long lashes fluttering as you fix your eyes on him, a little tipsy and giggly, but mostly drunk off of him and his presence. “i’m waiting,” you say, voice lilting, words coasting and caressing him softly. he almost asks you what exactly you’re waiting for, the way you inadvertently short-circuited his mind for a brief second made him forget why he took the rum from you in the first place.
he reminds himself to focus, to not lose to you, because losing is absolutely unacceptable, obviously.
“open,” he instructs, and you don’t have to ask him for clarification; on command, your lips part and you leave your mouth open for him. the corners of his lips twitch as he pours more rum into your mouth; some of the tawny liquid spilling down your lips and onto your chin. you don’t mind it though, completely mesmerized by the experience, entirely too giddy over the way he hulks over you like that. his height used to intimidate you, until you wiggled your way into his life and the two of you gradually became closer; now, you can’t get enough of it.
kid places the bottle down again, fully prepared to ignore it as he leans closer and runs his tongue along your skin, lapping up the runaway drops of rum, until your lips meet. when kid kisses you, it’s as if time stops and then speeds up. it starts off short — his lips pecking yours once, twice, tongue swiping against your lips, demanding entrance. on your next exhale, he pushes closer, your breasts pressing against him through your thin shirt, nipples hardening on impact.
if it were up to him, he’d drink the remainder of the rum from your mouth. you taste sweet, forbidden, and hypnotic — plush lips inviting him to nip them needlessly, sparking a small flame deep within your abdomen that slowly spreads to the rest of your body. with shaky hands, you tug on his clothes, wanting to feel his skin on yours sooner rather than later; and kid obliges, also helping you with your own clothes, ripping your shirt accidentally through the haze of lust.
“whoops,” he says, laughing darkly at your annoyed expression. you don’t believe for a second that it was completely accidental, but kid likes pushing your buttons anyway, so did it really matter what the truth was?
sensing a retort building inside of you, he kisses you again, hand roaming along your soft body, liking the way you feel against him; all that softness will be the death of him, he’s sure of it.
likewise, you get lost in his kisses, small hands gliding along the hard planes of his body, the dips, sharp ridges of his muscles, only make your hunger that much more intolerable. you whine against his lips, your pussy wet from the sloppy kisses you exchange, his own cock hardening excitedly, precum spilling down the thick head as it leans against your stomach.
“kid,” you breathe, lips ghosting his, “just fuck me already, damn it.” the need you have for him might actually make you lose your mind at the rate he’s going. normally, you’re the one telling him to slow down — but for some reason, it’s like your body is entirely too eager. maybe it’s the rum, or maybe you’ve just fallen deeper inside whatever trap he’s laid out for you tonight. you’re not sure, and you don’t actually care to know the answer; so you forget about it, focusing on getting kid to move.
it’s laughable, the way you’re begging him, when he knows once he gets started, you’re going to sing an entirely different tune. he runs his finger — thick, rough, impatient — between the folds of your pussy, admiring the way your arousal drips onto his skin, before plunging the finger inside of you without warning. you arch your back, mouth falling open at the intrusion, panting lightly when he inserts another finger shortly after. nails digging into his skin, your hips moving forward, as if his fingers are controlling your movements, a small voice in the back of your head reminding you that you’re playing with a fire that’s much too big for you to handle.
you ignore it; when it comes to eustass kid, your self-preservation goes right out the window.
plunging his fingers in and out of you recklessly, your head spinning from all of the rum, the kissing, and him — you maybe consider that you’ve bitten off more than you can chew. “w-wait, kid slow down,” your voice barely audible, drowning behind your moans and the music that’s still blasting through the room. when he finally does manage to pull his fingers out, you only have a brief moment of reprieve before he’s rubbing the tip of his cock against your pussy, positioning it right in front of your entrance, he winks at your wary expression, making you even more suspicious of his motives. another complaint lodges in the back of your throat, stuck when kid pushes his cock inside of you, his girth ripping a loud moan out of you.
kid, meanwhile, is floating above the clouds, thoroughly enjoying your pussy’s feeble attempts at strangling him — those attempts do work, by the way, he’s just prideful and stubborn. snapping his hips against yours, kid pushes his cock into you deeply; the pain is worth it, though. it’s terribly addicting, the way he pulls back and thrusts into you harder, his balls slapping against your skin from the devastating pace he’s set. 
“kid, fuck, wait, wait,” you breath comes out in small pants, eyelids fluttering from the rough way that kid is fucking you. this is what you wanted, though, isn’t it? to tease him and let him have his way? if kid wasn’t so used to your subtle tricks, he’d actually be concerned. but he knows how much you like how rough he is, he knows how you like him to hold you firmly, so you can feel the full brunt of his thrusts, and he knows that no matter what, you’ll still ask him to fuck you like this again, and again, and again.
and he’s right. you can’t deny it; even if you wanted to you wouldn’t. when his hips meet yours, you wrap your legs around his waist, wanting to completely lose yourself in him, sweat already gliding down your neck, onto your clavicle, breasts bouncing against him.
“that’s it,” he coos, none-to-kindly, his tone dark, sinister, mocking, “see how well you’re taking me?” he shifts and pushes you down onto the table, your back arching off of it as he drives into you repeatedly, his thrusts turning your body into something helpless and pitiful, your words unintelligible, voice hoarse as you call his name out. he pulls out of you suddenly, much to your displeasure, folding your legs against your chest and instructing you to hold onto the backs of your thighs.
your pussy is a pretty sight to see, so naturally he slaps it hard before spitting on it. he’s so romantic, isn’t he?
you can barely think as his cock invades your pussy all over again — your warm, plush walls closing in around his length, as he angles his hips in a way that has your toes curling and a bit of drool creeping out of your mouth. it’s so tragically embarrassing, except you can’t be bothered to feel any bit of shame right now. 
with each brutal thrust, you find yourself teetering on the edge, ecstasy coloring any logic you have left in your mind, and when he kisses you again, tongue caressing yours hotly, an orgasm crashes into you. kid groans against your lips, thrusting fervently, strokes sloppier and shorter, wanting to hold out but finding himself unable to. if there’s one thing he knows, it’s that your pussy is absolutely lethal when provoked. it’s not often that you squirt, but when you do it drives him wild. “oh fuck, look at how much of a mess you’ve made.” his laughter should grate your nerves, but it doesn’t, it only makes you want to cover your face, because you hate how good he makes you feel. although, his laughter is short-lived; he powers into you, his own orgasm finding him much quicker than he anticipates, his cum is thick and hot, dripping out of you when he pulls out, spilling down onto the wooden surface of the table.
both of you sort of stay quiet, trying to catch your breaths; he runs a hand through his hair, feeling properly refreshed, almost as if a bit of weight has been lifted from his shoulders. you drop your legs, struggle to sit up, and look at him accusingly. “you’re such a damn beast,” but there isn’t a hint of venom or malice behind your words. if anything, you almost sound impressed. he chuckles at your act and just kisses you to keep you quiet.
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everybodyshusband · 6 months
P111111NKKKYYYYYYY I HAVE SOME THOTS FOR YOU THIS FINE EVENING (technically it's afternoon but it's almost dark ??? northern hemisphere what the FUCK !??!)
sooooo.... i've been thinking almost non-stop about my silly little farm au (post one, post two) but specifically about the uhhh spicier aspects 👀 even more specifically, mountain and dew's morning trists in the barn after dew's milked the cows and mountain's finished his milk rounds
their favourite way is when dew rides mountain. when he gets him on his back, when pain from the stray bits of hay from the bales lining the walls and floor poking at mountain's back melts away because all he can focus on is dew
dew straddles mount and is usually able to sink down immediately (he's never admitted it out loud, but they both know that dew sometimes brings his suction-cup dildo to stick onto his milking stool while he works so mountain doesn't have to wait for him to prep himself when he comes back). he'll grab at mountain's chest and flick his nipples while he smirks down at him and makes mountain watch as he rises and lowers himself on his dick painfully slowly. of course, it never stays slow, because as soon as dew gets going, his body (and mountain) starts begging for more
they always laugh way more than they should, giggling as steam puffs out from their mouths in the brisk morning freshness and readjusting their positions every few minutes when the hay digging into mountain's back starts to properly hurt. they finish with mountain sitting up, usually. the two of them holding each close and reaching their climaxes while moaning softly and gently crying out each others names against their lips, panting heavily during the comedown
when they're done, they'll head back to breakfast covered in hay and sweat with matching grins on their faces, bumping into each others shoulders as they toe off their work-boots and head into the kitchen. every morning, rain raises an eyebrow at the pair of them and every morning, he gestures towards the old, sturdy, wooden table where a feast of bread, butter, spreads, cereal, milk, fruit and juice is laid out, reminding them that if they want hot drinks or cooked food then they'd better make it themselves
not long after, the rest of the pack slowly filter down to breakfast, brushing the sleep from their eyes as they all mill about re-heating leftover rice, pouring glasses of juice and reaching entirely too far over the table to expect that you wouldn't get jam all over your pyjama shirt, swiss
aaaaand yeah i won't bore you with my sily ramblings any longer, but that's essentially what's been on my mind recently !!!!
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cult-of-the-eye · 7 months
Tma dessert headcanons:
(tw: brief mention of binging)
Martin Kartin Blackwood:
He's giving cheesecake man
Likes the American style one most but will eat pretty much any cheesecake
On special occasions (and on days Jon had been especially mean) he buys himself a whole Tesco cheesecake and sits and eats it all slowly, shovelling spoonful after spoonful into his mouth, only stopping once it's gone
Well shit didn't think I'd headcanon binge eating disorder Martin but here we are
Jonathan "Little Bitch" Sims:
I just KNOW he says he doesn't have a sweet tooth but my man would do anything ANYTHING for a good cinnamon roll
He likes them WARM and with CREAM CHEESE FROSTING and he would like to be COSY when eating them
Martin once brought a selection of baked goods, including cinnamon rolls, and he slunk into the kitchen, attempting to go unnoticed but every single time he brings food, he makes sure to bring a single cinnamon roll, which he defends with his life, just for Jon
Timmy Stoker:
Man wants DECADENCE. he's looking for the most CHOCOLATEY cookie or cake or brownie you have on offer.
He would kill for a millionaire's anything
Sasha jokes that he spends his whole salary on slutty men and triple chocolate brownies
Sashay Jamesy
She's a chocolate chip cookie kinda gal
Any type of cookie is good (the exception is anything with raisins or dried fruit) but she jams with the classics
She keeps a tub on her desk for work emergencies (e.g. Martin crying after he gets some bad news about his mum)
Not-Sasha likes oatmeal raisin.
Elias likes cake
Daisy would murder you if you ever insinuated that she ate anything remotely sweet
Basira doesn't have a sweet tooth
Georgie bakes AMAZING CAKES
Melanie eats mini marshmallows by the fistful
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