#Can You Get High From Cat Spray
topperscumslut · 4 months
if i had a nickel for every time i developed an embarrassing, unhealthily obsessive crush and borderline parasocial attachment for a guy who’s a little young for me in january/february who only sees me as a friend (and not even a close one at that) months after doing theatre with him, temporarily integrating into his theatre friend group, and getting dumped during tech week by a different guy i rushed into a relationship with all the while being in deep, DEEP denial of my feelings for said theatre guy the whole time who still includes me and is nice to me even when drama ensues and some or most of the rest of the theatre group turns against me and even the ones im still chill with im not close with anymore and i have to accept that the show is over and i was a temporary part of a permanent friend group, and i became extremely obvious about my feelings and ended up getting left on opened and pretty much indirectly rejected by him right before valentine’s day and wrote a song about how down bad i am for him and how it’s driving me insane and in turn probably fucked up our entire friendship as well as my ability to participate in local theatre without it being awkward, i would have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?
tbh i think my biggest fear is being in a show with both of them at the same time lmfao. i mean. it’s scarily likely that they know, or at least know of, each other considering they’ve both done shows at our local theatre (one i met thru this theatre in the recent show i was in, the other i met thru a local high school theatre program even tho we went to different high schools, but he was in at least one of the shows at this local “adult” theatre before i was, just not the show i was just in). at least this time around the guy that dumped me and broke my heart isn’t the new crush’s best friend. fucking hell.
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verstappen-cult · 2 months
PLEASEEEEE A LESTAPPEN X READER where reader and Charles are meeting jimmy and sassy for the first time hahahahah I think that would be fun! Thank youuuu
“What are you doing?” You ask Charles, who’s taking a little spray bottle out of his back pocket, as you walk out of the elevator. 
“I read that cats like catnip.”
“You’re not going to spray catnip all over yourself!” You snatch the bottle out of his hands, making him pout at you. “I won’t let them like you more than me.”
“But what if they don’t like us at all?” Charles looks genuinely concerned and you fight the urge to laugh until you start thinking about it. 
Max loves his cats, they’re his whole world. You’ve lost count of how many pictures he’s sent to the group chat just this week, so meeting Jimmy and Sassy is equivalent to meeting his family. And oh God, Charles is right. What are you going to do if they don’t like you? Max warned you that Sassy doesn’t like strangers and it takes her a while to warm up, and that Jimmy tends to perch up on one of the high shelves in the kitchen until he feels secure enough to come down. So, at least you know what to expect at first. But what if they react badly? What if they feel threatened by you and Charles? What if they feel jealous and don’t let you near Max!?
“Okay, I think we can spray some catnip over ourselves.” Charles’ face lights up, immediately taking the bottle from your hands and spraying some of it around himself. “But just a little.”
Charles is spraying you when the door opens revealing a very amused Max. 
“What is that?” He asks with a smirk on his face. 
“Perfume!” You say, taking the bottle and shoving it in your back pocket.
Max looks between you and Charles before stepping aside to let you into his apartment. He gives you two a chaste kiss on the lips before closing the door. 
“What have you got there?” Max points to the bag in your hands. 
“Oh, we bought some toys for the cats!” Charles says excitedly, taking the bag out of your hands and pulling the contents out. “Where are they?”
Max points a finger to the couch. And they’re right there, sitting on top of the cushions and looking warily at you and Charles. 
“Hello, beautiful babies!” Charles squeaks, dragging you to the living room with him.
Sassy jumps off the couch, running to hide under a chair, far enough to still see you without being bothered. Jimmy, on the other hand, stays right where he is as Charles brings his hand closer to him. He doesn’t move, but sniffs his hand for about five seconds before rubbing his head against it. 
Charles looks very pleased as he sits besides Jimmy. and he immediately jumps onto his lap, getting comfortable and asking for more ear scratches with a little purr. 
Sassy, seeing how her brother is reacting, slowly makes her way back to the living room. She’s still unsure, so you grab one of the toys and crouch down, trying to lure her over to you. It takes her a couple of minutes to feel safe enough to shorten the distance, and you stop moving as she sniffs you, rubbing herself against your legs, not wanting to scare her.
You look back at Max with a big smile on your face, but he’s looking between you and Charles with a combination of surprise and confusion on his face. 
“This is weird behavior.” He says, standing in the middle of his living room. He’s frowning and you can’t help but giggle. 
“What can I say?” Jimmy is still purring on Charles' lap and you’re pretty sure he will never move from there again. “I’m irresistible.” He says, shrugging. Which is, you know, kinda true. Who can resist Charles Leclerc? Neither you nor Max could.
You’re too busy playing with Sassy to care about Max's hand on your lower back. If he wants cuddles, he can wait, right now all your attention is on the cats. 
However, when you feel his hand on the back pocket of your jeans, you forget all about the little cat between your legs with her belly up waiting to be patted. 
You and Charles make eye contact.
You’ve been caught.
“I knew it wasn’t perfume!”
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etheries1015 · 5 months
I had sort of a crack idea of what would the non-human twst boys do if their crush or s/o was allergic to them? Savanaclaw and Octonivelle with like the fur allergy and seafood allergy. Maybe diasomnia’s s/o has some sort of fairy allergy? Sorry if this is too silly for you to write, it’s alright if you don’t 😭
I LOVE THIS BECAUSE I'VE HAD A SIMILAR THOUGHT i'm allergic to cats and i'm like...man what am I gonna do around Grim BUAHAHA...this is a great idea. Nothing is too silly to write my friend!
Non-human Twst boys reacting to a S/O who is allergic to them!
featuring: Savanaclaw and Octavinelle!
general warnings: gender neutral reader, not really proof read \
TW: None! just fluff. and allergies.
The first time you sneezed around him, they didn't know it was literally BECAUSE of him. This was until you two took a nap together for the first time, and when you woke up he saw your face...Oh, brother. Your eyes were puffy and red, congested, and your nose leaked like nobody's business. He genuinely felt bad about this, but wouldn't let you in on his true feelings/emotions. Without understanding the cause (though he had an inkling) he immediately took you to the doctor.
"They're allergic to me? What kind of shitty nonsense is that?!"
Leona invested in the most expensive of healthcare for you. Allergy pills and whatnot, because he wasn't about to sacrifice his lovely naps with his significant other. No amount of allergy is gonna stop him from getting what he wants, and that is your affection.
"Sooo...basically you're saying you're allergic to me? Cause' im part heyena?"
"It's a little more complicated than that. It's more like...animal dander? I guess?" You didn't seem to certain in your answer either, it was more or less a guess since...well, there wasn't half beast half human where you are from. You can only make an educated guess on why you're so allergic to him based off of the information you had back at home.
Ruggie is honestly so sad about this. He can't afford to get you any treatments or medical help with this, so you two just have to be careful. He does manage to get his hands on some special washing products (probably legally) and takes extra care of what he eats, and how clean he his. He's consistently brushing his hair and cleaning his ears.
"Man i'm such a simp. What's wrong with me?!" ...He isn't used to bending backward for people. But seeing you so sick around him, hurt him even more than his pride, so he of course would do anything to make sure you're as comfortable around him as possible. Ahh...the power of love <3
He gives me the "I must stay away from you for your own good," Type. Although this doesn't last very long. Jack is incredibly loyal, and he's far too attached to let you go. There's times where he would try and keep a distance (much to your annoyance), but when you began sneezing and itching your eyes you knew he was somewhere nearby. Jack is protective like that, but it pains his heart to see you so sick because of something he cannot control.
He does both a mix of what Ruggie and Leona does. He took up extra part-time jobs to afford good allergy medication for you, the entire works. Pills, eye drops, nasal sprays, breathing treatments...He also invests in high-quality shampoo and conditioner to help rid of his dander and hopefully reduce the amount of shedding he has.
With the amount of hair Jack has, he is CONSTANTLY brushing it and it is CONSTANTLY shedding. He does EVERYTHING under the sun to control this, all for you. Although... this is a partnership! You told him that a relationship goes two ways. You love him regardless of how itchy you may get, and you equally chip in to problem-solve.
You're both loyal to each other until the very end, no matter what trivial matters may get in your way <3
He knew before you two started dating that you had a severe allergy to seafood, so he made it a point to avoid you. But...that didn't stop YOU from coming to HIM. It was one of the things that drew him towards you, the way even though you were gaining a rash you would still wrap your arms around the back of him. Although it wasn't as bad in his human form, he was always terrified what would happen if he were to unleash his original form.
But worry not! We are talking about the literal king of potionology. He finds a remedy very quickly, and you trust him...a little too fast. He is astonished when he says;
"Take this...the second you drink this your allergies will be something of the past. But be warned-" You grabbed it out of his hand and chugged it. He stared at you with his jaw slacked open, his face turning a deep shade of hot red when you throw yourself onto Azul and place a big fat kiss against his cheek.
He imploded. But hey! his potion worked! He tried to get you to give him some sort of paypack, but you mentioned that your form of payment was in that kiss.
He now demands kisses every time he makes the potion for you <3 It's kind of a silent agreement. He just stares at you after you're done drinking it, and whenever you feign ignorance the point upon his lips is far too obvious.
The first time you broke out in hives, he remained completely calm. Jade is rather smart, and he understands your allergy must be because of his disposition as a mer-folk. Although in human form, he couldn't help but notice the way you would hide your rashes either behind makeup or by bulking clothing. He was amused by this for a moment, but when he saw it worsen he couldn't help but become worried.
"Why would you go so far for me? what do you gain by allowing yourself to become sick?" When you replied with a blush that you simply liked Jade, thus his shock soon turned into action. He excused himself for a few days to climb mountains and collect the most effective of flowers and medicinal remedies for allergies and put together a potion that you were able to take to alleviate your symptoms.
He isn't the vice house warden for nothing! His talents and magic prowess truly aided him, albeit in a way that was seemingly selfish. It was all worth it for you, though.
But he does use you as an example during a class project in potionology, having you stand up in front of the class while he compares your allergies before and after taking the potion.
He got a 100% in the project. And a Significant other. A win-win for everyone!
Floyd is much smarter than he lets on. The moment he hugs you from behind and touches your arm, he notices the rash right away. He eyed it with a frown, and without saying anything he let go of you much to your dismay, leaving you to your lonesome for a few days on end.
You had to admit you missed Floyd, his silly jokes and way of talking, his unpredictable personality, and the attention he would often give y you. While sitting at the table during a free period, your head was propped up against your hand and a sad sigh escaping your lips.
"Ehhhh? Why is shrimpy sitting here all alone? Didya miss me?" A familiar voice teased as arms wrapped around you and something akin to a vegetable drink set in front of you. You gasped and smile up at the tall male, who wasn't wrapping his arms around you as you were used to, typically ignoring the itching of your rashes. He convinced you to drink what he sat in front of you, and although you eyed it with suspicion, you sighed and drank it in one gulp and tightly shut eyes.
Nothing happened. You turned to look over at Floyd, about to question the purpose of making you drink the (surprisingly tasty) smoothie-like liquid but were quickly interrupted by lips pressing against your own.
The kiss caught you off guard and you began to panic, talking about your allergy...before you realized that nothing was happening. No rash, no itchiness, nothing.
"Seeeee? It's a potion. I made Azul make it for me. Now I can touch you as much as I want," He smiled proudly. However he managed to convince Azul would forever be beyond you...
He forgets to give you the potion sometimes, only when you two are cuddling and a rash or itching pops up do the both of you realize it's time for a dose.
Ya'll are so silly for each other <3
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boxboxlewis · 3 months
Daniel finds out about Max’s divorce from a Google alert.
“FORMER F1 CHAMPION NEWLY SINGLE, SEEN HITTING THE BARS IN MONACO.” Journalistic excellence from the Daily Mail, as always. But when actual newspapers start reporting on it, Daniel decides to reach out. He texts Max a cat meme. Subtext: sorry about your failed relationship, also I know you like cats. Max texts back Are you trying to cheer me up, and then 😂. It’s unclear if he’s 😂 at the cat or the notion of Daniel attempting to comfort. While Daniel is trying to figure this out a third text comes in. Stop reading stupid shit by dumb assholes who don’t know anything.
Nah it’s all good, I can’t read, Daniel replies. He hesitates, and then adds I am like. Sorry about stuff with kelly or whatever though.
Max thumbs-up reacts the message, and doesn’t reply.
Daniel figures Max’ll probably just start dating another exquisitely beautiful, exquisitely groomed woman with a disconcerting resemblance to his own mother. They’re ten a penny in Monaco, where Max still for some reason lives. 
He’s not prepared for the next tranche of articles his Google Alert brings him. “MAX VERSTAPPEN SEEN LEAVING GAY BAR.” “VERSTAPPEN REFUSES TO ADDRESS RUMOURS.” “VETTEL COMES TO VERSTAPPEN’S DEFENCE: ‘HE HAS A RIGHT TO A PRIVATE LIFE.’” Like… people go to gay bars sometimes, even if they’re straight. But do straight people let Seb Vettel defend their honour in the media?
Daniel opens his text thread with Max and types Hey, are you. You know. 
He deletes it, obviously. He’s got a lot going on in his own life. Brand ambassadorships out the ass, his film production company, his vineyard. He sends Max another dumb meme and calls it good. Max is just doing Max stuff. It’s some belated F1 champion rumspringa, probably, because when he was an actual teenager he was psychotically focussed on racing. He’ll settle down soon enough.
Daniel really isn’t expecting him to announce live on Dutch television that he has a boyfriend. The clip is in Dutch, obviously, but someone has added English captions, and Daniel watches over and over again. RIP his YouTube algorithm. It’s some daytime talk show, the kind of thing Max hates, the kind of thing he’d never do unless someone was twisting his arm about it. The host asks all sickly sweet if there’s a special someone in Max’s life. Max says, “Well yes of course there is my boyfriend.” The “of course” in Dutch sounds like naturally. Naturally, naturally. “And my family I am very close to, as well.” The camera dwells with voyeuristic glee on the talkshow host’s face as she tries and fails to pick her expression up from the floor. “Your boyfriend?” she manages. Max nods, impatient. Daniel rewinds the clip. Your boyfriend? Your boyfriend? Your boyfriend?
Daniel decides to visit Monaco. Not because of Max. It’s summer and the swing of the season is funnelling him that way, that’s all, towards the parties and the glittering people dancing on yachts, getting high, bright and beautiful, living that good life. He doesn’t have an apartment there anymore, but Max does, because Max never left: still has his custom penthouse with its views of the harbour. Unless—it’s a weird thought—unless Kelly kept it in the divorce. But when he texts Max to invite himself to stay, Max doesn’t mention anything about a new address. 
Max also doesn’t sound, like, super enthused, but that’s just how he is. It’s his natural Dutchness, most likely. Fine you can come then. You are lucky I don’t have plans is probably just the Dutch way of saying “Yeah sounds great, looking forward to reconnecting.” You are very annoying is probably how people from the Netherlands express affection. Daniel texts back Love you too my brother 🤘🤘
He gets his hair touched up before he goes, a little bit of tattooing at the roots in the front. He does a spray tan, and gets his face dermaplaned (not in that order). You can’t go to Monaco and not look good, that's all.
It always feels kind of weird, flying into Nice in a non-F1 context, first class instead of private, but Daniel fits, still: gets asked for his autograph at the airport, and then on the concourse, and when he stops to put petrol in his rental car (a sweet little Porsche, nice). He tosses his keys to the valet at Max’s building and the valet goggles. That’s right, baby: twelve-time Grand Prix winner Daniel Ricciardo is in town. Daniel winks and the valet turns gratifyingly mauve.
Max, when Daniel pushes into his apartment, is less enthusiastic. “Daniel. I really do not know why you’ve come.”
Daniel ignores him in favour of crouching down, trying to pet Jimmy or Sassy. “Hey, little guy,” he croons. “Or girl. What’s up? Do you remember Uncle Danny? Am I in town to show your daddy a good time? Yeah I am! That’s right. That’s right.” Jimmy or Sassy scowls at him and swipes with one needle-tipped paw. All right, drama queen. Daniel stands back up and grins at Max. “I mean, mostly I wanted to meet your boyfriend,” he says, for some reason. What the fuck, Ricciardo. He keeps grinning, styles it out. “Gotta give him the old shovel speech, right?”
Max is doing the blank-eyed stare Daniel remembers so well from their racing days. It’s wildly disconcerting coming from this Max, who looks. Different, that’s all. He’s thick, still fit and well-muscled but heavy with it now, t-shirt stretched over the layer of hard fat covering his abdomen, face softer. He’s a bear of a man, he could—he could do lots of things, obviously. It’s fine. It’s just that part of Daniel still expects him to be the gawky teenager Daniel loomed over.
Max says, “What do you want to say to my boyfriend about shovels,” and for a bewildering moment Daniel has no idea what he’s talking about. 
“Oh, no, it’s like—it’s a saying, or whatever, when someone starts dating someone. I mean, usually dads say it, I guess, but like—the idea is if he mistreats you I’ll…” Daniel trails off as he realises he’s not actually sure what “shovel speech” means. “Uh, hit him with a shovel? Or I guess potentially, like, use it to bury his corpse. Whiiiich is a joke! Not actually going to bury anyone.” No, weird comment, Daniel’s not actually going to bury anyone t-shirt is raising a lot of questions et cetera. Hastily, he adds “As long as he behaves!” and then stands there mentally kicking himself while Jimmy/Sassy yowls soulfully near his ankles. He's never like this, he never loses control of a conversation like this. It's agonising.
Max stares at him for a long moment, and then cracks up. “Daniel, you are still so weird,” he says. It sounds kind of affectionate. 
“You know it, baby,” Daniel says. “So, where’s the boyf?
Max’s cheeks go a little red, it looks like. Maybe Daniel’s imagining it. “Ricardo is at the gym,” he says.
Daniel has to have misheard that. “Sorry, what’s this dude’s name?”
“Ricardo,” Max says grumpily. “My boyfriend.”
“Right, yeah, of course.” Once again Daniel decides, against his better judgement, to style it out. “Uh, is he Australian, by any chance? And devastatingly charismatic?”
Max sighs, as if Daniel is being really annoying. “He is from Melbourne. And yeah, he is okay I think. Maybe you won’t like him though, because you like always to be the funniest one. Come on, I will show you to your guest room.”
Daniel manages a casual-sounding, “Haha, you got me.” They’re walking through the apartment, now, Max leading the way. For a moment Daniel just watches the sunburned back of his neck.
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loveinhawkins · 6 months
Steve’s got a soft spot for the Henderson’s Christmas tree—and sure, he’s biased as hell considering he once helped decorate it: a week or so before Dustin’s Snow Ball, he’d gone round to drop off some hair stuff, and ended up hanging baubles on the branches.
It’s not like he planned to; it’s just that he got caught in a festive whirlwind from the moment Dustin dragged him into the house, and then when he saw the tree, he couldn’t just leave it like that—not with a whole section bare right near the top, and the star wasn’t even on yet.
And then he didn’t really notice the time passing as he worked. His main impressions were of a grateful Claudia mouthing, “Thank you,” while stuck on the phone with her sister, followed by a cat constantly getting under his feet.
Dustin found a spare bow on top of a pile of wrapping paper and batted it towards the cat.
“It’s good we have another cat now. Like, it’s good for mom,” he’d said once Claudia was out of the room.
It was delivered in that precocious, self-assured way Steve was already getting familiar with. He knew what it actually meant: that Dustin was really torn up about… what happened to poor Mews.
But neither of them got around to addressing it—not when it was made clear that Dustin was taking the oath of secrecy so seriously; standing there, with the can of Farrah Fawcett spray hidden up his shirt, he looked like a terrible spy doing his best to conceal classified documents.
Steve disguised a laugh by pretending to fiddle with the Christmas lights.
When Dustin was busy putting the star on top, he surreptitiously left a present under the tree. It wasn’t anything big, but still, he didn’t want the kid feeling obligated to get him one in return. That wasn’t what it was about.
A year later, and Steve’s looking up at the same tree—technically, he’s trying not to get jealous over something so stupid: that the star’s already on top, the tinsel draped perfectly. There’s nothing for him to…
It’s just that he liked …
He blinks. Looks again.
“Finally,” Dustin’s saying, shoving a cardboard box into Steve’s hands, “you can finish it.”
And then he steps away, goes into the kitchen to unpack groceries—adds after God knows how long, “Uh, preferably before New Year’s, Steve!”
Steve jolts into action.
“Yeah, yeah,” he says dryly, but it’s just on automatic pilot as he starts unpacking the box of baubles, and the full impact hits him.
That Dustin must’ve made sure these decorations were kept separate. That he’d left a space clear—right near the top of the tree. That he’d waited, just so Steve could…
Before he can hang up the baubles, Steve has to spend a couple moments just standing there, blinking hard.
Dustin pokes his head in after a little while, nods his approval. It’s when he’s reciting the Christmas dinner options to Tews (Steve stifles a snort, this goddamn ridiculous kid) that Steve seizes his opportunity: drops off his present, hidden in plain sight.
Well. It’s tradition, now.
Just when he’s about to reverse out the driveway, Dustin runs to the car.
Steve winds down the window. 
Dustin grins, sticks his arm through.
“You forgot your card, duh.”
Steve smiles back. “Thanks, bud.” 
And it’s funny, Steve knows that a part of him will probably always see Dustin as twelve. But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s getting taller, that the first year of high school is flying by, and Steve almost wants to get out the car there and then—to ask him to stop, even though it’s impossible.
He doesn’t. He just gently places the card in the back. Starts the engine.
He kind of feels like he did when the box of tree decorations was against his chest. A warmth, a catch in his throat—quickly blinked away as if it never existed.
Time’s gonna go on, another year reaching its end; and all of this will get stacked up like superimposed images, so that Dustin will always be twelve, and thirteen, and fourteen, all at once.
But as Steve takes a last look in his rear view mirror, he thinks maybe this one will stick the most: Dustin, waving hugely, scraps of tinsel in his hair.
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purrrtasticsnake · 1 month
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Imagine: Jungwon as your sub:
Pairing: sub!Jungwon x femdom!reader
Warning: light smut, BDSM themes, petplay, free use, implied mommy kink
• Funishments: He loves bratting, but that does come with a prize (a very fun one). He doesn't necessarily always get punished if it's not that serious, but he receives funishments all the time (Which is something he doesn't mind at all). 
So when he's getting naughty, you quickly pull him aside, and teach him a little lesson. This mostly involves spanking or any other type of impact play. As long as he gets bossed around, he's happy. Just for fun, you still make him apologize for whatever he did to get into this position.
One of his ways to set you off, is by acting like a brat in public. Because that makes it harder for you to discipline him without other people noticing. But if you can't wait to get back home, you just pull him away from your surroundings, into an alleyway. Give him some good smacks and make him kiss your shoes to prove he'll behave.
His real punishments are not so fun, tho. These can vary all the way from writing lines, to spending a week in a chastity belt.
• Pet: You guys established that you are his owner. He had always dreamed about a relationship like that. The possessiveness and care that comes with it drives him crazy (in a good way). 
He regresses quit a lot to petspace, mostly as a cat/kitten. And you've noticed that he even has some cat mannerisms. Like how he loves getting back scratches, and he can't resist the urge to wipe something off of the table (which also reminds you that no matter how cute he is, he'll always be a brat at heart). 
You decided to buy a cage for him, which he now uses as his comfort place, when he misses you. But off course it also gets used for timeouts. The whole cage is filled with blankets, pillows, stuffies and things that remind him of you. Sometimes he'll steal your used clothes and put it in there. Or he'll spray your perfume on the blankets.
• Free use: If you want it, you get it. Jungwon has no issue with that. You can grope him whenever you want, even when he's sleeping. He hates initiating these sorts of things, so he wants you to do it. It makes him feel desired.
Sometimes you'll visit his workplace to see his hard work for yourself. Then you can't resist sneaking him away from the group into an empty studio. Especially right after you see him dance, you just want to give him a little reward.
It's really fascinating. Because his reactions are always a surprise. Sometimes he'll act shy and really flustered like 'm-mommy, why so sudden?'. Other times he'll get such a big rush of adrenaline that he'll immediately flash you a naughty smile and acts all sassy like 'damn why did it take you so long, can't you see I've been starving?'.
☆ Choosing Game: ☆
(● = his choice/preference)
○ rewards
● punishments/funishments
● getting spoiled by Domme
○ servicing his Domme
● petplay
○ ageplay
○ obedient
○ praise
● degradation
(He loves getting slut-shamed, even though he's not a slut at all)
○ bondage
● impact play 
(One way to drive him crazy is by taking off his own belt, and using it to whip him)
● exhibitionist 
○ voyeur
(Loves it when you make him strip)
● low protocol 
○ high protocol
Here you can find my other imagines:
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A gift for @turbulentscrawl i did my best bvhfvihiv
Rated T | Warnings: god why is this cute??
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“Eyes are up here,” Not any hint of annoyance, just making you aware he knows where you are looking. “(Name).”
“I know.” Somehow you are aware of the cipher while staring, “Do you paint your nails?”
The Professor blinks and then looks at his hand, the one with fewer scales on it, “No, they grew out like this.”
“Do you file them?”
“When I have time. They are not easy to keep at this length.” This must be your way of trying to get to know him. He hears you are a chatterbox from the others, preppy, fairly excitable. A few hunters like to pick you out because you are easily frightened, a screamer. Luchino has heard it but sounds more silly than terrified, he even heard you giggling when Fool’s Gold caught you.
Maybe you are mentally unwell? Not unheard of for some to mentally break down in high stressful situations.
“Have you ever accidentally scratched yourself?” The cipher is almost done.
“Once or twice,” The cipher pops, “Go.” He runs in front of the hunter giving you time to find another cipher.
A tie, you got pity from the hunter called Disciple, not sure how. You claimed meowing back at her made her help you find a dungeon.
The next time you are around the Professor, you are staring at the snake in the case. He has passed you twice and you haven't moved from your spot. Maybe you are like Emil? Though you seem more stable than him.
“(Name), tell me something about you.”
“I like dinosaurs.” Speaking up, “Where I'm from there are a ton of movies about them. I like Godzilla.” Not a dinosaur but he is cool.
“Fascinating,” Luchino said at his desk writing notes, “You said you were from a time further ahead of Lucky Guy.”
“Yeah. Not by much.” You get up to see what the Professor is doing, “Oh, you don't name them?” Disappointed.
“Would you like to name them?”
You smile and point at each of the reptiles in the room giving them a name and nickname.
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You are fairly harmless, too harmless, and fearless too. One who can stare down those like Undead deserves some matter of respect. Still, he wished you would have not taken the role of kiting the hunter when you have no known ability to help you.
“You stare a lot.”
“Sorry, this time it was your chest.” Looking at him, “Do you hate them?”
“Hate what exactly?”
You still are digging through the chest, “Your scales. I think they are pretty.” You are the first person to compliment them.
“Thank you.” Being polite, “Do you know how to use that?” Seeing you pull out a perfume.
“Nope! Gonna find out soon.”
You got chaired but not before you used the perfume bottom like ‘pepper spray’. The hunter was not happy.
After matches, you return to his room to look at ‘Carl’ the snake. You feed ‘Josh’ the gecko. And sleep in a corner next to ‘Liz’ the iguana. Simple names, he nearly found himself writing those names in his reports.
“If I could be anything,” You one day say out of the blue, “It would be a dragon.”
“And pray tell why a dragon?”
“Easy, because dragons are cool.” There is a charm to how your answers have the simplicity of a child. “You?”
“Hm,” He already has seen a possible future of himself as the ‘Evil Reptilian’, “A bird.”
“That sounds sad.” You say, “I thought you said cat so you can enjoy naps and stuff.”
“A bird can go anywhere it pleases,” He leans against the chair as he loosens his braids, “A cat requires a person to care for it.”
“Doesn't seem too bad. Just be cute and fluffy all day and be taken care of.” You stare at Liz who is staring at you.
“Is that something you want? To be taken care of?” Curious.
“Of course!”
“And what about being a dragon?”
“I can be a dragon and be spoiled by my human followers.” You laugh ‘evilly’ at the end.
Shaking his head as resumes working.
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oh-stars · 4 months
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On a Limb
Love is saying "I love you" even when you're scared
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 2047 words | CW: N/A | Rating: T
“You don’t even know if she likes girls,” Robin says, stacking the tapes with a little more force than necessary. 
Steve swipes his hand along the counter, smearing the cleaner across the plastic-like surface. “It’s a gut instinct! And the boobies–”
“Don’t even start with the boobies,” Robin huffs. She turns completely away from him then, pushing the cart toward the stacks. Steve can’t see well enough with the lights dimmed, and thanks to corporate controlling the lights now, they turn off half at exactly closing time. Which means Robin reshelves and straightens up the stacks while Steve counts the tills (thanks to the counter having the most light left) and cleans the remainder of the store. It’s a win-win. It also means it’s easier for Robin to ignore him. 
“C’mon,” Steve says, spraying the counter aggressively over a melted lollipop. “It’s a good theory!”
“A theory!” She practically shouts, turning on her heel to look at him. The tapes she’s holding knock into the shelves as she waves them about with her words. “It’s just a theory, Steve! I’m not about to become the town pariah over a theory!” 
“Eddie says it’s not so bad being a pariah,” Steve adds. “People leave him alone and he can do whatever he wants–” 
“You and I both know that’s a load of horse shit, Steve,” Robin says, and while he can’t see it clearly he knows the face she’s making at him. The one that tells him she’s had enough of the teasing and the games, that she knows Steve’s being an idiot on purpose right now. “He’s purposely hiding all the threats on his life from you, dingus.”
Steve pauses. Threats? He abandons the rag and pushes himself away from the counter to lean against the one closest to her, draping himself along the freshly cleaned surface. “He’s getting threats?” 
He can hear the eyeroll. “Steve,” she says with the rest of her patience, “he’s been accused of murdering some of Hawkins’ brightest and starting a cult from the drama room in the high school. Do you really think that these ignorant assholes think he’s allowed to just walk around and coexist with their children? That they aren’t clutching their pearls and pointing their little witch fingers at him?” 
Robin walks back up to the counter and mirrors him, faces too close. “He knows how much you want to protect him, so he’s keeping it from you so you don’t worry.” 
“But I always worry,” he counters. 
“I know this,” Robin says, “but I don’t think Eddie’s allowed himself to consider that he is, in fact, in your ‘inner circle’ as he put it.” She sighs and bumps their heads together like a cat. “You mean well, I know you do, but I can’t risk dealing with the consequences of people finding out on a hunch,” she whispers. 
Steve presses his temple against hers. “It’s more than a hunch,” he promises. “I see the way she looks at you. Vickie turns into a completely different–” 
Robin covers his hand with hers. “Stop. I love you, but I have to make this decision. This isn’t like you asking out a girl, it’s just not the same no matter how much you want it to be. And that’s not… It’s not something you can really understand until you’re experiencing it. I love how much you’re trying, it means a lot, but I need to do this on my own and until I find out she actually likes girls, I’m not doing anything.” 
He listens, because of course he does, but he doesn’t stop thinking about it. As Robin goes back to the cart, shuffling the crinkling VHS boxes into alphabetical order, Steve finishes up at the counter. He can barely see her when he moves on to vacuuming, but it’s for the best. He doesn’t want to see her sad, accepting smile right now. 
It just… it sucks watching her accept that she’ll never find love because Vickie had a boyfriend – who she dumped three months ago, mind you – and she can’t see how much Vickie is trying to catch her eye. Steve knows how to tell when someone is attracted to you, when they’re trying to get you to notice them or make a move and she’s doing all of it. 
Just like Steve is with Eddie. 
He hasn’t talked to Robin about… that development yet. It’s been something he’s been working through since spring break, the warm and fuzzies Eddie gives him. At first, he thought it was something to do with saving Eddie’s life, of almost losing him all together, but when those feelings only grew with each smoke session and long car rides… He had to come clean with himself. 
It’s been months and Steve’s a mess trying to figure Eddie out, though. 
Eddie’s as clingy as Steve is, they spend nearly all of their free time together, with Robin and Dustin mixed in there too. Eddie makes an effort to learn about Steve’s interests, whether it be learning the lyrics to his favorite albums, listening to the gossip Steve spouts (both local and from pop culture), or going as far as watching and, dare Steve say, playing the occasional game of basketball. And Steve is doing the same, mind you, listening to Eddie’s mixtapes and learning what different terminology means for music and D&D. They watch artsy horror movies and Steve’s reading more, even if it feels impossible, just so they have more to talk about. 
At a certain point, it goes above and beyond normal friendship sacrifices. 
Steve sees the way Eddie holds himself around Steve versus Robin, too. With Robin, he’ll touch and hang all over her with reckless abandon, while still being respectful, but with Steve, there’s always a little hesitation and tension with his movements. Like he’s waiting for Steve to react negatively. 
There’s just… a wall between them, no matter how much Steve tries to tear it down. 
And he has a feeling that the wall Eddie’s put up is a lot like his own, that blocks anyone from seeing how deep his feelings for Eddie really goes. 
Steve looks over to where Robin’s made her way around most of the store. She looks sad, even as she bobs her head to something he can’t hear and her hands move deftly along the tapes. She’s lost in her head over Vickie, something she probably didn’t want to talk about and Steve had needled his way into the conversation. He just wants her to be happy, is all. 
But how can he expect her to take a risk and put herself out there if he’s being a coward too? 
He wraps the cord of the vacuum up as tightly as he can, tucking the machine back into the closet. There’s still more to clean but they’re opening tomorrow anyway, who cares if they didn’t dust the shelves for one night. “Robbie,” Steve calls softly.
She hums, not looking up from the foreign language movies she’s reorganizing. 
Steve moves to sit beside her, knees overlapping. He can’t read the titles, wouldn’t be much help even with the lights, but he can keep her company until she’s done. “I think I know how you feel,” he says slowly, “because I feel that too. With, um.” He clears his throat. 
Robin turns fully to him and in the dim light, Steve can see the way her eyes are bright with curiosity and her brow knits in confusion. “With?” she prompts softly. 
“I love Eddie.” There’s no ‘I think’ or ‘maybe’ about it. He knows he loves him, and would do anything for him. No matter the risk. Steve just wants Eddie in his life and he has a feeling that Eddie, even if Steve’s totally wrong about sharing the same romantic feelings, would never hate him for having said feelings. But he’ll never know unless he does something about it. 
“I love him, too–”
“No,” Steve says, taking Robin’s hand, “I’m in love with Eddie.” 
He hears the little gasp she tries to conceal. “But he’s so muppety.” 
“Like you have room to talk.” 
“Yeah, but Tammy’s a Miss Piggy while Eddie’s a Fozzie Bear–” 
“He’s not Fozzie!” 
“Oh no, my apologies,” Robin says, sitting up as she puts a hand to her chest. “He’s like you stuffed Animal into Fozzie–” 
Steve laughs, pushing at her shoulder. “Will you stop?” 
Robin shrugs, but she’s just as giggly. “How long have you known?” 
“I think for a while,” he admits, “but I wasn’t sure until a few weeks ago.” 
She hums again as she takes his hand. “Thank you for telling me.” 
“I’m scared,” he whispers, “but I also know I can’t… I can’t stand to live without him, but I need to tell him how I feel. I don’t want to harbor these feelings until I die.”
“Are you just saying this so I ask out Vickie?” 
“Sort of.” He shrugs. “But I want this, too.” 
Robin smiles at him. 
They gather their things and head out of Family Video, with Robin locking the door behind them. “When are you telling him?” Robin asks as they climb into the Beemer. 
“Tonight– Ow!” Steve rubs at his arm where Robin’s hand slapped at his bare skin. “The hell was that for?” 
“You just came out to me, admitted you’re in love with Eddie Munson, and now you’re just going to walk over there and confess your feelings?” 
Well. Yeah? 
It must say it on his face since she throws her hands up and mumbles, “Unbelievable.” 
“Nothing!” she huffs. “I love you, Steve, but god, the unwavering confidence of a man is unfathomable.” Robin crosses her arms and slouches in her seat. She pouts until he turns on her street, then she pops up and turns to him. “You will report to me immediately tomorrow morning over pancakes with extra strawberries and whipped cream every single detail of how it goes down. Understood?” 
“I could just call you tonight–” 
“No,” she says, unbuckling, “you’ll be too busy swapping spit with Munson and I’m not staying up until you come up for air. We have to work in the morning and if we’re getting breakfast before, we have to be up extra early. And unlike you, I won’t have the lovey dovey high you’ll have tomorrow to get me through the slog.” 
Steve can only laugh. “Yeah, okay.” 
She pauses once she’s outside of the car and motions for him to roll down her window. He does, only for her to hug him through the space. “Call if it doesn’t go well, though. I’ll keep my window unlocked.” 
“Love you, Rob.” 
“Love you too, dingus.” 
They say their goodbyes and then Steve’s off, driving to Forest Hills to do exactly that. It hits him as he parks outside of the trailer, watching Eddie’s shadow in the curtains, what he’s about to do. But Robin’s waiting on an answer and Steve wasn’t lying when he said he couldn’t keep on like this. 
He turns the ignition off and climbs out of the Beemer on shaky legs. He can do this. 
Steve doesn’t get a chance to knock before Eddie’s popping his head out, grinning as he takes in Steve. Even though his stomach feels like it’s reached Vecna’s corpse in the Upside Down, his heart’s racing faster than a hummingbird as he meets Eddie’s eyes. This could go horribly, he could lose Eddie forever and he’ll be destined to live alone with only Robin as they escape from town to town like the FBI’s Most Wanted, never allowed to settle. 
He takes in a deep breath and holds it. 
“What are you doing here?” Eddie asks, opening the door wider. 
“I’m in love with you,” he says on his exhale. “I don’t need you to love me back, but I need you to know,” he adds just as breathless. 
Eddie’s face falls for all of two seconds before his grin comes back twice as strong. He reaches out and grabs Steve by the shirt collar, dragging him in swiftly just to slam him against the door. Steve doesn’t get a chance to question if he’s about to be hit when Eddie’s lips are on his.
Thank you @lady-lostmind!
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munsonkitten · 11 months
Morning comes, and Eddie finds Steve sitting on the edge of the bed. He’s pulling his underwear on, slowly sliding them up his legs like he’s trying not to jostle the mattress too much. Eddie watches him for a second while he wakes up more, eyes threatening to shut again. 
Steve turns and sees Eddie looking at him, and he looks surprised, like he’s been caught in some kind of act. 
“Hey,” Eddie murmurs. He rolls onto his back and looks up at the ceiling. 
“Morning,” Steve whispers back. He’s pulling on his socks now. 
Like he’s going to leave. 
“Where are you going?” Eddie asks. 
Steve sighs. “Dustin missed the bus. I’ll come back after I drive him, okay? I’ll make it up to you.”
Eddie nods, pulls the blanket up to his chest. “Did he call here?”
“Walkie-Talkie,” Steve answers, picking up the device from beside him on the floor. “Surprised it didn’t wake you.”
Eddie shrugs and turns over onto his side again, curling up beneath his blankets. “Tell him to start setting his alarms an hour early if he’s going to do the ten-step Steve Harrington hair routine every morning.”
“He doesn’t,” Steve protests. “He said he couldn’t find the cat and panicked. You know, the last one got eaten so he’s worried about that shit.”
“That’s what he wants you to think!” Eddie says. “I bet you twenty bucks and a gram of weed he smells like your Farrah Fawcett hairspray and has his hair piled ten feet high when he gets in your car.”
“Okay first of all, Farah Fawcett hairspray has been discontinued for, like, two years. I don’t even have any of my own stock left. Can’t find it anywhere, no way Dustin’s got any left. And second, how do you know about that?”
“Oh, Stevie, baby,” Eddie croons. “I didn’t, not until now. You just confirmed it, though.”
Steve rolls his eyes and huffs. He stands and finds his jeans from last night, and then picks up a sweatshirt off Eddie’s floor. 
“I’m borrowing this,” Steve says as he pulls it over his head. His head comes out of the hole. “But seriously, man, how’d you know about the hair spray?”
“Okay, fine,” Eddie says. “Nancy told me.”
“She was sworn to secrecy!”
Eddie laughs. “You better go drive him before he’s late for school, man. Wake me when you get back.”
He wakes up again to Steve coming in through the bedroom door. He has his wallet in his hand when Eddie opens his eyes, sees Steve opening it to pull something out, and then a twenty dollar bill is being tossed toward Eddie. 
“I don’t have a gram of weed,” Steve says, petulantly. “But, to be clear, it wasn’t the Steve Harrington hair routine.”
“No?” Eddie asks, taking the money and dropping it on the nightstand. He slides his rings on top of it to keep it weighed down. 
“No,” Steve says, kicking off his jeans. He throws himself into Eddie’s bed and burrows himself under the blankets. “He’s doing the Eddie hair routine now.”
“What, get out of the shower and rub it with a towel until it’s dry?” Eddie jokes. 
Steve wraps his arms around Eddie’s waist and drags him in. 
“Fuck you, man,” Steve huffs. “I know you take care of your hair. I love your fucking hair.”
Eddie smiles a bit sadly and buries his face in Steve’s throat. Hair has always been a thing for him. Complicated at best. He likes where he’s at now, but it’s always been complicated, trying to get where he is. 
A discussion for another time, maybe, because Steve is pressing kisses to his head and letting his hands wander a bit. 
The hands wander a bit too much for eight in the morning, but Eddie finds himself not really caring at all. Not when it feels this good. Not when Steve can make him forget all the thoughts that creep back up on him when he starts to think about those complicated things.
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strawberry-milkbunny · 6 months
Naruto is my Roman Empire and I’ve been reading MadaTobi fanfics so these r my Founders Thoughts that nobody asked for:
- Tobirama had a crush on Madara and it PISSED HIM OFF like they def had hate sex at one point LMAO
- they literally worked together ur rlly gonna tell me they didn’t have SOME moments of civility btwn them?? (lowkey that’s wild tho having to see ur brother’s murderer everyday at work-I like Tobi but I’m just sayin)
- Tobi doing experiments and scaring the villagers
- Tobi teaming up with Madara to make Hashi do work
- Hashi making flowers w/government documents
- Mito sipping tea while encouraging Tobi to revive the dead
- everyone in the Tower side eying the sexual tension btwn Madara and Tobi and them never denying they’ve fucked before
- Toka cackling in the background
- Hikaku spraying water at Madara like a cat every time he throws a temper tantrum
- Kagami popping in to make sure his clan head doesn’t kill his teacher PERFECT SITCOM MATERIAL
- totally personal preference: Naruto should’ve had more BLOOD AND GORE. I wanna see the grittiness and horror the shinobi world actually is and how revolutionary Naruto as a character is by choosing peace over violence. The only time we get that is Obito vs Kiri nin, Uchiha Massacre, Wave Arc, Orochimaru…before it turns into DBZ fights
I’ve said this before: Sasuke was in a seinen Naruto was in a shounen
- the warring states is literally the perfect place for exhibiting the horrors of war and humanity. Bloodline thieves, child hunting squads, GIVE. IT. TO. ME. Madara and Hashirama experiencing all of this and wanting PEACE FOR THEIR YOUNGER BROTHERS UGHHH ROBBERY‼️‼️
I HC that bloodline thieves is prob why Madara wears gloves….being a YOUNG (he’s been on the battlefield since he was 8??) powerful, prodigy and future clan head of a famous kekkai genkai it makes sense why he doesn’t like skin-contact/sexual repression and repulsion. And why we don’t see female Uchiha shinobi (excluding misogyny) simply bc there’s such a high risk of SA in this era
Moving on:
- Tobi and Izuna were jealous of how their brothers were being taken away. It goes past the senju/uchiha rivalry like they were just kids and were plain jealous.
- Madara and hashirama def share 1 brain cell LOLLL. Like they’re besties for a reason, Madara acts likes he smarter but nah he’s as much of an idiot as Hashi is. They’re both dreamers let these boys live and skip rocks together!!! 😭😭
- let’s be honest: Tobi built the village. Mans was doing ALL the logistics and infrastructure
- tobirama is soooo second son/eldest daughter coded it’s not even funny. The SPARE, serious and emotionless bc he needed to always clean up after his siblings, DUTIFUL, prob has a praise kink etc.
- Madara is an eldest daughter who also prob has a praise kink and touch starved
- NONE of the founders r well adjusted like they went from spending everyday of their lives at war to tryin bring peace and start essentially a ninja-revolution (PLS GO TO THERAPY)
- madara was just the most open about it: being isolated and feared by his own clan BC he was powerful, trying advocate for the village and peace, all while grieving for his last brother…yeah it makes sense y he went crazy or at least wanted to leave (fuck Kishimoto for that Kaguya bs and fuck Zetsu)
- I don’t actually believe he was trying destroy the village idkkk. I think he was trying to do an SNS aka using fighting as a way to communicate with Hashirama and well…yIkEs
- tobirama is 1000% unadjusted: mans literally created a Justu to revive the dead. You cannot tell me that doesn’t REEK of desperation and loneliness. He’s lit rally the OG mad scientist
- hashirama rlly thought sealing the Bijuu and giving them to each village was a good idea….sir WHO TF GIVES NUCLEAR WEAPONS TO SHINOBI???!! 😳😳
- I think hashirama and naruto lowkey can be summed up as: a powerful idealist. Which is a very dangerous combination. Take that how you will especially considering how shinobi thrive off of violence….it kinda makes sense how we ended up with canon Naruto
- Madara has a god complex and knows it. Hashirama has a god-complex and doesn’t know it. (God of Shinobi title def got to him and understandable)
- the founders failed and they know it. But I also kinda love it?? They’re so flawed and human as leaders and you can see how their mistakes drag into Canon Naruto. It also makes me so sad knowing that Konoha was built to prevent child soldiers and give protection only for it to actually be WORSE (Kakashi ITACHI SANNIN ik for a fact it must’ve hurt Hashi to know ur own granddaughter left the village)
Uchiha are: love is the death of duty while the Senju are: duty is the death of love and neither of them will forgive each other for picking one over the other‼️‼️‼️
- proving this ^^ w/Hashirama’s weird af characterization: aka him being a loveable idiot but at the same time CONGRATULATING Itachi for killing his own clan for Konoha…. I feel like that rlly showed me how much of a war veteran/shinobi Hashirama actually is and how he will always pick duty
- we were ROBBED of baby Kagami/hokage Kagami 😤😤😤 I’m sorry Kagami should’ve been made Hokage it just makes sense personality wise and politically wise. The only way I could see him not take it is bc he needed to be a clan leader/placate the Uchiha/help Hikaku.
- I wanna see him process the loss of his clan leader, teacher, and eventually friends to a point where Danzo takes his eyes
- everyone on Team Tobirama had a crush on Kagami at one point
- one of my fav HC: Tobi and Madara co-parenting Kagami. There’s no way Madara didn’t check up on Kagami being taught by THE senju which makes his defection hit harder for Kagami 😭😭
- BABY SANNIN ‼️‼️‼️ Tsunade was old enough to meet and remember Hashirama it makes sense that Oro and Jiraiya meet the founders
- omg could u imagine being Edo Tensei Hashirama?? Ur granddaughter’s weird friend revives u using the Jutsu ur brother invented that you specifically FORBID 😭😭
- Hashi and Tobi staring at Orochimaru like “you look familiar???” IT HAS SO MUCH COMEDIC POTENTIAL
- Mito revolutionized female shinobi like she’s def the reason ppl realized that girls can fight (Senju Toka was an exception) STAN MITO 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
- Mito pulled a Tsunade and mentally yeeted out of Konoha after Hashi and Tobi died. Bc the way we NEVER hear about her and Hiruzen interacting except for Kushina, even tho she’s literally RELATED to the other 2 hokages….ROBBED 😵‍💫
- I HC: she was dealing w/grief (the fall of Uzushio made it worse) and she was lowkey pushed out of the council by Danzo FUCK DANZO
- I love the idea of Mito wooing for Hashirama’s hand/politically smart Mito!! It was a political marriage that grew into love. There’s no way she DIDNT suspect an attack on Uzushio lik it’s literally an island w/Kiri as it’s neighbours….Konoha gets recognition and stability while Uzushio importantly gets mainland allies
- Mito tops btw she’s def pegged Hashi before 🫢
- if Madara or Hashi had sisters/born women they would’ve def had a marriage to solidify their alliance. This makes Japanese homophobia not make sense esp in the shinobi world bc their clans trusted each other w/o backup like marriage?? Idk I’m just kinda confused y it was never even brought up for an alliance…
*cue MadaTobi arranged marriage au 100k, enemies to lovers, slowburn*
- also to dude bros homophobia has no place in the Naruto world (and IRL BTW) outside of making heirs. They’re literally MERCENARIES You telling me Kakashi has never fucked another man for information before??? Pls be serious I’m begging y’all 🙃🙃🙃
- there’s def family drama amongst the senju!! Idk I feel like Hashirama and Tobirama have the relationship of: “they love each other but don’t like each other” which makes Madara’s inclusion even worse for the brothers’ relationship. Like they def always had each other’s backs but never actually felt like they understood each other.
- I wish more fanfics/canon covered the shinobi-civilian politics more (I love politics lol give me world-building kishimoto 😤)
- Civilians hold power. THEY have all the MONEY to pay shinobi
- I’ve rlly only seen 1 fanfic that involves the Fire Daimyo during the Warring States Era (Into the Wide Blue Yonder it’s a KakaSasu Time travel fic that actually ✨works✨ 12/10 recommend) but it’s true.
Wtf is the Fire Daimyo doing during this era??? Why is he being so placate about Senju/Uchiha war unless he just sees it as entertainment?? How have shinobi NOT fought against rich civilian politicians before?? (Introducing Maoism to the naruto world lol 🤔🤔)
- Kishimoto curse ur goldfish brain….
- the uchiha and senju were def broke in this era, LMAO especially the Uchiha and I mean resource wise. War is EXPENSIVE the Uchiha don’t have Hashirama and Mokutan, they couldn’t just grow food whenever they wanted. It makes total sense that they would agree to a ceasefire just to prevent STARVATION
- once again…. robbed in terms of seeing the aftermath and devastation of war and learning how to live in a morally grey, politically unstable, resource limited world which could’ve brought in the ultimate themes of peace and the cycle of violence, and the question of if violence and war is ever justified, but…..no ❤️
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levenlike11 · 1 year
thinking about my baby sakusa.. ( sakusa x gender neutral reader - reader is shorter than him)
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
i just know he owns so many high-quality body washes and shampoos. and they all smell great🥹
he always smells amazing, has a few different perfumes&colognes for different occasions and deodorants for practices and matches.
he seems like the type to enjoy fresh, clean smells. probably not into very strong scents.
he probably also does hair masks and uses natural oils to strengthen his hair. a really important step in his self-care.
talking of self-care, you always convince him to do masks with you. he says they don't work but either way, you have fun doing it with him and he gives in after a pout from you. (he's smitten.)
you once convinced him to do a mask painted like a cat and took so many photos of him like that because he just looked so cute (he didn't agree at all but was glad to see you so happy over something so small.)
he also doesn't know one of those is still your wallpaper.🤭
he often helps you choose a perfume for yourself too, he has great taste so you drag him to the shop forcefully
he likes smelling so many different sweet fragrances and being able to choose them for you (it makes him happy to know you trust his taste so much because smell is very important for him!!)
definitely has a curly hair routine to keep those beautiful curls in shape (even though he knows you'll ruin them the second he comes near you) (he'll forgive you for a kiss though, you're too cute not to)
he likes washing/brushing/braiding your hair. if he sees an appealing picture of a hairstyle on pinterest (yes he ABSOLUTELY has pinterest. you can not convince me otherwise.) he will definitely want to try it on you as long as you're comfortable
he's also pretty good at it so you mostly let him practice on your hair + you get free hair styling
if he's going away on a game you definitely exchange perfumes to miss each other less, he loves spraying some of your perfume on before a game for good luck
when he comes home after a long&tiring day, the first thing he does is hug you from behind, put his head on your shoulder and his nose in your hair to breathe in your scent, #1 way to calm down in his opinion!
he loves loves loves taking warm baths with you, it's so calming and soothing
i just love him sm this is all i have for now thanks for reading! any feedback is appreciated<33
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kitten4sannie · 1 year
27 - ꜰᴜʀʀʏ/ʜʏʙʀɪᴅ - ᴡᴏᴏʏᴏᴜɴɢ
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ꜱᴘɪʟʟᴇᴅ ᴍɪʟᴋ
pairing: fox hybrid! wooyoung x cat hybrid! reader (fem) feat. owners seongjoong
summary: you mess around with a new hybrid playmate while your owners go out to eat.
w.c: 3.4k
warnings: dom leaning! wooyoung, sub leaning! reader, these mfs are in HEAT, subspace stuff, pet names, praise, kissing, food play, nipple play (m receiving), grinding, breeding kink (it’d be an actual crime if i didn’t include this) unprotected sex, creampie
a/n: on all levels except physical i am a kitty - meow
okay but fr i’ve always wanted to write a hybrid au so i’m so glad i finally did!! it was so fun ahhhh <3 also there's only one more fic to go ;; thank you for coming on this filthy journey with meee <3
FFF Masterlist
“Y/N, I’m home!” your owner Hongjoong called out, standing near the doorway of his apartment next to his friend Seonghwa, who he had a fat crush on, and of course, his companion Wooyoung, a beautiful red fox hybrid who was a sneaky little troublemaker with a heart of gold. “And I brought company, so make sure you have some clothes on!”
Ears twitching at the sound of your owner’s voice, you pulled yourself out of the cat nap you were taking on Hongjoong’s bed and pounced into his open closet to find one of his oversized hoodies and some booty shorts to put on. Yawning dramatically, you headed out into the living room, seeing Seonghwa give you a smile and a wave. You reciprocated, but suddenly went still upon seeing the hybrid you had never encountered before besides the times Hongjoong made you interact with him over FaceTime, your tufted ears now on high alert.
Wooyoung reacted differently, his mind yelling ‘Kitty! Must scent!’, immediately heading in your direction to do just that, but getting pulled back when Seonghwa placed his hands onto his shoulders, hearing him go ‘uh-uh-uh.’
Hongjoong walked over to you and gave you a hug, running his hand down your fluffy tail to get it to go from a standing position to a relaxed one. “Don’t be so scared, sweetheart. You’ve talked to him before. He’s been really excited to meet you in person, you know.” Seeing your apprehension, he pressed a kiss to your forehead, stroking your hair in a comforting manner. “I just thought you could hang out with someone new. Do you remember me telling you about this a couple days ago? How Daddy wants you to meet new hybrids so you can socialize?”
You thought about it for a minute, going back through the past week, your freshest memory being of your trip to the mall with Hongjoong. He bought you a new plushie and some new cat grass after you tossed the other one off of the balcony when you were having a fit. He used half of the spray bottle on you that day.
“Uh…not really,” you replied honestly, idly grabbing onto Hongjoong’s sleeve and holding it, looking past him, studying the fox that was staying still in his owner’s grasp. He didn’t look too scary now that you weren’t so caught off guard by a person who wasn’t your owner or his boyfriend. Friend. You weren’t sure because Hongjoong always got pouty whenever you asked. You tilted your head, finding Wooyoung’s outfit to be really adorable. He had a few pink heart-shaped clips in his hair, keeping some of his cherry-red bangs out of his eyes. He was wearing a cute oversized sweater too, one that was hanging off one of his shoulders and had a tiny heart over the breast. To make you ever more jealous of his look, he was wearing your favorite brand of athletic shorts, ones with white stripes going down the sides. You wanted to take a trip to his closet one day. You were tired of exploring Hongjoong’s, only ever finding empty bottles of cat nip that you had raided without his knowledge and random books about romance.
Wooyoung’s white-tipped fox ears perked up upon eye contact, his nose twitching a few times, taking in your scent from far away. It was comforting. Like fresh laundry and some kind of soap. Sniff. Kiwi scented soap, to be exact. Would your skin taste like kiwis too? He would have to conduct an experiment. Hopefully, you would like him, so he could get close. He loved kitties. He really liked to tease them and get them all riled up, always wanting to watch their tails puff up, but Seonghwa told him not to do that anymore. It worked out though, because his favorite thing was when he made them purr. It always made him feel really warm inside, sometimes so warm he felt like his tummy was on fire.
Hongjoong sighed, but gave your head a reassuring pat, causing you to push your head into his hand when he started to pull it away, patting it some more as a result. “Well, it’s time you met Wooyoung in person, don’t you think?” You gave him a small nod, opting to climb onto the large plush couch and sitting with your tail curled around you. Hongjoong walked over to you and murmured, “You might become good friends, sweetheart. Plus, he brought you some snacks so be a good girl and tell him thank you, okay?”
“Okay, Daddy,” you nodded, nuzzling your owner’s hovering hand, before looking to Seonghwa, who gave you another soft smile and released his grip on Wooyoung. You blinked for a second and the eager fox hybrid was already sitting on the couch next to you, setting down the plastic bag he had and leaning in to give your neck a few sniffs. You smelled even better up-close, unknowingly encouraging him to move his face into your soft hair, his nose brushing over your human ear, making you shiver. You stayed still, getting used to his scent as well. It was warm like cinnamon sticks and sweet like maple syrup. Yummy. Neither of you spoke, simply taking in each other’s scents and body language, exchanging intense eye contact, as though you were figuring each other out.
Hongjoong walked back over to Seonghwa and leaned against him, elbowing him gently in the ribs through his long, black coat. “Do you think they’ll be fine on their own?”
“I think so. They’re both well trained.” Seonghwa nodded his head, smiling down at Hongjoong, suddenly rubbing his stomach and groaning when he felt hunger pains. “We should probably head to the restaurant soon. I’m starving.”
Both Hongjoong and Seonghwa said bye to the both of you, but neither of you were really paying attention, only waving your hands in their direction, your eyes still locked onto one another’s, getting closer and closer as time went by.
Hongjoong grabbed his bag and coat, then headed to the door with Seonghwa, only stopping once he closed the door behind the both of them. Seonghwa walked a few feet down the hall, but staying still when he realized that Hongjoong was standing still. “What’s wrong?” he asked, pushing a hand into his coat pocket.
Locking the door, Hongjoong caught up to Seonghwa, saying concernedly, “Y/N hasn’t been fixed. Is Wooyoung fixed?”
Walking down the hallway at a leisurely pace, Seonghwa hit the elevator button, realizing, “No, actually. Do you think that’ll be a problem?”
Remembering how cautious you were around Wooyoung, Hongjoong shook his head and laughed at the thought of you actually engaging with Wooyoung in such a way. Plus, you never showed that kind of interest in anyone, except for him. He didn’t have anything to worry about. “No, I think we’re probably fine. She’s a good girl.” Stepping into the elevator with Seonghwa, he looked down at his friend’s hand, which was mere inches away from his, gulping, his ringed fingers twitching slightly.
“Wooyoung’s feisty, but won’t push anything on another hybrid if they disapprove.” Watching the numbers on the elevator slowly go down, Seonghwa pressed his shoulder into Hongjoong’s smaller one, able to notice how he tensed up. The backs of his fingers just barely began to brush over his friend’s, making him feel warm, but not able to pull through and actually attempt to hold his hand.
“That’s good.” Hongjoong focused intently on the numbers on the screen above him, taking in a deep breath and moving his fingers against Seonghwa’s, just barely interlocking their pinky fingers together.
“Good, yeah,” Seonghwa replied softly, his heart about to beat out of his chest, swallowing his nerves down like he would with the wine he was about to drink at the restaurant. He squeezed Hongjoong’s pinky against his own. “Very good.”
“Absolutely.” Hongjoong felt like he was going to melt into the floor, not realizing he was holding his breath until he started to feel a little lightheaded.
“Youngie,” you accidentally blurted out, shivering as Wooyoung’s rough tongue came in contact with your neck, whining when he pulled the collar of your hoodie down to get better access to your collarbone area. He said he wanted to see if you tasted like kiwis because of Hongjoong’s soap. You weren’t sure if it worked like that, but it couldn’t hurt to try. Though, it tickled a lot and Wooyoung’s scent was making you feel really warm.
Wooyoung let out a small chirp-like sound of approval at your nickname for him, stopping mid-lick to push his head into yours, nuzzling you. “I like that, Kitty. Keep calling me that.”
Your ears flattened into your hair, and your heart thumped away inside your chest. “Okay, Youngie. Please call me Kitty from now on too. I like it.” Running your fingers over the wet sections of your neck, you asked, “So did it taste like kiwi?”
“Uh-uh.” Wooyoung pouted for a second, only to smile brightly when he remembered about the snacks he brought. He turned his body to reach into the plastic bag next to him, pulling out two cartons of strawberry milk and handing you one, taking out a bag of de-pitted cherries as well. Seonghwa always took the pits out so he didn't have to worry about Wooyoung choking. “Snack time!”
Poking the straw through the box and taking a few gulps of the drink, you jumped slightly and turned your body towards the other hybrid’s, remembering Hongjoong’s words. “Thank you, Youngie.”
Slurping a couple cherries into his mouth and gobbling them down without much thought, he turned his body towards yours as well, speaking with his mouth full, “Welcome, Kitty. Want a cherry?” When you nodded, he took a bite of another one and pressed it to your lips, tilting his head to the side when you gingerly nibbled on it, your cheeks flushed. “Something wrong?”
“It’s an indirect kiss,” you murmured shyly, taking the rest of the cherry into your mouth when he pushed it inside and chewing it.
Wooyoung took a sip of his milk, batting his long eyelashes at you, his big, bushy tail idly flicking at one of your bare thighs. “You want a direct one?”
“I-i mean, well, um…yes…” you stuttered out, barely able to handle Wooyoung pouncing on you, almost making you knock your milk carton over. He smelled so good. So yummy. You really wanted to taste him.
“Here I come, kitty cat.” Resting one hand near your head on the cushion below and leaning down towards you, he took a bite of a cherry and chewed, pressing it down onto your lips and rubbing the juices around. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips onto yours, idly licking the sweetness off of them, slowly deepening the kiss once you lowered your carton to the floor and wrapped your arms around his neck.
He blindly reached for another cherry or two. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Lick. Lick. Lick. Wooyoung’s tongue began to eagerly explore your mouth, licking at the roof of your mouth and at one of your inner cheeks, eventually focusing on your rough tongue, slurping it into his mouth like he did with the cherry and sucking on it. With your bodies and fluffy tails entwined, the fox hybrid began to rut himself against you out of habit, his hardened cock rubbing deliciously on your clit, the material of your tiny, thin shorts offering you pleasure as well.
Mewling into the hybrid’s mouth, you broke the kiss, your glistening lips connected with a few strings of saliva, your combined pheromones making the both of you feel like you were on fire and in need of more stimulation. Now feeling comfortable, you took the half-empty milk carton from his hand and pushed him onto the floor, hearing him let out a surprised yelp, not wasting any time landing down onto him with one leg in between his and the other pressing on the outside of it. “Kitty wants to play. Kitty wants to taste Youngie.”
Wooyoung took the carton from you and lifted his sweater up and over his tiny pink nipples, tilting the carton, pouring the milk onto the both of them, purring, “Taste me, Kitty. I know you want milk.”
As your pupils grew to the size of saucers, you leaned yourself down onto him, lapping the sweet, sticky liquid from his nipples one at a time, sucking on them to make sure you cleaned them properly. “Mm, yummy. More, Youngie. More milk.”
Flustered and turned on, Wooyoung felt like he was about to blow his load from feeling your tiny sandpaper-like tongue on his sensitive chest. He poured a bit more milk onto his chest, the liquid eventually trickling down his abdomen. When you dove back in to lap up the milk from his puffy nipples, your tongue slid back and forth over them at an increasingly desperate speed, making him moan more and more, unable to hold back. “Feels really good. Kitty’s making Youngie feel so hot.”
Your pussy pulsed and your ears twitched slightly from the praise you were receiving. It made you want more. You dragged your tongue down his soft body, still lapping at the milk, moving lower and lower until you got to the waistband of his shorts. Sniffing at the smell of pre-cum soaking through the thin material, you instinctively rubbed your cheek against his clothed cock, giving it a few experimental licks, feeling it twitch against your tongue.
Wooyoung whined softly, pulling his shorts down, his cock springing up into your face, your eyes focusing on the shiny reddened tip. “I have more milk for you, Kitty. Lick and suck, and it’ll come out.”
“Okay, Youngie.” You were familiar with oral because Hongjoong always let you do it to him when he woke up with morning wood, giving you a tummy full of cum to tide you over until breakfast. Feeling your shorts stick to your pussy with a heavy amount of arousal, you licked up the shaft like you were working with a dripping ice cream cone, slowly allowing it into your warm mouth and bobbing your head at a steady pace, drooling onto it.
Wooyoung arched his back, grasping at the carpet below with his free hand, whining and moaning, his voice coming out higher-pitched than before. "So good," he sighed out, gazing down at you with glossy, dilated eyes. "Don't stop, Kitty..."
You alternated between licking all around it and sucking on it, your rough tongue sending shivers up his spine, his fluffy tail jolting every now and then. When you pushed the majority of Wooyoung's pulsing cock into your mouth, the fox moaned wantonly, letting go of the milk carton, not noticing when it began to leak out into the plush carpet. He was too focused on how good it felt to have a pretty kitty play with his cock. So good, he might-
“Mmm…!” you reacted, feeling Wooyoung’s cum spilling down your throat, pulling away to have it shoot out onto your tongue in spurts. You swallowed it down in gulps, his cum so hot and thick it made you crave more, but wanting it inside your pussy instead. “Want more milk. Want it inside me. In my special place.”
Wooyoung’s ear rotated in different directions, his cock instantly coming to life upon hearing your soft-spoken request. “Kitty can have all of my milk,” he answered, reaching down to help you slip out of your shorts, a long, thick bead of arousal dripping off of your cunt and onto his twitching length. “Come on, kitty cat. Let’s breed~”
Wooyoung’s words made your brain short-circuit, not even realizing what was happening until got onto the hybrid's lap, feeling something warm and heavy filling you up to the brim, your tight cunt already clenching around whatever was pumping in and out of you. Oh, Youngie’s thick cock. It was already deep inside you, sending pleasant chills up your spine, your fluffy tail coiling around one of the fox’s thighs. "Youngie," you purred, not even moving yourself, simply letting the fox eagerly slam his hips up into yours, the loud slapping sounds like music to your fluffy ears. You loved the sound of breeding. It made you feel so warm. So hot.
Panting, Wooyoung made a low, guttural sound, his pupils blown wide, suddenly grabbing your body and switching your positions, this time laying himself down against your back, the front of you pressing into the soft carpet. When you looked back up at him with surprise, your eyebrows still drawn from the pleasure, Wooyoung responded by fucking you a lot faster than before now that he was in full control. “This is a better position for breeding, Kitty. Want you to have a full litter.”
All this talk about breeding and having kitties of your own, fox hybrid kitties at that, made you almost feel a little dizzy. You just met Youngie in person today, but you already wanted him to take care of you when you were full for him, have him protect you from harm, and love you. “Give Kitty Youngie’s milk. Want your kits in me. In Kitty’s breeding hole.”
Hearing you talk about the kits that he could help you produce sent him into an instinctive frenzy, fucking you hard into the soft floor, his hands squeezing into your bouncing ass on each side, kneading it and watching his cock disappear inside your slick cunt over and over. Making you let out deep purrs mixed with whiny, desperate mewls, Wooyoung hunched over you, burying his face into your neck, licking and sucking it, murmuring, “Kitty sounds so pretty. I like hearing Kitty’s pretty purring and moans…”
His praise and his ability to send you in an almost mind-melting state of pleasure made you revel in the fact that Wooyoung was your new special friend, hoping you could see him again soon in case he didn’t successfully breed you this time. “Youngie, it’s coming out,” you moaned, only having to get filled up with his cock one last time, before your release began pouring out of you.
“Kitty’s so wet and warm,” Wooyoung sighed deeply, slamming his hips into yours a few more times, your extra tight hole drawing whiny-sounding moans from his lips, his body starting to jolt. He squeezed your ass tightly, spurting his thick seed deep into your womb, barely able to moan, “Take my milk, little kitty. Wanna see you so full for me next time I see you. Wanna see you make your own milk for me.”
“Kitty wants Youngie’s kits…” you purred back, your lower half shuddering a bit after getting creampied. “Wanna make my own milk so that you can taste it.” You looked back at him to give him a sheepish smile, your tail swishing around and tickling the hybrid’s chest.
“I’ll give you my kits, kitty cat,” he reassured, pressing his lips to your head, rubbing your hips in a soothing way. He licked your earlobe, drawing more purrs from you. “And I’ll be sure to drink your milk. I promise~”
You began to purr even louder, relishing the thought of being Wooyoung’s mate, able to get bred and tasted by him whenever you both felt like it. Feeling Wooyoung slowly pull out, you whined at the emptiness and the feeling of his seed slowly dribbling out of you. You rested your sweaty face against the carpet, so fucked-out your small tongue slid out of your mouth, still feeling your heart pound inside your chest. You really liked Youngie. You wanted to see him again, and you were about to tell him, but the door unlocked and swung open.
“I told you not to have that last glass, dumbass,” Hongjoong scolded Seonghwa, despite the fierce blush on his face. His friend was leaning against him and nuzzling the side of his head, sufficiently drunk. Seonghwa mumbled something incoherently, his eyes shut, but suddenly opened them up when he heard his friend gasp out loud.
“No! Bad Y/N!” he started, already running over to the kitchen to grab the spray bottle, encouraging you to tiredly crawl into Wooyoung’s lap and rest your face in the crook of his neck, purring softly from taking in your mixed scents. Hongjoong stood in front of the both of you, looking between your naked sweaty bodies, slowly lowering the bottle to his side as to not ruin an (admittedly) cute moment. He instead faced Seonghwa who plopped down onto the couch and sunk into it, ready to fall asleep. “Aren’t you upset, Seonghwa? Wooyoung isn’t fixed. He probably–”
Seonghwa shook his head, pointing down to the carpet where a spot had formed on the dark carpet. “No, I think we’re good. He definitely pulled out. Just like I taught him.” He reached down to pat Wooyoung’s head, smiling softly down at his companion. “Good job, sweetie.”
Wooyoung chirped at his owner’s praise, still nuzzling you, holding you close, finding the vibrations of your constant purring to be extremely therapeutic.
Hongjoong walked up to the carpet and leaned down, inspecting it closely. “Are you sure this is cum? It’s not white or anything.” He placed his hands on his hips, looking down at Wooyoung with a stern expression, making the fox hybrid gulp. “What is that stain, Wooyoung?”
Knowing he wasn’t lying, Wooyoung rubbed your back in small circles, chiming with a proud smile, flashing his canine teeth up at the man. “It’s milk.”
FFF: @hwalysm @scuzmunkie @creativechaoticloner@dilucpegg3r @yeosxxx @gemjimin @wonwowzers @sanjoongie @manipulatedstars @k-drizzle 
Apply for the taglist here ⇢ ♡
© toxicccred, 2023.
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“Psst. Shiro. Shiro. You awake? Shiro?”
If there is anyone, out there, who has just had their car stolen by a punk kid who reminds them to much of themselves, Shiro would like them to know:
Do not adopt the punk kid. The punk kid will grow into a punk young adult who does not know boundaries and loves to bother you in the dead of the fucking night, because heaven forbid he solve his own problems.
“Keith. I am going to kill you.”
“I have a question,” Keith insists, entirely unafraid of Shiro’s very real and very genuine threat.
Shiro groans loudly, grabbing a pillow and shoving it over his head. Maybe if he holds it steadily it will suffocate him to death. “Fuck off. Please.”
Ignoring him even further, Keith climbs over Shiro’s body, kneeing him in the spleen, like a cat perhaps, and settling down next to him. “I have a question,” he says again.
He has his stubborn voice on, because of fucking course he does. Shiro is not going to be successful in ignoring him.
He groans again, much louder this time, and drags himself out from under the blankets. He glares at his brother as nastily as he can, seriously considering beating him to death with his pillow. Keith must read the look in his eyes, because he scooches back slightly.
“Did I ever tell you that you’re a punk fucking kid?“
“More times than I can count physically,” Keith says pleasantly. “You may have called me that more than my name, actually. I have a lot of intense psychological trauma about it.”
Shiro laughs despite himself, breaking the unspoken game between them. The smile finally breaks free on Keith’s face, wide and boyish and frustrating.
Shiro has to give him a noogie. Like, contractually.
“Aw, Shiro, fuck off! You’re gonna mess up my hair!”
“Can’t mess up the already messy,” Shiro taunts, making sure to cause at least three tangles. Keith makes a freaky growling noise, like one of those little rat dogs that feels it has been wronged, and the next thing Shiro knows he’s being bitten.
“Jesus — ow, Keith! Unclamp! Bad feral desert child! I’m going to get the fucking spray bottle!” Shiro finally manages to wrestle his arm back, kicking Keith right off the bed and holding a pillow in front of him for protection. “Gollum ass bitch!”
“My precious,” Keith hisses in response, muffled from his place on the floor.
Both of them are silent for a moment, desperately trying to muffle their panting so the other doesn’t know how out of breath the wrestling made them.
God, Shiro wouldn’t give up his punk fucking kid for the world.
“Why did you wake me up, you brat?”
“The team is panicking and I’m not allowed to tell you about it,” Keith explains easily.
Shiro leans over the side of the bed, quirking an amused eyebrow. “So why are you telling me about it?”
Keith shrugs. “Because they’re being stupid! Don’t bother Shiro, Lance says. It’s supposed to be a surprise, Lance says.” Keith scoffs. “I don’t get it. We’re struggling, we need help. Who the fuck else would we ask?”
Shiro opens his mouth, then closes it again. His eyes well up.
“Oh, Shiro, don’t start,” Keith groans, smacking his palm to his forehead. “Dude, come on, it wasn’t that big of a deal —”
“I’m your backup plan,” Shiro wails, trying and failing to contain himself. He buries his face in his hands, shoulders shaking with the force of his cries.
“Aw, you big loser.” Keith crawls back up on the bed, throwing an arm around Shiro’s back and patting gently. He lets Shiro cry himself out for a few minutes, hand rubbing constant circles on Shiro’s back, and then he freezes.
Mischief is suddenly in the air.
“After all,” Keith says, and Shiro can hear the glee in his voice. “you’re six whole years old, today. Practically a grown-up!” His voice gets high-pitched, condescending. “Are we having some big boy feelings there, sport? Are we —”
“I am going to kill you now,” Shiro announces pleasantly, and it’s the only warning Keith gets before he’s tackled to the ground.
“I can’t believe you actually tried to kill me,” Keith pouts. He pokes at a bruise on his arm and then looks at Shiro, expression as pitiful as he can make it. “You’re abusive. A bully.”
“Mhm. Shut up.” Keith grumbles when Shiro throws his arm over his shoulders, guiding them down the hallways, but allows it. “You said you had a question, when you woke me up in the dead of the night like a particularly annoying mosquito.”
Keith brightens considerably. “Oh, yeah! Happy birthday. The team is trying to plan you a super secret birthday party, but you usually plan the team birthday parties, so it’s fallen into chaos. Lance keeps trying to climb the cabinets in the kitchen to hang things from the ceiling. When I left Hunk was threatening to shove him in the oven.”
Shiro can’t help his smile, big and wide and goofy. “Is Pidge panicking and reorganizing the kitchen based on a convoluted colour-coding system?”
“Allura’s smuggling gigantic bottles of glitter into the room and trying to put it everywhere for ‘festive joy and sparkles’?”
“Coran is trying to stop her but keeps getting distracted and pulled onto the side of the glitter?”
“Absolutely. She bribed him with orange glitter and he dropped off the rational side immediately.”
“Excellent. Hopefully she’s managed to cover things in pink.”
“Oh, she brought in extra just for you.”
Shiro sniffles again. His arm tightens around his dorky brother, who rolls his eyes at the sound but doesn’t tease him again. “And Hunk? How many people have been smacked with the Spoon of Doom for trying to eat the cake?”
Keith’s shiftiness startles the tears right out of him, and he laughs loudly. “How many times have you been smacked, you sugar fiend?”
“He made you triple chocolate cake!” Keith defends. “I just wanted to quality check!”
“You should tell Hunk you want to ‘quality check’ his stuff. I’d really enjoy seeing him throw you bodily down the hallway.”
“Say, has anyone given you your birthday beats yet? You’re six years old, and there are six of us, so that means you get to get thirty-six —”
“Keith! Shiro!” They’re not even fully in view of the doorway when Lance calls out to them — those freaky bat ears of his, goddamn — and jumps off the counter, just barely managing to not trip and brain himself to death on the floor. He runs over to them, hugging them tightly and then dragging them towards the rest of the team.
“Interesting how you were the first one he called out to,” Shiro mutters, wiggling his eyebrows.
Keith scowls. His ears are red. “Shut up.”
“First one he hugged, too.”
“Interesting, because it’s my birthday.”
“It’s going to be your last birthday if you don’t shut the fuck up.”
“Is he sparkling? He looks like he’s sparkling. Only when he looks at you, though.”
“Shiro, if you don’t fucking —”
“Everyone! The birthday boy is here!” Lance announces, saving Shiro’s life.
The team greets him enthusiastically, beams and hugs and kisses and, in Allura’s case, a baptism of pink glitter.
“Thank you,” Shiro tells her solemnly. “Both for the glitter shower and for not letting anyone tell you not to. Stick it to the man.”
Allura laughs brightly. “Of course not! The room needs to shine as brightly as you, Shiro darling!”
She sits Shiro down at his seat, everyone taking their seats around him. Hunk brings over the beautiful cake he made, deep and dark and chocolate and no doubt beyond delicious.
There are six and three quarter candles in it.
Shiro glances at his team flatly. “Really?”
“It’s the first of thirteen age related jokes,” Pidge says, grinning. “We each came up with one, and then Keith came up with seven more.”
“Shocking,” Shiro says drily. He shakes his head, unable to fight his smile. “All of you are ungrateful brat children. Even you, Coran.”
“I have forgotten more about being alive than you will ever know, child.”
“Is it because I’m only six?”
Coran claps his hands delightedly. “Yes! That is my joke! Did you like it?”
“I’m going to blow on my candles and wish you were all less annoying,” Shiro says.
He blows out his candles to the backdrop of his heckling team, squeezing his eyes shut. He keeps them closed for a moment, trying to think of something to wish for. He peeks one eye open, taking in his dorky team, wrestling and teasing each other. Pidge is looking dangerously close to grabbing a handful of cake with her bare hands and shoving it in Lance’s hair, because he’s poking her relentlessly over something ridiculous. Hunk is trying to pull him away, poorly concealing his own laughter. Allura and Coran are throwing handfuls of glitter in the air. Keith — that punk kid, Shiro’s best friend and better — has his chin in his hands, staring at Lance and pretending he isn’t.
Shiro smiles, soft and happy and satisfied.
He lets his wish evaporate into the atmosphere.
There’s nothing he wants that he doesn’t already have.
552 notes · View notes
bowbowcherry · 9 months
Nsfw MDNI ×
Tumblr media
×Thumb in ass,degradation, 69, spit, drool, spanking. Pubes. Squirt. F!cum swap. Hair pulling. Mention of pain play ig?. Gross at the end?×
I stayed up from 1 to now 6pm I am tired and I can't sleep :D I can't slant certain words without it doing the whole paragraph when I click off!!! . Uh baseball fic still working on cuz I'm lazy.
I feel like I didn't add as much sexy time but idk ill edit it to mix any mistakes n s8ch tomorrow or someday lol anyways make sure to reblog and like!!! Enjoy:
69 w/ toji!×
You slurp, both your hands at his base. His pubes tickleing your hands. Your drool, from sucking him deeper earlier, dripping down his hard cock onto your pretty, soft minecured hands. Like slime, it sticks. In the pubes ,everywhere. Eyes closed. Makeup smeared. If only you could see how much of a whore you look like. But it's all to impress fushiguro.
"Fuck baby.." He groans into your pussy. His thump playing with your tight rim. He licks you from your clit to your clenching pussy hole. Playing with the clenching muscle with his wet warm one. Then licking over Puffy fat swollen folds. Then back to your swollen peral of meat.
you trying to take that fat cock down your throat. His thigh muscles flexing. The feeling of your wet sticky tongue dragging over his tip, sucking. The hands at the base feeling them squeeze when he licks over a good spot. God, the high he's getting from all this. His whole body feeling sweaty and hot. Electrifying. Might be better then any drug If his eyes could roll back more they would. Your soft plumply thighs beside his head. Waiting to squeeze his head. Threatening and trembling to close as he flicks right to left on your puffy hard clit.
His thumb pushes past your tight rim. His other hand moves to slap your ass. The sound loud thur the room."H-haaah...toji.." One of your hand, now on his thigh your nails digging into his thigh like sharp cat claws. Leaving behind pretty red lines. You buck back on his tongue. He grabs your ass and slaps it again and again. Making it nice pretty red. God he wants to see it turn red and bruised. Just watching you try and get comfortable while sitting. God does love that. Drives him fucking insane. You squeezeing your thighs looking up at him with lusty and husky doe eyes. Fuck, his dick trys to bob. It throbs acheing to be touch with that warm mouth"Dirty. Nasty. Pain slut..go back to sucking that big dick like your ment to. Fucking freak...mmm" And he goes backs to licking and sucking. you do as your told. As you should.
You lick over his tip, before taking half of him in your mouth. Your hand one hand go's back to the base to steady the heavy rod. Your lips drags as you you move your head up and down. "Mmm.." your eyes roll. It's all to much. Feeling his tongue. The taste of his cock. The thumb moving in amd out your ass fast. Your head feels empty like a dog who got its food. So good and wanting more. You grind back on his face, your thighs squeeze his face. Your mouth let's go of your favorite candy to moan loudly into the air. Coming,That big boost of euphoric high. "TOJI!" You squeek, voice cracking as you spray your sticky and sweet juices into his mouth. Your hand one hand removing and going back to claw at his thigh the other gripping his base quite tightly. He couldn't say that he didn't like a little pain.
He's groans moving his thumb faster . He brings his other hand his pointer and middle finher rub your pulsing and twitcheing clit, side to side. Your squirt drenching his lower face, dripping down his neck and sticky face onto the bed. God he wants to cum he really can't take anymore of this. He can just feel his cock turn purple with need.
He collects some squrt in his mouth. the nice favor coating his whole mouth.he wants to swallow so bad but shareing is careing. Your panting, mind in a different place. Floating around somewhere in heaven like an angel. Your pushed off him, your face making contact with the bouncey bed. On your forearms. Creaking from your harsh movement. Your behind in the air. Quite a veiw for him Then your hair is grabbed from behind. A nice stinging ache feeling from it. Your pulled to face toji who is kneeling on the bed. The bed dipping around his knees. His toned thighs flexing, his cock bobbing here and there. His pubes to his happy trale. His abs, waist. His perked nipples. You feel yourself clench. everything is a perfect on this God.
Hand still in your hair he pulls it back so your neck is strain as you look up at him. Your face a mess. On all fours. Make up smeared heavy lidded eyes all hazy. Your pretty tits hanging. Gripping the sheets as he uses his other hand to to open your mouth. What a veiw His rough fingers grabbing roughly at your chin opening your mouth up. He leans close spitting his saliva and your liquid into your mouth. A nice good mouthful. "Drink it selfish slut." He grins at you when your face turns sour when it all hits your mouth. You swallow. His cock jumps, leaking like a broken sink. Fuck your perfect.
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copperbadge · 7 months
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[ID: Three images; top left, a spray bottle of clear liquid, labeled PRO SPRAY, sits on a gleaming cutting board; top right, Dearborn the tortie glares at the camera from the work desk's copilot basket. Bottom, a white rug with blue patterning in my hallway, surrounded at the edges by dark dustbunny-looking lumps.]
NaClYoHo Day Two! Pardon my grossness.
Yesterday afternoon I did the first of what is usually several trips to the hardware store; I bought spackle, gnat traps, and a PROFESSIONAL spray bottle. PRO SPRAY. It has an adjustable nozzle and measurement marks on the side, so I can dilute the vinegar pretty accurately. Last night I filled it up with vinegar water and laminated the kitchen, and this morning found and killed several weevils it drove out of hiding. It's sitting on the wooden cutting board because I had taken ALL the cleaning supplies out from under the sink and was reminded I should oil my cutting board with some Walrus Oil.
Dearborn is very skeptical about this morning's activity: carpet cleaning.
I threw on an episode of A Date With Dateline, popped in my earbuds, took down my Tineco One X vac and vacuumed for the first time in Slightly Too Long. I didn't get all the way through the house because I was running it on high which drains the battery, but usually vacuuming is a multi-day process. For what I paid for the Tineco I could have a high-end corded vac that does a better job, but I know that I won't use corded vacs because I hate the cord, so I'm okay vacuuming more often with the cordless. In any case, I hit the rugs because the next step was to break out the Hoover Powerdash Pet carpet cleaner and figure out how to use it.
I know I'm dropping a lot of brand names but just because I usually get asked; I don't make money from affiliate links or anything.
Anyway, the Powerdash came to me secondhand from friends who were moving, and for a long time it sat in my hallway in its plastic wrapping because I was intimidated by it. We never had one growing up and I've never really seen one in use. But it turned out that it was super easy to use, you just add water and cleaner to the tank and go; you go over the rug once with the trigger down, to spread water/cleaner, then a second time without the trigger to rinse/dry. I only hit about half of the rugs in my home, just to see how it went, and then stopped because they all seemed to remain very wet after cleaning. (They've since pretty much dried and I'm assured by the internet that's normal.)
The white patterned carpet above is the cats' favorite place to roll around and shed on, and as you can see, those dark dustbunny looking things around the carpet? That's cat hair and other dirt the cleaner pulled up. Gross but visibly effective.
I got a slightly late start so I had myself on a hard time limit; I started at 7, finished up at 8, and still had half an hour left on A Date With Dateline (they sometimes run a bit long). The cleaning solution definitely adds a certain chemical smell to the air, so I'm running the HVAC's fan and I've added "scented candle or incense" to the shopping list. Which I wanted to do anyway; some people always have such nice smelling houses and scent never seems to stick around in mine, but I've never gone hardcore on Making This Place Smell Nice. (Yes, I promise to be careful about what scents I use, I know diffused scents can harm cats.)
Disposable nitrile glove count: Still just 1!
Hardware store trips: 1.....so far.
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House Spouse (Kinda)
Requested: No
Warnings: Reader is in a dress but is kept GN, masturbation, unprotected sex, House Spirit!Reader
A/N: there was no reason to make this House Spirit!Reader other than I wanted to write them.
Price had come to appreciate you in his life. The way you kept everything nice and tidy for him, woke him with breakfast and tea, how you worried about his health when he smoked his cigars. It was nice, gentle, something he didn’t realize he’d been craving for quite some time.
But what he really appreciated was the sight of you in a 1950’s style dress that he had bought you on a whim. He hadn’t even realized he’d gone into the store til he was at the checkout with the dress in hand, having guesstimated your size. He considered bringing it back, worried that you wouldn’t like it or that you’d even be offended by the article of clothing.
His worrying was thankfully not needed though as you had eagerly approached him when he walked through the door, nudging and poking at the box with the wide eyed wonder of a cat, your long floppy ears twitching and turning, tail swishing as you asked him if it was a present for you. You seemed so happy when he told you that it was. And the way your eyes sparkled as you touched the fabric, immediately going to put it on and coming out asking him if it looked nice on you. And god did it look nice on you. He adored the way it hugged you, showing off your figure to him, the low dip of the neckline making him sweat.
He pats your head, telling you it looked absolutely beautiful, delighting in the little purr you let out as he scratches behind your ears. Then tells you he needs to get some paperwork done (a lie) before promptly shutting himself up in his office and locking the door just so he can pull out his hard cock, stroking it to the vision of you behind his eyelids, your dress lifted up in the back, tail raised high and swaying, beckoning him closer, practically begging for his cock.
He came into his fist, more than a little ashamed of himself for thinking of his cute house spirit like this. Especially when you did so much for him.
And then he realized he was out of tissues at his desk and he needed to go wash his very wet, very lubed up cock in the bathroom. The bathroom that was downstairs. The bathroom that was right next to the kitchen that you were likely in, either stealing bits of his food or cleaning again.
Price peaked his head out of his office door, able to hear your soft humming from here, the padding of your bare feet on the wood floor, the spraying of some cleaning bottle. Maybe he could get to the bathroom while you were distracted, he thought to himself, slowly creeping out and down the stairs, tip-toeing along the edges of the kitchen.
Then he freezes, eyes locked onto you, bent over the table, tail swishing as you wipe at the hardwood, seemingly content with the world as Price had a mental breakdown as how the hem of your dress was rising, showing off the back of your thighs and your uncovered bottom.
He was fucked.
Price took a deep breathe, watching your ears perk and swivel at the sound, about to stand up straight and face him when he planted a hand in the middle of your back, gently pushing you back down as he yanked the fabric of your dress up your waist, legs kicking yours open wide so he had easier access. The little squeak you let out at his actions made his cock twitch and he wasted no time positioning it at your entrance, swearing lube and semen along your hole.
“Feel what you do to me, Love?” Price groaned, grabbing at your tail with his free hand, stroking it up and down, making you shiver against him. “Feel how hard I am for you? Ye’re the biggest tease I’ve ever met. No one else does this to me, only you.”
You look over your shoulder at him, eyes wide and hazy, blown wide with a desire that almost matched his own. It did him in, finally pushing him over the edge, and he started to push in as you whined and writhed beneath him, wrapping your tail around his wrist tightly, hands gripping the other side of the table so hard that he both saw and heard it crack.
“That good, Love?” He whispered, grabbing one of your ass cheeks and pulling it to the side, spreading you apart so he could see exactly what he was doing to you. “You like that? ‘M making you feel good?”
Your enthusiastic “Yes!” fueled the fire in his belly and he huffed out a small laugh.
“Good. Cause we’re only just getting started.” He purred.
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