#Can't wait to share photos of the whole outfit!
a-snowpoff · 2 years
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Eheh... guess who finally got their 3D printer working~
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ganondoerfli · 2 months
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I'm so excited to share my most recent cosplay from Connichi 2023!
Cosplay made and worn by me (@ganondoerfli)
Character: Link from The Legend of Zelda - Tears of the Kingdom
Armor Set: Mystic Set
Photos taken by my BFF: @ithilcelevon
Date of photos: 2023-09-12
Reference picture:
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Keep reading for more details on the making of the cosplay props:
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🌸The Satori mask🌸:
I made this mask using worbla on a foam base. The LEDs I used inside the eyes were taken from LED tea candles. They give the light a cool flickering effect.
🌸The right arm🌸:
For Rauru's right arm I wore the runes on top of a scaly glove.
-> First I sewed the glove from a very textured jersey fabric.
-> Then I added some artificial nails on top, which I modified to look like claws.
-> In order to construct the pattern for the runes, I actually had to create a makeshift cast of my arm first. For this, I wrapped my whole arm in newspaper and crepe tape. After cutting the cast open and removing it from my arm, I filled it with more newspaper to make it sturdy enough to work with.
-> This paper cast of my arm was perfect for constructing the pattern, since it could be rotated in any direction (as opposed to my real arm🙃)
-> Using the finished pattern, I made the runes from foam rubber and worbla and shaped them with heat. I painted them using terra-cotta spray paint.
🌸The clothing🌸:
I used satin fabric for a nice and flowing look on the clothes.
In order to recreate the shimmering pattern on the robe, I used heat transfer vinyl.
🌸The armor🌸:
All armor pieces are made from foam and worbla. I've been using this technique for many years, it really works great! The armor pieces were then painted with lacquer and gold acrylic paint.
Making this cosplay was a lot of fun!
Tears of the Kingdom offers so many beautiful designs and outfits.
I can't wait to make more from this game! <3
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astaroth1357 · 6 months
Flipping the Script: Leviathan Meet-Cute (Human World AU)
So what if you met the demon boys in the human world instead? You’re not magic. You’re not special. You’re an average little human that came crashing into some demons one day. Good luck!
Contents: Pretty new format for me, second person (you), forgive any wonkiness
Part One (You are here), Part Two, Part Three (Coming Soon...)
You’re a hardcore otaku influencer with a niche in creating and sharing cosplay. You’ve befriended a lot of other enthusiasts pursuing your passions, but there was one guy that you met at a recent convention that stood out from all of the rest.
The Seven Lords was just having yet another milestone anniversary, so several friends in your circle all decided to get together and do a group cosplay for the fans, you all were even offered space for a panel and locations for meet-and-greets! Your whole fanbase was ecstatic, and so were you, but there was just one problem…
The friend that agreed to be your Third Lord backed out at the last minute! His baggage was totally lost on the flight there and suddenly your whole group was without a member to complete the set. Though you knew it wasn’t a huge deal, you hated to disappoint your fans who were looking for a full group photo-op…
But then you saw this guy waiting around your hotel lobby-
“I can't believe Wess had to cancel on us…!” You thought to yourself while tapping your foot furiously against the hotel's linoleum floor. You were waiting for check-in last night when your collaborator sent his text to everyone, and your team still hadn’t found a suitable replacement… How could you guys have a TSL photo event without a Lord of Shadows?? Especially when you're the one dressed as Henry! What self-respecting group TSL cosplay doesn’t have those two together?? They're the closest pair in the show! The Sun and Shadow shippers were going to start a riot…
You were all still double-checking your gear and supplies down in the lobby. Months of work had gone into planning and prepping for this event… Your friends were trying to calm you down as best as they could, but your nerves weren’t on your side… You hated letting down your fans, even if it was entirely out of your control. But without a replacement, what exactly could you do? Just as you were about to throw in the towel and get dressed, a bunch of shouting from the hallway entrance caught your attention.
“Why the hell am I stuck carryin’ all your crap, huh Levi?! Ya got two working hands!”
“Because this outfit is heavy, Mam-er-Malcom! I need help, or else I'll get sweaty and gross!”
“You're already gross, so what's it matter?”
“Shut up, scumbag!!”
'Yeesh, what a loud pair...' You turned to look their way with a visible frown to show your annoyance only for your jaw hit the floor. Two men walked out of the hall and into the lobby, one being a dark-skinned male with the whitest hair you'd ever seen, and the other… Sweet kami-sama above, the other guy…!!
He. Was. Perfect!! The dark, shadowy armor, constructed fron what you could only guess was EVA foam and faux furs, combined with his violet hair made him look like the spitting image of the Third Lord! It was almost like the character himself had climbed off the page!! You had to cover your mouth to contain an audible gasp of shock while glancing at the others in your team. Only a few of your friends had noticed the man's arrival, but those who had all shot you back the same kind of look, “Go get that guy. NOW!” Who were you to refuse?
The god-tier Third Lord cosplayer was still arguing with his companion when you first made your approach, allowing you to sneak up pretty close without getting noticed. By the time you were in speaking distance, you were already marveling at the craftsmanship of his cosplay up close. The foam pieces looked flawlessly metallic and there were no patches of hot glue mishaps, frayed stitching, or painting mistakes. It was truly something else!
“Hey, what'cha gawkin’ at??”
The white-haired male caught you red-handed, leading the cosplayer in his company to turn in your direction. Though, amusingly, the moment your eyes met he seemed just as star struck as you were. You wasted no time thrusting your hand out towards him with your most “camera-winning” smile.
“Hi! Uhm, I’m Y/n L/n and I'm-"
“-the most popular cosplay model on Instagram, three-time champion of the WCS competitions, and the host of the ‘TSL Today’ fan podcast-!”
You froze from surprise as the cosplayer slapped his mouth shut with his own hand in a bid to stop rambling. His cheeks instantly tinged pink as he must have realized that he was spitting your own resume at you in excitement. It was hard not to feel a bit flattered at the sudden eruption of joy, so you smiled back more genuinely.
“That’s right! You've heard of me?”
You waited for his response with a patient, maybe even endeared, gaze. Seeing that you weren’t immediately weirded out by his hyped babbling, he uncovered his mouth to respond shyly.
“Y-yeah, of course I do…! I uh… came here to see your meet-and-greet today…”
He winced, face getting hotter, and looked like he wanted to double over from embarrassment, but honestly, you couldn’t have been happier. A creator of THIS caliber was one of YOUR fans?? Talk about a “diamond in the rough” moment!
“Really? That’s awesome!! Because I couldn’t help but notice that cosplay you're wearing… Did you make it yourself?”
How his face recalibrated from flustered to ecstatic in just a few seconds could have made your heart melt. After he confirmed that his cosplay was his own handiwork you began to gush about the design, asking rapid-fire questions about the materials he bought, what patterns he found, and his different sewing techniques. You both were so caught up in each other's passion that you hardly even registered the other guy standing next to him until he finally cleared his throat insistently.
“Yo Levi… This crap’s gettin’ heavy. Are we going or what?”
The cosplayer, who you guessed was Levi, turned to the man reluctantly, which sent a surge of panic through you as you still hadn’t asked him to stay.
Both men flinched a bit at your sudden exclamation, making your cheeks flush with color, but you pressed on regardless,
“Um, Levi right? My team and I could use your help… Our Third Lord just dropped out on us today because of baggage troubles and we really need a replacement for the shoot. Your outfit is fantastic! Do you think that you could step into the role for us? I have early access badges to the vendors room, so we can take a look together if that uh… if that…? Um. Levi...?”
The man in front of you looked like he was moments away from breaking down in tears, but somehow holding them back through sheer force of will… and his closed eyelids making a decent dam.
“H-hold on… I think I need to pinch myself because this can’t be happening. Is this actually happening?”
His voice wobbled while the man next to him, Malcolm(?), rolled his eyes behind his gold-tinted glasses.
“Hey, that doesn’t answer their questions, ya know?” He elbowed Levi while looking at you with a serious expression, “Are ya willin’ to take him AND his stuff with ya?”
“Of course! It’s important to have everything while yo-”
“Great. You can have’em.”
You were taken aback just a bit by the speed of his response, but not as much as Levi because he quickly leapt back into the conscious world in a panic!
“Wha-wh-Whaah?? You can’t just answer for me!!”
Malcolm shrugged his shoulders, letting several bags he had on slide to the ground but cushioning the fall a bit with his foot.
“Why not? It’s clear ya wanna go with them. Unless you wanna leave them hangin'…”
“N-No!! I mean, yes! No-er UGH!”
You watched Levi cover his face in frustration feeling a twinge of sympathy. Does he get tongue-tied like this often? After a few seconds to compose himself, he finally straightened up to give his true response.
“Y-yes, I want to go with you…! Being able to help one of your online idols is like a dream come true for any fan! What can I do to help?”
You could feel your smile grow twice as wide from the combination of relief and gratitude. Maybe the shoot would go alright after all…
“Give me your hand.”
Levi stuttered watching you reach your hand out towards his, using your other one to pull out a black marker that you always kept on your person for fans. His skin was soft, but strangely cold, when he rested his knuckles into your upturned palm. The icy jolt even made you jump a bit. Holy crap, was he cold-blooded or something?? When he flashed you a concerned glance, you quickly recovered uncapped the marker between your fingers. With years of built up practice, you ran the black ink over his pale skin, but instead of a signature, you left one of your burner numbers that you used for interacting with collaborators.
“Here. We still need a bit of time to get ready, but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the con. Text me your name and I'll send you back where to meet up once we're ready to go.”
Levi was staring at the black marks on his hand like you'd just handed him a key item in a video game when one of your team shouted back from behind you.
“Y/n! Why aren’t you dressed yet?? We gotta go!”
“Shit, I’m coming!” You turned to head back, but you spared just a second to smile at Levi over your shoulder. “Thank you so much, Levi, you're going to be a huge help! Don't forget to text.”
“I won’t!”
Levi's promise made you grin lift even higher. With a wink and a wave, you made your way back to the others with a brand new pep in your step. Mission, saved!!
“… Did ya seriously just score a number in that getup?”
“I swear, I’ll never wash this hand again...!!”
“Fuck's sake, Levi, stop being so gross! At least put it in your phone before your sweaty palms wipe it off!”
“Gah, you're right!!”
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lostinforestbound · 1 month
Oh boy howdy I've been thinking about the wizard a lot so here we go! I'm aware this is out of nowhere but I got inspired after reading some of his dialogue in-game!
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My General Rolan Headcanons
Touched-Starved. If you searched up the word touch-starved and look at the photos, it would be this man's face. He hasn't experienced a kind touch outside from his siblings in a very long time.
Rolan is a lip biter! When anxious or frustrated, he bites and chews at his own lips, sometimes to the point of bleeding. He never realizes it until he tastes blood on his tongue.
When Rolan isn't biting his lips, he's for sure biting his nails. It's mostly chewing, but if he's under a lot of stress, he'll bite them off.
He has chronic nightmares, specifically about Cal and Lia's his mother. It stems purely from his survival's guilt after she passed away, and he was left to take care of Cal and Lia by himself. The nightmares had a period of getting significantly worse during and after Lorroakan's abuse.
Speaking of their mother; they have miniature portraits of her. Cal gave him one a very long time ago, but he hasn't been able to look at it after her death. In his dreams, he never sees her face, but he sees her eyes. (I touched on what the nightmares would look like in my own fic)
His tiefling traits are very sensitive. His horns, upper tail, ears, everything. He allows no one to touch them at all (except a few trusted people, which includes Tav if they are together and his siblings)
To those who enjoy the headcannon of Tieflings purring: I would say Rolan's purr is pretty high in register, mostly noise than vibration. It's high in his throat rather than in his chest.
Tieflings run hot, but I would say Rolan runs a little colder than most tieflings. It's why he hates the cold so much, especially when it snows. He has to bundle up and it's incredibly irritating. Not to mention the cold already brings bad memories of he and his siblings struggles during the winter months.
He absolutely has a whole morning routine that he never changes after he gets settled in the tower. It's his one chance to pamper himself and feel good for a little bit. He'll clean his face, putting a form of moisturizer on and letting it sit as he brushes out his hair. He already has his outfit for the day set on the bed and waiting for when he gets out.
I definitely think Rolan developed some depression and/or a panic disorder after, well, everything he's been through (Or he's already had it and it got so much worse). At first he tries to get through it by himself, but unsurprisingly, it made it worse. After some stubbornness, he lets himself be helped by either Cal, Lia, or his partner.
The king of overworking. He'll wear himself down to the bone before he accepts going to bed and relaxing. He can't accept rest, not until he's done with this one last thing-
In general, Rolan loves fiercely. He loves Cal and Lia to death, and he would do anything for them. Gods forbid someone hurts them, the hells would rain fire that day. This goes the same for whoever his lucky partner is.
(If you have your own headcanons, please please please share them! I would love to hear them!)
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itsgxsly · 1 year
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Summary: The drivers on the grid and many of the fans can't help but notice all the similarities between Charlotte and y/n, Arthur's girlfriend. It turns out that the Leclerc brothers have very similar tastes
Pairing: arthur leclerc x reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 658
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The similarities between the two youngest of the Leclerc’s were obvious. Similar faces with puppy eyes and charming smiles, an attitude that made anyone fall in love and that Monegasque touch that gave the perfect point. But what went unnoticed outside of public life was that Charles and Arthur not only clashed physically and mentally from time to time, they had very similar tastes.
That fact came to light the first time Arthur Leclerc took his girlfriend to see his brother's Italian GP. Charles wanted to have his family there for the Ferrari team's home race, and clearly his sister-in-law was also on the list.
You met the whole Leclerc family after a year dating Arthur, but out of all of them, the person you clicked on quickly was Charlotte, Charles's girlfriend. You assumed that she went because being an only child, you found that fraternal feeling that you didn't have in your chilhood, in Charlotte. The girl welcomed you like a little sister from the first moment. She had even started guiding you in the world of fashion and social media, making the entire Leclerc family smile at how alike you two were even if you didn't share blood.
On Friday you arrived with Arthur at the Paddock going to the Ferrari garage. You haven't seen Charles and Charlotte for a long time and you missed the couple. You quickly spotted the aforementioned next to Charles checking his cell phone. You trotted up to her and she looked up from her and you both locked in an excited hug, almost jumping in the middle of the garage. Arthur and Charles looked at each other after greeting, a little confused but touched by your relationship. Charles had to admit that his young sister-in-law looked adorable dressed almost exactly like his girlfriend, in a blue dress with wide sleeves and ruffles, black ankle boots on her feet. Arthur had told you that morning that he had to thank Charlotte for making you wear that outfit that make you look so beautiful that day.
While the four of you were talking, more like you and Charlotte were talking and Charles and Arthur were watching commenting from time to time, you ignored the cameras and some fans who saw the scene of the two girls and the two brothers so similar to each other. Arthur and you were like a mini copy of Charles and Charlotte and thousands of photos were already swarming the internet commenting on how cute it was that you looked so much like Charlotte or how the Leclercs shared a clear common prototype.
When you returned to the hotel after practices that day, your instagram full of mentions and with many photos posted to your stories, in the Ferrari garage, Charlotte and you and some with Arthur, you were ready to look at many of the mentions of your followers today while you waited for Arthur to go to sleep with you. You smiled a little embarrassed at the pictures of the four of you and you and Charlotte complimenting the two of you and saying how adorable you looked being a little copy of her.
"What are you smiling at?" Arthur's voice snapped you out of your reverie.
“From the photos they took of us this morning. Look, they say we look like a mini copy of Charlotte and your brother” you showed him the photos on your phone.
You watched them for a while, liking a few and sending one to Charlotte and Charles, who had to agree with the fans that you looked pretty alike. With that in mind, you and Arthur went to sleep, resting well for tomorrow's qualifying.
You liked having found a family in the Leclercs and in Charlotte, they were part of the important people in your life and you felt proud that they told you that you looked like such a good and admirable woman as Charlotte could be.
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sugawhaaa · 1 year
Lee Know X reader
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Pairing::Dom!idol!Minho x sub!fem!reader
Word count::1,966
Genre::role play, oral (fem reciveing) fingering, sex toys, slightly rude Minho (nothing serious at all lmao)
songs to listen to while reading::
You couldn't help but laugh at yourself as you looked in the mirror. You recently got this kitty themed lingerie set that was second hand which was kinda scary. But it was very cheap considering you were not the first to own this set. You weren't 100% sure if Minho would like it, sure he likes cats but does he like lingerie? As often as you have spicy hours with Lee Know you don't know much about his sexual preferences. He's not very expressive in bed which doesn't help either…
You turned around in the mirror to look at the cat tail between your legs and your cheeks flushed. "What the hell am I doing right now," you whispered to yourself. You looked at yourself in the mirror again trying to process the current outfit you were wearing. You put on a lot of accessories so there was much to look at and critique. You really wanted Minho to love how you look. You want him to do that thing where he zones out while looking at your body before pouncing on you and keeping you entertained for HOURS. Though he might be tired after his long day by the time he gets home and he might just snuggle you. 
You took some photos in your outfit including some suggestive ones. As embarrassed as you felt about them you were tempted to send them to your boyfriend. You laid on your shared bed thinking about whether to send it to him or not. How would he respond? You decided to just send it to him, but you needed to take a special one just for him. You got on the floor and tried a few poses in front of your phone that was propped up by some random things from the floor. You then found a perfect pose.
You made a sort of w shape with your legs and placed your hands between your crotch. Your arms pressed tightly together extenuating your breasts. You snapped a photo before immediately grabbing your phone to send it to Minho. You tapped the little send button and typed up a simple message.
•love you~♡
It wasn't long before a little "seen" notification came to your phone. You freaked out and waited for Minho to start typing. The three little bubbles started their dance of anticipation when a message popped up. 
•babe you can't just send me that at work.
Oh God, do you make him mad? He'd never get this mad over just a photo though…
•I'm coming home right now. 
•don't move a muscle, sit right there for me like the good girl you are
His last message had your jaw dropping and your feet kicking. The blush on your face spread and you started getting excited for Minho to show up. You sat in front of the door waiting for him, like a damn cat. Maybe Minho really is into this whole role play thing…
You sat impatiently waiting as you started yourning for Lee Know. His hands, his breath, his lips, his tongue, his dick everything. You started fantasizing about what he'd do to you when you got home and you were already wetting yourself. That's when the door opened to a tired Lee Know. You stood up to greet him but you were met with a hand.
"No, no, sit," he demanded you with a stick of his finger to the ground. You did as he said and sat back down on the floor. "There's one thing I noticed your outfit is missing," he said seductively as he sat down in front of you. You looked at him confused. "Close your eyes," he said as he kept his left hand behind his back. You shut your eyes and felt a warm leather wrap around your neck and a cold bell. It was all attached to a chain including yourself. You opened your eyes in shock observing the collar around your neck. You followed the chain with your eyes to find the other end of it wrapped around Lee Know's wrist. "Oh you're so damn cute when your surprised," he said as he rubbed his hand against your hot cheek.
He started inching closer to you and made you sit on his lap like a kitten. You blushed and avoided his dark, lustful, eyes scanning your body. "Oh are you shy now~?" He teased as he rubbed your back with his cold hands. 
"I just didn't think you'd like it that much…" you said looking down at your thighs as you fiddled with the metal hearts on your stockings. 
"Excuse me?" He said with a stern look and a furrow of his eyebrows. "Why wouldn't I love it?" He said, sounding almost mad?
"I don't know…you never tell me your sexual interests," you said shyly.
"I'll let you in on my biggest turn on,"he said leaning into your ear to whisper, "You," he said with a grin before picking you up bridal style. He never fails to make you feel like a precious woman. He set you down on the bed and told you to sit still. You did as he said but your eyes didn't. You watched his every step. Minho stood at the bedside before taking his shirt off. You stared at his bare back as if you haven't seen it a thousand times before. He then went over to your nightstand and opened the first drawer, he rummaged through it a bit before pulling out your vibrator. 
"How did you-!?" You got flustered at his success. 
"Oh come on you weren't too secretive about using this," he said as he waved it around before setting it on the bed. He crawled over to you and propped you up on the massive amount of pillows on your bed. He instantly started licking your shoulder knowing exactly how you like it. You let out small mewls as his warm, wet, tongue grazed over every inch of your neck and shoulders. There was no concern of any members walking in so he could do whatever the hell he wanted to with you. He started leaving hickies all over you while his hands found their way to your thigh and your waist. Minho started kissing you with all the tongue imaginable and you melted beneath him like sugar in the rain. 
You took a breather from the kiss and Lee Know basically sat on top of you slowly licking your neck and chest. The weight of his body on yours made you feel something indescribable. His strong hands moved up, not in an exact place though, just kind of around. Your arms, shoulders, stomach, hair, his hands just wanted every inch of you. As Minho did all of this he would say little words of praise such as "your so cute," "such a good girl," "I love you so much," and it made your heart flutter.
"Minho," you stuttered out as his tongue layered his spit on you.
"Yes?" He said pausing to look up at you.
"Can you be inside me?" You said shyly as you looked away from his loving eyes. 
"Oh my God you're so pretty," he said sitting up again "how can I say no," he said as his right hand went down your stomach to your throbbing core. You squeezed your eyes shut as he put pressure on your clothed crotch. You bit your lip in anticipation as he moved your clothing aside. He then slid two cold fingers into your already soaked pussy. You buried your face in his shoulder as his fingers explored your insides. Your hands flew to the back of his head and gripped his hair. Lewd sounds filled the room along with the sound of a bell ringing from your neck. 
It wasn't long before Lee Know found your G-spot because he knows your body inside out and he kept playing with it making you whine. He slowly went deeper inside you and you started seeing stars, you didn't even know he could go this deep. You started basically screaming his name over and over. When you weren't screaming his name your mouth hung open with moans escaping it. Lee Know just stared at your fucked up state with a smirk. You then felt yourself about to cum, you shook your head over and over making the bell ring in your ears.
"Is my little kitty gonna cum for me?" He said as he quickly took his fingers in and out of you. As predicted you came all over Lee Know's hands, your tail, and your costume. You blushed as Minho put his fingers in his mouth and smiled. "Good," he said as he continued to suck his fingers like they were coated in the sweetest sugar known to mankind. "I think I want some more," he said as he bent down to your leaking cunt. He lapped at the liquid from your thighs. Minho licked his way over to your core and started slipping his tongue inside you. The sensation of his entire tongue slowly moving in and out of you made your legs shake in satisfaction. 
You bit your lip hard enough to draw blood as you felt yourself already coming closer to cumming again. As Lee Know's right hand massaged your thigh and the other played with your sensitive clit, rubbing circles, you came again. Embarrassed at how quickly it happened you rolled over and blushed. Your legs soaked as they stuck together. Lee Know crawled up to you. 
"You were being so good, what's with this?" Lee Know said slightly aggressive. 
"It's embarrassing," you whined as he rubbed your thigh more. 
"No, you're just showing me how much you love me. Prove how much I turn you on, how good I make you feel." He said sternly. You liked this dominant side of Minho and it turned you on more than you'd like to admit. You rolled back over on the bed, as your tail was displayed between your legs. You put your hands to your face in an attempt to hide the embarrassment as Lee Know grabbed your Vibrator. He examined it for a minute before turning it on. This is the first time Minho would be using this on you and you were slightly curious as to what he was going to do. You then felt the vibration on your core. He used it quite harshly, smirking every time it'd make you jump in pleasure. You grabbed onto his shoulders with your claws digging into him.
"Please Minho," you whined out as you threw your head back, your bell ringing. Lee Know hushed you softly. He kept on teasing you, not going any deeper than half a centimeter. You swallowed harshly before you were going to beg again. To your surprise he shoved your vibrator right into you, now knuckles deep causing you to moan out his name and squint your eyes. Minho slowly moved it around inside you. The lewd sounds echoing throughout the entire dormitor. It pleased Lee Know to know everyone can hear how good he makes you feel.
Then he started thrusting it in and out of you. Your jaw hung open as he slammed it into you over and over as it got coated in your arousal. You soon felt your body tensing up and latching onto Minho. He already knew what this meant, this wasn't the first time he made you cum like this. 
You basically sprayed all over him, soaking your tail and his hands. He licked up all of your legs, "cleaning" you essentially. "Such a good kitty," Minho cooed in between licks. 
"K-kitty?" You blushed. 
"You can't tell me you don't like it when I call you that," he smirked.
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peqchsoup · 2 years
hi! i love your work! may I request #19 and #37 for tangerine?
Ahh thank you so much!!! I feel so blessed that someone actually sent a request and enjoys my work! I really hope you were referencing the bed prompts post because that's what I wrote and I love it (I will also write for prompt #37 at some point today or tomorrow, but for now here's Prompt #19!!
Prompt #19: "You were kidnapped and I won't let anyone else get to you again."
Hold Me Tight
Tangerine x fem!reader
TW: mentions of blood, violence, kidnapping, and implied r@pe
I didn't proofread this don't judge me
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You knew you should've trusted your gut. Something felt very off.
You were sitting at the bar of a fancy restaurant, waiting for the Twins. In the past two weeks, you worked on one of their longest jobs with them and it turned out to be a huge success. So, understandably, you wanted to celebrate. Tangerine chose Le Gavroche, one of the most expensive restaurants in London.
You should've known that Tangerine wanted to do something expensive to celebrate. That's why you were looking at the menu for Le Gavroche on Tangerine's sofa, scoffing at the prices,
"£64 for Turbot? Are you mad?" Tangerine's head whipped round to look at you, Lemon giving you the 'take it back' eyes.
"Am I mad? I dunno, am I mad? Lemon, am I mad?"
"Don't bring me into this." Lemon went back to playing some kind of Thomas the Tank Engine game on his phone. Tangerine looked back at you,
"That job took weeks. Lemon nearly died, then I nearly died. So excuse me if I want to celebrate with some expensive food. I can't use this money when I'm dead, so I may as well use it now!"
You watched as Tangerine's eye twitched, his jaw wound tightly,
"All I'm saying is that I'm not paying £64 for a bit of fish!"
"Well I'll fucking pay for you, I'll buy the whole meal so no one gets upset. There, happy?"
"A bit, yeah," you muttered, and went back to looking at your phone. You should have realised that Tangerine would pay anyway, seeing as you were sitting in his £1.6 million townhouse in central London.
So here you were, sipping your £30 glass of wine. When the bartender asked how you would be paying, you told him to open a tab under Tangerine's name and proceeded to recite his credit card details. You had those digits memorised a long time ago.
Tangerine wasn't a sugar daddy, per se, but he definitely had a sweet spot for you and if you wanted it, you usually got it. There was nothing romantic or even sexual about the nature of your relationship, he just couldn't resist your face. Which is why you were sitting at the bar in the black Rhode velvet midi dress with black Louboutin pumps and a Gucci canvas wrist pouch. Lemon and  Tangerine took you to Harrods earlier that afternoon and watched you try on at least 13 dresses with the Louboutins. You were finally going to have your own pair of red bottoms and you couldn't be more excited. Tangerine's materialistic personality really came in handy sometimes.
Once you had picked out your dress and bag, the Twins led you to the men's section to get themselves a new suit each. Lemon quickly picked out a simple black Burberry two-piece, tried it on, and was happy. Tangerine, however, pondered over more suits than you did dresses, and landed on a Gucci two-piece in burgundy. They each got a black Tom Ford silk tie to pull their outfits together, and to yours.
You couldn't wait to see them all dressed up in their new suits. Admittedly, you arrived early to the bar. But upon checking your watch, they were already 10 minutes late, and you hadn't heard anything from them. It was probably just that Tangerine was being too anal about his moustache looking perfect that they ran over. So, you took a photo of your glass of wine and sent it to the groupchat you shared with the brothers,
Got a tab started in your name already, T! And the more drunk I get, the more I like to spend…
When you sent that message, you were certain you'd get a speedy response. Tangerine didn't like you getting drunk when you were by yourself. The world was too dangerous and too many men would try to take advantage.
A few minutes passed and you had no response. It wasn't like them to not respond quickly. Lemon was attached to his phone most of the time, so you were certain he'd say something, at least. You wondered if your message hadn't sent to their phones, so you stepped outside to see if there was an issue with the signal inside the restaurant. You tapped your message in the chat and the little 'delivered' label popped up. So nothing was wrong with your phone. You stepped back inside to close the tab and headed off down the street attempting to flag down a cab to go to Tangerine's and see what was going on.
As you were waving down a cab, a black van quickly overtook it, cut it off and pulled up right in front of you. That was a bad sign.
You tried to start running but you had barely turned around before a guy grabbed you around your middle, covered your mouth to stop you from screaming, and dragged you into the side door of the van. It all happened so quickly that no one even seemed to see it happen.
There was another man who closed the side door of the van behind the man who dragged you in and no one else in the back of the van. It sounded like there was only one driver up front, though you couldn't be sure. Three men was doable. You had taken out more before. Although you were better prepared in previous circumstances.
You started to thrash against the man holding you from behind, kicking at the one binding your feet. The man holding you had his arms around your arms, holding them down to your sides so you couldn't hit either of them. The one binding your feet sent a startling hit to your cheek, knocking you near enough unconsciousness to let them get on with what they were doing. Having your hands and feet bound wasn't ideal, but it was a hell of a lot better than being unconscious. God only knows what they would do if you were out cold.
You had no idea how long you'd been travelling, and you had a feeling that the lack of windows in the back of the van meant that anyone back there wasn't supposed to know where they were or how far they travelled. The van came to a stop and you heard the click of the handbrake, meaning you had reached your destination. The man who initially grabbed you to put you in the van took hold of you and threw you over his shoulder, holding onto your legs so you wouldn't fall off. He stepped out of the van and into what appeared to be a barn. Probably on an abandoned farm in the middle of nowhere.
The man carrying you dropped you onto the ground with a thud and lifted you so you were on your knees in front of him, your hands tied behind your back. He stepped aside to reveal the leader of their gang; a tall man with a pistol held at his side.
"No offence, guy," you started, "but I have no clue who you are. Are you sure you have the right girl?"
He laughed and pointed the gun at your forehead.
"You may not know who I am, but I know exactly who you are. Lemon and Tangerine took my family from me, so I'm taking the closest thing they have to a family."
This was happening. This was actually happening. You were going to die. You brain was going a million miles a minute. You'd never see Lemon and Tangerine ever again. You wouldn't get to tell them how much they meant to you. How much you loved Tangerine. Not that it mattered, you were going to die.
The gun clicked as the man cocked it, walking towards you and pressing the cold metal to your skin. You closed your eyes, preparing yourself for the end.
An bang rang out somewhere in the barn, your breath caught in your throat as you clenched your eyes closed tighter. You huffed out your breath quickly, breathing heavy when you realised it wasn't you who was dead, but the man who held the gun to your forehead. He lay motionless on the ground, blood pooling around his head. You looked up and there, directly in your line of sight 30 metres in front of you, were Lemon and Tangerine. They wielded huge guns and were wearing rain macs and rubber gloves and they just started blasting the gang members, somehow managing to avoid being shot themselves.
They mowed down the gang in minutes and came running over to you. Lemon started untying you whilst Tangerine threw his gun aside, dropped to his knees, and ripped his gloves off to hold your cheeks in his hands. He moved your face side to side, up and down before looking you directly in the eyes,
"Are you alright, love? You're not hurt, are you?"
You smiled at Tangerine's concern, feeling your hands and feet become free and rubbing your wrists to dull the ache of the friction burns from the rope, "I'm alright, T. I promise."
"I'm so so sorry we weren't at the restaurant in time." He looked genuinely guilty that him and his brother weren't around to keep you safe. The Twins helped you to your feet and Lemon pulled you into a hug. You leaned your head against his chest, listening to his heart while he explained,
"They sent guys to Tangerine's house to slow us down so they had a chance to get you. I'm so sorry, sweetheart."
"Hey, it's okay," Your voice was soft, "You found me and you saved me. I owe you both my life."
"You don't owe us nothing, darling."
You lifted your head to look at Tangerine, though still in Lemon's embrace. You noticed through their transparent rain macs that they were wearing their dinner suits.
"How did you find me?"
Tangerine smirked solemnly, "I guess your kidnappers weren't smart enough to turn your phone off. You still have your location shared with us." Tangerine lifted his phone to display the dot your phone made on the map.
"Oh, Tan." You left Lemon's arms and wrapped your arms around Tangerine's neck, pulling him close to you in a hug. He wasn't normally one for hugging, that was more his brother's style, but he quickly untensed and lifted his arms to put them around you. He placed his head on top of yours, giving a small kiss to the top of your head.
Lemon walked over and put a hand on your shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze, "let's get you home."
The drive home was peaceful. Tangerine drove while Lemon sat in the back with you, comforting you when he noticed you visibly shaking. He stroked your hair and shushed gently when he could hear you whimper.
Tangerine watched in the rear view mirror every now and then, vowing to himself that, from this moment, he would never let you out of his sight ever again. That meant he wasn't driving you back to your flat. No, absolutely not. He was taking you to his home where you would live from that day forward. You already had your own bedroom there for jobs that finished late at night, as did Lemon. Tangerine couldn't see any reason for you not to live there with him.
It was deep into the night when you got back to Tangerine's house. Lemon walked to his room and Tangerine led you to his where he undressed and slipped on a pair of pyjama pants before he helped you take off your dress and found one of his t shirts for you to wear. There were no boundaries between you and the Twins these days. You had known them for long enough and had done so many jobs with them where you had to change in front of each other that it wasn't a big deal anymore.
"Goodnight, Tangerine. Thank you again." You said quietly, shuffling towards the bedroom door to leave and go to your own room.
"Where are you going?"
"To bed." "You’re sleeping in here tonight, love."
"Why? You were kidnapped, love, and I won't let anyone else get to you again. I don't want you leaving my sight."
You smiled and shuffled towards Tangerine's bed, climbing under the cover and shuffling close to the wall so he had plenty of room. He lay down and pulled you close to him and you put your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as it slowly lulled you to sleep.
"This alright, darling?"
You smiled, warmed by him asking for consent to just hold you. He was so polite.
"Mhm, goodnight Tangerine."
"Goodnight sweetheart."
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Hmm, I've been thinking about MC who can knit/crochet.
I thought this up with specifically Asra in mind since we know he can knit as well. Maybe on lazy days they both lounge around and make silly clothes for Faust (and maybe matching lovers bracelets?). I also think they get really unique yarn textures/colors on their trips, cant wait to come back home and brainstorm what to make with them(Fausts wardrobe never runs out. she's a fashionesta, all the others snakes stare in envy!)
Though I can also see MC knitting tiny hats and socks for Malak, and maybe a human sized version for Julian so they can match. julian insists MC make one for themselves as well so they can all match together. (I see him as an enjoyer of cheesy matching couples outfits, if MC makes one with an inside joke/romantic phrase on the shirt, he will not take it off until its basically a part of his skin)
Or maybe crocheting an elegant lacy sash for Nadias lovely owl (I'm sorry I forgot the name😭), and I think if MC made a similar one for Nadia she would not pass an opportunity to wear it, she styles it beautifully with casual outdoorsy clothes. (She was debating wearing it to a formal meeting with other world leaders, it so pretty she can't help it!)
And making tiny sweaters for Pepi? Portias in love. I think she would either 1)also know how to knit 2)make MC teach her how to so she can reciprocate the love by also making MC sweaters. They all end up warm and fuzzy at the end of the day. (Definitely makes MC and Pepi have a photo shoot/painting shoot?? Something to eternalise the memory basically)
And also, knitting a matching set of cowls for Innana and Muriel to fight off the cold in the forest, it's easily his favourite thing to wear, if it get caught on a brach and tears, or Innana accidentally claws through it he will be eternally guilty, even if MC reassures him that they can just mend it or make a new one. (Would also love if MC made little sacks for his herbs and protection charms)
And I can see Lucio clipping little crocheted charms on his gold arm, what do you mean? it cute and his MC made it for him of course he's wearing it! Also asks (forces) MC to buy neon red yarn so they HAVE to crochet stuff for him. (He went in public one day with little frogs and ladybugs and ducks dangling from his arm, got many stares, refused to give one of them to a child who then started crying, it was a whole thing, im not sure how he would feel if MC made a goat charm though)
Expand/add onto these if you want (i would like to know your opinion about the goat charm thing) , thought they were too sweet not to share, also had to get them outta my system😅, I love your content (just as much as Julian loves the sweater) sorry this is a long one and i hope you have a nice day<3
Hello, snek friend!
Don't apologize for the long message, these ideas are all lovely! I can definitely see Faust and Malak flaunting their outfits whenever they can wear them. You already know Asra would set up a catwalk (or should I say snekslither?) for Faust to model her looks.
Careful with Julian though! He's better with his hands than he lets on, if you give him a crash course he might get even better than you are and start showering you with odd little crocheted inventions.
I expect Mercedes and Melchior would be better off if MC finds a nice, tough twine to make chew toys with XD
And oh goodness, you already know in Muriel's route how long he wore the scarf MC got him at the marketplace, if it was homemade he'd store them on the mantle with his tapestries.
Both Portia and Nadia would definitely find a book of patterns and gift it to you to help you explore new ideas! The difference is that Nadia would shower you with supplies, while Portia would challenge herself to master every pattern you can. ^.^
As for the goat charm, oh dear. He'll wear it because you made it but he'll clip it somewhere less noticeable XD
Thanks for sharing these wonderful ideas with me! They're so fluffy it makes me wanna melt :)
- brainrot
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smolwritingchick · 2 months
Smol Snippet for Chapter 93
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Author's Note: OK I am nowhere near done but here are some smol snippets of scenes I'm working on for the next chapter :) things are subject to change but just to hold ya. Again sorry for taking so long! I have a few more events to go to that I'm excited about and going back to work soon since my vacation is almost done! So continue to bear with me as I continue to plan for the outings and work on the chapter.
The start of the silly airport outfits
"I cannot believe this…" Jennie grumbled with her arms crossed as she sat in the van with the members, on their way to the airport.
She had her fair share of goofy moments but this right here was currently number one. The boys were struggling not to laugh as they snuck glances at her wearing a large Pikachu Onesie. The reason? Losing a bet with Jungkook on who could beat who in Smash Bros, last night. She tried her hardest but he prevailed in a best out of 5.
"You look adorable," Jungkook giggled.
"Be quiet," she snapped at him in a playful tone, earning another giggle from him. "I can't believe I have to walk out in public with this on. Why? You know Dispatch is going to be there taking photos."
"You did bring it on yourself. You should have beat him in the game," Yoongi chuckled.
"Wow." she shook her head. "I am loving the support, right now,"
Bangtan had some fan events in Japan just before their 3rd Muster in Seoul and were headed to the airport to get on their flight. Once they arrived at the airport, fans and reporters were already there to take videos and photos. Jennie watched as the members and staff made their way out of the vehicle as she tried to mentally prepare herself to be seen with the onesie.
About to get out of the car, Jin turned back to Jennie and chuckled. "Are you coming?"
Seated next to him by the window, she groaned. "Yes…"
With a smile, Jin helped her out of the car and surprised sounds from the crowd were heard when they saw her in the onesie, along with giggling and various comments on how cute she looked. Being a good sport, Jennie grinned and waved at the camera, walking inside the airport with everyone else.
She laughed, forgetting about the embarrassment, and began to pose, with the members. Miss Bangtan even started playing the part of Pikachu, while reporters ate it up. After photos, the group started going to the destination of where their flight was as the large group of fans and reporters followed them.
"Jennie-ah, why are you wearing a Pikachu onesie?" she heard a fan ask who was recording her with their phone.
"I lost a video game bet," she grinned sheepishly, earning giggles in response.
You took the test!?
For this, I decided to go by RM's fan sign answer about which house the BTS members would be in! :)
As they walked further into the park at Universal Japan, Jennie began to hear the Harry Potter theme song, taking her by surprise.
"Wait a damn minute…are we-are we going to Harry Potter World!?" she exclaimed. Once she turned to Jungkook and saw him grinning, she jumped and squealed excitedly. "What!? Oh my gosh! Wait, you took the test!?"
"I did. I'm a Ravenclaw,"
"Ahhhh! Oh my gosh! It suits you! So much to do! Okay! We gotta get wands! We gotta do the whole thing. We gotta go on the rides, we gotta get butterbeer, get the outfits, everything! You ready?" she giggled excitedly as he smiled, thinking it was the cutest thing.
"Lead the way,"
"That's the spirit!" she grabbed his hand as they wandered around.
Jungkook continued to film her while she looked around the area in awe, happily watching her geek out.
"Ah~! It's just like the movies! I feel like I'm actually in the movies!" she beamed.
When he bakes for you on your birthday
"I made something for you," Jungkook said as they sat on the couch of her hotel suite.
"Oh? What is it?" Jennie looked on in anticipation.
"Close your eyes, first,"
"Okay," she closed her eyes with a smile, awaiting the surprise.
Getting up from the couch, Jungkook made his way to the fridge to grab the mini red velvet cake that he had made for her earlier today. Despite the constant teasing from Jimin and Taehyung on whether he knew what he was doing, the cake turned out quite well. Jungkook wanted to make her birthday as special as it could be and he always wanted to bake for her just like she did for him and the rest of the members. After grabbing a few paper plates, plastic forks, and a plastic knife, Jungkook set everything down on the table in front of the couch as Jennie continued to wait patiently.
After placing a 1 candle and a 9 candle on the cutely decorated cake he presented it to her with a smile.
"Open," he softly said.
Opening her eyes, she looked at the cake in awe, covering her mouth. She glanced up at him, back at the cake, and then back at him, uncovering her mouth to reveal a smile.
"What? You baked for me?" she let out a giggle.
"You bake for everyone. I wanted this birthday to be special so I decided to try to make you something,"
"Jungkook, today has been way more than special. This is so sweet, thank you. It smells good. And it looks good."
Being secure in our feelings
"Ah, I'm so spoiled. Today has been magical! Like, look at this! I don't even know where to start for the gifts," Jennie said, looking at all the gifts scattered around from friends and family.
"Do you want to open your gifts now or see your last gift of the evening?" Jungkook asked.
"Last gift?" she looked at him curiously.
He smiled softly and nodded.
The curiosity took over her. "Show me the last gift,"
"Follow me," he grabbed her hand and led her to the bedroom door.
Once he opened it, they walked in and saw that the room was decorated romantically. Cute electric candles lit up the room along with rose petals scattered around the floor and bed.
She gasped lightly as her heart fluttered. "Jungkook…"
After closing the door, he gazed her at while she stood in front of him, looking around in awe. Slowly walking over to her from behind, he watched as she turned around and they both smiled at each other. No words needed to be said. They both knew they wanted this and felt secure in their feelings.
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firefly-bites · 2 years
theme park adventures (jojo’s x GN!reader)
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Synopsis: the JoJos take you to the theme park. Warnings: nothing? I'm not sure but your typical theme park stuff<3
Jonathan: • Buys you anything you look at, toys, games, ride tickets, food, if you want it, it's yours. • Wins almost every carnival game, he's just bad at the darts. • Will cheer you on while you try to win a big stuffed animal. • If you win the toy you want he's so proud of you and will bring you to another game stand, wanting to see you win more. •If you don't, this man will immediately ask to play again, encouraging you to try again, if you don't want to, he'll win the toy for you to see the look on your face<3. • He isn't a big fan of the intense rides but will suck it up if you ask him nice enough to go on the big rollercoasters.
"Please, dear, don't be sad. I have plenty more tickets if you want to try again! No? Just wait here, I'll get you the teddy bear."
"Well, I'm not a fan of rides...but who can deny such a cute face?"
Joseph: • LOVES the rides. This man will drag you on every twister, coaster, and merry-go-round he sees. • Hates the games. The minute he can't win a game he thinks it's rigged. Almost cries when you win the game immediately after. • Still, if you want a plush from a game you can't win he will spend every penny to get it for you. • Complains about the lines non-stop then takes forever to order food. • Will not hesitate to body slam anyone who looks at you, especially if you're wearing a more revealing outfit. If someone catcalls you? They're receiving a HAMON punch to the face. • Be prepared with a good pair of shoes, you two are going to be there until it closes.
"Come on! The line for the dropper is super short right now! We gotta get there before other people get there first."
"Oh my god, these games are rigged! There's no way anyone can win."
Jotaro: • Isn't a fan of these types of things but deals with it if it makes you happy. • Is scary good at the games...every. single. one. There is nothing this man cannot do. • If you lose a game and are sad about it, he will randomly come up to you and give you the toy you wanted when you least expect it. • Hates being in the crowd, will be one of those clingy boyfriends you see in the lines. The whole hugs you/holds you from the back to the point where you have to walk with him attached to you. •Carries your things even if you didn't ask. He notices your arms are getting tired and lord knows that man could carry fifty-pound weights for hours, your bags are nothing to him. • Will buy some popcorn so the two of you can watch fireworks at the end of the night.
"Good grief, here's that stupid teddy you tried to win."
"Hey, fireworks are soon so I grabbed some food, let's go find a spot."
Josuke: • Opposite to his nephew, this man lives for fun, rowdy hangouts. • He dislikes going on fast rides only because they mess up his hair. Nothing will get him to go on those zero-gravity rides from the way they flatten his hairdo. • LOVES taking photos. Will give you endless compliments while you pose for a picture. • He's so sweet this man will share a cotton candy cloud while he has stars in his eyes as he watched them make it. • You two will get lost in the endless colours. He is awful at navigating a map but doesn't want you to know so he tries super hard not to get lost. Plot twist: you guys have been going in circles but he looks too confident for you to tell him. • Definitely tells his mom and friends all about how cute you were and how much he loved taking you to the park<3
"You look amazing! Raise your left arm a little more- perfect!"
"They were so cute when they won the game! I wish I took a photo of them."
Giorno: • He is very busy being an Italian mafia boss but will spend every minute doing whatever you want on his off days. • He will give you the sweetest smile when you point out stuff you see, whether it's a really big ride or a man balancing on stilts, he wants to see you happy more than anything. • Please win something cute and give it to him. He will literally put it in his super security work safe so nothing happens to it or will keep it on his bed to cuddle when you aren't there. • Although it's tough to go out and not be recognized, he will rent the entire park for you if it's going to be a problem. If not, he might have a few people from his squad on the lookout. • Will hold your hand or let you hold his arm the entire time. This man will frown if you let go, he's a little clingy and doesn't want to lose you. • You two will mostly just walk around looking at the attractions, maybe playing a few games and going on smaller rides but just spending time together and talking for the most part.
"Please, lead the way. I am glad to be spending the day with you."
"Don't leave my side, cara. I'm worried you might get lost."
Jolyne: • My girl loves rides her goal is to ride as many as she can. No matter how extreme they look. • Will laugh at you when you lose a game, then she would lose it herself after claiming it was easy. (It wasn't) • She gives you the biggest smile from beside you as the ride harnesses get clipped in. The smile never leaves as she goes along the coaster, gripping your hand and laughing loudly. • You two will stumble around, dizzy from the spinning, zero-gravity ride while getting weird looks. • She loves junk food and carnival-type drinks. You two will go from food stand to food stand trying everything in sight. • At the end of the night you and her are snuggled up against each other, sharing fries and a cup of soda while stargazing. The subtle noise from the park far away offering as white noise.
"Babe look! They have the zipper here! Hurry before the lines get long!"
"Isn't that the Big Dipper? No? Oh...well where is it then if you're so smart?"
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ask-serendipity-sky · 11 months
May I ask your opinion on the concept of JK's photos? I have never felt so conflicted before, since the photos came out, jkkrs only see the copycat hyung, you are me I am you or even that Jk is sending a message and although at any other time I would also be like this, not this time The concept is clearly a copy and paste of Jm's and I just can't stop thinking about how badly the company treated and treats even Jm's debut, and now has the audacity to use part of his work to which he dedicated so much effort and time, and that it is so personal for him, with this I also want to say that I am NEVER going to blame JK, but I would like to hear the thought that this concept brought to them, and I feel bad because nobody among the Jkksr It seems to give importance to this and they treat it as if we were solos or anti, some say that it is the moment of Seven, of Jk, and they are right, but that does not mean that this is rare, and that if it had been the reverse, Jm would have been dragged back and forth to hell by now, sorry for this vent, but I needed to get it out
Hi anon,
Thank you for being honest. I agree.
To start, I wish people would stick to one narrative. Because just last week they were saying "Jk didn't write this song so it's not really him in it." "Bang PD just gave it to him. They are enforcing this western look on him." Blah blah all that. "We should wait for Jk's real music." All this just in case Jk ends up making out with Sohee. Lol
And today the narrative is "Omg. Jikook. This is a sign. He chose this on purpose."
So which one is it? Is Seven the commercialized song that Jk didn't pick and is merely a participant of or is Seven a song Jk will use to say stuff about Jimin?
I opened the weverse photos and saw the one photo that is an exact copy of Jimin's and closed that right away.
As a fan of Jimin, I can't support that. I value Jimin's artistic expression and integrity. His vision. How everything he did during FACE was an embodiment of who he is and what he was trying to tell us. No one can do what Jimin does. No one has gone through the stuff Jimin has gone through. Even if Jk was by his side, the only person who saved Jimin was Jimin. So seeing Jk with Jimin's concepts was an insult. Unless Jimin is in that song with Jk, Jk and Hybe shouldn't touch Jimin's story. And you know what, no. Even if Jimin was part of it, there are a 1000 concepts in the world, find another one and don't take away from Jimin's artistry.
The whole "I am you. You are me" is being overblown, in my opinion. If Jk wants to wear matching concepts, why didn't he wear matching outfits to Suga's concert or something that can't be commercialized?
Ugh. And jikookers. Seriously. When FACE photos came out, they attributed them to random Jk photos saying "I am you. You are me." And they do the same now. And they will do the same forever. Because people care more about the couple than the art!!!!
If Jimin was the maknae's copycat, he would have been dragged for being unoriginal and wanting to hang from Jk's success. I also doubt jikookers would even defend him because they would be too busy coming up with cute theories.
And I'm all for delulu, I am. And I also love finding the things that connect Jimin and Jk. But this is just not it for me.
As Jimin's fan, I am appalled and as Jk's fan, I'm dissapointed.
Thanks for sharing.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Memories 2021 Discs 5 - 6
So I asked again when I said I was going to watch memories in full if you would be interested in commentary from me as I did so. There were a lot of people who said yes, so here we are! I have officially watched BTS Memories of 2021. Here are my thoughts as I went. There were 7 DVDs in this one. Reminder that these aren't going to be smoothly written out thoughts. You get these like I'm live reacting, texting my bestie or live tweeting. Lol it'll be in like bullet point format sort of, just... a commentary post as I go. Lol Part 1 and Part 2 here covers Discs 1 - 4. Part 3 here will cover Disc 5 and half of Disc 6. Hope you enjoy anyway! Let's go!
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Disc 5
Butter Motion Clip Making Film:
BTS with flowers is such a pretty and wonderful concept for real. When the photographer called Jimin the flower and he got all flustered was so cute! Jhope having a hurt foot and in pain, yet the professional always wins out and you'd never be able to tell from how he took his photos! I hope he healed up quickly! Editors calling Yoongi an Elf 😭 I'm obsessed. JK saying that everyone looked so good in today's outfits/concept! He is so right! The photographer saying to get closer together in a natural way for the group shot and Jhope going "okay okay" and grabbing Jimin by the waist to pull him in close 🥺 cuteee and even directed others into closer poses too! Lol our Dance and Photography Leader 😍 playing rock paper scissors to see how gets to be the top of the pyramid and Yoonmins complete happiness at winning is ADORABLE.
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Yoonmin finishing their concept change first and just hanging out on the floor together petting the puppy. 🥺🥺 2seok finishing their shoots and Jin asking Jhope out for a drink! Lol I love the way they joke and flirt with each other like that. It's seriously so cute and it's always the same! I admire the consistency in wanting to go grab that drink together! Jhope laughing about how they do it so much there is even an article out about how they say that 🤣 Jimin going last for the photos and Jin had gone first but he stuck around the whole time to wait for Jimin (getting 2017 spring day flashbacks!) And kept trying to photobomb and crash his photos and clinging to Jimin 🤣 Why are they so flipping cute?! 😭😭😭
BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge Making Film:
The performances linked here too! I'll be Missing You Cover, Dynamite Butter, PTD AND their Full Interview here too with subs
2seok making me fall hard for their bond in memories everytime! Lol they get out of their cars and when they see each other immediately start talking over each other trying to compliment the others outfit/hat! Cuteee. During Review of their performance takes, the members point out where they aren't happy but the others are just so complimentary. You are always your own biggest critic for sure! Vmin singing to each other 🥺 After the cut for the Butter performance taekook giggling over how they sang/danced with arms around each other and everyone praising each other. Vmin walking off stage with arms around each other. To be there and just bask in all the love these guys share? How beautiful. Jimin pretending to scold the band member who was late and the band member just giving Jimin a cute high five and making him smile as he ran to his instrument in the back 😂😂 The way Tae was looking Joonie during his PTD verse 🥺 my heart! They all have so much fun during this song!
The Tonight Show w/ Jimin Fallon Making Film:
And of course, the performances too!
Filming PTD with the balloons and the each get one. Taekook immediately going crazy wacking them around and on Jin, who just goes "you are such kids" sounding so put out like he doesn't just immediately join them doing the same things 😂 can't fool us Jin! We know you love it! Lol JK boxing all the balloons. Jimin just coming over, holding his hands and pulling him away, their smiles 🥺 the caption lol "quit boxing and come play with me" (moment is the first gif used in the post) Jihope together are so important and bring such a new level to these performances honestly. Jhope learning about specific things like when the balloons are to be released from the staff and then teaching the exact timing to all the other members. Jihope working together during the review process to decide what to change up or refine to make it look better. Jimin taking time to explain it more and help out Jin (in this case) to make sure he understands and helps him practice. They both do this for all the members and it's continually one of my favorite things to see happen. "Showcasing their great teamwork" from the editors as BTS nail each shot. It's so true. JK losing his balloon by accident at ending mentions and then trying to steal Hobis balloon instead 😂🤣
Butter filmed on this bridge was the COOLEST thing. It was also super neat that after it aired an ARMY shared that she could see/hear BTS filming on the shut down bridge by her house. And she recorded it and than sat on that footage AND the news for MONTHS until after they released the performance themselves too! You can watch her video here. Also means that this performance was filmed sometime in June of 2021. I can't believe they rented out the whole bridge. They are so cool. Jikook walking down the bridge talking about how cool it is while doing vocal warm ups together! Namjoon just talking about his respect for all the engineering that went into building this bridge and how well done it is. He is so cute 😭 JK giving everyone tips on the best way to run and slide into the camera frame together during Jins verse to make it look smoothest. He is so cute and honestly SO COOL what an idea! Plus seeing them all running around behind the camera director is always so cute. Lol (save me flashbacks). Namjoon just complimenting Jhope and going "if I could dance like youuuu" 🥺😂 JKs smile at the makeup noona as she was fixing his makeup! How do they not melt into puddles everytime?!
Jin winking into the camera at the start! Whew. Jin: "don't I look cute?" Namjoon: "you do" *smiles* me: *melts into a puddle of adorableness* Yoongi: "Jimin and I are striking the same pose" members all giggle, namjoon: "butter just got cuter" me: *melts further if at all possible" 😭 Jikook looking at each other and smiling during the ending mentions when Jimin was talking about how they get to experience so many new things together as BTS referring to performing on the bridge before it even opens. They are so cute.
PTD Practice and MV Making Film:
Dance Practice before they film the MV! JK helping Tae get the moves down exactly for the chorus and Hobi rounding everyone up to get practice started more seriously. Hobi giving general tips and discussions for the the group as a whole and for their synchronization. Jimin giving Tae more minor and specific tips for help too. 🥺 3J in the practice room is my everything honestly. I'm sure you've all gathered that from these posts at this point. Lol Everyone reviewing their practice and cheering about how during the vminkook part, JK held Tae's hat while he spins out of Jimins way and it stayed on Taes head the whole time making it look like a really cool move! "You'd think we had planned that" nope, just the maknae lines perfect chemistry together. Lol JK boxing Jimins shoulder in between practices too. Cuties. JK really can't ever stop moving!
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Onto the MV set with BTS deciding their concept for this MV was a gay western! 😂 the amount of yoonkook its giving me is so good for my soul. Lol JK popping out from behind Yoongi with the BIGGEST smile, melts me. And them dancing together and acting cute 😍 Adorable. JK teaching us all the sign language in the choreo 🥺🥺 JK filming on top of the big truck, and then Jimin joining him! JK helping him up so sweetly and the cute looks they exchanged the whole time they were dancing. So precious! They had fun for sure. "They look more excited because they are together" 🥺 Editors, my heart can't take it! All the tennis ball hair jokes for poor RM 😂 "real friends are merciless when they tease" TELL EM EDITORS lmfao. Filming the group scene and I can't tell if Jin was just pretending to take a nap on JKs shoulder or if he really did doze off in the background there 😂😂 and of course it's not a BTS behinds video if Jinkook aren't fighting at least once. Lol this time with balloons. Jinkook blowing the balloons air in each other's faces, Jimin sitting next to them sighing heavily 🤣🤣 the exasperation! The group hip thrusts are unnecessary. 🤣 whose idea was that?! Idk what kinda dance TaeJin are doing, but it's adorable. Lol with their backs together and arms linked! So cute. TaeJins ice-cream fight of course had to make it into memories as well too! 2seok dancing so excitedly for their duo cut scene that they accidentally danced off center. Lol Jimin jokingly scolding them about how they've been in the industry for HOW LONG and can't stay centered?! 🤣 JK staying late after everyone else to film his solo scene with the spin move he pulled off PERFECTLY. I'm sure Jimin helped him practice it too since it's an iconic move of his! I love it so much!
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Day 2 shooting starts off super fun with taejinkook and namgimin trios dancing together in tiny and in sync and having fun! Jimin praising his good hair cut and how cute he looks! Yes sir, I'm glad you know it! Tae wanting to see Jimins cut hair on the recording too! Lol Vmin with the child actors is EVERYTHING. Tae saying he only brought one toy because he didn't know there would be two and promising to buy them more later and Jimin legitimately melting to the ground in a puddle of happiness at the kids calling him "uncle" 😭😭😭 PRECIOUS. Tae holding the kids while they bounce in happiness and looking so cute. Jimin talking with the kids and totally focusing on them and ignoring his poor stylist noona as she tries to fix his clothes for him. They do not make their jobs easy I swear 🤣🤣 Extra Patience has to be part of the job requirements lmfao. JK carrying the little kid back to her dad and the kid telling him that they love JK 100% just like they love their dad. 😭 and JK staying after dropping her off to watch her do the PTD dance and praising her. God they are so cute!! Super random cut scenes of Jikook hugging and Jimin telling JK that he loves him. Lol they are SO CUTE *stomps feet* I can't handle it! Jin doing the PTD dance during ending mentions and Jikook copying him. Lol Hyungs little mini mes. Adding my Post about More Jikookery during this video too!
Global Citizen Live Making Film:
Sharing the performances again obviously
BTS starting off for Butter and JK being so excited to film at such a foundational place! They were filming in such cool spots for the performance too! Vhope make such a good team. Their fond smiles at each other's ideas and warm-ups were so cute! Lol at the entire team of tannies spread out across multiple streets practicing for when they all come together and dance in the street. Joon waving at them and calling them all in like his little ducklings! 🥺 The cut before Vmins part and so instead of getting ready to dance together they just stare each other down and Jimin grabbing Tae by the neck like that 😳🤣 calm down vmin! Lol I adore them so much.
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Lmfao at Tae complaining that someone accidentally kicked him in the shin. And JK reaching out to comfort him only for Tae to whirl around and go "AH SO IT WAS YOU!" 🤣 And it WAS Jungkook 🤣🤣 and they laugh it off. Lol top tier interaction honestly! Jungkook going around with a fan cooling off all the members during the break. Lol including trying to open up Jimins shirt a bit to fan inside his top to help cool his hyung down 🤣🤣
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Getting ready for the PTD stage, hyungs all standing calmly, maknaes can't sit still. Business as usual 😂 Jikook taking up SPACE doing the PTD choreo onstage around everyone else. Lol taekook doing their new handshake/shoulder bump before the members all get serious and ready to start! And they of course NAIL IT even though it was super hot and they were all dying a little in the heat. More Jikookery in this post too! And that wraps up Disc 5 for us!!
Disc 6
35th Golden Disc Awards Making Film:
You can watch their full performance and stages here too if you want! It included Black Swan Intro, ON, Life Goes On and Dynamite (slow jam remix)
Their first performance of the year! GDA was held on 210109! And it's the return of Yoongi to the stage as well! A very special day indeed! JK being so excited that they were given permission to take the mini sets of the old MVs home and immediately laying claim to the ON set. Lol Jimin really wanted to take home No More Dream. 🥺 Filming their Black Swan intro and Yoongi getting SO SHY AND FLUSTERED over being told to come up center stage and make such a grand entrance. Lmfao the members were LOVING IT and yoongi was so flustered. Adorable to the max. Jikook finding Yoongi SO CUTE as he sinks into the floor to practice the entrance again 😂 so endeared as they watched him lol. Even though he was joining parts of the filming, he Still couldn't dance with the members. So they filmed On without him. But man, when they watched their review back, Namjoon and Jin asking "when can we dance with Suga again?" Broke me. 😭 lmfao the sudden discussion switch up to Namjoons snow ducks. Tannies can't be serious for a SECOND 😂 Jin following Hobi around copying everything he does. And then roping JK into doing it too. And then Jinkook start copying Tae. Who just plays along saying absolute nonsense 😂 the way their volume just keeps increasing 🤣 Hobi laughing his butt off, Jimin just watching it all with a super fond smile before swooping in, saying "let's head in. Taehyung" and leading JK off as well with an arm around his waist. The way JK just fell so easily into Jimins arm and lead is so insanely cute. 🥰 He really said, yall are adorable and I love you, but let's go now. Lol
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Getting ready and coming back to perform Dynamite. JinMin walking up together and Jimin just keeps running into and yet bouncing off Jin. Lmfao Jin just can't stop giggling about it either 😂 JK posing in the elevator at the top of the stage and Jimin teasing him saying "you are acting too much like the main character, get down from there" The staff and other members educating RM on the best way to hold his drink glass out 😂 why he is so cute??
And FINALLY Prerecording stages is done and we get to move onto seeing them accept their awards on the actual award show day! JK and the other members can't stop telling the camera and army about JKs "gold" hair for the "golden Disc awards" lol and Namjoon mentioning the best thing about the award show was getting to have Suga back with them to accept it 😭 They missed him SO MUCH. The Tannies putting all their attention on Yoongi again for the ending mentions. Lol once again flustering him with attention. 😂😍 More Jikookery Here!
MTV Unplugged Making Film:
Am I adding the performances here too? OF COURSE I AM. Playlist here of all the performances, including Dynamite, Life Goes On, Blue & Grey, Telepathy and Fix You
Watching all the members run around and play in the arcade before filming telepathy was super cute! And Namjoons high notes during vocal warm ups making 3J laugh so hard! I love seeing them have fun! Jimin jumping backwards super fast during B&G after almost getting caught in the camera angle too early lmfao but was also happily showing appreciation for JKs amazing vocals too! Yoongis laughter after YoonJin accidentally crash into each other during B&G. Lol and singing/dancing to Save Me as a Dynamite warm up just for fun! They had a long day filming all 5 stages in one day, but man they killed it. Amazing stages for amazing songs!
Music on a Mission | Musicares & Dynamite | 63rd Grammy Awards Show Making Film:
And yes, of course, their final performances!
Namjoon: "I think I'm getting even more handsome as I mature"
Jin: "you don't need to voice every thought out loud namjoon"
🤣🤣🤣 no, let him! I love seeing Joon be confident in his attractiveness! The members all being just as excited about Drummer JK as the rest of us all were when we finally saw it 🤣🤣 Yoongi saying Hobi looked like a magician today in his hat 🥺 Jihope giggling and calling JK cute on the drums while reviewing takes. And during break all the members can't leave the drums alone. Lol Yoongi taking a turn playing. Tae pretending to be JKs drum teacher but accidentally getting the different drum names wrong 🤣 Vmon opera singers. They always are so silly during break time. Jimin sharing during ending mentions that JK had only practiced the drums for Dynamite for just one day, just yesterday. And JK saying, no just this morning. And all the other members being like "wow! I had no idea" and lavishing praise upon JK for his drum talent. I love hearing it!
Everyone being a little nervous and freaked out about performing on the roof 30 stories high! I don't blame them I would be shaking I'd be so nervous!! RM saying he thinks Jihope will be the two most nervous once they get up there. Lol Jimin shouting he is bored and wants to play chopsticks while they wait. So he plays a game with Hobi and JK joins for the next round. I love seeing 3J laughing and having fun together so much. A fierce bottle flipping competition taking place during their break. Lol the members watching back their one shot takes for the start of Dynamite and everyone LOSING IT when Tae winks at the camera. Lmfao Jimin lovingly checking on ARMYs to see if we are okay and if we can survive one of Taehyung's winks 🤣 Jimin and Yoongi can't contain their excitement and keep breaking out into Happy Dances 🥺 JK keeps practicing his turns and his poor makeup/hair noona is legitimately chasing him around the stage trying to touch up his makeup and hair. The man won't BE STILL 😂😂😂. Everyone naming Suga as the MVP for the day for his cute dance moves and just being happy he is back to performing with them! Tae slapping Yoongis butt repeatedly in celebration lol! At the end 2seok taking pictures of each other at the set and Jimin keeps crashing Jins photos. Lol Hobi taking photos for Tae too, which Jimin also photobombs 😂 Jimin ending the film with a Jimin TV report. He goes and films Tae and asks him to act tired, who just does some heavy breathing. He tries again with Hobi who said he can't right now. He goes to JK who when asked to act tired, even mid make up touch up, started acting his heart out and Jimins giggles over it all. Lol they are so cute.
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63rd Grammy Awards Show Making Film:
I have so many incredibly mixed feelings about this. I love them. I love their attitude about everything. I love how they are understanding they might not win but trying to stay positive regardless and keep each others moods up. So many of them were so nervous they had a hard time sleeping. They all woke up at 2 am to get ready for their red carpet interview and the live stream reaction to their awards. They were EXHAUSTED but being so upbeat and there for each other through it all. Jikook sitting on the couch together before moving to their seats for the actual reaction. I know they draw comfort from being close to each other for sure. TaeJin promising kisses if they win the award too 😂🤣 Jin saying Vhope will kiss if they win and Hobi looking so confused 🤣 Tae saying that if they win 2seok will kiss and he will kiss Namjoon on the forehead. So free with the kisses and it's appreciated lmfaoo. And Joon just agreeing saying his forehead is free real estate. You know he loves their affection! They were all so sweet and encouraging to each other through their disappointment too. "Let's hug it out" Being honest about their emotions over it all, but still able to laugh, make jokes and future plans. I'm so proud of them. Tae's dad calling and telling all the members not to be too sad and being so encouraging. Lol Jimin grabbing the phone right after he said that and saying "dad! I'm so sad!!" And giggling. You know means it but he is still being so silly and positive about it all too.
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The way they all burst out laughing watching their own reactions to losing 😭😅🤣 Tae going "I want to watch everyone reactions one by one, let's start with Jimin" and sitting down to watch the same clip 7 times over. He is just like us for real lmfao. The way they all gathered into a sleepy puppy cuddle puddle together on the couches to watch their performance after all that too. They are so cute. Jikookery Post over this film here.
2021 Billboard Music Awards Making Film:
Their Killer Butter performance too
During their break between filming the intro and getting into their actual dance, everyone goes and plays with the various instruments around. Jimin starts pretending to play Butter on the piano and just being silly. Suga jokingly goes "ach so embarrassing" and teasing Jimin and JK is just smiling at Jimin so fondly and says "not to me." Heart is MELTING. He is so cute and I can't handle it. Minimoni complaining about aching feet and Joon saying it's because of flat feet. Jimin telling army not to get flat feet and JK again, just there slightly off camera until he isn't looking at Jimin fondly and laughing saying "isn't that something you are born with." They are so cute together. Tae playing the piano and acting out a mini skit and Jikook both just watching him fondly and finding it adorable. Lol taekook disagreeing on if they are seen on camera or not during Jimins mirror move, so JK dropped out early and Tae kept dancing and they bet 50000 won over who is right or not going back to the review camera 🤣 I think JK won as he was right that the camera moved into a zoom on Jimin, but who knows 😂😂 both Jimin and Jhope praising the heck out of RM during the dance break, that had to have made him so happy! 🥺 Cute. The way that we only caught tail ends of jikook fooling around and giggling together during ending mentions because the camera focused on the other members talking but we saw their smiles together afterwards which was cute. They really nailed this performance.
CJ ENM You Quiz on the Block Making Film:
Seeing the members all greeting the hosts so sweetly. I have such respect for them. They are so good to everyone around them. Recounting past experiences from previous variety shows they did with the hosts and being so gracious about it all. Saying that the members wanted to film on You Quiz together more than any other show. And if that's what they wanted and they had fun, I'm all for it. Their utter shock, joy and ultimate happiness when they were surprised by the ARMY fan on the show. They LOVE their fans so much. It's amazing. So admirable. Makes me so soft!! YoonJin being so proud of themselves for winning some money. Lol Jikook playing the spot the couple game at the end during the end of the show group photo. Because of course they were 😂 More Jikookery from You Quiz here too.
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Hybe "What Do You Believe In" Making Film:
If you wanted to see the final product and hadn't, for my newer armys lol BTS's section starts at 4:56
Hobi bragging "I just have to be on my phone for this scene!" RM: "you are being rewarded for being a good person" Hobi: flustered. Lol cuteeee. Bangtannies with puppies content is some of my FAVORITE 🥺🥺 the way they all bark and howl everytime the dog does 🤣 The Tannies picked "connection" as their word/theme and showed it through connecting fingers. Which was a super cute joke they didn't let go throughout the entire filming process. Lol Jimin during filming asking where his connection is and every member there jumping up to connect their fingers to his 😂🥺😍 they are all so fucking cute and funny. 2seok doing ending mentions together and saying all they remember from the shoot is everyone's fingers connecting 😂 RM saying he is excited to see what the other artists did for their video. Tae saying the most memorable scene for him was filming his CGI scene on the escalator. Jikook doing their ending mentions together too and saying that looking back and thinking on what you believe in is very meaningful and they had fun filming!
And this wraps up Part 3 for my thoughts over memories 2021 so far. I will finish watching Disc 6 and Disc 7 in part 4! Thanks for letting me share with you!
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animerunner · 1 day
My MomoCon Highlights:
- Dana. Complimented. Me. On. My. Eda. Dress
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Not the first compliment of the con. I had purposely tucked away the dress until Sunday for the Owl House panel day and when I was going to get the group photo. So it wasn't what I wore the preceeding days.
I got several about my CHB shirt on Saturday (the day before). Along with a couple of conversations about my Friday outfit including with Cissy herself.
But Dana’s compliment on Sunday during the group photo was what completely sent me into a short circuit.
If you know my history and love for Eda as a character then this isn’t a surprise that I totally short circuited after.
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I honest to god don't know if she remembered the conversation or me showing her the photo of me in the same dress at the half marathon at Disneyland in January. When I had shown it to explain to her just how much Eda had impacted my life in the last few years. I do know she and the others I showed it too (I showed it to Sarah and Cissy) all thought it was the coolest thing at the time. And were absolutely astounded in the best way to find out I also did marathons! (which realizing that conversation also happened is starting to cause me reshort circuit a whole second time. Whoops!)
And follow up to that which is no surprise Dana was a total sweetheart even before the compliment. It’s always a bit scary to meet people that you’ve come to look up to for one reason or another. (the phrase never meet your heroes can unfortuantely be a real thing. Thankfully it was not an issue with Dana.)
And my tremor acted up a ton when meeting her and Sarah definitely didn’t help with the nerves.
And while I had no reason to get worried it was still nice. We got to talking about panels and stuff. I showed her some of my racing stuff.
I can't begin to emphasize the fact that she was genuinely extremely nice. And was taking time to talk to everyone who came up.
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(fun fact I thought I was going to be late to get this print. But I wasn't.)
- Pretty much every member of the owl house crew gave me a compliment on my cane/staff. Even had one ask me where I got it from. That was unexpected but totally awesome.
Cissy and I had a whole conversation about costumes!
I was dressed up as Lilith from 2A on Friday when I was going around getting the first set of autographs and photos. So she saw me in the low battery conversation and we got started talking. And she mentioned she was going to be the same shirt on Saturday.
(She did for the record. I saw her wearing it when waiting for Zeno and Erica autographs both of whom were also nice)
Seriously the whole Owl House crew was super nice in every interaction I had with them. You always get a range of comments and reactions (nothing ever really bad) at cons. Because its cons ya know. Things are busy and crazy and you might not always catch every one on their best day. But I had nothing but compliments for the Owl House side.
I finally got a signed copy of this poster from Matt! I've always wanted a copy of this poster but never really could seem to time the Streamily signings right to pick one up. So I was delighted to see he was selling copies of this to pick one up.
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(Also IDK if the person who found it after I accidentally dropped it in the exhibitor hall is on here when trying to shuffle my stuff around. But if you are. Thank you for turning it into lost and found at Momocon. I thought there was no way I was getting this back.)
Honestly I picked up a bunch of signed art at the con. The most I think I've ever done in one go. No regrets. That needs to be its own post though so I'll share another day.
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"I'm calling it right here. This world can officially bite my ass." - Sizz'el the Lone Survivor, a nickname she did not get to pick
Throwback to a punch-up I got into a little while ago - you can tell because I hadn't yet trusted a random settler at Starlight Drive-In to laser the tattoo off my eye yet. I loved that tattoo, glad it's gone. You can't imagine how much easier my self image cultivation has become since building all those little towns in the Commonwealth! Preston thinks we're a civil defense oriented militia, meanwhile I had to send back the first test print of t-shirts for "Sexy Sizz'el's Pure Water & Mutfruit Emporium". Every so often they have a chore for me, but when that isn't the case and my knuckles need dusting, I don't usually have to wait long.
On this particular day I'd bopped down to Concord to go shoot some photos at the old museum when what do I spy with my little eyes but a whole bunch of guys just waiting to die. So, I changed into the Silver Shroud outfit I've been lugging around and did a couple kinds of shooting. I don't understand why raiders attack on site - I've mowed down hundreds of them by now. Who's doing their intel? I know they hang out as raider groups but how?! Even when I look just like them I get a laser hello. I look better in this fit though, which is good, because I have tried to throw it away like two dozen times. Piper insists I don't throw out this old nasty costume. I literally can't even fit my head in the hat, but she insists, "It's priceless, it's an heirloom, there's a radio show about it," which, that show is... not good. I literally can't put it down. Someone help me.
The museum is apparently some kind of hotspot, but ever since I took the power armor (shout out to my Atom Cats, meow you wild sons of kittens) and the minigun it's like... for what? Tacky outfits and rotten wood? But, what do I know. I'm just the single most brilliant business woman and devastating bombshell this wasteland has seen since... I'd... like to... rephrase, that last thought.
(Outfit credits, my thoughts, and a few more shots below the cut.)
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I'm pretty sure Sizz'el is wearing crimsomrider's 1950's Feminine Outfits (opens in new tab), Silver Shroud with stockings. The large caliber rifle is the Modular Simonov PTRS-41 by kazumamqi (opens in new tab), and the laser on the bottom is the CROSS_BreakActionLaser by Niero (opens in new tab). Phew, that was a lot of 'um this time, jeez.
I wander into Concord from time to time, whenever I want to just relax and kick back with the combat side of the game. A couple of Brotherhood of Steel dudes plopped in at the end and cleaned up, which was fine, I guess. We're not hostile with each other... I wanna say "yet", but, to be decided.
I like the feeling of combat in Fallout 4, but as you can imagine, I've made a number of major modifications. First, which I've shared before, I've completely rebalanced damage (and have to continuously to make it stay balanced): I, the player, deal a 3x more damage than normal. Everyone else deals 5x more. I love the feeling of games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Far Cry 2 (with that one mod) - when the time between seeing someone and being dead is a breath.
With that in place, I also made two major mechanical changes: first and less impactful is the removal of an AP cost to sprinting, thanks to Unlimited Sprint by TroyIrving (opens in new tab). Sprinting is already an inherent tactical decision, costing precious time, and removing your ability to reload or fire. When the game was slower and more about draining health pools, it made sense to limit this to a gauge... maaaaybe? I think AP draining sprinting is a funking dumb choice in basically any version of this game, but, I'm not a professional game developer so, what do I know.
Second, and this is the big one... bullet time. I use V.A.F.S. Redux by Itzal713 (opens in new tab). I love bullet time. I love it so much. Stranglehold is actually a childhood favorite of mine. I think it's so cool to dip and dodge and do cool stuff like jump over a table and then fire on someone, and it also makes taking pictures in the middle of a fire fight way easier. It's not balanced. It's just fun.
So it's easy to die, bullet time, added some big weapons... I never thought of it before but I've kind of turned Fallout 4 into F.E.A.R. 1. And everybody loves the combat in that game, so... win for me. I rule. Go me.
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albatrossisland · 1 year
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I posted 1,637 times in 2022
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Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 688 of my posts in 2022
#science fiction - 46 posts
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#gorgeous - 40 posts
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#dracula daily - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#likewise i had a friend who rushed her wedding her because she wanted her parents to have zero say in life decisions for her
My Top Posts in 2022:
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So cute, and so cold
11 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
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Found this photo in an album, and trying to figure out who this is.
I think figuring out the time period could help. Anyone good with history of fashion that could narrow the time period by her outfit?
11 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
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One happy boy 🥰🥰🥰
25 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
Fic exchange recommendations!
Yes, it’s that glorious time of year again, were writers of all kind gather and share in our love of Brienne of Tarth and Jaime Lannister in the @jaime-brienne-fic-exchange!
From this year’s batch of excellent fics, here are my recommendations (definitely check out the whole collection, there is so much talent gathered here):
breath and bone - My gift fic! Brienne comes back to the Island to be with her dying grandmother, and it's so soft and tender, and the imagery is so good. A WIP, and I'm eagerly waiting for more.
Valiant - Dog fic! An animal POV that really works, cute and angsty and so good!
now you're out on the bottomless sea - a missing scene canon story, and I tell ya, hits right in the feels.
Don't Go Stag - A play on 'Shop Around the Corner' (or if you prefer 'You've Got Mail), it's sweet and charming and so well done.
Finest, Furthest, Most Unknown Edge - Bring on the sci-fi! Brienne is escorting the Stark girls home, when her ship crashes on a planet and they're separated. It's so good and I'm kinda mad I didn't write it.
longed for as the sunwarmed earth - After trekking south, Jaime is exiled to an unknown island, and left with his thoughts. Glorious.
I'm Betting Everything I've Got On You - The horse AU! JB are set up in an arranged marriage (!) on a ranch (!!) and it's the best kind of slow burn.
pillow talk - JB talk about their lives and their feelings and they kiss, and it's so, so good.
and then, love - A very soft and lovely story about the months-long Long Night, and the baby that gives Jaime and Brienne a reason to keep fighting.
Stolen Kisses - Brienne as a kitchen wench. Sounds silly, and it's definitely fluff, but the real story is duty and love and all that stuff. It's beautiful.
you come back with gravity - JB grow up together and fall in love, and it's a moving journey for both of them.
Plant Your Hope - A five-times fic about them kissing and growing as a couple, it's also a show canon divergence, and don't let that scare you off, it's beautiful.
Mend - Brienne is someone who can fix anything, and Jaime arrives broken at her shop. Off to a great start, and can't wait to read more.
you who know what love is - Gah, the fic that is eating my brain. It's a regency fic, and I love it so much, just two chapters left.
Haven’t finished a lot of them, so there will be a part two!
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My #1 post of 2022
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mahesh2904 · 2 years
Travelling today is not just travelling around the world, but pure passion. Not everyone can travel to the best place, but one can make the trip unforgettable by following the rules. Travel must be smart and some mistakes can ruin the whole plan completely. The desire and drive to explore and defend the border is what makes travellers go forward and follow certain principles that can help achieve peace and inner satisfaction.
Here we shall discuss few points every traveller should definitely do to cherish the memories forever:
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➤ Don't lose patience - the energy and excitement of the trip is completely lost if you get angry over a small issue. Life is too short to be bored. Even if you lose money or miss your car, don't give up. Plan something else and make the trip worthwhile.
➤ Keep extra cash in a safe place - Cash is the most important thing to travel. He is the king of the world and without him all dreams will remain unfulfilled. Keep money somewhere like your sock or a safe in your pocket in case your wallet gets lost or stolen. Keeping some cash on hand can help you in many ways. You won't regret not going where you want to go but can't because of lack of money.
➤ Meet the locals - sometimes you need to avoid the tourists and make it a point to meet the locals. Almost everyone understands English or Hindi. It is the locals who give us a better understanding of the history, culture and atmosphere of the place. They are also the ones who can give you the best hospitality and give you the best travel experience and tell you about the local specialties in each region.
➤ Take lots of selfies - maybe you'll never go there again and meet the ones your friends did. But wait! You have those photos that you can keep forever. They don't take up space in your bag and are really free. Today, in this digitized world, sharing these images is not a problem. All you have to do in the future is sit back and see them and smile like an idiot!
➤ Spend a bit on shopping to- a budget travel is always the safest and ethical choice as it enables you to spend on necessary things and saves you from wasting your hard earned money and explore more but spending few rupees on buying the locally popular outfits or jewellery or handicrafts is always a good option and it helps you discover more. Once in a while you can also spend some money on booking a nice hotel. Buying local items adds not only to your closet but also to your stock of memories.
➤ Eat the local food- food is a very important part of a human being’s life. For a foodie, food is definitely not just about eating to survive. Gorging onto the local food and savouring its taste is surely a food lover’s paradise. One must go around the place to have a bite of the local food like sarson da saag of Punjab or chingri macher malai curry of Kolkata. It is not only an enriching experience for foodies but also very pocket-friendly as these dishes are available at every nook and corner of the city.
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➤ Do write down your memorable experiences- often while travelling we come across many things that we might forget in the course of events and time. A very good method of recalling the conversations had with other people or the feelings after any experience and adventure are surely one would like to go through and recall is jotting them down that preserves these memories and helps us take a journey down the memory lane.
➤ You must try and come out of the shackles of your comfort zone- travelling is all about newer experiences and finding the inner soul so one must do things about which he or she has been having a phobia. Never gone for safari or scared of talking to strangers? Go ahead and overcome your fears. Do the wildest of things.
➤ Pack less stuff- the less you carry the easier your journey becomes. You should carry only the most essential things and travel with light luggage as it reduces your burden and pain of travelling with heavy loads especially while you are trekking. You mostly need half of the things you pack so you must rationally and even buy most of the things from your destination.
➤ Take care of your health- travelling often exerts our body much more than we think it does. We often tend to sleep less or eat unhealthy food that leads to an irritated mind and a disturbed mind or illness is very harmful and plays instrumental in spoiling the entire trip. We must follow our sleep cycles and eat healthy food and also exercise so that we can stay fit and enjoy our heart out.
➤ Must do a study of the place you are going to-studying the place you are visiting prevents you from getting cheated by crooks and also saves your financial burden of hiring a tourist guide. With the help of GPS and the study you can easily take a tour of the city without any fears. This will help you locate the major entertainment hubs and find places of your interest like one may enjoy adventure sports or maybe also shopping.
➤ Keeping a check of the essential items- before travelling one should keep a check on the flight timings, weather of the place, mode of transport and also whether he or she has packed important documents like passport or id proof.
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Hence keeping these things in mind one can make his or her journey quite memorable and trouble free and ensure a lifetime of good memories and good thinking.
Travelling by following these guidelines can be pocket friendly and affordable too. One just needs to laugh a lot and enjoy their hearts out to make it a trip worth remembering.
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