#Children of the Red King
bigjinx · 8 months
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Truly one of my greatest callings in life is making fan art for underappreciated fantasy books I read as a child
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mossnrocksnbogwater · 3 months
i wish there was more stuff about children of the red king/the charlie bone series. its like a Travesty how little fandom there is out there. calling out to the void now. there were so many fun ideas here please let us play together with them
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sailforvalinor · 1 year
95 percent of Charlie Bone’s problems are directly a result of a combination of three things: a) unlike his most obvious literary comparison, Harry Potter, he is not a trouble magnet, trouble doesn’t happen to him, he actively seeks out trouble to get himself into—if he just minded his own business he’d have a (comparatively) normal life and we’d have nothing to read about, b) he is the worst, most feeble liar I have ever had the pleasure to read about, and c) even when he is innocent and has nothing to lie about, when caught in suspicious circumstances, the most incriminating sentence that could possibly be said in that situation falls out of his mouth when confronted by an authority figure. And it’s SO FUNNY
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dagbert-endless · 2 months
I am a truther for a lot of things, but my biggest truth is that Dagbert is agender. Why? If Lord Grimwald had no first son, then Lysander could kill him all day every day no problem. He/They Dagbert who doesn't identify as a man or son or boy but actually just doesn't care
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Be more like Paton Yewbeam. Have a crush on a delightful rare and ancient books shop owner. Only leave the house when it’s dark out, wearing sunglasses to avoid an Incident. Lock yourself in your room to mope and study history at the smallest inconvenience. Eat a solid block of cheese (by biting directly into it, no slicing) at one in the morning because you’re hungry and your weird great nephew is getting cryptic warnings from cats (again).
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Reblog with your Obscure Fandom™ that includes yourself and like, maybe one other person. If enough of us band together we'll find each other and raise awareness.
Also if it was a bad video game from your childhood that you were impressionable enough to believe had a good and compelling story but that made virtually no cultural impact, I see you.
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popperchic · 4 days
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happy pride month from Olivia
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alicedreamlandart · 28 days
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Here are some older Charlie Bone character sketches I did for my first account but now that I have an art account, I'm moving them here! I still like a few even though I'd like to redo a lot of them.
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sideblogofawriter · 3 months
Objectively, the funniest part of the first book is when Dr. Bloor, rationally, says they can't be sure Charlie has the case they're after.
And Manfred is just like "Of course Charlie has it. Never mind that we only saw him leave with a normal bookstore shopping bag and not the case itself, and that Julia just received tons of boxes with Dr. Tolly's inventions and it could still be in any one of them, and that Charlie couldn't have had any idea to seek out this random object he had no way of knowing was distantly connected to him. Obviously she gave the super important plot device to a random 10-year-old she literally just met and has no reason to believe she would ever see again, much less would miraculously be both willing and able to help her find her missing niece"
and he's RIGHT
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mossnrocksnbogwater · 2 months
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His name is Dagbert Endless, and he claims to drown people.
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mossiestpiglet · 2 months
I think part of what I find so compelling about him is that in a lot of other stories he would have the right ingredients to be redeemable, but with the whole Some People Are Born Evil shit that this series subscribes to, that just can’t happen.
His backstory is horrific, but it’s just portrayed as him being So Evil he was even a creepy evil kid. But that’s not how kids actually are. He was raised as a weapon and it is all he knows how to do. If Ezekiel wants that baby, Manfred gets him the baby. If Ezekiel wants that man to forget, Manfred makes him forget. If Ezekiel wants those people dead, Manfred makes them die. If Ezekiel says Manfred’s mother can’t leave, Manfred will make sure she can’t leave. And then Manfred has to go on with all of it- maintaining long term control over two people from the time he’s 9 years old, knowing his powers are waning, Ezekiel constantly asking for more, and that his own mother wants nothing more than to get away from him. I haven’t even touched on how messed up his relationship is with his dad (because I’ve touched on it elsewhere), but there’s that too.
And it’s like. Yeah he’s a Villain, it’s undeniable. He is basically structuring his life around his family’s goals of villainy. But he’s also just a kid. He thinks his classmates clothes are ridiculous but he also has to wear his hair just so. He’s a thespian. He bullies younger kids for missing their moms then sobs when his own gets away. He sleeps in on the weekend. He had one friend ever and treated him like shit. At least two girls had crushes on him. He never got to go to college.
He was a teenager who was raised in the worst environment and made to do terrible things his entire life and not a single adult ever gave him guidance to live any other way. And then he dies in a ridiculous way, and the only person in the world who might have cared apparently doesn’t. I’m going to be insane about him forever.
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sailforvalinor · 1 year
As of book 5 Fidelio Gunn is quite possibly my favorite character because as the only unendowed kid in the friend group at school (especially after Olivia finds out that she is endowed), there have been several moments where I’ve been half-expecting him to feel left out or not special—but that never happens. He’s like “yeah yeah your superpowers are cool and all, couldn’t be me, I’ll be over here with my violin, have fun, call if you need me.” And sure, he can’t turn into a bird or call down thunderstorms, but he’s consistently Charlie’s right-hand man because there is no one more willing to help at all times and has never once panicked about anything in his life. This kid’s endowment is his can-do attitude
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dagbert-endless · 2 months
Dagbert having endless surnames but Lord Grimwald only having "Grimwald" implies Dagbert either inherited his many surnames from his mother, or Lord Grimwald also has many surnames but managed to pick one. If they're from his mother, it implies that mermaids all have long names. If they're from his father, then I think it's safe to say that a man who chose the name "Grimwald" is likely to be the idiot who decided to name a baby "Dagbert". In this essay I will
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Re-reading Charlie Bone and the Invisible Boy and it's mentioned that Manfred is in sixth form and it just hit me he's a whole eighteen year old who is beefing with ten year old Charlie. Like, the whole series is about a bunch of adults fighting ten year olds, but imagine?? writing your university entrance essays??? taking your tests preparing for graduation??? and in the meantime being preoccupied by what a literal ten year old is doing in his spare time??
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