#Conil de la Frontera
federer7 · 2 years
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Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz), Españá. 1975
Foto: Carlos Flores
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pacountry-blog · 10 months
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Hace dos años nos conocimos, ahora somos inseparables.
Quieres conocer el amor verdadero? Adopta un perro.
Two years ago we met, now we are inseparable.
Do you want to know true love? Adopt a dog.
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ionmarkelargazkiak · 14 years
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propronews · 10 months
“Susana Leroy”, del Real Alcázar de Sevilla a La Chanca de Conil, en su travesía literaria por España
Continúa el programa de presentaciones por el país de la nueva novela de José María Pagador
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mypepemateosus · 6 months
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soracities · 2 years
“Every night, a sprig of jasmine / in our hands, we walk the streets of Conil—” 
Sujata Bhatt, “Conil de la Frontera”
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rumboalsur1 · 1 year
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youunravelme · 4 months
okay but how does mat propose??? (like a pt. 2 follow up to the wedding cake fic)
omg omg omg a proposal request!! let it be known, i have never been engaged, BUT all my friends got engaged/married last year so i think i'm uniquely qualified (edit: this was started in 2023, you know, when this request was sent. once again, my b). (though this might just turn into my dream proposal bc i'm in love with him).
for those of you who wanna check the part 1 of the wedding cake fic, here it is!
another edit: i wrote this to distract myself from my absolute disdain at scott mayfield.
carry on.
his hands were sweating all day.
which was weird, considering it was february.
but it wasn't weird, given what he had planned. he didn't know if he wanted to scream or throw up. the idea of you becoming his wife surely made him giddy, but it was soured with the slight chance that you might say no. he was supposed to propose before the season started up again, but he was plagued with anxious thoughts.
it's not the right time.
i'm not ready yet.
or the worst one: i don't think i'm that serious about you.
which, in hindsight, wouldn't make sense considering you were already living together and have been for quite some time. you wore his jersey to games, you had conversations about starting a family, you texted his mom and sister more than he did. there was no reason for you to say no.
after he chickened out back in september, mat's new plan was to wait until the bye week to propose. he was going to take you on a vacation to conil de la frontera, spain. he had everything booked and ready.
but then he was drafted for the 2024 all star games.
he could see it in your eyes, you were ecstatic for him to be recognized, but when you took a week and a half off of work, you were planning on packing your bathing suit, not taking a short flight to toronto.
you bore the slight disappointment well, smiling and kissing him and hugging him tightly when he got the news. he beamed when he saw you post about it on your instagram.
he couldn't wait any longer to ask you. your reaction to a change in your vacation plans from something warm to canada in the winter solidified what he was anxious about for months.
you loved him, there as no doubt about it.
you were the most selfless human being he knew.
his teammates had been crucial in the planning process, well, at least their wives were. bo, marty, anders, brock, and clutterbuck had been chirping him since the start of the season when they noticed that your left hand was still devoid of a ring.
"what're you waiting for, barzy?" bo asked after a practice one day. "you found a good one, she'd probably wait forever for you, but why're you making her wait?"
mat shrugged at the time, too embarrassed to admit that despite being one of the best players in the league and having millions to his name, he was terrified that it still wouldn't be enough for you. not that you'd ever demanded more from him, you'd taken him as he was and cheered for him even when he was having the shittiest time of his life.
he could give you the moon and still wouldn't feel like it was enough.
so when mat finally told his teammates about his plan in toronto, they immediately communicated to the wives who were closest to you. sydney, grace, and holly took you out to get your nails done while marty, anders, bo, and mat started researching the most romantic places in toronto on anders' laptop just in case you spontaneously went through mat's search history.
the day was planned, the photographer and necessary tickets were booked, he'd propose at the evergreen brick works after texting auston matthews about cool places to visit while he was in town, (he had to clarify that he didn't care about cool bars, and was looking to bring you along).
you'd been talking nonstop on the plane ride to toronto that you didn't even notice mat was quietly stewing. everything had to be perfect.
it was the very least that you deserved.
the first day in toronto, both of you explored the city by going to coffee shops and restaurants recommended by players and their significant others. when you made it back to your hotel room, your feet were aching.
you fell face first into the bed, whining into the comforter. "my feet hurt," you groaned.
mat laughed from his position leaning against the wall. "i told you to wear better shoes," he said.
"i didn't anticipate you dragging me all over toronto today."
"well, that's what we'll be doing tomorrow too, so prepare yourself."
"mat," you whined, finally flipping over so he could see your pretty face again. you had a cute pout on your lips that he wanted to kiss away. "we're on vacation."
"and you've never been in this city before, you should get to see it." he walked over to where you were and grabbed your hands. "c'mon, let's go take a bath and then we can order room service and spend the rest of the night in bed."
you were quick to agree.
the following day was pretty mundane. but wednesday was the cause of mat's stress.
his phone lit up with texts from his teammates, his parents, liana, tito, and ethan, all wishing him a good luck. the two of you woke up early enough to go to a local cafe and grab breakfast before taking the bus to evergreen brick work.
"you okay?" you asked, placing your hand on his knee to keep it from bouncing anymore.
he thanked whatever possessed him to keep the ring box in his coat pocket on the side that wasn't pressed up against you.
"yeah," he smiled. "just ready to get there."
when the two of you hopped off the bus, you slid your hand into his almost immediately. out of habit, mat tucked you into his side, happy to just have you close. it was a little cold outside, but it was like he couldn't feel it because of your proximity.
"mat!" you tugged on his arm and pointed at one of the signs. "they have ice skating here!" you grinned widely up at him and he couldn't help but smile right back. "we should go!"
"we will," he said. "i wanna do this trail first."
you looked at him funny. "you wanna go on a walk?"
he shrugged, tearing his eyes away from you to focus on the signs in front of him. "auston suggested this place."
"you're asking for a lot of suggestions from auston. it's unlike you..."
"there's no need to be suspcious, babe. i know that you wanted to be in a tropical place for vacation, that was the plan and everything, but since we're here, thought we'd make the most of it."
you scrutinized his face for a moment longer before nodding and pulling yourself closer to him.
after you secured another hot coffee to combat the cold, mat started leading you on the trail. while you were ordering, he was coordinating with the photographer to make sure she was in position.
the trail itself wasn't that long, thankfully because mat couldn't get a word out and if it was any longer, he feared you would've caught on that he was incapable of speaking.
you were still talking about work drama when you got to the lookout point. your voice was taken away by the sight of toronto in the background.
you hadn't always been the most observant person ever, you didn't even know he liked you until he told you verbatim when he couldn't take it anymore.
"oh my god, mat," you gasped. you pointed at the skyline in front of you with the hand that wasn't holding your coffee. "look how pretty it is!"
he swallowed and knelt down on one knee while your back was turned. mat took the ring box out of his jacket pocket, doing his best not to drop it despite how much his hands were shaking.
"have you ever seen anything that--" you whipped back around to look for him. he watched as confusion filled your face when you didn't see him standing behind you, but kneeling in front of you.
"oh my god," you whispered, dropping your coffee on the ground so you could cover your mouth with both hands. "mat what--"
"i love you," he said. "i love the way you squeal at every cute baby that comes across your for you page or the way you cry at the drop of a hat. i love how you celebrate everyone around you. you are the brightest thing in my life and if i quit my job tomorrow, i know my life would still be fucking amazing because i'd have you.
"i know that my schedule is hectic, and you could probably find a man better than me, who was more consistent, who wasn't going to play games or have practices on your birthday, who could take you out of the country for a vacation to somewhere warm instead of dragging you with me to an all star game. but i promise you, i will do whatever it takes to give you the best life possible if you'd let me. i wanna grow old and crinkly with you, i want our kids to have the same last name as both of us. i want to be able to point you out in crowds and tell strangers that i somehow managed to convince you to marry me.
"i have never been more terrified in my life than i am right now," he admitted. "but i have never been more certain of anything i want more in my life than you. so will you have me? will you marry me?"
in the middle of his speech, mat didn't realize when he'd started crying, didn't even notice that you were all but sobbing. he just recognized the scent of your perfume when you lunged towards him and kissed him hard on the mouth, your tears mixing with his.
"yes," you mumbled into his mouth. "oh my god, yes."
mat let out a watery laugh and managed to slip the ring on your finger even though his hands were shaking. you pulled him up to stand and immediately wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him close.
you were sniffling as he pulled you in for another kiss.
"i love you,' he whispered against your lips.
"love you more," you smiled back.
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itsloriel · 8 months
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Conil de la Frontera, Spain
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welele · 12 days
La voz de Google al pronunciar la calle Fuente Gallo, Alguien que circulaba por Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz) se dio cuenta: pic.twitter.com/sAUKlwkNGq
— 𝒥𝑒𝒻𝒻𝓇𝑒𝓎 𝒟𝒶𝒽𝓂𝑒𝓇 (@Nefertitibarni) May 29, 2024
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reinaazarolla · 7 months
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The Azarolla's are all pretty close, Reina loves her parents dearly and they love and support her with anything that she wants to do.
AGE → 53 BIRTHDAY → november 25, 1970 ZODIAC → sagittarius HOMETOWN → madrid, spain GENDER → cismale PRONOUNS → he/him LANGUAGES (FLUENT) → spanish, portuguese, english, italian, french, german LANGUAGES (LIMITED) → korean, japanese, chinese FACECLAIM → oscar isaac RELATIONSHIP WITH REINA → Reina has her father wrapped around her little finger. While he is stern but fair when needed, it doesn't take much for him to surrender to his daughter's big brown doe eyes. She goes to him when she needs logical advice, as he often can see things from a neutral perspective and find an outcome that benefits most, if not all, parties. Reina gets her athleticism from him, and when possible, they'll watch football matches together.
AGE → 50 BIRTHDAY → february 3, 1973 ZODIAC → aquarius HOMETOWN → conil de la frontera, spain GENDER → cisfemale PRONOUNS → she/her LANGUAGES (FLUENT) → portuguese, spanish, english LANGUAGES (LIMITED) → italian, french, chinese FACECLAIM → catalina sandino moreno RELATIONSHIP WITH REINA → Reina gets her creativity and desire of freedom from her mother. Some would call these two best friends. Even from a young age Reina would always want to go with her mother, even to work. She wanted to be her little assistant. Of course that closeness has changed, now that she's older and finding her own path but she knows her mother is always there for her. If Reina goes to her father for logical advice, she goes to her mother for more emotional advice. It's because of Esmeralda that Reina has a love of the arts in all sorts of forms.
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emibruner · 2 years
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Conil de la Frontera, 2018
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ionmarkelargazkiak · 14 years
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propronews · 6 months
Conil de la Frontera puede perder una inversión millonaria para mejorar la ciudad
Un proyecto de Arteria Verde a punto de sucumbir por la negativa del Ayuntamiento
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antoniosousadias2 · 1 year
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Conil de la Frontera, 2022
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soychita · 2 years
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Conil de la Frontera, Cádiz
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