#Correct me if I remember something wrong
villain-in-love · 1 month
You know, thinking logically, there's a good reason why Casper is so gullible and easily falls for MC's trolling with scams.
It's not that he's an idiot, it's literally the first time he has to deal with someone who can blatantly lie to his face. He never talked to a mortal before, his social circle consists entirely of other reapers, and none of them are able to lie. Plus he has very limited life experience because he has always been too busy with his job.
And that's probably also the reason why he didn't try to prove that he's an actual grim reaper for the first few days and was just expecting for MC to take his word for it. Because it was always enough before.
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gferamos · 3 months
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These were from back in like.. late December of last year? I had another section to the bandana one that I wanted to finish before posting these but I never did TxT
Then I see it's been (Edit: OMG I GOT IT SOOO WRONG I'M SO SORRY) ALMOST 2 years since @jojo-schmo showed her roleswap AU! Which congrats!! I love your artwork so much it's just so iconic and it screams "omg hey that's jojos!!!" in the BEST way possible!!!
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Here's the uhm... Full thing if ur curious....
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feltsticker · 19 hours
its so funny to me how Connor goes from saying to Amanda regarding Hanks' reaction after one of his deaths "I know humans have difficulty dealing with loss... I'll have to be more careful in the future" to then saying to Hank's face "I'm just a machine replacing another machine... no need to get emotional about it/ I don't understand what's bothering you??" like dude... did you not just acknowledge earlier that you understand, just as a fact, why someone would be disturbed by seeing you again😭
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justanotherfanartist · 5 months
I think we as a fandom are collectively sleeping on Carolina being raised with Jewish holidays. dude can you imagine her being reintroduced to them once she’s with the reds and blues maybe cus they picked them up as a found-family sort of tradition because of church and they continue them when he’s gone. her getting to relive the sweet nostalgic parts of her childhood with her new family. can you imagine her coming in and seeing all the decorations and food she hasn’t seen in years (this is ofc assuming they didn’t really do holidays on the MOI) screaming and crying do you see it do you see my vision
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weirdraccoon · 10 months
Slytherin MC *after sneaking into the Ravenclaw common room*: WHAT! They got they're own bathroom! And a private roof? And is that a telescope? And why does it feel bigger than our common room? Maybe I should've told the hat to put me with the nerds when it asked.
Ominis: The fact that you'd pretend to be a Ravenclaw only because of the benefits of their common room proves that you're in the right house.
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stargazostli · 4 months
i know we all love the idea of Joel in a corset
however... consider... Joel in stays
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(found the images from google and wikipedia respectively, the first came up if you search 'brown stays', the second is on the wiki article for the history of corsets)
these are (iirc) kinda pre-corsets corests? they were used for the same things; supporting breasts, heloing posture, back support etc and may be laced either at the front or the back but often connect over the shoulders... like a vest... like Joel skin... yeah thats all my reasoning basically... also im a nerd
i especially like the ones laced in the front as they especially look like Joel's skin's vest
also im no expert on historical clothing, i just happen to watch alot of videos by people who are and have random knowledge on it - if i got anything wrong or youd like to add anything, feel free to add or correct me on this!
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bigmack2go · 5 months
I dont like the headcannon of davey being jewish.
Why? I am glad you asked!
Now listen dont get me wrong here!
Representation is so important especially for religions because in that department even the most popular ones r being bullied these days and then that religion isnt just any but the most hated one in history. The religion that was blamed for practically anything bad that has happened in the last 500-1000 years. In ww|| children didn’t even know this WAS a religion. In Germany they were taught that the word “jew” stood for a monster, like the wird rabbit stands for an animal. Idk if this makes sense but they LITTERALLY didn’t know any better which i personally find makes it worse. The ppl KNEW that they were wrong, and that they couldn’t convince poursouled children of anything unless they made up lies. The thing those children hated was justified. Anyone would hate a monster that only brings evil upon us. But they conected it to a name that describes something else.(the movie jojo rabit brings this accross extremely well and truthfull! It’s available on netflix and i think on prime!) And thats the problem. They knew they were wrong but they needed someone to blame for their own failures and problems. ANd WhO bEtTeR tHaN tHe OnEs ThAt HaVe BeeN aT bLamE fOr ThE pAsT 700 YeaRs???
This began with the germanians spreading Christianity around Europe when jews were still a majority. It was generally a seen as a sin to get along with a Christian, and as we all know in the middle age there have been some babaric events towarts (but also by) religious ppl.
In thirteen-sixty-something the thing got to a whole new level when in (i think it was italy but idk) a fountain was moisted with bacteria and brought back black plague for a lot of people, which obviously got word all around the world quickly. And with that obviously also rumours. The thing is that those rumors were LOADED.
Thats how the hatred toward jews specifically began. People thought they were witches that poisoned their food causing them all to get sick.
(Sry i didnt mean for this to turn into a history lesson hahaha)
So yeah. Representation is so important and I totally stand behind that!
That being said however i genuinely don’t like it with Davey and here’s why:
Im have no problem with the headcannon itself and obv not with people having thah headcannon. What bucks me is how that came to be.
It just feels sooo cliche taking the one character named david jacobs and saying he’s jewish.
I mean
David jacobs
David. Jacobs.
David and jacob (lemme guess his sisters name is sarah hAHa- oh wait-)
Like it might be just me but that’s loaded with stereotype.
This might sound weird and/or mean but i genuinely get the feeling, the only reason ppl hc him as jewish is his name.
On top of that theres the fact that i generally just feel like its forced at this point. Again. I stand for representation with everything in me. but people just decided (rather than felt/knew) they needed to represent jewish folks and picked out ONE (1) (s i n g u l a r) character (LITTERALLY NAMED DAVID JACOBS!! Idk if u can tell but im getting rly worked up abt this)and said his family is jewish.
(Then if course theres the fact that i cant deal with the fact that he would have been killed at least in wa|| if not earlier due to being an non-arian jew but he prolly would be killed in one of the worldwars anyway so thats not much of an argument lol)
THATS IT! TYSM if u read this completely!
I also wanna take the opportunity to compell everyone to support palestina!!!!! I’ll put some links down below!
As a Christian i am lucky enough to not be bothered with shit by people i cant deal with but not everyone has that! So here’s just a gerneral reminder to educate and support people of any minority!!!
I will put some links so u can read up about the history of discrimination towards religion and jews!⬇️⬇️
1 Wikipedia article generally summarising antisemit!sm
2 definition
3 antisemit!sm+ history of rivalry between Christianity & Judaism
4 on discrimination and hate/ harassment towards religions in school and workplaces
5 discrimination WITHIN religion
6 some facts
7 using religion as an excuse to BE descriminating
8 read about judaism as a religion, rules and beliefs
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selfconsumerofmywoes · 6 months
okay i like the split outfit thing but honestly that’s the only part of that whole bi-generation thing i was into
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goodnightwindy · 8 months
while im at it. hi guys. y.andere is a very harmful trope that is based on symptoms of bpd and portrays them as murderous impulses rather than genuine mental health issues 👍
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reading dungeon meshi
#random thoughts#it has the kind of plot i hate where you retread the same plot point repeatedly while making progress elsewhere#like hi falin bye falin#like i cared about them finding falin. then they found her. and now she's gone again.#i don't like marcille but in like. a compelling way. she's my favorite archetype of character who is specifically female for some reason?#lady who thinks her way is the right way and she's morally right and therefore everyone else is wrong#high conscientiousness with low openness to experience. see themselves as agreeable dutiful and restrained while not being any of that#they tend to take on moralistic causes but they usually don't have a defined reason for WHY they're doing it so it just comes off as preachy#and the narrative tends to take their side with no basis in why#like when marcille tried to prove herself with the mandrakes and put everyone in danger and senshi conceded he was ALSO in the wrong???#and even marcille was like 'that wasn't my point at all'#that entire chapter made me mad it was so good#it's also doing that thing i hate when a piece of media introduces too many characters at once#like who's who what's what who is important who should i remember#i love the detail put into the cooking sessions!!!#i love how all the characters are so fucked up and not even in plot-important ways#like chilchuck's cowardice is very important to the plot but senshi was straight-up willing to let a man die for his flavorful cooking lmao#laios is. my man. i need him carnally.#i get that the whole 'got eaten by dragon' thing was not meant to be the Whole Plot but i feel like the background plot is just not my thing#either that or it wasn't set up in a compelling enough way?#idk. im still reading#all in all i think dungeon meshi might just not be my thing? plot-wise i mean. i love the characters and the general premise#of monster biology and environmentalism and cooking and augh#i don't like how everytime senshi corrects marcille on something so far he ends up going 'i guess i also need to learn a thing or two'#like on the mandrakes? the man has FIELD EXPERIENCE he was entirely in the right to prefer his method!!!#and on the environment thing? first of all marcille's whole thing is building artificial dungeons she SHOULD care about the food chain#SECOND OF ALL telling marcille she shouldn't kill so many fishmen isn't playing GOD or whatever#that kraken was a fucking. extenuating circumstance. it was literally there just to make marcille's argument credible#animals killing each other through the food chain is different from marcille using what is essentially a rocket launcher#god i ran out of tags. peace and luv bruvs 🤟 kind of have a hate crush on marcille now. need her
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temunitu · 1 year
Hi! Sorry if you’ve answered this before, but why do you think 2012 and Rise seem to be so reluctant to make references to 2003? Admittedly, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve rewatched 2012, but I do remember noticing it when I was watching it. I’ve only just started watching Rise, but in the episode “Pizza Pit,” Donnie’s map has pictures of many iterations of the Turtles, including the 1987 and the 2012. 2003 always seems to be left out, and since it’s my favorite version, I can’t seem to figure out why. D:
It’s got something to do with the rights, as far as I’m aware. Nickelodeon has bought the TMNT franchise and has the rights to make references to 1987, but I think 4kids is still under a different company so Nick technically doesn’t have the rights to 2003.
This also seems to be the reason that none of the original voice actors for 1987 were able to reprise their roles in the movie “Turtles Forever.”
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saintchaser · 2 years
achilles and patroclus are wolfstar this, achilles and patroclus and jegulus that, but have you considered that achilles and patroclus are actually dorlene?
marlene is patroclus, and dorcas is achilles. after patroclus dies, achilles (dorcas) goes out on the battlefield and wants to seek vengeance for his lover, patroclus (marlene)?
'the man I loved beyond all other comrades, loved as my own life' <- literally dorcas about marlene when they accepted they fell in love with her. 'loved as my own life' and then they gave their life to avenge their lover!!!
(in the climax of the story, paris (hector's brother) fired a poisoned arrow straight to achilles’ heel / weak spot and dorcas died trying to get their justice for marlene)
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henry-fox-biggest-stan · 10 months
What if I say the only reason they put that interaction between Nora and bea, despite the fact than we don’t see them interacting together anywhere else in the movie, is so the movie passes the bechdel test?
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glowingreverie · 3 months
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trans-leek-cookie · 5 months
as a certified Aromantic Asexual (I should make myself a certificate) I genuinely don't Believe there is systemic oppression that specifically targets Aromantic or Asexual people.
I do however believe that people Cannot be normal about ppl who don't have sex or romantic relationships, and that can Really Impact Aromantic And Asexual People.
Also like. Aros n aces are still. Experiences Other forms of oppression that can interact with the aro and/or ace-ness
#Like. Woman doesn't get married. Maybe aro maybe illegal for her to marry who she wants maybe no fuckin reason. She's probably gonna get#Some shit for it but that's primarily misogyny. While it does affect aro ppl disproportionately bc. Yeah. It's not based on them being#Aro it's a conicindental intersection. Also can y'all be normal about sex and virgins#Anyway slightly related dreaming of a world in which it was better acknowledged that sex repulsion while common for ace ppl#Was not synonymous w being ace so we avoided the ace discord phenomenon that a bunch of gay/lesbian/bi ppl mis identified as ace#Bc they couldn't deal w the idea of having sex w a person of the same gender#With the idea of actually having sex bc it was treated as gross (sex repulsion as a result of society) or that trauma survivors#Misidentified as ace bc they had issues w sex bc trauma. Also that sex repulsion wasnt like an identity but rather a Symptom that could be#Either a problem or neutral. Who else's brain was boiled by ace and also inclus/exclus discord and came out thinking everyone was fucking#Stupid. Like both sides had Points but it was mostly just bullshit and no one fucking talking. Also ppl kept talking about ace ppl#''stealing resources'' and multiple ppl joked Abt that which is a problem bc that means. A BUNCH OF LGBT PPL DIDNT UNDERSTAND WHAT RESOURCE#THEY HAD (anyway looking back on it. Idk if ace ppl were even taking up resources or anything like the common example was LGBT shelters#Bc like if u were gay u might be kicked out of a normal shelter but if u were ace u would probably not get kicked out so if an ace person#Went to an LGBT shelter then they might've taken a bed from someone who needed it more which. I guess is theoretically possible but also id#If that ever fucking. Was something to actually give a shit Abt. Correct me if I'm wrong)#ALSO the idea of ''all gay ppl should go to hell'' ''oh do bi ppl only half go to hell?'' sure thats probably a problem but also. A LOT OF#THOSE WERE EVERYONE DOING IT INCLUDING GAY PPL? LIKE THE FUCKING ''ALL GAY PPL SHOULD BE ON AN ISLAND AND THE POPULATION AUFNFJNSAJ''#like does anyone else remember that. Everyone was making those stupid fucking jokes. This is just a rant Abt me being on Tumblr without an#Account for years and the psychic damage I've accrued. Anyway fuck AO3 goodbye
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bboisawesome · 2 years
Started watching the Ninjago shorts. Only seen the first one, but it was an oldie from like the first season. Nya is fighting off some skeletons and Jay hears the gong and uses Spinjitzu to reach the house (which, honestly isn’t that far away.)
I miss the days when the ninjas used their Spinjitzu for almost anything. Even things they really, didn’t need to use it for. Now they just, forget they have powers or something? Idk.
Not bashing on the new seasons, I still think they’re pretty good. Just wish they used their powers more. Like, I haven’t seen them use airjitzu once in the newer seasons. Did they just forget? Am I missing a reason for them not using it? Cause I do forget things frequently. Like, there have been a couple times where I’m yelling at the screen, saying “USE THIS POWER!!” And the ninja are just like, “Well, I guess there’s nothing we can do.”
I also think it’s pretty funny that Jay has suggested using powers, and they just don’t do it? Jay included? Why write the suggestion in if it’s not even gonna be used!?!?
I’d give an example, but I can’t remember the exact details and I’m too lazy to search. I’m pretty sure it was in Sons of Garmadon though.
Like, I understand some of their powers take a bit to charge, or are risky. Like the Tornado of Creation, and I believe Cole is still getting used to his super strength after being a ghost. Or there are limitations, like when there is a mental block or they’ve been drained or vengestone.
I can understand wanting to not make your characters too OP, but nerfing their powers is not the way to get around it. I feel a good amount of their bad guys are pretty equal to them in power anyway, so taking their powers away, that give them advantages, is just dumb. Especially when you have them going through almost a whole season or more to learn them, just for them to not turn up again.
I love Ninjago, but the writing does get pretty hit or miss sometimes, lol.
Still love the show, just felt like ranting a bit. And I think it’d still be pretty funny if they used Spinjitzu to just like, move two feet or go the the store. 😂
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