#Crocodile hunter
jackassdemocrats · 11 days
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As always, never buy anything made in china. Don't ever trust a democrat and NEVER leave your child alone with one.
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i learned about what actually happened to the “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin
He was barbed by a stingray.
…it went through his chest like a hot knife through butter
-his cameraman, who had filmed the whole incident, reported on this.
I wouldn't say the cameraman was being tactless. I've seen it is normal for Australians to describe things in such a blunt manner.
Yes, September 4, 2006. Steve was filming his new television show at Batt reef, Queensland, Australia.
He and his team were trying to track and film a deadly tiger shark. While they were there, they saw a large stingray.
Steve went to swim right above the stingray with a camera, and that's when it barbed him straight in his chest.
Stingrays use “barbs” – three venomous spinal blades in their tail, as a defence mechanism when threatened.
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He pulled at least one of them out of his chest, and later fell unconscious.
His team did whatever they could to save him on the speedy trip back. They yelled at him about his kids, and told him to be strong for them.
“Think of your kids, Steve, hang on, hang on, hang on.”
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The barbs had pierced his heart.
Once they reached the shore, ready paramedics tried to save him, but sadly Steve passed before they reached the hospital.
His death was all on tape. Only a copy was given to police, a copy given to his wife. Several “videos” can be found on YouTube but they are all fake.
Steve had such great passion for his job, and made a huge contribution to spreading awareness on Australia's wildlife conservation and tourism.
He is survived by his wife, children, and granddaughter.
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haniwahead · 1 year
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freyanistics · 2 years
Unpopular opinion but these are the most unproblematic white people that I grew up watching
Edit: The reason why I excluded Jeff is because he’s not white, he’s Asian
Murray, Anthony, and Greg from the wiggles
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Wild Kratt brothers
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Steve Irwin
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Steve from Blues Clues
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And Mister Rogers
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None of these guys have ever said anything racist or had disgusting views from my understanding. And I love that about them
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howverychaotic · 3 months
I just think, from the bottom of my heart, that Laios Touden should be voiced by Robert Irwin in the dub. Bindi Irwin can voice Falin.
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vintage-tigre · 11 months
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Steve Irwin & his daughter by Hugh Stewart 2002
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jackass-democrats · 11 days
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As always, never buy anything made in china. Don't ever trust a democrat and NEVER leave your child alone with one.
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skinslip · 11 months
Posting hole on main
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nostalgiahime · 1 year
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The Wiggles: Wiggly Safari with special guest Steve Irwin (2002) [✩]
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newsiesimagines · 1 year
Newsies Imagines #37
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shiftythrifting · 2 years
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North Carolina, this was the first trip I saw Pinhead.
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elvensworld · 6 months
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@amloveabledeathmo talk about something neat. Years ago in middle school or high school, I wrote to Steve and Terri Irwin and they sent this photo to me. I still have it framed after all these years.
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cy-cyborg · 9 months
You met the legend himself Steve Irwin o.o Tell us everything!
It was when I was a little kid so the details are a bit fuzzy, but my younger sister, my parents and I went to Steve's Park while visiting family in the area. at some point in the day, my dad and sister had wandered off somewhere and we ended up separated.
Eventually Mum and I stopped so I could have a rest and say hello to one of the wallabies in the kangaroo petting area when Steve pulled up on his bike and started chatting with my mum. I don't think the conversation was about anything in particular, he just stopped to have a bit of a chat, ask us if we liked the park etc. He was, well exactly like he was on TV lol, very friendly and enthusiastic. I think he told us a few facts about the kangaroos too, but i dont remember what they were. I just remember wondering who he was and why he was talking to us, but being more concerned about the kangaroo that kept trying to eat my sleeve, lmao. He was so friendly though, and my mum's reaction was so calm I just assumed he was a family friend or something lol.
Eventually my dad and sister caught up. Dad realised who Steve was immediately and got really excited. I saw mum shoot him a "don't do it" look, but I don't think it registered with him because he shouted "CRIKEY ITS STEVE IRWIN" - which got the attention of everyone in the vicinity.
Mum apologised, and Steve, presumably noticing the group of people now looking at him, said goodbye and left lol. To this day we still give dad shit about scaring off the crocodile hunter. He also apparently did something similar when they met Weird Al (I wasn't there for that one though).
Steve also had a baby with him in a little booster seat attached to the bike too, who I assume was Bob, but I don't think that counts as meeting him lol.
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dragons-wine · 5 months
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lord-tekron · 2 years
Alright, I am just gonna say it, if the SCP Foundation wanted to get anything done, they should just open up one of the many pocket dimensions they have and get Steve Irwin to handle alot of their problems.
"Ah, take a gander at this shy little fellah. That there be an SCP-096, Ketah class. One wrong look at'm and I will die... I'm gonna go and poke'm with a stick"
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And the best part? You know he would somehow end up winning that exchange
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Just put the finishing touches on my crocodile drawing. Mother and baby Saltwater Crocodile in an ecosystem with a frog, dragonfly, and orb weaver.
Prints can be found here - www.grayghostcreations.etsy.com
Drawing done in pastel pencils and colored pencils on brown pastelmat paper.
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