#DM sugar daddies are so funny to me
queen-of-empathy · 4 months
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Blooming if u don’t mind
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writersblg · 5 months
how the cod characters would answer their partners unwanted direct messages
You sat on the couch next to your partner when you scrolled through your DMs. After looking up the posts your friends sent you, you looked at the messages from profiles you weren’t following. You wouldn’t respond but nevertheless loved reading through them. It ranged from innocent compliments to downright filthy requests to send theses strangers pictures of yourself. When you laughed at these texts your partner looked over to you “What’s so funny?” - “Look.” You say, hand over your phone and let them answer your DMs.
Rates the profiles of the people that hit on you
“He’s too short for you, anyway.”
Reads a lot of your DM’s aloud because he knows it makes you cringe
Also tries to remember some of the pick up lines you get send to use it later on you
“I don’t know which is prettier today—the weather, or your eyes.” “Are you a light switch? Because you turn me on.” “I’d say, ‘God bless you,’ but it looks like he already did.” WITH THE SMUGGEST SMILE ON HIS FACE
Also answers profiles that keep texting you “she’s not interested.”
If the guy still keeps pressing Simon would offer to solve it like men and sends him an address and time, he fully knows the guy won’t show up
Someone sent you a dick pic
Johnny laughs at the picture
“Cute” he says and excuses himself to the bathroom if he’s feeling generous (if not he’ll pull his pants down right in front of you to snap a pic)
Sends a snap back without any text
Ends up traumatising the guy and you get blocked in a matter of seconds
Saves the picture in your gallery in case another guy pulls the same stunt
Kinda feels insulted when the people who DM‘d you are ugly
“He’s a good looking fella, right?” He says and it’s not even a trap
Starts flirting with them on your behalf to make you seem like a lunatic
Asks them a lot of astrological questions and very ridiculous ones at that and sees how far they are willing to go
Very disgusted at some requests you get and sometimes answers with “that’s not a way to speak to a woman”
Sees all of them as losers
In his mind dating should never start online
Just deletes all DMs you get send before you even see them
Every time though he sees a 10/10 he deletes the message from that person and gets you flowers the next day
Has a hard time not policing your instagram posts but just from a safety standpoint
Might send a selfie back with an additional “sorry bud”
Somehow becomes friends with that stranger over your DMs
Might get invited to the wedding because he’d find that funny and makes him hold a unofficial speech
Gets so worked up over this
You literally try to get your phone back to calm her down but she won’t give it back
Kinda starts an argument about it and a pretty big one unfortunately
Makes you turn your profile to private
Just texts them “stay away”
If they keep texting she’ll find their addresses 😭
Literally sends death threats via mail
While you’re just happily saying “they stopped harassing me! :) how did you do that?” - “they won’t bother you again :)” - 😟
Otherwise your biggest cheerleader on your social medias
Gets overly protective
Close to start a fight over text
Is blocking people left and right
Accidentally also blocks a few of your friends out of impulsiveness and they end up hating him
“Sorry she’s in a relationship but I’ll let her know :)” after you got a compliment
Very respectful about rejecting dudes no matter how ridiculous they were
You got a “Are you looking for a sugar daddy?” DM
Has watched these scammer videos and now wants to try it for himself
Gets into a whole relationship with this scammer
Lowkey becomes his new hobby to message that guy over the next weeks
He talks to you what to say next
Uses a ridiculously high pitched voice while typing
Starts stealing your phone for that
One day comes running to you announcing that you’re he’s getting married
A/N: since this post is still popping off do any of you have travel tips for Scotland? 🫶
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codystonguepiercing · 7 months
watching saw (2004) for the first time bc the bestie @codyrhodesofficial has been posting about it and i got sucked in
putting my thoughts under a cut. if u wanna talk about saw my inbox and dm's are always open. to summarise - i get it and will be shipping chainshipping from now on.
right off the bat, the fact that glee did a jigsaw bit is all anyone needs to know how gay this is
the dynamic between adam and lawrence - we have lawrence who is super put together, suit, hair done, speaks nicely and confidently, and adam; jeans and a t-shirt and a flannel and sneakers.
you can tell adam would get off on teasing lawrence and being a brat until lawrence just snapped
lawrence was giving me caitlyn stark vibes, you know in game of thrones when she's like "all because i couldn't love a motherless child". very that but like in a repressed way like "if only i could come out of the closet and confess to my wife i want to fuck twinks none of this would have happened"
if they got together it would be like sugar baby/daddy vibes but i think it would be good for adam bc i feel like he needs guidance and lawrence could be that for him
love that amanda was like, no hesitation this dude is dying so i can live.
the ending - so cunty. love when a horror/thriller ends on a hopeless note, especially after they build up that everything might be okay after all. but that being said i am actively chosing to believe lawrence came back for adam and will not be watching any further.
other parts i liked/thought were fruity:
lawrence asking adam if he's hurt
adam asking can you see any scars and lifting his shirt up (okay but like doctor/patient role play where adam does this and the reveal is he's wearing panties/no underwear or something would go off)
lawrence encouraging adam when he's trying to get the cassette player and then looking super proud when he does
"most fun i've had without lubricant"
the way adam looked when he was being electrocuted
the way adam calls out "lawrence!" when lawrence was being electrocuted and then saying "i need you!" when he was not responding
when adam was in his place taking those photos in the dark, really liked that scene
the way lawrence was crying into the phone - just thought that was funny
obvi the way they clung to each other and adam was basically clawing at him to stay with him and not leave him
this shot is giving me 'creation of adam' vibes - hang it in the lourve!!
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anyway a note to leave on - couldn't help but compare lawrence's face when it's all pale from bloodloss to dennis' in it's always sunny in philadelphia, when they're going through alcohol withdrawl
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sweatandwoe · 2 years
Kitten (1/2)
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Different daily drabble because this took over my brain today tagging @vasiktomis and @six-feet-sleep come get your kitten Marcus juice
Pairing: Silco x Marcus Tags: MDNI, Silco, Marcus, Marcus is Silco's discord kitten, Sugar Daddy relationship (kinda), Lying, Part 1 is Funny hahaha while Part 2 is funny because I'll get questions about my mental health, Marcus is that bi guy who didn't realize he was bi until he got pursued by another man and realized he liked it a lot
Marcus knew he had fucked up. That going along this far is probably the stupidest, most moronic thing he has ever done. If Grayson found out, she’d give him that disappointed stare that she did that made him feel like he was eight years old again. 
He had just wanted Nitro so badly. And Silco had been handing it out to him like it was free candy. All he had to pretend was to be this cute woman he found as a stock image and act interested in Silco.
It was easy pretending to be interested in another man, despite Marcus having no experience prior to it. He just told Silco things he’d like to hear. 
Now he is in a world of shit, one that he can’t get out of. As it turns out, all that big talk in chat probably wasn’t a lie, Silco had connections and wasn’t shit talking about his wealth. Or maybe when he had been talking big to Marcus in DMs, trying to impress him, his ‘illicit activities’ weren’t as fabricated or funny as Marcus had initially thought. 
It certainly wasn’t funny when he checked today and saw Silco had dropped his IP address in the DMs, his address, and his entire name. With only one thing typed underneath: Answer when I call. 
There was no point in not answering, trying to cover it up, or pretending that to still be the girl he had lured Silco in with. He had even removed his avatar.
Now he just stares at the screen, feeling the sweat drip down his back. Wondering what Silco would do for the call, or how he’d Finally, it starts to ring, and after a moment to tremble, feeling his eyes sting and throat tighten, he accepts the call.
Silco is quick to jump into the conversation, his voice surprisingly neutral and not angry. “Hello, Marcus.” 
He swallows, trying not to focus too much on the voice, other than acknowledging it was surprisingly nice. Usually, guys who played the edgy card were usually more meek sounding, but Silco sounded like he is literally holding a knife when he spoke. “Hello, S-Silco.” 
There’s a pause, the sound of a click, and then some typing on the keyboard. His voice is smooth and deep, and neutral again.  “You don’t have your camera on, Marcus.”
“My camera?” He blinks, eyeing the webcam. It was mainly used for zoom meetings for his current training. “You want to see me?” 
“Of course, I want to see you, kitten.” The nickname sends Marcus almost sputtering, cheeks flaring red. 
“Even though I’m a man?” 
There’s a tut, and Silco’s tone turns an oddly tender note. “Is that why you hid from me? You thought I wouldn’t like you, Marcus? That I wouldn’t be interested in you because of your gender? I bet you’re lovely.” 
Okay, that had something stirring in his stomach, which was surprisingly not a negative feeling. “I thought you’d hate me if I told the truth.” That wasn’t a lie entirely, he had been quite sure Silco would’ve just never spoken to him again, maybe after outing him to the other chats. Not the whole finding his address and full name thing, but at least now Marcus
“I think it would take a lot for me to hate you, kitten.” Silco’s voice purrs, and Marcus can feel the heat expanding over his face, up to his ears. “Now, I want to see you. I think Daddy has waited long enough.” 
After a few moments of hesitation, Marcus turns on his camera, sitting back straight into his chair. Silco doesn’t turn on his, not that he wasn’t expecting him to. Marcus sits for a moment, blushing horribly in his stupid gaming chair while Silco observes him and he just has to sit there, unable to even view the other man in return. The dark-haired man half-expects Silco to end the call, but then he finally speaks. 
“Yes?” He asks, voice timid as he glances into the camera, before trying to straighten himself out, to keep his head held high instead of the meek, shrimpy form he had been doing. 
There’s a sigh, but it sounds happier on the other line than disappointed or upset. “You’re stunning. Better than I could’ve ever imagined.” 
No point in trying to hide or deflect it now, Marcus can feel how red his face is getting. He's never been called stunning before, and it’s causing an odd flutter in his chest. One he’s only ever felt for women before. 
Maybe he wasn’t as straight as he thought. “Thank you, Silco.” 
“Now, tell me about your day. I want to hear your voice for as long as I can hold you here.” 
So Marcus began to. Chatting with the other man for a little over an hour, as he checked his emails and made sure everything is updated. The topics changed from how days were going, to dinner plans, to Silco even offering to buy Marcus something, which he only tried to refuse a little. 
It turns out Silco is very wealthy, and also now Marcus’s sort of boyfriend. Okay, no definite boyfriend. They were going to watch a movie now on call tomorrow night. 
The call ends after an hour, with them both still messaging each other during Silco’s meeting he had it for. Talking far more than they ever had throughout the day, and ends when Silco forcefully declares goodnight, after being reminded of how early he has to get up tomorrow. 
And throughout it, Marcus has never felt so wanted. It almost has him forgetting that Silco definitely has his address and personal information. 
That thought has his finger hover over the block button because he really should. That would be the healthy thing to do. But Silco sends him one more message right before he hits it. 
I hope you’re having sweet dreams, sweetheart. I miss you already. 
I used to want to be a cop, he thinks before swiping away from the block page and back into the DM. I miss you too. Get some sleep Silco. And then after a moment, he sends an emoji he hopes doesn’t come off as too desperate or interested or whatever the fuck. How did he flirt with guys? 
Silco sends a heart emoji in return, and it has his chest warm. Then a sleeping emoji, and the reminder has Marcus curling up into bed too. 
He glances over the block button once more, far less confident in it now. It wasn’t like Silco was a complete stranger, after all, he had been talking to him for over a month now, even if it was under a different persona. 
Silco just seemed like a lonely guy. And maybe Marcus could relate to that feeling a little too much. 
So he doesn’t block him or remove him from friends, or leave the servers. In fact, he does something even stupider. and reacts to his heart emoji with another emoji before shutting his phone off and going to sleep. 
He’ll awake to a very affectionate message, along with a gift card to go get breakfast. Marcus realizes he could very quickly get used to being spoiled like this. He had never had any partner pay for his breakfast before. 
He lies in bed, reading over the message twice, he thinks that maybe being Silco’s kitten wouldn’t be too bad. 
It might even be a little fun. 
A/N: Part 2 is gonna be NSFW, just so you know
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lxving-whxre · 6 months
Sugar daddy scammers are so funny to me,,, sir I’ve had people in my DMs I’ve sent nudes for free and here you are failing to get any because you assume I’m stupid enough to give you money to get on your “payroll” despite the fact that I post my ko-fi and paypal everywhere ?
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katarh-mest · 1 year
So normally I stick to reporting bots, but the one thing I will instantly report, no matter how very much Tumblr a blog is, is a user saying "kill yourself" to anyone in comments or replies. Do not do this. It's not cool, it's not funny, it's not making you look like you have any kind of moral superiority about the topic (the opposite in fact), and it's the fastest way to get me to mash the report button besides sliding into my DMs asking if I'll be a sugar daddy.
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warandpussy · 2 years
3 and 6 for the Ao3 wrapped asks 😊
thanks ana!
3. what work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
I think it would be rituals because I wrote that while trying to push through the most intense writing block of my life. I spent most of the first half of the year really struggling with writing at all, so being able to get something down (with new characters and all) was something I was rly proud of!!!!! (and still am)
6. favorite title you used
god I don’t think I came up with an interesting title all year 😂 I never think of one while writing so it’s just a scramble to find something to call the thing before I post lol. usually stolen from a poem or a song.
but I’m actually going to say this painting of missy - I called it “babygirl” (bc she is my babygirl obviously) and then I got a DM from someone telling me they wanted to be my sugar daddy. which is ridiculous bc I’M the one with the babygirl so I’M obviously the sugar daddy.
anyway I found that really funny so it makes it my favourite title 🥰
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
Hey!! Could we please get more sugar daddy fics with a black reader ofc 😋 idk if you've done shoto already but that'd be nice or hawks and deku💕
A/N: “wrist on glitter, waist on thinner, imma show you how to bag a eight-figure nigga” 👅💋 I enjoyed this way too much
All characters are 18+
Warnings: it got a lil spicy so imma put the line 
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Todoroki Shouto:
this mf has money to burn 
we all know todoroki came out the womb w cash from his hair to his ass 
he’s on some “yes, jeff bezos knows me” type shit so if you’re tryna end up with someone that’s gonna possibly buy you a house, he’s your guy 
he slid into your dms after you posted a pic with your skin moisturized and glistening under golden hour and your body had him wanting to run laps 
he had been plottin on you for a min but never got the motivation to do something about it until then
he’s a no strings attached type of sugar daddy
todoroki is a big name even outside of hero work and he’s well aware of all the people that have tried to use him. so instead of letting that happen, he’s decided to do things on his own terms 
when yall first started talking, he questioned you like this was managerial position at apple 💀 
best believe he ran an in-depth background check and made you sign an NDA 💀💀💀
he was a tough one
but you passed w flying colors and y’all settled on an arrangement
you have a weekly allowance that hits your bank account every saturday with some bonuses that he’ll give you depending on how the week goes
todoroki isnt needy nor is he one to be all up in your business 
it’s actually weird in an endearing kind of way? 
he only wants to have conversations with you 
i mean, dont get me wrong, he’s up for anything you are
todoroki would be a liar if he said he never ended some nights with a picture of you and a hand down his pants 
but that’s not what he’s mainly looking for 
you figure out very quickly that shouto just wants someone to talk to 
he’ll randomly hit up your phone and have a 30 min convo about something like the weather or hero politics, and then he’ll dip
next thing you know, you got $1000 in your cashapp
you kind of panicked bc like...wtf? 
your dumb ass messaged him: “did you mean to send $1000?”
sis, dont put a question mark where God put a period
him: “Yes.”
and that was the end of that
you dont question anymore
he’s not doting in any kind of way, and sometimes you lowkey think he forgets about you, but you still get your allowance 
doesn’t send a lot of gifts unless you explicitly state you want something
he doesnt text back a lot, but he tried to respond when he can
but i do see him liking it when you send him mundane things you do throughout your day, like pics of cookies you baked, or a cool plant you saw at home depot
and he enjoys the times you and him end up just trashing his father for nearly an hour. expect to find flowers, with some expensive ass coats or something at your door the next morning 
he really fucks w your laid back vibe 
sometimes he forgets you guys arent really supposed to be friends 
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Takami Kiego (Hawks):
this is not hawks’ first time being a sugar daddy
he’s hot, rich, and one of the most eligible bachelor’s in japan with a life that prevents him from having anything too serious
so, long story short, he’s a veteran at this 
he used to be the type to reach out to instagram baddies but he had a couple bad run-ins and decided to stick with the official sites because it was a lot more secure on both ends 
the funny thing was, you set up your account a long time ago as a joke. though at one point, you did take it seriously, but you came in contact with a lot of super creepy men that sexualized you for your skin and ethnicity. 
you were tired of the “chocolate king/queen” and “amazonian god/dess” comments,so you took a break. you didnt have much activity since
so imagine youre surprise when the #2 hero hit your line talking about some 
“Hey~ I’ll get straight to the point. I think you’re beautiful and I’d like to talk with you about an arrangement” 
you thought this was a fake account, but after he chatting for a little and sending some pictures, you knew he was the real deal 
hawks is your standard tit-for-tat transaction sugar daddy
he’s the type to hit you up at night with a “how ya doing, dove? got any pics for me?”
he’s good about his respect ad won’t do anything out of line
it’s the bare minimum, be he doesnt fetishize you so that’s always nice 
however, he does make you call him daddy, sir, etc. whether it’s through text, call, or when y’all get together for...reasons
ngl his dicc game is fire
he might ghost you for a week or so but he’ll always come back with a nice check to make up for it 
just be careful about catching feelings bc he’s so fucking smooth. he makes you feel like you’ve got his heart, but dont fall for that shit
if you think you can “change him” or fuflfil whatever wattpad romance fantasy lives in your head, he is not your guy. you better get on w your life before you get your heart broken
he’s here to suck, fuck, send pics, do a little phone call here n there, send some money, and go 
if you’re not with all that, you might as well dip 
but if you’re cool with that, rest assured, you’re gonna be living your best mf life with this man in your wallet 
and good news, you might not be his only, but you are his favorite
there’s just something about you that’s got him giving you a few extra thousand than he normally does 
he doesnt take his sugar babies on proper dates bc he’s gotta stay away from media outlets, but he will invite you to his office for a “lunch break”
if you ever surprise him with a cute but sexy hawks cosplay, you won’t have to work for two whole weeks bc you cant walk  
overall, he’s a good sugar daddy. defintely good for your pockets and any other non-romantic desires you want fulfilled
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Mirodirya Izuku:  
the way you two met and came to this arrangement was more or less an accident
the life of the number one pro-hero was lonely and stressful 
he’s tried to dip his toes in the water here and there, but it never worked out because not many people could deal with the fact that he’d always put hero work first
he was teetering on the edge of signing up for one of those sugar daddy/baby websites until he met you at some cafe he passed by 
it’s cliche really. you were his server and, honestly? he was hooked on day one 
he watched you intently as you pranced around in your cute uniform. he couldnt stop admiring your brown skin and eyes and how cute your hair was. you spoke with such enthusiasm and cheerfulness that he couldnt help but swoon. and it didn’t hurt that you were very easy on the eyes
he listened to you as you went on a spiel about how college was a fortune and how you stayed up last night for a project bc you had to pick up extra shifts
that’s when he made his decision
by the time the hero is out of the door, you collected the reciept and almost fainted when you realized he left you a $500 tip and his personal number 
“i enjoyed talking to you today and i hope we can continue that...here’s something small to help with your bills. and i hope this isnt too forward but you’re very beautiful. stay safe. deku.”
and what did you do that night?
you called his ass right back
you were nervous as hell bc you still couldnt believe this was real, but after talking on the phone with him for two hours, an arrangement was set
midoriya is the most gentlemen like sugar daddy out there 
you wake up to good morning texts and a few hundred in your bank account almost every two days 
he goes crazy over your insta posts. and if you wear something green? expect a bonus
takes you out shopping unprovoked 
izuku: “are you busy? i saw you were having a rough week and was wondering if you wanted to go to that new outlet mall downtown”
you: 🏃🏾‍♀️💨  
you most certainly had homework due that night but what tf you look like missing out on that offer? 
it’s after so many “dates” that deku realizes that he prefers hanging around you more than he should but he doesnt wanna ruin anything so he keeps that underwraps 
he’s the idiot that goes into this thinking he won’t fall in love
deku defintely has some dirty thoughts about you but he doesnt try to bring it up unless you do first
if you’re comfortable with anything nsfw, you gone see a whole different side to izuku
he’s a giver, giver, giver, but when he recieves, he just about loses it
send him “innocent” pics of yourself matched with a string of filthy texts and he’ll combust 
when you send him pics of yourself in deku-themed lingre, he deadass sends you a whole black card with your name on it as a thank you
you guys get very comfortable with each other very quickly
soon enough, DA’s start turning into y/n stayng over for a week 
you both realize this relatiosnhip runs a lot deeper than an arrangement when he accidentally let it slip that he told his mom about you 
he’s profusely apologizing but you shut him up with a kiss and tell him that you’ve kinda caught feelings yourself 
your next conversation works out well for the both of you 
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valentimmy · 2 years
sugar daddy bots are so funny to me “I am rich and I will love u forever pls dm 😍😍😍👍👍👍” bestie I literally just posted a shitpost calm down.
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
dating connie springer hcs
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simp alert simp alert simp alert
connie is abt to be a regular on my blog i love his himbo ass so much also i’m tired of the lack of connie fics
also i am a connie kin and i am in love with him, yes i am conceited
warnings/notes: cursing, sex jokes, modern au!, canon au too, connie being a himbo, LOTS OF FLUFF, angst <3
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modern au!
ok first of all, mr springer here would probably not even notice u at first, he’s literally in his own world
but when he does he’s like ‘awooga awooga😻’
whenever he has a crush on someone, be it anyone, i feel like he acts like a lovestruck girl.
like i feel like he does the same thing as me, like if u were dating him and said smth really sweet like “i love you so much you are my world” he’d be like “STOP IM GONNA SHART”
he doesn’t exactly know to handle love in a serious way, he’s just not in relationships tht much!
he’s very smitten and sweet on the first date too, this mf will be so cryptic
like all of a sudden ur getting texts that say “heyyyyy so what’s ur favorite thing to do? haha i’m boreddd” like connie just... just ask
connie also loves pda, he will give you kisses in public around anyone. he does not care
he’ll text you at like 3 am and be like “miss u🙁” like go to bed
i feel like connie doesn’t get jealous but he DOES get insecure. he’s not mad that you’re spending time with other people but it will make him questions if he’s good enough for you sometimes
if connie were to get jealous i feel like he’d be extra touchy
if you were to have any classes with him while you both are students, he will literally cheat off you
“babe, i’ll take you on a date on friday if i can have the answers!!”
“say less.”
i feel like connie is secretly sad about whatever. he doesn’t tell anyone but jean, sasha, marco, and you about it
connie probably also wouldn’t know how to efficiently comfort you if you were upset.
whenever you do come to him, he gives you encouragement and reassurance and love and then decides to slip in a little joke to see if you can handle it
he ends up joking with you for the rest of the night
i genuinely think that connie is secretly a diehard kung-fu panda fan? sometimes on date nights, he makes you watch it with him
with a guy like connie, you barely have to second guess him loving you.
connie is generally friendly with everyone he comes across. he has a big heart and isn’t afraid to let his friends know that he loves them
but with connie, i think he’s a lot like me and just likes to be alone a lot and left alone. he will hours without texting you and then text u and be like “wait what happened?”
this man will fight with you on the daily
like you’re sitting on the couch watching tv?? connie punches ur arm
standing up just to stand? connie is shoving you and then putting his fists up
laying in bed together? connie is smacking your forehead
oh my god, he will literally come up to you all lovey dovey and lay on you then will coo “omg babe, i love you so much ur so cute!! i love you” which is suspicious in itself
like not cute little toots, FULL ON FARTS THAT STINK
connie is so loud. literally so fucking loud
it’s cause he’s comfortable around you and you can’t help but be like ♥️♥️ because of it, he’s too cute
whenever you post on instagram, he’s in your comments acting like those creepy sugar daddies and porn bots
conniesprings: so beautiful!! send boobs😁
conniesprings: wanna have some fun with me? check dms😉
he makes the fuckboy emoji every time you snapchat him a selfie of you with the caption of “haha ur so sexy.... nudes⁉️”
i feel like connie would facetime you every time he has to poop. you always get so mad and hang up but he will spam you with calls until you answer. claims it’s a “bonding experience”
he put his contact name as ‘dad😩🥵⁉️’ on your phone because he thinks he’s so funny
also anytime you bend down/over to pick something up or to look at smth he literally grabs ur hips and pretends to fuck u 😭
he’s also so shameless, he will smack your ass in public; he does not care
literal menace to society but we love him
he loves you with his whole heart and soul, he wouldn’t trade you for the world
canon au!
connie would not get in a relationship in canonverse, but he would fall in love possibly
he would never act on it, he doesn’t have the luxuries because he’s a soldier.
he shows his love in small affections though, but not small enough where sasha and jean don’t notice it.
he’s always checking in on you, and if you’re a scout, always making sure your equipment is working and that your gas is filled
however, he won’t try to convince levi, armin, or hanji to keep you out of dangerous situations.
saving the world is his top priority.
if you are put into a dangerous situation, he will pray for you to be alright and safe.
sometimes late at night when everyone is asleep, he stays up and cries. he wishes for you both to have a different life without any of this, for the two of you to be together
connie doesn’t joke as much as he used to, but he will always try to make an effort for you.
he would devastated if you were to die.
he usually isn’t allowed to have time for mourning or grieving, so whenever he does get rare chances to be alone, he cries to himself with his head in his hands
connie springer’s smile is gone at this point. he’s lost everyone and everything.
he’s just a shell of a man now.
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Beta Tester
Kozume Kenma X Reader
-YN LN is a popular mangaka
Chapter 16: Stage
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Seeing you running towards him made Kenma frown.
"Kenma!" You waved. "Thank you for not leaving yet!"
Ignoring you he continued to walk towards the direction of the stage.
You pouted and crossed your arms. "You know... As sorry as I am for that kiss I really don't regret it."
Jogging up in front of him with a shit eating grin, you positioned yourself in front of him where he'd have no choice but to look at you while you looked at him. His ears were slightly red without a doubt but who were you kidding yours were too.
Kenma cleared his throat, "Good for you then. Now get out of the way so I could get out of here. "
"And honestly I liked that kiss." You continued determined to see him flustered again. "Your lips were soft and I bet my ass you're a great kisser. I rate you 10/10 would do it again."
With a glare he looked at you straight in the eyes, "So do it pussy." Then went ahead before you could see the red settling on his face.
"I- Wh- Excuse me- Wh- Huh? K-Ken- Kenma!!" You squeaked as you chased after him.
"I said what I said."
You finally caught up to him when he was about to climb the stairs towards the stage. Luckily(?) you also have to go up with him.
"Ehh... Where's the flustered Kenma? I wanted to see you all blushy and panicked. You looked so adorable. I don't want hot daddy Dom Kenma. I want cute baby sub Kenma..."
As he was halfway up the stairs your height gap grew and he was way over you. He just looked down on you, leaning closer the gap barely existent he smirked.
"Too bad." Then turned away.
There were a handful of people who saw the scene. Which made you more embarrassed. Holy shit you acted all alpha online only to be dominated by a hermit named Kozume Kenma.
Boy were you happy. You'd happily submit to him.
"Let us all welcome the two people who made the game possible! YN LN and Kozume Kenma!!"
You might be confused why you two were the ones going and why you were introduced like that.
As you are the creator of Puri-Puri you of course are the reason why this game existed.
But Kenma came here as he's the biggest investor, the face of the game and no one else wanted to go. So yeah...
As you two came up the stage you were just wishing the blush from the scene a few moments ago. The cameras flashed and claps were heard.
"Shit the media is here..." You mumbled.
"Your surprised, why?" Kenma gave you an amused and disappointed look. No idea how he managed to do that but he did.
"Shut the fuck up. I just got a feeling the questions won't be about the game thanks to the media."
"So you do think sometimes..."
"You want me to hit you?"
A clearing of throat behind you stopped your argument. It was Akaashi handing you both microphones to be clipped on you [I'm sorry I dont know what they're called] .
"Good luck, don't do and say anything stupid. And remember this is the release of PPM's demo." He reminded and got off the stage.
"Good evening to you all! I hope you've been having a great time!" I started.
"We'd like to thank you again for attending the release of PPM's demo."
"Now of course the game is yet to be played but from the trailer that was shown, I hope you had enjoyed it since the game is going to be much better than the trailer!"
"I'm sure you all must've questions as well. That's why Me and your idi-- dear author will answer."
"You definitely were about to call me idiot." You frowned at him.
He smirked and shrugged. "I have not a slightest idea what you mean."
"You're the worst."
Ignoring you... Again. He motioned at one of the reporters to probably ask their question.
"Ms. LN, as the initial plot of the Puri-Puri Magika is about [REDACTED], and the trailer we saw have quite a large difference from one another only having the universe in similarty. Is it just the universe of the similar one to the manga? "
"Of course the plot would be different. It disappoints me quite a bit that none of you realized how they're connected aside from the universe. Well, I don't really want to spoil you but if you actually read the Manga and saw the trailer," You gave a proud smirk. "Everyone that was a fan of PPM in the team were ecstatic. They were all just-" You mimicked a mind blown. "They were so excited about the game and a those."
"Thank you Ms. LN."
"Next please."
"Mr. Kozume," the next one called. "You were neither a fan of YN, nor PPM, why did you decide to not only beta test the game but sponsor and invest big sum of money on the game."
"No wait ! I want to answer some of those questions!" You cut off cackling. "The one about him investing and him beta testing! It's actually an annoying and Hella funny story."
"No I was a--"
"Shut up you'll probably lie."
"Shut up." Kenma now had his ears red. "Don't you--"
"He was the biggest asshole back then!"
"Stop talking."
"He fucking beta tested despite not knowing shit about PPM because it was the biggest game. And he just banwagoned  on it like a bitch he was."
"I did not. I had some clues about you Manga."
"You did not know shit about PPM cut yo bullshit. You didn't even know who the MC was!"
"Shut up."
"That's why he beta tested! Now the reason why he invested is really hilarious!"
"I really hate this story..."
"This was the reason why Kenma became Bae too! We didn't know shit about how to contact Kenma, we only had his email address and his social media. Keep that in mind. "
"So since he didn't know shit about PPM he really couldn't care about the plot and just looked for bugs and shit. He wasn't even aware of the bugs in the plot since he didn't know which what was supposed to be part of the plot and not. This bitch ass decided there wasn't any bugs anymore so we went with that. But then we had to play it and saw a shit ton of bugs."
"I said there were some bugs don't make me seems so stupid."
"You didn't even inform us about the glitch at the time skip part! That could've ruined the entire thing! Anywayz, so we had to code the game again. So we emailed him that there were way too many bugs other than what he told us so the next testing would be later. But the asshole never replied. And since I was the one entasked to guide this bitch ass, I  had to flood his email! And he didn't respond! Not once! It had been DAYS! I send him at least 20 emails everyday! I have up on the 3-4th day and DMed him on Twitter."
"I really hate this part."
"No. No. This is the best part. Do y'all remember that one trending #KodzuGone started by Tenma? It's because, this asshole never responded to our emails so I DMed him all the shit important shit in the emails. Then this bitch fucking blocked me! I fucking rante to Tenma and he canceled Kenma like he deserved to! I was panicking about it since Mr. Suzumiya told me that Kenma could be a potential investor if he wanted. And I needed cash... "
"Do not call me that publicly. You are disgusting."
"He went full sugar daddy on me!" You cackled. "His entire squad had betrayed him! They were canceling him so he just fucking slid into my DMs apologizing about the shit he did and I told him, bitch I'm coming over there and see you play this fucking game or I will not stop this canceling and make it worse. So he was forced to telll me his address and I'm not sure if yall saw the live but it was hot shit. The next day he bought all the copies of PPM at this one store and gave them to me and then he invested shit ton of money on my on going works, bought me a new tablet, paid my Keiji bills, and many other shit. Yall would die to have him as sugar daddy I'm telling you. Ya don't even have to give him sugar for the treats. "
"That was the biggest mistake I made."
"Awwe, but thanks to that we're closer than ever. "
"Exactly my point."
"Thank you for answering Ms. LN."
"I hate you so much." Kenma sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.
"No you don't. Admit it you love me."
"I really don't. Next question please."
"A-Ah, my initial question was actually answered in the previous question. It about your live. Now my question is, Ms LN and Mr. Kozume, is your relationship really a platonic one or a romantic one? "
"Okay, babe," You chuckled. "my man won't even let me breathe the same air he does. Ya think we're dating?"
"Well your right."
"Excuse me?"
"Huh?! " You exclaimed a little louder than you thought since the mic made a loud noise.
"The relationship we have is both platonic and romantic. As labels aren't placed we share a romantic relationship." Kenma smirked.
You looked at him and the crowd with a clear eminent blush. "I-I I- Wh-"
Pulling you closer to him and turning around so the crowd won't see you both. He lowered the mic to prevent them from hearing.
"I wanted to see you all blushy and panicked . You look adorable." He whispered to your ear before facing the crowd again who were now going crazy over what Kenma had just confirmed.
"Y-You're an asshole..."
"Yeah, an asshole who..." lowering his mic again he leaned to your ear. "Still has your favorite onsie at his place. You really shouldn't have left it at my place. I'm so tempted to burn it."
"You leave my onsie alone! I will drown your consoles."
"With that threat, you're suddenly stripped of your house visit privileges."
"W-Why would you say we're dating?!"
"I didn't. I just said we both share a romantic and platonic relationship with no labels. I technically didn't lie too."
"Why did you do this?"
"Aside from wanting to see you all flustered? I'm probably drunk." Kenma smiled and turned to the crowd again. "Next question please."
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I'm sorry lately there's been to many words and less pictures it's just that... Idk
Lol I'm sorry this was supposed to be smau but there's been too many words
Ooc Kenma is shit so I made him drunk
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @synx-ed @normalisthenewnorm @0majuh0 @leachann @nikanikabitch @almondeupeach @immxnty @mer-majesty @yamayoomi @simpingoveranime-men @lostmarimoismyhubby @mariishat @just-snog-already
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theficplug · 4 years
Swipe Right
Tyler Lepley x Black Reader 
warnings : none, mostly fluff with just a tiny bit of smut if you can call it that at the end. i’m not too familiar with him but i tried ! to the cutie who requested, i hope you like it. alright enjoy x  Face mask on. Wine in hand. Impulsive 10$ Dark and Lovely hair dye bought at the beauty supply store already slathered in your hair. It was your time set aside out of the week for you and your best friend to complain. Although homegirl was on the other end of the phone getting ready for anniversary and was not relating to your rant of the night. 
 “Girl, I’m telling y’all right now if I get another unsolicited dick pic in my dms or another “You got the bill right? I’m just a lil in between jobs right now you know how it is right baby”? I’m joining a nunnery because I love love, but me and my bank account can NOT keep getting played like this.” you rant to your friends over a video call as you walk around your apartment tending to the foils in your hair. 
The series of failed dates and “talking stages” had left a sour taste in your mouth and put you off from dating altogether, but your best friend Layla is trying to convince you to give Tinder another go. 
“I don’t know Lala. I just don’t have another talking stage in me. I’m grown in the words of the iconic Miss New York Tiffany Pollard : I want eggs CRACKED AND SCRAMBBBLLEEDD” 
Layla’s husband Aaron’s laughter erupted from somewhere in the room on her end and you raise an eyebrow not knowing that he had been ear hustling the whole time. 
“Just give a little more time. You never know what can be right around the corner!  There has got to be at least a few foine men on Tinder. Give it one more try.” Layla encouraged before saying that she had to go because her man had the night planned for their anniversary dinner. 
You huffed and sat the phone aside as you waited for the copper coloured hair dye to process your curiosity got the better of you and you reached for your phone again.
As you thumbed through the profiles of folks “looking for a beautiful girl for me and my husband (:” and “if you a feminist, pay for our first date”. You were two seconds away from putting your phone to the side again before you noticed “Tyler Lepley” and his profile.
You nearly spit out the cheap bottle of Stella Rose on your carpet in disbelief. “No, this has got to be a whole ass catfish. Why would his fine ass be on Tinder of all places? Let’s humour him. Wait but he’s verified... At the very least this should be funny as hell.” you say to yourself before rolling your eyes. 
“Okay and I definitely got to make some single friends cause I’m really home on a Saturday night talking to myself. . . Whatever-” 
You swipe right on his profile and almost instantly your phone notified you that there was a match. 
‘Hey I just wanted to let you know I think you’re beautiful and if you’re ever in the area I’d like to take you out sometime. On me of course.’
“Oh he’s good.” you thought to yourself as you tried to think of a reply.
‘Sure, I’d love to. I’m actually driving up to Atlanta tomorrow for work. And if it’s really you. I want a Tika Sumpter autograph when we meet lol.’ you respond having a little fun with the troll at least before you log out for the evening. 
‘Oh, so you don’t think it’s me? I ain’t nobody big. Just tryna find the right one to bring home for the holidays so my nosey aunties can stop asking me when I’m gon get a wife lol.’
*attachment (1)*
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“Pfft.. Anybody could’ve gotten that from Instagram or something.” you said to yourself. 
He’s good though. You’ll give him that much. 
‘Okay tattoos and lips! You’re handsome or whatever.That’s understandable. I’m looking for the same thing but I must be looking in all the wrong places cause if i run into one more dud that’s looking for a unicorn for them and their wife to “share”. Whew- it’s a lot lol.’
‘I get you. I haven’t matched with too many women on here myself. They either tryna see how they can get a job at the studio or they want me to be their sugar daddy. Which I ain't got no problem wining and dining my women btw. I’m just not looking for that kinda situationship. If you don’t mind I’d like to video call you cause looking as good as you look. I'm just tryna make sure you’re not a catfish.”
Hold up. This was just supposed to be a little fun and now this man is using the video call function on Tinder and you’re still sitting there with the dye on your head. 
‘Give me 25 minutes.’ you respond quickly before he replies with ‘take your time’.
The race was on as you began running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off as you wash out the dye quickly and inspect the colour. It was a really pretty natural ginger shade as you grab your hair diffuser and blow out your hair a little to dry it the best you could. 
After grabbing your makeup bag , you slap on the winged liner, a little highlighter, mascara, and a dark brown lipstick like you were back in school trying to get ready before class. 
You fluff and shake out your hair while looking at yourself in the mirror. With 5 minutes to spare you go to your closet and pull out a cozy warm brown cropped jumper that really stood out against your deep skin tone. 
“Alright, please don’t waste my time.” you whisper to yourself as you press the video call button and wait for him to come onto the screen. After about a minute and no answer you let out a heavy sigh feeling a little embarrassed and like a fool for actually believing that The Universe was about to hook you up like that. 
You put your phone on the table next to you and leaned back in the chair before hearing the notification go off again. 
After going back and forth about it for a few seconds you hesitantly answered the call and had to contain the array of emotions you were going through when you saw him actually on the phone, smiling at you with those pretty ass white teeth. 
You put the phone for a second before letting out a ‘thank you Jesus’.
“I should be saying the same thing about you! You are beautiful. God damn. When I first saw your profile I was like man aint no way. She gotta be some sort of catfish or something. I thought at the most it would be a funny cover story tomorrow on The Shade Room or something. ‘Tyler Lepley Catfished By Tinder Boo’. I apologize for not answering your call earlier. I just wrapped on set and I wanted to be able to hear you and give you my undivided attention. How are you this evening?” he says chuckling deeply and softly as he sits back in his trailer. 
“I was thinking the same thing. I’m like at least it’ll humour me, but I wasn’t really expecting you to want to talk. How are you? I was completely kidding about the whole Tika Sumpter thing by the way.” You say giggling nervously before fussing about with the window to try and get better lighting. 
“Oh really? Cause i got her to sign this shirt for you and everything. I can just do a giveaway with it or something else. I like your hair by the way...I’m doing good. It’s been a long day of pretending to get my ass kicked and running lines but I’m grateful to be in even better company with your pretty self. Even if it is through the screen for now. There’s something about a woman like you. I feel like I wanna know everything.” he compliments and flatters you and it’s taking your mind a while to process that this is not some extreme episode of Punk’d.
“YOU DID NOT! Of course I want the shirt. I was just fronting cause I didn’t wanna seem like that’s the only reason why I wanted to talk to you. Also, thank you. You just seem like someone who’s got his shit together and I really like that. At this stage in life people think I move too fast or that my standards are too high. I think it’s just because I know what I want. I want to be married, I want to be happy and comfortable. I eventually would really like to have kids. I want to have kids young so that I can have even more time loving them and my own little family..” you don’t like to waste time with the small talk. That’s nice too but you like to get straight to the point so that you’ll know if your views on life are aligned. 
And just like that you two begin to connect instantly . You talked and talked for hours from the time he left his trailer to drive home and halfway into the night.
You actually ended up falling asleep on the phone with him because neither one of you wanted to hang up. 
Scheduling conflicts prevented you from meeting up with him the next day but of course that didn’t stop either of you from constantly just wanting to hear from each other. 
4 weeks later after non stop talking and sending pictures and videos of your day when you couldn’t talk to each other. Both of your schedules lined up perfectly and you ended up meeting in Atlanta. 
You met him at a little cozy cafe and he held the prettiest bouquet of scarlet roses in one hand and a coffee for you in the other while standing with a huge smile etched across his face. 
“Hey handsome” you say to him before leaning in to hug him but was not expecting the peck to the lips. 
Even though you’ve discussed it and you’re both “if the vibe is right fun is not off the table” kind of people. 
You kiss his soft plump lips back and thank him for the flowers. Of course given the part of the city that you were in, he was recognized almost immediately by the barista.
“My mama and auntie love your show.They both got me into it too. We thought they were gonna kill you off this season! I was scared for you. If you don't mind, can i have a picture?’ The woman named Ericka asks as she moves from behind the desk .
“Hey Ericka, thank you. I appreciate it, of course.” He replied warmly to her before looking over at you to double check if you’re okay with everything. 
You awkwardly move to the side so that he can have his photo with the giggling fan already batting her eyelashes at him. 
He softly grabs your hand to keep you close to him and shakes his head. He’s lowkey clingy in the cutest way as he moves you behind him so that you aren’t in the photo and wraps your arms around his waist before flashing a smile at the fans phone.
“Thank you so much and you are so pretty!” She says to you before trying to quickly hustle back to work in the quiet slow moving coffee shop. 
“Me? Look at you and your pretty self ! I like your braids too!” You respond sweetly as Tyler beams with pride while watching you interact with the fan. 
“Sorry about all of that” he leans down to whisper in your ear before walking with you out of the coffee shop. 
“I don’t know about you but I ain't even gon’ lie I’m nervous as hell. I’ve been spending the last two weeks trying to figure out the best ways to spoil the hell outta you. I just think you’re incredible. From your story about all that you’ve been through to just like you. I ain’t ever had this before.” he admits and it throws you a little that he was the one nervous to meet you.  
“Nervous to meet me? Tyler, you meet about 50 different beautiful women a day. I’m not saying I’m not the shit cause I am. But no need for nervousness here. I think you’re probably the most down to Earth famous person I’ve met dude. A lot of them are real snotty when I style them and stuff. Just completely out of touch…You’re always busy doing something and I’m always working on something. How about we just do nothing? What’s your favourite way to do nothing?” I get all of my favourite foods and snacks and then I just watch all of my comfort movies and shows and forget about everything going wrong with the world even if just for a little bit.” you admit and he nods along before opening the car door for you.
The entire car ride there wasn’t an awkward moment or any tension hanging in the air. The conversation flowed smoothly all the way from the supermarket to the restaurants for to-go plates, and to his home there. 
There were plates of food of every kind of food you mention from pad thai to sushi, to indian food, mexican, and a plate of soul food cause you couldn’t visit Atlanta and not try some bomb ass soul food while you were there. Not to mention the snacks that you both also picked out. 
He had convinced you that you two should build a blanket fort and he broke out the candles setting the perfect atmosphere for the storm settling in. 
Something about the rain soothed you both as you fell over each laughing and talking about nothing and everything.  
“Okay so let me ask you would have rather been on Fear Factor or Supermarket Sweep? Because this is important. I’d have to go with Supermarket Sweep because I’d rather bust my ass on tv than be in a crate full of cockroaches or something like that. I would freak the fuck out. They was wylin in 2001” you say and Tyler ponders the question for a minute before letting out a pfft.. 
“Easyyyyyy. I will drink the cockroach milkshake over playing on Supermarket sweep. I don’t mess with grocery stores like that. That’s why I order all my stuff online now. I've spent two many of my Saturdays missing Saturday morning cartoons walking around with my grandma and mama while me and my dad trail behind trying to get them to hurry up. Besides skydiving is on my list to do at some point.” he explains and you pretend to gag as he says that he’d take the shake. 
“Good?” he asked with a little laugh as he noticed you had a whipped cream mustache from the caramel hot chocolate that he made for you. 
“Mhm” was the only response he got from you in between swigs of possibly the best caramel hot chocolate you’ve ever had. 
He leans in,  licking it off of your lips before kissing you sweetly and gently tugging on your bottom lip as his tongue runs across it again. 
“I bet you taste better though…” he says against your lips
His hands find your hips as he pulls you onto his lap. 
You learned that he was talented at several things outside of acting and being inside out beautiful and a good 8- . Anyways, something you couldn’t tell your girls about on Monday.
Leaving him was too difficult two days later because you’re both those types of people where if you know , you know that you’ve found your person and both agreed to try and meet each other twice a week. Once for sure so that you try not to miss each other too much. 
Maybe swiping right wasn’t so bad after all.
[unedited so if there’s a few typos i’m sorry i’ll edit them later! ]
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how-gross · 2 years
Hi, my current name is Dove. You can also call me either Ivory or Beckett. Whichever one is easiest. But I mostly go by Dove because that’s the one I feel most comfortable with :)
I am 18 years old.
Zodiac Chart: Pisces ☀️ Cancer 🌙 Aries ⛅️
I go by they/them pronouns
I am Aromantic Asexual.
I suffer from Hypersexuality / Nymphomania. I may also possibly have Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
BYF/Please Take Notice
I struggle from self-harm. I am currently seeing a therapist for it, but I still struggle from it. I tend to relapse and record my relapses onto here because I consider tumblr to be my private safe space. I do tag the posts of my relapses and put a warning on the top of the post in order not to trigger anybody, but this is a notice to anyone. If you are recovering, block me. I do not want to trigger you. (I am currently 6 months clean!)
There is not specific theme to this blog; there will be lots of vent posts since this is a vent blog, but there will also be positive posts and funny posts.
I am 18 years old now, but I still do not feel comfortable with NSFW blogs interacting with me. DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME. I will block you. If you’re polite enough to ask me for my age first, then the answer will be the same. Do not interact with me. Porn blogs or people asking to be my sugar daddy will just get insta-blocked, so don’t even try it.
I’m fine with 18+ blogs interacting with my content, but it is very unlikely I’ll personally interact with them in the form of dm’s, unless I feel comfortable.
If this is a triggering blog for you: LEAVE. You can soft-block me, or filter the tags that I have, but if anything on my blog could potentially trigger you into a panic attack, flashback, or anything of the above — please leave for your own safety.
# Vent: My Vent Posts.
#vent? I guess??: Posts that I am not sure can be considered a vent, but at the same time I cannot consider them to be regular posts.
Some posts contain mentions of my family members and very rarely my friends, tho I do not explicitly state their names nor ages since I do not want to expose them on the internet without their consent.
#Mother Knows Best: Posts about my mom.
#Father Dearest: Posts about my dad.
I have no tag for my other family members nor friends because most of my posts involve my parents — on rare occasions I talk about my other family members or my friends
#Ivory / Dove Speaks: Posts that are not considered to be vents, and are just regular posts.
In each vent post, I try my best to tag as many possible trigger warnings as I can, such as #cursing, #caps, #mention of self-harm, etc. I have begun writing out the trigger warnings in my posts at the top of the post itself in red capital text— if that is a potential trigger for you I will tag the post for having capital letters and red text — in order to warn people ahead of time whom do not have the specific tags that I have tagged in the tag box filtered out for them. I want to avoid triggering someone at all costs.
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cielie-voss · 3 years
Triggerwarning: mental health, trauma, sexuell harassment
This is something that happened to me a week ago. I still have to fight with it. And still nobody knows. Just know you're not alone. It's a shame that it's kind of normal for us girls. This just makes me sick. And we can't do anything about it. I can't do anything about it 'cause he's one of our best customers.
I never wanted my first post to be something like this, I just wanted my page to be about the story I'm writing. But I just had to share this, so someone knows how I feel and I can let it out without anyone feeling bad because they laughed about it.
Also I'm sorry for my bad English, I'm not a native speaker. 🙊
"You perfectly fit my demographic", he told me with a lustful grin. Thousands of emotions are rising inside of me, boiling and making me kinda nauseous.
"Which one should I get? When will you fall for me?", he asks with a raised brow and his disgusting grin, switching between the two shirts Infront of him. I just want to scream and run away. Flashbacks getting through my mantra "Everything's fine, you're alright. Calm down."
"I don't know, you look fine in both of them." I say shrugging but polite as my jobs requires. On the outside I'm cool, fake smiling and strong, not botherd by his flirting attempts. But on the inside I'm crying, I want to scratch off my skin and sit in a lonely corner just to deal with these flashbacks running through my head.
He takes both shirts and we go to the checkout, my bosses wife waiting for us. This man's eyes are burning on me, I'm shaking and digging my nails in the inside of my arms, trying to cover my unease. He's at least 40 years older than me, married, has a daughter, but still tried to get me. He invited me to a very expensive restaurant, just me, Infront of all my coworkers and my boss. I just shrugged, I wasn't able to say anything without crying. When he left, everyone was laughing and joking about it. I always get these creeps. Older men trying to ask me out. So self-conscious and brazenly. Do they smell that I'm single and looking for the love of my life? But men like him just makes it so difficult for me to find a man or woman to fall in love with. Because it makes me feel like shit when someone's flirting with me or just look at me in some kind of interested way.
"Oh poor you. Always old guys. Maybe you should try to get a sugar daddy!" Everyone is laughing, no one knows about the trauma and the pain people like him causes. Maybe it's just a joke? Maybe it is funny. I mean, everyone is laughing. Am I just overreacting? Am I doing him wrong by feeling like I do? Disgusted by myself, disgusted by love and attraction? I feel bad because this whole conversation makes me sick. I feel bad because I'm overreacting. It's just funny. Otherwise the others won't laugh, right? But I'm scared to tell them how I feel, how it makes me feel. Because I know they will stop laughing and feel bad because they laughed about all of this while I sufferd. And I don't want them to feel bad, so I laugh too. I'm laughing 'til I get home.
One or two days later he send me a dm on Facebook and Instagram, asking me about his invitation and followed my accounts. I haven't answered yet, 'cause I don't know how. I told my coworkers about this and told them I need help with the answer. Everyone said "just go to that date, get yourself a sugar daddy" and laughed again.
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quindolyn · 3 years
By the way, I tweeted about getting a sugar daddy once and got about a dozen responses so... I’m set
Lyssa and Gill are set, good to know.
I think this is super funny but I’m sure we all get weird men in our Instagram dms being like “hi you want a sugar daddy?” I know I’ve gotten my fair share of them but this one guy will always stand out to me because the first thing he said to me was “Hey there beautiful white sugar”, and I don’t know, something about that is just hilarious to me.
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cicici03 · 4 years
Just Listen- Chapter 1
Hi everyone,
So this is my first time writing my on imagines and/ or series. I want to thank @l-auteuse​ for telling me that I should just write this bad puppy out. I’m just going give a warning. I am very horrible at seeing some  my grammatical mistakes because I talk fast and do not stop. So if you see any please dm me or just politely leave a nice message! Plus I am going to make sure that my grammatical mistakes will gradually lower over the time of this writing journey. With that, I hope you enjoy!
“No that is not how the papers should be Angelo” shouted Cierra while on the phone. While rubbing his eyes from sleep, Trevante looked at his wife which he has been married to for five years. While watching her pace back and forth with her assistant Angelo on the phone, Trevante just smiles to himself.
Looking at her skin that is deep like rich coco with a hint of golden on her cheeks. With her sweatpants and sports bra showing off her tone midriff. With his eyes landing on the one thing that made him feel a little pain in his lower region: her backside.
While Cierra was rummaging through her bag for some papers, Trevante creeped behind her and gave a little slap on the backside. Cierra snatched her head around and coldly stated “Tre, not right now! I am looking for something important for this new deal with the producers. So, can you just please leave me alone!”. Tre looked at his wife with much disgusted with her attitude.
Cierra is a very successful screenwriter in Hollywood. She has built her company, Ebonixs, to be something that all producers come to sought out new ideas and something that is to help diversify Hollywood.
Cierra been working on this company since she been married to Tre: he knew that. He was there for her through the thick and thin. Now that she has finally reached the top, he felt like the family was second to her job.
After that exchange between the two, Tre walk downstairs to the kitchen to fix breakfast. As he was taking out the ingredients, he heard little footsteps run down to the kitchen. “Is somebody there” Trevante playful asking.
The little footsteps automatically stop, and everything went silent. “Well I must be hearing things” Tre stated while cracking the eggs into the bowl. While whisking the eggs, the little footsteps where running again. This time the little footsteps ran full force ahead for Tre. Quickly, turn a rounded and catch the little person into his arms.
Plopping kisses all over the little person cheeks and tickling her, Trevante morning start to light back up. “Daddy, stop. I am going to pee on myself.” screamed Amya, the youngest out of their three kids, at the top of her lungs. Amaya came five years ago at Tre and Cierra’s wedding. With her wild hair all over the place, Tre put her down and went to refrigerator to get her milk.
“Well Amya that is what happen to kids who try to scare their dad.” said Trevante while handing her milk to her. The little girl giggled at her dad while running to the table to sit down where her coloring book was left at from last night.
While going back and fixing up the rest of the food, Amya and Tre heard footsteps and arguing coming down the stairs. Both looked at each other smiling and started to shake their heads. “Jakob you are so annoying. My friend does not want your ugly self!” exclaimed Mia finally entering the kitchen with Jakob on her heels. “Dad tell you daughter, that everybody says I look like you! If I am ugly then that means she is calling you ugly too.” Jakob uttered to his dad while sitting by Amaya.
“Y’all both need to stop! Plus, Mi-Mi why you always doing the men of the house wrong!” laughed Tre while giving a kiss to the forehead to Mia. “Daddy, I am only disrespecting the person who only have one hair for a mustache.” quickly stated back to her father. All Trevante could do was laughed. While giving everyone their plates, Trevante finally looked at his watch to see the time: 6:42.
“You guys need to go and eat so yall won’t be late for school.” stated Trevante while rushing to clean up the dishes. While back upstairs, Cierra was about to get ready to walk out the door. “Cierra, you really need to take a break from work. That is why I am here as Vice President and mostly your friend to tell you when you need to take off.” Logan advised her friend.
Logan been friends with Cierra since their middle school days. They became closer after Logan’s parents died, and Cierra’s parents brought her into their family. Logan knew that her friend was the definition of a hard-working, black women. With that, Logan could also see how Trevante was started to become frustrated with Cierra about working.
“Why do I need to take a break Logan. To please Trevante?” she questioned while putting on her classic Louboutin heels. “He should be the main person that understands why I work this hard. I am doing something for all black actors and actress all over Hollywood. I do not need this morning!” exclaimed Cierra while walking downstairs to the kitchen.
“Well just think about its Cierra. You really think you got it all together, but you do not. Trevante is really getting tired of it, and he could be gone before your eyes.” muttered Logan, hoping the friend did not hear the last part.
However, Cierra heard it loud and clear, which led Cierra to dogging her friend with questions. “Logan, what you mean by that? Have Tre said anything to you?” Cierra spluttered to Logan before getting to kitchen. “Cierra, you know I got to see if Ariah is up. I love you a bunch sugar lump!” Logan hurrying to get off the phone due to igniting a flame in the Rhodes’s household.
“Mom you finally are downstairs! Can you please tell your daughter to give me her friends number?” Jakob looked at his mom for assistance. Still baffled from the conversation with Logan, Cierra did not answer Jakob question.
With a couple seconds going by and Cierra rumbling through the refrigerator, Jakob turned back to his food defeat and crying angry tears at his mom. Mia looked at her brother with much sadness and pat him on his hand. Mia finally looked at her dad for help, and she never saw so much anger on his face ever since the incident with the golf cart.
“Cierra, did you not hear what Jakob said?” Trevante scowled with much demand in his voice. Everybody except Amya, who was in her own world, looked at Cierra. “Isn’t time for the kids to go to school.” Cierra grabbing her lunch she packed and heading to the garage.
Trevante look at his watch that read, 7:15, which made him curse under his breath. “Everybody put on their uniforms and finish getting ready. While the kids, rushed up the stairs, Trevante ran to the garage to catch up to Cierra.
Before Cierra could back out in her Telsa, she looked up and saw a furious Trevante walking towards her. Yanking the door open, Trevante gave a piece of his mind. “What the fuck was that Cierra. You are really pissing me off! It is one thing to be angry with me and punishing me, but it is a different situation when you bring the kids in to it!” Tre seethed with every word coming out his mouth.
It made him even angrier, when looking at the woman he has been with since he was sixteen years old: on her phone texting. It was not her regular phone, it was the phone that ruin birthdays, vacations, and date nights: her work phone. Tre snatch the phone out of her hand and read what she was sending.
                                                           January 17, 7:00 a.m.
When are you going be at work? Has the hubby got you lock away again?
Haha very funny, he does not, and I should be there soon! I can not wait to see you again!☺️
I can not wait to see you! You make my week exciting! 🤪
You do too! Make me wish I reconsider
“First of all, who the hell is Mike, and tell me how you were going to finish that text.” Trevante looking at his wife, who had a nonchalant look, with tears in his eyes. “Can you give me my phone back.” Cierra asked while not daring to look into her husband’s eyes. “Cierra look at me!” Trevante bang on the roof of the car. “Answer the damn questions!” screamed Trevante with tears coming down his eyes.
Cierra finally looked up and saw her husband face, but out of her peripheral, she saw the kids in their school uniforms looking at their parents in shock: especially their father. “Tre, the kids are here.” mumbled Cierra trying to not it makes obvious.
“Amaya, I know you did not potty like you should. Jakob, I know you forgot to grab your football uniform for picture day. Mia, I know you forgot to grab your P.E clothes.” Trevante recited to the kids while looking at his wife with sadness. That led the kids to scrambled off to get those important items.
Cierra looked at the clock, 7:45, needing to get to work for her meeting. “I need my phone.” Cierra looking at the bikes hanging on the racks in the garage. Trevante back away from the car, which brought Cierra to look up at him. With all the force he had, Tre threw it to the ground looking directly in Cierra eyes.
Walking back to the car, Trevante handed the phone back to her. “I hope you and Mike have a great meeting and I hope what you are reconsidering is a new office space. Not reconsidering, this marriage and your kids.”  Tre whispered in her ear. With making sure all her limbs were in the car, Trevante slammed the door, which made the car shook a little.
Cierra looked at him with much surprise and shock by the force. Trevante turn his back towards his wife and went into the house. While the garage door raised up, Cierra was left in her thoughts. With not one being about the situation that happen at hand.
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