casualavocados · 17 days
i literally have so much to say about q and toey and we are and im sitting here like AAAAA. i had to write it down.
i see people being upset about the jealousy thing and the way Q acted and how he started teasing Toey about the kiss: but it was very clear that no feelings were talked about or cemented at the amusement park. Q asked Toey if he understood Chain was hitting on him, unaware it was a ruse for him to admit feelings for Toey. he did admit those feelings, but not in a "claiming toey as his bf" way, in a "i need you to know im an option for you and my feelings are real" way. (He literally said "what if i hit on you too?" the unasked question beside that: "how would you feel about me if i did?") Q was actually giving Toey the choice to react however he wanted to when he kissed him.
Honestly it was a really good way for Q to approach the subject bc he didnt get mad at Toey OR Chain for their "potential" feelings. He was jealous but he tried to figure out how they both truly felt about each other before acting. (and Chain lied to Q and said he had feelings for Toey.) Toey didn't actually lie, I noticed. He just said Chain had been very nice to him. If Toey had given blatant confirmation that he had feelings for Chain, Q would have backed off, I'm certain of it. But instead of lying, (or admitting he actually liked Q,) Toey made it seem like he was considering Chain as a possible romantic interest, and Q heard that and chose to let Toey know that he could also be a possible romantic interest.
He gave Toey the choice to say no to the kiss. Toey kissed back. But that was not them becoming a couple! (Notice that later, Toey never said he and Q were together, only that he believed he had a chance with Q.)
I actually find it similar to what Phum and Peem are going through atm. They are not officially dating yet!!! they havent talked about that at all! theyve kissed twice, but they dont know what they are, and they are taking their time figuring it out, and there's nothing wrong with not labelling their relationship immediately.
So that's what I saw the teasing scene as. As Q being like "hey, remember that time we kissed. and you kissed back. im here as an option for you to date, are you gonna do anything about that? how does that make you feel? are we gonna talk about it? hope you figure it out soon <3"
and i dont find anything wrong with that! WHAT MADE THINGS MESSY WAS THE REVEAL OF THE RUSE.
Which was confusing because it wasn't revealed that the group had planned for chain to pretend-hit on toey. What WAS revealed was that the whole group knew that milk frappe boy was Toey, and Q didnt. That's what made Q explode so bad. Like, i think that scene was meant to be confusing, because Q kept saying "explain it to me" as well as "i dont want to hear it". I think all he really saw in the moment was his entire friend group in the know about something important to him that he'd never told them, while faced with learning Toey was the anonymous boy from his past, and had known, and had kept it from him.
Like yeah, I can imagine the kind of betrayal Q must have felt! He had just kissed Toey! And it slowly made more sense as to why Q reacted as strongly as he did bc more was revealed while Q was trying to come to terms with milk frappe boy and Toey being the same person.
Because it isnt until after the explosion that we learn Q had had it BAD for milk frappe boy. That he'd even talked to Toey about it and how bad he felt for disappearing on the mystery boy he'd liked so much. This scene was really complicated bc we were seeing it from Toey's perspective, as him learning that Q had had feelings for him and then advising Q to try and find milk frappe boy to find out the truth about his feelings, without Toey telling Q it was him all along.
But I think from Q's perspective, that scene was about trying to admit to himself that he'd made a mistake and should have done better by the anonymous boy. I think he was also trying to express that he was past it now, and trying to move on. Pairing that interpretation with the conversation between Q and Peem that was like "well this is how you felt about milk frappe boy, how do you feel about Toey?" and you get the impression Q considered his feelings for milk frappe boy a lost cause, but he was okay with that because he had found Toey, and started liking him instead.
So learning that they were the same person was really complicated for him! Q's got a lot to work through! a lot of conversations and interactions to reframe in his mind. And of course he's hurt that Toey never told him who he was, but what made that hurt more was learning Toey had told the rest of the group first.
I think that's also what's beating Toey up the most - that his real feelings for Q had turned into a real lie, by choosing to play along with the ruse their friends invented. He was someone who, before, was always content to give Q space and just be near him, so manipulating his feelings the way that they all did, and Q discovering his identity as milk frappe boy in the midst of that ruse is something I don't think Toey ever imagined or wanted to happen - that he was and would have been willing to let things unfold naturally - even admit to his identity later if there'd been a more honest chance for it.
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hijackalx · 7 months
ok to start i think when he was a prisoner his hair got rlly long and unkept and he hateddd it so the minute he escaped he chopped that shit off himself and thats why its so unruly lol (*EDIT he always cuts his own hair is what im sayin)
this man is such a taurus like everything about him screams taurus. has a taurus stellium fosho
would listen to superheaven
hes also sooo jenny by studio killers, disco man by remi wolf, happiness by the 1975 coded with Durge 😩😩
with durge hes also giving bf that ur dad hates but like thats canon. i think he likes that hes able to influence durge to the point that they rebel lol. the type of boy u run away with when ur younger
probably BLASTED jet black heart by 5SOS on repeat when Durge disappeared LMFAOO
also i kind of feel like the fearless buff to his clothing is more an insight to his character rather than him needing magic to not be fearful bcz he literally got the shit beat out of him everyday and lived in HELL how can he not be desensitized to everything at that point 😭😭😭 it does not get much worse than that my boy
hes so thique like hes just a big boned dude. tiddies SO fat too EUGH + thick shoulders/arms. he feels so warm and safe i just know it i just KNOW it gurl
also idk if it was supposed to happen but in my latest playthrough during the fight with him he dropped his bow and just started beating the shit out of us 😭😭😭😭 all hands baby like WHAT 😭😭 so i like to think thats his preferred method of fighting idk if thats canon tho i feel like i seen somebody talking abt that before but mightve just been another hc
occasionally does drugs. likes the ones that make him feel really elated (idk what theyre called in bg3 its some kind of dust or something) ALSO HC THAT HE WAS ON SOMETHING WHEN HE WROTE RHAT FUCKED UP NOTE TO FRANC (WAS THAG HIS NAME U GUYS KNOW THE NOTE) HE WAS OBVIOJSLY TRIPPING BALLSSSSS
lots of body hair…… everywhere……. straight and black body hair. that is so sexy to me let me smell the pheromones in your armpits king LMFAO (i think theres something wrong with me)
going off of rhat yes i think he smells good (DIVINE, even) as a woman that is feral and in heat all the time. but to normal ppl he may smell kind of weird. not STINKY stinky but like when u dont shower and ur natural scent starts to mix with the perfume/cologne ur wearing SORRY 😭😭😭 im trying to be realistic here. or maybe like when u wake up and didnt shower the night before and u can still smell the perfume/cologne u put on yesterday. basically what im saying is he might need to shower
hes just so masculine it drives me crazy I LOVE MEN !!!!!!!!!! I LOVE EEENERM. ME E WN
love language:
giving = lowkey getting acts of service vibes here but u didnt hear it from me 🤫🤐 gift giving too. tav is just his widdle babie and he wants to make sure theyre the happiest they can be 🥺😩
receiving = acts of service LMAO give and get back type of shit
relationship wise i think he is the most doting and sweetest person. like tav will never have to worry abt anything ever again bcz he will handle everything. takes care of them cuz they are his king/queen 😌
yeah going off that last hc he is sweet outside the bedroom but a menace in it. its just the way he is. its probably exhausting too 😩 like if u ask him to be gentler/less intense he will try for a while but probably wont enjoy it as much. he doesnt like to hold back.
i WILL say tho ☝🏻🤨 i think when he gets close to finishing he gets a little more soft/loving. he just has to get his badness out first yall its fine
HIGH libido wants to smash all the time. he also (POSSIBLE NONCON MENTION !!!!!!!) thinks that since ur his u should be willing to give it up whenever he wants it. (NONCON MENTION OVER) i think in the bedroom he sees u as a servant even if ur considered his equal normally. like hes a chosen of bane he has to feel like he has control over u in SOME way
can be selfish depending on his mood. sometimes he doesnt see u as anything other than a toy (lowkey hard for me to admit but i NEVA LIE GIRLS !!!!! 🙅🙅🙅) like can be such a fucking asshole about it too
BUT !!! when he is feeling generous he is soooo generous. EUGH like he will make sure u enjoy urself!!!! probably multiple times !!!!!!!!!!!!
dont know why nobody else has said he has a daddy kink. so obvious like call him daddy ms thing he will nut so hard. oh corruption kink too. like can u imagine Durge being so innocent when they first met cuz they were never allowed to get close to anybody and hes just sooo into it HELLO i got to write that fic NEOW
omg breeding kink too give him heirs. will fuck the shitttt out of u in a mating press. probably comes a lot too almost impossible not to get pregnant with him LMAO
likes to pick u up and fuck u. manhandling king. also will do the faerun equivalent to coke and wants u to do it w him then fuck nasty afterwards
i feel like he doesnt last an extremely long time. 15-20 mins is THE MOST youre getting out of him lol he just gets very excited (which is lowkey kind of cute??)
do i even have to say that this man is packing schmeat. heavy dick. heavy balls. allow me to bear some of that weight for u my liege 🤲🏻🧎
mostly nsfw
ok i didnt originally plan to add orin but listen….. gortash is a charismatic guy….. imagine orin was into him too LISTEN ! like shes jealous asf of Durge in that sense too not just bcz of them being bhaal’s fav. like when i think abt them i just am getting a vibe okay. this trio……..
every time she sees gortash and Durge acting close and doing all their yucky lovesick shit she just gets soooo mad. now imagine she shifts into Durge to get gortash to fuck her. yeah… yall seeing the vision? would he ever find out ?? imagine that was why he hates orin so much?? he doesnt want to tell Durge (cuz thats cheating hes not a cheater duh 🙄 plus hes scared theyll be mad at him) and thats why his explanations as to why he hates orin are so vague
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guerrillateezsworld · 11 months
✨If your taking requests could you write 2000's Bill Kaulitz x reader
Reader is a singer from another band and they are good friends with Bill (two idiots in love). One night reader, bill and there band get drunk (maybe even take something 💊-if your comfortable with it ofc) the next day they don't remember anything but reader and bill have rings on there fingers. They find two cheap brought cameras and look through them. It turns out each of them went with there bands looking through the city for a dress/suit and got married (las Vegas situation). A lot of photos and videos of them (reade,bill and there bands) goofing around but mostly of reader and bill being all in love and stuff
<Sorry it's so long>
okay hahah this sounds fun. imma try to write it as an imagine the best i can lol
what happened? bill kaulitz x reader
this is based off of 2008-2009 bill! implied female reader but no pronouns used (i don’t think)
word count: 1450!!!
warnings: mentions of alcohol, LEGAL DRINKING AGE IN GERMANY IS ACTUALLY 16 (according to google) SO TECHNICALLY NOT UNDERAGE DRINKING I DONT THINK. CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG, cursing, mentions of smoking smoking cigarettes. (i don’t condone anything that has to do with excessive drinking and nicotine. it’s not good for you and it can really damage your body. please stay safe), that’s all. it’s not too much just mentions
a/n: i hope this is something like you wanted!! i’m not really good at writing abt parties so i just wrote about the aftermath haha because it might be a little more funnier idk. and i didn’t do the taking stuff cuz it may be a little much for others so yea!
it was all a blur, it really was. partying/drinking. it was crazy. me and bill had no clue what had happened. we woke up, splitting headaches and a mad hangover. small flashbacks of drinking starting to play over in your head but not much of remembrance. “what happened? and why did we fall asleep together in my room?” i ask bill who’s laying next to me, whining in pain. “i don’t know (name), all i remember is getting drunk and partying. we most definitely got shit faced i know that” he says with a small laugh. i just smile and shake my head before standing up to stretch. “uhhh (name)?..” i hear from behind me. “yes?” i ask. “um why is there a ring on my ring finger? and on your finger.” i turn around and look him dead in the eyes and then glance at my hand. “oh no. what did we do?” i ask in embarrassment. realizing that i probably told him all about my dying love for him, i turn red and nervously laugh. my eyes trail around the room trying not to make eye contact with bill. as i’m doing that, i notice two cheap cameras on my side table. i look at bill questionably before walking over and grabbing them. “what did you find?” he asks. i show him the two cameras and his eyes widen. “oh… i wonder what’s on them” i shrug and go to sit next to him. i turn the camera on and begin to look at the pictures. flashbacks start flooding my mind as my hands start to get a little sweaty.
“bill”, i say, slurring my words as i take another big gulp of my drink. “we should definitely go to my house and party”. and with that, we call a cab and go to my house to get even more shitface drunk.
the first few pictures were pretty normal, just funny and stupid pictures of you two and the others of yours and his band. “paparazzi probably had a fun time seeing us” i laugh at his snide remark. “most likely” i reply. the more we got into the pictures, the weirder they got. us smoking, drinking, laughing, it was a lot. drinks such as wine, beer, and vodka showed up on the pictures. until one picture caught our eyes. a picture of the same rings that sat on your guys fingers right now. then it got to pictures of you guys kissing and holding hands. i cough nervously and avoid his burning stare into my face. “well um that’s a lot…” i laugh nervously and smile. he just shakes his head as we continue looking through the pictures. we get to a specific picture that has us both gasping in shock. it’s me trying on a wedding dress with bill in a suit and the other way around. “what the fuck?” i announce out loud. then the next was even more wedding dresses. “what in the world are we doing here. don’t tell me we…” i get cut off as a picture of me and bill at some wedding venue shows up. we look at each other and our eyes widen. “is that that one wedding place in las vegas? is that why we have rings on our fingers? shit, we’re in trouble” he says. i sigh and nod. the next few are just the officiate reading to me and bill. then it cuts to us kissing and smiling. “well… i guess we’re married now? not technically, this place is a fake ain’t no fucking way. you have to plan it ahead of time and plan who’s coming and the food” i say while questioning bill. he laughs at my confusing rant before speaking. “well i mean i wouldn’t be opposed to marrying you…” he says, trailing off. “me neither bill. but we’re still young” i smile. some others were just tom acting really stupid and georg and gustav laughing. plus one of my band mates and tom getting a little closer than normal. he laughs and we finish looking at the pictures. i get up again and we decide to go to the studio where the others are probably waiting. as we’re getting ready, i notice bills loud gasp from the other room. i run in and ask if he’s okay. he looks at me and shows me what’s on his phone. my eyes widen as i read the headlines.
‘tokio hotel spotted with lead singer of (your band) at a local restaurant in germany’ and ‘tokio hotels’ bill kaulitz and (name) caught kissing outside of restaurant’
“bill… people will think we’re dating and then we’ll get so much hate” i sigh. “it’s okay i promise, i don’t have a problem with it” i look at him and blush. “to be honest, me neither”. he smiles at me and then he ends up reading another headline about me and him.
i groan loudly and walk back into the bathroom. “well that’s just great. i knew that was gonna happen. i’m surprised my phones not blowing up right now” as i say that, my ringtone goes off. i run to the room and grab my phone to see who’s calling me. it’s tom. i answer the phone to tom screaming.
“(name) what the fuck is going on right now. did you see what’s all over the internet?”. “yes tom i saw. we’re never gonna live this down.”. “well at least they got their answer about bill and you”. “what do you mean tom? there’s nothing going on between me and bill” lies. “yea yea. you guys are in love with each other. come on now”. “ what whatever you say tom.”. he laughs on the other side of the phone before talking again. “okay then, you keep telling yourself. just know that i remember how you guys were last night. nothing nasty, just that you guys were on each other the whole night and you two couldn’t and wouldn’t stop kissing the whole time” i’m sure he heard my extremely loud gulp and small gasp. “don’t you dare say anything about it tom i swear i will beat your ass if you do” “no promises (name). it’s all over the internet now so we can’t really do anything. you do know they got pictures of us at the venue and the shops” i groan extremely loud and sigh. “well that’s great. i can’t just ‘divorce bill’. we’re not even fully married, it’s just a fake wedding place for celebs” “you’re a celeb dumbass” “shut up asshole” he laughs at me again. “just calm down. trust me, i know how obsessed you are with bill. and he feels the same way about you. he rants to me and the others about how he wishes you would feel the same way” “what?”
i get cut off by bill asking who i’m on the phone with. “just your overly annoying brother” i answer. i hear tom cuss at me through the phone and laugh before turning my attention back to tom.
“thanks for that amazing compliment” “no problem” “okay back to what i was saying. listen, he’s so in love with you it’s crazy. you’re pretty much all he talks about. trust me.” “well, you caught me there then. i do have a big crush on bill. and it’s so hard hiding it and i’m sure i’m not good at it anyways”. i stop talking as bill walks into the bathroom. “i got to go, see you later tom” i tell him and hang up.
“um hello bill” i smile shyly. “you like me back?” he asks quietly. my eyes widen and i gasp. “what… are you talking about?” i ask. he smiles and walks closer to me and i back up shyly. i end up hitting a wall as he’s standing so close to me i can practically feel his breath on me. “i like you too (name). and i don’t know how you haven’t noticed yet. i’ve stopped trying to hide it.” he tells me. i look at him in shock, and instead of replying, i smash my lips on to his. “i like you too bill. i only started realizing a while ago that my feelings for you weren’t platonic and they were much more. and i’m so glad you like me back” i smile. he smiles too and kisses me again. of course i kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck while he wraps his around my waist. “i love you so much (name), please be mine?” i nod and hug him. “yes, a million times yes. i would love to be yours” i reply. he smiles again. “you’re mine now. so maybe.. getting married was a good idea” i laugh at his joke and just hide my face into his neck. “why don’t we get ready and bring the cameras to show them what was on there. they can’t make fun of us because there is some really, really embarrassing photos and videos of them on there.” “good idea” “i love you (name)” “i love you too bill.”
thanks anon for the request and i really hope you enjoyed it!!! i hope it’s what you wanted and i’m really sorry if it’s not:(
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blueiight · 10 months
I was reading your tags to dre's published ask. Do you think while writing about these blood sucking monsters, Anne deliberately made one of them a former slave master? I mean the way this man during his mortal times had benefited by preying on the black race and the reflection of it in his fate where he is now in literal terms an entity who survives by preying on people? Or is it like twilight ( movies) where Jasper's past as a confederate soldeir is just dropped as if it's the most casual thing to shrug away.
( something is up with vampire media and all of them being connected to slave trade my god. Either it is a social commentary or people really do not have any self awarenesses?
i dont know about twilight book or movie to make a meaningful comparison to louis’s book counterpart. i wish i knew. and tbh, its hard to prescribe authorial intent on a dead woman who wrote a sprawling epic of 20+ books for 50 years , especially with shifting perspectives , namely pivoting away from louis to lestat as her MC bc of what fantasy/POV was more interesting to her. but i think in the first book there was some intention there, i cant just say how much. lestat wants to hunt the runaway slaves along the freniere plantation, and louis discourages him from doing it not out of compassion for enslaved people (which would be condescending and abysmal writing for a slaveowning character), but for his proximity to the freniere’s as fellow planters. ive talked about it a lot how its really interesting in the first 2 books that the american planter is created both literally + vampirically by the european aristocrat.. and theyre both parasitic beings in relation to the enslaved people, eventually draining them+ burning the plantation down. iwtv early book louis is resentful of lestat in part bc he thought lestat wanted his plantation, but when he learns who lestat is + where he came from, the power and will he has. hes far more genial to him. its a very dark book, and i think the fact that these characters are so vicious + melancholic is intentional on the authors part. i dont know how much race based chattel slavery is meaningfully explored from the perspective of the slaveowner, but book louis thinking of people in his captivity as fixtures, as creepy ‘things’ more proximate to the supernatural bc of their ‘african nature’ (that had yet to be ‘trained’ out of them) is a very probable, chilling, and haunting perspective of a former slaveowner to take even a hundred and some years removed from it. or if we take it as book louis immersing himself in his perspective @ the time. either way. and its pathetic when fans try to flatten book louis into ‘he was a good slaveowner’ cuz at that point theyre just conflating the movie with the book. i kinda joke that book louis is the vampire it girl bc he was such a terrible mortal LOL. im still indeterminate on the exact mode or purpose, or how much it was just about the aesthetic of gothic horror (re: the earth’s a savage garden). especially bc later books fixate on very discrete modes and metaphors of servitude/subjugation ‘being a slave to the blood’ is a recurring motif running antiparallel with the motif of ‘purifying the african/asian/foreign’ (through ‘admixture’ with the ‘european’) (s/o poacher bro gabi + talamasca bro dave ig) and in later works, theres the cycle of slavery through marius & armand.. marius, whos mother was a slave, purchases armand. chattel slavery took inspo from the romans in the idea of maternal based slave caste inheritance.. idk. idk. ive had very long rambly convos w ppl on here in the past (& im still a bit embarrased abt it) on this, but i think the reasons why fans dont rly get into it is cuz most ppl got into these books at a young age + was just into the cool lore or the queer shit and were able to handwave things as just aesthetic/era/quirky anne things etc. idk.
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veeveex3 · 2 years
Just The Two of Us (Idia Shroud x gn!reader)
Tags: fluff, hurt / comfort, crack (?), miscommunication trope (derogatory), my attempt at perspective shifting and humor, idia slander /lh (idk why I bullied him sm in this chapter lolol)
Word Count: 3602
It's been a week since your last date with Idia and you're starting to believe that he's lost interest in you. However, Idia is insecure from what has happened on said date. Luckily, you're both able to clear each other's misconceptions.
AN: hhhhhh i'm sorry this took so longggg i just knew what I wanted to right but not how to write it, y'know. also i wanted to take a break from writing longer fics since I wrote the last one in the middle of the night (as if i'm not doing that again-)
You lay awake in bed. It's 1 am, the air is cool and the only noises you can hear are the trees shaking outside and Grim's little snores. You should, theoretically, be asleep right now. But your worries keep you up.
It's been about a week since your first, and seemingly last date with Idia Shroud. The boy you've had a crush on for so long. The boy you've been close friends with for even longer. And he hasn't talked to you since. You thought he hated you for that date. Maybe it was because you knew of his anxiety and still made him go outside. Maybe it was because you kicked him too much while playing that arcade game. Maybe it-
Your thoughts are luckily silenced by the bright light coming from your phone. You glance over at the notification. Speak of the devil.
Sans: hey you up?
You were annoyed by how nonchalant he seemed despite trying to avoid you for the past week but your desire to be closer to him was stronger than any resentment you had for the boy.
You: no lol
Sans: oh (╥﹏╥)
Sans: im sorry for waking you
Sans: forgot normies needed their sleep
Sans: ill let you sleep
You: no it's fine. i was just joking
Sans: ಠ︵ಠ
You: so, did you wanna talk about something?
There was silence for a few moments. Maybe he really was mad at you; you would think if the constant flickering of ellipses at the bottom of your screen had anything to say for it.
Sans: just wanted to ask you something (´-﹏-`;)
You: and this couldn't wait until morning??
Sans: yes
Sans: i wanna see you again
Sans: in person
Sans: i miss you
Sans: i really do
Your heart tightened with a multitude of different feelings. On one hand, you were upset because he could've spoken up about this beforehand. On the other hand, you would feel really bad to get mad at him if he was serious. And on a separate hand that swatted the other two away, you just wanted to hold your firey little shut in so bad!
You: you better not be lying y'know!
Sans: im not!!!
You: good, cuz i miss you too dumbass
Sans: (≧▽≦)
Sans: wait dumbass?!?!
If you were mad before, that feeling was swiftly filled with amusement. You tried to keep your laughter in, so as not to wake Grim, who was still peacefully sleeping at the edge of your bed. Feeling mischievous, you decided to tease Idia.
You: so, you wanna see me so bad huh???
Sans: ye?
Sans: if it's about me being distant for the past week, ikik
Sans: id rather talk about it in person though
Sans: i don't wanna talk about it over text and have you not believe me and get a bad end!
Your nerves started to grow again. You two didn't even start dating yet and he wanted to break up?! Hopefully this was just a misunderstanding on your behalf but given how tired and already upset you were before, it was hard to think rotationally.
You: k. how about we meet up tomorrow? or today ig
Sans: SO SOON?!?!
You were confused by his response. Clearly if he wanted you two to stay friends then he'd want to have this conversation earlier than later.
You: yeah, why not??
Sans: alright alright fineee
Sans: just dont come super early
Sans: maybe around 12 or something
You: sure. see you
You hoped your texts didn't come off as too bitter but honestly, you just really didn't want the relationship you two started to end so quickly. With that text, you tried to go back to bed.
Idia: alright
Idia: night
Idia dropped his phone on his desk and plopped his face in his hands. Your texts seemed dryer than usual, you didn't respond back to his good night text telling him he should go to bed as you usually would, and you wanted to see him this soon?! Idia's leg began to bounce as he bit his lip in frustration. He should really clean up his room now. Yeah he would have less time to grind in the newest MMORPG he started playing but it's the price he had to pay for you not to call him a disgusting NEET.
Idia got up from his chair to stretch. His lips positioned themselves into his usual frown as he checked his phone to see if you replied.
.*♡Prefect♡*.: sure. see you
That was the last message you sent to him.
"Of course they're upset at me still" Idia thought to himself, "I mean, I did avoid them for the past couple of days." Since he didn't go to school in person, he spent 90% of his time in his room. Even then, he wouldn't respond to your texts.
.*♡Prefect♡*.: hey! how are you today??
.*♡Prefect♡*.: is everything alright??
.*♡Prefect♡*.: are you upset?
Of course he wasn't upset at you, you miracle given to him by the Great Seven themselves! Why would he be? You're nice to him, your patient, you care about his needs more than he did, you let him kiss you on the cheek-
Idia let out a long, pitiful sigh. He leaned against his desk chair, forehead digging deeper and deeper into the headrest. He wanted to kiss you again. Hell, he would give up almost anything to kiss you properly. But he knew he wouldn't be able to. I mean, yeah you took him out on a date, sure. But why would you, the nicest, sweetest, most precious, and most attractive person be ok with him kissing you, let alone on the lips.
He slowly picked himself up from his chair. I mean, his room isn't going to pick itself up!
"I just really hope they're not mad at me" Idia muttered to himself, "I really do."
Noon came and you found yourself pacing at Idia's door. Unknown to you, Idia was exhausted from cleaning his room all night and loathing all morning. And unknown to Idia, you were fiddling with the hem of your shirt, thinking that Idia wanted to end your relationship seemingly as soon as it started.
You hesitantly knocked on the door. You heard a soft yelp from the other side followed by a couple small crashes.
"H-hold on a second!" You heard Idia yell from the other side. "And don't startle me like that!" A moment later, the door unlocked and Idia peeked through the crack as he normally did.
"Did you really have to knock that loud?" His voice was soft but still had the air of annoyance you were used to. You nodded you head with a stupid smirk on your face, to which the boy rolled his eyes and opened the door for you.
His room was a lot cleaner than it usually was: his bed was neatly made, any wrappers and boxes were either thrown out or neatly put away, and the cords that were usually littered across the floor were tucked away under his PC. You have Idia a dramatic shocked face while looking at his room and back at him.
"Are you sure this is your room?!" you teased, "It's so clean! And I can barely smell the usual burnt hot pocket stench in here!" Idia lightly bonked you on the head for that remark, causing you to dramatically wince in pain.
"I do clean up here every once in a while, you know? You thought I just never cleaned?" Again, you nodded aggressively to his question. Idia sighed at you and plopped down on his bed. You walked up to his bed to do the same before you stopped yourself. The boy pouted as he noticed you standing in front of his bed still and ever-so-gently patted the spot next to him.
"Y-you don't have to ask permission to sit on my bed. I don't… mind." You did as he said and sat down next to him.
The next couple of minutes were met with silence. Occasionally, one of you two would open your mouths to speak only to be met with silence. Before the last couple of weeks, you and Idia would be a lot more relaxed around each other. Time spent in his room would mainly consist of Idia playing games or working at his desk while you would annoy him while sitting on his desk. What you would give to go back to bombard Idia with requests to pay attention to you just to show him a stupid meme or play the vibe boom sound affect to annoy him. It was like you were two different people now.
"So," you finally spoke up, "what'd you wanna talk about in person?" That question was so simple but hit Idia like a truck. He'd been rehearsing how to talk to you about this but fell short at the task at hand. His mind went blank as he stuttered, fiddling with his hands as he grew more uneasy knowing you were looking at him so intently. He took in a sigh.
"I'm really sorry." Idia trembled as he spoke. He brought his knees up to his face, hiding it and any potential tears that might come out.
"For what?" you asked. You hoped it was for him not responding to your messages for the past week but that didn't seem to be the case since he wouldn't necessarily need to apologize to you in person for that.
"For the date. I was really lousy and anxious and a burden, y'know? And I even had the audacity to…" he paused for a second, burying himself deeper into his knees, "kissing you, in the photo booth." Idia wiped any loose tears on his pants and looked at you to see your response. Surprisingly to him, you had the most deadpan face he's ever seen from you.
"Are you deadass?"
"Y-yeah? Did I say something wrong? Was that not a proper apology for you? You want me to grovel at my knees, begging you for my forgiveness and give you all of my possession?" Idia yelped again as he saw how your face looked somehow even more annoyed. He swore he was about to throw up right then and there. You stood up from the bed to stand right in front of him.
"H-hey, what're you-"
Both of your hands held Idia's cheeks as he winced in pain.
"You have to be one of the smartest yet stupidest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting!" You began to smush his face together as he spoke. "I've known you for about a good year now. I've been friends with you for about a good year now. And I've liked you, ROMANTICALLY, for a long while now!"
"R-really?!" Idia looked at you with a dumbstruck expression. You squished his face closer together in response, kneeling down to his eye level.
"Yes, really. And I went on a date with you. I had so much fun that day. Hell, I even kissed you before too and you seemed to enjoy that quite a bit!" Idia grew flustered in your hold. You wondered whether or not he was a robot too, given how much he was seemingly malfunctioning.
"Well- that's because- you know, I-" The more Idia failed to speak the warmer and pinker he became; which was good news for you because you found that shit adorable. You were only teasing him but finding out he really did enjoy your little forehead peck filled your heart by tenfold. But now wasn't the time for gushing over how cute the humanized fireball was. You gently removed your hands from Idia's face and held his hand in yours, placing them on his lap.
"Idia, I'm not upset at you for the date. If anything, I'm more upset that you ignored me for a week since you were probably sulking the whole time." Oof, you hit the nail right on the head.
Idia shrank into himself, feeling even worse about himself. He trembled, trying to hold back his tears. He wasn't considering the fact that you enjoyed spending time with him. He was so used to only Ortho wanting to spend time with him and caring about him. Having a whole human being who wasn't his brother enjoyed his presence so much that they missed the absence of it filled him with overwhelming emotions. Then, you pulled him in for a loose yet gentle embrace, and he cracked.
He brought you in closer, shoving his face in the crook of your shoulder to hide the sniffles and whimpers. You gently rubbed small circles against his back and he trembled more from how hard he was holding back sobbing aggressively into your shoulder.
Idia began to calm down in your touch, but soon got up to wipe his tear-stained face.
"So," you began to speak, causing the boy to jump, "should I leave now?" You didn't want to leave so soon, all you wanted was to hang out with your favorite gamer boy. However, from what he had displayed earlier, you thought it would be best for him to cool off on his own.
"Wait, no!" Idia realized how loud and desperate he sounded. He began to mentally curse himself for that. "I- I mean, if you'd like to leave you can. But I'm also fine with you staying too."
"Alright, then I guess I'm staying for the night then." You thought it would be best to go back to Ramshackle dorm and pick up some stuff if you were going to do so.
"W-wait- what- h-huh?!" Idia rushed towards you in confusion. He had a bunch of questions to ask at once such as "Why are you leaving?", "Why are you staying overnight?", "Do you wanna sleep in my bed? With me in it?" "Am I dreaming???"
"Well, I thought now's a better time than ever to make up for the time you ignored me for the past week. Plus, I have to get stuff from my room like pajamas and snacks." You moved towards him, poking his chest to get his attention. "That is, unless you have some spare clothes you can lend me instead?"
He was gonna start crying again if you kept this up. He's not at a high enough level to unlock your SSR tier costume! He was just hoping that this limited-time event was gonna get a rerun.
"Well then, I'm going back to my dorm now. See you in a bit!"
"See you…" Idia shut his door as you ran back to Ignihyde's dorm mirror. He cursed himself for ever thinking of ignoring you for so long if this is what the consequences would've been.
You came back with a backpack's worth of stuff, in addition to a small bag of snacks and bottled water.
"What's the bag for?" Idia inquired.
"Well, since we're probably gonna be staying in your room for the rest of the day, I thought I might as well get us some food to eat." Idia's eyes widened, realizing the last thing he ate was a half-leftover bag of gummy worms last night before he started cleaning. How he's still alive amazes the both of you.
You set down your backpack at the edge of Idia's bed and the bag of snacks on his desk. You tried to pick snacks that weren't just sweets given Idia's shit diet that seemed to consist mainly of candy and energy drinks. You make a mental note to order something with vegetables for dinner. One snack in particular catches your eye though.
"Hey, Idia" you call out to him. He hums in response, also checking out the snacks in your bag. "Wanna watch a couple movies?" You grab a bag of popcorn chips and shake it at him.
"Sure" he replies, trying hard not to focus too hard on how hungry the popcorn chips make him, "I can boot up a couple on my laptop." Idia went to grab his laptop while you went to make a pillow nest on the floor.
"Do you really have to put all of my stuff on the floor?" Idia complained as you began to add one of his bean bag chairs in the nest.
"Would you rather sit and cuddle on the bed?" Idia flushed at the mix of tease and sincerity in your voice as he shook his head. You chuckled as you continued to work on your nest, making it big enough for the two of you to fit without making it too small so as not to make things too uncomfortable. The two of you plopped in your creation, pulling a blanket over your laps.
"What do you wanna watch?" Idia asked.
"I wanna watch something stupid."
"Huh, why's that?"
"The shittier the movie, the funnier it is to laugh at how much money the producers wasted."
"Fair enough." Idia chuckled as he went looking for a bad movie to watch.
As he was looking, you decided to sneak glances at the boy in question. His hair was put in a high ponytail, likely from when he was cleaning his room last night. His lips were slightly agape and occasionally wetted by his tongue. He was wearing his long-sleeved black and blue undershirt, black sweatpants, and uncharacteristic purple cat print socks. You bit your lip unconsciously; realizing how creepy that would have seemed, you pried your eyes away from him. You felt a slight tap on your shoulder, causing you to jump.
"Is this one ok?" He pointed to the screen, showing the description for a movie called "The Velocipastor". You failed to hold in your laughter reading it, leading Idia to laugh as well and start the movie. Some time passed as the two of you watched the movie while making snarky commentary on it.
"Why did the pimp even kill the main character's parents anyways?" You ask, reaching for another popcorn chip.
"I dunno. Maybe it's because most media protagonists need to have at least one dead parent to add to their tragic backstory. Imagine this movie as a shounen anime lmao." The two of you started laughing hysterically at the thought. You had to rewind just so you wouldn't miss anything.
As you went to grab more of your chips, you realized the bag was empty. Your hand went to grab another snack from your snack bag as your hand brushed Idia's. He was quick to pull his hand away, but placed his hand on the bag after you got your new snack. His golden eyes glanced at your hands every once in a while, you couldn't help but smile at how obvious he was being.
You slowly placed your hand on top of Idia's. His hand was large and slightly cool. It was rough likely due to how much he deals with machinery. His fingernails were visibly chewed on while his knuckles were boney and prominent. You began to rub over his hand with your thumb, causing the boy to let out a soft sigh. He quickly cleared his throat and rewound the movie once again. You looked over at the clearly flustered boy and chuckled at how cute he was being. The noticable pink tips of his fiery hair would be the death of him.
Over the course of the night, the two of you watched four shitty movies, had dinner, and had a bunch of fun. After dinner though, you grew sleepy, having only so much energy left. You would slowly start falling asleep only to jolt yourself awake every couple of minutes. That was until Idia stopped the movie you were currently watching and closed his laptop.
"Why'd you stop the movie?" You tried to wipe as much sleep from your eyes as you could.
"Because you need to go to bed" Idia replied, getting up to put everything away, "A normie like you can't stay up for very long, y'know?" You pouted at his teasing, knowing he wasn't exactly lying. It was getting pretty late and your body was getting heavy from drowsiness. You huffed as you made a makeshift bed on the floor and lied down.
"Good night." You yawned, "Don't let the bed bugs bite."
"Night" Idia muttered, trying to grab a pillow for his bed. As he went to pull the pillow away, your hand grabbed gently at his sleeve, tugging it with just as much strength. His heart tightened from your display. He knew he'd regret it later but he'd have to be a new brand of evil to resist your sleepy charm.
Idia lied down next to you. As he did, he studied your face as he briefly noticed you did to him earlier. Every part of you was perfect to him: your parted lips, you gently fluttering eyelashes, your soft snores. He was so glad to have such a nice CG to go to sleep looking at. He knew he'd have the sweetest dreams from this.
You stirred a bit, causing Idia to turn around away from you, just in case his face creeped you out. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he felt a slight push against his back. Turning slowly as not to disturb you, he found you trying to tuck yourself into his back. He turned back again to face you and pressed his forehead against your temple.
"Sweet dreams."
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lesbesapphic · 2 years
Sooo yea I'm not doing the best right now😣 I'm mostly bedridden, and not cuz I'm tired or lazy I just don't have the mental energy to step out of bed and do anything and it sucks😞 soooo idk i you have time or anything but it'll be cool if you can write maybe a dabble of a reader that just doesn't want anything anymore? I just need some cheering up I don't really mind if it Natasha orrr Wanda from any AU really🥺 (kinda messy ask but eh)
Heyy! I totally understand how you feel. I don't have motivation to do anything either these days. College is killing me. Yet i have to get up every morning for it and next week (Monday) is my birthday, I don't even feel motivated for that.
I hope you feel better soon. If not you can always talk to me. I hope this little drabble of Gold Rush makes you feel better. I wrote it the moment i got back from college instead of taking a nap but it is worth it if you feel better. Take care.
PS- I hope the app thing works out for you. Do try it.
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Gold rush au
Warning - tired reader, fluffy.
You groaned and turned to your side, hiding your face in the pillow when Natasha pulled the curtain back to let the sunlight in. You don't know her obsession with sunlight and waking up early but you assumed it came with age and responsibilities.
Yes you were going to call her old.
You felt someone laying down next to you and from the sweet fragrance, you can tell it was Wanda, freshly out of the shower. You moved closer to her and draped your arm on her only to pull back immediately at the coldness, "What?" Wanda laughed out.
"You are cold." You answered, your voice muffled as you face was buried in the pillow to avoid the bright light. Why did the sun decide to shine so bright?
"Which you should be as well once you decide to shower." Natasha butted in and you head clinking of dishes next to you on the side table, assuming it is the breakfast.
"I dont wanna.." You replied and hummed in content when Wanda started running her fingers through your hair, gently working her way to the ends.
These days you weren't feeling productive at all. Wanda and Natasha both had noticed this, at first they didn't intervene to give you your own space and hoping you would get back on track and just needed someone rest but now things have piled up and you were even more exhausted just by thinking about all this. Wanda nodded slowly at Natasha and watched as Natasha gently helped you up.
You resisted at first then let her had her way knowing they wouldn't let you go without eating your breakfast, "Come on, let's have breakfast." Natasha said as she placed the small foldable table on the bed, placing the plate of pancakes on it as well as Wanda's black coffee, "Thank you." Wanda moved forward when Natasha leaned in to place a kiss on her lips before placing one on your forehead. You couldn't help but give a light smile.
"Not feeling good again?" Natasha asked you as she took a sip of her own coffee, watching as you slowly cut your pancakes before Wanda decided to do the job for you which you were more than grateful for. You just didn't feel like doing anything and there was so much to do.
You nodded slowly at Natasha's question and took a bite of your pancakes, they were amazing, you wanted to tell her this but didn't even feel like talking in that moment. You watched as Wanda and Natasha exchanged a look before Natasha nodded at her.
"Do you want to talk about what's bothering you? Natasha asked and you let out a sigh of frustration at your situation before deciding to speak up, "That's the thing. Nothing was or is bothering me. I just felt too tired to do anything and now everything is piling up and it is making even more tired to think about it.", You answered and could even feel yourself tearing up in frustration.
Wanda sensed the sudden mood change and instantly wrapped her arm around you and you laid your head on her shoulder, slowly sniffling back your tears. You felt pathetic like this. "It's fine, Sugar. It happens. Even Wanda and I had and have these days when we were in college and even now." Natasha spoke up and you nodded listening to her, atleast it reassured you that they understood how you felt. Related to it.
"Wanda even more often than me." Natasha added and you chuckled when Wanda threw a pillow at her head, giving her a fierce look yet playful look.
"Don't listen to your Mommy. She is getting old and with old age comes the forgetfulness." Wanda turned your head toward hers as she started speaking, ignoring Natasha who was giving her a pitiful look. "You know, Natasha had such days so often in college that I used to literally look after her. You know how she gets when she is in her koala mode?" Wanda questioned and you nodded slowly, often seeing Natasha clinging to Wanda or sometimes you.
"Hey! That's not koala mode. I just get tired." Natasha argued and Wanda gave a big smile as she motioned to Natasha when she used the word tired. "See, it happens. It is natural to feel like this."
"Natasha, more coffee, please?" Wanda held out her mug and Natasha shook her head, "After the pillow you thre-" Natasha's eyes comically widen when she saw Wanda picking up another pillow and you only laughed at their antiques.
"Threw at me, I am gonna get you all the coffee in the world, Your highness." Natasha quickly took the mug and did a mocking bow, making even Wanda laugh. "I will be back in a few." Natasha leaned in and kissed your forehead again before leaving. Not before Wanda called for pancakes for herself as well.
"Yeah so where was I?"
"It is natural.." You whispered, your mood sulking down again at the reminder of everything you have to do in the back of your mind. "Yep. You know how i helped Natasha deal with it?" Wanda asked and you understood why she send Natasha away knowing she might not enjoy the conversation that showed her in such light. She always prefer to be the strong one, being there for you.
"How?" You asked, opening your mouth when Wanda fed you pancakes, occasionally eating a bite herself.
"First, we stop thinking about everything we have to do at once and focus on the present." Wanda tapped your forehead before picking up your phone and downloading something.
"Now we make a planner for the day. Do you have any deadlines near?" She asked as she opened the app, you watched her fingers glide over the screen, it distracted you a little before you focused again.
"I have an assignment next week. I have to start making summarised notes for each lecture i attended last week." You started listing the stuff you had to do and Wanda continued to typed in the app. Before holding it out to you once you were done.
"See for today, first thing you have to do is take a shower, then get ready for the day, ask your friends to send you the notes, outline the assignment, summarised one lecture and research on the selected topics of the assignment.." Wanda pointed out and you noticed how she had broke down the tasks into mini check list and you could already feel the mess much more sorted out. The work that you had been dreading seemed much more easier and manageable.
"See you already had breakfast so you can check it out." Wanda held the last bite of pancakes to your lips and you finished it before checking the box, you already felt like you were in control as you finished one of the task. Now you just had to shower and text your friends, and two of the tasks would already be done. You could feel lighter already.
"This is perfect! Thank you so much, Wanda." You moved forward and embraced her in a tight hug which she wholeheartedly returned, rubbing your back, enjoying the warm embrace, "And at any point if it gets overwhelming, you could always use the special feature on this."
"What's that?" You asked pulling back to look at her, the smile still evident on your face.
"Call us." Natasha answered from the doorway and you turned to look at her, smiling when she made her way toward you both, handing Wanda her mug and pancakes. "You can call us any time throughout the day, kitten."
"Thank you so much. Both of you." You kissed both of them on the cheek before getting out of the bed, "Always, Sweetheart." Wanda squeezed your hand before letting go. "Now go shower while I deal with the your highness." Natasha playfully slapped your butt to send you away and you laughed when Wanda's scoffed and whine when Natasha took her pancakes away only to attack her with the pillow.
"Y/N! Save me!" Wanda cried out in surprise and you instantly jumped back on the bed, shower could wait now that you have everything sorted out.
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spaciebabie · 1 year
What's the storyline for your ocs?
nerdy straight A middle school student katherine quin and her pals realize that their government sucks ass and b/c they are impassioned naive youth, entangle themselves in a state of affairs that will stay w/them for the rest of their lives
more under the cut b/c i wrote a lot more than i thought i would kasfjksdfjksfj (i have big feelings abt this story)
i (officially) made the story when i was 14! all the characters are based off me and my experience 2 some extent (especially katherine i mean i made her bi, biracial, gave her a mole, made her like indie games etc). originally the story was going 2 have a happy ending, but as ive grown i have more of an appreciation for....well endings that are not so happy. im thinking i change it. it would make sense w/what happens in it anyway (the story of revolution is not as happy and triumphant as 11 year old me imagined when i first acted this out w/my brother. honestly like ive changed the story entirely 2 be my own but i still gotta thank my bro cuz the orig storyline that inspired it when we played legos 2gether was a conjoined effort and i borrowed many of the characters)! as im drafting it now, the story is not particularly happy lol
the story tells a sort of generational loop that katherine goes thru? if that makes sense? i wont go too much in depth b/c spoilers but its a story of history repeating itself again and again and the endless loops pain and suffering cause and how people are scared/too comfortable/too angry to change the cycle. i think that katherine being a history nerd in the midst of watching history unfold again before her very eyes grants her a certain point of view other characters dont have (except a few who have lived experiences). although this awareness will come later in the story when she's older
it will also touch on something young folks feel 2day where ppl frequently ask, "why is this happening today? havent we progressed?" and katherine will ponder that herself (although the situations that happen in the story are strictly to the story ajsfsjfd i cant talk abt and link real life tragedies it would be too much for me). and i think that as she gets older in the story and gains knowledge and wisdom from what she goes thru, she'll hafta bear this horrifying knowledge that the sands of time dont just erode the past, but the present and future as well.
i was not expecting 2 write this much KJSFKJSDJFKSJDF
anyway! i care this story a lot. its like my childhood and has grown with me as ive aged. im really compelled to make it the best it can be and i get a lot of imposter syndrome b/c i know the ideas i have and the story itself as a whole is good, but im worried my execution will fall flat. idk its kept me from moving forward w/it or talking abt it for years.
tldr; two can basically be summed up by this image:
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are things going 2 get better? can they get better? questions i think about as i write and think thru this story.
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jellyaibo · 1 year
ok wow its been a hot minute since i posted abt any of my dreams, mostly cuz they are either . too short so i cant rlly remember them orrr just nightmares i dont wanna talk about LMAO but dw i have a funny dream:
so i shouldve wrote this the second i woke up cuz now i dont remember EVERYTHING but uhmmmm ahah im cool . anyways in this dream i was watching a new tpot episode? or a tpot short i dont exactly remember but i think it was the latter cuz it really only focused on winner & losers backstory.
it starts off with clock talking to winner while everyones in the middle of a challenge and winner seems a little miffed by it because clock keeps asking them kinda personal questions? with one of them being "why did you leave the spotlight?" their answer to this was kinda funny, they went "you really wanna know why?" and immediately started immitating the sounds/speech of paparazzi that theyd be swarmed by. i dont really remember what they said here but i swear it was some shit like "hey hey [immitating camera click sounds] winner winner hows the 1 1 1 2 2 7 7 3? [click] [click] .how do you feel about the the [click] [click]" and. other things like that idk. this made them start giggling and clock joined in too, then once winner stopped giggling they got a little more serious and started to actually explain their…backstory with loser which went like this:
cue the wobbly transition w that one harp sound and theres a flashback to winner and loser as kids? they look much smaller and their colors are more pastel-ish than before, they were both wearing stupid little boy scout outfits and i think they were in some kind of a summer camp together? and i think thats how they met for the first time?? then theres this shot of them playing while their parents are in the background, which fucking freaked me out cuz they did NOT look like their parents bro (at least the parents me and CD designed obvs) OH and also there was only. one parent for each (which is fitting for winner . sad ! but not loser!) and they did nothing but just stand there while the two were playing it was so freaky . BUT also really fucking funny look
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they pretty much just looked like that AHAH (and after this part they just. never appeared again btw)
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also i decided to . draw their parents for comparison SJKDHFSJDKHF also cuz its been a while since ive drawn them :3
anyways after this part i think theres a timeskip in the flashback? but this is where things start getting foggy for me, so im not sure but i know this is when winner starts actually talking about their breakup so yeha . that is all
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hyunjinspark · 6 months
I DONT KNOW WHERE TO START this chapter wow wow My baby yn doesn’t deserve this 😭 but i totally get how she feels heartbreaks are shitty and moving on is shittier especially if it’s from a relationship that never happened cuz the “why not me ? what if? “ hurts so much also when yn was telling minnie and jamie about the situation with hyunjin …it really made him look like an asshole i had to stop and think about it for a second. hyunjin is a real asshole here. KAIRI AND YN being friends made me sooo happy and it helped yn be a bit more happy i loved that for her!! i love jeongin appearance in this chapter he’s so sweet
About nate tho … i love him and his character he’s been a great friend but idk kinda have this feeling that he’ll end up liking liking yn . i dont blame him tho my girl is the best . Ugh but hyunjin in this chapter made me so madddddd like broo wtf?? he’s acting like nothing happened and somewhat detached it made me a bit angry . He deserved seeing yn kissing another guy cuz honestly he fucked up royally with that conv in the storage room also him asking “is that your new boyfriend” jealousy 🤭i loved when yn was angry and they were fighting like yesss go girl be mad at him he deserves it. When chan told yn “if you ever been in love “ and she moved in front of hyunjin my heart hurt a bit yn is going through too much and he’s just so nonchalant.I’m happy for chan and kairi but at the same time sad for my girl because here chan is fighting for kairi even after their breakup but hyunjin didn’t even entertain the idea of a relationship with her she really deserves more . tbh i need a hyun pov on all of this 😭 . i need to see his thought process cuz all his decisions ever since he went back to seoul had me like “what?” “wtf” . i understand now when you said that the chapter mirrors the one at the cabin when hyun was checking yn for injury in chap 8 i was all butterflies but this chapter i was mad but with butterflies ofc 😭 Also hyun with glasses and driving 😵😵😵 putting hyun and yn in a confined space is dangerous but idk about this time since kairi and chan are with them .But honestly i don’t get hyunjin like dude you obviously like her and she does too it wouldn’t hurt to be more positive about the situation . i want yn to ignore and make him feel bad or even cry ( my heart will not handle it ) but at the same time i want then to have a heart to heart conversation and for hyunjin to open up . i miss hyunyn being in love without all this angst . yn looking at the city lights and wondering if he thinks about her…(i wonder that too) when he reminded her of the night at the château…..hah good times
i’m actually writing this at 4 am so idk if what i wrote made any sense i have to be out in 2 hours and i haven’t slept yet i don’t think i will slwy got me too excited.
AH im sorry for getting back to this after so long, but you’re so right because when yn recounts the situation to her friends with no context, hyunjin does seem like an absolute asshole 😭
i knowww. a hyun pov will definitely clear up all of questions, he certainly can be frustrating in that chapter. you want yn to make him cry? 😭💔
a heart to heart conversation is needed :( and dont worry you made complete sense haha i loved reading that !
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1d1195 · 9 months
For the zipper self sabotage: What if the conflict is someone bringing up how Harry used to treat her and asking the y/n to sort of defend her choice and it just sorta spins out of control before it lands safely. Cuz you’re right she’s very strong and maybe she doesn’t answer the person that brought it up; but maybe she’s having to reflect. Tbh idk if I’d be happy if my friend dated someone that used to be horrible to her. So why would I accept for me? This is dumb but if there’s something here.
Ohhh thank you so much you have inspired the story idea!!!! 😍😍😍 I was STRESSING™️ I owe you a million thanks 💕
I SO understand what you are saying. I feel like I have to defend them because I love them so much (i don’t want you to think I feel attacked, because I dont, lol so hopefully you didn’t want to otherwise I’d feel bad…I’m rambling here) BUT you are SO right!!!!! she is a queen and Harry was the worst but I think part of what I hoped would come across—but didn’t completely in some cases—was that Harry wasn’t all THAT bad it was a little ✨dramatized✨ for the plot. But unfortunately, I think a good chunk of his inner monologue that I wrote is very self loathing and came off worse than it seemed (not that she should have accepted any BS from him anyway)
But I totally get where you’re coming from (and so does Zipper Harry!). He believes anything less than WORSHIPPING her is a sin/assault toward her. I also think I would be pissed at my friend for accepting all his misgivings.
This is NOT dumb. I LOVE to talk about my Zipper couple. They might be my favorite-favorite I’ve written about and I feel like I could hold a seminar about them—like a college class discussion hahaha. I am so appreciative of your message and really really enjoy all your thoughts!
Thank you for reading and sending a message!
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boyvidae · 1 year
thoughts on my favourite episodes of the magnus archives
34 Anatomy class
this one is just so fun. the statement giver is fantastic, i love his inflection. and the fact that the students are like, 80s/90s cartoon multicultural, all with placeholder names. i think it has the best balance of hilarity and horror out of the whole show.
54 Still Life
i partially like this one because 1. taxidermy and 2. the premise is already really funny because yes taxidermy *is* just that expensive. but i also love the statement giver, he's constantly like "that was weird, but i try not to judge". i like in the supplemental when jon breaks into the apartment, that mental image is very funny to me.
58 Trail Rations
i love the pov on this one, i like how much the woman loves her stupid, marriage of convenience husband. it's a creepy one too. especially because that shit really happened on the oregon trail.
i like the supplemental because it's just tim complaining about how paranoid jon is and how he's stalking them and jon being like "i cant believe he thinks im paranoid, im going to do more stalking to prove him wrong"
64 Burial Rites
i like the pov, how she is very cynical of her work but still obviously passionate. a very creepy one too. i love her concluding thoughts about what the egyptians would think of something that couldn't die.
65 Binary
this one is just. so good. i dont have much to say. so creepy and awful. as someone who dredged a lot of the internet back when it was still relatively wild and i was way too young, this kind of thing stirs an ancient fear in me LOL.
this is when tim starts to be basically only angry, i miss sweet tim a lot :[ i get why of course, just makes me sad.
85 Upon the stair
another good creepy one. i love how it's written "and the man was not standing there and he did not ask me" etc etc. very dream-like.
110 Creature Feature
cant out into words exactly why i like this one, but it's really fun. i've had friends just like the director in this story so very relatable i suppose. plus the statement giver is trans.
112 Thrill of the chase
BASIRA READS IT. ahem. i love this one because i love the tongue in cheekness of it wrt true crime. but also just the tone. it's so light and fun and they are all enjoying chasing and killing each other.
116 The show must go on
i was incensed by this one even the first time i heard it. i love how they wrote the unknowing. it's so poetic and fits perfectly and gets just the right imagery in my head. and i love all the imagery of the horrible robots imitating life.
119 stranger and stranger
similar to the one above. the unknowing is just super fun. but i love daisy going feral mode and killing breekon, the voice acting is so good. and basira just being like "well. im still here so im just gonna keep moving and eventually i'll get out." queen you are SOOO normal. and tim gets a great final line, good for him, keep thotting it up in heaven king!!!!
150 cul-de-sac
nothing to say except i despise suburbia and i love when people make it horror
162 a cosy cabin
of course i like interactions with gerard and gertrude, and john and martin, but i just adore the recording of sasha and tim... makes me want to PUKE.. she said "im unforgettable" SOBS
166 the worms
i like this one cuz it's very gross and evocative and heavy. i love when the worms/people fight in the dirt and it's described as like, being unable to tell the difference between worm and dirt and blood. just good fun.
170 Recollection
OBVIOUSLY I LOVE THIS ONE. just 20 minutes of martin repeating himself and it does not get old it only gets better. it's SO. GOOD. like. top 3 episode for me. but you need all the prior context to enjoy it so idk if it can be #1. in my heart tho.
171 The Gardener
this one is. so. GROSS. i love it. the soundscape is intense and vivid. homophobic eldritch entity just tops it off. obviously cuts deep for anyone with self image issues. love how jon thinks its beautiful but then seems to realize himself by the end.
183 Monument
i like the weird rat imagery in this one. the self-importance of the individuals, how they are trapped trying to logic themselves out of the situstion they are in, each believing themselves to be correct. very good.
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imnotreal-png · 2 months
>:( -- Entri 4
im not a writer. like im not creative or mysterious with it. it's kinda aids bc then i feel like a try hard when i write my lyrics.
I doubt anyone who listens to my music even pays attention to my lyrics, judging from their other music choices,,,,,but its not for them
i can barely upload a song if im not happy with the lyrics. if i think they sound dumb even in the slightest way, it doesnt matter how long ive worked on the mix and master, its get vaulted forever. i just cant do it
even tho i wud like to be alot better with my creative writing, im glad i can still be content with all the songs i have uploaded. i am happy with them. i can only grow from it anyways, so why complain.
with time
some of my songs are stories ive made up. some are stories that represent actual experiences or points in my life but in a story telling way (???) idk i dont wanna write too much about me and my misery bc i dont want people to be under the impression that im miserable cuz i dont like people knowing those things >:( so i try to write abt shit in a very monotone way or in the pov of the narrator. but i also wrote a song in the pov of an incel so they'll nvr know whats real >:)
its a rainy day 2day.
i failed my ethnic studies exam. i knew i didnt do good but i rlly didnt think i did THAT bad. i was confused bc like 6 of the questions were abt systemic,industrial, and structural racism, which i thought were relatively the same thing..? apparently NOT. I couldnt even understand what the rest of the questions were asking me. my professor knows im not dumb, im like the biggest yapper in that class. i b knowing shit but wtf were those dumbass questions? what the flip, man?
i b eating boiled eggs like a snack lol. so yum. i wonder if they have protein...gnna google
ok they do. cool cuz i def dont eat enuf meat lol so this makes up for the loss of protein. i eat like 3 eggs a day and its only getting higher
devouring these chocolates that my frend bought me from London. european chocolate is always soo much better.
bruh its almost 5pm and my sister still asleep. cringe.
ttyl ~
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kingmojomonkey · 6 months
Personal rant ignore (Dec 2023 part 2)
after a week the texts has stopped as i predicted im both glad/relieved as i knew it was stupid but also a teeny bit disappointed, but now at least i know that there is people i can be attracted to and want to talk to, that may actually like me back idk but its something at least...though they couldve at least liked the last message that is what i would do lol i might mute their insta stories for a few days just so i dont feel a type of way but also I'll put of a pic on mine hopefully looking alright haha but thats petty as shit and feeds into me wanting them to text when i know its dumb territory
Update 15 dec 2023, 5 days after the start of this post....so the texting didnt stop nor did i post something up, they had text me in like nearly 24hrs when i wrote this but at the weekend at 12.15am my time so 1.15am for them they text me, when clear they were out out/drinking it was an innocent text but i could tell they were out because of the spelling (i know they cant speak english good but it was different to their other texts and the time made me put 2 and 2 together) even though i was awake i didnt text back at that time haha that seemed like an even worse idea then the two of us texting normally does...i was suprised when it was deleted the next day and weve been continuing are texts since then its basically had only been one response to each per day and incredibly innocent and they had been sending some as voice notes as they said it was easier to speak then spell for them in english and hearing them say my name in the way that nonirish or british do (they say it as knee-cole rather than nih-cole) was a feeling haha....but yeah it had been incredibly innocent nothing i would be worried with cuz hey in my head maybe they couldve been just like nicole was a cool person that i met id like to keep in touch with them, because like i said its been incredibly innocent texts helped by only one message and a short one at that too...but today they implied slight more than you are just an interesting person as they added a 😙 to the end of their text (never one to flirt i had sent my normal 😊😅 alongside my replies to the text) as for their reply...they stupidly asked me about work even though i said im currently out of work because i dont start my new job until late january...and their reply was smooth and scary for me "ah that's good then that means we can text more 😏" with a fucking smirk emoji!!! like shit so it isnt all innocent which im still 50/50 because again were both dumb for texting each other diff countries diff languages etc etc, but know they know i dont work so i dont realistically have an excuse not to text them back for like 16hours which is shit haha but also like damn? and I cant really talk about this to anyone because it is all still fairly innocent and been going on for less than 2 weeks so i cant say it to my friend (the one who introduced us) as it is to early to mention when they could just stop talking to me tomorrow and as for my other friend shell think im stupid for responding hahahah
update 16 dec 2023
so I did reply and to my reply they said they were in work and theyd reply later which is fine especially knowing that i dont work rn, but a funny thing happened the slight flirtier text was that we could text more and they put the kissy emoji to the next evolution 😘 which dear god why i never know what to do but i liked it through the notifications bar, and the later on my walk checked that it sent and it did, but later in the evening when i very much knew theyd be off work especially because their timezone is an hour ahead i went to check my messages and it came up that i never opened their text the stupid like didnt send or unsent or something idk but that was funny and stupid for me and we text back and forth for a bit again very innocent...but they again was out with their friends and its clear that theyre someone who goes out or drinks at least every weekend, which shouldnt be suprisisng as thats how i met them, but it calls the stupidity of our interactions into question what if they get drunk and tell their friends they are still texting the girl from the drunken make out who lives in a different country and doesnt speak their language and that makes them realise were being stupid or if they drunk text me something big dumb or more realistically they meet someone else which is the most likely option and ill understand they wouldnt even have to warrant me a text they dont owe me anything that way, we literally made out once, but it will still disappoint me,....however as they have been getting brave again with their texts how am i meant to flirt and dear god if we make it to a sexting stage on what instagram that would be so fucking weird and also to what point unless they decide to do a trip to dublin (not staying with me) or gran can or some shit nothings ever going to happen...but this is just my stupid over thinking in question they could decide tomorrow to stop texting me or more realistically monday because theyll probs be out drinking again tomorrow, its only been like 12 days for all i know im just theyre manic pixie dreamgirl that blew in from a different country and had a slight interest in them and gave them more confidence then they generally do apparently (my friend and the other girl that knew them was suprised that they went in for a kiss and a long one at that) and when the idea of me goes so will the texting idk everrytime is dumb and i also like the idea and the possibility of them but is the fact that they are unattainable realistically the draw? idek lol
Update 17 dec 2023
So they were out last night, they had sent me a love heart at end of last text, but i was pretending to go out too so the text had just said speak to you tomorrow followed by ooh have fun too with the heart, which i just liked because that doesnt warrant a reply because all i could of said was okay or thanks...and they haven't text me all day, maybe the copped on that i have sent a kissy emoji or genuine heart emoji back or maybe they just realised the whole situation is dumb i dunno but either that was a last text or theyll text me in a day or too i just know i cant be the one to text again today, the ball is in their court because i know for the next month at least that im not going to see/make out with anyone -unless i go out to either of my uni friends but they both have partners so its not like we'd be going clubbing lol so chances of that are slim- so idm texting harmlessly and getting to know them and a bit of flirting but they are going to be the one who will have to either ignore my existence or straight out say something either like we'll see where this takes us or this is dumb lol.....its been a few hours after i wrote this last piece and it is very much clear to me that i want them to text and that scares me...because do i like them or do i just like the attention i have gone from at least 4 non family people (in ibiza i was surrounded by other roughly my age or in same experience and in college i was too) now it is only my mam and sisters, so is it the attention of someone who is not a family that i like or do i like them? and like clearly i like them enough that i gave them my insta and made out and danced with them that night when i had another option that night (a friend of theirs who tried too too hard) and to be honest they do seem like a genuine person their job is okay, they spend time with friends and family and theyre really sweet.....and this is a problem for me because i have caught the slightest of feelings for them or even just to see where this goes which could literally be already done by now if they dont reply until tomorrow because idk and yes i could easily text them and just be like hey how was your day but its 21.37 there now and i know they do be up early early like 6am so it would be late for them if i text now and also if they did meet someone last night i dont want to pop up as a notification ugh i shouldve text earlier but now its too late idk idk idk idk why am i so awkward
Update 18 Dec 2023
I kinda gave myself panic attack over the situation...because in my head i was like oh if they text me in the morning before they go to work its fine but they didnt and then i was also thinking maybe because i just liked their last message maybe they thought i wasnt interested and that was panicking me (when in reality it is more than likely because they realised its dumb that we text) so idk...but i left them a text there just hey how are you how was your weekend and a smiley face if they dont reply in 2 days i know its over (and id go in and delete my message lol) and they judt reply with good and no extension message I'll know and I'll try to fizzle it out like i was initally...it just fucks me up more because they had got a bit more flirty in the last couple of days if they hadnt i wouldve been fine leaving it the way it was idk but i feel like a dumb bitch for getting anxiety over it...update from many hours later, they did reply (though had i not text I'll never know if they weren't going to) and it was nice...then they later asked me for my actual phone number for whatsapp because it's somehow easier there idk idk what change having them on whatsapp will be but it who knows....however whatsapp in general scares me because i always feel so close to accidently writing or ringing the wrong person
Update 21 Dec 2023
So they added me on whatsapp and the texts continued they have been sending some kissy emojis and hearts and shit, though the conversations has been still very innocent...they sent a photo of themselves (and their mother technically haha) and though their head is probably the length of my torso because they are super tall they are still cute, which meant i was suppose to text them back a pic and i stupidly forgot to put it on the once off picture thing which sucks so it means they just straight up has my pic now but its an alright one im literally outside with my jacket hood pulled up and shit jaha....but they text me something brave and i dunno how to feel about it lol, like i get their idea because why would we bother to text if not to eventually meet up, basically they figured out I'm free until the end of jan and said they might potentially come to dublin....scary thought but exciting nonetheless...if they did come though, they must get a hotel cuz they cant stay with me and i would prefer if they came with a friend so there wouldnt be an immense pressure on me because we dont really speak the same language so of they came with a friend they can still do things together and then maybe we could meet up and if they did decide to come desr god let it only be for like 1 night 2 max because again so much pressure...but also if someone who i only made out with once and just very innocently text since flies to my country in the hope of going on a date/fucking me how would my ego ever recover lol...when they said about possibly coming to dublin i just replied with ooo that would be nice, as thats not a yeah totally book it in or its not a ew why would you do that its potentially like a maybe...but i was also talking to my friend and i do need to make it clear that im going to gran can and i wont be able to easily hop back and forth to amsterdam like maybe when im in mallorca it would be easier but who knows lol its crazy and i feel like i need to text the friend whos in amsterdam for more advice lol but shes going to think im so fucking dumb for texting them but she is also the most romantic out of us all so i think she would be the most like aw no way but i need to make sure she is in ibiza when i text haha so she cant spread it to her friends and it gets back to them that ive been talking about them....also theres the possibility that it won't happen and the possibility that between now and new years even that they'll meet somebody else and all will be done so idk whether its worth it to tell her ill wait until the 27th of dec to tell her thats 6 days I'll see what happens there....and also the weird thing about the texting is weve never been like oh i like you or your cute or hot or whatever and they had been sending the emojis and i was just sending back smileys but when they said goodnight after the dublin thing i sent back a love heart for the first and i havent got a reply but f them i replied first the other time they can text if they want to if not fine
Update 22 Dec 2023
so they still havent replied since i did the love heart with the goodnight and tonight is friday so theyll be defo going out so I'm probably not going to get a text again i think that was it lol but im going to post a pic to my insta later and one of the field on whatsapp to get them to maybe see it lol...in a very insecure insecure way im thinking why when i finally send them back a heart after them sending it to me and me just doing smileys have they not text the insecurity in me is thinking were they only texting to see how long or what would make me send something back or express emotion i know that a shitty insecure way to think but it is where im at right now like even if they had replied at all yesterday or today it wouldve been better i wish i didnt put the heart at the end of it because it came up seen and all so they clicked onto it....well at around 9 ill post a picture on insta so theyll see it and i wonder if then ill get a text lol.....they viewed my story so like why not just text me, i know i said it would be okay if they stopped and it would but like not on a vulnerableish text if even if it was just a hear emoji lol...and more so like why did they get me on whatsapp, why didnt they just leave it with insta, they text for a couple of days and brave texts too on whatsapp for what reason? at least had it of just been insta you could just let if fizzle out like but why oh why....and the annoying thing is i do really want them to text but i really cant be the one to text back this time i also have been on my period for this journey which also isnt helping so i dont know how much my emotion is my own or just dumb hormones but still ghosting after them last few messages wtf
Update 24 Dec 2023
So it's been 4 days since the last text so I think thats that, shit that the end was at xmas and I also was on my period so i was feeling the hormones hard, but i really don't see them texting again and i am not going to as my 'goodnight 💕' was the last text so it really is on them, and i know 4 days isn't really a long time but when it had been a text or half text everyday it does seem like a lot...and unless i get a text tomorrow or the 26 saying sorry i was busy or just merry xmas how are you i will make no attempt to text them back....but again why ghost after getting flirty mentioning dublin and finally get the heart off me why dip then? dip when it was just how are you good what about you dip at boring times not when things are getting flirty but whatever i have know since the start that it was dumb dumb...but i am self aware enough that i know ill probably panic write about this over the next week lol
Update 25 Dec 2023
will i be desperate and send them a merry christmas even though they never text? it is such a desperate plea for a text and they could ignore it or worse like it its just going 10pm there will i chicken out out is it way to desperate will i leave until 10.30 here so its 11.30 there so it will seem like a drunk text who knows not me will update later....desperate me left a merry christmas 😊 text ew i hate myself for it lol
Update 28 Dec 2023
They did reply and weve been texting a bit again just really about xmas and families stuff like that...I can tell that they too, are insecure, from two separate mesage interactions one was the sent a picture off the table of an afters party and then basically sent an oh shit that on the table wasnt from me (a bag of weed was what they were implying, but everyone in my fam smokes it and they're from amsterdam and it was only weed and alchol on the table lol) which i thought was funny because like why send the pic apart from to show off that they were out lol but when i said i didnt care they were oh i was worried when i realised what was in the photo (i think nah i think they wanted my opinion on weed lol) the 2nd insecure thing was when we were talking about family i asked them was there family big and they responded but they are a multiple small texts texters whereas im paragraph texter but if you join the small texts it basically makes one paragraph text lol and yes my response to what they were saying was a bit dry but i was responding hours later and it was more of a statement that they had sent rather than something i could yes and, and then a good while later they replied, and i paraphrase, "four messages one story a little too enthusiastic 😅" initially i thought it was a dig at my response and like it is kinda because it implies that while they feel like they overshared it didnt seem like i was interested or something idk but it shows that they were insecure enough about their interest in texting me that they text me that if that makes sense? While i am not one to be puffing up someones ego i did text them back that it was realisticaly 2 sentences and they were responding to something i had asked (i didnt add this part but it wasnt like they randomly volunteered the info) but thats the end of the insecurity shit....so yeah weve been texting again id say only because i started up the texting again and theyve sent like a hi with a heart and a goodnight with like a smiley or like kissy emoji but again tonight when they sent goodnight with the kissy emoji i only replied with the blushy smiley because after i sent the heart the last time i got ghosted lol so we'll see im not going to start the texts tomorrow so well see if they do who knows (while it seems desperate i am not going to say i wont text them im giving myself until new years eve to be desperate and text lol i needed something to do in this time void until then lol)
Update 30 Dec 2023
The texting continued bla blah blah but theyve asked me to facetime tomorrow which fucking scares me! Im awkward enough in texts/in person but video call is even worse? and how the fuck am i meant to look good and not worry and it is also nye tomorrow and how will i not be overheard if theyre getting ready to go out? or worse again if im minding my nephew i cant exactly sneak away for a facetime (also i dont have facetime so itll have to be on whatsapp) dear god this is awkward!!......this is from 4pm the following day - i replied to them pretty late but still replied, i had said "yeah sure" to the facetime and then they had they had been with there friends so i just said "cool, i was watching a movie with my sisters" which would also explain the longer wait time in replying...they 'seen' the message just before 9am this morning and just never replied lol, which again like the time with the hearts is annoying because why ghost after you get me to reply the way you wanted me too? i never suggested facetime (it literally never even crossed my mind as an option lol) so like were they drunk when they text it yesterday and realised this morning and chickened out idk idk but still it would be easy to ignore the facetime part and still text...but in anyways i had sent the reply and they havent responded and it wasnt even a goodnight or have fun that didnt respond to so its not like a hey new day text so its a bit more awkard.....
Update 31 Dec 2023 NYE
okay so out of no where no where no pretext which is so strange like bro we havent done a videocall before you can't just randomly ring after not texting and never calling before...i did have make on and my hair done but i was in my pjs haha i never locked my phone sceeen as fast hahaha...ovo i didnt answer i waited 15mins and said oh sorry i didn't see it i was having some food and they were like oh whoops or some shit and i said if you give me 5 mins i could and they said they were at a friends? what in 15 mins bahaha but i said maybe another time then because i dont want our first call to be infront of their friends like wtf and they said the same but now theyre like oh ill text you if theres a right moment like okay? idk....they calls randomly again i answer, and theyre saying theyre nervous etc but they are saying this as fireworks are going off in the background and as theyre walking and i cant hear shit because its all crackling and all and then theyre trying to say about their english and im just nodding being like its okay etc meanwhile i cant hear shit hahaha they said theyll ring me at 12 which is grand for me cuz thats 11 hahaha unless they call at 12 my time then thats a bit more awkward...no ring thankfully as things got fucked up at up at home at that point but they did text later but again they were drunk i also didnt reply until like 4 today as i was babysitting and just really tired haha but they replied, i sent back a quick reply to which they seen but never replied so as the saying goes idk if that was it lol...also i almost told the girl who introduced that we still text but everytime they dont reply im like this is why i havent bothered hahaha because i dont want to make it a big deal but when she returns to amsterdam she could bump into them plus if she happens to go out to the same group the group all know as they sent me random pics of the group or with people from the group in the background so they have more than likely mentioned theyre still texting the short irish girl, so i would feel weirder if she found out not by me but i also dont want to text her in case she makes it into a thing or worse talks to them about it lol but idk im leaving my own country in less than a month so idek what im doing in anyways....i still want them to text though lol why is everytime i say something about the situation to one of my friends they then proceed to ghost....and i had said id allow myself to be stupid until new years eve but idk i can be the one to text again like will thie happen each time theyre drunk idk
Update 3 Jan 2024
The text from new years day has still gone unreplied so i think ive been ghosted (they currently have a story up on their insta but i havent clicked it yet) so it kinda sucks that ive been ghosted i did like texting them and it had been texting albeit short mostly innocent texts for a month, but it sucks that the ghosting came after the like video call and shit do they only have confidence to text when drunk idk....but my friend that introduced us i had to tell because she returned home and she does go out with the them and their friends and they had been sending me pics with such friends in the photos so they probably knew that they were texting me, so i didnt want my friend to go out and them mention something and her not know...i made her promise not to tell i spoke of it tho..but it sucks i had to tell her at the same time of ghosting lol....they had put up a story a random ass one i wonder whether it was to see if i see it but then again theyre the one leaving me on read so idk but then i put on my winter insta ?carrousel? can't spell the word, and they liked it! brooooooo why i get that it could just be im strangely friends with this girl ill give it a like but brroooooooo dont leave me on read then like my post! i do like that they liked it tho!....and ive been in some sorta 'mood' that i havent been in for months so i wish they were in my city and obviously talking to me lol...and also they were so sweet and shit i am a dumb dumb dumbbbbb bitch i shouldve never replied more the day i came back to ireland lol i knew i was being a thick but ah well.... and depending how other things go in the morning i might text them
Update 17 Jan 2024
so it has been a while since i last updated...i did indeed text them that time, im kinda glad i did because we are still texting now...
and we did a like 15/20min video a week or so ago and it was really nice tbh like dont get me wrong it was very basic but i could feel that i was smiling the whole time or trying to hold the smiles in and it wasnt like they were saying anything to particular make me smile i think (puke emoji) it was just there presence?
i also definitley think their mam knows about me, i know the friends do already because they would send me pics with them...but the mam thing yeah, when the vid call started the mam started saying something in dutch to them and they were speaking back and they turn to me and was just like oh she is going to bed now and the mam shouted to the phone in english goodnight which means it was directed for me...but to be fair it is just them and their mam and they were going to be doing a call in a language that is native to them with a person of a different gender and if it was a friend they ovo couldve just spoken dutch to them so i get they mightve had to explain but still haha...
in the call i made it clear as well that my job will be in gran can (i didnt say for how long) but to be fair it is still in europe and the summer placement will be europe too i get gran can is further than ireland but like either way wed have to get on a plane to see each other so idk man
but yeah were still texting and its been cute i had a awkward one with a pic that i forgot to set to one time view...i make sure that i only would send pics id feel comfy with being on my story but the one i sent them was slightly a bit more booby lol
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scrmngtts · 9 months
How do i even begins.. please memory show me what happened last week.
i guess ill start on saturday. so saturday we had a bit of a fight?? not really a fight but a lil conflict. I didnt go to the gym and he didnt like it because he didnt like me skipping and tbh ive been flaky on going to the gym on my own and he didnt like that, and he was very frustrated on me and im just like.. im sorry i cant. and he kept pushing to go even late at night and im like.. i dont like going at night. we didnt really end it well cuz i had to go cuz i was going somewhere and last words i heard over the phone was
"i dont really wanna talk to you right now"
and tbh that made me really.. sad. i know i disappointed him but i cant do anything about it now. it is what it is and i had to be somewhere and i cant prioritize him at that moment. so i wrote him a message saying blah blah and all these conversations are just by text. i did say sorry but it was just thru text.
then we kinda left it off there and then we kinda fix it closer in the afternoon. but i know in myself i wasnt satisfied on what happened and how i didnt give him a proper apology. good thing he was still awake! so i messaged him i asked if i can call him, he was hesitant at first so im like.. please itll be quick.
Then i called him and i told him i wanted to apologize properly not just a half ass apology and i still remmeber his smile.. he did say thank you and he appreciate me doing that.. he said smtg along the lines like "i have a good feeling about you" idk what he meant but it wasnt easy apologizing to him but im glad that he appreciates it he also said "wow, for u to have that initiative is smtg else". im really glad i did that. well i know that i made a mistake and i should apologized.
okay but whatever so that was saturday actually! damn i am tired now to go over sunday.. but whatever
so sunday morning i go gym to make him happy.. ugh then i went to his place didnt really do much just ate breakfast and thats about it and we did the did and we chilled for a bit, we were supposed to go center island and have a small picnic but i got really tired and i didnt really feel like going anymore. we just went to the harbour and sit there for a bit it was nice. i remember wishing for someone to be with me while looking at the harbour and it came true. :> i am really happy to be by his side to experience his company. that lead me to thinking that i need to make a list on why i like him.
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sunookkii · 3 years
hey i know request are closed but this idea just got stuck in my mind and i wanted you to write sum about it if you like it 😭 so basically its an enha reaction/scenario ? where they forget your birthday, (maybe not in a bad way but i dont mind if its angst) hope ur good btw !! <3
a/n : OMG WAIT SRY TO ALL THE OTHER REQUESTS BUT THIS ONE FOR SUM REASON REALLY STUCK OUT TO ME i hope you enjoyyy ;) also I wrote so much I’m so sorry- [not really read proof~]
Also i am well ty for asking >.<
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.enhypen imagine ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Enhypen forgetting your bday~
Genre : angsty ish
Warnings : mentions of food, crying, one swear word??
Requested : yes ty beautiful person ;)
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Heeseung :
Okay okay so its your birthdayyy and you were really excited for what to happen because you wanted to see what kind of surprise your boyfriend did for your birthday
But to your luck he forgot :(
So you spent all day giving him hints like ‘what day is it’ and at one point you gave up and started pouting really hard
And your face was just overall sad everyone else had remembered your birthday including the members, but for your boyfriend to forget it lowkey hurt
Almost half the day passed and he still didn’t remember
So you ended up going into the room by yourself and started to cry
Your whimpers got louder and louder even though you were trying your best to stay quiet so he doesn’t hear
A few minutes past by and heeseung started looking for you because he sensed something was wrong.
He looked on the calendar really really carefully and FINALLY he came to his realization that it was your birthday but it was kinda too late cuz you hid yourself in your room to cry.
He came into your room to wish you a happy birthday but he sees you curled up into a ball crying to yourself
He hugs you so tight as if your life depended on it, won’t leave you out of his sight for the rest of the day. You’ll be hearing a lot of hbds and ilys for the rest of the day~
^ so yeah 🤕
Jay :
I feel like it’s rare that he forgets these type of dates buut for the sake of tumblr lets pretend he completely forgot 😧
You woke up in a great mood because it was your birthday of course
You were expecting to be receive a hbd wish from your boyfriend, but nope nothing all morning.
You received a bunch of hbd wishes on Instagram and other platforms mentioning you, but none of them were from jay :(
You quickly got frustrated and because it was your birthday and your bf the person you love most didn’t remember really hurt
So gradually your face became wet from heated silent tears. But unlike heeseung he would super quickly notice because he’s on his phone a lot and he dates things like ‘y/ns bday’ (idk but I imagine him dating things on his phone)
He’d then be like OH SHIT ITS YN’s BD
Runs to you soooooo quick just to see your face red and a bit wet.
Once your eyes connected your tears started to come out quicker
After he said that he ran away from you leaving you alone, which made your heart drop thinking that he didn’t care.
But once you finally came out of your room you were greeted with a homemade delicious cake your boyfriend made for you that looked like this
You could tell he felt really bad bc usually he always had a smile on his face while cooking but this time it was a ‘I’m sorry’ face
“I’m really really sorry please forgive me”
All was forgiven bc the cake tasted so mf ing good
Jake :
It was your birthday today, a day that only came once a year so like any other human being it’s a special day for you
You were super excited to see what Jake did for you, because every birthday you had with him was always such a surprise
But today was sort of… different? :(
You saw jake in the living room on the tv and went straight up to him with a smiley face. “GOOODMORNINGGG” 😁
After cuddling for a while on the couch you lifted up your head and asked him If he knew what day it was, he just replyed with a simple Wednesday? With a confused face
I’m pretty sure that one word was enough to make you pretty upset 😅🥲
You started to pout and went back into his chest with a disappointed face.
“Ahh what what, what day is it tell me?” He said playfully, not realizing it was your birthday.
You stayed silent as he checked his phone, ‘y/n’s birthday don’t forget’
When i tell you he gasped he GASPED.
You were already in the verge of tears “IM SO SORRY HBD BABY”
You were still a bit upset at him so you replied with ‘did you really need your phone to tell me what day it was’ 😕
He hugs you tighter while mumbling ‘hbd hbd hbd’
Suddenly let you go of his arms and said he had an errand. Without any explanation he got his car keys to go somewhere leaving you and your thoughts by yourself.
‘Does he not love me anymore that he doesn’t even want to spend time with me on my birthday? ☹️😭”
A while later he comes back and you’re luckily still on the couch where he left you
^^this dude came back with three beautiful cakes from your local cake stores. “I’m bacccckkkk!! please forgive meeeee you know i love you with all my heart 🥺” (okay i hate to use this emoji but there isn’t any other way to describe it TT)
You obviously forgave him because you know it was never his intention to forget,,, “you owe me hugs and kisses for the rest of the day :(“ kindly accepts your request because that is something he’d never complain about #freecuddlesfromyn
Sunghoon :
Okay but like hear me out he’s the type of boyfriend that would ‘pretend’ he forgot your birthday but he actually didn’t
So when he ACTUALLY forgot you just thought he was joking until…
“Hooonieeee, stop joking around I’m seriouss”
“I’m serious too i seriously don’t know what day it is”
You leave him for a bit alone with his thoughts, not even gna lie if he did end up forgetting your bday it would take him a while to remember it
But once he remembers he feels so bad 😭
Tackles you with so many hugs and bday kisses and showers you with I’m sorrys and hbd wishes
genuinely ask himself how he forgot the lohls birthday (love of his life’s) literally beats himself for it
And you have to tell him that it’s fine and that you forgive him~
Brings out the birthday cake and sings you a happy birthday song while clapping and laughing.
Puts cake on your nose
Sunoo :
Idk if he’s the type to forget but like jay I don’t think he’d forget
I feel like to him birthdays are the MOST special thing/ date for a person
Like obviously the rest of the members think that but especially sunoo really like sticks to this
So if he had forgotten your birthday you were sooo hurt you ignored him the whole day keeping your distance until he finally remembered
Once he remembered he went to go find you ASAP where you were hiding int he corner of the bedroom moping
He showers you with hugs cuddles kisses pecks, you name it he does it
He feels so bad that he could forget smtg like this, literally asks himself how he could forget such an important date
If the convenience store was still open he’d run to the nearest store and surprise you with a birthday cake. But not just any cake it’d be a cake that was decorated by the one and only Kim Sunoo
Would prepare it so nicely and even have a lit up candle so you can wish on it.
the type to surprise you with it even though he forgot. Brings it to your room while singing the hbd song.
Puts cake frosting on your nose #2, takes lots and lots of pictures to post on insta later
caption : “happy birthday sunshine~”
Jungwon :
he was on the couch as per usual just scrolling through his phone to keep himself occupied but also updated
Not knowing what day it was,,,,,,,
you come outside of your bedroom excitedly to expect a wishful happy birthday wish from the person you love most
But for some reason it oddly seemed like a normal day
“Wonnniiieee my loveeee, guess what day it is!” You said with a sheepish smile
“Hmm wednesday?” He said looking up at you with a calm face
Your happy smile soon became a little pout
“You really don’t know?”
“Isn’t it just a regular Wednesday? Why is there something special?”
oh my- he broke your heart right then and there
You run back into your room because you feel heated tears about to fall, even though it was something small the thought of him not remembering your birthday the day of your birth hurt. A little.
Jungwon was actually super clueless he genuinely didn’t know what day it is but something about you seemed off and the way you ran to your room was quite odd to him so he went and followed you
Before he opened the door he already heard small whimpers from the corner of the bed, and that immediately triggered him and he was about to beat up anyone that made you feel sad 😠 little did he know it was him who made you feel that way
“Baby what’s wrong? Why are you crying”
He holds your chin and turns it to get a better look
wiping your tears with his thumb, you were being a dramatic his giggles make you feel a bit better even though you were mad at him for forgetting
“You forgot my birthday.” You said to him while crying
You can literally see the gears in his brain start to turn when his face went from 😄 -> 😳
“IM SO SORRY IM SO SORRY” hugs you so tight that you literally can’t breathe
Doesn’t know what to do to make you feel better, “I’m really sorry for forgetting your birthday, I don’t really know what got into me, please forgive me.”< cue the cutest kitty puppy eyes
He kept on rambling on abt how he was sorry and deserves your forgiveness you literally had to shut him up, he was sorry please forgive him >~<
Cuddles you for the rest of the day
Niki :
He was playing video games normally on his phone, until you excitedly stormed into his room “hiiiii babbbbyyyy”
“Well someone is happy today :)”
“Well of course bc u know what day it isss ;)”
😧😦 < that’s what you looked like when he didn’t know, “you really don’t remember?”
“hmm I’m not too sure” he said before going back to his game
you slowly became disappointed and just ‘celebrated’ your birthday by yourself in the kitchen. :,((
he didn’t notice that you were sad at first bc he was busy playing on his phone, around an hour later he went to the kitchen to get a snack when he sees you in the kitchen staring into space rested your chin on you arm.
‘Are you okay? You seemed fine earlier’
You decided to play the silent game and just avoided him... so he tried to get you to talk to him but after a while it didn’t work so he sort of gave up and went to ask his hyungs what’s wrong with you.
“Niki,,, it’s y/n’s birthday omg did you forget??????” Jake said texting niki
and that’s when the lightbulb in his brain turned on
He rushed to the kitchen and back hugged you so tight and gave you so many cheekie kissies to try and make up for ‘forgetting’
But to his luck you were still mad at him
Soooo he came up with the idea of going to the convenience store really quick to get you a bunch of flowers and a nice cake to surprise you~
You ended up forgiving him because he was tickling you threatening you to forgive him
N knowing Niki he’s not a person you can be mad at for long <3
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Djhdhdjdjd ok ok so imagine this- Revivebur tries to find his darling. But darling joined Las Nevadas with fundy and is like a performer in the casino (idk what's happening currently in the lore cuz I'm so out of the loop rn but i do know that there's a casino for sure-) like they used to give like wholesome vibes but now-?
Bruh they did a whole ass glow up and they now give Jessica Rabbit vibes. And as soon as Revivebur recives word where his darling is, man practically yeeted himself into the casino, where his darling is currently all dolled up, all pretty like a newly bought Barbie doll on the stage..
(i can imagine the darling singing "Killing me softly" maybe like this? https://youtu.be/KGyTtPeP0Lw or like Kz Tandingan's version: https://youtu.be/CyPF91Qbf48
Or maybe like Jessie J's? https://youtu.be/GHyj93FGmuA
Idk i couldn't find a version that kinda gives off casino vibes id try to sing it but ehhhh ^^;;)
Basically this is the first time He hears his Darling sing, and man literally falls in love all over again. And he just simps so hard for them, and is oh so desperate to get them back, but darling is like "bitch my feelings died the moment the Wilbur I knew was gone-". (I tried to think of a more badass line but I'm tired ha-)
(Neways idk what to add more lol- i just thought of this while I was in the middle of reading an angsty Revivebur x reader ^^;;)
the darling would absolutely take no shit from revivebur. what he did during the festival broke them and they felt as if they would never get the wilbur that they knew and love back.
when ghostbur is around, the darling allows herself to feel pity for the ghost. even though they know that ghostbur isnt their lover, theyre willing to let him believe that. at some times darling even believes that ghostbur is as close to their lover that theyll ever get so they let themselves feel like their lover.
darling joins las nevadas without telling ghostbur alongside fundy. even if fundy always acted defensive towards the darling due to how step kids can be at first, he warmed up to them really quickly. he doesnt know where hed be if they werent still besides him.
enough of that, revivebur. when darling hears that wilbur was revived, their first concern was fundy. they loved him more than they loved themself so they had to make sure he was alright. when both darling and fundy process the news, they both agree on hiding in las nevadas. it wouldnt be hard considering they already lived their, but they would definitely work on limiting their interactions with others outside of the country.
revivebur is almost immediately on the hunt for you. its been forever and his memories as ghostbur are a little foggy. he asks tommy where you are, but he doesnt know. so revivebur goes around the entire smp asking for where you are. some people (cough cough eret) would refuse to even tell him if they knew or not! its skeppy that tells where you are. not only is revivebur curious about the new country, but hes also curious as to why you're working with quackity. you and him never really got along.
its at nightime when he stumbles inside the casino and he's immediately blown away at the sound of your wonderful voice (second time jve wrote that today.) he feels like hes 20 years younger! (canon revivebur is 40+. don't believe me? check tommys first stream after c!wilbur was revived.) it feels like hes falling in love all over again.
eventually you head inside a door to the side and wilbur waits until the bodyguard (lets be honest, its just sam or purpled 😭) in front of the door has looked away to sneak past. it seems to just be a plain dressing room.
you turn at the sound of the door opening and immediately glare at wilbur. you werent worried about yourself, you were worried about your son. you would not let wilbur hurt him again.
"what do you want, wilbur?" he laughs and shrugs.
"what? im not able to see my wife? come here," he teases as he tries to pull you into a hug. you immediately back away and glare at him harder.
"dont lay a hand on me. i am not your wife and fundy isnt your son. get out," you hissed as wilbur stared down at you in disbelief. he lets out a breathy laugh.
"what? what do you mean youre not my wife?"
"i mean, im not your wife," you spoke, your tone laced in venom. you were even angrier than before. he didnt even care about fundy.
"youre being ridiculous. we have never gotten divorced," he mumbled. his anger was slowly starting to show through. you had to get him out.
"get out. before i scream," you responded. unfortunately, the one thing your outfit didnt come with was a dagger.
"i dont see what your issue is. love, do you have any idea how much i missed you? no one would tell me where you were and i was worried sick! now, im here and im trying to make things right and youre just trying to kick me out?" he took one step towards you and that was it for you.
it took one shout for sam to come in. he had wilbur restrained immediately.
"will, you say we never got divorced. so, i would like to declare this our last conversation as lovers."
he gave a sharp inhale and stared you down as sam dragged him out of the casino.
he couldnt even give two shits about fundy.
this turned out so much longer than necessary. 😭
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