#Daniel J. Watts
genevieveetguy · 2 years
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Just kill me as I am. Otherwise, there will be no mercy, I promise.
Werewolf by Night, Michael Giacchino (2022)
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oceanusborealis · 2 years
Werewolf by Night - Movie Review
Werewolf by Night – Movie Review
TL;DR – A delightful romp through times past, made with the techniques of today.     ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There is no post-credit sceneDisclosure – I paid for the Disney+ service that viewed this film. Werewolf by Night Review – Given that today is the culmination of the spoopy season, I wanted to delve into something a little horror or horror-adjacent. But I didn’t…
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gbhbl · 2 years
Horror Movie Review: Werewolf by Night (2022)
The death of Ulysses Bloodstone, the leader of an unnamed monster hunting group and rightful owner of the powerful Bloodstone. His death allows Verussa to gather a collection of monster hunters together for the goal of inheriting the Bloodstone.
Werewolf by Night is an American television special directed by Michael Giacchino and written by Heather Quinn and Peter Cameron for the streaming service Disney+, based on the Marvel Comics featuring the character of the same name. Following the death of Ulysses Bloodstone, five experienced monster hunters, are summoned by Ulysses’ widow, Verussa, to Bloodstone Manor. They are instructed to…
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fryesmoviereview · 2 years
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Werewolf By Night - 2022
Gael Garcia Bernal, Laura Donnelly, Kirk R. Thatcher, Harriet Sansom Harris, Eugenie Bondurant, Leonardo Nam, Daniel J. Watts
Review: Werewolf By Night was getting great reviews, and a lot of people were telling me it was great. I agree that it tried to do things that Marvel hasn't tried before. Parts of the movie were great, but overall movie falls flat.
I like that its in black and white, and they tried to emulate the look and feel of the old horror movies. Aside from being black and white they didn't do this very well. The tone is all over the place, it keeps the Marvel tone, but just has an old wrapping paper around it.
A battle royal between some of the best creature hunters, and man-thing should be awesome, and epic. Unfortunately we focus more on family drama and an awkward, half assed love story between the main character and one of the hunters. We do get some fight scenes that are pretty good. Man-Thing grabbing the big dude's head and frying him was unexpected but awesome.
The final scene of the hunter turning into a werewolf and slashing everyone up was great, the effect of the blood dripping down the camera was cool and unexpected. Man-Thing throwing the woman was quite funny as well.
I liked that they tried something new. I want them to keep trying new things. The Marvel tone, and the tone of late 50's early 60's horror don't mix, or at least the team around this movie couldn't do it well.
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pedropcl · 2 years
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WEREWOLF BY NIGHT (2022) | dir. Michael Giacchino
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[Werewolf by Night]
1. I love this callback.
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2. There was some Latin in the show and I wondered what they translated to, so I got these. There was a bit more on the walls but I didn’t bother with those 😅. But I do love the usage of Latin to up the ante on the mystery and creepy factor.
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3. It was so funny when Jack just could not get the thing to stay on the wall because it kept falling off and he just plopped the thing on the ledge in a last act of desperation 😂
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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President Abraham Lincoln died on April 15, 1865 after being shot the previous evening by actor John Wilkes Booth.
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heliads · 8 months
Hiya Lisa my love!! I think this may be the first request I’m sending you (omg!?) But I am so excited to do so, and of course for our best boy Jack Wilder <3
Okay this one’s a little silly but I’m thinking Jack Wilder x reader where the reader is part of the Horsemen, but Jack and her don’t exactly get along all too well (enemies/reluctant allies to lovers). I’m thinking they’re sent off together to check out and map a location for the Horsemen’s next big act (maybe a fancy gala! That’d be so fun!), but the whole time they’re just bickering and shooting jabs at each other and the other guys are on comms and are just So Tired™ of their bullshit 😭
amber i love you for this
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You don’t think you’ve ever seen the magical enigma known professionally as J. Daniel Atlas and familiarly as a pain in all of your asses as stressed as he is right before the start of a new job. The Horsemen are world renowned for their intricate performances and flawless setups, which only serves to increase the pressure on all of you to keep one-upping yourselves every time you appear in the spotlight. Danny has taken it upon himself to make sure that all of you stay perfect, and that responsibility is manifesting itself in the form of a lecture right now.
He’s standing in front of you, eyes wild with the fire of what could be creative genius or perhaps too much coffee, and rattling off a series of questions to make sure you know what you’re doing.
“Where are you going?” He asks first.
You meet his gaze steadily. “The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Specifically the busiest areas during the Met Gala.”
“How are you entering?” Danny queries.
“Two ways. First, as a tourist, to spot the security cameras. Then, I’ll go again at night, to lay some cameras of our own and run some more thorough investigations.”
Danny takes a step closer. His hands are steepled together, making him the perfect picture of a plotting supervillain from one of those bad action movies Merritt keeps playing. “What, specifically, are you looking for?”
You want to roll your eyes, but you learned a long time ago that showing any sort of emotion except for intensity in front of Daniel Atlas during his mad planning sessions is only asking for trouble. So, you keep your cool, or you try to, at least. “The normal stuff. Alcoves and closets where we can hide. Areas with low security presence. Entrances and exits. Janitors. Extra uniforms. That sort of thing.”
Daniel nods once, the only sign that you’re not outright bombing his little pop quiz. “And who is going with you on this reconnaissance mission?”
This time, you can’t disguise your sigh of disgust. “I’m taking a stubborn child.”
Danny gives you a cool stare. “Try again.”
You give him a look, but Daniel is prone to winning staring contests, especially when he’s in this sort of mood, so you cut your losses and give in. “Fine. I’m taking Jack.”
To your side, someone starts clapping. “Perfect response!”
You and Daniel both turn in unison to see your recon partner applauding your sarcastic answer from his chair a few paces away. His feet are kicked up on the table in front of him, and although he had been aimlessly scrolling through his phone this entire time, he’s put the device down temporarily so he can remind you just how strong a bond the two of you share. Which is to say, in no uncertain terms, none at all.
Daniel glances back at you. “You’re not going to let the two of you working together be a problem, will you?”
You fold your arms across his chest, affronted. “I won’t. You might want to double-check with my so-called partner, though. Who, by the way, is free to answer any of these questions on his own. I don’t see why I’m the one who has to know everything while he gets off easy. Aren’t we sharing this responsibility? And by extension, this interrogation?”
Jack just flashes you a thousand-watt smile. “You seemed to have it covered, sweetheart. Besides, I just like hearing the sound of your lovely voice.”
You flip him off. He blows you a kiss, then does the same. Daniel looks ready to burst a blood vessel. “Focus, you two. I want no slip ups. We’re stealing the show of the Met Gala. If we make a mistake, I think Anna Wintour will personally kill us.”
“She’s going to do that anyway,” Jack muses, “We’re interrupting her little fashion show. God forbid someone focuses on us instead of all the celebrities who aren’t even dressing to theme. If I had that money, I could do way better, is all I’m saying.”
You shoot him a perplexed look. “Since when have you paid attention to the Met Gala outfits? Last time I tried talking about it, you told me that was all absurdist nonsense.”
“Maybe I was just talking about you,” Jack answers vaguely. “I’m allowed to, like, develop interests.”
You toss him a glare, then turn back to Daniel, who for some reason looks somewhat entertained. “Can we go back to the plan, please?”
Danny straightens up. “Yes, I’d like that. I’ve briefed both of you on the entrances and exits I need you to scout out–”
“Too many times,” Jack cuts in. He’s not wrong. Danny’s been over this every hour on the hour since you got the call to stage your own show at one of the most famous fashion opportunities of the year.
Daniel, however, seems to think that he hasn’t mentioned the details enough. Now Jack is on the receiving end of not just your glare but Daniel’s as well. “As I was saying,” Danny continues smoothly, “You’ll get in and get out. Try not to move too quickly, you don’t want to attract attention, but don’t linger too long, either.”
“We’ll be fine,” you assure him. “Not our first rodeo.”
Danny nods hesitantly. “I know. Just your first rodeo together in a while.”
That’s no big secret. You and Jack may both be Horsemen, but that certainly doesn’t mean you have to like each other. In fact, you couldn’t be farther from it. You’re not enemies, so to speak, an enemy is the FBI or the CIA, but referring to whatever exists between you as friendship is stretching the truth. You’re more like uncertain, unhappy allies. You’ll work together so long as you get paid and stay in the spotlight while you’re at it, but you’re not likely to grab drinks after a show together.
However, the Horsemen come first above any personal squabble. Always. That’s the one thing you and Jack can agree on. What you’re working on is bigger than the two of you, it’s bigger than all of you. To most of the world, you are magic. No rift between teammates is worth damaging that ideal.
That’s why Jack straightens up at last, and dons an expression verging on solemnity. “We’ll do our part, Danny. No need to worry.”
“There had better not be,” Daniel comments, but he backs off after that, and leaves to track down Merritt to deliver a similar speech.
Now alone, Jack’s familiar cavalier attitude comes back in a flash. “Can’t wait for our little date tomorrow, L/N,” he tells you.
You roll your eyes. “It’s going to be so much fun.”
The next morning, you and Jack wait your turn in the entrance queue at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. You’re both disguised with baseball caps pulled low over your heads, then paired with sunglasses, and you each have fake IDs in your pockets just in case. It’s surprisingly easy to get around undetected; although the Horsemen are famous the world over, no one expects to see them outside of one of your performances. It makes no sense to spot one of you in a coffee shop or in line ahead of you, so their minds just glance over you as if you were never there at all.
It’s certainly convenient. You could always go to an outside source for intel, but if there’s one lesson you’ve learned throughout your time, it’s to never trust anyone outside of your immediate circle. There are always people who’ll sell off your secrets, or debunkers frothing at the mouth to show how you do what you do.
No, it’s best to keep everything under wraps, even if it makes disguises necessary. There’s a brief moment of panic in which the security guard checking Jack’s bag lingers on his face a little longer than usual, but he’s waved through soon enough and then you’re able to wander further into the museum.
A voice crackles over your earpiece. “What was that about?” Danny, paranoid as always.
Jack shrugs, directing his voice towards you so no one will suspect he’s talking to anyone else. “Probably just a newbie convinced they’ll catch a would-be robber by checking my hand sanitizer close enough. They didn’t plant any bugs, we’re good. Most likely, she was just captivated by my exceedingly good looks and got distracted.”
You scoff. “Or maybe she was just fascinated by your hideousness and wanted a better look.”
Jack clutches a hand to his heart, feigning agony. “My hideousness?” Y/N, I’m hurt.”
“Good,” you smile saccharinely at him.
Daniel sighs in a gust of static over your earpiece. “Focus, you two. Please.”
“Aye aye, Captain,” Jack says. “We’ll get to work.”
You and Jack slip through the exhibits, pretending to examine paintings in sculptures when, in reality, you’re looking harder at the security features in each room. The Horsemen already have a rough plan in mind for how you’re going to enter and exit, but the security presence could change which specific entrance you use.
When you loiter a little too long near one oil painting of two nobles dancing at a lavish ball, Jack doubles back to your side. “Everything alright? We haven’t been noticed yet, have we?”
You shake your head, snapping yourself back to reality. “No, we’re fine. Just looking. I love this year’s theme for the gala. If I had an actual invitation, I would have worn something like the dress in this painting. I would want to, at least. Of course, that would only happen if we weren’t breaking in, but. Yeah. That’s what I would do.”
You realize you’re rambling and try to cut yourself off, but you’ve already been going on for a while. You wait for Jack to tease you, but instead, the corner of his lips tugs up in a soft half-smile. “It would look good,” he admits, “You would. Maybe we should petition Danny to let us dress up. We could recreate the painting.”
He swoops closer, placing one hand on your waist and taking yours with the other, spinning you into a waltz just like in the painting. Jack pulls you close in an exaggerated dip just like in the painting, one that takes you a little too near the painting. One of the security guards surges across the room to tell you two to move away again. Jack lets you up, then exaggeratedly apologizing, slapping the guy on the back as a gesture of camaraderie. As the guard walks away, you can see the tracer he’s planted, one that will give you two much-needed information on the paths each guard takes on their shift.
“Nice one,” you breathe.
“Yeah,” Jack says, but he’s still looking at you, as if mentally cataloging each and every place his hands had been just moments before. “I am nice.”
You swat him on the shoulder, and he winks. Rather than give that an answer, you head to the next exhibit. The two of you tag the next few guards you come across, noting janitor’s closets and fire exits while you’re at it. 
It’s easy to settle into a rhythm. You go from room to room, you snipe at each other, you get the job done. Jack passes a sculpture of a nude woman and suggests that be the costume you wear to the Gala, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively; you tell him that you’ll do it only when he’s got biceps the size of the Greek hero statue next to it.
Eventually, you only have one tag left. This one, though, will be the most difficult. The chief security guard has access to the central security station of the museum; by bugging him, you can get the passcode to the main room, which would be a significant help. The only problem is that you’ll have to get close enough to talk to the guy, and he looks far more suspicious of everyone around him than any of the other guards.
You volunteer to do it, and weave your way over to the guard in charge. It takes a heady dose of flirting, but you’re able to get the job done eventually. You do have to shell out a fake phone number, but he’ll only find out the number isn’t yours later that night. No harm, no foul.
Or, not according to you, at least. When you walk back over to Jack, though, your partner in crime has his arms folded tight across his chest, and he looks more annoyed than you’ve seen him all day. At last, something has managed to pierce his armor of sarcastic, joking indifference, but you’re not sure what.
“He seems nice,” Jack says, voice unnaturally calm, “Maybe you do want to take him out on a date after this, like you said.”
You laugh. “We both know that was an act, Wilder. No need to get jealous.”
“I’m not jealous,” he insists, “I have nothing to be jealous of.”
“Nothing?” You ask, one brow raised. “So you wouldn’t mind if I went back and gave him my real number?”
Jack slings an arm around your shoulder in a pretense of affection, but it feels more like he’s pinning you to him, making sure you can’t go back and do as threatened. “That would be ridiculous. It would ruin our whole act.”
You grin. “What act?”
“That we’re here on a date of our own, obviously,” Jack says.
“We haven’t done anything of the sort the whole time we were here,” you point out. “It makes more sense for him to think we’re just friends.”
“Then we’ll have to fix that, won’t we?” Jack suggests, and although you do notice the glint in his eyes when he says it, you’re still not expecting him to lean forward and kiss you. The kiss is– startling, yes, but not bad, not at all, and when he finally breaks away and looks triumphantly over at the guard who’d been flirting with you, you get the feeling that Jack thought so too.
“I think we should do this all the time,” Jack whispers to you. “Maybe we should ask Danny to change our assignments around.”
“Actually,” a voice crackles over your earpieces, “I’d rather neither of you ever spoke to me again. If I have to think about you two making out one more time, I’ll pour bleach directly into my brain.”
You slap a hand over your mouth to stop from laughing. “Oh, no. Daniel, how long have our comms been on?”
“The whole time,” your showman says, “I hated all of it, thank you for asking.”
Jack snorts. “And you didn’t remind us to turn off our mics?”
“Merritt wanted to see if you’d actually commit enough to do it,” Danny says, sounding supremely unhappy. “Now we’re both traumatized. Just get your asses back here and never bring this up again.”
This time, you can’t hide your laugh. “Alright, we will. Try to stay away from the bleach in the meantime.”
“I make no promises,” Danny grumbles, sending you and Jack into a wave of laughter again.
Jack reaches up to switch off his own earpiece, then does the same for you, gently brushing the side of your face with his hand while he’s at it. “Well,” he says slowly, “We might as well make the most of our time right now, hadn’t we? I’d hate for our ticket money to go to waste.”
You grin. “Quit the theatrics and kiss me.”
Jack Wilder doesn’t usually do as told. This time, though, he makes an exception.
requested by @hiya-itsamber, i hope you enjoy!
now you see me tags: @mayfieldss
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dear-indies · 4 months
hi cat and mouse!! could i get fc suggestions for a mom, dad, and siblings (of any gender) for a character with a sophie thatcher fc?
Kristin Scott Thomas (1960)
Hugh Grant (1960)
Orla Brady (1961)
Christopher Meloni (1961)
Michael J. Fox (1961) - has Parkinson’s disease.
Terry Farrell (1963)
Christopher Eccleston (1964)
Marton Csokas (1966)
Melora Hardin (1967)
Daniel Craig (1968)
Naomi Watts (1968)
Jeri Ryan (1968)
Jason Bateman (1969)
Michael Sheen (1969)
Peter Dinklage (1969) - has achondroplasia.
Melissa McCarthy (1970)
Elizabeth Mitchell (1970)
Carla Gugino (1971)
Maxine Peake (1974) - is pro Palestine!
Sarah Dugdale (1995)
Maddie Hasson (1995)
Emma Corrin (1995) - is non-binary (they/them).
Mary Mouser (1996)
Colin Ford (1996)
Ruth Codd (1996) - is a below the knee amputee and uses a prosthetic leg.
Kathryn Newton (1997)
Felix Mallard (1998)
Alva Bratt (1998)
Christopher Briney (1998)
Ethel Cain (1998) - is a trans and bisexual woman - is pro Palestine!
Danielle Rose Russell (1999)
Morgan Davies (2001) - is a trans man (he/him) and pro Palestine!
I didn't know if you played her as a brunette or blonde so here are suggestions for both! Please let me know if you'd like more suggestions with a certain hair colour!
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therainbowfishy · 1 year
Small Press Roundup!
As I was making my silly little 2022 book gift guide, I thought I’d round up some (teeny tiny, small, and medium) indie presses to go support this season and beyond. Small press books make especially great gifts since your book-loving friends and family are less likely to already have read them.
Enchanted Lion Books - Beautiful, unique, and translated picture books for kids and adults with more experimental sensibilities. I recommend the Chirri & Chirra books and Sato the Rabbit, A Sea of Tea.
Candlewick Press - If you’re a fan of Jon Klassen and the hat books (or Mac Barnett or Carson Ellis--the group behind the Picture Book Manifesto), you’ve already heard of this publisher, but they do make outstanding children’s books.
Small Beer Press - Speculative fiction fans, run over to Kelly Link and Gavin J. Grant’s incredible, weird, magic book factory. I recommend In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan for the fantasy fans or anything by Elizabeth Hand.
Two Dollar Radio - Their books are cute in trim size and weird in content--the ideal combination. You can also join their tattoo club and get 10 free books. Their lobby/HQ/bookshop/cafe seems like a dream.
Hub City Press - Poetry, fiction, and nonfiction with a focus on promoting diverse stories and underrepresented voices in the South. Novels are more conventional and historical. Good, bleak poetry and thoughtful, specific nonfiction.
Night Boat Books - A bit more on the esoteric side. Their books would be great for academics and poets and anyone interested in queer studies or works in translation.
Wave Books - A poetry press with gorgeous books and lit crit. I recommend Bluets by Maggie Nelson (her other books are published by Graywolf, keep scrolling).
Dorothy - A tiny feminist publisher of fiction or about fiction founded by author Danielle Dutton (check out Wild Milk by Sabrina Orah Mark or The Complete Stories of Leonora Carrington for some surreal, dreamlike times).
Feminist Press - Books with a focus on gender, sexuality, and marginalized voices. (Margot Atwell, publisher/editor, has a newletter On the Books, for publishing nerds out there who want to hear a fresh perspective on what’s up with this convoluted industry.)
Tin House - Eclectic--both literary and commercial. I recommend Rabbit Cake by Annie Hartnett.
Milkweed Editions - Nature lovers, these books are for you. Milkweed is also Poet Laureate Ada Limón’s publisher. I recommend Bright Dead Things and her newest collection, The Hurting Kind.
Graywolf Press - Want more Maggie Nelson? Or Carmen Maria Machado? Or experimental printing like Telephone by Percival Everett with its 3 versions? It’s all happening in the Minnesota literary world (I’m serious).
Coffee House Press - Also part of the Minnesota book group. Their books are on the experimental and readable side.
Catapult/Counterpoint/Soft Skull - These presses are sisters. You’ve definitely seen these books around--they do hit the bestseller list and are stacked in neat piles at all the best indie bookshops. Danielle Dutton’s (founder of Dorothy, mentioned above) book Margaret the First is published by Catapult.
50 Watts Books - Surreal reprints of older books in stunning colors; the curation of their bookshop is also impeccable and unique.
McSweeney’s - If you have a lowbrow/highbrow sense of humor and enjoy satire, these books are for you. They also publish the creative magazine for creative kids, Illustoria.
Nobrow Press/Flying Eye Books - UK based press for comic and bright color lovers of all ages. I recommend the Hilda series by Luke Pearson and Hicotea by Lorena Alvarez. Katie Harnett’s and Simona Ciraolo’s picture books are also wonderful.
Pioneer Works - This is the book intersection for art, tech, design, music, and science. I recommend Notes on My Dunce Cap by Jesse Ball for (arts) teachers or anyone interested in pedagogy.
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Stokes News! 3 Summers of Lincoln, a new musical premiering at La Jolla Playhouse in 2025
According to some recent social media posts, it looks like Brian Stokes Mitchell is attached to a new musical in production and set to premiere at the La Jolla Playhouse in 2025. It’s listed on their website under the 2024-2025 season (x)
3 Summers of Lincoln
Book by Joe DiPietro
Music by Crystal Monee Hall
Lyrics by Daniel J. Watts and Joe DiPietro
Choreography by Lauren Yalango-Grant and Christopher Cree Grant
Tap Choreography by Daniel J. Watts
Directed by Christopher Ashley
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Sources: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
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wrestlingisfake · 6 months
ROH Fake Rankings, 12/2/2023
Men's singles division - babyfaces
Eddie Kingston (ROH men's world champion, STRONG men's champion)
Dalton Castle
El Hijo del Vikingo (AAA mega champion)
Komander (AAA cruiserweight champion)
Ethan Page
Lee Johnson
Trent Beretta
Willie Mack
Men's singles division - heels
Wheeler Yuta (ROH pure champion)
Brian Cage (ROH trios champion)
Kyle Fletcher
Tony Nese
Josh Woods
Evil Uno
Nick Comoroto
Unranked: Fred Rosser, Gringo Loco, Jack Cartwheel, Slim J, SK Bishop
After Tony Khan launched AEW in 2019, ROH went through a bit of a dark age until Khan acquired the promotion in 2022. Few names from that era remain on the roster--Castle, Yuta, and Woods are the most prominent on the weekly TV series right now.
We're two weeks away from ROH's next pay-per-view, Final Battle, and the men's side only has one match announced--a six-way for the television title, which Samoa Joe abandoned. Joe is putting his focus on chasing the AEW men's world champion MJF, who has been one of the ROH tag team champions for three months and has yet to appear on an ROH show. As for the six-way, only Castle and Komander have been confirmed as participants thus far.
I assume there won't be a men's world title match on the PPV, since Kingston is busy with AEW's Continental Classic tournament. Similarly the pure title has seen more action in AEW than ROH. Brian Cage and the trios title are effectively on ice until his tag partners return from New Japan's World Tag League.
I have no doubt Final Battle will end up being a good show. But with ROH in the state it's in, the quality of the show will largely depend on how many big names from AEW (or perhaps New Japan) will come in for exactly one night, tear the house down, and then not stick around. That approach isn't going to convince people to pay $10/month for the weekly TV.
Men's tag team division - babyfaces
Darius Martin & Action Andretti
Dralistico & Preston Vance
Iron Savages - Boulder & Bronson
Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo
Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal
The Outrunners - Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd
Colt Cabana & Brandon Cutler
The Boys - Brandon Tate & Brent Tate
The Bollywood Boyz - Gurv Shira & Harv Shira
Men's tag team division - heels
Gates of Agony - Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona (ROH trios champions)
The Righteous - Vincent Marseglia & Bobby Dutch
The Butcher & The Blade
Shane Taylor Promotions - Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty
The Workhorsemen - Anthony Henry & JD Drake
Cole Karter & Griff Garrison
Spanish Announce Project - Serpentico & Angelico
The Wingmen - Ryan Nemeth & Peter Avalon
The West Coast Wrecking Crew - Jorel Nelson & Royce Isaacs
Unranked: Jacoby Watts & Sebastian Wolfe, Trevor Outlaw & GPA
On paper this looks like a stacked tag team division. However, most of the teams listed are booked like jobbers when they appear on AEW teleivison, and get booked 50/50 in ROH matches. I think the Iron Savages, the Infantry (Dean/Bravo and Trish Adora), and the Outrunners have a ton of potential, but I can't fool myself into thinking they're being pushed right now. Andretti/Martin and the Righteous are presented like big deals, but their win-loss records don't reflect that--hell, the Righteous couldn't even beat MJF two-on-one.
The main exception is Kaun and Liona, who are booked like monsters. But there's no sense of that leading to them challenging for the ROH tag title. The main idea is that they're part of a monster trio with Brian Cage. But after a year at the top of the trios division, they've destroyed every possible trio combination on this roster, and it feels like only an AEW superteam could topple them.
Women's division - babyfaces
Willow Nightingale
Billie Starkz
Leyla Hirsch
Rachael Ellering
Kiera Hogan
Trish Adora
Women's division - heels
Athena (ROH women's world champion)
Marina Shafir
Nyla Rose
Mercedes Martinez
Emi Sakura
Robyn Renegade
Charlette Renegade
Unranked: Amira, Brooke Havok, Heather Reckless, Heidi Howitzer, Johnnie Robbie, Kel, Ronda Rousey, Zoey Lynn
The biggest storyline in ROH lately has been Athena training Starkz to be her "minion," and feuding with Shafir, until Starkz flipped out on both Shafir and Athena, and challenged Athena for the title at Final Battle. At this point I'm not sure which of the three are supposed to end up being babyfaces or heels, but the story's still in progress.
They're also doing a thing with Hirsch trying to decide whether Ellering or Maria Kanellis truly has her back. So good for ROH for actually having multiple women's storylines, although I wish the second one wasn't the same passive-agressive "are you really my friend?" stuff we see all the time in women's wrestling.
The Renegades have gotten involved with both of these storylines, in tag matches against Athena/Starkz and Ellering/Hirsch. That's a good idea to keep things interesting. Unfortunately the Renegades have the same problem the Bella Twins had in WWE--their whole deal is being a cohesive duo, but the promotion doesn't have a women's tag team title for them to dominate.
OK, this next part is where I list wrestlers who are on the roster but haven't had a match in over a month. Thing is, ROH doesn't really have an official roster. So this is just a selection of wrestlers who are either on AEW's official roster or free agents that seem to be ROH regulars.
No televised ROH matches in 30 days: Allysin Kay, Blake Christian (GCW world champion), Kip Sabian, Lady Frost, Marti Belle, QT Marshall, Rocky Romero (CMLL historic welterweight champion), Scorpio Sky, Skye Blue
No televised ROH matches in 60 days: Angelina Love, AR Fox, Claudio Castagnoli, Chuck Taylor, Jimmy Jacobs, Leila Grey, Nick Wayne, Silas Young
Last televised ROH match between June 1 and August 31: Alex Reynolds, Big Bill (AEW tag team champion), Cheeseburger, Daniel Garcia, Eli Isom, Jacked Jameson, John Silver, Leon Ruffin, Madison Rayne, Mark Briscoe, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Miranda Alize, Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix, Rhett Titus, Samoa Joe, Stokely Hathaway, Stu Grayson, Tracy Williams
Looking at all these names, you can see talent that will probably be back before long, and others who have clearly moved on. I really doubt Castagnoli and Samoa Joe will be back. The Kingdom (Taven and Bennett) feel integral to 2020s ROH, but their AEW act with Roderick Strong is so hot right now that it'd be silly to move them back here. In other cases (for example, Isom, Cheeseburger, Williams, Titus) I never know if they're just on a hiatus or if Tony Khan has just decided to stop booking them altogether.
I would guess about half of these names will return to ROH now and then over the next six months. But "will return" could mean "will appear weekly leading to a PPV match" or just "will do one match and then nothing for another six months."
Bandido (left wrist - triangular fibrocartilage complex tear)
Katsuyori Shibata (leave of absence)
There's no way to know if either of these guys will be ROH regulars when they return, but they were when we last saw them. By the same token, Dante Martin (who was injured on an ROH show months ago and has just made his return) could be headed back here or maybe he won't.
Conspicuous by their absence on this list are the ROH tag team champions, since Adam Cole hasn't wrestled under the ROH brand since 2017, and MJF never has. I thought it was possible they'd at least show up for Final Battle, but there's no timetable for Cole's return from an ankle injury. MJF could show up to defend the tag belts solo, or with a substitute partner. But considering he's working through a torn labrum, and trying to make it to the December 30 show, Final Battle is probably a low priority for his schedule.
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oceanusborealis · 7 months
Werewolf by Night in Color - Movie Review
TL;DR – A delightful romp through times past, made with the techniques of today, Now in Color. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There is no post-credit scene.Disclosure – I paid for the Disney+ service that viewed this film. Werewolf by Night in Color Review – Last year, we reviewed Werewolf by Night, an experiment and, honestly, one of the best things that the MCU put out on…
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entrelac · 3 years
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I'm done with you!
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The men of WEREWOLF BY NIGHT (2022) clockwise from top left-Gael Garcia Bernal, Daniel J. Watts and Leonardo Nam
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flushthethrone · 1 day
Episode 402 - Southern Vangard Radio
BANG! @southernvangard radio Ep402! Summer is in full swing down south, Vangardians! We have a few more shows before we take our regular summer break - so let’s get into it. We’re riding high off the announcement of our first foray into glassware with the commemorative EPISODE 400 WOBBLE WHISKEY GLASS. On top of a very unique 7 oz. glass, we have a limited sticker sheet, coaster and Episode 400 sticker that comes with it, and you know we always throw the extra goodies in every order. Hit our new BIG CARTEL site to cop @ southernvangard.bigcartel.com. On the music front, we have tons of new music we’re blessing you with - the past few months have been incredible in underground hip-hop. So say less Lord….other than…YOU WAAAAALCOME!!!!! #SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard // southernvangard.com // @southernvangard on all platforms #hiphop #undergroundhiphop #boombap
Recorded live May 26, 2024 @ Dirty Blanket Studios, Marietta, GA
@southernvangard on all platforms
#SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard
twitter/IG: @southernvangard @jondoeatl @cappuccinomeeks
Pre-Game Beats - Evidence
"Southern Vangard Theme" - Southern Vangard All -Stars
Talk Break Inst. - "Compton Watts" - Blu
"Uzi Low Tops " - RLX & Buck Dudley ft. Brown13
"Nylon Mask's" - XP The Marxman X Currister ft. Montage One
"When It Rains" - PA Dre ft. Punchline
"Food" - Sacco & Vanzetti
"BK 2 BX" - Bernadette Price X TerrorVanPoo ft. LeanahCane (prod. BeatzByNeff)
"W C H M F" - Raz Fresco & Daniel Son
"Look At God!" - Supastition ft. E.Smitty
Talk Break Inst. - "Green Eyes" - Blu
"Kill Shit For" - Sacco & Vanzetti ft. NAHreally
"Take Risks" - PA Dre ft. Sh4mel & The Musalini
"Talk About It" - Hometown Heroes (Brad Baloo, DJ Yoda & Edo. G)
"Grabbin a $tack" - J Sands ft. MC Eiht
"Giannis" - J.O.D ft. Bang Belushi
"Rare Opals" - XP The Marxman X Currister
"Gorgon Zoe Lan" - Mach-Hommy (prod. Sadhugold)
Talk Break Inst. - "The Good Children & Heaven" / "Ode" - Blu
"Bygones Be Bygones" - Smoke DZA & DJ Relly Rell ft. Lord Cartel
"86Sentra" - NxWorries
"Ringin'" - Freeway & Jake One ft. Jadakiss
"Fisher King$" - Money Mogly x Rasmus Beats ft. NoEmotion GoldMask & Joey DaSilva
"Buried Money" - Trap Jefe & godBLESSbeatz ft. Phonk P
"When Her Hands Pray" - Fly Anakin & Big Kahuna OG & Henny L.O. (prod. Foisey)
"Master Sun" - Bloo Azul & Good Food
"The Red Moon In Osaka" - Conway The Machine ft. Raekwon (prod. The Alchemist)
Talk Break Inst. - "Her Fav Color" - Blu
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