#Danny pretends to be offended and they talk again
nelkcats · 11 months
Jason Todd was a street kid, he never felt comfortable with the galas and millionaire activities Bruce attended. The first few days of his adoption he refused to leave his room, and Bruce was having a meltdown over one of his incoming events that required his new son's presence.
So, when he walked into the gala expecting criticism and gossip he didn't notice the boy next to him who was the same age as Jason. Or at least, he didn't until someone congratulated him on his new "son."
The boy introduced himself as "Danny" when he asked for his name. He wasn't thrilled with the galas his godfather forced him to attend and hated being alone, but he liked to play pranks on the rich. Which is why he didn't correct anyone when they called him Jason Todd.
Bruce came up with an idea after seeing his black hair and blue eyes and a few days later Jason and Danny were meeting. Bruce made the proposal to Danny to become Jason's "double" during the galas, and as long as he was in Gotham, the boy didn't see any problem. Better than being with Vlad.
Jason frowned not seeing the resemblance between them (he even told the boy) but Danny smiled and remarked that rich people were distracted, and as long as they didn't take pictures, they would never notice. A black-haired, blue-eyed boy was all they expected, and would be all they would see.
Still, Jason spent his days reminding him of their little differences, and how they were changing over time. Danny was amused by his concern. He thought it was kind of adorable that Jay was afraid of him being found out.
This arrangement went on for a long time. Until at some point Danny stopped responding, and shortly after Bruce stopped asking.
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DPXDC prompt ~ Honor to Us All ~ Gotham as one true the most haunted city edition
Instead of a welcoming banner in front of a city was an old column, so familiar to a boy, with a warning inscription:
"To outsiders mad enough to attack Gotham: You will be forced to understand that dead soldiers will also go into battle. And having risen to protect, they will be ready to perish all again, So no one of the living would die near them."
Danny smiled with love. 'I’m home, Mother.' Ghost whispered into the void. And Gotham answered.
Danny: My Lady, I brought you the crown of Pariah Dark. And The Ring of Rage. They’re gifts to honor the Gotham family. Lady Gotham: The greatest gift and honor is having you on my side, child.
Danny Fenton was born in Gotham and lived here until his parents decided to move. The city didn’t accept them.
'When I die, I want to be one of the Gotham Knights.' Little Danny with pride and eagerly reported to his parents after visiting the Battle Glory of Gotham Museum on a school trip. This evening, Danny learned that not all his plans should be told to his parents.
Danny know his parents are crazy about ghosts. and that all ghosts are "bad". But obviously, the ghosts they talk about, and his, or rather Gotham's, ghosts are completely different creatures. The spirits of the defenders are those who, even in the darkest of times, make the shadows of the Gotham a protection to the citizens.
But that knowledge is his little secret for now. Because if he starts arguing he’ll be punished and he won’t be able to run off to the roof where he’s arranged to meet Robin. Robin’s cool! He works with one of the 'still-living' knights. And he knows more about the city than anyone. Danny doesn’t want to offend his friend.
Mr Lancer doesn’t understand why the lecturer about ghosts, Constantine, after seeing Danny, said something about the bloody gothamites and their inability to stay underground. It wasn’t nice at all. Mr Lancer doesn’t blame Mr Fenton for smiling at the man a little aggressive and viciously. Poor boy probably didn’t know how to respond to his behavior. Danny moved to Amity Park a long time ago and did not stand out at all. So what was this man’s problem?
Danny only half dies because Lady Gotham blessed him when he was a child. So when Danny sees snow-white hair and glowing green eyes in the mirror, he is not frightened but surprised that the Lady protected him even though he is not living in Gotham now.
Danny knows gothamites don’t consider that Gotham is a part of the USA. Even their Metropolis neighbors are just pathetic cowards, unable to withstand the hardships of life. No, really. Why the hell would they be patriots of the country that thinks they’re its dirty secret? This opinion is shared by old ones and children, rich ones and residents of Crime Alley, heroes and villains.
Danny loves Gotham. And he likes local jokes about how if one of their supervillains ever took power enough to threaten the government, he would be obliged to release them from that citizenship. Otherwise, he would be shamed and ridiculed by the inhabitants.
Phantom is not a villain. But for Gotham? For their common purpose? He is ready to pretend to be.
~ A ghost can bring his city ~ Great honor in one way ~
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Gothamites remember that the child of mad scientists was the only person Boy Wonder was willing to call a friend. They remember how boys' laughter was heard from rooftops and from alleys on particularly dark nights. And they know whose restless spirit has returned to mourn the death of the second Robin.
The boy’s parents must be fools. Many outsiders are. They call their blessing a curse. People die in Gotham. And not all of them come back. Residents know that these ones are chosen by Lady Gotham herself.
The public enemy of Amity Park number 1? What nonsense. He is not theirs anything! In Gotham they will accept the Phantom as a guard, as a silent shadow, as a villain or a hero. In any kind. Because he belongs here. He should be part of their dance between life and death. He should be amidst dark alleys and acid rains, gliding between fear and laughter in the air.
Even local villains experience strange yearning. Like something’s wrong. Like a piece of a puzzle that’s lost. Therefore, the local abandoned observatory is empty, and none of them is in a hurry to call it their territory. Because it will be in demand, it will be loved and needed. It’s only a matter of time.
Let the spirit of Gotham guide you home, child. Dead gothamite is still gothamite. Which means there will always be a place for you.
When Danny first enters his favorite cafe in his Phantom form and with a wound on his leg, he doesn’t expect a cleaning lady to yell at him immediately for the blood on the floor. With a mop in his hands and with already bandaged leg, Danny feels as if all his worries had gone. They are not afraid of him. Of course. No one in Gotham would avoid him because of glowing eyes and sharp teeth. And that’s nice.
The waitress throws a tray of food on a table next to him: Welcome dinner for the wandering son of the alley. Red Hood said it's your usual order. He’ll be waiting for you on the gargoyle. You should know which one.
If parents listened to his childhood stories about good ghosts, they would know that the Phantom is not special. He is not an anomaly of ghost nature and not a mistake. He is one of many who always were and will be defenders of the city. Danny stands in front of the costume that he admired years ago. He's ready to take another shift at work. The remains of his colleagues can rest quietly this night. Lady will wake them only when in dire need.
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impyssadobsessions · 11 months
DPxDC idea/prompt Pen Pals
(Probably more idea but you can run with the concept... im so srry XD) Basically Danny and Damian are pen pals- until Damian receives a letter with Lazarus Water and Blood smeared on the page.
WHAT IF Danny and Damian were pen pals before Danny's accident. A school project for 8th grade. Damian was reluctant to participate but due to it being a grade and being pestered by his siblings that he would just scare the kid off anyways, he deciding to partake in this pen pal. Danny whose not suffering at school, just living a normal life at the moment, is being teased by Dash saying his pen pal could smell loser before even opening the letter. Asking Danny if his parents even let him open the letter or blast it thinking its a ghost. Which makes Danny who wasn't into this idea of writing a stranger more determined to do it. Besides they might only get one letter and teachers drop the subject. They might not even get it. So what the heck. Turns out they become the only ones that constantly wrote each other- even mailing it in person once the school ended the program. (Damian having a post box set up for letters)
At first it was awkward. Danny commented/asking if Damian really was their age or some teacher pretending to write back instead of sending out the letters. If so. He sucks at it because what kid writes perfectly grammar letters and big words to convey something is cool. Guess its better than pretending he knows slang. Damian furious writes back, offended! Also asks if he isn't younger, because everyone with basic english should know to capitalize their letters! This goes back and fourth. Danny writing back every chance he got, and Damian doing the same, even being told not to at the dinner table. It goes from offended at each other to being curious. Danny asking Damian more advice on english because it isn't his favorite subject. Damian asking more about how to sound like his age. Then it devolves to animals. Danny wishing he had one, but his parents didn't want one getting into the lab. Damian happily sending picture of his animals. Danny talking more about the stars.. etc. Until Accident happens- Danny starts having trouble writing the letters. His pen with phase through his hand and replies between them got longer. Danny justifying this by saying he's having trouble with schooling this year. Damian also been unable to send as many replies because he's been busy with teen titans and other heroics. Though he's encouraging Danny saying Danny is far smarter than that school even is aware of. Until one day, after months of not being able to reply. He finds Damian's letter again. It makes him feel better. Even if Damian didn't know him... this person still believes in Danny... Though Danny feels guilty about it- it compels him to write him again. He was about to finish the letter when he gets blasted by a ghost. He returns from the fight, beaten and bloody. He picks up the letter and sighs at the green stain left on it. Folding it up he stuffs it into his bag. Next day after hurrying off to school, his mother finds the letter after it had fallen on the floor. She read a little bit of it and immediately recognize it was to Danny's penpal. She takes the opportunity to try her knew anti-ecto spray and mails it for Danny. "Boy just like his father. So messy. I'll have to give him a lecture about ecto-contamination again." Damian just returned from a mission from Teen Titans, been gone for three months. Alfred informs Damian he had received a letter from his anonymous pen pal in his absence. Damian had almost forgotten about the pen pal- thinking his pal just didn't want to answer anymore. So eagerly he goes to his room to open the letter, but immediately blood drain from his face as his eyes zoomed back the feathery ink to the green blotch of lazurus water.. having almost evaporated.. leaving a water stain that glowed... and more importantly.. the human specks of blood that was revealed with the driest parts of the stain. Damian immediately rushes to the cave.. only to find out his paranoia was right.... and was it his fault his friend was harmed? Also the idea of Damian talking to Phantom in his robin suit. Asking how Daniel Fenton was.. and Phantom surprised and slips out a "Alive as much as he's dead." Damian glaring and Phantom corrects, "He's fine. He has parents that are ghost hunters is all." Stressing his situation complicated. Phantom just so shocked his pen pal is a hero- annnnd also cursing his mom for sending a letter like that. HE KNEW IT WOULD SEND IMPLICATIONS!
but idk if I figured out a good way for Damian to see the smeared letter. I just think it be fun. Also Damian thinking he's to blame for league going after the fentons when he wasn't. At least not as early as he thought. He's very focused on saving/protecting Danny Fenton.. which makes Phantom's job harder.
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
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I'm on Fire
biker!Eddie x fem!reader Part 2.5 🚨18+Only, smut, angst, sex with someone other than reader, penetrative sex (protected), maybe also fuckboy!eddie? But he doesn’t want to be. 90's music & nostalgia, insomnia, smoking, mention of cheating (not on reader), Eddie is having a hard time, but I promise it will get better.
wc: 1.7k
Series Masterlist
🔸To the handful of cherished readers on this ride with me: this is a 2.5, a little bitty part, because I posted Part 2 yesterday early and realized I wanted to add more. Chapter 3 will be done by this weekend xoxo
ALSO, the Erika mentioned in this chapter will be introduced more later, but it's NOT Erica Sinclair, my god I would never.
This was not the night Eddie had in mind for a first time hanging out with you. There was admittedly a long list of regrets in his life thus far, but deciding to invite you to the Hideout of all places was now up there somewhere at the top. That dive never used to be like that. Back when he was a teenager, it wasn’t so rough or so full of angry burnouts ready to rage. The only drunks who used to frequent it were sad and polite, and almost half dead.
You handed him and Steve a few tissues from the front seat because Steve’s nose was dripping blood and Eddie’s lip was split. Neither one of them felt a thing, though, not in that moment---the adrenaline was still pumping hot.
Eddie didn’t say much for the rest of the drive, except to ask Katie to take them back to Munson’s Garage so they could take a truck over and pick up their bikes once the chaos died down.
This whole connection he thought maybe the two of you had was not a good idea. For fucks sake, you had been a hair away from getting a secondary blow from the brawl---he couldn’t handle the thought, it made him sick to his stomach. He got the feeling that you were bothered by his silence on the ride back, but there was nothing he could do about it at that point: he was shutting down. He was hammering nails in the boards over the windows inside of him where people (you) could peak in. It was a survival technique he’d been forced to learn when he was a kid.
Katie reminded him that she was Danny Clayton’s older sister, and he had been one of his old D&D buddies—reminding him of a time in his life that he missed. He barely had time to practice his guitar these days, let alone fuck around as Dungeon Master in a role-playing game.
In a haze, he remembered thanking you, but then you said something else to him as he was bent over lighting a smoke, headed toward the garage, and he just kept walking, pretending not to hear you. Once he shut the door, he regretted it with a curse, and went back out to see if he could catch you, but there was nothing but brake lights in the distance.
“You wanna talk about it?” Steve asked Eddie once they were in the transport truck on the way back to the Hideout.
Eddie had a cigarette pinched between his lips and he looked offended. “What is there to talk about?”
“Listen, man,” Steve adjusted his vest and sat back in the passenger seat. “You might not want to give me credit for knowing you as well as I do, but I can tell when you’re slipping over into the dark side.”
Nothing but silence from Eddie.
“You like that girl, or what?” Steve kept talking, because much like you, he wanted the old Eddie back.
“What’s not to like?” Eddie responded under his breath, flicking his cigarette out the window. “I’m sure I’ll never see her again. It’s for the best.”
“Oh, I doubt that man---look what I got,” and then Steve stuck his tongue out and held up the Wrigley’s gum wrapper with Katie’s phone number on it. “You said they’re roommates right?”
Eddie looked over at the number, and then he looked up at Steve’s excited face, and he shook his head, but there was the glimmer of a smile there.
After they brought the bikes back, Steve took off to take care of some family stuff, and Eddie sat on the old couch up in his apartment above the garage, staring out the window with nothing but snow static on the TV. He’d been watching the Dave Attell show Insomniac with a frozen bag of peas on his punching hand, but it ended, and now he was in his head again, a place that he dreaded lately. He knew he wouldn’t get more than 2 or 3 hours of sleep again that night, he could feel it in his bones, and it didn’t matter how exhausted he was.
So, in order to keep himself from thinking about you, he called up one of his faithful booty calls: her name was Erika.
She’d been a long time groupie of his band and she had a kink for guys on motorcycles. He always treated her good and made her cum, but he never let her sleep over.
He never let anyone sleep over.
And he was always gone by daybreak if he happened to pass out in someone else’s bed.
He had this way of going out of his body, so to speak, when he had intercourse with these women he didn’t love. It was like he hollowed himself out and became someone else. He became exactly what they all wanted; this dominant force who choked them a little and fucked them rough and made them beg for more.
That night, with Erika, he kept thinking of you, and it made him stop a few times to blink and catch his breath. “What’s wrong, baby?” She’d ask, just as she was on all fours and his cock was inside of her, the condom straining at the size of his girth.
He shook his head and kept going, but at one point, he was doing her missionary, and in the dark of the room, with his eyes closed and his forehead pressed against hers—he could pretend it really was you.
He went slow, he kissed your face, your eyelids, and down your neck. He imagined that it was you with your hands in his hair, telling him how good it felt, how close you were to cumming. That it was your voice that said, “don’t stop, baby, you feel so good,” and he kissed your mouth, tongues searching deep, as he buried himself inside you with a strangled cry. He imagined that he didn’t have the condom on and you wanted him like that; to pour his seed into you and make you his.
He trembled as his orgasm overtook him, and he came so hard that time, he worried that he forgot to put the condom on.
When it was over and he opened his eyes, all of his intrusive thoughts came rushing back and the light behind his eyes was all but snuffed out.
“That was amazing!” You shouted at Katie, rubbing her shoulder, thanking her for the stealthy getaway while Cryin’ by Aerosmith played on the radio.
You turned around in your seat to say something to the guys, and then immediately started pulling tissues out of the Kleenex box in the middle console.
“Aw shucks, it’s just a flesh wound,” Steve joked, quoting Monty Python as he gargled blood in his throat.
Eddie was directly behind you, and when you twisted your body to hand him some tissues, he took them and looked down, not wanting to meet your eyes.
“Well, that was...intense,” Katie said from behind the wheel, slowing down for a stop light after checking in the rear view mirror to make sure there were no cops behind her.
“Just another day for us,” Steve chuckled, and then he pulled up close behind her seat to compliment her getaway. Katie didn’t say anything back, but you could see her blush. Katie had been a bit of a wild child back in her day, but adulthood had changed her, as it did most people.
From behind you, Eddie mumbled, “god, I hate this town.”
For the most part, Eddie was abnormally quiet in the back seat, and so you tried cracking some jokes, but Steve was the only one who engaged with you.
“Who was that guy?” You asked Steve, because you couldn’t bear the silence.
“Just some douche bag,” Steve responded, a piece of tissue stuffed up one nostril. “I accidentally had an affair with his wife almost a decade ago, and I guess he never forgot about it.”
You couldn’t help it, you laughed. “How does something like that happen accidentally?”
“Well, for one,” Steve sat forward in his seat and clamped one hand on the back of Katie’s chair. “She wasn’t wearing a wedding ring. And two, I’m not sure I would’ve cared at the time, even if she had.”
That response elicited a bit of a scoff-chuckle from Eddie.
Munson’s Garage wasn’t too far from where you’d just been, and Steve jumped out to open the security gate before climbing back into his seat.
As the car idled in front of the main entrance to the building, white exhaust filling up the darkness, you heard Eddie get out, and then you waited for him to say something, but he didn’t. He shut the door, and then you felt him hover there.
He leaned down into your open window, his head to the side and his hair hanging down. He met your eyes for a flash, but then he was trying to hand you something, and you opened your fingers so he could press something cool and tiny into your palm. “Hey, I’m really sorry about tonight. I think you dropped this the other day.”
You were too busy watching his face, the curve of his lips, the dark moon of his cuticles from residual grease stains, but when you realized he had just slipped you your missing earring, it caught you by surprise.
You could barely get out the words “wait...thank you,” before he turned on his heel and slipped a smoke between his lips, head down as he pulled his keys out to unlock the door.
“It was good to see you,” you called after him, but he was already inside the building and the door shut with a thud and a clack behind him.
Steve had been over at Katie’s window talking to her, but once he straitened up and came around to your side, he looked confused. “Where the fuck is Eddie? Did he go inside already?”
You didn’t answer him, you just waved goodbye as you rolled your window up.
“See you around, girls!” Steve called out from the center of the driveway, holding the hand in the air that had the gum wrapper number in it.
“Boys,” Katie said, shaking her head and rolling her eyes as she exited the complex and turned to head home. “They’ll be the death of me.”
Part 3
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rolling-restart · 2 years
Can we PLEASE talk about little Daniel omg!! I feel like he’d be so used to being big and looking after the littles, but maybe he’s struggling a lil bit and he just needs some time to regress and be looked after himself for once!!! I can see maybe Lewis or Seb stepping up into the CG role for Daniel- maybe it starts off with a conversation where Lewis/Seb check in on Daniel; maybe they’ve noticed that he seems a bit down, that his smiles seem fake so they sit daniel down and candidly ask him: how is he doing, really? I think Dan would try and put on a brave face but it wouldn’t be long before the tears start and before they know it, Lewis/Seb have a very tearful little Danny to look after… I’ll let you continue ;) -🐬
Yes that’s the exact energy for little Daniel that I was looking for.
Daniel is doing fine, yes, why do you ask? 
Honestly, he is not used to people asking whether he is alright because they are usually easily fooled by his all-cheerful appearance. Sometimes he gets too caught up taking care of other people and making them comfortable that he forgets that his comfort matters too. 
Actually, Daniel does this a little on purpose. His coping mechanism is just busying himself with other people’s needs so that he doesn’t have time to think and break down. It is better like this, he says smiling, if you don’t have time to feel awful, you don’t feel awful at all!
He might fool some people but Seb almost feels offended that Daniel thinks he can distract him from how desperately he needs to be taken care of. 
“Yes, of course I am doing fine! Why wouldn’t I be?” is the reflex answer Daniel gives Seb when he finally sits him down to talk. Seb sent little Lando with Carlos to give Daniel a little breathing room to decompress. 
“Honestly, you shouldn’t have sent him away, we were doing just fine!”
Seb glances at him with an expression that hopefully conveys his scepticism. 
“Daniel, what was the last time you have eaten?”
Something flashes in Daniel’s eyes, making his everlasting smile falter for a second. 
“I ate a bagel in the morning. I swear to god, it was the most amaz-“
“Today morning?”
Seb doesn’t fall into Daniel’s conversational trap and raises an eyebrow.
“Uhm, must be. The memory of the cream cheese is still fresh!”
Seb lets out a little sigh while also trying not to intimidate Daniel with his annoyance.
“It was yesterday morning Daniel, I was with you.”
Daniel’s smile cracks on the edges a little and tries to mumble something about Lando being a very fussy child and having a “mum-head” that made him forget to eat while taking care of him.
Seb pulls out a paper bag that Daniel didn’t see him bringing into his motorhome. 
“I brought lunch. I swear to god, I will feed you myself if I need to.”
This makes Daniel hesitate a bit and thinks before answering for the first time, instead of spitting lies.
“Can you please?”
“Can you please feed me?”
Seb’s annoyed expression softens immediately. He knows Daniel is not manipulating to distract him anymore but is indeed making a genuine request Seb definitely cannot deny. 
“Of course. Let me shuffle.”
And like that, Seb hand-feeds Daniel while Daniel gets more and more relaxed. So relaxed that he babbles little stories in between bites and bursts into little giggles. Seb recognises the loud-mouthed anxiety of letting go for the first time but doesn’t make a comment. If he does, he can ruin this beautiful transition forever. 
At the end of the meal, Seb gently wipes Daniel’s face. Daniel looks disoriented and blinks at Seb. 
“Are you tired, Danny?”
Daniel silently nods. 
“Do you wanna cuddle and nap after I put these away?”
He, again, nods, eyes pliant. Seb puts away the takeaway boxes and awkwardly shifts them around on the motorhome couch. 
“Are you doing okay, Danny?”
Daniel doesn’t answer immediately. Maybe if he pretends to be asleep already, Seb would leave him alone with feelings and thoughts of which he cannot make sense. 
“It’s okay if you are not, y’know? Just let it all go.”
That switches something on in Daniel and he feels tears rushing to his eyes. 
“Did I do something bad? Was I bad?” 
It is Seb’s turn to blink with confusion.
“What are you talking about Danny? Of course you didn’t do anything bad?”
A silent sob escapes from Daniel’s mouth.
“Is it why everyone is asking me if I am doing alright? Was I being bad? I am so sorry. I am-“
Seb interrupts him by holding him tighter as if he is trying to keep his sobbing under control. 
“Not at all, Liebling, you have been amazing and everyone thinks that you are doing an amazing job.”
His words somehow make Daniel cry even harder but Seb is nevertheless happy that he managed to get Daniel to finally open up.
“Sowy, sowy for the mess.”
Seb smiles gently at him butchering his words. He didn’t dare to hope to get Daniel to open up at all, let alone this. He just hopes that it is not a one-off thing and they can actually build a support system for him to express his pain when he needs to. 
“It’s okay, Liebling, you are going to be okay.”
He never took Daniel for a little but he is more than happy to rub his back to sleep on the crampy motorhome couch if it is what will make Daniel feel better. After all the joy he has brought to him, Daniel deserves more than Seb thinks he can ever give to him. 
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thornyrose463 · 6 months
Exposed (Cobra Kai story): Chapter 3
Daniel, Chozen, Louie, and Anoush were at the Encino Oaks Country Club.
Chozen had just won a game of golf.
Daniel laughed. “Well done. Well done.”
Louie looked at Anoush. “I told you there were golf courses all over Okinawa, man. I googled it. It's like one giant green island.”
“He said he’d never played before.” Anoush said.
“Beginner luck.” Chozen said. 
Louie scoffed. “Yeah, right. I know when I've been hustled.”
Chozen pretended to be offended. “You insult my honour.”
“Okay, you are not at a blackjack table in Atlantic City. You can't trash-talk a karate assassin.” Anoush told Louie. 
“I'm so sorry, Mr. Chozen. I-I meant no disrespect at all, I promise.” There was a hint of fear in Louie’s voice.
Chozen looked at Louie intently before bursting into laughter.
Daniel gave Chozen a pat on the back. “Don't take it personally, guys. He has been kicking a lot of ass lately. First round's on me, fellas.”
Daniel, Chozen, Louie, and Anoush headed to the bar.
Daniel walked up to the bartender.
Daniel heard Terry ask, “How'd you hit 'em?”
Daniel turned around and saw Terry standing behind him.
“They let anyone join these days, huh? Or did you slither in through the garbage chute? By the way, how's your sensei search going? Did I hear you hit a little bit of a snag?” Daniel asked. 
“Sabotaging my dojo was not a smart move. Some might see it as a casus belli.” Terry said.
A casus belli was an act or an event that either provoked or was used to justify a war.
“Miyagi-Do will never back down. You should know that by now.” Daniel said.
Chozen walked up to Daniel.
Daniel looked back and forth from Terry to Chozen. “I believe you two have met.”
Terry looked at Chozen. “Sensei Toguchi.”
Terry turned to Daniel. “You might have some old friends to call upon, but not as many as me. I'm giving you the opportunity, right now, to stand down. No retaliation. No repercussions. All you have to do is stay out of my way.”
Daniel shook his head. “This is my backyard. I'm not the one who needs to go.”
“I actually like this attitude on you. It's a shame I won't get to see it again, because if you continue down this path, nothing in your life will ever be the same again. You're playing with fire, Danny Boy.” Terry warned.
Chozen took a step towards Terry. “And I am gasoline. Boom.”
Terry scoffed.
“Put these gentlemen's drinks on my tab.” Terry told the bartender.
With a smug look on his face, Terry walked away.
Louie and Anoush walked up to Daniel.
“What did that giant Bond villain want?” Anoush asked. 
“Nothing. Just wanted to buy us a round of drinks.” Daniel said. 
Louie smiled. “Oh, nice.”
“Hey, let me get a round of piña coladas for my men here.” Louie told the bartender.
“Act like you've been here before.” Anoush told Louie.
Anoush looked at the bartender. “Your most expensive tequila in the cabinet.”
Anoush turned to Louie. "Piña colada? We're not at a Sandals Resort.”
“What's wrong with Sandals? Everything's included.” Louie said.
Carmen, Miguel, and Rosa were in their apartment.
Miguel put plates of eggs and bacon on the table. “Breakfast is served.”
“This is so sweet.” Carmen said. 
Rosa spoke to Miguel in Spanish. Her words translated to “My dear, I love you so much. I can't handle this. How wonderful!”
Rosa got out of her seat and kissed Miguel on the forehead.
Carmen spoke to Rosa in Spanish. Her words translated to “Oh, stop, Mom.”
“He'll think he can just run away, come back, and get the love he wants.” Carmen said.
Rosa spoke to Carmen in Spanish. Her words translated to “Uh, yeah. He can.”
“Don't worry. I'm never doing something like that again. I'm sorry.” Miguel said.
“I'm sorry, too, Miggy. I should have told you the truth about how I left your father.” Carmen said.
“You did it for me. I understand that now.” Miguel said.
Miguel sat down.
Rosa spoke to Carmen in Spanish. Her words translated to “Oh, how can you stay mad at him? You just can't!”
Rosa sat down.
Johnny and Sarah walked into the apartment.
Johnny sat next to Carmen. Sarah sat next to Miguel.
"Hey. Sorry we’re late. Graffiti's a bitch to clean off. You should see my van. Should be illegal to deface someone else's property." Johnny said.
“It is.” Carmen said.
Sarah looked at her plate. “This looks different.”
Sarah was wearing a light grey long-sleeved shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black low-top Converse sneakers with white laces. Her naturally straight blonde hair was down. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft brown eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a pretty peach colour.
"Yeah. I made it." Miguel said.
Miguel noticed that he forgot the orange juice. "Oh, I forgot the orange juice. One second."
Miguel got out of his seat and walked towards the fridge.
"Everything okay with you and Robby?" Carmen asked Johnny and Sarah.
“Yeah. The ride home was a little quiet, though.” Johnny said.
“I think things between Robby and Miguel are going to take some time." Sarah said.
Miguel came back with a bottle of orange juice in his hand. "Okay, orange juice."
Miguel put the bottle of orange juice on the table.
Miguel sat down.
Rosa spoke to Miguel in Spanish. Her words translated to “Oh, Miguel, are you going to visit your girlfriend? I bet she misses you.”
“Yeah. I think I need to make an apology meal for Sam too.” Miguel said.
Carmen ate some of her breakfast, then she got out of her seat, walked into the bathroom, and vomited.
“Maybe you guys should order in instead.” Johnny suggested.
“Yeah.” Miguel said.
Anthony walked into the LaRusso family’s living room. Sam was sitting on the couch.
“Yo, Sam, did you eat the entire box of grape Uncrustables?” Anthony asked.
Sam was annoyed. “There were only two left. Slow your roll.”
“It’s the principle of it. I-I need comfort food too.” Anthony said.
“Aw, what happened? Did you get pwned in Fortnite again?” Sam mocked.
“Actually, I...I'm having trouble with this kid from Cobra Kai.” Anthony said.
“The one you chased and poured milk all over?” Sam asked.
“I didn't pour milk. We put it in a bag in his locker.” Anthony said.
Sam rolled her eyes and looked at her cell phone.
“It doesn't matter. He's learning some more karate, and...” Anthony trailed off.
“Oh, my God. If I don't hear "karate" for the rest of the summer, it will still be too soon.” Sam snapped.
“Why have you been acting so weird lately? Is it ‘cause another one of your boyfriends ran away?” Anthony asked.
Sam let out an annoyed sigh as she stood up.
Sam texted Yasmine and Moon. The text read "Brunch today? Need to get out of the house."
Sam walked away.
Daniel and Chozen were at the Miyagi-Do dojo.
“We're under his skin. That's why he came to the country club.” Daniel said.
Chozen groaned as he cracked his back.
“What did you do? Tweak yourself on the back nine?” Daniel asked.
“No. Couch in guest room not good.” Chozen said.
“I'm sorry about that. We used to have a bed, but it got destroyed when Cobra Kai broke into our house.” Daniel said.
“Do not worry. I will not allow them to attack home again.” Chozen said.
“We may have stalled them, but if I know Silver, he's planning his next move now.” Daniel said. 
“Then we beat him to punch.” Chozen responded.
“He said he'd call upon old friends.” Daniel said.
“Then we call old friend first. Do you know any old friend of Silver?” Chozen asked.
“Mike Fucking Barnes,” Daniel growled.
At the Diaz family’s apartment, Carmen told Johnny that she had been feeling ill for a while and suspected she might be pregnant. Taken aback, Johnny said that they used protection. Carmen told him it was not always fully preventative. She said that she hadn’t taken a pregnancy test yet, but Johnny couldn’t help but feel scared about possibly becoming a father again.
Eli, Demetri, Sarah, Miguel, and Riley were at the tattoo shop. Eli wanted to replace his tattoo of the Grim Reaper with a tattoo of a lotus flower.
Eli and a tattoo artist did a fist bump after she finished his new tattoo.
The tattoo artist was named Aurora.
"Sweet. Thanks, Aurora. Tell Rico I said hey." Eli told Aurora. 
“Wow. Man, you are really going all-in on Miyagi-Do, huh?” Demetri asked Eli.
Eli chuckled. “It's a lotus flower. Symbolizes a new beginning, which is what I have now.”
“It looks good.” Sarah said.
Miguel looked at his cell phone, then he sighed.
"Hey, Miguel, you good?" Demetri asked.
“Yeah. Uh, tired from the trip is all.” Miguel said.
“You spent how many hours in a car with Robby? I've never seen you around him for more than two minutes without a John Wick-style fight breaking out.” Eli said.
“For Sensei's sake, I'm trying not to let it get to that, even if he deserves it. Robby says he's done with Cobra Kai, though. We'll see how that goes.” Miguel responded.
Miguel’s phone chimed.
“Is that Sam? She finally text back?” Riley asked.
Riley was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black low-top Converse sneakers with white laces.
“Yeah. Says she wants to…Uh, talk tonight.” Miguel said.
Demetri hissed.
“What did she say exactly?” Eli asked.
"We should talk tonight." Miguel said.
Eli, Demetri, and Sarah exchanged a worried look.
“What?” Miguel asked.
“It says ‘we should talk’? Oh, brother, you're in deep.” Demetri said.
“She's right. We should talk. Last time we spoke, we had a fight.” Miguel said.
“Yeah, but ‘we should talk’ is code for ‘I want to break up’.” Demetri said.
“What? It is?” Miguel asked.
“Not necessarily. Moon is really big on communication. Maybe Sam does just want to talk.” Riley said.
Demetri grabbed Miguel’s phone. “No, no. We need more information. Uh, we should send a trial balloon. Something that puts the ball in her court.”
Miguel tried to figure out what to say to Sam. “Can't wait to see you tonight. Um…How are you?”
Demetri sent Sam a text. The text read “Can't wait to see you tonight. How are you?”
“That's good.” Eli said.
“Right?” Demetri asked.
“Yeah.” Sarah said.
“Yeah.” Miguel said.
“It's going to be fine, man. We’re fine. It's fine.” Demetri said.
Sam’s cell phone chimed. She showed Yasmine and Moon the text she received.
Yasmine chuckled. “Desperate. But cute. He knows he's in deep shit.”
“I just…I feel like things have been off lately. There's so much I want say. Maybe I should just lay it all out.” Sam said.
“No!” Yasmine yelled, grabbing Sam’s phone. “No, less is more.”
“I'm with Yas. It's better to have these conversations in person.” Moon said.
Yasmine sent Miguel a text.
“Mm-hm. Keep it short, not sweet.” Yasmine handed the phone to Sam.  
Sam looked at the text Yasmine had sent Miguel. The text read “I'm okay.”
“Should I add a smiley face?” Sam asked.
“No!” Yasmine yelled. At the same time, Moon said, “Definitely.”
Yasmine and Moon looked at each other.
Sam sighed.
Miguel’s cell phone chimed.
Eli, Demetri, Sarah, Miguel, and Riley looked at the phone.
Miguel and Demetri sighed.
"Dude, that's bad. There's not even an emoji." Eli said.
“Yeah, man. She is not okay. You need to do something to turn this around stat.” Demetri told Miguel.
“What do I do?” Miguel asked.
“I think I have an idea.” Demetri said.
Daniel and Chozen were in Daniel’s car. The car was parked in front of Mike’s house. Daniel was in the driver’s seat.
Mike walked out of his house.
“There he is. Karate's bad boy.” Daniel said.
“Eh, he does not look so bad to me.” Chozen said.
“Yeah, well, that guy tried to kill me once. You don't forget or forgive something like that.” Daniel said.
The engine revved.
Daniel looked at Chozen.
“Except you.” Daniel said. “You and I…We're good.”
Daniel patted Chozen’s shoulder.
Daniel followed Mike to a warehouse loading dock and watched as he removed a tool from the trunk of his car.
“What does he have there? Some sort of handsaw?” Daniel asked.
“Good for cutting pipe.” Chozen said. 
Mike removed another tool from the trunk of his car.
“That one good for cutting bone.” Chozen said.
Daniel looked through the window of the warehouse.
“Looks like he has some goons working for him.” Daniel said.
“Ah, easy for me to handle.” Chozen said.
Daniel unbuckled his seatbelt.
“No. I don't want you getting in any more fights. I'll take care of this.” Daniel said.
“Daniel-san, you cannot go alone.” Chozen told Daniel.
“Don't worry. I'm going to do exactly what Mr. Miyagi would do.”
“And what is that?” Chozen asked.
“Avoid the fight, right?” Daniel asked.
Daniel got out of the car.
Johnny and Carmen entered a pharmacy and walked up to the counter.
Carmen spoke. "Hi."
"Morning after pill or pregnancy test?" The woman behind the counter asked.
"Is it that obvious?" Carmen asked sheepishly.
Johnny spoke. "One pregnancy test, please. Or two. Or however many come in a box."
"Aisle 2. Plenty of options." The woman behind the counter said.
“All right.” Carmen said.
Carmen made her way to aisle 2.
Johnny put his box of “Tiger Glove” condoms on the counter. They were labeled “Best condom in the wild kingdom.” On the back of the box were the words “Condoms for YOUR pleasure” and a picture of a tiger.
“I'm going to need a refund for these. They do not work.” Johnny said.
The woman behind the counter inspected the box.
“There's no way these were purchased at a real pharmacy.” The woman behind the counter said.
“It doesn't matter. I want my money back.” Johnny said.
Johnny made his way to aisle 2.
Carmen looked at a pregnancy test.
Johnny was nervous. "Is that the best one? We can buy the premium version. Whatever you like."
"Johnny, take a breath." Carmen told Johnny.
Johnny sighed. "Sorry. It's just…When Robby and Sarah were born, I wasn't ready. I felt useless. I don't want to be that guy again."
“I understand. Miguel was a surprise too. I was scared. But now we have each other, right?” Carmen asked.
“Right.” Johnny said.
A baby boy was crying.
The baby’s father held a toy out in front of him and shook it. 
“Please, stop crying. Please.” The baby’s father pleaded.
“Oh, God. Now I think I'm going to get sick,” Johnny muttered.
“Looks like you're not ready to have another kid.” Carmen walked away.
“Shit. Carmen, wait.” Johnny followed Carmen. 
“Johnny, this should be simple, and you're making me nervous. I'll take the test later.” Carmen said.
“Okay.” Johnny said.
“In the meantime, maybe you can figure out how not to be that guy again.” Carmen said.
“Yeah.” Johnny said.
Yasmine and Moon took Sam to a spa.
Sam looked around. “Moon, this place is so you.”
Moon wrapped her arm around Sam. “Isn't it? When Piper and I broke up, there was a lot of negative energy. This place helped cut through the noise, which is why I brought you here. You’ve got to find yourself. Figure out who you really are.”
“They also do facials, so…” Yasmine trailed off.
Yasmine and Sam followed Moon to a self-actualization pod.
“What is this, exactly?” Sam asked.
“This is a self-actualization pod.” Moon said.
“So, like a sensory deprivation tank?” Sam asked.
“Oh, no, no, no, no. They don't call them that anymore. It's not about deprivation. It's about connection with your innermost self.” Moon said.
“Thanks, but I'm still going to pass. I have nightmares about drowning in shallow water.” Sam said.
“Wow. That's dark,” Yasmine muttered.
“Sam, ever since the tournament, you've been off balance. It's clear there has been some tension with Miguel. The only thing you're going to find in this pod is yourself. That's not so scary, right?” Moon asked.
Demetri, Eli, Sarah, Miguel, and Riley entered a jewelry store.
“I got Yasmine a charm bracelet here, plus a charm for every fight we have. She can barely lift her arm now.” Demetri said.
“Okay, explain to me again why I have to buy expensive jewelry. Maybe Sam is okay and you guys are just reading too much into it.” Miguel said.
“My friend, this is a five-alarm fire. If anything, we're not reading into it enough, okay?” Demetri asked.
Demetri, Eli, Sarah, Miguel, and Riley walked up to the counter.
“Can I help you find something?” The woman behind the counter asked.
“Um…Yes. I'm looking for something special for my girlfriend.” Miguel said.
“That's so sweet! Is it a birthday? An anniversary?” The woman asked.
“He left the country without telling her during the biggest karate fight of her life.”
Demetri said.
“That’s a new one.” The woman cleared her throat. “How about a nice pair of earrings?”
Miguel gestured to a necklace in the shape of an octopus.
“How much is that?” Miguel asked.
“The octopus?” The woman asked.
The woman took the necklace out of the display case and handed it to Miguel.
“It's perfect, but I don't think I'm going to be able to afford it.” Miguel said. 
The woman looked at the price tag.
“Actually, it has been reduced.” The woman said.
“Reduced? Great. How much?” Miguel asked.
“After tax, $182.” The woman said.
Miguel sighed.
“Do you have one with fewer tentacles?” Sarah asked.
Daniel snuck into the warehouse and located Mike, who was talking to someone on his cell phone. 
“It's good to be back in business. Just like old times, right? Hey, don't worry about me. I'm ready. I've been telling you to get rid of that Italian piece of shit for years. Ah, flew in from Japan. Wow. That's dedication. You think that scares me? By the time I'm finished with them, they're going to be unrecognizable. You know, I think I know exactly how to do it. I think I'm going to start by cutting off their legs.” Mike said.
Mike grabbed a tool.
“You know what? Enough chitchat. Let's get down to brass tacks. Now, for me to do my very best, I'm going to need 50 percent. You owe me that much after what happened last time.” Mike laughed. “Yeah, it's going to be fun. Oh, yeah. Those kids are in for a big surprise.”
Jumping to conclusions, Daniel ran up to Mike and grabbed his phone.
“Barnes, no! Listen to me, you son of a bitch. I'm not going to have you or your ponytailed pimp lay one finger on any of our kids!” Daniel yelled.
Mike looked at Daniel in shock and asked, “Daniel LaRusso?”
“You’ve got that right, shithead. You hear me, you sick bastard? I'm onto you, and I'm onto the whole God damn thing.” Daniel said.
“I'm sorry. Who is this? And what happened to Michael?” The woman on the other end of the phone asked.
“Who's this?” Daniel asked.
A man walked up to Mike.
“Everything okay, Mr. Barnes? I heard yelling.” The man said.
Mike looked back and forth from the man to Daniel.
“Yes, yes. Everything's fine. Thank you, Phil.” Mike said.
Daniel handed Mike his phone.
Mike spoke. “Michelle? Yeah, I promise I will have the Japanese cedar chairs done by the time the school opens. I'm going to send over a couple of my guys to pick up the Florentine table. Fine. 40 percent commission.”
Mike gave Daniel a stern look.
“Done.” Mike hung up.
“What's going on here?” Daniel asked.
Mike and Daniel walked through a door that led to a furniture store. 
“You work in a furniture store?” Daniel asked.
“Daniel, I own the furniture store.” Mike said.
At his and Sarah’s apartment, Johnny googled "how to get ready for a baby." While watching a YouTube video about preparing for a baby, he practiced swaddling and rocking on a package of beer bottles, causing a bottle to fall and shatter, threw out his expired meat, replaced his lewd artwork with a picture of a lighthouse, and put on a gas mask and sprayed down the entire apartment with a pesticide tank after finding cockroaches in the couch.
An exhausted Johnny grabbed a beer bottle and sat on the couch.
The woman on the laptop screen spoke. “And if you think this is hard, wait ‘til the baby arrives.”
Johnny slammed the laptop shut.
“Mike, once again, I apologize. My life has been a little out of sorts lately.” Daniel said.
“If there is one guy in this world that doesn't owe me an apology, believe me, it's you. Look, man, I'm so sorry for the things I said and did back in the day. I have wanted to apologize to you so many times. I-I guess I was worried it would trigger something. I thought it was best to leave the past where it is.” Mike said.
“That’s a good idea. I'm just trying to wrap my head around Mike Barnes, Furniture King.” Daniel said. 
“Well, Furniture Co-King. I run it with my wife. It's actually her dad's place. Well, it was her dad's place. After the All-Valley Tournament, my life was ruined. I was lost. I was banned from karate, which was all I knew, so I found myself working odd jobs. One day, I'm moving furniture, and I meet my future father-in-law. He showed me I could do something with these hands other than fight.” Mike sighed. “There’s just something about taking a piece of sycamore and creating something a family can sit around that feels right.”
“Wow. Man, talk about a 180.” Daniel said.
Mike laughed.
“Yeah, I know. Hey, what about you, huh? I've seen your commercials. You know, chopping down prices. I'm really happy that things have worked out for you.” Mike said. 
“Yeah, well, it's...” Daniel paused. “They actually aren't working out so well lately.”
Sam entered the self-actualization pod and closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes, everything was dark.
Sam was wearing her Miyagi-Do gi.
Daniel appeared. He was wearing his Miyagi-Do gi and headband.
“Sam, what are you doing here?” Daniel asked.
“I'm not sure. I'm supposed to be figuring out who I am.” Sam said.
“What do you mean? You're LaRusso 2.0.” Daniel said.
Yasmine and Moon appeared. They were wearing their Lakers Girls costumes.
“Sam, you're one of the girls.” Moon said.
Robby appeared. He was wearing his black and yellow Cobra Kai gi.
“You’re the girl who broke my heart.” Robby said.
Eli appeared. He was wearing his Miyagi-Do gi. He was holding his All-Valley trophy.
“You’re the girl who lost.” Eli said.
Miguel appeared. He was wearing his Eagle Fang gi.
“You’re my girlfriend, Sam. Why can’t you just be supportive?” Miguel asked.
Daniel, Robby, Yasmine, Moon, Miguel, and Eli circled Sam. Daniel, Robby, Moon, Miguel, and Eli’s voices overlapped.
“LaRusso 2.0.”
“The girl who broke my heart.”
“One of the girls.”
“You're my girlfriend, Sam.”
“What are you doing here?”
“You're the girl who lost.”
“The girl who broke my heart.”
“One of the girls.”
Daniel, Robby, Yasmine, Moon, Miguel, and Eli disappeared.
Sam heard Tory’s voice. “I know exactly who you are, princess.”
“Tory?” Sam asked.
Sam approached the phantom in the distance, only to find herself staring at her doppelgänger. The doppelgänger was wearing a black long-sleeved gi and holding a pair of sai. The doppelgänger attacked Sam, prompting her to pick up a bo staff and defend herself. The doppelgänger gained the upper hand and disarmed Sam before delivering a punch that jolted her back to consciousness. Rejoined by Yasmine and Moon, Sam emerged from the pod. 
"Oh, my gosh. I had the most incredible vision. I was a drop of dew glistening in the moonlight." Moon said.
When Moon saw the look of terror on Sam’s face, she asked, "Are you okay?"
"Was your pod broken too? My water was freezing." Yasmine complained.
"Wasn't it enlightening? What did you see?" Moon asked Sam.
Sam didn’t say anything.
As Chozen grew restless waiting in Daniel’s car, Daniel filled Mike in on Terry.
Mike sighed. “So, Silver finally got what he was after.”
“Not yet. Not if I have anything to say about it.” Daniel said.
“I can’t imagine what it’s like to have that psycho invading your life again.” Mike said.
“I came here because I thought he might be recruiting you again. And now I'm just hoping that you could help me stop him. Is there anything you could tell me that might bring this guy down?” Daniel asked.
“I haven't seen him in years. I don't know what I could do to help.” Mike said.
“I understand. I'm actually kind of relieved. It's nice to know there are ex-Cobra Kai who don't want to get in a fight with me.” Daniel said.
“If you ever want a rematch, you know where to find me.” Mike joked.
When Mike and Daniel began to playfully spar, Chozen misinterpreted the action as aggression and kicked Mike through a table. Shards of broken glass went flying.
“Chozen, no!” Daniel yelled.
“They show no mercy, we show them no mercy!” Chozen yelled.
Chozen kicked the back of Mike’s knee. Mike groaned.
“No! You don't understand!” Mike yelled.
“What do you mean?” Chozen asked.
Mike stood up. He took off his blazer, tossing it aside. 
A fight began. Mike matched Chozen blow for blow.
“Chozen! Guys, stop!” Daniel attempted to intervene and received a punch in the face, which resulted in a bloody nose.
Daniel managed to stop the fight. “No! Guys! Whoa! Stop! Just stop!”
“Wait a minute. This guy's with you? What the hell, Daniel?” Mike asked.
“This is just a giant misunderstanding.” Daniel said.
“Oh. If this is misunderstanding, you’d better call ambulance.” Chozen said.
Chozen led Daniel and Mike to Mike’s employees. They laid on the floor, bloody and bruised.
The look on Mike’s face read “What the hell?”
Chozen looked embarrassed.
Sarah and Miguel walked into her and Johnny’s apartment.
Sarah spoke. “Hey, Dad.”
“Hey, Sensei. Do you have a second? I-I need your advice.” Miguel said. 
“Yeah.” Johnny said.
“I…Uh...” Miguel trailed off.
Sarah and Miguel wrinkled their noses.
“What’s that smell?” Miguel asked.
“It's either paint thinner or pesticide. Don't worry. It will air out in a few days. Breathe through your mouths.” Johnny told Sarah and Miguel.
“What's with the…Uh...What's with the place?” Miguel asked.
“Oh…It's…Uh…” Johnny paused. “Don't worry. Making a few changes. Have a seat.”
Miguel sat in an armchair. Sarah sat on the couch.
“Want milk? I’ve got a fridge full of it.” Johnny said.
Sarah shook her head.
“Nah. I’m good. Thanks. Uh…Okay…Um, I think Sam and I are having issues, and I've been talking to Hawk, Demetri, and Riley about it, but...” Miguel trailed off.
Johnny hadn’t met Riley, but he had seen photos of him on Sarah’s Facebook page.
“Hawk and Riley are total studs, but I wouldn't trust a word that dork Demetri has to say.” Johnny said.
“He has had a girlfriend for a while now.” Miguel said.
Johnny sat next to Sarah.
“I'm sure she's a real looker,” Johnny said sarcastically.
“Anyway…Um, I'm supposed to meet up with Sam tonight, but I have a feeling she's still mad at me, and I want to fix it, but we haven't spoken in a while, and honestly, I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to say.” Miguel said.
“I've been there. How about the truth? We all get shit wrong sometimes. Some of us get it wrong a lot. If you own up to your mistakes, you have a shot at making things right. You don't have to have it all figured out. Just be honest. See where it goes from there.” Johnny responded.
“That's actually some really good advice.” Miguel said.
Johnny sighed. “Yeah, I guess it is.”
Mike, Daniel, and Chozen were sitting on couches. They had ice packs on their injuries.
Daniel sighed. “Once again, I'm sorry, Mike. Silver has us all on edge.”
Mike sighed. “I can see that. The only thing I can think of is…Back in the day, Silver had this shady-ass attorney. This guy was totally off the books. As a matter of fact, he did my contract for me. I mean, what kind of attorney draws up the paperwork detailing the terms of one teenager terrorizing another?”
“He made you sign a contract?” Daniel asked.
“I made them put it in writing. The guy did promise me 50 percent of Cobra Kai.” Mike said.
“If people knew this contract existed, Silver's reputation would be destroyed. They would never let Cobra Kai compete again.” Daniel said. “This is exactly what we need. Tell me you still have it.”
“Daniel, no way. I mean...” Mike trailed off.
Mike sighed. “I might be able to dig up that attorney's name.”
Daniel walked away from Mike and Chozen and left Terry’s former attorney a voicemail. “Hi. I'm calling in regard to a former client of yours, Terry Silver. This is very urgent. Please give me a call back ASAP when you get this. Thank you.”
Chozen sighed contentedly.
Mike smirked. “I see you're liking that tufted blue suede.”
“Mmm. Comfy.” Chozen said.
“How much?” Chozen asked.
“Well, it's normally 1,200, but what the hell? For you? Two grand.” Mike said.
Daniel walked up to Mike and Chozen. “I got the lawyer's voicemail. Hopefully, he calls us back.”
Chozen carried his new cushions to Daniel’s car.
Chozen watched as some of Mike’s employees carried his new couch to Daniel’s car. “Okay. Careful. Don't get blood on the couch. Very expensive.”
Daniel chuckled.
Miguel met up with Sam at the Miyagi-Do dojo.
Miguel spoke. “Hey.”
Sam spoke. “Hey.”
“Um...Look, Sam, I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have abandoned you like that. I was trying to start a new chapter and figure out my past, but I wasn't thinking about you or us. Uh…Even all the way back to prom...” Miguel trailed off.
“Miguel, you...You don't need to explain. I'm sorry too. I was only thinking about myself. I was so wrapped up in the tournament that I wasn't being sensitive to what you were going through. As hard as it was to be on the other side of that, I really respect you for taking the time you needed to find yourself. But now I need that time too. Ever since my dad opened the dojo, my whole life has been about karate. It-It has affected all the relationships in my life. With my family. With my friends. With you. I just...I need a little break to figure out who I am outside of all that.” Sam said.
“When you say break, what do you...What do you mean? A break from karate? A break from me?” Miguel asked.
Tears formed in Sam’s eyes. “I'm not okay right now. I don't think I will be until I figure this out for myself. I just need to take the time to do that, but it doesn't mean that we can't still be friends.”
“Just not…Uh…Boyfriend and girlfriend,” Miguel said sadly.
“I don't even know if this is what I want, but I know it's what I need.” Sam said.
“Um...Look, I understand. I always want what best for you.” Miguel said.  “You know that. It doesn't mean we can't be friends, right?”
“Promise?” Sam asked.
“Of course. I should probably get going, but...Call me whenever, okay?” Miguel asked.
Sam inhaled. “Yeah.”
“Okay.” Miguel said.
Miguel turned around. He burst into tears and dropped the necklace he bought for Sam as he departed.
After work, Carmen went to Johnny and Sarah’s apartment. Sarah wasn’t there. She and Eli were at the movie theatre.
"Johnny, what's going on? You did all this today?" Carmen asked.
Johnny smiled.
"Yep. Just trying to be prepared. You know, just in case. This whole apartment is baby-proofed. Just try to stick your finger in any of the sockets. It's a lost cause. Oh, and did you know that babies can hear music in the womb?" Johnny asked.
Johnny grabbed a pair of headphones and wrapped them around Carmen’s stomach.
"I adjusted the headphones to fit around your stomach." Johnny said.
Carmen smiled.
"There's some Black Sabbath in there now, but you could put in Metallica, Dokken, whatever." Johnny said.
"Metallica. Always." Carmen said.
"Look, this morning, I didn't think I could be one of those lame dads with the baby carriers, the diapers, and all that crap. But if it means I'm doing it with you and our child, I'll do whatever it takes." Johnny said.
"I know you will." Carmen said.
“I was a better dad to Sarah than I was to Robby, but I screwed up from time to time. I can’t promise I won’t screw up again, but I can promise I won’t run away. I won’t back down.” Johnny said. 
“I have something to confess. I couldn't wait. I took the test." Carmen said.
"All right. Whatever it says, I'm ready." Johnny said.
"Good, because we're having a baby." Carmen said.
Johnny smiled. "Badass!" 
Johnny and Carmen celebrated their good fortune with a kiss.
Daniel was sitting on a bench in the sauna at the Encino Oaks Country Club. He sighed contentedly when the steam hit his face and back.
Daniel could sense that someone was nearby. “Morning. Nothing like a good steam to start the day off right.”
Daniel heard his voice. “Hi. I'm calling in regard to a former client of yours, Terry Silver. This is very urgent. Please give me a call back ASAP when you get this. Thank you.”
Terry was holding his cell phone. He took a step closer to Daniel. He smirked. “I warned you.”
Daniel stood up.
“What are you doing here?” Daniel asked.
“Oh. You and I are going to be seeing a lot more of each other. First, I'm going to deal with my old friend, and then I'll deal with you. I told you not to play with fire.” Terry said.
Terry walked away.
Mike arrived at his furniture store. It was engulfed in flames. Sirens wailed nearby.
“Oh, God,” Mike muttered in agony.
0 notes
baldwinboy5ive · 3 years
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I call this Cobra Drive. AU where a sad boy meets another sad boy in his building elevator and they just stare longingly at each other for extended periods of time. (Daniel LaRusso, who made the crane kick famous, gets to add to his repertoire of bird karate moves by stomping Mike Barnes to death in the same elevator like a secretary bird.)
I also wrote some crap for this AU, even though I am not much of a fanfic writer. However, it’s not that bad. It’s just regular bad. 
“If I drive for you, you get your money. You tell me where we start, where we’re going, where we’re going afterward. I give you a five minute window when we get there. Anything happens in that five minutes and I’m yours. No matter what. Anything happens a minute either side of that and you’re on your own. I don’t sit in while you’re running it down, I don’t carry a gun, I don’t do karate - not anymore. I drive. Do you understand?” 
The well-rehearsed speech was delivered in an accent that was undeniably East Coast, but from a man who knew well the 100,000 streets of Los Angeles. Daniel ended it every single time with a secret tribute to his beloved mentor, whose life lessons were always punctuated with “Understand?” 
And Daniel did. He always understood what Mr. Miyagi had told him, and replied “Yeah, I understand,” even if some of his lessons had taken awhile to really make their impact on him. 
Daniel moved frequently. It was routine now for him. Funny how things changed. He often remembered how monumental that first cross-country move had been, how the course of his entire life had shifted that summer of 1984. Now, his moves were quick, efficient, and all within LA. 
On his second day in his newest building, Daniel returned to his apartment by elevator. Another building resident stepped in with him, hauling a basket of laundry from the basement. 
He was familiar. Daniel kept his eyes trained at his feet while he felt the familiar man’s gaze on him for a moment. He allowed himself one quick glance, but didn’t manage to time it as well as he’d wanted. The golden-haired man who now shared a building with him was still staring back at him. 
His eyes were beautiful and sad. 
It was Johnny Lawrence. 
“You just move back to LA or something?” was the question Johnny finally settled on after he and Daniel hauled his groceries into his second story apartment. There was too much he wanted to ask. It had been 34 years. Something in those 34 years had hardened the look in Daniel’s eyes.
“No, I’ve been here for awhile.” 
“So just new here?” 
Daniel nodded. 
“What are you up to now, LaRusso?” 
“I drive.” 
“Like, those internet car things?” Johnny asked, a touch of confusion on his face. 
“No, for the movies.” 
“You mean all the car chases and stuff?” 
Johnny let out a soft laugh. “Isn’t that dangerous?” 
Daniel fully met Johnny’s eyes, and stared challengingly, the words “Oh, now you care about my safety and well-being?” hanging between the two of them unspoken. Daniel’s lips quirked into a slight grin. So did Johnny’s. Then Daniel knew. Johnny remembered it all. 
The intensity of Johnny’s bright blue eyes and the pain they carried eventually became too much for Daniel, who was the first to drop his gaze. He broke the silence by saying placatingly, “It’s only part time. Mostly I work at a garage.” 
“Reseda Boulevard.” 
After a few more beats of silence, Daniel nodded his head towards the teen boy sitting at the kitchen table doing his homework, as if only just noticing him even though he’d rode up in the elevator with them. “He yours?” 
“They sometimes just come with the apartment. Old place here is infested. Overrun with roaches, children, teens. You might want to check under your kitchen counters and shit if you haven’t already, LaRusso.” 
The boy snorted, not offended in the least. “I’m Miguel,” he said. 
A door in the apartment slammed open, and another teen boy wandered into the kitchen. “Who’s this?” he asked, pointing at Daniel.
“This is LaRu- Daniel. Daniel, this is Robby.”
Daniel stared at the two teenagers. Neither of them resembled Johnny. Perhaps Johnny hadn’t been kidding about them surfacing from under the kitchen counters. 
At the garage, a sly smile spread on the face of the man who’d given Daniel all of his jobs. “Oh, you and the kid know each other,” he said, gesturing rapidly between Daniel and Johnny while leaning over the open hood of a car he’d been working on. 
“Don’t,” Daniel warned. He stalked off, but not without grinning at his employer. 
“Uh…” Johnny began. A “He kicked me in the face when we were teenagers, but I did sort of deserve it a little, and it’s actually at least a 126 minute-long story” died on his lips. 
“We’re neighbors,” Johnny said. 
“Ahh,” said Daniel’s employer, as if that was all there was to know. 
Johnny explained in more detail what was going on with his Firebird, and was told that the repairs would take a few days. 
“Miguel, call us one of those car things from your iComputer.” 
“It’s an iPho-” 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” cut in Daniel’s employer. “You and the kid are neighbors! He’d be happy to give you a ride.” 
Johnny met Daniel’s eyes from across the garage. He did indeed look happy.
“Hey, I know you. Come on, we met last year! Well - met again. It’s me. Snake. You drove me and Dennis back from Palm Springs. Hey, I got this sweet job planned out --” 
Fury blazed in Daniel’s eyes. Someone both recognizing him and talking to him about his jobs was more than enough to make Daniel disappear for a few months, but this wasn’t just any someone. This was one of Terry Silver’s men. Over the years, Daniel had done everything he could to be free of Terry and his mob. But every time Daniel thought he was safe, eventually, Terry would always come back. And there would always be a job. 
Terry’s man - and therefore Terry himself - reappearing in his life would have been bad enough before, but now? Now he had Johnny. He couldn’t just pick up and leave. He realized with anger burning up in his chest that he didn’t want to pick up and leave. 
Daniel cut Snake off with a low whisper. “How about this? Shut your mouth. Or I’ll kick your teeth down your throat, and shut it for you.” 
All Daniel had wanted was to finish his dinner and coffee in peace, until it was time to drive Johnny to the bar for his night shift. Daniel stared at Snake, never taking his eyes off of him until Snake quietly retreated from the diner. Only then did Daniel feel comfortable returning to his food.
Daniel’s face took on a detached and aloof manner when he addressed the man Terry had sent. 
“When you get your money, his debt’s paid. He’s out for good. And you never go near his family again. Do you understand?” 
Daniel did everything in his power to keep his voice even. Confident. Balanced. But that voice on the other end of the phone would always terrify him. Some things never changed. 
“I’m going to give you a time and a place and you’re going to come and get your money. Do you understand?” 
Terry barked out a laugh. “What do you get out of it, Danny boy?” 
“Just that: out of it.” 
Daniel hung up. For once he had the satisfaction of dictating terms with Terry Silver. 
“They came to my apartment. How did they know where I live?” 
“I told you, I was going to call Kreese, I just wanted him to know that… that it wasn’t about the money… that you’re not interested in the money… that you just did it for him.” 
Daniel exploded at the man who had been his longtime employer. So this was how Kreese and Silver and known it was him. “Why?! You told them about Johnny! Why did you tell them about Johnny?!” 
“Calm down, kid. Just calm down.” 
“I should fucking kill you - you told them about Johnny! That’s how they figured it out, you know - that it was me. You told them about Johnny and then they knew it was me.” 
“I just wanted him to know… that as soon as you returned the money, that was the end of it, that’s all! I didn’t know. I didn’t know. How was I supposed to know?! How was I supposed to know… that everything led to Silver!” 
Daniel’s voice was breaking as he screamed at the old man. Daniel’s eyes were wild and he was breathing hard. Breathe in, breathe out, echoed the voice of his dear sensei in his head. Soon, his racing heart slowed just enough for him to calmly tell his employer, “They came for me, and now they’re going to come for you, too. You have to get out of here. Do you understand?” 
John Kreese pleaded with his lifelong friend. “Anybody finds out you stole from the family, we’re both dead. The money always flows up, Twig. You know that!” 
Terry Silver fell uncharacteristically quiet amidst their shouting match. He looked at Kreese ruefully. “That’s why this driver’s gotta go, Johnny. That’s why he’s gotta go. He’s gonna tie me to this robbery.” 
It was too bad. Terry had always been fond of Daniel. 
Daniel hoped he would never again have to fear for Johnny’s and his kids’ lives. He flicked his eyes up to the rearview mirror. Miguel and Robby were fast asleep in the backseat - and safe. Alive. 
Daniel did, however, find comfort in knowing that he didn’t have to pretend anymore, didn’t have to keep his karate hidden and tucked away. If Johnny ever needed it again, Daniel would use it. He’d help Johnny remember his. He thought fondly of the way Mr. Miyagi had once insisted that only Daniel’s root karate came from Mr. Miyagi, and had urged him to make his karate his own. 
If Daniel could do it, so could Johnny. Johnny’s Cobra Kai would be better - different, new. A product of the goodness Daniel was confident Johnny had inside of him. Johnny would use that goodness to teach Robby and Miguel. And Daniel vowed to be there with them. 
If anyone ever again tried to hurt any of them, the four of them would be ready. 
Another Mr. Miyagi lesson surfaced in Daniel’s memories as he continued driving. Back in 1994, Mr. Miyagi had returned to Daniel in LA after a long stay in Boston, and over the course of several days, had told him all about Julie Pierce, and the lessons he taught her. The final lesson had been: “Fighting not good, but if must fight - win.” 
That was what Daniel had done. 
Daniel smiled at the beautiful man in the passenger seat next to him, whose sadness never left his eyes, but who, despite this, could now smile back warmly at him. Daniel checked the rearview mirror once more, never taking his attention from the road ahead of them. Miguel and Robby were both still asleep. 
Daniel turned his gaze back to the road for a moment, feeling the hum of the car around him and those he loved. 
“I’m yours. No matter what. Do you understand?” 
OH SHIT i forgot to mention, the idea for the cobra on the back of the jacket AND for including Robby both come from @idontknowkaratebutiknowcrazy !!!! Thank you for your moral support and help on these concepts! I always knew I wanted Daniel to be the Driver, so it didn’t even OCCUR to me to have the cobra on his jacket, until @idontknowkaratebutiknowcrazy said it, and then she said he can give it to Johnny later (even though it won’t fit him haha!). Just a note - I changed up the cobra design from the Cobra Kai logo though because the original logo looked kinda goofy as a silhouette. 
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datawyrms · 3 years
“Did you apologize to Tucker yet?”
“About what? Wait, are we talking again? I thought we weren’t talking.” The ghost circled back, blindly fumbling with the thermos lid, eyes busy squinting at the hunter’s mask as if it would let him see through it better. “You’re not gonna say it’s fine then shoot me, are you?”
“Why do you always remind me why I don’t like talking to you like this.”
“What’d you mean like ‘this’? Like I should pretend that isn’t a totally valid question?” 
Valerie groaned, gesturing at the ghost. “Like that sort of thing is normal!”
Phantom smirked, letting the edges of his boots hit the hoverboard. “Welcome to my life.”
“And how you just keep that stupid confident face up.”
“Uh huh. I thought you were lecturing me about Tucker, not my personality.”
She deeply considered having the board jar the ghost off, but that’d probably just amuse him more. “You seriously don’t remember why you should be apologizing?”
“Well according to you, I should basically apologize for existing. So sometimes I lose track on the particulars.” There was an edge there that the blithe tone couldn’t quite cover up, even as the ghost sat down. “Y’gonna enlighten me or what? I’m bad at twenty questions.”
“You broke your promise to him, remember?”
The blank stare she earned in response was absolutely infuriating. “Uhhh. Which one?” He had the sense to look embarrassed, hand glued to the back of his neck.
That wasn’t going to help him though. Shooting him was actually sounding like a fair idea if it was the only thing that would get him to actually learn and pay attention. “To stop possessing people. The big one? The really easy one that NONE of his other friends need to worry about doing ‘accidentally’?”
“Wow Val, if you just wanted to say you think I’m weird you didn’t need to drag Tuck into it.” The embarrassment slid into a scowl easily enough, arms crossed as if that would defend him. “I haven’t done that for months.”
“He’s been telling you he hates it for years.” Before she even figured out Danny’s dead man walking secret. Tucker was too good a friend to be ignored for literal years because a ghost conveniently forgot how fucked up it was to invade someone’s body and use them as an unwilling meat puppet if it was ‘helpful’.
“I try, okay? I’m not doing it to upset him!”
“Somehow everyone else can manage without doing it.”
The ghost tilted his head. “Well duh, you guys can’t.”
“Even if we could, we wouldn’t.” She snapped, the confusion and completely casual excusing of his actions just a little too much to deal with. “Heroes don’t control people.”
“Well excuse me for needing to protect myself. If what I am gets out to the wrong people, I’m dead. More dead.” He groaned face in hand “You know what I mean. Worse than dead. Dani too.”
“Do you really think Tucker’s dad would have ratted your whispy ass out? That he wouldn’t help you explain? Or was it just an excuse to let yourself do what you want?”
“Well you seem to have decided that it was! Which it wasn’t!” His eyes flared green with the defence, and Valarie had to work to not react to the impulsive want to get away from an angry ghost. “I just- reacted, okay? I told him that!”
“Well Tucker and Sam keep forgetting how much of a ghost you are, so of course they won’t buy that excuse.”
“Excuse? It’s not an excuse!” He was up, the offended squawk reminding her so much of how he was before. When they were all fourteen, and every uncomfortable problem could be chalked up to being ‘a moody teenager’ and ignored for a while longer. “And you could stop saying ghost like that, while you’re at it?” The glow dimmed, but he kept the distance. “Sound like my dad.”
“What, you want me to say it like you do when they keep coming here to threaten people? Deal with it.”
“There are plenty of ghosts who don’t do that.”
“Yeah. They don’t come here, and they aren’t my problem,” she shrugged, considering. “I’ll say it nice to them.”
“Oh, real funny.”
“You deserve it.”
She expected a scoff, at least. Probably a laugh, considering how often he’d joke about being the town’s public enemy for a time. Instead he averted his eyes. “Maybe we can finish this talk on the ground?”
It was easier to be ticked off at him when he was joking, or steamed himself. Phantom didn’t ‘do’ uneasy. Maybe it was a good sign that he was actually listening, if he wanted to continue ‘off the clock’. “Space cadet wants to land? Sure, if you want.”
“I wouldn’t go with ‘want’, but yeah.”
It wasn’t much trouble, in the middle of the day. A quick glance while hidden in at least one direction was enough. People who lived in Amity Park knew they should get out of the area of a ghost sighting at this point. Even if she and Phantom were trusted enough to deal with it, stray shots happened. Things fell. Not too many eyes to avoid, even if her identity felt like an open secret most of the time.
Danny had it even easier. He just had to think. It felt like a sick joke, that he could stop being dead on a whim and blend in fairly well. The gangly man leaning against the tree looked human. Black hair, blue eyes, needed a tan, unremarkable. Average. Unless you knew what to look for, anyway. How a casual slouch didn’t match up with how he was always looking for something, a tense energy that seemed desperate to crack free of that spine. That he could walk in winter with the thinnest of jackets and not shake from the cold even once. “Hey.”
Valerie rolled her eyes, sitting on the bench. “Hey yourself.”
Danny grimaced, looking up and away. “How much of a ghost I am, huh?” It wasn’t an angry question, exactly. He was still slouching, hands in pockets. Guarded and uneasy. How much of that fear and caution the person she thought she knew, and how much of it was just another part of his act?
“You’ve said you’re at least half of one.”
“Yeah. You just make it sound like that’s a bad thing.”
The whole crux of the issue, really. How no one really knew how to deal with Danny, his secret and how he’d changed. “It’s not a bad thing on it’s own.”
“So I’m the part you like to sneer at,” his brow furrowed, the creases and wrinkles more ominous as blue slid closer to green. “I thought we went over this. You know what actually happened. How I never really attacked people.”
She admired Tucker and Sam’s patience, she really did. “We have. It’s not about that stuff. That’s years ago, you know it. It’s the other stuff.”
The anger was gone in an instant. “What other stuff?”
He was a living migraine waiting to happen. “How you keep thinking things from seven years ago are more important than things happening right now?”
“Hey, you’re the one that held the grudge for two.”. 
“Months. Not years.”
He slouched more at the correction, apparently very interested in his own hands. “Oh. Right.”
“You haven’t been using the reminders like Jazz told you to, have you.”
“I can remember fine! I don’t need some box doing it for me. I’ve just been busy.”
Busy. That was his excuse this time? She crossed her arms and leaned back. “Okay, what year is it?”
“Uhm.” he paused to pick at a non existent loose thread “One starting in 2?”
“What! Lots of people don’t care too much about the time.”
He didn’t even try to guess within ten years. There was living in the present, and there was this. “No, you know your ghost side makes you act in certain ways and keep denying it. So you still get the complete pain version of ghost. Get it?”
“I’m not that different.” He wouldn’t look at her, hand clenching. “I’m human too, you know.”
“Uhuh. The way your eyes flare up when you’re mad is super human.” She ignored his scowl, pushing forward. “I get it. You don’t like being reminded. Tuck and Sam try to ignore it for your sake.”
“Val, I’m not denying it okay? I know. It’s pretty obvious!”
“Then stop pretending you don’t know. They’re trying so hard to help you have a chance of getting a job that isn’t with your parents and you won’t even use the reminders to help you remember where in time you are!”
That got him to bristle, shaking off his slouch in a sudden reminder of how tall he really was. “Why does it matter? We’re all just kidding ourselves about me ever leaving here.”
“So you just won’t try? Just give up on finding anything else? For someone who keeps insisting he’s human, you sure seem eager to ditch that half of your life.”
“That isn’t what I’m doing.”
“Then what are you doing? Because all I’ve seen you do is get tetchy about ghosts and instinctively do ghost things. When you’re human.”
“I’m putting in the work.You know it’s hard to study or hold down a job.”
“So stop making it harder on yourself.They’ve found ways to help keep you grounded, so do it.” Sam should be saying this, of course. She’d heard it frustratedly repeated so many times, but she never dared to actually say it to the one who had to hear it. Because he was already prone to pulling away or vanishing when you pressed too hard, made things too uncomfortable. Ghosts didn’t do coping, and Danny was never great at facing personal issues head on before becoming a menace to her sanity either. “You think making things harder makes you more of a hero?”
“‘Course not.” He wasn’t looking at her anymore. He was looking for an escape, an out. “I shouldn’t need that stuff, alright?”
Now it was her turn to be puzzled. “Why shouldn’t you?”
A lopsided grin answered her question. “Who likes admitting they’re a freak?” The tree no longer had a human standing by it, but his voice was easy enough to hear. “ But I guess some people care about a freak like me anyway.”
(did Valerie use a tracker to smack him and say ‘you’re not a freak’ right after this? yes)
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dreamwraith · 3 years
DxS did actually develop in canon
Before I get started, I gotta be upfront, I don't ship it. I prefer to avoid it, in fact. My friends and I rewatched the series last year, though, and watching the episodes all together like that made something stand out to me. The criticism the ship gets about lacking development is...off point. It develops! Even in the third season, the growth is there and it's beautiful and subtle because it builds upon each episode so you really only see it when it's watched all together.
And I think part of the problem is the popular idea that Sam and Danny were crushing on each other before the series began or even just early in the first season, and, like, if you ship these two, please believe me, you don't want that. You don't want to start at the finish line, you'll have gone nowhere, and that is why people assume it didn't have any growth.
But you can see in the first instance when Danny and Sam are called a couple in Mystery Meat, Sam sounds and looks offended while Danny is incredulous. Even in Parental Bonding, Sam doesn't show a preference for Danny over Tucker, she just wants a friend to invite her because her ideals aren't going to let her go to "some stupid dance" unless she has the excuse she's doing it for someone else. The narration is obviously moving her and Danny in that direction, but they're not feeling anything yet. She and Danny dance, and there is none of the blushing you see in later episodes.
Why is this?
Because GROWTH
I don't think the romantic subplot really even starts to affect them until the fake-out-make-out happens in Shades of Gray. They're still only friends after it happens, it's incredibly awkward, they're cringing because they just crossed a line, necessary or not. If you watch the scene without any expectations for the coming relationship, Danny is very alarmed that Sam is kissing him. He’s freaking the freak out, he lost control of his powers (just as Sam had hoped) and he’s wide-eyed and pounding his fists on the ground. He did not expect this AT ALL. Any of it. And even when he sits up and he has that half-lidded look on his face, he’s not looking at Sam, he’s just looking off into space in a very “a girl just kissed me” boy daze. Congrats, Danny. He snaps out of it once Sam speaks, and then they both get this grimace on their face. I don’t think it has anything to do with secret feelings, I think it’s because people have been teasing them about being lovebirds and now they’re going to get mocked and teased mercilessly, and oh fudge. 
So they don’t feel anything there, BUT the simple act of kissing gets them thinking. It must get them thinking because the next episode is Fanning the Flames.
The important detail isn't the love spell, it's how receptive Danny and Sam are to each other at the beginning of the episode. Last episode, they kissed out of necessity, and now they're blushing when they hold hands, smiling shyly at each other, giving compliments, staring at each other, blushing, blushing, blushing. It's as though that fake kiss flipped a switch and now they are aware of each other in ways they never were before. In fact, Sam is shown to be very taken with Danny flying in the sunlight, a very clear moment in the series where there's a shift in the shading, the angle of the camera, and we the audience are allowed to see through Sam's eyes as she looks at Danny and sees him in a different light in what might be to her the first time.
And quick aside here, you have probably heard the argument Sam loves Danny for his powers, but you may not have heard this isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's an expression of Sam's character to, not only delight in the unique and odd, but to appreciate action when it's called for. Danny is a half ghost hero who refuses to sit on the sidelines when someone is in trouble. These are things Sam values, and Danny being who he is and what he does is going to make her heart pound with admiration. He's her dream guy, but more than that, he's her friend. She knows his flaws and who he is as a person. There is absolutely nothing wrong with her loving his powers and how unique it makes him in addition to liking him. I see it a little bit like having a thing for drummers and then your friend develops an aptitude for drumming. It's not going to change the friendship, but you might notice him a little differently. The only problem here would be if she liked him for the powers and not because there is something more there. For Sam, I think, it’s not just the powers. Danny Phantom isn't a stranger who is half ghost and saving people, he's Danny, her friend. She has watched him develop into a hero, starting from episode one, when Danny decided to do something with his powers.
It's a wild, new perception of Danny that would be hitting her in this moment, and if Ember hadn't interfered, they may have actually gotten together much sooner. But she did. She placed a spell over Danny and threw into question everything they have been feeling and made things move too fast, way too fast, for Sam, who, as you’ll remember, couldn’t even admit she wanted to go to a dance a few episodes ago.
Idk if you guys have noticed this or if anyone else agrees, but I fully believe it's Sam who sets the pace. For all the clueless jokes and teasing, Danny has shown from the get-go he's receptive to the idea of him and Sam getting together. Just look at the way he smiles whenever something happens between them-- it's usually Sam who pulls away or ducks her head. Such as in this episode, when the love spell is broken and she, not Danny, makes an excuse for why they hugged for so long. If we focus on Danny in this relationship, the progression of his feelings aren't very linear. There are moments when he notices her or learns to appreciate her, but they aren't major shifts for him. Like he said in Urban Jungle, "I always thought you ruled, Sam." When I rewatched it, I didn't see Sam waiting for Danny, I saw Danny waiting for Sam. You might see it differently, tho, idk, I don't ship it :P But for this meta, I'm going to say it's her. She's not ready. And there's many reasons why.
For one, we saw in Parental Bonding she isn't comfortable admitting she wants the same things other girls want. Even though she really wants to go to the dance, she pretends she doesn't. It's important to her that she is different, even when it's an act. It's possible too then that she's not ready to give in to romance, especially one that others have been pressing on her. I don't think that would have stopped her in the long run, given how she was responding to Danny, but...Ember. That love spell. Idk what was fully intended to be going through her mind after that, but I believe it assured her it was best they stay friends, which is why she pulls back and makes an excuse. Danny's obsession under the spell was annoying, creepy, and it ruined what they had as friends. It's reasonable she wanted to take a step back. I think Danny looks like he understands? He was the one who caught on she wanted to go to the dance despite her denials, he must understand her pretty well on some level, so he probably recognizes that she isn't ready. He’s smiling when Sam makes the excuse. Or maybe he suspects that's the case. I might be basing a lot on his little smile and blush at the end there, but he also blatantly flirts with Sam at the end of Memory Blank and she's the one who smiles and ducks her head while he beams and raises his. They seem to be on the same wavelength here as far as his feelings and hers go, and it doesn't make sense for all these blushes and smiles between them to be something Danny... just... didn't pick up on when he's often responding to Sam's reactions. He's not clueless between these episodes, but he's not pushing her. He's not pushing himself. They're letting their friendship take priority.
So what changes? How does Danny go from knowing to clueless?
I'm thinking it was Reign Storm.
This, I think, is the moment Danny starts to think he had it all wrong. Since they've never actually spoken about how they feel, he can revisit the events of Fanning the Flames and the "Sam? But I thought..." "I thought too..." and start thinking Ember really did ruin things after all because at the climax of Reign Storm...Sam turned him down. Or she let the chance slip away. He didn't admit his feelings, but he indirectly asked her about hers, giving her a chance to say something before he faced his toughest fight to date, something she was afraid he might not survive, but she didn't say anything. She couldn't. She wasn't ready. Valerie had come onto the scene, and the burgeoning romance between her and Danny made Sam insecure. Valerie is beautiful, comfortable flirting with Danny, and Danny is responding to her. Valerie is what Sam isn't, but she isn't cruelly shallow like Paulina, there isn't an easy dismissal here. It's the first time Sam is faced with competition for Danny's affection and she... doesn't know if she wants to fight for it or not. She's hesitant to meet Valerie's challenge in that final scene, and whenever she opposes Danny's friendship with Valerie she uses Valerie's ghost hunting as the reason. It's a fair excuse, I just don't think it's the only reason. She's too angry and too hurt for there not to be personal undertones. But she can't admit it out loud, maybe not even to herself. It's the dance situation all over again, but this time Danny is distracted by Valerie and doesn't think Sam wants him back. Why would he? In a life or death situation, she didn't say anything. Silence carries its own words. Danny must have assumed she doesn't like him back after all.
Obviously, things come to a little bit of a head when Danny starts to get serious about Valerie. Events are manipulated by Technus, of course, but the feelings are Danny's own. Technus didn't make Danny stay up talking to Valerie all night; he chose to. Technus didn't make Valerie lay her head on Danny's shoulder; she chose to. So, when Danny responds to Sam's "Do you really think the universe wants you two to be together?" with "I don't know...I might." It's significant. Sam knows it too. Her voice actor did a great job putting pain into that gasp.
So Sam does what she has since Fanning the Flames; she puts her friendship with Danny first. If this is what he wants, she's not going to get in his way. Events may have continued apace in this fashion, with Sam silently pining as Danny explores a relationship with Valerie, BUT things aren't as simple as Danny or Valerie would like them to be. Misunderstandings and secrets undermine them from the start, and Sam's self sacrifice sees an immediate payoff when Danny trusts her with the ring he was going to give Valerie.
I...don’t really want to get into the WES ring thing, but Jack’s assumption here that Danny is dating Sam (not Valerie) is probably due to him seeing Danny dip and kiss Sam in the lab during Memory Blank. Sam wished for Danny to keep his DP symbol, so this whole scene probably still played out, and Jack likely still remembers he saw Danny kiss Sam, only now he remembers her name wasn’t actually Paulina. 
Idk if I’m grasping at straws or not with this, I’m just trying to give meaning to Jack’s mistake haaaaa...
I'm not going to get into the WES ring thing, I'm sorry. It hurt my feelings and it has Butch vibes all over it. Tucker’s “What is this, the eighties” has me freaked because yeah and the fact that it’s Jack’s class ring and not Danny’s because Danny is too young to have a class ring? I don’t like it I don’t like it ahhhhh
But. That Sam tosses a ring that has her name on it into the air and yet calls Danny clueless is an ironic joke I'm forever going to snicker at. Well played. Even if the rest of it was a dick move.
Sooooo...Valerie has withdrawn, Sam is smugly triumphant, but Danny is still pining after Valerie. The relationship between Danny and Sam is at a standstill because Sam's preferred status quo is back, aside from Danny is now blind to her.
Enter Gregor.
Oh, this little shit...
My personal opinion on this episode is that it wasn't necessary to pull the jealousy angle on Danny when he already had established feelings for Sam in the earlier episodes, but it does let Sam explore romance without risking her friendship. That's really all it is, you can see it in the way she behaves with Gregor. She's infatuated, but there isn't anything deeper than attraction and shared interests (or so Elliot makes it seem). Gregor's color scheme probably played a part in catching Sam's attention by making her think of him (a stranger) in a positive light. It's Phantom's color scheme from top to bottom. I'm pretty sure the writers made him that way, not for Sam, but for Danny. "This could have been you" they're saying "you should be in his place."
Ahh jealousy...
While Sam is exploring her sexuality, the romantic parts of herself she's been denying for so long, Danny is losing his god dang mind. If I focus on Sam, I like this episode much better. Danny is an absolute dick here. Someone stop him, pls, omg. The jealousy arc in a friends to lovers trope is pretty easy to understand. This is meant to make him recognize he could lose Sam to someone else if he keeps chasing after Valerie, it's supposed to make Sam the focus of his attention again, to make him aware of his feelings for her, make her desirable, a possession, objectified ect., ect.. Jealousy is a bad look on all romances, please don’t do this
Sam, though, I like her potential here if I continue with the idea she's been afraid to open herself to the idea of dating until now. It's a little fast, given that she's crushing within five seconds of seeing the guy (Danny at least was given two episodes and death defying adventures), but that's sort of the idea? She's not thinking here. She's... taking a plunge of sorts. She's letting herself follow her emotions instead of trying to beat them down, possibly because Gregor is new to the school, possibly because he also claims to be Goth so there is a sense of community she's responding to. Possibly because some part of her is tired of tormenting herself over crushing on Danny, and Gregor offers a fresh new take on something that has, so far, only caused her pain. Idk. It depends on how you want to interpret her feelings here. In my mind, she jumped on dating him so fast there had to be something else prompting her to open herself like that. It's not very consistent with how she has approached relationships and feelings in general up to this point, so I have to assume it was some sort of breaking point.
Regardless, she snaps out of it when they kiss. 
And she does kiss him back. Before it cuts to commercials, she closes her eyes and wraps her arms around his neck, he pulls her close, and that's when we zoom in on Danny's shocked face. I suppose this is the moment where he's meant to feel the most pain. Unlike Sam who put friendship over her feelings, however, Danny lashes out. He does come around when he's talking to Gregor in the locker room, though. Fair points to Danny, he does come around in the end. It's just a little too late.
I would feel bad for him, but he annoyed me a lot in the episode. 
Sam already looked like she was rethinking the relationship with Gregor after the kiss. He smoothed things out after she shoved him away, but she still looks uncertain when they walk off. In my mind, she was cool with the relationship because it was fun and everything, but she wants Danny, and Gregor isn't him. When he kissed her, it felt good, but then it didn't feel right and she pulled back. The romance was fun for her in this episode, but I think this was the moment she committed to Danny as the one she wants, despite the risk to their friendship. She still defends herself from Danny and walks away from school holding Gregor's hand, she's not giving up on Gregor yet, but she doesn't seem nearly as into him as she did before. Him snapping at Tucker and revealing his true colors just made everything easier.
Bye-bye tacky Danny substitute.
Danny recovers some ground then by complimenting her as a person. Sam might be able to see his feelings for her shining through, I think. The whole moment just felt wholesome and gooey sweet lol.
They still don't talk about it, though. Poor Tucker. I would be screaming in his place.
That brings us to season three.
Sam and Danny have both committed to how they feel about each other at this point, they just haven't said anything. They don't know that the other feels the same, only that they really like their friend.
Mutual pining, fully engaged.
Danny, in particular, has gone full blown. He's not even trying to deny it anymore, he's just shy and nervous about it, trying to hide it because he doesn't want to get hurt. He's usually bold when it comes to matters of the heart, especially by this point in the series, so he's holding that ember pretty close to his chest like he's afraid someone is going to blow it out. He has reason to be. He's been crushed in Fanning the Flames and disappointed in Reign Storm. He's all in, now, and very vulnerable because of it. When Johnny and later his dad ask about his "girlfriend," he stutters and shies away. He's not confident about anything except how he feels. Sam hasn't shown him any indication at this point in the series that she feels anything for him outside of friendship.
Urban Jungle pushes things, but Sam is a puppet. Undergrowth is speaking through her, using Sam to bait Danny into a trap. He can't trust the things she says in that state, and, kindness points to him, he doesn't. They don't blush when he gives her the ice crystal; they won the day, and he let's her off the hook like she had for him back in Control Freaks.
No, nothing for them changes until Frightmare.
Frightmare is the most important episode for their relationship. It is, in fact, in some ways more of a climax than Phantom Planet. They have spent the entire series not talking about how they feel. Sam has kept her feelings for Danny so tightly guarded he didn't know she still felt anything for him. The dreamwalking let's him see what Sam has hidden for so long, and once it's out, it's out. Danny knows. Sam knows he knows. Sam doesn't know that Danny dreamt about the same, she's only responding to the idea Danny now knows about her feelings for him. And Danny's actions after he finds out is positive, accepting, encouraging. But not pushing. They're still waiting. They're balanced on a pinhead and comfortable and happy to be there again after all they've been through since Fanning the Flames.
You can see the change in their relationship during Claw of the Wild. They're acting off each other. They haven't spoken still, but they're working in tandem. Danny is confident enough to do that arm move, a far cry from the boy in Girls Night Out who was trying to hide how he felt.
Sadly, D-Stabilized happens after, and as everyone knows, canon ends there. How Danny and Sam ultimately get together (assuming they get together at all) is up to you :3
Okay fine...
Phantom Planet is a fanfiction given canon status, but it does fit into the development of their relationship fairly well.
Danny and Sam know how they feel and how the other feels, they just haven't made anything official yet. It's kind of a foregone conclusion at this point, and they're kind of acting like it, such as when Danny lays his hand over Sam's after he loses his powers. There's his confidence in romance again. You love to see it.
It is a bit rocky here. Danny isn't listening, Sam isn't communicating, there is a lot of passive aggressive shiiiiiit going down before Sam becomes overtly aggressive and Danny finally notices something is wrong. That idiot...
I don't remember the whole speech. I remember thinking there were undertones because they know how each other feels now, but I can't remember the words exactly. Sam was frustrated and Danny finally gets his head out of his ass and starts listening, and he starts to consider just what it was he lost. What he gave up. And for what? Sam makes him look beyond the immediate problems, and there is value in that.
Being dissed by Dash after he failed to save him might have been the final nail, though, to be fair xD
Sam obviously likes Danny's unique powers, but she was at her most thrilled when he started trying to be a hero again even without his powers. His attitude was what was frustrating her, and once he stopped caring only about himself, she forgave him.
I will still hold, however, the dialogue was not great. Her reaction to seeing Danny's ghost form again was something like "Danny, it's you! I mean it was always you, but you're you again!"
It wasn't great, combined with everything else. It's just not. Since she just saw him (almost) die, I might have had her go with "Danny, you're alive! Er, ish! Alive-ish!"
She's actually going to see him (almost) die again a few minutes after this too! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Poor girl.
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I believe they hook up shortly after this in Antarctica. Idk. I blanked out on a lot of the movie. Sorry. I do remember, there wasn't a huge confession or anything. The only real, um, shock? Reveal? Was Sam noticing the ring had her name on it when she tried to give it back to him. They've known for a while how they felt, they're just finally (FINALLY) addressing it, so it's kind of low-key. Just. Finally giving voice to what they've felt. That must be so freeing. It wasn't a reveal, it was an acceptance.
(Does this play into Danny saying nothing is official until he gives [Valerie] the ring back in Flirting with Disaster? I think it might be.)
If you ship it, you can probably fill in the emotions of this moment better than I can. My experience was to laugh. I'm aro, lads, I did not give a hoot lmao. Can't help thinking now that the spinning camera angle, plus the 3D asteroid, is probably what tanked half of the third season's budget.
Urban Jungle's advertising got the other half lol
It was effective, though, I've seen how well loved that moment is for its fans. It was a long time coming, it took a lot of build up and courage to reach this point, well done you two.
And of course you got the hill scene. Sam's ring officially placed on Sam's ring finger (remove it this instant and put it on the correct hand, omfg, BUTCH, you had one job--The boyfriend's class ring goes on the right hand, ring finger, I'm screaming THEY’RE TOO YOUNG TO BE ENGAGED) and they talk! I don't fully remember what it was about, Danny coming to terms with his ghost half, probably, and how Sam has helped him accept himself. It was very sweet and cheesy lol. But the climatic moment for this ship during the finale was in Antarctica. It culminated what they've left unsaid for so long.
And then Danny lifts Sam into a bridal carry (gdi Butch) and they fly off into the sunset, and that’s the end of the show!
... my messy interpretation of Phantom Planet aside, hopefully this has helped you love your ship more, though I understand this is just my interpretation of things. I really wanted to write this for myself, to help me understand the ship better. I enjoy analyzing things as a writer, but with this ship, I often focus on the negative, not the positive, and I wanted to give it it's dues. It is a very sweet ship when taken all together.
I do want to talk about how canon failed this ship and just didn’t hit its full potential, but for this at least I wanted to focus only on what they did RIGHT. There was actual progression in the relationship, although it wasn’t always linear due to what I suspect was Sam’s hesitation to give up friendship for romance and Danny’s attraction to Valerie. In the end they worked things out, and I think the defining moment for Danny was a callback to Sam’s worth to him in Memory Blank, when he discovered she made him a hero, and then in Phantom Planet she did it again by pushing him to be more than your average citizen, more than who he was before the accident, and he was like alright, that’s it, it’s you. It has to be you. 
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the sam/josh/donna we DESERVED
so, as we all know, canon neither confirms nor denies the existence of a josh/sam relationship
this, of course, means it happened.
and so when sam and donna find themselves in bed together at the beginning of year four, as attractive people tend to do, this becomes a problem for both of them
because the two of them had always been pretty close
(they were both individually closer to josh but had formed a friendship in their own right. donna had been sleeping in sam’s guest room at least once a month for a year before it happened)
but anyway, this closeness was partially born out of the fact that they both had feelings for josh
sam, as josh’s ex, would have taken him back in a second, and what began as a seed of a crush for donna soon blossomed into love
it’s nice to feel things with a friend, and they didn’t do it a whole lot, but it was definitely a bonding point for them
anyway they both knew that about the other and went “oh shit” when they woke up the morning after
because like,,, their feelings for josh absolutely had not gone away, but sam’s pretty goddamn, well, pretty, and donna more or less rocked his world
so they keep it up because, hey, josh is doing... whatever he’s doing with amy gardner right now, and it’s pretty obvious that he’s not interested in either one of them for the foreseeable future
(they’re both absolutely oblivious, but they are kind of right—neither of them will get involved with josh anytime soon)
they throw a few real, outside-of-sam’s-apartment dates into the mix
it’s clear pretty quickly that this isn’t a fluke. they’d enjoyed each other’s company before, but donna very much likes sitting on sam’s lap instead of next to him at a respectable distance, and sam certainly isn’t complaining about it, either
it’s a few months before anyone significant finds out
(at this point, the only people who know are donna’s roommate and sam’s doorman)
there’s a knock on sam’s door one saturday morning as he and donna lay in bed
sam reluctantly goes to answer the door (“couldn’t i just pretend i’m not home?” he pulls her closer. “sam, what if it’s important?”)
when josh calls sam’s cell phone, sam doesn’t get a word out before josh starts “sam, come open your door. i’m outside.”
donna and sam are Very Stressed about this
it’s fine, though. as long as donna stays in the bedroom, quietly, josh doesn’t need to find out
and so sam goes to open the door, but decidedly does not invite josh in
“sam, what’s goin’ on? you got someone here or something?”
“um, yeah.”
“oh. you could have just said so.” josh’s eyes wander past sam to the coffee table. “is—is that... donna’s purse?”
sam’s eyes widen. shit.
needless to say, josh did not take it very well.
sam calls donna out of the bedroom, and the way the too-big sweatshirt she’s wearing—unmistakably sam’s—drapes over her goes straight to josh’s heart.
sam and donna sit on the couch while josh paces in front of them
“so, let me get this straight. my—my best friend, and my... other best friend are sleeping together and they didn’t tell me for months?”
josh has been rubbing his temples for so long that donna’s afraid he’ll rub his skin off
he’s not not happy for them, but donna and sam aren’t the only ones with feelings for their coworker and their ex
and that’s just kind of how it is for a while.
donna and sam don’t exactly hide, but they try their best to keep it on the down low for both press reasons and josh reasons
mostly they just order takeout and eat it on sam’s couch because neither of them really has the energy to do anything else
josh never, ever asks either one of them about it. he can’t. the less information he knows, the better.
he genuinely can’t stand it because it just doesn’t feel right to him. sam and donna? really? (no of course he doesn’t have feelings for either one of them he doesn’t he doesn’t he doesn’t)
unfortunately for sam and donna, the little routine they’ve settled into comes to a screeching halt in november, when sam pulls donna into his office and tells her he might have to move across the country because he’s running for the california 47th? why the hell didn’t you tell anyone?
and listen, cj and leo have simultaneous aneurysms, but that’s nothing compared to the way donna’s and josh’s hearts just shatter
josh doesn’t really talk to sam about it. he’s afraid he’ll just break down, and he really, really doesn’t have time to cry, especially in front of sam. he just... he can’t do it
donna doesn’t really know what to do. she and sam talk about it, of course, and decide to maybe stop seeing each other, but what does she say? “i broke up with my boyfriend”? they were hitting the stops of dating, she supposes, and they would occasionally refer to each other as their boyfriend/girlfriend in public, but really only for the benefit of others
(donna preferred the way ginger would put it, which was “donna, how’s your man?” she liked that better. “boyfriend” felt too formal, too established. she and sam were a little more casual than that, she thinks)
(and she loved him, she did, but there was something (josh) keeping her from really feeling like sam was her boyfriend)
but anyway, they leave it kind of open-ended (which is how sam ends up in donna’s hotel room when the senior staff goes to california)
smash cut to march 2007: josh and donna are a pretty established couple, and sam is two and a half months off another broken engagement
sam’s thrilled for them because, seriously, they danced around that thing for years. they deserve to be together in broad daylight.
his feelings for the both of them never really went away, but he knows they’ve both moved on
(they had not, in fact)
unsurprisingly, it’s donna who brings it up to josh
“so, we both dated sam.”
“i don’t know about you, but... now that he’s back in dc, i wouldn’t be opposed to seeing him again.”
“i... donna, are you trying to break up with me?”
“no—no, of course not. what i’m trying to ask is if you would be opposed to... seeing him with me. together.”
josh stares into the distance for so long that donna starts to worry
“sorry, yeah?”
“what do you think?”
“i don’t think... sam’s fresh off an engagement. i’m not sure he would be in the headspace for a one-time thing with two of his exes. quite frankly, i’m not sure i am, either.”
“oh, i didn’t mean a one-time thing. i was thinking more... long term. if that’s something both you and he would be into.”
josh looks back at donna, the smile on his face growing
“oh. well, yeah, i... i think i’d be into that.”
and so they set up a dinner. they ask sam to come over to their place, telling him that the three of them need to talk. it’s nothing urgent, they tell him, just a long-overdue catch-up.
(and really, it is—the transition and first two months had been too busy for the three of them to sit down, regardless)
so they have dinner, and afterward, they send sam to sit on the couch in the living room while they bring down the dishes
when they finish, donna perches on the arm of couch above sam, and josh sits next to him
she starts stroking his hair, and sam, too touch-starved to think about it, just leans into her. they’d always been platonically affectionate (and donna’s kind of like that with everyone, anyway), so he’s not particularly worried.
“sammy,” josh starts, and now sam does start to worry.
josh only ever called him “sammy” when they were dating—why bring it back now?
josh keeps going. “donna and i have been talking for a while now about making a change.”
“we both love you, you know that?” donna picks up, continuing to run her fingers through sam’s hair. “and we know you love us.”
sam still can’t figure out what’s happening for the life of him
“yeah, i know,” he says quietly. “and i do.”
josh smiles at him. “we were talking, and donna reminded me that we’ve both dated you at one point or another. and the funny thing is that neither of us really ever stopped having feelings for you.”
oh, sam thinks.
“and we were wondering,” donna says, “if you might still have feelings for us.”
sam stiffens up a little bit—he’s spent so long trying to find anyone that held a candle to either of them, and now...
donna notices. “sam, honey,” she says gently (and, god, donna calling him “honey” just does something to him), “we don’t ever want to make you feel uncomfortable. you’re our friend first. if this isn’t something you’re interested in, short-term or long term, we’ll drop it and we don’t ever have to speak about this again.”
“no,” he says, maybe a little too quickly. “i would definitely be interested. short-term, or long-term, or whatever you guys want.”
josh and donna share a grin that seems to say we got him.
donna stops stroking his hair. “i think we’re both very glad to hear that.”
sam almost can’t breathe when donna tips his head up and kisses him, and when she pulls away, he just stares at her until josh puts a hand on his cheek
when josh then leans in to kiss him, sam is pretty sure he’s died and gone to heaven.
and when they go to bed that night, donna’s head lays on sam’s chest, her arm stretched out over his body so she can hold josh’s hand, who’s curled up on his side, his face buried in sam’s shoulder.
the collective love in the room could power the entire city of washington, d.c.
needless to say, this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
their first call is cj because, even though she’s no longer responsible for presenting their lives to the press, they know that nobody else but her would really know what to do
when they tell her, she’s silent for a second before she says “josh, i didn’t think you were the type.”
(danny passes by and sees the shit-eating grin on her face and she just mouths “later”)
josh, of course, is very offended
“i—cj—what do you mean, not the type?”
“well, sam and donna, maybe. i can see that for them, but you seem too possessive to share.”
sam and donna look at each other and burst out laughing
“cj,” donna says, “just imagine josh but with two partners to worry about.”
they all have a nice, long laugh at that (well, not josh)
“i’m breaking up with both of you. and i’m revoking your friend card, cj.”
“oh, josh,” sam says, kissing his cheek, “you love us too much for that.”
“i was only teasing, mi amor. i’m very happy for the three of you, and i really can’t say i’m surprised,” cj’s slightly staticky voice comes through the phone.
while she does advise them to keep it discreet, she tells them to just own it if it comes out.
when they hang up, the three of them feel lighter. they told someone and it went fine.
they’re going to be okay, they think.
bonus bonus:
they take turns sleeping in the middle of the bed because equality of affection is very important to them
donna absolutely loves to call them “my men” and josh and sam call her “our girl”
they love each other. they really just love each other so much.
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heauxplesslydevoted · 4 years
Fire & Desire (Ethan x MC)
Warning: NSFW, 18+
Summary: After the funeral, Naomi heads to Ethan’s apartment for comfort. Let’s pretend that 30 diamond scene in chapter 12 didn’t happen, okay? I made up 95% of this.
A/N: Guys, I have an embarrassing amount of rewrites/drafts of this on my computer. Pls enjoy.
In order to survive the past few days, Naomi has made it her mission to get through things one step at a time. Her first goal was to survive the toxin. She did. Then it was to just get well and be discharged from the hospital. The last step was to make it through Danny and Bobby’s joint memorial service in one piece. Not only did she do that, but she delivered a eulogy flawlessly, while her friends and colleagues all fell apart at the seams and waited for her to do the same.
But now that it’s all over, now that there’s no goal to work towards especially since Naveen won’t let her back in the hospital without clearance from a therapist, Naomi has never felt more lost or out of sorts in her life.
After the memorial, Naomi went home with her roommates and she regrets it. Jackie and Elijah can barely look at her without giving her pity glances, Sienna has been trying to feed her nonstop, and Aurora has convinced them all that she’s spiraling due to her meltdown at Ethan earlier that day. So she hid in her bedroom, pretending to be asleep simply because she was tired of them.
But sleep evades her. Outside of a quick 15 minute power nap, Naomi hasn’t been able to sleep, thoughts of being back in that hospital room never too far from her mind. Every time she closed her eyes, the fear took over, gripping her and refusing to let go.
So that’s how she ended up here, in Ethan’s apartment, on his couch, nursing a glass of scotch. Being at home wasn’t an option and there’s no one else she’d rather be with, so as soon as her roommates went to bed, Naomi slipped out and made her way across town to Ethan’s place. Ethan was shocked when he found her outside of his apartment at midnight, especially with the way their last conversation ended. He wanted to scold her for taking an Uber so late at night by herself, but of course he didn’t turn her away. 
“Are you hungry?” Ethan asks, opening and closing his refrigerator a few times, as if that will make food magically appear. “I didn’t cook today, but I can probably throw something together.”
Naomi doesn’t know if her appetite still hasn’t returned or if it’s her mind playing tricks on her, as she can still taste the vomit in her mouth at the mere mention of food. “No, I’m fine for now.”
“You sure?”
“Okay.” Ethan wants to ask questions because she’s obviously come here for a reason, but he doesn’t want to push her. “It’s late and you must be exhausted though.” He walks back to his living room and holds out a hand, which Naomi grabs. He ushers her to his bedroom. “You can sleep in here.”
His room still looks like she remembers. The king sized bed takes up most of the space, and he still has the most amazing view in all of Boston. The night is still young and bustling, the buildings all lit up.
“You’re sleeping in here too, right?” Naomi asks.
“I was going to take the guest room, or the couch.”
Naomi shakes her head. “Nonsense, you’re sleeping with me.”
Even though there’s no light other than moonlight spilling into the room, Naomi can still see his cheeks tinge pink. “I didn’t want to assume.”
“I think after our night together in the hospital, assuming will be safe. It’s cute, but we’re grown and you won’t offend my virtue.”
“Noted.” Naomi watches him as he moves around the room, a sort of anxious energy radiating off of him. He rummages through a drawer until he finds something suitable for her to put on. “Here you go.”
It’s a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt from a charity 5k because of course Ethan is the type to participate in something like that. Naomi rids herself of the jeans and sweater she haphazardly threw on in her rush to leave her apartment and slips on the t-shirt, forgoing the pants. Their obvious size differences make the shirt look comically large on her like a nightgown.
“Fair warning, I don’t have a scrunchie or anything to wrap my hair in, so I apologize if you wake up to like...a lion’s mane of hair in your face.”
“I think I’ll survive.”
Naomi pulls back the covers and slides into the bed, moaning upon contact. Oh, to be rich and have fancy high thread-count sheets and a memory foam mattress. “God, I never want to leave this bed.”
“Keep making noises like that, and I won’t let you.” He doesn’t climb bed behind her, opting to sit on the edge. “You want to talk?”
“About what?”
“The fact that you’re here right now, instead of your own apartment.”
“Is it not enough to say I wanted to see you?”
Ethan scoffs. Naomi is charming, but she can’t bullshit him. “Sure.”
She doesn’t want to talk about herself. That’s all she’s done for the past 48 hours, and she’s tired of it. It’s selfish.
She manages to turn the tables on Ethan. “You look tired. I’m sorry if I woke you.”
“You didn’t,” Ethan assures her. “I wasn’t sleeping anyway.”
“I didn’t have you pegged as an insomniac.”
“We’re doctors, so it goes without saying that we’re all insomniacs.” Ethan sighs. “But to be honest, I haven’t had a good night’s sleep all week.”
“I get it. With the toxin, and Bobby and Danny, and Raf–”
“It’s not them, Naomi, it’s you,” Ethan argues. “I spend all 24 hours of the day with you on my brain, worrying about you.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I thought you were going to die in my arms,” Ethan continues. “I tried to stay optimistic for you, but all I could think about was the fact that it could’ve been my last night with you. That night, after you finally fell asleep, I stayed up, analyzing your vitals. The only time I wasn’t looking at you is when I was looking at your chart. And every night since, I lay awake, forcing myself to not contact you.”
Naomi frowns. She’s spent so much time wrapped up in her own head, she didn’t take much time to think about how Ethan was affected as well. She’s sure she’d be a wreck if the situation was reversed, if he was the one fighting an unknown deadly agent. 
She crawls out the sheets and joins Ethan at the edge of the bed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even think–”
“Don’t you dare apologize to me. You’ve been going through enough, I shouldn’t even be burdening you.”
“It’s fine. We shared deathbed confessions, I think I can handle whatever else you throw my way.”
Ethan turns to lock eyes with Naomi, her expression open and earnest. “I meant everything I said in there. I regret putting us on hold, and I’m sorry I wasted so much time.”
Naomi sucks in a deep breath. “Okay. So what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I’m done pretending that I don’t have feelings for you. I’m done trying to hold you at arm’s length. I want you, Naomi.”
“Are you feeling like this because I almost died?”
“No. I mean, sure it was a major wake-up call for me, but I’ve felt this way for a long time. The last time you were here, the night of the softball game, I kissed you, and instead of making my intentions known then and there, I put it off, and that almost cost me everything. I don’t have all the answers, because I’m your boss, and people at hospitals like to gossip, but whatever this is, I want to explore it with you.” 
Naomi doesn’t say anything, her brain and heart trying to process all of this information. Ethan watches her, his heart pounding wildly. Did he seriously miscalculate her feelings for him? Did he pick the most inopportune moment to drop this on her?
“It took you long enough,” Naomi says.
He laughs, his relief evident and he grabs her hand. “Well I appreciate you having the patience of a saint, Rookie.”
“It’s because I am a saint.”
He runs his thumb along the inside of her wrist, tracing a pattern into the warm skin. The steady thump of her pulse is enough to soothe the anxiety that lingers. She’s here. She’s with him. She’s alive.
His other hand grips the back of her neck, forcing her to look him in the eye. Ethan’s gaze sweeps across her face, his 11 years as a doctor having given him a keen eye for detail. There’s her long, dark eyelashes, her full lips, her pronounced cheekbones, her button nose that crinkles whenever she’s smiling and laughing, a sight he hopes to see again soon. He doesn’t know what emotion is more overwhelming: the relief that she’s alive, or the fear that she was that close to dying.
Ethan is all too aware of the fact that he could’ve lost her. That he and Naomi would never share a quiet moment like this ever again. That she’d never know the full extent of his feelings for her, because he’d been too much of a coward to be honest a long time ago. The thought of the hypothetical makes his insides twist uncomfortably. He can’t dwell on it, not while she’s here, looking to him for comfort.
Without thinking further, his lips slowly collide with hers, pulling the younger woman into a kiss. She wastes no time, kissing him back with an unrivaled fervor that borders on desperation, but Ethan isn’t one to complain. He deepens the kiss, his tongue sweeping her mouth until he finds her own.
The kiss sparks something inside of Naomi, a buzz building in the pit of her stomach, so potent and all consuming, it nearly startled her. For the first time in what feels like forever, the rest of the world fades away. It’s just her and Ethan, and this magical little flame between them. So she clings to it, to him, to them, and swings one of her legs over, straddling him. One arm wraps around the back of his neck, one hand tangles in the hair at the nape of his neck as she pulls herself closer. He tastes smoky like the scotch they drank earlier, and she swears the kiss alone is enough to leave her intoxicated.
Desperate for any sort of friction, Naomi rolls her hips into his. She can feel him hardening beneath her, his erection straining through the thin layers of fabric preventing them from being completely bare with each other. Unable to help himself, Ethan breaks the kiss only to let out a low, “Fuck.”
He needs to stop this. Logically, Ethan knows that putting a kibosh in this is the right thing to do. Naomi came to him because she needs a support system, and the last thing he wants to do is take advantage of her trust and manipulate her grief.
“Naomi, stop,” Ethan gently commands, hands gripping her hips in order to keep her still.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“We don’t have to do this tonight,” Ethan says. “Let’s just go to bed.”
“But I don’t want to go to bed.”
“But you should.”
“No. I want this, I want you.”
Her lips are on his jaw, kissing and biting, and it’s becoming harder for him to stay focused. “You’ve had a very long day, it’s been emotionally draining, and I’m sure you’re exhausted–”
“Oh my God, stop!” Naomi exclaims. “I don’t need another person explaining to me what I’m going through or what I’m feeling. Trust me, no one is more aware of my shitty life than I am.” She leans forward resting her forehead against his. “I get it, I’m the one who barely survived an assassination attempt, and I’m going to walk around with that for the rest of my life. For tonight, can I just be a normal girl who wants to fuck her boyfriend, or whatever the hell you are to me? Please?”
Despite the circumstances, his cock twitches almost painfully as soon as the word “boyfriend” leaves her mouth. He’s a grown ass man, he hasn’t used the term since high school, and here he is, ready to dissolve into a puddle of goo. What the hell has Naomi Valentine done to him and who is this mess of a man that she’s replaced him with?
Whatever she’s trying to do won’t work. Pushing aside her grief and trying to avoid the problem with sex isn’t a coping mechanism he’d ever recommend (not that he has any brilliant ones of his own, but still). It’s not going to fix anything in the long run. 
Naomi’s lips brush against his before giving him another teasing kiss before pulling away. “Please,” she whines. “I want you, Ethan.” Ethan has always considered himself to be a staunch man who isn’t easily swayed. Until he met Naomi. How can he be when she’s looking at him with those big doe eyes of hers, weakening his otherwise tough resolve? It may not help her tomorrow, but who is he to deny her reprieve at least right now? Saying no to her has never been a strength Ethan claimed to possess.
Not giving any sort of warning, Ethan grips the oversized shirt she’s wearing and forcefully pulls it up, barely giving her enough time to lift her arms and help with the process. Once the piece of clothing is discarded somewhere on his bedroom floor, Ethan flips their positions, Naomi’s back landing on his mattress with a soft thud.
He sucks in a sharp breath. Ethan considers himself to be a well traveled, well cultured man. He’s seen the Eiffel Tower multiple times, visited the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, driven a Ferrari through the streets of Rome, drank wine while overlooking a Napa vineyard, and more. But none of those even comes close to the sight of Naomi naked in his bed, writhing on top of his sheets, her curly hair splayed out like a crown atop her head. She’s absolutely beautiful, and he’s a goner. He’s always known it, but this moment right here, right now actually seals the deal.
“Why don’t you take a picture?” Naomi asks, jolting Ethan out of his thoughts. He feels her dainty foot running along the soft cotton of his pajama pants before traveling higher, lightly brushing his side.
He catches her foot, his strong hand wrapping around her ankle, and yanks her forward. “I don’t need to take a picture because the real thing is just fine.” Maintaining eye contact, Ethan presses a line of kisses from her ankle to the inside of her knee, smirking as he feels the goosebumps pop up along the trail he’s set. “God, it really doesn’t take much to get you going, huh?”
“Not when it involves you, no,” Naomi replies.
Ethan drops her leg unceremoniously. His hands wander until they’re hooked into the waistband of her lacy underwear, and he pulls them down quickly, deciding not to make a production of it. A hum of approval leaves his throat when he finds her already soaked for him. He runs a finger along her spreading the wetness around before pressing the single digit into her. “I like that answer.”
Her toes curl at the contact and Naomi grips the sheets beneath her. “Oh, fuck.”
“Christ, you’re tight.”
“It’s been a while,” Naomi admits, panting heavily. “The guy I was into ran off to another continent, and put us on ice.”
Ethan can tell by her tone that she’s merely teasing, but his heart still hammers wildly nonetheless. He wasted so much time, and for what? He slides another finger into her, enjoying the moan she gives him in return. “It appears I have some atoning to do, hmm?”
Naomi nods. “A lot of atoning.”
“Very well.” 
She feels him remove his fingers, and nothing makes her head spin more. Lifting herself up by her elbows, Naomi glares down at Ethan. “What are you doing? You can’t just stop!”
“Relax.” Ethan forces Naomi back to her originally flat position. “I think you know better than anyone that I’m going to take good care of you.” She chooses not to respond, because they both know the answer to that is a resounding yes.
He spreads her thighs and Naomi shivers at the gleam in his eyes, positively engraved by the way he looks at her: all lust and hunger. Desperate for Ethan to actually do something, she tilts her hips up, hoping he’ll get the hint.
Ethan chuckles and places an open mouthed kiss on the inside of her thigh. She swears she can feel herself buzzing with anticipation, her insides on fire, and all she wants him to do is just touch her.
When he finally does, she’s shocked she doesn’t combust then and there. Her head tips back and a low groan tumbles from her lips, and her thighs clamp shut so tightly around Ethan’s head, she’d be apologetic if she wasn’t so far gone. Ethan doesn’t skip a beat though, his fingers digging into her thighs and spreading them apart, and then he’s back to his original mission.
Ethan’s tongue glides through her folds with ease, stroking her up and down a few times before closing his mouth around her clit and sucking hard. Her hips fly off the bed and she grinds into him with a reckless abandon she hasn’t felt in a really long time, but Ethan splays a strong hand across her stomach to hold her down, trapping her between him and his bed.
Trying to gain a modicum of power back, Naomi grips a handful of his hair and tugs at it roughly. It’s an action that makes Ethan growl, his mouth vibrating against her.
Her little moans and cries do nothing to help the raging ego Naomi claims he has, instead they only fuel him further. He ups the ante, his two fingers sliding back into her, curling in a come hither motion and pressing repeatedly against the spot that makes her see stars.
He can tell by the vice grip she has on his fingers and the way she’s undulating against him that she’s close. And while he’s content to draw this out for as long as humanly possible, until he’s wrung every little ounce of pleasure from her that he can, Ethan is well aware that the woman occupying his bed doesn’t have that type of patience.
Giving her a bit of reprieve, he takes his mouth off of her, only moving it slightly so he can kiss the soft flesh of her inner thigh.
“God, Ethan.”
“Say my name again, Rookie,” Ethan commands. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”
Naomi obeys without as much as a second thought. It doesn’t take much to get her to say his name again, the word coming out as a shout in between a broken cry. Ethan smirks, satisfied with his work, and his tongue finds her clit, stroking the tiny bundle a few more times until her orgasm zips through her with the intensity of a lightning strike. Her entire body tenses up as Ethan continues to lap at her, as she rides out the aftershocks.
When she’s finally in control of her senses again, the first thing Naomi notices is how absolutely wrecked Ethan looks, eyes red and glossy, mouth and beard soaked, and she wants to do nothing more than kiss him. So she does, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him back on top of her. She can taste herself on his mouth and it makes her moan.
Impatient, Naomi reaches between their bodies and tugs at the waistband of his pants. Ethan receives the message loud and clear, and he breaks the kiss to strip as quickly as he can. She watches as Ethan flings his shirt across the room and kicks off his pajama bottoms. He isn’t the only one with above average observation skills, and she notices the slight tremble in his hands, the anticipation as intense for him as it is for her. She’d be lying if she said reducing this great and powerful man to nothing more than a shaky mess isn’t a turn on. Once his boxers are gone, Naomi looks him up and down, every part of him still as she remembered.
Her eyes zero in on his erection, painfully hard. She wraps her hand around him, stroking firmly. “My my, doctor, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you like me.”
The other four letter L-word rattles around in his brain, begging to be set free, and with more strength than he thought he had, Ethan manages to keep quiet. He’d never forgive himself for such selfishness if he blurted out he loves her in the middle of sex. Naomi has enough to deal with already without that added layer of complexity.
Ethan’s thoughts are interrupted, a sharp hiss passing through his teeth as he feels her tongue languidly glide across the swollen head of his erection before taking him fully in her mouth.
He doesn’t know what will kill him first: how good it feels, or the fact that she’s staring up at him with those fucking Disney princess eyes again, feigning innocence like she’s unaware of exactly what she does to him.
He allows her to get in one more stroke of her tongue before he grabs a fistful of her hair and pulls her away. One of her eyebrows raises in question. “What’s wrong? I was just getting started.”
He drags them back into bed before answering, “I need to be inside you. You can do whatever you want to me afterwards.”
She grins at the promise of a next time. Whatever she wants? “Don’t threaten me with a good time, Ramsey.”
“It’s not a threat, it’s a promise,” Ethan assures her. 
Naomi feels him, poised at her entrance and she arches backwards, too overly sensitive. Ethan’s hands are back on her hips, holding her in place, and inch by inch, he fills her. They both groan at the sensation, familiar territory but something new entirely. Her hands fly to his back, nails digging into the skin as she’s stretched to maximum capacity, uncaring if she leaves marks.
Ethan is unsure of how long they’ve been like this, but he’s nearly shaking with the restraint it’s taking him to not thrust into her. He drops his head, kissing a line across her collarbone. “Fuck, baby, I need you to let me know when I can move.”
The pet name wasn’t intentional, spilling from Ethan’s lips before he could stop it, but Naomi whimpers regardless. She hooks her legs behind his back, keeping him just as trapped as she is. “Please.”
He moves slowly, partially to give her a chance to adjust to his size, the other reason because he doesn’t want it to be over as quickly as it started. This, being inside of her again, is overwhelming and Ethan can’t believe there was ever a time he thought he could go without.
“You’re incredible,” Ethan compliments.
“Okay, say it again when I’m not in your bed. Like during a team meeting where you’re shooting down my ideas.”
“You are,” Ethan insists.
He thrusts into her again, and Naomi cries out, nails raking at his back. Surely she’s broken skin at this point, but Ethan doesn’t care. He’s never been one for pain in bed, but with Naomi, he’s willing to make an allowance, especially since it leaves way for pleasure. They move in tandem, hips moving against each other, both trying to coax out the release that’s been building. Unable to do much of anything else, Ethan leans forward, kissing Naomi again. She meets him halfway, just as eager as he is.
Eventually she has to break the kiss, and she gasps in a large breath of air, her lungs constricting tightly in her rib cage. In her distracted moment, Ethan manages to free himself of her hands marking him relentlessly, and he captures both of her wrists in one fell swoop. He holds them above her head in one hand, pressing her as deep into the mattress as possible. The new angle catches her by surprise and she can’t do anything but gasp into the air above her.
“Please.” She doesn’t even know what she’s pleading for at this point, but it’s the only word her brain can comprehend so she chants it repeatedly like a prayer until she’s shattering around him, mouth open, head tipped back, skin flush and warm. She’s perfect like this, Ethan surmises. 
It doesn’t take him more than a few more thrusts before Ethan’s own release takes control and he falls forward, leaning some of his weight onto Naomi. He doesn’t trust himself to not say or do something completely stupid, so he buries his face in the crook of her neck, biting down on the sensitive flesh.
It could’ve been mere minutes that they spent in that position, or it could’ve been hours for all Naomi knows, but when Ethan finally pulls out, he’s kissing her all over: her cheeks, her nose, her forehead.
He wraps her in a solid embrace, arms circling around her and holding her close, their erratic heart rates trying to slow down. Ethan feels at peace doing just this, holding her close to him, feeling the rise and fall of her chest.
Do you feel any better?”
That isn’t a question Naomi expects to hear right after sex, and it causes her to pause.  After a few more moments of silence, she answers, “I mean, the endorphin release was great if that’s what you’re asking.”
“It’s not what I’m asking, and you know it.”
Naomi knew going into it that the sex wasn’t going to soothe all of her hurts and be the magical solution to her problems, so she doesn’t need some major “I-told-you-so” moment from him. But for the first time in almost a week, she feels like herself again. Within the confines of these four walls, Ethan didn’t treat her like some fragile little doll, and her mind was able to take a break from overthinking.
“It was nice to turn my brain off, if only for a short time,” Naomi replies. “It was nice to not be a captive to my trauma.”
Ethan’s fingers gently graze her scalp, massaging. “Do you think you’re ready to talk to me now?”
She’s as stubborn as ever. “Fair enough. But if we were to talk about it, I would say that you went through something horrible and traumatic, and you have to allow yourself to actually feel and process whatever emotions you have. I’d also say that you are incredibly strong, but your strength doesn’t mean that you have to bottle everything inside in order to make everyone around you feel better, especially when you’re with me. Strong people have the right to be vulnerable too.” Ethan sighs. “But since we aren’t talking about it, I’m not going to say any of those things.”
Naomi curls in closer to Ethan, comforted by his body warmth. “I think I would really enjoy hearing those things if this was a conversation we were having.”
“Good. Now whenever you’re ready to talk, I’ll be prepared.”
“Thank you.”
“I think it’s what good boyfriends do. Or whatever the hell I am to you. That’s what you said, right?”
“Okay, I have an explanation for getting agitated about the technical definition of our relationship.”
“Oh yeah? I’d love to hear it.”
“I was impatient and horny.”
Ethan laughs, the warm and rich sound curling around her insides. It does more to help than she’ll ever be able to convey to him. “You’re also very honest.”
“To a fault at times, yes.”
A silence settled between them again, and Naomi feels her eyelids getting heavier. Maybe she’ll be able to finally get some real sleep, not the fitful unconsciousness she’s been subjected to for the past few days.
“Thank you for indulging me tonight,” Naomi says. 
He’s going to suggest she talk to a therapist. He’s going to say it multiple times, until he’s blue in the face and she’s tired of listening. But he'll leave her alone for tonight.
“You’re welcome. Now, get some sleep. The sooner you get to bed, the sooner we wake up, and I can cook breakfast for you.”
“Mhmm, sounds like a plan, Ramsey.”
Ethan can feel her falling asleep on him. He presses a kiss into her forehead. “Naomi?”
“For the record, I am definitely your boyfriend.”
tags: @maurine07 @aka-calliope @edgiestwinter @soft-for-drake @greenbean-kylie @akshara16 @mrsramseyy @honeyandsunfl0wers @blossomanarchy @takemyopenheart @fanmantrashcan @whatchique @ao719 @x-kyne-x @colourmeshy @paulfwesley @writinghereandthere @ramseyandrys @perriewinklenerdie @aworldoffandoms @thatcatlady0716 @drakewalker04 @canknot @hatescapsicum @lapisreviewsstuff @senseofduties @badchoicesposts @ethandaddyramsey @chasingrobbie @zodiacsign1 @choices-lurker @trappedinfandoms @my-heart-beats-for-ya @adrian-motherfucking-raines @riverrune @edith-eggs1 @thatysn @bellcat2010 @theeccentricbibliophile @cecilecontrera @junehiratas @choices-love-affair @openheart12 @caseyvalentineramsey @desmaranj @nazario-sayeed @aestheticartsx @ruinedbypixels @mvalentine @nooruleman @rookie-ramsey
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Birds At School Chapter 12  A Warm Meal With Brothers
Chapters: Prologue. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Dick and Jason sat on the dining table, covered with a bunch of loose papers. There was also two large plates of food, but it went mostly ignored by them. Jason scribbled down on a notebook, trying to figure out a pattern while Dick analysed the locations of operation in Gotham and Blüdhaven. 
“Master Dick and Master Jason,” Alfred said passing by them, “I suggest you both have a proper meal.”
Dick didn’t look up. 
“Uh huh,” Jason muttered mindlessly, striking off another pattern. 
 Alfred did not like that. But then again, he also didn’t like the idea of his sons starving themselves while in the zone. So, Alfred did what he loved doing: take care of his sons. 
He cleared the table of the papers and set them aside to be worked on later. It took him less tan sixty seconds to replace all the mess with a warm meal, it was a routine of his because it was the only way Bruce would eat anything after eighty hours of working. 
“Eat, Master Grayson and Master Todd,” Alfred said in the most polite tone, “It will do neither you nor the children you are trying to save if you lose counsciouness while fighting due to lack of energy.” 
“He’s right,” Dick said, cracking his back. 
“Alfred is always right.” Jason declared, already picking up the spoon to eat. 
“Thank you,” Said Alfred with a smile and exited to finish his own chores. 
“So,” Dick said, taking a bite, “Any progress?” 
“So far, I’ve realized that as much as it pains me to admit,” Jason swallowed the deliscious meat, “Tim is the smart one.” 
Dick chuckled in reply. 
“These guys have somehow managed to stay off the radar while also being incredibly productive. God knows how many children these guys have ruined.” Jason said angrily. It wasn’t an outburst, it was more the frustration at the injustice that he’d suffered and couldn’t stop. 
“I know, Jay,” Dick said calmly, “That’s why we’re doing this.”
“I know, I know,” He relplied and took a deep breath to calm himself. Anger wasn’t going to help them track it all down and Mr Jute couldn’t have saved them the trouble since a low-level network was more of a route to the dealing than the deal itself. 
“What’s bothering you?” Dick asked. 
“This case.” 
“Come on, Jason,” Urged Dick, “Something has been especially bothering you since the other night. You’re never distracted in the field. Talk to me!” 
“Fine!” Jason rolled his eyes, but was secretly thankful that Dick asked, “Remember that kid? The one Mister Jute was going to give all the drugs to?” 
“Uh huh?” 
“I know him.” Jason sounded sad, guilty even that he couldn’t save the boy, “His name is Daniel, we call him Danny.” 
Jason sighed, trying to avoid the question. But Dick could get anyone to spill. 
“He comes to me street class every week in the narrows.” Jason mumbled.
“I’m sorry what?” Dick asked with pretended hearing loss, “I’m sorry you need to speak louder.” 
Jason glared at the smirk Dick had. He knew as well as Dick that there was no need to repeat the sentence. But oh well, there are pros and cons of having a brother. 
“I conduct a street class for the children in the narrows, every weekend.” Jason finally said. 
Dick looked down on his meal, trying to hide the smirk and the smile and the laugh on his face. 
“You know,” Jason began as Dick’s shoulders started shaking from the laugh. He was never known to not laugh “Laughing at someone’s good deeds--” 
Before Jason could finish, Dick burst into laughter. “--Is a sin! You’re going to hell!” 
Jason wished he had said a better insult than that. But in all the honesty that he would never reveal to Dick of any of his brothers, he was inwardly laughing too. 
“Oh my god,” Dick said in between fits of laughter, “Jason, I’m so sorry, I don’t mean to mock you!”
Despite the apologetic words, he continued laughing. Jason preteneded to not like it as he leaned back into his chair. But even he couldn’t help crack a smile. 
“I’m just imagining the infamous Red Hood singing the A B C D song and correcting little children’s Os and Es and Rs and Ts and teaching them Shakespear curses!” Dick couldn’t stop laughing.  
“I am sick when I look at thee!” Jason said dramatically offended, “My students do not require correcting their Os and Es and Rs and Ts. Their pronounciation is atmost perfection, besides, they can read dictionaries.” 
“Jason, that’s great!” Dick flicked a tear of laughter from his eye. 
“By the way, it’s not the infamous Red Hood that teaches them, it’s Mister Todd.” Jason smiled fondly. 
“I’m proud of you, little wing,” Dick said softly with a proud smile. 
“So, Danny.” Jason said, the smile was still there but this was important. “He’s eleven years-old. He comes to the class every weekend and he was there last week too. I wonder if he’ll be there this time.”
“He was scared, did you hear what he was screaming?” 
“That the bad man would kill him.” Jason said grimly. Danny was in more danger than they’d assessed. 
“We need to find him then,” Dick declared. 
“Well, I guess Mister Todd’s class is going to have a guest tonight!” Jason flashed a hundred-watt (mishevious) smile at Dick. 
It was going to be a fine evening.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Final Chapter)
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Don’t Go Running Off Into Danger, Even If I Do
Randon idea for a DP (Danny Phantom) GF (Gravity Falls) crossover. I’ve been browsing Tumblr tags for way too long and whatever. This, unlike the neighbourhood phantom fic from earlier, will have multiple chapters. Also, Danny is sixteen and Dipper and Mabel are fouteen.
Chapter One
The fight with Skulker was a long one. Maybe that was an understatement. Sam and Tucker were both out of town and he was stuck with Wes and the ghosts alone. Well, Wes wasn’t exactly an issue, but if he somehow got proof, Danny would be in a pickle. He set down in the alleyway and stared at the tattered remains of his jumpsuit. Whatever. Street clothes Phantom would have to do for now. Danny sighed and the glaringly visible binder. At least Skulker hadn’t seen. With a twirl of his fingers, the tattered jumpsuit becam a pullover hoodie with the Phantom logo and ripped jeans. Once the clothing change was done and it didn’t seem like anyone was watching, he transformed. As his luck would have it, he heard a gasp. Luckily, it wasn’t someone he knew. 
Mabel and Dipper had just moved to Amity Park to live with their Aunt Molly. Dipper was excited because he’d heard that there was a lot of paranormal activity here. Mostly ghosts but still. What he wasn’t expecting was to see a boy with white hair wearing a black sweatshirt turn into one with black hair and a red tee. Both he and Mabel gasped. The boy cursed under his breath and turned around. “Oh thank god. At least you aren’t anyone who knows me. Welcome to Amity Park!” The boy seemed stressed.  “What was that! That’s so cool!” Dipper said excitedly. “Listen, I’ll tell you, but you gotta promise to keep it a secret. What do you know about Amity so far?”  “Just that it’s a hotspot for paranormal activity, nothing like Gravity Falls, but alot happens here,” Dipper said and pulled out the journal to write info down. “I don’t really know what Gravity Falls is, but Amity is a hotspot for ghosts. Mostly cause my parent made a portal in the basement of my house. So, you know nothing about Danny Phantom?” “I think I might’ve heard rumours on the street?” Mabel says. She was staring at the boy. Great, a new crush.  “Well, Danny Phantom, who just so happens to be my alter ego, goes around dealing with the ghost threats and making sure Amity doesn’t get completely destroyed. My name’s Danny Fenton by the way,” “Don’t you think that’s kinda obvious?” Dipper scribbled a picture of Danny into the journal. “Nah. Even my own parents don’t know, and they’re the ‘leading experts’ in the field of ectobiology and ghost hunting,”  “The what now?” Mabel said. “Study of ghosts. Heck, the portal wouldn’t even be open if I hadn’t half died when turing it on,” Danny laughed. “You died?” Mabel stared at him. “Yes and no. Nobody knows Danny Phantom is only half ghost except fucking Vlad and the rest of the ghosts,” “Who’s Vlad?” Dipper was curious. “Ah, Vlad Masters. Mayor of Amity Park. Pretentious billionare. Creep trying to get into my mom’s pants. Oh, and Plasmious on the side. Could you believe that my parents created two half ghosts?” “We let a dream demon into our world a couple summers ago,” Mabel said. “Mabel, that violates the Never Mind All That Act,”  “He’s been through weird stuff too!” “I mean, I fought an all powerful ghost king that sucked Amity into the Ghost Zone,” “Fair enough,” Dipper conceded. Danny looked down at his watch.  “Listen, I’d love to stay and chat, but I’m gonna miss curfew. And Skulker needs to go home before he figures out a way out of the Fenton Thermos,” “Wait! Where can we find you?” “Look for the big glowing FentonWorks sign. It’s impossible to miss. And don’t mention the Phantom thing to my parents. They want to rip me apart molecule by molecule as is!” “Are you sure that’s enough direction?” Dipper was skeptical. “You couldn’t miss FentonWorks if you wanted to,” He laughed and ran off. Dipper had half a thought to follow him, but they had to get to Aunt Molly’s. 
Danny ran to FentonWorks. He probably would’ve flown if he’s though of it or if he wasn’t concerned about getting caught. The kids weren’t from Amity at least. He managed to get in just as his curfew alarm went off. “Daniel, you almost missed curfew!” his Mom said. “Yeah, but I didn’t!” Danny said triumphantly. “No, I suppose you didn’t,” She sighed and went back to whatever blueprints she was drawing up. If it mattered, he’d find out. Once he was certain she was distracted, he went down to the lab and stuck the thermos in the attachment.  “Dann-o! You catch a ghost?” Fuck. Danny turned to his dad. “Nah. But I left my thermos out accidentally. I put it in just in case someone caught one with it,” He was getting way too good at lying.  “Oh well. It’s good to see you got back in time,” Dad pulled Danny into a bone crushing hug. “Dad! I gotta get my binder off before you can break my ribs!” Dannt squeaked out. “Oh right. Sorry Dann-o. Go get changed,” Dad put Danny down and gave him a slap on the back. Ow. Danny rushed upstairs. He wrangled the binder off and flopped back on the bed once he put his shirt back on. Jazz poked her head in. “Hi Danny!” She said cheerily.  “Sup, Jazz Spazz,” He sat up. He had a burn on his thigh from the fight. “Keep in mind only you can call me that. Finally catch ‘Ghost X’?” She said. Danny snorted.  “I’m going to kill you if you call Skulker that seriously ever again. Yeah, I caught him. A couple of newbies saw me transform though. Now I have to explain stuff to them so they keep my secret,” “Well, at least they won’t tell!” “Jazz, always looking on the bright side,” Danny pretend narrated. They both giggled.  “Well, Mom and Dad are gonna be out giving protection to the people tonight,” “Planning sesh! Yes. I can fix the jumpsuit,” “Oh geez, what happened to it?” “Just got shredded. Skulker didn’t see anything, but still,” “Oh. I’ll get the sewing supplies,” She walked into her room.
Dipper and Mabel walked into Aunt Molly’s house.  “Hey kids! Glad to see you got here in one piece!” She rushed over to them and kissed their heads. “Yup. We’re here. Hey, Aunt Molly, do you know where FentonWorks is? We met someone who said they lived there today,” Mabel said. “Oh, that eyesore. Nothing against Jack and Maddie, but they could really use some decorating help. Who did you talk to? Jazz or Danny?” “Does everyone in town know them or something?” Dipper was shocked. “Well of course. Fenton tech is the best protection from ghosts other than Phantom,” “Well, it was a guy, so Danny I’m guessing,” Mabel said. Of course it was Danny. “Ah, Daniel. Poor kid. Dash Baxter needs to leave him alone. Runs at the sight of a ghost. If you ever need to get to his place, I can give you a ride,” Molly sighed. Dipper would’ve thought more in depth about it if there wasn’t a loud knock on the door.  “That must be the Fentons. I forgot it was safety tech day,” She opened the door. A man in an orange jumpsuit came in. He was massive. But the black hair and blue eyes were recognizable. A woman came in behind him. She was in a teal jumpsuit.  “Jack, Maddie! Come in. These are my neice and nephew, Mason and Mabel,” “Can you call me Dipper?” He turned to Molly. “I thought you would at least introduce yourself formally,” Molly sighed.  “Ah, new kids. Remember kids, if you see the menice of that ghost boy, you stay clear. Town might make him out to be a hero, but he’s not!” Jack said. Dipper and Mabel exchanged a look. Poor Danny.  “Alright, that’s not why we’re here. Do you want a ghost shield to keep the kids safe Molly?” Maddie pulled out a strange contraption.  “You know, that doesn’t sound like a horrible plan. I don’t know why you bother with yours when you have a portal in your basement,” “We close the portal most times,” Maddie seemed offended.  “Oh well. I’ll take a few lipstick lazer and wrist blasters with that,” Molly placed the contraption on the shelf and Maddie pulled some lipsticks and weird blaster thingies out of her bag. The Fentons left. “Don’t listen to them about Phantom. They have prejudices against him for no reason. He’s saved our town too many times to count. The least they can do is stop threatening to dissect him!” Molly scoffed. Dipper went pale. But he didn’t have time to think about it. They had school in the morning.
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absuuuurdstarkid · 4 years
My personal highlights of the Starkid Broadway Whodunit 4/10/20
Strap in this could be long...
Lauren’s character is pregnant and she has the biggest most fake looking bump I’ve ever seen
Joey is wearing a baby carrier even though the baby isn’t due for another MONTH
James is amazing and so convincingly nervous as has character, I think he was the only one who didn’t break the whole time
Jaime is playing herself and controlling her puppet (you know, the sweet one Nick made for her wedding) but the puppet keeps saying wildly inappropriate things - think Trekkie Monster from Avenue Q
Jaime’s character later murders the puppet, cause why not
Meredith looks BEAUFITUL and her character wants to be an actress so every time she’s asked a question she turns it into a really long monologue about her upcoming one woman show
Meredith’s character (who was called Denise, love it): “I taped my breasts together with duct tape earlier and I’m worried my nipples will fall off” *drinks wine* *Andrew breaks*
Joey and Lauren used their tgwdlm newsreader voices the whole time, and Lauren was just hanging off Joey’s shoulders
Walker was playing a like 20 year old and just kept saying Dope, Dope about everything
Corey’s character was obsessed with Lauren’s (and turns out was the father) and every time he appeared Lauren moved rooms and ditched him with an UGH
Joe’s character also had a TikTok and Joe did not sound sure than he knew what TikTok was
Everyone left Joe alone in the room and he looked so offended
Lauren disappeared to ‘go pee because of the baby’ about 6000 times
Jamie Burns’ wig was even more wild than Chorn
Brian: “Can sesame street go away please” “Vicki BEAT IT”
Joe: “YEAH I am a teenager, have you SEEN my TikTok???”
Everyone had their character’s names at the bottom of their screen but there was a glitch so every time they moved rooms Lauren and Joey’s just said laurenlopez
Corey’s character Danny appeared in a ‘disguise’ which was just some sunglasses he was also wearing earlier, everyone sees through it apart from Brian
Jamie’s character was an infomercial star and came up with a product called the Butt Clamp which would stop you needing to use the toilet - everyone else kept calling it a butt plug and Jamie got increasingly angry the more this happened
Corey to Joe: “ThEy’Re GoiNG tO caNCeL YoU oN tHE inTeRNeT”
Joe’s character gets shot and dies, Lauren “He died of old age?!!!”, Brian “He looks like he has a butt clamp in” *everyone accuses Vicky of murder by butt clamp*
Andrew “I’m gonna call a private investigator”, Brian “Why don’t you call 911?”, Andrew “No!”
Andrew on the phone “please come figure out what happened”, Joey “finger who?!” *Lauren and Mere break*
Lauren “Ya butt clamp’s defective Vicky” “Yeah cause your not meant to use it on your vagina!” *Lauren, Brian and Robert all hide off camera they’re laughing so much*
The Investigator arrives aka Joe with a drawn on moustache, Jaime immediately “Is that sharpie on your face?”
Joe says some lines as the investigator so everyone can keep up with the plot, Brian “Are you reading this off of something?” “NO! what kind of question is this?!” “well your talking very robotically” “Yeah does feel like it was written” “Are you done?”
Joe “I’m going to introduce myself now, my name is...investigator ..moo-stache” everyone breaks, Joe can’t get through the line
Jaime “Are you sure sure your name isn’t investigator Sharpay?” *Andrew is so gone he gives up trying to hide his laughing, Lauren and Meredith fall out of frame*
Brian makes a suggestion, Joe “are you the investigator here or am I? SHUT UP”
Joe gets some words wrong and corrects himself, Lauren “See this makes be think you’re reading it off somewhere” “Yeah stick to the script”
Jamie Burns “Put a but clamp on your mouth and shut the hell up Mr Moustache” Joe in an incredulous voice “What did you just say to me? put an ass clamp on my mouth?!” “A BUTT CLAMP” *more people have broken than are still in character* Joe “I’ll have to come back to that one”
Lauren “Can you at least make eye contact when you’re talking to us, you’re looking at your shoes”, Brian “Listen, put whatever you’re reading more up by your camera and then It’ll look more like you’re not reading it” *everyone breaks, Andrew, Joey, Lo, Mere, James are all on the floor* Joe “I am remembering it, I have to look at my shoes to remember!”
*everyone heckles Joe, looks like he’s about to explode/have a breakdown*
Joe is now reading it higher and desperately trying to keep looking at the camera
Jamie “You’re a hack... I could figure out this whole investigation with my eyes closed and my butt clamped” *mass breaking*
Andrew announces that all the butt clamps in the world have been sold in an attempt to end this joke. It does not work.
*Inspector asks who people thing the murderer is* Meredith “Well let me look at... my thoughts that I’ve been writing down”
Joe uses the sharpie he drew his moustache on with to pretend to take notes
Andrew’s character “Can I tell you the truth”, Joe “You actually are compelled by law to to tell me the truth yes”
Brian to Joe “We have a lot in common actually, I mean...I went to the Apocalyptour too” (The poster is behind Joe on the wall) Joe, desperately trying not to break “my daughter dragged me”
“He’s not the murderer, he’s just stalking the fuckin butt plug lady”
Joe “I’ve just... got to check the notes on my shoes”
Joey desperately wants to name the baby after the murdered puppet
Lauren accuses Mere’s character of being pregnant, Meredith “Am I PREGNANT?! Is that why my breasts look so good?!”
Brian “Is that like an air drop? DID YOU AIR DROP A BABY IN HER?!” *Andrew corpses*
Corey tries another disguise, but he’s just wearing a baseball cap backwards
Turns out Joey’s character had been fucking the puppet “The thing is it’s got a big hole in its ass” *Lauren and Joey both start laughing*
Jaime “I’ve only killed one non human thing today” Joe “You killed a puppet made out of menstrual blood”
Lauren can’t remember her character’s surname and she and Joe break
*Brian tries to show something on an ipad* “I don’t know if you can see that” Joe “Yes, yes, the camera is auto adjusting the white balance I can see it perfectly” *Lauren hides laughing behind her hands*
There’s a TWIST that Robert isn’t French and called Luis (loo-E), he’s actually called Lewis but everyone had been called him Lewis all night anyway so it didn’t really work but was funny and Meredith felt so bad about it
Joe says the same thing twice and everyone accuses him of reading again “I’M THINKING, I HAVE TO LOOK AT MY SHOE WHEN I THINK AND REMEBER”
There’s a beautifully photoshopped ‘evidence picture’ of Joey and the puppet
Meredith is convinced Brian is the murderer, decides to strangle him
The proof that Brian isn’t the murderer is that in a video he doesn’t know how to use a gun
Robert accuses Lauren’s baby of being the murderer, Joey and Lauren are busy kissing Diane
Joe’s explaining the final plot points and pauses to find the next bit of paper to read “Sorry, one sec, I’m REMEMBERING” *everyone breaks* “LOOK AT YOUR SHOE!”
FINAL PLOT TWIST turns out Joe’s investigator was really the long lost triplet Gaston to the murdered Ashton and Sebastian THE END
Joe “You might think that because I was a triplet this moustache is fake, BUT IT’S NOT, IT’S REAL”
They all take their wigs off, Joe out of character sums it up: “I truly did not know what was going on”
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densi-mber · 3 years
Paramnesia, Part 3
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A/N: The highly requested third chapter of Paramnesia. In our last chapter, Deeks was called into work and Kensi, still believing they are married, insists on coming with.
Deeks blew out a long breath as he and Kensi walked up to OPS together. He’d been hoping to catch Sam and Callen on their own to explain Kensi’s current “condition”. Unfortunately everyone was already upstairs.
Kensi had been slightly less affectionate in the car so he was hoping it was a sign her memory was starting straighten itself out.
“Kensi, what are you doing here?” Callen asked as they walked through the sliding doors. Nell immediately rushed over to give her a quick hug.
“Yeah, shouldn’t you be in bed with an ice pack and a dozen doughnuts?” Sam added.
“Guys, it was just a little bump on the head. There’s no reason for me to stay home and go stir crazy,” Kensi said, sounding reassuringly like herself. “My head barely even hurts anymore.”
“She had the doughnuts to go,” Deeks revealed, smirking at her. “And she didn’t even share.”
“You would take doughnuts from an injured woman?”
“Hold on a second, you told me you were perfectly fine.” Kensi shrugged unapologetically.
“That’s cause I knew you’d try to make me stay home,” she said, knocking his shoulder with hers. “And force more chicken soup on me.”
“Hey, I am an excellent cook. Unlike someone I know, at least I didn’t try and pass off Walmart cookies as my own,” he added.
“You two have obviously been spending way too much time together again,” Sam commented with a roll of his eyes.Deeks found himself grinning down at her and hastily straightened up. He was getting way too comfortable with this less inhibited version of Kensi.
“Um, I’m really glad you’re ok, Kensi, but is anybody even a little bit interested in hearing about the case?” Eric asked, pointing to the big screen.
“Go ahead, Eric.��
“Last night someone broke into the home of Marine Colonel Aaron Summers and attempted to steal his laptop which contains sensitive information. Colonel Summers walked in on the intruder, one Danny Werner, and successfully subdued him. Werner is currently in the hospital.”
“Although Werner didn’t have a chance to gain access to the laptop, the Colonel is very concerned about finding out how Werner was able to breach His elaborate security system,” Nell continued.
“Ok,” Callen said, nodding to Deeks. “Since you’re solo today, go to the hospital and find out what you can from David Werner. We’ll take the Colonel’s house.”
“And since you’re here, Kensi, Hetty said she wants a detailed report of the accident,” Nell said, turning to Kensi.
“Well, that’s going to be pretty short because I still don’t remember anything,” she sighed. Turning to Deeks, she grabbed his hand and added, “Be careful out there, baby.” Before he could say respond in any way, she leaned in, brushed her lips against his, and patted his his chest before she left the room.
The silence that followed her exit was nearly painful.
“Okaaay, what was that?” Nell asked, turning wide eyes on Deeks. He chuckled awkwardly, still feeling the pressure, however brief it had been, of Kensi’s lips.
“I can explain that.” He gestured vaguely to his lips and then the door.
“Really?” Sam said in a tone filled with disbelief. “I’d love to hear it.”
“Kensi is still experiencing some symptoms from her head injury,” Deeks told them reasonably.
“You said she had some mild surrounding the car crash amnesia,” Callen reminded him, sounding skeptical. “You didn’t say she’d lost her mind.”
“I feel like I should be offended by that.” Deeks paused and drew in a short breath. “Along with the amnesia, Kensi is also under the impression that we are, uh, married. Apparently it’s called paramnesia, or false memories.”
“And how did she come to that conclusion?”
“I have absolutely no idea. The nurse told me she was waking up and when I came in, she was acting a little strange and called me her husband. According to her doctor, it should resolve on its own in a few days,” Deeks continued, realizing how ridiculous it sounded. Especially since Kensi was acting perfectly normal in every other way.
“Deeks, you can’t let her believe this for that long,” Nell said. “Imagine how upset she’ll be when she finally does remember.”
“What do you want me to do? Her doctor said we should try to let it happen naturally,” Deeks said, starting to feel a little frustrated. It wasn’t like he’d planted the idea in Kensi’s head.
“So you’re prepared to pretend be her husband for the next however many days it takes her to realize what’s going on?” Deeks shrugged, not feeling confidant in his ability at all.
“I think I can handle it.”
“Oh yeah, you handled it really well,” Sam said sarcastically. “That explains the kissing and the “be careful, baby”.”
“It hasn’t gone any further than that,” Deeks insisted firmly. For his own physical safety, he would definitely not be mentioning this morning’s cuddle session.
“It better not.” Deeks felt his anger flare a little at Sam’s comment and crossed his arms, mirroring his position.
“Sam, do you honestly think I would take advantage of Kensi like that?” There was a tense moment as Sam stared him down and then he reluctantly nodded.
“No, I know you wouldn’t,” Sam admitted. “I’m just worried about the possible fall out once Kensi realizes the truth.”
“I won’t let it get to that point,” Deeks said, not sure who he was reassuring at this point.
“Hey Nell,” Kensi said a couple hours later. She was supposed to be “helping” with research, but all she’d managed to do so far was build the world’s longest paperclip chain. Unfortunately, it gave her uninterrupted time to think about her and Marty.
She had a few flashes on them together, weirdly enough in another house, but most of what she “remembered” was pure guess work.
Based on those snippets, she’d assumed their romantic relationship was as strong as their professional one. Now she wasn’t so sure.
“No, I don’t have anymore paperclips,” Nell answered without looking away from her computer.
“That’s not what I was going to ask. Actually, it’s kind of personal. Really personal.” She was glad that Eric had left to grab some coffee. This would be awkward enough with just Nell.
Nell finally turned around, her brows narrowed.
“The kind of personal where I’m going to want to wash my ears out when you’re done?” Kensi made a face at that, shaking her head.
“Ew, no. It’s about Marty,” she said, noticing Nell’s face shift suddenly.
“What about Deeks?” she asked slowly, almost cautiously.
“Is he-are we happy? I mean together. Are we happy with our marriage?”
“I don’t think that’s something I can answer for you Kensi.” Kensi made a frustrated sound and slammed her hand against the desk, making Nell jump slightly.
“Nell, Marty barely touches me. Every time I try to kiss him or hold his hand, he pulls away,” she said, glancing at Nell to gauge her reaction. It wasn’t promising and her stomach clenched painfully. “Nell, I can’t remember anything about us as a couple, please tell me what’s going on.”
“So you don’t remember anything?” Nell repeated.
“I mean, every so often I get these little flashes of memories, but they’re super fragmented...and I don’t even know if they’re real or if I’m making them up.” She felt tears springing to her eyes for the first time since waking up in the hospital and pressed her lips together trying to keep them back. “What do I do?”
Nell leaned forward and squeezed her hand, her expression sympathetic.
“Kensi, I think this is something you need to talk to Deeks about.” Kensi started to protest, but Nell held up a hand, cutting her off, and added, “Before you do that I want you to answer a question for me. How do you feel about Deeks?”
Kensi almost laughed at the ridiculousness of the question.
“I trust him. More than anyone,” she said simply. “When I’m with him I feel safe and loved.” Maybe she should have felt vulnerable or self-conscious being so open with Nell, but she didn’t. It was the truth.
Nell made a face, inclining her head.
“Ok, uh, not exactly what I was expecting. Follow up question. Do you feel...married to Deeks?” It was a strange way to phrase it and Kensi almost said “yes” without thinking. Instead she held back her reply, tilting her head as she really considered the question.
“I don’t know,” Kensi whispered numbly. Nell squeezed her hand again, pulling her in for a brief hug.
“Then I think you know what you need to ask Deeks,” she said.
A/N: I am well aware that no reasonable doctor would likely give this advice for dealing with amnesia. This is just for fun.
And, yes, there will be a part 4.
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Ectober Day 31: Free Day - Something Like A Bird Chap.4: The Feathered And The Fanged
Danny says ‘not today Satan’ as a wild Vlad appears to bear witness to Danny’s winged ass.
To say Danny had been a bit tired after his parents giving him a full check over would be an understatement. They literally wanted to see every single little way his wings could move and how each and every muscle reacted to said movement. If he had any reflexes; which hint, he totally did. Hitting the bends of his wings in the right spots would cause them to kick out just like a knee. And he had a spot on his back that would make his feathers fluff out. After all that he just didn’t want his wings messed with anymore, oh and to sleep, thank you very much. Which his folks were perfectly content to let him do on the couch. Which promptly led to the personal discovery that wings were freaking awesome blankets.
Which all also led to this wonderful situation of walking up to one Vlad Masters looking down on him with a quirked eyebrow. Danny elects to not even dignify the man with a response instead he sits up, yawns exaggeratedly, stretches out his arms, and angles himself in just the right way to punt Vlad out the door via a nice big wing stretch. Multitasking, it truly is a wonderful skill. Truly.
Vlad is, of course, grumbling and scowling as he comes back in. “Must you act so ill-behaved, Daniel”.
Danny smirks, “do I look like I care what Satan thinks?”, and only smirks more at Vlad’s sigh and head shake.
Danny only vaguely pretends to be paying attention to Vlad as he gets himself some coffee. Vlad sounding almost genuinely curious, not that vampire-ass was ever genuinely genuine about anything, “I see your parents’ aren’t up yet”.
Danny tosses a cup full at Vlad, evil he may be but everyone needs a ‘wake me the fuck up and allow me to suffer through this bullshit’ coffee. “Everyone was up late, had some limby business to get up to. Far more legal than what qualifies as business to you”.
“Yes because the government wouldn’t find your developments questionable at best”. Danny actually chuckles at that, because truth. The government would love to go all creepy morally questionable evil scientist on his feathered ass. Sure they’d probably have to go through some whacky legal hoops to do it, like classifying him as not human or some shit, but he wouldn’t put it past them to try.
Danny laughs, “like you’re any better vampy”.
Vlad shakes his head, looking Danny over as he turns around, “I’m far less unnatural. Do you not even have the decency to put on a shirt? You have a guest you know”.
Danny smirks, “but it’s you?”. Shrugging, very content with having filled up his ‘annoy the heck out of Vlad’ quota so early in the day. Today must really like him. “My shirt’s somewhere on the floor”.
Danny grins like an idiot when Vlad lifts up the offending tank top with as few fingers as physically possible, “you mean this thing?”, huffing, “unacceptable, you can hardly be running around in a probable biohazard”.
“Hey”. Vlad predictably ignores him and incarnates his shirt. Like an asshole. “I liked that shirt you know”.
“Then buy a new one that isn’t covered in questionable stains that even I can’t identify”. Danny’s pretty sure that Vlad’s desired response wasn’t for him to feel proud. But that’s sure as shit what he’s feeling.
Danny grins at him a bit meanly, sounding painfully sarcastic while his ears twitch a little picking up on at least his dad getting up, “now what is this? Is the Vladimir Masters offering to take me shopping? And entirely on his dime? Oh now how could I possibly say no?”. That smile only getting more mean and smug when his dad sticks his head down the stairs and half-shouts, “that’s a great idea, Vladdie!”, bounding all the way down the stairs and moving to clap Danny on the shoulder under the wing, “no way Danny-boy can wear any of his t-shirts, sweaters, or hoodies with the wings!”.
Vlad quirks an eyebrow, speaking with very obvious venom to his voice; well obvious to anyone other than Jack, “certainly not. I’m truly surprised you haven’t blown them off him yet”.
Jack actually looks shocked by that, “what!?! Oh of course not! I’m sure heaven wouldn’t like that very much! Or Danny-boy!”, tilting his head and chuckling, “if heaven is where angels come from”.
Danny grins wide enough to hurt when Vlad chokes a little and spits out a mouthful of coffee, going wide-eyed all the while. Checkmate Vlad, whatcha gonna do now? “Excuse me?”. Danny’s almost impressed Vlad doesn’t sound nearly as baffled as he definitely has to be.
Everyone looking to Maddie as she comes down, scowling at Vlad for only a second before smiling at Danny, speaking as she ruffles Danny’s hair up, “it’s really all that makes sense. He just finally developed enough holy energy to form his wings and halo”. His dad excitedly flicking the clouds to make them spin around, “and! It explains his ecto-contamination! Angels are purifying after all! So he’s just purifying the town!”, Jack nods to himself and puts his hands on his hips, “the town certainly needs it!”.
Danny sighs, still grinning a bit, “dad, I’m not a walking filter”. Vlad just looks to him, a clear expression of ‘how in the name of all the Ancients did you pull this off?’ and ‘do they seriously believe that line of bullshit?’.
Jack laughs, “a walking, or flying, dehumidifier but for ectoplasm would be a better comparison!”, which Danny rolls his eyes at a bit fondly.
Maddie smiles and nods a little before speaking somewhat seriously at Danny, “though you really do need a new wardrobe. I doubt you have many tank tops”.
Danny grumbles with fake annoyance, “well I have one less that’s for sure”. Which Vlad smirks slightly over. While Maddie looks to Vlad, “and while I don’t know why you would offer to take Danny shopping, we certainly haven’t budgeted for it”, sighing like this is almost painful for her, “so we’ll accept the offer”.
Vlad grins immediately and Danny is mentally smacking himself for being a serious dumbass. Of course shit like this would backfire on him. That is exactly his kind of luck. Hopefully, this won’t go horribly. Maybe. Probably though. This is Vlad he’s talking -thinking- about here. “Why Maddie dear, it brings me nothing but joy to help young Daniel out in times of need”.
Danny gives the most pained and sarcastic, “yay”, he can muster. Which earns him one incredibly smug smile from Vlad. However, Danny is the one grinning meanly when his dad announced that they will, in fact, be taking the GAV and that he’s driving. Since Vlad immediately looked like what’s left of his life just flashed before his eyes.
Vlad, in an almost painfully obvious attempt to stall, holds up a finger, “well, I think Daniel here should acquire suitable-”, he glares at the ash on the floor as an obvious attempt at emphasis, Danny just rolls his eyes, “-attire. Now luckily, I just so happened to plan for such a predicament”.
His mom gives an impressively dry, “really”, as her only response to that. Which Vlad, of course, completely ignores, instead simply nodding curtly and promptly disappearing out the front door he had not too long ago been tossed out of via Danny’s well-aimed wing. Danny’s going to cherish having successfully done that.
Vlad returns almost suspiciously fast, telling Danny that the man had very explicitly planned for this. Which means the son of a corpse probably would have ruined his -still one hundred percent wearable, fuck you- shirt anyway. Danny eyes the purple velvet? fucking Ancients, vest draped over Vlad’s arm. Which he absolutely knows he can’t put on his damn self with his folks here and his dad would absolutely make him wear the ‘gift’ from dear old godfather Vladdie. Curse his luck. His dad as it is looks excitedly... excited.
“Smart thinking V-man! And it has buttons too!”, looking to Danny, “which would certainly be easier to get on. If you got that tank top on, then you’ll definitely have no trouble with this”.
Vlad, surprising no one but his dad, waves him off, “nonsense. Vests of quality are best shown how to be worn by experienced hands”. Making Danny mutter a very quiet, “fuck you and your anterior motives”, at him. Which very obviously just makes Vlad smirk.
Danny just sighs and swallows what little of his pride he actually actively has and turns around to let the fucking prick ahem he means Vlad slide it over his wings. But he does snap his wings open to full length rather aggressively and nearly knocks Vlad over. He would have, if the man’s reflexes weren’t on point.
Vlad blinks and shakes his head, “there are times where I do believe you are more dramatic than even I. Which is no small feat, Daniel, I would know”. Danny will absolutely take that compliment. Regardless Vlad does slip the vest over his wings, Danny rolling his eyes over definitely being able to feel that the prick is examining them as he goes. Danny eventually having to put his arms back after way longer that this should have taken to get the vest over his arms, Vlad was clearly drawing this shit out. Why did he let him do this again? And why didn’t he make sure the local vampire stayed out after he punted him out.
If Danny wasn’t in front of his folks he absolutely would be smacking Vlad’s hands off him or commenting very heavily on the major creep factor of this being perfectly fitted. And Vlad clearly knows this, based on the stupid smirk anyway, as he did up the buttons with precision. Though Vlad smoothing the vest out afterwards was seriously pushing it, and absolutely earned the surprise fingernail-sized ecto-beam straight to the knee. Take that you vampiric twat. Vlad scowls at him without missing a beat.
By the time they get to the mall, Vlad is just barely managing to not look frazzled. With the man, of course, smoothing out his suit as they hop out to cover up his slightly rattled nerves. He does make a point to mutter just loud enough for Danny to hear, “I know I have said this before, but your father drives like he is seeking death. Which I must say, there are far easier was to achieve”.
Danny snorts, whisper-snarking back, “what? Like offering his corpse up to you willingly? Maybe on a nice cheese platter?”.
Which Vlad actually has the audacity to give a confident, “yes”, in response to. Pompous ass.
Danny decidedly ignoring -and honestly barely noticing. It was hard to notice these kinds of things when you were the entire town’s certified freak and resident weirdass- all the staring and even pointing he’s getting, which is mostly over the wings. Not entirely, just mostly. Which is weird, freaking wings deserve way more attention and finger-pointing than the fact that he, Danny Fenton, was in a fucking velvet vest and with the freaking mayor; who also just so happens to be bloody stinking rich. This town has issues. So many issues. Probably every issue. Expect gangs. Wait, has there ever been gangs in Amity? Tilting his head, “I wonder, do you think Amity has ever had gangs?”.
Vlad rolls his eyes and gives an oddly bitter, “of course, every town has one or two, Daniel”.
Jack grins, “actually no!”. Both halfas looking at him disbelievingly. Which gets Maddie to explain, “we may have mistaken a few trouble makers for ghosts and covered them in goop”.
Danny can’t help laughing at that, “you know?!? That surprisingly makes sense as a crime deterrent!”, and laughs a little more. Vlad just looks at his folks like they were both slightly nuts. Everyone’s attention gets grabbed by who Danny’s sure is one of the middle school girls running up and holding out a book. Which Danny has some serious ominous feelings over where, exactly, this was going. So he’s honestly not surprised when she blurts out, “could you sign my bible”. Vlad turns to the side and actually looks to be trying not to wheeze in disbelief.
Danny just blinks down at her, “you’re asking me that like I know god personally”.
She gives the single most innocent, “you don’t?”, he thinks is possible.
Danny lowkey doesn’t want to crush her tiny little spirts but come the fuck on, dear Ancients. “... no. No I do not. Sorry?”.
She only pouts for a second before shoving the bible at him slightly more. Cheeks puffed out, “still. Angel’s an angel”.
Danny tries to make his sigh not seem too pained, it is truly very pained though. What’s next? Were priests going to ask him to speak at services? Or was a church going to start up around him? Oh! Maybe he’d wind up with someone ‘reinterpreting’ the bible to find references to him. That of course would totally escalate into him being on prayer beads and crucifixes. Which was a little on the nose considering his rather self-sacrificial ‘job’. Which also made it kind of funny. Was he gonna wind up an important part of what was basically the most dominating religion ever with a ridiculously sketch history? Eh, he’s probably totally jinxing himself here. “Aright kid”, at least being asked for autographs wasn’t actually uncommon for him, “where you want it?”, looking to his family... and Vlad, “anyone got a pen?”.
Vlad smirks at him, “there's one in your pocket, I do believe”, meaning Vlad put one there.
Danny squints at him for a solid minute, “go back to Hell, Satan. No one loves you except Baphomew”.
“That is hardly my cat's name, Daniel”.
Danny just rolls his eyes as he fishes out the pen that absolutely is in his pocket. Though snickering a bit when he noticed the look that borders on bloody murder that the girl is throwing Vlad’s way. Like she was taking Danny’s petty insult genuinely. Speaking while taking the bible, “he’s not literally the Devil, he’s just cold-hearted enough to seem at least closely related”, promptly signing the inside cover and having to make a damn point to not put down ‘Phantom’. And making the ‘y’ all fancy like by putting little doodle wings coming off the curved end. At least she seems happy with it, giggling after looking at it and running off while waving back at him. Danny chuckles over her still throwing Vlad a dirty look.
Danny looks to Vlad, “wow, it’s like she thinks you murdered Christ. Wonder why that is”. Vlad gives him a definitely unamused look.
Danny gets yoinked out of his mild pissing match with his archenemy by his dad grabbing his arm and pointing at their go-to fashion stop. Which no. Danny is not wearing spandex. Especially considering getting a loose tank top on and off was already difficult without intangibility. “No happening, dad. In fact, never happening”, which yes was him actively crushing his dad’s dreams just a little more. But seriously. Nope. He has some shame and pride. It is still intact, it’s honestly a miracle.
Jack sags, “awww”, but that poutiness barely lasts a second before he’s perked right back up, pointing and heading off to the local ‘teen’ hip/popular fashion store. Which yeah, he usually bought jeans from there. Shirts? Ha, no. He didn’t feel like going broke for some name brand shirt that’s no different than what he can get from the discount store. At one time he preferred the local used store, but most people’s clothing never lasted long enough to make it to there in one piece; unless it was truly hideous. Had tons of shoes though, which saved his wallet more than he liked to admit. He was stupid hard on shoes.
Danny shakes his head at Vlad holding up a DC tank top, “that’s ugly. I’m not wearing something just because it’s got some brand name bullshit on it”.
Vlad rolls his eyes, “brand names say a lot about your worth and self, Daniel. Though I hardly expect you to know that. Mind you, if you try for Ed Hardy, we will be having words”.
Danny scrunches up his face, “do you think I’m fucking blind?”. Even in a pinch, Sam wouldn’t stoop to that. She’d show up in garbage bags saying something about dressing sustainably and recycling first.
“Sometimes I wonder”. Danny throws a t-shirt directly at his face. Though fine, his fashion style could suitably be called dumpster-chic most days.
Hovering to wander off to where his dad is also grabbing up a really awful fashion disaster, some two-toned plaid thing that’s probably marketed as ‘vintage western’ or something. “Dad no. I’m not the fashionista version of a lumberjack. Or queer enough to have an ingrained love of plaid. And even if I was, I still wouldn’t pick that”. His dad doesn’t even look offended at that, which means he likely agrees.
Danny watches him then pick up a ‘it’s not gay if he’s dead’ shirt with his dad looking almost in shock, making Danny actually have to float to sit down because he’s laughing so hard. Vlad glancing over and quirking an eyebrow, “now I feel rather reminded why I don’t shop at these sorts of stores”.
“Whatever boomer!”.
“I am not a boomer, you know this Daniel”.
“Sure thing, boomer”. Vlad smartly keeps his mouth shut this time, obviously looking to avoid more of Danny’s bullshit.
Maddie smiles at Danny but shakes her head at the shirt, “I will never understand teens love of that spook”.
Danny snickers while standing up, “well some sure think he’s got the personality and behaviour of a real angel. And the fly by the cuff ways of his are ‘manly’ or whatever to the jocks”. Vlad snorts at that from halfway across the store in the more ‘business casual’ section. Ha. That’s not happening either. Vampire-ass would have to literally kiss his ass to get him into that. Danny would take high-class professional professional over ‘business casual’ any day.
Though the patchwork button down with the elbows and shoulders fashionably cut out isn’t horrible, Danny’s still not wearing that on principle alone. So Danny shouts, “NOT TODAY SATAN!”, loud enough to make the guy jerk and get the entire store's attention. Vlad physically sighs and turns to glare at him. Danny raises a wing over his face in a bastardised version of ‘talk to the hand’ before Vlad can say jack shit.
His mom finally gives him a little light in the darkness of ‘preppy but trying to seem edgy’ fashion, holding up a little ‘evil nasa’ tank top with the bottom all shredded, “okay yes, we’re finally getting somewhere here. Nice”.
Vlad sighs exasperatedly as he rejoins them, “I see no point in that, if you wanted to look like you got attacked you could simply go out and get attacked. Shred it yourself”,
Danny looks to him, “you know what else I could shred”, and looks him up and down like that was a threat to every single piece of clothing he owned.
“I would like to see you try”.
“Is that a challenge”.
Danny turns to his mom, “hey mom, you got a bazooka handy?”. She grins maliciously, “why yes I think I do”. Vlad looks like he has just been gravely wounded. The sales lady looks over to them, “for my sanity, please don’t. I’ve been awake for forty-nine hours”.
Danny chuckles, grabbing up the few tank tops that seemed suitable, the lady leading the four of them over to the dressing rooms, “personal record?”.
“I wish”.
Danny chuckles, “I feel ya. I’d offer a Death-spresso, but I think I’m the only one allowed to drink those and that’s only because I proved that shit wouldn’t kill me”.
“I welcome death”.
Danny actually wheezes at that as he loads up the dressing room, “mood”, then struggles into the probably too small dressing room. Having to cram his wings around, which holy shit thank everything he could use intangibility because he seriously could not pull literally anything over his arms or wings right now. Hell getting his wings remotely unfolded was straight-up not happening.
Stepping out to pose, “it’s decided, dressing rooms are the devil”. His dad laughs loudly at that.
Thankfully they wind up walking out with all of the tops -excluding an orange one that he’s positive his dad grabbed purely because it was orange- and with nothing getting blown up! Though Danny sighs when Vlad beelines for the ‘fancy rich asshole’ store that Sam’s parents’ bragged about shopping at. Mostly her mom. Knowing his luck he’ll run into her. In fact, that is emphatically what is going to happen.
Aaaaaannnnnnnd that’s exactlaly what happened. Yay. Spotting her as he’s standing in the dress-shirt section while wondering how the heck Vlad thinks they’re going to find anything he can wear here. Lovely. Her, of course, noticing him. Because how the Zone wouldn’t she? He had wings. And immediately making a beeline for him. Eh, this might as well happen.
She stops next to him and folds her hands over her waist, “excuse my interruption, I just wanted to apologise for certain past behaviours”.
Danny blinks at the lady with oversized earnings and a bubblegum pink sundress, “what?”.
She shifts almost like this is physically painful for her to do, telling Danny she so totally doesn’t actually want to apologise but thinks she has to. “Me and my husband's treatment of you has likely interrupted your duties. So I am apologising. I realise things work in mysterious ways and that maybe Samatha was a test, with you to supervise”.
Danny groans and mutters to himself, “oh god fuck”, and shakes his head because he is so not dealing with this from ‘I’ll put a restraining order on you’ Mrs. Manson. “Sam’s not some test for you to struggle through. If anything, she had to struggle through you”.
She never gets a chance to respond to that beyond looking overly offended as Vlad is just suddenly there, “I find I must agree. You are quite insufferable”, glancing at Danny, “both of you”.
Danny smirks, “I thought the point of the Devils fall was to suffer. To never know love or affection and never grasp what he seeks”. Vlad blinks, “I’m almost impressed by how mean that was”, looking to Mrs. Manson, “you're still here?”.
Mrs. Manson blinks at him and looks entirely offended before obviously cluing in who, exactly, this was, “oh Mayor Masters!”, glancing between him and Danny, “you two... know each other”.
Danny snickers while Vlad rolls his eyes like this should be supremely obvious, “of course. I am the boy’s godfather after all”, and grumbles almost too quiet for Danny to hear, meaning he probably didn’t actually mean for Danny to hear, “though I’d be better as his actual father”.
Danny walks past him whispering, “in your dreams only, frootloop”, and leaves Vlad to deal with the rich obnoxious lady. Easily catching her fake cheery, “oh I didn’t know that! Well then this is certainly the best place to bring the young angel shopping”. Sometimes Danny forgot Sam’s family were religious.
Danny finally, finally, finds a section with more wing-suitable clothing. Never thought he’d shop with that in mind. He’s honestly not too surprised that his folks didn’t follow them in, probably went to get food instead, since he’s pretty sure they’re banned from this store. He has no clue if that’s Vlad’s fault or his dad’s. This is also the exact time that one of the tailors, or whatever they’re called is fancy ass stores, decides to actually dignify him with some attention. Guy probably thought Danny, being well himself, wasn’t actually going to buy any of this crap. Which yeah, normally would be the case but fuck vests were actually a genuinely good idea. Probably the only piece of layering he could wear now. Unless he goes around cutting big ass holes in all his hoodies. Which, yeah he’s probably gonna do.
The guy nods at him as he’s looking at the backs of some of the tops. And speaks sounding oddly commanding, “straighten up”. Danny quirks an eyebrow but does as he’s told. He’ll play along, see where this goes.
The guy promptly starts manhandling the base of his wings, like a full blown feel up. Squishing the feathers together, figuring out the width of the bone and muscle, space between his wings, even pokes at his back muscle. This feels excessive. “Oddly, I feel like making another I feel like a hooker joke”. The guy just makes a tsk sound at him before running off, or sauntering, whatever, he walks like he’s rich. Like Vlad, but with less hidden villainous energy.
The guy comes back not seconds later with a few different vests, “I’m sure a racer back of this style-”, holding up the first from the pile he brought, “-would give you more comfort and range of motion. Definitely more than what you’re currently wearing”.
Vlad, once again, appears out of nowhere, “indeed. I couldn’t exactly know the precise width between his wings”, looking to Danny, “I am not psychic, Daniel. But I made an educated guess”.
All three jerk a little from Jack shouting from outside the store, “that’s our Vladdie! Always a thinker!”.
Vlad scowls, “your faith in me is truly endearing”. The way he said that making it clear he found it nothing close to endearing. The tailor guy also scowls and makes hand motions to shoo the man off. Ah okay, it was totally his dad’s fault. Which makes Danny snicker a little.
The guy immediately gets back to business, laying out a few other styles. Pointing at one that didn’t even technically have arm holes just kinda looked like it went around the neck, down the back, and over his stomach. And another that went around the neck, over the chest, and around the waist. “Now these ones are a bit more on the feminine side but you’re muscular enough to pull them off”, gesturing to Vlad with a thumb, “he’s not”. Vlad looks suitably offended for a second and Danny snickers some more, he officially likes this tailor guy. Then pointing to the last he brought over that was basically just the same as the one that went over hsi front but with sleeves attached, “now this one will give the illusion of wearing a more traditional vest and is usually what we recommend for men who have to wear bulky upper back braces. But I’m sure it’ll work for our purposes today”. With that Danny promptly gets effectively pushed to the fitting rooms. Not changing rooms because this place fits things to size. Aka it’s expensive as fuck. And knowing Vlad, he’s going to wind up with at least one of every style and the man will be tickled green by the end of this.
The sad thing is the vests were stupid easy to get on, minus the racer back but that one was more comfortable than his current shit. And fine, he looks good in it. And yes, Vlad’s grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
“Now as for colour, obvisouly you’ll need at least one in black, I’d recommend the most traditional one, the racer back. The rest are more on the eccentric side, especially without a jacket over top. For those I’d recommend green and magenta. Those are your colours after all”.
Danny blinks, “heh?”. Vlad muttering, “eloquent”, though also looking slightly confused.
“Those are the colours typically associated with you, Daniel, as the principal guardian archangel”, tilting his head, “though I take it you don’t remember about that”.
Alright, Danny thinks the angel thing is one hundred percent going too far now and being taken way too seriously. “Uh, well I’m not a pink kinda guy. And no”.
“Ah well, you were said to be in charge of the gates to ascension and one of the highest ranked angels in the universe. So I’d take the compliment”.
Danny blinks as he guy rushes off, looking to Vlad, “are you having an aneurysm, because I’m having an aneurysm”. Vlad actually sputters, while Danny pulls out his phone to wiki some shit. Blinking down at the screen, “oh you’ve got to be shitting me”. Because yup, apparently there’s an angel called Daniel. His half-life is some serious bullshit, he’s still absolutely positive he’s not actually an angel though. Because come on.
Vlad swallows, “well, one afterlife certainly exists. Another isn’t unreasonable”.
“I will smite you, devil”.
Vlad huffs a laugh, “oh I hardly believe this, boy. Don’t take me for a fool. We both know why this happened”, Danny crosses his legs up in the air purely to emphasise that fact, which Vlad hums at, “precisely. Though the angel argument has some merit to those unaware”.
Danny rolls his eyes and plants the soles of his shoes back on the ground as the guy comes back. Black, green, and one purple vests in hand.
Danny honestly isn’t surprised they leave with enough clothing that someone without super-strength would have a hard time carrying it. And thankfully his folks want to go home now, meaning Vlad has to suffer through his dad’s driving just that little bit more. Not that Danny cares or knows why the prick doesn’t just go his own way at this point.
He gets his answer though when his parents run off to a suspiciously well timed ghost alert from city hall -Danny can tell there is not a ghost there- and he feels himself promptly getting tasered in the side.
Jumping sideways after regaining his balance from very suddenly being back in touch with gravity and scowling at Vlad, who's pocketing the Plasmius Maximus with a smirk, “Vlad seriously?!?”.
Vlad doesn’t dignify him with a response immediately, instead transforming and making a swipe at him. Danny flapping to use the air to get him out of the way quicker. Surprisingly, it works. Vlad floating up into the air, “you need to be able to defend yourself regardless of form or power, boy!”.
Danny rolling his eyes and sidestepping a pink ecto-beam, “you’re still not my mentor, you nut-case. Besides, aren’t we taught to ignore the teachings of the devil”.
Vlad forms two duplicates and sends them lunging around the sides at him, the main Vlad shooting another ecto-beam at him. Considering how Danny’s back is practically against a wall, the whacko is clearly trying to get him up in the air. “You don’t have much of a choice right now, do you Daniel”.
Danny just scowls, mentally says ‘fuck it’ and jumps up to avoid the beam while smashing his wing wrists into the two duplicates as hard and fast as he can. The air force that blows at the ground forcing him up into the air, but he uses it to plant his feet on the side of the wall giving the illusion of defying gravity. While the two duplicates pop out of existence. Danny smirks to himself over the flash of surprise on Vlad’s face. That’s what a fucker gets for underestimating him. Haha.
Vlad gets much more aggressive about the ecto-beams and blasts after that. Which fine, effectively forces him off the ground and into the sky. He’s mentally thanking Mrs. Testlaff for forcing him to effectively practice flying, his folks too. Though as he twists to dip sideways he knows Vlad can tell this isn’t easy for him. This kind of flight was just so freaking different and he wasn’t used to it yet.
“I swear you just want to satisfy your urges to assault minors!”, and goes low to the ground again, actually getting a chance to land; without crashing! Which then gives him something of a wicked idea that might cause some property damage, because if the weak-ish not aimed at the ground thing he did earlier launched him into the air a little then what would happen if he gave one big-ass flap directly over the hard surface of the road. Spreading his wings out as far as he can, crouching down and aimed slightly towards Vlad, who’s looking slightly cautious.
Needless to say Danny goes off like a freaking missile, leaves a crater in the ground from the sheer air pressure, and the shock wave pummels Vlad for only seconds before Danny gut punches him as he zips past. Sending Vlad flying.
Danny just glides up high in the air for bit, hidden by the clouds and trying to locate Vlad again. The wind up here felt really really cool though. It was actually really nice. Comforting even. With floating it really didn’t matter how high up or low down you were, it all felt the same. But like this he can feel the air pressure, the thinness of the air, how wet or dry it was. He feels like he could just be carried off by the wind and relax. He snaps his attention to refocus though when he spots Vlad, who’s looking around cautiously but also like his victory is assured.
Ha. Not a chance.
The really stupid annoying thing is, as he positions himself to dive bomb the guy, Vlad had a point. Him being attacked in human form happens and he can’t always run off to transform. He can’t let his wings be a hinderance more than their size technically already was. Tucking his wings and flicking a bit for a sideways spin, which will look freaking sick if it actually works, and diving down; gravity doing most of the work. He’s high enough up to get some serious velocity. Hey maybe sciences wasn’t totally useless for him.
The only problem with this, Danny thinks as he rapidly smashes into Vlad who doesn’t even get the chance to turn intagible before both of them slam into the concrete, is that he can’t see for shit due to the world spinning around rapidly. He does hear Vlad transform back, so success, though.
Both of them groaning from inside the crater. “Daniel, if you ever do that, to a human, you will kill them. Ancients”, groaning again, “though fair play to you”.
Danny does a weird hybrid of a chuckle, wheeze, and groan, “pleasure doing business, with ya, frootloop. Least I didn’t, break anything”.
“The road might, disagree”.
“That’s, your problem. Mr. Mayor”.
“It’s ghost-related. Governments problem”.
“Ha. Point”.
“Are you going to, get off me”.
“You’re the one, with intangibility right now”.
“Surprisingly, I find I don’t, really feel like it”.
“Then you can lay there and, eat my feathers”, Danny flops a wing on the guys face, groaning slightly from the movement though. Oh he is so going to be feeling this tomorrow.
Eventually the two do indeed get up. Vlad straightening his jacket and trying to act like he doesn’t have a serious forming bruise on his stomach. While Danny is shaking off debris from his wings. It really does feel like he used them to punch an entire road. Just as his folks get back. Maddie bursting out of the GAV, “what happened to you two?!?”. Jack sticking his head out, “was it a ghost!?!l”.
Danny chuckles awkwardly though sending a slightly mean chuckle Vlad’s way before answering his folks, “turns out my wings make for pretty good ghost shields”, changing to a rather mocking tone and side-eyeing Vlad, “saved dear Vladdie’s suit from even a single little singe”. Vlad just huffs and gives his suit a tug that feels very final.
Jack laughs and claps Danny on the back while Maddie shakes her head and ushers everyone inside.
Everyone sitting around the table and enjoying comfort drinks, yes even Vlad, when Danny snorts hot chocolate out his nose at someone shouting, “WHY ARE THERE GODDAMN CRATERS IN THE ROAD EVERY DAMN TIME I VISIT THIS FUCKING TOWN!!!”. Danny puts his head down on the table and laughs.
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