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DannyMay Day 22 was Cryptid au
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abrielarnold · 2 years
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finally finally finished my dannymay piece. (a little bit of lab safety, a little bit of no-one-knows au, a little bit of hazmat redesign (i just think it would be cool if he had goggle lenses that glowed completely green okay.) (his gloves are duct taped to his sleeves). a lot of inspo was taken from tunnel drills.
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blackpensils · 1 year
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I don't have the creativity right now to come up with something new for this year's DannyMay, so instead have some I drew for last year (plus a bonus cuz I'm really proud of it)
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phant0m-png · 1 year
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and sadly it left unfinished
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chasingrabbits-art · 2 years
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This is so embarrassing but I finally finished DannyMay day 19 after almost a month of working on it
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willakk · 11 months
The second chapter of my connected oneshot Magic AU is finally up! Yay!
Maddie and Jack Fenton have always believed that an alternate dimension full of magic existed. If only they could get their portal to work ...
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seaglass-skies · 2 years
Realized I never posted my Dannymay stuff here
I only did 2 prompts but I figure that’s not bad for my first time participating haha
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ghostly-penumbra · 2 years
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I posted 602 times in 2022
24 posts created (4%)
578 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 146 of my posts in 2022
#danny phantom - 23 posts
#danny fenton - 20 posts
#cool art - 14 posts
#alex talks - 13 posts
#not dp - 13 posts
#ghostly-scrypts - 11 posts
#sam manson - 8 posts
#dannymay - 8 posts
#tucker foley - 7 posts
#dannymay2022 - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#listen. i know there is basis for it in canon and it's a valid argument that danny's parents wouldn't accept him if they found out
My Top Posts in 2022:
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How are we doing in this fine night?
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See the full post
124 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
DannyMay 2022. Day Two
"No One Knows AU"
Summary: Danny has been acting weird. Tucker wants his friend back.
- - -
Tucker jogged to catch up with Danny, panting as he yelled out his childhood's friend's name. "Danny! C'mon, man, wait up!"
Shoulders hunched, hair a rat's nest, and dark bags under his eyes, Danny half turned to look back at him over his shoulder.
"Hey, Tuck." He offered with a weak smile that somehow did reach his icy blue eyes.
"Woah, you look like death warmed over." Tucker cursed himself and barely stopped before facepalming when he saw his friend flinch and look down. Way to go, Tuck. "Sorry, man, but you look like you haven't slept in weeks!"
"Oh, uh, yeah, heh. I- I have been having some trouble with it… I think I'm developing insomnia…" He fumbled with his words, and even though he was finally facing him, his gaze flickered all over the place, as if expecting an attack.
(Dash had been getting rougher with him, Tucker had noticed.)
"Oh, that sucks, buddy." Tucker almost went for a gentle slap on the shoulder as commiseration, but having Danny's eyes fall on his approaching arm with laser intensity had him hesitate, and lower it down again. "Hey, do you wanna hang out at my house? I just saw the new expansion on DOOMED and need my gaming buddy to go after the best ques!"
He paid attention, and so he noticed the shift in Danny's face, he could read the sudden yearning shining through his eyes. Danny wanted to hang out, to be with his friend and play dumb games unyil they fell asleep on the floor with their controllers still in hand.
(Then why didn't he just do it? What was stopping him?)
"You can stay the night! I'm sure my parents won't mind. You won't have to deal with the portal."
It was just the one word, but suddenly there was a lump in Tucker's throat.
Danny's eyes had finally snapped up to meet his, and they were cold, piercing, searching in a way that left his soul feeling bare, leaving it cold and unprotected.
With great effort, Tucker fought back the need desire to rub at his arms to get rid of the freezing sensation that left him rooted to the spot.
"What do you mean by that." Danny demanded asked, with an eerie echo to his voice that Tucker must have imagined and that did not scare him nor drove him away from his friend since diapers.
"I mean, like," he began, trying to go for casual even as he stopped his teeth from chattering, "it must be hard living with a freaking door to Hell in your basement. I'm sure you've run into ghosts at least a few times. Must be really annoying by night. It probably is what doesn't let you sleep."
Slowly, Danny's posture relaxed again as much as it could, and he gave him a small (resigned?), tired smile that came off as a grimace on Tucker's eyes.
"Yeah, it's… something, heh."
They stood in silence for an awkward moment, until Tuck spoke again–
"So, wanna come ov-?"
"I don't think so, no."
–only to be interrupted mid-question.
Danny was looking down at their feet, scuffing his toe on the floor.
"Look, man, I- I'm kinda behind on a few subjects, and I gotta catch up on past homeworks so- sorry, but I can't."
Danny turned to leave, but Tucker held him by the wrist.
See the full post
125 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
DannyMay 2022. Day Three
"College Years"
Summary: Team Phantom move into their first apartment!
- - -
"Aaand these are the last ones." Danny announced, as he used the hand truck to carry four big, non-fragile boxes plus one (1) Tucker on top of then.
"Do we really need so much furniture?"
"We do if we want to be the hosts of the wildest parties!" Tucker answered, not looking up from his laptop as he jumped from his high perch and landed with a roll, with the device unbothered by this.
(Danny wasn't the only one who had to learn how to move and not die to protect Amity Park, these years.)
"Tucker, we don't." Sam droned from her spot on the floor while she sorted other boxes. "We want a passable sleep schedule and good enough grades.
"Five hours of sleep a night do sound like a dream." Danny chimed in as he unloaded the crates as if they weighed nothing. For him, they didn't.
"But- but college parties!" Tucker insisted with an exaggerated whine.
"Pff, you know my parents will throw a fit if they find out we're using their 'money invested in housing' to throw wild parties." Here, she looked up, raising an eyebrow. "They're not even keen on me living with two guys. They only agreed 'cause they think you're gay for each other."
That had both of them looking at her, processing the information.
Finally, Tucker asked, "Babe, do your parents still not know what polyam is?"
"Nope," the goth replied with a smirk, "and before either of you says anything, no, I'm not hiding it either; I'm just, not saying it to their faces." She shrugged. "If they realize, good for them, if they don't, well, it won't be the first time."
Her two boyfriends looked at each other for a moment, but shrugged as well in the end.
"Fair enough."
206 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
why do the ghosts keep Danny's identity a secret even though they are part of his rogues gallery?
because dead men tell no tales
214 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I see all of your "Danny runs away after a reveal gone wrong, ends up in Gotham and is eventually adopted into the BatFam (or BatPham, if you will)" and raise you:
a newly (half) resurrected Jason Todd ends up wandering the Ghost Zone until Danny finds him and takes him home with his loving and understanding parents after a reveal gone right, to help him deal with being a halfa and his new powers in a place where ghosts are such a common sight he won't really stand out and gain unwanted attention, with people that already have experience in this kind of situation and only want the best for him, where he has access to the Zone and enough ambient ectoplasm anyway to help him purge the rotten lazarus water out of his core and purify the ectoplasm in his body
and maybe the Fentons aren't perfect, but they do try, because they couldn't be there for Danny when his powers had just started showing and he had to learn on his own, hurt, stressed and about to collapse every day, and they won't be making the same mistake twice, when there is a boy that needs help and a stable home; they'll do better
and Jason still finds out about Joker being alive, about the new Robin that joined Batman, and he still is angry and heartbroken, but there is no Pit Madness to make him take The Worst Possible Choices, he doesn't beat Tim, doesn't become a crimelord, he doesn't kill. he faces his mentor, his father, and still tells him "I thought I'd be the last person you'd ever let him hurt", and there is so much baggage, so many "should have", "could have", "would have"s for them to be on good terms right now, to be a family again
but Jason is not alone (he never was, in either reality, not really anyway. he could have gone home in both worlds, his family missed him, but only in this one he knows he has a home, even if he doesn't really believe he could have two), and when he goes back to where he feels safe and welcome, where he knows for a fact a new addition is not a replacement (Danielle is there, after all), in that building with a giant sign and a space ship on top (no matter what Danny says, that's what he still calls the OPS center), he is welcome back with open arms and his favourite chilli dogs waiting for him
he has a family in Amity too
and he knows, deep down, that if someone tried to really hurt him again, this set of parents will not hesitate to go for the kill
244 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
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nat-a-nat · 1 year
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W 2022 roku na moim blogu pojawiło się 237 postów
O 234 posty więcej niż w 2021!
114 utworzonych postów (48%)
123 zreblogowane posty (52%)
Najczęściej reblogowane blogi:
231 moich postów w 2022 miało tagi
Tylko 3% moje posty nie miały tagów
#danny phantom – 70 postów
#dp – 58 postów
#mine – 30 postów
#my post – 30 postów
#reblog – 27 postów
#text post – 26 postów
#my art – 18 postów
#dannypocalypse – 18 postów
#amphibia – 17 postów
#my art 2022 – 16 postów
Najdłuższy tag: 82 znaki
#danny fenton/phantom is the only cartoon secret identity that actually makes sense
Moje najpopularniejsze posty w 2022:
Nr 5
Comic for Dannymay2022 !
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Super proud of it, it's actually my first fully finished comic! 
(The first panel is kinda wonky cus i messed up the colors on half the piece and had to go back and fix it, still not sure how i INVERTED THE COLORS THE WRONG WAY)
106 notek (opublikowanych w 31 maja 2022)
Nr 4
Amphibia Meme
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109 notek (opublikowanych w 5 lutego 2022)
Nr 3
25. Forest
He thinks about the corpse in the woods sometimes. Hard to forget where you are buried
He thinks about the corpse in the woods sometimes. Hard to forget where you are buried.
It's October now. It's getting colder. The leaves are falling. They must be covering it by now.
They crunch under his steps as he walks. Something CRUSHES under his foot. His mind pictures bones. Ribs breaking in two.
It's just a branch.
He continues his walk.
The sky is bright, but the mood is gloom. The air is moist. 
It's been a while. It must have decomposed by now, with how much rain they get. Sometimes, he thinks he can feel the dirt on his bones.
He puts a finger on his pulse. Thump. A pause. A painfully long, long, pause. It shouldn't be this long. Thump. He is alive. But his skin is cold.
His hoodie is thick. It was always enough to keep him warm. Now, he is always cold.
The ice of his core. Slowly freezing him from the inside out. 
It's shallowly buried. His corpse. Barely a few centimetres underground. A lump in the dirt hastily covered with soil. Six feet, that's how it's supposed to be.
He strays from the path. Disappeares through the trees. Like a ghost.
There's a few hiker trails in the forests surrounding Amity, but he disregards them all.
He moves through the thick foliage. There are broken branches, broken saplings. He tries to not further disturb it all.
He crushes a flower about halfway through. The stem is mangled, his shoe sole imprinted in the bud.He picks it. He rolls it between his fingers the rest of the way.
He reaches a clearing. There's a big rock in the middle. 
His soul aches. A corpse with no grave, a ghost without rest. What a pity.
He goes up to the rock. The ground underneath it is uneven, disturbed from digging.
Is it still wrong to stand on a grave if it's yours?
He kneels on the forest floor and sets a candle down. Lights it. He lays the mangled flower beside it.
A single broken flower for a lonely corpse.
He feels sorry for it. It must be sad. All alone. In a dark, cold forest. With nobody to know you died, with nobody to mourn you.
Leaving his makeshift graveyard, he felt lighter. That single candle flame keeping him warmer than any blanket.
144 notki (opublikowane w 25 października 2022)
Nr 2
Infinity Train Memes i made for the #InfinityTrainHBOMax event
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264 notki (opublikowane w 5 lutego 2022)
Mój post nr 1 w 2022
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pricklenettle · 2 years
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cookietastic · 2 years
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Dannymay Day 4: Videotape
Think it would be cool if Danny’s Hair and Eyes doing things when a lot of ghost are near
Bonus Quick Doodle
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ectopuppy · 2 years
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Day 9: Ghost King
crown too big for he gotdamn head
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willakk · 11 months
So I finally finished the extra second chapter! Procrastination no longer has me in its chains (at least for this story...)! Summary:
There is something strange about the boys from dormitory two in room four ... Would you believe me if I said that Danny was the most normal of them all?
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summerspook · 2 years
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DannyMay Day 2: No one knows AU
life is pretty rough when you can't tell your friends your biggest secret
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chasingrabbits-art · 2 years
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DannyMay day 18: placebo
You'd think it'd probably be more legit than Fenton tech but....
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I crave for more Danny Phantom and John Constantine interaction, so I made some!
The idea of both of them giving each other so much shit just because is hilarious.
Extra — Danny just want some sleep
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