#Darkstache week
mermaid-nebula · 4 years
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Darkstache week day 2: Balloons and Flowers
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pharaoh-writes · 4 years
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Darkstache week day 1! Moonlight/Road trip!
It's that time of the year again! I having been drawing much but I really want to get back and doodle and improve. What better which darkstache week :3
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projectdarkstache · 4 years
It just dawned on me that this will be the third year we're doing Darkstache Week oh my god we've kept it up this long ahaha kinda proud!
- Mod Sam
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gay-spaghetti · 5 years
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Pride | Darkstache Week 2019
June 22nd (Day 6)
Asexual aesthetic for Dark and a pansexual aesthetic for Wilford! <3
@darkstachedaily @projectdarkstache
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idledarklink · 5 years
Day 1
Snowed in-
// sorry I’m late!! I had a super busy day yesterday. Sorry its so short!!
The air was thick with snow, you couldn’t see anything in front of you. It had snowed possibly around six feet- blocking the doors and whatever else it could.
The fire crackled softly, the two men curled on the bed together pulled each other closer- soft kisses shared, warm words of love and adoration pouring from their lips.
Dark gently carded his fingers through Wilfords hair, feeling the gentle kiss along his collar bone. “I love you.. I’m quite glad we got snowed in.” He chuckled, voicing his excitement for this night in. He didn’t quite want to go out for dinner.
Wilford laughed, a warm kiss pressed against Dark’s lips. “Admittedly, I am too. I love you more.” He nuzzled their neck, burying his face as he relaxed. He needed this.
“Just promise you’ll be here in the morning?” Wilford whispered, drifting off ever so slowly-
“I promise, darling. I wouldn’t leave you.” Dark murmured, his voice rumbling lowly in his chest, closing his eyes as a warm sigh is drawn from him.
The two curl closer, tangled as they sleep- giving their old, creaking bones a well deserved rest.
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starryvioletnight · 6 years
I’ll Always Be There
Summary: A Darkstache Valentine’s through the ages. Enjoy~
Damien liked chocolates.
William asked him months ago, in passing, while they were on their way to French. Maybe he was just being over cautious in asking so far ahead, but it was better to be safe than sorry. William had then set out to find the richest, best tasting chocolates he could.
He ended up ordering from Swiss catalog that their father had picked up while out on a business trip.
Mark had seen the order and gave his half brother a friendly punch to the shoulder. “Who’s the lucky gal then?” He grinned.
“No one you’d know.” William huffed, counting out dollars and eventually grouping up his quarters.
“Aw c'mon Will. It’s me, your brother, good ole Markiplier-”
“-a preposterous nickname, by the way. And one you gave yourself.”
“No it’s not.” Mark frowned. “Anyway, you can trust me.”
William shook his head. “No. I think I should pursue this adventure alone.”
Mark shrugged. “Fine by me I guess… but I’ll find out! I always do!”
William brushed him off. By the time he finished counting out his allowance, he was pleased to see that he had just enough for the Swiss chocolates.
When Valentine’s Day came, William had asked Damien to meet him by a very specific tree, far from prying eyes, at two in the afternoon. Will was of course there by one, nervous and panting and shivering from the cold. It was all worth it as he watched Damien walk towards him, the cold tinting his cheeks pink, and his smile the warmest thing for miles.
“Hello Will.” He greeted, eyes soft. “How has your Valentine’s been? I saw many cooing over your desk and leaving gi-”
“I threw it all away.” William said suddenly.
Damien gaped at his friend. “Surely you’re kidding.”
William shook his head. He presented the box of Swiss chocolates from behind his back. “Damien… I want you. I don’t want those silly girls and their cards…” He watched Damien shakily take the box, tied with a red ribbon. “I’d like you to be mine.”
“Wi-Will…” He whispered, and William smiled. It was in Damien’s eyes, that shine that said he was happy, and his smile was one of joy. “William…” Damien finally faced his friend, still smiling. “If… if we do this, it has to be done in secret, you know.” He was blushing now, really blushing. “No one can know.”
“And no one will.” William wrapped his arms around Damien’s waist, making the smaller man squeak as he was pulled closer. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” Damien replied, and nuzzled into his neck.
Later, when Damien was tutoring Mark for their math class, Damien casually started to munch on the chocolates. Mark raised an eyebrow at the box; the same one William had bought. “Where’d you get that?”
Damien’s cheeks tinted a light pink. “Oh, a secret admirer at school.” He replied.
Mark knew better, but never told a soul.
Celine liked flowers.
The Colonel, careful as he always was, had taken Celine to a florist shop in late October, claiming it was just a routine visit and that he was trying to decide what flowers to have planted on the Manor grounds. He made a note of every flower she liked.
In early February, he was putting together a bouqet, planning, deciding what flower would go where, and how that would work in contrast with the others. As he sketched, a knock came at his door. He opened it to see a postman. The Colonel, now living down the way in a small home, was being requested to be at Markiplier Manor.
God how he hated that name, that man.
All the same, he went.
By the time he arrived, Mark was passed out on the couch and Damien was the one to greet him. The Colonel swallowed down any old flares of feelings that they both agreed would never foster anything good.
“While I’m glad you came,” Damien sighed. “Unfortunately, there’s no need now. He’s done being violent.”
“What started all this?” The Colonel asked.
“She’s cheating on me William! I can feel it!” Mark bellowed.
The Colonel actef as he usually did. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Damien, I have some sketches I wish to work on. Call me if he gets too much for you to handle.”
Damien nodded and let the Colonel retreat to another room. After twenty minutes, Damien joined him and smiled at the drawing. “I’m glad to see you’ve moved on, Will.” He said quietly.
“Have you?” The Colonel looked up at him, and Damien looked downcast.
“I’m afraid women hold no interest at all for me…” He said quietly. “And given my profession, I doubt I’ll ever find a love.”
The Colonel frowned, feeling sorry for his friend. He hugged Damien, a gesture appreciated and reciprocated. They spent the rest of their time in silence.
When the Colonel presented Celine with the bouquet, she had gasped and hugged him tightly before kissing him. “These are gorgeous! Thank you dear!”
The Colonel smiled proudly. “You’re so very welcome, darling Celine.” He kissed her again, slowly, deeply. “Oh my love… let’s run away. You and I, this Valentine’s night.”
Celine nuzzled into the crook of his neck. “How I wish we could, William… you make me feel loved and desired, as well as free.”
“I’m so happy I could do that for you, darling, darling Celine.” He kissed her cheek, making her smile.
“I can’t take these home. Mark would be livid.” She sighed. “I think I know the perfect place though…”
Damien came home to see a large, beautiful bouquet of flowers on the mantle. His heart skipped, wondering for just a moment if William had in fact designed them for him.
“I’m sorry to intrude, Damien.” He jumped at the sound of his sister’s voice. “I needed a place to store these.”
Damien was confused. “Did William send you these?”
Celine hadn’t meant to give it away with a look. She hadn’t meant to look petrified, unsure how Damien knew. Then Damien understood, and he held his cane tightly in his hand.
“Damien-” Celine started.
Damien cut her off with a wave of his hand. “Celine, you are my sister. I won’t always be in support of what you do, but I will always support your happiness. If Mark does find out, I won’t be the one to tell.”
Celine smiled and hugged him tightly, Damien returning it with just as much gusto. Neither spoke another word on the matter.
Dark liked both.
Wilford didn’t need to ask. He knew. He remembered. Before Valentine’s Day he went online and ordered those Swiss chocolates, and went down to the florist shop, recreating that same bouquet from memory. He wasn’t sure how Dark would react. He and Dark usually didn’t so gifts on Valentine’s Day, but this year… was different.
He set up their usual dinner, and when Dark entered the room, aura low and ringing softened, wearing one of his best suits, Wilford smiled.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, my darling.” He said as he kissed Dark’s cheek. Dark smiled and returned the peck with one of his own.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” He murmured.
“I have a surprise for you.” Wilford ran around to the other side of the table. Dark watched in curiosity first, then awe as Wilford presented the display of flowers.
“Wilford… they’re gorgeous.” He whispered, and dashed over, taking a deep breath and taking in all the different auromas. “Thank you, thank you my dear.”
“That’s not all.” Wilford presented Dark with the chocolates, and Dark’s eyes held that shine to them. A shine Wilford hadn’t seen in a long time. His smile was soft, joyous, content.
Then Wilford was being kissed, kissed happily, passionately. Wilford kissed back, and held him by the waist. “You remembered. It’s been so long, and you remembered.”
“How could I forget two of the happiest Valentine’s Days of my life?” Wilford grinned.
It was strange, seeing Damien’s bashful nature and Celine’s giddiness meld on Dark’s face; cheeks flushed a dark grey, while he grinned wide enough to show his teeth. His eyes were wide, filled with love, and still had that shine.
“I love you.” Wilford whispered as he kissed Dark’s cheek.
“I love you too.” Dark smiled, and nuzzled into his neck. The two stood there, enjoying each other’s company, neither minding that their dinner was getting cold.
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lostcybertronian · 6 years
Darkstache Day 2
Prompt: Ice Cream Date / Beach / Summer Romance
The boardwalk had obviously been abandoned for years. Rotten, crumbling boards and waves that lapped hungrily against algae-covered pillars. The fog that rolled in over the beach completed the whole horrific, forgotten scene.
    Dark did not appear to notice the cold wind blowing off from the sea as he walked alone across the beach, a mere black silhouette against the thick fog.
    “Why are we here? We’re supposed to be at an actual boardwalk, not this old piece of shit.” Bim complained, rubbing at his arms and shivering.
    “The Host explains the situation and why Dark has driven us here instead of to our original destination.” The Host appeared next to them, leaning on the ancient wooden railing. It creaked dangerously under his weight, but he didn’t seem to notice. “He details how this site has sentimental value to Dark and that he is confused and is somewhere on the border between memory and reality.”
    “Well, that clears it all up!” Bim deadpanned, “I understand everything now.”
    Wilford ignored them as the Host fired back a retort, standing stock-still, arms crossed, staring out at the beach where Dark continued to walk.
    This place was vaguely familiar to him, bringing faint images to the edges of his mind, faint memories of laughter and sunlight. They were no more than that, though, and they left him confused.
    More than anything, however, he wondered what was going through Dark’s head.
    The boardwalk was new and it seemed like everyone in the world had flocked to it. It practically burst with people and noises and smell that were only amplified by the hot, hot sun.
    Celine laughed and hung off Mark’s arm as he tried to win a stuffed animal for her from one of the carnival booths. He was failing, and she seemed to find that all the more hilarious.
    Damien and William left them on their third try and Mark’s sixth buck, escaping down to the beach, where gentle waves washed up the shore, lapping at their bare feet. The crisp, ocean-smelling breeze made the merciless sun a little more bearable.     Damien had a hard time walking on the loose sand due to his hip injury, so he relied on the Colonel to help him along while his cane mostly just remained in his hand. This only became a problem when William’s favorite round, straw hat blew off his head and he had to abandon Damien to pursue it, shouting obscenities at the hat while Damien clutched his sides in laughter.
    A sharp, frigid gust of wind hit him suddenly, blowing his hair in his face. He didn’t bother to fix it, merely kept limping down the beach. The ocean spray had no effect on him either. It wasn’t like he could feel the cold.
    He paused, glanced back. One set of footprints, quickly being erased by the tide. Not two, like he’d expected.
    But then again, he wasn’t Damien, was he?
    And the Colonel wasn’t with him. William had drowned in a different sea, one of memories and madness and murders.
    He was dead now. But back at the pier was his shell. Wilford.
    Dark sighed, stared down at his hands, cold and lifeless and gray, then back into the endless depth of fog. Memories fluttered through his head, none of them his. But at least some of them were happy.
    He turned to head back.
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62watermelons · 6 years
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Darkstache Week 2018
Day 1 - Stargazing
Wilford glanced up at the stars and smiled, closing his eyes. The bliss of the moment was too much not to relish in.
“Isn’t it beautiful, Dark?”
Dark looked to the softer ego, whom he hasn’t a clue n the world how he deserved, “It certainly is.”
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erexart · 3 years
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Something about drawing clouds and skies just make me feel at home.
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Darkstache Week: Day One - Decorating & Pumpkin Carving
Other Days: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven Ao3 Link
It’s that time of year - Darkstache Week! The entire week is Hallowe’en themed, which is perfect for me. If you haven’t already, check out the prompt list here!
Not only is it Dark and Wilford's first big party that they've hosted together as a couple, it's Dark's first time actually celebrating Hallowe'en. Wilford has taken it upon himself to teach Dark as much as he can to make this the best Hallowe'en ever! 
First lesson: decorations, and how to carve a pumpkin!
This is also available to read on Ao3.
Word Count: 1,219
Six days until the party. 
There was a buzz of activity in Wilford and Dark's home. They had moved in together during the summer, and this would be their first big 'event' they hosted as a couple in their own home. A Hallowe'en party that would double as a belated housewarming party, what a strange combination!
Wilford had been nervous to suggest the idea to Dark. The entity was quite serious and didn't see the point of most holidays people celebrate together, even going as far as avoiding parties with the other egos; but this appeared to be an exception. The ego with the reputation for being the 'spooky' one agreed to the idea of a Hallowe'en party. However...
"I'm not really sure how much help I will be helping you prepare. I've only ever watched Hallowe'en roll by from a distance."
"Y've never celebrated Hallowe'en before?"
"I'm afraid not."
Wilford's eyes darted aside in thought. When he returned his focus to his boyfriend, inspiration had struck. "Then I gotta teach ya! We got plenty of time! Yer gonna be a great party host by th’ end of th’ week!"
Dark didn't want to know how long Wilford had been collecting decorations as the reporter dragged out a large box from a closet. Each item that was taken out was examined and put in one of two bundles: "Decorations", or "Back To Storage". It was a nice chance for Wilford to show Dark different decorations and what could be done with them. Dark had even started lifting ornaments that he thought should be put on display. Wilford never once objected, too excited to see his partner getting invested.
A small bundle protected by tissue paper and bubble wrap caught Dark's eye. Everything else had been carefully stored in the box, but none had been protected to the same extent. Whatever it was, it was important. The layers were undone to reveal a bright pink ceramic pumpkin that would normally take place on Wilford's desk. Wilford, who was partially tangled up in his orange and black bunting in his attempt to open it out, stretched out to snatch and scoop up the little figure.
"Patricia, my little darlin’! I was wonderin' where I'd putcha!" It was nuzzled against his chin in a loving, albeit dramatic, hug. Then, he paused as he looked at Dark with wide eyes. "Speakin' of pumpkins… have ya ever carved one? I can show ya!"
"No. But I thought you said when you brought them home that we were doing the official carving on Hallowe'en night."
"Oh yeah, I did. But! I said I'm gonna teach ya all 'bout Hallowe'en. And then we can start decorating the living room. ‘Bout time we took a break anyways." He reached out and gently pulled Dark onto his feet. The bunting adorned reporter eagerly led Dark into the kitchen and made him sit at the table. Patricia was left on the counter as Wilford retrieved two pumpkins a little larger than a grapefruit. Dark had quickly cleared the table and covered the surface with old newspaper and worn out tea towels. 
"Th' first step with pumpkin carvin' is ta cut a hole at th' top an' scoop out th' gooey bits, but I did that already." He tilted them both down to reveal the loose lids. Dark confirmed as much when he accepted the offered pumpkin and uncapped it to reveal the hollowness. "Which means it's onto th' fun part - carvin'! Here, take a marker." Two black Sharpies were plucked out of his shirt pocket, with one quickly passed to Dark. Interestingly, the second one was put down as Wilford instead gave his full attention to Dark. 
"What ya wanna do is draw a face. Y'know: two eyes, a nose, a big mouth? Stick with triangles an' big shapes. It's easier ta cut 'em out later." He used his index finger to trace a triangle on the newspaper in between them.
"Is there a certain face I'm to draw?"
"Nah. Whatever makes ya happy. If ya do slanty triangles ya can make th' pumpkin look angry. See?" This time, he remembered there was a spare marker and lightly drew on the newspaper. "Or ya can draw one of them equal sided triangles ta make it look happier. Oh! An' th' mouth is fun. Zig-zags can give it fangs, an' square-zags can give it a goofy smile." All the while, Dark nudged his chair closer to Wilford so he could rest his head on the other's shoulder. It was refreshing when Wilford was able to talk in length about interests that fascinated him.
"You know a lot about Hallowe'en," he casually commented. 
"I love Hallowe'en. All that candy lying around? An excuse to wear whatever I want? A chance ta prank without gettin' in trouble? Why would I not love it? An' I think yer gonna like it too."
"I'm sure I will, especially since you'll be teaching me everything I know." It was the right thing to say. The reporter's laughter was warm as he kissed the top of Dark's head.
The afternoon passed by peacefully. Wilford had decided to play some Hallowe'en music as they worked on their pumpkins while chatting. His pumpkin was untouched as he helped Dark carve. There were certain techniques that made cutting with the knife a lot easier, as well as tricks to help break larger shapes into smaller, easier to cut pieces. It was only once Dark was feeling more confident to work independently that Wilford finally started his.
"What do you think?" Dark put the steak knife down and spun the pumpkin around to show Wilford. The little pumpkin flashed a wonky, fanged grin with its mismatched triangular eyes. "It's not the neatest, I know, but -"
"What are ya talkin' 'bout? It's perfect! That's a fella who looks all cute an' innocent but'll bite year hand if ya get too close. He's gonna look great in th' living room -"
"Wait, what? You didn't say anything about this being on show. It's going to be rotting by then!" Dark's surprise was quickly shaken off as he remembered he was talking to Wilford. These pumpkins would likely never rot. But Wilford didn't react, whether he genuinely wasn't listening or opted to ignore the protestation. He had lifted Dark's pumpkin to examine it better, and placed a light kiss above the eyes.
"It's yer first pumpkin. Of course Percy’s gettin' pride of place!" 
“Percy?” Dark snorted.
“Th’ name of our son. Our little pride an’ joy. Our bouncing pumpkin boy!” Wilford hugged his 'child' close, relishing the hint of embarrassment on Dark's face.
"What about your pumpkin, then?"
"Oh yeah." Briefly forgetting his own pumpkin existed, Wilford put Percy down so he could lift his own and pass it to Dark. "It's a present - yer first decoration fer yer office!" The entity turned it around so he could see the carving for himself. Instead of a face, there were several hearts of varying sizes.
"Wilford, this is lovely but… it's not at all what you were teaching me."
"I know that," Wilford wrapped an arm around Dark's shoulder and tugged him close, "this is my way of showin' how ya light my heart on fire!"
The laugh from Dark was worth the corny joke.
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There are things I cannot say to anyone,
that I can say to you.
There are ways I cannot be around anyone,
that I can be around you.
There are walls I cannot lower to anyone,
that I can lower to you.
And that is why you'll never just be anyone.
Because you have completely and flawlessly mastered being you.
And that is not something I could ever take for granted. 🖤
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iamvegorott · 3 years
Finished Ink Month only two days late I think that’s pretty damn good compared to last year XD Hope everyone enjoyed it! <3
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projectdarkstache · 5 years
I'm trying to decide when the next Darkstache Week should be, so if you have any ideas please send them in!
So far I've only considered Wilford's birthday which is November 9th (the date he first showed up on the channel) but since it's Darkstache Week 2020, that's a whole year away and idk if people want to have to wait a year and a half for the next week?
Let me know your thoughts!
- Mod Sam
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gay-spaghetti · 5 years
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Past and Present | Darkstache Week 2019
June 18th (Day 2)
simple edit idk :P These will get better as the week goes on, I promissse...
@darkstachedaily @projectdarkstache
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idledarklink · 5 years
I’ve been hella late for Darkstache week, and I apologize. I will get all the writing done tonight, and post it all. I’m so sorry.
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smiledog15578 · 4 years
Please tumblr don’t report this it’s not adult content
Day Four: Video
hey look! The most overused audio! Enjoy this halfassed animatic
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