#Daz Bones
eriochromatic · 2 months
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1920s Baroque Works 🥂
Always wanted to do a movie poster redraw of the Great Gatsby so here they are!!
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sualne · 6 months
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cross guild plays uno
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inkiedraws · 6 months
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I haven't gotten to Dressrosa yet but from what i've heard, he seems like a lovable skrimbly bimblo who could do no wrong.
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ajitomiel · 6 months
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humans-are-tasty · 2 years
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happy bday dude
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thegreatanso · 1 year
Here it is. The pinnacle of my art carrier. The Tiktok link is here 🤍
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princetenkoo · 2 months
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Utopia (2024)
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soliusss · 5 months
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dream I had last week
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lazarus171 · 9 months
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eriochromatic · 7 months
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In the outskirts of the city lies a rundown apartment building filled with eccentric residents... Doesn’t seem like anyone checks on this part of town, but it’s not like they’re causing trouble, right?
Impel Down Escape Team Modern AU!!! 🏬🏬🏬 they r all living in the same building and being silly together
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aimbutmiss · 27 days
"Finally, we have some alone time." Shanks sighed as he settled into the comfort of the expensive armchair, away from the intimidating presence of Crocodile and the judgemental eyes of Hawk Eye. It was a random decision, dropping by Cross Guild's headquarters. Of course he knew that two emperors meeting would draw the government's attention, but he couldn't bring himself to regret the spontaneous act as he stared at the lovely clown in front of him.
"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you."
Buggy rolled his eyes at the red head's easily swayed attention. "I wouldn't be so sure that we are alone."
"... You think they're listening?" Shanks turned to the closed tent door in worry.
"No, I made them promise not to and they wouldn't break my trust like that. However... Croccy's really good at finding loopholes. I'm certain Daz is listening to us as we speak." He cleared his throat and raised his voice. "Daz? If you're there can you please knock twice on the door?"
"Ugh, come on. If your boss can use loopholes so can I. Did he specifically say you had to be discreet?"
After a short moment, two small knocks were heard.
"Thank you!" Buggy turned back to Shanks, lowering his voice to fit the casual conversation they were having. "See?"
Shanks scoffed in disdain. "I can't believe he trusts you so little."
"He trusts me just fine. It's you he doesn't trust. Rightfully so, may I add."
Shanks' shoulders sagged at the formal speech. It's like there was a thick, invisible wall between them, and it hurt too much to bear.
"Buggy... Come to the Red Force with me. We can at least have some privacy there."
Buggy shook his head. "Absolutely not. As much as I would love to see Benn and Lucky Roux, it's not worth it."
Shanks could have made a joke about him not including Yasopp but he was too confused by the rest of the statement to do so. "What do you mean it's 'not worth it'? Too lazy to walk to the shore now?" He asked jokingly but the worry was evident in his voice nonetheless.
"Of course it's not that, idiot. I just don't want to be alone with you in your own turf."
The room was dead silent but Shanks could swear he could hear his heart shattering. "You trust me that little?"
The clown sighed, already tired from where the conversation was heading. "Shanks, this isn't about trust. It's about letting go of the past."
"So you do not miss me?"
Buggy lips tightened to a thin line.
"Because I miss you."
"Wrong thing to say with someone listening in..." Buggy mumbled under his breath. "Croccy will throw you off the island at this rate and even Mihawk won't be able to stop him."
Shanks' brow twitched at hearing the stupid nickname again, dropping from the bluette's lips so casually. "He respects you two that little?"
"No, he respects us that much. He cares, in his own, weird way. He's a good man."
Shanks smirked at the ridiculous answer. "A good man? You truly believe that? I can see your lips curling you know."
Buggy rolled his eyes. "He's a good man to the people that matter. He's good to me, Shanks. And neither of us are saints you know."
"Even so-"
"I have fame, money and power... But more importantly I have people who care about me to share it with." Buggy cut him off before he could get another word in. "People who protect me and help me when I need it but never push me. People who treat me like their equals. And for once in my life, I'm truly happy. And you're upset that you're not a part of that happiness. To that I say; move on, Shanks. I have, so should you."
"It's better for the both of us really."
Shanks bounced his leg up and down restlessly as his thoughts became cloudy. If anyone would have told him 25 years ago that him and Buggy would be where they are, so close yet so far from each other, Shanks would have never believed them.
He thought of a million things to say, questions to ask, to beg, but he could only bring himself to say one thing. "If that's your wish."
Shanks got up and turned around to leave, but Buggy spoke up last minute. "I do care for you, you know. I always have."
It wasn't a love confession, not really, but it was the closest thing to it that Shanks would ever get. "I know."
He didn't quite care how rude or embarrassing it was to avoid Mihawk's eyes as he boarded the Red Force to leave Karai Bari, he just did it because he knew the man would instantly know from one look what had just transpired between him and Buggy. And he didn't want to give him and Crocodile the privilege of knowing they won. They would still know, of course, but at least Shanks kept his pride (in his heart, at least).
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stjarnskrik · 6 months
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phantomstatistician · 5 months
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Fandom: One Piece
Character: Crocodile
Sample Size: 1,302 stories
Source: AO3
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ask-the-shichibukai · 6 months
The 10 esteemed founders of the ever-growing "I'm not paid enough for this shit" club:
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kozionogin · 2 months
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ppl at a dog park ass interaction
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pocketwei · 1 year
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digging through files again
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