#Dinner ideas for two
openmindcrimecook · 28 days
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emergingtrendsupside · 4 months
Whether it's a casual evening or any special day, you want to wow your significant other. You will benefit from these simple dinner ideas for two!
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flyolai-brainrot · 3 months
akutagawa who is always on night missions cause he doesn't know how to take a break
atsushi who is always aimlessly wondering around at night cause he feels so restless and out of place
they begin to constantly run into each other and what begins as squabbles and accusing the other of stalking
turns into late night hang/vent sessions
atsushi would bring akutagawa something to help him relax after a mission
maybe his favorite snack
and akutagawa would at times share his coat, cause atsushi never knows how to dress for the cold of the night
they'd act like they never hung out when they'd run into each other during the day though
the night was sacred and it was only for them two, where they could put aside everything and just be vulnerable in the same space
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aanthonyvb · 3 months
I love your Jekyll so so much!! Could you please draw him having a diner? 👉👈
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Nice dinner with your boyfriend after 30 years of repressed feelings
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slenderboo · 10 days
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somehow only just realized that buck is wearing the same shirt in both these photos, so chat, do we think eddie dragged buck away from his third attempt at a successful first date with tommy or, the infinitely funnier option, did buck ditch eddie to have a fancy dinner with his hot pilot boyfriend
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coconut530 · 6 months
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Some derps for the past three Malevolent episodes ~ 🕷️👩🏻🎄
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pros of doing Physical Labor: i feel like a real person! i accomplished something!! it was rewarding work!
cons: Ow Ow Owie Ow Ouch Ow Ow Ow
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divinekangaroo · 2 months
Anyone else think of a diagram like this when Diana mentioned 'points of a triangle' in the Season 6 Episode 5 dinner?
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imgonnabethatone · 7 months
Okay, but for the purposes of comedy.
Philza can't cook for shit. He hates cooking, he doesn't bother with anything more complicated than a jacket potato. If there is a task related to food, he lets Chayanne do it. If he is forced to cook, then he does the sloppiest job imaginable. The result is filling, and it might even be edible, but just barely.
However, Philza can make a mean drink. If a guest comes over, then they won't ask him for food, but they will gladly have a cup of whatever he has at the moment. For Cellbit, black coffee is always ready (he is rarely around and has plenty, but it's mostly about being a good host, anyway), for Tallulah - a cup of sugary chamomille tea, and so on. Only, like, four people on the whole island know that he doesn't care for the stuff, and still makes it like he's had much practice. He doesn't.
He also doesn't have patience for cocktails, but when the needs must (for example, to get his team so fucked up on booze that they straight up stop feeling pain), he brews some wicked cider and then makes it even more alcoholic, because why wouldn't he, really. It still tastes good, somehow.
It's the most annoying talent he has ever possessed. He will never use it after the Purgatory. For now, though, it might just help them survive.
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 8 months
No actually the band assuming chive and glam are fucking and never outright stating it (beyond the drummer's fucking bizarre convo with glam about condoms) is hilarious because it implies the band lives on with this misconception. To this day the rest of the band believes they lost their lead guitarist because he refused to move on after they fired his boyfriend & lead singer
#random thoughts#metal family#radio host interviewing who are those freaks on stage: keeping in mind mercury's status as a queer icon#have you ever performed with any lgbtq artists?#lordy: oh have i got a story for you#glam in the midst of cooking another wonderful family dinner suddenly feels a chill running up his back#and this leads to this controversy where some people are like 'he outed chive and glam without their permission'#and some are like 'lordy's gay it's fine' (he's not)#and there's a divide between watfos hardcore fans who prefer the classic music with chive on vocals and glam on guitar#and new-age fans who like leo on vocals#some are like 'can't believe my favorite band is based in faggotry can nothing be politically free nowadays'#and some are like 'were chive and glam fired because they were gay???' and some are like 'obviously not look at leo' (also not gay)#meanwhile glam is blissfully oblivious for awhile until chive busts into their house like '???? DID YOU KNOW WE WERE FUCKING???'#and glam's like ' . . . excuse me? 😃'#and then when fans become aware of victoria opinion is split between 'glam and chive broke up' and 'victoria is glam's beard'#which like glam didn't really care about any of this until they started implying he was using victoria as a cover for his gayness#which like. gets him REAL pissed#he ends up having an interview with a radio host about it and they ask such fucking infuriating questions he leaves a glitter bomb#idk i just think people assuming two dudes are gay is funny but only if they're unaware of the assumption#and chive and glam have matured as people. they can probably handle the idea of people thinking they fucked with grace#they would NOT handle this well when they were first starting out. probably divorce over it just a little#glam's unconscious bias against being seen as gay stemming from his desire to conform instilled by his father (he is very autistic btw)#chive calls people faggot and says things are gay i know it in my heart#they make this vacuum of assumed homophobia#i also think glam just does not like being touched like at all. it freaks him out#he does it casually unless pointed out and then he just goes STIFF.
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killerandhealerqueen · 4 months
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Happy Chinese New Year!🐉
Wishing you a prosperous year of the Dragon! 🐉
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maelstrom007 · 10 months
New Face, Who This?
Don't mind me, just playing in the sandbox that is @ghouldjams cod fae au. Mal switches things up, as they are wont to do, and trips up a certain fae in the process. Featuring ghouls oc Witch who I adore.
Mal looked at themselves in the mirror. They turned this way and that, but something just felt. . . off. Pursing their lips they sighed, changing into the fifth outfit that morning. Ugh, still not right. 
“Maybe it’s time for a change,” they murmured. When was the last time they did this? Twenty years ago? Maybe more? Yeah, it was time to switch things up. 
Stripping bare, they stared at the mirror once more. It was always easiest if they could see what they were doing. To start Mal focused on their face, studying the wide jaw and square face they had become accustomed to for the last however many years it’s been. Reaching forward toward their reflection, fingers splayed, they twisted their wrist. Mal’s reflection fractured, tesselating out in patterns and colors like a kaleidoscope, before suddenly snapping back into place. 
The face staring back at them was much softer, rounder around the cheeks with a charming mouth. Some things remained unchanged, like their fiery red hair and their bold eyebrows. For whatever reason they always stuck around. 
Moving on to the rest of their body, they wanted to move on from the sleek and slim rectangular build. In the end, they went for something a little more filled out, hints of muscle and practical strength within a sturdy frame. They’d have to workout to maintain it, they were using magic afterall, not working miracles.
With the excitement of a new canvas, finding an outfit was easy, opting for a long sundress. The lack of sleeves accentuated the new muscles in their arms nicely, while also complementing their new more feminine face. A last little splurge of magic allowed their hair to grow just long enough to place in a messy bun. 
As usual, the day was rather slow, mainly spent at their combination check out and consultation table project planning for recent clients. Creating patterns, planning dye lots, etc. etc. Their project ledger wasn’t completely full yet, so their curtains were pulled wide open, and a sign that said ‘Welcome, during business hours’ hung from the door. 
This meant that a certain handsome fae could slip in with no resistance, immediately waltzing up to the counter with a confidence that should have been annoying, if they weren’t in such a good mood. 
“Well hello, I - oh.” He started his greeting, but stumbled mid way through as Mal looked up from their ledger. 
They raised an eyebrow, “Hello to you too.”
Confusion was visible on his face, “Sorry, I was just expecting someone else.”
“And who would that be?”
“The last time I came in, maybe a little over a week ago, there was someone else here. Kind of small, very cute, with shaggy red hair almost the same color as yours.”
“Hunting for information, are we?”
A boyish glint sparkled in the others eyes as he leaned over the counter, “Now that I think of it you two look quite a bit alike. You two wouldn’t happen to be. . .siblings, would you?” 
Before Mal could even begin to think of a way to respond to that Witch glided in through the door, the wards tingling in delight and recognition of their clever creator. “Oh my gosh you will not believe the tea I have for you today, I heard that -” 
It only took Witch a second to notice the changes, and only a few more to piece together what Mal had done, “Wow!!!! You look great! I love what you’ve done with your hair, and that dress looks gorgeous on you, did you make it yourself?” 
Gossip forgotten, Witch ran up to dote on Mal, feeling the material and gushing over their new look. After a few minutes of this, the fae man coughed gently. 
“Shit! Sorry, I’ll let you finish up with your customer,” Witch said.
“Oh, I’m not a customer,” he said.
“Then what are you?”
“A nuisance,” Mal said, “a nosy one at that.”
Witch snorted, but said nothing. 
If he took offense to Mal’s comment, he didn’t show it, “All I want to know is who that fae is that I talked to a few weeks ago. About yea tall, pretty hands and shaggy red hair kind of like yours? Tell me, is red hair and attractiveness a job requirement? Or am I just incredibly lucky?” His lopsided grin would have been annoying if it didn’t look so good on his face.
Witch opened her mouth, “M-”
At the sound of their name starting in Witch’s mouth, Mal gave her a desperate look in warning. Even though ‘Mal’ wasn’t really their true name, it’s not something that they gave out left and right, let alone to loitering mystery fae. 
With barely a stumble in her speech, she corrected herself, “My friend here runs this shop by themselves. And damn well at that.”
He chuckled, “Well then, aren’t you full of surprises.” This time, Mal didn’t miss the once over he gave them. When their eyes met, his golden eyes looked molten hot. 
A blush rose to their cheeks unbidden, and Mal brought their hands together in a decisive clap, “Well! If you’re not a customer I must ask you to leave immediately as is shop policy,” a delicate line of fine print illuminated itself in recognition on the welcome sign, “Good day to you sir.”
The typically controlled and smooth wards were swift and erratic as they buffeted the mystery fae towards the door, however he resisted them as much as he could, “Tell me your name! What may I call you?” He called out frantically, attempting to brace himself against the wards unseen force. 
Mal raised their hand to aid in one final push to send him out the door, but paused as their eyes met once again. There was a desperation and sincerity in his features. Before Mal knew what they were doing they opened their mouth. 
“You may call me a fox, sir hunter, for that is all I am to you.” 
“And a lovely Fox you shall be,” he said, before he was sucked out of the door and summarily deposited on the street, curtains closing with a solid thwunk. 
The silence was thick in the shop before Witch broke it, voice strained with barely contained laughter “~You may call me a fox for that is all I am to you~”
“Shut upppp”
“Well, he’s a handsome hunter, I'll give him that.” 
Mal put their head in their hands, “He’s a nuisance and nothing more.” 
They giggled desperately, “He is!! He comes waltzing in saying that he doesn’t want anything and then I kick him out cause he’s loitering!”
“God Mal you’re insufferable, he’s flirting with you you idiot.” 
“He is not.” 
“If you say so. But you best believe that I am going to bring this up over dinner because never in the time that I’ve known you have I seen your wards react like that.” 
Mal raised their head, eyebrows furrowed, “Dinner?”
Witch gave them a confused look, before letting out an exasperated sigh, “I forgot to say it out loud huh.”
“Well, your ass, my house, I’m making dinner cause I haven’t had you over in ages. Be there or be square.” 
“I wonder if I could actually turn myself into a square.”
“Dammit Mal.”
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
Your Books drabble was really good! It's great to see another side of Ore. You said you wanted to write more Mikoto, so can I request him and Children? If you're willing to take more than one request, Mikoto and Muu with Fashion would also be pretty interesting.
Wahh thank you so much! :D I definitely want to work with him a lot more, thank you for these! Here's Children with Orekoto (it's from Amane's pov but I mean it's about him), and I also posted Fashion with Bokukoto👍
The next crash against the wall was the last straw for Amane. Prison life was already uncomfortable as it was. Even without her cell neighbor’s constant noise, she would’ve had trouble sleeping given the poor conditions that guilty prisoners faced. With his constant noise, she couldn’t sleep at all. She’d spoken about the disturbance to Es, and some of the others, but no one had done anything to remedy the situation. 
She’d seen the way they all looked at Mikoto. She’d seen the way he’d looked back. Everyone hesitated to stand up against him after what had happened. But Amane had learned not to walk in fear. She had faith that she would be protected, as she was here doing what was right.
She clung to that promise of protection as she marched out of her cell. With as much confidence as she could muster, she knocked on Mikoto’s door. The violent sounds behind it came to a halt. She tried to keep her sleeves rolled up; she hated how the new oversized uniform made her look even smaller. 
The door flew open, revealing a half-destroyed room and an equally torn-up prisoner. Mikoto hadn’t bothered to get his new uniform mended. Amane would have found the behavior slobbish, except he put the clothes under strain each and every night. There’d be no use in fixing it only to wreck it again the following evening.
“What?” His eyes burned in fury. Behind him, what little furniture the cells held had all been overturned. His knuckles were raw with blood. He breathed heavily from exertion.
Amane swallowed. “Kayano Mikoto. I’m here to ask you to be quiet.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s disruptive at this hour.” He squinted at her, likely wondering if she was serious. She was. “It’s also very disrespectful to your fellow prisoners.”
“I don’t give a fuck about the other prisoners.”
“I think you do.”
“And what would you know?”
“I know you care about me, at least.”
He scoffed. “I don’t. Just ask the warden, you won’t get any special treatment just because you’re a kid.”
He went to slam the door, but Amane was quick to grab the edge. “I saw you that day,” she said hurriedly. “You told Shidou that Kotoko attacked you, but you lied. You struck first.”
Mikoto tipped his head to the side with a sneer. “What are you gonna do, tattle on me?”
“Kotoko attacked prisoner three. Then prisoner six. Next would have been – should have been eight, not nine.” Amane adjusted her sleeves. She said softer, “I’m glad it wasn’t special treatment because I’m a child.”
She lifted her chin. “So, if you still care about my well-being, I ask you to let me sleep. The rest would also do you good. The others, they’ve begun talking about the two of us very similarly. I find quiet meditation works for me, so maybe it’s the same for --”
“We are nothing alike, let’s get that straight. And I can guarantee fucking praying isn’t going to do a thing for me.”
“Why not?”
Mikoto laughed. Amane wasn’t sure she’d ever heard angry laughter before. “Let’s just say the guy I’m talking to isn’t listening.”
“It may feel like that, but that’s why we must believe.” He seemed ready to shut her out again, so she asked quickly, “You love Him, right?”
Mikoto blinked.
“If so, you must have faith He loves you in return.”
“And if he doesn’t?” The way he asked it, he didn’t appear to care about the outcome. He was just curious what she’d say.
Well, he was in luck, because she had the perfect answer prepared. Amane placed her hands over her heart. “He has to. He is a part of you, His spirit living and working in you.”
Mikoto chuckled again, though she hadn’t said anything funny. He muttered something to himself before shutting the door. 
With nothing left to say, Amane returned to her own cell. She fumed that Mikoto still saw her as a clueless, or perhaps naive child. 
But for the rest of that night, at least, the room beside her remained quiet.
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wantbytaemin · 4 months
day 2 of bday weekend celebrations was another gorgeous beautiful success 💗💗💗
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icantalk710 · 9 months
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Ladies and gentlemen, the long weekend 😌
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steeb-stn · 1 year
Joel and Ellie babysitting baby Miller and reading to her. All of her books are ones Joel recognizes from Sarah’s childhood, and Joel remembers having Sarah slack and trusting on his chest, reading to her all the ways a parent can say i love you. Wonders if anybody ever read to Ellie when she was little. Wonders if it’s too late for her to believe the words - I will always come for you. I love you to the moon and back. As long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.
Joel with his niece in his lap and his girl resting against his side with her head on his shoulder, reading about runaway bunnies and hungry caterpillars and velveteen rabbits. Both of them falling asleep on him, and that’s how Tommy and Maria find them all an hour later
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