#we were both just exhausted overworked and nauseous
pros of doing Physical Labor: i feel like a real person! i accomplished something!! it was rewarding work!
cons: Ow Ow Owie Ow Ouch Ow Ow Ow
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yourejinx · 2 years
//Let me In// (Azriel x F!Reader x OC)
A/N: this is something very new to me, something that i'm still trying out so bear with me. I've got this idea to bring other characters to a side Azriel story, sometimes following the events from the books sometimes not.
SUMMARY: Destiny is a cruel thing, bringing together two people who seem to still be hung up in the past.
WARNINGS: Angst, slow burn.
SIDE NOTE: English isn't my first language so I apologize for any grammar mistakes.
I don't know how I feel about this chapter :/
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Dawn Court (Vol.3)
Gold-rose and soft lilac skies welcomed me as I winnowed right into the beautiful gardens of the Dawn Court's mountain palace. I was feeling nauseous and probably looked just the part, because next thing I know two winged guards were instantly by my side as I made my way to the stairs of the Grand Palace. They recognised me as the emissary of the Night Court's political issues, though as a Theran I was always welcomed at the Dawn Court. Apparently the courtiers seemed to enjoy having an "exotic" guest walking among them. It was exciting, i'm guessing, for the many rumors that had extended all across Prythian about the gifts my people possesed.
Some tales were spread through the centuries about us, it was said that we had the gift to predict the future, to turn things into gold, to stop time, and more. The theories were actually hilarious, no doubt some Therans had benefit from them at some point. But the truth is, they didn't know half of it. All that Prythian knew about us were our skills in battle but they couldn't tell how deep our power actually run. We came as harmless, friendly travellers and often got away with it.
To the High Lord of Dawn I was his guest first, emissary second; I'd made sure to always have good relations with other Courts, despite the one I was serving in. I was trained to do so, people tended to be less hostile around those who they trusted, and I made sure to built my reputation around their preferences, even when it meant feeding those ridiculous rumors. Thera was clossed off to the world, meaning no one that wasn't born there could ever find its warded lands, but it didn't mean that we couldn't go out into other territories. As a matter of fact, Thera wasn't really interested in the fae world, its main concern relied solely in learning how much they knew about us. And too make sure it all stayed the same. No one really wanted to initiate a war with the fae.
Now, did all of this implicate that the High Lords trusted blindly in me? Absolutely not. They were very reserved about what they let on around me, mostly because I was at the service of the terrible High Lord of Night, but I didn't care. Once inside there was nothing I couldn't obtain. Indeed ever the wolf dressed as sheep.
Thesan was waiting upstairs alongside his lover on one of the many open gallerys of the glistening castle. There seemed to be a lot of movement around the place, servants came and went hurriedly carrying clothing, decorations, flowers and many different pastries. Murmuring resonated through the long hallways; a party, they were preparing for a party.
"Ah, welcome back to my home, lovely lady" Thesan greeted with a polite smile, stepping away from his lover. The Peregryns flanked both my sides watching carefully as if I was about to give in and faint at any moment.
"Are you hurt?" The High Lord inquired.
I swallowed dry. Running away from Azriel as soon as the mating bond had snapped into place had drained me to exhaustion. A pounding headache and increasing nausea threatened to knock me off, as if every instinct of my body was warning me to go back to him. The bond felt stronger, brighter inside and harder to ignore. I fought to hide it, to mask the lingering scent. Was it supposed to be this intense?
"No, my Lord, just tired." I muttered lowly. "Thank you for recieving me" I said and bowed my head.
"My dear, I hope they're not overworking you at that Court. You're always welcomed to stay with us." Thesan offered "Now come, you should rest before the party beggings. We shall discuss whatever business tomorrow" He cut a glance at the servants passing by to indicate them to show me my room on the guest wing.
As an emissary I had written to the High Lord a week prior to my visit claiming I had urgent matters to discuss. I wasn't here as a friend of the Court, but as one of Rhysand's most trusted ambassadors, so it took me by surprise the eagerness with which they had invited me into one of their celebrations.
I didn't have enough energy to cuestion it so i just followed the faery into a beautiful large room with wide windows and flowy pinkish courtains. They left a change of clothes—more appropiate for a party than my Night Court formal attire— before silently making their way out. I dragged my feet across the warm coloured room and let myself fall face first into the soft silky matress of the plush bed. Everything here was so delicately decorated, from the lavender flowers resting in crystal clear jars beside the window where they would reflect the many colours of the early morning skies, to the hand-crafted chandeliers hanging from the opalescent stone of the ceiling. I let myself be lulled to sleep by the armony and beauty of it all, eager to turn off the whirlwind of emotions in my chest.
I woke up at the sound of light knocking on my door. The same faeries from before had come to run a bath for me and help me get ready for the night. I didn't fully register what was all the fussiness about, but they told me the Court was throwing a ball to celebrate their recently earned prosperity after Under the Mountain and to honour their newly arrived guest. They didn't say who it was but they shared a knowing playful look between them that left me feeling unsettled. I got dressed in a light pink gown with embroidered flowers all across the heart-shaped corset top, and they braided small strands of my hair to the back of my head so the ashy coloured ones fell delicately on my face. I wasn't used to look so...soft, I was usually more on the edgy style, dark colours, more pronunced necklines and cuts to allow my body to move freely, and small metal pieces as an informal version of armour.
I got so used to the Night Court style that it just felt strange.
The ballroom was at its peak when I crossed the archway entry, glasses of sparkling wine flowed everywhere and cheerful music played all around the room just loud enough to accompany the dancing couples without killing the conversation. I wasn't particularly in the mood for partying given the circumstances, but I had to admit i was curious about this new visitor that had everyone so excited. So I stuck around for a while, making light conversation here and there and playing fortune teller just to please the wishes of the courtiers. When I grew tired of it I stepped into an open balcony resting my arms on top the banister to take in the whole beauty of the Dawn's country side, it reminded me so much of...
"It does make you feel a little homesick, huh?"
The scent hit me before the sound reached my ears; it was electric and dense like the air before a rainstorm. My breath got trapped in my lungs, eyes watering, when I caught the voice, low and deep and gentle. How long had it been since I last heard it? It took all the will inside of me not to let the tears fall as I so very slowly turn around to look at him. Tall, broad shoulders, dark brown hair, one eye of sky blue, the other like the darkest of nights; a thin scar run along the former. I was looking at a ghost, a very handsome ghost.
"Asta..." I muttered, voice quivering. I felt as if I was on the verge of breaking.
He gave me one of his signature stunning smiles while stepping further into the light. He wore a black button up tunic that let the golden skin of his toned arms show, a black inked tattoo swirled around his bicep in intricated runes. The twin to the one on my right arm.
"How is it possible?" I couldn't control the thundering of my heartbeat against my ribs.
"I can't believe you're real either" He confessed. No one dared to move.
"Ah, fantastic! You've met." Came the voice of Lord Drystan's voice, one of the courtiers, that was walking toward us. "Y/N, this is our guest of honour tonight...Sir Asta has been kind enough these last couple of months helping our people get back in track after what happened. He says he comes from Thera as well, and was very eager to meet our beautiful fortune teller."
The Lord went on and on but I couldn't take my eyes off the man standing before me, too afraid he would dissappear if I closed my eyes. Everyone else just blurred, fading away in the background; it was just him and I in that moment.
"Well, I'll leave you two to get to know each other then" Lord Drystan gave us a mischevious grin, noticing that none of us was actually listening, before going back to the ball.
"Sir..huh?" I smirked, blinking away the dampness of my eyes. He let out a breathy laugh.
"I still find it awkward, all the mannerisms" He explained vaguely. Asta looked at me up and down, smiling proudly when he caught eye of the necklace I wore. "You still have it" he said, amusement dancing on his eyes.
"Of course" I took the small moon in between my fingers "you gave it to me."
"And you're wearing pink, that's two things I wasn't prepared for." He teased.
"Ah, it took me by surprise too. I don't think it's my colour though." I replied surveying the luxurious fabrics of the gown.
"Every colour is your colour. You look beautiful in everything" His hand found my forearm still resting on the banister, the touch was warm as he caresed smooth circles on my skin.
Asta always felt like the sun, warm and bright, and mighty. He kept it hidden beneath that dark mysterious aura of him, the one he put on display for outsiders. But to anyone who truly knew him, he was the kindest soul you could ever cross paths with. People back home loved him, rightly so.
"I thought you were..."I shook my head, the memories quickly flooding my mind "I found your mask buried under a pile of Loyalists, your jabalin was just a few feet away." My voice came out muffled and I didn't dare avert my gaze from our hands.
"It's a long story, and I promise to tell you about it any other day." He searched my eyes "For now I just want to—can I..?"
I didn't let him finish that sentense and threw my arms around him, burying my face on his chest. His arms wrapped around me almost instantly and he rested his chin atop my head.
"I've missed you so much Y/N" he whispered against my hair.
I was still processing what I've learned about what went down for our people at the War against the Loyalists; we had been sold out by one of our own, as a result Asta's entire clan had been decimated and our village had suffered at the hands of a Tyrant's regime. Asta and his brother Zadkiel had been forced to go back and they've been fighting to make things right ever since.
"I thought your body had been burned along with the rest, the Dark One told me you weren't a part of our world anymore" Asta had said to me just the night before, eyes full of tears. For five centuries we'd thought each other dead. For five centuries I've mourned the death of my first love, and now he was standing just a few levels up, watching as I trained with Cassian, in the house I had shared with my mate.
I haven't told him about the whole Azriel situation yet, we hadn't had the chance to properly talk about it since we weren't granted a moment alone at Dawn's palace; the females of the court were always following Asta around, some of them even flirted shamelessly with him and he was just too polite to tell them to fuck off. I almost rolled my eyes at the memory.
"Why didn't you tell him?" Cassian asked as he trew a punch at me.
We've been sparring in the mornings outside the House of Wind since I got back from the Dawn Court three days ago. I honestly didn't know what to expect, the tension around the group was dense, Mor barely even looked at me. Azriel was out on duty, at least I didn't have to face him right away. It still made my heart sunk to my stomach.
"You know why." I answered dodging his fist and going for his legs. "Tall, blonde, gorgeous, rings a bell?"
He stopped my kick midway and threw me back a couple of steps.
"He's your mate."
"Doesn't change anything"
"It changes everything and you know it. You're just being a coward."
I was gettin' more worked up by the second and he knew it, Cassian was provoking me just to get me to let go of all that had happened in the past week.
Well, it was working. I concentrated half of my power on my right fist when he got close again and punched him square on his jaw. He turned around wincing in pain.
"It's not fair Cassian."
"You left without saying a word. He looked as if you had kicked him across the face. I think that would've been more merciful"
Cassian picked up his sword from the ground and pointed it at me, so I grabed my own blade and for a few seconds we just sized each other up.
"What was I supposed to do?" I asked, at this point anger took over me.
"Not running away again." He swung his sword at me and the sound of iron on iron cut through the air.
"You don't get it" I spat. He pushed harder against the grip on my sword.
"Explain then" Cassian gave me a wolfish smile, he was confident he'd win.
"I've watched him love the same woman for five hundred years. I've dealt with everything he was feeling for almost half a century" I kicked him on the knee and used the distraction to make him drop the weapon. Then I used his own strenght against him and threw him on his ass, the edge of my own blade pressed against his chest. "and she was standing right there. So tell me, Cassian, how cruel I've been to him." I narrowed my eyes at him in defiance. "I'll ask you again, what do you think I was supposed to do?"
He didn't try to get up, his eyes softened a bit.
"Talk to each other, you're good for him."
I withdrew my sword back.
"And what about what's good for me?" My voice came out like a whisper as I catched my breath.
"I've never seen anyone kick Cassian's ass like that" Feyre spoke walking toward us.
Right, this was supposed to be a fighting lesson for her.
"You've never seen Amren fight then" I told her half smiling. She laughed.
"I don't mean to meddle in your business, given that we don't know each other that well, but Azriel he's one of the good ones, you know? And I think you're too." Her tone was gentle, understanding. "I saw something that day back in the Town House, the way his eyes shone when you smiled at him.."
I felt my throat close in on itself, I couldn't allow myself to get the wrong idea, to start wondering about the what ifs; because even if there was something there, he still loved another woman. And I... I was still trying to figure out how I felt for him and where I stood with Asta. It had felt so good to be wrapped in his arms, to laugh together, spend time together; making up for lost time. Asta and I, we had always belonged to each other, no one understood me like him and he claimed the same about me; we were best friends, we made sense. For a long time a part of me thought he was my mate, but we were too young then for the bond. I guess that part of me refused to let that thought go. Accepting the bond with Az meant loosing Asta a second time.
"I know about Mor" she continued "and that it can be intimidating. I'm also guessing the handsome male upstairs is to you what Mor is to Azriel" she lifted a brow "but I still think you should talk, sort it out, see what he has to say. He cares for you, that much I know, and he'll respect whatever you decide."
"He comes back tonight." Cassian informed "For the record, I think you know what you want, you're just too afraid to take it."
I watched as they went back to training, and let their words sink in deep. I couldn't keep avoiding Az, he didn't deserved it. Even if he ended up rejecting me, even if it break my heart.
I couldn't get any sleep that night. I've been staying in the House Of Wind for the time being instead of my own place while Asta stuck around. I knew he'll have to go back to Thera at some point.
The evening had been...emotional, to say the least. I was feeling overwhelmed by everything and ended up crying in silence in the small private library room. Now I lied on the couch, legs stretched out one on top of the other, head resting in one hand while I flipped through the pages of some book. I'd stopped paying attention to it about twenty minutes ago, it was well past midnight and still no signs of Azriel. I didn't really expected for him to show up here but not knowing wether he was ok or not had my anxiety building up. I knew Rhys had sent him to look for any weaknesses on the wards that sorrounded the human Queens lands.
"What are you doing still up?" His voice hit me so suddenly that I almost dropped the book I was holding. I have been so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't see the shadows taking form.
He was leaning against the doorframe, wings tucked in tight, arms crossed over his chest. His scent filled the air between us, cedar and mist, I let it invade my senses. He was alright.
"I couldn't sleep...you hadn't came back yet." I muttered not trusting my voice.
"Now you know how I felt for two weeks while you were gone to the Winter Court."
Before I could open my mouth to reply he cut me off with a knowing look. "Don't give me that spies-web bullshit again. You belong to me. Bond or not." He stated. "To all of us in fact. You're part of this family and I can't stand the thought of something happening to you."
My heart was thrumming wildly inside my ribcage and I feared I would burst into tears again.
"I'm sorry" I breathed out. I didn't know what else to say.
He crossed the room and sat down next to me. Azriel was extremely calm and I couldn't tell if that was a good sign or not, he had a tendency to hide his emotions. Pretty much like me. And he had a shield up at his end of the bond.
"How long?" he asked so low it sounded barely above a whisper. "For how long have you known?" He wasn't looking at me, he was staring at his feet. Head hanging between his shoulders.
I swallowed dry. "Forty years"
"So that night on the rooftop...?" He let out a deep sigh "Did you ever consider I deserved to know?"
I shook my head. I didn't know if I wanted to run from him, from the feelings that hung heavily on my chest, or if I wanted to drop to my knees to beg him for his forgivness.
"What would you have done then?" I asked but looked away from him, making myself much more smaller in my place. "I'm not stupid, Az. I know you love her. Even if you don't admit it to yourself."
"You don't know what you're talking about." His tone was more severe now. "Are you really going to pretend this has nothing to do with the male sleeping next door?"
Of course he knew about Asta.
When I didn't say anything he asked again.
"Do you wish it was him?"
It hurt and hurt and hurt all over, it felt like a hole the size of a crater had ripped open my chest.
"Do you wish it was her?" My voice quivered by the end and he finally look at me.
Glossy eyes that mirrored mine stared back at me for a long minute but he didn't say anything. Instead he leaned over and pressed a featherly like kiss to my forehead, so soft I thought I was imagining it.
"Goodnight, Y/N." he muttered before winnowing away into shadows.
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For the ask game - we haven't seen a ton of sick Keiko, so I'd love that. With caretaker Amberlynn but also someone else of your choice. And the cause is that Keiko is overworked (common for a med student) and trying to power through, and insisting he's fine. He's with Amberlynn and the other person but says he needs to go - home or to work, and they following him because they know he's not fine. And find him dizzy and nauseous from exhaustion and not eating/drinking enough. Emeto please and thank you!
Amberlynn frowned as she got Keiko’s voicemail again.
She had called him during the day, and he’d texted her to call in the evening instead since he was so focused on studying.
It was now past 9pm, and he wasn’t picking up his phone at all. She hadn’t seen him all week since he’d been either in classes or studying at him apartment.
Suddenly, while Amberlynn was staring at Keiko’s contact, Jordan’s name appeared on her screen. She answered and put the phone on speaker.
“Hey, Jor,” she said.
“Hi, Amber-babe,” Jordan said back. “What’re you up to right now?”
Amberlynn sighed. “I’m trying to call Kei. He said to call him in the afternoon, but it’s dark out and he’s not responding.”
Jordan made a hum sound and said, “Really? He’s ignoring you, too? He said the same thing to me and isn’t answering now.”
Now Amberlynn was really worried. Not answering her calls was one thing, but ignoring both his girlfriend and his sister? That was very weird for him.
“I was thinking of heading over to check up on him,” Jordan suddenly said. “Y’know, just to make sure he hasn’t stabbed his own eye with a pencil or knocked himself out with one of those giant textbooks.”
Amberlynn couldn’t help but giggle before asking, “Could you pick me up on your way there? I wanna talk to him, too.”
Jordan said she would, and then hung up. About ten minutes later, Jordan was outside Amberlynn’s dorm building and Amberlynn got into the car.
By the time they got to Keiko’s apartment building, it was nearly 10 at night. The two girls took the elevator up to his floor and went to his apartment. Amberlynn knocked, and they got no answer. Then Jordan knocked—or, rather, pounded—on the door so abruptly and loudly that Amberlynn startled.
“Open up, doofus,” Jordan singsonged through the door.
Still, no answer.
Jordan sighed, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a key.
Amberlynn raised a brow at her. “You have a key, too?”
Jordan chuckled and nodded. “It’s an ‘emergency only key’, as he called it. And I have emergencies all the time, like when I’m nearly bored to death and I need to bug him to save my life.”
Amberlynn smiled at that. Once Jordan unlocked the door, they both walked in. All the lights were on.
“Kei?” Amberlynn called out, walking further into the apartment. The place was neat, as always, and nothing seemed off besides Keiko’s absence. “Keiko?”
Amberlynn walked over to his bedroom, the door of which was closed, and Jordan followed beside her. “Hey, Kei,” Jordan said, knocking on the door. “You alive in there?”
No answer.
Frowning, Amberlynn opened the door and found that the lights in the room were on as well and Keiko’s bed was made, but her boyfriend was asleep at his desk with his glasses all crooked on his face and literally drooling onto his textbook.
Jordan snorted and covered her mouth at the sight, fighting back giggles. Amberlynn smiled softly and shook her head, walking over and gently rubbing Keiko’s back, coaxing him awake.
“Hey, baby,” she whispered. “Wake up. C’mon, Kei.”
He groaned softly, blinking awake. He saw Jordan and Amberlynn, and he frowned, looking confused. “What’re you doing here?” he asked, sitting up and rubbing his face tiredly.
“Making sure you’re alive,” Jordan said, sitting on his bed. “We were trying to call you for hours.”
He frowned deeper, his brows furrowing slightly. He fixed his glasses. “Hours? What time is it?”
“Almost 10,” Amberlynn answered, and Keiko’s eyes widened.
He cursed under his breath, running a hand through his hair. “Dammit, I didn’t finish yet,” he mumbled to himself. He looked back at his desk, which had textbooks and papers all over it. It was so messy, and his head was so heavy with exhaustion that he couldn’t make sense of any of it, but he knew he had to finish something. He just had to figure out what. But which paper was it that he was writing on again? And which book was he reading? And—
“Hello? Earth to Keiko Tanaka?”
Keiko nearly jumped out of his skin when Jordan snapped her fingers in his face. When did she get there? Wasn’t she sitting on his bed?
“Are you okay, Kei?” Amberlynn asked, looking worried.
“Yeah yeah, I’m fine,” Keiko said, picking up a red pen. There was also a blue pen and a black one, but for some reason he felt like he needed the red one. “I’ve just got a lot to finish. I don’t want to add anything I planned to do today to tomorrow’s workload. That would just stress me out.”
Jordan scoffed, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Kei, I think you’re already stressed out. You look. . . well, to say the least, you look like sleep-deprived shit.”
Keiko raised an unimpressed brow at her. “We really are twins then.”
Jordan laughed at his retort. “I’ll have you know that there is such a thing as the prettier twin.”
Keiko sighed, rubbing his face. “Okay, yeah. You’re the ‘prettier twin’ or whatever. Can you leave me alone now? I have to work.”
At that, Jordan frowned a bit. “Kei, you’re exhausted.”
“You should go to bed, babe,” Amberlynn said, crouching beside his chair and resting a hand on his arm. “Jordan’s right. You look really tired.”
He looked at her, still frowning. “I’m not that tired. I’m really fine. And I can’t sleep until I finish. . . um. . .”
Amberlynn’s brows furrowed together. “You can’t even remember what you’re working on?”
He sighed again, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I just need to focus, Am. I promise, we can talk or whatever when I’m finished.” He sounded slightly annoyed, which is what really told Jordan and Amber just how tired he was.
With a small huff, Amberlynn snatched the pen from Keiko’s hand, making him exclaim “Hey!” and try to grab it back.
“Go to sleep,” Amberlynn said, her voice coming out so sternly that both Keiko and Jordan looked surprised.
Keiko frowned deeper, looking down. “I-I can’t,” he said. “I have too much work to do, and sleeping will just waste my time and then I won’t be able to—” His words stopped when he suddenly gagged. He covered his mouth with his hand as he retched over his lap, and just in time to catch a small stream of bile, Jordan placed a bin on his lap and was saying, “Okay, just let it up. You’re okay.” It was then that Keiko realized he had started to tear up.
Amberlynn cupped his forehead and pushed back his hair, cooing over him softly as he retched and heaved, only bringing up small streams of bile since, truthfully, he had nothing in his stomach. Keiko was too exhausted and dizzy to even comprehend what she and Jordan were even saying to him.
Maybe it would be fine if he closed his eyes just for a second. Yeah, definitely. Just for one—
“Kei,” Amberlynn suddenly exclaimed when Keiko began to tip dangerously to the side in his chair, nearly falling. “Okay, yeah, you are definitely getting in bed.”
Jordan took the bin and set it on the floor. Keiko didn’t fight or argue anymore as his sister and Amberlynn got him to stand up and brought him over to his bed, pulling back the covers before he laid down so they could cover him with them.
Jordan left, saying she was going to turn off all the lights in the apartment, and Amberlynn stayed sitting on the edge of the bed, petting Keiko’s hair. “When was the last time you got any sleep, Kei?” she asked.
He shrugged, which told Amberlynn enough. Then she looked around his room, realizing there weren’t any plates or cups around like there usually was when he was studying. Frowning, she looked at him again and asked, “When was the last time you ate? Or drank?”
He seemed to think hard, despite how exhausted he was. Then he shrugged again, and Amberlynn sighed. “Okay. Go to sleep now, baby. I’ll be right back.” She stood up and left the room, turning the lights off and going to find Jordan.
“Hey,” she said when she found Jordan in the kitchen, on her phone.
“Hello,” Jordan said back, pressing send on a text message before pocketing her phone. “El was just texting. So, how’s Kei?”
Amberlynn sighed. “Your brother doesn’t remember the last time he slept, ate, or drank.”
Jordan scoffed, shaking her head and chuckling. “God, its 11th grade midterms all over again.”
“I think I’m gonna stay here tonight,” Amberlynn decided. “Just so I can make sure he actually takes care of himself tomorrow. There’s not gonna be any point to all this studying if he’s dead by the time he goes to take it.”
Jordan smiled. “My dumb brother better make you my sister-in-law one day,” she said, and she cackled when Amberlynn’s expression turned shocked and her face became bright red. Jordan gave Amberlynn a quick hug and peck on the cheek before leaving. Then Amberlynn went back to Kei’s bedroom.
She grabbed a large t-shirt from his closet and put it on before climbing onto his bed with him. She tried to do it as quietly as possible, but Keiko opened his eyes when she accidentally made the bed dip too much. “Am?”
“Shh, go back to sleep,” she whispered, laying down.
He watched her for a second, sleepily. Then, he turned onto his side and scooted closer to her, wrapping himself around her and making her smile and giggle quietly as he melted against her. He buried his face in her neck, and all but draped himself over her. Amberlynn planted a kiss on his head, sighing heavily.
“Pancakes in the morning?” she asked, whispering against his hair.
He hummed and planted a small kiss on her neck in agreement before falling back asleep.
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bluenails074 · 2 months
Hold my hand and don't let go
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Synopsis: Harua wasn't feeling well but he didn't want to burden his members, so he didn't say anything until it was too late
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff (platonic)
Warnings: medical content, needle phobia, being overworked, exhaustion, physical and emotional distress...
Note: please be kind<33 (if you don't like it go away :p)
As we all know being a kpop idol ain't easy. Sometimes it leads to injuries, strained muscles or getting overworked.
Well one day, as &team were practicing hard for the upcoming comeback, Harua woke up feeling a little weak. He felt very cold and his head was pounding. He thought it was nothing and so he just brushed it off.
"Harua why aren't you eating?" Nicho asked. "You barely touched your food."
"I'm not hungry hyung." Harua answered even though he was hungry but his stomach felt like it would burst if he ate something.
"Harua you have to eat something." K said. "We have four hours of practice. You'll need energy for that."
"Yeah Harua eat at least a few bites." Fuma encouraged. Harua ate just a few bites of his food but it made him feel so much worse. After a few minutes, when everyone finished their breakfast, Harua felt nauseous and like he wanted to throw up.
"Rua are you okay?" Maki asked worryingly
"I feel like I'm gonna puke." Harua answered in a panic. "Like the breakfast inside me wants to get out."
"Okay, okay go to the toilet then, I'll go tell Fuma hyung."
"Why not? You're clearly not well. You should stay at the dorm and rest. "
"No! I need to practice more. The comeback is coming and I'm not ready."
"Well i won't let you put yourself at risk, your heath comes first. Plus the hyungs need to know Harua."
"No they don't. It's just a little stomach ache. It will pas- *gag*" Harua didn't get to finish his sentence as they both kneeled down next to the toilet. Maki rubbed Harua's back while he was throwing up.
"That's it Haru, let it all out." Maki encouraged. After Harua finished he went to wash his face.
"Even if i don't tell them they'll find out. You know that." Maki said.
"Yeah, i know but you can't be the one who's going to tell them. How about this? If i feel like my condition is getting worse, I'll tell the hyungs. But you CAN'T.
"Okay" maki answered worryingly
"You promise?"
"Promise i guess"
"Okay then let's go. We're gonna be late for practice.
When they arrived, every minute Harua felt weaker and weaker and the thought of 4 HOURS OF PRACTICE alone made him question how he's going to get through this.
He got through the warm up pretty easily but the rest was a lot more challenging than usual. It was ten times harder than he expected. After some time passed, he started feeling very exhausted and it showed in the way he danced.
"Harua, make those moves sharper!" The coach yelled. "More energy Harua!" He tried to give his all but it wasn't enough. At this point he didn't know how long he would be able to continue like this. He felt his fever increased and he started shivering, but again he didn't say anything cause he didn't want to alert his members.
"Okay, you guys can take 5." Their coach yelled as they finished the choreography. The members took their water bottles and sat down in the corner of the practice room.
"Harua, are you okay? You're kind of pale." Taki noticed.
"Yeah, is everything okay? Why are you shaking?" Fuma asked as he took Harua's hands in his own to make them warmer.
"Y-yeah I'm o-okay it's j-just a little c-cold in h-here." Harua said while studering.
"Cold? It's literally so hot in here." Jo exclaimed. Fuma put a hand on Harua's forehead.
"Oh wow! Harua you're burning. Maybe you should sit down a bit." Fuma said worryingly as he moved Harua's soaked in cold sweat bangs to the side.
"No I'm okay guys, i'll just go wash my face in the bathroom and i'll be fine."
"I'll go with you." Fuma said following Harua out of the room. His gut was telling him he shouldn't let Harua go to the bathroom alone. Harua washed his face but he still didn't fell good at all. He started feeling a bit light headed. His head started spinning, his ears were ringing and his whole body was aching.
"Harua you really look sick, I think you should go to the nurse."
"I-i told you I'm totally fi-fi..ne.."
"GUYS COME HERE QUICK HE FAINTED" Fuma shouted alarmingly as he caught Harua.
The members rushed to the bathroom. Euijoo immediately turned on leader mode.
"Guys call the menager. Tell him we're taking Harua to the nurse. Fuma pick him up, let's take him there." Euijoo commanded.
When they got to the nurse they put Harua on the examination table.
"Fuma, K and I will stay with him, you guys go back to practice and stretch." Euijoo told the rest of the members.
"Hyung, i just got of the phone. The menager said he'll cancel the schedule for the rest of the day, and that he has the car ready if you need to take Rua to the hospital." Maki explained.
"Okay, thanks now go back to practice and stretch, then all of you can go back to the dorms." Fuma said. "Don't worry we'll keep you updated on Rua's condition."
"Okay okay, thanks hyung." Maki thanked them before leaving. "Um hyung, there's one more thing I have to tell you.."
"Mhm, and that is...?"
"Harua threw up after breakfast."
"HE WHAT?!!" K, Fuma and Euijoo exclaimed "And why did nobody tell us?!"
"Well only me and Rua knew and he didn't want to tell you so... yeah"
"Okay, we'll talk later, now go, i can see Jo waiting outside for you." Fuma said
"Okay, okay bye" Maki said before leaving
"Boys what happened?" The nurse asked calmly as she walked into the office (she wasn't in the office when they got there so Jo and Yuma went to find her) .
"Well he's been looking very pale since this morning and he barely ate anything for breakfast. After breakfast he also threw up and he looked very unwell during practice so i went to the bathroom with him, and there he fainted." Fuma explained to the nurse.
The nurse measured Harua's blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen levels, when suddenly he regained his consciousness.
"Look he's waking up!" K said worriedly.
"Hyung, what's going on? Why is everything spinning?" Harua asked, looking like he's on the verge of tears.
"Hey, hey, don't panic. It's okay." K said reassuringly combing the youngers hair. "You fainted so we brought you to the nurse's office".
"Harua how are you feeling now?" The nurse asked.
"Everything's spinning and my head hurts."
"Is he gonna be okay?" Euijoo asked the nurse after she finished checking Harua's vitals.
"Yes, but his blood pressure is at a very low level, so knowing that your comeback is coming up i think he should get checked out by a doctor to see if he's just exhausted or if there's some kind of bigger issue. And even if it's just exhaustion, he should get an iv drip or some medication to boost his immune system." The nurse explained.
"Okay, we'll take him to the er now." The boys thanked the nurse and K gave Harua a piggyback ride to the car.
When they got to the er they were seated in a small room.
"Well, Harua you are showing sings of exhaustion and a mild fever, but I'd still like to run a blood test just to make sure that there are no further complications." The doctor explained after doing a check up on Harua.
Harua's eyes widened. "A-a b-blood test?!"
"Yes, a blood test, a nurse will see you shortly. Do you have any questions?"
"No, thank you doctor" Fuma answered noticing the fear in Harua's eyes. As soon as the doctor left, Harua started panicking.
"Whoa whoa calm down Haru. I'm sure you'll be just fine" K said calmly.
"Yeah, you won't even feel it" Fuma added
"Plus you have us by your side" Ej said offering a warm smile
"No but you don't get it. I HATE NEEDLES. They're so disgusting and pointy and they hurt and i just can't. Please tell them i won't take the blood test."
"Look at it this way.." Fuma said trying to make the younger seem less scared. "This blood test will tell us if there's anything wrong with your immune system. And since we have the tour soon we all have to be healthy and in great shape. So this little needle that you won't even feel, could help you a lot." Fuma explained
"Hello boys!" A nurse interrupted them. "I see you're up for a blood test Harua."
"Y-yeah" Harua answered as the nurse put down a tray with medical equipment on it.
"H-Hyung..." Harua closedhis eyes quickly, panically tapping the bed, searching for Fumas hand, when he saw what was placed on the tray.
"I saw the needle" he said on the verge of tears.
"Alright, you saw it, but it doesn't matter cause you're going to look at me and think about something else and not the needle, okay?" Fuma said trying to make Harua as calm as possible.
"Harua, don't worry. The needle is very small, and it won't last long" The nurse explained calmly. "If you want I'll tell you everything that I'm doing, so there are no surprises."
"Mhm, thank you" Harua answered, clearly terrified.
"Could i see your arms please? Just to see which one is better?" The nurse asked.
Harua showed the nurse his arms as Fuma rubbed his shoulders to ease his nerves. After a minute she found a vain to inject.
"Okay, now I'll firstly use an alcohol swab to clean the area. It might be a little cold."
Harua squeezed Fumas hand tightly. "H-Hyung i-i can't b-breathe." Harua said in a panic.
"Look at me here, look how I'm breathing and imitate that okay?" Euijoo said trying to help Harua.
"Can i start the process now?" The nurse asked
"Yeah breathe in... and breathe out.." K tried yo help.
"Wait! Hyung i can't.. seriously, I'm too scared! I really can't" Harua whimpered trying to catch his breath.
When the nurse touched his arm he pulled away.
"Okay, okay take your time." she said patiently.
"Harua, look at me! It'll be over in less than a minute. This suspense hurts more than any needle. So just let the nurse do her job and finish this as soon as possible." Fuma said "We're with you. Just take some deep breaths."
Harua took a few deep breaths "okay i'm ready, but don't let go of my hand."
No, don't worry, i won't." Fuma squeezed his hand reassuringly. Harua closed his eyes shut and waited for the nurse to inject him.
"Okay 3,2.. " she said before inserting the needle
"A-au H-Hyung... Mhh it hurts" Harua whimpered as the needle pierced his skin.
"Over in a second, just don't move" Fuma hugged Harua so that he feels safer. At this point Harua was crying but without noise. You could only hear him violently sobing.
"You're doing so good Haru!" Euijoo said
"Yeah just a few more seconds and it's done." K added
"And done! That's it, you did amazing!" the nurse said trying to make Harua stop crying
"That's it, you did it!" Fuma said running his fingers through Harua's hair.
"Good job!" Euijoo said
"Yeah you did so well!" K exclaimed
"Could you press here for him please?" The nurse asked K.
"Mhm, of course" he said taking Harua's arm so he could press the cotton ball that was placed where the needle went. Harua flinched when K pressed Harua's arm.
"No, no it's just me" K said gently.
"A doctor will come see you after we see the test results". The nurse said before leaving the room.
After some time, a doctor went to tell the members about the results.
"So Harua, the test showed thet you're very dehydrated, and you're lacking vitamins. That's what caused the fever. It also showed that we won't have to do an ECG. A nurse will give you an IV, which will last about 2 hours and that should boost your immune system. Apart from that i will prescribe some pills to control that fever and your stomach, so you can eat something without vomiting. If the he faints again, bring him back to the hospital. Even though i don't think that will be needed. Do you have any other questions?"
"No thank you doctor" Fuma answered quickly before Harua could say something.
"Alright, then I'll send the nurse here" tha doctor said before leaving
"Hyunggg..." Harua said with puppy eyes
"You did it once, im sure you can do it again" Fuma answered.
"But it hurts so much"
"Well we'll be by your side" K said trying to convince Harua
"Hello boys" a nurse said a she walked inside. The boys greeted her and she told them how Harua is going to come with her to a different room where he'll be untill the iv drip is over.
"The room is really small so it would be great if only one person came inside with Harua."
"Hyung what do i do.." Harua asked worriedly
"I'll go with you if you want?" K said
"Yeah you can go with K" Fuma confirmed "okay?"
"Yeah okay..."
Harua stood in the sterile white room, his heart pounding against his chest as he stared at the medical equipment laid out in front of him. With a reassuring smile, K stepped forward and gently took Harua's trembling hand in his own. He helped him sit on the counter where the nurse told them to sit.
"You're going to be okay, Harua. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere."
Harua nodded, still shaking. The nurse approached, her voice calm and soothing as she explained the procedure. Despite her reassuring words, Harua's pulse quickened, and his palms grew clammy.
As the nurse prepared the IV, Harua's breaths came in short, shallow gasps. He squeezed K's hand tightly, trying to distract himself from what was coming. K squeezed back with a reassuring smile. "It won't be bad, trust me".
As the nurse came close to them Harua tried to back away a little but bumped into K.
"H-Hyung I can't.. really.. it's too much... I-I-" Harua said with puppy eyes.
"Okay, okay i get it, but let's just put your arm here," K said as he extended Harua's arm so the nurse could find a vain. "and you just look at me and it'll be fine, alright? I know how big this is to you and how much you don't want to be here, but I'm here with you and just focus on me and not on anything else that scares you." with this said Harua took a deep breath and nodded. The nurse found a vain and took an alcohol swab to wipe his arm. Harua slightly winced as the cold alcohol touched his skin.
"That's just alcohol, okay" K said.
"I'll countdown from three alright?" The nurse said and Harua nodded but K noticed tears peeking out the corners of his eyes. "3, 2..." The nurse inserted the needle, and Harua winced as a sharp prick of pain shot through his arm. He bit his lip when he felt the tears coming. K, who was kneeling in front of him, stood up to hug him. He's heart ached at the sight of Harua crying. He leaned in close, whispering words of comfort as Harua's head was pressed to his stomach, slowly getting K's shirt wet with the his tears.
"You're doing great, Rua. Just a little longer, and it's over." After taking the needle out and inserting a little tube, the nurse taped around the canula. "All done." She said after finishing. "That's it buddy, it's over, you did it." K said while rubbing Harua's back with a smile of relief on his face. Harua said as he let out a shaky sigh of relief .
"Oh buddy "K kneeled down and wiped Harua's tears away. "Was it that bad?" Harua just nodded.
"Harua, could you sit up, please? I have to connect you to the IV." The nurse said as she attached a bag of fluids to the infusion stand. Harua sat down on the bed. When the nurse approached him he backed a bit. "H-Hyung.."
"I'm here, I'm here," K said giving Harua his hand. "Give her your arm. It won't hurt now." After the nurse connected him to the IV stand she explained to the boys that the IV will last about 2 hours and that Harua might get a little sleepy and drowsy when the fluids start to kick in, and after that they can go home. The two of them were left alone there after the nurse left the room. "I have to tell Euijoo and the members that you're okay. Are you already sleepy?"
"Mhm" Harua said
"Okay, I'll wake you up when it's time" K said with a big smile on his face.
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itsdanii · 3 years
hii i just read all of your masterlist and i loved it kdjzjsj. Could i request a scenario where Asahi has been working long hours and never gets to see his wife. And his wife is secretly pregnant :o so they get into a scrabble and all is revealed but happy ending coz i cant do sad ending ny heart might shatter
Baby Daddy
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hey, bub. thank you so much for requesting! here's an asahi angst to fluff with a pregnant wife. i hope you like it ❤️ stay healthy and hydrated!
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genre: angst to fluff
warnings: mentions of nausea, mentions of monthly period, suggestive content
ft. asahi azumane
reminder 1: lashing out on your wife is not a good practice, especially if you're unaware that the said wife is carrying your child inside her womb
reminder 2: never slam the door shut on your wife
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With shaky hands, you stared at the pregnancy test you were holding. Tears of happiness were streaming down your cheeks as you took in the two lines signifying that you are indeed pregnant.
You've been feeling nauseous these past few weeks and the moment you noticed that you skipped your monthly period, you immediately bought a pregnancy test to confirm your suspicions.
And so, there you are, now holding the positive test as you let the feeling of hope and happiness embrace your being. You smiled and reached down to place your free hand on your nonprominent baby bump. Sure, it was too small to be noticeable yet but the fact that you knew that there's a life forming inside you made you happier than you could've ever expected.
"Hi, baby. I know you can't hear mommy yet, but I want you to know that she already loves you very much," you whispered while rubbing small circles on your skin.
Once you finally calmed yourself down from the exciting news, you took a shower and put on some presentable clothes, the red silk of the dress you're wearing shaping your body perfectly.
You stared at yourself on the mirror and smiled in satisfaction. Despite how the dress accentuated your curves, it wasn't too tight to suffocate your lower belly. You put on some light make up and kissed your wedding ring as you finished.
The next thing you did was proceed to the kitchen to prepare some fancy dinner for both you and your husband, giving the table a finishing touch with a bottle of wine for Asahi.
You glanced at the clock and noticed that it was already 9 in the evening yet your husband was still out. You decided to send him a message but only frowned when you received no reply. Sighing, you instinctively placed your hand on your lower belly as you felt a sudden distress.
What if he didn't want the baby?
What if he leaves you?
What if he realizes that he no longer loves you?
What if-
The sound of door opening interrupted you from your thoughts and you immediately stood up to welcome your husband.
Lately, Asahi had been coming home late, always overworking himself to the point of exhaustion. To be honest, you were seriously starting to get worried but everytime you tried to confront him, he would only grunt at you and head to sleep.
You made your way to Asahi and helped him with the stuff that he was carrying, making sure that you only took the light stuff in your arms. "Welcome home, love," you said affectionately and pressed a lingering kiss on his lips.
Unlike the usual, Asahi didn't wrap his arm around your waist nor buried his face on the crook of your neck. You frowned at the lack of affection but decided to let it pass.
"What's the occasion?" he asked, finally taking notice of the food you prepared. The smell of steak was still lingering in the air and despite how it slightly made you feel lightheaded, you held it in knowing how much Asahi loved it everytime you cook steak.
"Nothing," you said as you placed some of his stuff down. "I just wanted to make you some nice dinner since we haven't been spending that much time lately."
Instead of answering, he only sighed and flashed you an apologetic smile. He made his way to his seat and waited for you before eating.
Silence enveloped the two of you and you can't help but feel your palms starting to get sweaty. The way he seemed to rush his food made you feel as if he was only eating as to not offend you. As you were about to speak, he downed his glass of wine in one go before standing up.
"I'm finished. I'll go ahead to bed, okay?" your husband said as he placed a kiss on top of your head, the sweet gesture doing nothing to soothe the negative feeling bubbling inside you.
You stood up and wrapped your arms around him from the back, hands gripping each other to lock him to your embrace. "Love, I missed you," you murmured against his back.
"Y/n, I don't have time for this. I'm tired, okay?" Asahi tried to uncoil your arms around him and groaned when you won't let him.
"Don't want to let go yet. I know that if I do, you'll go to bed again and when I wake up, you'll be gone. Can't I have even just a little bit of your time?" Your voice almost cracked at the end as the toll of his absences finally made its way to you.
He applied a little force to remove your arms before turning around to face you, a deep scowl now present on his face as he stared down at you. "Time? You want time? I'm sorry if I don't give you enough. Unlike you who just stay at home and do nothing, I have work. I have priorities so I'm sorry if you think that I'm not giving you enough attention. Geez, y/n. I'm your husband, not your damn babysitter."
"You call yourself a husband when you can't even prioritize your own wife?" you spat angrily at him.
You knew that you offended him by the way his jaw clenched yet you stood your ground because you knew that the problem wouldn't be resolved unless you confronted it head on.
"I wasn't aware that it's a wife's job to nag at her husband nonstop," he spat back. "Stop being childish and maybe then you'll do something productive and not just spending your time sitting pretty."
Asahi didn't let you speak and opted on turning his back on you. Within a few seconds, you were left alone as the door of your bedroom slammed shut.
You felt your blood run cold as you stared at the door in front of you. "I'm sorry," you whispered, not to yourself nor to your husband but to your baby.
Quietly, you began to clean up the table and wash the dishes. You groaned as you felt an upcoming headache starting to form, no doubt due to the stress you're currently experiencing.
You dried your hands and turned off the lights before making your way to the guest room. Your husband basically slammed the door on you which means that he didn't want you to disturb him, right? So if it's space that he wants, it's space that he'll get.
You curled yourself against the bed, the empty space beside you making you feel lonely. You were used to sleeping beside Asahi. Despite him always coming home late, you never missed the feel of him pressing apologetic kisses on your skin.
It wasn't long until a sob escaped your lips. Your fingers gripped the pillow beside you tightly as you burried your face against the soft cotton, silently wishing that it was your husband you're embracing instead of the white material.
Unbeknownst to you, Asahi was just as distressed as you were.
He couldn't stop himself from tossing and turning as he anxiously waited for you to open the door and fit yourself in his arms. He didn't mean to slam the door at you. He only applied a bit of force not knowing that the impact would be that much.
God, he didn't even want to fight you.
But the feeling of stress and exhaustion from his work along with the expectations of people made him irritable which then resulted to him snapping at you.
Not being able to resist you anymore, Asahi swallowed his pride and made his way to the bathroom to splash his face with cold water to wake himself up before he talks to you.
But he guessed that the cold water was no longer needed.
Because there sitting on top of the toilet seat are two pregnancy tests with both positive results. He carefully picked up one of the tests and stared at it with shock evident on his face.
You're pregnant.
You're carrying his unborn child and he just shouted at you, called you childish and disregarded your feelings.
Instant regret made its way to him and he felt his heart rate picking up. "Shit," Asahi whispered to himself as he paced left and right inside the bathroom, hands gripping the pregnancy tests tightly.
Asahi quickly made his way to the living room, eyes widening in fear upon seeing you nowhere. He surveryed the whole house while calling out for your name and only stopped when he saw your curled up form inside one of the guest rooms.
He sighed in relief and made his way to you, gently scooping you in his arms to carry you back to your shared bedroom. He removed the few stray hair from your face and placed a small kiss on your forehead and both of your swollen eyes, obviously the result of crying.
"I'm sorry..." he whispered as he showered your skin with kisses.
"Azumane," you called out with a raspy voice as you woke up from the light feeling of lips trailing on your skin.
Your husband stopped what he was doing and looked at you. "You're pregnant." It wasn't a question, no. It was a statement, one that was enough to bring tears into your eyes.
"I am," you said with a nod and took his hand, placing it on the spot where your bump will soon make its appearance.
Despite being cover by the dress you're wearing, he leaned down and kissed your lower belly lovingly. Pulling away, Asahi shifted himself to lay beside you, his hand reaching for yours to bring it to his lips.
"Im so sorry for what happened earlier," he whispered. He took your lack of response as a signal to continue speaking, one hand sliding around your waist to pull you closer to him.
"Im sorry for shouting at you and for neglecting my job as a husband. I was too focused on proving myself to my co-workers that I forgot the person waiting for me at home." He let go of your hand and wiped your tears with his thumb, his hand cupping your face as you leaned to his touch. "Please don't cry, my love. You know I hate seeing you cry."
"It's your fault," you mumbled with a shaky voice. "It's just... It's so unfair that I'm your wife but I still have to ask for your time and attention when in reality, you should be the one to give those to me without me asking."
"I know. I know, love." Guilt and regret were evident in his voice and the more Asahi watch you let everything out, the more he hated himself for being a bad husband. "But I promise you it won't happen again. I'll be a better husband and the best father to our child. So please..."
You nodded and buried your face to his chest, his scent helping you calm down as you cried everything out. Your hand gripped the back of his shirt tightly as you sobbed in his arms, warmth enveloping you as he rubbed your back soothingly.
"You're okay, we're okay," Asahi whispered, pressing a kiss on top of your head as he held you without any intent of letting you go. "We're okay, right?"
You looked up at him with tear stained cheeks. "We're okay," you said reassuringly.
After a few minutes of enjoying each other's embrace, Asahi slowly pulled away. A whine escaped your lips making him chuckle slightly.
"You dressed up for me?" he asked as he raked his eyes down your figure.
"I wanted to look good for you," you said shyly. "I haven't got the chance to change since you basically slammed the door on me."
"I already apologized with words." Asahi gave your lips a peck before settling himself between your legs, eyes looking up at you as he slowly hiked your dress up, a gasp escaping your lips as his fingertips grazed your thighs.
"Now let me apologize with my actions."
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likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated ❤️
question: do you prefer the plain divider or this pink one?
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booksweet · 3 years
Starring: Okkotsu Yuuta x fem!reader
synopsis: stressed out after work? yuuta is here to take care of you!
contents/ warnings: SFW, fluff, slightly suggestive, established relationship, grammar issues, both Yuuta and reader are +18
A/N: yep, maybe I'm having a Yuuta brainrot so here we go! Enjoy! 💛
tags: @iwaizumini @noritoshiikamo
[ UPDATE ] check out the NSFW version! (click here) MINORS DNI
main navi | masterlist
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You felt your limbs weaken and your head twists as you walk through your door frame. Hands holding on your body weight on the wall for you to stand still and not to fall. Never have you felt such tiredness consuming your body, never once you thought you could faint because you were exhausted.
Once more your close your eyes, back against that thought walls. Just a feel more steps and you're home, just a few...
"Y/N? Is that you?" You hear a sweet male voice ahead from your, his tone worried. What a sight must it be to see you almost passing out at your door house. "Are you okay?"
"No... It's just..." You start to say, but again, your sight goes dizzy and you feel nauseous. "Fuck, I just hate that."
"Hey, hey, it's okay." Yuuta says placing his hands on your waist, placing your arms around his shoulders and lifting you up. "Let me take care of you, right?" His nose snoozing around your cheeks, his soft breathe upon your ears. Lovely.
"Tell me what happened." He says while bringing you to your shared room.
"I overworked." You tell him, eyes closed and head laying on the crook of his neck. You smell so good...
"At least you ate something during the day, didn't you?"
"Y/N!" His voice showing clearly how worried he was. "How could you not eat anything the whole day?!"
"Don't speak like that" you come closer to him, to his chest. Lips pouting while you explain him what happened. "There were so many curses, more than expected for that mission..."
"Why didn't you call me? You know I would come for you as fast as i could." He pouted back to you, his embrace tight and strong against you. "Before you answer me, let me put my sweet baby on our bed."
Your face warms as he calls you his sweet baby. Yuuta is always so lovely to you, so cherishing. You could stay in between his arms forever and ever.
He opens the door of your room, as you catch a sigh of your bed, shivers run through your body and you could swear you'd melt if you touch it. Yes, I can sleep for days in a roll, let me just...
"Hey, hey, are you running away from me?" Yuuta says as you realize you were going out of his arms to take your place on your bed. "My lady... The one I love lefts me for a comfy bed. How heartbreaking!"
"Yuuta, babe, you know I love you, but at this right moment, I love our bed a little more." He laughs at your answer and places a kiss on your forehead as he lays you on your bed fondly.
"Okay, okay, miss My Bed My Only Lover. You" He points his index finger in front of your face as you stretch yourself like a cat with your sheets. "You stay there while I prepare you your bath. And then, when you're properly showered you'll have a proper dinner. And I don't take 'no' as an answer."
"Okay, sir!" Your shake your hand up your head, faking some kind of a military signal that makes you both laugh louder. "And I didn't call you for help because I thought you were going to rest. You spent so much time abroad working. Now it's my turn, you know?"
"Yeah, I know." He strokes your heart fondly, and then his hands cherish your cheeks. His eyes full of love. "Even in fight, I wouldn't care to spend some time with my wife, you know?" He holds one of your hair's locks in beating his fingers. "And I wish I could see you destroying each cursed spirit in battlefield that would be... More than exciting."
Your face warms as you realize all words unsaid to you. And even your sore body still had its desires. Its carnal desires.
Once more, he gives you sweet pecks on your cheeks and forehead. "Ok, let's stop talking. I'll take care of you."
— x —
You were sleepy by the time he's done. Even though Yuuta would just left out a muffle laugh and then take you again on his arms.
Hands softly taking you off of your clothes and then placing you on the bathroom's tub. You groan in pleasure as the hot water touches your bare body.
"So good..." You mutter and, barely opening your eyes, you try to pick up your soap to start washing yourself. But a calloused hand stops your swiftly by taking you by your wrist.
"Can I?" Yuuta holds it between your intertwined hands. You nod your head in approval and he kisses your jawline while he begins to wash your exhausted body.
His hands so caring and soft you felt you could sleep right there with no worries about the world.
"Yuuta..." You turn your dozy eyes to him. "I missed you." Your voice is sleepy, tired, yet Yuuta feels his heart about to explode with his love for you. His hands washing your hair make their way though your neck and then your shoulders, with a swift touch he starts massaging your sore muscles.
"I missed you too, my life, my love." He kisses you slightly on your mouth, then closing your eyes again while enjoying the heat of his hands on your body.
He finishes cleaning you leaving kisses through your face and neck. "Yu-yuta it's ticklish, babe!" You laugh and he stands up to pick a towel next to him.
"Now let's get you out of here, some warm clothes and some warm food I had prepared you."
— x —
After that Yuuta brought your dinner and you had it in bed with him, talking nothing and everything while you appreciated his good cooking. And when you finished it, you just jumped into his arms and fell asleep as fast as you could've never known you could.
And, for God's sake, his hugs were all so well and comfortable you could drown in him. Just by staying with him, talking to him and hugging him you could feel all your body's energy recharge.
When you wake up in the morning you sense Yuuta's body towering over yours, his lips giving sweet pecks through your face for you to awaken properly.
"Morning, babe" You greet him with a smile and with a kiss upon his soft lips.
"Morning, my love" He continues his kisses through your face, but now he starts to pay some more attention on your neck and jawline, and you can feel your body warming from his proximity. "Did you rest well? Are you recovered?"
"Hmmm" You muffle as he kisses you on your mouth, and you could swear you'd deepen the kiss if he hadn't moved away. "Yes, dear, I'm fully charged now!" You answer and try to reach his lips once more, when you can't do that you give him a pouty of lips.
"My wife, my love..." He's going down on your body, hands on your waist. "Don't look at me like that..." He kisses the tip of your belly, your thights next — never breaking his gaze through yours. "Let me make you feel good..."
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bokutobaes · 3 years
inarizaki boys when you have a bad day
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆-with: atsumu, suna, kita
☆-!warnings!: swearing, parental issues, parents fighting, (there’s nothing physically violent), illness like the flu
☆-a/n: yall these are longgg LOL sorry
☆- author: lu <3
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆ atsumu:
-his baby had a bad day :((
-just kidding he didn’t notice at first I’m so sorry nzjsjjsj
-your lockers are nearby so he’s usually waiting for you there first thing in the morning
-you woke up today with a headache and you were just really tired from studying last night :/
-you wanted to suck it up because it was your own fault for leaving the studying until the night before the test you had
-anyways, you were walking up to your locker lowkey trying to avoid eye contact with him
-“hi tsumu :)” u fricken liar with that fake smile
-“morning babe!” atsumu pulled u in for a back hug “i have to get to class kinda early for a test review so i’ll see you at lunch”
-and with that he was pecking your cheek and leaving
-“okay.. kind of good” you thought.. you didn’t wanna worry him or anything so you headed to you first class, math
-hell literally broke loose.. you forgot your pencil case and had to ask like 4 people until you got one which was embarrassing
-AND THEN the teacher called on you for an answer that you didn’t know like the universe
was against you or something
-“uhh... ummm i don’t know..” headass😩
-the class after that was slightly less dehumanizing but it was also japanese class.. the class you had a test in that you just barely studied for
-you did the test and lost braincells, blood sweat and tears LOL
-“okay class these will be graded by lunchtime so please come by to collect your scores before your next class”
-ogey :/ anyways u went to ur next class and before u knew it, it was lunch time.
-a text from atsumu made your phone vibrate while on your way to get your test scores
-“hey babe im actually gonna eat lunch with samu we’re practicing a bit at lunch”
-oh :) ok :) that’s fine :) not like u :) desperately:) need a hug :) right now :)
-“oh okay babe” you text back
-whatever u don’t need him independent queen
-that’s your mindset.. until you get those test scores
-it’s a literal fail .. did not pass the test.. ok..
-“y/n san, these test scores were not your usual best. I’m slightly disappointed, if there’s anything going on please let me know”
-“thank you sensei. i’ll do better next time.
-at this point you were just tying not to cry so you took your test and shouldered your bag and walked to a bench outside for some fresh air.
-right.. you didn’t bring lunch today
-so now you were hungry, tired, defeated, disappointed and lonely :,(
-the last class of your day went by quickly probably because you were zoned out the whole time
-the end of the day came and you were at your locker when your guardian texted you
-“Y/n, you had that test today right? I’m expecting to see the grade when your back home. Didn’t have time to make food tonight so find something to eat on your way home.”
-oh that test ? lol hahaha the one that you failed?! yeah that one haha lol lollll
-so with that, you started your walk home
-fuck. atsumu.
-if you saw him now you knew you wouldn’t be able to hold in your tears and you really didn’t want to cry
-so your solution? pretend you didn’t hear him and walk faster lmfaokdhdh
-but atsumu, being.. well atsumu, decided to just full speed sprint towards you to put his shoulder around you
-“i literally know you heard me. i missed you today sorry about lun- why are you crying ?!!?”
-“bad day” you choked out before a shuddering gasp wracked your chest
-atsumu didn’t say anything he just wrapped you in a tight hug, petting you hair while you cried into his chest
-“its okay babe.. “ :(
-“you wanna come over? we can get food and cuddle”
-you nodded your head taking a shaky breath
-his hand reached out and wiped your tears, brushed your hair behind your ear and kissed your forehead like it was natural to him.
-and so you walked together hand in hand to atsumu’s house where you ate samu’s leftover onigiri and vented to atsumu about the day while you cuddled
-he also gave you a hoodie :,)
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆ suna:
-“living is a chore :|” you thought as the alarm rang through your room ruining your peaceful sleep
-it was raining outside and your mind went back to last night, the screaming match your parents had
-normally you’d be used to it but it felt like they were starting to take the anger they had for each other out on you now
-you tried not to but you started thinking about all the things your mom had yelled to you through the closed door of your bedroom
-“your just like your father. you’re selfish, lazy and all you do is run around with that little boyfriend of yours! what about your family?! you think your better then us? why don’t you move out then since your so good at being independent?!”
-everything she said was always completely blown out of proportion, she lied all the time. it’s exhausting for you
-you started getting ready for school, you wanted to see suna and your friends and laugh and just forget last night even happened
-when you got to school suna was there at your locker scrolling lazily through his phone
-you smiled, genuinely as he looked up and greeted you with a smirk
-“nice hair.”
-“wha-“ you started and then smacked his arm when you realized that your baby hairs were out of sorts “shutup” you scowled
-“good morning” suna hugged you
-“good morning”
-now you were off to class, it always went by too fast, you thought. school was always done in the blink of an eye
-“what’re you doing at lunch?” your friend tapped your shoulder and whispered to you
-“mmm nothing probably why?”
-“let’s eat on the roof today! yui told me there’s gonna be a rainbow cuz it stopped raining.”
-“okay” you smiled
-now at lunch with your friends you ate the bento you had packed before. the rainbow was there and it was beautiful
-you were having fun just laughing with your friends and texting suna while he sent terrible photos of atsumu. things were good, you had forgotten about your mom
-until the end of the day came and you had to go back home
-as usual suna was at his locker waiting so that you could walk home together
-after crossing the street you and suna were at a bike path, trees surrounding the fences
-it was a comfortable silence until...
-“what’s wrong?”
-suna asking took you by surprise, you didn’t think you were acting any different. were you?
-“what are you talking about”
-“you look sad, you did this morning too but then you were fine the rest of the day so I didn’t say anything. but, you look sad again now”
-so suna just saw right through you
-“ um.. i’m okay.. it’s just ..” you laughed dryly “i don’t really want to go home”
-“did something happen?”
-“yeah.. my parents were fighting, it turned into this whole thing.” you felt a lump in your throat start to form “i don’t really wanna talk about it”
-“okay. you should just come over then, right?”
-“can i?”
-“you literally don’t even have to ask me anymore y/n” suna grabbed your hand and led the way
-when you got there suna hopped on his couch and started putting on something from netflix
-“my parents aren’t home, my sister has a dance thing today” he grabbed a blanket and you sat down, putting your head in his lap
-suna put on a comedy show, of course he would
-he played with your hair while you watched and after an episode or two, he asked
-“do you want to talk about it now?”
-and so you did, you told him what happened last night and what your mom said. your plan was to not cry but that failed miserably
-suna listened intently, he told you the truth, he said that what she said wasn’t true, he told you you could sleepover whenever you needed to.
-kissed you and wrapped you back in the blanket
-“i love you, you know that right? always.”
-he always knew what to say and you loved him for that
-“i love you too, suna”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆ kita:
-kita knew, first thing he noticed when he saw you that you weren’t okay
-you woke up with a terrible headache, aching body and stomachache
-so this is it? this is hell? ok.
-but the test.. you had a test today. fortunately you had actually studied for weeks because you knew it was important
-mentally? you were ready for that test. physically? you had the spanish influenza
-so you weighed the options and decided you would go to school, take the test and then come back home after.
-the problem with that was that kita would in fact lecture you on all the reasons you should not have come to school
-he was right of course, but you still decided that you would need to avoid him for today
-spoiler alert it did not work
-your test was your third class of the day so you only had to get through 2 classes and you’d leave at lunch perfectly avoiding kita
-this was what you thought while you were at your locker until you closed it and walked directly into kitas chest
-“good morning y/n-chan”
-“morning kita! i have to go or I’ll be late!”
-you ran😭 and you almost got away too but kita grabbed your arm and pulled you to one side of the hallway
-he felt your forehead and both cheeks
-“you have a fever y/n”
-“no I don’t I’m just hot from walking to school”
-he said 😐
-you signed and rested your head on his chest letting your arms dangle
-“why did you come? you look sick”
-“thanks. I have a test.”
-“how do you feel?”
-you told him your symptoms but also that you were leaving right after the test and you could pull through
-he really didn’t want you to overwork yourself but he knew you were set on taking the test
-so he let you go and he made you promise to text him between classes and let him know if you felt any worse
-and off you went
-honestly, you were fine up until halfway through your second class.. then you started feeling really cold and tired even kind of nauseous
-then in the third class your test was put onto your desk and before you knew it your teacher was saying “begin”
-okay. you can do this you thought to yourself. the test was easy enough with how much you studied, you thought about every answer and you tried to finish quick
-but then it was like time cut itself in half and the bell for lunch was ringing
-you weren’t even done the test yet
-“y/n you can stay in here until your done but i expect you to have it finished soon”
-one question left
-you don’t even remember what you ended up putting before you were up and giving the paper to your teacher
-kita was right there when you left the classroom
-“hey ..hey.. y/n”
-you could barely hear him you just flopped into his arms
-“okay I’m taking you home.. “
-“shh let’s go”
-you don’t remember getting there but then you were in your bed smothered in pillows and blankets
-kita came in
-“what time is it?”
-he looked at his phone “half past 4”
-“4?!” you jolted up “did you even go back to school?” “kita?!”
-he smiled at you “no but it’s okay y/n it was only one day. i wanted to take care of you
-you noticed he had a steaming cup of something in his hands
-“what’s that” you asked
-“its tea, but it’s special tea :)”
-“what do you mean” you laughed
-“my grandma showed me how to make it, it’s gonna make you feel a lot better”
-he’s so cute...
-“kita... you didn’t have to do all this”
-“i wanted to” he sits beside you and hands you the tea
-literally tasted like heaven
-“mmmmm oh my god”
-kita laughed and kissed you on the cheek before joining you in the bed
-you cuddled and watched movies on your laptop until you fell asleep, comfortable in your boyfriends arms
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dalamjisung · 3 years
dancing in the moonlight ✾ kim yugyeom
word count: 1946
genre: slice of life, fluff, dancer!yugyeom
member: yugyeom x reader
description: he needs to go home... even if for a second, you doubt that might be you. you miss your boyfriend, and he misses you, too– he misses his family– and even if takes you all night, you’ll remind him that no one left, and no one ever will.  
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You are tired– exhausted, really. It’s been days of getting home from work, hoping for some take away and quality time with your boyfriend, only to find him gone. He’s been technically unemployed for almost three weeks now, and you remember thinking about all the thing you’d be finally able to do with him– all the shows you’d get to watch, all the late morning cuddle sessions, all the late night talks; everything.
Four days. Four days is how long he lasts inside. On the fourth night, when you get home from work, excited with earlier promises of take away and Descendants of the Sun, he is not there. You try his cellphone but he doesn’t pick up and with only a few texts to the group chat with the other boys and girls you find out he is also not with any of them.
Bambam is the one that suggests the dancing studio– the one a few blocks from your house. Yugyeom always liked your apartment, and you know that it’s always been partially because of that studio; he likes how it reminds him of younger days, when he used to dance the night away, too busy with school during the day. The night was my time to shine, he always told you, reminiscing. Just like suggested, there he is, in his usual room; his body moves fluidly to the song, and you can smell the sweat before you can see it. It’s dark, only light coming in is from outside– the lampposts’ glimmer floods the room, softening his steps, tracing his moves, but it’s almost like the moon is his spotlight. The white light crashes with the yellow glow and he looks more ethereal than ever. Being an idol meant constant rehearsal and practice and even though it was still dancing, it’s not the same; it’s tiring, and repetitive, and controlled. It lacks the creative flow that he likes, and many times Yugyeom complained about not enjoying it anymore, the dancing; but from the smile you see shine in his face as the song stops and he finishes the routine, you’d say he’s found it again– his passion.
“Well don’t you look handsome,” You say, walking the room only to lean against the mirror, looking straight at him.
“Y/N,” He breathes out, chuckling a bit. “What are you doing here, baby?”
“I remember someone promising me food and cuddles,” You pout, biting your smile back as you see his eyes go wide. “But I got home to an empty apartment.”
“I am so sorry!” He gasps, running to get his backpack. “Let’s go! I’ve been here for a few hours, already…”
You nod, letting him pull you out and back to your building, but not before sending the studio a longing glance, mind wandering to an image of Yugyeom holding you in his arms, swaying peacefully, lovingly, from side to side. He always told you he’d teach you how to dance…
Tonight, though... tonight he’s been taking his sweet, sweet time coming back home. Usually he’d be back after three or four hours, around 9 or 10PM; you are starting by the time he’s home, but usually you can wait for him, wanting to enjoy his company more than anything. Not tonight, however– because you’ve waited, you didn’t eat, and now you are not only tired and frustrated, you are also nauseous. By the time you make it to the studio, you have tears in your eyes; Yugyeom is not the best with words, you know that. He gets embarrassed easily and likes to joke around, so hearing emotional things from him is almost impossible, but he’s never failed with his actions; he’s always shown you how much he loves you, so you never really doubted him. And you don’t doubt him now, but some days more than others you need a little extra loving, a little more affection.
“… two, three, four,” You hear him mumbling from outside the room, the door ajar since there is no one in the building anymore. “And five, six–“
“Hey,” You interrupt. He is mid move and loses his footing when he looks at you, stumbling forward. “It’s late.”
“What?” Yugyeom frowns, walking to where his phone is charging on the ground. 1:36AM. “Oh shit…”
“Yeah,” You sigh, and maybe your voice trembled a bit too much, or he just heard you sniffle, but soon Yugyeom has you in his arms, face lowering to look into your eyes.
“Babe, why are you crying?” He mumbles. “I’m sorry I lost track of the time, I was dancing and got this idea and–“
“I know how it goes,” You whisper, shuffling closer to his sweaty body. “And I don’t want to interrupt, but Yugs, it’s time to come home.”
“I just need one–“
“No, no,” You say softly, burying your head on his chest. “Home. Let’s go home, please.”
“You can go ahead, baby,” He chuckles, but you hear how hollow it is– how lifeless it sounds. “I’ll be there in an hour or two, tops.”
“No, you don’t understand,” You try again, but you don’t think you understand it either; you have absolutely no clue what is happening to him, and, consequently, to you. “We– You have to go home, Yugyeom. A-And I don’t mean my apartment, if you don’t want t-to, if that’s not home; but you have to go home.”
“What are you talking about…?” Your boyfriend pulls back slightly, frowning in confusion. You can feel his hands shaking on your shoulders, and after the first sob breaks out, you can’t stop. “Y/N, what are you talking about?”
“Am I… Am I not home?” You gulp, taking a step back. The deaf thud of his hands falling by him side makes you wince. “It’s just… ever since the end of the contract you’ve been distant. Far away. I barely see you, and I think you’re just n-not comfortable, you know? I think you just need to go home.”
“You are home!” He snaps, and you’ve never seen him this exasperated. “You are home, Y/N, you have to be! You’re all I have left!”
And there it is.
There it fucking is.
“Baby,” You mumble, softly, heartbroken. You should’ve known– you should’ve known that he feels alone. Yugyeom was raised by his hyungs, ever since he was a too tall, too young of a child that just wanted to dance. All the milestones, all the failures, the lessons, all the accomplishments– I was all with them; and now, after a signing a new solo contract with AOMG, it makes sense that he is freaking out. So yeah, you should’ve known.
“I-I don’t mean it like that,” He sighs, rubbing this face in frustration. His legs slowly bring him to the floor, where he sits, resting his face on his hands; you only know he’s crying because of the rhythmic movement of his shoulders. “I don’t mean it like you are my last option, I’d never–“
“It’s okay,” You whisper, lowering yourself so you can crawl to him, taking him in your arms. His wide shoulders fall on you and it breaks your heart when you hear him sob. “I know what you mean– I got you.”
“Everything is new,” He whispers, hands holding yours, back against your chest. From the way his body sags, muscles tired and overworked, you know he is absolutely exhausted. “And exciting. But… it’s kind of lonely. I-I tried talking to Bam about this, but he was busy; Jaebeom hyung has his photoshoots and Mark hyung is back in LA, so it’s really hard finding time to call. Youngjae hyung and Jinyoung hyung are already on their schedules, and Jackson hyung is… I don’t even know what he is, to be honest, he’s been doing literally everything. And I’m here– dancing alone.”
“Yugyeom,” You whisper, mouth on top of his head. The sweatiness of his hair should be enough to make you keep a distance, but not even that can make you let go of his, and instead, you kiss his head, his cheek, his neck, his shoulder. Anywhere you can reach, really, because Yugyeom is not a man of words, no; he prefers actions– and you really need to show him some love right now. “You’re not alone, my love.”
“I know,” He sighs, furiously drying his face, to the point that you pull his hands down and gently resume what he was doing, yourself. “But… but it’s hard– it’s hard believing it.”
“We got a parcel today,” You say, caressing his head and enjoying the way he lets it rest on you. “A huge Wang Team box with the newest collection, by Mr. Wang himself.”
“Jinyoung called, too,” You move, so that your back is against the wall, and you both can see your reflection on the mirror. “He wanted to show the pretty flowers he got from ahgase– said the tulips reminded him of you. Yesterday, Youngjae sent you a package… I think it was a suit for Dalkyum? I didn’t really understand, but the note said something about a park date with Coco.”
“Where… where was I?” He sits up, turning around. His eyes are tired, just like his body, but there is a going of something in them, of hope, and it makes you smile. “I didn’t see any of that.”
“You were here.”
You gesture around, arms open in the big, dark room, and something clicks.
“I pushed them away…?” He asks, voice bordering whiney. “I pushed you away?”
“No, love, you could never push us away,” You chuckle. “You simply… stayed away. You’re a focused artist, so we simply assumed you were working hard for your AOMG debut, but time passed and nothing changed. I miss you, Yugy. I come home from work hoping to see you, but you’re gone. And I also know how bored you must be in my tiny apartment, so I’m happy that you found a distraction, but how about we keep it to daytime? Balance is key, baby, and this way you’ll be able to dance, but you’ll still be able to enjoy they freedom you fought so much for.”
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,” He mumbles, smiling sheepishly. “Come here.”
He pulls you to him by your feet, hands moving to your thighs until they grasp your waist. You two are a mess of limbs and when he kisses you, with all the contrasting softness from his dance moves, you melt, molding with him, allowing yourself to fall back in his familiarity. You missed it so damn much that the foreign excitement rises, but the comfort of him catches you, arms wide open for you to simply surrender. And you do– gladly.
“I love you,” He whispers a bit breathless. “So much.”
“I love you, too,” You peck his lips, squeaking as he suddenly gets up, pulling you after him. “What are you doing?”
He doesn’t let go of your hand, pulling you after him as he moves to the sound system, messing with his phone until a familiar tune starts to play. One hard pull on your hand has you stumbling his way, and he is quick to embrace you.
We get it almost every night
His soft humming on your ears is enough to make you smile wide, feet following his steps as you two start to move together.
When that moon is big and bright
It's a supernatural delight
“Hm?” You hum, not wanting to open your eyes, basking in the perfection of this moment.
“I missed you, too.”
Everybody's dancing in the moonlight
Last on of the series oh my god 😢 I’m not sure if this is similar to Bam’s, but I feel like what would affect these two the most is missing his hyungs... What do you think of this one? Let me know! If you liked this story, please please please share, comment, like, or anything you feel comfortable doing ❤️ thank you for your endless support, lovelies💕
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Alt Ending, Part 5
Hot take but finals kinda suck
First part
Previous part
Next part
Tag: @solangelo252
You’d think her body would be grateful that she was finally giving it food, but no. She put it in her mouth and instantly felt nauseous. It didn’t even want to go down her throat, and keeping it there felt basically impossible.
But Tim had looked so happy when she had tried, so she forced it down.
(Well, she forced some of it down. If he noticed that a good amount of the food she brought to her mouth actually disappeared into the sleeves and folds of her dress he didn’t say anything.)
Tim started coming by three times a day with food after that. She didn’t complain despite her discomfort, she had really missed him.
Also, he looked stressed out and/or exhausted whenever she saw him. She worried about him. They both had a tendency to overwork themselves when they hit blocks, hell she’d sometimes joined him in his week-long deep dives into cases, but now that she was an outsider looking in… she was kind of shocked she’d ever let it get that far for either of them. When was the last time he’d slept through the night? Taken proper time to clean himself, even? A while, she guessed from the deep bags under his eyes and the way his hair was frayed from running his fingers through it.
“Timmy,” she chirped.
He flashed her a tiny smile. “Hey,” he said, coming over and taking a seat beside her on the bed.
She took the bag from him and set it aside, much to his dismay, but then she reached over and dragged him into some cuddles and he suddenly had new concerns. He groaned into her shoulder.
“Bean, come on, I don’t want to sleep.”
She didn’t let go. “You need to.”
“Don’t have time.”
She rolled her eyes, bringing a hand up to start attempting to smooth out his hair. “You have to sleep eventually.”
“And I do!”
She didn’t answer, which he took to mean she didn’t believe him (a good assumption, she didn’t).
“I do! I get at least a few hours a week.”
“Wow, amazing. I take it back. You totally have a healthy sleep schedule.”
“Worry about yourself, first. You don’t sleep either,” he huffed, but he was starting to relax into her hold nonetheless.
“I’m also literally dead.”
“You used to say you’d sleep when you were dead.”
Marinette scoffed. “Well, to be fair, I thought I’d actually die when I died.”
He gave a short laugh, and she opted not to acknowledge that it was a little forced.
She yawned and laid back with his face in her shoulder. “I’m surprised none of the others have drugged you to get you to sleep yet.”
“They’re too busy drugging B --.” He winced just slightly. “They’ve just got a lot on their plates is all, I’m the least of their worries.”
She didn’t say anything about his tiny slip up, just gave a light hum to say she understood.
She didn’t dare to move until she was completely sure he had nodded off. Even then, she only did so to pick up the food he’d brought for her.
Her nose scrunched a little at the prospect of eating, but when she opened it and saw it was fried rice she perked up a little. She nibbled at her food.
Honestly, she didn’t know if it was working. It seemed to be, but then again most of the things that got better could be attributed to other causes. Her skin was gaining color again, but the bleach may have just started to wear out. She was feeling more energized, but then again she was now getting a total of four cups of coffee a day thanks to Tim and Jason fueling her addiction. Exercise was getting easier and she was packing on muscle again, but she was also working out enough with Dick for it to be explainable that way…
She didn’t know if it was working. She didn’t even know if she WANTED it to work. The plan had been ‘kill Bruce and then quickly off yourself before the others can react’ and not having an instant out was kinda problematic when it came to finishing that plan.
Not that the first part of that plan was working out for her, either. Bruce still hadn’t come to see her. She doubted he ever would at this point.
She didn’t even have a way out, as the door was automated and presumably opened by someone outside.
No. The only way she would ever leave was if she managed to ‘fix’ herself, and that wasn’t happening because there was nothing to fix! She would know. Her entire thing as Ladybug was fixing things.
She looked down at Tim. When he slept all the little wrinkles in his forehead smoothed to make him look much younger. She smiled a little at the sight, pressing a kiss to where she knew the creases usually were.
At least, even if her situation couldn’t be helped, she could still help others.
She’d come to expect a routine of sorts, so the moment it was broken even slightly her brain short-circuited.
Duke stood in the doorway as usual, but when she glanced past him…
“Where’s Cass?”
His grin disappeared a little, but he pulled his back to his face with ease. “Wow, I’m really feeling the love here, Mari.”
She rolled her eyes. “Please, we both know Cass is the best person to ever exist.”
Duke nodded his agreement and came over to take a seat next to her. She cozied up to him as usual, curled under his arm as he pulled up their newest show on his laptop…
She had a lot of thoughts about Cass being missing.
On the one hand, she just missed her friend’s too-warm body pressed up against her and quiet complaints about how the actors were doing it all wrong.
On the other hand… Marinette was completely aware that they had Cass stopping by as much as she did to check on Marinette, to see if they were making any real progress with her. Cass was a human lie detector, able to detect when someone was going to be dishonest before they’d even realized it themselves, and they’d be stupid not to take advantage that. So, the fact that they were no longer making Cass drop in as often… either they thought she was doing better, or that she never would do better.
Marinette hoped it was the first. She knew it was the second.
She found it harder than usual to enjoy Duke’s snide comments about how dumb and cliche some of the characters were. She turned and pressed her face into his side. The glasses on the bridge of her nose dug into her skin.
Fuck. She was never getting out of there, was she?
She felt his free hand come up to run through her hair and she sighed.
He pressed pause on the show.
“Tim told me you’re a meta, that you can control light. Can you do it for me?”
There was a beat.
“Why do you ask?”
She laughed a little. “Does it matter? Can’t I just be curious about why my favorite brother didn’t even bother to tell me that he has powers?”
“I thought you already knew. It’s common knowledge.”
She huffed. “Maybe I just prefer to be told things than meticulously look through every piece of information to figure it out.”
“What kind of bat are you?” He joked.
She winced and the hand in his shirt balled it just a fraction tighter. She didn’t respond.
There was a few seconds before he sighed and moved his hand from his hair to her chin, gently pulling her face out of where it was hidden in his side. She refused to meet his eyes.
It was silent again, neither of them sure what to say.
“Here,” he said after a moment, putting his free hand out and making light dance across his palm.
Her face lit up, literally and figuratively, at the sight of the tiny ball of light. She leaned a little closer.
“Aw, it looks like a tiny sun!”
He laughed a little. “Yeah. I can also…”
There was a moment of silence as he concentrated and the tiny ball of light split into the colors of the rainbow. She giggled, reaching out to cup his hand in hers. It was the first non-artificial light she’d seen in months, the first rainbow she’d seen since… Paris, actually.
Well, even if she wouldn’t ever see the outside world again, at least she could still have this little fake sun. It was basically the same, just as good, she told herself. She ignored the tears rolling down her cheeks that were telling her otherwise.
She tossed the plastic spoon she’d stolen from one of her meals in the air idly.
The plan had been to turn it into Baby’s First Shank but that probably wasn’t going to work out. Pen to the throat was at about a .01% chance of working, attacking him with a spoon-knife needed a few more zeroes added to that already insanely small number. She gave it a .000000001% chance at best.
Then again, the other option was trying to strangle someone who had an insane height and weight advantage to death before someone else could interfere...
She sighed to herself and put the spoon in her teeth, starting to pull.
She didn’t get very far before she heard the metallic whoosh of the door opening and she barely glanced up to see Dick.
He stared at her from the doorway, his eyebrows slowly raising as he watched her attempt to bite an edge into a spoon of all things.
She pulled it from her mouth with a ‘pop’.
“I think your eyebrows are trying to escape,” she told him.
He blinked at her before rolling his eyes and walking inside fully. “Thanks for the assist. Would have lost them otherwise,” he said sarcastically.
“I’ve seen you lose your phone three minutes after putting it down, Dickie, I wouldn’t put it past you.”
He gasped and rested a hand over her heart. “You think that low of me?”
“Lower. I was being nice.”
Dick pouted and walked over to the bed. She didn’t think much of it until he was diving onto her stomach. She put her hands out in an attempt to soften the blow, but it wasn’t enough to save her. She groaned in pain as his extremely hard head made contact with her not-so-hard stomach.
“FUCK. This is why your parents called you Dick, y’know!”
He only laughed at her.
Despite herself, she gave him a smile.
She rested her head back in the pillows for a moment (mostly just to catch all the breath she’d lost) before pushing him off. “Ready?”
He groaned into her comforter before rolling onto the floor. “‘Kay.”
Marinette grinned as she took a seat beside him, starting her usual stretches. He pushed himself up to sit with minimal groaning and started working on his shoulders.
It was quiet for a while as they stretched.
Marinette bit the inside of her cheek and kept her eyes on her foot when she spoke next: “Dick?”
She could feel his gaze on her.
“I… can I have some more stuff? Everything here is so boring. I just… I want new things to do. Or, at least, new things to look at.”
There was a long silence between them. Anxiety bubbled under her skin. She switched legs so she could gauge his expression through her bangs. His expression was carefully neutral.
She cringed.
“Obviously I’m not ungrateful! You guys have all been really nice and accommodating! I get food and a phone and, honestly, that’s fine --!”
Her mouth snapped closed.
“It’s fine. You don’t have to apologize. Anyone would be bored here. I can talk to them. It’ll probably depend on what you want.”
She finally looked at him properly, eyes wide. She really hadn’t been expecting that to work.
He slowly pulled his legs to him to sit criss-cross applesauce, head resting on his hand. “I can probably get some baking things, a sketchbook, just blunt objects in general. Deadly, but not before someone could get there.”
Marinette nodded her understanding, a smile making its way across her face.
“You’re the best.”
“You constantly say Duke and Cass are the best.”
She was torn between agreeing with herself and flattering him. Since she wanted something, she decided on flattery: “That was, like, a few hours ago. I’ve grown since then. You’re my favorite now, Dickie.”
“Can I get that as my ringtone?”
“Only if you only use it to mess with Jay.”
They shook on it.
The door whoosed open and she barely moved her head to look at it.
She froze.
No. No way. There was no way in hell.
But was there? Cass HAD stopped coming. Maybe she had somehow convinced them that everything was working out and everything was fine.
Marinette hadn’t done anything differently, though, so that probably wasn’t it…
Oh. Oh shit.
Maybe she was actually going insane. Because there was no way the bats would have made that kind of mistake by letting Bruce in when she was still intent on murdering him. He had to be a hallucination, because nothing else really made sense. Kwami, Tim was going to be SO smug about this one.
Actually, no, he didn’t have to know.
Her gaze slipped away from Fake Bruce and back to the dots on her ceiling. Because, as everyone knows, that if you don’t acknowledge hallucinations they go away…
“Marinette,” Fake Bruce said, trying to trick her into outing herself as losing it.
“Marinette,” he tried again, starting his way over.
She did her best to ignore the footsteps and the way the bed shifted when he sat down. No wonder schizophrenics fell for this shit, this was all so real…
Except... weren’t schizophrenics not supposed to be able to tell what was real and what wasn’t? Wouldn’t her knowing (thinking?) he was fake be an indication that he was actually real? Or was that just her mind trying to justify believing it?
Marinette bit inside of her cheek and let herself look at Fake Bruce again.
He cracked a smile for her. A hand reached over and pushed some hair away from her face. “Hey,” he said.
She hesitated.
It would suck if this all was fake, the others would get confirmation and she really wouldn’t have a way out. But if it was real then this was her only shot. If it was real Cass would be watching the cameras to see what she was thinking and she would know for sure that Marinette was still intent on killing Bruce…
Marinette pushed herself into a sitting position and looked Maybe-Bruce up and down before grabbing him by the front of his suit and pulling him into a hug. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes when he hugged her back.
The man tensed underneath her and then sighed as he pulled back.
He gave her an awkward smile. “I’m sorry, Marinette.”
She shook her head slightly and fell back. With a flick of her wrists the knife she’d created out of her plastic spoon was in her hands and she absently tossed it at the hallucination. Either it would make him disappear or it would look like it stabbed him and she could pretend that it actually happened.
But then it didn’t do either of those things.
Her eyebrows knit together when the spife shattered upon impact.
He looked unconcerned as he gently swept all the pieces into his hand and then put them in his pockets.
“The fuck?”
“Language,” he chided lightly.
She grinned. “You really need to work on your ‘Bruce’. Accepting a hug that quickly is one thing but chiding someone for language? In OUR family? I’m pretty sure he gave that up by Jason.”
The man chuckled and shook his head. “I’m Superman.”
“Oh.” She blinked a few times before shrugging to herself. “Okay. You look just like Bruce. It’s kinda creepy.”
“Yeah, trust me, we know. It’s pretty helpful, though. One time a person tried to assassinate Bruce and ended up fighting me. It wasn’t their day.”
She smiled a little, but it didn’t last very long. She fell back in her pillows and glared at the ceiling. “This sucks.”
“I’m sorry this all happened to you. You’re just a kid.”
She rolled her eyes. She’d long-since given up on denying that something had happened to her. Not because she no longer believed it, but because it wasn’t worth the effort. No one ever believed her when she said it.
(Could she blame them? No. She almost believed it herself just a few moments before. Still annoying, though.)
Instead of saying any of that, though, she brought a grin to her face.
“You and B should switch houses for April Fools. See if anyone notices anything.”
She really should have noticed something was up when her coffee didn’t energize her at all.
It had all been going fine. She was making Jason dispose of all the pieces of food she’d used sleight of hand to get away with not eating (she was still a little bitter about him stealing her pen and this was the most she could really do to get back at him, compromised as she was). They made idle conversation, mostly just about how Damian had got himself a new pet cat that he had named BatCat (though, apparently, they had heard him slip up and call him Charles a few times). They debated over how good that name was and the merit of Jason’s suggestion -- BatPussy, of course -- as she drank her third cup of coffee of the day.
It was about halfway through her drink that she began to notice that something was off. She squinted at Jason suspiciously.
“Decaf?” She asked, her voice worryingly sweet.
He raised his eyebrows and tried to look unimpressed despite stepping back a good half-step. “Please, if it was decaf classical conditioning still would’ve made it work at least a little.”
She opened her mouth to retort, then realized he was right. Or, at least, she was pretty sure. She couldn't seem to think of anything against it.
She frowned, looking down at her drink again and swirling the contents around. She drank the rest of it, trying to figure out why exactly it wasn’t working.
Was she already at the point where caffeine had little effect on her again? She didn’t think she was that bad yet… hell, she probably couldn’t be because she was depending on others to give her her fix…
She shook her head slightly and then quickly realized that was a bad idea. Pain stabbed through her skull and she stumbled into Jason. The plastic thermos slipped from her fingertips and went rolling across the floor. Her head crashed into his chest and arms were quick to wrap around her.
“You got shitty coffee, try a different place next time,” she murmured, closing her eyes.
He laughed a little. “Yeah, okay, kid. I’ll be sure to do that.”
She nodded as much as her headache would allow and felt the arms around her slip down to pick her up. She blinked her eyes open blearily and regretted it when the light attempted to murder her via knife to the head.
Heh. Little light particles with little knives.
Did she get a concussion? Somehow? Without getting hit?
She buried her face in his shoulder and it was then, as he set her in bed and tucked her in, that she realized what had happened.
“Bitch,” she murmured above whatever drug they had put in her drink.
He pressed a kiss to the crown of her head and she could do little more than scrunch up her nose and vaguely wave him off. Her eyes fell closed again.
Marinette woke up a while later.
The first thing she noticed was that the lights were dimmer, something she didn’t have to open her eyes to see because her head wasn’t pounding as much.
Then she realized a person was with her. They had entwined themselves around her, tangled their limbs with hers. They needn’t have bothered, everything felt like lead. She wouldn’t be moving for quite some time.
… why was she being held down? Oh no. That was probably bad, huh?
Marinette made a sound in the back of her throat and started trying to shift away from the person pressed against her back. She needed to see who they were. They didn’t bother to tighten their hold on her, she wasn’t really getting anywhere.
In fact, a hand stopped holding her down. Instead, it came up to pet her hair.
Oh? This was nice.
A voice by her head told her it was all okay. After a moment she realized she recognized that voice. She smiled sleepily. Cass. She liked Cass. She pressed closer to her and was rewarded with a hand rubbing up and down one of her arms.
She nearly fell asleep again. Cass was safe, Marinette was safe… the warmth against her and the soothing touch… of course, it certainly helped that the drug was still in her system and she was exhausted...
But then her mind wandered back to her first question. Why WAS Cass holding her down? Why did they drug her in the first place?
She moved so her hair could block some of the light and then cautiously cracked her eyes open.
The batboys were all moving things inside almost silently. Jason was carrying an entire fridge on his own. Dick and Damian were arguing over the positioning of the table they had just brought in through angry hand motions. Tim and Duke were working together on… was that a gaming set?
And she was being held down because the door was wide open.
Marinette looked at the doorway for just a moment longer. She allowed herself to imagine getting out and swinging through the city with her lasso, allowed herself to pretend she could lay in the grass, allowed herself to believe that she could see the sun and the stars and just breathe fresh air again…
And then she closed her eyes and sunk into Cass’s grip.
What was the point in trying? Even if she could somehow beat out all six of the people in the room with her and get past whatever security Bruce had to have outside of the room all while drugged… then what? No money or idea where she was… and she’d be running from the bats of all people…
Yeah. Useless. She curled up and allowed sleep to take her again.
Quite a while later she woke up and blinked a few times when she realized she wasn’t the only person in bed. At first she thought it was just Cass or Tim, they were the most likely culprits, but then she realized everyone had managed to cram themselves onto the bed with her. Her and Cass had gotten brushed to the side of the bed to make space for Tim, Dick, and Damian. Jason had collapsed across the end of the bed -- presumably for space, but Duke was laying half on top of him so that obviously hadn’t worked out.
Marinette smiled faintly and buried her face back into the crook of Tim’s neck.
When she woke up again, most of the drug flushed from her system (somehow…?), she thought she was alone.
This was fine. She was able to stretch out and sit up.
She blinked when she saw Damian, who was sitting on her floor and playing a video game.
Huh? Video game?
She looked around her room confusedly. The bats had basically made her a one-room apartment, complete with kitchenette and a tiny study area. Of course, it was much higher quality than the apartment she’d had, with a high tech gaming system and a little dining area and holy shit that was a MINI LIBRARY?
“You’re finally up.”
She hummed lightly as an agreement. She crawled over to the end of the bed and smiled when he handed her a twizzler. It was objectively one of the worst candies, but she liked having something to do. She twirled it in her hand idly.
“Do you think… do you think it’s working?”
She frowned confusedly and dropped off the bed to sit beside him on the second beanbag chair. She chanced a quick glance in his direction to gauge how he was feeling... his expression didn’t let anything on other than that he was thinking hard, though she was pretty sure that was about the game.
“Gonna elaborate on that?”
He clicked his tongue. “Are you going to join the Undead Robins Club?”
She grinned at him. “I wasn’t a Robin.”
“You know what I mean.”
Her smile disappeared a little and she trained her eyes on the game. “I don’t know.”
“You know we never will know for sure, right?”
She blinked. She hadn’t expected anyone to acknowledge it. They were the bats, they were never going to chance taking off her glasses because if they were wrong and she WASN’T better… well, it wasn’t the kind of mistake they could easily come back from.
“Yeah, I know,” she said after a few moments.
“Do you care?”
“Doesn't really matter if I do. It won’t change anything.”
He frowned. “That’s not answering my question.”
She bit her cheek. “I… yes. I care. It still doesn’t matter.”
He looked like he was going to argue, but instead he just went back to playing the game.
“Damiiiiiiiii…” she whined and, when he gave a vague grunt to show he was paying attention, she continued with “... shouldn’t I get to play first? It’s mine.”
“You slept in too long,” he said without looking up.
She huffed. “Only ‘cause I was drugged!”
She got off the beanbag chair and whacked him over the head with it. He barely acknowledged it outside of an annoyed click of his tongue.
She huffed and pulled the chair back to herself to sit again. “Is it two player?”
“You’re a bitch.”
He clicked his tongue again.
She pouted for a little while longer before looking back at the screen with a smile. “... heard you got a cat named Charles. Wanna talk about him?”
Damian’s face lit up. “Can I?”
“Only if you let me play.”
He looked pained. If he gave it to her then he’d be giving her something she’d want, which was a sibling no-no, but if he didn’t then she probably wouldn’t listen to him gush about his cat. A few moments went by before he reluctantly handed over the controller.
She beamed and scooted her chair over to rest her head on his shoulder. She could feel him stiffen underneath her but, when she didn’t move again outside of what was necessary to play the game, he relaxed again.
“I thought you were going to listen,” he chided lightly when she didn’t take a break between levels.
“I can listen and play.”
Damian sighed a little and shook his head.
“You don’t have to talk about him if you don’t want --.”
“I’m getting to it! So, he’s a black cat that apparently hadn’t been adopted because everyone thought he was evil so the pet store was going --.”
Marinette noticed something was up the minute the door opened.
First of all, it was Duke and Damian. That’s all that really needs to be said. Those two together… it’s never a good thing.
Secondly, they were there as Signal and Robin. Most of the time the others avoided even talking about their lives as vigilantes for fear of setting her off in one way or another, but here they were showing up in their suits? No, something weird was going on.
“Hey, Mari, can we skip a fight and you just put a bag over your head and let us pick you up?” Tried Duke.
Her eyebrows furrowed. “You want to…? Huh?”
“We don’t really have much time to explain. I’ll tell you on the way.”
Damian held up a potato sack and some twine, which really wasn’t all that encouraging.
She hesitated. “... what’s something only you two would know?”
“Really?” Said Damian with more than a little exasperation.
“Hey, we’re all bats here. I’m not moving until you prove you’re who you say you are.”
(Technically, if they were really Duke and Damian, they could fight her and do it anyways. She probably couldn't beat both of them at once. Still, that kind of fight would hurt all of them and she really didn’t want to have to do it at the moment.)
Duke hesitated before shrugging. “Your favorite ice cream flavor is mint. Which I don’t understand. Just brush your teeth if you like that taste so much.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “Alright, you’re who you say you are. Robin?”
“… early on I lied and said that Nightwing’s real hero name was actually BatNightwing to mess with you both.”
She frowned. “I forgot about that. You’re a dick.”
“No, Nightwing’s a Dick. He’s a Damian.”
Marinette was THIS CLOSE to fighting them anyways.
But she didn’t. She was kinda curious about where all this was going. So, she allowed them to bind her hands and slip a bag over her head. Arms wrapped around her -- she didn’t really care who it was -- and she was lifted off the ground. Then, they were walking.
Part of her wondered if this was some kind of test. They were checking to see how compliant she was or how likely she would be to run once outside. Maybe they had Superman on call in case she tried to escape.
She really couldn’t tell.
She didn’t think that they had any reason to take her out of the perfectly safe and well-stocked place they had put her in.
Maybe her location had been compromised and they were moving her to a backup? No, that didn’t make sense. Duke made sense for transport, Damian didn’t. Damian was one of the worst fighters in the family (he was in no way BAD at fighting, of course, it was just a byproduct of being in the game the shortest amount of time and not being a meta) and he was the second most likely person to end up fighting her after Jason. What the fuck?
Wait, Duke said he’d explain on the way.
“What’s going on?”
“New idea on how to bring you back,” said Duke simply.
Well, she guessed that was more information than she’d previously had. She’d take it for now.
She heard a quiet whooshing noise and frowned confusedly, only to feel herself get set down… somewhere. She felt carpeting underneath her, which meant she was in… a house? No. A car, she thought as she noticed the quiet hum of an engine. She’d been put in the fucking trunk. She kicked out as much as she could without knowing exactly where they were and gave a cry of protest, but then the lid was clicked over her head and she was thrown into uncomfortably complete silence.
She scowled to herself. She shouldn’t have thrown her spife at Superman, it would have been really useful right then. She tested the bindings against her hands and winced at how tight they were. Did they really use zip ties? Those were notoriously bad for circulation.
… oh. Yeah. She was dead. That actually wasn’t that bad, then.
Still annoying. Hard to get out of. Assholes. She wondered if it was worth dislocating her arms…
Yeah. Probably. If she could get out then she would be OUT.
She flipped herself onto her stomach. She pulled her feet up to her arms and then started pushing back. Her body strained in protest and she bit down on the front of the bag over her head to stop herself from making any sounds.
And then she felt a pop in her left shoulder and a flare of pain and the makeshift gag wasn’t enough to hold back her sobs. Her arm throbbed and it was only made worse when they reached the city proper and the roads started getting choppy. Every little bump in the road sent a new wave of pain rolling through her and all she could do was ride it out.
They started hitting smoother roads what felt like hours later... it was kind of concerning because she had no clue where they could be, those were uncommon in Gotham, but at least she no longer felt like she was going to die every few seconds.
She took a few seconds to bring her breathing back to normal before she started slowly wiggling her arms out under her butt and legs and then they were in front of her. Great. She picked herself up as much as she could in the tiny space, checked her angle mentally, relaxed her muscles, and then dropped down on her shoulder to get it back in place.
She breathed out a sigh of relief. It felt weird and still kind of hurt but at least it was mostly better.
She pulled the bag off of her head and relished in the slightly fresher air.
She looked down at the zip ties on her wrists and she sighed a little. Time to do that hack that looked stupid but actually worked if the kidnappers were stupid enough to leave you alone.
She brought her feet up, untied the laces of her shoes, and tied them back around the ties. Then she set to work trying to saw at the zip tie.
She paused when she heard the low rumbling of a plane. Were they near an airport? Oh. That was going to be a problem. She went faster.
Unfortunately, Marinette didn’t get very far before there was a click and the trunk opened.
She cried out in pain at the sudden light and squeezed her eyes shut, turning to press her face into the carpeted interior.
Hands grabbed her and pulled her out of the trunk. Before she could do much to look around so she could get her bearings and make herself a portal, the bag was forced over her head again and a strong grip on her arm (the good one, thankfully) kept her from pulling it off again. Then someone knelt in front of her and fixed her shoelaces.
“Really, NightMare?” Duke said, unimpressed.
“In my defense, I was left unsupervised.”
Damian scoffed.
Someone picked her up again and she sighed as they carried her along. They were definitely at an airport. She could hear people milling about. She was sure it was Gotham, too; she could feel a few stares, but most people seemed comfortable with the vigilantes among them.
Then came the normal airport stuff. Walking. Some arguing over whether she counted as luggage or if she could go through the metal detector with them. Sitting. A little chatting with civilians. More walking. More sitting. Very light chatter, just formalities and asking for drinks (Duke, who she figured out was the person carrying her, slipped a box of orange juice up her bag so she could have something). And then they were in the air.
After some time in the air the bag and zip ties were removed. She kept her eyes closed to let them adjust to light naturally and instead focused on rubbing feeling back into her hands.
One English alphabet later, she opened her eyes.
They were in a private plane (or was it a jet?), which explained why it was as quiet as it was. Damian was drinking a glass of water and reading something on his phone. Duke was nibbling at some complimentary pretzels and working a Rubix Cube. They both glanced in her direction from time to time, but they seemed pretty confident that she couldn’t do anything while they were in the air (which was true, but annoying).
She looked around a little more and found that there were no other bats.
“Um… where’re…?” She trailed off, unsure.
They stopped glancing in her direction, ignoring her and her question. The frown that had been on her face since pretty much when they’d first taken her from the room deepened.
“Do they… do they know what’s going on?”
The silence spoke volumes.
She rested her head in her hand. “I’m going to need something stronger than a juice box for this.”
Duke sighed but called a friendly looking woman inside to get her some wine. Marinette and Duke sipped at a glass each (Damian wasn’t allowed any, something Marinette took a little too much joy in). She scrutinized the two over the rim of her glass.
“Are you going to explain or let me guess? Because letting me guess is going to end up with me assuming you’re doing something way worse than you actually are.”
Damian sighed a little. “It’s hard to explain.”
“We’re in a plane. I’m going to guess we have time. Start talking.”
“We drugged them all -- except Orphan, she’s just out doing patrols and won’t know what’s going on for a good few hours -- and grabbed you.”
Duke gave Damian a pleading look to make him continue for them.
Damian, reluctantly, put down his phone to talk. “Signal and I have an idea on how to bring you back from the dead. The others won’t like it, especially not Red Hood, so we’re making the executive decision to not ask.”
Marinette didn’t know a lot about when Jason had been resurrected, it was a sensitive subject so it was avoided pretty much at all costs. All she’d gathered was that it was a rather messy experience for everyone involved.
She rested her head on her hand and then looked back down at her drink. She snatched the bottle from the table and, when Duke protested, set him a glare and started drinking directly from it. They were actually going to bring her back through probably shady means. She was NOT drunk enough for this shit.
She got stuffed in a suitcase when they left, which was extremely insulting (and a little embarrassing, if she were honest).
She rested her head against the side of the suitcase and listened to the dull thrum of people talking on the other side. She vaguely recognized the language, both Nino and Damian both spoke it when frustrated, but the words were all Greek to her.
Well, they were all Arabic, but you get the point.
She didn’t even realize she had been asleep until she was awoken. Rather abruptly. The zipper for the suitcase was opened and she tumbled out. Marinette cursed in French as she hit the ground and laid there, her entire body aching from not moving for so long. She hadn’t known her face could get pins and needles, she wished she could go back to her blissful ignorance.
“Are you sure about this? You want to save her?” A woman’s voice said above her, sounding a little skeptical.
Marinette forced herself to roll over so she could glare at whoever it was, she knew when she was being insulted, and then she blinked up at the new person.
A tall woman with dark skin and hair and a body to die for stood above her, hands on her hips.
“Holy shit, Dami. You got terrible genes. She’s gorgeous and you’re… you? What?”
Duke hid laughter behind his hand and Damian scoffed.
Amusement flickered behind Talia’s ‘I could kill you before you could even scream’ expression. “I’ve changed my mind. I like her.”
“Cool,” said Marinette as she quickly pushed herself to her feet. Her body wasn’t ready for that, but that was the least of her concerns. The pretty lady was ushering her along and Marinette wasn’t going to hold her up if she could help it.
“How did you die?” Talia said, which was an interesting choice for conversation.
Marinette shrugged, though, unconcerned. “I don’t know, really, there wasn’t this ‘oh, wow, I’m dead’ moment. My guess is I either drowned in acid or died of dehydration at some point. Does it change anything or…?”
“No. Just curious.”
“Oh. Good.”
“... do you not know why you’re here?” Asked Talia carefully after a moment’s contemplation.
Marinette shook her head. “Nah, they’ve been avoiding telling me. I assume it’s painful.”
“... yes. Very.”
The four lapsed into silence after that.
Marinette felt weirdly on edge as they walked through the facility, her hands rubbing the goosebumps that were prickling along her arms. The further they walked, the more on edge she felt. They were approaching something unnatural, something so undeniably WRONG, and she needed to GO.
But Damian and Duke were behind her, probably sensing her unease, and running ahead would only get her there faster… so she walked.
She bit the inside of her cheek in an attempt to ground herself.
But, the moment they stepped into the room, she froze.
Green water. That apparently hurts.
Duke was ready for her to run, apparently, stood in front of the only exit and ready for a fight before she could even get a full step away from the hell that awaited her.
“No no no no no no wait it’s fine I actually don’t mind being dead it’s fine guys please --.”
Damian grabbed her arms and she choked out a sob,
“Damian god damn it I was kidding about the mom thing you’re perfectly attractive or whatever I promise I really didn’t think it would hurt you that much we don’t need to do this let’s tALK IT OUT --!”
“It’s not about that --!”
Duke managed to get a hold on one of her legs and lifted and all she had to struggle against either of them was a foot and she was SO fucked --.
Talia grabbed her last leg and she sobbed as she thrashed around uselessly. They started dragging her towards the acid. Nothing to do no way to run no help in sight no --.
And they did. They let her go and she fell into the acid.
43 notes · View notes
downondilaudid · 4 years
Reality Check
Spencer gets tired of readers reckless behavior, and finally gives her a little reality check.
Requested: Yes
Prompts: My life motto is fuck bitches, get money blow cash.(This is a inspired by a line from the song ODD by Hey Voilet) & That’s not even factual
Word Count: 4.6K
“Talk is cheap, but actions are priceless.”
― Green Monk
You wouldn’t necessarily consider yourself reckless, per se, just a little wild. It was a surprising turn of events when you and Spencer ended up together, his teammates had thought you would be nothing more than a fling, someone to keep his bed warm while he was gone. Yet, you had been together for a year and a half now and had been living together for five months. 
Despite the two of you being opposites, you worked together beautifully, you easily complemented each other. Your wild nature allowed Spencer to relax, and enjoy the simplicities of life. While his sophisticated way of thinking forced you to use your head a little more, and consider the consequences of your actions. You loved Spencer, and he loved you, it was just hard sometimes, seeing the world through different eyes. 
“C’mon Spence, please?” You pleaded, your hand latching into his arm to try and get his attention. 
“I really need to work on this, Y/N” he mumbled absentmindedly, pulling his arm from your grasp, and writing something on a notepad. 
“Spencer! You’ve been working on this all night, please take a break.” You shifted so you were standing behind him, wrapping your arms around him, and laying your head lightly against his shoulder. 
He let out a mix between a sigh and a groan, and you could feel the vibration of it through his back. “I need to finish this, Y/N, watching you get drunk, and then having to drag you home, doesn’t sound like a break.” 
You scoffed, “suit yourself, babes.” You pushed off of him, leaving the room to go get ready.
The music pounded in your ears, and the bass rattled your drink against the table. You were already quite tipsy, but for the first time, you weren’t a happy drunk. You guess you were what people call, a sad drunk. 
You stirred your straw around your drink absentmindedly. “Y/N! Come dance with me! Please?” One of your friends questioned. 
Right as you opened your mouth to deny her, the unforgettable intro to Gas Pedal by Sage the Gemini sounded through the club. It was like a switch had been flipped inside you, suddenly you were on your feet. Grabbing her hand, you dragged her to the dance floor. 
She laughed at your change in mood, “yes!”
You laughed along, the both of you staring at each other and in sync screaming, “h-h-h-h-holy shit!” 
This was good, it was good for you to forget, to throw away all the problems of life, and get drunk off your ass. 
Which is how you, and your two girlfriends you had gone out with, ended up stumbling down the street, the club long forgotten. 
The three of you laughed and giggled, talking about anything and everything that popped into your drunken minds. 
“Ooooh! We should prank call someone.” Your friend shouted rather loudly. 
You laughed at her, “totally, we could prank Spencer, he was a dick to me earlier. He didn’t even want to come out with us!” You exclaimed, your hands gesturing wildly, and your speech slightly slurred. 
The girls gasped, both talking over each other, screaming about how boring and annoying he was. 
“I know!” You cried, pulling out your phone to call Spencer. 
You hit the call button, putting the phone on speaker, and hushing the giggling girls. 
“Y/N?” A voice asked through the phone. 
“How did you know it was me?” You asked, a look of bewilderment crossing your face. 
Your friends laughed harder, one of them reaching out to smack you on the arm, “you forgot to block your caller ID, idiot!”
“Oops” you giggled.
“Y/N, where the hell are you? It’s one in the morning.” Spencer questioned angrily. 
Another laugh escaped your mouth, at this point, everything just seemed funny to you. You looked around the dark street, nothing looked familiar. 
“Do you guys know where we are?” You questioned. 
A scoff came from the phone, “are you fucking serious?” 
The girls giggled one of them letting out a childish “oooh! Someone's in trouble!” The two of them turned leaning on each other as they walked away, letting you have your privacy. 
“We were at a club, I’m just not sure where we are now.” You giggled. 
“Which club?” Spencer questioned, his tone authoritative, like a disappointed parent.
You combed through your brain for the answer, “uh…”
Spencer let out a deep sigh, and you could imagine him running his hands angrily through his hair. “You can’t keep doing this, Y/N.” You could hear the sound of a car door opening, and you assumed he was coming to find you.
“Actually, I can do whatever I want, it’s my life. And, my life motto is fuck bitches, get money, blow cash.” Anger bubbled in your stomach, who did he think he was telling you what to do?
“Y/N look around you, what do you see?” Spencer asked, ignoring your comment.
“Hmm…” you trailed off, giggling before you finished your sentence, “my two bitches over there!” You hollered, pointing towards your friends, who laughed at your antics. “The fat stacks in my purse, and the club we just passed where I paid way too much for drinks!” 
“Y/N, I swear to God…” Spencer muttered. 
“C’mon Spence, let me live a little! What are the odds of something bad happening to me? Like, none. I’m with my friends, having fun. Something you seem to never do.” You snapped. 
Spencer let out an angry huff, “first of all, that’s not even factual, second, you need to tell me where you are. Or, I’m going to call Garcia, and have her track your phone.” 
Well, damn. Your eyes squinted, trying to read the blue street sign. “Uh… Briar, Brian Ln.” You laughed, “what the hell does Ln. mean?” 
“Dear God, lane, Y/N, it means lane,” Spencer grunted. You could tell he was tired of your shit.
Luckily for him, the cool night air nipping at your exposed skin began to sober you up. You heard the phone hang up, right as a familiar car pulled up next to you. 
You watched as a very pissed off Spencer leaned over from the driver's seat, pushing open the passenger side door. You looked to your friends, who were jokingly saluting you like it was the last time they would see you. “Good luck! We’re catching an Uber! Call us if you live!” 
You let out one last laugh before clambering messily into the car, roughly shutting the door, and buckling your seatbelt. Spencer remained quiet, his large hands gripping the steering wheel, and his knuckles turning white. You would be lying if you said the sight wasn’t hot, Spencer was always hot, but, angry Spencer was hot.
The rest of the ride was silent, despite your efforts to try and “jam to some music” Spencer smacked your hand away from the radio every time! It was like he wanted you to sit here in the horrible silence. 
As soon as the apartment door closed, the exhaustion washed over you, your limbs felt ten times heavier, and all you wanted to do was sleep. You immediately began your walk to the bathroom to lazily brush your teeth and wash the makeup from your face. 
“Oh, so we’re not going to talk about it?” Spencer said, his voice rising slightly. 
“Spencer, be quiet, it’s two in the morning.” You groaned out quietly, wiping the last of the makeup from your eyes so you didn’t look like a rabid raccoon. You threw the makeup wipe into the trash, moving past Spencer and into your bedroom.
An angry scoff left his mouth, “seriously?” He followed you out, his eyes glaring holes in the back of your head.
You rolled your eyes, stripping from your dress and opening Spencer’s closet to grab one of his old shirts. “Yes, what do you want me to say? Sorry for having fun?” You slipped the soft fabric over your head, turning around to crawl into bed. 
“Please, Spence, we’ll talk about it tomorrow, I’m drunk and tired.” You grumbled, your frazzled mind struggling to pull back the comforter correctly. 
Spencer sighed, your actions proving your words, he leaned over, roughly yanking down the comforter for you, “fine.” 
You closed your eyes, listening to the sounds of Spencer getting ready for bed. He slipped under the covers, turning his back to you. The only reason he did so was because he knew you couldn’t fall asleep unless you were facing him. Something in you wanted his face to be the last thing you saw at night and the first thing you saw in the morning. Despite his petty actions, the alcohol in your system put you to sleep anyways. 
You groaned, rolling over onto your side, tugging the warm comforter with you. “Seriously?” Spencer questioned, yanking the comforter back, causing you to roll back onto your other side. 
“I need an Advil.” You muttered, squinting slightly to try and block out the sunlight streaming in through the window. 
“Why the hell did you get so drunk, Y/N?” He sat up slightly, the comforter sliding down his bare chest. 
You scoffed, rolling your eyes, “you think I remember? I’m just as clueless as you.” You pushed the comforter off your body, deciding to leave the warmth of the bed for a bathroom break and some Advil. 
Spencer followed suit, standing in the doorway of the bathroom, “Y/N you got lost, you were wandering the streets alone and drunk!” 
“I’m sorry, I guess.” You mumbled, your speech slightly distorted as you began brushing your teeth, fighting off the nauseous feeling in your stomach. 
“You guess? Y/N, you have no idea how worried I was!” Spencer cried, his hands gesturing wildly as he took a step closer to you. 
You set your toothbrush back in its stand, “mhm, the same worry I feel when you overwork yourself 24/7.” You remarked, turning to face him with your arms crossed over your chest. 
“That’s different, Y/N! You’re being idiotic, reckless, and immature. I was doing my job.” He spat, spinning on his heel and storming out of the bathroom. 
You sighed angrily, continuing to get ready. You knew he was right, you were being immature. Maybe you had let your friends sway you too much, you just wanted to forget Spencer for a night. You hated seeing him so stressed, it broke your heart, and now you were the cause of that stress. 
Walking out of the bathroom and into the living room you were met with the sight of Spencer once again hunched over his desk, pencil in hand. 
‘Wow, didn’t expect that one.” You muttered sarcastically, walking into the open kitchen, searching the cabinets for Advil. 
“Just like I should’ve known you would go out and get wasted with your friends. Seriously, Y/N, what’s it going to take for you to learn you have to grow up?” Spencer slammed his pencil down angrily. 
“Why are we even together if I’m too immature for you, huh?” You growled, watching as Spencer angrily stood from his chair, stalking over to you. 
Spencer’s hands found your hips, roughly shoving you against the counter, his body pressed against yours. 
You felt his hand trail up your back, leaving goosebumps in its wake. “Because, unlike most guys,” his hand laced into your hair, giving it a sharp tug so you were forced to look up at him, “I know how to handle brats like you.” He finished. 
A cheeky smile grew on your face, this wasn’t how you imagined this conversation going, but you weren’t complaining. 
Spencer chuckled, “oh you think you’re so cute, don’t you?”
Your teeth dug into your bottom lip, his condescending words casting a new atmosphere in the room. 
“You’re so quiet now, baby, you weren’t so quiet a minute ago.” His voice was low and as smooth as honey. 
A giggle left your mouth, “well, if I talk, will you shut me up?” 
Spencer grinned, his grip on your hair loosening, “I think I have a few ideas.” 
“I’d love to see them” your hands started a path up his chest, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck. 
“I bet you would.” He said, and in an instant, he was gone, he had stepped back and was already walking back to the bedroom. 
“Spencer!” You cried, stomping after him like a child who had just been put in timeout. 
“Calm down, I’m just getting something.” He said, digging through his work satchel. 
You rolled your eyes, your bratty nature getting the best of you, “well you better hurry, or I’ll just take care of myself.” 
Your statement sent Spencer into a fit of laughs, and your face scrunched in confusion. “Y-you really don’t know when to quit, do you?” He said between laughs. 
“And you’re saying I’m the immature one?” At that moment, all you wanted was for him to fuck the shit out of you, but, apparently, that was not on his agenda.
He walked over to you, much like a predator would to its prey, slow and deliberately. “Just shut up and fu-shit!” You cried out in the middle of your sentence, as he roughly grabbed your arm, spinning you around and pinning you to the wall. 
“You’re telling me to shut up? All you’re doing is back talking, and I’m sick of it.” He growled out.
You squirmed in his grip, “then maybe you should stop being an asshole!” His hand grabbed your other arm, yanking it behind your back, “ow, Spencer! Jesus.” Then the faint clinking of metal filled your ears, and chills covered your arms as the cool metal clamped around your wrists.
“Did you just fucking cuff me, Spencer?” You screamed, trying to turn to face him. Surprisingly, he allowed you to, in fact, his hands moved to your hips, helping you.
But the second you faced him, his hand was wrapped around your neck, tight enough to restrict your speech. “I did, in case you can’t tell, you’ve been an absolute brat the past few days. And if you want to go out and act like a whore, I’ll treat you like one.” A primal look washed over his eyes, he wanted to break you, to humiliate you into submission. 
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head, your mouth falling open in a silent scream. Spencer chuckled, “oh, you really are a whore. You like it when I choke you, huh?” 
His hand pushed back on your neck, shoving you back into the wall, watching as you collapsed into a heap on the floor. You gasped for air, squirming as the handcuffs dug uncomfortably into your back. 
Spencer’s hands went to his belt, unbuckling it quickly, “get on your knees, sweetheart.” His voice was soft and gentle, probably because he just choked you and threw you against a wall.
You complied, shifting onto your knees with minimal struggle, despite the restraint of your arms. “Good girl.” Spencer praised, pushing his pants and boxers down thighs, his hard cock springing free. 
Your eyes widened, you were shocked at how hard this had made him, sure, you had always had this Dom/Sub dynamic, but you had never been this rough before. 
His hand wrapped around his length, giving it a few good pumps. His other hand wrapped your hair in a makeshift ponytail, using it to drag your head towards his cock. “Open, baby.” 
Your jaw fell open, his cock filling your mouth, and your lips puckered around him, sucking lightly at the tip. “Oh no, baby, I’m going to fuck your mouth, and you’re going to sit there and let me.” 
He pushed down harder against the back of your head, driving his cock further past your lips. You squirmed, gagging slightly as he hit the back of your throat, you tried to pull back for some air, but his hand just pushed your head down further. “That's it, such a good whore” he groaned out.
You took shallow breaths in through your nose, trying your best to relax your throat to take him in further. Tears welled in your eyes, and you tried to pull back once more. Spencer let out a mix of a groan and a chuckle, “no, no, you wanted to act like a whore, you’re going to take it like a whore.” 
He pulled back, groaning as your tongue ran over the vein on the underside of his cock, “God, yes, there you go.” He pushed back in, this time pulling back faster, setting a rough pace. You gagged again, more tears falling down your face, mixing with the saliva escaping your mouth. 
“Shit, that feels good.” Your eyes flickered up to Spencer's face, just in time to watch him lean his head back with a groan. The sight alone caused you to moan around his cock. “Oh, God” he moaned, his hand pushing your head down one last time, as he stilled, his cock twitching lightly in your mouth, spilling his hot cum. 
The sight of him coming undone before you had you moaning around his shaft, milking his orgasm. “Fuck” he breathed out, his chest heaving. You swallowed around him, trying to control your gag reflex as he pulled your head off of his cock.
“C’mon, sweetheart,” he said, his voice once again soft and soothing, his hands wrapped around your shoulders, helping you to your feet. 
“Please, Spencer, please” you begged. 
Then the soft tone in his voice was gone, replaced with a low condescending tone, “please, what? You want me to make breakfast? Or maybe you want me to go back to working?” 
“No, no, no, no” you begged, taking a shaky step towards him, “please, just fuck me.” Your voice came out harsher than expected, albeit still horse from the abuse on your throat. 
Spencer’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, a short scoff leaving his mouth, “wow, and here I was thinking you had learned your lesson.” 
“No!” You cried, before correcting yourself, “no, I mean no, please fuck me, I’m sorry.” You could feel your arousal soaking through your panties.
“Hmm… much better. Get on the bed.” He stated, turning towards the bed, he clambered on, laying down in the middle, his cock once again hard, and standing at attention.
“B-but, I can’t, not without my arms.” You whined you could only imagine how much of a mess you looked like, drool and tears all over your face, along with your disheveled hair. 
You watched as Spencer’s hand wrapped around his cock, stroking leisurely, “that’s a shame, I guess you won’t get to ride me.” He sent you a smirk, watching as you struggled to walk to the bed, the bastard was enjoying this so much. He was addicted to the sight of you, no longer reckless, but more wrecked. Completely at his will. 
You fell face forward onto the bed, squirming to try and climb onto it. “How cute.” Spencer voiced, sitting up slightly, his hands wrapped around your biceps, and in one swift tug, he had pulled you onto the bed. “There you go.”
His hands helped you onto your knees, helping you to straddle him. He pulled your panties to the side with one hand, the other spreading your wetness around your folds. He hummed in approval, “almost seems like you’re enjoying this” he teased. 
You whined at the friction, your hips grinding down against his hand. He pulled his hand back, reaching down to grab his cock. He lined it up with your entrance, slipping the head in. You both groaned at the feeling, your head falling back in pure bliss. His hands moved to your hips, yanking you down fully onto his length. 
“Oh, God, fuck yes.” You moaned, your head leaning forward this time, your hair falling in your face. 
Spencer’s hands left your hips, folding behind his head, “if you want to cum so bad, you can do it yourself.” 
You swear your jaw fell to the floor, and the tears that once filled your eyes came flooding back. “No, please, Spence, please fuck me, please.” Despite your words, your hips began to rock into his, lifting slightly only to crash back down on his cock. 
He groaned lightly, his eyes closing in pleasure, “you were acting like a whore, you’ll cum like a whore.” 
“Ugh, shit.” You moaned out, your hips working faster. 
“Yes, baby, there you go. Make yourself cum on my cock.” Spencer said through gritted teeth.
Your thighs began to burn, and you knew you couldn’t carry on much longer. You quickened your pace, desperately chasing your orgasm. 
“Fuck, such a good whore, my little whore.” Spencer praised, his voice strained with lust. 
The burning became too much, and exhaustion hit your body like a train. You collapsed forward, burying your face in Spencer’s neck. “Please, fuck me, please, Spence. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll be good, I promise.” You sobbed, your fresh tears falling onto his shoulder. 
“Alright, baby, it’s okay.” He unfolded his hands from behind his head, running them up and down your back soothingly. His hands ran down to your hips, lifting you off of him. “C’mon baby, we’re not done yet, I know you can take it.” He cooed softly.
You pulled your head back, biting down harshly on your lip, you nodded your head, not trusting your voice. “You’re such a pretty girl, and all for me,” Spencer said, his hand coming up to trail over your face affectionately, and you subconsciously leaned into his touch. 
“Okay, up.” He said, landing a soft tap to your backside. You giggled lightly. He helped you off of him, and before you could relish in how gentle he was, it was gone. He shoved your face forward into the bed, and you let out a sharp yelp. 
The low gravelly tone was back in his voice as he spoke, “You’re such a pathetic little mess for me.” He had moved behind you, his hard cock grinding against your clothed ass.
You turned your face to the side so you could breathe, muttering out a, “please, Spencer, I won’t do it again, I promise.”
His finger hooked in your panties, pulling them to the side, and with one swift motion, he had slammed his cock into you. You screeched, eyes crossing, and mouth falling open. “Fuck, yes! Fuck, me.”
Spencer’s pace was relentless, pounding into you, skin slapping against skin obscenely. He practically growled from behind you, and his hand reached up, latching onto the handcuffs. He pulled you back onto him with each thrust. 
You yelped, your wrists ached, and they would definitely be bruised, but the pleasure was too good to tell him to stop. Plus, you doubted he would listen. “Fuck, fuck, Spencer.” You muttered, the tension building in your stomach. 
“C-can I cum, please? Please, please?” You begged, drool sliding from the corner of your mouth. 
“Cum, cum, whore,” Spencer demanded. 
You let out a loud cry, panting as your orgasm coursed through you. Your thighs clamped together, and you cunt clenched around Spencer’s cock. Your back arched further, pressing your breasts into the mattress. 
Spencer continued his pace, crashing into you with everything he had. “F-fuck, shit, Y/N, so good.” He stuttered. 
At this point you were an incoherent mess, your mind was clouded, all you could focus on was the feeling of Spencer’s cock dragging against your walls. 
“Spence, please, I won’t do it again, I promise.” You begged, you couldn’t tell if you were begging him to stop or continue. 
He chuckled through a groan, “your right, you won’t do it again,” one of his hands reached around, placing itself on your stomach. He could feel the bulge his cock created every time he thrust into you, “you won’t do it again, because I’m going to cum in you.” 
The one-sentence had you spasming around his cock again, moans, and whimpers leaving your mouth. “You won’t be able to go out and drink with your stupid friends if you’re nine months pregnant, bitch.” He gritted out, finally stilling inside you, letting his cum fill you up.
The feeling alone sent you into one last orgasm, your body trembling, and a constant flow of tears cascading down your face.
You knew this wasn’t healthy, you couldn’t make up like this. He was so right, you were being childish and immature. Orgasming inside you was almost his way of telling you you’re not a child, you’re a woman, and you need to act like one. It was on its own, a reality check.
Spencer gave you a few more gentle thrusts, before pulling out, moving quickly off the bed. 
You didn’t dare try and move, your body ached, and your wrists had been rubbed raw. Your headache from earlier was back, this time twice as strong, and you groaned at the pain.
“Shh… baby, don’t move.” Spencer was at your side in an instant. You vaguely registered the clinking of metal and the freeing of your wrists. 
You whimpered as he slathered lotion on your sore wrists, massaging them gently. When he was done you giggled deliriously to yourself, it was moments like these you cherished. Such moments of utter vulnerability and trust that would only be shared between the two of you. 
He left once again, and you slowly rolled onto your back, letting your eyes close momentarily.
Spencer came back shortly, walking back over to the bed. He placed a kiss on your forehead, watching as your eyes fluttered open, “hi” you mumbled. 
Spencer laughed, “hi” he leaned down, pressing his lips to yours in a gentle kiss. “C’mon” he mumbled.
One of his arms hooked under your knees, the other around your back, you got the idea, quickly wrapping your weak arms around his neck. He lifted you up, carrying you bridal style into the bathroom. Upon entering you had noticed he already drew a bath, and a smile crept onto your face. 
“Here, sweetheart.” He set you down on the toilet, helping you out of your shirt, and pulling off your ruined underwear. He helped you up, holding onto you as you stepped into the water. 
You got yourself situated, watching as he stripped from his clothes to join you. You scooted forward, allowing space for him to slip in the bath behind you. 
He smiled at your actions, climbing in carefully, he settled behind you, his arms wrapping around you comfortingly. You sighed peacefully, nuzzling into his chest. “I’m sorry if I was too rough with you” he muttered into your hair.
You giggled lightly, “no, I deserved it.” You sank deeper into the water, allowing the warmth to soothe your muscles and the pounding in your head. 
“No, Y/N, you were just trying to help me relax,” Spencer said sympathetically.
“Mhm, and I ended up doing the exact opposite, I’m sorry, Spence. I just wanted to forget about you, I can’t stand to see you so stressed.” You turned slightly so you could look at him.
“How about this, you don’t drink so heavily next time, and I’ll take more breaks from work?” Spencer debated, one of his eyebrows raised in question. 
You let out a giggle at his expression, leaning back to press a kiss to his perfect lips, “sounds like a deal to me. Plus, who knows when I’ll be able to drink again?” You teased, alluding to the fact that he had come inside you. 
Spencer laughed, his arms wrapping loosely around your stomach, “there’s no one I’d rather have carry my child than you.” He ended his statement with a lasting kiss to your lips, pulling back, only to pepper more kisses on your face.
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justmeandmysickies · 3 years
A3 and C6 (from the prompt list) with Naoko as the sickee?
Here you go! This isn't my best work and I only proof-read it once but I'm just glad to finally put out some content
Like hell you are
characters: Sungjin and Naoko warnings: emeto
note: for the ones that don't know - Naoko and Sungjin have been best friends since high school; Sevan is Naoko's boyfriend
A3 “Did that sound come from your stomach?“
C6 "I guess I should have taken better care of myself…"
"Are you having fun?" Sungjin asked, lazily spinning a volleyball on his finger.
"What?" Naoko’s head snapped up suspiciously fast at the question which prompted his best friend to raise an eyebrow at him.
"I asked, if you were having fun." Sungjin repeated, still eyeing his friend carefully.
"Of course! I haven't been able to play in ages. Obviously, Volleyball isn't quite as good as Basketball, but it is something."
That last statement earned him a punch to the shoulder. "Volleyball is the best and you know it." Sungjin playfully glared at the taller man, daring him to disagree.
"Okay okay, no need to beat me up" Naoko laughed.
He hadn't lied. It was great to be back in the gym. Due to covid, everything had been closed and Naoko had been working double-time. There had simply not been time for sports, or his best friend for that matter. So being in the gym spending some quality time with Sungjin was great.
Naoko’s stomach however seemed to be disagreeing. It had been unsettled for a while now. Gas constantly shifting inside of him, leading to frequent burps which he had to suppress in order to keep up appearance. And on top of that, his middle had not stopped gurgling since he had stepped into the gym that day.
His stomach had never been very strong, prone to acting up whenever he was stressed out or nervous. Naoko knew, that was probably the reason for his current predicament - he was overworked, and his stomach had had enough. The only remedy was rest, but who had time for that? Nao wasn't going to let his weak stomach ruin the evening so pushing through and acting tough was the only way to go.
Sevan had luckily not picked up on his boyfriend's discomfort yet, but Naoko was very aware of just how observant Sungjin was. So he had to be very careful around his best friend.
He didn't miss the way Sungjin glanced at him in concern every so often. But he never spoke up and Nao was thankful for that.
Practice went by rather slowly. Unfortunately, the cramps shooting through his stomach had picked up in intensity and he was now considerably nauseous.
So it came as a relieve when Sungjin’s coach announced the end of practice. The stench in the locker room, however, was anything but relieving. The smell of sweat mixed with cheap deodorant wasn’t pleasant on a healthy stomach, but it made Naoko feel like passing out or throwing up or maybe even both. So instead of getting dressed or taking a shower, he stepped out of the room and out of the front door.
Sungjin was left staring after his best friend, wondering when he’d finally speak up and tell him what was wrong.
The fresh air helped and fortunately Naoko’s stomach seemed to settle down a bit.
He hadn’t even realized how long he’d been standing there just taking deep breaths, until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He didn’t even have to turn his head to know that the hand belonged to Sungjin.
“We’re the last ones here. You don’t have to shower if you don’t feel like it but you should at least pack your stuff up so we can lea-” A low gurgle interrupted him and Sungjin looked up at Nao questioningly.
“Did that sound come from your stomach?” Naoko turned bright red. “I’m probably just hungry.”
Sungjin knew that was most likely not true, but he chose to drop the matter. So he continued “Well as I said, you should pack up so we can leave.” Yes, he wanted to know what was bothering his best friend, but he didn’t want to push it. Even out here in the dark, Naoko looked dangerously pale, and he was still sweating buckets, even though practice had ended almost thirty minutes ago. Jin knew he had been working hard and he faintly wondered if the younger man had been taking proper care of himself.
Nao was grateful. He knew Sungjin wanted answers, but he was too considerate to actually ask.
“Yeah, you’re right. I should pack.” With a glance towards his friend he added “I’m okay by the way.”
Sungjin let out a short huff. “Like hell you are.”
Naoko thought he’d be fine going back into the locker room. He really did. But it turns out the smell of sweat kinda clings to a room. So Sungjin worriedly watched the color drain from his friend’s face as the latter struggled to put his shoes in his gym bag.
Naoko was now swallowing convulsively as he swung his bag over his shoulder. But just as he was about to reach for the door handle, a quiet burp had something splash the back of his throat.
Jin, who had been standing directly behind Nao, jumped out of the way, as his friend spun on his heels, dropped his bag, and made a beeline for the toilets.
Ah, so Naoko had been nauseous. Good to know. And if the painful retching coming from the bathroom was any indication, he was not feeling well at all.
Sungjin stood in the door to Naoko’s stall, wincing, as the latter’s back convulsed with each heave. It took him a while, but Nao eventually managed to regain his composure. Jin handed him a bottle of water along with a disapproving look. “Let me guess: you’re not ill?”
Naoko shook his head. “Just stressed.”
Sungjin sighed. "You're way overworked." And Nao scoffed bitterly at the obvious statement. "Yeah, I guess I should've taken better care of myself." He answered, while wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Sevan is gonna kick your ass." Sungjin was a little annoyed himself at his friend's stupidity, but he knew Sevan was going to rain hellfire upon Naoko.
Nao's eyes widened slightly. "Yes, about that..." He said with a sheepish yet pleading look on his face.
Now it was Sungjin's turn to scoff. "Forget it. I'm not gonna lie for you. At least not to Sevan. I want to live, you know."
"You don't have to lie to him! Just don't tell him what happened please." Naoko pleaded now getting a little desperate. He was feeling horrible and really didn't need a fight with his boyfriend on top of that.
Sungjin sighed in defeat. "Fine, I won't tell. But you look like shit - there is no way he won't know that something is up."
"I'll think of something." Naoko stated confidently. "Can you please give me a ride home, now? I'd really like to take a shower."
"Yeah, sure. Let's go."
Obviously, Naoko couldn't think of something. The moment Sevan raised a suspicious eyebrow at Naoko's story of 'simply being a little exhausted from practice' the sick man was done for.
So he abashedly accepted the angry scolding without saying a word and enjoyed the following cuddles all the more so.
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johnseedfanclub · 3 years
Wip Day
Startin this bad boy up (at least this is an attempt)
Chapter 6(?)
TW: Mentions of drugs, suicide, vulgar language, hallucinations, abuse, vomiting
Angel rose up out of bed with a groan followed by a stretch
“Good fucking LORD” Angel grinded out as he cracked his back “I feel worse than that one time I was injected with fucking ketamine...”
After contemplating his life choices, and considering putting a bullet to his head, Angel managed to drag himself towards the window of his room.
“Hmm. Still out here huh?” Angel grumbled discontentedly “I would’ve hope it was a dream” Angel looked up as if he were speaking to God himself
Angel made his way downstairs and looked around. House was still quiet. There’s no way that she was taken, right? Missy couldn’t be gone. Angel had his own “gifts” but Missy was a trained army soldier, maybe higher than just a soldier. All Angel knew was that she was trained in the army and probably had way more control over herself than he did over himself.
“..Missy..?...MISSY?!” Angel called, walking through the deathly silent home
No...no..this isn’t good...They couldn’t have possibly kidnapped her. She’s a trained professional. She would know what to do in these situations. Angel is more likely to get himself captured and probably nearly get himself, and others, killed in the process. And aside from that, if Missy is gone...what will be of Angel? He is nothing but a ticking time bomb waiting to lose control.
Suddenly the silence was broken as his radio cracked “Ayooooo Angel!!!”
Angel jolted nearly sending himself out of his skin “Who the fuck is that” Angel took out his radio “How did I not lose this shit...” he whispered to himself before clicking the radio “Hello..?” Angel answered back
A voice of happiness and relief was heard on the other side “Angellll! Great to hear you’re alive bud! Kinda heard a lot of ruckus going on back at the bunker since you were....ya know...spotted and all but this whole ordeal kinda died down a bit of course..for now that is”
Jesus Christ who is this guy and why is he rambling at a time like this...it’s too fucking hot and early to be talking a man’s ear off.
“Also uh..Sorry about the whole smoke sesh we had the other day I kinda got a bit too excited and gave you way more than a shoulda..You probably feel-“
For fucks sake.
“Jesus fuck you’re talking way too fucking much.” Angel clicked the radio and it went dead silent. Angel drew out a deep sigh and clicked the radio again “Sorry...Havin a bad mornin...what’s your name now?”
“Oh shit my bad- you’re probably feeling like a dog that got ran over!” Connor laughed on the other side “Probably can’t remember a damn thing either...I’m Connor! The guy you met in the bunker” Connor replied in benevolence
Angel paced in the living room “Connor.....guy I met in the bunker......smoking...” Angel froze in realization “This fucking dickwad-“ Angel clicked his radio “YOU’RE THE GUY THAT TRIED TO FUCK ME UP WITH THAT FUCKING BLISS- BULLSHIT.”
“Woah...hey now I said sorry for that already. I meant good intentions. I would never purposely fuck a gay man over unless he fucked me or my guys ov-“
“HEY. I WAS TRYING TO BE NICE. TO BE FAIR I DIDN’T KNOW YOU HAD A RECORD” Connor yelled back drawling out the ‘record’
“WHATEVER. Say now....what did you give me. I nearly had night terrors because of that fucking plant. And there’s no fucking way that it’s just weed.” Angel sat himself down on the couch thinking about the nightmares he had last night
There was a silence after that question. Was it that it was a mistake? Should he not have asked? Or hesitation? Maybe there was something in that cigarette-joint whatever it was...he-...Connor had to have gotten it somewhere...this wasn’t no ordinary plant or mix of bad drugs in a plant. This was...different.
“Okay....look. I trust you. But you cannot say this to anybody.” Connor spoke carefully
Gullible for a man who works in a cult
“What I put in that joint was bliss oil and ground up Moonflower....l-look I’m sorry okay...the flower adds to the high and the oil makes it burn longer” Connor had a very regretful tone in his voice. But that didn’t explain what any of that substance was...
“What the fuck is bliss oil? And moonflower...sounds slightly familiar..” Angel said confused
“Don’t worry about it. Can you meet me near John’s ranch later?” Connor asked
“That asshole? Fat chance drug mule” Angel returned with a chuckle
“Ya know you should be nicer. And how do you remember him easily???” Connor huffed, malcontented
“This man has been harassing me the last four months ever since I moved here. I think at that point it’s safe to say he has a rememorable face....a punchable one too.” Angel sneered
“O-oh right....probably not a good place then huh...”
“Of c- didn’t you say that I had a record Connor?”
“Okay okay...I wasn’t thinking straight-“
“That would be great love” Angel mocked
“Ain’t you a peach...you know...I’m starting to believe what John was saying about you.....hmm.” The radio clicked and went silent
“Oh I’m goin to nick his ears off...” Angel growled “Can finish a sentence but not a fight”
Angel got up after having a moment of planning to beat up Connor later and decided it might be better to head to Fall’s End...maybe after a nap of course.. he won’t have to worry about Connor till later.
Angel decided to head back into his room and throw himself on his bed “Oooh...” Angel breathed out “I have a feeling this is gonna be one fucking day.” Angel drawled out in exhaustion before closing his eyes shut.
Angel had a horrible gut wrenching feeling...that voice...that terrible fucking voice...
"𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁...." the voice sang his name in a comforting tone...but that voice was never a comfort to him
He kept his eyes shut...but didn’t know how much longer he would have to for him to go away...it was impossible to ignore something that was so insisting and demanding...
"𝒲𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓊𝓅...𝑀𝓎 𝓈 𝑜 𝓃."
He opened his eyes and saw red. Only red. The walls of his room. Red. The ceiling. Red. Where he slept. Red. The sky. Red. Everything was Red. He immediately felt sick but he couldn’t escape there was no escape. He sat up.
There he was in the doorway. Blocking his only way out. The tall figure that loomed over Angel’s doorway. A Man that Angel could never fight, The Man that Angel fears the most more than anything...anyone in the world
𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵𝓸 𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓱𝓮𝔃
Angel quickly looked around but realized he was stuck. He was backed into a wall. There was no way he would make it out alive.
"𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒽𝑒 𝒾𝓈...𝑀𝓎 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝒷𝑜𝓎." The voice said tenderly moving closer to him
“D-don’t call me that....” Angel moved back to try to move himself away from the Man but there was no use of it. He started breathing heavy. With every step the Man took the more weight he felt on his chest. He started to spiral, every fighting instinct left his body. He felt like a rabbit being hunted by a Lion.
“𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝑔𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜 𝒹𝑜 𝒾𝒻 𝐼 𝒹𝑜?"
“help...h e l p.” He tried to call out but struggled to get the words out between breaths “somebody help me. get me out of here.”
The Man grabbed Angel’s face and tightened his grip, enough to leave bruises on the skin. All the fight left his body...he froze in horror having to force himself to look in his eyes. Tears started to stream down his face and he whimpered and tried to scream.
"𝒮𝒽𝒽𝒽𝒽...𝓆𝓊𝒾𝑒𝓉 𝓃𝑜𝓌..𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓂𝑒" the Man stroked Angel’s face gently while shushing him like a puppy
“I don’t feel safe around you...I will never be safe or free in your hands....” Angel rasped out, nearly overworking his lungs for air “I will never call myself your son.”
The Man’s eye twitched but he cracked a smile "𝒜𝒽..." the man clicked his tongue before breathing in "𝒩𝑜..𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓇" he retreated slightly before taking both of his large hands and pressing them on Angel’s throat, tighting them and he watched Angel panick and try to push him away legging out a crooked laugh
Angel saw his vision fading and slowly going dark. He was trying to fight back but it was a losing battle to begin with. So, he gave up.
"𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒶 𝓅𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓉𝒾𝒸 𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝑜𝓃"
Angel immediately woke up and started coughing and immediately felt something coming up his throat. He ran to the bathroom and flipped the toilet cover up and immediately started retching. Fluids poured out of his mouth that burned his nose and throat. And when he thought he was done more came back up. After finishing he was shaking and his head was pounding, tears were streaming down his cheeks and he still felt that weight in his chest. He looked into the toilet and...it was red. He flushed the toilet quickly as the color made him nauseous again not to mention he didn’t even have a chance to eat. It was nothing but bile. Angel sat back. He couldn’t even bring himself to try to speak to himself. So he sat on the floor, trembling....crying. The silence in the house was loud. He has to get out of here.
Angel quickly got up in a panic and washed his face and brushed his teeth, wanting to get that awful taste of bile off his tongue. After he packed his backpack with survival tools and some basic needs to help him out...there...I mean there was just more than one man chasing after him...
He wasted no time leaving after, wiping whatever tears were left on his face, God, he hated looking vulnerable I mean he was already enough..
“I’m never taking a fucking nap again...not until the exhaustion comes over me...”
Angel made the trek to Fall’s End. And though it wasn’t a long hike, it was quiet...almost too quiet.
Angel reached for his hun and aimed at the sudden greeting
“Woah! Hey now! It’s just me Angel Mary May spoke softly
Angel lowered his weapon quickly in shock ‘I could’ve killed her for Christ sake’ he thought
“You okay love? You seem...different? On edge..?” she spoke with a tone that was almost a comforting as Missy, Bless her heart if she’s still out there
Angel tried to get the words out “....I......uhm...y-yea....kind of...just had a nightmare...no big deal...” he manage to put on a smile that could fool a careless man. But Mary saw right through it.
“Look I know you probably don’t wanna talk about whatever is going on with you bit don’t try to fool me with a smile m’kay” Mary scolded Angel a bit and started walking forward to Fall’s End
“Okay mom” Angel huffed out a laugh “Funny seeing you out here huh” Angel followed after her like a little duckling
“Funny seeing me out here? It’s noon Angel! Did you oversleep again?” Mary looked at Angel teasing him a bit
“Very funny. I was up earlier but was still tired from yesterday so I took a nap......unfortunately it didn’t work out in my...uhm....favor” Angel cleared his throat
“Well why don’t you tell me all about it?” Mary asked curiously
‘This is gonna be a common thing huh...’ Angel thought before breathing out “Where do I start?”
@mrspaigeomega @mrsladydiana @oorah22 @minilev @lilwritingraven @scungilliwoman
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amelialincoln · 4 years
Can you do a part 2 of your latest fic but they decide to have the baby and maybe a little of Amelia’s pregnancy during the pandemic? Like a time jump idk.
You and I Amelia stepped into the scrub room and peeled off her protective equipment. The inside of the hazmat suit was lined with condensation and she felt sweaty and gross. The hot flashes, her newest pregnancy symptom, were not helping. She washed her hands, enjoying the rare moment of peace and quiet though she wasn’t complaining. Most of her co-workers, even the ones that were chief of their department, had barely seen the inside of the OR in months. However, the extra layers in the midsummer Seattle heat were almost unbearable and in a stuffy operating room, it became a little too much. Link burst through the door as Amelia was drying her hands.
“Hey, how did it go? Did you have lunch? Are you feeling okay today?” He was practically breathless. Amelia’s hand flew to her forehead as an overwhelmed feeling washed over her.
“Link, I’m fine.”
“Have you had your temperature taken? You look flushed.” Amelia wasn’t sure why the concern in his voice was pissing her off beyond belief.
“We get our temp taken before every shift and it’s like eighty six degrees today.”
Link nodded, pulling her into a sticky, relieved hug. “You gonna take a couple hours off? Might be good to get a nap in.”
“No, I have patients to check in on.” She tried to keep herself calm. Link had been almost unbearable lately. Of course it was Amelia who’d end up pregnant in the midst of a global pandemic and she was stressed enough as it was. Link’s constant concern wasn’t helping anyone. She grabbed a new mask and secured it around her face.
“Let’s just get you something from the cafeteria.” He tried to pull her in that direction.
“Link!” Amelia had lost her temper. “I have about a million things that are more important than getting a stupid snack from the cafeteria!”
“I just find it funny how you seem to put everyone’s health over your own!” They were yelling now. The exhaustion was wearing down on the overworked couple and Amelia rubbed her temple to soothe an oncoming headache.
“Link, if I go get something to eat I’m just going to end up throwing it up anyways,” she tried to explain calmly. He raised an eyebrow at that.
“What have you eaten today?” He hadn’t been at the apartment that morning and was genuinely curious as to if Amelia would’ve eaten anything at all without him there to force her to. The look on her face told him everything. “Amelia!” She let out a groan of exasperation in response as she glanced around at the surrounding hospital staff that were starting to stare.
“I can’t be throwing up at work,” Amelia hissed. “I can’t risk taking my mask off around patients.”
“Well then maybe you shouldn’t be working at all!” This was brought up frequently in conversation between the two.
“This pregnancy could not even be viable. You honestly think I’m going to sit at home and put my health over hundreds for a baby that might not even make it into this world?” She knew she’d crossed the line when Link took a step back. Amelia hadn’t planned on getting pregnant again after the miscarriage. An anencephalic baby followed by a miscarriage had Amelia convinced that pregnancy was not for her. Apparently the universe had other plans. She was surprised by how hard Link had taken the accident. Not knowing that the sight of her curled up on the floor of their shower, her pants stained with blood, was forever ingrained in his mind. He scoffed at her before turning and walking away. She got a text from him a few minutes later that read, “I’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt right now considering how pumped you are with hormones but I’m gonna try and give you some space and when you’re ready to act like an adult you can come find me.” She tried to ignore how much that stung.
On days like today Link enjoyed being an orthopedic surgeon more than anything. Owen raised his eyebrows as he watched the guy aggressively set another person’s bones into place. Link had never reminded Owen of the woman he’d taken the department over from until today. The man was obviously going through something and Owen couldn’t help but wonder if it had to do with Amelia. Suddenly, his eyes flew open and he raced over to a crouched Link.
“Hey, don’t you think you could do that in an OR?” He offered quickly. “With sedation?” Link glanced up at him blankly before seeming to snap into reality.
“Oh...yeah, probably.” He made eye contact with his patient. “I’ll see you later.” He motioned to Schmitt. “Can you prep him?” Before walking away and pushing into the first on call room he could find. He was surprised to find a familiar figure hunched over the side of a bunk bed, her hand cradling a non existent bump.
“You good?” He asked, his voice was stern. Amelia glanced up at him with teary eyes and Link melted. He couldn’t help but jump to the conclusion that it was happening again.
“Crampy,” she replied through gritted teeth. “It’s kind of all over so I can’t tell if it’s radiating from my stomach or not. All my muscles are tensing up.” “I’ll page Carina.”
Amelia winced as Link dug into her shoulder blade. Usually his back massages soothed her but this one was anything but comfortable.
“You’re severely dehydrated,” Carina stepped into the ultrasound room. “Even if you weren’t drinking enough and were just getting water from food, I don’t know how it could get this bad.” Amelia bit her lip and stared out the bright window.
“She hasn’t been eating.” Link shuddered as Amelia let out a tiny cry of pain and lessened the force of the massage. Carina raised an eyebrow.
“What do you mean?” 
“I can’t keep anything down.” Her voice was quiet. Link couldn’t bear the idea of Amelia blaming herself if anything ended up being wrong with the baby.
“Baby looks okay.” Carina watched both of the surgeons breathe a sigh of relief. “There must be something that you can keep down.”
“Everything I’ve tried hasn’t. I can’t be throwing up at work.” 
“Then you shouldn’t be working.” Carina said the words that Amelia was actively praying that she wouldn’t. “I’ve already expressed my thoughts about you putting yourself at risk by being at the hospital. Pregnant women have compromised immune systems to begin with. It is not a good idea.”
“It’s the only distraction I have,” Amelia’s voice was so quiet it was barely heard. Link sighed, wrapping his arms around Amelia’s shaky chest.
“Amelia, I know it’s early but we have no reason to believe that this pregnancy is compromised.” Carina told the neurosurgeon, who was failing to meet eye contact. “However, the only thing you’re doing by working is increasing you and the father of your baby’s stress level. Not to mention putting yourself at the risk of this virus.”
The ride back to their apartment was silent. Amelia unloaded the small amount of groceries that they’d picked up on their way home while Link drew Amelia’s almost daily bath. Once the kitchen was tidy, Amelia made her way into the bathroom. She glanced at her lower abdomen, Carina said she should start showing over the next couple of weeks. Amelia desperately wanted that to be true. She slipped into the warm, bubbly water and allowed herself to relax for the first time in weeks. She tried not to replay the image of Tom’s exhausted face as she regretfully handed him her iPad and filled him in on the cases he’d be taking over. Tom hadn’t complained but it’s not like he was given the choice. Link cautiously joined her after about a half hour. He dunked his head under the water that was beginning to cool and shook his hair dry. He placed both of his hands over her stomach and breathed deeply.
“I talked to Bailey. She’s given me time off until this goddamn virus is over or until we can figure out a way to do this safely.”
“Link, you shouldn’t--”
“Amelia.” He cut her off sternly. “We’re not having this conversation. If I were to work, I’d be living in a hotel. Do you want that?” Amelia shook her head, moving her hands to cover his. Link breathed in the smell of her freshly shampooed hair and allowed himself to relax.
“What are we going to do with all this extra time?” A cheeky grin spread across his face even though she couldn’t it.
“I have a couple ideas,” Amelia laughed, rolling her eyes.
“What would those be?” 
“You’re unbelievable.”
“You love me.”
“Too much,” she replied, shaking her head. Link chuckled, his hands leaving her non-existent bump and pulling her closely into him affectionately.
“This will be good, Mia,” he said, almost absentmindedly. “I know it doesn’t seem like it but everything happens for a reason.” Amelia nodded, not ready to accept that she could be out of the OR and away from all of their friends for months.
“I won’t blame you if you want to drink.” She startled him with the topic. “All I can think about is how nice it would be to turn off my mind with a bottle of wine right now.” Link shook his head.
“If you can refrain from watching that awful reality TV when I’m around, I can refrain from a can of beer.”
“We’re going to be spending a lot of time together--”
“Amelia,” Link interrupted her. “If it really meant that much to me then we could have this conversation. I honestly couldn’t care less.”
“Okay.” The bath had just cooled beyond a comfortable temperature. Link got out first, wrapping himself in a towel before holding one out for Amelia.
“I think we’re going to need a bigger tub once the baby gets here.” Amelia nodded in response, imagining the three of them crammed into the ceramic bathtub. “You hungry?”
“Not particularly but I don’t really feel nauseous.”
“So what's the most calorie dense meal possible?” Link chuckled. Amelia rolled her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips. As per usual she let Link tend to the cooking. She changed into sweatpants and a tank top and threw her curls into a bun. Her arms ached and she was surprised by how exhausted she was from just putting on clothing. She found Link hovered over the stove, pouring pasta into a pot of boiling water. She wrapped her arms around him from behind and allowed herself to relax into his sturdy frame.
“Hey.” He lowered the heat of the element and turned to cup her cheeks in his hands. “You look tired, babe.” Amelia yawned in response. 
“You making pasta?”
“I was thinking mac and cheese cause I remember you said something about craving it last week. I was going to bake it in the oven with the breadcrumbs, since you like that best, but I think you might pass out before it’ll be done.”  Amelia nodded, sheepishly. “Well, it’ll be good just on the stovetop too.”
“Thank you.” She bit her lip trying to refrain from breaking down out of exhaustion and guilt from how she’d been treating him. “I’m sorry about--”
“Don’t be,” he put firmly. “We’ve just had a lot of bad timing.” He turned back to stir the cheese sauce. “Doesn’t make me any less excited.” The image of Link holding a newborn baby flashed through Amelia’s head and she pushed it away.
“I’m trying so hard not to get my hopes up, Link.”
“Carina had doubts about the first one from the beginning,” he reminded her. “She prepared us for the worst.”
“Didn’t make it any less hard.”
“I know, but I trust her. There’s been no indication of anything being wrong.”
“I know.”
“And you’re twelve weeks tomorrow.”  
“I know.” Link grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and spooned the cheesy macaroni into it.
“Here,” he muttered, handing it to her before grabbing one for himself. “Water,” he reminded her as she began to walk towards the dining room table.
Amelia was surprised to keep the food down. “It’s definitely the cafeteria food that’s screwing me over,” she complained as her and Link walked into their bedroom.
“Baby already likes my cooking,” Link joked as he threw one of his oversized t-shirts at her to change into. Amelia slipped off her sweatpants and let out a little gasp.  
“You okay?” Link was immediately at her side. Amelia nodded, pointing at the mirror.
“I mean that could just be mac and cheese,” she laughed. Her hand went to her stomach, pressing the extremely tiny but firm bump over her uterus.
“Nah, your metabolism is out of this world,” Link chuckled. Amelia was surprised to find his eyes teary. “Sorry,” he looked away, rubbing his face with his hands. “Can I feel?”
“Sure.” She guided Link’s hand over her own and they both glanced at Amelia’s silhouette in the mirror.
“I’ve seen mac and cheese bloating before, this is definitely different.”
“Link,” Amelia shook her head with a smile. His hands were so gentle Amelia almost laughed, she knew that Link was about to treat her like a china glass doll for the remaining six months. She tried not to tease Link about how mezmorized he was by the situation as they both crawled into bed.
“You know it’s only going to get bigger,” Amelia sighed after an hour of being kept awake by Link’s refusal to take his hands off her stomach.
“That’s my baby,” Link pointed out.
“I’m aware, babe, and your baby’s mommy needs some sleep.” Link mumbled a disappointed apology in response, patting the place on his chest where she normally lay. 
“Goodnight babymommy.”
“No.” Amelia’s voice was firm, Link grinned.
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Repair | Shoto Todoroki x Reader x Hitoshi Shinsou
AN: This is a mini project, I’m taking two characters (who may or may not ship well together) and writing a scenario of them with the reader! Pronouns used: she/her Length: 2.1k words
Summary:  Hitoshi and Shoto take care of you, their ridiculously overworked girlfriend.
Full Name: (y/f/n) Quirk: (y/q) Age: 26 Hero Name: (h/n)
Hitoshi and Shoto knew hero work would keep them busy, this was something they saw and heard about all the time. However, they didn't realize just how busy they'd be. They regretted not being each other's partners and did have plans to change it soon. That way, they'd be able to work together, so they'd see each other often.
Now, that was their plan for being able to see each other, but their third partner wasn't involved. (y/f/n) was even busier than them and worst of all, she didn't live with them. Every two or three days, Hitoshi and Shoto would have a day off and they'd spend it with each other, but (f/n) wasn't around. (f/n) had one or two days out of two weeks off. Both of these days Shoto and Hitoshi were always busy. It was starting to get to both of them. (f/n) or (h/n) was a bit older than them, by about four years, and she'd been a hero longer than them. Her quirk was extremely versatile, therefore, she was always called onto the scene of a crime and was always sent on patrol.
Now, neither of the three had an issue with this, because this is what they'd decided to dedicate their lives to. They wanted to protect people and that's exactly what (h/n) was doing. The only thing that Shoto and Hitoshi hated was how little time they got to spend with (f/n). They loved her and they worried about her all the time and none of their worries were ever squashed. They'd often see her on patrol, usually by running into her on accident. Sometimes, she'd be paired up with them for missions, but for the most part, they'd only get texts from her.
Once a month, they all had a day off together, something that (f/n) always appreciated and they always spent the entire day together. This particular day was actually coming up and both Shoto and Hitoshi were elated, almost impatient. All they wanted to do was hold their (f/n) close to them, breathe in her scent, see her sparking (e/c) eyes, bright smile, and feel that warm atmosphere she carried with her.
"I miss her so much." Hitoshi murmured, burying his face in Shoto's shoulder.
"Me too. But... this is what we agreed to. We've always heard about how (h/n)'s the busiest hero in Japan. She warned us too but we told her we could handle it." They fell in love with her, accepting every last bit of baggage she came with. She had warned them, she told them repeatedly she wouldn't make a good partner, but they accepted it nonetheless. One of the things they really worried about was how they'd no longer be equal in a relationship. Hitoshi and Shoto started dating in their second year of high school, about five years ago. They met and fell in love with (f/n) almost a year and a half ago.
Hitoshi and Shoto knew everything about each other, every little habit and tell, but they'd barely scratched the surface with (f/n). They were together for about 18 months and in that entire time, they'd spent at least 18 days together, give or take a few days. That was the worst part, they'd formally been together for over a year and a half, yet it meant nothing. It didn't feel like a relationship and that's what upset them the most
Though they didn't want to just let go of this. She was also part of their happiness and they didn't want to lose her. They knew it wasn't her fault, they knew what they agreed to, they knew she was trying her best, and they knew she was in love with them too.
"Do you think she'd want to be our partner too?" Hitoshi asked, sitting up. His lilac eyes met Shoto's mismatched ones as his boyfriend thought.
"We can always ask. Maybe... that way we can spend more time together." Shoto responded, his hand interlocking with Hitoshi's.
(f/n) sighed as she walked into her apartment. She shut the door with her foot, locking it behind her as she walked in and threw her keys onto the counter. Her muscles ached, her head hurt, she felt nauseous, and all she wanted to do was sleep for the rest of the week.
(f/n) slid her hero suit off, groaning as the cold air hit her wounds. Her eyes scanned all the cuts and bruises on her body, frowning at the scars that littered her skin. This was her job.
She stepped in the shower quickly washing her hair and dirty body. Once she was done, she stepped out and dried her hair. After that, she sat down on her vanity bench, and started to disinfect and dress all her wounds. A deep frown sat on her face as she tried to keep her tears down.
(f/n) had two boyfriends- not one, but two. Yet, here she was all alone, taking care of herself. Her muscles ached and she could remember all the times Hitoshi told her about the massages Shoto gave him. She'd gotten it once before, months ago. Her stomach and head hurt, making her nauseous, even though she needed to eat. She hadn't had a decent meal in a week and it was starting to take a toll on her body.
(f/n) reached for her phone, seeing a couple of texts from her boyfriends. They were both on patrol but were going to be home in an hour. (f/n) sent a rather bland text letting them know she was home and going to bed.
(f/n) put her phone on the charger and got under the sheets. She laid there for a few minutes and heard her phone ring, indicating she'd received a text from her boyfriends, but was too exhausted to even reach for it. Closing her eyes, she fell into a deep sleep.
(f/n)'s peaceful slumber was rudely interrupted by the repeated ringing of her doorbell. She rolled her eyes and sat up. A wave of nausea flooded her body, making her groan in discomfort. Slowly, she made her way to her front door, using her quirk to open it from a distance. There, she saw her two boyfriends, both had their hands filled with bags, who smiled at her. She returned it, albeit weakly.
"Hey there, kitten." Hitoshi greeted walking in as (f/n) used her quirk to make the bags in their hands fly up and land on the counter. Rubbing her eyes, she squinted at how weak and exhausted she felt. Her head still hurt and her nausea wasn't any better from yesterday.
"How do you feel?" Shoto asked, as he walked towards her and pulled her into a warm hug.
"Awful." She answered, hugging back weakly. Both Hitoshi and Shoto placed a gentle kiss against her cheeks at the same time, making her smile a bit. After that, she walked to the couch and collapsed on it, letting out a groan at how her muscles hurt.
"Have you eaten?" Hitoshi asked, making her look at him.
"Of course not." Hitoshi rolled his eyes playfully before he started walking towards the kitchen.
"I'll make us something to eat." Shoto walked towards (f/n), gently touching her shoulders.
"What's wrong, love?"
"My head hurts, my stomach hurts, my body hurts, and I'm really tired." She mumbled, covering her eyes with her arm.
"Here, turn over." Shoto gently moved (f/n) so she would lay on her stomach. He warmed up his hand, running it over her shoulders, making her sigh in content. His hands kneaded her muscles, removing every last knot she had.
Meanwhile, Hitoshi cooked them all some lunch, even though he and Shoto weren't very hungry. He made something simple, something that would help her stomach, head, and recover her energy. Shoto massaged (f/n)'s body the entire time Hitoshi cooked, which, eventually, caused her to fall asleep.
"All done," Hitoshi said, bringing out a large tray with three plates. He placed it on the coffee table, while Shoto gently nudged (f/n), who mumbled something and just readjusted, turning the other way. Hitoshi and Shoto chuckled and Shoto tried to wake her up again.
"Huh?" She said, sitting up, blinking weakly.
"Come on, let's eat."
"Oh... ok." She sat up, then leaned on Shoto and hugged his arm. Hitoshi sat on the other side of her, holding up the spoon with some rice on it. (f/n) tiredly opened her mouth as he pushed the spoon in. She slowly chewed it and smiled at him. "It's really good, thank you, Toshi." He only smiled, leaning in and kissing her temple.
"I'm glad you like it." The trio continued to eat, with either Hitoshi or Shoto feeding (f/n), talking about random things. After lunch, both men grabbed some blankets and pillows, setting them up for movie night. (f/n) chose the movie and the three of them cuddled together.
"I'm sorry," She apologized out of nowhere.
"What for, Kitten?" Hitoshi asked, rubbing her arm gently. She sighed, taking their hands in hers.
"Our dates... these days that I have off. I'm always exhausted and you two usually end up taking care of me all day like a sick child. It's always just a wasted day." She frowned, her eyes glued to the floor.
"Hey, it's not wasted," Hitoshi said, turning so his body faced her with Shoto doing the same.
"We cherish every moment we get to spend with you. Besides, we know how taxing hero work is, we're exhausted too. Our days off are always spent recuperating. You're so much busier and you deserve to be taken care of on your days off." Shoto added, kissing her cheek.
"You two don't hate days like this?"
"Hate? Of course not." Hitoshi answered without hesitation. "Like Sho said, we cherish every moment we get to spend with you. Besides, we like taking care of you." (f/n) smiled and leaned into their warmth, feeling that same warmth building up in her chest.
"Hey, kitten. Can we talk to you about something important?" Hitoshi asked suddenly as the movie ended.
"Sure." (f/n) responded, sitting up a bit. They both took her hands, massaging her knuckles gently with their thumbs.
"We wanted to know if..." Hitoshi trailed away, unsure if it was the right time to ask her. Shoto noticed his hesitation and spoke up.
"You'd be willing to be our partner and if you'd be willing to move in with us." (f/n)'s eyes widened as her eyes shot back and forth between the two of them.
"We know it's abrupt and extremely early, but we'd be able to spend more time together that way. If you were coming home to us instead, we'd be able to take care of you every two or three nights. You don't have to do this alone, you know." Hitoshi said as his hand tightened on hers.
They knew it was a bit risky, though they were together for over a year and a half, they barely knew her and she barely knew them. But, they had a point. This way they'd be able to spend more time with her and they'd feel a bit more like a couple. Currently, both Shoto and Hitoshi just felt like friends who acted romantically towards her. They didn't really feel like her boyfriends and she didn't like it.
After a few moments of silence, the two took it as they'd gone too far. They tried to backtrack and started to apologize when (f/n) cut them off by shaking her head.
"No, it's ok. I think it's a good idea," Their eyes widened, unprepared for her to actually say yes. "Both ideas. You're right, this way we'd get to see each other more and I'd really like that." Their shocked expressions melted into warm smiles as they hugged her tightly, peppering kisses all over her face. She giggled, trying to push them away, but ultimately let her arms slide up their shoulders and pulled them closer.
"I love you, (f/n)." They said in unison which made her blush.
"I love you both, too."
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sicky-hobi · 5 years
Warm bath
Hey this is v short I just had an idea and felt like writing something short for y’all.
Hoseok comes through the door to the boys shared dorm and flops down on the couch next to Jimin. He had just gotten back from the dance studio. Everything was hurting, his muscles were aching, he has a headache he’s beyond nauseous.
His stomach turns and he lets out a moan. That catches Jimins attention. At first the younger didn’t fully pay attention to the older, him being used to the members coming home exhausted and crashing on the couch.
“You alright”
“I feel awful” hoseok moans. “Everything hurts, feels like I’m gonna puke everywhere.”
Jimin starts to worry. “Okay, um do you think we should go to the bathroom?”
Hoseok hiccups and nods holding a hand up to his mouth. Jimin hurries over him and helps him stand up. The two walk to the bathroom and hoseok bends over, his palms on the toilet seat.
Jimin hold hoseoks hair back and rubs his back. A dry heave racks his body before he’s pitching forward when a thick stream of stomach bile forces its way out of his throat and falls into the toilet water below. This was followed my more thick streams of puke.
“It’s okay sweetheart, it’s okay.” Jimin comforts hoseok still rubbing his back.
After an unknown amount of time Hoseoks legs feel weak, falling to his knees before continuing to dry heave for a few more minutes. “Hobi I need you to calm down and breathe for me, okay?” Hoseok started to calm down, his stomach stopped swirling as bad. He still felt gross but he didn’t feel like throwing up anymore.
His head aches more than before.
Jimin flushes the toilet and pulled hoseok back into his chest. “You’ve overworked yourself Hobi. You need to rest. But first let’s run you a bath, you’ll feel better after.”
Jimin runs the warm bath water and helps hoseok in. Hoseok immediately moans, the warm water feeling nice in his muscles and sore stomach.
After sitting in the bath for a while Jimin starts to wash hoseoks hair.
“Mmm that feels good” hoseok says when he feels Jimin massage the shampoo into his hair. Jimin chuckles. “What am I gonna do with you Jung hoseok” Jimin jokes. “You love me.” Hoseok says. “I do Hobi. I really do.” Jimin says confesses washing out the oldest soapy hair.
Draining the water and getting hoseok in his pajamas, the two lay in Jimins bed and watch a movie for the rest of the night. Jimin stroking hoseoks hair until they both feel asleep.
I hope you guys enjoyed this. Also sorry for writing so much hoseok lately (he just makes me uwu) but anyways see yaaa
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aliceslantern · 5 years
Beyond this Existence: Counterpoint, chapter 9
Summary:  After being recompleted, Ienzo vows to do everything in his power to atone for the atrocities he committed in the past. But this life hasn't been easy, and he's plagued with memories and nightmares. When Demyx suddenly reappears, the two discover that they have more in common than they thought, though the secrets in their past might tear them apart. Zemyx (Demyx/Ienzo), post kh3
Read it on FF.net/ on AO3
As much as Ienzo tried to sleep, his mind kept spinning dizzily, emptily, with half-formed thoughts from the day before. Worry for Demyx and frustration over Data Sora mixed together in a pungent slurry. He counted his breaths, and tried to relax his muscles, but the effort of relaxing was actually worse than being tense, so he let it be.
He felt nauseous, so he did not eat. He went, instead, back to the computer, noticing for the first time just how messy the space was. Ansem had never been very organized. But Ienzo did not clean. He sat down and booted the program. It ran, but Data Sora still looked stiff, and awkward. He walked into a wall and stood there. Ienzo closed out of the program and sighed. He coughed a little. The air had always been insufferably dry in here, partially due to the machines, and spending so much time in here didn’t help.
Ienzo opened up Data Sora’s files. He hesitated a moment, and then opened up the code for “memories”.
This Sora had been given all the memories from the copies of Jiminy’s journals Ienzo received. Even that small amount seemed to stretch endlessly on the screen. Ansem had done a little bit of rigging to allow Data Sora to have access to Roxas’s programmed memories as well.
Ienzo drummed his fingers on the keyboard. An idea began to hatch behind his eyes. It was more of a risk than anything. He hesitated, then started copying a third version of the Data Sora. Even though this data was not human, and even though Ienzo would do it no harm with this code, he couldn’t help feel a twinge of guilt.
He started writing the code. Ansem’s language vastly simplified things, but it was all still complicated to try and get the renderings right. By the time he had something workable, his hands were shaking with nerves.
The model turned of its own accord. It looked up, around. The movements smooth, fluid.
He wrote a message to display on the Data Sora’s gummiphone. Do you remember me?
The model looked at the text for a moment. I think so, he wrote. You helped with Roxas, right? He texted the same way the real Sora had, without punctuation. Ienzo felt a little thrill. Of course. Of course. Without anyone to latch onto, how on earth would the Data Sora gain sentience? His new friendship with Ienzo had been enough.
Yes, I did.
Why am I in Twilight Town?
Ienzo breathed quickly. His heart was beating strangely, the rhythm off, but he attributed it to excitement. Twilight Town is safe, he wrote. But can you help me with something?
Of course. What is it?
I’m trying to find you. The real you.
I’m not real?
Ienzo sighed. You’re real, but you’re made of data.
Like Roxas when he was here.
Yes. The you that was not made of data has disappeared, and we’re trying to find you. Your friends all miss you , he added. Then, a bit more recklessly,  I miss you.
I miss you all too. But I don’t know how to help.
That’s okay. We can figure it out together.
Something warm was running down Ienzo’s face. At first he thought it might be sweat, but when he touched his chin his hand was bloody. He swore and pressed a cloth to his bleeding nose. He shut out the program.
He’d said he would rest when he’d made progress, and he had. Ienzo stood, noticing the ground pitched a little. How many days had it been since he’d slept? Two? He’d taken a nap yesterday, right? Or had it been the day before?
His heart was beating oddly again. The bleeding wasn’t slowing down, and he could feel it, wet and hot against his hand. This used to happen when he pulled consecutive all-nighters, but it had never been this bad before. The blood soaked his handkerchief. He was horrified, and yet also fascinated, to see the blood had stained his jacket as well. He felt giddy, dizzy. Very not good. He needed to sit down and rest. He was almost back to his room. He would get something sweet to raise his blood sugar. He would be fine.
“Are you alright?” Demyx asked. His voice startled Ienzo. “What happened?”
“Nosebleed. Very bad one. Nothing to worry about,” he said around the cloth pressed to his face. “Air too dry.”
His face was taut with worry. Demyx guided him over to a chair and made him sit. Ienzo was glad for the stability of the wood. He took the other clean handkerchief out of his pocket and replaced it with the old one. Demyx passed him a glass of orange juice. “Lean forward. You don’t want to swallow it," he said in an odd voice.
His heart was beating weirdly again. “It doesn’t usually take this long to stop.” The words came out of him without any forethought.
“Do you get them a lot?”
“Only when I… oh.” He was so frazzled he’d forgotten his promise to take care of himself.
Demyx’s lower lip twitched in disappointment. “Only when you overwork?” Demyx asked. “You haven’t rested at all since the last time I saw you, have you?”
Ienzo said nothing. He looked down at the cloth. The bleeding seemed to have finally subsided. He had a vicious headache. How long had he had it?
“Drink your juice,” Demyx said, with more than a little sharpness.
He sipped. The pain was worsening.
“You should lay down. Please.”
“I will,” Ienzo said. This time he really meant it. He didn't think he physically could do much else, and the humiliation of letting himself deteriorate this far sent a shudder through him. “I--” The pain flooded his vision with stars.
Demyx’s voice hitched with apparent anxiety. “Do you want me to get Even?”
The last thing he needed was to be told off. “No. I’ll be fine.” He just needed some sleep.
“You lost a lot of blood.”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“I don’t believe you.”
Ienzo tried to stand. His pulse was still off-beat. His knees gave out under him. His ears were ringing curiously, like he’d hit his head, but Demyx had caught him under the arms. He was barely aware of the touch. It was not like fainting; he could barely move. Dizziness curled the straight lines of the walls.
Pressure on his cheek. Demyx’s voice sounded like it was underwater. “Hey. Hey, Ienzo. Talk to me. Squeeze my hand.” Try as he might, he couldn’t. The world felt and tasted slippery, and things clipped in and out of awareness at an alarming rate. He found himself being carried, his cheek pressed against Demyx’s chest, and then he was lying on his bed which was blessedly soft. He could only vaguely hear Demyx and Even talking. Pinpricks of pain as Even stuck him with medicine. At least his heart rate wasn’t so weirdly off anymore. He could move a little, could twitch open his eyes, though his sight was blurry. “Demyx?”
Pressure on his hand. His teal eyes were full of worry and concern. Or were they green?
“What--” He tried to ask.
“You passed out. I am going to yell at you when you get better. Just a warning. I can be scary.” He tried to offer a smile, but it fell flat.
Ienzo’s eyes were wet. He had scarcely been so dehydrated and yet somehow he was crying.
Demyx kissed his forehead. “You’re going to be okay. You just have to get some sleep. I’ll be right here.”
He let his eyes fall shut. A blanket was tucked around him. Had it always been this soft? He was so tired… had he been sedated? And yet it felt so lovely...
Watery words. “So. That is the nature of your connection with Ienzo. He has mentioned you an awful lot. But I must admit I am flabbergasted. What is it you two even have in common?”
Ienzo had just enough sense left to acknowledge that the cat was out of the bag. Yet he found it something of a relief.
“I don’t know. But I… I care about him. And I think he feels the same about me.”
There was a little flutter of warmth in his breast. Was this real? Was he half asleep? Did it matter?
“It is not up to me any longer to try and stop that boy from making mistakes. But if this ends poorly… you realize there will be hell to pay.”
“Yes. I know.”
“That is all I have to say about that. At least until I process this. I am much too tired. I’ll come back to check on him. If there’s any unusual change, notify me at once.”
“I will.”
More pressure on his hand. To be warm and cared for wasn’t all that bad.
Sleep. At last.
Ienzo woke up slowly. His muscles ached, but he was feeling better. His vision was clear, and he could move freely.
“Hey,” he heard. “Nice nap?”
Ienzo looked up at Demyx. He rubbed his eyes; they were tender and raw. An IV line snaked from his hand to a bag of fluid. No wonder he was so sore; dehydration and a probable potassium deficiency had settled in overnight. “You’re still here?”
He sat at the foot of the bed. “Well, of course. You scared the crap out of me.” He didn't look well either. His eyes--definitely teal, not green--were bloodshot, and he held himself stiffly.
Ienzo glanced down at his shirt, faintly stained with blood. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I… I should have listened.”
“Why don’t you trust me?”
“I do trust you,” Ienzo said.
“Then why didn’t you listen?”
He looked out the window. “I thought I was so close to a solution,” he said. “And… when Roxas and the others visited, seeing their faces so full of hope… and knowing that I gave it to them… I could not in good conscience take myself away.”
“Okay, but, you know if you had gone much longer without sleep, or even water , you might not have woken up.”
Having rested some, Ienzo knew he was right. Prior to collapsing he’d been experiencing serious symptoms of both exhaustion and dehydration, and he’d written them off, too disoriented to recognize them for what they were. Guilt made him cold.  “Is it true what you said?”
“To Even.”
“You… you heard all that?” He gritted his teeth a little.
He turned pink.  “Yeah. It is. I care about you.” Demyx touched Ienzo’s cheek. “Why else would I get up in Ansem’s face?”
“You… did that?” He blanched.
“Yep. And he says I’m right. You’re going to rest. You and I are going to hardcore chill for at least a week. You’re going to learn from the expert.”
“A week away from my work? With you? That might be…” He was clearly too scattered to be able to adequately take care of himself, and he would not put himself through the shame of this again. He nodded. “That might be manageable.”
Demyx kissed him once, lightly. “I’m glad you think so, because unfortunately it’s out of your hands. Doctor’s orders. Well… is Ansem a doctor?”
Ienzo shrugged. “He has at least one doctorate. I’m unsure if it’s in medicine.”
“Yeah. Well, either way, I’m right.”
Ienzo stretched. “I should like to clean up and change. Perhaps eat. I slept for so long but I could very nearly go back to sleep.”
“You need it. Do what your body wants.”
He nodded. After a moment’s pause, he kissed Demyx again. “I have missed you.”
Demyx squeezed his hand. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He removed the IV line, ate a good meal, bathed to wash off the blood, and went back to sleep before his hair was even dry. He slept and slept and didn’t dream, and when he woke up he was surprised at the lack of aches and pains. If he remained an insomniac after this, he would swallow his pride and ask for medication. It was not worth the toll it was taking on him. He was also ravenously hungry; it was the first time he’d felt real hunger in a long time. His clothing, when he dressed, was noticeably loose. He needed to gain some weight back. He looked down at the pile of clothing from the other day. His favorite gray sweater vest seemed to be ruined, and he sighed. It had been a long time since he'd felt comfortable in his clothing.
Demyx was already in the kitchen, drinking coffee. “Oh hey, you don’t look like a zombie anymore,” Demyx said.
“I do feel quite a lot better,” he admitted. “Not… good, but better.”
Demyx made them both breakfast. The food was simple, but Ienzo was so hungry that it tasted good. Appetite at last somewhat sated, Demyx asked, “So what do you want to do today?”
The question threw him. He’d never had much opportunity to play as a child, and as a teenager usually when he’d had free time he’d read. Not very exciting. “I’ve really… no idea,” he said. “I think we have different ideas what constitutes leisure.”
Demyx snapped his fingers. “I think I’ve got it. First thing we’re going to do is go back to bed.”
His face burned. He didn’t mean--? Not possibly--?
Demyx’s eyes widened in panic. “Not like that! God, get your mind out of the gutter, Ienzo. Haven’t you ever spent the day in bed?”
Oh. That. He was mostly relieved, but at the same time, disappointed. There was no way he was ready for something like... that. The longing was so exhaustively potent. “Well--maybe when I was very ill.”
“Maybe that’s what you need. Sometimes it’s good to just do nothing. ”
“That sounds… very nearly boring,” Ienzo said.
“Kinda the point. You gotta give your brain a rest. Away from all the stimuli.”
“Okay. I’ll try,” he said. “If only because my critical thinking feels dangerously frazzled.”
“That’s the spirit.”
They returned to his room. There was just enough room on the bed that they didn’t have to touch. Ienzo settled back down against the pillows. “So we just do nothing ,” he repeated. It sounded bizarre. What was he to do? Count the ceiling tiles?
“Yeah. Well, I mean, I guess you could read, or something. But nothing strenuous.” He got back up and turned towards the bookshelf. Demyx hesitated over the titles and picked at the first book in Ienzo’s favorite childhood series.  “What about this one?”
Ienzo cracked a smile. “That one? I haven’t read it since I was a boy. It’s a silly fantasy story.” He'd meant to pack it away when he removed his childhood things in the initial cleaning. He'd told himself that there was no room elsewhere for it. There was no shame in holding onto the sentimental. He was just so unaccustomed to the practice.
“All the more reason to revisit it now. And besides, there’s got to be a reason you’ve kept it.”
“All right… well… I suppose…” It was gleefully immature, not exactly a challenge to read. Demyx settled a bit closer to him so they could both see the text. Ienzo, having tread this series many times, skimmed it lightly and quickly. He knew it all beat-for-beat. Revisiting it, though, with an adult perspective, was interesting. It was always children saving the world, even in fiction. Children being jeopardized. Would it have made a difference, if he'd known what was coming?
Demyx frowned. “Can you go back? I missed that whole part.”
“Oh. Yes, of course.” He flipped back. “I have a better idea.”
He read aloud. The author’s poetic, sing-songy language felt good in his mouth, and he read eagerly. He leaned back, trying to get more comfortable, and found himself resting against Demyx. With the reading as distraction, it didn’t make him as anxious as it might have. Demyx's arm curled around his waist tentatively.
He read through the first five or so chapters and was dreadfully thirsty. “Throat’s dry,” he said, and reached for the glass of water at the bedside table. He set the book aside and found he hadn’t minded touching like that. It was a different kind of intimacy, soothing a different need of his that seemed to have bloomed along with his humanity. To crave touch was entirely natural. Though to say his ravaged psyche came from not being hugged enough was entirely reductive. “Yes. I… think I could do with a week of this.” He let himself settle more comfortably into the embrace.
For a long time they held each other. Demyx stroked his hair. He hadn’t ever been held like this; maybe as a very small child. And really this was very different than that. He felt as though it were too much and not enough, like his skin was thirsty. His hands shook. Though as the minutes passed, the tension eased. The sleepy, comfortable tenderness of the moment lulled him into a sort of daze, and the next thing he knew he was waking up. They’d both slipped down against the pillows.
“We fell asleep,” Ienzo said softly. He cracked his neck and then winced at the crick.
“Just a nap, I think.”
Yet more sleep? He was supposed to be resting, he reminded himself. It was okay. His limbs felt warm, somewhat slack. Was it the medication Even had given him? “I feel… soft, if that makes sense.” He ran his fingers through his hair to fix it, shook his head, and let it be a lost cause.
“Because you’re actually relaxing for once. All that tension you carry around all the time isn’t supposed to be there. The fact that this feels unfamiliar to you is more than a little concerning.”
“Times like this make me uncomfortably aware of my unusual upbringing,” he said with a shake of his head. “Maybe I was wrong about you. In the Organization, I mean. Maybe you weren’t as lazy as I thought.”
Demyx laughed. “No, I was. I really was.”
“Not so much anymore.” This version of Demyx hadn't shirked from anything that Ienzo had witnessed. Perhaps his new heart was instilling a lost sense of ambition.
“I wouldn’t go that far. You haven’t been around a whole lot lately. You don’t know what I get up to.”
“What is it you do all day?”
He shrugged. “Just kinda wander,” Demyx said. “Through the castle. Through town. I like exploring.”
“As do I. Part of the reason why I always looked forward to reconnaissance missions. People are so very fascinating . But now… it seems like I need a better understanding of myself. How do I synthesize Zexion and Ienzo? At some point do I draw a line between the two? How much of him still lives in me?” He did not feel the same, even though they wore the same face. How long had he sat, inactive, cruelly planning the Organization's next takeover? Unwilling to dirty his own hands? There was only so much an emotionless childhood could excuse.
“I think about the same thing every day,” Demyx admitted. “I feel like the last month or so has been one very long, very tedious identity crisis.” Doubly so, for him; he didn't even have memory to draw off of.
““Tedious” surely is the right word for it.”
Ienzo smiled. “I’m glad you understand.”
“‘Course I do.”
Ienzo hesitated for a moment, then threw his arms around Demyx. The want was back, and stronger, and he was just so tired of denying himself things. Ienzo looked up at him. “May I ki--”
But Demyx, who had already picked up the hint, was already kissing him. This wasn’t just physical, Ienzo realized, though that was potent. They cared for each other, perhaps deeply. And after that whole episode of exhaustion, he needed someone to look out for him. He needed that in order to grow, to be better, to be more conscious and to not make the same mistakes. And that was okay. It was okay. There shouldn't be shame in needing to be cared for every now and again.
These revelations shook away the worst of the anxiety, and while his hands shook, it wasn’t from panic. He felt at the muscles along Demyx’s back, strong and soft. Ienzo’s body felt like a live wire. To feel so much all at once was both strange and divine. He felt himself getting aroused. Admittedly it was startling, but he choked the fear down. Demyx would not hurt him. This, too, was natural. Part of being human.
Demyx kissed him along his jaw and throat, and he heard himself gasp. “Let me know if you want to stop,” Demyx whispered.
“I don’t.” Little slivers of pleasure bloomed against his skin. Every time he thought he had a grasp on this, it seemed to reach out of view.
Demyx rested against him, his head against his heart. He trembled faintly. Ienzo realized he was not the only one feeling all this for the first time.
“You’re shaking.”
His voice was high and breathless. “Am I? I feel so much --”
“I do too.” He kissed him first this time, catching the hem of Demyx’s shirt and pulling it off, only to have his own sweater removed. He could see the scars all along his chest. Demyx brushed a finger along Ienzo’s own. “It’s how I passed,” he said quietly. “As a Nobody.”
He kissed them. Ienzo pulled him even closer, and in response Demyx drew him down against the bed. Pressed up against one another like this, Ienzo felt the warmth of their bodies, especially between their legs, and the hardness, startling and bizarre and yet also tantalizing. For a moment--not nearly long enough--they touched each other freely. Ienzo knew he wasn’t ready for whatever came next, as much as he wanted it. It had taken so much work just to get to this point.
“I can’t. I want to, but I--” he said.
Demyx looked relieved rather than frustrated. “I know. Me too. It’s just so… much. I thought I was ready. But I…” He lay back down on the bed next to Ienzo, and shifted away so that they weren’t touching.
Ienzo was surprised he could still speak. But the only thing he could think of to ask was, “...Does it hurt?”
Demyx blinked. “Does it--you mean--?”
Without making eye contact, and with the strange new pressure between his legs, he nodded.
“No. I mean, it’s uncomfortable the first time, a little, but it doesn’t hurt.”
“So you’ve done it, then?”
“...A few times. Not that much.” He sat up, blushing. “To clarify, we’re talking about sex, right? Not astrophysics? Because if that’s the case I’m hopeless.”
Ienzo laughed.
“Like I said. When we’re ready. If we’re ready. I shouldn’t assume--”
“When,” Ienzo said quietly.
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