#Dreams of a Crow
corvuserpens · 2 years
I’m gonna try to make it make sense bc there were some weird bits to it, but here goes the gist of it:
It began at a nerd shop that used to exist in my town (which closed down a couple of months ago, actually). The clerk was closing up for the night, giving the big window a wash and all that, when the Corinthian, in all white and beige clothes, black shades and everything, shows up. He doesn’t walk in through the door, just pop! He’s there, and he starts going through the books at the counter, like he’s searching for something. There was also a cat, a yellow tortie, who slipped in through the open door, but idk what the cat’s deal was. Anyway.
The clerk notices he’s there and tells him he can’t be there, that they’re closed. The Corinthian turns to him slowly, like he knew the guy was there the whole time and ignored him, until he made the mistake of speaking up. He smiles, you know the smile. Charming but in a creepy way, the kind that gives you chills down your spine. He starts toward the clerk, but before he can say anything, I’m there. 
I don’t know how it happened, I was watching the scene unfold and suddenly I was part of it. Maybe I was the cat? No idea. 
Point is, I’m there, I turn to the clerk and I tell him: “I’ll take care of this. You should probably go home.”
The clerk leaves without protest, he’s out the door in a flash and who can blame him? I wouldn’t want the Corinthian giving me that hungry smile like he can taste my eyeballs already, either. It’s just me and him in the shop now, and he looks a bit annoyed that I interrupted any interaction with the poor clerk. He goes back to rummaging through the books (no idea why, I never found out). Meanwhile, I go to the window and push the blinds down so we can have privacy from any on-lookers outside. 
I go up to him and I say: “Corinthian. You know I’ll have to report this to Lord Morpheus, don’t you?”
He turns to me then, that rebellious smirk on his face, and shrugs. “Go ahead. I don’t care anymore. In fact...”
We hear a buzzing sound: it’s his phone going off. He pulls it out from his pocket and shows me the screen. It’s Dream. 
(Side note, I don’t know HOW DREAM GOT A PHONE or how he’s using it, but it’s him, I know it in my soul).
The Corinthian slides to answer, but he doesn’t put it on speaker, or even brings it to his ear, he just holds the phone in his hand. I can’t hear anyone speaking from the other side, and neither him nor I say anything. We simply stare at each other, as if we’re challenging one another to talk first. He ends the call without a single word being spoken, steps up to me in that deliberately slow gait of a predator (ngl he towered over me and it was scary af) and he says: “I don’t give a fuck anymore whether he knows where I am or not. Go on and report. Makes no difference to me.”
And with that, he turns his back on me and walks out the door.
NOW HERE’S THE REAL KICKER OF THE DREAM, Y’ALL ARE GONNA LOVE THIS: I watch him go, I hesitate, but decide to go after him. It’s pouring rain outside, and it’s freezing, but there’s a cover over the shop’s front so it’s fine. I call out to the Corinthian, and I remember feeling so determined, so resolute in my conviction to what I’m about to do next, and also burning with curiosity. 
He stops in his tracks, looks back at me... And I ask, rather incredulously: “You never told me, does your heart beat?”
He returns to my side, stares down at me and opens his arms. “See for yourself.”
So I step up (cautiously) to him, I put my right ear RIGHT ON HIS CHEST, and there it is: a heart beat, strong and calm and strangely soothing, I remember feeling so instantly at peace and good while listening to it that I even closed my eyes and leaned fully against him. He was so warm and it was so cold out in the street, I swear I could have stayed there listening to his heart for the whole night. I think I was a little bit in love with him for a second, LOOOL. But then I caught myself, stood back and looked up at him with wide eyes, I couldn’t believe what I had just witnessed, and he gives me this smile that is just so... sad. No joy at all, just an empty smile, and he asks me: “Do you understand, now?”
I can’t think of anything to say.
He starts to walk away in the rain, and I stand there for a long ass moment weighting my options, torn between reporting back to Dream because I’m loyal to him (was I a dream myself, I wonder?) and following the Corinthian. I want to know more, I want to go with him and help him find whatever he’s looking for, but just as I start running to catch up to him and reach out to grab his arm, like literal miliseconds away from my fingers touching the sleeve of his coat, MY FUCKING ALARM GOES OFF AND I WOKE UP. SMH.
It was such an amazing dream, I wish it could have gone on for longer. And it’s giving me so many fic ideas, ohhh yes!
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yourangle-yuordevil · 7 months
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They are smitten, I believe <3
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plusie · 8 months
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moresandmanstuff · 4 days
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pastacrylic · 3 months
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normal conversation
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A Good Dream - Pages 1-4
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He's not laughing, Aziraphale.
Good morning, friendos. My short story for the @goodomensafterdark (r/GoodOmensAfterDark) Smut War continues today with page 4 out of I-don't-know-I-just-work-here.
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(I've been leaving this off for my GOAD:SW posts, but it is still art stuff, so do let me know if you'd prefer not to be tagged on these.)
@ineffabildaddy @sad-chaos-goblin @dynamic-power @dawn-the-rithmatist @sabotage-on-mercury @commonmexicanname
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eliaism · 24 days
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songs: “the mind electric” by miracle musical, “wings” by birdy / sansa fc: kaitlyn dever, monica keena, mya fc: ruby cruz, myranda fc: liv hill, arya fc: georgie henley, jeyne fc: dalila bela / paintings: “the pained heart” by arthur hughes, “a young woman playing an aulos” by charles-amable lenoir / quote: a feast for crows - sansa i
— “She awoke all at once, every nerve atingle. For a moment she did not remember where she was. She had dreamt that she was little, still sharing a bedchamber with her sister Arya. But it was her maid she heard tossing in sleep, not her sister, and this was not Winterfell, but the Eyrie. And I am Alayne Stone, a bastard girl.” / A Storm of Swords — Sansa VII
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capinejghafa · 6 months
You know, I kind of find it interesting when the narrative of fanfics is always like Kaz is in a bad mood because Inej isn't there... rather than Kaz is bored because Inej isn't there. I guess two things can be true at the same time... but also, in the following years, Kaz built the following: an underground tunnel in Ketterdam, the Silver Six, expanded the Crow Club, expanded the Dregs territory (presumably). That's two years... of pure restless energy.
We are also told that he really only talks to Jesper and Wylan when there's a job he needs help with presumably because he's so busy. Kaz also finds time to correspond with a king of a whole other nation... and has been known to roleplay as a beggar (yes, I will keep bringing this up bc it's funny). Imagine, if you will, an 18-19 year old Kaz coming into all this wealth and so much time to just build because he can. Maybe because he's a little lonely, or bored, or both.
I don't think Kaz is angry, I think Kaz is restless.
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little-pup-pip · 3 months
Hihi could I request a crow-themed moodboard?
Male leaning and a decorated paci if (u can find one, do whatever’s easiest for u!!)
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akechisstinkyfoot · 2 years
wolf who cried boy
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comm open
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corvuserpens · 2 years
I dreamed I went to one of Hob’s lectures and Dream was there too, he was sitting on a chair across from me bc there weren’t enough tables for the whole class. 
(This is a Portuguese thing ok, no matter how good our unis are we rarely get to attend class in an actual lecture hall, I’ve had five classes so far and only one of them was in an actual lecture hall, for the most part our classrooms are too small for the number of students so people ALWAYS end up having to sit at the margins of overcrowded tables, ANYWAY)
And it was still early so I got out to grab some coffee before the lecture began anD WHEN I CAME BACK, DREAM HAD STOLEN MY CHAIR!!!
So when I told him “um excuse me, that’s MY seat”, he just fucking looked at me with that infuriating little smile bc when I glanced to the side, there was another chair right next to him?????? And I went “oh” and sat down, and we were practically glued together, it was so awkward but like sooooooo great bc pls I’m sitting next to the hottest creature in the room, stfu.
Then the lecture began, but it wasn’t even about history bc dreams are weird that way, and Hob invited DREAM of the FUCKING ENDLESS to talk to class about the Dreaming and I’m laughing so hard thinking about it, it was awesome, I’m so happy.
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jazzkrebber · 3 months
if you ever feel like a hopeless romantic then remember Kaz got the girl by ripping a guy's eye out
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 7 months
Throwback to that time I had a vivid dream that it was my nineteenth birthday and my friend gave me a cake that said “congrats, you’ve officially outlived Matthias Helvar” what a wild dream that was
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taeiris · 2 months
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hi if you haven’t noticed yet im unhealthily obsessed with The Crow and …. eric………hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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pastacrylic · 5 months
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was a peaceful little crow sitting in a tree, looking for shiny things and tending to lost young birds. I don't think I've ever been more upset about such a nice dream being just a dream in my life. I woke up and was so sad I wasn't actually a peaceful crow gathering little trinkets and coins and gifting them to baby sparrows.
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