#Dutch Wagenbach
iasikaijutopia · 3 months
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Sir.......could you not?
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pimp-boy3billion · 10 days
I had a vivid dream that I was dating Dutch Wagenbach and I woke up fully in love with the man. This show is ruining my life
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dogboysammerlotte · 2 years
🎬📺share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order🎮🃏 Then send this to 10 (anon or not, your choice)
this quickly turned into a list of 10 of my favorite guys (sorry women 😔)
1. Sam Merlotte, True Blood
2. Johnny Lawrence, Cobra Kai
3. John Wick, John Wick
4. Peter Schibetta, Oz
5. Logan Echolls, Veronica Mars
6. Boyd Crowder, Justified
7. Adam Faulkner-Stanheight, Saw
8. Liam Dunbar, Teen Wolf
9. Cornelius Hickey, The Terror
10. Dutch Wagenbach, The Shield
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itsdansotherblog · 3 years
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dragon-writer · 5 years
Black Boss Lady & Right Hand Man
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Black Boss Lady:
Too badass to be stopped by workplace discrimination
By the book hardass
Essentially a Respectable Good Person
Right Hand Man:
Goes along with the Lady's plan but has wildly divergent goals/priorities/agendas
Usually categorised as the cowboy, rogue or all-purpose crazy person
Not excellent at decision making when left alone
Is uniquely competent in some special way that compensates for their myriad flaws
Exists in two states at all times - Lady's greatest asset and Lady's riskiest liability
Personal life has gone off the rails in a serious way at least once
Will act out or straight up betray the Black Boss Lady at least once
Will readily admit that he "has issues"
Has a convoluted or mysterious backstory
Very flexible moral code.
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theshieldfx-blog · 5 years
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muskeylover · 7 years
Sometimes I think I’m ok and then I remember what happened to all the characters in the Shield and my tears turn into waterfalls
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deardarkness · 7 years
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What about the team? What about protecting the goddamn team, Vic?
The Shield debuted 15 years ago today (12 March 2002)
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Dutchboy Has a Sister?
A/N: here’s a little Lem story for y’all. @blacklist-leppard
Your older brother Dutch was great. He was smart, he wasn’t too overprotective, he let you experience life with well-thought out advice.
You packed your clothes for your trip to see Dutch in California and as you got into your car, a sense of wonder filled you. For some reason, you felt like this trip would be different.
“Hey Holland! It’s me! I’m leaving from Stockton right now! I’ll be there in like two or three hours, did you need me to stop and pick up anything?” You ask as you merge onto the expressway.
“Nah, can’t think of anything. How long you staying?” He asks.
“Probably only a few days.”
“Why not stay two weeks? Just come out here, relax. Maybe even meet a couple cute guys?” He chuckles, and you could imagine him wiggling his brows at you.
“oh Hol, I—“
“I insist. Who knows, maybe it’ll be good for you. Stockton is so different from here, you know that. We’ll hit a couple good restaurants. I’ll introduce you to the team I work with since you didn’t get to meet them last time.” He cheers. You hear a muffled shout in the background and then your brother says. “..piss off Mackey.”
“Alright, well I’m gonna go, I’m getting into heavy traffic.” You laugh. “Love you!”
“Love you too, drive carefully.” He murmurs before hanging up.
As you pull off the expressway, you pull into a gas station for a drink. A cute blonde holds the door as you walk in, and you glance over your shoulder and smile at him. He grins back, waving a little hand to you before he gets on his motorcycle and drives away. Nibbling on your knuckle, you try to hide the smile as you grab a drink and a snack. The cashier had noticed the exchange and greets you with a smile.
“Hi darlin’, you from around here?” She asks, chewing on her gum as she scans your second item. You shake a no.
“Nope, just visiting my brother. He works at the ‘Barn’ here in Farmington.”
“Ah! You’re in luck then, the cute blonde works there too. On the strike team.” She giggles.
“Well thank you.” You smile, nodding as you head for your car.
As you pull into the Barn, you park next to Holland’s car and head to the door. You shoot a quick text to Holland telling him that you’re at the front door. You’d never been here before, as time never permitted it for you and Holland was always off work when you went to visit. When your brother comes into view you can’t help but jump in excitement six months was a long time without seeing him and here he was in front of you.
“Holland!” You call, and the door buzzes open for you. Running to your older brother with open arms, he grabs you and squeezes tight.
“I missed you so much.” He coos, taking a moment to breathe.
“I missed you too.” You smile, leaning back to see how long is hair had grown out.
“Well well, lookie here. Dutchboy has a girlfriend!” A voice chortles behind you. Letting go of your brother and looking behind you, you find a man average height, stocky and bald grinning at your brother.
“Girlfriend? No. His sister.” You bark, glaring at him with arms crossed over your chest.
“Oh shit! Dutchboy has a sister?” He mocks looking surprised when three other men come up behind him. One is a little taller than baldy, with dark almost black hair. The second, also dark hair, his more brown, and a mustache. “Boys! Dutchboy’s got a sister!” The man announces, and the ebony-haired man grins wide, his gums showing. “How are you related to Dutch. He got a different dad?” The man asks, still remanence of a grin on his lips.
“Nope. Full blooded siblings.” You smile annoyingly.
“Wow, so your last name is Wagenbach too?”
“That’s correct.” You nod, lips pursed and eyes rolling.
“Damn, well you know what they say, second time’s the charm.” He laughs, a few quiet laughs echoing. Reaching out, you crack a hand across his face and stomp a foot.
“You’re parents must be real proud of their son being a bald-headed bully. You’re what, twelve? Grow up!” You bark, twisting on a heel and walking over to your brother’s desk and having a seat.
“What a prude, I was just pokin’ a little fun. Jesus.” Vic groans as the strike team files into the clubhouse.
“Well clearly she didn’t think it was funny. Just like ol’ Dutchboy she can’t take a joke.” Shane pipes in, and he and Vic chuckle.
“Well I mean, I’d get defensive if I didn’t know you guys too.” Lem mutters, rolling his eyes at their antics.
“Aw Jesus Lemonhead, you aren’t really crushin’ on Dutchboy’s sister, are you?” Vic whines, giving him a pathetic look.
“I mean, no. She seems nice that’s all.”
“She seems nice that’s all.” Shane mocks a little later as they walk through the main room. As they walk by Dutch’s desk, Vic is sure to kick his chair. Lem’s eyes meet yours for a millisecond and you grin at him.
“Hey.” Lem whispers.
The next day, Holland heads with you to the Barn really quick to grab something from his desk when the Strike team hauls in three guys, all whom appear to be thugs. “Everyone get the FUCK down!” One guy shouts, a gun in his hand. While Lem was headed for the clubhouse, he twists at the sound of a gunshot firing off and his eyes meet yours. Dutch ducks under the desk as the gunman points towards his desk. Lem’s heart slams against his chest and he dives for you, grabbing you and shielding you with his body. A shot rings and it hits the lower left side of his abdomen, through and through.
“Ow.” He groans, still covering you. “You okay?” He grits through his teeth.
“Yeah, are you okay?” You coo, your hand reaching up to cup his side.
“Yeah, just a flesh wound, babe.” He assures, pressing a kiss to your lips. He chuckles. You giggle, covering your face as the heat floods your cheeks. “I’m Lem, or Curtis.” He smiles, letting you pull him down for another kiss.
“Hey, so tell me something.”
“What’s that?” He responds as he pulls you to your feet.
“If I were to ask you for your phone, could I just put my number in for you? You’re gonna need it anyway to ask me on a date.” You smile, slipping his phone from his hands and tapping away on his keyboard.
“Lem, get your stitches bro.” Ronnie calls, chuckling at Lem’s far off half-grin.
“I’d love to take you on a date.” He smiles, pulling you back in for another kiss.
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talesfromthecrypts · 9 years
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Dutch Wagenbach- Character Tropes
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harsleywrites · 9 years
That awkward moment when Rachel Menken from Mad Men is being stalked by Dutch from The Shield while he tries to arrest the guy who was almost Christian Grey.
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lylvandam · 10 years
OMG!! how many cats am I gonna have to watch die?!?!?
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theshieldfx-blog · 5 years
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Now you are just a god damn whale. @fxnetworks
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getemclayton · 11 years
Finally on the last episode of the shield
Easily in my top 10 crime shows!
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talesfromthecrypts · 9 years
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sallywallywoo · 11 years
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Spin off with these guys as the fantastical crime fighting duo, please!
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