#Eating Disorder Mention
positivelyqueer · 6 months
Pro-tip: You can lie to your disordered thoughts and urges.
“We should stop eating forever” Cool, we’ll start that tomorrow (grabs a bowl of cereal).
“We should run away and upset all our friends” Alright, just let me take a shower first.
“We should key that stranger’s car” Sure, but on our way home, we’ve still got that bus to catch.
You never have to do these things, but if procrastinating and kicking the can down the road causes you less distress than outright saying no, there’s no harm in that.
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systlin · 1 year
ACTUAL buck fucking wild diets that I've lurked in forums for which reject all reality and are honestly thinly veiled eating disorders or moral crusades;
political/ethical veganism
the fuckin 'lion diet'
The Zero Carb diet
Raw veganism
the Master Cleanse bullshit
Whatever the hell the Liver King asshole has going on
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wiisagi-maiingan · 8 months
No lie, learning about BMR (how many calories your body burns just doing basic functions like breathing, circulating blood, and maintaining brain activity) completely changed my mindset regarding calories. It was something I struggled a lot with even after recovering from my ED and getting more involved in body and food-positive communities, but researching BMR really drove home how much work my body does just by existing and how dangerous calorie restriction actually is.
If you count or restrict calories, PLEASE look up information on BMR that does NOT come from diet or weight loss companies. See how much energy your body is using just to keep you alive and what it means to be eating 1500 calories a day (or even less) when your body is burning 1400-1700 just by existing. Calories are not the villain, they're the fuel that your body desperately needs.
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just-antithings · 4 months
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Proship propaganda💀
This person writes rape smut
This person wrote a rape smut fic about a creepypasta character that is a canon a pedo
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jayninjago · 2 months
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I love self projection on the blorbos
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sandersstudies · 2 months
Very disappointing that 90% of Diet Coke memes are produced by pro-anorexia blogs and Facebook almond moms. I just wanna celebrate the crispiness.
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ashleyrguillory · 2 years
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A comic about lesbian gender feelings featuring @redgoldsparks​. Originally posted on my patreon.
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copepods · 1 year
thinking about...cwilbur.... i think he collects most of his body fat on his stomach and upper arms. and i think he gets that from phil. phil is naturally more heavyset and for a long time wilbur tried to combat those genes in himself and stay thin, but it wasnt healthy for him and post revival he finally lets himself eat and sleep as much as he needs to and discovers that he does have thicker arms and a bit of a tummy and it feels like hes finally at home in his own skin!! like he doesnt have to pretend to be someone else anymore. and he has to buy new clothes once he starts gaining weight and it feels so nice to get rid of everything he was before-- that self back in pogtopia that didnt really feel like him-- and he starts wearing dresses more and more sleeveless shirts and crop tops and wears trenchcoats less because his body finally feels like his own and the impulse to hide it isnt as strong as it used to be. EXPLODES i love him so much!!!!!
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thedandelionthief · 10 months
things i want in project sekai (unlikely edition):
1. recognition and discussion of haruka, honami, kanade, and ena’s unhealthy relationship with food that doesn’t get brushed aside or turned into a joke
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alizeh-talks · 3 months
today my dad told me about my first tooth. he said that he came back from work and my mum so excitedly gave him the news, and when he asked how she knew she said it was because she could hear it against the spoon when she fed me. he said it with something so distant in his face. like he could remember when i was that small, small enough to only have one tooth, small enough to still need to be fed with a spoon.
stories like this always hit me because they remind me that i am not to my parents who i am to myself. because while my my body is just my flesh and my skin and my fat and my bones to my parents my body is their baby. it's the little arms they would rub baby oil on and the little face they would kiss every chance they could. it's the little fingers that would grab their hair and their cheeks and their clothes and the little feet that would kick when they tried to fit them into shoes. it was a body that didn't know how to have an opinion of a body, a body that needed to be loved, a body that they dressed in pretty dresses and bundled up during winter and held close during the night, to make sure it wouldn't accidentally roll out of bed. this was the body that i had for at least a third of my life. before my brain caught up and turned it into a body it could be mean to.
i think about how my parents must have felt when they first saw me cry over a plate of food. all the times i screamed at them when they tried to get me to eat a proper meal. the times i insisted that they didn't understand, that they didn't want me to be happy, that they wanted to ruin my life by making me eat more than what i wanted. i think about how they must have felt when the hair that first sprouted and was so excitedly pasted into the first haircut page of my baby book started falling out in clumps, residue left in the bathtub, on hairbrushes, on my pillow. how they must have felt when the baby that they used to wake up with tickles and kisses couldn't stay awake more than a few hours everyday, the baby whose first steps they cheered getting lightheaded whenever she walks up the stairs, when the baby whose first tooth hit the spoon for the very first time was telling them that eating a slice of her favourite cake made her want to die.
my body is my body in the same way that my phone is my phone and my bag is my bag. a resource. a utility. something that i can toss around a little without it mattering much.
but my body is also a baby, because it is my parents' baby, and if they can still remember the sound of the spoon against my first tooth twenty years on, then the body that they have watched me hurt so much is the same body they love with all their hearts.
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When Catalonia's National Art Museum (MNAC) acquired this piece, they thought it represented Jesus Christ on the cross. On a closer study, they realised it represents a woman: Saint Wilgefortis (Santa Lliberada in Catalan, which means "Saint Liberated").
This wooden sculpture was made by an artist called Andreu Sala around the year 1689 for the church of El Carme in Barcelona, Catalonia. But why does a female saint have a beard? This is not a shock to anyone familiar with this saint's story.
According to the legends, Wilgerfortis was the daughter of a pagan king of Portugal. She converted to Christianity in secret and made a vow of chastity. Her father gave her hand in marriage to a pagan or Moorish king, but she refused to marry anyone. To avoid marriage, she prayed to God to disfigure her to make men find her ugly. God answered her prayers and blessed her by making her grow a beard. The marriage was broken and that made her father angry. He accused Wilgerfortis of witchcraft and had her crucified, like Christ had been.
There are different hypothesis about the origin of this legend:
Some say it might be related to ancient intersex divinities, such as the Ancient Greek Hermaphroditus.
Others say it might have its origin in a side-effect of malnourishment that many nuns had. In convents, it was very common to fast (=not eat for long periods of time for religious reasons), so many nuns had hormonal imbalances that can result in growing facial hair.
The most widespread hypothesis seems to be that Saint Wilgerfortis and similar legends were created to re-interpret the Christs in Majesty that culturally didn't seem male anymore. Because of Byzantine influence, in the Romanesque period (11th-13th centuries), sometimes Christ on the Cross was represented wearing a long tunic tied at the waist and looking calm. After that period, Christ on the Cross was always represented half naked and suffering. They are so different that they look like different saints and the long dress fitted at the waist was associated with women at the time, so people who saw the old representations of Christ would assume it was a woman with a beard, and came up with legends to explain the beard.
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Here you can compare the two ways of representing Christ. On the left, the statue called Majestat Batlló, made in the 1100s in la Garrotxa (Catalonia) in Romanesque style. On the right, the Calvari painting made around 1470 in Granollers (Catalonia). Both of them are kept in MNAC.
There are some other saints with very similar stories to Saint Wilgefortis, like Saint Múnia of Barcelona.
Now you might be wondering, how do we know this statue represents Saint Wilgefortis and not Christ? First of all, this statue is from the Baroque period, where Christ was never represented wearing a long tunic and hadn't been for centuries. Culturally, it would not make any sense for a Catalan artist in the 1600s to represent Christ or any normative man wearing what by then was a woman's dress. Secondly, if you look at the statue from the side, you can see that she has some boobs. And lastly, when the statue was restored, they found a textile fragment at the bottom of the tunic, which was a stitching work made from lace. Traditionally, lace has been a type of decoration used in women’s clothing.
So there is no doubt that this statue, like others that can be found all around Europe, represents Saint Wilgefortis. The woman who was blessed with a beard, and who we call Saint Liberated because her beard liberated her.
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Couplets in honour of Saint Wilgefortis for the church Sant Cugat del Rec in Barcelona, Catalonia. 18th century. Source: Mediateques Montpellier. Here, the images represent her without a beard, but the poem explains her story.
Traditionally, Saint Wilgefortis has been patron saint of agriculture, travellers, children who were stunted or had difficulty walking, skin diseases, pets, laundresses, and the agony of the dying. In more recent times, two more were added: Saint Wilgefortis is the patron saint of transgender people and has been claimed as a lesbian martyr.
Source: Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 8 months
Your body is working so fucking hard all the time in ways you cannot imagine.
Keeping your heart beating costs energy. Circulating your blood costs energy. Digesting food costs energy. Breathing costs energy. Growing your hair and nails costs energy. Growing new skin costs energy. Producing things like saliva costs energy. Maintaining brain activity costs energy. And that's just the tip of the iceberg!
There is not a single point in your existence, from the moment of conception to your very last breath, where your body has been truly inert. It is a hugely complex machine that never takes a break and that needs a constant power supply to keep everything running.
That's one of the reasons why fatigue and hair loss are some of the first symptoms of extreme calorie restriction; your body is struggling to maintain even its most basic functions and it's starting to sacrifice things that are less necessary, like hair growth.
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I just got this book and I simply was not prepared for how thoroughly the first fucking page would take me out, jesus christ man
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(from Unmasking Autism by Devon Price)
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lifblogs · 18 days
Not sharing who said this because I do not hate them or anything, but this is so black and white, and toxic positivity: “endings are always followed by beginnings.”
No, life does not work that way. Life is an endless stream of unpredictable ups and downs.
When my friend died there was no new beginning. There were more endings. I couldn’t do school. I have a major trigger and can’t interact with media I used to, and I’m stuck with the same safe zone of media. I lost someone who was helping me with my anorexia, and my thoughts have gotten worse. These are not beginnings. They are also endings.
When I broke my leg I had many, many endings, and not new beginnings.
When my cat got sick there has been nothing but endings.
With my brain injury there are just endings.
What beginnings? I don’t believe that there is any cause and effect between these two, and to act like endings brings new beginnings is toxic and insincere. That sentence hurts.
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clatterbane · 22 hours
I have been kinda failing at eating, for the second day in a row. Better try and fix that!
On top of the pretty much lifelong neurospicy "forgetting to eat" thing, it really doesn't help that the long period of being physically unable to eat solids really fucked with my hunger signals even more. Occasionally I do get a "hungry" day, but at least 95% of the time now I don't really get hungry or want food.
Consciously trying to override that and eat at least semi-reasonable amounts anyway, especially because that's dangerous as hell otherwise if lack of food starts triggering ED brain. I did already claw my way out of a bit of a relapse a couple years ago, and really don't want to go back there. Better go grab me some leftovers in a minute!
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trans-axolotl · 9 months
okay neurologist appointment scheduled for in two weeks. i get incredibly nervous going to the doctor (live laugh love medical trauma) and if anyone who has been to a neurologist before could tell me what type of questions to expect, what testing might happen, etc.
also if any Mad friends could provide insight about what the implications of disclosing that i had an eating disorder would be that would be appreciated--i am worried about my symptoms being dismissed as my eating disorder, despite the fact my disorderly eating has not been impacting my life for around a year now and i'm meeting my nutrition needs. my impulse is to not disclose, but i'm not sure if that is information that would actually be relevant.
for context: had a convulsive fainting episode, went to the ER, preliminarily they said it didn't look like seizures and was likely POTS, but neurologist follow up is to confirm all of this.
really wanting to make sure i'm prepared before i go in.
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