#Eddie munson x pop!star reader
eddiesxangel · 7 months
Wildflower Pt.2 | Rockstar!Eddie x Pop!Princess Reader
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Summary: After your breakup with Eddie, you got everything you’d ever wanted. The career, the success, the fame, but something was still missing.
Cw: no use of y/n reader is referred by pet names. Eddie x Afab girly girl reader, no descriptions of reader is used other than what they are wearing (we like to keep it inclusive in this house) ANGST mentions mental health struggles, prescription medication, alcohol consumption, mentions of weight loss due to mental health issues, mentions of underage drinking, SMUT soft Dom Eddie, daddy kink? FLUFF so much you might wanna vomit lol, pregnancy 👀
WC: 22.5k lol
Read part 1 here
Rain, he wanted it comfortable I wanted that pain. He wanted a brideI was making my own name.Chasing that fame. He stayed the same. All of me changed like midnight.
As you stepped off the stage of the last show of your sold-out stadium tour, the adrenaline rush pulsed through your veins. Happy tears threatened to fall down your cheeks. You have been working your ass off these past four years. 
Four Years. 
It has been four years since your career took off and hasn’t stopped—four years since your single went number one for thirty-six weeks straight on Billboard 100. Four years since you last saw Eddie. The way you'd left things haunts you to this day.
The first year after the breakup was the hardest. You were nothing but a shell of yourself; you put on a front with everyone. If you let yourself think about Eddie, you wouldn’t have been able to climb out of the hole you had dug yourself out of. You couldn’t muster up the motivation to do anything for yourself when alone. You worked and went home to sleep, wake up and repeat, like a machine. 
You stopped going to events you didn’t need to be at. You punish yourself by not allowing yourself to have any fun. You felt like you didn’t deserve it.
You had lost a lot of weight that year, unable to keep anything down. Your body was in severe malnutrition, and your doctor was worried. You were prescribed some medication to help stabilize your moods. You blamed it on stress, that the job was the problem, brushing it off like you would get over it eventually, or at least that is what you told yourself. That was your life the year you and Eddie broke up.
Eventually, as the years went on, you found better ways to cope with the loss of Eddie and Violet Rose in your life. Slowly, you started dating again about a year later, but everything was different from what you experienced with Eddie. You didn’t have that spark you felt with Eddie. But was that real? Or was it all built up? 
Seeing Eddie back in the limelight as a single man broke your heart, and seeing him taking out different girls was so painful it made you physically sick. You first saw him out with another woman only two months after you ended things… Did he even really love you? You'd convinced yourself that Eddie must have been caught up with everything that he only thought he was in love with you? And now that you were out of the picture, he realized that it was just lust, nothing more... because how did it only take two months until he was out with another woman? 
The hardest part about this was avoiding him at all the award shows and parties. Your worlds were intertwined, your label was the same, your career had taken off after the breakup, and you were invited to more Hollywood events. It was difficult when you knew he was in the room with you, especially with another girl by his side.
You were still so desperately in love with him after all this time…
It was never the same girl; he was back to his old ways, sleeping around with anyone who got the chance. But luckily, you never ran into him because the second you got word he was there, you were gone, making your last memory of him when he walked out of the door in Italy. You had shattered his heart. Broke it into a million pieces, or so you thought. He told you he was in love with you, and you couldn’t say it back. Year after year, things started to get easier; once the tabloids got bored about the breakup and Eddie was seen with different women, the focus was no longer on you. You had thrown yourself into your songs.
Your songs became #1 hits less than a week after each release. You had been that good, a bit too good. Your work was the only thing you let yourself focus on. Everything had to be great, or all of this would have been for nothing. The more writing you did, the more focused you were on your music and the less time you had to think about Eddie. That was the whole point of the breakup, right? Because you used Eddie only to help your career… 
🎸𖤐𝄞💿𓆩🎧𓆪 🎸𖤐𝄞💿
Life for Eddie Munson over the past four years had been the worst of his entire life, and he once had been addicted to coke. He did not expect his early forties would be so…depressing. When you had ended things with him, he never felt that kind of earth-shattering heartbreak before, not when his second try at passing his senior year didn’t pan out, not when Sarafina left him alone with their baby, and not when his parents abandoned him. 
He was too stubborn to grovel; you had told him that you clearly were just doing this for yourself. He had let his emotions get in the way; it was all his fault. He saw that now. He knew that you loved him back, but he was scorned. He wouldn’t be the one to reach out. The story was out; nothing more could be done. He didn’t have the heart to give up the ring he had bought for you. Night after night, Eddie would sit up and stare at it. He hugged your pillow because your scent lingered in the room until one day, it was gone. 
One morning, a few weeks after the breakup, Eddie was awakened to the sweet smell of vanilla and cinnamon wafting through the house; for a split second, he thought you had returned to him. He ran downstairs looking for you, but reality hit like a brick when he followed the scent to the kitchen to see Vi had ordered Cinnabon to the house. She offered him his share, thinking it would cheer him up, but it had only made Eddie nauseous. He could no longer stomach the sweet smell that reminded him of you.
Longing for you to be by his side, he cried night after night, hating himself for feeling so pathetic and unwanted. That’s how his whole life was; he should have known better. His parents didn’t want him, and the mother of his child didn’t want him, so what would make you any different? 
Your breakup not only affected Eddie’s life but also Violet Rose’s. Scorned by how you never even said goodbye, she was hurt. She begged Eddie to let her talk to you, but Eddie refused to speak your name. Your music no longer brought her joy; only waves of sadness washed over her when she heard you on the radio. She couldn’t escape; you haunted her just as much as you haunted Eddie. 
Violet Rose felt the change in her father when he got back from his vacation in Italy. She was so excited to see him; she missed the both of you profoundly, but when she greeted her dad when he returned, she could sense something was off. When she went to let off her hug, and he didn't, she knew. She could feel how tense he was, how tightly he held onto her. The way he almost let a tear slip and the sniffle he made in her ear gave it away. He hadn't reacted like this when he was away from her for months on tour the year prior. When he finally let go of her, she needn't ask. She knew his eyes were bloodshot and swollen; he wasn't bubbly and didn't hum anymore. She knew her father's heart wasn't the same. 
The older Vi got, the more she resented her father for not ever letting her know who her birth mother was. On top of that, she wasn’t allowed to talk about you. She didn’t understand why because Eddie never explained what happened. All she knew was that before he left for Italy, he had asked her if it would be okay if you were to be in their lives permanently. He showed her the pink diamond ring. The ring that to this day still sits in Eddie’s bedside table drawer. She had found it a few weeks back while trying to find the weed she knew her dad had hidden somewhere when he caught her smoking by the pool. 
That was the last straw for Violet Rose. Violet Rose no longer cared about consequences after seeing the reminder of why their lives had changed so dramatically. You didn’t, so why should she? You made her think that you never cared. How could you be so cruel to just leave her? You were going to be her Mom. She had believed that she was finally going to get a mother; the one thing she craved the most her whole life was ripped out from under her. 
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Tonight was the night of a new club opening, and Roger ensured you were on the VIP list, not that it took much convincing for you to go. You wanted to get dolled up and have some fun with your girlfriends. You pre-gamed and got ready at your best friend Serena's house tonight. 
Over the last few months, you've been feeling much better, finally getting out of the house for more than just work. You started seeing your friends more than twice a year, attending dinners and events with them. You were also being weaned off of your medication because your Dr. decided that your mind and body were going back to your old self, and you insisted you were feeling better.
"Tonight we are finding you a man!” you announced as you blended the pink blusher onto your cheek. 
"Me? How about you, Ms. Chronically single?" she laughed, sipping her drink that smelled like gasoline. All you could do was roll your eyes. It had become easier thinking about Eddie, but it was still a sore subject you didn't speak of much.
"Oh, don't be like that; it was a million years ago," she giggled. The alcohol Serena was downing played a part in being so bold to bring it up. She had met you two years after the breakup; she didn’t know the whole story but knew it was terrible. Nobody knew the story but your parents and Eddie.
“Fine, tonight I will be reckless and throw all caution to the wind." You took a shot of tequila. The burn was quickly chased by the taste of lime. A loud cheer came from your best friend and twirled you around her bedroom. Laughing, you told her you needed her help picking out an outfit. You both decided on the strappy open-back hot pink silk minidress that made you feel like ten million bucks and your hot pink Louis Vuitton heels that matched the exact colour of the dress. Fitting for a Club named The Red Bottom’s. 
Tonight, you felt like you needed to celebrate, wondering what you were celebrating, maybe because you made it out alive? Becoming yourself again? All the hard work you've put in the past four years? You didn't know... what you did know was tonight you were having fun. 
Walking into the dimly lit club named The Red Bottom’s you could feel the beat of the music pulse through your veins as you watched the different colours light up the dance floor. It was packed already, and it was only midnight. You grabbed your friend's hand and dragged her to the bar. Ordering your shots, you pull out your wallet, but the bartender stops you. "Already covered" He nodded his head over to the other end of the bar, and you both made eye contact with two guys. 
From what you could tell, they were about your age, tall, fit, typical Hollywood, and so not your type. Serena grabbed your hand and pulled you over. You checked your phone to see where the rest of your group was, and they told you they had a booth on the left side of the club. 
"Thanks for the drinks." Serena batted her eyes and smiled as you stood by. They introduced themselves; their names were Patrick and Ray. The more you stood with them, the more antsy you got about wanting to get with the rest of the group. 
"Love the new song, by the way." Your head snaps up from your phone, and you give the guy talking a small smile. "Thanks." Great, just another try-hard trying to get into your pants. Trying hard not to roll your eyes, you look to Serena and let her know you're joining the rest of the group. 
Finally breaking through the sea of people on the dance floor, you made your way to the booth tucked away in the back corner. A slew of cheers filled your ears as you approached your friends. 
Serena returned to the booth five minutes later with the two guys on her tail. 
"You promised me," She whispered, climbing up to you. 
"I did promise you, but I didn't promise it would be with one of these two.” You nodded your head in the men’s direction. Serena gave you an annoyed huff. 
"Ok, look, you know that none of them are even my type; you have all the fun you want! Hell, take them both.” You giggled. “I will still be scouting." With that, she laughed and told you to go have a fun time. As you settled with your drink, she went to the dance floor. 
You didn't take long to rejoin Serena for a dance after you finished your cocktail. Scouting the crowd for a man didn’t take much either; being who you are and being in the hottest new club, it didn’t take long for you to find a guy. Your newfound confidence radiated from you, and you spotted him across the room. The epitome of tall, dark and handsome. If you were to look it up in the dictionary, this man’s picture would be there. His rugged, rough edges had you hooked the moment your eyes met. Biting your lip, you wiggled your finger to get him to come to you. It had been so long since you last danced with someone like this. You were excited, and it felt good. This man towered over you, feeling his body swallow you, and he ground his hips against yours. Serena gave you a wink of approval; all she wanted was for you to have fun and let go. 
It felt like you had been dancing for hours. You needed a break and another drink, so you returned to the booth. As you try to make your way back, not looking like baby Bambi holding on to a tall, dark, and handsome man, you discover his name is Maddox; you accidentally bump into someone. 
"Oh my god, I am so sorry!'" You turn to apologize. 
“Watch where you are going, Bitch” she slurred over the music. 
“Excuse you?” You turn to get a good look at who it is, and you feel your heart in your throat.  You look like you have seen a ghost as all the blood from your face drains. You drop Maddox’s hand and bring it up to your mouth. There she was. Four years since she saw you last. However, you would know that face from anywhere. 
Violet Rose was staring at you. Dumbfounded. Her big brown doe eyes go wide, still precisely like her father’s, at the realization of who you are, and then her face drops into more of a scowl. Looking confused, the much older man standing beside her wraps his arm around her protectively. 
You instinctively grab her hand to pull her away. “Hey, get your hands off of her,” The guy yells over the loud bass. He is definitely your age or older.
“I’ll let you know she is sixteen,” you scowl. The guy's hand shoots up off of Violet, and he practically runs away from the both of you.
“How dare you! How could you do this to us?!” She screamed, finally breaking. 
“I’m trying to protect you!” It was so hard to yell over the music.
“Not him!” She flails her arms in the creep's direction. “To me and Dad!” 
She was causing a scene, and you didn’t know what to do; your emotions took over, and you wrapped your arms around the little girl your heart yearned for. 
“I am so sorry, baby. Please forgive me?” You broke, you missed her and her father so much. Even though you weren’t her mother, you were the closest thing she had for a little while. You’re not sure how long you’re hugging her, crying, in the middle of a nightclub when the reality of where you were clicked in.
"What the hell are you even doing in here?! We are leaving!” You were furious; how on earth was she let into a club? When the fuck did she grow up to become a woman? And how was she allowed to leave the house dressed like this? You didn’t even own stilettos that high.
Violet Rose felt all the blood drain from her face. She was in so much trouble. 
“Your father know where you are?” You arched your brows at her.
“Poppy, look, don’t tell my Dad! Please? I’ll go home right now, I swear,” She begged. 
“Absolutely not, get.” You pointed towards the exit and called Tony to bring your car to the front. You didn’t even say goodbye to Serena or Tall, dark and handsome; you just beelined the both of you to the door.  
You stop by the club promoter and bouncers outside as you exit the club. “I don’t know what kind of place you think you are running, but letting in a sixteen-year-old?!” You yell, drawing attention to yourself. Even though it was two in the morning, there were still paps all around, trying to catch a glimpse of the stars entering and exiting The Red Bottoms. The flashing lights were blinding, but you couldn't care less at this moment.
“I'm going to sue this place! I should call the cops for letting in minors! Better yet, I’ll tell her father! Do you know who her father is? Eddie Munson, that’s who!” You shoved your pointer finger into the chest of the club promoter and looked at you blankly.
When you turned, you saw Violet Rose standing there, embarrassed at the commotion you had just made. She looked so small as you walked back over to her; even though she had grown into a beautiful young woman, she was starting to look like her mother. The mother she never got a chance to get to know. You wondered if she knows now that she is older? 
“Get in the car.” You point at your pink G Wagon. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disappoint you.” She hugs her arms around herself.
“Nice try, in.” You were not falling for this act; you had been sixteen once, too. 
“What about your guy?” She asked, deflecting. 
“What guy?” You totally forgot about Tall Dark and Handsome. 
“You were with a guy when I bumped into you and-”
“And called me a bitch?” You finished her sentence. “I don’t know. I met him half an hour ago.” You brushed it off.
“Oh, so you’re not with anyone?” You saw a hint of sparkle in her eye. 
“Violet Rose get. in. the. car.” You are not having this conversation with her right now surrounded by paps.
“Fine.” Violet Rose got into the car. A small part of her was happy to see you again; she just wished they were in different circumstances. 
🎸𖤐𝄞💿𓆩🎧𓆪 🎸𖤐𝄞💿
Eddie jolted awake in a cold sweat; his heart sank as he glanced at the clock that read 2:47 a.m. He knew something was wrong as he jumped out of bed, not bothering to put on pants, running out of his room in only his underwear and rushed to Violet Roses's room. He opened the door to see that her window was open and she wasn’t there. 
“Shit, shit, shit, shit” He had a guttural instinct that VR wasn’t here, but he had to check everywhere. 
He first checked her bathroom to see if she had gotten up. She begged him to stay home with her tonight because she was sick. He was supposed to attend a club opening tonight, but how could he leave his Cupcake? Especially when she gave him the puppy dog eyes? They may not have been getting along recently, but he still was the biggest pushover when it came to her. 
They had a good night, other than the fact that she was sick; it was like old times. They curled up on the couch and watched movies; he made her soup, and they enjoyed one another’s company. Something that hasn’t happened in a long time. It made Eddie realize that it was too long; he had been moping around for too long and needed to change, or he would lose VR forever. 
Eddie frantically ran to every other room of the house, calling out her name when he didn’t find her in the bathroom. He was shaking with panic. 
Eddie went back to his bedroom to check his phone to see if he missed any calls or texts, but not one was from Violet Rose or about her. Where the fuck was she? As he calls her phone repeatedly, he runs outside to see if she is out there. Ring after ring, the phone goes to voicemail. He had reached the end of the driveway behind the gate that was still closed. His heart skipped a beat when he saw two headlights of a bubblegum pink G Wagon pulling up to the gates of his estate. He instinctively knows that gaudy thing has to belong to you.
With a deep breath, Eddie opened the gate. The driver slowly pulled up and got out to open the door. Violet Rose is the first to step out and Eddie feels like he can breathe again. She is home, and she is safe. He releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding, but all that relief washes away the second he sees you step out of the car behind her. 
He can feel the anxiety shooting through his arms to the tips of his fingers. He doesn’t understand what is happening. Was Violet Rose hanging out with you behind his back? Was she trying to get back at him? Why would his baby be with you? And why was his baby dressed like that?! 
“Start talking” is all Eddie manages to get out through his teeth. His hands balled up into fists, trying to regulate his breathing. 
You open your mouth to start to explain what happened, but the sight of Eddie standing there in his boxers, chest heaving, you get too overwhelmed at the sight. There is no denying that your attraction to Eddie is still there. You had been mesmerized by the way he looked; his crow's feet were a bit more defined, he was accepting his silver hairs coming in, his skin was pebbled with goosebumps as it was early spring in the middle of the night, and he was practically naked. He was still just as fit, maybe even more so, fuck he made 44 look good. So you stand there with your mouth agape, gawking at him like a moron, until Violet Rose cuts in.
“Hi, Daddy,” it had come out so meek.
“Don’t hi, Daddy. WHERE WERE YOU?” he belted. His face was beat red. You had never seen or heard Eddie so mad, not even on that dreaded day. 
“I found her at the Red Bottom's,” You cut in, giving some slack for Violet Rose. 
“The Red Bottom's? THE RED BOTTOM'S!” It hits him: the new club downtown that he was supposed to attend tonight for the grand opening but didn’t attend because Vi was “sick” and needed to take care of her.
“Inside now.” He was seething, pointing towards the house. Things did not look good for VR. You took that as your cue to leave as you saw her sulk off to the house with her head down. Turning back to the car, you think to yourself this was it. This was your only chance to see him again, and you stood there like a brainless zombie, just ogling him.
“I didn’t dismiss you.” You stop mid-stride and turn slowly as his deep voice filters through your ears. 
“Excuse me?” You question, slowly turning back around.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Eddie was still seething.
“What am I doing?” You countered back.
“Violet Rose is sneaking off to be with you behind my back! How long has this been going on!?” He accused. 
“What the fuck are you talking about, Eddie?” Hearing his name leave your lips was like a gut punch.
“This is all your fault!” He accused again.
“Oh, this is my fault?! How is this my fault? You’re lucky I spotted her and dragged her ass home! You don’t even want to know who she was with when I found her! You’re lucky I did because if I hadn’t, she would still be there doing god knows what with who knows what!” You got in his face. How dare he accuse you of bringing harm to her! You love that kid more than life like she is your own. 
“You know what?!” He counters back.
“What?!” You yell.
What Eddie did next was something so unexpected that it caught you off guard.
“Thank you.” He pulled you into a bear hug. “I was so scared; I didn’t know where she was.” He confessed in a whisper because you were right. Who knows what could have happened to his baby? He was so distraught and mad about the past, but you put his family first after all these years. 
“Eddie, I am so sorry. For everything.” You whisper, finally reciprocating the hug by latching your arms around him. He still smelled the same; it brought comfort, wrapped around you like a warm blanket, and you never wanted to leave.
“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.” He shook his head, releasing you. In his fit of rage, he didn’t get to take you in. Fuck. You were more beautiful to him than memories served. 
“No, Eddie. I mean for everything.” You looked down, ashamed that you let things go this far. 
“Oh. I am sorry, too.” He swallowed the lump in his throat. 
“I uh, fuck - I’ll always love you, and uh and Violet. You know that? Right?” You look up at him with glassy eyes, tears threatening to break free. The words he prayed to hear for the past four years finally left your lips. He didn’t know what to think or say. “And I still- shit. I’m sorry you don’t want me- I’m going to go.” You turn, but Eddie catches your forearm to pull you back into him. 
“I let you leave once; don’t for a second think that I am going to let you go again.” 
Not giving it a second thought, Eddie crashed his lips into yours, and everything fell back into place at that moment. The missing puzzle piece had been found and restored back into its space.
“Angel, I am still so in love with you; you’re my entire world. Always have been. Always will be.” He mumbled against your mouth. Eddie could no longer be mad at you; he would not waste another moment on being angry and sad. The last few years of his life were full of it, and he was ready to let that all go because here you are, telling him you love him.
“I’m so sorry, Baby.” You let your tears finally slip past your lashes. 
The closure you had been craving was no longer gnawing at your mind. Eddie loves you and never has stopped long you. You had wasted so much time being sad and lonely. But could it really just be that easy? He would accept you back just like that? So much time has passed, and you are not the same people from four years ago. 
“So what now?” You asked, pulling back. 
“You’re mine.” Eddie pulled you back in to kiss you; he had so much lost time to make up for.
“Eddie, I- what about everything? Do you even trust me? I wouldn’t trust me…” You looked down as the feeling of shame washed over you. You were so stupid for letting him go. 
“Angel, look at me.” He hooked a finger under your chin. No one has called you that name since you left Eddie. Hearing it made your stomach erupt with butterflies. “We will have to work on things, but I am not ever letting you go. I won’t survive if I have to lose you again. Understood?” 
“Yes, Sir.” Your eyes widen as the words slip past your lips. It was instinct to address him that way.
“That's my good girl” He gave a cocky smirk and leaned in to kiss you. He couldn’t get enough; his lifeline had been restored. All of the sadness within him was being plucked away with each brush of your lips.
Sure, you and Eddie had a lot to work on, but Eddie didn’t care.  He had his girl back, his Angel. Things wouldn’t return to normal immediately; he knew that… you knew that. Eddie thought about how he would have to cancel the “date” he had set up for tomorrow as you gave him a last kiss goodbye. Watching you get back into the car was hard, but then he remembered that he had to deal with VR. What the fuck was this night turning into? 
“Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you.” Eddie walked back into the house to see Violet Rose sitting on the staircase.
“Daddy, do you think?” She was hopeful that what she saw through the window could lead to something more. Something that could bring her family back together. 
“Don’t change the subject.” His head was spinning; he didn’t need to discuss his love life with his sixteen-year-old right after she had snuck out of the house. 
“No phone, no TV, no internet, no going out. You go to school, and you come home. That is final.” 
“What?! That’s so unfair. For how long?!” She cried. 
“Until I say so. Phone, now.” He held out his hand, and she reluctantly placed it on his palm. 
“Don’t you dare ever scare me like that again?! Got it! Now apologize.” He commanded.
“I’m sorry for scaring you, but I’m not sorry for sneaking out tonight.” She smirked.
“Excuse you?” Eddie was shocked.
“If I hadn’t gone out tonight, she wouldn’t have brought me home, and you wouldn’t have that stupid smile on your face.” 
“What stupid smile?” Eddie scowled just to prove a point. 
“Nice try, old man, can’t fool me; I saw you walking up the driveway.” Violet Rose laughed as she made her way up the stairs. Maybe her punishment wouldn’t be so bad if her dad was finally happy again. 
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The next day, you had been flooded with missed calls from Roger, and the press had a feel day with your little outburst, all of it being caught on TMZ, of course. 
“Sweetheart, what did you do?” You could no longer avoid the sixth call from him. 
“Look, Rog, I had a lot of alcohol, and Violet Rose was there; she is only sixteen. What was I supposed to do?-” 
“Nothing,” Roger cut in.
“Absolutely not. I have morals, Roger.” You could just picture how he was sitting at his desk, pinching his brows because you knew you were giving him a headache. 
“Look, everyone is going to be poking around, thinking you and Munson are back together. Now I know that contract has ended an-” 
“We are back together,” you cut him off. There was a few seconds of silence because he needed to process what you had just said.
“What?” He asked. 
“I said Eddie and I are back together. For real, no contracts, no bullshit.” You couldn’t get the stupid grin off of your face if you had tried. 
“Oh, well, um, wow, this is unexpected; I’m so happy for you!"  
“Really?” Your voice went up an octave.
“Of course, sweetheart, this is excellent news; I have been worried about you; something in you changed, and you tried to cover it up, but I know you… and also will bring up more publicity. Everyone loves it when couples get back together! Look at J-Lo and Affleck; no one could stop talking about them for weeks!” 
“Well, I guess this whole nightclub thing will blow over?” You wince, biting your thumb.
“Should be fine; when are you announcing your relationship? How long has it been?” Roger questioned.
“Oh, um, well, it just happened last night, so let's give it a few weeks and see how things play out…” fuck, this was not supposed to be another publicity stunt. 
“Understandable. I’ll contact you in a few days to see what’s happening, OK? Kisses” 
“Bye Rog” You hung up the phone to see Eddie was calling you.
Eddie asked you to meet up with him today and go on a walk to clear up things. You felt an overwhelming sense of being home when he opened his door. He was still in the same house, and it looked like only a little visually had changed over the years. 
Eddie greeted you with a hug and a kiss that lingered for a while. The familiarity of his lips on yours gave you an overwhelming sense of comfort. He made you feel at home. 
Eddie took your hand and closed the door behind him, ready to go. 
You just walked through the neighbourhood, having it be a gated community; no one would bother the two of you. 
“I can’t believe this is happening.” You laugh, shaking your head.
“Same, but I’m happy that it is.” Eddie brought your hand up to his mouth to kiss the back of your hand.
“I don’t really know where to begin…” you trailed off, looking out at the California skyline. 
“Let’s start off with how have you been?” Eddie genuinely asked.
“Honestly, I’ve been doing much better than I had been over the last few years. I was in an awful place after it all happened. I wanted to talk with you badly but knew you hated me.” You looked down at your shoes, still ashamed about how you left things. 
“I could never hate you, Angel. I was stubborn and so hard-headed that I refused to grovel. But I regret every day that passed that I didn’t try to get you back.” Eddie admitted.
“Really?” You look at him with shock. You had convinced yourself that Eddie was never in love with you that the thought of him being heartbroken escaped your mind. 
“Of course, Angel. Don’t you remember where I was taking you when… uh-”
“When I ran away…. Yeah, I remember. But I convinced myself that it was just... I don't know? lust…” 
“Hmmm,” that caught Eddie off guard. What could he have done to make you think he wasn’t being raw and honest with you? 
Eddie debated whether he should tell you about the ring as you walked in uncomfortable silence. He decided against it; he felt it wouldn’t be right. 
“I never asked how you have been?” You look to Eddie as he is lost in thought. 
“Bad. No sense in lying to you. I’m sure Vi will tell you eventually.” He sighed. 
Your heart dropped at his confession. He seemed to be doing well. He was the hottest bachelor at the moment. 
“I feel like a broken record, but I’m truly sorry, Eddie. I was such a mess after everything, and I thought you hated me, so I couldn’t talk to you, and it got so bad I couldn’t get out of bed. My doctor put me on meds because I literally didn’t want to do anything, and I missed you and Violet Rose so bad! I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. Not to make this about me, but I just wanted to let you know my decision was wrong, and I hated myself daily. And I will try my best to make it up to both of you. I promise I’ll never leave you like that ever again…. That's if you’ll have me.” 
“Your doctor put you on medication?” He looked at you with concern. 
“Ugh, yeah. I’m slowly coming off of them now; it’s been about two months. I’m feeling a lot better.” You admit
“Jesus Angel. You should have told me! I would have done anything for you, you know that, right?” He said as he pulled you into a hug. 
“I do now,” you whisper. 
“And I’m sorry as well. I should have never yelled at you like that. I felt awful the second I left you standing there alone in that big empty house… I sold it, by the way… I couldn’t go back. The memories were too… sour.” He looked down to his chest. 
“Well, I can’t stomach Italian food anymore… makes me sick even thinking about it.” You admit with a  shudder, trying to lighten the mood.
“And I can’t eat Cinnamon Rolls anymore because of you,” he admits. 
You look at him quizzically.
“Reminded me too much of your perfume… it uh… made me sick whenever I smelled vanilla and cinnamon.” He shrugged
You looked at him with such sorrow. The both of you were so fucked up by what happened. How could you ever work through this? There was so much hurt to overcome.
“Enough about the past. We are on the same page. We have years to make up for.” Eddie brought your lips to him for a gentle kiss. You wanted so badly to deepen the kiss, but you were in the middle of the suburbs, and any stay-at-home mom desperate for gossip could clock the two of you in a second.
Eddie pulled away, and you made your way back to his place. Once you arrived, Eddie invited you inside. 
“So where is the little criminal?” You asked, entering the living room. Memories flood back to when you would have sleepovers and make forts and Disney movie marathons. 
“Present.” She came waltzing through from the kitchen. 
“Hi Vi,” you walk over to her to embrace her in a hug. It shouldn’t have surprised you when she didn’t hug you back. 
“I’m so sorry for how I left things, but I don’t know how much your dad told you?” You look to Eddie and see him shake his head no. “I, uh, I think you are old enough to know some details?” You and Eddie discussed on your way back home that VR also had to be on board for this to work. She had to know the truth. 
“Come sit, Cupcake.” Eddie patted the couch cushion next to him.
You and Eddie then explained how, at first, the entire thing was a sham, but you ended up falling for one another in the end, but things had to break off because of the contract. 
“You’re joking?” That was Violet Rose’s first response. 
“Unfortunately not,” You speak up. 
“That is the most fucked up and stupid thing I think I’ve ever heard.” she rolled her eyes.
“Hey, language. Don’t make me extend your punishment.” Eddie pointed to her.
“I’m sorry, but you’re telling me I am supposed to believe you two broke up because of a piece of paper?” She stares dumbfounded.
“Well, yeah, that’s what happened…” Eddie shifted his gaze to you. 
“And you didn’t think to... I don't know? SNEAK AROUND?!” She flailed her arms in the air.
“Uh… no, actually, that never crossed my mind.” Eddie looked at you, and you shrugged.
“You don’t get it. Cupcake things were not that black and white; it was complicated.” 
“Whatever, can I go to my room now?” She rolled her eyes. 
“Fine, go.” Eddie sighed. 
“Don't worry, she will come around eventually. She was excited last night and started questioning if we would be back together.” Eddie smirked. 
That made you feel better; you would hate for Violet Rose not to see you in the same light as before. 
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A month passed, and yours and Eddie’s schedules conflicted. You were recording your new album, and Eddie was busy with the band. Nothing had been coordinated until today, your first official date, and you told Eddie you were planning the whole thing because it was the least you could do for him. 
You drove to Eddie’s house mid-afternoon to pick him up. 
“Absolutely not.” As you pulled up in your baby pink vintage convertible Cadillac, he shook his head. Eddie Munson may be a sim, however, he still has an image to keep up with. He would not be seen being chauffeured in a pink car, especially by his woman. He was old school, and he would be the one driving them.
“What do you mean?” You pout. God, he was such a sucker for that face you pull, but he would stand his ground. 
“I’m driving,” Eddie stated plainly. 
“But I’m the one treating you.” You state. 
“Don’t care. Not going in that gaudy thing.” He crossed his arms. 
You roll your eyes as you unwillingly step out of the car. 
“Don’t think I didn’t see that.” His tone was serious, but his eyes said otherwise as he took your hand and kissed the top of it. 
“Hi, Princess.” He smiled 
“Hi, Baby.” Everything felt right again like nothing had changed. 
“Just tell me where we are going.” Eddie walked around to the passenger side to open the door for you. You ignored his request as you got into his black Bentley Continental. You punched the address into the GPS and were on your way.  
“Le Labo?” Eddie questions when you arrive at the destination. 
“It’s a custom perfumery. Since you said you can’t stomach mine anymore, I called and made an appointment to make one for each other?” You bite your nails in anticipation. Did he hate the idea? Was it too boring? 
“This is not what I was expecting at all, Angel, but this is really cool.” he pulled you into his side as you walked into the building. 
After smelling all the smells and finally deciding on a concoction for one another, your perfumes were complete, and you could take them home. For Eddie’s, you choose notes of nutmeg, white musk, and jasmine. You named his Dungeon Master. Eddie picked a more floral scent for yours with notes of tuberose, jasmine, and tonka bean and called it Angel Wings. He made you wear it as soon as you stepped out of the perfumery.  
The next stop for your date was your house. Eddie had never been to your home. You managed to buy one two years ago and were able to sell your condo. You were happy to have a new space, one with happy memories. 
You managed to snag a bungalow in Bel-Air for just under five million. It needed some updating, so you’ve been slowly making renovations. It was almost done to your liking; you just had to finish up the guest bathroom, and then it would be perfect. 
The whole house was very you. In the kitchen was your favourite part of the home. The cabinets and countertops were white, and the backsplash, appliances, and cookware were all pink. The house was an open concept, which you loved; it was very light and airy with little clutter, but it looked homey. It's very much the exact opposite of Eddie’s interior decor. There were floor-to-ceiling windows all over that let in a lot of natural light. You had a massive sectional in the living room that you often fell asleep on because it was that comfortable. Your favourite part of the house was the living room that opened into the back patio, which led into the pool. Your garden was lush and complete; a giant hedge that acted as a privacy wall surrounded the yard so no one could see in. It was your own little piece of paradise. 
“I didn't know you moved?” Eddie asked, pulling into your driveway. 
“How could you’ve?” Even though the two of you had made up, the wounds were still fresh. You didn’t mean anything by your comment, but you sensed it irked Eddie. 
“I’m sorry-
“Angel, if you apologize one more time,” he gives you a look of warning before stepping out of the car and running over to your side.
 Some things never change. 
“So what is next on the schedule?” Eddie asked as he followed you into your home. 
“Thought I could cook you dinner.” You smile as you lead the both of you into the kitchen. 
You hear Eddie chuckle behind you.
“What?” You turn, arms crossed, to see him examining your space.
“I expected nothing less from you.” He chuckled as he pulled you into him by the waist. 
Eddie leaned down to kiss you. This was the first kiss you shared since reuniting almost four weeks ago. You lean into it as you uncross your arms to wrap them around the back of his neck. The kiss was tentative at first, nothing but a small peck. Eddie tested the waters as he slowly leaned into you, but you needed more. You pressed into Eddie, raising your tiptoes to press yourself fully into him. He got the hint as his strong hands slipped from your jaw and cascaded down past your waist to grip your ass. A moan slipped from your lips as he massaged his hands into you. 
“Fuck, I missed your noises,” Eddie spoke into your mouth. 
“Mmhmm” you hummed.
“I need you, Angel.” Eddie rubbed his hardening length into your lower abdomen.
“What about dinner?” You pant into his open mouth.
“I’ve waited long enough for you; dinner can wait.” Eddie pushed you back into the kitchen counter, and you took no time tugging at the bottom of his shirt, frantically lifting it over his head. You latch your mouth where his neck meets his collar, nipping and biting until you’ve marked your territory. Eddie whimpered as your hand grazed over the tent his hardened bulge created. Never had Eddie whined like this just from your touch. Eddie froze, unsure what was happening; his body had never reacted this way with anyone. 
“Baby, you ok?” You whispered into his ear as your hand moulded around the thick shaft. There was a shift in the air; Eddie was at your mercy. He didn’t even correct you when you didn’t call him Sir. He nodded and swallowed hard. His heart was racing, his muscular chest was heaving up and down as you delicately traced your hands up to the button of his black trousers. 
“Fuck baby, don’t tease me. I-I-” he shakes his head in a daze.
“Shhhhh, it’s okay, baby, I’ll take care of you.” It’s the least you could do for him. You slide down to your knees, cadged between the kitchen cabinets and your boyfriend. You unzip his pants, and he shimmies out of them as fast as he can. Your mouth waters as Eddie's naked frame towers over you. His thick thighs flex as you run the tips of your long red nails over his flesh. You can see the defined muscle of his legs tighten as you get closer to the apex. 
“Tell me what you want baby.” You graze your glossy lips over the underbelly of his shaft up to the silver ball of his piercing that you craved when you were all alone in the middle of the night. 
“You,” he whispers as he cups your cheek with his right hand. 
“What part of me do you want, Eddie?” You look up at him with eyes glazed with lust. 
It’s been so long that you remember the first time you were on your knees for him. The thrill of the memory brings butterflies to your stomach. 
“All of you.” Eddie pants.
“Uh-uh, naughty boy. Don’t get greedy,” you smirk as you slowly run your hand up and down his shaft.
“Your mouth, Angel. Gimme your mouth. Please.” The anticipation broke when your mouth engulfed his long thick cock into your mouth, wholly. 
You tried your best to fit as much of him as you could. Did he get bigger over the past four years? No? That’s not possible? But you felt so full that you're memory failed you as you tried to get him all down your throat. You came back up in a gasp of air. A string of saliva connected your lips to his tip. You stroked your hand up and down the long shaft. Memorizing each vein as you did. You went back down, and that whimper came back. 
Oh, the lovely little whine coming from Edie’s mouth was making your pussy flutter. You were starting to understand why he loved your moans and whimpers. Hearing them only made your arousal pool in your panties. 
“Please, baby, I need you. I need you so bad.” Having Eddie begging for you was also a new experience that unlocked something in your brain. In all aspects of the term, this larger-than-life man at your mercy was turning you on in ways you never thought possible. You didn’t let up; you worked your tongue around his tip, then slid him back down your throat again. 
“FUCK angel, please I don’t think I can last long. I need to fuck you, baby. Please let me fuck you; let me feel that pretty little pussy.” He was begging, and you were thriving. However, the need for him to fill you was becoming greater than the feeling he was giving you when he was begging, so you let up. With a pop, you let his throbbing member out of your mouth. Eddie hiked you up off the floor and started to strip you down as fast as he could. 
“Where do you want me?” he asked as he kissed down your neck. He let a finger trail up your sticky inner thighs. 
“Don’t care,” you shake your head. 
“Bedroom?” He looks over his shoulder down the hall to where he assumes your room is. 
“No time.” You turn so you’re bent over the kitchen countertop. 
“Always so ready for me.” Eddie swiped a single digit up your wet slit. 
“Fuck me, fuck me hard,” you pleaded.
“Yes, ma’am,” you heard the smirk in his voice. 
Eddie tugged your hair as he pulled your head to the side so he could kiss you, it was sloppy and wet, so much tongue, but it didn’t matter when you felt the tip of his cock run up and down your folds. The metal ball of his ring was cool against your hot clit. Your body shivered as it brushed against you before slipping past your entrance. You pushed your body back into Eddie so he could fill you as fast as possible. 
Eddie’s grip on your hair tightened as he yanked your head back so you were arching into him. The leverage he had using your head as a vice to slam into you over and over. His other hand explored your chest, harshly gripping your breast. You’re sure his fingertips will be scorched into your skin forever.
“Fuck I missed this pussy” he growled into your ear as his hot breath cascaded over your skin. The room was full of the wet sound of Eddie pounding into you. His harsh thrusts didn’t slow as he fucked himself into you. He pulled out entirely, and you cried at the loss of him.
“Just needed to taste you.” You felt his hands spread apart your cheeks. His warm tongue replaced his cock, travelling its way from one hole to the other. A feral moan left your lungs, and before you knew it, he was back hovering over you, guiding his cock back where it belonged.
“Nobody compares to you” his praises didn't match his movement; if you hadn’t known any better, you swore he was hate fucking you right now… and maybe he was? He had years of pent-up feelings about you. 
“This is my pussy understand? It belongs to me and only me,” his grip finally left your hair as his hand slid down to your throbbing clit.
“Yes, Sir.” You cried as his fingertips made contact.
“Tell me,” he demanded.
“I’m yours, baby. I am yours,” you spoke after each thrust up into you.
“Fuck I love you so much; tell me you love me. I need to hear it.” Eddie’s thrusts hadn’t let up; you were a bit shocked by the stamina; even your legs were about to give out.
“I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.” You chanted like a mantra. The feeling in your lower stomach was forming. Eddie kissed down the side of your neck; the butterflies were starting with each circle of his fingers, each harsh bite and nip at your neck, each thrust hitting you so deep, the spot you’d been so desperate to get to but no matter how many times you tried on your own you just couldn’t. 
“I’m cumming!” Your body trembled, your pussy clenched down so hard you knew your body would soar in a few minutes.
“Shit, I’m close. Tell me how much you want me.” He spoke through his teeth.
“Please, Sir! Fill me, I want you so bad,” you cry.
“You want this cum baby? Do you want me to pump my load into you? That it? You want me to make you mine?” Eddie growled.
“Yes!” You nod.
After only a few more thrusts, Eddie came not long after you, pumping his load into you further and further until he slipped out of you. You collapse your body onto your kitchen counter as Eddie hangs his body weight over you, caging you in. 
“Baby, you ok?” You feel Eddie wrap his arms around your middle. 
“Yeah, just need to feel you.” He mumbled into the side of your neck. You could feel the warm cum dripping down your trembling legs. The realization hit you that you didn’t use protection. Your body stiffened, and Eddie caught on, “What’s wrong, baby?” He got up so you could turn to face him. You kissed him, not wanting to ruin the moment. He deserved one good day with you, and would a baby so bad? Having his baby. No, you dreamed of having his baby all the years ago. 
Eddie deepened the kiss, and your thoughts dispersed; Eddie was the only thing clouding your brain. He picked you up, latching your legs around his waist. 
“You going to show me your bedroom now, little lady?” He kissed down the other side of your neck, mirroring the marks he had left on the other side. 
“Down the hall, second door on the left.” Eddie was already walking before you finished taking it. He entered your room and threw you on the bed to climb onto you.
“Really, you’re ready for round two?” Your question, even you still need some recovery time, 
“You wound me, princess.” He drops his head as his large tattooed hand covers his heart. You then notice when he moved his hand that below where Violet Rose's name was etched into his skin over his heart was a tattoo you hadn’t seen before. A small pair of blacked-out angel wings with a halo hovering above. 
Your hand shot up to trace over the ink in his skin. 
“Eddie.” You whispered. 
Eddie looked down to see what made your eyes glaze over. The realization that you hadn’t seen it yet hit him hard. He wasn’t sure why he acted on impulse that day, but something in him told him he had to keep you close to his heart, that he couldn’t let you go. So he got this tattoo dedicated to you a year after the breakup.
He cleared his throat; he was a little embarrassed by how desperate he was for you. How desperate he still is for you.
“Look, I-” You didn’t let him finish because you pulled him down into you by the back of his neck to kiss him. To really kiss him, a kiss to show him that you love him, that you always loved him, that you were sorry for ever hurting him. 
“I love you,” you mumbled into his mouth. A shit-eating grin formed on Eddie’s face. He couldn’t get enough of you saying those words, and now you said it first, unprovoked. He slid down your body. 
“Hey, where are you going?” You whined at the loss of his warm body hovering over you. 
“I don’t get to worship my girl properly.” He parted your sticky legs.
“Eddie, you just came. You sure you want to?” You questioned, clamping your legs together. 
“When has that ever stopped me before?” he pried open your knees. Not wasting another second, he was lapping at your clit, sending you into a cloudy euphoria.
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“Come home with me?” Eddie asked the following day. You’d been intertwined with one another all night, not leaving one another for a moment. Not even when you got up to go to the bathroom. You didn’t want to waste another second apart. You never thought you would be this happy again; the ecstasy flowing through you was giving you a high. 
“I want you to meet Wayne.” he snuggled his head into the crook of your neck. 
“I would love to,” you sighed.
“Good, we are going back in two weeks; Violet hasn’t seen her Pops in too long.” He smiled.
“You never told me much about him before?” You shifted in the sheets to face him. 
You absentmindedly reached over to play with his hair. 
“Not much to say,” he shrugged.
You gave him a pointed look that told him he wasn’t getting out of this conversation.
“Fine,” he chuckled. “He is a stubborn old grump who took me in when he didn’t need to. He really is a softy on the inside, especially when it comes to his granddaughter.” He sighed. 
“Sounds like he is a really good guy,” you smile.
“He is, won’t admit it though, he is a very humble man, and it took years in order to convince him to live in the house I got him instead of the trailer I grew up in. I literally had to have it moved into the backyard with the house to convince him to leave that place.” He laughed. 
You needed to meet the man who raised Eddie to thank him for doing such a good job. It meant so much to you that he would want you to meet him, especially after everything that happened. 
“I can’t wait to meet him.” You kiss him gently.
“Good because I already told him you are coming. Gotta show off my girl to everyone. 
Eddie’s words made your heart flutter. You still couldn’t believe this was happening and that he didn’t hate you. 
The following two weeks had flown by. Trying to convince Violet Rose that you are staying for good was much more complex than you thought. She was very standoffish and didn’t give you much to work with. When you spoke to her, she would give grunts and one-word answers if you were lucky. Being a teenage girl means approaching with a topic of interest, and with VR growing up so much since you’ve seen her, it’s been hard to wiggle your way back in.
School was not a discussion topic; partying was also a sore subject because she was still grounded, so on your flight back to Indiana, you tried again. She gave you the cold shoulder, still not forgiving you. Not understanding at all why you had left. You were starting to question why you left things as you did. It didn’t make sense in retrospect. She was right, you could have snuck around, you could have “broken up” and gotten back together weeks later. But in the moment, everything was too much; you were overwhelmed by everything you weren’t thinking about. Now, as a thirty-year-old, you have learned so much. You were not ready for many things that came your way but you got through them; and on your own. Giving yourself room to grow and become your best was probably the best thing that came out of this situation. 
“Hey, old man,” Eddie yelled into the empty foyer of Wayne’s quaint bungalow. 
Violet Rose pushed past the both of you and walked into what you believed to be her bedroom just off the front door. 
“Finally, I’ve been waitin’ round for ages! Can’t that dang plan of yours go any faster?” Wayne rounded the corner as he entered the long hallway. He embraced Eddie in a thigh hug, snaking his back a few times before letting go.
“Angel, this is Wayne” he smiled brightly
“Pops, this is my Angel.” You smile at Wayne before he opens his arms for a hug hello. 
Wayne knew of you from the past. Mainly when he spoke with his granddaughter. She spoke so highly of you all those years ago.
“I’m so happy to finally meet you.” You squeezed your arms around the elderly man. 
“Pleasure’s all my darlin'.” he pulled back to get a good look at you, then looked around. “Where’s my Grandbaby?” 
Eddie chuckled and then pointed towards the door. “Don’t think she could get away that easy?” Wayne smirked. 
Violet must have heard the conversation because she stepped out of the room and was changed into her sweats and an old Corroded Coffin shirt.
“Hey, Gramps.” She smiled slightly and leaned into him for a hug.
“Hey baby girl, you get taller? Damn, I haven’t seen you in so long” he brushed her curly locks down as he patted her head.
“Probably, but I think I’m done now,” she giggled. It was the first time you had seen her in a good mood. 
“Well, let’s quit standing in the hallway; come in!” He waves the three of you into his home.
Wayne cooked a delicious dinner, and then Eddie showed you around the only trailer that sat in the backyard. He wasn’t kidding when he said Wayne wouldn’t move unless it went with him.
Eddie showed you around his old bedroom; he said it was like stepping into a time machine. Everything had been left as it was when he left at 21. 
You teased him when you found an old Playboy that was very well-used. His cheeks flared up as you flipped through the dusty pages. He told you there used to be a display of mugs, the same one that was now inside the house, and a bunch of trucker hats that also used to be a staple, but now we’re probably in his bedroom collecting dust there. 
When you went back inside, you saw Wayne and VR huddled around the pool playing a game of Snooker. It was nice to see Violet Rose enjoying her time around you rather than sulking like a moody teenager. 
Eddie announced that both of you would join in the next round, and Violet rolled her eyes so much for progress. 
The rest of the night was relatively peaceful. Only one more snarky remark from Violet Rose got a stern response from her Pops, telling her off for talking back to her elders. 
“Don’t you teach this girl any manners? Did I not raise you to respect people?” Wayne grumbled. 
“You try raising a teenage girl, then come back to me; maybe I’ll leave her here for the summer,” Eddie smirked, which got a rise out of Violet. 
“I love you, Gramps, but I would rather die than live in Hawkins,” she winced. 
“Don’t blame ya, Sweet-pea, but I think all that Hollywood California L. A bullshit, pardon my French, has gotten to that head of yours ” he shook his head. 
Eddie couldn’t help but laugh; it was so infectious you tried to hold in your giggles. 
“You guys are the worst! Just try and be a teenager now!” She dropped her pool cue and stormed off to her room. 
You looked at Eddie and gave a sympathetic smile; if anyone knew what she was going through in this room, it would be you. You went after her to see if she would open up to you. 
You tentatively knocked on the door three times before she told you to go away.
"Vi, can I please come in?" you speak through the door.
"No," you could hear her eyes roll. 
"Come on, Vi, who do you want to talk to you? Me a girl who has been in your position or your Dad?" you wait silently while she contemplates her options. 
"Fine." You hear her get up and walk to the door. She doesn't say anything when she opens the door. She turns and sulks back to her bed, curling her knees to her chest.
"So..." you start while thinking about what to say next. "Want to tell me what is going on?" you sit at the opposite end of her bed; you don't want to crowd her. 
"Not particularly," She mumbled into her knees. 
“Okay," you drew out with a huff. "How about I list off some things that I think are the issues, and you let me know if I'm close?" 
Violet Rose stared at you blankly, but you took that as a yes. 
"Okay... is it about school?" 
"A boy?" 
"Not really" 
Okay that's good you were getting somewhere. 
"Not really? So, a boy problem with you? Or someone else?"
"It's about you and Dad." 
"Of course," you sighed.
"It's not that... it's not that I don't want you together because that is all I ever wanted. But I'm scared you're going to leave again." She was so meek. You hadn't seen Violet Rose, so unsure of herself. You reached out your comforting hand, shocked when she let you leave it resting over hers.
"I am so sorry about how I left things with you. I will never forgive myself for not being there to say goodbye. But I promise I am not planning on leaving this time. Your father and I are nowhere near perfect, but we are working on things. And if we ever plan to not continue things between us, I promise you I will always be a part of your life as long as you want me to be. Okay?" you sighed. 
You waited a few seconds in silence before she responded. "Okay.'' She whispered while giving a meek smile. 
"Was that the only thing bothering you?" you chide.
Violet sat and wondered if she wanted to share her feelings about her crush on her friend, Charlotte. Violet knew she liked both girls and boys for a while now but wasn't ready to divulge. She would rather speak about that to her aunts, Robin and Nancy. She shook her head no and said she would have an early night. 
You bid her a goodnight, and when you closed her door, a triumphant smile spread across your face. Progress has been made; that's all you wanted.
You rounded the corner and caught the end of Eddie and Wayne's conversation.
"Don't let this one go again, boy, or else I'll never forgive ya'." 
"Don't worry, I'm not going to let him this time," You said with the same goofy smile.
"You're in a good mood. I'm assuming things went well?" Eddie pulled you in by the waist to sit beside him on the couch. 
"Yeah, she will be okay. Just needed some reassurance, is all." You curled up next to him. 
Eddie didn't say anything more when he gave a kiss to your temple. 
"Told ya she would be good for you son." Wayne tipped the beer bottle to you. 
"Yea, yea, yea, you are always right," Eddie laughed.
It seemed that you were fitting back into their family just perfectly. 
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On your second day in Hawkins, Eddie wanted to take you around town and bring you to meet his old friends. He told you that his buddy Steve was hosting a BBQ and invited all of his old high school friends for the occasion. He said you were going to meet everyone. Steve and his wife and kids, Robin and Nancy, who were married; Nancy’s little brother Mike and his Wife El; Dustin and his wife Suzy and their kids; Lucas and his wife Max and their kids; and Luca’s little sister Erica and her partner. You told him you would try to remember everyone’s names, but you made no promises. 
It was all a bit overwhelming to meet everyone all at once, but you felt like you were welcomed with open arms, regardless of what Eddie had told them about you. 
You’d lost Eddie halfway through the evening. Naturally, the men and women separated into their separate groups.
“So tell me about Eddie when he was in high school.” You smirked into your iced tea glass. Everyone else had been drinking tonight, but your stomach was feeling off, probably due to the nerves of meeting everyone tonight. 
“Oh, he was a TOTAL dork,” Robin giggled. 
“Not much of a jock, I’m assuming?” you asked, giggling with her. 
“No, no, but he was a charming guy,” Nancy spoke. “a bit eccentric.”
“No, very eccentric,” Robin corrected with a laugh. 
“But he was always looking out for his friends, sucking up for others, like my brother Mike” Nancy nodded over to the guys who were surrounding the BBQ. 
Robin was someone you gravitated toward the most; she was funny and spunky, and you totally understood why she fell for Nancy. Nancy was kind, warm and not to mention gorgeous. 
This made you smile to know he always had a genuine heart. 
“Sounds ‘bout right,” you sigh. 
Eddie couldn’t break the smile that spread across his face the second you two walked in the door. He was so smitten and very excited to show you off. He finally found his person; all of his hometown friends had settled down for years, getting married in their 20s and having a normal life in the suburbs. He felt like he was finally able to settle down with you. He had already settled down while raising VR but always missed his partner. 
“How did you manage to swing a girl like that, Eds? She has to be half your age,” Steve asks, nodding his head in your direction. 
“She is thirty,” Eddie corrected him, but he knew Steve was only pulling his leg. 
“He’s a famous rockstar now, remember! Not the same nerd from Hawkins High,” Dustin laughed. 
Eddie gave him a stern look. Sure, they were all grown up, but Eddie still saw them as his little sheep. 
“Com’on, dude! It’s been so long since we busted your balls,” Lucas said, wrapping an arm around Eddie's shoulder. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever y’all are just jealous.” Eddie rolled his eyes, smirking before taking a sip of beer. 
“We are happy for you, dude,” Steve smiled. “You seem much better when she is around. You sound alive again.” He flipped a steak on the grill. 
“Well, my fellow brethren, thank you for everything you’ve done for me; I appreciate it.” “You're getting way too sappy for me; I thought I was standing with the men.” Mike laughed.
The evening was ending; the lot of you were all snuggled up by the bonfire in the backyard of the Harrington residents. 
“So… what do you prefer to be called? Your actual name or Angel?” Steve inquired.
“Whatever you prefer, to be honest, I like both.” You smiled.
“Well, I’m calling you Angel,” Robin piped up, “It's cute,” she smiled.
“It’s all Eddie ever refers to you as; I had no idea it was you he was speaking of when he told us he was bringing a lady friend,” Steve smirked. 
“She’s not just a lady friend; she is his girlfriend,” Dustin chimed in with a grin.
“Well, whatever you are, we are happy you’re here; it’s about time someone tied this one down.” Steve tilted his beer bottle up to toast. 
“Thank you for having me; I’m so happy to meet all of you. Eddie has told me wonderful things about all of you.” You smiled, reaching for Eddie’s hand. 
“Awe shucks, bud. Are you getting all mushy on us?” Steve laughs. 
“Zip it, Harrington,” Eddie said, teasingly pointing a finger. 
“What? I’m just saying… The last time we saw you with anyone was Chrissy... and that was twenty years ago!” He clapped. Steve was drunk.  
Your body tenses and tired to laugh, but up at the thought of Eddie with another girl made you feel icky.
“Yeah, well, I haven’t found anyone close to how Angel makes me feel, so I don’t care how long it took her to find me.” Eddie kissed your cheek with a wet smack. 
Steve cringed at how gushy his friend was, but the ladies fawned over it. They were so happy Eddie finally found his person. They had multiple discussions about how they were worried for his well-being when he started partying again. 
“You both are the cutest. How did you rekindle things? Eddie told us you dated in the past. Nancy spoke.
You told them about how you caught VR in the club and dragged her home, and the rest was history. 
The evening wrapped up around midnight. The car ride home was quiet but not uncomfortable.  Eddie held your hand the whole ride home with a slight smile. Your heart was warm; Eddie had really good people in his life. 
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"When do yous two plan on hitting the road?" Wayne asked a few days after your arrival. 
"Trying to kick us out, old man? We just got here," Eddie laughed. 
"No, boy, I just gotta know how much food to buy at the store." He huffed. 
"Well, we will stay for four more days and head out on the 7th. 
Wait? Did Eddie just say the 7th was in four days? That can't be right. You open your phone to look at your calendar. Shit. 
You excuse yourself calmly to go to the bathroom.
You lock the door behind you and open your period tracker app. You were six days late. Okay, no need to panic. The last time you had unprotected sex was... almost every night for the past two weeks... You tried to think back; he pulled out nearly every time. But there was the first night you rekindled the flame; he definitely didn't pull out then… okay. Focus. You’re 30 and not getting any younger, your career is at its peak, and you’re with the man you want to be with forever. Growing your and Eddie’s baby inside you made your heart flutter. Maybe a baby wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. 
You decided to wait a few more days for your period to come just in case it was a fluke. You also didn’t want to take a pregnancy test in Wayne’s house, so you waited until you returned to LA. 
You went out of the bathroom and decided not to tell Eddie anything until you knew for sure. Your mind was racing with all the possibilities. You tried to reel it back in the best you could and engage with the rest of them, but the last few days of the trip have been full of fantasies of a mini-you running around.
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When you got home from Indiana, the first thing you did was have your assistant rush to the drugstore. The last thing you needed was to have you papped buying a pregnancy test before you told Eddie anything. It sat on your bathroom counter, taunting you. You were so scared, so nervous about what could be. 
You waited a few days before building up the courage to face reality because your period still hadn’t made its appearance.  
It was six o’clock in the evening, and you had just gotten home from the studio. You had a productive day; you got about 4 songs finished and recorded for the new album coming out in 3 months. You were feeling good about your progress in the studio, and something in you told you to take the test. 
You tried your best to distract yourself in the fifteen minutes for the test to be complete. The longest fifteen minutes of your life were waiting for the results; the second your phone timer went off, you ran back to the bathroom to check the test that sat on the vanity. 
With shaking hands, you lifted it up to your face to see the very prominent plus sign marking the test positive. With a gasp, you felt your stomach erupt in those oh-so-familiar butterflies. You were happy, so happy, you were having a baby! Tears of joy escaped from your tear ducts. You couldn’t believe the news. How are you going to tell Eddie? Would he want to keep it? Would he stay with you? It was so soon; less than two months passed since you had gotten back together. How was VR going to react?! Oh god, you were just getting back in her good graces, this could screw up everything.
The next day, you got an appointment with your doctor; thankfully, they had an opening. They did the blood test, and a day later, they called you to confirm the news that you had been about 3 weeks along. 
You let out the breath you had been holding when you picked up the phone. 
You thanked them and hung up with a shaky hand. The first thing you did was sit and think about your future. You wanted to keep this baby no matter what Eddie's decision will be. You hadn’t booked a tour for this album release yet. You had a meeting with your team next month about it, but would let them know that it would have to be put on hold for now. You hugged your stomach as you thought about how you had not only yourself to think about. You were excited yet terrified all at the same time. 
You were off in your own little baby world the next few days. You had called your mom to tell her because you could no longer keep the secret to yourself.  She was so ecstatic, she cried happy tears, and she called your dad on the phone. She soothed your worries about having to tell Eddie. She reassured you that even if he didn’t want to be a part of the baby's life, she would be there for you, but she also reminded you how he raised a baby all on his own because he could never give up a child. That settled your nerves a bit, but you were still scared out of your wits. 
You spent the afternoon talking to her, brainstorming ways of how you would tell Eddie. Your mom and you thought it would be cute to give him a custom onesie that said “Corroded Coffins smallest fan.” You go on ordering that immediately; you don’t want to keep the secret any longer. 
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You were in Eddie’s bedroom getting unready after your dinner date; you hadn’t been feeling the best because of the baby. The nausea had been coming in waves, and Eddie knew you were not feeling the best. Oblivious to what was happening, you told him it was the stress of getting the album done. 
Eddie told you he picked up some ginger tablets because he knew Gravol made you too sleepy. 
“Baby, where are the tablets you bought? My stomach needs to settle,” you asked as you removed your earrings. 
“Uh, check the night stand,” he called over his shoulder, disappearing into the walk-in closet. 
You made your way over to his side of the bed and found nothing but an old copy of Lord of the Rings, a vibrator, and the box of condoms you were supposed to be using; bit too late for that now… 
You then walked to the bedside table on your side of the bed. That made more sense; he would put it on your side for you. 
You opened the drawer, and your heart felt like it stopped.
“What is this?” Your voice cracked.
“What’s what, Sugar?” You could hear the smirk in his voice. 
Your hands trembled as you picked up the small velvet box sitting there wide open for you to see. A diamond ring. It was not just any diamond ring but a pink 4-karat cushion cut with white diamond clusters on the side, staring you in the face. It was beautiful. 
This man could not be serious? This is not how he was proposing to you? 
You felt like you were moving in slow motion as you turned toward Eddie. Tears were threatening to rim your eyes; man, being pregnant really does heighten your hormones. 
Eddie was in the walk-in closet undressing for the evening, and when you didn’t respond to his question, he was confused, so he poked his head out while pulling on his black sweatpants.
To Eddie’s surprise, you held the one thing that had taunted him over the past four years. He had forgotten about it since you came back into his life. How could he be so stupid? Of course, you found it! 
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,” Eddie ran over to you in a panic. He tried to swipe it from you, but you pulled your hand away. 
“Answer me, Eddie, what is this?” 
“A ring,” Eddie answered matter of factly. 
“I know it's a ring, Eddie, don’t play with me right now. What is this?” You tried to keep your voice from cracking again. 
With a deep sigh, Eddie folded an arm over his chest and pinched his brow before letting his head fall back, trying to think of a way to explain. 
“It’s an engagement ring, Princess.” He reached out to your free hand. You let him. “You weren’t supposed to find it.” He sighed. 
“I wasn’t supposed to find the engagement ring left wide open on my side of the bed?” You cocked your head. He had to be joking? So this isn’t how he was proposing? 
“God no, Angel! You think this is how I wanted to propose to you?” He shook his head with disbelief.
“Then why is it sitting in there out in the open for me to find!” You didn’t know what to think; was this even meant for you? Are you jumping to conclusions? “Oh my god, it’s not for me, is it? Fuck I’m so stupid” You shoved the box into Eddie’s hands and ran into the ensuite bathroom. 
“Angel, wait!” Eddie called out to you but your emotions were sighted by one thousand, and you shut the door in his face before he could follow you. 
“Baby, please let me in; I’ll explain everything. Just let me see my pretty girl.” Eddie cooed through the black wooden door. 
You stood there for a moment, unsuccessfully holding back your tears. You didn’t feel pretty, your mascara was running, your stomach was still doing flip-flops, and you looked boated. 
“No,” you refused. 
“Come on now, sweetheart, don’t be like this. I’ll tell you everything.” Eddie watched the doorknob like he was trying to unlock it with his mind. To his surprise, it twisted. You stepped out, walking right past him no less, as you crawled into bed and pulled the duvet over your head. 
Eddie rolled his eyes at your dramatics. You really could be such a brat, but he knew better than to poke the bear right now. 
“Come out from under there, please, so I can talk to you?” Eddie stroked your arm from above the blanket. He didn’t get a worded response, just a muffled grumble. 
“Let me talk to you, pretty girl, don’t act like a child.  Another muffled, grumbled response was made, and he could have sworn you said something about acting however you want because you’re having his child, but it was so muffled he swore that he was just hearing things. 
Eddie tried again, then realized you were not coming up, so he would have to go in. You tried pulling the covers closer to you, but his grip was much stronger than yours. He snuggled in the bed, but you turned to face the other way. 
Eddie could not believe your behaviour right now. 
“Don’t make me take you over my knee, little one,” he seductively whispered in your ear. 
He could not be serious right now? 
“Eddie, don’t,” you huffed. 
“Then quit being a brat and let me talk to you.” he pulled you into him so he was spooning you. 
“You tried to wiggle away, but his strong arm held you in place. You decided to give up and let him talk. The sooner he spoke, the sooner you could escape this stifling heat trap you had created for yourself. 
“What do you want to know?” He kissed your shoulder as one hand trailed lightly up and down the side of your thigh.
“Everything.” You whispered with a light sniffle. 
“Yes, the ring was for you, and no, you were not supposed to find it like that... It's been sitting on that side of the bed for years, taunting me, and I never had the heart to throw it away.” Years? You wanted to cut him off and ask, but you let him continue. “ I had this whole thing planned to put in Italy. You remember?” he cleared his throat. Fuck “Obviously, that didn’t work out like I had hoped. I had forgotten it was there over these past few months because it was no longer a reminder of sad memories. I don’t know why I didn’t move it when we got back together; honestly, I just didn’t think about it. You were never supposed to see it… well, not never…” 
You took a moment to process, then slowly turned around to face Eddie. You placed a hand on his cheek and leaned in to kiss him. You didn’t know what this meant for the both of you now, but the idea of being engaged made you extremely happy. 
“I love you, Eddie.” You whispered as you pulled back. 
“So we are okay?” He nuzzled his nose against yours. 
“Yeah, I think so,” you nod. 
“Good, because I must punish you for being such a brat now.” Eddie threw up the blankets and pulled you over his lap before you knew what was happening.
“NO, we can’t hut the baby!” you shouted, not thinking. 
Eddie’s hand froze mid-air before it could come down on your bottom. 
You covered your mouth, realizing what you had just said as Eddie pulled you back up from his lap.
“What did you just say?” Eddie's eyes were wild while scanning your tummy back up to your face.
“I’m pregnant,” you spilled softly. 
“You’re- you- you’re? A baby?” Eddie pointed to your tummy. 
“This is not how I planned on telling you,” you groaned into your hands before looking up at Eddie, who had the brightest smile on his face. 
“You’re having a baby?” His large hand spread across your lower stomach. You place your hand over his and nod yes. 
“We are having a baby!!” Eddie shot up out of bed and pumped his fists as he ran around the room in excitement. You couldn’t help but laugh; this was the best reaction you could have hoped for. 
“When did you find out?” He ran back over to your side of the bed.
 “Um, not long, about two weeks ago…” 
“Two weeks?! Why didn’t you tell me?” He places a gentle hand over your tummy.
“I was scared… and I was waiting for the gift to come in the mail to help tell you.” You looked down as you started picking at your nails. 
“Scared?” Eddie cupped the side of your face.
“We are so new, and I didn't know if you wanted to be committed to me like that after everything from our past and-”
“No.” Eddie shook his head, cutting you off. “We aren’t doing that; this is the best news I could have ever asked for.” He leaned in to kiss you. “I love you,” another kiss. “I love you,” he moved down to your neck. Kissing you between each sentence. “You’re going to be the best momma… and now I’m going to have to take extra good care of my girl and baby.” Eddie couldn’t hold back his smile. 
Your skin tingled as Eddie made his way down your body with more kisses. You moaned from how his lips brushed so lightly against your skin. Everything had been heightened now that you were pregnant. Every touch, every kiss, every graze was like a bolt of lightning shooting down your body and straight to your clit. 
You moaned his name as he sucked on your neck. His hands gently pushed you up on the pillows resting on the headboard. 
“Have to treat my girl extra special now.” He whispered as he travelled down your body. His strong hands travelled down to the hem of your dress and wasted no time getting you naked. 
“Have to treat this pussy right; it’s going to be giving me the best gift in the world.” He kissed your clit over your panties, and your body jerked. This was the first time you’ve had sex since finding out the news. Your morning sickness had been taking over any time you were with Eddie. You won’t be up for it. 
Your body was so much more reactive, and Eddie noticed. Oh, he was going to have so much fun.
“You like that, Princess?” He stroked his index finger down your clothed slit before hooking a finger under the gusset and pulling them down in one swift motion. 
“Yes,” you panted. 
“Look at that,” Eddie said as he parted your legs. He ran a calloused fingertip through your slick. You grabbed his wrist when he got to your clit. 
“Too much,” you whimpered. It felt like your body was on fire. 
Eddie crawled back up to kiss you; it was soft and tender. His hand trailed up from your centre to your breasts. He cupped one over your bra and massaged gently as you ground your core into his thigh. 
“I can’t wait to worship this body,” Eddie spoke into your mouth. 
You let out a soft moan when Eddie pulled down the cups of your bra and latched his mouth onto your extra-sensitive nipple. Your hips hadn’t stopped moving. Your clit was throbbing as you ground your hips up and down his clothed thigh. Eddie let you use his leg to release the pressure that kept building and building in your lower stomach. The added pleasure of Eddie’s mouth on your peaked bud made your orgasm come faster than ever before. It didn’t take much before you were letting out silent screams. 
“Poor little thing, coming already? Eddie loved this. He was eating it up. 
“Please, please.” You didn’t even know what you were begging for? You were so sensitive, but you needed to feel Eddie or else you would explode. 
“There there little one, Daddy’s got you,” he cooed. 
“Daddy?” You questioned still in your fucked out haze.
Eddie never referred himself to Daddy in bed, only Sir. 
“Yes. Daddy. ‘Nd you’re Mommy.”
Was it weird? Yes. Were you arguing? No. It only turned you on even more. 
“Now stop thinking and let Daddy take care of you.” 
He aligned his hardened shaft with your dripping hole. 
It slipped in without any resistance; you felt every inch, every vein, and especially those glorious silver balls perched at the end of his shaft graze your g spot. 
“Oh my,” you whispered.  
“Aww, look at that little pussy clenching,” he pulled out before spreading you open again and again. 
Eddie wasn’t going at his usual pace; he knew it was silly, but he didn’t want to hurt the baby. He saw that you were so sensitive enough that he didn’t need to. 
He rocked his hips to push in and out of you slowly and methodically. 
“More,” you whimpered, trying to gyrate your hips against his to create more friction!  Eddie pinned your hips down.
“Nuh'uh, don’t fight it.” He threw your legs over his shoulders and leaned in so you folded in half. 
“Please,” you begged. You were so fucked out you just needed to feel every bit of him. 
“My poor little one.” he mocked before reaching his hand down to massage your swollen bud. “Can’t do anything about it, can you?” He was such an ass. 
“Please Eddie, I-I-”
“Oh, I think my cock got you so stupid. It’s not Eddie, baby girl.” He stopped all movement. 
“Daddy, please!” You were on the verge of tears at this point. You were so overstimulated. Every stroke, every brush, every breath was overwhelming you.
“There’s my smart girl.” Eddie bent down to kiss you as his hips thrust into you so deeply that you saw stars. Your body felt like it left and went to another dimension. 
“Keep coming, baby, that’s it.” Eddie didn’t let up. He continued to pound into your cunt until he was spilling himself inside of you. For the first time, Eddie wasn’t worried about him cum filling you up. 
“That’s it. Take it all. You’re my little cum dumpster. Going to fill you get you pregnant all over again.” 
You were too fucked out to realize what he was saying didn’t make any sense. 
You came back down to reality a few minutes later. You were curled up on Eddie’s chest. You could feel the rise and fall of his lungs as the room was filled with heavy pants until Eddie spoke up. 
“I wasn’t too much, was I?” Eddie was worried, worried about hurting you or the baby. You shook your head no in response.
“How did this happen?” Eddie questioned. 
“What? The baby?” You quipped.
“Yeah, I thought it was like impossible to get pregnant with an IUD?” He crunched his face, trying to think. 
“I took it out…” you admit. No use lying to him.
“You- you took it out? What? When?” Eddie was shocked.
“I had it taken out over a year ago because I thought it was aiding my depression, you know… hormones and all that.” You bite your lip with anticipation. 
“Baby…” he trailed off. 
“I’m okay now, I swear. I’m doing a lot better,” you promised. 
“You promise to tell me if you ever feel like that again, OK?” 
“Yes, Sir.” You playfully reply. “Oh, that’s how it's going to be?” He raises a brow at you. “I’m trying to have a serious conversation with the mother of my child, and you wanna be a brat?” His fingers started trailing up your sides, tickling your middle. 
“Eddie, stop!” You laugh, but he doesn’t let up. He continues until you’re almost in tears. When he finally gives in, it hits you what he said minutes earlier. You’re the mother of his child. Unborn but still yours nonetheless. 
“I’m going to be a mommy.” You whisper more to yourself than anyone. 
“Yeah, you are.” Eddie’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. 
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“You two are so gross,” Violet Rose said as she entered the kitchen the next morning. 
“Huh?” You questioned before taking a bite of the scrambled egg Eddie had made for you
“I don’t ever want to hear your nightly activities ever again." she shuttered.
You felt all the blood drain from your face as you froze from the words she spoke. 
“Oh god, oh god, oh god,” you mumbled under your breath, trying to hide your face in your hands. How mortifying! 
“Mornin’ Cupcake,” Eddie walked back into the kitchen as Violet grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. 
“So gross,” VR cringed and walked away without another word. 
“Hey! You’re still grounded, don’t forget. I don’t need the snarky comments,” he called after her, clueless about what she might have heard the night prior. 
“Baby, you might have to end her punishment early… she has suffered enough.” You try not to laugh, but it was so uncomfortable you don’t know how to react. 
“What?” Eddie looked back at you. 
“She heard us…last night.” you cringe.
“She knows about the baby?” He tilted his head. 
“No, not the baby,” you chuckle. 
“You mean?” Eddie’s eyes went wide at the realization. No wonder she called him gross. 
“Oh god! No, no, no, shit, shit, shit, shit.” 
“Baby, it will be okay.” You tried to console him. 
“Okay? It’s not okay! Probably scarred her for the rest of her life!” He brushed his hands down his face. “She shouldn’t even know what sex is! She’s a baby, my baby!” Eddie was spiralling. 
“She snuck into a club with a fake ID and was with a man twice her age when I found her... hate to break it to you, but she knows what sex is, babe.” You stroke his back, trying to calm him down. 
“She was with who now?” Eddie's face went beat red. Shit. You’d forgotten you hadn’t disclosed that part of the night you found VR at The Red Bottom's. 
“Shhhh shhhhh, it's okay. She got her punishment; she knows what she did was wrong. We are finally getting somewhere with her; let's not ruin it by reminding her of her mistakes.” You cooed. 
“Yea, yea, you’re right,” He sighed. 
“Poor kid,” you shake your head. 
“When do you want to tell her?” Eddie pulled you in by your oversized t-shirt. 
“You think we should tell her now? She is old enough. I don’t wanna keep any more secrets from her.” You wrap your arms around Eddie’s neck.
“Yeah, I think so too.” Eddie landed his forehead on yours. You were about to kiss when Violet Walked back into the room. 
“Oh god! Get a room!” She covered her eyes like she was in physical pain. 
“Sweetheart, come here. We have to share something important.” Eddie patted the bar stool that was beside him. 
“Do I have to? I could be doing, I don’t know, algebra homework or something.” She rolled her eyes. 
“Come, sit” Eddie used that commanding voice that made your pussy tingle. 
“We have some news. Exciting news.”  Eddie emphasized when he wrapped his arm around your waist. 
“You want to tell her, or should I?” Eddie asked as he looked at you. 
“Um, you can tell her, baby” You smiled. You were very nervous about what her reaction would be. You had just broken the surface of making up with her. 
“You are going to be a big sister.” Eddie smiled brightly. 
A few seconds of silence pass before what Eddie said hits Violet Rose. “Shut up!” Violet’s face emulated her father’s as his mouth parted into a toothy smile. 
Well, that was better than expected…
“You’re having a baby!” She jumped up and embraced you in a hug. Tears of joy rose in your eyes, and you nodded. 
“Yeah,” You whispered. 
“Holy shit!” Violet was ecstatic. Now, this really meant you were here for good! You wouldn’t leave her and her father. She finally felt like things would be okay. 
“So you’re okay with this?” You ask with a quivering lip. God, pregnancy really made you a crybaby. 
“Yes! Omg we have to go shopping! We can get all the baby clothes and, oh, the nursery! We can decorate it; I have so many ideas! I saw one Pinterest the other day that was just the cutest! Oh, and we can do a baby shower! And a gender reveal party! But not those lame ones with the smoke or balloon ones that are horrible for the environment- ” She rambled on. 
“Whoah, slow down Cupcake”  Eddie cut her off. “We just found out, so you can’t tell anyone yet; it’s too early.”
“How far along are you?” She bounced up and down on her toes. 
“Five weeks.” You smile. 
“Oh, I'm so excited. I love you guys.” She hooked her arms around your and Eddie’s necks. 
That was the first time you heard her tell you that since she was eleven. The waterworks were starting up again. You’d finally felt like a family again. 
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Eddie, Violet Rose and you had lived in your little bubble for the past two months. Things with VR were so much better; she was opening up to you like she used to and trusting you more than ever. Eddie had also asked you to move in with him. 
Even though you loved your little bungalow, having the four of you living there wasn't practical. Eddie’s had so much more space and was always a home to you in the time you’ve known him. You’d convinced Eddie to start redecorating just a little bit. However, you told him the house needed to be brighter. So after some negotiations (letting Eddie do filthy things to you), you got your way and painted the walls lighter. It made the house look so much more significant. Violet cheered when you told her the dungeon she lived in would be given a facelift. 
Today, Eddie and Violet Rose and you were out furniture shopping. You’d wanted to fix the bedroom to make it yours and Eddie’s rather than just Eddie’s. Eddie was fine with anything as long as you were happy. You’d also come across some cribs and changing tables in the store that you loved and marked down to save for the future. 
After hours of looking, you were starving, so you went to lunch at your favourite spot.
Word was starting to spread that you and Eddie had gotten back together. You both hadn’t officially announced anything, but you had been spotted out in public a few times, and the wind was picking up in the tabloids about the both of you, so you were grateful when the restaurant wasn’t bustling.
“The baby is still hungry,” You wined as the waiter walked away with empty plates.  
“Holy shit!” Violet Rose squealed out of nowhere. 
“What?!” You ask.
“Oh my god, I can't believe that's her!” Violet half whispered. She didn’t get excited about celebrities; she grew up with them, so why was she freaking out about this one? 
You look at Eddie and see all the blood drain from his face. 
“What is it?” You grab his hand. 
“Eddie, is that you?” You heard a sickly, sweet voice approach the table. 
You cannot believe who is standing before you as you look to your right. 
“Sarafina, uh, hi- it’s been a while.” He stuttered as she wrapped herself around your boyfriend.  
“Wait, you two know one another? Dad! why didn’t you tell me?” Violet chastised. 
You watched as Sarafina’s face shot towards her daughters. 
“This must be Violet Rose.” She smiled. God, she was beautiful. 
“You know my name?” Violet’s eyebrows shot up.
“Well yeah, I-” she looked to Eddie, and he subtly shook his head no. “I, uh, know your Dad; we go way back. About sixteen years, if I’m not mistaken.” She clearly was hurt by the fact Violet Rose didn’t know she was her mother. 
You’d cleared your throat to take the attention off Sarafina. 
“Oh, I’m being so rude. Where are my manners?” She spoke. “I’m Sarafina, and you are?” 
“This is my Mom. You can call her Poppy or Angel, whatever works,” Violet Rose spoke up, and you and Eddie both wiped your heads toward her.  She hadn’t ever called you her Mom before? “Uh yea, whatever works? It’s very nice to meet you.” You stuck out your hand as a gesture. She didn’t take it. 
“Mom? You’re young enough to be her sister.” You knew it was a jab but weren’t sinking to that level. 
“Yeah, well, she’s a great one.” Eddie grabbed your hand.
“Well, I uh- don’t want to bother you any longer on your little family day.” She cleared her throat. “It was nice seeing you, Eddie,” She nodded and then lingered on Violet Rose before she walked out of the restaurant.  
“What the hell, dad!” Violet spoke as soon as she saw Sarafina exit the building.
“Violet Rose Winnifred Munson. Don’t.” Eddie never used her full name unless he meant it. So she dropped it… for now. She thought about asking you later when her dad wasn’t around. 
The car ride home was quiet until Violet spoke up. 
“So uh, about lunch… I think Sarafina likes you, Dad.” 
“What?” He jerked the wheel a bit, making you squeak. “Sorry baby, but what are you talking about Cupcake?” He looked at her through the rearview mirror. 
“She was totally all over you!” 
“Is that why you called Angel your mom?” Your eyes went wide with curiosity. 
“Well, yeah, partly.” She shrugged. 
“Partly?” You ask, looking back at her. 
“You’re more of a mom than she ever was to me.” Violet had dug into who his dad had been with around the time she was conceived. She got final confirmation when Sarafina said they’d known each other for sixteen years. It wasn’t rocket science to see the similarities in her face and her birth mother's.
Somehow Eddie managed to keep his cool while driving you safely back home before freaking out. The three of you exited the car, and Eddie walked over to Violet Rose. As you watched him engulf his daughter in a suffocating hug, you couldn’t help but sniffle. Damn you, baby hormones. 
“I want you to know how special you are. You are so brave, smart, loving, and funny, and I’m not just saying that because I’m your Dad, okay?” He kissed the side of her head and pulled away. 
“Thanks, Dad. But can I ask…. Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked as you all walked back into the house. 
“Because Cupcake, I know what it’s like to not be wanted by the people who are supposed to love you the most. And I did not want that for you, ever. Growing up, I couldn’t have you seeing that woman everywhere, knowing she asked not to be a part of your life.” Eddie sighed. 
“I love you, Dad, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around this whole thing. I kinda just wanna call Charlotte and tell her what’s happening.” She made her way to the staircase. 
“I’m just going to ask that you ask her not to say anything. I know she won’t, but Sarafina asked that no one knew… that’s part of why I didn’t tell you, kiddo. But you have every right to talk about it… it’s your life, too.” Eddie sighed. 
“Thanks, Dad.” Violet turned and walked up the stairs. 
“You’re a good Dad.” You turned to hug Eddie once VR was out of sight. 
“It’s so hard sometimes.” He nuzzled his head into your neck. 
“But you have me now; you don’t have to do this alone anymore.” You stroked his head. 
“God, I love you.” He leaned in for a deep kiss.
🎸𖤐𝄞💿𓆩🎧𓆪 🎸𖤐𝄞💿
You told Roger and your team you were pregnant a week ago. You were starting to show and couldn't really hide the bump anymore. It's been over three months, and your doctor said the baby was healthy, so it was okay to start telling people. 
Roger was excited, more than enthusiastic; he had ideas on pregnancy announcements. He insisted on a People Magazine cover to announce your and Eddie’s relationship plus the Baby. You’d let him know you would run it by Eddie, but it seemed like he didn’t have a choice. 
“I don’t know about this Princess,” Eddie snuggled you while laying in bed, getting ready to sleep. 
“Come on baby, it could be good for us, like really good! No more sneaking around. I can finally stop worrying about people finding out, and it will probably up record sales.” You stroked his tattooed-clad chest. 
“I hate photoshoots; they’re so long, and I always get so cranky and hungry-”
“Yea, that… and what about you? I don’t want you on your feet that long.” 
“Who says I’ll be on my feet?” you tease. “I’ll probably be in nothing but a sheet, baby. I’ll have to show my little bump, and you can be there with me while I’m practically naked…. Or I can do the same without you and just make it all about me.” you shrug, knowing that won’t fly. 
“No way in hell I’m letting you be naked in a room with a bunch of men without me.” Eddie huffed. 
“Okay, then it’s settled. You’re doing it.” you kiss his cheek and roll over to turn out the light. You could feel Eddie roll his eyes, and you snuggled back into his chest. 
🎸𖤐𝄞💿𓆩🎧𓆪 🎸𖤐𝄞💿 
The magazine cover came out when you were five months along. Your baby bump was more prominent now than on the shoot day. You could finally show it off without worrying about hiding your tummy anymore. It felt like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. 
“Can’t believe it's finally public,” you sighed. You were in the living room hanging out with Violet Rose. 
“Me too! Now I can finally tell people I will be a big sister!” She applauded. “You think it will be a boy or girl?” She asked. 
“I don’t know yet. I thought I would have a feeling by now, but honestly, I’m unsure.” You rubbed your tummy. 
“Too bad you guys are waiting; I would have planned the best gender reveal party…”  she sighed.   “Speaking of parties.” Violet Rose hesitated, knowing she couldn’t be trusted with going out after being busted. “Charlotte is having a birthday party tonight, and I was hoping you could help me get ready?” 
“And where is this party being held?” You question. 
“At her house, her parents will be there; it is totally supervised, I swear.” She crossed her heart. 
“And your Dad knows you’re going?” You question. 
“Yes, I already spoke to him. I’m sleeping there, so you don’t have to pick me up either. 
“Of course, I’ll help you get ready,” you smile.
You were sat in Violet’s room in a pile of clothing. She was freaking out about what she should wear. Then, after you figured out her outfit, you would help her with her hair and makeup. 
“Ugh! I'm never going to find anything cute enough!” She cried. 
“This is so cute. Wear this!” You pull a black minidress out of the pile she had thrown at you. 
“I wore that last time!” She wined. 
You looked at the clock; it was only 5:00 pm; thank god you had three hours to help her get ready. 
“Come, let’s look in my closet…” you waved her over to follow you to your room.
After settling on one of your outfits, you returned to her room to do her hair and makeup. 
“So any particular reason you are freaking out?” You laugh while blending her bronzer. 
“I’m not freaking out,” She huffed. 
You give her a knowing look. 
“Okay, fine. My crush will be there, and I wanted to look nice for them…” She sighed. 
“Oh, a crush! Do tell.” You wiggled your brows at her. You were so excited she was finally opening up to you again. 
“uh… well.” Violet hesitated. 
“It’s okay, baby, you can tell me,” you reassured her. 
“It’s Char.” She looked down, avoiding eye contact. 
“Oh?” You were taken aback a little; you didn’t think she would be crushing on her new best friend. 
“I, uh. I like both boys and girls.” She twiddled with her thumb. You could tell hoe nervous she was, but you were so happy she opened up. 
“Can I tell you a secret? You lifted her chin so you could continue doing her face. “I like boys and girls too.” You smiled. Not many people knew about your preferences. However, it felt right to let her know she wouldn’t be judged by you.
“What?” Violet Rose’s eyes brightened. 
You nod your head to confirm. 
“Does Dad know?” She asked. 
“Yeah, I told him when we first started the whole fake dating thing.” You shrugged.
“Cool,” she half whispered. 
“So tell me more.” You smile, reaching for the eyeshadow brush. 
“Well she is really pretty, and smart, and funny, and we get along so well. I feel like she’s my other half.” She sighed. 
“Do you know if she likes girls too?” 
“No” her shoulders sunk. 
“Well, she would be crazy not to like you back if she does.” 
“You think so?” She looked up at you with those chocolate eyes. 
“Now, don’t take this the wrong way because I do not condone what you did at the club, but you pulled that guy, didn’t you? You’re beautiful. Your mom’s a supermodel, and you’re funny, charismatic, and kind.” You tell her. 
“She’s not my mom…” She shook her head. 
“You know what I mean-”
“You are,” she cut you off. 
“Ohhhh, don’t you do this to me now!” You jokingly threaten as you try to hold back the waterworks. 
“Pop, I'm sorry I keep forgetting how the baby makes you emotional.” She giggled. 
You sniffle a bit and pull it together to continue her eye makeup.
“Anyway… I hope I figure out what to do.” She sighs.
“Have you told your dad?” You ask, moving on to her hair. 
“No,” she shakes her head. 
“Okay, I won’t say anything until you're ready to tell him yourself.” You smile at her from your reflection in the mirror. 
“Thanks, Mom,” she said with a slight grin. 
“Okay, you’ll have to give me a minute.” You walked to her night side table to get a tissue while she laughed in her vanity chair. 
*knock knock knock* 
“What’s going on in here?” Eddie walked in to see you crying and Violet Rose laughing. 
“She *sniffle* called *sniffle* me *sniffle* Mom.” The dam broke; you couldn’t help it. You had been overcome with so much love. 
“Oh, Angel, come here.” Eddie wrapped his arms around you. He smiled over your shoulder to VR and waved her over. You felt another pair of arms wrap around your shoulder from behind. 
“God, you Munsons are so mushy,” You spoke into Eddie's chest. Your body shook as the both of them giggled around you.
“Don’t tell anyone we have an image to uphold.” Eddie smiled.
“I don’t think anyone is going to be calling you a bad boy after that magazine cover” VR cackled. 
“You’re on thin ice missy, I can make you stay home.” Eddie threatened. 
“Oh baby you can’t do that! We put in hours of work!” You patted your tear-stained cheeks. 
“Fine, I can’t say no to you.” he kissed the tip of your nose.
“OK, people, I have one hour left. I need my hair finished!” She rushed back to the straightening iron. 
“Okay okay” You laughed. “Let’s get you picture perfect.” 
🎸𖤐𝄞💿𓆩🎧𓆪 🎸𖤐𝄞💿
Eddie had it all planned out for months. He had consulted Violet Rose on proposal ideas. She suggested a pamper day.  He was taking you on a lovely day out, and you were getting a maternity massage, then getting your nails and hair done. Then he would take you shopping if you weren’t too tired before he took you home to cook a nice dinner. After dinner, he would pop the question.
Violet Rose planned a sleepover so you could have the house to yourself. She didn’t want a repeat of the last time she heard about your extracurricular activities. 
When Eddie told you of your plans today, he wasn’t surprised at your shocked reaction. You were seven months pregnant, and he told you it was because you’d been working so hard to finish your album. The release date was pushed back because you felt the songs weren’t working. Eddie told you that the stress wasn’t good for the baby and you needed a day for yourself.
Eddie went with you to every appointment. He also got himself a massage while you had yours. He sat and waited for you while your nails and hair were done without a peep. 
You told him you would go shopping another day; your feet were swollen and still bothering you. You went home and took a nap, and when you woke up, Eddie had placed your favourite slippers by the bed so you didn’t have to step on the cold floor. He also placed your favourite maternity dress out for you next to a note that said to get ready for your date.
You could smell something delicious from the kitchen when you stepped out of the bedroom. As you rounded the corner, you saw a candle-lit dinner ready and plated waiting for you. 
“Baby, what’s this?” You ask, seeing Edie put the final touches on the table.  Eddie turned and smiled. Fuck he looked so good tonight. Eddie was also dressed up. He wore the same black silk shit he wore the first time the two of you met, paired with a nice pair of black dress pants and a classic understated black belt. 
“Morning, sleepyhead,” Eddie greeted you with a kiss.
“You try growing a person and see how tired you get,” You giggle, walking towards your chair. 
Eddie steps over to pull it out for you. Forever your gentleman. 
“Thank you, baby. What's all this?” You asked as he scooted you in. 
“Can’t a man take care of his perfect, beautiful woman?” He smirks. 
“What did you do?” You ask. He is being suspicious. 
“Now, why would I have had to do something to treat the woman I love?” He raises his brow to you. 
“Don’t know? I feel like you’re doing so much for me today; I’m surprised.” You take a sip of the water he poured you. 
“Well, the night is still young, cheers.” Eddie held up his glass. 
Eddie pulled you out to the yard for fresh air after your meal. The backyard was decked out in what seemed to be hundreds of twinkle lights. There was a gazebo in the back by the pond that you liked to read in. He led you towards it and saw it covered in plush blankets and pillows. 
“Eddie, what’s all this?” You whispered in amazement. Eddie had a team come in and set everything up while the two of you were running your errands.
“Come,” he held your hand as he helped you up the steps. 
“Angel…” Eddie took a deep breath.
“Yes?” You looked up at him, and he swore your eyes twinkled. 
“I have loved you from the moment you flirted with me at your show. I never knew someone could make me feel this way, and honestly, I didn’t believe in love because I had never found it until I met you. I never want to lose you again.  You are the light of my life, my everything. You own my soul. I never have and never will stop loving you.” He knelt down on one knee. 
Your hand flew up to your mouth when he pulled out the ring you found a few months ago.
“Will you spend the rest of forever with me?” 
Your hands shook as he pulled the ring out of the box and slid it up your finger. 
“See, it was always meant for you. I just got it a little too early,” he smirked. 
You crouch over as much as you can with your belly and pull him in for a deep kiss.
“So, is that a yes?” Eddie pulled away.  
“You’re sure you want this baby? You want me forever? Us forever?” You cupped your lower stomach. 
“Of course, baby, I’ve wanted you forever.” he cupped your face with both hands. 
“Yes, Eddie, I’ll marry you,” you smile. 
Eddie let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. 
“You sure you wanna be stuck with me forever?” Eddie chuckled. 
“Yes” you cupped your hands over his. 
“Good, because I’m never letting you go ever again.” 
Tag list: @niallerlover8022 @eddiesguitarskills @all-dogs-die @mimsie95 @mystargirl-interlude @rip-quizilla @munsonology @ali-r3n @callsignraver @battymunson @allthingsjoeq @ceriseheaven @xxhellfiregirlxx @amira0303 @mmunson86 @lofaewrites @taintedcigs @take-everything-you-can @lokis-army-77 @hellfiremunsonn @hellfire--cult @hellfirenacht @oneforthemunny @lma1986 @mimsie95 @straykeeks @crazycat-ladys-blog @purplehazed-h @starksbabie @hellfire--cult @goth-cowgirl-03 @dashingdeb16 @slayyymisha @xblueriddlex @kellsck @localemofreak @goodbyegh0st @nope-thanks @nabiiturner @neurospicynugget @micheledawn1975 @mikromoon @corrodedcoffincumslut @http-dilflvr
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lilocapoca · 4 months
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part 2 of this
pairing: rockstar!Eddie Munson x fem!popstar reader
content warning(s): use of “fuck”, “shit” and “dick”. sorry but bad writing
Word count: 1536
summary: after your interview, everybody was expecting you and Eddie to be the next big Hollywood couple, but he did not make a move… so you did and invited him to your concert.
notes: the images DO NOT describe reader’s appearance! Only used for aesthetic/clothes
Yes Eddie was a coward.
Every gossip magazine and tv show was talking about your interview. It was all that people could think about. The most rockstar of all rockstars and the cutes of all the cutest pop singers having a crush on each other was so fucking cute.
Your pretty ribbons. His heavy metal chains. Your impeccable gloves. His big rings. You had flawless skin while his own was marked with ink everywhere. Your high heels were so tiny compared to his big black combat boots. You looked like a pure fairy and he looked like a sexy zombie.
Yeah. It was really fucking cute.
But even after everyone approved this possible romance, Eddie could not find himself going to talk to you. You were so perfect, your nickname was "America's Angel". If this was a fairytale, you would be the princess and Eddie surely would't be the hero... at least he thought so.
But since you confessed your feelings on national tv, the guitarrist was suffering from a big problem: he couldn't fuck or date anyone else.
Eddie was used to bring girls backstage after his shows, sometimes even boys. He enjoyed a good fuck or just someone who could blow his dick. But now? Everytime he took someone backstage he just could not do it. He kept thinking about you. Shit, he never even really talked to you. Just some head nods and smiles at award shows, but no conversations ever. 
But at the moment he was holding a note that was sent to him he couldn't belive his eyes.
Well, the thing is, Corroded Coffin was a headliner band of this really big festival, taking on the biggest rock stage of it and... you were one of the headliners of the biggest pop stage of the same festival too. And you both were playing on the same day! which made you send flowers to the band's dressing room, to him.
The boys were really having fun with this. Eddie's face was red and he just could not take his eyes of the note that was attached to the bouquet. White daisies. Just like the name of the first track on the lattest Corroded album.
"Hi honey. I would like very much if you could watch my show tonigth... i'm gonna be looking for your pretty curls in the crowd. I'll be so sad if you can't make it... and you don't wanna make me sad, right?
– your wife"
And a red mark of lipstick at the end that literally screamed you. The pretty handwritting. The hearts on the "i"s.
Oh My God. Tonigth was the nigth a Munson is going to die.
The day was already fading away, the stars starting to shine and you were breathing in and out trying to calm yourself. The crowd was waiting for you. Everybody screaming. And Jesus, you swore you'd never seen an crowd this big. Your manager said that were about 40 thousand people there to see your concert. You could literally feel the vomit coming down your throat, something that happens when you are anxious. But you couldn't do this rigth now. You needed to go on the stage in 1:30 minutes, there was no time for anxiety.
But what if he doesn't come?
Oh my God he is not coming, you are sure of that.
Why would he come? He probably didn't meant that he had a crush on you. Well he could have a crush on you, but that don't mean that he actully likes you...
Breathe in. Breathe out.
You took one last look at your dress. Such a pretty baby blue mini dress. Checked out your white velvet gloves, matching your long white heel boots. Touched your blue ribbon. Okay. Everything was okay.
The next thing you knew was that you were already walking on the stage with a big and enchanting smile, hearing the most high screams ever.
you put his name on the list. His name was in your goddamn list.
The VIP area of the pop stage was filled with the guesses that were on your list. But it wasn't really full, just some people that were probably your friends and some daugthers of famous old singers who worshiped you. The view of the stage was really unique, everything could be seen.
All eyes were on Eddie the moment he crossed the line of the VIP area. He could not care less. Eddie just crossed the room to the front to get a better view of the stage. He smiled at the sight of the gigant crowd waiting for you. The vip area was above the ground next to the stage and the Corroded Coffin front man was so freaking pleased to be there, cause at the moment you were up the stage, he could see your pretty figure: smiling in that beautiful outfit, mic in your hand, ready to rock.
And shit you give a hell of a show. That siren voice was like heaven in Munson's ears and that pretty dances were starting to drive him crazy. You were driving him crazy. He was sure you were born to do this. The people screaming your lyrics and reactin everytime you did something cute or even when you laughed of happines. Cause, c'mon, you're so cute. Sexy and cute. How could you be both? Was what Eddie thought during the whole set.
Ok, the rockstar was falling in love with the popstar.
But when Eddie looked at his watch he realized that he was running late to his own show.
Shit he needed to actully run. But he didn't want to do it. He wanted to stay... to talk to you.
"Hey" he shouted to one of your friends: Daisy Green, the country star that was your best friend. She looked at him with a tired face "can you tell her..."
"I tell her that you came and that you are asking her to see the end of your show and go to your dressing room" she took the words out of his mouth.
"Thanks!" He smiled at her and ran off in the opposite direction.
When you went to your backstage, you were hoping to see that wild curls somewhere. But Eddie wasn't there. the euphoria that took over your body at the end of the show was washing away.
Of course that he would't be there. He was busy, he probably was preparing for his set, he would not even want—
Your thoughts are interrupted by Daisy.
“He is waiting for you" she said rolling her eyes seeing your growing smile.
You see her next to her Mallory Grace, the biggest disco sensation , and one of your besties along with Daisy, givin' thumbs up.
Ok, you never ran as much as you did to get on the rock stage before Corroded show ended. Jumped all the staff and equipment. Legs were burning. That meant you cared? Not at all. Your goal was accomplished faster than expected when you heard the sound of one of the band's biggest hit from not so far away.  And when you hit the backstage, their manager was waiting for you, he guided you to the side of the stage, where you could see Eddie closer than ever.
The way he played that guitar was doin' things to you. Legs squeezing, heart beating fast and wet thoughts. His voice loud and deep, sweaty body and tongue stretched out. God he was hot.
When Eddie saw that pretty little thing still dressed in her show clothes at the left side, he couldn't hide the grinn on his face. So he gave a hell of a concert that would turn out to be the most iconic rock concert in the history of the festival... all cause of you.
So when it ended and Corroded team cheer them up for the amazing work. Eddie came towards you. Well he was trying to do so since he left the stage, but everybody was holding him back, but he shut them up, coming in your direction with the biggest smile ever.
Oh god. He was so pretty like that. Shirtless, wild hair, low waist leather pants and boots. Your heart was goin' to explode. But instead of exploding, you just grinned back at him, waiting for Munson to get close.
Eddie was hypnotized by your angel looks. So delicate and beautiful. It was his mind or he was sweating more than when he was playing?
Jesus, what he was going to say? Was he smelling good? Fuck, of course not. He needed a towel to dry himself a bit? But the guitarrist wanted to talk to you... but you are so gorgeous and untouchable, looking like a fairy. Shit.
Before you both realized, he was right in front of you.
"you came" he said mesmerized by the view.
"why would't i? Needed to be good for my husband" and Eddie was dead. How can you say something like that and expect him to be alright?
"Fuck, princess, you're killing me" and you couldn't help but giggle. The most pretty in his opinion.
Princess. You like that. Could get used to it.
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loveronlineee · 2 years
The Metalhead and the Material Girl (Eddie Munson x Reader)
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Masterlist   All Parts
Eddie Munson x Reader (She/Her)
Warnings: none
Synopsis: When a super fem new girl joins Eddie’s class he thinks he’s got her all figured out, but he soon finds out that the popular kids aren’t the only ones who judge people’s first appearances 
Y/N notes: none
Okay I don’t usually do writers notes but I gotta say thanks to these four: @carolinaflicker​ @iamsiriuss​ @hauntingtherosebush​ @lindsey3300​ for helping me out on the lil bit of D&D stuff I mentioned. Some of you guys had slightly different answers for me so if I’m still wrong let me know! (And other D&D playing peeps)
Wanna be on the Eddie Munson tag list? Look here!
Wanna request something? Look here!
“I’m Y/N L/N. I transferred here from California for my senior year. I like pop music, fashion and hanging out with my friends. And I hope I can become friends with all of you!”
Pretty. Bubbly. Probably a bit of an airhead. The popular kids will scoop her up in a heartbeat. Eddie thought to himself looking up at the new girl. I wonder how long it’ll take for her to be just like everyone else.
The teacher pointed at the empty seat on the metal head’s right, giving the boy a stern look.
“Y/N I’m gonna seat you next to Eddie here at the front so you can help me keep an eye on him.” Eddie grinned and gave the teacher a wink.
Okaaaay here we go. Eddie thought to himself, leaning back in his chair. What kind of popular girl is this one gonna be? Disgusted by me? Weirded out? Just plain old pretend I don’t exist?
“Hi, Eddie was it?” The new girl asked with the biggest most genuine smile Eddie had ever seen. Her face was enough to melt away any built up hate he had accumulated from every harsh comment thrown at him throughout the years.
“Uh yeah Eddie. Eddie Munson.” He couldn’t help the smile appearing on his own face. This girl was a ball of sunshine.
“Nice to meet you Eddie.” He watched as she took out her things from her bag and set them out on the table. Everything was either pink, glittery or had a cute little character on it. She wrote the date on a new page in her notebook, doodling little stars around the numbers.
The teacher came over and placed a piece of paper on Y/N’s desk.
“This is your time table with your classes. Don’t be afraid to ask someone for help.”
“Oh thank you!” Y/N chirped before beginning to read through it. “Hey Eddie, what classes do we have together?” She tilted the paper towards him. Eddie leaned over and skimmed the page.
“Oh wow most of them. We got all the same ones today in fact.”
“Do you mind if I just stuck with you then?”
“Y-Yeah. Yeah that’s cool.” Eddie wasn’t in fact planning on going to all his classes today, like most days, but he couldn’t pass up the chance to get to know this girl more. He spent the morning walking Y/N to all her classes, pointing out other parts of the school she’ll need to know. He revelled in the looks the other students were giving him when they saw them together. The resident freak with a mystery bombshell.
Lunch came around and Y/N followed Eddie to the lunch hall.
“Hey I’ve been meaning to ask you… what’s on your shirt? Is it a band?” Y/N asked.
“It’s my club.”
“Oh cool! You run a club? What’s it about?” Eddie smiled at her as they reached his table of friends.
“A little game called D&D.” He turned to them and gestured to the new girl. “Gentlemen, this is Y/N.”
The boys all looked at her slack jawed, unable to think of anything to say. Luckily, Y/N had enough social skills for the whole table.
“It’s nice to meet you all! I started here today, Eddie’s been showing me around.” She explained as Eddie pulled out the chair in between his and Dustin’s and letting her sit down. He sat in his own chair at the head of the table just observing his friends trying to process this girl being here.
“You’ve been with Eddie…” Mike started asking very slowly, like he was waiting for the pin to drop. “…since this morning?”
“Yeah he’s been really helpful.” Y/N smiled at the younger student. “So are you two freshmen?”
Y/N continued chatting with Mike and Dustin. Eddie looked behind them at the popular kids who were eyeing him suspiciously. The cheerleaders all glaring and whispering to each other. “Eddie!” The metal head looked back at Y/N.
“So all these guys are in your club?” She gestured at the group. “You were gonna tell me about D&D earlier, what’s the game about?” Y/N asked, genuinely interested. Eddie grinned. He stood up like he was presenting to a class. Everyone sat up, hands neatly rested on the table, going along with the joke.
“D&D, or Dungeons and Dragons, is a fantasy table-top roleplaying game that only a select few at this school truly appreciate.” Eddie used theatrical hand motions as he described the game, putting one foot on his chair to add to the dramatic effect. “It is a game of teamwork, decision making, and the luck of the dice.”
He gave Dustin a small nod which prompted the boy to take a heavy book out of his bag and put it in front of Y/N. The Dungeons and Dragons Handbook. She began flicking through it, taking in as much as she could. She gasped.
“Can I be a fairy???” Eddie chuckled at her enthusiasm. He sat back down and shuffled his chair closer to hers.
“I’m sure I could homebrew something for you. Either that or you could be an elfen princess? If you just want that pretty ethereal girl look.” Eddie paused. “That… you’ve already got.” He looked back down at his hands, a little hesitant of his last line, before looking back up. Y/N was smiling at the compliment, easing Eddie’s nerves.
“Hey!” Two cheerleaders had approached the table, one calling out to Eddie with annoyance in her voice. “Why don’t you just stick with the freaks?” Eddie leaned away from Y/N and looked to the popular girls.
They turned to Y/N, who seemed a little confused. “You can come and sit with us instead.” One of them said, like she was doing the new girl a favour. Y/N looked over at Eddie. He kept his face the same, not wanting to influence her decision.
Of course he wanted her to stay, but he just couldn’t deal with the guilt of depriving Y/N of having an actual enjoyable high school experience. It didn’t matter how pretty she was, if she was hanging out with the freaks then she was gonna get bullied.
“Oh uh okay then.” Y/N replied apprehensively, slowly getting up. “I-I’ll be back in a minute.” She said as she was dragged away by the cheerleaders. Eddie pursed his lips together in a saddening smile.
“Suuuuuuuure you will.” He said just as Y/N got out of earshot. He looked around at the guys. “And that my friends, concludes the story of the time we almost got a hot chick to play D&D.” The group mumbled and chuckled, going back to their lunch, clearly no where nearly as affected as Eddie.
He knew this was inevitable. With who Y/N was and who he was. But a part of him, a small part of him wanted to believe that she’d stay. For him. That she wouldn’t get poisoned by the ideologies of the social hierarchy. But that was just wishful thinking. He looked back down at the table.
At least it was nice while it lasted.
“Sorry bout that.” Eddie looked back up to see Y/N again. “So I can be an elf princess?”
“…why are you here?”
“I did say I’d only be gone a minute.” She smiled. Eddie stared at her, unable to speak. His head slowly turned to the popular kids. They looked even more surprised than him.
“W-What about them?” He gestured.
“What about them?” Y/N asked, confused.
“Aren’t you gonna hang out with them?”
“They don’t seem like people I’d want to hang out with.”
“They don’t?”
“Do I look like a bully to you?” She joked. “So, elf princess? Yes?” Eddie’s smile retuned to his face.
“Yeah. Yeah definitely a princess.”
Tag list: @Mikinyi @justaproudslytherpuff @angelicjinwoo @k12baby @spiderman-berries​ @ruhro7​ @justanotherhappyidiot @dontcallmesavvy @kenzi-woycehoski​
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littlexdeaths · 27 days
scotty doesn’t know - e.m. ii.
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eddie munson x fem reader
warnings: all characters are 18+, some angst, no use of y/n, cheating, protective eddie, shitty boyfriend behavior, unwanted touches/advances, underage drinking/partying, grinding, fingering, light praise kink, biting, unprotected piv sex, cream pie
series masterlist
based on scotty doesn’t know by lustra
a/n: god i feel like this took me forever, so apologies for that. but i just need to thank both @undead-supernova and @xxbimbobunnyxx for helping me so much with getting this fic put back together. i love you both so so much. 🥹💕
word count: 8.3k
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Out of all the places you wanted to be on a Friday night, Jason Carver’s house wasn’t one of them.
The party was in full swing, music blasting from the speakers in the living room. Red solo cups and beer cans littered every available surface, as your classmates drank without a care in the world. Between the loud, synthy pop music and the constant chattering, you felt incredibly overwhelmed.
Parties were never really your scene.
You wanted nothing more than to go home and put on a film for the night. But dating a popular basketball player brought you out of your comfort zone more often than not. While that could be seen as a good thing, it was the opposite in this case. You never got to do things that you wanted, the plans always revolving around Scott.
However, there was one good thing about the party tonight. Or rather— someone.
Eddie Munson.
He’d kept his distance of course, so as not to raise any alarm bells with anyone. Most likely using the excuse of a good sale to be there in the first place. If anyone bothered to ask him. He rested his shoulder against the living room wall, a bag of freshly rolled joints clutched in his hand.
Eddie had surrounded himself with Robin and Steve the entire night, looking like he wanted to be there even less than you did. You can’t help but steal glances at each other from across the room.
Eddie looks good—he always does. His long curls are tied back in a low bun, sporting his signature ripped jeans and a Metallica shirt that hugs his broad shoulders nicely. You’ve wanted nothing more than to jump his bones the moment you got a chance to be alone.
The idea of sneaking off with him to one of the many guest rooms became more tempting as the party raged on.
You’ve secluded yourself on the sofa in the living room, adjacent to the makeshift dance floor. Thankful that most people are having too much fun to notice you there. You’ve been slowly sipping on a now watered down mixed drink, finding yourself feeling less and less in the party mood. However, your boyfriend seems to have other plans.
Scott is plastered. Irritatingly so.
You spent most of the night hiding from him, knowing how handsy he liked to get when he was drunk.
And as much as you’ve tried to pretend that everything was fine with Scott, your ability to fake it has become much harder. Especially knowing what you could be having instead.
So for the past week you’d avoided being alone with the basketball star. Ever since that fateful phone call the weekend prior. While you had still gone to the party that night, Scott eventually noticed something was up with you. Mostly due to the fact that you hadn’t let him touch you in over a week.
That was the driving force behind his drinking rampage tonight. The male had done 3 keg stands (that you’d witnessed) since he’d been here, on top however many beers he’d consumed. You’re exactly sure, but it’s the worst you’ve ever seen him.
Part of you does feel guilty, but a bigger part of you is starting to care less and less.
Ironically, Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie Money starts playing the moment he finds you again. But going anywhere with him is by far the last thing you wanted to do. The male slurs along to the track as he plops down next to you, nearly spilling his entire drink in your lap.
You can’t hide the grimace on your face as he leans into you, his breath reeking of stale beer. You grab the cup out of his hand before it spills everywhere. Huffing in annoyance as you set it down on the side table.
You really aren’t in the mood to play babysitter.
Scott’s hands, now empty, immediately grab at your hips to pull you in closer. His lips easily find your neck, the feeling of his hot breath making your skin crawl. You gently shove him off, but he leans back into your space immediately.
Normally you’d let him wear himself out, but you really don’t feel like it tonight.
“Scott, come on stop,” you sigh, no longer able to hide the irritation in your voice.
But your boyfriend is clearly not listening, continuing to press sloppy kisses along the exposed skin of your collarbone. A muffled moan leaves him as he guides your hand onto his lap.
You’re no longer able to conceal the alarmed expression that appears on your face as you tug your hand away. “I mean it, Scott.” He just groans in annoyance, feeling his fingers hook into the loop of your jeans.
“You’re too drunk, I said knock it off,” your voice drips with malice, despite how panicked you feel.
The male would always listen if you ever told him off, but his current state of intoxication clearly overtakes any rational thought.
“Oh come on, babe. We haven’t fucked in over a week, I have needs,” he slurs.
Before you have the chance to respond, the weight of his body disappears. You quickly glance up, your eyes widening in shock. Eddie has pulled your boyfriend up by the collar of his polo shirt, and suddenly it’s like the air is sucked out of the room.
Scott is fuming, a slew of curses leaves his mouth as he attempts to shove him off. Eddie is stone faced as he releases him abruptly, causing Scott to stumble backwards. He recovers quicker than you expected, raising his fist to aim a punch at the metalhead. But Eddie’s reflexes are much faster, catching the closed fist and knocking it away.
Scott was good in a fight, but he’s too inebriated to do much damage at this point.
“She said to knock it off, Scotty. I know you’re stupid but are you deaf too?”
You quickly get up and squeeze yourself between the two males, a clear pissing contest about to ensue if you don’t intervene. Your back is pressed against your boyfriend's chest, as your eyes plead with your lover to calm down.
“She’s my girlfriend Munson, fuck off,” he sneers.
The music has suddenly been turned down to a more tolerable volume, the focus of the party now shifting onto you— much to your dismay.
You can feel Scott’s hot breath against your neck, as his hands wrap around your middle to pull you further against his chest. Eddie is furious, his jaw clenched so hard you can see the muscles straining underneath his pale skin.
If you weren’t in this current predicament, you might have found it sexy. But you’re far too anxious to focus on anything else right now.
“Doesn’t matter, she doesn’t want you to fucking touch her,” Eddie’s voice continues to raise, until he’s almost yelling over your head. “No means no, dickhead!”
You can see Jason beginning to push through the crowd, Steve hot on his heels. The last thing you wanted was for this whole situation to escalate further. But judging by the look on Jason's face, you don’t know if you can stop it.
The crowd is clearly itching for a fight to break out, the whole atmosphere of the party shifting.
“Hey, freak! Who even invited you here?”
Eddie doesn’t even flinch at Jason’s insult.
“I did, Carver,” Steve answers, inserting himself in the already strained situation.
The tension between the four males is so thick, it makes you wish the ground would open and swallow you whole. Steve glances down at you for a moment before continuing, “But it seems to me like you need to get McGuire here in line. She’s clearly uncomfortable.”
You feel multiple pairs of eyes flick back to you, your shoulders slouching in an attempt to make yourself appear smaller. You catch Jason’s gaze, knowing he can clearly see the distress flitting over your features. The blonde sighs deeply, resting a hand on Scott’s shoulder.
“Scott, come on, just let it go,” he says, beginning to tug the male away from you. “You’ve had too much to drink.”
Before your boyfriend can even begin to protest, Jason and a newly joined Patrick lead him away. While you’re quite shocked that he was willing to break this up, part of you is thankful. Normally, the pair would egg each other on to keep a fight going. But as big of a prick Jason Carver is, he knew Steve was right.
You can feel the tears welling in the corners of your eyes, the party seeming to return to normal. While Steve has also disappeared into the crowd, Eddie hasn’t moved an inch. His eyes follow the group of jocks as they filed out of the room, casually flipping them the bird.
But his focus quickly returns to you. You can see in his eyes how he so desperately wants to envelop you in his arms and kiss your tears away.
But he knows he can’t. Not here.
Those protective urges are getting harder and harder for him to fight.
He opens his mouth to speak, but before he can say anything else you’re rushing past him. Pushing through the sea of drunken teens and to the front door. Your fight or flight instincts are finally kicking in, and you know you have to leave.
Anywhere is better than here.
You’d hitched a ride to the party with Chrissy, but you’re not about to try and find her now. You need to be alone.
You run for almost three blocks before you have to stop, resting your hands on your knees as you try to catch your breath. You take a minute to let your heart rate slow to a more steady rhythm before you start walking in the direction of your house.
While Hawkins is a relatively small town, your house is still a couple miles from the party. Walking the entire way isn’t the most ideal plan, but you didn’t give yourself much of a choice. And there’s no way you were going back there now.
You can only imagine the rumors that will be floating around the school come Monday. As much as you try to put on a brave face, you care too much about what your peers thought of you. You can already hear the kind of insults that would be thrown your way.
Skank, prude, lying whore.
The possibilities of cruel words were endless. You let out a small hiccup as you continue down the dimly lit street, finally allowing the tears to roll freely down your cheeks. You don’t want to give them the satisfaction of seeing you cry too.
How did you even get to this point?
Two months ago you couldn’t have foreseen yourself in this position. Falling for another guy, whilst simultaneously falling out of love with another. If you ever loved Scott to begin with. You’re not entirely convinced of that fact.
It felt like the easiest option, being with someone like Scott McGuire. He’s well-liked, a person your parents approve of. But you weren’t really happy, just going through the motions instead of chasing what you really want.
Perhaps that was what Eddie had really witnessed that night he had stumbled across you and Scott. Someone who was desperately searching for a way out. And he’d given it to you in ways you never expected.
Eddie was kind, attentive— cared about your feelings and desires.
What started off as just sex quickly snowballed into something much deeper. You had never really given much thought to your own needs. Maybe that was why his offer was too good to pass up, it let you indulge in uncharted territory.
You’d been labeled as a good girl your entire life. You never rebelled and always do exactly as you’re told. To the extent that you never felt an ounce of control over the trajectory of your own relationship. Or many other facets within your life.
It was whatever Scott or your parents thought was best for you. They’ve never taken into consideration what you had actually wanted.
But being with Eddie was like a breath of fresh air. It filled your lungs, greedily inhaling everything he has to offer. After struggling beneath the current for so long, there was no way you would let it pull you back under.
A cool breeze suddenly whips across your face, stinging your wet cheeks. You wrap your arms tighter around yourself to stop a shiver. Thankfully, you had forgone the usual skirts or dresses you adored, in favor of a sweater and jeans. Grateful for the extra layers to combat against the sudden drop in temperature.
You keep your head down as you continue to walk further down the quiet street. Only the sounds of your sneakers padding against the concrete and your soft sniffles fill the night air. It’s almost peaceful.
You make it another block before that tranquility is interrupted. You hear the loud rumble of an engine as a vehicle approaches you from behind. While not many people would be out past midnight in this sleepy town, you don’t think anything of it. You figured they would continue driving down the empty street.
That is until that same vehicle begins to idle next to you.
You glance out of your peripheral and curse softly. You would recognize that van anywhere, having found yourself in the back of it more times than you could count.
The window is cranked down as you turn away, beginning to walk a little faster. But the van keeps pace with you regardless. Eddie calls your name, but you keep your eyes trained on the ground. Tears are steadily streaming down your cheeks now, smearing your mascara.
While the brunette has seen you cry before— it was under very different circumstances. This feels different, like he’s seeing you naked for the first time all over again. Only this time you don’t feel ready for it.
You feel vulnerable and exposed.
You hate it.
Eddie proceeds to plead your name, as you continue to ignore him. He let the upper half of his torso practically hang out of the driver’s side window. The theatrical nature of it is almost enough to make you crack a smile. But you know he wasn’t going to give up until you at least tried to talk to him. With how he had stood up for you, he at least deserves that.
Having made up your mind, you suddenly stop in your tracks. The van squeaks to a halt beside you, the male flinging the driver’s side door open. You see his scuffed Reebox’s first, letting your eyes linger there for a moment. But you immediately squeeze them shut as his fingers softly grasp your chin, tilting it up.
“Sweetheart, look at me, please.” His tone is gentle, but still laced with concern. “It’s just you and me, you’re safe.” The sincerity behind those words has your heart skipping a beat.
You let out a shaky breath as your eyes begin to flutter open. His face is blurred from the tears flooding your lash line. You slowly blink them away until he finally comes into focus.
“There she is…” he declares, the indent in his cheek deepening as he smiles.
The male cups your face between his palms, letting their warmth seep into your cheeks. His thumbs swipe away any lingering tears as he presses a kiss to your temple. Eddie envelops you in his arms, letting you bury your face into his chest. You breathe in the familiar scent of his cologne, letting him hold you like that for a while.
The glow of the street lights cascades down on both of you. The night air only seems to grow colder the longer you both stand there. A shiver runs through you despite the heat radiating from his chest, something he doesn’t miss.
“Alright, time to go, doll,” he mumbles softly, “Can I drive you home?”
You are silent for a moment, mulling over your options in your head. “No,” you finally say, untangling yourself from him.
He looks a little hurt as you turn to walk towards his van, that hurt morphing into confusion as you yank open the passenger door.
“I don’t want to go home,” you explain, seeming to snap him out of his frozen stature. Eddie quickly climbs back into the van, the door barely slamming shut behind him before he pulls back onto the road.
He keeps one hand on the steering wheel, the other tangled with yours on the seat. When you left the party, you had fully intended to go home alone.
But being tangled up with him sounds like a much better option.
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You had never been to Eddie’s trailer.
Whether that was intentional or not, you’re not sure. But it’s the one place that he has never taken you to.
He seems nervous as he leads you through the living room. Your eyes wander curiously around the room, taking in the large collection of coffee mugs and hats that decorate the walls. Eddie sheepishly begins picking up some discarded food wrappers, junk mail— all in an effort to tidy up a little.
“Sorry about…” He pauses, hands full as he motions around the room. “All of this." You refrain from rolling your eyes. Tossing some items into the trash, he jokes, “Goddamn maid left us high and dry last week.”
“Let me guess…she ran off with some wannabe rockstar?” You smile, watching as he leans against the kitchen counter with a matching grin.
“Something like that.”
Despite what Eddie has implied about his humble abode, you liked it the moment you crossed the threshold. It has character, a clear representation of the two men who live there. But it also feels warm and incredibly inviting, something your own home hasn’t felt like in quite a long time.
His uncle already left for the night shift, which means the two of you have the place to yourselves. Eddie shows you to the bathroom, giving you a moment alone to collect yourself. But mostly to clean up the mess your mascara had made on your cheeks.
You emerge from the bathroom a few minutes later, Eddie nowhere in sight. He didn’t tell you which room was his, but it doesn’t take you long to figure it out. The door at the end of the hall was left slightly ajar, golden light spilling out onto the shag carpet. But it’s the strum of a guitar that ends up being your guide.
You push open the door to his bedroom, unable to help the small smile that graces your features as you take it all in. The room is a little messy and cluttered— something you expected.
You let your eyes roam over the many posters splayed across the walls, Metallica, Slayer… and one handmade one. Corroded Coffin. You knew Eddie was in a band—it was the one of the things apart from DnD that he seemed extremely passionate about.
Eddie’s quiet as he sits on the edge of his unmade bed, an acoustic guitar perched on his lap. This machine slays dragons, is painted in white on the side of the instrument. You find yourself suddenly mesmerized, watching as his fingers slowly brush over the strings.
He finally notices how you’ve planted yourself in the doorway, glancing up at you from underneath his lashes.
“Make yourself at home, sweetheart,” he smiles, gesturing around him. “What’s mine is yours.”
He focuses his attention back on the instrument in his lap, testing out a few chords as you shut the door behind you. You step further into the room, letting your fingers trail along the top of his desk.
Being alone with him like this suddenly feels more intimate than any other time before. It’s like he’s letting you peek inside his mind, showing pieces of himself that not many others get to see. Only those that he trusts. And you can’t deny how it warms your insides.
You’re a little too busy exploring the rest of his room that you don’t notice when his eyes have drifted back to you. The brunette gazes at you fondly when you spot a pair of handcuffs dangling next to his mirror. His soft chuckle fills the room as you reach out to run your fingers over the cool metal.
“We can definitely put those to use, doll.” Those words have you squirming, warmth spreading through your limbs. You shy away as you take a seat in the chair next to his desk. “If you want.”
Eddie grins at your flustered expression, glancing back down at his guitar. He’s playing freely now, the chords unfamiliar to you. But they’re beautiful nonetheless.
“You’re really good at… uh,” you trail off softly, gesturing to the instrument.
You notice how the tips of his ears flush pink from your admission, although he acts unfazed by your compliment.
“What, fingering?” he teases, purposefully pressing his fingers down onto the guitar strings in a dramatic manner which makes you giggle.
The song he was playing quickly morphs into something else, something quite familiar. But you can’t quite put your finger on it. You lean forward to rest your chin in your palm.
The moment he begins to hum the lyrics is the moment when the song becomes abundantly clear.
I, I will be king… and you, you will be queen.
“Heroes,” you murmur, the word almost becoming lodged in your throat.
You had mentioned to Eddie in passing a few weeks ago that it’s your favorite Bowie song.
You never expected him to do anything with that information, or even remember it. But he kept finding ways to surprise you. This small act alone proves that he truly cares about you, that he listens to you. It’s overwhelming in the best way possible.
Your body suddenly feels too warm under the thick layers of clothing. Rising to your feet, you grip the hem of your sweater and pull it over your head. You let the soft material fall to the floor, joining a heap of his own clothing. Standing before him in only your bra and jeans.
Eddie seems to fumble over the next few notes as he takes in your newly exposed skin, averting his gaze as he clears his throat. Now it’s your turn to make him flustered.
But he can’t help but glance at you out of the corner of his eye, as you begin unbuttoning your jeans. You shimmy the denim down your legs, kicking them off to the side. You felt emboldened as you strolled over to the brunette’s dresser. His eyes boring into your back as you rummage through his drawers.
You’re in search of a particular item, a smile stretching across your face once you locate it amongst the various band tees. Reaching behind your back you unclip your bra, you let the straps slide off of your shoulders. The item quickly joins the rest of your discarded clothes on his floor.
You don’t hear how his breath hitches in his throat over the strum of his guitar.
You pull Eddie’s faded hellfire shirt from the drawer and slip it over your head. The soft fabric glides over your skin, the hem falling just past the curve of your ass. It smells like an intoxicating mixture of his cologne and laundry detergent.
You hum softly as you breathe it in, turning to face him again. His dark eyes are blown wide, the guitar now almost forgotten in his hands. Just the sight of you in his clothes is making him feel things he’d be too afraid to admit out loud.
You saunter towards him, carefully grasping the neck of the guitar and leaning it against his dresser. He seems dumbfounded as you climb into his lap and wrap your arms around his neck. You tilt your head down towards his ear, lips grazing over it. Enjoying the way he almost shudders beneath you.
“I just want to thank you properly,” you whisper, nipping at his lobe.
Your lips continue to trail across his jaw until you reach his mouth, unable to hold back any longer as you press your lips to his. The feeling of your mouth molding against his own seems to snap Eddie out of whatever trance he was in. His large hands easily find the curve of your waist, gripping the fabric of the shirt in his fists.
Eddie kisses you slowly but deeply, trying to savor the taste of your mouth on his. Your fingers slip the elastic band out of his hair, letting his curls cascade wildly over his shoulders. But the longer he kisses you, the worse the ache between your thighs becomes.
In desperate need of some friction, you grind your hips down against his crotch. Whining as you feel his hardened cock through his jeans. He’d been struggling with it ever since you took that first piece of clothing off. Initially, he was going to ignore it, but then you climbed right into his lap and he lost all sense of logic.
But as much as he wants this to continue, he knows you’re not in the right kind of headspace for more. He groans into your mouth as you continue to rub yourself against him, but his firm grip on your hips stops any further movement. Your eyes flutter open, confusion filling them.
“Slow down, sweetheart,” he pants, one of his hands lifted to carefully cup your cheek. “We don’t have to do anything tonight.”
The look he’s giving you has your heart stuttering, but his words are throwing you for a loop. The whole basis of this… arrangement was sex. The fine line between a casual hookup and a relationship have been blurred for a while. But tonight has made it crystal clear that this has evolved into something much more than that.
Even if neither of you wanted to admit it.
“Do you not want…” you trail off, unable to hide the sliver of hurt in your tone.
He shakes his head, leaning his forehead against yours with a strained sigh.
“Trust me, doll. I definitely want to.” He chuckles, shifting his hips beneath you. “But tonight was… fuck, it was intense. And you can't expect me to believe you're okay after all that. I just want you to have a clear head, is all.”
You mull over his words for a moment as the weight of what happened earlier crashes back over you. And with it, squashing any urge to finish what you had just started.
"I'm not that asshole,” he continues, unable to make out your puzzled expression. “You don't have to fuck me just to make me happy. I'm happy just being with you, like this."
You’re willing yourself not to cry again as he gently presses a tender kiss to your forehead. Eddie basks in the scent of your strawberry shampoo, feeling you start to relax against his chest.
“Now, I don’t know about you.” He yawns, nuzzling your nose with his. “But I think we’ve had enough excitement for one night.”
You laugh quietly, nodding as you climb off his lap. Draping your body over the bed, keeping your eyes focused on him. The male stands to strip down to his boxers, in such a hurry to get back to you that he almost trips over his jeans.
“Down, boy, I’m not going anywhere.” You giggle as he slips under the covers with you.
A sheepish grin tugs at his lips as he clicks off the bedside lamp, bathing the room in darkness. You reach for him just as he does for you, your hands bumping together clumsily.
“Scoot closer.” You can almost hear the pout in his voice, eagerly moving forward until his bare chest is pressed against your clothed one.
“Much better,” he hums.
Eddie slots one of his legs between yours, snaking his arms around your waist. There’s no part of you that isn’t completely entangled in him. You can feel his clothed erection pressing into your hip, and that sense of guilt washes over you again.
Knowing you’d left not one, but two guys pent up tonight.
“I’m really sorry for everything tonight,” you whisper into the darkness, feeling his arms tighten around you.
“Hey, don’t do that. You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for.”
You nod, but those feelings welling up inside you don’t dissipate. Not completely.
Eddie begins to rub soothing circles over your hip, continuing up your side. Your body tenses as you try to stifle a laugh. The male doesn’t realize that his touch isn’t exactly… soothing. But the further his hand creeps up your side the more you start to squirm and a small gasp leaves your lips.
That sound alone is enough to tip him off, now well aware of what he’s done. You can vaguely make out his mischievous grin in the dark, calculating his next move. Before you have time to react both of his hands are trailing up your sides, tickling you.
“Eddie!” You squeal as your body thrashes in his embrace, rolling you underneath him in the process.
The chain of his necklace dangles in your face, his fingers unrelenting as he pulls giggle after giggle out of you. This is a sound he’d vowed to hear as often as he could, his own laugh mingling with yours.
“S’not f-fair!” you squeak out between fits of laughter before he finally lets up so you can breathe. You’re panting a little, your noses brush against each other.
“I like making you laugh,” he admits, almost shyly. “It’s cute.”
You reach out for his face in the darkness, leaning up to press a gentle kiss to his jaw. You can feel the warmth that’s radiating against your lips, allowing your lips to linger there for a moment.
Coming to the realization that you’d just made Eddie Munson blush brings a wide smile to your face.
“I just want to say thank you for earlier… and for letting me stay the night. I really appreciate it.”
Eddie settles back down next to you on the mattress, your palms resting against his chest. His lips search for yours in the darkness, leaving kisses all over your face in his fumbling attempt to find your lips. Another round of giggles escapes you from the tender gesture.
His ability to make you feel so safe and secure is still so new to you. You don’t want this feeling to end— you never want any of this to end. However, you know this isn’t fair. Eddie doesn’t deserve to be someone’s secret.
But as time passed and this relationship continued to progress, the more you began to realize that you didn’t want to keep him a secret anymore.
“Anytime, sweetheart,” he mumbles, his voice thick with sleep.
You snuggle yourself further against him, limps tangling together. With your ear pressed to his chest, you can hear the steady beat of his heart. The way his breathing starts to slow and become more even.
“Goodnight, Eds,” you whisper, stifling another laugh as a soft snore answers you.
You allow your eyes to slip shut, exhaustion finally overtaking you as his heartbeat continues to lull you to sleep.
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Sunlight streaming through the thin curtains is what awoke you that next morning.
A sigh falls from your lips as you attempt to stretch out your overly stiff limbs. Which is when you feel a stirring beneath you. Your eyes fly open as the events of last night trickle back in.
The party, Scott being a grade A asshole, Eddie taking care of you...
If your body wasn’t currently draped over him, you might have convinced yourself it was all a dream. That Eddie dropped you off at home, and you were snuggled beneath your floral bedspread. But to your relief, that clearly isn’t the case.
Your body stills in an attempt not to stir the sleeping metalhead beneath you. At some point during the night you must have gotten yourselves into this position. Laying on his chest, with his arms wrapped securely around your middle. But you don’t mind in the slightest.
In fact, you feel more rested than you have in quite some time. You just wish you could stay like this forever, wrapped up in him and only him. Lifting your head, you rest your chin on your hand and begin to study his sleeping features.
He looks completely at ease.
Faint freckles are scattered across his nose and cheeks, his long lashes fanning over them. His dark curls are wild from sleep, fanned out over his flannel pillowcase. Pouted lips slightly chapped, but kissable all the same. He really is beautiful.
You continue to watch him sleep for a while longer, the morning sun cascading over the tops of his cheekbones. But his breath remains even, small snores slipping out every so often. As you gaze at him, you can’t help but silently scold yourself.
You’re falling for Eddie Munson more and more each day, and you know you can’t keep this up.
You have to end things with Scott.
And as much as you want to stay snuggled up with Eddie, your body has other needs. You don’t exactly know how you’re going to get up without disturbing him, but your bladder is in desperate need of relief.
You sigh as you begin to shimmy further down his body, your legs falling on either side of his hips. A squeak of surprise leaves you as you feel his hard on pressing against your inner thigh through his boxer shorts. It shouldn’t have been that big of a shock to you—morning wood is normal, right?
But you didn’t have much experience with sleepovers of this nature. Despite dating Scott for well over a year, you’ve never spent the night with him like this. So it’s something quite new to you. While you silently ponder over this, Eddie begins to stir again.
A soft moan tumbles past his lips as you accidentally press yourself harder against his boner in an attempt to swing your leg back over the other side of his hip.
“Mm… where do you think you’re going, doll?” His voice is thick with sleep, an octave lower than normal. The gravelly nature of it makes heat shoot between your legs.
You curse softly as you glance up at him, those chocolate hues gazing back at you. Eddie’s fingers splayed across the tops of your thighs, sliding up to encircle your hips. You feel your body flush, his eyes darkening as he looks you over— straddling him, wearing nothing but his shirt.
When he lifts his hips to grind you against him, you can’t stop the whimper that escapes.
“Eds, hold on. I have to pee,” you mumble, feeling embarrassed as his hips still beneath you.
He just lets out a deep laugh as his hands release your hips. You climb over him, quick to scramble off the bed.
“Alright, I guess I’ll allow it,” he teases, the tips of fingers brushing against yours. “Just hurry back, sweetheart.”
Your heart warms at the sight of him, his brown eyes filling with adoration as they look up at you. Leaning over the bed, you press a small kiss to his mouth. A giggle leaves your own as he gives your ass a small pat before you book it to the bathroom.
You feel much better after finally relieving yourself, washing your hands as you glance into the mirror. Your eyes almost sparkle in the muted light, a dopey smile stretched across your face. Is this what it feels like to be in a healthy relationship?
You don’t dwell on it long, far too eager to return back to him. You slip out of the bathroom and tiptoe back to Eddie’s bedroom. Taking extra care to be quiet as you weren’t sure if Wayne has returned home from work yet. And frankly, you’d be mortified if you met him under these conditions—with you clad in only Eddie’s shirt and your panties.
What a great way to make a first impression.
You close his bedroom door behind you slowly, letting the lock click gently into place. You turn back around to face him and lean against the door. Eddie is in the same spot you had left him, only now he’s leaning halfway up on one elbow. That hunger hasn’t left his gaze as he beckons you over with his index finger.
Looking at his hands makes your thighs clench together, knowing all the wonderful things they were capable of. You take your bottom lip between your teeth as you approach him, stopping at the edge of the mattress. Eddie’s fingers ghost over the plush skin of your thighs, leaving goosebumps in his wake.
They continue up until they reach the elastic of your panties. He gives you a look, silently asking for permission. You guide his fingers beneath the fabric, aiding him in sliding them down your legs. As you step out of the material, your eyes glance back up to meet his.
“Come here.”
It’s spoken softly, but the command in his voice makes your breath hitch.
You move on instinct, your desire fueling your actions as you straddle his hips. There’s a fluidity in your movements as you rest your hands on his chest. Your manicured nails gently trail over his stomach, watching the lust continue to swirl behind his irises.
While this wasn’t a position you’d dabbled in up to this point, the way he’s regarding you has your confidence flourishing. He wants you, and he wants you badly.
At this point you’d give him the moon and the stars if he asked.
Once you’re settled on top of him, you can feel how his cock strains against the fabric of his boxers. Testing the waters, you glide yourself along his shaft, his hands reaching up to encircle your waist. He simply rests them there, allowing you to take the lead.
The worn cotton of his briefs provides some much needed friction against your clit. You bite down on your lip in an attempt to keep a moan from slipping out. But the male isn’t having any of that. He reaches his hand up to remove your lower lip from between your teeth.
His calloused thumb brushes over your mouth, slipping the digit past your lips.
“No need to be shy, sweetheart. I wanna hear you.”
You nod your head, humming as your tongue swirls around his thumb. You eagerly suck it deeper into your mouth, which pulls a low groan from him. But Eddie can only take so much of your teasing, removing his thumb to grip back onto your hips. Your lower lip juts out in a small pout, which causes him to chuckle.
“Now none of that, or I’ll give you something to pout about,” he quips, giving your ass a warning smack.
The hint of a threat in his tone has you whimpering, guiding your hips harder along his shaft.
You grip the hem of his shirt in between your fingers, beginning to lift it over your hips but he stops you. A brow raising as you look down at him.
“Fuck, keep it on,” he says with a groan. “Wanna see you riding me in it.”
His confession has you feeling timid, letting your hands settle back at your sides. Eddie’s fingers begin to trail over the top of your thigh, before dipping between them. His digits glide between your slick folds, brushing over your bundle of nerves. It causes your breath to hitch, eagerly grinding your hips back against his fingertips.
“Eddie, please,” you breathe.
“Use your words, pretty girl,” he hums. “Tell me what you want.”
Impatience gnawed at you as you lifted your hips, your fingers dipping past the waistband of his boxers. You tug them down to release his cock from their confines, your actions surprising you both. As much as you loved when he touched you, your body was already craving more.
Wrapping your palm around the base of his shaft, he groans. His jaw slackens as he watches you guide the tip through your drenched folds. Nudging it against your clit once…twice…a third time.
Before you finally line him up with your entrance, guiding your hips down.
“Shit, hold on doll, need a condom.”
Eddie holds you in place with one hand, as the other reaches over into his night side table. He’s blindly searching for one of the foil packets when you blurt out, “I don’t want it. Need you to fuck me raw, Ed.”
Your words stop him in his tracks, eyes widening in almost disbelief. You suddenly feel nervous, praying you didn’t just ruin everything with your admission.
“Are you sure? I-I wouldn’t want to risk…” he trails off, licking his lips as he regards you with a somewhat guarded expression.
You nod, leaning forward to whisper in his ear, “I’m on the pill. I just… I want you to be the first one to do it, Eddie.”
His groan rumbles through his chest, the implication behind your words only makes him want you more. Scott never got to do this.
This is something that would be his, and his alone.
His hand cradles the back of your neck, guiding your face towards his. Crashes his lips against yours, the desperation behind them telling you his resounding answer. But you want to hear him say it. Nipping at his lower lip, you pull away to sit back up and rest your palms on his chest.
The male is panting beneath you, his flustered expression only causes your confidence to grow. A smirk adorns your features as Eddie lifts his hips upward in an attempt to grind them into yours, but you push back against his hip to stop the movement.
“Nuh uh, handsome,” you purr, your fingertips gliding through the hair just below his navel. “Tell me what you want. Use your words.”
Eddie’s brain nearly short circuits as you use his former words against him. A slew of curses tumbles from his lips as you grasp his cock in your hand, rubbing it through your folds but not yet breaching the entrance. Awaiting his response as you continue to tease him, feeling his fingers grasping onto your ass.
“Fuck, I wanna come inside you so bad, sweetheart,” he whines.
You hum in approval, leaning back down to press a sloppy kiss to his mouth. Eddie instantly reciprocates, his tongue working its way past your lips. You teasingly suck the muscle into your mouth before pulling away. A string of saliva connects you as you sit up fully. Eddie curses again, his hands gripping onto your ass even harder.
“Fuck— come on, please.”
Hearing Eddie Munson beg is what finally breaks your resolve, slowly sinking down onto his cock.
It didn’t matter how many times you’ve had him, he always made you feel so full. This time feels…different, though. It’s as though you can feel every vein and ridge of his cock caressing your inner walls, the sensation has you gasping. Your body stills once he’s fully sheathed inside you, letting your palms splay across his chest.
“That’s it, takin’ me so good, doll,” he grunts as his head falls back against the pillow. His praise has you beaming.
You stay like that for a moment until you become familiar with the feeling of him inside you again. Beginning to lift your hips slowly, his cock nearly slipping out of you completely. As you begin to lower yourself onto him again, his face contorts in pleasure—now hiding those beautiful irises from you.
“Eddie… baby. Look at me,” you coo.
The pet name slips past your lips almost too easily, enjoying the way it sounds on your tongue. Eddie’s eyes snap back open to meet yours. His pupils are blown wide, the black nearly swallowing the brown of his irises whole. The male peers up at you in a mixture of lust and awe as you continue to take him deeper.
If he could watch you ride him all day, he would.
However, your leisurely pace is starting to drive him insane. The brunette begins to buck his hips up into yours, swift but deep thrusts that take you by surprise. A moan gets caught in your throat as he rams into your sweet spot, eyes rolling back into your head. Witnessing your visceral reaction, he continues to repeat the action as your chest starts to heave.
“Christ, you look so pretty with my cock inside you, baby,” he moans, his fingers digging harder into your hips.
Any thoughts of remaining quiet are thrown out the window the moment he speaks. A loud moan rips itself from your throat, filling the silence of his bedroom. His praise has your walls tightening around his shaft, your head falling forward as you open your eyes. A smug look adorns his features, eyes falling to where your bodies connect.
He looks so good like this— underneath you, eyes wide and his cheeks beautifully flushed.
“You like that don’t you? My pretty girl…”
The sound that leaves you is borderline pornographic, nails digging into his shoulders as you ride him faster. You can’t disguise the way your body reacts to being called his, your arousal making a slippery mess between your bodies.
You reach for him, coaxing him up until your chests are pressed together. Lips find each other instantly, tangling your fingers in his already wild locks. One of his hands travels between you, rubbing at your swollen bud.
“Fuck— Eddie,” you cry out as he massages your clit faster, simultaneously bucking his hips up into you.
You meet each of his thrusts by slamming your hips back down, thighs burning with the effort. One more brutal thrust into your cervix has you seeing stars, your head burying itself into the crook of his neck. You bite down onto the flesh of his shoulder to muffle a loud cry.
Your thighs tremble as your body slumps forward—unable to continue.
But Eddie keeps going, chasing his own end as he guides you further along his cock. He isn’t able to hold off much longer, as the constant fluttering of your walls becomes his undoing. He spills inside you with a deep grunt as you cling onto his biceps.
The male soon collapses into you, his chest heaving as he captures your lips together. You sigh into his mouth as he holds you tightly against him, breathing the air back into your lungs. You stay like that for a moment, locked together in the most intimate way possible.
Eddie carefully ushers your hips upward, coaxing you back onto the mattress. You whimper softly, already missing the feeling of him inside you. His cum has begun to drip onto the bed sheets as he kneels before you, spreading your legs so he can admire the mess he’s made.
Eddie’s eyes are still wide with lust as he takes in the sight of you, dipping his fingers between your thighs to gather some of his cum on the digits. He slowly eases them back inside your entrance in an attempt to keep anything else from spilling out. You whine his name, reaching out for him as he gently removes his fingers from your center.
The male presses multiple kisses to your shaky thighs before he crawls his way back up your body. Just as he goes to wipe his fingers on his sheets you grab onto his wrist, slipping the digits past your lips.
“Jesus Christ, sweetheart,” he mumbles, feigning hurt when you playfully nibble on his fingers. He starts to pull away, ignoring your pout as he gets off up off the bed. You’re about to protest but he hushes you with a kiss. “I’ll be right back.”
Eddie quickly fixes his boxers before he slips out of his bedroom, returning moments later with a damp washcloth. He’s back between your legs, gently cleaning up the dried arousal on your thighs. He takes his time, making sure every inch of your skin is clean before he tosses the dirty rag in his overflowing laundry basket.
Eddie helps you into a sitting position as he cups your cheek, thumb brushing over your lower lip. He smiles fondly at you, dimple indenting his cheek as a familiar look flashes through his eyes. The one you had noticed the week prior when you were draped across his chest in your bedroom. A look he seems to give you almost every time you’re together now.
You still aren’t sure what exactly it means. All you do know is that you want to see more of it.
Eddie tries to hide it as he presses a kiss to your nose, chuckling as you scrunch it beneath his lips. “You hungry? I’m not the best cook, but I can definitely whip you up a nice omelet?”
You beam at him, nodding your head as he gets up to rummage through his dresser drawers. He eventually finds a pair of shorts for you to wear, handing you the garment as he pulls on a pair of sweatpants. You glance down at the ground, attempting to look for your discarded panties, only to come up short.
“Eddie? Have you seen my panties?” You sigh, beginning to look through the clothes scattered across the floor. Hearing him chuckle you glance up, a small smirk stretching across his lips. It’s then that you notice the black lacy fabric clutched in his fist.
“These are mine now, sweetheart,” he winks, tucking them into his bedside table.
You feel a little flustered as you pull the shorts up over your legs, playfully swatting his chest as you stand. Eddie just laughs, pulling you into arms and kissing you again. He eagerly threads your fingers together, leading you out of the room.
However, once he begins to guide you through the trailer— there's only one thing on your mind.
Scotty has got to go.
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sdk taglist: @xxbimbobunnyxx @munsonhoneybaby @mugloversonly @lemme-slytherin-that-dick @transparentenemypenguin @calumfmu @vamp-bunny @eddiesxangel @nailbatanddungeon @deathst9r @comeonatmebruh
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520 notes · View notes
justmeinadaze · 4 months
Don't Be So Hard (Steddie X Plus Size You)
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"Don't be so hard on yourself The name of the game is humiliation, And thanks for your admiration. I never thought I'd say this: The way that we play has its confrontation, And guilt by association."
A/N: New version of these beings for me to try out. Thank you @bimbobaggins69 for the idea by just being amazing <3.
This take place 10 years after events in season 4 so about 1996.
Warnings: Older Dom (30s) Coach Steve Harrington/Older Dom (30s) Professor Eddie Munson & Young (20s) Fem Plus size Sub Student Y/N (whew! That's a mouth full lol), SMUT, spanking, choking, degrading, voyeurism, use of sir, FLUFF, Eddie and Steve have an established relationship. ANGST (because I'm me), reader is plus size and gets name called by the jocks (they call her names like piggy), one of them does assault her (pushes her and yells at her; brief), Steddie saves the day, mentions of reader staring in a play that makes her anxious due to her body.
This whole dynamic is technically angsty (which is why I love it muahaha).
Word Count: 8679
“I fucking hate schools.”, you grumble under your breath as you hit snooze on your alarm for the fifth time that morning. The beginning of your junior year spring semester at Hawkins University started today but the idea of getting out of bed sounded exhausting. In Hawkins, everyone was in everyone else’s business and being the bigger girl some of the jocks felt the need to butt in more than anyone else. 
“Hey Y/N. Did you put on more weight this summer? Those jeans look like they’re about to pop!”
“Should you be eating that, piggy? Maybe try a salad every now and then.”
You thought when you left high school, you wouldn’t have to deal with this crap anymore but unfortunately some of it followed you to college. 
When you finally made it to your first class it was right before it began so you could avoid any unwanted conversation. You weren’t so lucky.
“Heeeeeeey, Y/N.”, football star Martin Click cooed obnoxiously as he leaned towards you from his seat above yours. “I was hoping we’d have some classes together, piggy. I missed you over the summer. You couldn’t bother to dress up for me?”
“Oh, sorry Martin, if I had known we would be sharing a class I would have made myself uglier but unfortunately for me that’s impossible since I’m so fucking sexy. Maybe you can tutor me on how to be a sloppy asshole.”
The breathy laugh that echoed to your ears caught you off guard as you glanced up towards the front of the classroom and met the chocolate eyes of your new Literature & Writing professor. 
“I’m sorry.”, you whisper as red paints your face.
“No, no. No reason to be sorry. I thought it was a good comeback.”, he grinned making you blush even more. “Mr. Click, should I tell Coach Harrington that you’re more focused on ladies attire than my class or are we going to behave this semester?”
Rolling his eyes, Martin leaned back in his chair making the professor smugly smirk as he winked in your direction. 
“As I’m sure ya’ll are aware, I’m professor Munson and if you’re here because of my reputation then I will kindly ask you to leave. I’m not here to talk about my past or my family history.”
You had heard rumors about Eddie Munson and of course knew all about him being on the run back when you were little. You parents never let you leave the house or play outside for fear that the “satanic Hawkins killer” would snatch you up and make you his next victim. As you grew up and read more about what happened, it seemed less to you like he did anything at all and obviously the chief agreed because Mr. Munson was never tried or did any prison time. 
No, you weren’t interested in his past. You were interested in the things he could teach you. After overhearing one of his lectures, you were fascinated with the way he told a story and explained the material. He got so animated to an adorable degree and as a theater major you thought it would be fun to see how he interpreted literature while getting the final English credit you needed. 
When no one moved he smiled and began talking about usual first day things such as the syllabus and what to expect over the semester. After the class had ended and everyone left, you stayed behind and quietly made your way to his desk. 
“Hey, um, I’m sorry if I was rude or—”
“I didn’t think you were rude. If anything, he was and definitely needed to be put in his place.”, he interrupted without looking your way as he sorted through papers in front of him. “You’re Y/N, right?”
“Yes, sir. Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen some of the plays you were in on campus here. I dragged my friend to see A Midsummer Night’s Dream and you actually got him to pay attention.”, Mr. Munson smiled as he finally lifted his head to look your way. “You were very good.”
“Oh, um, thank you very much. That means a lot coming from you.” He tilts his head at your comment as blush fills your cheeks again. “I just meant I’ve seen some of your lectures before and you’re an amazing storyteller. You excite me, I mean you make me want to pay attention to, I mean… ok, let’s pretend I just left right after class and didn’t just embarrass myself.”
Hugging your books to your chest, you power walk out the door as his chuckle fills your ears. 
With a break between periods, you hastily headed for the gym after lunch to change and get out on to the track by the field. Contrary to popular belief, you were fairly athletic despite your size and enjoyed letting off steam as you pumped your legs as fast as they could take you.
As your music blared loudly in your ears, the feeling of eyes watching you grabbed your attention towards the bleachers where Coach Harrington was standing with his arms crossed and leaning to the side as Professor Munson balanced his arm on his shoulder, murmuring something to him as their eyes followed you. 
Trying to block them out, you continued to focus on the path in front of you but was blindsided when a football whizzed past your nose almost hitting you.
“Whoa! Sorry, piggy. Have to keep your eyes open around here.”, Martin laughs as you roll your eyes. 
Glancing their way, you noticed both men were standing straighter as if prepared to defend you if needed. You weren’t a weak little girl and for whatever reason you strongly felt like you needed to show them that. As you pick up the football one of the players lifts his hands running towards you as if expecting you to not be able to throw it but at the last minute you throw a perfect spiral to their coach who doesn’t even hesitate as he lifts his hands and catches it seamlessly from the air. 
“Well, shit, gentlemen. Looks like I have a new passer.”
“Oh, no thank you, Coach Harrington. If I ever played a sport it would be with a team that doesn’t suck.”
Again, Mr. Munson snicked through his teeth as the man he was leaning on flashed you a big grin. 
That night you decided to run after hours, thinking you would be alone but were surprised when you saw Coach Harrington on the track. 
“Shit! Sorry, you scared the hell out of me.”, he nervously chuckled. 
“I’M sorry. I thought no one would be out here.”
“Yeah, normally there aren’t.”, he teased raising an eyebrow at you. “Well, don’t let me stop you.”
As he took off continuing to jog, you pushed your headphones on your head and started your run. After a couple of laps with you in your zone, your feet abruptly slipped out from under you as you tumbled forward onto the gravel.
“Whoa!”, Coach Harrington shouted in concern as he ran to your side and kneeled down. “Are you alright?”
“Ow. Yeah, I just…tripped. Fuck that hurt.”
“Let me see.” Without any hesitation, his hand gripped your leg and looked it over. “Oof, you may have a pretty good bruise there but you should be alright.” Rising to his feet, he extended his hand to you to help you up which you eagerly accepted while he gripped you tightly and led you towards the bleachers. “You must have been deep in thought because you passed me a couple of times and didn’t even turn your head.”
“I did? Yeah, I’m sorry. I just have some things on my mind.”
“No, I know what you mean. Eddie—Professor Munson told me what happened in his class. If any of those guys bother you again, please let me know. I’ll make them run laps or even sit them out of a game if I have to. Nothing scares these kids more than not being able to play.”
You knew of Steve Harrington mostly because of his parents. The Harrington’s were prominent members of the community and very well respected. In your high school there had been pictures of him from his days on the basketball and swim team when he was a student. 
After he graduated, other rumors began to circulate about him spending time with the “freaks of Hawkins” but who cares. Not you especially since you had been labeled a freak since elementary. 
“I, um, I hope you didn’t take offense to what I said. Your team doesn’t suck just…some of your players. I mean, not their playing ability just their personalities. FUCK, why can’t I talk today?”
His smile widens as he laughs from his gut making you don your own smile. 
Coach Harrington’s eyes meet yours for a moment before a controlled laugh escapes his lips.
“What, um, what were you listening to so loud that you didn’t hear me yelling for you to slow down?”
Giggling, you gesture towards your Walkman. 
“Just some CD I burned to get me pumped. Right now, it’s playing ‘Master of Puppets’ by Metallica. Have you heard that song?”  
Something dark flashes over his face before he awkwardly nods and gets up leaving you alone on the bleachers as you stare after him. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?”, you growl as you push on the girl’s locker room door to find it locked. “What is going on with me this semester?”
Glancing around and seeing no one, you brave the boy’s locker room, finding it open, assuming that in his weird state, maybe, Mr. Harrington forgot to lock up. As quickly as you could you showered and began to change into some comfy clothes. 
The sound of something hitting the wall nearby froze you in fear as you gaze scanned the area. 
No one nearby. It could be the janitor cleaning the coach’s office.
Quietly, you threw your things over your shoulder and tiptoed that way with the intention of ducking under the window of the area so you weren’t seen but the muffled sound of moaning had you pausing again. 
“Mmm…Steve…Steven. Wh-What’s wrong, baby? Talk to me.”
“Your student that you talk about…Y/N…she was listening to that song you played in the upside down. I just…it made me think of us…us finding you.”
“Hey. Hey, hey, sweetheart. It’s ok. I’m ok. I’m right here, Steve. You saved me.”
Peeking through the window, you saw their forehead’s pressed together as Eddie gently caressed his cheek with his thumbs. A small sigh left your lips when they began to kiss each other again. With a bit of needy force, Steve turned him around and pulled his back flush to his chest. Gently nibbling on his neck, he reached around and unbuckled Eddie’s pants, pushing them down to free his cock that he promptly began stroking. 
Fuck me he’s big. 
You practically drooled at the sight, licking your lips as your palm absently glided under your shirt to rub your tummy.
With his free hand, Steve sloppily yanked down his sweats making you moan as you watched him spit in his palm and rub it between Eddie’s cheeks before gradually guiding himself into his entrance. 
“Fuck, Steve. That’s it, baby.”
Clinging to each other tightly, Steve thrust his hips at a steady rhythm and you marveled at the sight as your fingers drifted into your own sweatpants and you began circling your clit.
“H-Harder, Steve, please.”
“Please.”, you whisper as you try to keep your eyes open and on them. 
“Like this, honey? Fuck you feel so good, Eddie. I love you.”
Arching his back, your professor craned his neck to kiss the man’s lips as he pumped into him as hard as he could without hurting him. 
“I love you to, baby. Shit, I’m going to cum. Cum with me, Steve.”
Nodding aggressively, he chased their highs until both men grunted and came. While they softly kissed each other your body trembled as you covered your mouth, trying to stifle your moans as the coil snapped. It wasn’t enough as both their heads turned meeting your eyes as you were coming down from cloud 9. 
No one moved as the three of you stared each other. 
Holding up his hands in surrender, Steve pulled out as Eddie straightened up, worry painting both their faces. 
Before they could do anything else, you turned and quickly ran out of the locker room.
What the fuck was I thinking?! I shouldn’t have watched them. Two teachers in the MALE locker room while I was touching myself. Shit. I’m going to be expelled for sure. 
Sitting on the stage of your theater class, you focused on the script in front of you as you prepared for an audition your professor recommended. Mrs. Lilah always felt constrained by Hawkins when it came to material but this year she quiet literally said fuck them and decided to do Rocky Horror Picture Show. 
As you read through your lines for Magenta, a clearing throat caught your attention. 
“Hey Eddie!”, your theater teacher beamed as she waved at him and he smiled back before jumping onto the stage to sit beside you. He smelled strongly like cigarettes and a dash of cologne that had your head spinning as you continued to keep your eyes on the paper in front of you. 
“Hey Lilah. I hope I’m not disturbing anything. I just need to talk to Y/N here about an assignment real quick.”
“No problem. She does have her audition for Janet in a few minutes and I’m dying to see her interpretation.”
That caught your attention as your head swiveled her way. 
“I’m doing what now?”
“For Janet, honey. I think you’d be perfect. She’s a bit timid at first but comes out of her shell.”
“But…but…she’s in a bra for a good chunk of the play.”
“Yeah…does that make you uncomfortable?”
“Hm, yeah, Y/N, does people seeing your body in the shadows in an intimate way make you uncomfortable?”, Eddie murmured low enough so only you could hear. 
“Let’s just do the audition and if you prove me right, we can talk about the wardrobe, ok?”
Flashing her a timid smile, you turn to give your attention to your professor. 
“I’m sorry.”
“For what? Skipping my class this morning? Oh, you mean when you watched me and my boyfriend have sex in the boy’s locker room?”
“The girl’s one was locked and I needed to shower—”
“That explains why you were in the locker room but not why you were there watching. Are you going to run and tell all your little friends about how you saw the murderous freak fucking the pretty, rich football coach?”
“What? No. I would never—”
“Mhmm. Look how much will it take to keep your mouth shut?”
“Nothing. I don’t—”
“Please, Y/N! Everyone has a price and Steve doesn’t deserve to lose all he’s worked hard for. So, tell me—”
“Will you let me talk!?” Glancing around to make sure no one heard your outburst; you lower your voice as you continue. “I don’t want anything or any money. I won’t tell anyone. I genuinely don’t care about your private lives. I’m really sorry I watched. I shouldn’t have…I just…”
Your professor’s eyes focused intently on you as he waited for you to continue. 
“I was attracted. The way you two kiss and the way he holds you…no one’s ever been that way with me…” When your eyes dared to finally meet his, you expected anger but those gorgeous chocolate irises displayed a softness you appreciated. “I swear, Mr. Munson, I won’t tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me.”
Nodding, he jumped down from the stage before turning to face you again. 
“I think under the circumstances you can call me Eddie. Not in class but… I also think you should play Janet. You’re a very beautiful young lady. Don’t let any of these superficial idiots take away that lead role from you just because of how you look.”
A couple of weeks had passed and nothing of note happened with school or your classes. You were cast as Janet, allowing Eddie’s advice to drive you as you maneuvered the role. Your professor and Coach Harrington had minimal contact with you but you always felt their eyes following you around. 
Tonight, you were studying in the Hawkins diner off campus. You preferred it here then the library after hours because not only could you munch on some delicious food but no one was usually there that you knew. 
As the bell above the door dinged, you glanced up from the novel Eddie had you guys reading to see said professor and his boyfriend entering the establishment and taking a seat. You couldn’t help but wonder how hard being out like this must be for them. They couldn’t share a booth or be flirty. They couldn’t hold hands or kiss, at least not visibly where people could see. You hated that for them since both seemed like good men. You wondered why they stayed behind here in this terrible little conservative town instead of moving anywhere else. 
Hoping to slip out unnoticed and allow them privacy this time, you gathered your things and placed some money on the table. 
“Is that my favorite piggy?”
You roll your eyes at the sound of Martin’s voice as you try to ignore him and head out the door. A hand abruptly grabs you but you slap it away. 
“Don’t touch me.”, you hiss. 
“Oh, come on, Y/N. It’s Saturday and we just left an awesome party. Can’t you and I get along for once?!” His friends around the table behind him snickered as a big devilish smile stretched across his face. 
“If you weren’t such a fucking dick maybe. Now leave me alone.”
As you storm out the front door to your car, something tugs your backpack, ripping it open as all your books and papers tumble to floor. Martin’s hand wraps around your throat and pushes you against the trunk of your car. 
“You will show some fucking respect especially in front of my friends.”
“Aw, did little Martin get his feelings hurt?”, you sass. “Didn’t realize you had any.” 
Your knee rises as you hit him in his stomach but he’s still faster as his palm reaches out to grab your shirt tugging you down hard onto the pavement.
Abruptly, someone grabs his own jacket collar and tosses him roughly away from you as Eddie quickly maneuvers around them both, kneeling to your level. 
“Are you ok, sweetheart? Can you stand?” Silently nodding, you take the hand he offers to you and rise to your feet. He notices immediately that your blouse is torn and without hesitation shimmies out of his leather jacket and places it around your shoulders. 
“Mr. Click, on Monday, you will see me in my office.”, Coach Harrington growled as he glared at the boy. 
“Oh, fuck you! That fat little whore pushed me into it!”
“HEY!”, he bellowed making you jump as your teacher rubbed your shoulders comfortingly. “I would advise you to stop speaking. You’re already in a lot of trouble.”
“Pfft, you think I’m scared of you, Steve Harrington?! Yeah, my parents told me all about you and the disappointment you became to Hawkins. You’re fucking pathetic! I’m surprised they even hired you to coach us let alone your friend the freak! I guess those satanic rituals DO fucking work.”
The man’s body language stiffened before he did that controlled chuckle you had heard before. 
“Alright, Martin, we can do this right now then. I was only going to suspend you but you know, since I’m so fucking pathetic I think I’ll just go all in. You’re off my team.”
Turning around, he ignored the boy’s continued expletives as he faced you both. 
“Eddie, get her books and all her things. We’ll take her back to our house, if that’s ok with you.”, he asked pointedly in your direction. All you could do was nod and try to bend down to get your thing but the metalhead stopped you before descending to the concrete to collect your things. 
“Take it up with the dean. Until then on Monday, I want your shit out of my locker room or else I will throw it in the garbage. Come on, guys.”
Coach Harrington opened the back seat door for you, startling you when he closed the door a bit too hard. 
When they parked outside of a home, neither moved as Eddie’s eyes scanned over his partner’s face.
“You ok, babe?”
His ringed fingers reached out to caress through his hair and in the rearview mirror you could see Steve close his eyes as he exhaled. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s get inside.”, he answered curtly as he came around and opened your door and you followed both men inside. You stood in their living room silently as they threw their keys down and Eddie disappeared down a hallway. 
When he came back, he handed you a t-shirt that read “Def Leopard: Tour of 88!”
“Go put this on and we can see about fixing your own.”
His eyes followed you as you entered their bedroom where the bathroom was located and shut the door. Removing your blouse, you could see a slight bruise forming where the strap of your backpack had been on your shoulder and some redness around your neck where Martin had grabbed you. Swallowing your pain at the sight, you put on the shirt they provided and folded his jacket, placing it nicely on the countertop.
Your eyes took in their fairly average bathroom, smirking slightly at the hair gel you imagined was Steve’s as Eddie’s hair was always wild even during class when he pulled it back. Both their colognes and bathroom products were side by side like any couples but the few things you knew about them had each personality standing out. Cigarettes were by the window near the bathtub where you imagined Eddie smoked as they took a bath together. On the floor by the shower, were some handheld barbells you imagined Steve used while Eddie took a shower or got ready so they could talk to each other about their days. 
Walking back out to their bedroom, you noticed a guitar against the wall and grinned at its slightly cheesy 80s aesthetic. You remembered once hearing that Eddie Munson used to be in a band but for the life of you couldn’t remember the name. You wondered if he still played. 
“Your student that you talk about…Y/N…she was listening to that song you played in the upside down. I just…it made me think of us…us finding you.”
What could he have meant by that…
Your gaze shifted to their dresser that had a vanity mirror attached with pictures taped to it. There were so many images of them together that made your smile widen but there were also photos of Steve with a young lady you remember seeing around Hawkins. She used to work at Family Video until a few years ago but you weren’t sure where she moved on to from there. Did you remember Steve there? No… you were pretty young though and focused on your own carefree life. 
There were pictures of Eddie with the Hellfire club. They were still active when you went to Hawkins High filled with a cool group of kids you hung out with from time to time. There were whispers of the man that created it but everyone in the club always said good things about the former Dungeon Master. 
They must have been in two different worlds in high school. 
What must have happened to bring them together?
“Steven, you need to calm down.”
The sound of Eddie’s voice caught your attention after something loud slammed in the kitchen. You tiptoed down their hallway and paused on the other side of the wall. 
“Fucking asshole kid, I swear to God.”
“Baby, it’s not the first time someone has said those things to us and it won’t be the last especially since we chose to stay here.”
“We didn’t exactly choose and that’s not why I’m upset.”
“Why then?”
“She…she seems like a nice girl.”
“She IS a nice girl.” Eddie sighs as he lowers his voice. “Steven, she’s a student and a lot younger than us.”
“Not a lot. Jesus, you make us sound ancient. She’s, what, how old you were when you graduated high school.”
“Hey, ok first off, rude.” They both giggle making you grin. “Second, again, she’s a student. She’s MY student. I could get in way more trouble than you.”
“Like that’s ever stopped you.”
“I swear, sweetheart, don’t we have enough chaos fucking hiding our relationship?”
“Oh, come on, Ed, you don’t like her?”
“I didn’t say that. I just… yeah, she’s beautiful and adorable and… fuck. We shouldn’t talk about this with her here.”
Collecting your bearings, you walk around the wall and knock on it lightly.
“Hey, there she is. I, uh, I fixed your backpack. Let me, um, see if I can salvage this top for you here.”, Eddie smiles as he takes it from your hands and heads for their couch. 
“I didn’t know you could sew.”
“Mhmm. I can’t like whip up a brand new outfit or anything but I can patch things together.”
“Are you alright? Do you need any Band-Aids or an ice pack?”, Steve asks from his place by the counter. 
“No, I’m ok. My throat is a bit sore but…” You don’t even finish your sentence before he’s turning around and grabbing an ice pack from the freezer, wrapping it in a rag, and sitting in front of you on their coffee table to place it on your neck. “Thank you. I like being choked but not like that or by that asshole.”
They both glance at each other as you blush. 
“Yeah, probably not a joke to make right now. Sorry.”
“You apologize a lot.”, Eddie says from behind you. 
“Sorry.” They laugh making you grin to yourself as you look down at your feet. “I hope I didn’t get you in trouble. I’m not…actively…trying to do that.”
“Oh, no worries, honey. Trust me. What is he going to say? ‘Coach Harrington kicked me off the team after I drunkenly assaulted a girl?’ I’m pretty sure the dean will side with me on that one.”
Your silence makes them nervous and they exchange another look. 
“What are you thinking about, Y/N?”
“I’m thinking about how I never expected Martin to do what he did. He’s been mean to me since freshman year but never aggressive like that.”
“You know that wasn’t your fault, right, princess?”
“Yeah, I know. I…I…” Unable to control them, the tears began to flow and a ring laced hand delicately reached for your shoulder, moving the things in his lap aside so he could hold you to his chest. Steve placed his own palm on your jeaned thigh and comfortingly rubbed against the material. 
Once again you were engulfed in the scent of Eddie’s cigarettes and cologne as his cheek rested on the top of your head. You couldn’t explain why but you felt safe here with their hands on you encased between them. 
It had been a few months since your last relationship and you could feel yourself dropping into that particular headspace the longer they comforted you. 
“I’m…I’m also thinking…about what I saw that night…in the locker room. How you two took care of each other…”
All movement on your body ceased as they even held their breathes. 
“H-How about we get you home, Y/N? I can give you this shirt after our next class.”
Eddie lightly pushed you to the side as he tried to stand but you hastily grabbed his arm stopping him. 
“I heard you. You said I was beautiful and sweet.”
As your little voice flowed through his ears, his eyes squeezed shut trying to keep control. 
“Y/N, maybe, he’s right. Maybe, we should get you home before—”
“Before what, Steve?” This was the first time you were using his name out loud and the notion sent tingles all through your body feeling like a little girl who misbehaved.
“Hey. You show him respect, little girl. That’s Mr. Harrington or sir.”, Eddie scolded in gruff tone.
“No, Steven. Little girl wants to play with the grownups, then that’s how we will treat her. Now, we said, you’re going home. Grab your things and head towards the front door.”
“Why did you bring me back here, Mr. Munson? You could have taken me back to my dorm but you didn’t. Why?”
“Because people shouldn’t be seeing a professor drop off a student on campus.”
“But Steve said he was taking me to your house out loud to Martin.”
The man’s hand firmly came down on the side of your thigh making you yelp as you bit your bottom lip. 
“He said show me respect.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Harrington.” Placing your hand on top of his, your thumb tenderly ran along his skin as you leaned against Eddie’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, Mr. Munson. Like I said…no one has ever taken care of me or looked out for me the way you two do with each other.”
You were slightly surprised when his fingers gently came around and brushed your hair away from your face. 
“We brought you back here because we thought you were safer with us here. After what he did, we thought that’s what you needed.”
“Am I not safe here?”, you whisper as you can’t help but rub your thighs together. 
“Y/N… Eddie and I have been through a lot. What you saw in my office isn’t always how we are when we’re intimate. We’re not always…soft.”
“But I promise you, princess, we are nothing like Martin. If you wanted to leave…right now…that’s ok. We can take you home or call you a cab if that makes you more comfortable.”
He was giving you an out; they both were. You could leave right now and the three of you could pretend this never happened. You could pretend that Steve’s large hand on your upper thigh wasn’t turning you on as you thought about how those long fingers would feel inside of you. You could pretend that Eddie’s touch wasn’t getting progressively slower as the pads of his own fingers traced your cheek making your pussy clench around nothing. You could pretend the notion of doing something you shouldn’t and being at the mercy of these two men’s wills didn’t drive you crazy. You could do that… 
“I don’t mind it not being soft, Mr. Harrington. I trust you and Mr. Munson.” Both men exchanged on final look of caution before your last sentence pushed caution to the wind. “Please, I need you.”
“I think since you saw us in vulnerable position we should get the same courtesy.”, Steve replied in a much huskier tone than before. Taking your hands in his, he pulled you to your feet and pushed the coffee table out of the way before taking the seat you had just been in. On impulse, Eddie leaned closer to him as the other boy wrapped his arm around his shoulder. 
“Go ahead, Y/N.”
As your eyes shifted between their heavy gazes, you lifted off the shirt he gave you, unbuttoned your pants, and shimmied them a bit clumsily down your legs.
You stood there waiting for more instruction as they continued to stare at your body. 
“Did you see our cocks?”
Steve smirked as his boyfriend began to kiss his neck while his palm traveled along his chest down his stomach.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Remember that, Y/N. I don’t like repeating myself and Eddie is a lot nicer than I am in here.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Harrington.”
Steve’s eyes fluttered when the metalhead’s palm grazed the bulge in his jeans. 
“Now, if you saw or cocks, then why are you stopping?”
“You said…I should be vulnerable, sir.”
Your small voice had them groaning as Eddie fumbled with the pretty boy’s belt almost desperately. 
“Fuck. Don’t move.” He commanded towards you as his head turned to capture his boyfriend’s lips. Lifting his hips, he helped Eddie blindly pull his jeans down just enough to free his length. As he started to lean over his lap, Steve hastily stopped him with a smile. “You don’t want to see her, honey?”
He chuckled as he focused his attention back on you. 
“Do you feel vulnerable, Y/N?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Hm. Not enough to not finger yourself out in the open though, huh? I mean at least you had pants on.”
“I-I-I wasn’t…I wasn’t thinking—”
“No, you weren’t. Take off the rest so we can see you.”
While doing what he said, you watched as Steve pushed down Eddie’s pants as well and both men kissed passionately in front of you as they stroked each other’s cocks. 
“Y/N, is there anything we should know? Anything we should avoid?”
“No, Mr. Munson.”, you answered, appreciating his soft tone as he asked his series of questions. 
“You said you liked being choked but is there anything physical we shouldn’t do?”, Eddie groaned out as Steve lifted off his shirt.
You heard his question but couldn’t form an answer as your eyes starred at the scars that littered his chest. They looked like whatever wound created them was deep, possibly life threatening. What could have happened to him?
“HEY!”, he barked making you jump. “He said he’s not as nice as me but that doesn’t mean I’m easy going! Now, answer the fucking question, little girl.”
“I’m sorry, sir. N-No, I don’t mind being hit or p-punished. Mr. Munson, what happened?”
As you started to step forward, both sets of brown eyes glared your way freezing you in place.
“Do you know the stop light system?”, Steve growled in a much rougher tone than you were prepared for. Nodding curtly after reciting it to them, he got up and grabbed your arm, sitting you between them. “Now, we do have some rules, Y/N. The first rule is the most important. DON’T ask about our scars.”
Steve slowly lifted off his own shirt and tossed it to the side. He didn’t have as many scars as Eddie but they were just as deep and looked similar. Whatever happened must have happened to both of them. 
“I’m so sorry you both went through…whatever hurt you.”, you coo as you reach out to graze your fingers down Eddie’s chest. 
The darkness in their eyes faltered slightly at your sincerity and the metalhead took your hand in his, tenderly kissing the back of it. 
“Second rule. You have to be vocal, Y/N. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, we need you to say red ok?”
“Yes, sir, Mr. Munson. “
“Good. Good girl.”
His praise made you giddy as you blush making him smile.
“Can I kiss you?”
“I have one more question, princess. Have you ever done anything like this before?”
“Yes and no.”
“Yeah, we’re going to need you to clarify that.”, Steve laughs. 
“I’ve done rough stuff with dominate partners before. I’ve never been with two men before.”
The way you said the word men had Eddie’s eyebrow quirking upward. 
“Are you trying to tell us you’ve only been with boys your age?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Why did you feel the need to tell us that?”
“Do we make you nervous?”, Steve asks as his fingers dance up your arm. 
“Yes b-but not because of you two, Mr. Harrington. I just wanted you to know j-just in case I’m not as ‘experienced’ as you both.”
Eddie’s palms cupped your cheeks as he brought your lips to his. You weren’t surprised by the nicotine that lingered there but you were by the tingle that ran through your body as his tongue caressed your own. When he pulled away you tried to lean forward for more but his grip held firm. 
“We weren’t expecting you to be, pretty girl. You’ve only ever been with these little boys but you’re about to be fucked by real men, sweetheart. Trust us, we know how to take care of you.”
You moaned at his promise, turning towards Steve to crash your lips with his. He was a much more determined kisser, his mouth and tongue sending that same shock wave through to your core. 
“Have you ever sucked a cock as big as mine?”, he panted against your lips.
As you shake your head, his fingers grab your throat just below your jaw as if purposely avoiding where Martin had hurt you. 
“What did I say? How do you answer us?”
“I’m sorry. No, sir, I’ve never sucked a dick as big as either of you.”
Sitting back, his palm moved to the back of your neck, guiding you down over his leaking tip as Eddie adjusted your body till you were on all fours for them. 
“Fuck me, Steve. She is so fucking wet. Her pussy is just tripping down her thighs.”
“Aw, you like being a bad girl, don’t you, honey?”
“Y-yes, Mr. Harrington. I like being a bad girl.”
“Open your mouth.” Doing as he directed, you quickly kissed his slit making him mewl before fully taking him between your awaiting lips. “Yes, oh my god. T-That’s a good girl.”
Eddie’s fingers glided through your folds causing your eyes to roll as you bobbed your head.
“Steve, baby, Jesus, she’s so fucking tight.”, the metalhead groaned as his palm came down hard on your ass. 
“Yeah, Y/N? Did that feel good? You like when your professor spanks you?”
Yanking your hair roughly he tugs you off of him as you continue to stroke him with your hand. 
“I didn’t hear that, little girl. What did you say?”
“Y-Yes, sir, I like when Mr. Munson spanks me.” 
At your response he spanks you again right as he guides two of his digits into your core. Gripping you tighter, Steve forces your mouth on him again and holds you still as he thrusts his hips allowing his cock to hit the back of your throat. 
“Good girl. That’s it, Y/N. Keep your throat open for me.”
Abruptly, Eddie swats his boyfriend’s hand and tugs on your shoulder, guiding you down the hallway to their bedroom and tossing you onto their bed. After completely removing the rest of his clothes, he climbs between your legs and runs his wide, flat tongue through your pussy up to your clit. 
“Oh shit.”, you moan as your back arches into the feeling before yelping when his palm smacks your cunt. 
“Watch your mouth, little girl.”
“I’m sorry, sir. I’m sorry.”
Steve chuckles as he climbs in beside you both placing his knees by your head as his fingers grip your hair again. 
“Can’t really blame her. I know how amazing your tongue feels. Then again, you may have some competition, babe, because her fucking mouth feels so good.”
Pride washes over you at his praise as you grip his cock and take him as far back as you can trying to continue to please him. 
“I-It’s ok, honey. We can train this little throat. As—fuck—as you know, Eddie’s a wonderful teacher.” His boyfriend tosses him a smirk as his tongue flicks faster against your bud. “Are you going to cum? Cum, Y/N. Cum all over his face.”
Your hips grinded against him as the man’s mouth wrapped around your bundle of nerves and he pushed two of his fingers rapidly inside of you as the sound of your arousal to fill the room. 
Steve backed away from you, allowing you to focus and breathe as your orgasm washed over you. As you came down from your high, Eddie lightly slapped between your legs making you jump and groan. 
“Sensitive. I like that.”
Tilting towards their bedside table, he paused as their eyes met. 
“Shit. I don’t have any condoms.”
“What?”, Steve almost wined as you tried to contain your smile at their desperate need for you.
“Steve, we’ve been together for almost 10 years. When was the last time we used a fucking condom?”, Eddie growled. 
“We’ve been talking about adding someone to our dynamic for a while now.”
“Yeah but I wasn’t prepared for it to be tonight with a fucking student!”
“Excuse me.”, you finally pipe up. “I’m on the pill. I can understand if you still don’t want to but…I’m safe. And like I said, I trust you.”
Both men exchange a glance and you can’t help but giggle up at them. 
“So how long were you going to wait before you said anything, huh?”
“Mr. Munson, you didn’t ask. I wanted to be a good girl and only speak when spoken to.”
They narrow their eyes playfully at you for a moment before Eddie grabs your jaw and tilts you till your face is level with his. 
“You’re not cute, little girl. That little snarky attitude may have worked on those pathetic boys you were with but you’re in the bed of real men now. Don’t hide things from us you think we should know. Do I make myself clear?”
“Y-Yes, sir. I’m—”
Steve’s hand cuts you off as he pushes you back against the mattress. 
“We know. You’re sorry.”
Taking hold of his shaft, Eddie taps himself against your pussy making you squirm as you open your legs wider for him. Grabbing your hips, he slides you closer and gradually guides himself into your dripping entrance.
“Fuuuuuck.”, he moaned as he slowly pumped his hips. “We are going to fucking ruin you for anyone else, little girl. Goddamn.”
“How does she feel, baby?”, Steve asks as he leaned towards him to lightly kiss his neck.
“S-So fucking tight, sweetheart, you have no idea. I want…”
“What do you want, Ed?”
“I wanna…fuck her into the fucking mattress.”
Your pussy fluttered around him at his words and his eyes that been closed shot open as he placed his palms on either side of you and started thrusting into you aggressively.
“You want that, you little whore. I can give that to you.”
Much softer than his partner, Steve turned your head and slide his cock back into your mouth that you eagerly sucked on relishing the taste of him. As he pounded into you, Eddie’s lips kissed along his boyfriend’s chest making the man groan louder as he ran his fingers through his hair. 
Bringing his lips to his own they passionately exchanged a kiss that had you mewling as the long-haired man rolled his hips hard hitting that soft spot inside you repeatedly. 
Eddie’s head tilted back as his jaw went slack and you couldn’t help but reach your hands up to run your nails down your chest. 
Steve moved back as the metalhead grabbed your wrists and held them against the bed as his face fell beside your own. 
“You fucking ask me, Y/N. You beg us to let you cum. Shit. We have control in here.”, he whispers in your ear making your shudder underneath him. 
“P-Please, Mr. Munson. Can I cum? I want to cum on your cock, please.”
His hair tickles your face as he nods and the action of him tenderly kissing your cheek pushes you over the edge as the coil snaps. 
“Fuck, that’s it, pretty girl. Came so fucking hard on my dick. I’m going to fill you up, princess, ok?”
“Please…”, you whimper as he slams into you, chasing his high.
Your professor’s grunts filled your ear and you turned your head into the sound as he warmed your insides. As soon as he rolled off you, a hand took hold of your ankle and yanked you to the edge the bed. 
“Hey, hey, honey. No, no.”, Steve cooed with a hint of sarcasm as he lightly slapped your cheek. “Open your eyes, baby. What color are you at, Y/N?”
His massive palm slapped you a bit harder causing your eyes to fully open as you leaned up on your elbows. 
“Green, what?”
“Green, SIR!”
You’re suddenly turned on to your stomach as rough hands lift your ass in the air while another set takes hold of your wrists and pulls your top half down and forward. 
“Get rid of the attitude, Y/N. You think just because you came you’re allowed to be disrespectful?”, Eddie growls as Steve spanks your behind. “Now, answer him clearly without the tone.”
“Green, Mr. Harrington.”
As he ran his tip through your folds, you knew even after taking his partner, he was going to split you in half. 
“Fuck me.”, Steve moaned as he began pushing himself into you. 
Eddie’s head tilted to the side as he watched your face scrunch together. 
“You’re alright, sweetheart. Trust me, I know how hard he can be to take at first but it will feel good soon. I promise, baby.”, he soothed and kissed your lips. 
“F-Feels…feels good…now. Fuck.”
The man behind you smacks your ass at the curse, pressing further into your cunt till his hips finally connected with yours. 
“Still green, babe?”
“Yeeeees, sir.”
“Good.” Clinging to your waist, Steve pulled back till he was almost all the way out of pussy before roughly slamming back into you practically punching the air from your lungs.
“Oh my god!”
With a slanted smile, he pounded into you as Eddie watched from the side, sitting up on his knees to occasionally run his fingers down the man’s chest. 
“She feels really fucking good, right? Our young, new little toy.”
“Goddamn, I’m gonna fucking bust like a teenager.”
“Wait, pretty boy. You need to feel her cum. Her pussy fucking chokes your dick, I swear.”
“Fuck, Y/N, are you close, little girl?” When you didn’t answer, his hand reached around to grab you throat and lift your back to his chest. “Still coherent, you little slut? I asked you a question.”
“H-Harder, Mr. Harrington, please.”
As his forehead landed on your shoulder, he did what you asked till the bed began to jostle underneath you. A jolt of electricity shot through your body and you mewled as Eddie rubbed circles into your clit. 
You took their conversation as approval and your arm circle around Steve’s neck as you came. 
“Jesus fucking Christ!”, he grunted as he took hold of your chin and turned you so his lips could mingle with yours as he pumped into you a few more times before releasing his seed inside you. 
You were completely drained and slightly sore as he tried to delicately pullout of you while you waited for what to do next. Usually, the boys you were with did the minimal amount of aftercare, choosing to just cuddle with you which was fine. You were surprised, however, when Eddie informed you the bath was ready when you were. 
“For me?”
“Yeah, princess, come on. It will soothe your muscles.”, he murmured softly as he took your forearm and slowly walked you to the bathtub and guided you in. Your head remained lowered as you listened to him maneuver around the bathroom, sliding on some boxers before lighting a cigarette and placing himself on his knees beside you. 
Utilizing the washcloth, he cleaned you pausing when your hand suddenly grabbed his wrist as he attempted to clean between your legs. 
“I’m sorry. Just sore.”, you whispered as you let him go. 
Eddie’s eyes scanned you over and you heard him blow out some smoke from his lips as he put the cigarette down in a nearby ashtray. His fingers moved some of your hair back and he pressed his nose into your cheek while he continued to clean you. 
“It’s ok, sweetheart. You’re still doing really good for me. I know your little pussy hurts from how we stretched her open but we got you, pretty girl. You took us both so well.”
As his deep, comforting tone continued to whisper praises, you keened into the sound as you winced, trying not to grab him again.
“I know, I know. I’m almost done.”
Tilting your head, your lips found his, both of you getting lost in the feeling as he dropped the rag from his hand so he could cup your face and hold you closer. A throat clearing distracted you two as Steve entered the bathroom. 
“I, uh, I have some clothes for you here, Y/N, whenever you’re ready.”
Nodding, you allow Eddie to help you out and lead you in front of his partner who took a seat on the edge of the bed. His honey irises ran along your body, checking for extra care you may need that they inflicted but unlike your assault earlier the only mark they left was the slight reddening of their handprints on your behind. 
“How’s your throat? I tried not to grab you where—”
Your kisses startled him at first but after a few seconds his hand slithered tenderly behind your neck as he kissed you back. 
“I’m ok. Just sore…and tired.”, you reiterate as your heavy eye lids dropped. 
“Ok, honey.” Steve’s hands held you steady while Eddie dressed you in what smelled like their clothes as you swayed in his grasp. “You did so good for us. You deserve some sleep. Would you like me to carry you to the guest bedro—”
Both men watched with amusement as your shook your head before climbing over him and crawling under their covers. 
“I guess we can sleep in the—”
“Please don’t leave.”, you begged in a little girl voice that pierced their hearts. 
“Why does she keep interrupting me?”, Steve chuckles as he gets to his feet and yanks Eddie into his arms to kiss his lips. “She doesn’t do that with you. Or does she in class?”
At the word the metalhead became silent as he kissed his partner’s shoulder and crawled into the bed in front of you. His palm softly caressed your face and through your hair as Steve got in bed behind you.
“You’re worried.”
“Of course, I am and not just because she’s a student. That’s just the frosting on top of the cake that is our problem.”
“That sounds delicious.”
“Steven.”, Eddie scolds as they both smile. “She’s so much younger than we are.”
“10 years. Not much.”
“Not to mention the fact, that we are already hiding OUR relationship let alone another with a young, student. She deserves to be taken on dates and to live her life. She deserves to be seen not hidden.”
“So do you, honey.”
“Steve… we decided a long time ago to stay in Hawkins for a reason. We can’t be run out of town by these homophobic small, minded idiots. They’ve just barely started calming down when it comes to me and what happened in 86. And that’s another thing. What if…what if something happens? What if Vecna comes back or any other fucking monster? We can’t drag her into that.”
“Eddie, you’re over thinking again, but I see where you are coming from. Let’s…let’s take it one day at a time, ok? Who knows. She may wake up and decide this is all too much herself. She may not want to be with some…old, broken-down college professors slash coach.”
“Oh my god, baby.”, the long-haired boy chuckles as he throws his arm over his eyes. “You’re not broke down. We just have some wear and tear.”
Your palm reaching out and pulling Eddie closer as you fully folded into Steve silenced them. They relaxed into you as your professor kissed your forehead and your school’s coached nuzzled into your shoulder as they drifted off to sleep with you. 
@corkadymu @lilaclazer @aol19 @nailbatanddungeon
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abibliophobiaa · 7 months
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No. No no no. This can’t be happening. Absolutely cannot be happening.
And yet the evidence is there: a single brushed silver band around your left ring finger. On the man presently snoring beside you is a matching ring set high on that same knuckle.
Your phone pings on the bedside table. Pings again. And again. And again. You vaguely make out the name of your publicist at the top, and something akin to over three hundred notifications beneath it. The most horrifying being ‘UHM YOU GOT MARRIED?!’ from Chrissy Cunningham.
“You gonna get that?” he grumbles, shoving at the air, palm colliding with your shoulder. “Wait — why are you in my bed?”
“Oh.” Therein lies your problem. Because you don’t know. Can’t recall. Can’t remember. “Oh my god.”
But you do know a few things: you’re in Rockstar Eddie Munson’s bed, something happened last night in Vegas, you have a new tattoo, and, if the ring on your finger is any hint, you might have gotten married.
rockstar!eddie munson x f!pop star!reader. || marriage of convenience, modern day, semi enemies to lovers, forced proximity, 18+.
Coming Soon…
984 notes · View notes
A Bumpy Ride…
Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
Word count: roughly 4.8K
After a Halloween Party has gone awry, Eddie needs some private time with his girlfriend...but where to go…
Warnings: NSFW (minors do not interact), mentions of a prior fight, terms of endearment (good girl, angel, baby, sweetheart, pretty girl, etc), unprotected sex (wrap it y’all), aftercare included (so important y’all), squirting, subspace though not explicitly stated, oral (f receiving), fluffy sex for the most part! 
Author’s note: Sooooo there was a post I saw a while ago from @dearramiel saying that they needed feral Eddie the first time his girlfriend lets him hit it raw so…and turns out I had already written that for a longer fic…so here it is! And it’s in the van no less! Enjoy!
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It had been a long night. What was supposed to be a fun Halloween party at Gareth’s house had turned into a brawl when Jason and the rest of the jocks dared to show their stupid smug faces. While the Corroded Coffin members had managed to push the jocks out of the house, Y/N had taken the time to check in with everyone else and got the party back into full swing right as Eddie’s head popped around the corner. She had just finished carrying a friend of hers to a nearby chair after they had too much, handing them off to Robin who was doing her best to have a good night. 
“Do you need to lean on someone now?” Eddie asked as he wrapped an arm around her waist.
“I should be asking you that,” Y/N said as she turned back to him, “Jason got you in the side pretty hard huh?” 
“You’re giving him too much credit”, Eddie lifted his shirt and Y/N observed the budding bruise that was growing on the surface area on his lower abdomen. “Holy shit,” he got a closer look and poked it. “OWW FUCK” he moaned.
“Here,” Y/N said as she leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to the skin, “That better?”  Eddie said no words. No think. He just looked at her. And made some indiscernible sound that went like “Garethasgusroom.” 
“What?” Y/N giggled as she stood back up, allowing her hands to rest on his chest. 
“I think I need some first aid,” he sighed, resting his hands on her neck, while stroking the base of her head. 
“Well then…” She smiled, “Why don’t we get out of here? Everyone is so caught up, I doubt they’ll notice.”
“People will absolutely notice that you’re gone,” he whispered. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her down the stairs “but they’ll manage” he went back to running, flinging open the front door.  
“Real subtle, Munson,” She teased as she shut the door behind them, careful as to not further damage Gareth’s house. 
“You’re not fast enough”, he scooped her up and began sprinting to his vehicle, which was supposed to be sexy, but ended up giving Y/N a little whiplash. 
“Eddie, if you need me that bad we shouldn’t have stayed long enough for Jason to have his hissy fit,” she teased as they arrived at the car, Y/N glad to be on the ground again as she held the side of the van for support while she found her feet. 
“You are so powerful,” he blurted. “Like seriously. I was kinda scared. But… I kinda liked it. I like how protective you are. You remind me of me,” he opened the back door and offered her a hand inside. “But you don’t have to be so strong all the time.” 
Y/N melted at that sentiment and he watched as her eyes went wide. It was a state he noticed she got into every once in a while, usually when she was feeling overwhelmed, needing him to take the reins and hold on tight.  
“I don’t?” she asked, her tone going high, taking a step closer. 
“Nope,” Eddie popped that ‘p’.  He could watch as she looked for words before taking his hand instead, the final nail in the coffin that allowed him to take over. With that he picked her up and helped her into the back of the van, climbing in after. He made sure to shut the doors behind him and when he looked back at her she was gazing up at him like he had hung the moon and stars. A while ago, he had opted to make the back of the van comfy - pillows and blankets around. The guys had asked and he said it was since they were traveling more for the band, he wanted them to be comfy…but they all knew that was far from the truth.
Eddie was reminded of the real reason as he watched Y/N’s fingers dig into the blanket she was laying on top of, a soft sigh coming from her as Eddie leaned in. Her hands instantly went to his shirt and she went to pull him in for a kiss only for him to tut and reach one hand over, his other lifting her head to rest a pillow underneath it. 
“You comfy, sweetheart?” He asked, his hand coming down to rub circles over where he could feel her hip bone. She let out an affirmative hum and it was like the stress began to melt off of her, making him smile. “You wanna let me take care of you tonight, Y/N?” She nodded and whispered out a soft “yes,” making him smile as he leaned in to kiss her. 
“Are you sure this is what you want right now?” He asked genuinely as he paused, thinking over the events of the night, “we can also just go home or stay here and cuddle-“
“No,” she shook her head and turned his face to look at her, “I really want this. Need to…need to not think for a while. Just want to be with you.” Eddie melted as he saw the trust and sincerity in her eyes. This wasn’t the first time she’d had a day in which she really needed to forget it all in a way only he could provide. 
“You’re so sweet when you get like this,” Eddie said softly, his voice genuine, as he kissed her and pulled away only to speak, “You’re so strong baby, so damn strong. When you let me see you like this, uh,” he let out a groan as he ground into her, allowing her to feel how hard he was through his jeans, “You get me like this all the time but when you let go and just let me make you feel good, take care of you,” he ran out of words and just kissed her until he felt her give a little tug to his shirt, causing him to pull back, “You ok, Y/N?” He brought his one hand up to caress her face as he looked down at her with concern, “Was that too much?”  
“No,” she shook her head quickly, her eyes blown wide as she still held onto him, “I…I trust you so much,” She confessed, “That’s…that’s why I think…I feel safe to not be so strong…with you…if that’s ok?” Eddie positioned himself over her so that their noses were grazing. 
“Y/N, you make me strong. If I get to be the person you lean on, I’d consider it the highest honor because I love you and nothing else can-”, he stopped. “ I. I. Love. You” Y/N felt her heart skip a beat as he said it, the words he had confessed to her he didn’t think he had the power to say to anyone ever. She had accepted it then, and it really was fine, she didn’t mind it since he showed her every day…but to hear him say it. She instantly tangled her hands in his hair and pulled him down to her, needing to feel every inch of him. 
“Again,” She asked as she pulled away to kiss down his neck. 
“I love you” he breathed. She held him so tight as if this was all that mattered in the world and honestly, it was. He was. 
“Again,” she begged, this time adding on a soft, “Please.” Her tone was so shaky he could have sworn she was close to tears as she sucked marks into his neck, needing him to be hers in every way. 
“I love you”, he ran his hands down her back gripping her so tight as he buried his head into her neck.
“I love you too,” She told him, “So much. Fuck, I just…I love you.” She had held those words in for so long. Since she had told him she loved him and he had expressed he wasn’t able to say those words yet, she hadn’t said them since, trying hard to follow his lead and show him instead of telling him. She wanted so badly for him to be happy, safe, and comfortable with her. He deserved it. And she wanted to give him everything he wanted, everything she had to give. And to say them again, and to hear them, that was everything. 
He pulled his head from her neck and looked down at her again, the sheer adoration in his eyes every time he looked at her something she hoped he’d never lose. 
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, a message for only her.
“So are you,” she replied, earning a smile from him. She felt his hands slide up her skirt and grip the elastic band of her underwear. He pulled it back so it popped onto her skin with enough force to make her let out a little gasp as he chuckled at her, her returning it with a soft giggle of her own as he buried his face into her neck once more and pressed a kiss there.  
“What color is it tonight?” he smiled into her neck. “Tell me before I see it”.
“Black,” she confessed, “Wanted it to match your jacket.” 
“God you’re such a fucking good girl”, he groaned as he slid his hands into the waistband, ever so slightly tracing over her but never getting near where she needed him most, “Tell me what you want, pretty girl.” She let out a soft whine making him chuckle as he traced his fingers over her slit, “You want me here? Is that it?”  
“Yes,” She said, her voice breathless as she gripped his hair even tighter, “Want you-need you,” she corrected as she held him so tightly. “Please, Eddie.”
“Fuck,” he swore as he felt how wet she was despite everything that had happened tonight, “I need you too, baby.” He ran his fingers over her slit a couple times collecting the wetness there before bringing them out, admiring them in the light. He looked down at her, the girl completely blissed out underneath him as he held the fingers up to her. “Suck,” he commanded gently and she did, taking his fingers into her mouth and sucking on them without any hesitation. 
“Jesus, Y/N,” he swore as she whined, grinding up against him for any sort of friction. He pulled his fingers out of her mouth, drawing a whimper from her as he did which he quickly stifled with a kiss to her lips. “Can I use my mouth on you baby? Would you like that?”
“Eddie, need you inside-”
“Baby,” he lectured as he moved down, and slowly ran his hands up and down her thighs reveling in the goosebumps in his wake, “You know you need to get ready for that-”
“Ssh,” he said as he watched her eyes go glassy at how badly she just needed to forget it all and let him be in complete control, “I’ve got you.” She nodded with a soft whine as he finally pulled down her underwear, letting out a groan at the way she was revealed to him. “Been thinking about this all night,” he confessed as he blew on her, making her whole body shiver, her thighs spreading further apart for him. “Watching you dance with your friends. And then hearing you tell Jason the fuck off. God, wanted to take you right then and there. Didn’t fucking matter half the basketball team was there. Any of those fuckers would like the show.” He slipped a finger into her, watching as she let out a gasp, hands gripping onto anything she could, fingers he knew would soon be tugging at his hair like they always were when she got like this. “Thought about this, putting my fingers in you, having you a little mess for me. And only for me.” She let out a moan as he put another one in, and began to move them inside of her. 
“Shit, you always sound so pretty. My pretty girl,” he purred as he leaned down and began to press kisses to her neck.
“Eddie please-”
“What do you want, angel?” He asked softly as he began to suck hickeys into her neck, one in the exact spot he knew she liked behind her ear. 
“Please fuck me,” she begged, voice so shakey and he knew she was gone, putty in his hands in a way that promised the sweet relief she always needed. 
“Anything for you,” he said as he nodded. He brought his lips down to her clit and kissed there first, gently just to get her used to it, using his free hand to hold her hips in place causing her to sigh out in contentment as he felt her give more of herself over to him. 
“There you go,” he cooed in adoration, “let it all out, baby. I’ve got you.” Y/N’s voice got even higher in pitch as he began to really focus his efforts, his fingers moving inside of her coupled with his mouth moving against her. He knew what she liked at this point, taking his time to not only learn every intricacy of her body but also of her mind when she got like this. Before long, he could tell that she was on the edge, her fingers pulling harder in his hair as she squirmed despite his best efforts to keep her still. 
“Wow, already? You really that pent up for me sweetheart?” He asked only to receive a high-pitched hum. He chuckled and the sound coupled with the vibrations and the way he pressed a third finger into her had her teetering off the edge. The last thing it took to get her there was simple. 
“Let go for me,” he commanded, and she did, with a soft cry, her eyes squeezing shut as she held him impossibly close, needing him. He made sure not to waste a drop, licking her clean and when he came up, he was shocked to find how quickly she sat up to kiss him. He pulled away ever so slightly and she chased his lips until he quickly put a finger to them.
“Is this what you want, baby? You want me inside of you?” He asked gently. She nodded and clutched his shirt. 
“Please Eddie, please. Need you inside so bad,” She confessed, getting so whimpery for him when she got this pent up. 
“Your wish is my command, darling,” he said as he kissed her while her hands wasted no time undoing his jeans and pulling him out. 
“Oh fuck,” he swore as she stroked him gently. He was already hard as a rock when she took him out, pre leaking from his tip as he shuddered on top of her. “Please, just like that.” She laid back down and Eddie was on top of her once more as she stroked him and began to line him up.
“Y/N, wait.” She did, instantly, her eyes going wide as she looked up at him to make sure he was alright. His eyes were wide but his tone soft as he smiled at her, reminding her gently, “I need to put on a-”
“I’m on birth control,” Y/N said quietly. Eddie’s eyes went even wider as he processed exactly what she was saying to him, his reaction of shock and surprise making her continue on, “And…I know you’re clean…and I am too…so…if you want…”
“Are you sure?” Eddie asked, his hands coming to hold her cheeks and scan her eyes for any sign of hesitation at all, “You’re sure?” 
“Yes,” She nodded, “Need you. Need all of you.” 
“Fuck,” he swore again as he braced himself, his hands pressed so hard into the floor of the van, “If you’re sure-”
“I am if you are,” She double-checked with him. He nodded, a soft smile on his lips before he came down and kissed her so softly, slowly beginning to inch himself into her. 
It was a very different feeling, one that was new for both as he slid into her, taking pauses as their moans and pants mixed together. 
“Holy shit,” he swore having to pause half way through from the way she was squeezing down on him, “you’re so fucking tight,” he chuckled, causing her to gasp which in turn had her clenching around him making it worse. He cringed in pleasure, hissing as he brought his hand down to draw soft slow circles on her clit, “Gonna need you to relax for me, sweetheart or I won’t last long.” Y/N kissing on his neck to distract herself from the burning stretch wasn’t helping him to keep from blowing right then and there. He tried to allow his mind to wander elsewhere as he had in the past when he had been too close too fast with other people but this time, all he could think about was her. 
After a couple of more moments, he felt her buck her hips, a clear indication that she wanted more of him, all of him. 
“Please,” she begged as she wrapped her arms around his neck and looked up at him, red lips swollen from the way he had been kissing her. “All of it.” He nodded and complied, pressing the rest of the way into her with a hiss, hands worming their way under his shirt to dig her nails into his back.
“Oh my god,” he groaned as he pressed his lips to hers, anything to tell her how good he felt at this moment. He kissed her so passionately, her whimpering underneath him fueling him as he pulled out ever so slightly as a test, both moaning into each other’s mouths. 
“Still want another minute?” He asked as he pulled away, trying his best to maintain his last thread of sanity to check in with her, resisting the urge to fuck her into next week. “I can-”
“Please move,” she begged, her one hand tangled in his hair as the other ran scratches down his back, “Need it so badly, please Eddie, please!” And just like that, his last shred of sanity snapped. He pulled all the way out and then filled her again in one fatal swoop drawing a shriek from her before he pressed his hand over her mouth. 
“Remember, baby,” he said as he stilled inside her for only a moment, “If you’re a good girl for me like you’re being right now, I always give you exactly what you want. I’m going to right now, but if you don’t want everyone here at this party to know, keep being good and try to stay quiet for me, ‘kay?” She nodded and he removed his hand, smiling before he pressed a kiss to her forehead as the hand that was over her mouth trailed down to her neck and without really squeezing, just found home though drawing a whine from her at the feeling of the cool metal rings against the warmth of her throat. The whine was a quiet one as she tried her best to comply with his commands. He knew in times like this that was the only thing she aspired to do. 
“There’s my girl.” He didn’t even give Y/N a moment to breathe before he was back to his brutal pace. Her legs came to wrap around his waist, her nails leaving the most delicious burning string on his back as she clawed at him. She could feel him, every ridge and veins as he continued to fuck her into the next week. And she, oh god, he thought as he took for her all she was worth, she felt like velvet. He couldn’t get past the sound of him fucking in her, the wetness of it all. She was always a perfect fit for him but right now she was squeezing him like a vice - so damn tight he knew he wouldn’t last long. He watched her face contort as she tried her best to keep her moans quiet.
“So good,” he praised her, drawing even more of a moan, “My good fucking girl,” he punctuated each word with an especially rough thrust, feeling her clench so tight around him, the moans falling from her mouth his own version of heaven.
“Shit baby,” he swore, bringing the hand around her neck down to her clit despite her little protests, “I’ve got you. You’re ok.” Her eyes were glossy, makeup running as he continued to ruin her and the way she looked up at him had him pressing his lips to hers like he was poisoned and she was the cure. He felt the tears slip down her cheeks as she clenched down impossibly tight around him. 
“Go on, Y/N,” he whispered in her ear, “Let go.” And she did, her mouth falling open in a silent scream as he felt wetness gush from her, coating where they were connected. 
“Fuck,” he swore, unable to hold off his own end as she continued to grip him like a vice. “Shit Y/N I’m gonna-”
“It’s ok,” she managed, her breathing so heavy as she rode out her high, “Please-Eddie-”
“But I’m still-”
“Let go.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck” he swore again as he couldn’t hold back any longer burying his head into her neck as he came inside of her, the girl gasping and holding him as he did. He continued to thrust shallowly, allowing them both to ride out their highs, before he heard her hiss in pain from the overstimulation and slowed, still inside of her. 
“Shit, Y/N,” he swore as he came up for air, taking in gulps, as much as he could, “I’m…I’m so sor-”
“S’its okay,” she reassured him, the hand in his hair playing with his curls as she pulled his face back into her neck, “Wanted you to. Felt right.” She pulled him away when he went quiet to see the guilt written on his face. She let out a soft sigh, smiling up at him, completely blissed out as she pressed a kiss to his lips. “It’s ok Eddie. Really.” 
“Okay,” he nodded, smiling and letting out a little sheepish chuckle, “I guess I should-”
“Please don’t pull out yet,” she asked softly, causing him to halt any motion to do so, “Just…stay like this with me for another moment…please?” He melted, rolling them both to the side so that she could nestle right into his chest. 
“Of course,” He nodded, pressing a kiss to her forehead, “Always.” The pair lay in comfortable silence, just holding each other and being as close as they possibly could, intertwined in every way. God did it feel right. That was all Eddie could think as he held her so close to him, her head tucked into his chest as he kissed the top of her head.
“I love you, Y/N,” he repeated, meaning it from the deepest part of his soul. 
“I love you too, Eddie,” came her soft reply. He beamed from ear to ear, holding her even tighter as she giggled, finally coming down all the way. 
“We should probably get cleaned up and head back, huh?” Y/N asked as she pulled away just enough so she could look up at him. 
“You just took me raw for the first time, squirted, let me finish inside of you, and now you want to go back to Gareth’s Halloween party?” Eddie asked, laughing in sheer disbelief. 
“Well when you put it like that,” Y/N teased as she too fell into a fit of giggles, becoming aware of how sore she was and the fact that he was still inside of her trying her best to keep him from slipping out, “But yeah we should at least say our goodbyes.” 
“Good thing I equipped the van for this very situation then,” he said as he pulled out of her with a little hiss, drawing a gasp from her. Eddie sat up as Y/N rolled onto her back and his eyes were instantly glued to her center, watching as their combined release dripped out of her.
“Holy shit,” He swore, his fingers moving to put some of it back in as it oozed out of her.
“Eddie!” She scolded with a gasp causing him to bring both of his hands up in defense.
“Sorry, sorry!” He said as his eyes reminded glued, his hand not covered in slick searching blindly for where he put the damn towels and wet wipes. “I- I just…”
“Eddie Munson I swear to God if you get hard again-” The pair both dissolved into giggles as he finally tore his eyes away, searching in earnest. 
“What Y/N L/N?” He teased as he finally found them and returned to her to clean her up with the utmost gentleness. “You gonna scold me? You might wanna watch out on that front since that could result in me getting hard too. Did you miss what I said about loving that you’re so damn sexy when you’re mad?”
“You said I was so damn sexy when I’m strong,” Y/N teased as he finished cleaning her up allowing her to sit up as he cleaned himself as well before tucking himself back into his boxers, “It’s when I’m angry now?”
“Why not both?” He asked, sticking his tongue out at her as he went to redo the zipper of his pants before laughing. “Damn, guess I should have taken these off all the way, huh?” Y/N looked down to find them covered in her release and went neon red, burying her head in her hands as he laughed. 
“Oh my god, Eddie I’m so sorry-”
“Hey, hey,” he said with a laugh as he moved around, looking for something else now, “I’ve known the risks since the first time we ever did anything, remember?” She went even redder the memory of the first time he fingered her. “I am…as always…fully prepared,” he pulled out a new pair of pants with an “ah ha” from somewhere in the van, “See! I’ll be good as new and as long as we fix up your hair and makeup, they’ll never know!”
“And what about your hair?” She asked as she reached for the little makeup case he kept in his glove box just for her. 
“My hair is always glorious,” he said with a beaming smile as she attempted to change pants, rather unsuccessfully, eyeing her ass as she was yet to pull down her skirt. “It just happens to look especially good after sex.”
“And mine doesn’t?” Y/N pouted as she turned to look back at him, having him debate round two with serious consideration before she turned away with a giggle. 
“Oh trust me, it does,” He replied as he pulled her by her hips to sit in his lap as she worked on her makeup, “But,” he began to press kisses down her neck causing her to squirm, “if you go out with messy hair, everyone will know and I thought our tactic was subtly. My hair is always a mess. It’s part of my charm.” Y/N giggled some more as he wrapped his arms around her waist and tucked his face into her neck with one final kiss before watching her apply her lipstick in her little hand mirror. 
“How do I look?” She asked after another minute, looking at him in the mirror.
“Absolutely beautiful,” he said, the sincerity in his voice melting her down to her core. He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek as she set the makeup case down in the back and pulled down her skirt at last as they got ready to depart.
“Well that’s good considering that you literally had me crying,” she chuckled as she made sure to wipe away the very last of the mascara on her cheek. 
“The only time I’ll ever make you cry,” Eddie said with conviction and a smile as he went to open the doors. “Ready, sweetheart?”
“Ready,” she replied. He smiled and opened them, looking to make sure no one was watching before offering her a hand out of the car. She giggled as he helped her out, quietly closing the doors behind them and sitting her on the edge of the van as he looked at her still carrying her shoes in his hands. 
“Here,” he said as he took them from her, “Allow me.” He kneeled down on one knee, shoe in hand, and began to slip them onto her feet, pressing soft kisses to both ankles as he did. She giggled and he smiled up at her. 
“You’re too good to me,” She said as he stood up, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“You deserve nothing less,” he replied, giving her one more quick peck so as to not mess up her lipstick before taking both hands and pulling her to her feet. “Now come on,” he beamed as they began to walk back, “if we wait there a second longer, I promise you round two will be in order.” 
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bangaveragewhitewine · 7 months
blood red bloom
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Eddie Munson x Reader (bouncer x bartender, established relationship) 
Halloween, 1992
“You’re gonna have to work a lot harder to come up with a prank that will actually scare me, sweet thing.”
Eddie’s voice echoes in your head as you stare at the red inky star in your little leatherette diary.
A late period wasn’t quite what you had in mind, but here you are, sitting on your bedroom floor and staring at the mocking inky red star in your diary.
This Halloween was turning out to be pretty damn scary.
Word Count: 6.7k
Content / Warnings: Pregnancy scare - this is angst-heavy with some brief mentions of Eddie and reader's anxieties of being parents. Discussion of the future. Miscommunication. A fight that's not a fight but they kiss and make up anyway. Brief sex mentions. A reminder that this, and all my fics, are 18+!!!
Please feel free to skip this segment if it’s not your thing!!
Author's note: We couldn't let Halloween pass without an instalment of Happy Hours, could we? This was a toughy, it's been a rough and hectic few weeks, but I hope you enjoy reading the latest snippet! Proof-read by @specialagentmonkey, finished off in the taxis to / from the airports in Dublin and Boston!
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Since the first day with a chill in the air, the first fallen crunchy-crisp leaf, your boyfriend had been in Halloween mode. It was your second Halloween together, your first living together after you accepted Eddie’s cute proposal with his spare key in June. Even though he was messy and left the toilet seat up, you loved living with Eddie. 
You loved waking up with him every morning and falling asleep together every night. You loved going grocery shopping together, and you adored how he would sit in the bathroom to talk to you or read his book while you lounged in the bath or did your makeup.
Autumn and Halloween meant horror movies, decorating the apartment and planning your costumes together. Eddie was stupidly talented with carving pumpkins, and you roasted the flesh with thyme and sage and onions for a huge pot of soup that warmed your bellies for days. 
During your first year together, he had noticed how you scared easily - jumped a little or clutched your chest when he accidentally jumpscared you or purposefully snuck up to grab the squish of your hips with a monster-like growl. It always made him laugh, and his apology was always a kiss that quite often turned into something more.
You quickly learned that you could never get him back. 
Yeah, Eddie was jumpy but he possessed a sixth sense for whenever you were trying to scare him. 
When he had challenged you to scare him - to really scare him - you’re not sure that realising that your period was later-than-late was quite what he had in mind. 
A rare Friday night off, October 30th, had started with another failed attempt to spook him. He was almost condescendingly kind when he said ‘ooh, that was a good one!’ after you popped up from that cramped back seat of his Dodge. 
Once you clambered out of the car so Eddie could make it to work on time, he pulled you in for a kiss and cupped your face with such tenderness.
“You’re gonna have to work a lot harder to come up with a prank that will actually scare me, sweet thing.” 
He kissed your pouty scowl away with his wicked smile and left you to enjoy your night off. 
His challenge to scare him echoed in your head as you stared at the last inky red star scribbled in your diary. The hardwood floor felt chilly beneath you as you knelt on the ground surrounded by lipstick and pens and detritus from your bag spilled around you.
Your period was thirty-six days days late.
The little leatherette diary fell from your shaky hands. If you hadn’t already been on the ground, you are sure your knees would have buckled. 
Slumped against the side of the bed, you rested your racing head against the navy duvet - the blood-red blooming rose print seemed mocking as you tried to remember if you had definitely written your dates down correctly. Your periods were pretty regular, never more than two or three days out of sync if even that many. 
You hadn’t even thought about your period, or its lateness, until you spied the full box of Kotex next to Eddie’s shaving kit beneath the sink. As the bath filled with lavender bubbles and swirling steamy water, you had pondered on how you liked seeing your things side by side now that you lived together; your dresses hanging next to his nice shirts and jackets, toothbrushes sitting in the same holder, your perfumes and potions lined up and organised next to his new shampoo and conditioner replacing the horror that was 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner and body wash.
As you gave a pot of fresh-green facemask the sniff test, the box of period products had caught your eye. 
Eddie had picked them up for you during a particularly bad set of cramps, cramps so bad you had called out of work. He had arrived home with salty Lays and sweet creamy chocolate and the biggest pack of painkillers they would let him buy, and you had cried because it was so kind and thoughtful of him. But that had been well over a month ago… 
As the filling bath turned to white noise in your ears, you had flustered to the bedroom to check your diary. 
The thirty-six (almost thirty-seven) day lag made you feel like you were going to turn inside out. And not because you were cramping up this time. 
The bath was cold by the time you arrived back from a late expedition to the CVS five blocks away, armed with a share-bag of Reeses Peanutbutter Cups and a pink box that promised ‘quick and easy results!’ 
A year in and neither of you could keep your hands to yourselves. Moving in together had meant that you and Eddie had endless pockets of time together, and rooms and surfaces to officially christen as a cohabiting couple. Eddie’s car had seen some action when you took a road trip back to Hawkins to visit his Uncle a few weeks ago - the driver's seat, that cramped back seat, the bonnet… 
When Eddie arrived home from work just after 3 a.m., you still had not touched the test or had a wink of sleep. He crept in like your favourite cryptid and dropped a kiss on your head, trying with all his might not to wake you as you feigned sleep. He settled behind you and fell into a sprawling-limbed rest while you lay awake.
In those dark hours, lit only by the red glow of the clock, you imagined every scenario.
The thought of a little one with dark curly hair and big brown eyes makes your heart ache in a good way, especially when you think of this imaginary little person in Eddie’s arms. That ache twisted like a knife when you imagine him not wanting anything to do with that made-up little person, half him and half you. 
You were never set firmly for or against being a mother - of course you got broody sometimes when you saw a cute kid in the grocery store, but equally you had been more than happy to hand back your cousin’s screaming baby when his diaper leaked on you when you visited home back in the spring. 
And Eddie? Did he even want to be a Dad? 
He had a lot of tangled-up feelings there, held them in his chest like a pulled-tight tangle. That’s how he explained it when his own Dad had come up in conversation. He carried that sadness and hurt with him for almost two decades. 
Would he want you to get rid of it, or would he even want you if it was really happening? You tried to be rational, think about how he had promised to love you when you had silver hair and dentures one night when you were both high as kites. Maybe it might be okay, you could make it work… 
Sleep came and went, pockets of light dozing interrupted by your heart thrashing in your chest just when you managed to snatch some peace. 
As Eddie snored softly, peacefully asleep, you glared at the red-glowing clock, its analogue numbers mocking you until 5:55 blurred behind your eyes. Caged in by the weight of Eddie’s arm, with his hand on your tummy beneath your (his) sleep-shirt, you managed to drift again.
The pitiful pockets of snatched sleep make you feel irritable and wrung out the following day. With a steaming mug of strong coffee, you watched the sun peak through the broad silver-grey sky while Eddie slept on, snoring and unaware. 
You still couldn’t summon the courage to sneak the test from your bag and pee on the damn stick. In true Halloween style, it mocked you like Poe’s Tell Tale Heart all damn day from its stowing place in a bag under the bed. 
Eddie was unbearably sweet with you from the moment he woke to find you re-reading the same page of your book for at least the eighth try. 
It didn’t take long for him to figure out that you weren’t in good form - despite your joint excitement for Halloween - so he tried and tried to cheer you up; a late breakfast sneaking smiley kisses over egg and cheese and home fries. With a wide smile, he shared his ideas for a new drawing for a new batch of Corroded Coffin T-shirts for their gig before Thanksgiving with hot sauce staining his mouth until you wiped it away.
You kept getting distracted when he showed them to you and felt awful when you saw the flicker of hurt on his sweet handsome face. You rallied yourself and helped him pick two to show to the guys when they met to rehearse. 
You finally snatched some sleep, cuddled up on the sofa before you had to get ready for work. Eddie hated having to wake you; he was as gentle as he could be, rousing you with light kisses to your troubled brow and warm cheeks. 
“Hey, princess. Time to transform,” he whispered, his fingers itching with excitement to don the black velvet and silver chains draped on hangers in your room. 
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Hours later, you and Eddie walked into Jackie’s carrying a tense air between your joined hands. 
You were still the sexiest vampire couple Chicago had ever seen; Eddie in a halfway unbuttoned black shirt and slacks topped with a velvet blazer you had thrifted, silver chains shining on his chest and fake blood smeared like your lipstick on the side of his mouth. Your black velvet dress showed off your curves and made Eddie’s eyes pop out of his skull like a cartoon when he first saw you in it. The bloody puncture marks on your neck dripped onto your chest and cleavage, the perfect blend of gore and sex appeal. 
You felt shitty, had snapped at Eddie more times than you could remember while you tried and failed to make your makeup look not terrible. 
“You look hot as fuck, baby. Have I told you that?” Eddie squeezed your shoulders as he looked at your reflection in the small vanity he had bought for you when you moved in. He was sweet like that. 
“Mhm. Only ten or eleven times.” Tight smile, you met his warm gaze in the mirror. “Not as hot as you, Ed,” you say, pushing off the attention he doled out so genuinely and easily. 
The subtle dark shadows below his cheeks and smudged smoky beneath his eyes suit him, gothic and mysterious. You had spent more time on it than you had planned because he couldn’t stop talking and you had (quite seriously) threatened to stab him with your brushes on more than one occasion. Now you were pressed for time with your own makeup. Clock ticking, you were at least thankful that the shadows beneath your eyes didn’t need much more darkening up. 
“Nah, fuck off. You’re beyond belief. I can’t wait until after work already.” That glow in Eddie’s eyes that usually sparked hot want in your belly made you feel like prey. Sure, you were dressed as his recently-changed victim but you didn’t feel much like play-acting now, or sex for that matter. 
He kissed your head and breathed in your perfume - he loved how you changed it out for the seasons - and the Fall’s scent was rich and warm and sexy. 
“Feelin’ okay?” Eddie had asked when you went silent and spaced out again for a few moments, shoulders tensed. He missed your usually returned flirtation when you give as good as you get and then some. 
“For the hundredth time, Ed. I’m fine. Please just let me finish this, okay? Please. We’re gonna be late.” 
Since then it had been pretty much radio silence.  
Eddie stewed, not rising to your bad mood because he might say the wrong thing and make things worse. In the car, he had bit his tongue and held back the suggestion of a weekend away, the idea to book some time off around Thanksgiving and just go somewhere together, alone. He wasn’t sure he could take another unexplained sad sigh or an away-with-the-fairies gaze when you hadn’t even heard what he had said. 
So he said nothing and scared himself with his own spiralling ‘what if’.  
Instead of eking out the last few minutes before work with Eddie, sharing a cig and trading kisses like you usually do, you leave him to enjoy his cigarette without your dark cloud mood. 
“Hey. You’re forgetting something.” Eddie raises a brow at you. 
“Oh, thanks.” You hold your hand out for your bag he had carried from the car. 
You lean up and peck his cheek, swiping at the mark your dark lipstick left behind. 
It wasn’t the proper kiss he had been angling for, but it was better than nothing. 
“See you later?” he tries. 
“Yeah, if I can get away from the bar. It’s going to be mental busy…” Resisting the urge to rub your eyes and ruin your makeup, you offer a small smile. “Be good. Love you.” 
“Yeah, love you too.” 
Eddie watches you go, his heart hurting in a way it hasn’t since he finally mustered the courage to kiss you in that same dingy back alley. Yeah, you two had your little arguments over the last year, didn’t always agree and got in funny moods with each other, but this felt different. He didn’t like it one bit. 
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The bar is the fullest you have ever seen it, everyone decked out in their Halloween-best. Your arms ache from shaking cocktails, but the special menu you had curated is going down a treat. The pain is worth the tips and the compliments, the recommendations passed between high-top tables and clusters of costumed customers. 
The music is loud, the atmosphere sparky and fun, and yet it isn’t enough of a distraction, or enough to buoy you up when you’re feeling so low. Not the compliments on your costume, or the questions about whether you and the hottie bouncer were matching on purpose. You forced your smiles and laughs, genuine love for your vampire lord on the door made it easy to answer those probing questions. You tried to get out of your head and lose yourself in the best night of the year, but every time you would remember the last inky red star in your diary, the full box beneath the sink, the test you were scared to take. 
You weren’t necessarily avoiding Eddie, you had filled waters for him and Jeff and the new guy Trevor, but had barely had time to look for him in the crowd, never mind checking in on him. Your mood had transferred over to him, and your guy twisted tighter with extra added guilt. 
It was well after midnight before you took your break; the bar had been rammed with orders and while you could have slipped away, you threw yourself into work instead. 
The need to stretch out your legs and hips and crack your back for good measure became undeniable and you slip away with a glass of ice-and-lime heavy soda water for a breath of cold air. 
You’re mid-sip when Eddie pulls you into the small staff bathroom, spilling your water down your arm and onto the busted tiles. You yelp as the door clicks, pure fear until you realise it’s him
“What the- Eddie!”
Eddie’s gaze bores down on you, looking like a very pissed-off sexy vampire. 
“You fucker! Scared the shit outta me, Ed.” You shake chilled water from your arm as you glare at him. He was lucky not to have glass in that pretty, pissed-off face of his. 
“What the fuck is up your ass today?” he asks, arms folded. 
Your skin prickles all over, hairs stand on end. 
“You’re in a foul fuckin’ mood. What’s up? Did I do something?” Less accusatory now, he just looks hurt.
“Eddie, it’s fine.” You will your voice to stay steady as your stomach drops.  
“It’s not. You’ve barely spoke to me, every little thing I do has annoyed you.” “It’s not you…” 
That sounds way worse and you see him visibly wince. 
“Ed, it’s not your fault, baby. I’m sorry.”
He sighs, shoulders deflated. “Then talk to me. Please.”
“Am I not making you happy? Is that it?”
“No! Jesus, Ed. Never! You make me so happy..”
“Then what?! Please just talk to me.” His voice breaks. 
“I… fuck.” You sigh, breathe deep. Your eyes strong as you speak, say it out loud, “My period is late.”
His brow creases, confused, before folding high under his bangs. Eddie’s eyes are wide, frantic. “Oh.” 
Silence settles, no more voices echoing on the tiles. 
“Yeah. Oh.” 
“Fuck… Are you..? Are we..?”
There’s a sweetness in how he asks, a scared look in his eyes that you recognise from the mirror. It makes your tummy twist and your heart ache. Why had you been so scared?
“I don’t know.” Your voice is cracked and broken. “I don’t know.”
His arms open out to you. You don’t need a second invitation. You practically fall into his arms, gripping him as tight as you can. 
“It’s okay. It’s okay,” he whispers. Eddie’s heart hammers hard in his chest. “We’ll figure it out.” 
As he holds you close, his eyes cast upward to the grotty ceiling. He has no idea what he’s doing, but right now you need a hug so that’s what he will do. 
“I’m sorry.”
His big-ringed hands hold your face, looking into your tired eyes. “Why sorry? Pretty sure it takes two… if you’re. Y’know.”
You sniffle, nod. “I know. I don’t know if I am..” 
“You need to piss on a stick or somethin’, right?” 
You can’t help the little laugh that escapes you, despite the tears in your eyes. “Yeah. I do.” 
“Okay. Okay, you can do that. I’ll even hold the stick if you want me to.” He’s dead serious too, not just trying to make you smile. Though it is a bonus, and he melts into a little grin to match. “There’s my princess.” 
You cuddle back into him again, “Sorry I was a bitch all day.” 
“You know I don’t like that, baby.” He frowns and cups the back of your head, stroking gently with his thumb. “Knew there was something wrong though. Wish you could’ve just told me.”
“I…” Your voice gets caught in your throat, words lodged and stuck like they choke you. “I was scared.” 
Though your voice is muffled against Eddie’s jacket, he hears you and squeezes you tighter. His eyes squeeze shut too. 
“You don’t need to be scared on your own. I can take it, I’m a big boy,” he promises, repeating it so you know it’s true and real. “We’ll figure it all out.” 
His sweetness makes tears flood down your face, that dam holding back every conflicting emotion finally broken. And Eddie holds you. He simply holds you tight and safe and doesn’t say anything, because he doesn’t know either. He doesn’t know what to say, doesn’t know how to kiss this better, doesn’t know what he wants or what you want either. All he knows is that you need him like he needs you. 
“Fuck, my makeup,” you sniffle, face creasing more when you realise you’re still mid-shift. 
“You’re gorgeous,” he promises, kissing your forehead. “Okay so, we’ll work our butts off for another few hours and then we can go home and swing by CVS?” 
“I already bought one. It’s at home.” You look down at your toe-to-toe boots before looking into Eddie’s eyes. “Bought one last night when I realised. Too chicken to take it.”
He nods, pinches your chin with sweet affection. “Okay. Well, drink your water so you can piss on that stick, yeah?” 
He’s smirking when you hide your face in his neck again, groaning in something like embarrassment. “I’d do it for you if I could. But I can’t, so drink up.”
Eddie lifts your glass from the sink ledge and tilts it to your lips. Despite the warmth of his arms and the stuffy little bathroom, the water makes you shiver as it cools you from inside out. 
Hand in hand, Eddie walks you to fix your makeup at your locker as he distracts you with a few of his little anecdotes from working the door. He catches your eye in the mirror in your locker as he tells you about a table of drinkers he heard raving about your cocktail menu. 
“Can you make me one later?” he asks, coming to rest his chin on your shoulder.
“Course,” you murmur, patting deep Merlot-red lipstick on your pouty mouth. 
“Can I get some of that?” He raises a brow in the mirror, and smiles, his teeth glinting, when you tilt your head back to press a peck against his mouth. 
A few kisses and the squeeze of his hands on your hips centres you again, helps the tension loosen in your shoulders. 
“We need more fake blood.”
“We definitely do. Want me to bite you a little more, my pet?” His voice is wickedly low against your lip; it makes you shiver. 
Sexy vampire couple had been an easy pick for you both. Eddie had got really into it when you arrived home with the press on fangs - a hookup from your friend who worked in theatre production and went costume shopping with you.
“You’ll get carried away again, Drac. I’ve gotta go back out in a sec.”
He squeezes your hips and behaves himself as you dab fake blood against the corner of his mouth, letting it drip down his chin, before adding more to your neck and chest. 
“We are.” 
He hugs you from behind again, one hand on your tummy, so he doesn’t mess up the blood. “S’gonna be okay, I promise. We’ll figure shit out. I’m behind you no matter what. Yeah?”
“Yeah. I’d be fucking lost without you, Eddie.”
“Right back at you, sweet stuff.” 
A well-aimed kiss saves any blood transferring onto your face before Eddie walks you back to the bar. “If you need a sec, just take it. Don’t worry, okay?”
“Love you.”
“Love you more.” 
He smiles and steals a final kiss before patting your velvet-clad behind as you step right back into taking orders. 
You don’t see the moment he takes, ducking into the back again to process what was going on. You pour cold beers as he sinks against the wall, breathing deeply so he doesn’t spiral into panic.
He doesn't know how to be a Dad, didn’t have a map or footprints to follow. Wayne was a great substitute, but Eddie was nine years old and grown beyond his years by the time he stepped up to try and fill the gaps made by his no-good brother. 
Ringed fingers push and scrape against his scalp, tugging hard enough to bring him back to earth. The pain anchors him, reminds him to breathe again. 
He doesn’t know what to do, how to feel, how to be what you need. But he does know one thing. 
Running away isn’t an option, not when he has you. 
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It’s almost 4 a.m. before you can leave with Eddie. It’s almost 4 a.m. and he keeps you tucked safe and warm beneath his arm as you walk toward his car. You can see your breath bleed into vapour in the now-November air. 
You feel like you have been run over by a semi-truck as you fold yourself into your seat. Everything hurts and yet you’re somehow wired and wide awake, even on the pitiful amount of sleep you managed last night. 
Tired eyes stare into the streetlight above the car until you see spots. Brought back into orbit by the squeeze of Eddie’s hand over your fishnets, you share a tight smile with him. 
“Ish. Tired. Need to pee.”
You had been holding it in. No more excuses, or avoiding the inevitable. 
You help Eddie click off the little fangs on his already pointy canines and do the same with your own, tucking them into their boxes and into your bag. Shiny gold plastic medals sit on your chests, your prizes for the best costumes among the Jackie’s crew. 
He turns the key, squeezes again before hooking his arm works the headrest to reverse out of his spot. 
You’re both carrying the weight of the unknown. It doesn’t feel any lighter. Not when you have caught Eddie chewing his black-polished nails and the skin around them, seen him zoning out and pretending he was fine. 
Until you know more, have an answer, you can be not okay together, hand in hand in the darkness. 
Once you’re on the road, he squeezes your hand and keeps a hold of it as music from the radio fills the silence. 
“You hungry?” Your voice is the first to breach the fragile peace. 
“Kinda. You want fries?” 
“Not really but if you do, it’s my turn.”
He smiles, slight and soft, and squeezes your hand. “There’s some spaghetti left. I’ll heat that up.” 
You squeeze back, it’s enough to say ‘okay’ as he sails through green lights and empty streets toward your cosy little apartment. 
The walk from the car to the lift to your door, apartment number 8 with its handcrafted Halloween wreath, feels like wading through syrup. 
Eddie doesn’t let go of your hand from the moment he helps you out of the car; not when you press the button for the lift, or when he fights with the sticky lock that you have been meaning to call maintenance about. It locks easier from the inside, the bolt slides in easily to double-lock it safely. 
Eddie takes your jacket to hang side by side with his own, matching leathers that make you smile through the pressure at the back of your eyes. 
“I wanna clean my face and then do it,” you murmur, fiddling with the strap of your bag. 
“Okay. We can do that. Clean faces and pyjamas.” Eddie nods, a held-in breath puffing his chest up with false confidence. 
He eats cold spaghetti from a Tupperware container by the fridge as you strip out of your clothes and change into fuzzy leopard bottoms and a holey She-Ra t-shirt once the fake blood is swiped from your chest. 
The pink and white box from under the bed comes with you to the bathroom. 
Eddie joins you at the mirror with oily rich red spaghetti sauce slicing through the fake blood around his mouth. You clean your face as he strips down to boxers and pulls on his soft sleep hoodie that definitely has a concoction of questionable stains; toothpaste and your sleep-drool for sure. 
Red and black stained makeup wipes and cotton pads fill the bathroom bin and Eddie lets you comb and scrunchie his hair as you ignore the pressing need to pee for a few more moments of normality. He closes his eyes as you rub cleanser into his face as you had your own, gentle touches and swipes of wet-warm cotton until he’s shiny-clean and human-looking again. 
With a layer of moisturiser on, there are no more distractions. The boxed test can no longer be ignored. 
“Will I go?”
“You can come back in after I pee. We have to wait like..” you check the box for an answer, “Ten minutes.” 
Eddie nods, leaning down to kiss you once. “You don’t need me to hold the stick or anything?” 
“I have to pee in a little cup-thing and drop it onto the stick. Chemistry shit,” you shrug, cheeks warm. 
“Oh yeah, rules me out then.” He drops one more kiss to your lips before awkwardly taking his leave. 
You feel less alone when you know he’s lingering close by. 
Eddie doesn’t realise that he’s picked up stress-tidying from you until the bathroom door creaks open and you find him crouched amongst a clutter of unorganised tapes. 
“Can you time ten minutes on your watch? Or the egg timer?” you ask, hanging against the doorframe.  
The tapes are shoved back into a nonsensical stack - not organised by artist or chronology as he had planned to do - and Eddie scurries to grab his old Casio watch before joining you in the bathroom again. 
He slightly panics when he sees you sitting on the floor, but crouches to join you with cracking ankles. 
“Old man ankles,” you tease, leaning your head on his shoulder. 
“Mmhm, getting more like Wayne every day,” he murmurs back, dropping his hand in your lap for you to hold. 
Cradled between your palms, you lift it to kiss the side of his thumb. 
“Wayne is great. Just keep your hair. Please.” “Deal.”
Silence settles across the room and you watched the way Eddie’s socked feet bounce nervously. 
“Eddie?”  “Yeah?”  “What are we going to do?” 
He turns his head and presses a kiss to your hair, bumping the side of his face against your wobbly scrunchied bun. 
His voice is quiet. “We don’t know yet.”
“I know that. But it… I’ve been going crazy thinking, Ed. I know you have too.” You squeeze his hand. “Would you want me to get rid of it?” 
That idea plucks something painful in his chest. The knot of tangled emotions feels heavier than ever. 
“No. Only if that’s what you really wanted. I’m not gonna make you do anything, especially not anything you don’t want to do.” His murmured words are warm on your head and your heart. 
“I feel like I’m being pulled apart. Like… I’m just so confused about what to do, Eddie..” His arms wrap around you, hugging you close. 
“That’s okay. That’s okay,” he promises. 
After a few beats of silence, you feel like you can breathe deep enough to say the words that have been rattling around your head. “I… I do want kids. Some day. With you.”
He nods, agreeing before going quiet again. He thinks, tries to choose his words carefully. 
“If that day is like.. nine months away, is that okay with you?” he asks. 
“That’s the scary bit.”  “Yeah.” 
“I don’t know if I’m ready to be a Mom yet. What if I do it wrong?”
Eddie gives you a sad smile. “That’s how I feel too.”
Your foreheads rest together, eyes closed. 
“What if I’m never ready? What if I always feel like this?” you continue, leaning your cheek against Eddie’s steady palm. “I’m so happy with you, Eddie. What if this changes us, fucks us up?”
Dry lips press against your forehead, his thumbs swipe your cheek soothingly as you admit the fears that he has been holding too.
You hug him again, squeeze Eddie hard. 
“My mom and dad had me by our age.” Eddie’s voice is a whisper against your cheek. “And… it went so wrong, that I’m scared I can’t do it right.” 
You squeeze him tight, brushing loose hairs back from his face as his truth spills, unwound from that knot in his chest.
“I just wanna… I want to do it right. For us. For a baby. I want them to feel so fucking loved and happy. I’m so fucking scared, but… I know what to not do. I don’t want to be like him.”
Your heart breaks for that hurt little boy. You had seen him in photo albums and yearbooks, seen him with your own eyes when Eddie had bad days. He’s with you now, looking lost under the shitty bathroom light.
“You won’t be like him. You’re not him, Ed.”
“What if I am? And I just don’t know it?” There’s a frantic smashed-broken edge to his voice.
You crawl onto his lap, a knee on either side of his thighs so you can hold him properly, see his face. Swiping the beaded tears on his black lower lashes, you return that kiss to his forehead. 
“You are not your Dad. You just said it, you know what not to do yeah? That’s so important, baby.” You stroke his cheeks with your thumbs. 
He nods, wiping his face with his sleeve. His fingers drop to press against his chest like he is massaging the knot to free up his words. “I don’t want to let you down either.”
“You never have, Ed. Never ever.” 
His head rests back against the bath as you hold each other. Both scared, but it feels less utterly impossible and all-consuming. 
“I think… maybe, it’s good that we’re kinda scared. Because it means we care.” Eddie looks up at you, smooths his hand up your side. 
“And babies are kinda scary.” “Oh yeah. Absolutely terrifying.” “Cute though.” “Oh, for sure. That one in the park last week, with the bobble hat..?” “Cute as fuck.”
You share a smiling little kiss before he brings you back for another long holding hug. 
It’s easy to get lost in your head, trying to add up your very minimal savings with the cost of a baby, a bigger apartment.
You had both agreed that while you liked your jobs, you didn’t want to be there forever. Eddie wanted to get some more experience with music technology, maybe take a few courses and start teaching guitar lessons again to make extra cash on the side. 
It’s early morning now; your routine is all over the place with your late shifts and sleepy afternoons.
After a few moments of silence, Eddie speaks again, bringing you both back from the meandering paths in your minds. 
“I’m gonna marry you, y’know.”
You smile, knowing that you both wanted that happy ending. “Yeah? You gonna make me Mrs Munson?”
“Yeah, for sure. Knew that since the day I met you, baby.” He rolls his eyes, playful and pink-cheeked to distract from how raw he still feels. 
The swell in your chest makes you sob-laugh. 
“You gonna say yes?” he asks, just in case. “When I ask, I mean. This isn’t me asking, by the way. That’ll be way more romantic.”
“Okay.” You roll your eyes at him. “When you ask me, yeah. I’ll say yes.” 
“Okay. Cool.” “Cool.” 
Another smiling kiss, noses bumping each other’s cheek as you imagine your future together.
You have this feeling in your gut that this man holding you, letting you hold him, will be a great Dad someday. Eddie thinks you will be a great Mom; with you by his side, he feels like he can do anything.
“Ed?” you murmur against his lip. “They have to look like you or I’m gonna be pissed. Whenever that is.”
“Nah, get outta here. Poor kid.” He pokes gently at your ribs with wiggling fingers, stops you from squirming away with another hug. 
“Been thinking about a little baby with curly hair and brown eyes,” you admit quietly, mumbling against his neck.
“You been spending too much time in those photo albums with Wayne.” 
“It was one afternoon. Your Mom had hundreds of photos of you, Ed. It’s sweet that he kept them, and started his own albums.” 
Your fingers fiddle with the drawstrings on his hoodie as Eddie loses himself down that same path of practicality, lit by glowing reminders that he has to grow up someday soon. 
“I’m gonna get those fliers for guitar lessons printed next week. Get some cash together. I have some amps I could sell…” 
“Ed, you don’t have to do that.”
“I know but.. we can’t have loose wires and heavy shit around with a baby, baby.” 
He smiles at the word-play and your heart swells with how much you adore him. 
When your lips meet again, the tinny ring of the timer beeps on Eddie’s watch, eating up the distracted peace you had both found. 
“Want me to check?” he asks, seeing the shining fear reflected back at him when he looks into your eyes. 
“Yes please.” 
You slip off his lap and stand, holding out your hands to help Eddie up before you perch on the side of the bath. 
“One line is negative, two is positive,” you say, the pink example lines from the back of the box etched into your mind's eye. 
Eddie takes a deep breath. Pauses to cup your face and kiss you before going any further. 
“I love you.” His eyes are sparkling, the set of his mouth more serious.
“Love you.” 
“This doesn’t change that, okay? S’a fact.”
You nod and steal one more kiss before letting him go to the counter. 
Eddie picks up the stick, checks under the light. You watch his face, see the shadow of conflicted confusion. You know then that it’s negative. 
“One line,” he whispers, looking up at you. 
You nod, coming over to stand with him. You see the one line, solitary and stark. 
“Okay,” you whisper, tucking yourself under Eddie’s arm. 
You can’t decide if it’s relief or loss you feel; either way, it pushes you over the edge of the precipice you have been teetering on all day and you sob. 
Eddie’s hands smooth over your back in soothing strokes, up and down, as your tears soak into his hoodie. He’s not sure what to say, not quite sure how he feels. Burning pressure pushes at his eyes as he lets his cheek rest against your head. 
“I don’t know how I feel,” you manage in a small voice after a few moments. 
Eddie swipes your tears, the dripping snot too, and thinks you look beautiful. One day, he knows you will shed happy tears caused by two pink lines and he will kiss their salty joy away with a smile. 
“We don’t need to have an answer. I think we got carried away thinkin’ huh?” 
You feel bone tired, wrung out. “Yeah.”
“Let’s sleep on it.”
There’s a lingering question about your late period that you can’t fathom yet, maybe the test was a dud? Maybe your iron is low, your hormones are off. But at almost five a.m. on that chilly Sunday morning, it can wait until Monday. 
You had felt every single emotion since the evening before when you realised and now that you have an answer to the question that had terrified you, thrilled you too in some small way, you felt like a popped balloon. 
“I’m really tired.” Your voice sounds pathetic in your ears and it makes you grimace, feeling mad at yourself for getting so worked up.
“I know, baby. Let’s go to bed, okay? I’ve got you.” Eddie whispers his promise against your temple and bends his knees to lift you up. 
“Ed…” you start to complain but you’re too tired to fight, so you wrap your legs around him and hold on. 
“Shh, let me.” 
Eddie is so gentle, it makes your heart hurt. He lays you down and makes sure you are cosy, leaves ever so briefly to get some water and flick off the bathroom light before joining you in bed. 
With the lights off, you seek each other out, hold each other close. 
You feel utterly consumed by that confusing feeling, the sad relief.
“I’m sorry.”
“No, I... I got us all wound up and now I feel so stupid.” 
Eddie is a steady and sure anchor as your body shakes in the dark. 
“You’re not stupid.” He holds you, whispering your name a little firmer to try and bring you back to him. “You have nothing to be sorry for. Please, don’t beat yourself up.” 
He sows kisses along your hairline as he makes his heartfelt promises. “I meant what I said. I want the future with you, all of it.”
You just nod, promise him that you want him too, forever. Slowly the tears subside, leaving you feeling beyond exhausted.
Eddie fights sleepfulness to make sure you’re okay, already at peace with the fact that you had so much ahead to look forward, to plan. 
He thinks of the antique shop windows, packed with trinkets and curios and glittering gems that you’re drawn to, like a magpie, every time you have a free afternoon to wander in the city without worry. You’re easily sidetracked by their beautiful mystery, and Eddie loves watching your awe. 
He thinks of a shiny sparkle on your finger, a little ceremony or a flight to Vegas for the hell of it, and of tiny hands to hold and teach. 
He thinks it will be okay. 
Lulled to sleep by Eddie’s stroking hands, the warmth of all of his adoration he wraps you up in, you feel peaceful and calm, and not at all scared. 
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Thank you for reading! Reblogs, likes and comments are absolutely adored and cherished ❤️ 
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eddiesxangel · 9 months
Should I post a teaser for Wildflower 👀
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: One night you hear a noise and go to check, finding your neighbor talking to stray cats.
Warnings: a bit of fluff
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It was late at night, but since you couldn't sleep, you were sitting on the picnic table in front of the trailer where you lived with your family.
Looking up to the sky you could see stars shining in the sky and some bats flying in circles.
You had always liked night and the calm atmosphere that created when everyone went to sleep and silence fell, you felt more at ease at night.
Just as you were about to go back inside, you heard a voice coming from behind one of the trailers. The Munson trailer, you recognized.
You and Eddie were in same math class but he'd only shown up twice since the beginning of the year, he'd taken a seat at the back of the class and you were pretty sure he'd spent the entire hour doing something else than paying attention.
Drawing, reading or preparing the next D&D campaign, maybe.
You'd never talked to Eddie, even though he was friends with Dustin and Mike,the kids you had babysat for years when they were younger, and even though he lived only a few feet away from you, but not for the same reason that most people at school didn't.
You knew what they said about him, that he was the leader of a satanic cult, that he made human sacrifices and that he was a "freak" but you never really believed it. Mostly because you were sure Dustin wasn't part of a cult but also because Eddie seemed like a good guy despite what everyone else at school (and in all Hawkings) thought.
Dustin once told you that Eddie was one of the only people who was nice to him at school, besides you.
You jumped off the table and headed for the source of the sound. You put a hand against the wall of the trailer and peered behind it to see what was going on.
The scene you faced was honestly some of the cutest shit I've seen in your entire life.
Eddie was sitting on the ground, lit by the dim light from a streetlight not far from him, a black and white cat was clambering onto his lap as Eddie ran his ringed fingers through its fur with a grin on his face.
He wore a red flannel shirt, the sleeves rolled up to the elbows showing the tattoos on his arms, and dark jeans.
His hair fell to the sides of his face as he leaned towards the cat, clearly he hadn't heard or seen you coming.
"Hey sweety" he said while the cat was purring "I'm sorry but today for you I only have some pizza crusts, tomorrow morning I'll bring you something else okay?"
You noticed the plastic plate containing the remains of what had probably been Eddie's dinner lying on the ground. In that moment another cat popped out from behind Eddie's back and rubbed against his arm emitting a soft "meow".
That one was much smaller than the other, he couldn't have been more than a few months old. The fur on its ears was so long for such a small cat that it looked like he had a pair of little horns.
“Hi to you too,” Eddie chuckled as his other hand stroked the space between its ears.
You didn't even realize you were standing there and watching the scene with a stupid smile on your lips.
The way a person treats animals says so much about them and at that moment Eddie was telling you that he were the least scary person on the face of the earth. And that he was sweet.
"That's cute." You said, finally getting his attention.
Eddie's head snapped in your direction and he suddenly leapt to his feet, nearly knocking the orange cat off his knees.
"Hey, uhm...I...." He stammered scratching the back of his head with one hand, almost as if he was embarrassed.
Oh. Was Eddie Munson embarrassed?
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I heard a sound and came to see what was going on." You explained and he just nodded like a kid caught stealing candy.
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that the tough and metal Eddie Munson talks to cats." You added, and when he looked up and saw you laughing, he did the same.
The black and white cat walked towards you and rubbed against your leg. You crouched down to pet it.
"They don't have a house, or a family" Eddie explained. "And so they have no food. These two aren't the only ones, I know there are at least four others in this area. I try to leave as much food as possible back here but a lot of times I don't have enough for all of them."
They don't have a house, or a family, he tought. They were a bit like him, maybe that was why he cared so much for them.
When you took your hand away from the cat, he pushed his muzzle back against it. Eddie chuckled and you realized you liked the sound of his laugh.
"That's very nice of you. Do they have names?"
"I call her Ozzy." He said pointing to the cat next to you.
The black spots around the cat's eyes really looked like the dark glasses the Black Sabbath singer always wore, you realized.
Her name was spot on.
"And this is Angus" He nodded at the smaller cat who approached you and sniffed your hand reluctantly.
"Hi Angus." You said as he nibbled on your finger.
Eddie laughed as you tried to take your hand away from him.
"You have such cute little horns" you talked to the kitten, "And you're almost as small as the real Angus."
Eddie's face basically lit up. "There's no way you got the reference!"
"Ozzy Osbourne with his glasses and Angus Young with horns and his small stature? Try something harder."
If it was possible, Eddie smiled even more. "I didn't know you liked that kind of music."
"There are many things you don't know about me. We've never talked before." You said.
"Well, I'd like to do it more from now on. You're not what I thought." He confessed.
"And what did you think?" You asked.
"That you were like the others at school. But you're not." He said. Henderson wasn't wrong about you, after all.
"Did you think I was like the cheerledears? Should I be offended?" You asked, but your tone was playful. "Do you think they would dress like this?" You pointed to the ripped jeans that you had quickly put on before going out that night and the boots that you hadn't even zipped up.
He raised his hands in apology. "I humbly apologize, m'lady. Even the best make mistakes sometimes."
You laughed. "Well, you are as I thought." You said.
"Scary?" He asked, his voice changed slightly in tone. Most people think that of him at school. And not just at school. He knew how even in town people talked about him and sometimes he just pretended he didn't care about it.
You shook your head. "A good person."
The smile on his lips was back.
That's not metal. That's not metal at all, Eddie thought.
He'd been caught talking to cats, and now he was smiling like a stupid at a girl he barely knew.
No, definitely not metal. But that didn't stop him.
You stood up picking up Ozzy who was still on top of you and deposited her on the ground.
"I think we should go to sleep now. It must be almost 1 a.m." You announced as you watched the cats approach the plate of pizza crusts.
Eddie looked at the watch on his wrist. "Yeah, you're probably right."
"Well, then... see you in math class, if you'll ever decide to show up."
"Maybe, sooner or later." he shrugged. "Goodnight, Y/N."
"Night, Eddie." You walked up to your trailer and Eddie followed you with his eyes, you gave him one last look to see he was still smiling slightly, before going back inside.
That night, in your bed, the last thing on your mind before falling asleep was: you heard Eddie Munson call a cat "sweety".
In his bed Eddie thought maybe now he had a good reason to show up for math class.
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lavenderlilacbones · 2 years
He's a Magic Man
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Ohhhh, he's got the magic hands
Eddie x Fem!Reader
Description: You and Eddie have been friends for years, neither of you willing to admit you had begun to crush on one another until one night your usual smoke and chill session gets a little steamy
Warnings: NSFW/18+ ONLY, SMUT with an attempt at minor plot, minors DNI, praise kink, slight degradation kink/dirty talk, van sex, reader uses she/her pronouns, no use of y/n, use of pet names, drug use, f/m!oral receiving, fingering, teasing, choking, unprotected p in v, light anal play, creampie, touch of fluff at the end
A/N: I haven't written anything in a very long time, let alone smut, but like many of us on this hell site, the Eddie Munson brain rot has a very tight grip on me so I decided to give in. After not having a good idea for this for a couple weeks, it all spilled out of me very quickly. There was an attempt at proofreading. If this is well received, maybe I'll make this kind of thing a habit.
Word count: 3924
It was a crisp evening, but not so much you couldn’t leave the van doors open as you and Eddie sat opposite each other on the back edge, passing a joint between the two of you. The mixtape you made faintly plays from his stereo, just loud enough to hear but not enough to impede on the atmosphere. You leaned back against the wall of the van after passing the joint back to him, staring up at the stars as you exhaled, smoke gently floating above you. 
“Hey,” Eddie’s raspy voice breaks your daydream, bringing your attention back to the joint in his hand. You smiled and took it back from him, delicately placing it between your lips and taking another puff. “Whatcha thinkin about, Princess?” He takes the joint again, cocking his head to the side as he studies you.
“Nothin’ in particular…” you start, returning your gaze to the sky, “I just love when the sky is this clear.” You nod your face upward, driving Eddie to follow your gaze. A sea of stars shine above you, softly glinting against the night sky. Eddie hums in approval as he hits the joint again, chasing it with the final sip of his beer.
This had been a frequent ritual for you two for a while, grabbing a meal and smoking together. Usually it was at his trailer, but it was such a nice night you both decided it would be more fun parking by the lake with a six pack and a pizza. Summer was over and autumn was rolling in so you had to savor the nice weather before it fully gave way to the cold of the oncoming winter. The pizza box was shoved against the driver's seat, its contents long devoured, the six pack now a four pack.
The next track on the mixtape starts and it's Magic Man by Heart. Eddie groans, handing the joint back to you and moving like he's gonna skip it. 
You grab the joint and immediately box him in place with your legs. "Don't you dare, Munson. This is a good fucking song and you know it," you snap at him.
"It's pop rock! It's not my style," he retorts, already accepting that he's not gonna escape from where your legs planted him.
"Have you even listened to that guitar solo? You can't tell me that isn't cool as fuck!"
Eddie scoffs, "I guess it's okay." At this point he was just playing with you, he loved when you got riled up over something you were passionate about. The way your body language would become noticeably more animated reminded him of how he'd get the same way with certain subjects.
You catch his smirk and give him a playful shove with your legs before retracting them and crawling next to where he sat in the van, settling next to him as you took another long drag from the quickly dwindling joint. You exhale the smoke at Eddie in an act of defiance as you hand it back to him. "You're so full of shit, Eddie," you chide playfully.
Eddie gives you a sly smile, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and watching you with those soft brown eyes, slightly hazy from the weed. He takes one last long drag before stuffing the roach in his empty can beside him. Holding in the smoke, he turns to you, letting his confidence lead his next move as he gently slid his finger along your jawline and lifts your chin slightly. He brushes the tip of your nose with his and as if you read his mind, your lips part to let him shotgun the smoke to you, his lips grazing over yours.
He pulls back just enough to take in your face, checking to see if his sudden bravado was misplaced as you exhaled only to be met with a satisfied smile. You touch his face, closing the gap again only this time your lips fully meet with his. Eddie melts into your touch, deepening the kiss as you snake your fingers through his messy curls. He slips his tongue out to trace over your lips and you open them, inviting him into your mouth and clashing your tongue against his, twisting and tasting each other. A mix of weed, PBR, and a lingering hint of pepperoni. After a long moment you both break to catch your breath, foreheads pressed together.
"Eddie Munson, you have no idea how long I've waited for you to do that," you laugh, cradling his face in your hand.
He chuckles back, his hand sliding under your hoodie to caress your side before it comes to rest on your hip, fingers playing at the hem of your shirt. "Glad to know it isn't just me, sweetheart."
His lips meet yours again, both of you allowing the hunger between you to peek out as your mouths smash together. You move to straddle him, sucking on his bottom lip and not breaking the kiss as you settle on his lap. Eddie's hands grasp your hips roughly as you give him a little grind, causing him to moan into your mouth. He slides his hands down to your ass, encouraging you to grind into him again.
You feel his growing erection through his jeans and the friction causes you to break the kiss to release a gasp. Eddie takes the opportunity to bury his face against your neck, biting and sucking on your throat, small dark marks peppering your skin. Both of your arms slide around Eddie's neck, hands tangling in his long hair and holding him against you as his continued assault makes you whine with need for him. 
He glides a hand under your shirt and you can feel him grin against your neck when he realizes you didn't wear a bra tonight. "God you're incredible," he mumbles into you as he cups one of your breasts and squeezes, teasing your nipple between his calloused fingers.
You pull back to shrug your hoodie off your shoulders and he responds by shoving off his leather jacket and battle vest, tossing them aside. Grabbing at the hem of your shirt, you lift it over your head, adding to the growing pile of discarded clothing beside you.
Eddie sits back to take in the view, both his hands sliding along your sides before each claiming a tit and kneading the flesh in his hands, eliciting a moan from you. He shoves his face between them; biting, kissing, sucking, feasting on you like a man starved.
Your own hands slip under his shirt in response, feeling the gentle indents of muscle along his abdomen and chest. "Oh god Eddie… I want you so bad," you gasp, still grinding your heat against him.
"Yeah baby?" He huffs against your chest between bites and kisses, "gonna make you feel real good tonight, Princess." Eddie reaches a hand down to fumble at your belt and pants, loosening the button and zipper just enough to give him access. "Jesus Christ, you're already so wet," he moans against you as he slides a finger along your slick slit, overcome by how much of a mess you already are. "This all for me, baby?" He asks as he leans back from you slightly, meeting your eyes.
You bite your bottom lip and nod in response. "Been thinking about fucking you a long time Eds," you grip his shoulders, gently digging your nails into his skin, "thinking about how your fingers would feel…" 
Eddie continues to tease your pussy, just sliding his finger along your lips and collecting your arousal, watching you with amusement as you shudder in response. "Thinking about how your mouth would feel," you continue, twisting your fingers in his necklace as you lean forward to nibble at his ear lobe, his thumb finds your clit and rubs soft circles against it, earning another moan from you "Thinking about your cock inside me." You emphasize the last sentence by roughly cupping his straining bulge through his jeans. 
Eddie groans, dipping his finger into your heat as you press against him. He worms his fingers into your hair and grasps it tightly, using it to gently tug you upright in his lap again so he can look at your face. "I can't wait to feel this tight little cunt gushing on my cock, baby." He slides a second finger inside you, briefly mimicking your face as your mouth drops into an O shape, his fingers curling inside you, "but first I want to taste you." After a few more pumps of his fingers, he pulls his hand from your pants, the loss making you whine in protest. He brings them to his mouth and sucks your juices off them with a pop, humming contentedly. "Fuck, I bet it's even better straight from the source." He stares at you, licking his lips hungrily.
With his arm around you Eddie lays you down on the pile of blankets he keeps in the van, managing to stay slotted between your legs as he does so. He leans down to kiss you, twisting his tongue around yours as he reaches down to undo his own pants and give his straining erection some breathing room. He straightens up long enough to pull his shirt over his head before falling back over you and begins to trail kisses and bites down your body, pausing to give your breasts some dedicated attention before continuing down your abdomen and leaving a few more marks in his wake.
He slides your jeans and underwear down as he bites along your hips, only stopping to lift your legs over his shoulder so he can fully remove your remaining clothes. He settles himself back between your legs, laying on his stomach as he kisses and nibbles your inner thighs, working his way to your puffy lips. Eddie watches you as he drags the flat of his tongue up your slit and punctuates it by sucking on your clit. 
You arch against him, moaning loudly, and you can tell how pleased he already is with himself when he hums against your sensitive nub before pulling away. "Look at this pretty pussy, s’wet and ready for me." He gives another lick, light and teasing this time.
"Mmm Eddie… please," you whine, bucking your hips towards him in a needy gesture as he stills your movement.
Eddie flashes you a devilish smile, "Please what, Princess?" He teases, kissing just out of reach from where you truly want him. "I want to hear you say it."
You bite your lip, feeling your heart pound in anticipation, "Eat my pussy, Eddie, please."
"That's my good girl." Eddie rewards you with a few heavy licks through your folds, gently sucking on them between laps. He begins to alternate between lapping at your arousal and sucking your clit, his large hands gripping your thighs as he settles into a rhythm that has you practically screaming for him.
"Oh my god Eddie!" you gasp as you instinctively roll your hips against his face, one of your hands reaching down to tangle in his hair as the other slides over one of the hands on your thighs, intertwining your fingers with his. 
Eddie moans against you, tongue-fucking your hole as your moans continue to build. "You taste so fuckin good, baby." He's already so pussy drunk and you can see it in his eyes when he looks up at you, bringing his mouth back to your clit as he slides two of his fingers into you. "I could eat this pussy all night."
His words make you crumble. "Eddie… fuck! I'm s'close!" you whine. "Please don't stop!" You can feel the cool metal of his rings kiss your entrance with every pump of his fingers. The pornographic sound of your wet squelching mixed with your moans fills the van. Before long your walls are clenching his fingers so hard he can barely move them inside you, still pulling and grasping his hair as you ride out your orgasm on his face. A whining, blubbering mess as you hold onto his head for dear life. It feels like minutes before your body calms down, Eddie not stopping his movements until he's sure your climax has passed.
He kisses your inner thigh and looks up at you, face glistening with your cum and the biggest smile on his face.  "That sounded like a good one, Princess," he cooed, admiring your fucked out expression as he gently slides his fingers over your sopping wet lips, making you twitch and whine from the slight overstimulation.
"I don't think I've ever cum that hard from being eaten out," you pant, reaching up to push the sweat matted hair from your forehead. Eddie responds with a self satisfied laugh as he plants more kisses on the inside of your thighs. You reach out for him, beckoning him toward you and Eddie obliges, crawling back up your body to lock his swollen pink lips with yours. You can taste yourself on him and it just turns you on more, causing you to squeeze your knees against his hips. "Eddie…" you breathe between kisses, "I need you to fuck me."
Eddie moans into you. You trail a hand down his body, slipping into his boxers and closing it around his hard length, gasping at the feel of his girth. Eddie thrusts into your hand, whining and moaning as you stroke him. He reaches down to shove his pants down, kicking them off his legs once they get far enough and leans back on his knees to push his boxers off, letting his cock spring free. You fully take in his size for the first time, almost overcome with need for him. 
"Christ Eddie, you're so big…" you marvel, propping yourself up and leaning forward to take him in your hands again. "Where have you been hiding this fuckin’ thing?" You joke as you stroke his length, not really looking for an answer.
Eddie lets out a hiss as you lick the precum beading on his tip, but before he can think of a response you're taking him in your mouth and causing his brain to short circuit. His hands slide along your shoulders and neck as you move to take a long lick from base to tip, pursing your lips together as you push him back in your mouth. One of his hands settles on the back of your head to guide you as you bob on his cock, taking in as much as you dare. Eddie gives a few gentle thrusts before he has to stop you, pulling his cock out of your mouth with a pop. "I'm not gonna last if I let you keep this up," he leans down to kiss you again before he reaches over to dig in the back pocket on the passenger seat. A look of frustration draws across his face when he doesn't find what he's looking for. "Fuck… I think I'm out of condoms," he groans in annoyance.
You gently shove him back, guiding him to flip positions so you're back on top of him, his frustration giving way to curiosity as you settle in his lap again. "I'm on the pill, Eddie," you whisper as you kiss and suck along his jawline. You drag your wet heat over his length firmly and Eddie grabs your ass, a shuddering moan escapes his lips as his head drops back and he ruts against you. You move to the other side of his face, still planting little love bites to his jawline and neck, "I want to feel you fill me up."
"Jesus H Christ, baby, you're gonna be the death of me saying shit like that," Eddie growls. He lifts your hips slightly before grabbing his cock and lining himself up with your entrance, swirling his tip in your arousal a few times before guiding you back down on his lap. His eyes are fixated on where you two connect as he watches his cock disappear inside you, the sounds of your moans almost drowning out the mixtape still playing in the background.
You take a moment to adjust, feeling that satisfying burn of how well his cock stretches and fills you. Biting your lip and anchoring your hands on his shoulders, you slowly rise and fall on his lap, both of you groaning together at the delicious friction. Eddie's thumb finds your clit again and starts rubbing in those gentle circles, quickening your pace. Your hand slides into his hair, pulling his face into your chest. He kisses your breasts, alternating between them and sucking on your nipples, rolling his tongue against them as he does.
His free hand kneads the flesh of your ass as you bounce on him. He pauses his assault on your chest to look up at you, his previously soft brown eyes now dark and full of lust. "Look at you coming apart for me, baby. Desperate little slut for my cock," he coos against you. The hand on your ass slides a little lower and inward as Eddie teases a finger over the tight hole as if to test your response. The jolt of electricity it sends through you has you grinding harder on his dick, ragged moans escaping your lips. Eddie growls in approval, reaching further to collect the slick from between you two before continuing his probing, adding more pressure as he dips the tip of his middle finger in. "Bet you'd like me to fuck this tight little hole too. Ruin this perfect little ass." The hand that was rubbing your clit slides up the back of your neck, Eddie pulling you in close as he bites and sucks at your jugular.
The sound you make in response is feral, your whole body vibrates against him as the combined stimulation has you riding him hard. "Fuck Eddie! Gonna cum," your grip on his hair tightens and he hisses at the feeling of your walls squeezing around him.
"Cum for me, baby, wanna feel you soak my cock." His encouragement is all you need, falling over the edge as you clench tightly around him. Eddie groans, struggling to hold back because he's not done with you yet, rolling his hips with yours as you ride out your orgasm. Your moans are deep and loud, feeling your clit press against the tuft of hair above his crotch as he grinds into you. Your spasms soften and before you realize what's happening, Eddie's rolling you on your back, supporting your hips against his to keep himself inside you.
Eddie hitches his arms under your knees and begins to pound into you roughly, another moan escaping your mouth with every snap of his hips into you. "God look at this pretty pussy, taking my cock so well," he groans at the sight of you before him, a fucked out, blubbering mess as he hurtles you towards another orgasm. "Who would have guessed you'd be such a filthy little slut?" He sucks in his bottom lip as he drops one of your legs gently, sliding his hand around your throat and waiting for confirmation before applying pressure. You slide a hand over his, pressing it into your throat as you whine softly and nod, giving him the consent he asked for. As his grip tightens, your hand slides from his to trace along his forearm before falling back above your head as you arch your back, panting desperately from the ecstasy of his touch.
"Fuuuuuck," Eddie groans, mouth hung open as he leans forward, nearly bending you in half after pushing the leg he was still holding up to his shoulder. His thrusts become ruthless, gently gripping your throat as he locks his lips with yours in a passionate, sloppy kiss. "I'm getting close, baby. Gonna fill this pussy up until you're dripping with me." His moans are almost as ragged as yours, his thrusts hard and deep.
You lock your legs around his hips, your hands finding purchase in his curls again and you hold him against you. "God, give it to me, Eddie. Fuck!" You feel your third orgasm edging closer as Eddie releases your throat and brings his hand to your hip, changing the angle just enough that he's consistently ramming at that sweet spot inside you.
Between your moans and the fluttering of your walls around him, Eddie knows how close you are. He keeps up his pace, not willing to let himself cum before you but feeling his control slipping. "Come on, baby, give me one more, wanna feel you cum again." He reaches between you to rub your clit again and before you know it you feel that coil snap, screaming his name and digging your nails into his back. "Thaaaat's a good girl," he praises, still rubbing your sensitive nub. The spasms and tightness of your pussy are all too inviting and Eddie shudders as his own release washes over him, spurts of cum painting your walls as he continues to fuck you through both your orgasms, milking everything he's got into you. Breathing heavily, he collapses on you gently, trying not to crush you under his weight, his cock still buried inside you. He nuzzles into your neck and smiles as you rub his back.
"God, Eddie, that was incredible," you pant, kissing his forehead. 
Eddie smiles and kisses your chest, propping himself up on his elbows and planting another kiss on your lips. "I've been wanting to fuck you like that since last year," he says before gently pulling out of you, watching as some of his cum begins to seep out of your cunt. He reaches for his boxers and uses them to clean you both up before tossing them aside again and settling in beside you.
"Should have shotgunned me then you big dork, we could have been fucking like this all year," you playfully nudge him.
"I didn't think you'd be into me! I know we’re friends, but who wants to date the town freak?" Eddie shrugs, his insecurities showing.
You smile warmly at him, sliding your hands over his face and pulling him in for a sweet kiss. “Guess you found the girl that wants to date the freak.”
He wraps his arms around you, feeling you melt into his chest, a face splitting smile stretches across his lips, “Seems like I did, sweetheart.” Eddie pulls back slightly and lifts your chin to look at your face, grinning as he's met with your look of contentment. "My girl," he coos as he bends his head down to kiss you tenderly.
“Yeah?” he responds, feeling you shiver.
"My freak," you respond with another deep, passionate kiss. Both of you laugh as he gives you a playful shove before pulling you back against his chest, tucking your head under his chin.
Finally becoming aware of the contrast of the chilly night air against your warm, sweaty bodies, you pull Eddie tighter against you. “Hey Eddie?”
“I think it’s time we head back to your place,” you smirk and wiggle against him, “maybe we’ll find the energy for a second round.”
You feel Eddie’s heart skip a beat in his chest. “Don't have to tell me twice, Princess.” Eddie feels like he’s gonna be wearing that grin all weekend as you both throw your clothes back on for the drive back to the trailer.
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munsons-hellfire · 2 months
About Me & Masterlist
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18+ mdni (you will be blocked)
skye. 25. she/her. writer. movie fanatic. book lover. music. horror. marvel. stranger things. scream. a court of thorns and roses. shatter me. divider credit: saradika
updates will be monday, wednesday, and friday every other week.
find other information here.
emoji system: fluff - 🫧, angst - 🥀, smut - ❤️‍🔥, dark themes - ☠️
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MASTERLIST (Updated: 03/30/24)
Chaos (Ongoing | Original Character: Evangeline Nightbane | Playlist | 🫧🥀❤️‍🔥☠️) - Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Lost (Ongoing | 🫧🥀❤️‍🔥☠️) - Part 1, Part 2 (Coming Soon)
My Love Will Never Die (Ongoing | Original Character: Circe Archeron | Playlist | 🫧🥀❤️‍🔥☠️) - Intro Summary: Circe Archeron, Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Broken (Kallias!Sister Reader)
Untitled (Coming Soon)
You're Losing Me (Ongoing | 🫧🥀❤️‍🔥☠️) - Part 1, Part 2 (Coming Soon)
The Last Time (Coming Soon)
You're Losing Me (Ongoing | 🫧🥀❤️‍🔥☠️) - Part 1, Part 2 (Coming Soon)
My Love Will Never Die (Ongoing | Original Character: Circe Archeron | 🫧🥀❤️‍🔥☠️) - Intro Summary: Circe Archeron, Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
The Power of Emotions (Ongoing | Archeron!Reader | 🫧🥀❤️‍🔥☠️) - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Happiness In The Heart 🫧🥀
Ice & Fire (Coming Soon | Archeron!Reader)
Untitled (Coming Soon | Rhysand!Sister Reader)
Chaos (Ongoing | Original Character: Evangeline Nightbane | 🫧🥀❤️‍🔥☠️) - Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Untitled (Coming Soon)
The Last Time (Coming Soon)
How Did It End?
Life Eternal 🫧🥀
Untitled (Coming Soon)
We're Just Friends 🫧🥀
Discovery of Memories (Ongoing | 🫧🥀❤️‍🔥☠️) - Part 1, Part 2 (TBA)
Forever Together (Ongoing | 🫧🥀❤️‍🔥☠️) - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
How Did It End?
The Dark Paradise (Ongoing | Biker!EM x Teacher!Reader | Playlist | 🫧🥀❤️‍🔥☠️) - Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Ruin My Life (Ongoing | Older!Rockstar!EM x Pop Star!Reader | Playlist | 🫧🥀❤️‍🔥☠️) - Chapter 1, Chapter 2
A Curse (Fem!Harrington!Reader) 🫧🥀
I Always Knew 🫧🥀❤️‍🔥
Runaway Bride (Coming Soon)
Season Of The Witch (Ongoing | Witch!Reader | Playlist | 🫧🥀☠️) - Act 1: Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 | Act 2: To Be Announced
Broken Hearts Can Be Mended (Ongoing | Writer!Reader | Playlist | 🫧🥀❤️‍🔥☠️) - Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 3, Chapter 5
Debut (Completed) - Part 1, Part 2 🫧🥀
Fall Into Me 🫧🥀☠️
All Your Fault (Platonic!Robbie Mercer) 🥀☠️
It All Fell Down 🫧🥀
Forbidden 🫧🥀
CIA!Avenger Reader Headcanons 🫧🥀
Reunited In Valhalla 🫧🥀
Mutual Feelings (Fem!Character) 🫧🥀
Human/Vampire!Reader Headcanons
Untiled Human!Reader Series (Coming Soon)
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kissitbttr · 2 years
bottled up
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: eddie wishes you could see yourself the way he sees you
a/n: inspired by @florestmoon ‘s more than enough fic🫶🏻💓 i love it sm, win a date with tad hamilton and that one cassie scene from euphoria. this is not proofread teehee
the first time eddie laid his eyes on you, he was whipped. and there’s no turning back
you’re hawkin’s high favorite girl. with a smile that make people fall to their knees, a touch to ease someone’s pain, and a voice so angelic it would put all angels up above to shame. nothing a guy wouldn’t do just to be with you and it has been proven by several boys at school with their endless pining.
eddie believes you have zero flaw. everything about you just screams perfect.
you’re not popular by any means. nor a cheerleader but you’re friendly with others even with the basketball team. and they like you too, despite you befriending the freak of the school. there are no social groups you despise. and people love you for it. unlike him who prefers to have a small circle to keep himself from getting hurt.
and don’t let him get started with that pretty brain of yours. you’re extremely smart and manage to pass all your classes with flying colors. never once gotten a C or D on your tests. all the teachers favor you of all. also, star of the volleyball team? what’s not to like?
up until today, he still questions why you hang out with him rather than the preppy jocks and cheerleaders who have been asking you to join their gang. your answer is always a no. eddie is who you want to be friends with from the very beginning.
“good news!” you cheerfully announce your arrival, pulling out a chair from eddie’s table. “there’s a costume party tonight and i want you to come with me! I’ve listed about twenty things we can wear.”
eddie slows down his chewing to look at you with a bewildered expression. “you’re shitting me, right?”
“uh.. no?” your answer almost sounds like a question instead. “come on it’d be fun! you never go to things like this with me, and I want my best friend to be there”
eddie feels like someone stabs him in the heart hearing you call him a ‘friend’. it pains him so much to know that it’s all he’s ever going to be to you. nothing more.
“who’s party is it?” he asks, playing with his food as he leans back,
“Jacob from the basketball team” you shrug, flipping through your notebook. “here! you can be tommy lee and i can be cindy crawford. i mean, they didn’t date but they would be such a good match, don’t you think?”
we would be such a good match too, he wants to say. but he chooses not to,
“I don’t know sweetheart…” he sighs, looking down at the cut-off magazines of Tommy lee and Cindy Crawford you glued on the notebook. “it’s not really my scene.”
“the hideout is not my scene too, but I’m always there to support you and the band” you cross your arms, “tell him gareth!”
gareth shakes his head, eyes on his food as the rest of the boys snicker. “don’t drag me into this, you two sort this out yourselves”
that makes your groan and stomp your foot underneath the table. looking over back to eddie who put on a smirk and shrug his shoulders. “you’re asking the wrong people, y/n. why not nancy or robin? or Emma from your volleyball team?”
“nancy is hanging with Jonathan, robin’s working and I’m not talking to Emma right now. all she talks about is you, and I don’t like it” you grumble, popping a strawberry into your mouth,
“me? what did she say?” he asks curiously
“yes. she likes you and i don’t like that. call me selfish but you’re mine.” you respond nonchalantly, missing out on how eddie’s eyes widen. so are the rest of the boys. “so? pretty, pretty please? i don’t want anyone but you to come to the party. i promise i will do anything you want me to. i’d get down on my knees for you, right now.”
oh fuck, why did you have to say it like that? those words just send pure vibrations straight to his dick,
plus, seeing the puppy dog eyes and cute pout you have going on, eddie seems can’t find it in his heart to say no to you.
“alright sure, whatever” he tries to come off like he doesn’t care but there’s a tiny bit of happiness in him when you mentioned he’s the only person you’ve asked,
it makes him feel wanted.
with a squeal, you reach out in his direction and give him a big kiss on the cheek. which startles him but it’s not a surprise anymore. you’re just extremely affectionate. and he doesn’t know this but, Eddie is the only person you’re touchy with.
“thank you, thank you!! love you eds, I’ll see you guys later. I’m gonna go make myself busy with the outfits for tonight.” with that, you get up and bid the boys bye before rushing off out of the cafeteria and to the hallway,
eddie watches you go with a lovesick smile on his face. touching his cheek where your lips had tainted it, you’ve done it more than ten times by now. but it never fails to leave him speechless.
“you’re so in love with her, dude” jeff mentions, scoffing as he watches the long curly haired boy staring out into the open, refusing to move just one bit
he can’t even deny that anymore. Aeddie is most definitely fucked
a smile painted on your lips as you take a good look at yourself in the mirror. damn you look extra fine.
you had called one of your good friends earlier for some advice. thankfully she knows exactly what she was talking about when you mentioned about aiming the cher’s look.
yes, yes, you thought about going as cindy crawford but come on! who could resist cher? she’s the queen!
you’ve chosen a black floral lace bustier that compliments your breasts. and by that, it means having your tits barely covered by the material but you don’t mind. you love showing off your assets. paired with a short black sequin denim skirt and crystal platforms that your best friend would classify as ‘stripper shoes’ which you take as a compliment. strippers are hot. you refer to it as cinderella heels though.
the makeup is pretty glamorous you might say. it’s all colorful and you’ve added glitter in the corner of your eyes, topped with dark red lipstick that you know would make everyone go crazy. as for hair, you let it down naturally. no farah fawcett’s crap that steve told you to do.
as you fix yourself up over and over, there’s a sudden knock on the front door. a signature six knocks that you know very well. eddie munson is here to pick you up!
“coming!” you call out, quickly snatching your purse from the dresser and speed walk towards the door. cursing to yourself when you nearly trip over,
since your mom isn’t home, there’s no point of leaving her a note or anything like that. she’d be here tomorrow at lunch time anyway, she always does
you aren’t ready to witness the sight before your eyes when you open the door.
there he is. eddie munson in flesh. looking extremely—handsome, rockstar sexy, bite-able and…. god you can’t believe you’re saying this, delicious ?! Is that even the right word to describe someone, let alone your best friend?
“holy hell. ozzy pinch me” you mutter to yourself, eyeing him up and down to check him out.
eddie is dressed in an all-black tank too that’s tucked under his dark-washed jeans, showing off his chest and tattoos. if you could even call that a top because it barely covers anything?! who knew he could be such a slut sometimes. and he had the nerve to put his hair in a low ponytail. loose waves framing his pretty face. he looks completely different from any other day.
and—hold up, he’s wearing an eyeliner?!
“who are you supposed to be?” you can’t keep your eyes off him. he looks so good. “tommy lee?”
“close. richie sambora. guitarist from bon jovi. i figured tommy lee has been getting way overrated and i wanted to try something different” he says confidently as he also takes a good look on your appearance,
dear god, help the fuck outta him.
“a-and you are…”
“cher!” you smile, rubbing the material of your skirt. “wait a minute, didn’t richie sambora and cher-“
“dated? hell yeah! oh, sweetheart would you look at that. we read each other’s mind!”
with a giggle, you hush him up before closing the door behind you. linking your arms together as the two of you walk towards his van. cigarette hanging over his mouth. you frown at that. clearly not very supportive of him smoking but since he’s your best friend, you let him do your thing.
“don’t we look so good together! look at us. strutting and shit and about to steal the spotlight.”
he must think that you don’t understand how those words affect him and how badly he wanted it to be true.
“most definitely” he fakes a smile to hide the hurt in his heart. “most definitely.”
post arrival at the party, you tug Eddie's fingers towards the house despite his pleas on wanting to leave already. telling you how he changed his mind after seeing the number of people that were going to be there. yes, he hates crowds. which confuses you because this man performs in public with his band!
he keeps on whining and promising a good time together when it’s only the two of you. even tries to bribe you with an entire bag of greens he carries tonight.
but that doesn’t work.
“just for a while, okay? and then we can go and get high until the sun comes up” you hug his waist, “you’re gonna have so much fun. with me!”
eddie could only scoff, slinging his arm over your shoulder as both of you walked into the party. super freak by rick James blasting over the speakers with pretty LED lights attached to the ceilings. endless drunk chatters and laughter from the people. it’s just like any typical high school party
“i better. or else it’d be all for nothing.”
“no it won’t” you smile, “you should wear this more often. you look very handsome.”
his cheeks go hot when you feel the material of his top. “I’m nothing compared to you though, sugar” he puts his hand over his heart, pinky finger links with yours as the two of you reach the kitchen to grab a booze. “you’re going to make people’s head turns and shit. i turn around for a sec and some guy would sweep you off your feet.”
“nooo” you shake your head, pouring yourself vodka with coke into the cup and grabbing a beer for eddie. “you’re just trying to flatter me.”
“is it working?” he grins, cracking the beer open not breaking eye contact with you,
“a bit” you nod, hoisting yourself up to sit on the kitchen countertop with eddie standing in front of you. “you say that to all the other girls?”
“only my favorite,” he responds, referring to you as he sips on the cold beverage,
that makes your tummy tickle. eddie just has his own way of making you blush and create a tingling sensation through your body. he does it better than anyone you’ve come across to.
he truly is a heaven-sent.
“not that bad right? want to try some of mine?” you offer,
“i’m driving, remember?” he raises an eyebrow.
“one sip won’t kill you! when have you become a party pooper?”
“i’m not! I’m being careful” he laughs, “the principal wouldn’t like hearing his favorite student turned into a party freak, you know?”
“hey!” you slap his arm, dragging the word. “i am not a party freak. i just happen to know how to have fun unlike you!”
“you take that back” he pokes your sides, earning a giggle from you. “of course, I know how to have fun! you’re forgetting who brought the weed?”
“yeah yeah” you give him an eye roll but a smile remains on your face, “i’m so glad you came with me tonight. it means a lot to me, thank you.”
he beams at that, heart beating faster with the way you look at him. he finds your gaze so… hypnotizing. he could be so lost in those gorgeous eyes of yours and doesn’t ever want to be found.
It has been months that these feelings he has for you. they never truly disappeared, only becoming stronger each day. and he doesn’t want them to. he wants to drown himself in you, to taste every single lipgloss you have off of your mouth. to hold you in his embrace, when everything gets too much for him. he wants everything good in this world, but he doesn’t want them if you’re not with him.
and not just physically there with him but emotionally too. to tie his heart with yours because there’s no person he’d rather be.
“listen y/n, i need to tell you something—“
“hey y/n? you finally made it!”
eddie is interrupted by a loud noise coming from behind. he looks over your shoulder and grits his teeth to see Danny, one of Jason’s friends coming over. he fucking hates him. he hates his stupid blonde hair and baby blue eyes, two beautiful traits that he knows would have you falling in love.
how does he know you ask? you mentioned it to him before. danny is the one guy you have your eyes on for a while and he seems sweet based on brief conversations you’ve had with him.
he doesn’t like the sound of that. he doesn’t want you falling for another guy. he wants it to be him that you love. no one else
“danny, hey. yup i sure did!” you wave at him and watch him getting closer. “oh and I brought eddie here with me.”
danny looks over at him with a tight smile, nodding his head as a form of greeting. “sup, dude”
eddie doesn’t return it, only glaring at the jock, which he hopes you don’t see. his grip around the beer is tightening once he sees how danny looks at you. like you’re some piece of meat.
“how are you enjoying the party?” danny asks lamely, clearly not interested in small talks but you barely recognize it,
“like any other party. but the costume idea is cool. that’s why we’re going as a couple”
“oh, the two of you are dating?” danny points out, almost ready to get rejected,
and eddie wants to confirm it. to say yes to that question just so he can leave you the fuck alone and have you all to himself. he’s pissed because he can’t even get one minute alone with you at the party without some guy walking in and ruin the moment.
but before he could answer, you beat him to it. “no we’re not. just the costumes.”
danny releases some sort of sigh of relief that eddie can’t help but pick on. “oh well then can i talk to you for a sec?”
eddie isn’t stupid, he knows what danny means by that.
“uhm sorry I promised eddie, I’m staying with him for the rest of the party. plus it’s the only reason why i came here”
“I’m sure eddie can wait few minutes without you here. right man?”
one punch. that’s all it takes for him just to knock this dipshit out. but he can’t and he won’t do that. especially in front of you. despite the disgusting lust glinting across danny’s eyes, eddie knows how much you like him. and he doesn’t want to ruin that chance.
even if it means getting his heart broken. all that matters is if you’re happy.
“sure” he shoots a not-so-genuine smile. “i’ll be here.”
“are you sure? i don’t want to leave your side” you take his hand in his, giving it a squeeze
“I’m a big boy sweetheart, I’ll be fine” he jokes, pulling you down from the table. “not going anywhere.”
still, you feel unsure about leaving him. you feel bad because you did actually promise to stay with him until the two of you got sick of the party then ditch the fuck out to go have a smoke.
“okay” you give him a comforting smile. “i won’t be long”
eddie nods at that, glancing at how danny is quick enough to hold your hands so he could scurry you away from his presence. he hates it.
“come on, sweetheart”
you feel shy when it comes to talking to guys you are attracted to. it’s like you have no idea how to act normal around them, fear that they might look at you differently if you did one thing wrong.
and danny is one of those guys. he’s the second-star of a basketball player, popular with the ladies, and just overall—dreamy. has girls tripping over this pretty boy
he’s super nice too. letting you borrow his pen, walk you to classes, trying to pull a joke just to see you smile, and even engage in your favorite hobbies. seems like he is very much interested in you and it makes you feel hopeful.
he leads you upstairs so the two of you can have a little more ‘privacy’ because it’s far too loud downstairs. obviously you still haven’t caught his drift, thinking to yourself that danny actually wanted to talk to you. probably ask you out on a date, if you’re lucky enough?
“here. better, huh?” he smiles once you enter the dimmed light bedroom.
your mirror his expression, playing with your fingers as your eyes take a look around the place. hearing the door clicks and his footsteps from behind.
“you look gorgeous tonight.” his hands find its way around your waist making you gasp in surprise. “relax—you’re so jumpy”
“yeah—just nervous i guess.” you let out a breathless laugh before turning around to face him, lips just inches away. “s-so uhm, what did you want to talk with me about?”
his knuckles softly graze your shoulder blade and down to the side of your breast. “that can wait. you don’t mind, do you?”
“not at all” gulping when he begins to touch you like that, “j-just you know um—i can’t be too long”
he just nods, being completely dismissive. and in a second his mouth is on yours. hungrily kissing you while he palms your ass under the skirt. catching you by surprise
he’s being quite aggressive but this is what you wanted, is it? to be pushed down onto the bed while he hovers on top of you. hands roaming over your body as his mouth never leave yours.
the thing is though, this is not how you wanted it to start.
“wait wait stop” you push him off, “can we just take it slow? talk or something because i really don’t want to do this right now.”
he frowns, “what do you mean? we’re gonna talk later. come on baby, don’t shy away from me now”
danny leans back in to kiss you again but you back away. “no i know! It’s just, we haven’t gotten to know each other lately and—it’d be nice to have that”
he stares at you for a moment before standing up straight. you smile nervously, thinking that he’d agree, but instead, he scoffs. an annoyed expression taking over his face
“seriously, y/n? what the actual fuck?” you’re taken aback by his tone. not to mention the mockery laugh he heaves out.
“talk? that’s all you ever wanted to do. talk and talk! my god you fucking infuriating, you know that?! who the fuck do you think you are?!”
watching how he swiftly turns into a whole different person, terrifies you so much. something you truly never expected.
the smile drops from your face. “w-what?”
“you’ve done this to me for like—what, the third time? tease me then leave me hanging. you think i asked you to be in here because i was interested in you? in what you have to say? i don’t sweetheart” he plasters a sarcastic smile before continuing,
“wait, what do you m-mean?” fear and confusion starting to take over as you hear him voice another scoff
“god you’re fucking dumb” he hangs his head low. “you actually thought—when you talked to me about things you found interesting in is gonna make me like you? I’m only here just to fuck you, y/n not so we can be boyfriend and girlfriend.”
tears starting to form in your eyes, but you try your best to hold them in. not wanting to cry in front of him. nails digging into the skin of your palms, shoulders slumping as his words continue to pierce through your heart.
“everytime you open your mouth all i could think to myself is ‘who the fuck does this girl think she is?' y/n you’re so fucking. boring. nobody cares about that shit. i just played along hoping that i could get my dick wet but nope. shit didn’t work either.”
you watch how danny continues to throw insult after insult. ripping you apart until you have no dignity left inside. and you feel so, so stupid. stupid to think that anyone would ever like you for you. not just your body.
it hurts you that danny turns out to be someone who has such cruel intentions and you were so blind to actually see that. to think that he’d be sweet enough to ask you out and be the perfect boyfriend.
all that goes into the drain.
“i’m gonna tell you the truth since everyone is a little too chicken shit to say it.” he crouches down to your eye level with a scowl. “any guy who’s interested in beyond fucking you— is full of shit. you’re only good for a pair of nice tits and a hole to put it in. I’m pretty sure munson feels the same way.”
that does it. you push him off hard enough so you’ll be able to stand in your feet and walk out of the room. tears start to stream down your face as your rush downstairs to hide yourself in a bathroom before anyone could see.
you lean your back against the bath tub, sitting there with knees tucked against your chest. both hands covering your mouth to muffle the loud cries you let out. words cannot describe the pain you’re feeling right now. the way it’s taking over your mind and soul, that all you wanted to do is just to dig yourself up a hole and lay there.
you have no idea how this one will last
eddie has no idea how it happens. one minute he was drinking alone then the next, he has a girl coming up to his direction and flirt with him. at first, he thought about her only using him to get weed so he told her off,
but she insisted that it wasn’t about that. letting him know that she’s genuinely interested in having a conversation with him. so fifteen minutes later, eddie finds himself enjoying a presence of another person.
“you’re emma, right?” he asks, seeing her nod. “y/n told me that you like me.”
“oh god” she laughs, covering her face in embarrassment. “she didn’t have to say that! she made a promise not to tell.”
“i’m her best friend, of course she tells me everything” he proudly says, downing the rest of the beer before chucking it onto the bin,
“you don’t feel weird about that?”
“no why would i be?”
“usually when someone learns that there’s a guy or a girl like them, they usually avoid them like a plague.”
“oh, not me” he shakes his head. “I’d be so flattered to know someone actually like me.”
“kind of like you and y/n there?”
“huh? no, we’re just friends.” he confirms
she cocks her head to the side, “just friends? are you sure?”
“yes? why are you asking?”
“dunno it’s just—you look at her differently. like she’s your soulmate or something” with a shrug, she watches how he gulps and runs his fingers through his hair nervously,
“oh t-that’s nothing. we’re just friends.” he confirms yet again, “plus, she has his eyes on someone else and he’s taking her upstairs just now.”
“danny” he almost groans at the name being spoken. “that fucking pretty boy who could easily sweep any girl off her feet and now he got y/n hooked too.”
he almost wanted to say ‘my girl’. almost
“you sure about that?” emma narrows her eyes over his shoulder. “because danny is there and y/n isn’t with him”
confusion written all over his face as he follows her gaze. turning around to find danny fist bumping with his friends before sipping on his drink. he looks displeased to say at least.
something’s not right…
“i gotta go—i need to look for her” he bids without even looking at her before walking away from the kitchen. hearing her protests but he pays no mind to it.
eddie think twice about going over to danny and give him a piece of mind, however you’re far more important than punching a jock right now.
“y/n?! y/n!” he fights through a sea of people, screaming your name. “it’s a party dumbass, she’s not going to hear you.”
his head frantically looks over to the sides, eyes trailing from upstairs and back to the party. bunch of curses falling over his lips as he fails to find you,
“hey you—with the… never mind, have you seen y/n?” he asks a random stranger who only shrugs in response, eddie jumps from one person to another. asking about you and give them brief description about your appearance,
“she went to the bathroom” one girl points her finger down to the hallway, “i don’t know what happened but she looked like she was about to have a break down”
hearing that just makes his heart drop, what could possibly go wrong?
“okay, thanks” he mutters, speed walking towards the bathroom at the end of the hall. which thankfully there aren’t people crowding the area, they’re all far too busy with get shitfaced.
“sweetheart?” eddie calls, knocking softly on the door. “it’s me—your eddie.”
you don’t give him a verbal answer. just a choked sob that leaves your throat, causing eddie’s heart to break even more.
“i’m coming in, okay?” he doesn’t wait for your response, twisting the door knob as he opens the door. a sight of you, breaking down on the floor, body shaking is enough just to create an unbearable heartache for him.
“oh, sweetheart” he closes the door softly, walking towards your figure as he kneels down. “what happened?”
you ignore him for a few seconds and eddie doesn’t push it more. after a while, you lift your head up to look at him. eyes red and teary with smudged mascara. cheeks coated with fresh tears.
is it bad to think how pretty you look even in this state?
his hands reach out. aching to hold your hands in his, he feels internally relieved when you don’t push him away.
“mind telling me what’s wrong? was it danny? did he do this to you?” he needs to control his rage when he speaks the name. yet how could he when that motherfucker just made his favorite girl cry.
a shaky sigh escape your mouth, broken gaze then falls down to the marble floor. a question builds up in your throat, one that you need to ask him after the horrible exchange you had with danny.
“do you think sex is the only thing I’m good for? am i—boring, apart from that?”
“what?! y/n why the fuck would you ask me that! of course it’s not true!”
again you ignore him, “i feel like there’s nothing else i could ever offer except my body—i mean isn’t that what most guys think of me?”
“no y/n! no! w-what, danny said that?!” he asks, gripping your hands tightly,
you sadly nod, inhaling a sharp breath,
“what exactly did he say to you?” eddie wants nothing more than to walk out of this room and beat the shit out of him,
“h-he said I’m only good for a pair of tits and a h-hole to put it in” you find yourself breaking again, hard sobs leaving your mouth. “and that guys who think their interested in me beyond that are liars—you included”
his eyes are widen, head shaking in furious manner that make his curls move. “y/n you cannot possibly believe that scumbag! why would you think that i-“
“you don’t have to lie eddie, it’s okay”
“i’m not!” he almost screams, “i’m not lying to you—you do know that you are far more interesting than anyone that goes to our fucking school?”
you only shrug, not knowing what to believe anymore. and it hurts him. it hurts him that you somehow trusts danny’s words over his.
“god y/n” he lets out a breathy laugh. “sweetheart, look at me”
he tucks his finger under your chin to get you to see him. and when you do, eddie feels like it’s the right time to say what he needs to say to you.
“y/n y/l/n you’re so unbelievably perfect.” he tells, hands moving to cradle your cheeks and he melts when you lean into his hold. “you are so brilliant—funny, gorgeous, caring and overall fucking. perfect. in my eyes” he breathes out,
your eyes slowly soften at his confession, heart finding its steady beat as your sobs slowly sink away.
“and-and i—fuck it— i made at least 37 songs about you. written so many love letters i lost count knowing that i will never have the balls to say it to you.” he admits, almost too shy. “you’ve become my muse— i look at you and i see home—for once in my life i feel like i could belong because you make me feel so special. you’re the heather locklear to my tommy lee sweetheart. wouldn’t want anybody else on my side when i sell out arenas except you.”
a short silence falls between the two of you before he continues,
“sweetheart all of the things you do—man, you wouldn’t want to know” he jokes, earning a small smile from you. gaze never tearing away from his. “you know, sophomore year? i used to sit in the back of the class, counted the times that you smiled at me and i died on days that you didn’t”
he smiles at the memory. you walked into the classroom in pretty little pink skirt that looked so adorable on you, from that moment on he was sure he fell down into the pit of love.
“y/n—“ he closes his eyes for a moment, because the next thing he’s about to say is going to change everything.
“i am so totally, completely, head over heels, bend over backwards, ten thousand percent, in love with you—have been for two years and it grew even more when i heard you recite lord of the rings with me—and my feelings are not going to change wether you’re capable of letting me or not—so fuck, okay that sounds so demanding—i’m sorry if this is out of line-“
you cut him off by smashing your lips against his, keeping your figure steady by holding onto his shoulders. you swallow the surprise gasp that he lets out.
eddie feels his heart is going to burst—his mind is going ballistic over the fact that his dream girl just kissed him.
holy fucking ozzy, you kissed him! he finds himself melt under your touch right away.
as for you—oh god his lips—where do you even begin? it feels so soft and warm molding against yours. but most importantly it feels so right.
how on earth could you be so blind all these time? months of pining and struggling to find the perfect someone when there has always been the one standing right in front of you but you never even took the time to actually see it.
eddie is the one,
as someone who holds the title for being a straight A student, you sure are fucking stupid when it comes to love.
after for what it feels like eternity, both of you pull away from the kiss. eyes slowly opening up to find another, a smile break out on each other’s faces. his grin though, far bigger than yours.
“holy shit” he laughs, holding you by the waist, “i’ve been wanting to do that for a long time”
“yeah?“ you bite your lip, giggling after. thumbs moving to graze his cheeks lightly, then down to his lips. “was it good?”
“sweetheart it’s even better than i imagined” he sees how you immediately shy away from the comment, head ducking down to avoid his stare. “i love you—fuck i love you so bad”
“i—i love you too” you finally say, brushing out the frizzy bangs that are covering his handsome face. “have been for so so long and i didn’t know you feel that way eds, i thought you had a thing for chrissy and i figured you know—i should back off and move on to someone else just so i can get over you”
“don’t” he quickly replies, not wanting to imagine her being in someone else’s hold. “i’m glad you didn’t because i don’t want you to ever get over me, baby”
you nearly go putty at the nickname, “you’re the only person I want from now on—only you”
his heart grows when you give him the reassurance he needed to hear. brown pupils even dilated when he looks at you—that’s when he knows for sure, he’s got it bad
and he wouldn’t want it any other way,
“all this time” he starts, tugging you closer to him as he buries his face in your neck. his curls tickling you and making you giggle. “i could’ve had you in my arms for two damn years”
“we are two idiots huh? but you finally got me anyway” you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss. feeling him smile through it.
“i finally got you”
i feel like this is bad…sorry bsjdjdjd i just had to finish it quickly and empty out my drafts
anyways please do reblog and comment ! xx
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taintedcigs · 1 year
My request is more reader teasing dom Eddie until he breaks hehe
✦ SUCH A TEASE | e. munson x reader ✦
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wc: 3.4k
pairing: eddie munson x f!reader
warnings: smut, smut smut!!, MINORS DNI!! p in v, dom/sub elements, dom!eddie, sub!reader, bj, or*l (both receiving), use of the nickname 'master' lmaoo, kind of a breeding kink??, praising, degradation (name-calling etc), mean!soft!eddie JUST OVERALL FILTH MINORS DNI!!!
summary: you tease dom!eddie to the point where he snaps and fcks u till u see the stars.
authors note: HERE U GO NONNIE!! hope i did ur request justice <33 also tthank u guys for getting my other hc to 2k notes!!! ily all, and i love this concept so i'd love to do more!! lmk if u want more like this or all ur requests and any of ur feedbacks pls send me an ask abt anything ily all <3
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You had been teasing him all day, all fucking day, and you knew he would snap soon enough.
It started with you holding his gaze as you licked your ice cream, whining as it spilled all over your fingers, and you sucked your fingers, hollowing your cheeks while looking up innocently at him, but knowing your intentions were anything but.
You could feel him tense up, especially his pants tightened when you offered him your finger to try some of your ice cream, giggling innocently when his eyes darkened at your actions.
It got worse when you sat on his lap when the two of you were hanging out with Steve and Robin, Scoops Ahoy booth offered you enough space to sit on, but you preferred Eddie’s lap to make sure you could tease him beyond his point.
You giggled and shifted in your place, a lot, that Eddie kept clearing his throat to make you stop, but you paid no mind, keeping your movements, as you turned your attention to him. “Is everything okay, Eds?” You hummed sweetly, your eyes were soft as you hid your smirk, and his gaze was intense, you knew you were getting to him.
He couldn’t hold his reactions when you kept rubbing on him, and he realized you weren’t wearing any underwear when you started soaking him through his pants, his mind went blank after that, he needed to get you home, as soon as possible, so he could fuck the brat out of you.
He almost groaned when you shifted your ass against his cock, still taking kitten licks from the ice cream and acting as if you couldn’t feel the way his hard cock was pressing up against your folds and your ass, you just giggled, turning your attention to Steve and Robin.
But Eddie was really close to losing it, he couldn’t handle your teasing anymore, and he was getting annoyed with your bratty attitude, he needed to teach you a lesson, and he needed to do it now.
His breaking point wasn’t when you bent down extra low to pick up something you had dropped, giving Eddie a full view of your ass and your pussy, and he looked around to make sure no one had seen what he just saw, he started stuttering when he cleared his throat, you were going way out of line and he was ready to drag you home.
So when he harshly pulled you back to sit on his lap, you gasped innocently, “You okay, Eds?” You murmured sweetly, giving him doe eyes as your hands rested on his face.
He knew what you were up to, and he would make sure you would get punished for this, so his gaze was dark and filled with lust as he just murmured. “Wait till we get home, sweets.” And you could feel your thighs dampening with the excitement of what he would do to you.
A few moments passed after your last teasing and you knew Eddie needed that final little push to drag your ass back to his trailer and fuck you into oblivion.
You hid your smirk when the idea popped into your head, Eddie just slowly eyed you as he did this entire day, he was curious about what you were about to do next.
“Stevie, what flavor is your ice cream?” You hummed sweetly, gazing up at Steve and Eddie’s grip on you tightens with just the nickname of ‘Stevie’ alone, you know you have him right where you wanted.
“Mint Chocolate Chip.” Steve almost stutters over his words when you’re giving him those eyes, he knows you are Eddie’s girl but he also knows how gorgeous you are, and he can’t help but be flustered.
Eddie’s gaze is more than intense as he gives Steve deathly stares. “Mmmm, I love mint chocolate chip.” You giggle, but you make sure to rub your ass further in Eddie’s hard-on, which earns you a little slap on your thighs from Eddie, who is telling you that you are trying his luck.
You still pay no mind, as Steve offers you his ice cream, you nod excitedly, but as Steve is about to hand you his cup, you offer something that you know will drive Eddie crazy.
“Nooo…” You whine, Eddie’s grip on your waist is so tight that the pain brings you pleasure now. “Can you feed it to me, Stevie?” You bat your eyelashes at him on purpose, and Steve is left stunned, he blinks twice to make sure, and he gulps as he tries to hand you a spoon of ice cream.
Eddie grip tightens further and the look he is giving Steve could kill him. “Alright, Stevie boy.” His voice is louder than before and you almost flinch, and Steve stands frozen. “Don’t you two have some work to do, you know considering all of those customers.” Eddie points towards people who are impatiently waiting.
“Oh, shit.” Robin and Steve curse at the same time as they quickly get up. “You two work whatever it is you got going on.” Robin almost chuckles as she points between the two of you. “And Steve stop flirting with Y/N, let’s goo…” She drags Steve out before he can respond to what she just said.
Robin’s words alone make Eddie’s jaw clench, he knows what you are doing is on purpose, to get him to fill you to the brim, make you cum till you see the stars. But Steve flirting back makes him want to fuck you right on this booth as you repeat Eddie’s name like a mantra, he wants you to tell Steve, that you are Eddie’s and his only. He wants Steve to see when you cry out on his cock, begging for more, begging to cum.
He stands up suddenly, after gently pushing you to aside, even when he’s supposed to be angry at you, he can’t help but be gentle with you.
“We’re going.” He announces a little loudly, and you gulp, knowing that you got him right where you wanted.
He doesn’t turn back to face you when he gets to his car. The ride is silent and you do your best to suck up to him, to make sure he doesn’t edge you too far today. “Your hair looks good, Eds.” You murmur expecting him to at least reply with a grunted “Thanks.” But he doesn’t he just gives you a harsh look and then focuses back on the road.
You pout as you try to keep complimenting him, but he never replies, growing frustrated you huff again.
Then, you know something that will get his attention again, you hum quietly as your hand makes its way toward Eddie’s pants, at first, he doesn’t even give you a glance, his eyes are on the road, and you start rubbing his bulge through his pants, and you swear you hear him groan a few times, but then you slip your hands inside of his pants, getting past the way of his boxers, and when your soft hands gently rub his hard cock, he utters his first words.
“Y/N.” His voice is stern, he turns his attention to you and you continue pouting at him. “Hmm?” You hum gently, and pick up your pace as you give his cock a few jerks, swiping the pre-cum on his red tip. He hisses. “Stop with the fucking teasing, Y/N.” He turns his attention to you, his beautiful brown eyes are fully darkened, and you can feel yourself growing wetter just at the thought.
Without saying anything you suddenly bent over to his side, lowering his pants more to get better access to his aching cock, your mouth almost waters at the sight, without thinking you take his thick cock into your mouth, and Eddie curses, groans leaving his lips.
“Shit, Y/N, yes princess, you’re doing so good.” He praises as he holds down your hair, he’s still making sure that you’ll get the punishment you deserve when you go back to his trailer, but he’s enjoying you sucking him off to make sure he will make you cum later.
Your mouth takes him all in as you hollow your cheeks, looking up at him. Eddie’s trying his best to focus on the road, making sure he got to the trailer as fast as possible, but he can’t help but enjoy the idea of you wanting his cock, anywhere and everywhere.
“Fuck, sweets. Do you think that little stunt of yours back there would go unpunished when you gave me head? No, princess. No fucking way.” His tone is as intense as his gaze, you bat your eyelashes at him further, still trying to take all of him in your mouth.
He groans again but shakes his head, signaling you that your punishment would end up in him edging you for hours.
When he pulls up to his trailer, you are still salivating on his cock, making sure you had all of him. It kills him to tell you to stop, but he does. And his tone is so serious that you nod eagerly, giving it a few kitten licks before you quietly huff, wanting to be filled by his cock always.
He guides you to the house once again, his cold demeanor returning as you follow him inside like a little puppy. He slams the door shut after you enter, and pins you against the door, making your insides explode from excitement.
“What you did back there have some consequences, you know that don’t you, sweetheart?” His voice is low now and you nod quickly, enjoying the way his figure crashed against yours.
“’M sorry, Eds.” You murmur looking up at him apologetically. He just tsks, and cups your cheeks with his rough hands, the coldness of his rings making you more excited.
“Baby, sorry isn’t going to cut it this time.” His voice was icy as he crashed his lips onto yours, and you whined into the kiss, the way his lips explored yours made you tingly.
“Gonna fuck you so hard that all you’ll be thinking about is how good my huge cock is milking your tight cunt, doll.” You whined. “You want that, doll? You wanna be my little cock slut, hmm?” He hummed, a devilish grin forming on his face.
“Please, please Eds, need you so badly…” You whined again and he chuckled, moving to kissing your neck, nibbling, biting, as he was sure to mark you.
His hands make their way to your blouse, he groans as he feels your perky tits perfectly, realizing that you have no bra, either. “Take all of this off.” His voice is demanding and you’re more than happy to oblige as you take your blouse off in a swift motion. Eddie takes his time, slowly rubbing them, pinching your nipples to make you gasp. He smirks as he realizes the effects he has on you.
He rips your skirt suddenly making you gasp again. “The whole skirt thing was genius, I could barely hold myself not to fuck you on that booth where that Stevie fucker could see, see who really owned this cunt.” You whined at his words, practically dripping down your thighs.
Eddie’s hands made their way over your thighs, teasing you as he leaned down to kiss and trace each part of your thighs, always getting close to your pussy but never actually fully touching it.
“Eds…” You whine wanting more. He smirks into your thighs, still placing sloppy kisses. “Hmm, sweetheart?” He mumbles. “More please, more…” Your voice is pleading. “I don’t think you earned that by flirting with Stevie.” He air-quoted the nickname, and you pouted.
“Aww… does my little slut want my cock, hmm?” He mocked you, but you nodded pleadingly. “What do you want, sweets? You want my mouth?” He questions, now his hands are toying with your clit, as he nibbles on your thighs. You nod eagerly, “Please…”
He pinched your clit, giving it a few licks, and you whimpered just at the sensation, and now Eddie had you wrapped around his finger, you were soaking and wanted nothing more than Eddie.
“Does that feel good, angel?” You nodded squeezing your eyes shut, you wanted more of him. “I need you, Eds. Only you.” You mumbled and he grinned. “Please, I need your mouth, then I need you to fuck me, need your huge cock inside of me, only you, Eds.” Your words were like music to his ears, he was ready to give you anything you needed because he wouldn’t let you cum at the end.
You moaned loudly as Eddie buried his head between your legs, his hand still toying with your clit.
He started sucking on your clit, humming softly at the way your pretty pussy tasted. He had missed you, and he had missed the way your tight little cunt tasted.
You whimpered under his touch, the way his tongue worked wonders. “S’good, s’good, thank you, Eds.” You mumbled and he looked up to see your fucked out face, he felt glorious.
He kept teasing your cunt, sucking and licking your clit as you couldn’t handle it, your legs were starting to tremble and both of you knew you were about to come. When you let out a broken moan, he knew you were getting close, so he immediately stopped his movements.
You whined loudly, pleading for him to fuck you with his cock, or continue with his mouth, you were a blabbering mess, crying out for more as he watched you amusingly. “My dirty little slut wants my cock fillin’ her up?” He asked.
“Please, master, please…” You cried out, wanting nothing more than to be filled to the brim. He finally gave you what you wanted, dragging his cock through your wet folds, which made you groan loudly. You wanted him, thrusting into you until you see the stars.
With your begging, he pushed into you without a warning, you gasped at the feeling and then your gasps turned into pretty moans, and Eddie swears he’s in heaven. “That’s right, doll. Speak up.” He holds your chin up as your thighs hold onto his back tighter.
“Needed you, Eds… Needed that huge cock fillin’ me up.” You whimper and he groans at your words, happy that you’re being a good girl again. “Such a good girl, hmm? Takin’ my cock so well.” He praises.
“Fuck, baby, your tight little cunt feels s’good.” He grunted and he nibbled on your neck, his next thrusts hitting your sweet spot as you moan loudly. “Please… please faster, Eds.” You beg, and Eddie’s pace is agonizingly slow now. “Pleaseee…” You whine but he just shakes his head.
You try your best to move and create more friction, but Eddie holds you in your place, giving you a stern look. “Please, master, please.” You whine, almost crying as Eddie mocks you.
“Hmm, are you crying, doll? After all that shit you pulled, I’m giving you what you want but my little crybaby is still crying?” He pouts mockingly, and you sniffle a bit, wanting to be stuffed by Eddie’s cock fully, while he is thrusting into you as deep as possible.
“Please, master, need to be filled by your huge cock.” You beg, and Eddie loves the way the word ‘master’ rolls off your lips, he gives you a quick peck on your lips as he pushes deeper inside of you, hitting that one spot that makes your eyes roll to the back of your head. “Eds, so good, thank you, Eddie.” You murmur sweetly and he grins.
“Would Stevie be able to fuck you this good, sweetheart?” He mocked, and you shook your head quickly. “No- no, never. Only you, Eds.” You look at him proudly, but you were a pleading mess.
“Then tell me, princess, who do you belong to?” His voice was dark and he was going faster now, the way his cock stretched your cunt had your lips trembling, you were getting closer, especially after the way Eddie teased you with his plump lips.
“You, Eddie. I belong to you…” You babbled sweetly, still so cockdrunk. He gave you a smirk, “Is my little cock slut close, huh? Can feel your tight cunt squeezing me, you gonna come for me, sweets?” You nodded eagerly, which made Eddie chuckle.
“Not so fast sweetheart, the way you were all over Stevie today doesn’t make you seem like such a good girl.” He mocked as he held your cheeks between his fingers, his cold rings were always a nice addition.
“I’m a good girl.” You protested but he shook his head. “I promise! Eds, I only want you, and I belong to you, I don’t want anyone else.” You pleaded, your eyes were soft and glimmery as they rested on Eddie’s harsh gaze.
He didn’t answer as he filled you further, inch by inch, thrusting at a fast pace. “S’fucking tight for me angel…” He murmured.
“Please, Eds.” You murmured, your cunt clamping on his cock harder than before, and he knows you are really going to cum. He tssks, “No coming until I say so, my bratty baby.” He disapproves and you huff.
“’M sorry for today, Eds! Won’t happen again, I promise, I just wanted your cock- I just wanted you inside of me!” You whined and Eddie’s gaze was more sympathetic now. He gave you a harsh kiss on your lips, tasting you once again.
“Such a dumb little cock slut, doing everything to try to get my attention just so that I will fuck this tight little cunt, just so that I can make you cum more and more, hmm?” You nod eagerly.
“Yes, please, Eds, please…” You whined again. “’M sorry, I won’t tease you again, I promise.” You begged, as Eddie’s thrusting in and out of you was getting you closer to the edge, your sorry’s had now become a blabbering mess, and Eddie wanted to see your pretty face when you came.
“Won’t be a little brat anymore, I promise.” You pouted again.
“Next time, you just ask nicely, won’t you princess?” He asked as you hummed, nodding eagerly. “I will, master, please, just let me cum.” You begged.
And he chuckled, enjoying the way you begged him to let you cum around his cock. Eddie buried himself inside of you, getting as close as possible so he could feel every inch inside of you. He groaned as you wrap your legs tighter around his waist, he can feel the way you squeeze around him, you wait for him to finally let you release.
“Cum for me, angel, cream my cock.” His dirty words are enough to get you over the edge, you come as your legs tremble, and your lips let out a long whine as you make a mess on your thighs.
Your whimpers alone are enough to make him spill over the edge, but what makes him finally release his sticky warm load into you is when your cunt starts to convulse around his cock, as you praise him with how good he was, and that you only belonged to him and him only.
He releases his warm seed into you. “Fuck, angel, take it all. Take all of my fucking cum like a good girl.” He grunts as his movements slowly start to fade away, you can feel his cock pumping into your awaiting cunt, making you feel full, so full of his cum that you feel content.
“There you go, my pretty little girl is taking me so well.” He hums as he tries to even his breathing.
Not even a second later, the two of you try to come down from your highs, but Eddie slowly carries you to the couch, and you gasp as he does so, he never exits outside of your cunt, as his now soft cock rests inside of you.
With a few whines, you try to create some friction, but Eddie harshly holds your hips in place, and you groan as his cock hardens and sinks fully against you, you huff.
“Need more.” You mumble but Eddie just mocks you, holding you tighter when you try to move. “You didn’t think you could get away with flirting Stevie with just that, did you princess?” He grinned and you pouted.
“Need you to move, Eds. Please…” You gave him your prettiest eyes but he wasn’t falling for it. He shook his head. “You’re just going to sit still, princess. And not move until I say so.” He demanded and you nodded, sighing, waiting for Eddie to fuck you into oblivion again as his hard cock filled you to the brim.
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abibliophobiaa · 9 months
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Chapter Seven: Tumble
summary: the one where everything changes.
warnings: oral, f receiving; unprotected p in v; 18+ (7k words)
eddie munson x pregnant!reader || strangers to friends to lovers, unplanned pregnancy, and then they were roommates, forced proximity.
masterlist | previous chapter, next chapter
“Say it again,” Eddie breathed out.
A little gasp. A beg. A pleading ask from his lips. Your back fell against his bed, fingers clutched in the buttons of his shirt, trying to work them out of their respective holes as his mouth worked along the flesh of your throat.
“I want you,” you told him, all senses of hesitation tossed out the window.
Heat bloomed low in your belly as he ripped the rest of the buttons on his shirt free, bare arms sliding from the holes as the shirt fluttered to the floor in a heap. Curious fingers inched up to touch his warm skin — to run over the lines of his tattoos, the curves of his arms, the softness of his abdomen.
Without a second thought, Eddie clutched at your hips and dragged you down to the edge of the bed, fingers gliding along the flesh of your thighs, toying with the fabric of your emerald green dress. With a teasing grin, you reached down and gripped one of his hands. Dragged it up the inside of your thigh, where he found you already bared for him, umber eyes darkening in the light provided by his bedside lamp.
“No underwear? This is all for me, sweetheart?” He asked, middle finger trailing through your slick, teasing at your sensitive center. At the first brush of his digit against your hole your back arched, a high and needy moan spilling from you. “Been dreaming about touching you like this again.”
Eddie lowered himself to his knees at the foot of the bed, hair tugged back into a messy ponytail as he stared down at you like he’d never seen anything so pretty — like he’d never wanted anything more.
A man starved, ready to feast.
He pressed a teasing kiss to the inside of your thigh, fingers pushing up the dress higher on your thighs, a hum spilling from him when you were fully bared.
“Can I kiss you here? Wanna make you feel good.”
You’re nodding, nearly weeping with anticipation, just as the flat of his tongue glided through your folds. A dangerous lick from center to clit, fingers clutched tight in bedsheets, forearm falling over your face to try and muffle your moans.
“No one is here, Buttercup. I want to hear you.”
Eddie’s voice vibrated against your clit. The heat of a finger teased at your center, sliding in up to the knuckle, a garbled cry pitching from your lungs when he added a second. That had him satisfied, one palm curling around your thigh to spread you further for him, the other working in and out of you in a tempo you were certain was meant to drive you to your swiftly approaching orgasm faster than ever before in your life.
“Yes, Eddie,” you cried out, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes as he curled his fingers within you in a way that had you seeing stars. “Right there. Like that likethatlikethat —”
Eddie expertly sucked and flicked at your sensitive clit until you were panting, gripping at the curls along the back of his head, hips wriggling up into his eager face. Wanting more — needing more.
“I wish you could see yourself right now,” he hummed, mouth popping off of your clit, fingers still sliding in and out, in and out in that torturous rhythm that had you creeping closer and closer to release. “So pretty, sweetheart. So fucking pretty. I’ve been thinking about you like this for so long. Thought a lot about how my name sounds on those pretty lips when I’m making you feel like this. Please say my name. Please, Buttercup.”
“Eddie,” you whimpered, “Eddie, ohgod, I want you inside me.”
“I will. I promise.” His hand curled around your thigh slid across your lap, stilling your hips from where they writhed against the mattress. “I’ll die if I don’t get inside you soon. But I want you to come on my fingers first. Wanna watch you.”
“I — mmm — I’m close,” you said, thighs fighting to close around Eddie’s shoulders, his elbow sliding out a bit to keep your thigh spread wide enough for him as you started to shake.
You come hard with a scream of his name, body trembling beneath him as your orgasm rippled through your form, leaving you gasping against bed sheets, repeating his name over and over again like a prayer.
Satisfied grin on his face, Eddie crawled up the bed and dropped down onto his side near your head, your body rolling immediately to seek him out. Body draped over his leisurely, you kiss him, his lips still tasting of you, making that throb in your center spark to life again. Eddie smiled into it, your teeth grazing his bottom lip, wanting to be nearer to him. And then nearer still.
“Eddie, your pants are still on,” you noted, fingers trailing down the front of his chest, toying with the patch of hair descending down beyond the waistline.
“Are you gonna take me out, pretty girl?”
The words have your belly swooping, heart fluttering wildly behind your ribcage as you slide down a bit on the mattress and hastily undo the buckle of his belt. It tugged free with a hard pull, tossed immediately onto the floor alongside his discarded shirt.
Clambering to your feet, you pulled your own dress up and over your head, revealing the dark slip you’d worn beneath, lace detailing the outline of your breasts, falling just to the tops of your thighs. Eddie’s jaw dropped at the sight, his fingers making quick work of his pants, leaving him lying there in nothing more than a pair of black boxers.
Eddie lifted himself up to sit and grab onto your hand, fingers curling tight around yours. Drew you against his lap, your knees splayed on either side of his hips, one of his hands pressed over your lower back to keep you in place.
“Is this new?” he asked, nosing along the delicate strap high on your shoulder, warm kisses dotting your flesh. “I was obsessed with your body before, but holy shit, sweetheart.”
At your affirming smile, he pushed the strap down and laved a gentle path of his tongue along the top of your breast, grinning against your skin as your hips wiggled against him, a soft sigh falling unbidden from your lips.
“Lift up,” he said, nibbling along your jaw as you rose up onto your knees. “Do you want it like this?”
The word fell from you in a rush, your hand dipping beneath the waistband of his boxers to cup him as he slipped them down off his thighs, his breath stuttering out a low whine as you ran your finger over the tip, gathering the precum there. Pumping him in hand once, twice, you ran his cock along your pussy and shuddered with him as you lowered yourself inch by inch onto him, gasping when he bottomed out and clutched at your thighs to hold you there.
For many nights you dreamed of this. Dreamed of roaming hands and sensual kisses. Of Eddie inside of you, so immensely full you couldn’t hardly breathe with it. The sounds he made, so similar to those he made now beneath you. But nothing prepared you for the immensity of this moment — of how incredible and right it felt.
“Oh god.” His hands clutched harder against your thighs, helping you shift your hips as you rocked over him, relishing in the feeling of him impossibly and deliciously thick against your inner walls. “You feel so good, baby. Take what you need. Just like that.”
“So f - full,” you moaned, head rolling back, hardened nipples brushing against his chest, sending a curling heat low within your belly. Eddie grinned at the way your movements stuttered on his lip, hips rolling up into yours, his teeth clamping on your shoulder. “Like that — yeahyeahyeah — please, Eddie.”
“So pretty like this.” A nimble finger slid across the expanse of your hip, glided low, circling your clit. “Wanna feel you come on my cock.”
He circled again and again, applying that perfect amount of pressure that had you barely moving on his lap, head swimming. “Mmm — ahh, can’t move while you’re doing that. Feels too good.”
“Then don’t move,” he ground out, rolling you both over gently onto your back, curls spilling about his face, brushing yours.
You whined at the loss of him, eyes glancing down long enough to watch him grip himself in hand before sliding back in, robbing you of air at the change in positions.
“Oh shit.”
Fingers clutched at his broad back, gripped right as he dropped onto his elbows, careful to put all his weight on you, hips snapping against yours, his body driving you further up the mattress with every pump of his hips, inching closer to climax.
“Fuck, you’re so tight. I’m not going to last much longer.” He leaned down and kissed you. Claimed your mouth with his, your own hips rising to meet his, fanning that flame between you two into an inferno. “Pussy’s perfect. So good. Made for me. Come on, sweetheart. Come with me.”
You cried his name out around shaky breaths, heart skipping as pleasure rippled through your body, cunt clenching down hard against him. His warmth filled you, sending you further into blissfulness.
He cursed above you, body falling beside yours with a loud groan. You rolled over weakly, head resting over his chest where you could hear his heart pounding almost as fast as your own.
“Hi,” you whispered, bursting into giddy giggles, body still trembling within the cradle of his arms.
“Hey, beautiful,” he echoed, inhaling deeply to catch his breath, your head rising and falling with the movement. “That was…”
“Yeah, that’s, ah, putting it lightly.” He chuckled, looping his arms tighter around your form. “Just give me a few minutes.”
Your head lifted from his chest, brows arched high on your forehead. “What do you mean?”
“I am not done with you,” he mused, rolling you over a bit so his body hovered over your own. “I plan on doing this again.” He dropped a kiss on your breast. “And again.” To your shoulder. “And again.” Your forehead. “If that’s okay with you?” At your nodded reply, he leaned down and kissed you.
And then made good on his promises.
Over the next several days, Eddie made sure to worship every inch of your body. To make sure you knew just how much he adored you, showering you in endless kisses and affection. And you hadn’t minded one bit. Settled into your new normalcy, if one could call it that, easily.
You’d both work and carry about your usual days and when you got home there was an air of tension. A coil of desire that wound up tight throughout dinner, only to detonate as you later found one another in the hallway after you ate, bodies falling together like they were always made to.
Soon enough, it was endless whimpered cries against doorways. Writhing bodies amidst the blankets on Eddie’s bed. Hands slapping tiles in the bathroom, holding yourself upright as he slid home from behind. It was humming as you worked on the dishes in the sink, and Eddie’s heat settling at your back. Slithered fingers between legs and mewling as skirts you wore for work were flipped up and you were bent over the counter, or the couch, or the table.
On nights where you were left satiated and curled in his arms, you’d settle into conversation. His likes and dislikes. His future ideas for campaigns, your thoughts on the movies you’d curl up together and watch on the nights the weather was poor and he ended up rubbing your feet in his lap. Dreamed about the upcoming months. Talk about hopes for Elena.
“I’d like for you to come to our first tour date with her, if you could,” Eddie said one evening, fingers trailing up and down your spine, grinning at the shiver he elicited from you. “It’s in the city. We could get her some ridiculous headphones. I just…I help write my music, that’s my creation. But then —” He trailed his palm along the hill of your belly fondly. “I helped create her too. Would be cool to have some of the things I love most in the world together all at once.”
Neither of you broached the topic of tour often. The reality was you had so long before he inevitably left and you hardly needed to worry about then, and even so, this was the first time he mentioned you coming out to see him. Not that you ever doubted he would, as you’d seen him play at the Hideout, got to see his passion play out on the stage and finally make you understand why he’d pursued it for so long.
He was talented — incredibly so, and you often wondered if Elena might one day pick up the musical habit, or your writing one. Wondered what her own likes and dislikes would be, what her little personality would be like, if she’d be more like you or Eddie.
“She’ll be six months then,” you said, running your nose along his. “I think we could make it work.”
“I want you there too, you know?” he said, dropping a kiss against your forehead. “In case you were unsure. I want both my girls in the crowd.”
Neither of you spoke of what this all meant. The endless kissing. The affectionate touching. Falling into bed together. You simply allowed it to be — to breathe. Maybe it was poor planning on your part, or his, but you preferred it this way. Gave yourself the breadth to accept the growing feelings you felt. The fear that often accompanied them.
And maybe it was foolish. Maybe you’d live to regret it, but it worked for those blissful weeks. Those weeks where you laughed and loved and learned one another, March melting into April, as you swiftly approached twenty-seven weeks.
“Eddie?” you called into the home one evening, heart thundering away behind your ribcage. Your shoes were discarded on the rug below, jacket tossed onto the coat rack a moment later. “Eddie, where are you?!”
The place was quiet, Eddie off for the evening after he’d woken up with a bit of a migraine and didn’t think he’d be able to tinker around with cars all day. From where you stood you could hear the gentle hum of the television — one of Eddie’s shows coming through the speakers.
“What’s wrong?” He rushed down the hall, pulling you into his arms, checking you over from head to toe for any injury or signs of discomfort. “Is it the baby? Do we need to go to the doctor?”
Your head shook frantically, words falling in a rushed breath, “Nancy called me at the school. She — they loved the book. I should be hearing from them soon, she said.”
You still couldn’t believe it. Had hardly believed what the woman was saying when she called, too eager to wait for you to get home from work to tell you the news. But the woman had nearly shouted the news, so proud of your accomplishments that you’d yet to even accept were your present reality.
“I knew it!” Eddie exclaimed, swooping down to press his lips against yours, hand curling around the back of your head. “I knew they’d see how crazy talented you are. I’m so proud of you, Buttercup.”
Soon enough, you were celebrating over dinner at Enzo’s. Eddie’s treat. You clinked your mocktail against his own drink, cheersing to your news. To your successes — both of yours. Eddie, with his music really beginning to take off. You, with your writing.
And to your future as parents.
“To being there and standing by the other as our dreams come true,” Eddie stated, running a thumb over the back of your hand.
“To our dreams,” you echoed, sliding a hand over your midsection, “and our dream girl.”
Your little girl who, though unexpected, was a catalyst for your motivation behind it all. To be someone that Elena would look up to one day, someone she could be proud of, want to aspire to be.
The girl you envisioned some nights, with her bubbling laughter, Eddie’s hair, your smile, and both your hearts. The best parts of both of you combined into one little person, only a few months from meeting now.
He nodded. “Our dream girl.”
“Hey, baby.”
“Hi,” you laughed, rolling over to face the man.
“No, shhh,” he hushed, the palm sprawled over your belly spreading further. “I’m talking to Elena.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Should I leave the room?” you teased, watching as his eyes rolled at your suggestion.
“I read talking to her is good,” he said with a little frown. “I just want her to recognize me when she’s born, you know?”
“She will,” you promised, cupping his cheek in hand. “She already does. Moves a ton whenever she hears your voice. I think she likes it.”
“I just…with me going on tour when she’s so young, I don’t want her to forget it,” he said, thumb stroking along your skin beneath your satin night dress. “I — I hardly remember my mom’s voice. Would kill me if Elena ever doubted how much I care about her.”
A sigh expelled from your lungs at the heartache in his words. The anguish he still often felt after losing someone who had meant the world to him and always would. Couldn’t fathom what it must be like, having pictures of a face, but losing the recollection of their voice. The tone of it when rounded with the words ‘I love you’ that everyone deserved to hear at least once daily.
“I don’t think she could ever doubt how much you love her. I see it every day. She’ll know, Eddie. You’ll make sure she knows.”
He nodded, swallowing thickly.
“And plus, I’m bringing Elena with me to your nearby shows,” you reminded him, smiling when she shifted against his palm. “See, she wants us to go. Can’t wait to see her dad in action.”
“Not with the music you play for her,” he teased, dropping his lips down lower against your skin, loudly whispering, “It’s okay, once your mom goes to sleep I’ll play real music for you.”
“Hey! Steve likes ABBA too,” you laughed, remembering how Eddie walked in on you earlier, cleaning dishes and singing along to one of their songs.
The man had the gall to snort, fingers combing roughly through his messy curls. “I do have to say that Steve is a highly questionable source for good music.”
“You like some of the songs I’ve played you,” you retorted, his lips tugging upward into a smile.
“Ever think I just like you and relationships sometimes require compromise?” He said it so softly, so quietly, sincere umber eyes on yours, that little dimple in his cheek making your stomach clench.
Relationship. A word neither of you discussed. Even so, was it too far a stretch of the imagination to accept that this was what that was? And yet, your heart still pounded at the word. Chest tightened with the weight of what that entailed. The vulnerability they required.
What it meant.
“Right,” you said, forcing a smile onto your lips.
Luckily not for long, because Eddie leaned back down and continued to talk to his daughter, telling her a ‘bedtime story’ that only resulted in your eyes growing tired as you tried to push aside the fear wrapping right around your neck.
“So now you’re not only living with baby daddy, but you’re sleeping with him too,” Micah squealed down the line, and from where you were standing, watching Eddie work on putting together the baby’s mobile at the kitchen table, you could only assume she was bouncing up and down in her apartment. “I am so so happy. God, I miss you.”
“I miss you too,” you sighed, wanting nothing more than to see one of the only parts of the city you now find yourself missing on any given day. “I really wish you could visit — maybe before the baby is born. Or after. She’s going to want to meet her favorite aunt, you know?”
“I’m going to try, babe,” she said, just as Jeremiah’s voice sounded in the background. “Hey, I’m so sorry. I have to go. Jere and I have a wedding to get to.”
“That’s okay! Eddie and I are headed to a birthing class recommended by one of our friends,” you told her, chuckling to yourself. “I can’t believe I even said that. Who would have thought? Me — of all people.”
“Oh gosh, my friend Stacy went to one of those recently. The instructor was dressed as a clown,” she said, giggling brightly. “Or…she might have said they were a clown? But seriously, babe? Of all the people I know, you’ll be the best mom. Always giving so much of yourself.”
Only it had gotten you hurt so many times in the past. There was an awareness it would be different with Elena. Elena, who presently relied on you for everything — and would continue to do so after her arrival. Someone who would love you unconditionally, someone who knew you more intimately than most, and would for years to come. The weight of the realization was startling, and yet you’d never been more excited to meet her.
“Thank you, Micah.” You leaned your back against the wall, watching as Eddie finally finished his current project. “I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”
“Talk soon. Love you, babe.”
“Love you more.”
The phone clicked and you turned to face Eddie, his keys already in one hand, mobile in the other. You watched as he slipped from the room with a nod and into Elena’s room, before joining you once more in the kitchen, holding out a hand for you to take.
“Are you ready for this?” you asked, knowing Eddie had been a little nervous when Chrissy suggested that by nearly seven months you might want to consider going to a class. You knew it made things a little more real for him, knowing in just a few months he’d be welcoming his daughter into the world.
“Do these classes really help?”
Your hand remained in his as you walked out to the car, his hand reaching for the door handle to help you in, closing it behind you with a loud slam. He appeared in the driver’s seat a moment later, dark eyes flashing in the afternoon light.
“I mean, I feel like I’m going to be pretty useless anyway. Other than holding your hand, I feel kind of shitty knowing you’ll be the one in pain while I just kind of, I don’t know, cheer you on.”
“Honestly, I really only wanted to try it because Chrissy and Steve said it was very helpful. And centering? Not only for Chrissy at the time, but for them both as a couple during the actual birth. So I figured…”
“I mean, I’m willing to try anything in life at least once, so,” Eddie said, shrugging as you buckled yourself in.
You weren’t even sure you wanted Eddie in the room up until a few weeks ago after a heated conversation with Chrissy.
“Wait — you don’t want him in the delivery room? This is his first baby. Yours too. This is a beautiful, monumental moment.”
“It’s going to be a war zone down there. I would like for him to remember the finer times, like Halloween.”
“You are so dramatic, and so is he. Match made in heaven, really.”
“All I’m saying is, I would like for him to have fond memories.”
“Yeah, but don’t you think he’d also like to have fond memories of meeting his baby girl for the first time?”
But after consideration, and the time spent over the past weeks with him, you knew he deserved to be there. Needed to be there.
The building itself was no more than a small studio. As you entered, you noted the other couples situated on different mats along the floor, the two of you meandering in a little late. A bored worker at the front desk had you sign in and told you both to take a place on the floor, and immediately you sensed the chill in the air. The nervousness that welled up as Eddie and you dropped down onto the mat.
He looked…frustratingly handsome, and the added effect of him in too-tight black jeans, with his black tee shirt revealing tattooed arms, and those endlessly ringed fingers wasn’t exactly needed for a birthing class that you knew would be running two hours long.
“Why are you giving me that look?” Eddie asked, fingers still tangled with yours against his thigh.
“What look?”
“That look.” He leaned his head down to your ear, his curls tickling at the top of your cheekbone.
“If you must know, you look very nice. And it’s annoying me, because we have two hours before we can get back home and I can do something about it. Happy?”
You harrumphed, leaning against his side as your birthing instructor for the evening came out, wearing a rainbow of colors all over their frame, hair up in a bun and fixed into place with a sparkly pen.
“Welcome, welcome! So good seeing you all this evening. My name is Heidi, shall we begin?”
The class started with preliminary information. Things to understand about and during the process, what to expect, how long it might take, different procedures done in order to help assist birth and the like. It wasn’t until a few moments after her introductory session that she drew everyone’s attention to the television against the wall and pushed in the VHS tape.
“Oh no. Eddie, don’t look!” you gasped, reaching up to clap a hand over Eddie’s eyes when a woman appeared on the screen, screaming through what looked to be a painful contraction as a doctor counted down from ten. His fingers reached up to push your hand away, those eyes of his landing on yours, apologetic horror in his eyes. “I told you not to look. I didn’t want you to see the future.”
The movie, fortunately enough, ended soon thereafter, the room descending into silence as the instructor pushed the television away and settled down onto her own mat, her hands clasped together in her lap, a too-wide smile on her face for someone who just watched the miracle of life in all its fullness seconds ago.
“Well, now. Wasn’t that beautiful? The strength and tenacity of the women in our lives, so fully displayed through the blessed agony of childbirth.”
“Blessed…agony?” Eddie asked, chuckling from behind you, making you snort.
“Is there something funny about that?” Heidi asked, blue eyes flashing up to Eddie’s face. The other couples about the room shifted to look as he lifted a hand and rubbed it against the back of his neck. “Your lovely partner here — I am assuming she is your partner — will be enduring that same process in a few months. Will it be funny then?”
“I…uh…well…no?” Eddie stammered, hear burning red at the tops of his cheeks.
“I didn’t think so,” she said, tipping her head back and resuming, “Now, for this next portion of the class I would like for us to start on our hands and knees, with our partners behind us.”
“What the fuck did Chrissy sign us up for?” you whisper hissed up at Eddie, getting into proper positioning, earning a shrug. “Blessed agony of childbirth? Does she not realize my downstairs is about to be ripped wide open like the Red Sea?”
“Sweetheart, please,” he chuckled a little nervously, knees carrying him across the mat until his hips settled behind your backside, the heat of him making you bite your bottom lip, stifling a tiny moan. He gave an experimental roll against you at your reaction, the rest of the room still busying themselves with getting settled. Eddie’s smug grin when you looked over your shoulder made you grimace. “Are you seriously horny right now?”
“I will kill you,” you barked out, though there was no anger there, only pure want.
“In early labor, I like this position for alleviating back pain. And it’s here we are going to focus on belly breathing. Partners, you can assist by counting, as well as running your hand along their back, lower spine. Anywhere that will bring comfort to your partner as they breathe through their contractions.”
“Pretty sure my partner will be within an inch of punching me in the dick for knocking her up, but okay, Heidi,” Eddie whispered near your ear as Heidi began counting you through your first long inhale and exhale, your body rising and falling with the deep breath.
You broke off into a fit of giggles, earning a harsh glare from the woman. “You two seem to be having an awfully good time back there.”
You swallowed, paused in your current breath as Eddie’s hand playfully swatted your backside. You nearly elbowed him, cheeks hurting from your grin. “I’ve heard laughing is good during labor?” You shrugged in explanation.
The class continued in that position for a few minutes. Practicing the long deep inhales in, and the slow exhales out, Eddie’s palm gliding up and over your back, despite the fact you weren’t in any actual pain. Heidi had you all continue with that until satisfied, before announcing the next exercise, which happened to be bouncing on a blow up ball.
You missed the whole explanation for it, because as soon as you clambered on top and Eddie held your hands to steady you, he’d teased you, saying, “Bet this one is reminding you of last night when you looked so pretty bouncing on my c —”
“Hey, Eddie?” you started, stepping off of the ball and hoisting it into the air playfully.
Heidi gasped. “Munson team! That is not the proper use of the birthing ball!”
“You mean I don’t get to toss it at my obnoxious partner’s head?” you jokingly asked as you got back on, bouncing in front of him, and most definitely not thinking about how he’d eaten you out after dinner the night before, and then you’d tackled him on the couch, craving dessert.
Lastly, Heidi announced your next position, which she liked to call ‘birthing position.’
“Now, partners, you’re going to sit behind. While mothers will sit in front, and you’re going to bring your knees up to your chest. Think of it as your baby saying hello to the world for the first time.”
The words were a breathy whisper, all dramatic waving fingers, and wide eyed wonder. As if she hadn’t just said you’d be spread-eagled for all to see so your baby could give a big wave hello as they made their grand entrance to the world.
“I am most definitely not,” you said numbly, back thumping against Eddie’s chest. “Chrissy and Steve are so dead because of this. Pretty sure women have been giving birth for ages without bending themselves like a pretzel and spreading their thighs wide for all the class to see.”
“As your contractions quicken and intensify, you will begin transitioning from your belly breathing, to these, as we like to call them, hee-hee-hoo breaths.”
She began demonstrating for the class. A constant three turn breathing technique that she then had you all mimic, your head pressed snugly into Eddie’s chest as he held you within his arms, trying not to laugh at the annoyed furrow of your brows.
“I would like you to now visualize your cervix stretching and stretching and stretching as you push your baby through your birth canal.”
“Can she stop with all the stretching?” you grunted through your panted breath, Eddie’s sides shaking in his laughter. “I’m glad you’re having fun.”
“You’re cute when you’re mad —”
“You two, again.” Heidi clapped her hands together, shaking her head. “I’m going to need to ask you to leave, on account of disrupting my class.”
“We are so very sorry, everyone.” Eddie helped you to your feet, bowing with a dramatic flourish of his arm. “We wish you all good luck and congrats.”
And you were gone, giggling together as you rushed out the front doors, falling into the car in a flurry of heated kisses and wandering hands. Eddie’s forehead dropped against yours, his hand curled around your cheek. “So, how prepared for birth do we feel after that?”
“I think we’ll be fine, as long as you keep me laughing like you did back there,” you said, lips brushing his once more.
He flashed you that dimpled smile, the dangerous one that had your heart softening more and more every day. “I can definitely do that.”
Seven months finally rolled around, body aching a little more than it previously had, sleep coming a little less easily. With the weather warming, you had to go shopping as well, finally having officially grown out of most of your clothes. Presently, you were seated near the headboard of Eddie’s bed, your back positioned against a mountain of pillows, Eddie down the hall in the bathroom as you read your book.
It happened to be a romance about a seamstress and her childhood best friend, who also happened to be a Viscount. Forbidden, by societal expectations of marriage — and yet she’d been so keenly aware of the affection growing between them, that they eventually found they couldn’t deny themselves their love any longer.
He was pushing her up onto his office desk when Eddie entered the room, eyes flickering up to your face, noting the way your thighs slid together a bit. He leaned down on the bed with one knee, lips sliding over yours in a gentle kiss as he laid back against the endless pillows, content on merely being by you. Returning to your page, you felt Eddie sidle up against your hip, his ringed palm running over the hoodie covering your midsection, and then trailing lower against your bare thigh.
You remain like that for a while, nothing but the sound of your pages turning to keep you both company, just as the Viscount pulled his best friend into a dressing room and hiked her skirts up over her thighs, mouths clashing heatedly and fingers sliding into her pussy with a growl that had your breath hitching in the back of your throat, as Eddie’s fingers started toying with the edge of your sleep shorts, dangerously close to the wet patch forming on the front of your panties.
Your eyes jerked upward to Eddie’s face as he settled himself between your thighs, pushing at the shorts covering your sex, thumb trailing over your clit until you whined. He looked downright starved, his rapid breath fanning along your skin.
You moved to place your book down, but Eddie shook his head, dark eyes narrowing in on your cunt as his tongue licked across his bottom lip.
“Keep reading, Buttercup,” he murmured slowly, nearly dropping your book as he peeled your underwear away and dragged his tongue along your center. You were already close, heart hammering as his tongue circled your clit just the way you liked. But he stopped when your paperback thumped against your chest, fingers moving to clutch at his dark curls. “Come on, baby. I don’t see your eyes moving over that page.”
His tongue moved back over your flesh as you opened your closed book, resuming where you’d left off as the Viscount turned his lover to face the wall and sunk inside, filthy words spoken between the two of them that had your toes curling, just as the man between your thighs pushed his fingers inside.
“So wet for me, sweetheart,” he cooed, kissing at the inside of your thigh, laying a loving nip into it.
Your eyes started to water as the page blurred, words becoming harder to read at the way Eddie sucked at your clit, fingers seeking out that secret part of you only he’d been able to find. Thighs trembled around his shoulders, fighting to close as your book fell again.
“Eddie,” you whined, nearly crying with want when he stopped again, head pulling away from your sex with a teasing smirk lining his glistening lips. “Eddie —”
At your needy little cry he tossed your book to the side, pushed his gray sweats down, pumped his cock twice and slipped inside, completely eradicating the words you’d read and putting to shame the dreamy Viscount.
For the first time in a long time, life seemed perfect.
In a sort of worrying, but-maybe-you’d-be-better-off-ignoring-it-kind-of-way. Or at least, that was what you’d rationalized for so long. Tucked away any of those daunting fears that plagued your dreams. Pretended that you knew exactly where all of these lines would lead to.
You’d spent the better portion of the day at Steve and Chrissy’s, enjoying the warmer May weather with what you assumed to be the first of many barbecues. Had found yourself overjoyed all evening, Eddie’s hands reaching out to touch you whenever he got a chance, drawing the attention of your friends.
Neither of you said anything in regards to the curious glances. All had assumed something was going on, despite the fact a name hadn’t really been placed on the budding relationship.
Even so, it had been an afternoon of laughter and sharing good food. Of the guys clinking their beer bottles together, sharing in an inside joke, arms around the other’s shoulders, heads bent low in conversation. You and your girl friends chatting about your upcoming shopping plans, Chrissy and Robin teasing at your upcoming baby shower (because they clearly couldn’t keep secrets). Recounting your week, talking about new things that may have occurred in the days spent apart, Steve and you getting excited for the school year to almost be over.
And as the sun set over Hawkins, and the two of you eventually headed back home, you realized how terrifyingly important Eddie had become to you these months living with him. The one person you ran to for everything. The one who had been a constant support to you, a confidant, a reassurance, the one you woke up to every morning and fell asleep next to every night. The father of your baby, the person who made your stomach flutter and heart race. The one who made you question if your fears were for naught after all.
Eddie led you into the home with a hand curled around your wrist, whirled you around and pressed you into the doorway, the lock snagging with a resounding schlick into place. And then he was on you, hands fisting in the material of your sundress, thigh pressing into your center, a low moan rumbling from his lips when he found you already bare and slick for him there.
“You walked around like this all afternoon?” he practically purred, leg shifting as you ground against it with a dirty whine, fingers coming up to clutch greedily at his biceps. “Wanted me to just flip your skirt up and have you like this all afternoon, didn’t you?”
“Mhmm,” you sighed, breaking off with a keen as those fingers teased at your sensitive flesh.
He walked you backwards down the hall, leading you to his bedroom, where you knew you’d spend the remainder of the evening, bodies curled together as tight as two people could possibly be.
Soon enough, you were easing him out of his tee shirt and jeans. Tossed them onto the floor haphazardly. He slipped your dress off your frame and kissed you soundly, praises of your beauty on his lips, of how lucky he was to have you. To know you, to be with you.
Soon enough, you were arching your back for him, whining low and desperate as he slipped in from behind slowly, toes curling at the feeling of him so impossibly deep, a hand pressed to your impossibly warm back, the other curled around your waist to rub along your clit, his voice ragged as he stated he wouldn’t last long.
“Let go,” you rasped, the sound of your slick and his hips slapping against the backs of yours hitting you like a freight train, orgasm shattering through you like a bolt of lightning, teeth clenched tight against your bottom lip as you came. “Want to feel you, Ed.”
“Oh fuckfuckfuck —” He groaned, chest bowing over your back, lips dancing along the line of your spine.
He lowered you down carefully to the mattress, a soft kiss at your forehead making you ache with his affection, those perfect fingers of his running along the lines of your face. He whispered for you to stay still as he shifted off the bed and slipped from the room and grabbed a rag, easing your legs apart gently when he returned, insistent on cleaning you up.
He was all tender. Little whispers as he ran along your too-sensitive flesh. Heated kisses as he tossed the towel into a hamper and dragged your body close again, nose running along the side of yours, fingers cupping the back of your head.
He held you like a secret. Like a beautiful gem he wanted to keep hidden from the world. Something so infinitely precious. You grew heavier in the comfort of his arms, body twined tight around his own, your head on his chest and his arms around your waist.
Tucked away from the world, you remained like that as tiredness creeped along the edges of your vision. As your dreams beckoned you further, with nothing but Eddie’s soft breathing to guide you there.
And then, as you nearly slipped out of consciousness completely, you heard it.
Words that changed everything. Words that dropped like lead into your stomach.
“I love you, Buttercup.”
please, please, please let me know what you think. needing some positive vibes out there, as my health has kind of gotten bad again. you all make it a lot better, and i’m so grateful for that. means the world to me. 🩷
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blueywrites · 1 year
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Where you and Steve swing with Eddie and Chrissy, and it gets complicated.
TO KNOW YOU'RE MINE (modern!swingers!au) (18+ only)
eddie munson x chrissy cunningham x steve harrington x you
fem!reader, chubby!reader, minimal use of y/n, body insecurity, swingers, infidelity, angst, break up (there will be a happy ending!)
chapter nine : liberation (8.7k) | playlist | AO3 | next
🎵 in this au, deftones=corroded coffin. the playlist is a combination of R's sad girl music vibes and some foreshadowing. the song for this chapter is #28.
It’s a reckoning
Only what they want
Inside my heart is a fire
It’s burning like a thousand suns
Liberation — Buzz
The apartment is dark, save for the bedside light that always illuminates the side of Steve’s face as he sits propped against the headboard beside you. Right now, there’s nothing to block its soft glow from you; it does not bounce off tousled brown waves, turning them caramel in its warmth. 
You’re sitting cross-legged in bed, freshly showered, hair dried, teeth brushed. Your legs are shaven smooth, gliding easily as you refold them against the sheets, and your face is dotted with little colorful pimple-patch stars. You’d lengthened your nighttime routine to distract yourself from an alarming fact: that Steve had said he’d be home in twenty minutes no less than fifty minutes ago. And despite the two texts you’d sent him since then and the one phone call that’d gone straight to voicemail, you’ve received nothing back to explain his delay.
It isn’t like Steve to go silent on you, especially lately; he’s been extra communicative in the last month or so. And though you’d resolved to break up with him— the thought makes a little shiver of anxious anticipation skitter down your spine— that doesn’t mean you don’t care about him. Frankly, you’re worried.
You’re clutching your phone like a lifeline, hunched over the tiny screen as you try desperately to use it as a distraction. But your thoughts keep stuttering back to the what-ifs and the whys despite your attempts to redirect them with pimple-popping Instagram reels, which are utterly disgusting but also strangely satisfying. Plus, you don’t even have to scroll; they just keep coming and coming and coming—
A loud thump and a muffled curse from outside the warm glow of your bedroom have your spine jolting ramrod straight. Instantly, your eyes are trained on the amorphous gray blobs in your darkened living room: the lump of the couch, the boxy corner of the television stand. Shadows shift amid more shuffling sounds, and you’ve just drawn your knees to your chest to scoot futilely backward when a body slumps against the bedroom doorframe.
“Steve?” Panic settles into befuddlement. "What—?” The question trails off, and you abandon it once you take in the state of your boyfriend.
Steve is a mess. His brown waves are truly disheveled— not artfully— and his typically smart-pressed khakis are creased beneath a white button-up with sleeves sloppily folded to his elbows. One is slipping down his forearm, and it slides lower as Steve mashes his fingers through his hair like he’d misjudged the distance between his hand and forehead. 
“Hey, babe, s’rry, m’phone died.” Steve’s greeting is a deep continuous sigh as he fixes bleary hazel eyes on you, lids sagging like he can barely keep them open. You make to move off the bed— legs uncrossing, brow creasing in concern— but Steve waves you off with a wild shake of his hand. “I’m j’s goin’ to the bathroom. ‘Kay? I’ll be right there, hon.” He draws out the word ‘right’ as he pushes off the doorframe, propelling himself toward the ensuite. You watch him flash you a wide wobbly grin and stagger unsteadily into the bathroom, leaving the door open behind him. 
Slowly, you settle down into bed, pulling the covers up over your shoulder as you turn away from the open doorway Steve just disappeared through. Your stomach twists as you hear the sound of the toilet lid clunk, followed by a stream of liquid flowing into the bowl. It twists not because of the sounds— a year of living together has accustomed you to that— but because Steve is drunk. 
Really, really fucking drunk.
Steve is a social drinker. Whether with you, your foursome group, at happy hour, out with his college friends, or what-have-you, Steve Harrington is always the first to buy a round for the table and clink glasses. He thrives on that atmosphere; he’s most in his element with a drink in his hand and an easy smile on his face, basking in the glow of joint looseness and fraternal bonding that alcohol facilitates so readily. But Steve is always responsible; he never gets trashed. In the three years you’ve been together, you’ve never seen him like this, and you can’t help but think that it might be your fault.
Maybe it’s paranoia. Maybe it’s because you’d just resolved to break up with him, and it’s at the forefront of your mind. Maybe Steve getting trashed tonight has nothing to do with you. But you’re thinking about the long pause before Steve’s final text to you when he reemerges from the bathroom, feet dragging as he peels off all the layers of his rumpled clothing down to his boxer briefs. You’re thinking about the length of time you spent in the back of Eddie’s van as Steve collapses into bed behind you. A wave of acrid scent wafts over you— the bite of alcohol clinging to Steve’s skin. Your heart starts to pound, shoulders tightening beneath the sheets as you imagine Steve’s hand there, pushing you roughly onto your back so he can lean over and glare venomously into your face. ‘What took you so long, hm?’
But Steve’s hand is soft as he threads his arm under yours to press it against your ribs. He cuddles up behind you, pressing needily to the length of your body and firmly pulling you back against him. You feel him turn his head and tuck his nose against your shoulder, and his breath releases in a heavy, contented sigh as he clings to you. A quiet mumble slurs against your hair. 
“M’so glad you’re here, b’by. I love you.” 
The tension in your body transforms into a heavy, sinking sort of sadness. Your throat goes thick as it mixes with the familiar sticky ooze of your guilt, pooling against your ribs where Steve’s warm hand cradles you. The automatic desire rises within you: the impulse to reassure your boyfriend, to mirror his words, to soothe him and make him feel better. It’s what you always would’ve done in the past. It’s what you would’ve done even yesterday. 
But yesterday, Eddie hadn’t yet said he cares about you and doesn’t want to hurt you. Yesterday, you hadn’t yet cradled him after he’d revealed the pain of his past. Yesterday, your fruit had been green, small, and immature, and now it is red, succulent, and ripe.
Today, everything is different. Today, you can’t mirror Steve’s words to bring him comfort. You can’t lie. 
So instead, when your boyfriend tells you he loves you, you just adjust the position of your head against your pillow, let him hold you, and say nothing.
And you don't know whether it's a mercy to you, or to him, or maybe to both of you. But when Steve begins softly snoring less than a minute after telling you he loves you, it’s a mercy all the same.
Unsurprisingly, you wake before Steve on Saturday morning. You’d been in and out of sleep all night, dozing and waking with that sadness, guilt, and anxiety churning within you every time you smelled citrus and sea salt mixed with the tang of alcohol. When sunlight finally begins spilling from the edges of your bedroom shades, you carefully extricate yourself from his hold, padding quietly into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
The motions offer a welcome distraction. You scoop coffee grinds into the filter, fill the basin with water, and flick the switch to begin brewing. You then untwist the tie from the whole grain bread, pull two slices out, and drop them into the toaster. Finally, an uncommon addition to the routine, you creep quietly into the bathroom to retrieve the aspirin, shaking two white pills into your palm. The breakfast you’re preparing isn’t for you; it’s for Steve, to soothe the hangover you’re sure will be haunting him when he wakes. A small kindness, freely given to soften the imminent blow of a difficult conversation. Or, perhaps you’ve offered Steve this kindness just to take the edge off your guilt. You don’t examine yourself too closely, afraid to see what truly motivates you.
Coffee, buttered toast, aspirin, and a glass of water are all placed on Steve’s bedside table before he wakes, blinking blearily as he emerges from beneath the sheets. His hair sticks from his head in wild tufts, unruly from the blanket he’d burrowed himself in once you’d left the bed. There’s a pink crease on his face from where he’d squished his cheek awkwardly against the pillow.
“Hey,” you say softly, perching on the edge of the bed as Steve rubs his eyes with the backs of his hands like a child might. You maintain the gentle tone as he squints at you, the corners of his hazel eyes pinched with the force of his wince. “I made you breakfast and brought you aspirin.”
“Mmmm.” The groan is one of both acknowledgment and petulant protest against the brightness of the bedroom, and despite yourself, your lips quirk in a little smile as Steve’s brow crumples in gratitude when you drop the tiny pills into his outstretched palm. He throws them back, and automatically you pass him the water, which he gulps down before setting the empty glass back on the table. 
Steve pauses for a moment before reaching for the toast, hands hanging limply in his lap as he blinks. You eye him sympathetically. “You okay?”
Despite drinking the whole glass of water, Steve’s voice is still scratchy, dragging slightly when he responds. “Yeah. We, ah, went a little wild with the pickle-backs, obviously.” He picks up the buttered toast and takes a delicate bite, continuing after he swallows it. “They hit me harder than I thought they would, and after I texted you, I ended up getting on the subway going in the wrong direction.” He meets the surprised tilt of your brow with an easy tone, fully prepared for a ribbing. “I know, I know. How long have I lived here? The city should revoke my membership, honestly.” 
His good humor has you shaking your head fondly, huffing a little amused chuckle through your nose as you pat his arm. “Just take it easy today,” you tell him kindly. 
Steve is already perking as he finishes his toast, hazel eyes brighter as he claps a broad palm over yours, mimicking your pats. “I’m fine, really. Don’t worry about me.” With a sudden frown, Steve cautiously lifts his arm and sniffs. Instantly, his face crumples in incredulity. “Shit, babe, you let me cuddle you like this? I’m so sorry.” 
Steve’s expression is charmingly boyish as he leans away and peers sheepishly at you. “It’s okay,” you tell him, but already he’s pulling himself out of bed. He sheds his boxer briefs as he speaks, and your eyes dart away from his bare body as he drops them in the laundry basket beside the closet.
“No way,” he says good-humouredly. “I’m not subjecting us to this stank any longer.” He closes the bathroom door behind him, and his final call muffles through the wood. “I’ll be showered and out in a flash!”
 “Okay,” You call back, and that is that.
In the silence that follows, you sit aimlessly before collecting the empty plate and Steve’s coffee mug. You find yourself pulling out a chair at the kitchen table, and it grinds unpleasantly against the hardwood as you scoot in, sitting across from where you’d placed Steve’s steaming coffee cup. You consider making yourself breakfast, but now that Steve’s hangover has been tended to, you find your stomach churning again, more strongly than it had throughout the night. Sadness, guilt, anxiety, fear, and dread all condense into a viscous mass, weighing you down with a feeling similar to nausea. The hollow pang of your hunger is nearly smothered by it, so you just fold your hands in your lap, fidgeting with your fingers and running your damp palms against your thighs when that is no longer enough. Seconds tick by at a crawl as you wait for Steve to emerge from the bedroom, and your mouth moves soundlessly as you rehearse again what you plan to say to him. 
You’d spent all waking hours of the night churning over how you would break the news to your boyfriend that you want to break up with him. Mostly, you’d wanted to decide exactly what to say to justify your decision; you feel, after three years of dating, you owe Steve that. As you’d poured over the memories of your relationship, focusing the most energy on the last few months since you’d started swinging, you’d begun to piece together what you wanted to convey to him. Your reasons for breaking up with Steve were like a puzzle that you’d been looking at for too long up close, fragmented bits that only gained clarity once you’d begun to slowly inch backward. And though you’d reached seeking fingers behind you, clasping a calloused hand that helped guide you, the pieces had always been there. You just hadn’t known what you were looking at. 
Because of that and what Eddie told you about Steve’s ex-girlfriend, Nancy, you’d come to a decision last night not to tell Steve you’d cheated on him.
It wasn’t easy. You already feel guilty for betraying Steve yesterday, though, if you’re truly honest with yourself, you don’t regret the time you’d spent with Eddie in his van. Plus, the thought of lying to Steve by omission makes you feel dirty; the knowledge of your planned deceit settles over your shoulders like the mockery of a royal mantle. But you’d rather weather it than absolve yourself and destroy Steve in the process, and you know, deep down, that if you told Steve you’d cheated on him— not just broken rules, but actually cheated on him— it would destroy him. Even though you’re resolved to break up with him, you know Steve Harrington doesn’t deserve that.
Your thoughts— all the words you want to say, all the words you want to avoid— scatter like a flock of birds as you see him finally stride through the bedroom doorway, moving much more briskly now. Your heart begins to race, fingers curling as you track him with your eyes, watching as he retrieves a yogurt from the fridge and plucks a banana from the bunch on the counter. Steve’s bangs curl damply over one eye as he slides into the seat across from you, and his eyes flick to yours in a subtle double-take.
“You not eating breakfast?” he asks casually, peeling the foil top from his yogurt.
You shake your head, fingers twisting beneath the kitchen table where he can’t see. “Not hungry,” you say, trying to match his casual tone. 
Steve regards you closely, and automatically, your eyes dart to the table to avoid his gaze. Your heart thumps in the silence. “‘Kay,” he says eventually. And after three years of dating and one year of living together, you know Steve can tell there’s something up with you. It’s clear in how he’s peeling the banana so meticulously and spinning the spoon in the yogurt for so long. His eyes flick to you as he eats in silence, staring until you look up, and then he schools his expression into neutral pleasantness. You feel suddenly, with uncanny clarity, that Steve is often doing that— thinking something but never communicating it. 
A tinge of frustration rises from that viscous mass inside you, floating to the surface to diffuse across your face in flattened lips and a creased brow. But Steve either doesn’t notice or chooses to disregard it as he scrapes the bottom of his yogurt before asking, still entirely casually, “How’s your car?”
You stare at him for a beat before replying. “I don’t really know yet. I haven’t heard anything.”
“Gotcha,” he replies, pushing out his chair as he carries the scraps of his breakfast to the trash, talking as he goes. “Well, I can talk to Eddie, see when it should be ready so we can pick it up.”
The sudden mention of Eddie’s name has your nerves spiking sharply, adrenaline building up inside your chest as your palms go sweaty. Like the rising urgency of knowing you’re going to vomit, the words push at your clamped lips, wanting out. You need to tell him. You need to tell him now, and Steve is just wandering around the kitchen, talking about the Amazon return he plans to drop off at FedEx today. “You know,” he’s saying, “I really did think we already had an immersion blender, but I wasn’t sure, and it turns out it was in the back of the linen closet. I found it when I was putting away the towels you folded. Like, how’d it even end up back there—?”
“Steve.” You don't speak loudly, but he stops on the other side of the island and looks right at you, eyebrows perking as if he’s been startled to attention. You hold his gaze, saying slowly, “I need to talk to you about something.” 
The obvious gravity in your voice makes something flash across his handsome face, a microexpression too quick for you to discern. Wordlessly, he walks around the island to sit in the chair at the head of the kitchen table to your right. A little prickle of anxiety bursts behind your sternum as his hazel eyes dart between yours. He's cautious, a little guarded. “...Okay.” Steve throws his hands low and wide, then clasps them in his lap. It reminds you of something a boss would do with his employee— sitting beside you, body angled in your direction, hands clasped low to convey a willingness to listen.
Your chest prickles again now that you have Steve’s full attention, and the prickle quickly spreads to a chilling freeze that frosts across your ribs. The words you practiced and the words you don’t want to say whip around your head in a maelstrom, and your fists clench as you fight against your sudden overwhelm. Steve looks wary but sympathetic as he watches you for a moment before saying your name quietly. “It’s okay.” Steve’s voice is smooth and reassuring, and he reaches out to squeeze your hands in one broad palm. “Just take your time.”
The kindness almost makes it more difficult, but you suck in a slow bracing breath, nodding so he’ll sit back and release you. You hold at the top of the breath for a moment, steeling yourself before you blow it out slowly, unable to keep it from trembling near the end. Finally, with a dry swallow, you crack your lips to speak. 
“Things have… started to change for me over the past few months. The way I feel about— about us?” Stuttering, tentative, the ‘us’ bends up like a question, and you clear your throat to reset your voice. To be straightforward, the way you want to be. When you start again, you succeed in sounding more certain. “These past three years have been good, Steve, but… I think for me something has been missing. Something that I didn’t realize was missing until recently. And it took me some time to figure out what it was, but I think I know now. And I can’t… I just can’t ignore it. That’s not fair to either of us.” 
There’s a pregnant pause as Steve stares at you, face a blank mask. His bangs curl over his eye, but you don’t feel the impulse to push them back for him; your fingers don’t even twitch. 
As you speak again, your eyes dart to the tabletop. “I think—” 
Abruptly, you cut off, shaking your head. No hedging now. You start again, more firmly, lifting your head to maintain direct eye contact with your boyfriend. Direct, but not unkind, not devoid of feeling. “We need to break up, Steve.” 
The mask of his blankness slips then, just slightly. As you sit in silence, your words hanging between the two of you, Steve’s hazel dulls to briny mud.  
Your brow crinkles, and your eyes go wide, darting between his. You thought you’d explained it pretty well. A little vaguely, maybe, but still. Does he really not understand? 
Almost as you think that, Steve huffs an incredulous breath. His mask cracks further— his face goes wry, exasperated that you don’t seem to be getting it. “I know why,” he adds quietly as if it’s obvious. “I just want to hear you say it.” 
It had taken so much just to say what you already did. What more does he want? When you’re silent, freeze crackling over your ribs as your wide eyes flit helplessly around his face, Steve’s square jaw tightens. “Tell me why you want to break up with me,” he says. It’s not loud or angry, but it’s a demand nonetheless. “I want the truth, y/n.” His chin tips down, gaze dropping to his hands as he finally mutters, “Just go ahead and say his name.” 
The sorrow rises up your throat, nearly choking your words. But you knew this might happen; you’d been prepared for it. Steve wants the truth, and he deserves it. Your lips twist, eyes stinging as you prepare to oblige his request. You don’t want to whisper, but it’s all that will come out. “...I have feelings for Eddie.”  
“And there it is,” he says, and it nearly echoes off the kitchen walls even though he isn’t shouting. Steve’s voice is like a fanciful flourish— brash, as if he’s figured out the murderer in a game of Clue. But it’s not an exclamation of triumph. It’s an exclamation of bitter, defeated confirmation. 
After a pause, his eyes return to yours. Still dull but unflinching as he asks you a question you know must gut him. “Do you love him?”
Your chin trembles, but you admire Steve’s fortitude and match it with your own. “Maybe. I think I might,” you whisper honestly. 
Steve lets quiet reign for a moment as you watch his face, teeth worrying your lip, stomach twisting as the heavy, oppressive tension in the room weighs on you. And then he grins wryly, small and crooked, ugly like a jagged scar. “Can’t say I’m surprised. Kind of saw it coming.” 
You’re baffled; your questions pop out before you can stop them, tinged with distress. "What? Steve, why didn't you say anything?" 
His jaw works for a moment, dark brows knit tight as his knee starts bouncing in a very non-Steve expression of tension. When he glances at you, he looks sardonic but also pained. "I learned a long time ago that accusing people of doing something behind your back… it tends to backfire. Push them away more. So I thought, maybe if I do the opposite of that—" 
He breaks off to chuckle humorlessly, shaking his head. Abruptly, he rises from the chair, and you flinch away slightly, taken aback. The look he shoots you conveys his hurt that you’d jerk away from him, and you suddenly feel more terrible for it. He slowly crosses the kitchen into the living room, staring down at the coffee table for a moment before picking up the box of tissues there. Plodding steps carry him back to you, but Steve sinks back into his spot from breakfast— across from you, with the table in between. Steve places the tissue box carefully between you, and you can nearly see his clothed chest straight through the thin paper as you stare at it.
You turn Steve’s reasoning over in your mouth, examining it slowly to test its flavor. His explanation— that he’d essentially ignored the situation and hoped it would go away instead of accusing you of doing something— falls within this false choice between sweet and bitter. He seems to have forgotten, or perhaps not realized, that he could have simply talked to you. He could have discussed these things with you calmly rather than dancing around them. And if he had, who knows what would’ve happened? 
For a moment, you consider the question. But only for the briefest moment, because what Steve could have done differently doesn’t matter now.
You and Steve sit quietly for a while, each staring at a different spot in the room. You stare at the thin tissue poking from the tissue box while Steve stares at the window drapery behind you, which almost makes it seem like he’s gazing through you when you finally look up at his face again. You look at him because another question is pressing up your throat, itching to be let out; a question that, while it's about the past, is prodding at you far more deeply than thoughts of what could have been.
“Why did we do this, Steve?” Steve’s hazel eyes shift minutely, refocusing on your face. “Swing with Eddie and Chrissy,” you clarify, voice quiet. 
There’s another minute shift on his face, but this time, it’s a tick in his jaw, a flash of flared nostrils. “I told you,” he starts to say, voice carefully calm, “it’s always been a fantasy of mine.” 
You blink, staring at your boyfriend patiently. As he sits with the weight of your expectant gaze, you begin to see little signs of tension, like how he scratches briefly at the scruff on his jaw before his hand falls back into his lap. Something tells you this is an opening, an opportunity for clarity, and if you’re careful, you can take it. 
Maybe, as you’re breaking up, you can finally get Steve to tell you what he’s really thinking. 
Entirely without venom, you ask, “What about Nancy?” 
Steve looks at you sharply, hawkishly; his face tightens, and there’s an uncharacteristic edge to his voice when he retorts. “What do you know about Nancy?” His suspicion and mistrust are clear, making that edge of anxiety prickle in your chest. 
You inhale through your nose, continuing in your careful, gentle way. “Not much, really. Just that you’d dated in high school, and… it wasn’t a good break up.” You look at him carefully, brows tugged up in a coaxing expression. When he doesn’t shutter further, you venture to ask quietly, “Was your fantasy related to that?” 
Tension radiates off Steve in a thick wave as he looks away. His broad shoulders are rigid with it, jaw clenched tight as he seems to struggle with himself for a long moment. And you think maybe that anger you suspect is inside him— the anger you’ve seen in little glimpses, such as when he’d lashed out at Eddie for breaking the rules, most recently obscured by an eerie mask of impassivity— may come finally bursting out of Steve in a wave of bitter rage. You hold your breath as you wait, palms sweating, heart stuttering in your chest—
But eventually, Steve sags, scoffing and shaking his head in resignation. His reply is a half-hearted snap, weary in its bluntness. “Might as well bare my fucking soul, right? I mean, we’ve literally fucked other people in front of each other. What’s one more hard truth?” 
The words make foreboding rush down your spine, and beneath the table, you fist your fingers until the knuckles turn pale. But outwardly, you hold fast. Despite the apprehension you feel, now that you can nearly taste it— Steve’s elusive openness— you don’t want to scare him off. 
Steve drags both hands through his hair, letting his head hang back as he stares dully at the ceiling. “She cheated on me with this… weird kid. Jonathan. Artsy type. Liked to take photos.” You scarcely dare to breathe. It’s finally happening. 
When he pauses, eyes flicking to you, you stay quiet, looking at him with an open expression. Patient. Accepting. It seems to do the trick because he rubs absently at his chest, eventually admitting, “We started arguing a lot when I went to college and she was in her senior year of high school. Really, let’s be honest: I’d start fighting with her, not the other way around. It was all just stupid shit, you know? Like accusing her of turning off her location, or lying about who she was with, like….” He chuckles despairingly, shaking his head. “Why did I do that?” 
It’s hard to see Steve like this: years later, still so tortured by his own actions. Your brow crinkles; your heart pierces for him. “Steve—” 
He continues as if he didn’t hear you, but not cruelly. He’s just gripped by the interminable flow of his emotion, like now that he’d let some of it dribble out, it won’t stop pouring from him. “I guess I just… I loved her so much, and I was so afraid that without me there, she was gonna forget about me. She was so smart. Just… so, so smart. And…” Your eyes are rapt on him as his jaw works until he mutters resignedly, “Wasn’t ‘til I started acting like a fuckin’ psycho that. Well.” 
Steve clears his throat, sighing heavily. The apprehension you’d felt has melted almost entirely into poignant sorrow for him, sympathy that blooms bittersweet at the base of your throat. You nearly want to reach for him— squeeze his hand, offer some comfort— but you hold back. Though you may feel compassion for him, you don’t want to send mixed signals. As much as it explains some things about Steve’s behavior, clarifying why he’d chosen to remain silent despite almost certainly noticing whatever was growing between you and Eddie over the last few months, the pain of Steve’s past doesn’t change the present.
Eventually, the active contortions of pain on Steve’s face settle to vague disquiet. He glances at you and then back to the table, flashing hazel eyes still dull like briny mud as he hesitates. You can sense the shift before he begins to talk again, the change in energy that tells you what he’s about to say is, somehow, both easier and harder than what has already been said. Your heart kicks up in anticipation. 
Quietly, Steve speaks to the kitchen table. “I can’t really pinpoint one specific moment that gave me the idea. I mean, Chris has always been sweet. And, I dunno. Always thought she was pretty, too.” He tosses the observation casually. “But we never went out. I was with Nance, and then she was with Eddie, so….” His adam’s apple bobs in a swallow as he glances up, holding your gaze for the first time in a long while. “But then you told me you liked the idea of being with two guys at once, and I just… I guess I started thinking about it a little more. What it’d be like to be with two girls at once, too.” 
And it’s like he’s waiting for you to give him some sign of approval or acceptance. And you do understand his curiosity, how your drunken confession had awakened something in him. So you offer him a tiny nod, and only then do his eyes slide away from you to dart around the room. “And so just, like, as a joke, I brought it up in front of Chris one day. I wasn’t expecting her to actually be interested, but… she was. And what started as something totally hypothetical became suddenly possible when Eddie agreed, and then… well, you know the rest.” 
You nod thoughtfully. You also understand the wondering, how something that began as a joke became something more. But then Steve sighs harshly, shrugs sharply, and looks right at you.
“You want me to be real honest?” 
That foreboding resurges, racing again down your spine as you suck in a shaky breath. This is the most open Steve has ever been with you, except, perhaps, when he’d told you about his parents. But the ache of his parents’ absence didn’t hold the same weight as all of this, because Steve hadn’t been the cause of it. None of it had come from him. And you’re a little afraid of what Steve is going to say— of how grave his stare is, hazel sharpened to desperate points that even the softness of his long bangs can’t allay— but you want to know. 
You nod, sealing your fate. 
Steve searches your expression for a moment as if waiting for you to waver. But when you don’t, the words fall from his lips. They are jagged, stilted, not intended to cut, but utterly sharp in their plainness. “I guess some fucked up part of me thought that like… if I let my girlfriend fuck another guy— if I wanted her to do it— it would heal the wound. Since it was my choice this time.” He laughs wryly at himself. “And Chrissy’s hot. So I got to have sex with two hot girls, too. I mean, what guy doesn’t want to have sex with two hot girls?” 
His expression is creased with bitter resignation, but it isn’t a balm. Neither is his tacked-on observation as he mutters, “Kind of perverse, now that I’m saying it out loud.” 
And it’s like when Chrissy sat beside you in the salon chair, sucking all the air from the room, holding the pillow to your face. But Steve isn’t smothering you. No, he’s cutting you, carving the truth deep, and your ribs tremble as his words nick bone.
It almost would’ve been better if Steve had said he’d just always had a crush on Chrissy since high school. Or that he got off on being cucked. Or that he’d always been curious about Eddie, and maybe he’d discovered he’s bisexual. But to know that, in the end, you were a device Steve had used to try to get over the pain of his ex-girlfriend leaving him for another guy… 
You were a bandaid stuck over the gaping wound Nancy had gashed in Steve Harrington’s heart. And no matter what the reason— because he’d loved her so deeply, because he’d been betrayed, because he felt such shame at having, in his mind, pushed her into Jonathan’s arms— it didn���t change the fact that three years of your love and devotion hadn’t managed to stitch him up. Now, you were both paying the price. 
Steve seems to be waiting for you to respond; you manage a wholly inadequate response. “Yeah,” you finally croak. “It kind of is.”
His lips tighten in the semblance of a smile. It’s the smile of someone who knows he’s getting more than he deserves. “Why did you do it?” 
You follow Steve’s precedent and choose honesty again. After the admissions he’s laid bare for you, it’s easier; the words flow quicker from your tongue. “Because I thought it would make you happy,” you say, and the instant pain that crumples his face nearly makes you look away. “But, also,” you have to add, “because….” This part is harder to admit, but you do it anyway. “There was just something about him.” 
Despite himself, a corner of Steve’s lips quirks in a tiny, genuine grin. “From the first moment you saw him, right?” 
You sigh through your nose. “Yeah,” you agree, voice small, tender with the taste of your red fruit. 
“Yeah,” Steve says, resigned. “That’s Eddie. The bastard.” It’s half fond, half wry, and it reminds you that Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson have been friends for five years. They’ve been friends for longer than you’ve even known Steve; they share a kinship despite their differences. But the threads that tie them… you aren’t sure they can withstand this.
You chew your lip as the tinge of humor fades from Steve’s face, leaving it suddenly tired and sagging from the effort of providing his admissions and hearing yours. Eventually, he asks, “So what are you gonna do about him?” 
You sigh heavily, fingering a loose thread on your sweater. “I’m not sure. But I’m gonna tell him we ended things, and… I think I need to be honest with him about how I feel.” 
Steve just nods, jaw tight. “They’ll probably break up. Him and Chrissy,” he predicts. The implication that it’ll be your fault is clear, and your lips twist as a drop of thick, viscous guilt drips from the ribs Steve has nicked, falling onto the dark earth at the bottom of you. 
You press on to distract yourself from it, asking neutrally, “If they do, are you gonna keep seeing Chrissy?” 
Steve leans an elbow on the kitchen table. “If she wants to. She might. We had a good time together. Have a lot in common.” 
The casualness of his response dispels some of the tension inside you. Suddenly, this feels surreally like a normal conversation, and you find yourself nodding. "I think that could be really good." 
Steve’s face darkens for the first time, and he chuckles mirthlessly. "Of course you do,” he spits. “‘Cause then it means you can have Eddie. And you can convince yourself you don't have to feel bad about what you've done." 
That's not how you meant it, and on some level, you know that Steve is lashing out in his hurt. He may have been the impetus for this situation, but that doesn’t mean he's emerging unscathed. It doesn’t mean he didn’t love you in his damaged way; it doesn’t mean he isn’t filled with pain as he loses you. 
Your regret is clear. “Steve, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen.” 
Steve’s eyes scan you, and what he sees seems to soften him. You see it then— heartbreak, spreading over his face as his hazel eyes go fragile. “I know you didn’t. That doesn’t change the fact that it did. Though I guess I have to blame myself just as much as you.” 
A sense of numbness settles over you; there’s nothing you can say to that without feeding Steve falsehoods. When you don’t respond, he adds quietly, “Just kinda sucks for Chris, is all. You know?” 
Steve is looking at you, and you feel your head jerking up and down, as if by its own accord. The numbness and detachment mute the next few drops of sticky guilt that splatter dark earth.
The long silence that settles between you and Steve now is no longer loaded. It’s blank and hollow, like the final glance into a childhood bedroom. Light from a bare window spills across the carpet, where indents of furniture that had once been there still press the fibers flat. Dust hangs suspended in the air, visible in the sun, kicked up in the process of emptying. What remains when two people who once loved one another— who’d inflicted hurt and been cut just as deeply— have laid themselves bare and accepted that it’s over?
Logistics, you suppose.
“Where are you gonna go?” 
You’d anticipated this question. You already hadn’t wanted to stay in this apartment any longer than you had to, but now after what Steve has revealed, the thought of leaving today is even more appealing. The quicker, the better. You’d thought of your older sister’s condo last night; she lives right outside the city, closer to your job than Steve’s apartment, even, so that’s an added bonus. You haven’t talked to her yet, but you tell Steve with certainty, “Penny’ll let me stay with her. She has a spare room she uses as an office.” 
“All right,” he replies. “You can have the weekend to move most of your stuff over.” 
“Okay,” you accept without hesitation. It seems you and Steve are finally on the same page in that you both find the idea of drawing out this process unbearable. 
After a moment, his brow tugs up slightly. “...I can help you,” Steve says, offering you one last act of generosity.
You echo yourself. “Okay,” you say, and it comes out gentle.
You’re sitting at the kitchen table in the apartment you share with your boyfriend of three years, Steve Harrington. You run your eyes over Steve’s familiar features, and he is handsome. His nose is alkaline, his brows are thick and dark, and his jaw is strong, dusted by stubble. Steve Harrington works at a bank and makes a lot of money. His ex-girlfriend, Nancy, broke his heart. He is athletic, and he loves basketball. You’ve heard he’s been happier than he’d been in years since you started dating him. You lost your virginity to him. He suggested you swing because he wanted his friend to fuck you just as much as he wished Nancy had never fucked Jonathan. He’s the first boy you’d ever loved. You don’t love him anymore.
You know, despite everything— despite the position he’d put you both in— underneath it all, Steve really is just a man. A man who is damaged and trying to heal. A man who is trying to be good.
But Steve Harrington is not your man. Not anymore.
The practical coordination of leaving your ex-boyfriend consumes you, and you happily let it.
Penny, in her usual way, tumbles directly into big sister mode when you call her to explain that you’ve broken up with Steve and need somewhere to stay. Her shock gets foisted to the back burner as she asks you a series of questions. ‘How bad?’ ‘Bad.’ ‘When do you want to move in?’ ‘Today.’ ‘Need help packing?’ ‘Well, if you’re offering, yes.’ ‘Should I bring a shovel?’ You stifle a snort. ‘...No,’ you answer, and you can hear the smirk in her voice over the phone. ‘You sure?’ 
Before you’d spoken to Penny, you figured you'd just take what was necessary for now— a good chunk of your clothes, toiletries, your Nintendo Switch, and all the essential electronics like your laptop and earbuds. But when Penny marches through the door lugging trash bags and a gigantic suitcase— sans shovel— and shoots Steve a cursory nod before rolling up her sleeves and getting to work, her assistance is both a relief and a blessing. You and Penny scrub every inch of Steve’s apartment of your belongings— all your clothing, shoes, jewelry, makeup, books, and even the decor you’d bought. You leave behind the joint remnants of your relationship for him to deal with: photos of you together, mementos collected over the years, and little gifts exchanged for birthdays and anniversaries. For practical reasons, of course, but you can’t deny that leaving all of that behind and packing the rest of your life into Penny’s car feels like your soul is unshouldering a burden.
After the last bag is loaded, you face Steve on the apartment's threshold for the final time. What goodbye is appropriate between a girl who’d lost her love for a guy as she’d fallen for his friend, and a guy who’d wanted a girl to heal his wounded heart so desperately that he ended up pushing her into his friend’s arms?
There are no more words. You both settle for parting smiles burdened with loss, and that is that.
The weekend passes quickly as you and your sister mash your life with hers. It reminds you uncannily of when you were kids as you stand in the doorway of her bedroom-turned-office, negotiating the space.
“I need a closet, Pen.” 
“I can give you half the hanging space and one of the shelves,” she counters. 
“Fine,” you relent. “But the desk goes. I gotta fit a bed in here.” 
She sighs heavily, already mourning the loss of the bright window it faces. “But where am I gonna put it?” she grumbles, but one glance at your face has her softening quickly. “You gonna ask mom and dad for your old bed?”
Your lips tilt half-heartedly. Your sister’s easy concession reminds you of the hole where three years had been. She’s treating you as if you’re fragile, and you suppose, in a way, you are. “Yeah,” you sigh. “Kinda sucks that it’s a twin.”
She elbows you, grinning. “Hey, you can pretend you’re young and back in college again.” 
You roll your eyes, nudging her back. “Bitch,” you retort, but the tilt of your smile stretches genuinely.
There’s barely any downtime before Sunday night; you don’t allow for it. You’re resolved not to let your belongings languish in trash bags and suitcases, and you set to work immediately converting Penny’s office back into a bedroom. After sleeping the night on Penny’s couch, you spend Sunday morning dragging around her furniture until it’s arranged to your liking. Then you consolidate her belongings and carefully sort yours into the spaces you’d meticulously cleared, blasting your music as you work to keep your brain busy. You found yourself listening to one song in particular over and over: Liberation by Buzz.
There’s just something about that vocoder that does it for you.
Your parents arrive in the early afternoon, and you and Penny help your dad maneuver the bedframe and mattress into your new room. Your mom insists on helping you remake the bed; her fluttering hands tuck hospital corners as she shoots you little sympathetic smiles. You know they want to ask you what happened, but you put them off, citing a need to unwind after the stress of the past two days. They accept your excuses immediately, and each offers comfort in their own way— soft words of condolence and a soft hand on your cheek from your mom, plus a lingering bear hug from your dad. 
“We’re here for you no matter what. Whatever you need. Okay?” he says, raising his eyebrows meaningfully as he claps a heavy hand on your shoulder. The weight is a comfort. 
“Thank you,” you say, and they leave their girls to explore how it feels to live together again.
Mercifully, Penny notices the weary droop of your shoulders and lets you nap on the couch for a while. But once the take-out arrives for dinner and you see the curious gleam in her eye, you heave a sigh, mentally preparing for the explanation you know she’s dying for. Truthfully, you’re grateful she’d managed to hold out for this long.
You tell her an abbreviated version of the story, minus the whole swapping partners and fucking each other part. Which, admittedly, is probably seventy percent of it, but submitting yourself to your sister’s critique over engaging in alternative sexual practices feels overwhelming when you’re already raw and hurting from Steve’s confessions and the sudden upheaval of your life. You don’t go into great detail, but Penny listens as you explain meeting Eddie for the first time, growing closer to him and his girlfriend, and developing feelings for him, feelings that led to you realizing that parts of your relationship with Steve have always been lacking. You emphasize that you aren’t breaking up with Steve just to be with Eddie, but your concern that she may judge you is unfounded. Instead, your sister wraps you in the plush of her throw blanket, cuddling you close and petting your hair as she puts on one of your favorite movies from childhood: The Princess Bride. Your ribs may be aching from the nicks of Steve’s jagged words as you finally slow down and let the numbness wear off, but Penny’s solace soothes the sting.
Your late afternoon nap ends up being a double-edged sword. By the time you and Penny each turn in for the night to prepare for the upcoming work week, you’re no longer exhausted enough to fall right asleep. With your room already arranged and Penny sleeping across the hall, you’re running low on distractions and left to ruminate.
And with rumination come feelings.
That ache in your ribs, the sinking sorrow, the void inside that begins to feel more and more like a chasm than an empty room— they crawl up to settle like a thick lump in your throat, and your eyelashes quiver until tears that sting like sea salt soak silently into your pillow. 
You let yourself mourn your relationship with Steve— the loss of three years’ worth of familiarity and comfort, the unnoticed lack that had always been there, lurking underneath the surface. The tears are a release, the first step toward healing. And most importantly, despite the sadness, there is a notable absence of one emotion.
You feel no regret.
As the tears wane, your mind shifts focus from the past to the future. Tentatively, you imagine telling Eddie you’d broken up with Steve, and the sudden surge of sweeping emotions is enough to overwhelm you almost instantly. Maybe I should take the night off. This weekend has been hard enough already. You roll over, arm outstretching toward your bedside table for your phone, and you automatically pull up Instagram to distract you from the squirms and flutters radiating through your body.
And it just so happens that the first photo is a picture of strawberry blonde waves, bright blue eyes, and a powdery-soft smile.
What possesses you to click into her profile, you don’t know. Maybe it’s a yearning for the comfort you’d felt when she’d held your hand on the plane. Or perhaps it’s some unconscious desire for punishment, like taking a too-hot shower that nearly scalds your skin— you think you’re doing it because it feels good, but in reality, the sting is nothing but self-harm. Your eyes scan porcelain limbs twisted into flexible poses on a mat; charming crooked-toothed grins squished against other feminine cheeks in happy rows of lithe, beautiful strangers; and then a photo of four familiar figures that makes your heart thump: a bright orange bodycon dress, smart light blue linen, a white-button up that flashes dark ink, and milk and honey silk, all standing outside the neon lights of a Miami nightclub. Your eyes linger on tousled brown waves and a bright white smile.
From the sorrow and the void, despair rises within you. But it isn’t the hound that had grappled with your hope in Eddie's van. No, now it’s scraggly and mangy— a desperate, starving thing, tinged with anger. Steve could've talked to you, talked about what he’d been through to someone, anyone: a friend, a therapist. Hell, he could’ve tried to talk to Nancy herself. But he didn't. He didn’t take responsibility for his feelings or his wound. Instead, he manipulated you into a situation with an ulterior motive. He tried to use you to help himself, and he didn’t think about how it would hurt you.
As your anger builds, it redirects toward Chrissy. You swipe through her posts, scowl growing as you’re confronted with her smiling face over and over until you pause on one. It's a photo of an aggressively-sleek electric guitar, shining red and slung around Chrissy’s body. Her hip is cocked with attitude, dainty fingers thrown high in a 'rock on' gesture, face scrunched with her tongue poking out. A sudden thought snarls. Here she is, putting on a mask for her followers, pretending she’s some heavy metal chick. She doesn’t even really like Eddie’s music. She doesn’t even go to any of his fucking shows. Acrid and bitter, the tang of jealousy is heavy on your tongue. 
You indulge it for a moment, letting it burn like poison through your veins until you remind yourself that Chrissy has always been kind to you. In the months you’ve known her, she’s helped you become more confident, encouraging you to step outside your comfort zone but never pushing too hard, never judging. She’s offered you eager giggles and cuddles and warm companionship. Chrissy has always built you up, and any bitter feelings you have toward her have been borne of covetousness.
Despair snaps its maw. The whites of its eyes roll; it whines as oozing guilt sucks at its paws deep into the muck. You imagine the look on Chrissy’s saccharine face when she finds out you’d snuck around behind her back— kissed Eddie in the club, fucked him in his van. Told him you wanted all of him. You imagine her dreams of boy or girl crumbling to dust in her dainty fingers. And then, you remember what your ex-boyfriend said. ‘I just feel bad for Chris.’
The injury you know you will inflict upon your friend conjures a haunting question: 
Am I really any better than Steve?
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