#Eddie’s gonna step out of the car as a broken man
missjashin · 1 year
Steve and Eddie having to drive the kids somewhere and since there’s nine of them in total, ten if Robin is tagging along, they have to take two cars so obviously the ones with actual licenses have to drive. And Eddie is immediately like “I’ll take the boys, you can take the girls” but starts to doubt his decision right away because uhm why does Steve seem so happy about that?
Eddie really thinks it would be easier this way. I mean he knows most the boys little better and. They’re all guys? Nerdy guys too. He can handle them. Steve can try to deal with the girls. Like Robin is a force to be reckoned with and he has to have Max AND Erica in the car with him as well ? With the addition of a girl with actual super powers? Yeah sure Eddie is the one who’s gonna have it easy…
Or so he thinks. He just forgot to take into account the fact that the girls? They all get along just fine. Meanwhile the boys? Sure they are best friends but they can have a debate over EVERYTHING. And they will too.
This would be most hilarious comedy scene honestly. Showing Steve and the girls in the car. The music is nice and everything is calm and they’re all smiling and having fun. Switching to Eddie and the boys and it’s all heavy metal and screaming and rage and something might be on fire too- and cut back to Steve and girls and they’re just happily singing along their pop tunes.
Eddie is gonna need a vacation after this car trip.
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pinkrelish · 2 years
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 "𝐲𝐞𝐬" 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐲.
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singledad!mechanic!eddie x fem!reader
✶Surely, when two friends set up their two friends on a blind date in the very small town of Hawkins, they make sure those two people don't know each other beforehand, right? And, more importantly, aren't coworkers, right?✶
NSFW — slow burn, fluff, flirting, mutual pining, angst towards the end, drug/alcohol mention/use, 18+ overall for eventual smut
chapter: 3/20 [wc: 6.1k]
↳ part 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12
Chapter 3: The Accidental First Date
“Is this too much?” you asked, yanking down the visor and checking yourself in the small mirror.
Sitting in the back parking lot of the movie theater, you went through your purse for the finishing touches on your look. Doing your last paranoia check for anything in your teeth, turning your head this way and that to zhuzh your hair, and most importantly, preening your oxymoron of a sweater to show a decent amount of cleavage without flashing the cups of your push-up bra.
Truly a walking contradiction of a top. Cable knit and warm, but with a plunging neckline, to where the top button started at your sternum.
“No, you look hot,” Robin assured with her goofy smile. “New York modest is Hawkins slutty. He’s gonna love you.”
You shrank into your girlish giggle. “Good, I want my dating debut in this little town to be a statement. Set the stage for future escapades.. Until I run out of men, I guess. Seriously, how many bachelors live here and aren’t total hicks? Four?” Robin laughed.
“Could be worse. You could be a lesbian.”
“True,” you concurred. “Good thing you have Vickie. Sucks she couldn’t come tonight.” Robin made a sad huff of agreement, working a mascara wand through her lashes. “Hey, I know I said ‘yes’ without asking, but is this guy you set me up with even my type? Not that I care, obviously; a good story is a good story, but I’m just trying to set my expectations here.”
She furrowed her eyebrows dramatically, and paused unscrewing her lip gloss to rock her entire body into a positive affirmation–almost bumping her forehead on the steering wheel from the force of her nodding. “Oh, absolutely,” she said emphatically. “Looks scary on the outside, but is a total sweetheart on the inside. Overconfident, and obnoxious, but in that charming, swoony way.”
“Perfect!” You clasped your hands together.
Stepping out of the car, she waited for you so you could walk with your arms linked together, and she continued, “I haven’t seen him in years, but Steve was telling me over the phone that he’s been going through a tough time, and hasn’t been on a date in a while.”
“Aw, poor guy.”
There was a beat of silence where both of your faces twisted into knowing smiles.
“I know what that look means..” Robin led, canting her head to you.
Innocent, you lifted your shoulder in a coy shrug, bringing a collection of her soft hair up to your chin. “No idea what you’re talking about. I was just thinking, if he hasn’t been on a date in a while.. Why not make it memorable for him?”
You laughed together, rounding the sidewalk to the front entrance of the theater where the glamorous marquee shined gentle daylight upon the darkened street. Romantic and intimate, with a crowd of people standing in vague suggestions of lines; some broken off, gossiping, smoking.
“There they are,” Robin whispered, letting go of your upper arm to wave at Nancy–who you had met at the grocery store last week. She saw you approaching, and tapped her hand on the chest of the man beside her.
Still a considerable distance away, you peered at him, and placed his luscious hair in your memory. “Oh, that’s the guy who came to the shop today.”
“Yeah, he was talking to the annoying mechanic I’m always telling you about.”
“The one you have a crush on?”
“Shush,” you bristled at the mention of your not-so-secret. “I do not have a crush on Eddie. Anyway! Did I tell you what he did this morning? He fuckin’ stood outside the window next to my desk, just out of my view for like, full on minutes, waiting for me to look at him. Like Michael Myers or some shit. Scared me half to death.”
Robin, still caught on one detail you had somehow failed to mention in the month you worked at the auto body shop, quietly asked, “..Eddie?”
“Yeah, my coworker,” you answered, not looking at her when she fell a step behind, since you were too focused on greeting Nancy, and introducing yourself to Steve to notice her sudden jog up behind you. Too fixated on complimenting Nancy’s skirt to witness the way Steve aimed his confused frown just past your shoulder. Missed his dismissive hand gestures, and Robin’s panic as she tried to wordlessly communicate something dire to him.
You were too busy listening to the cars cruise by on the street, and chatting casually, and savoring the warmth of a new friendship to scrutinize the sound of quick footsteps from the other direction, or the jangle of metal chains attached to their presence, or Robin’s damning groan.
“Sorry, I’m–” a familiar voice said. A bit nasally and on the higher side. Mirthful, awake with youth, and excited to make a good first impression.
You turned to them. Your date.
“..Late,” they trailed off.
Deer in headlights. Big, brown doe-eyes wide with surprise, framed by beautiful black lashes.
He stared at you.
His stomach sank.
You stared at him.
Your heart raced.
Eddie had stopped mid-step with his hand raised in greeting. The chains on his leather jacket tinkered until they stilled. Kind smile frozen from a better time. Chest filled with a held breath. Presenting himself with his best foot forward, and now his ears were tinted with the embarrassment of trying too hard to impress.
Oh, God.
You blinked away, and were intentional to accept the situation for what it was without showing your surprise, opting for a simple, timid, awkward, shaky, exhaled, “Hey, Eddie.”
He wasn’t so poised.
Shutting his eyes, he allowed the realization to wash over him, scrunching his face in a pained expression as the puzzle pieces slotted into place. He hung his head, and released his breath through his nose. “Your roommate is Robin,” he stated, pointing at her to punctuate his sentence. “And you call her Bobbie.”
“Yeah..” It was an apology as much as it was a confirmation.
“You still call me Bobbie?” Robin asked, tugging on your sleeve, forgetting the tense air surrounding the group for the moment. “I haven’t used that stage name in years.”
“Guess it stuck with me..”
Thankfully, someone else added to the conversation. Unfortunately, that person was Steve addressing the elephant outside the ticket booth.
“So, I take it you two know each other,” he deduced, looking from Eddie’s dejected gaze at the ground, to you wringing your purse strap over your chest.
Eddie enlightened him in a solemn tone, sparing a single glance at his friend, “She’s the receptionist at work.”
“Ah.” He turned his attention to Robin. “You set up two people who work together.”
She threw her hands up and blamed him, “Uh! No way, dunce, don’t put this on me. This whole thing was your idea, and at no point in the conversation did you tell me Eddie was a mechanic! If you had told me he was a mechanic I probably could’ve put two-and-two together myself, and avoided setting up people who see each other every day.”
Increasingly red-faced, Steve very pointedly avoided Eddie’s suspicious squint after being outed as the one who set up the date, not Nancy. “You’re the one who lives with her, how could you not–?”
“Okay!” You clapped once to end their bickering. “Then it’s not a date.”
Nancy, bless her, picked up her improv skills fast. “Yeah! Not a date. Just a casual outing between friends. Steve, get the tickets ready so we can get popcorn before the line gets too long.” There was a ripple of unanimous murmurs, followed by shuffling to the entrance.
“Silver lining,” Nancy muttered out the side of her mouth to Steve, “It’s a movie date, so it’s not like they have to talk to, or look at each other.”
Steve tempered his laugh to a hiss and held the door for Robin, who in turn kept the it ajar behind her for you, but as you went to catch it, it was opened for you.
Clack- clack- clack. You’d heard the sound every morning; his distinct rings on the metal frame of the glass door beside your desk, followed by his soft grunt when pulling it open. But whereas his whispered ‘morning’ normally echoed in the tiled lobby, it was now on the back of your neck, fanning your skin, and it wasn’t a sweet greeting, but a reserved, solemn, regretful, sad, “Sorry for.. yeah.” That’s how he started your date that wasn’t a date. With an apology. And still, as the crisp autumn air was replaced by the humid waft of buttery popcorn, your brain was stuck at the garage, filling in the drag of his heavy work boots on the way to the breakroom for coffee, and the lingering scent of cigarette smoke trailing his stride.
Except, as you were jolted back to reality, you came to know he didn’t present himself so generically outside the context of motor oil. Due to the traffic clogging around the ticket ripper, Eddie ran into you and you discovered the nuances of what he smelled like when not at work, with the added intimacy of his chest pressed to your back.
Worn leather enveloped by notes of vanilla musk cologne. Spicy deodorant carried by the sweet earthy tang of tobacco. Dove White on his heated skin, and Dawn on his hands.
A symphony you could immerse yourself in learning for hours if it wasn’t for the crime of your group moving forward.
“Did you want anything?” Eddie asked you, pointing at the concessions.
“Oh, no, I’m good.” You made a clawing gesture at your mouth. “Eating popcorn before the movie even starts because I have no self control and then being forced to sit there with kernels in my teeth drives me nuts.”
Not finding you as endearing as you intended, he slipped his hands into his pockets, and motioned for both of you to stand off to the side, out of the way while you waited for the others to get their snacks. And he just stood there. Not saying anything. You were turned to him as if to carry a conversation, but his gaze was set ahead; not on anything in particular, just away from you.
Rarely had his face been this slack, this devoid of emotion. Even when doing menial work like filling out invoices for parts you would need to order, there was activity. Liveliness in the tic of his eyes reading lines on the paper. Movement of his tongue sliding across his top lip. A subtle crease between his brows. Something. Anything.
You spoke above the giggly teenagers sneaking into the film next door, “For a stick in the mud, you look nice.” He really did, in his well-loved jacket draping his frame after years of being broken in to perfection. Tight black jeans. Sensible boots. More accessories than just his rings.
Try as he might to cut you an unamused look, his freshly washed hair bounced in immaculate waves around his face, catching the low mood lighting like a messy halo.
“Thanks,” he said, not meaning it.
“I can see why you don’t get many dates if you always look this miserable.”
“I’m not miserable.”
“Glum, then? Woebegone? Hapless? Crestfallen?” When he seemed hellbent on wishing he were anywhere else, you eased up on your act. Harboring the pit of rejection eating away at your stomach, you pried, “Disappointed?”
The glimpse of vulnerability in your words was not lost on him.
He snapped to, shaking himself out of his funk to reassure you in his gentle timbre amongst the chaos of someone beating the top score on the pinball machine, “I’m not disappointed to be here with you.”
“Then what are you?”
“Sorry,” he guessed, shrugging. He was the type to speak with his hands, moving them despite being confined to his pockets. “I’m sorry our friends suck at communicating and this is how your night turned out; you being here with me when you were clearly expecting someone else.” His gaze didn’t dare dip lower than your nose, but the effort you put into your appearance did not go unnoticed. It wasn't the first time he stared a little too directly into your eyes after you decided to stop covering yourself up.
“I don’t go on dates intending to find my one true love or anything lame like that,” you said, honestly. “I go on them to have fun, and I think we can still have fun, even if we have to share the same tiny lunch table come Monday, and we side-eye Carl for bringing tuna again.” He almost smiled at that.
Sensing he needed another boost of confidence, you kept going, “Before I knew it was you, Robin was talking you up in the car. Going on about how my date was some sweet guy, super handsome, and with a heart of gold. You know, the Prince Charming type. Oh, and totally obnoxious too. Real loudmouth who never shuts up.”
Okay, maybe some of that was ad libbed, but you wanted to know how much of it was true.
Eddie shifted from foot to foot, subduing his grin by biting his tongue, literally. “That’s a pretty apt way to describe me back in high school, yeah, especially with how I’m dressed.”
“What changed?”
“Uh, I had a kid,” he laughed. “She stole all my charm. I swear Adrie can talk me into anything.”
“I think you’re just a pushover.”
“Probably,” he surrendered. Raising his brows, he mused aloud one of the many things on his mind, “Do you not agree that she described me accurately? Sweet Prince Charming guy, all that?”
There was no way in hell you were going to speak your truth. Instead, you smirked. “I don’t think you want to know what adjectives I’d use to describe you.” They were far too vulgar to utter in a crowded room. Hot in the most annoying way. Absolute pain in my ass. Just the worst, especially when I don’t hear you sneak up behind me in the kitchen, and you think it’s funny to scare me right as I open my drink from the Coke machine, and you laugh your stupid laugh when I drop it. An absolute eye-sore when you look up at me while you're on your hands and knees cleaning up the mess you created. Irritatingly handsome when you grin and buy me another one.
Ignorant to your private thoughts, he swung his elbow out to push you, and smiled.
Relaxing into the natural lull in conversation, you both watched your friends make it to the front of the line and order their food. They waited at the counter, starting the clock on when they would inevitably make it back to the two of you, and cease your alone time with Eddie. (Although, first, they’d have to traverse an entire bucket of dropped popcorn, and navigate around more than one group of children reenacting a fight scene they just watched on the big screen.)
“Were you disappointed I was your date?” you asked.
Robin was right. Eddie was a sweetheart. As soon as he detected an inkling of insecurity–whether it be in your strained voice, or etched into your face, or imbued in the question itself–he was quick to absolve your worry.
“No, no,” he said. “Relieved, if I’m being honest.”
“Relieved?” You weren’t expecting that.
“There’s a reason I haven’t dated since having Adrie. It didn’t sound like Steve made it clear to.. you, well, my anonymous date which happened to be you. Jesus, this is confusing. Whatever, you know what I mean, he didn’t say if he told my would-be date that I’m a dad, and I was afraid of coming here and having to tell them myself. Even if we hit it off, it’s a deal breaker for some people, y’know? Not that I blame them. I would’ve said the same thing five years ago.”
You nodded as you listened to him. “Never thought about it from that perspective. All my dates have been one-and-dones. Super casual. Kids were never really brought up.”
“Yeah, the dating world isn’t always so gracious. I’m kinda glad I’m here with you–someone who knows me, at least.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you spied Steve raising his sodas above his head as two boys ran past him, pretending they were in a shootout.
Knowing he wouldn’t have time to respond, you informed Eddie, “You’re worrying about the wrong thing. Adrie’s an angel. You should be more concerned about your curmudgeonly attitude being a deal breaker.” His narrowed-eye glare had never felt so sweet.
Robin’s giddy presence became known. She dropped her chin to your shoulder with a satisfied hum, and wrapped her arm around your waist to hug you snug to her body. You laid your head on top of hers, swaying with her.
She must’ve made a face at Eddie, because a different emotion flinched across his features, and he was back to avoiding making eye contact.
You, however, were more enticed by the drink in her hand than analyzing his change in demeanor. “Shit, now I want an Icee.”
“Yeah, I got cherry,” she said, angling the straw towards you. “They have Coke too–Okay, bye, dork,” she giggled after you.
“Go ahead and sit without me! I want an Icee.” Nancy clutched the largest size of popcorn to her chest to avoid spilling it as you stumbled out of Robin’s hold and darted for the concession stand.
Eddie raised his voice, “You couldn’t have decided that five minutes ago when I asked?”
The theater for the low budget horror flick reflected the town’s perception of it. As soon as the heavy door closed behind you, your footsteps on the dense carpet echoed around the empty room. Your group was sitting in the back row, and their murmurs could be heard from the bottom.
You climbed up to them and flumped into the seat next to Eddie. “We can share,” you said excitedly, shaking the drink at him before placing it in the cupholder at the end of the single armrest.
When the subtle pinch of concern around his eyes remained, you promised him you didn’t have cooties.
He played with his rings, pulling them down the length of his fingers and spinning them while he worked through his confusion. “You don’t have to sit next to me.. You can sit next to Robin.” He motioned beside him, to Steve munching on his popcorn while Nancy held it, and Robin whispering on the end, rolling her eyes at something Nancy said.
“Why wouldn’t I sit next to you?”
Eddie’s mouth opened and closed, struggling to settle on what he wanted to say, and finishing with a submissive shrug, leather jacket groaning at the act. He bounced his foot quicker, shaking the aglets on his laces against his boot in a chaotic rhythm. “Dunno..”
“You’re silly. I’d pinch your cheek if I didn’t think you’d bite me.” He reeled at that, and you giggled. You didn’t mind making him balk at your weird quirks; whatever put him at ease. Rather, whatever made him stop rubbing his knee against yours, because you were certain the friction was about to cause a fire.
Digging through your purse, you took out a rectangular box and slid your finger under the flap, popping it open and dumping a handful of candy into your palm. You threw it back into your mouth. “Want sh-ome?” you chewed, offering the box to him.
“Who the hell eats Mike and Ikes?”
“Uh, me, jerk.” Right as the lights dimmed to pitch black, and the curtains drew back from the screen, you hit him with the most exaggerated pout. “I only eat them at the movies. They’re a ritual, and you’re rude.” The shadows lining his face twisted into a deeper grin. “Are you more of a chocolate guy?”
“Maybe,” he answered like he was suspicious of your motives.
And maybe he should be. Afterall, you committed the number one sin when it came to cinemas.
“Looks like I chose right,” you said, reaching into your purse and pulling out a Kit Kat. “I was hoping my date would be a chocolate sorta guy–” You went quiet seeing his eyes widen a touch. “I mean, not date. Begrudging coworker? Tentative acquaintance?”
“Reluctant friend,” he answered smoothly, taking the package from you and ripping it open with his teeth.
Trailers for other films played, bathing the room in flickers of light interrupting the darkness. The opening credits began. Your candy was half-eaten. His was devoured. You took a sip of your Icee, and from the vantage point of pressing your back into the cheap theater seat, you observed him in your periphery.
His gaze hardly left the drink. Your offer to share it gnawed at him in a visible way. Scoping out the straw, the possible trace of spit you left behind, the possible trace of spit he’d leave behind. He peered at the screen to acknowledge the intro, and then back down it was, boring holes into the Icee.
You were no better, nibbling at your lips when he finally caved and took a sip–all too quick, and clumsy, almost missing the cup holder when he put it back down with lightning speed.
The edge of your thighs touched under the arm rest; worse so, when you folded one leg under you, and leaned into him. “Do you hate it when people talk during movies?”
“Not these kind.” He meant the genre in general, which made for great fodder for ripping apart in friend groups, but another popular trope among this realm of fiction became apparent. The first set of tits flashed on screen, and you both found yourselves lacking in the commentary department.
After a moment, you tilted your head. “That actress looks familiar..”
“She’s been in other cult classics. Always acts with her eyebrows.” He turned to you and nudged your shoulder, vying for your full attention. He emphasized the end of each word with an inflection as if it were a question, and raised his eyebrows in every way possible, mocking her slowly, “She’s the one who always talks like this–!” He looked crazy contorting his face to make his point.
“That’s it!” You snapped. “Her wearing glasses really threw me off.”
“Mhm.” His hum vibrated along your upper arm pressed to his, and he asked quietly under the screams of the first gorey death, “Do you like B movies?”
“Hell yeah. Back home they would play them at this rooftop drive in place. I rarely paid to watch them, though. The next building over had a good view of the projector screen.”
His banter dropped in favor of chewing on the corner of his thumb. If it wasn’t for the wild change in scenery cast across his face, you could’ve sworn his faint smile faltered into inscrutability.
Did you say something wrong?
“Damn, that was a cool practical effect,” Eddie complimented the purplish fizzing ooze that once was a person.
“I know, right? That’s why I love these bad movies. There’s no budget for good CGI, so they have to do creative stuff like that.”
It was inevitable. Bound to happen. A mere act of fate. Stars aligning in the close knit group leaning forward to exchange witty quips about the hare-brained plot holes in the movie, and not minding their surroundings except to receive everyone’s laughter, making jokes at the expense of the bad acting.
Steve was asking a question that was technically answered by the movie’s lore if he’d paid attention to the dialogue during the second gratuitous stripping scene. You or Eddie could have answered, but Robin took it upon herself to explain, and you two nodded along.
Absentminded, you reached for the Icee.
Distracted, Eddie reached for the Icee.
The waxed paper cup was cold under your fingers, but your hand was blanketed by warmth.
Slow to process, you both glanced down at the reason why neither of you were achieving your goal, and the overload of sensory inputs faded away to one: touch.
Your thumb was trapped under his palm, and his fingers stretched around the cup, meeting yours on the other side and housing them beneath his in a steady amount of pressure. They were almost interlocking. Holding. Wrist on top of wrist–his with the extra harshness of his leather and chain bracelet on your skin. The heaviness of his forearm resting on yours.
Truly, the accident lasted all of two pumps of your heart, but it felt like more when he stroked his calloused fingertips over your knuckles as he let go.
“Sorry!” he blurted.
“S-Sorry,” you laughed, jittery from the encounter.
Your cheeks were hot. His were flushed red. The lewd moaning of a woman feigning to orgasm just from the male lead removing her bra alone played in the background. Neither of you could decide which plan of escape was less embarrassing: continuing to stare like idiots at each other, or watch the actress’ ginormous boobs bounce as she faked riding a guy.
You blinked. His eyebrows ticced up.
Boobs it was.
He adjusted how he sat, tugging his jeans down his legs a little, and crossing his arms. Eyes laser focused on the woman’s face. The why was obvious, and you couldn’t help but tease him for pretending to be a gentleman in your company when you held no such modesty when it came to ogling her tits.
“Thinking about how much Aquanet she uses?”
“Shut up.”
Later into the film, after the plot circled back to the juicy gore, you leaned into Eddie to ask him a question.
What that question was, you couldn’t remember.
As soon as you placed your elbow on the armrest and used the back of your hand to tap his shoulder, he dipped his head to hear you. It was an automatic thing starting from the moment you slouched in your seat. That’s all. A shift in your sitting position and intake of breath, and he knew you were going to speak, and he wanted to listen. He cared about what you had to say. He leaned into you as well, because listening to you took priority over the movie.
“Eddie?” You sought any words. Any words at all. Any would do. Any question, even if you knew the answer. “Uhm. The music sounds really familiar. Do you recognize it?”
“It’s the same composer as Chopping Mall and Deathstalker II.”
Ah. All you could muster when you were charmed by the silhouette of his lips moving. Watching them form letters, pout on the plosives, press into a line on his thick swallow.
Ah. All you could say when his hair brushed over your fingers. Dry, in need of a deep conditioning. Curling around your forefinger. Tickling your palm.
Ah. All you could respond with when you lifted your gaze, and caught him staring at you like you stared at him.
As predicted, the filmmakers padded the runtime with another topless scene, and the movie ended on a witty one liner that included not one, but two puns, and no resolution to the numerous plot threads left hanging.
“That was.. certainly something!” Robin summed up, holding the doors open to the subdued hours of the night.
Once outside in the fresh air, the dynamic reverted back to its original status.
Your friends made themselves scarce in the worst way; whistling, shuffling to the side as they found asinine things to comment on, leaving you and Eddie alone. Their intentions were pure, but reality was not so kind.
Eddie cemented his gaze on the sidewalk as he picked at his callouses, and apologized for the mistake of going out with you. Again. “Sorry about all this.”
Itchy sweat broke out across your back. It sucked he was so brazen about rejecting you. You had  hoped some of the tender crush you had on him extended past the armrest you shared, the looks you shared, the touches you shared; but maybe you were just tricking yourself into finding things that weren’t there.
Wanting to end on a better note, you appealed to him in a last ditch effort to smooth over the situation, “I meant it when I said you looked good tonight. It’s nice to see you outside of your work clothes.”
That’s all. Thanks. A shy glance from beneath his curtain of messy hair, and a somber tone to maximize the awkwardness of the not-date with your coworker.
You needed to get the hell out of there. “See you Monday?”
“Yeah, see you Monday.”
The group winced in unison when they saw the way you two departed.
Robin was quick to link her arm with yours and gather you closer, bringing your heads together to gossip as you walked back to her car. “That bad, huh?”
Around the corner and out of sight, you gave her half a smile, trying to appear in better spirits. “Well, I don’t think he likes me. He didn’t return any of my compliments, and he apologized for being on a date with me no less than four times over the course of the evening.”
She cringed for you. “That’s worse than Balloon Guy, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you said, remembering what would go down in history as the shittiest date you’d been on. “Yeah, that’s more times than Balloon Guy.” Robin hugged you tighter, making your steps go clumsy. She apologized for Eddie’s weirdness, but you shrugged. Maybe you were supposed to find it weird, too. Maybe you were supposed to disapprove of the idea of romantic feelings for your coworker, too. Maybe you were supposed to have no expectations for it to lead anywhere, too.
Maybe you were supposed to reject him, too.
Still loitering outside the theater, Steve exchanged a look with Nancy, and jogged to catch up with Eddie before he made it too far in the opposite direction.
“Uh, hey buddy!” Steve clapped him on the shoulder to stop him. “It sounded like you two were hitting it off during the movie, what happened?”
Eddie sulked under the question. His chest fell with a surrendering sigh, and his boots scraped the concrete as he turned to him, not bothering to mask the dullness in his slack expression. Everything about him was tired, including his voice when he slipped into a lower, raspy octave. “She’s nice, but..”
“But what?” Nancy asked, searching his face.
Bottling his burdens, he clenched his teeth, and worked his jaw as he contemplated evading their insistent prying; but after ruminating on it, he explained the source of his problems, “She lives a very.. whimsy life.” He fluttered his hand like a bird flapping its wings, or a butterfly. “She does this thing where she says ‘yes’ to anything anyone asks her; it’s why she moved to Hawkins, and why she ended up on this date to begin with. Y’know, just doing whatever seems like fun. It’s cute, in a way, and obviously I.. feel a way towards her, but this place isn’t where she’s looking to lay down roots. New York is her home.”
Steve squeezed his shoulder, knowing what was about to come.
“I’ve already been left for someone better.. I can’t go through that again.” Eddie’s eyes begged them to understand. “I don’t want Adrie to get attached to someone who’s just gonna leave.”
Nancy started, “Eddie–You don’t know if she’d leave.”
He shook his head, and pulled away from Steve’s lingering grasp. Shushed his friend’s well-meaning words about him being valued, and to forget his insecurities about not being good enough.
“A girl like that doesn’t need me weighing her down,” Eddie said, imparting the wisdom he’d come to accept since you made a mark on his life weeks ago, when it became your mission to befriend him. “I’ll pick up Adrie in the morning. Thanks for watching her.”
The night got darker as he left.
Darker still, when Steve waved at his back, and Nancy played with the locket around her neck, and her goodbye went disregarded.
It surrounded him. Blood pulsing in his ears, his heart beat, the refrigerator hum, the tink of glass bottles as he grabbed the full six pack and brought it to the couch, springs squeaking under his weight.
Utter emptiness welcomed him.
Not a sound in his home. Not a giggle from his daughter, or scrape of a skillet from Wayne’s makeshift breakfast-dinner before he went to work. Even the dogs around the trailer park were quiet.
Just.. nothing.
It was what he wanted, right? A night to himself; a break from the chores, the questions, the food making, the taking care of a tiny human being who made everything tougher than it needed to be.
He got his wish.
Two beers down in peace, he got his wish.
Eddie looked around his trailer lit by the single lamp beside him.
Quiet, empty, nothing.
Dark silence.
The jolt of his sob startled him. It erupted from his chest so suddenly. Ripped from the tightness of repressed emotions; the things he tried to deny, to feel and then lock away. To keep safe, buried down deep where he could manage them from progressing past the boundaries he created for his own good, and Adrie’s. He felt the agony of them all at once. The morning smiles, the afternoon laughs, the evenings of pretending you didn’t plan to bump into each other in the doorway to the lobby. The game of seeing how long he could watch you twirl the phone cord around your finger before you looked up from your desk. Your sweet way of comforting him after the hard nights of Adrie’s sleep regression by taking his tan work jacket and draping it over his shoulders while he slept at the lunch table in the break room. Your gentle method of fixing his collar when it was tucked on the inside of his coveralls.
The date was too good to be true.
In fact, the truth itself was far more painful.
The date was amazing. He couldn’t remember a time in his life when he had more fun. More thrills, sure. But not more fun. There wasn’t a day in his youth where he experienced more of the flirty thrum in his veins than when he committed himself to learning the way your lips moved when saying his name in the darkened theater.
The date was perfect. He was happy. And he couldn’t have it again. Shouldn’t have it again. Wouldn’t have these feelings again.
Eddie doubled over and put his third beer on the floor before he spilled it. Nothing was discernible beyond the water invading his ability to see, to fathom his reflection in the old TV. Sad, miserable, and lonely. An idiot for finally getting attached to someone, and it was someone he wasn’t supposed to.
Tears slipped from between his lashes. He smeared them on his cheeks, covering his sweaty face from his possessions bearing witness to his stupidity.
It was in his best interest to reject you–reject your casual stance on dating, and relationships, and people with kids–but the face you made when your advances went underappreciated churned his stomach.
He needed to be stronger. But he was weak.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he sighed into the stale air. Opening another beer, he nursed it as he huddled into the corner of the couch, and searched for Adrie’s quilt to soothe him. But of course, he sent it with her when he dropped her off at Steve’s.
No baby blanket to hold onto. No Adrienne to sleep on his chest to ease the pain of loneliness. No reason to look forward to Monday after he royally screwed everything up.
“Goddamnit,” he groaned.
Maybe, if he apologized enough, there was a chance you wouldn’t hate him.
Maybe, if you forgave him, you’d go back to the morning smiles, and the afternoon laughs.
And maybe, if he was enough of a masochist, he’d let you gently ease past those boundaries meant to keep you, and your kindness out. If you wanted to trespass, that is. He didn’t know. He was an idiot.
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afewproblems · 9 months
Season 2 Halloween AU Part Four
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
A very big thank you to @strangersteddierthings for chatting with me today and being such a great sounding board for the next update!
Synopsis: What if Eddie had been at Tina's Halloween Party in Season Two? Featuring Steve!Whump, Stancy Breakup, and Eddie just trying to keep up with all these new revelations about who King-Steve actually is...
"So…I have to ask," Eddie blurts out, cutting through the awkward silence that has fallen between them, "how were you gonna pick up your car before you ran into me?"
"I don't think it counts as running into you, if you were waiting for me Munson," Steve side steps the question expertly, flashing him a strange smirk that seems out of place. It falls after a second and twists into something pained.
"I was hoping Nance would take me," Steve says eventually, his voice soft, "which was pretty stupid in hindsight, 'specially cuz she was counting on me to drive her this morning, which--"
Steve cuts himself, snapping his mouth shut with a harsh click of teeth, he shakes his head and lifts his hand to run roughly through his hair.
"Doesn't matter anymore".
Eddie holds his breath, feeling the conversation begin to shift. It's as though he's stepped onto a tightrope and any wrong move could potentially send him over the edge.
He settles for nodding once, turning the key in the ignition.
Steve sighs and lets himself fall back into his seat, "I know you know already, the whole fucking school does, Billy saw to that," Steve gestures to his face, "say what you really want to ask". 
Eddie's fingers tighten around the wheel as he turns them out of the parking lot, fighting the immediate urge to say, 'why did Miss Priss throw it all away?' 
"You think I believe the rumours that come out of that shithole?" Eddie lies, keeping his eyes on the road this time.
He can feel Steve's unimpressed stare as they continue down mainstreet.
"Right, so you had no clue I was in detention?"
Eddie chews the inside of his cheek to fight the sly grin that begins to creep over his face, "Alright smart ass".
He hazards another glance at Steve as they begin to hit the residential area, he looks so different from the night before.
His limbs are loose, tension free, if it weren't for the heavy bags under Steve's eyes and the nervous tap of his fingers on the passenger door, Eddie would think he was finally relaxed.
"I knew a fight definitely happened, it's Hargrove," Eddie says slowly, carefully weighing his words, "but I typically prefer to hear the whole sordid story from the source before I pass any judgements, ya know?" 
Steve doesn't say anything as they continue driving through residential  the houses getting progressively bigger as they go.
"Did you," Steve pauses and breathes out slowly before shaking his head and lifting his face to meet Eddie's gaze, "is that offer for something stronger still open?" 
Eddie smiles, "I think that can be arranged". 
Eddie pulls over beside Tina Cline's house, wincing as the right front tire rolls over the curb and bounces the van as it lands on the street once more, startling a snort out of Steve. 
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up Harrington," Eddie huffs as Steve shoots him a grin.
"Didn't say a word," Steve hums, unbuckling himself from the seat. Eddie watches as he opens the door and hops out. For a moment Eddie worries Steve will pull the same disappearing act from last night but he simply stops beside his car door and motions for Eddie to roll down his window. 
Eddie cracks his door open instead, "window's broken, what?" 
Steve rolls his eyes, "whatever Munson, you know the way? It's north on 5th and--"
"Then two more rights, yeah man," Eddie says with a laugh in his voice, "I dropped you off remember?" 
"Fuck off," Steve huffs out, he's grinning though.
Steve swings the Beemer’s door open and slides in. He turns on the ignition and flinches at the loud burst of music from the stereo, the volume obviously set from the mood of the previous night. 
'I want to know what love is, I want you to show me--'
Steve slams his hand against the console, cutting off the song with a harsh crack. 
The van is parked just behind the Beemer so Eddie can't see Steve's face, but his head drops down onto the wheel for just the briefest moment before he slowly lifts it, turns on his signal and pulls away from the curb. 
Steve beats him to the house.
He's getting out of the car, which is parked on the long driveway as Eddie pulls up to the street. 
Eddie hops out of the van, hiking his backpack higher up on his shoulders, not bothering to lock it. Who would even want his shitty van among the BMWs and Mercedes parked down this street --hell, Eddie could have sworn he saw a Jag three houses down.
Eddie stops short of the lawn. The Harrington house is so different in the light of day, the strange emptiness that seemed to ooze out of the dark windows the night before has disappeared, leaving an ordinary house in its wake. 
"Well?" Steve calls out as he pulls a pair of keys from his back pocket and spins them once on his finger, "you coming or what Munson?" 
Eddie rolls his eyes and jogs to catch up to Steve who turns on his heel to stride up the walk. He stuffs the key into the deadbolt and swings one of the double doors inwards before shucking off his sneakers.
No shoes? Fucking rich people man.
Steve must notice Eddie's expression because he blushes and shrugs, "I know, I know, but my parents will be home for Thanksgiving this year so…may as well…"
He gestures around the sterile foyer with a tight smile, as though it explains everything. 
If anything, Eddie has more questions. 
Steve cuts off the thought by clearing his throat, "we should smoke outside, last thing I need is for you to burn a hole in the couch or something".
Eddie steps over the threshold and has to stop himself from whistling, were the ceilings always this high in this place?
He lifts his foot to unlace his left chuck, snorting at the strange little table in the middle of the foyer. A giant vase sits atop it filled with a mixture of what have to be silk flowers --no way they were real. He pulls the shoe off and tosses it to the side before lifting his right foot. 
Eddie never had the greatest balance so he hops back and forth with his right foot in the air before hopping as close as he can to the wall of the foyer and leaning back against it.
He finally gets the knot in his laces undone and throws the sneaker to the floor, dropping his right foot to the hardwood.
Eddie looks up to find Steve staring with a bemused expression on his face, he ignores the wide hazel eyes and removes the backpack from his shoulders -which can't have been helping the balance issue. 
Eddie unzips the top and yanks out the trusty metal lunchbox, sliding a wicked grin into place.
"You said something about outside?"
By the time they've settled, facing one another on a couple of pool loungers, the sun has begun to dip low, painting the patio and empty pool a warm glowing copper. It catches Steve's hair, which shines like gold in the dying sunlight, like some Autumnal Fae King--
Eddie wants to slap himself, suddenly thankful for the November wind that cuts through the backyard, forcing him to chillout.
He picks up the grinder from his lunchbox, unscrewing the cap to open it.
"You good with a joint this evening my good King?" 
He pours a handful of a new strain Rick let him try the other day into the grinder and starts twisting. It's not something he would typically share with anyone other than Jeff, but Steve seemed like he could use something a little more special tonight.
Eddie looks up after a beat of silence, "yo, Major Tom, you with me?" 
Steve's face is pinched, tilted towards the empty pool, "please don't call me that," he says quietly.
"Major Tom?"
Steve raises his eyes to meet Eddie's gaze, his mouth cuts a hard line across his face, the typical easy grin it usually houses is gone. 
"King-Steve," he runs a hand through his hair, letting the fingers linger to grip and pull, "I just, that's not who I am anymore, I don't--"
Steve swallows harshly, "that's all anyone could talk about this morning".
He drops his voice and octave, "oh, King Steve is so pussy whipped he let his girl fuck Jonathan Byers before she dumped him".
"Is that what Hargrove said?" Eddie asks quietly as he pours out a portion of weed onto a paper.
Steve shakes his head, "that was Tommy, but that wasn't why I hit him". 
Eddie nods, and lifts the joint to his mouth to run his tongue along the edge of the paper. Steve watches him from the lounger, his eyes follow the movement before he blinks and continues.
"Tommy and I had been best friends since we were five, he uh, he knows a lot about me," Steve lifts his hand to his mouth and chews the nail of his thumb briefly before dropping it back into his lap.
"Stuff I don't tell anyone, stuff he knows will hurt". 
Eddie nods, twisting the joint closed, he can kind of understand that, although the only person in his life that knew him like that was Wayne.  
And Wayne would never hurt him. 
Did Steve really not have anyone else like that in his life, someone he could tell anything to that wouldn't look at him weird or judge him. Someone safe.
"Anyway, Hargrove started in on me after that, but he's been fucking with me for awhile so," Steve shrugs again, "he saw his big opportunity here".
"Hargrove's been messing with you?" Eddie asks sharply as he pours more weed onto another paper. He lifts it and runs his tongue along the edge of the paper before twisting it into shape. When he looks up, Steve's ears have gone slightly pink and he's sitting strangely, slightly hunched and twisted.
"Yeah," Steve says after a moment, he clears his throat and straightens his back, "yeah, it's just been at practice so far, and I thought it was just because he wanted to one up me for my spot but," he shakes his head, "it's getting worse". 
"You know, I have a bit of a reputation around school," Eddie says slowly, carefully, watching as Steve freezes and looks at Eddie with wide eyes.
"The Hellfire club is more than just the game we're playing, it's also kind of a sanctuary for kids that don't have anyone to lean on, we look after each other," Eddie continues, ignoring the way Steve relaxes slightly, "you wouldn't need to play or anything but if you need somewhere to sit at lunch now…" 
Steve looks at Eddie for a long time, his expression blank, guarded, "really? Just like that?" 
"Yeah man, besides I get to use my 'Mean and Scary Guy' persona on these fuckers so it's a win-win for me".
Steve grins, raising one skeptical eyebrow, "mean and scary?"
Eddie bristles a little bit at the questioning tone in Steve's voice and can't quite swallow the urge to snarl, "yeah I mean you looked plenty scared of the town freak yesterday". 
Steve winces and immediately starts to shake his head, inching forward in his seat so he's even closer to Eddie, their knees are almost touching.
"That's not, I wasn't," he stops and takes a deep breath, "I was upset about Nancy and it was so dark outside, the trees--"
"You afraid of the dark Harrington?" Eddie cuts him off, the lingering irritation still simmers in his voice as he coos. 
Steve just looks at him, there's something strange about the haunted expression on his face that makes the hair on the back of Eddie's arms stand on end. 
"Things happen in the dark, in the woods," Steve says softly, his eyes drift to the empty pool again. 
Eddie opens his mouth to ask Steve what the hell he means by that, when a voice shouts across the yard.
"Steve? STEVE?!" 
The sound of someone running through the grass has them both of their feet, the joints forgotten on the pool loungers. 
A kid, he can't be more than twelve or thirteen, skids into the porchlight that has replaced the last copper rays of evening light, the sun fully set by now. The kid's blue eyes are wide underneath a mop of curly hair and hat, he's breathing hard.
"I need your help".
Tag List: @eriquin @luvinthefreaks @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @goodolefashionedloverboi @ellietheasexylibrarian @bambibiest @sadboislovebeans @howincrediblysapphicofyou @coleys-a-nerd @whycantiuseunderscore @airconditioning123 @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @corrodedbisexual @starman-jpg @ilovecupcakesandtea @yoriposts @clumsiluni @pelinelin @phantomcat94 @lololol-1234 @anaibis @airconditioning123 @steveshairspray @hellfireone @sunswathe @eddielives1986 @tentativeghost @robin-not-batman @estrellami-1 @manda-panda-monium @tinyplanet95 @perseus-notjackson
Part Five
and for some peeps that I think may be interested! @steddierthings @steddie-there @steves-strapcollection @outpastthebrakers @henderdads @stevesbipanic
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flowercrowngods · 2 months
In the end, it is the sound of a car door slamming shut that snaps Buckley out of her stupor, and she all but flies off the steps towards the truck. Towards where Eddie can vaguely make out the shape of a badly bruised face, the play of light and darkness not enough to conceal the deep purple splotches or the sluggishness of his movements as he raises his head. Turning toward Buckley like a flower to the sun. 
She presses her hand to the window for a second, just looking at him — and Eddie is glad he can’t see either of their faces. He has a feeling that what he’d see there would haunt him forever.
He looks away from them, back to Wayne who doesn’t seem at all surprised to have another stray in his home, simply rounds the car to talk to her. His words don’t make it all the way to Eddie, but a part of him is glad about it. 
This is not his moment. This is not about him. He’s just… sort of there. Steve’s got Robin, and Wayne’s got Steve. Eddie’s just standing around in his kitchen, worry gnawing at him that he’s missed his mark. Missed the role call. Missed his position in the scene, and now it carries on without him. 
Rooted to the spot, beginning to feel restless and unsettled as a new kind of anxiety creeps up on him to swallow him whole, Eddie looks around for something to do. Something to be useful. But there’s nothing… What does he… How can he— 
“Ed,” Wayne calls, his voice a little strained as he has Steve’s arm across his shoulder to support him down the driveway and up the steps. 
Buckley is on Steve’s other side, her jaw still clenched, her mouth still shut. In their middle, Steve’s eyes are shut, but a frown between them speaks of the pain he must be feeling still. He doesn’t complain, though; barely even groans. Eddie flits his eyes back to Wayne, feeling stragely caught. Not sure if he should go there and help, take either of their places, or— 
“Can you grab a glass of water, please, son?” 
Water! Glass! Yes, he can do that, he can do that. The cool handle doesn’t feel real against his hand, still sort of freezing, but he manages to open the cabinet and get out a glass. Hyper-focused on the smooth texcute against his fingers, the edges and curves seeming deeper and wider now than usual. 
He grabs another for Wayne and one for Robin, and carries them over to where they’re gently placing Steve on the couch, feeling robotic in his motions and losing all momentum the second the glass hits the table with a dull sound that courses through his whole body. 
“Thanks,” Harrington croaks, and Eddie is reminded of Blue. Of Not gonna break, Eddie. Of You know, sometimes I wish he would. 
He flinches back and swallows hard, rubbing his clammy hands on his jeans and decidedly not looking at the black eye, the massive swelling, or the split skin he can see so clearly now that the blood has been wiped away, tiny strips of band-aid serving as little highlights on bruised and broken skin. 
“You got it, man,” he mumbles, his voice a perfect mirror to Harrington’s croak, but Eddie has no excuse for it other than cowardice and strange, petrifying kind of fear stuck somewhere between He’s gonna die on my couch and He’ll be okay if only he stays here. 
In either scenario, Eddie feels like he shouldn’t move. Like this should become a still life, a painting; a companion piece to Robin’s, just moments ago. 
He looks to Wayne, not moving his head, just his eyes, feeling like a deer in the headlights even though none of this is about him. Wayne, bless him, is already looking at him, and his face is filled with such patient determination and understanding that Eddie feels another sob welling up in his throat. 
“Go change your sheets, Eddie, and grab the spare bedding from the closet. Steve’s parents aren’t home and he’s not to be alone. Doctor’s orders.” He turns to Robin, who’s cradling Steve’s face with such tenderness, her slim, trembling fingers look wrong against the reds and blues and purples of his face. “You can stay, too, just let me call your parents so they know where you’re at.” 
She looks like she wants to be polite and tell him that’s not necessary, but that look is quickly replaced with relief that Eddie feels is contagious almost. 
Another croak. A rasp. And Eddie wonders if she thinks about still lives, too, or if she’s just holding back tears. 
who did this to you pt. 4 snippet. to fill the silence (preceding snippets for this chapter are here)
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luveline · 1 year
I have a potential request for the eddie zombie!AU! could I request eddie taking shy!reader under his wing as he is traveling? maybe she is injured and is like 100% sure she’s going to die but then eddie comes along like a knight and helps her to safety, and then they just stick together?
thank you for your request angel! —eddie finds you wounded in the midst of the apocalypse and wants to help, 2.5k, fem!reader. tw for zombie apocalypse typical circumstance, blood and injury
Eddie is absolutely sick of being alone. He imagined the apocalypse cooler than it turned out to be —there aren't that many people around anymore and he's constantly a bit hungry, and having long hair is now the norm. He hasn't seen a real living human being in three weeks and he's starting to wonder (worry) if he's the last man on Earth. 
That is, until he sees blood on the sidewalk outside of a pizza place. He'd been planning on going inside just to smell the floury scent of pizza dough, and maybe pretend to answer the phone (he never worked as a delivery guy, but he thinks it might've been his calling). Blood is everywhere in the apocalypse. Genuinely everywhere, and it smells bad when it's old, vinegary and acrid. There's blood on car doors, bloody handprints on windows, pools of it where people died and then their bodies, reanimated and without control, stood and walked off again. 
So Eddie's gotten good at blood. He knows old blood from new blood when he sees it, dead blood from alive blood, and the blood trail leading behind the smashed glass door of the pizza place is both new and alive. Or, probably alive. Was alive. He nudges it with his shoe, and it's still wet, not even slightly clotted. 
Definitely alive. 
Eddie doesn't really think about how whoever it is that's inside could murder him in cold blood for his gear. Eddie's sort of stacked —he has a bike, a proper one like a professional doing the Tour De French, or whatever, he doesn't remember what it's called, would need. The point is that he has a really sturdy bike and a wagon strapped behind it full of camping shit, and the world is so desolate that nobody's tried to shank him for it yet. He leaves his bike by the door and tries to open the door slowly, not wanting to startle whoever it is that's bleeding that badly into hiding from him and his extensive first aid kit. 
Eddie pulls it to his chest and steps carefully over a path of broken glass. 
"Hey," he calls out. He clears his throat. "Is someone here? I– listen, I'm not here to hurt you, I saw the blood, and I have bandages and antiseptic and everything you need. Maybe. Unless you got shot, I can't do stitches for shit, trust me." Trust the weird huge scar on his ankle. 
"Listen," he continues, approaching the counter, peering behind it at a skyscraper of pizza boxes and a dust covered floor, "I know you have no reason to trust me, so I'm gonna go sit outside, and if you want to come out where I can't corner you, I'll help. I swear." 
He follows the trail of blood to the cabinet under the ingredients counter. The door moves near imperceptibly.
He gives it a second, and then Eddie turns to leave.
"Wait," says a girl's voice, muffled and weak, "wait, please." 
Eddie waits, spinning on his heel to watch as you push open the cabinet door. 
He's surprised at the cleanliness of your top half until he realises the bottom of you might as well have been dipped in an exploded blood bank. 
"Oh, shit," he says, rushing forward. 
You flinch back and he follows on unperturbed, even when you throw your hands up to cover your face. 
"I'm not gonna do anything," he promises, panicked, "where are you bleeding? You'll have to show me." He makes sure you can see his lack of weapons and his huge green first aid kit. 
"It's my side," you say, and as soon as you speak you start to cry, little shuddering huffs of pain escaping you as Eddie kneels at your side. "I– I– I tried to climb over a fence, and I got caught on the barbed wire, I didn't– I don't–" 
He shushes you with as much gentleness as he possesses and pulls up your shirt. It's your hip, not your side, and the cut is a frankly gruesome laceration into the fat. Eddie's going to have to sew you up after all. 
He knows what he should do even if he's only done it once before, finding your blood covered hand on instinct and squeezing it. "It's okay," he says, not knowing if it will be, "I can fix it. I have everything, okay? Can I fix it?" 
"Please," you whimper. 
He doesn't need any pleading. He clicks open the first aid kit and looks first for gauze, pressing it to your side even as blood pools wet and shiny on the floor beneath you. You're in agony, clearly, twisting away from his touch. 
"Please stay still," he says, firm but kind. "It'll hurt more the more you move. I have painkillers, and I'll give you some right now. Right now, okay? Stay still." 
You shriek as he presses down on your hip but you don't move. He hates having hooked a sound like that from you —Eddie's not a violent person, even if he's rough around the edges— and he rushes to correct it. He swaps the soaked gauze for a second, pressing down hard again, and remembers with a white hot panic that he didn't disinfect his hands. 
It's rough going. He finds the painkillers, you take them dry. He has the urge to touch your cheek because you're in so much pain, and the blood has somehow ended up on your face like a crimson tear. Eddie disinfects his hand and your hip, which still hurts wildly untouched by the painkillers, and opens a sterile packaging of needle and medical thread. His hands shake as he ties the thread with tweezers. It's imperative he doesn't touch the needle, even if he did disinfect his hands, because it will end up deep in your skin. 
By the time he's ready to start the stitches you're crying and not speaking, a hand pressed to your mouth. "I don't know how much the painkillers have worked, and I don't think they'll stop this from hurting, but I think I have to stitch it before you lose too much blood. Is that okay? Can I start?" he asks. 
You nod hurriedly. "Just– Don't– Just ignore me if I ask you to stop," you say weakly. 
Eddie bites the inside of his cheek until he can taste blood as strongly as he smells it. 
He stitches your wound closed. It's a jagged wound shaped like an italicised 'y', and he does it as carefully as he can manage, even if the amount of blood pouring from it scares him. He doesn't want to do it wrong and have the stitches rip, or cause more pain than they need too. 
He never wants to hear someone make the sounds you make ever again. When he tells you it's alright, that you don't have to bite them back, you start to sob with each string he tugs. He can't imagine how fiery the pain is. 
When it's done, he disinfects your hip again generously. He must not do a bad job at stitching you up, because while the wound weeps blood into the disinfectant like dye seeping into fabric, it's ten times slower. You look down at your hip, hiccup, and look away. There's blood everywhere, so Eddie pulls you by the underarms across the floor and sits you up. You're still crying, sobbing, but you don't say anything. Eddie wipes away as much blood as he can. Then he covers your newly stitched wound with a fresh, thick square of gauze and tapes it. Finally, he wraps bandages around your waist to keep everything in place, and to apply pressure to the wound. 
He looks at your clammy face with a mixture of pity and newfound pride. He doesn't know who you are, but you did a damn good job.
"Well done," he says, rubbing the lengths of your arms quickly, like a hug without closing in on you. "You did awesome. I'm gonna run outside to get my stuff, I have a shirt that should fit you, and some pants. Water, food. I have whatever you need." 
"A tranquilliser?" you ask. 
"Maybe not one of those."
Eddie retrieves his bike and his wagon, carting them into the kitchen, through your blood trail, and into the staff room behind you. It's snug but there's a couch, and that's all that matters. He shoves the bike aside and runs back to your side, crouching. You look like you're gonna pass out.
"Hey," he says, "can I lift you up?" 
"It's gonna hurt," you say. 
"Yeah, but there's a couch in there, and a door that locks, I don't want us to get attacked while we can't move." 
"Are you going to attack me?" you ask, looking like you want to curl up in a ball and disappear. 
He shakes his head quickly. "No. I promise." 
A promise from someone you don't know isn't worth much, but you take it, and Eddie helps you up and into the staff room. Your crying wanes. Maybe the painkillers are working, or maybe you've run out of steam. Acclimatised to the pain. 
Eddie stops before he gets to the couch. "No funny business, I'm gonna take off your pants." 
"It's okay, whatever," you gasp out. "Sit me down." 
Eddie unbuttons your jeans and you kick them off the best that you can. Your legs are streaked with blood too, but at least you can sit down without absolutely ruining the couch you'll be sleeping on for the next few days. Eddie locks the door, grabs the clothes shears, and cuts off your top. You really do look at him then, your eyes wide with fear, and he backs away from you with his hands up. 
"Sorry," he says, "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to scare you. You've been holding your elbow, I thought maybe you hurt that too, didn't want you to lift your arm."
Your fear ebbs with his explanation. He grabs clothes from his wagon, ears piqued when you speak up. "I think I've broken it."
"Your arm?" he asks. That's an entirely different problem. It could be painful for the rest of your life.
"My elbow. It's swollen." 
"I'll give you more painkillers," he says assuringly. 
He grabs the shirt that looks like it'll fit you and a pair of pants that will be too big. He doesn't know why he has all this stuff that doesn't fit him, he kinda thought they were cool. And who could abandon a Dio t-shirt when no one will ever make one ever again?
"Do you need help?" he asks. 
You sigh regretfully. "I don't think I really have a choice."
"You do. We could throw a blanket over you? Two blankets, even." 
"Please help me put on the t-shirt," you say. 
He doesn't resent you at all for sounding untrusting, even if he did potentially save your life a few minutes ago. People are cruel and will do the worst thing they can do to another person if they want to. He helps you into the t-shirt. You flinch when you straighten out your arm, but it goes on well. Next he helps you into the cargo pants that are luckily a starchy but flexible cotton. You wince as they reach your hip. He lets them lie low. 
He makes sure there's a pillow behind your head, laying his favourite blanket over you and tucking you in amicably. 
Pulling his hair out of his face, Eddie laments how sweaty he is and eyes the wagon for what best to feed you with. You're probably nauseous from pain, so while he'd love to feed you hearty oxtail soup or a can of meatballs that promise protein, he grabs a box of crackers, a tin of vegetable soup that he knows from experience is watery and sad, and his big flask of water. 
He sits down a half a foot from you on the couch. 
"Here," Eddie says, opening the crackers. "You should eat something, please. And drink some water, too." 
You accept everything silently, though after a few morose chews of saltine you murmur, "Thank you." 
"You're welcome. Really welcome." 
"You didn't have to help me," you say, shivering with pain still but looking less like you’re going to pass out now you’ve stopped bleeding profusely.
He looks down at his hands, blood in the grooves of his palms, and shrugs. "Yeah, I did." 
"Most people wouldn't, though." 
"I don't think there's a precedent for what people do anymore. You're the first person I've seen in weeks."
"You're lucky." 
"Yeah?" He tucks his hair behind his shoulder. "I guess I am." 
You eat another cracker, and then you stick out your hand very tentatively. "I'm Y/N. Thank you for saving me." 
He shakes your hand with the same tentativeness.
"I'm Eddie," he says with a smile. "You're welcome." 
"I thought I was gonna die in the cabinet," you say, rubbing your eyes, "like a sick dog. I just wanted to be alone while it happened." 
It's a very solemn thing to admit to, and in the quiet of the room, your face and hands dull with blood, it's macabre.
"Sorry I didn't let you die," he says, trying not to laugh in shock. 
You visibly fluster, your embarrassment held tightly in the set of your shoulders and your frenetic hand as you rub your collar. "I didn't want to die. I don't want to." 
"Then you won't," Eddie says, knowing it's not that simple, but needing to persuade the agony from your face. 
You look down at your lap. Eddie searches for something to offer, something he can give now that you're lucid enough to know you were in the shit. It's terrifying business, knowing you could've died. 
"I have a bottle of Black Coconut rum if you're interested. I thought it might come in handy lighting fires, but I think you could use it," Eddie offers. 
"Yes," you say, your voice small. "I think so too." 
"If we had some pineapple juice, I would love to make you a Piña Colada. Now that would cheer you up." 
"Rum is fine, please." 
Eddie doesn't let you suffer. He gets up to grab the rum and passes it to you. You drink it in surprisingly eager glugs, rum running down your neck in shiny rivulets like shooting stars plummeting through a vermillion sky. He needs to help you clean the blood from your throat and face before it dries. 
You shudder and pass the rum bottle back to him, looking sicker than sick. "That wasn't bad," you say, eyes squeezed closed. You sound like you've been punched. 
Eddie hoots a laugh. He really missed having good company. 
thank you for reading! reblogs are appreciated, and if you have a request for this au let me know, I’d love to write more of their story!! <3
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neonghostlights · 11 months
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Chapter Two: What Did You Just Say?
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Alien!Eddie Munson x Fem!Famer!Reader
A/N: This chapter picks up right where the last chapter left off.
Series Summary: Your dull life gets flipped upside down when a stranger crash lands on your farm. When the mystery of what he is unravels, he takes you and your heart for a ride that is out of this world.
Warnings: Blood (it's green), Head injury/cut, Reader gets injured, Eddie chases reader (but not really), 18+ only
Wordcount: 3.4k
Chapter One here
“Are you okay?” You asked the injured man. 
He blinked one slow blink instead of answering. His hand tightened around your wrist with a squeeze before letting go completely. The loss of his touch on your wrist felt heavy and you didn’t know why. 
He rubbed his head, staring down at green liquid coming from the wound with furrowed brows. It pooled on his fingertips and dripped down his long fingers, running in a stream towards his wrist. It was bright and unnaturally colored, nothing like anything you had ever seen before. 
The green blood was pretty weird. But if you needed to help him you couldn’t just focus on that. 
You tapped his shoulder, getting his attention. It seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in. He didn’t look up at you, he just started furiously tapping on the screen in front of him. 
You watched in awe as the buttons and gears illuminated on the panel in front of him. It looked like a high tech version of the inside of a luxury car. 
On the screen, a bunch of symbols popped up. You didn’t understand what any of it meant. He seemed to understand it completely though by the worried look on his face as his eyes scanned over them quickly. 
“Uh, sorry to interrupt. But you’re leaking green fluid and you probably need to see a doctor.” You hesitated as you spoke, unsure on what to do. They never give you instructions on what to do if a strange thing crashes on your family farm. You wished they had handbooks for situations like these. 
The man continued to ignore you as he continued typing into the screen, fingers moving in a blur from his speed. 
The screen lit up even brighter before a large enhanced picture of earth popped up. The man looked at it with raised brows and then at you, pointing at the screen. 
“Are you asking me if we’re on earth right now?”
He pointed to you and the screen again, waving his hand a little bit to get you to answer quickly. 
You nodded quickly. How could you have been so blind? This wasn’t an airplane or some sort of military vehicle. This was a spaceship. And that made the man you were staring at not a man at all, but an alien. 
“Uh, yep. That’s us. Now, if you don’t mind I’m gonna go make a few phone calls.”
The man watched you with furrowed, confused brows as you started to back away. You looked behind you to see Comet had moseyed back down the field to the rest of the cows, not bothered at all by the strange happenings. Of course she would save herself and leave you to handle the danger on your own.
When you got a few steps away, he frantically undid the halter type seat belt and pulled himself up from the wreckage, glass and metal crunching under his boots. He slid a little as he tried to get out quickly, obviously not wanting to let you get away. 
“No, no, no,” you demanded. “You stay there and just wait for the cops or the government or whoever happens to be on alien duty to show up, okay?” 
Maybe you shouldn’t have mentioned the cops. 
“Or maybe not the cops!” You corrected, placing two hands out in front of you as you slowly backed away. Your boots caught against some of the loose metal and broken glass around you. You would have to clean this up before one of the animals got hurt. 
He stood out of the wreckage now. He was taller than you thought he was going to be, with thin long arms that had a hint of muscle bulging at the biceps. His long sleeve shirt and pants were tight, forming to him. Black lace up boots came up to about his mid calf. 
He stumbled towards you, gaining his footing. Poor guy had to be dizzy from hitting his head after presumably falling out of the sky at record speed. It was a miracle that he was even alive. Maybe that thing had airbags in it. 
“Just stay right there,” you cooed, taking the voice you would use to get animals or children to listen. 
He didn’t listen though. He got his bearings and started to stride towards you with a determined look. 
“No!” you yelled, but he didnt stop. 
So, you did the best thing you could think of when posed in a life threatening situation like this. 
You ran for your life. 
You sprinted towards the house with your back turned away from him, leaving you vulnerable for him to come up behind you. Your boots pounded across the grass, thudding with each step you took. 
Nights on the farm were devoid of all light except for the moon, the stars, and the light pole your grandfather had added next to the house. You stumbled through the field, your foot landing in a shallow hole and sending you towards the ground. 
You hit the grass with a thud and the air left your lungs with a wheeze. It hurt like hell but you couldn’t just lie there like you wanted to. You needed to get inside and call for help before he could catch up to you. 
You scrambled forward. A sharp pain shot up your leg from your ankle when you put pressure on it but you had to ignore it for now. 
You climbed over the rickety wooden fence, a splinter of wood embedding itself into your palm. It made more sense to climb over it than pausing to open and close the gate behind you. The wooden planks wobbled from your weight, creaking from the weak wood. You really needed to replace that damn fence.
You tilted over and fell on your side. God, this was awful. Now you know why those girls in horror movies always fall. It was hard to stay up straight when running for your life. If the stranger behind you had a knife you’d be done for already. 
You took a second to glance back to see him high tailing towards you, just a couple of feet away from you. His long legs covered more ground than you could. Here you were, falling all over the place and injuring yourself in the process while he looks like he hasn’t even broken a sweat. 
You let out a scream and got back up, crossing the gravel driveway and climbing onto the front porch. You threw yourself up the steps, grasping the metal handle to the screen door. It slipped between your sweaty fingers on the first try. 
You made the mistake of turning to see how close he was now. You felt him before you saw him. His body pushed up against yours, trapping you against the screen door. His back was to your front, arms spread to keep you behind him. 
You froze, confused by his actions. “What are you doing?” You yelled, pushing his back so he would move. He didn’t even budge an inch. 
You did your best to lean around him to look at his face. He looked panicked, eyes wide and head swiveling, obviously looking for some sort of danger. 
You realized then that he didn’t know that you were running from him. You also realized that he was trying to protect you from the unknown threat. 
It was kind of sweet. 
You flicked the back of his neck to get his attention, deciding not to go with his head since he was already banged up. 
“Get off of me. I was running from you.” 
He turned at your voice to face you, rubbing the back of his neck with a wince from where you had plucked him. 
His head was bleeding heavier now, most likely from his running getting his blood pumping. 
You sighed, feeling bad now. He didn’t seem like he would be a danger to you. He was hurt and probably confused. If he was going to hurt you he would have already done so by now and he definitely wouldn’t have tried to protect you. 
You opened the door behind you and gestured for him to follow you inside. You pointed at the couch and told him to sit while you went to get your first aid kit from the bathroom. 
You dug underneath the bathroom sink until you found what you were looking for. You held it up triumphantly, turning to go back to the living room when you ran right into your new friend, who was supposed to be waiting for you in the living room. 
You jumped back in surprise before you narrowed your eyes at him. “I told you to wait,” you muttered as you grabbed his arm and pulled him back to the couch, pushing on his shoulder so he would sit. 
When you were sure he wouldn’t get up again you opened the first aid kit. “So, what are you? Where are you from? I mean, you’re obviously not from here and from here I mean the planet earth unless you’re playing a prank. But I’m not sure how you would fake the green blood or the crashed spaceship in my cow field,” you said with a laugh that verged on the edge of hysterics. You squirted some cleaner onto the gauze. 
You dabbed the cut on his forehead. The man hissed in pain, grabbing your wrist to pull you away. You stayed steady, not letting him move you. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled. “I have to clean this or you’re going to get an infection. Okay, so we’ve covered that you’re not from here. So does that mean you’re an alien?” You dabbed at it gently while he still held onto your wrist. His fingers rubbed against your pulse point, sending chills up your arm. You blamed it on his seemingly chilled skin. His body temperature seemed to be lower than yours. You weren’t sure if it was from his injury or if that was just how he naturally was.  
The man looked you in the eyes and mumbled something to you in a gravelly voice. 
“Huh?” You asked, pulling out some adhesive sutures from your kit. These would have to do. 
He repeated his words, slower this time but you still didn’t understand. It didn’t sound like any language you had ever heard before. 
Your eyes moved from the green blood blotting the gauze you had used, to his full lips which were mouthing words that didn’t make sense, and then to the cold feeling of his skin against yours where he held onto your wrist. You thought of the weird contraption he had been in, the screen with the picture of earth on it, and how he had pointed at you and the picture as if to make sure that was the planet he was on. 
You dropped the supplies you were holding from your hand and started to back away. He let go of your wrist, looking at you with a questionable look. What the hell were you doing? Based on what you’ve gathered, he wasn’t from this world. Hell, he probably wasn’t even from this universe. 
He said something again in his language, softer this time. It sounded like a plea but you couldn’t be sure. His hand reaching out for yours. You felt kind of bad for the poor guy. He crash landed onto a planet that wasn’t his own. It seemed like he couldn’t understand your language. He was hurt and probably in pain. 
You let out a dramatic exhale and clapped your hands together. He jumped back at the noise. 
“Okay, this is what we’re gonna do. We aren’t going to call the police because I’m pretty sure if they do that they’re gonna drag you away to some sort of laboratory or something and you seem like you don’t want to hurt anyone. All you need to do is fix up your little space craft thing and you’ll be good to go,” you rambled, knowing that he couldn’t understand you. To his credit though, he gave you his undivided attention anyways. 
“So this leaves us with what I’m going to do with you for now though…” you trailed off. You couldn’t make him sleep in the barn. That would just be mean. “Stay here,” you mumbled as you went to go find some blankets and pillows for him. He, of course, did not listen and followed you throughout the house. He observed everything as he went by with curious eyes. They must not have houses like this wherever he’s from. 
He trailed behind you, stepping on your heels a few times which earned him dirty looks from you. To his credit he did look at least a little apologetic. You spread the blankets out on the couch to make a makeshift bed. You fluffed the pillow and pointed at it. “Sleep.” 
He looked at you and then back down at the couch with a blank look. 
You groaned and guided him to sit on the couch then pushed on his shoulders to lie down.
He laid on the couch like a corpse with his arms crossed against his chest as he stared up at you. It didn’t look comfortable but it would have to do for now. You took a blanket, an old quilt your grandmother had made, and tossed it over him. You hoped he didn’t expect you to tuck him in. 
“Alright, goodnight,” you called as you switched off the lights in the living room, just leaving one lamp on in case he got scared or something. Do aliens get scared of the dark? You double checked the lock on the front door and slowly crept out of the room and towards your bedroom. 
You took a deep breath when your bedroom door closed behind you. You let your head thump against the wooden door. What the hell were you doing? Not only did you have a strange man in your living room, but a strange man that was most likely not from this world. 
Well, you always said you wanted to have an adventure. Here it was. 
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You woke up before your alarm went off like you did every morning. Your body had become fine tuned at waking up before the sun ever peeked over the horizon. 
You stretched, contemplating all of your life choices that led you to having to wake up this early to not only work, but to also confront the handsome alien man that was sleeping on your couch. 
Unlocking your bedroom door and pushing the dresser that you used as a barricade with all of your body strength out of the way, you crept silently into the living room. He probably wouldn’t even be up yet. It was pretty early and he had obviously had a rough night. 
The lamp was still on in the living room, illuminating the now empty spot on the couch. The blankets were on the ground, like he had tossed them off and jumped up suddenly. 
“Alien?” You whispered-yelled throughout the dark house, checking room to room with no success. 
He had disappeared. 
“What the hell?” You groaned. How can someone lose an alien only hours after they got them? 
Maybe he left, deciding to go to town on his own. Or maybe he had a buddy pick him up and give him a ride back to whatever planet he came from. 
You sighed in relief at his absence, going to your room to get ready for the day.
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It took less than five minutes to throw on a pair of jeans and boots to head out into the field to take care of what you needed to take care of. 
You threw open the door, inhaling the fresh morning air and stretching your arms out to the still dark sky and groaning as your joints loosened up. Maybe last night was a weird dream. You tested your weight on your ankle, still feeling the ache from where you fell during your run. It wasn’t awful but it was still there. 
You chewed on your lip. Where the hell was he? You looked out to the cow field and saw the wreckage still there. You’d have to find a way to pull that into the barn before someone else saw it and started to ask questions. 
Squinting your eyes to try to see the spaceship better from where you were, you could barely make out his movements beside it. You crossed the field, heading to him. You hoped he would have it fixed so he would just be able to leave now. 
When you got to him, he was sitting in the driver's seat. The sharp pieces of glass that covered the grass around the ship the night before had been cleaned up and laid in a pile in what looked to be a passenger seat. You’d have to find a way to thank him, you had been worried about the cows somehow getting hurt if they got too close to it. 
He smiled at you when he saw you, looking genuinely pleased to see you. It was surprising, since you really hadn’t been the nicest to him. He started rummaging through some sort of glove department. It was weird how much the inside resembled a two seat car but with a large touch screen with buttons surrounding it, purple glass, a circular shape, and a two handled steering wheel. 
He pulled out whatever he was looking for, a small metal box that fit into the palm of his hand. His fingers curled around it, waving it triumphantly for a second. He opened it, revealing what looked to be a small computer screen, two ear plugs, and a smooth metal chip that almost looked like a guitar pick but smaller. He tapped on the screen, holding it out to you. 
He stood up out of the seat, staring at you expectantly. You weren’t sure what he wanted you to do so you just stared at him with a confused look and gave him a small wave. You weren’t touching the things in his hands. For all you knew they were some weird mind control and before you knew it you would end up in a test tube to be studied by the aliens. 
Isn’t that how all of the abduction stories go? 
He said something in his language, it sounded rushed and excited. He tapped on the screen again and held it out in front of your face. You shuffled back. 
“Get that damn thing out of my face,” you snapped, not really meaning to be mean with him. You were just scared. 
The screen lit up a bright purple at the sound of your voice and he moved it away, facing it towards him again. He started tapping on it some more. He pulled out the earbuds and put one in each ear and placed the metal chip thing under his tongue. He closed his mouth for a second, focusing on something. You could see his tongue moving on the inside of his cheek like he was trying to get the thing in the right position. 
Finally, he stopped, a big smile crossing his face. Bright teeth showing in the early morning sunlight as it crested over the rolling hills of the field. It was strange how human he looked, but also not. What really gave him away was his beauty, the inhuman kind. There was no man walking around this earth that looked like that. 
Not even the men on the cover of your favorite books were that pretty. The alien wasn’t beefy or overly muscular, but you could see the swell of the muscle on his biceps, like he worked with his arms a lot. It looked good for his tall, thin frame. You imagined that if you could see through his tight clothing, you would probably see a toned stomach. 
You shook your head, trying to free yourself from those thoughts. You shouldn’t be wondering what was going on under the aliens' clothing. This wasn’t some science fiction romance book. 
He opened his mouth then closed it. He stopped for a second, looking off like he was thinking hard about something before opening his mouth to speak again. 
“Hello, human. My name is Eddie,” he said, completely in English. 
You froze, your brain ceasing to function for a moment. There was no way the alien man learned a new language that quickly. You couldn’t believe it. 
“What did you just say?”
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jimraisedmeup · 2 months
TICK // 6.1 - i feel you
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Rating: mature (violence, language)
Word Count: 500
A/N: First and foremost, thank you to everyone who has taken a portion of their time to read TICK... words cannot explain my joy to know if even one person can relate to it or make them feel some type of way. I also wanted to mention, this is a random short chapter - just for this one, we are fast forwarding to 1986, what I am calling "present day" (AKA Season 4) for a smidge ;-D As part of the storytelling, I might do this more, and there might be small time skips coming up, so, *wink wink* watch the date at the beginning of each chapter. thank u agn love u all
...now let's get on with it.
I feel you Your sun it shines I feel you Within my mind
Spring Break 1986 - present day
Eddie Munson held a broken beer bottle against Steve Harrington's throat. 
Three dark figures rushed forward, at the front being Dustin Henderson. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Eddie! Eddie! Stop!" He was frantic.
But Eddie knew better than to let his guard down at the mere arrival of a friendly face. Even the innocent face of a freshman in the Hellfire Club. The situation was dire.
"Eddie. Eddie. It's me. It's Dustin." The shorter kid gestured towards Harrington. "This is Steve. He's not gonna hurt you, right, Steve?"
The douchebag in his grasp was barely visible in the dark boathouse, but Eddie could feel him nod.
"Right. Yeah."
"Steve, why don't you drop the oar?" Dustin suggested.
He hesitated for a second, but then Harrington finally dropped the oar. The sudden sound of it crashing on the ground only prompted Eddie to press the broken glass further onto Steve's neck.
The trio behind him pleaded with him.
"He's cool! He's. Cool." 
Past the glints of light coming off his own silver rings, Eddie made eye contact with the guy struggling in his grasp. 
"I'm cool, man. I'm cool."
"What are you doing here?" was the only thing Eddie Munson could think to ask.
Dustin raised his hands before him. "We're looking for you."
A familiar voice chirped from Dustin's right, distracting him for a second. "We're here to help." 
He felt a tugging at the back of his skull... a distant memory. Dustin kept rambling.
"Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin, from band. This is my friend Max. The one who never wants to play D&D," Dustin paused. "Eddie. We're on your side. I swear on my mother! Right guys?"
Everyone else around him quickly concurred. But Eddie's mind went completely blank at the name Robin.
"Yes. Yes. We swear." A small red-haired girl, looking extremely depressed.
"On Dustin's mother." That familiar voice again, bringing him back to images and memories he repressed over a year ago. 
Eddie was pulled out of his thoughts by Harrington speaking, squirming in his grip.
"Yeah, Dustin's… Dustin's mother."
He stared at the Harrington kid for a second, remembering all the times he and his jock friends called him a "freak". But now wasn't the time for old grudges. A new dawn approached.
Eddie let him go and stepped away.
"Jesus Chr-" Steve complained, holding his neck.
The rest of them watched Eddie carefully as he leaned against the wall, slowly sliding down until he reached the floor. His head felt like a timebomb ready to blow at any moment.
Dustin crouched in front of him. "We just want to talk. Okay."
"We want to know what happened." The girl with short hair and blue eyes approached him. Those damn blue eyes.
"Robin Buckley?"
"Uh… the one and only." She couldn't have possibly looked more uncomfortable.
Eddie was utterly confused for a moment, his brown eyes moving to each of the faces like he was looking for someone.
"Wait," he spoke, his voice hoarse. "How exactly did you guys find me?"
Unbeknownst to the shaken man, you sat on the hood of the car outside, acting as a lookout.
I feel you Each move you make I feel you Each breath you take
Where angels sing And spread their wings My love's on high You take me home To glory's throne By and by
(song lyrics credit: "I Feel You" by Depeche Mode)
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hyperfixationbi · 2 years
The boys in the band. (Corroded CoffinxReader)
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A/N: so this eventually gonna probably turn into an Eddiexreader little short series but I wanted to give some of my other corroded coffin boys love to. Maybe write them looking for Eddie and everything since the Duffer brother didn’t give us much of anything and I personally don’t believe his band would just not care like that. If you see the name Jeremy it’s what I’m calling the unnamed freak since the Duffer brother didn’t bother with that either. Hope you all enjoy.
Warning: cursing/violence that’s about it.
Summary: The whole town had been in an uproar since the queen of Hawkins high Chrissy Cunningham was found dead in one Eddie the freak Munson trailer. Accusing him of being a murder and the leader of a satanist cult. Which was all bull shit. You and your friends knew that. Now with Eddie missing the town very much has put a huge target on yours and your fellow band mates backs. How far will you go to protect your boys?
You moved to the quiet town of Hawkins Indiana when you were in the 8th grade. You were one of the shyest kids in your class that was until you met a loud boy with a buzz cut and his misfit friends. You were helping prepare for Hawkins 8th grade talent show. When you heard his band practicing for it. “Wow you guys suck.” You teased when the boy with buzzcut jump off stage landing in front of you. “An you think you can do better sweetheart?” He smirked and you nodded taking his guitar and strumming a few notes. “I know I can.” You smiled up at him.
From that point forward you had become fast friends with the boys. Gareth walked you to your classes all through out middle school and high school. He knew you hated walking alone since you tend to get picked on a lot for being the quiet kid. Jeff always helped you with homework and school projects insisting you not get held back like Eddie so you could always stick with the boys. Jeremy taught you how to play D&D so you always felt included into what the boys were doing and talking about. Eddie though you were the closest to him. From the day you met he’d walk you home from school till he got his license then you always got rides. He always confined in you about his next campaign for D&D or a new song he wrote for the band to play. He let you crash on his couch when you parents we’re having an extra bad fight so you didn’t have to go home to that. You always helped him get corroded coffin gigs. You even sometimes stood in for Eddie during band practices if he couldn’t make it like today.
The whole town had been on the hunt for him. Some how Chrissy Cunningham the queen bee of Hawkins high had ended up dead in his trailer. You didn’t know how but you knew Eddie was innocent. So did other member of corroded coffin to. You need to blow off some steam and clear your head so you and the boys decide to practices some of the new songs Eddie had wrote. You once again found yourself standing in for Eddie. You were barely through the first song when you heard tires screeching and one Jason carver and few of his basketball buddies stepping out of his car.
”You’re a little early, fellas. Show’s not till next week.” Gareth stood up first. One of the thing you admire most about him was his willingness to stand up for his friends immediately. “Oh that what you call music?” One of the basketball players laughed causing you to roll your eyes. “We’re looking for Eddie Munson he in this band if that what you can even call this.” Jason spoke “what do you want with Eddie?” You finally spoke up. “That our business.” Jason snapped back looking you up and down. “Lucas what are you doing with these douchebag?” Gareth words drew your attention up to the younger boy who you recognize as a part of the hellfire club. “We’re just trying to find Eddie man.” “Well you’ve got eyes he’s not here!” Gareth said when Jason swung on him pinning him to the ground by stepping on his hand “gonna be kinda hard to play the drums with a broken hand. Where is he then?!”
You had finally had enough picking up your guitar and swing it at Jason back causing it to break and Jason to stumble back off of Gareth. “He’s not fucking here! We don’t know where the fuck he is now go!” The other basketball player act as if they were gonna grab you when you point the broken end of the guitar at them as if you’d stab them with it. “Go!” You yelled at them watching them drag Jason unconscious body back to the car and drive off.
You helped Gareth up making sure his hand was okay. “Guys we gotta find Eddie before they do.” “I’m Afraid of what they will do if they find him.” The boys all nodded in agreement with you.
A/N: sorry this didn’t get proofread it 3am and I just finished it I’ll correct any mistakes In the morning when I wake up. This is my first fic back I’m hoping to turn it into a little series. Hope you all like it let me know what you think.
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ladydekarios · 2 years
In My Dreams- Chapter Three. Dream Evil
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Fic Summary: Your dreams are getting more and more intense, in nightmare territory. Someone is about to put the pieces of your dreams together, maybe they’re not just dreams?
A/N: Thank you so much for all the likes, reblogs and comments. I’m so very sorry for where this is heading, I promise it will have a happy ending! In this AU, everything happened as in the show with the exceptions of Eddie being involved or Max’s fate.
For Lexxie, happy birthday!
Special shout out to my good friend Spencer for all his help with this one!
Word Count: 3259
Warnings: Smut, horror and nightmare elements, supernatural elements, angst, mean parents, mentions of blood and violence.
I do NOT give permission for my work to be copied, translated or posted to any other platform.
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Chapter One | Chapter Two
Sunday morning is here, you didn’t end up going back to sleep. Nancy had called Steve who had shown up in the early hours. The girls were great for talking to but that’s not what you needed. What you needed was comfort and to feel safe, and as your best friend, Steve could provide that. You had to explain it all over again to him when he got there.
Steve lets out a sigh. “This isn’t normal y/n, that many nightmares in very few days. There’s got to be something else going on, right?” He turns to Nancy for back up.
“I agree, this feels odd even for Hawkins.” Nancy says.
“And if there’s any town in America that’s odd, it’s this one.” Robin chimes in, making your face crease up in confusion. You open your mouth to ask what she means when the phone rings.
Nancy answers. “Hello?” Oh hi Eddie.” Your breath hitches in your throat. “No you didn’t wake me. What can I do for you? Yes he is. Erm one moment let me ask.” She covers the receiver with her hand. “Eddie wants to know if you could go round to his?”
Steve’s back straightens, “Why does he want me?”
“Steve says why him?” There’s a pause while Eddie responds. Nancy’s bottom lip sticks out and she covers the receiver again. “Because you’re his best friend and he’s going through some shit and needs to know if he’s going crazy.”
“That sounds ominous.” Robin says before clapping her hand over her mouth.
“Tell him I’ll be there in a bit, got something to take care of first.” Steve says as he pulls you into the hug you so desperately need.
Nancy relays Steve’s message before bidding Eddie goodnight and hanging up the telephone. “I wonder what is going on with him.”
An hour later Steve is getting out of his car outside Eddie’s trailer, Eddie is sitting on the steps in red plaid pj pants and a white vest, his tattoos on full display and with bare feet.
“Hey man, you okay?” Steve asks as he approaches.
“No I’m really not!” Eddie says as he stands up, opening the trailer door and heading inside. Steve follows behind, “You want a drink? I have beer.”
“Sure.” Steve replies and sits on the couch, Eddie grabs the beers out of the fridge and sits down with Steve. “So…? You gonna tell me what’s going on?” Steve asks.
Eddie sighs. “I don’t know how to say this without sounding like a complete fruit loop.”
“Listen Ed, things are weird in this town. You’d be surprised by what sounds insane and actually turns out to be true.” Steve says as he takes a swig of his beer.
“Okay, so I take it you know that y/n and I broke up?” Steve nods, hoping that Eddie doesn’t ask if he knows why. He doesn’t want to lie to the poor guy and he promised he wouldn’t tell. “I don’t know why, but I feel broken by it. Anyway… ever since we broke up I’ve been having these really weird and vivid dreams…”
Steve sits and listens to Eddie, nodding along but completely flabbergasted. The dreams and nightmares Eddie is describing, mirror yours exactly. But Steve can’t tell him that, he needs to have a chat with Nancy first.
“Wow man! That sounds terrifying.” Steve says, trying to look like he hasn’t heard it before.
“Right?! I don’t know what it means but now I’m afraid to go to sleep. I can’t take seeing her die and losing her all over again.” Eddie says with his head in his hands.
Steve puts a hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “You can’t go without sleep though.”
Eddie stands up and raises his hands, “What am I meant to do Steve? I don’t know how to deal with having my heart broken let alone some fucking weird dreams!” Eddie chokes back a sob. “I don’t want to go back to who I was before her, she made me better.”
Steve sighs and makes a rash decision, he won’t tell Eddie the full details but he wants to give the poor guy a little hope. “Look, I don’t think this separation will last long. She’s in a bad way too Ed, but she has reasons.” Eddie goes to open his mouth but Steve cuts him off. “It’s not my place to say why.” Suddenly a light bulb goes off in his head. “Meet me at the diner later today, 1pm. I need to meet up with Nancy there anyway.”
Eddie sits back on the couch and lays his head back, suddenly feeling extremely sleepy. He closes his eyes and within a minute he’s completely asleep, so Steve slips out silently.
You feel so tired after staying up for so long, and begin to doze off. Nancy doesn’t have the heart to wake you, so she leaves you a note saying that she’s meeting Steve at the diner at 12pm and you’re welcome to join them if you wake up in time.
You’re suddenly in your hallway at home, you call out but there’s no one else in the house. You begin to walk up the stairs when you hear a knock on the door, you turn around and approach, reaching for the handle. You open the door gingerly, peeking around the frame without opening the door fully. You see Eddie standing there, dressed in his usual attire; Hellfire shirt, skinny ripped jeans and tatty old Reeboks, topped off with his signature leather jacket. You open the door fully, smiling at him.
Eddie takes you in, only wearing one of his Black Sabbath shirts which is hanging off one shoulder. He doesn’t wait to be invited in, he steps inside and grabs the side of your face, pulling you in for a kiss. The kiss is filled with passion, heat and most of all, love. You can feel the love radiating out of every inch of him.
Eddie pushes the door closed and spins you around, pinning you to it. He takes your mouth again, tongues meeting. It’s sloppy and frantic.
“I need you!” Eddie whispers. You place both hands on his chest and push him back slightly, he looks disappointed but you give him a smirk and drop to your knees. Eddie’s eyes get wide as he understands what you’re up to. His hands instantly go to his belt and he fumbles as he tries to get it open. You take over, then open his jeans and pull them down, his boxers travelling down with them. His cock is standing to attention in front of you, the tip dripping with precum. You lick your lips and wrap your hand around the base, twisting as you stroke up and down. A moan falls from Eddie’s lips as your head moves towards his hard dick.
The first swipe of your tongue, sends a shiver down Eddie’s spine and he thrusts his hips forward. Sending the head of his cock to the back of your throat, which makes him moan even louder. The tuft of curls at the base of his cock tickles your nose so you withdraw, your tongue flicking the underside. You moan at the taste of his precum, making his cock vibrate.
Eddie pulls his cock out of your mouth and pulls you to your feet. “Need you… now!” He says as he pushes you against the door again, grabbing you under your ass and lifting you, wrapping your legs around him. Eddie lines his cock up with your entrance, looking at your face for apprehension. There is none.
You nod and he slides his hard cock inside you, making your eyes roll back in your head. Yes you love Eddie, and there’s more to a relationship than sex but when he’s inside you, you feel complete. Like he’s part of you, that’s missing when you’re not together. You moan out Eddie’s name and it’s like you’ve triggered his hips, which begin thrusting at an almost brutal pace. Your back is bashing against the door but you hardly notice because Eddie’s cock is causing you so much pleasure.
“Fuck y/n, so good!! Eddie moans out before his head comes down into the crook of your neck, which his lips and tongue assault. Your moans make Eddie pound into you harder.
His tongue swipes against your earlobe and you’re done for, the coil in your lower stomach tightening. “Eds… so close.” He reaches between you to rub your clit. Two swipes is all it takes for you to fall apart. You come hard around his cock, your body tensing as you let the pleasure consume you and you let out a scream.
Eddie grunts as his climax is triggered by your silky walls tightening around him, he bites on to your neck, making your high extend.
As you both come down from your high, breathing ragged and heavy, Eddie places sweet kisses on the tip of your nose.
“Wait what?” Nancy says, her coffee cup not quite reaching her lips. “They’re having similar dreams?”
“No not similar.” Steve says. “They’re having the exact same dreams. I mean that’s not possible right?” His eyes darting between Nancy and Robin.
“I wanna say no but this is Hawkins dingus, I’m surprised we don’t all have the same dreams all the damn time.” Robin says as she blows air through her straw making her milkshake bubble.
“I think I need to do some research Steve, see if I can find something at the library. You coming Robin?” Nancy says as she gets up out of the booth. Robin pushes her milkshake away and jumps up, following Nancy out of the diner. As they reach the door, Eddie is just coming in. They both wave at him as they leave. Eddie waves back and then scans around the diner for Steve, spotting his floopy hair over the top of the booth and making his way over.
“Hey, did you sleep better?” Steve asks, noticing how much more relaxed Eddie seems to be. Eddie nods. “No dreams?”
“Oh there was a dream…” he wiggles his eyebrows at Steve who grimaces.
“Dude! That’s gross!” Steve says as he shudders.
“It was anything but…” Eddie smirks.
Just as this conversation is happening you enter the diner, you don’t see Nancy and Robin anywhere so you find a space at the counter and order a soda. Your eyes scanning around you in case you missed them and then you see him.
Eddie is sitting with Steve in a booth near the back, he looks…. Happy. He has that blissed out look he always gets after sex, and your shoulders slump in defeat. He’s already moved on with someone else. You call to the waitress and tell her you’ve changed your mind, getting off the stool and turning around to leave.
Eddie spots you on your way out and his breath hitches in his throat. Steve notices and calls out to you, you ignore him and make your way to the exit. Steve jumps out of the booth and runs over to you before you leave.
“Hey y/n, how long have you been here?” Steve asks.
“Oh just looking for Nancy and Robin but I must’ve missed them.” You reply. Just as you speak the door opens and in walks your mom, she sees you and Steve, then spots Eddie standing at the booth in the back and her face gets red.
“So you’re a liar now too?” She says with anger in her eyes. You roll yours and push past her, out of the diner. She fixes her expression and turns to Steve, smiling at him.
“Nope!” Steve says and follows you out of the diner. Leaving Eddie standing there awkwardly. He notices the exchange though and it sinks in. It finally makes sense!
You head home and shut yourself in your bedroom, pushing a chair in front of the door so neither of your parents can get in and throw yourself on to your bed. Tears beginning to flow as you sob into your comforter.
Eddie pushes past your mother as she tries to brush off what has just happened. She goes to speak to him but he just walks away, he needs to see you. As he drives his van to your place he thinks about what could’ve been said to make you break up with him. As he drives he begins to feel sleepy and to save himself from hurting anyone, he pulls into the parking lot of a nearby motel. He’s just in time, his eyes begin to close just as he removes the keys from the ignition.
There it was again, that blood red sky, that field. And y/n standing a few yards in front of him. He runs to her and wraps her in his arms, he will protect her this time. No matter what happens, or what they face, they will do it together.
You’re frozen to the spot. Back in that awful place. You know what’s coming but can’t bear to look at Eddie, even though his arms are around you. You don’t even lean into him, you shouldn’t be here together. There’s a chance that that thing will be after you again and you couldn’t take it if Eddie got hurt too. You know it’s just a dream but you’ve already hurt him enough.
“I won’t let it hurt you again!” Eddie says as his arms hold you tighter. You try and pull away but you can’t, Eddie is too strong. And then you hear something…
It’s not the same sound as his first dream, that was more of a bellow and this is a screech. Eddie whips his head around but doesn’t see anything. But then he hears the screech again, and it’s coming from above him. Eddie looks up and sees a bat, circling in the sky above his head. A black shadow against the vermillion sky. His grip on her gets even tighter as the bat lets out another screech, even louder this time. Then he hears another screech, and then another.
He looks up to see a swarm of bats, looks like more than 200 of them, and they’re descending on him.
You look in the same direction as Eddie, a horrified expression on your face. A swarm of bats are approaching, screeching in unison. You turn in Eddie’s arms looking him in the face. “I love you!” You say, his expression softens and his grip loosens. So you push him away.
You know they’re after you, not him. And after the way you broke his heart, you deserve it. You begin to run away from him, the bats will chase you and Eddie will be safe.
But the screeches don’t follow you.
Eddie is taken by surprise when she pushes away from him, at first he’s hurt but he knows she’s trying to save him. But the bats ignore her, focussed on him instead.
The bats circle around Eddie, screeching all at once. He looks up and sees y/n coming back to him. He shakes his head, making her stop mid stride. If it means she’s safe this time, he accepts his fate. Eddie can see tears fall from her eyes, so he mouths. “I love you.” As the bats break formation, claws out and ready.
You’re looking Eddie in the eye as you hear the slashing sound as their talons rip into his jacket, and you see the pain on his face. One swoops down and bites into his neck, blood trickling down, turning his white shirt red.
One after the other the bats take turns biting into Eddie’s body. You’ve dropped to your knees, screaming his name, a waterfall of tears streaming down your face. You close your eyes and cry into the ground, not able to watch anymore.
You hear the sound of wings moving, so you lift your head up in time to see the bats flying in the opposite direction. You look over in the direction where Eddie was and see his lifeless body laying on the grass.
“Nooooo!” You scream and crawl over to him, cradling his head in your arms. Your tears washing the blood off of his face. You hold onto him, you’re crying but you don’t want to let him go.
All of a sudden you feel movement, you open your eyes just in time to see Eddie’s open. But instead of the chocolate brown eyes that you love, his eyes are bright red and he gives you a creepy smile that scares you.
You let him go and scramble backwards, as he begins to stand up. Once at full height he gives you another creepy grin and a set of pointy teeth sprout from his gums. Eddie begins to grow, his clothes rip and his pale skin turns black and hairy. A huge set of black wings unfurl from his back and a pair of pointy ears protrude from his head.
You open your mouth in a silent scream as you watch the love of your life. Contort into a nightmare visage right before your eyes.
Again Eddie feels trapped but this time he’s the monster. He’s fully aware of what’s happening but he can’t stop himself from lunging at her, teeth bared and snarling. He tries to call her name but the only sound he can make is a high pitched roar. He can see the fear in her eyes as he lunges again, she manages to crawl away but he’s hot on her tail.
Eddie reaches out a clawed hand and grabs her, snarling again. His jaws open and he leans forward.
“Eddie! I love you!” She screams as his jaws lock around her throat, tears form in his eyes as he watches the life drain from hers.
You scream and sit up, sweat dripping down your face and neck. He killed you. Your Eddie… killed you. You burst into tears and wrap your arms around yourself. You sob for a moment until you hear a tap on your window. You turn your head and see a blurry Steve looking at you, worry etched on his face.
Eddie jumps up out of his seat, he looks around and realises he’s still in his van. He sobs as he remembers, he became the monster and killed her.
Eddie gathers his composure, puts the keys in the ignition and prepares to drive to y/n’s house. He needs to know that his mind isn’t playing tricks on him, he needs to know if you were made to break up with him. Maybe communication will help stop these nightmares.
But then he stops, his brain working a mile a minute.
Wayne! He knew Wayne knew something, so Eddie changes direction and heads to his trailer to finally get some answers.
End of part three.
I’m sorry, it will have a super duper happy ending. I promise!
Taglist: @sweetpeapod, @eddiemunsonlives, @eddiesprincess86, @yourebuckingkiddingme, @fuzzymelanie, @credulouskhaleesi, @mandyjf, @sammararaven, @flameo, @peaches-and-plums-motherfucker, @zekegorilla, @feltonswifesworld87
Some of the tags wouldn’t work. Sorry if your tag didn’t work. I hope you find it!
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straykidsnerd255 · 2 years
Why do you love me?
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader
Genre: HEAVY ANGST(at the beginning), happy end
Song: Gonna be ok- Brent Morgan(acoustic or original)
WARNING: Mentions of abuse, Child abuse, Billy crying, Billy begging, Neil and his grade A parenting, Neil being and asshole, blood, wounds, Panic Attacks, mentions of suicide(PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS IF IT TRIGGERS YOU! THE LAST THING I WANT TO DO IS HURT SOMEONE! If you need to talk, please come and talk to me! My messages are open 24/7, I will listen to you!❤️❤️)
Character’s: Billy Hargrove, Y/n, Max, Steve Harrington, Eddie (Alive Au), The gremlin kiddos, Joyce, Hopper, Susan, Neil
Summary: Billy has had it with his life. He says goodbye to Max and asks her to forgive him before he leaves and goes to his lifelong best friend and girlfriend’s house at 10 o’clock at night. He hopes that she will forgive him when he tells her he wants to die. She takes it into her hands to comfort him and make sure he knows that she loves him. The best way to do that, sing to him, and Hopper telling him something that would change his life forever.
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 2727
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Billy knew that he would be in huge trouble when he got home. His father had told him to be home by midnight and he was slowly creeping closer to the house at 4am. He swallowed the fear down before parking the car in the driveway and closing his eyes. He wished to the high heavens that no one was awake and that he would be able to go to bed and no one would ask about anything. Luck was not on his side. He parked a good block from his house and walked back home. He opened the door as quietly as he could, but as he entered the house, a beer bottle crashed next to his head. He jumped slightly and turned to see his father staring him down.
“Where the hell have you been? I told you to be home by midnight and here you are walking in four hours late!” Neil stood from the chair and started walking closer to Billy. Billy tensed up and started biting his tongue. “I am sorry sir. My car broke down and I couldn’t get a hold of anyone.” Billy lied in hopes that his father would give him a harsh warning and leave him alone. That’s not the case, ever. Neil grabbed Billy’s arm a little too tightly that Billy yelped.  Max and her mother came running down the stairs in hopes that they could calm Neil down before he did something harmful to Billy. Max got to the bottom of the stairs only to watch Neil slam her step-brother against the wall, his hand around Billy’s throat.
Billy felt his body collide with the wall and everything went blank. His father was screaming at him  with one hand around his throat and the other hand hitting him harder than he remembered ever being hit. Tears spilled down his face as he held his lips shut. He refused to cry out knowing that would give his father a known pleasure for beating him. When he couldn’t feel the onslaught of beatings, he looked up to see Max and Susan pushing the man out the door yelling at him and him yelling back. Max ran to his side and pressed her hands against his face. Tears fell down her face and landed on him, making him blink away the expressionless look. “M-Max?” His voice sounded hollow and broken from how hard he was restraining his voice. 
“I’m here Billy. Neil’s gone. He won’t be coming back for a while.” 
Billy shook his head and sobbed. He sobbed for the first time in years. “I-I can’t take it anymore M-Max! I have bruises and welts from that man! I can’t live here anymore.” He cried out in pain. Max pressed her forehead to her step-brother’s and closed her eyes. “I know. I know. Mom is gonna do everything she can to get him away from you. She’s gonna try and adopt you.” Max whispered softly. Billy stopped his movements and looked at her with wide eyes. “A-Adopt me?” He asked. Billy looked down and tried to process what Max just told her.
Max nodded her head. “Yes. My mother would adopt you and you would become my actual brother, not that you being my step-brother is bad, but you would have a mother again and you could feel love again.” She said, a smile appearing on her face. Billy narrowed his eyes. He wasn’t even remotely ready to allow love into his life at this point. He had been hurt so badly by his father and his mother that he shut himself off from love. He had detached himself from love and feelings the minute his father laid the first fist against his stomach. He could remember tasting blood for weeks. He couldn’t even go to the hospital as it would risk him being found out by his father. 
Billy slowly stood from the ground. He straightened his shirt and looked at Max with tears falling down his face. “I’m sorry Max, please forgive me for everything that I ever did to you, or your friends. I-“ he could finish his sentence as he just bolted out the door. He ripped his keys from his pocket and climbed into his car. He gave one last look to his sister and saw her standing on the porch with tears streaming down her face as she screamed his name out. Billy slammed his hand on the storing wheel before he turned the car on and sped out of the driveway and down the street. He shot off the world as he drove to the only place that he knew he would be safe again. Your house. 
{With Y/N}
You were currently in your kitchen making dinner, spaghetti that is. Yes it was 4:30am and yes you just got home from work and you were starving. You put the finishing touches to the food and you were about to sit down when you heard knocking on your front door. You wiped your hands off on the towel before walking to your door. “Who is it?” You called out. “Please open the door Y/n, I can’t take it anymore.” You gasped and threw open the door to find Billy, in tears, blood gushing from his lip and his eyebrow. He had a black eye and was shivering. You quickly pulled him into the house and sat him on the couch. 
You grabbed your first aid kit and started to go from the smaller wounds to the much bigger wounds. Some were open wounds and needed to be stitched but you didn’t have time to get him to the hospital. You had graduated high school early for your age and immediately went and applied for a CNA position. You grabbed the needle and thread and very carefully began to stitch the wounds that needed it. Billy grimaced when you started, but he was thankful that you had numbed the area before. It was quiet for a while before you spoke up. “I’m calling Hopper and Joyce.” You stated, giving no room to argue. 
Billy sighed but nodded his head and lifted his not occupied hand and pressed it to your face. He traced over your nose and eyes before they landed on your lips. He smiled softly before his intrusive thoughts blew his walls down. “She could be with someone so much better than you.” “You don’t deserve her kindness.” “You deserve to live in the pits of hell for what you have done.” “Why would she want someone as broken as you?” “You know she is only with you out of pity.” The voices in his head were thrown off balance when he caught you staring at him. Your  eyes were half lidded with a determination to stop whatever was going on in his head. You gently grabbed Billy’s face as you stood up. 
“Don’t you DARE belittle yourself.” You said, anger flashing in your eyes. The anger, he realized, was not directed at him though. It was directed somewhere else. You grabbed the phone from the wall and punched in Hopper’s number. You waited and after the fourth ring, Hopper’s groggy and sleep filled voice echoed from the phone. “Hello? Who is this?” 
“Hopper, It's Y/n. I need you, Joyce, and the kiddo’s to come to my place. I know they are staying at your’s and Joyce’s place for a sleepover.” You said. Hopper snorted but you could hear him shaking someone awake and standing up. You turned your head when you heard a fantic knock on your door. “We will be over in thirty minutes, kid.” Hopper said before hanging up the phone. You hung up the phone and walked to the door. Opening the door, you saw Max with her hands on her hips and breathing hard. “Is…Is Billy here?” She huffed. You nodded and moved out of the way so she could walk in. 
“I can’t do this anymore. I can’t…” Billy could feel his breathing start to quicken and his body was slowly shutting down. “Y/n please make the pain leave, I can’t be here. I can’t live anymore. I want to die.” Billy grabbed your hands when you walked closer to him. Your eyes filled with tears as he kept mumbling how badly he wanted to die. You dropped to your knees and his eyes followed you. He was struggling to breath as his body shook violently. “Baby, look at him. Breathe.” You said as you took a deep, slow breath. 
Billy copied your movements and found himself slowly relaxing. You gently took his still shaking hand and pressed it to your chest when your heart was. The steady thumping pulled Billy from his mind and allowed himself to be grounded. Max scooted closer to Billy’s side and laid her head on his arm. You turned to Max, “Can you go next door and get Steve, Eddie, Robin, Jonathan, and Nancy?” You asked. Max nodded her head and gently pulled away from her brother. 
You slowly stood up and walked to your room. Billy panicked when he saw you leave. “Don’t worry baby. I’m just grabbing something from my room. Ok?” You whispered. Billy slowly nodded his head and watched you disappear from his sight. A few moments later, you came back with a guitar in your hand. You smiled when you saw him stare at the instrument. “What’s that for?” He asked. “Just listen for a little bit. Playing always helps me calm my mind down, so maybe it can help you.” You whispered. You strummed the strings to make sure it was still in tune before you began playing a melody your mother and father always played for you when you were little.
Don't listen to the voices inside your head
You're doing just fine
You're trying your best
And no-one ever told you it's all gonna be okay
We're just people never sleeping over stupid shit
We won't remember in the morning
Yeah, we're gonna forget
And no-one ever told you it's all gonna be okay
When you lose faith in everything you ever knew
Don't give up on you
When life gets overwhelming
Relying on yourself is hard to do
But don't give up on you, no
If you've been lost and lonely
Ashamed to be alone with only you
And no-one left to lose
If it's the last thing that you do
Don't give up on you
Billy’s eyes widened as you sang. The sound of the guitar sounded so calming to his ears. The words seemed to stick with him as you sang.  He tuned out the rest of the words as he listened to your voice. You opened your eyes and turned to see Max walking into the room with Steve and the others. You could even see Hopper waving at her with the others. She smiled and continued to sing. Billy closed his eyes and bounced his head to your singing.  Eddie came and sat next to you with a grin. You kept singing and playing knowing the song was almost done. You stopped playing when the last note played and you placed the guitar against the couch. 
“Billy.” You called out. Billy opened his eyes to see everyone seated on the floor with you or next to him. Hopper raised an eyebrow. “Kid, why are you covered in bandages and why do you have stitches over your eyebrow and arm?” He asked, walking closer to Billy. Billy told him everything that happened. You watched Hopper’s face grow from tired, to full blown rage. He placed a hand on Billy’s head and noted the way the boy flinched when he did that. You moved and sat on his lap while Hopper walked into a different room with Joyce to talk with her. Billy’s arms wrapped around your body and held you tightly. 
“You have nothing to worry about anymore Billy.” Eddie’s voice called out. Everyone turned to Eddie. “I’m serious. He’s a part of us now. He gets to enjoy life like the rest of us now.” He said. Everyone still looked at him with raised eyebrows. Eddie groaned and threw an empty bottle at Dustin. “What the hell did I do?!” He yelled with a smile on his face. Dustin threw the bottle back at Eddie causing a small playful fight to break out. Billy watched before he started laughing with everyone else. You smiled at him before turning to watch the chaos unfold in your living room. 
“Why do you love me?” Billy’s sudden question made everyone stop. You turned and stared your boyfriend down with a look of betrayal. “You dumb idiot. I love you because you let me be my goofy ass self and I know you won’t look at me differently. They love you because you keep them on their feet with your weird ass impulsive nature. The two of us together, I have heard from a little birdy, are and I quote Steve and Eddie, “A FREAKIN MENACE TO SOCIETY.” You laughed when Steve and Eddie tried to refuse that statement. 
“We love you Billy, because you are you. Cheesy as that sounds, it's a hundred percent true. Plus, you befriend us means you get an army of gremlins and ex-criminals to protect you.” Robin said. Everyone burst into a fit of laughter. Billy laid his head on your shoulder before tilting his head and pressing a kiss to your neck. “I love you. Thank you for saving me.” He whispered so only you could hear it. You smiled. “Anything for you baby.” You whispered, pressing a kiss to his forehead before turning to see Hopper and Joyce. 
“Billy, how would you feel if me and Joyce adopted you and Max?” Hopper asked. Billy’s eyes widened and Max practically jumped for joy. “I could teach you what a real man is and help undo what your old man did to you. If you’ll let me.” Hopper said. Billy smiled a genuine smile and nodded his head. “I honestly would love that. Thank you, dad.” Billy said. You grinned and pulled your boyfriend in for a hug and Hopper grinned. “Alright, it's settled then. I will get statements from you and Max tomorrow morning and get adoption paper’s set up.” Hopper said smiling. Joyce walked over to Max and Billy before pulling the two in for a hug. 
“Welcome home.” She whispered, causing tears to spring into Billy’s eyes. “I’m home.” He whispered back and Joyce smiled, pulling him into her as she hugged him tightly.  “You don’t have to worry about anything anymore.” Joyce said before pulling away and smiling brightly at him. Billy grinned from ear to ear before turning back to you. “I love you.” He said laying his head on your shoulder and closing his eyes. You smiled softly. “I love you too. Sleep well Billy. We have a big day tomorrow.” She whispered. Everyone eventually just crashed in the living room with you  and Billy sleeping on the couch. Yeah. This was a big family and you wouldn’t change a thing.
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gnrbitch · 11 months
Grunge Days pt.11 - Let it Roll
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Warnings: none
“Wait so you’re now just telling us this?” Y/n said, her arms crossed as AIC and Guns were sitting in a conference room.
“Well we knew you guys wouldn’t say no- and hell we just forgot” Axl said, letting out a chuckle.
“Jesus” Layne said, putting his hands on his head.
Guns manager had urgently called the young band to meet them, just to tell them that Soundgarden wouldn’t open for them if Alice didn’t come along, which was exciting to say the least
But to kill the mood, Axl told them that they would leave for the tour later today. As in the next four hours.
Y/ns head almost exploded, she barley had any clean clothes left, her G&L was currently getting some work done which meant she had to take her Ernie Ball, and it’s a great guitar really- it was one of the guitars Eddie had given her. But the issue was the strings break so easily.
“Fine- Can we go now?” Y/n sighed out
“Yup you’re free now” Axl said, giving her a cocky smile.
“Fucken hell” Layne said as they got back into the car “This tours already off to a bad start”
“Maybe it won’t be so bad” Sean said from the backseat “I mean we’re basically touring with out friends, and Y/ns touring with her boyfriend”
This time Y/n spoke up “I mean yea- but they just snatched us up from the Clash of Titans tour”
“Shit” Jerry said “That would’ve been the best tour ever”
They all sat in silence, making a mental note on what they needed to pack. Y/n noted to pack both of her Ernie Balls.
“Why didn’t Susan tell us about this?” Sean suddenly spoke, “I mean she’s managing the both of us, so she definitely knew”
“She’s too focused on Soundgarden to think about us” Layne mumbled “Okay that was mean, maybe it just slipped her mind”
The girl sighed as she put her head to the window.
“Got everything?” Layne said as Y/n stepped into their shared (with Soundgarden) tour bus.
“Yea just put the last of my shit away” Y/n said setting her guitar case down, “Do you guys know our first stop?”
Kim looked over at her “San Jose”
“Right” Y/n said, sitting next to him and opening up a beer bottle, “Can’t believe you guys dragged us on this tour”
“Hey if we have to travel with guns so do you” Chris spoke up “Plus you know them, your literally related to one of them”
“Yea but- Clash of the Titans” Y/n sadly said
“Ohhh Clash of the Titans waa waa” Chris mocked her “This is gonna be fun Y/n”
“I don’t even have my G&L, that already means this is gonna be horrible”
“Susan’s gonna pick it up tomorrow you’ll be fine” Chris said.
He wasn’t right. Y/n broke her string in the middle of the set, and while the guitar tech was fixing it she broke the other one, right in the middle of the ‘Man in the Box’ solo.
And Guns had placed Alice as their ‘closers’, which made Y/n roll her eyes cause that wasn’t even a fucken thing.
Y/n was fucken fuming when she got off stage, she was humiliated. Never in her life had she played such a shit show.
“Y/n babe” Slash said, putting his arm around her as he caught up to her, the girl was walking out of the venue cause goddamn was she so upset.
“What Slash” Y/n sighed out
“Are you okay? What’s wrong” Slash questioned, the girls anger was written all over her face.
“What’s wrong-” Y/n scoffed “I played like fucken shit that’s what’s wrong”
Slash furrowed his eyebrows, he was right next to the stage as Alice performed, and Y/n sounded perfectly fine “Hey no- you sounded great”
“No i fucken didn’t- both of my guitars strings broke and-” Y/n rambled, steam practically coming out of her ears.
“Okay relax” Slash said in a calming voice “Your guitar strings broke- that’s okay it happens to everyone”
“If you guys would’ve told us before i would have my G&L and my strings wouldn’t have broken!” Y/n said, poking her finger into Slash’s chest. “Are you- are you fucken smiling?”
“I’m sorry babe- i just can’t help it” Slash smiled at her “But i know how you feel alright? The only difference is i’ve actually played a shitty show”
“This was a shitty show! Never in my life have i played that badly” Y/n rolled her eyes at him.
“You’ll be fine Y/n” Slash said bringing her into a hug “The rest of the tour will go great, i promise”
“Oh wow you promise huh?” Y/n mocked him
“Yea, I do” He smiled as he rolled his eyes “I’ll do anything i can to make sure you have great time”
“Oh that was sweet” Y/n jokingly said as she smiled at him, “You’re the best” She said, pecking his lips.
“You know no one’s on my bus right now” Slash looked at her “And they’re not gonna be for a while”
“Is that so?” Y/n said, seductively looking down at his lips, “How about you start keeping that promise now?”
“How could I say no”
Tagged: @hoodiesandicedcoffee @deeznutsworld @eddiiiieeee
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daryldixonsdoormat · 2 years
A little mini prompt of Eddie Munson because I’m on my way back from vacation. (First person POV) I might add more to this later.
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Everyone has seen the news, myself included. My boyfriend of a year is wanted for the murder of Chrissy. Me and Eddie haven’t been involved with cheerleaders or anyone outside of our group, with the expectation of drug deals. Which I assumed was the beginning of Eddies disappearance as well. My heart plummeted when I watched the news, like a drank poison only it would kill me slowly. Time flies when your hurting, I was more than confused when people are banging on my front door. I swing open the door stopping Dustin mid knock with strucken looks on his face. I sigh heavily pinching the bridge of my nose looking at the boy, “if your here to tell me about Eddie, I already know. Ok?”. Dustin shakes his head vigorously, he tells me to put some shoes on. I look past Dustin and see Steve Harrington and a girl I soon find out is Robin. They just nod comforting this is something serious that I need to be apart of. I throw on some tennis shoes and wipe any dry tears from the face and walk out the door. I sit in the middle of the backseat while Dustin sits on the right beside me and Max (who waited in the car) on the left, spitting information at me. And I only repeat what caught my attention, “ok ok so your telling me. Eddie is in danger because some supernatural being framed him for murder”. Dustin furrows his eyebrows ready to disagree with my choice of words but Steve interrupts him with the wave of his hand. “Yes something like that. We need your help finding him” Steve says looking at me through rearview mirror. I nod and tell Steve what street to turn on next. The boat house is where I assumed he would be after hearing the basketball team came by to pay him a visit. All 5 of us fan out observing the area looking for any evidence that Eddie was here. While I was distracted Steve and Dustin are looking at the tarp on the boat. Steve picks up the oar and starts poking harshly at what’s under the tarp. Dustin starts warning Steve, “You know if Eddie is under there and you hurt him by shoving that oar into his side… Y/n is gonna be pissed”. Steve stops poking at the tarp and turns to Dustin annoyed, “yea well she’s not-”. In one swift motion Eddie jumps up from the tarp pinning Steve to the wall hanging onto his collar with a broken bottle to his throat. The whole group gasps at the scene unsure of what to do. Steve tries to look down at the bottle that was threatening his life, but Eddie talking diverts his attention. “Where the fuck is she?” Eddie pulls Steve forwards a little bit by the collar before pushing him back into the wall to prove his seriousnesses. “Who? W-Who are you talking about man?” Steve says looking over Eddie’s shoulder towards us. “Y/n. I will ask one more time. Where is she?”. Steve gulps slowly still trying to peer down at the bottle. I push Dustin behind me and walk a few steps towards the situation. “Steve drop the Oar please.” I say looking at Steve cautious, Eddie tenses up at my voice and lowers the bottle a little. I continue directing the boys away from each other as smoothly as possible. “Eddie can you drop the bottle and let go of Steve? please?”. Eddie loosens his grip on Steve and steps away from him also dropping the broken bottle on the floor. Steve slips away from the wall as quickly as possible still thinking it’s possible for Eddie to change his mind. Eddies finger nails are digging indents into his palms from how hard he is clenching his hands together. I tell everyone to get out and give us some privacy and they all allowed this with no argument. I walked up to him immediately and threw my arms around his neck inching our bodies as close as possible. Eddie gets the comfort and breakdown he deserves, he hugs my waist meaningfully sniffling. His hands grip onto the fabric of my shirt sobbing in hysterics begging me to understand. I just comfort Eddie telling him, “I know you didn’t do it Eddie. It’s ok”.
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Everything hurts and I’m dying Chapter 2
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” Dustin rambled as he took in Eddies injuries.
“b-bad huh?”
“No. no.” Dustin started to tug on Eddie’s right arm to get him off the ground. “C’mon man, you’re gonna be okay, we’re taking you to the hospital.”
Despite himself, Eddie tried his best to aid Dustin in hauling him upright. His efforts were quickly abandoned as he felt his broken ribs grind together in an unnatural way. He let out a strangled yell and fell back. Fighting to get air back into his lungs.
“ ‘m sorry man, I jus’ need a s-second.” There was a desperate edge to his voice, an unspoken plea to just let him lay there.
Steve worriedly took in the situation. There was so much blood. It covered the wounded metalhead and a huge patch of forest floor. It ran down the slope in thick morbid tracks. Eddie was shivering, with either blood loss or pain. Or both. And he looked utterly exhausted, his eyelids were drooping despite his best efforts. His breathing came in strained wheezes that made Eddies entire body strain and shake, like Eddie could barely make his chest rise and fall anymore. As he could hear Dustin quietly encourage Eddie to try to get up again and Eddie for some reason agreeing, Steve felt the need to step in.
“I don’t think he should move around anymore, Henderson.”
“What? Why!? What’s wrong?” Dustin’s voice rose an octave as he frantically looked Eddie over.
“It looks like he might have broken ribs. Those could puncture his lung.”
“oh shit, oh shit. Yeah he- he broke two ribs. I’m an idiot!” Dustin flinched. He grabbed onto Eddies right hand, apologizing profusely. “I’m so sorry Eddie, I didn’t mean to make it worse. Don’t move, okay? You’ll be fine, you’ll be fine.” His voice cracked on the last word and tears blurred his vision. He turned pleading eyes to Steve. “What do we do?”
Nancy sprang into action. Tearing a chunk of fabric from her sweater, she started putting pressure on Eddie’s shoulder wounds. Eddie made a choked noise of pain and jerked weakly against the pressure. Steve could tell he was losing his grip on consciousness, so he knelt down by his head.
“Eddie, can you look at me?” He gently tapped Eddies cheek. Painfilled large brown eyes slowly met his. “That’s it, man. Keep looking at me. You can’t fall asleep okay? Gotta stay awake.” Steve had absentmindedly started to gently comb through Eddies messy hair, trying his best to keep the metalheads attention while also soothing him as best he could.
“ ‘m trying man, ‘m so t-tired.” His teeth were chattering at this point. Steve gave Eddie an encouraging smile.
“That’s alright, just try your best, okay?” He then looked up to the others. His plan wasn’t perfect, but it would have to do.
“Dustin, Robin, get to my car and get the backseat ready for Eddie. I have some blankets and a first-aid kit in the trunk. Take one of the guns and make sure there’s nobody around when we get there.”
“What? No! I can’t leave him!” Dustin immediately objected.
“I need Nancy here to keep Eddie alive, and I’m going to carry him to the car. Do you really want Robin to walk to the car alone? With Carver still out there?”
“N-no of course not!”
“Then go!”
When Dustin still hesitated, Eddie squeezed his hand with as much strength as he could muster, giving Dustin a shaky smile. “go man, ’m in g-good hands.” They locked eyes for a moment, sharing some silent communication. Then Dustin nodded.
“Alright, fine. But I still don’t like it.” He turned to Eddie one last time, shoving a finger in his face. “Don’t die, or I’ll kill you.” Eddie nodded dumbly. “Good.” Dustin got up and walked after Robin, into the forest.
As soon as they were out of sight Steve turned to Nancy. “Alright, did you manage to stop the bleeding?” Nancy nodded.
“The worst of it stopped, but I’m worried it’ll just start again if we move him now. Then there are his ribs to consider.”
Steve nodded. “We’ll bind the wounds as best we can and I’ll carry him in front of me, hopefully that won’t put pressure on his ribs.”
“c’n you s-stop talking ‘bout me l-like ‘m not h-here? ‘s r’lly annoyin”
Nancy and Steve shared a fond smile and apologized softly to Eddie. Nancy started to rip more strips from her sweater then turned to Eddie.
“Eddie? Steve is going to lift your torso now, so I can wrap you shoulder. It’s going to hurt, but I’ll be quick alright?” Steve felt his chest clench in apprehension. This was another reason why he wanted Dustin to leave. He really didn’t want the kid to have to witness this on top of everything he already saw today. Eddie nodded bravely. “trust you, w-wheeler.”
Steve grabbed onto Eddie uninjured shoulder and the back of his shirt. On the count of three, he lifted. Eddie sounded like a wounded animal and could barely breathe. The fingers of his right hand dug into the dirt and leaves. Steve just kept repeating the same promises over and over again. They would be done soon, it would be okay, he could punch Steve when all this was over. Nancy was tightly wrapping the strips of fabric around Eddies shoulder, then tied it off once she was done. She nodded to Steve, who gratefully started to lower Eddie down, but not all the way. Instead he shifted Eddie to sit against his chest, hoping that the more upright position would help him breathe more easily. He was right. Once Eddie had his pain a bit more under control, his breathing evened out more. His head lolled and his eyelids started to fall shut. Steve shook Eddie as gently as he could, earning a groan in response.
“Hey, no sleeping remember?” He said softly.
“ ‘m sorry.” Came the pitiful response.
“Don’t apologise, Eddie. I know it’s hard.”
“Hey, why don’t you tell me about the founding of…” He checked the bottom of Eddies shirt. “hellfire! while I carry you out of here huh?” That earned him a weak but genuine smile.
“waddayawannaknow?” Eddie slurred.
“Everything man, starting with how you decided on the name.”
“was after the f-first time someone ac-accused me ‘f bein’ d-demonic or smthn’”
“Why did they think that? I’m going to lift you now alright?”
“alright. neighbour heard my m-music, man. i g-guess- Ah!” Before Eddie knew what was happening, Steve had scooped him up in his arms and started carefully walking, Nancy not far behind with a gun in her hand.
“Go on.” Steve encouraged softly. Eddie gritted his teeth against the pain that every step caused, self-consciously tucking his face into the crook of Steve’s neck.
“i-i guess the devil h-has some g-great taste in music man, cuz i was listing to z-zepplin.” He could hear Steve and Nancy giggle at that.
“Was she super religious?” Steve asked. He was slowing down his steps a bit, mindful of loose rocks and the growing fatigue in his arms and legs. They were making good time though, he was going to make it. Eddies story provided a nice distraction from his aching limbs.
“y-yeah. fire ‘n b-brimstone type.” Eddie mumbled against his neck.
“hmm, I know the type.”
“yeah, sh’tried to s-set our trailer on f-fire after th’t.”
“What?!-” Steve stepped weirdly on a lose rock and it started to roll away, throwing off his balance. He stumbled, trying to get his tired legs to steady them, but in doing so he violently jostled Eddie. Eddie’s let out a choked cry that turned into hacking coughs.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. Ssh shh, just breathe man.” The coughs didn’t let up, no matter what Steve said. Desperately, Steve turned to Nancy who seemed just as panicked as him. Shit, things were going just fine a second ago! Nancy grabbed Steve’s arms and pulled him towards a large tree.
“Let’s sit down for a minute, maybe if he’s sitting up straighter…” Even Nancy sounded unsure of herself.
Steve let his back slide down the tree trunk until he was sitting with his legs stretched out in front of him, with Eddie sitting sideways in his lap. Eddie clung desperately to his sweater, still coughing and gasping painfully. Steve started rubbing his back in hopes of easing the metalhead’s breathing. Nancy soon joined him and together they waited for Eddie to get his breath back. Suddenly, Eddie slumped sideways into Steve’s chest, eyes falling shut and his head falling onto his shoulder. The coughing had finally stopped, but the relief didn’t last long.
“No, no, no Eddie, come on open your eyes alright? You can’t fall asleep yet.” Steve tentatively reach up towards Eddie’s face to nudge at his cheek, too scared to hurt him again. Nancy didn’t seem too hesitant as she reached over to his neck and gave his skin a good pinch there. Eddie flinched away from her hand and opened his eyes to glare at her. Nancy just smiled sweetly at him and stroked his bangs from his face.
“Hey there. Thought you left us for a second.”
Eddie just coughed softly and buried his face in Steve’s shoulder again.
“Alright be that way, I’ll give you two a minute, but then we have to keep moving.” Nancy said with a soft smile. She stood up and moved to pick up the handgun she’d dropped to the floor to get to Eddie and Steve.
Steve noticed that his hand was still absentmindedly rubbing Eddies back. The metalhead was shivering. A cold sweat had started to cover his skin. A sign of blood loss, Steve knew from his limited first-aid experience. But there was little that he could do right now, other than provide what warmth he could share. He sighed and leaned his head against the tree trunk, thankful for the short rest.
“I think you might have to finish your story about the crazy neighbour some other time, man. I do really wanna hear how it ends though.” He felt Eddie nodding weakly against his shoulder in response.
“You know, you’re a really good storyteller, even when you’re bleeding out and barely conscious you manage to captivate your audience.” He could feel Eddie huff slightly at that. Steve counted it as a win.
“Seriously though man, I want to hear how it ends, so you better keep breathing.” Their eyes met for a second and Steve could see so much conveyed in those big brown eyes that he would need several hours to dissect all of it.
“Steve.” Steve looked up at Nancy.
“We better get going.”
Steve nodded wearily. He tightened his grip on Eddie, preparing to lift him up again. This small movement already drawing a pained whimper from Eddie.
“Alright Eddie, you ready for the final stretch?”
“jus’ lemme die man.”
“That’s not funny Eddie, cut it out.”
“ ’m s-serious.”
“Just a little longer.”
“ ‘s not worth it.”
“What? Eddie, look at me.”
Steve pushed Eddies shoulders so he was leaning back a little bit, then gently lifted his chin so he could see his face. The look in Eddies eyes was so raw and heart breaking, Steve almost looked away.
“Why would you say that?”
“cause m-man, i k-keep messin’ things up.”
“What do you mean? None of this was your fault.”
“b-but it w-was.” Eddie hiccupped. One thick tear running down his cheek.
“Says who?” Steve asked, getting irrationally, unexplainably angry.
There was so much to unpack from what Eddie was saying, and nobody in that situation had enough time to do so. They had to get moving fast. Steve shoved all his anger down to deal with later and took it upon himself to stop the dehydrated metalhead from crying anymore tears.
“Hey Eddie, I need you to listen to me very carefully.” He made sure that Eddie was looking into his eyes and gently wiped away the tear that was tracking down his face. “I can tell that there’s a lot I don’t know, we haven’t known each other for long, but I promise you Eddie,” He gently took Eddies bloodstained face in his hands, his thumb gently brushing over his cheekbone. “I promise that none of us think of you like that. Not me, not Nancy, not Robin, not Max, certainly not Dustin. Kid worships the ground you walk on man.”
“i m-made him cry.” Eddie whispered sadly. Steve firmly shook his head.
“No. Jason made him cry. Not you, Eddie.” Steve’s eyes pleaded with Eddie to see things from his side. “Do you see what I mean? I don’t think of you that way, man.”
“No problem Eds.” The nickname sort of slipped out. Steve decided he liked it.
“Let´s talk more about that when you’re not on the verge of passing out. Now that little shit is waiting for us, shall we delight him with our presence?” He asked jokingly, trying to get some of Eddies flair into his speech. When he looked over at Nancy, she was smiling and mouthing ‘Well done.” at him.
Eddie nodded tiredly and curled his fingers into Steve’s sweater, preparing to be moved.
When Steve slowly stood up again, Eddie once again tucked closely against his chest, he worriedly noticed Eddie barely reacted to being moved anymore. He was clinging on to consciousness with a tenacity that impressed Steve, but even the determined metalhead was slowly losing to pain, blood loss and exhaustion.
“Almost there Eds.” Steve whispered into Eddies hair. “Almost there.”
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Crazy In Love
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Eddie Diaz x Reader 
Warnings: mentions of injuries, Eddie can’t do math or cook for shit, friends to lovers :))) 
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 2.1k
Author’s Note: takes place after Stuck (2x04) when abuela breaks her hip. Also, this was supposed to be for 911 readers week but I didn’t finish it in time sooooo just take it now instead :) 
The phone rang, your arm stretched over the pile of dishes on the counter. “Hello ?” you answered, putting it on speaker and setting it back down.
Eddie’s voice rang through the speaker, echoing through the empty apartment. “Hey, can you do me a huge favour ?”
“If you're gonna ask me to bake a cake, I have literally no time, honey. I’m really sorry but I need to finish this order-” Eddie sounds like he cut himself off before saying something as you explain that you’re busy.
“Eds? Are you there ?”
“Yeah- yeah, I'm here.”
“What’s up?”
“You’re busy, I don’t want to bother you.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes because no matter how busy you are, you always made time for Eddie. He sighs heavily, so much so that you can hear him thinking.
“Eddie, what is it ?”
“Can you pick Chris up from school ? I know you’re busy but if you can’t, that’s ok-” “of course I can pick him up!”
The sound of a breath being released before a feminine voice called out for him. “I gotta go, Abuela needs me but he’s off at 3. Thank you, y/n - really.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Eddie.”
He mumbles something before hanging up. You glance at the phone screen - 2:24. You had enough time to change and shove the dishes in the dishwasher before having to head out so you did just that.
You had picked up Christopher from school a million times. His teachers knew you well enough that Eddie no longer had to call and let them know he wouldn't be picking up Chris but that you would be.
Standing outside of the school, the PTA parents were gossiping within their little bubbles, talking about the other members behind their backs but smiling in their faces. You bit back a smile before walking towards the gate. The students were lined up by the door, waiting for the bell to ring.
The moment it does, the students come running out with their teacher a few feet behind them in an attempt to keep up with them. One by one, their teacher lets them out, Christopher finally spotting you and this teacher waves hello as they open the gate for him.
“Y/n! What are you doing here!?” his little face lights up with a smile.
“Your dad asked me to come get you, he's with abuela.”
The two of you start making your way back to the car when Christopher asks you what his plans for the afternoon were. Soon you realized that Eddie didn’t give you any explanation as to where to go or what to do after you picked up Chris.
“How does ice cream and then abuela’s sound ?”
“Can we take some for her and dad too?” Chris asks as you help him into the car.
“Of course we can.”
Christopher was lugging his backpack over his shoulder when you knocked on the door, two containers of ice cream in hand. Eddie opens the door, grinning at his son whose face matches his father’s.
“Hey kiddo” Eddie kneels, wrapping the boy in his arms. Christopher’s arms extend around his father, “hi dad, we bought ice cream” he points out the obvious.
Eddie glances up at you, the ice cream tucked under your arm - he flashes you a smile.
“Oh yeah?” he lets go of Chris. “Did you have any?”
“No,” he shakes his head, his hair flopping around as he snickers. Eddie pushes the hair from Christopher’s forehead. “So what’s this on your face?” swiping his finger on Chris’s chin, a little smudge of brown on his finger from the leftover ice cream.
“Paint.” Chris smiles at his father sweetly.
“Uh huh, paint.” he chuckles, stepping aside for Chris to come further into the house.
“Thanks for picking him up,” he leans on the door frame, stretching and his arms lift above his head as he does. You can’t help but glance down at the area of exposed skin - eyes glued to the man in front of you.
“Y/n?” Eddie’s waving his hands in front of you, eyes raising from their previous spot to his face - the blush was creeping up on your face whilst that stupid smug smile of his was on his.
“Would you like to come in?”
“Oh, I don’t want to intrude.”
“You won’t be.”
“Are you sure?”
Stepping in, you take in the house. You had been by Isabel’s once or twice before but you had never come inside the house. The walls were painted a warm yellow colour, the furniture was spotless as was the rest of the house. Isabel sat on the couch with Chris beside her as he told her about his day at school.
“Chris, did you wash your hands?” Eddie calls, the door shutting. Chris doesn't answer which is an answer in itself. “Go now, please.” Eddie’s voice sounds closer, glancing behind you to see him beside you.
Chris grumbles but gets up, Isabel turns her attention to you and Eddie. “How are you feeling ?”
“As well as someone can with a broken hip” she gives you a smile.
“I’m glad you’re okay, you gave Eddie a scare” giving him a playful shove. “We got ice cream, vanilla and toffee. Chris said toffee was your favourite” handing her the small container. “It is, thank you. That’s so sweet of you.” she smiles, pulling the top off.
“No need to thank me, it was Christopher’s idea.”
“Ah, well I'll thank him when he comes back out.” she says smiling, “Eddie, a spoon please ?” she glances at the man beside you. He hums, stepping away for a moment to get her a spoon.
Chris comes running back in after washing his hands. “Dad! Can we stay over? Abuela said it was okay” he’s beside his father now, looking up at him with his big brown eyes that were practically begging him to let him.
You, Eddie and Isabel all knew that Christopher had his father wrapped around his finger and would ultimately get his way but Eddie had to give him a fatherly response and say no, they should go home. Isabel doesn't usually butt in but this time she did.
“Mijo, stay. I could use the company.” She says, patting the spot beside her and Chris makes his way over to sit beside her.
Eddie sighs, if he had a soft spot, it was for the two people on the couch. “Fine, just tonight then.”
Isabel smiles, satisfied with his answer. “y/n, stay for dinner darling. Eddie’s cooking” “Yea- who said I was cooking?” Eddie butts in, shocked at the assumption. “I did, mijo. Don’t worry, I'll tell you what to do.”
“Buddy, why don’t you finish up your homework so you can relax for the rest of the night ?” Eddie calls out to Chris, who again groans. He loved school but despised homework - as did most kids.
“I have math, I need help so I can’t do it because you’re busy.” Chris says plainly, thinking his statement will get him out of his math work because Eddie can’t do math for shit.
“I can help.”
“Y/n, you don't have to-” “no, it’s fine. C’mon kiddo” Chris grumbles, making his way to the dining room table, the two of you taking a seat when Eddie helps Isabel up and to the kitchen.
You can hear them talking and her telling Eddie to cut things a certain way or not to put too much of something into the pot. It only took 20 minutes for Christopher to finish his math homework, he brought it into the kitchen to show his dad.
“Look! I’m done! Math’s easy when you understand it.” that last bit was a little dig at Eddie and his math skills. You ruffled Chris’s hair as he walked back into the living room.
“Did he just-” Eddie watches his son make his way to the couch.
You hold back a laugh,“Mhm hm” Eddie shakes his head, chuckling. “Here, taste this.” he picks up some sauce from the pot, holding the spoon over his hand before handing it to Isabel.
Her face twists when she tastes it, “Eddie, I love you honey, but that’s terrible.” you press your lips together, holding back a chuckle.
“What?” he pouts, sighing. “I swear it tasted fine ten minutes ago.” sitting beside Isabel in defeat.
You pick up another spoon and taste some for yourself, your expression matching Isabel’s from moments ago. Eddie had remembered to put everything in, except the paprika and the salt, you add a bit of both and stir the pot. Taking the spoon from Eddie, you pick up a bit of the sauce and hand it back to Isabel.
“Ah, that’s better.” she hums, making you smile as she hands you back the spoon. Eddie sighs, letting you know that he was still there.
"Why don’t you go see if Christopher wants to watch something or if he wants a snack ?” his grandmother nudged him, a signal for him to leave the kitchen. “y/n can take over for you”
“Abuela, you can’t invite them in and have them work for their dinner.” he says, making her laugh.
“It’s okay Eds,” waving him off. “I don’t mind, really.”
Eddie left the kitchen and made his way over to the couch, listening as Chris told him about his day. He glanced back to see if everything was alright but he noticed that the two of you were laughing as you told Isabel something. Eddie would be lying if his heart didn’t skip a beat.
He stopped seeking his parents’ approval of who he dated- for a matter of fact, it went out the window when he brought Shannon home the first time but seeing you with an abuela made him so warm and happy, he couldn't help but smile.
Eddie’s hand slipped onto your hip, his chest against your back. “Can I help you, Eddie?” you mumble, your eyes on the dishes in front of you.
He hums, hands coming around and arms now wrapped around your waist. Eddie felt your wet hands pull his hands off of you, “Isabel and Chris are in the other room, stop it”
His head tilted, that innocent look on his face, “stop what?”
“Eddie,” turning to face him, “shh I don’t want to hear it” he cuts you off, hands back on your waist.
“I don’t think I've ever loved someone the way I love you.” His words come off so sweet and loving but hit you like a ton of bricks.
You loved Eddie, more than anything but you had never actually told him nor did you ever feel the need too. It was always implied that as friends, you loved and cared about each other.
Eddie always knew he loved you, there was never any question about that but something about you, seeing you with an abuela and how great you were with Christopher (as you always were) just pushed him over the edge.
He had to tell you.
“Y/n, you know I love you- and before you say anything, I know I’ve never actually said it to you but I didn’t feel like I had too, you knew I did.”
“I know.”
You were still gathering your thoughts, trying to come up with the words to tell him you loved him too but Eddie’s expression changed. His brows furrowed, eyes studying your face - the worry had set in.
What if you didn’t feel the same way ? God, he’d feel so stupid if he embarrassed himself like that.
The years of friendship were enough for you to realize how he was feeling. You were lacking words and you know what they say, actions speak louder than words.
Your hands reach for his face, now cupping his cheeks. Your lips meet his, he pulls you closer to him- if that's even possible. It was a few moments before you pulled away.
Eddie smiles lovingly at you and you’re sure you have the same expression plastered on your face. “Um- I think that says it.” you hum, smiling at him.
“Doesn't mean you can't say it,” he pokes fun at you, making you roll your eyes playfully.
“I love you.”
taglist: @advicefromnixxxx @spencersendgame @keenmarvellover @beth-winchester21​ @fernandaweasley2​ @yikesyikesyikes95​ @hotchsdarling​ @duhbar1975​ @wowitsel​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @jillys-feral-fandoms​ @alexandrianicolegrey-oc​ @hailsstormthings @averyhotchner​ @captainxholmes​ @mrs-dr-reid​ @aficwhore​
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venomous--fics · 3 years
Anon Requested: Omg wait can i request a fic where reader feels like they aren’t good enough for eddie and venom so reader breaks up with them and eddies sad and just a lot of angst (BUT happy ending) if not thats okay !
A/n: Day 5!! I'm think about just extending the weekathon to the entire month! Not too sure yet, but I should decide quickly huh!! I just think it'd be fun to do something like that. Maybe get more and more festive along the way. What do you think?
Song: Halley's Comet by Billie Eilish
"So, that's just it? You're just gonna up and leave and not tell us why?"
He wanted to sound mad, but his voice gave it all away. You couldn't stand the thought of what you were doing to them both. You couldn't even bring yourself to look at them as you left. You didn't even bother to grab your things. You just left emptyhanded.
Subconsciously, maybe you knew you'd find your way back eventually. But...Not now.
The weight of the world began to crush you with every step you took away from their place. You knew they were watching you from the window. If you had to leave, they'd at least make sure you'd stay safe.
It all felt like a cruel punchline to an unfunny joke. How could you be such a fool to think you'd be good for them? They....They were a protector. A lethal one, but still a protector. They helped people and saved the world from every threat imaginable. You sometimes couldn't even drag yourself out of bed.
It didn't seem fair to drag them down like that. They deserved better. They deserved the world, and you just couldn't give them that. Someday they'd find someone who would.
That night was spent alone on a friend's spare guest bed. The world was so quiet. There were no streetlights beaming into your room. There was no more sounds of late night traffic or the people talking and walking as they passed under your shared window.
There was no more fighting Venom for the comforter because he'd purposely hog it just to get your attention. It always worked. There wasn't the usually jokes about forgetting to set your alarms for the work morning ahead.
You simply set your alarm and laid down. The world seemed so much colder and emptier. It didn't seem fun and bright anymore. The bed felt much more spacious now.. The pillows felt too squishy and new. The sheets looked nothing like his.
Staring at the wall wasn't going to put you to sleep any faster, so you rolled over and clamped your eyes shut. You willed yourself to not cry.
The tv kept repeating the same old stuff. Robbery after robbery. Someone got shot. A car accident. Oh, it's going to rain tomorrow.
We should be fixing that..
"I don't feel like doing anything anymore."
"I don't feel like doing anything anymore either, V."
There was an uncomfortable silence. Normally there'd be some form of a pep talk from you, but now.. Your spot on the couch was empty. All that was there to suggest that you even existed was your favorite throw pillow.
With hesitation, Eddie grabbed the pillow and held it in his lap. It still looked brand new, and that's simply because you always knew how to take care of things. Nothing of yours ever really got broken or misplaced..And you always knew just how to handle things.
"I miss them."
A thought they shared in common. It's felt like months, but it's only been a couple of weeks. Your things were still occupying space here. It was almost torturous having to look at them each day and know that you weren't going to come home.
It was that thought that broke them both. They curled up on the couch, sad and defeated. The world was incomplete because you weren't here to make ti better. A rough day at work? You'd say, "Oh, don't worry." as you made some hot coco to relax with. Emotions getting out of control? You were always there with ways to fix them.
Did they take you for granted? Did they forget to cherish you? Did they do something wrong? Everyone always told them that they were just screwups who ruined everything, so maybe they just fucked it up again.
Maybe they'd learn to live with it. Just not today.
It's just not home anymore. Home is where you were.
The rain was awfully heavy today. But you were thankful. Today was hitting you harder than the last few. You were stumbling down the sidewalk, tears streaming down your face. Nothing seemed to hold any meaning anymore. You'd pass by Mrs. Chen's shop, and normally you'd stop by there to get Eddie and V a snack or two. But now, you simply keep walking.
Today you just let your body walk. To where? Wherever you felt like you needed to go. You were so tired, and so worn down. That only help cement in the fact that you just... You were an absolute nobody. Who could love a nobody?
If only you were born gifted with the brains, the talents or even the powers. Maybe you'd be worth something. Maybe you'd see yourself as more. Maybe if you felt like you held any importance to anyone, you'd find a reason to stick around anywhere, with anyone.
Despite wanted to be more to literally anyone, all you could think is being better for them. They meant so much, no, no, they mean so much to you. It felt so dumb and childish to be so hung up on two of the goofiest creatures on this planet. You couldn't lie to anyone. You were hopelessly in love with Eddie Brock, a man who truly was a breed of his own. And you were in love with Venom, an alien with a heart bigger than his stomach but he's too embarrassed to say it.
You don't want to love them anymore. Because you still believe it was better to not be with them.
You slumped against a light post and wiped your eyes. You tried everything to stop the tears from flowing, but that only made them multiply. You'd scold yourself if you had the energy.
The world really did begin to feel more and more empty. People seemed to walk pass and not even give you a second glance. None of them cared, and to be honest, neither did you. Normally you never noticed other people, because you'd be so wrapped up in whatever it was you and Eddie, and yes, Venom too, were doing.
But they aren't here anymore. You were back to where you started. Alone and afraid of what the world had in store. You used to wake up knowing what you'd be doing...But now you weren't sure.
You remained leaned against the streetlight for an eternity. The sun had set and the moon had risen, yet you remained put. Everything was cold now. The rain had subsided, but the light continued to drip down on you, but even then, you didn't have the willpower to move.
It's better to be cold than to have never been warm, right? That is how the saying goes...Right?
You sniffled, waiting for the next set of drops to hit your head, but they never did. You slowly looked up and saw someone's hands holding up a jacket. They looked like they were doing their best to hold it up like an umbrella, and without touching you. You recognized the jacket immediately, even just from seeing the inside of it. You'd worn it so many times.
You stood up straight and turned around, being greeted with the sight of Eddie. He looked just as tired as you, and just as lost. He looked like he had a million things to say, but it seems like the cat had his tongue.
The universe was giving you a chance. For some reason.
"I'm sorry." was the first thing to spill out of your mouth.
"We're sorry, too."
"You didn- It was me. I was.." You took a step back from under the jacket, but it seems like Venom wasn't having any of that. He moved Eddie's body for him, this time, draping the jacket on your shoulders.
You gently crossed your arms and held them close, appreciating the gesture now.
"You can leave now. If you want." Eddie moved back a little, "We just saw that you were cold.."
"I don't want to go." you gripped onto the jacket, trying to fight the new wave of tears threatening to come out, "I just.. I had to because I felt like I wasn't good enough."
You were about to ramble on when Eddie cut you off, "That's why you left?"
"I'm sorry." You felt like you could just curl up and die on the sidewalk.
You looked down, staring at the cracks that littered the walkway. You'd find someway to make this poetic.
Two hands, one human and the other very much not, wrapped themselves around you as they pulled you into a warm embrace.
"Did we make you feel that way?"
The way Eddie's voice cracked made your arms go limp at your sides.
"No. I made myself feel that way- But I can't help it. You guys do so much good and I-"
"We love you."
The hug got tighter, "We used to do what we did because it was the right thing to do. But then we met you and it all changed. It seems so cliche to say that, but...It's true."
"You're just saying that."
"We adore you. We promised to do everything we can to make sure we leave this world a better place for you."
Your hands shook as your fought with yourself. You wanted to hold them just as close as they were holding you, but you felt-
"I don't deserve this.."
In typical Brock fashion, and never knowing how to truly deal with his emotions, Eddie clung to you, almost pleading, "Would you just listen to what we're saying."
"You can't love me."
"Why the hell not? Huh? Whose going to stop us?"
"Nobody's going to stop us."
"Why is it me. Out of all the worthy people, why me?"
"You're such a good person. I know you don't see that..But you're the kindest person I've ever met."
"Certainly the nicest I've met..."
Every last word you wanted to yell out into the night sky just vanished from your mind. You wrapped your arms around Eddie and squeezed as hard as you could.
"How many times do we have to say it to make you believe it?"
"I'll say it a billion times," Eddie said, "Most guys would quit at a million but me? I don't know when to quit."
"It's true. He doesn't. But if saying it a billion times gets you to come home, then I'd do it a million more than him."
"I," You started, taking in a deep shaky breath, "I wanna go home regardless."
"We can talk more there if you're comfortable."
"With coco."
"I would like that."
The walk home was a talkative one.
Eddie's hand held yours tightly, but not too tight. He was so afraid that if he didn't hold it firmly enough, you'd simply slip away again. He was sure as hell not letting that happen again.
The apartment looked the exact same as when you left. You were so surprised by that. Normally they'd be a mess if you were gone for too long, and the apartment would reflect that.
"It all looks the same."
"Oh. Yeah." Eddie busied himself with fetching the hot chocolate ingredients.
"We couldn't bring ourselves to ruin your hard work...Or move your things." For the first time, Venom seemed sad.
They both seemed tired. You wanted to feel bad, knowing that they felt that way because of you. But knowing that they loved you meant that they felt bad, not because of you, but because you were gone.
Without thinking, your hand reached out and grabbed Eddie's arm, startling him a little.
"Can we go lay down for a little bit.." you asked quietly, "I think we all need a little rest."
Relief washed over him as he set down the cups and lead the way to the bedroom. There was no more words as you three crashed onto the mattress. Venom used a small tendril to turn the lamp off and pull you closer to Eddie.
"Are you okay with loving a nobody like me?" you asked as you watched him shut his eyes.
"Are you okay with loving two nobodies?"
"We are all losers."
Venom pulled a blanket over you and Eddie, going so far as to fluff the pillows under your heads.
"And that's okay. I love us the way we all are."
You yawned for the first time in ages as your eyes closed, "I love us too."
There was that familiar light coming through the window. And there was the sounds of the cars and the people. The world felt just right and you were home. You moved closer to Eddie and placed a quick, soft kiss on his lips, and his arms were quick to wrap around you.
You felt a soft tendril wrap around your arm.
"I know what you're feeling and what you're thinking." His voice sounded surprisingly quiet, "But you are more than enough for us. We don't say it, but sometimes we feel the same way. You could certainly do better than us. But.."
The tendril tighten a little, but not enough to really do much.
"You left and we realized...We don't know what to do without you. We didn't feel like doing anything anymore. It felt pointless."
You turned your head to look at your arm, seeing two small white eyes staring at you with a mixture of sadness and adoration.
"I know I'm not good with these human emotions..I might never be good with them, but..I know that I love you. And Eddie loves you too. We always try our best to show you..But you are truly all we need to be happy in this life."
You were a bit shocked with how much Venom had to say. Most of the time, he tried to use the least amount of words possible to get his point across, so you knew that he meant it.
"You both complete me, and for once, I finally have the courage to say it, because I don't know when I'll get the chance to say it again."
You smiled softly at him, and moved your arm in a way where you could place a soft kiss onto the top of his tiny little worm head.
"I won't leave again. I promise we can talk about it first."
"Talking is good."
"I love you, V."
"I love you too." He seemed to pause as he shot a glance up to Eddie, just to make sure he was still asleep, "More than that guy."
"Not possible." Eddie groaned, adjusting a little.
You smiled a little as you curled up under the blanket and actually shut your eyes for good for the night. Finally, a good night's rest. You still had doubts, maybe not many and none as big and frightening as before, but that was normal.
Not everything in life is a given or a certainty. You're not promised to tomorrow and it's not a give that you'll be a millionaire. But where you are now is where you're supposed to be. Don't doubt it. The two halves of your heart will quite literally walk to the ends of the universe just to see you smile, and that's more than enough for you.
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bitches-who-write · 3 years
you guys said in other posts that Henry and Patrick likes to scare. can you write a story on a reader whose naturally jumpy and scares way to easily. maybe a story about what they do to her? if you can make it reaally scary and teasy I like that. your guys writing is out of this world. thanx
Your wish is our command!
Scaredy Cat
Description: Reader is easily scareable/jumpy. Henry and Patrick take full advantage of this. Featuring Belch & Vic (Spinoff of our haunted house fic)
Word Count: 2,979
Warning: Suspense, Terror, Foul language,
We hope you enjoy this story as much as we enjoyed writing it. It’s our longest post yet so we’re feeling proud!! It definitely brings on Halloween Vibes for those of you who are as obsessed about Halloween as we are!
Everyone knows Eddie Kaspbrak is a nervous kid but Y/N, Eddie’s sister is even more of a scaredy-cat. Henry and Patrick could smell your fear a mile away. It’s the day before Halloween and the town of Derry is celebrating their annual haunted house attraction. Typically the last walk-through is at midnight, but Henry and Patrick have an alternative plan for their easily scareable victim.
It’s the middle of the afternoon and all anyone at school can talk about is how terrifying the haunted house attraction is going to be. I sit at an empty cafeteria table alone working on my history homework when suddenly I feel a hand grab my shoulder. I practically jump out of my skin, already feeling on edge from all the Halloween talk. I abruptly turn around to face whoever is behind me. To my surprise, it is Patrick Hockstetter and Henry Bowers. I shiver feeling the mixture of Patrick’s cool metal rings and callused hands slide down my arm, gently caressing my sides. I try to lean forward to escape his unwanted embrace, both of them still snickering from my startled reaction. “Holy shit dude, you weren’t kidding she is worse than her wimpy brother.” Henry chortled. I look up at them with a confused expression which only makes Patrick look even more satisfied. “That's right Y/N, I’ve been watching you...studying you....taking a few notes.” Patrick takes a dramatic pause, grinning before continuing; “ I’ve learned a lot of interesting things about you. Like what your fears and phobias are, and what scares you the most- which is a lot coming from you.” Henry chimes in “We noticed the way you glance over your shoulder when you’re all alone, and how you quickly turn on a light when you get home so you’re not in the dark for long.” My eyes widen in shock, realizing they’ve been stalking me without me even knowing it. I finally mustered up the courage to speak but unfortunately for me, my voice dripping from uncertainty and apprehension; “What do you guys want?” With a playful smirk, Henry grabs a chair and turns it so the back of the chair is facing me, resting his arms over it as he sits down. Patrick takes a seat directly next to me but slings his arm around my side, trapping me against him and the table. Henry, never breaking eye contact, finally speaks up first. He licks his lips before leaning in close, his voice full of malice, “We just want to spend time with you. Be ready by midnight we’re picking you up.” They both begin to stand up and walk away but Patrick slowly turns back towards me, “Oh and Y/N... that’s an order.” With that, they both exit the cafeteria leaving me trembling in fear.
I anxiously get ready knowing they will be here in another 10 minutes. I told my mother I was spending the night at a friend's house. Eddie had already gone to his sleepover at Richie’s house so I couldn’t even warn him about my whereabouts for the night. As I finish getting ready, I can’t shake the uneasy feeling that I’m being watched. I chalk the feeling off thinking I’m just being paranoid at this point. I walk into my closet to grab a jacket. When I reach for the pull string to turn on the light, of course, the lightbulb is dead- just my luck. I begin to slide each jacket down the rack trying to find the one I want when suddenly something-or someone grabs my wrist causing me to scream in terror. I pulled my wrist back with such force that I stumbled backwards falling on my ass. I try to scoot back to get away from whoever is now slowly approaching me. The tall dark figure slowly emerges from the dark closet, stepping into the light of my bedroom. My eyes widened in both panic and shock seeing Patrick standing there with an eerie smirk plastered on his face. In a mocking tone he says “You ready princess? It's time to go.” Still sitting on the floor with my back up against my bed, I then feel someone squeeze my sides from under the bed. I let out another blood-curdling scream as I jolt forward frantically crawling towards Patrick now, not knowing where to go anymore. I distinctly hear Henry’s laugh from under the bed sounding satisfied that his little prank was successful. “Fuck, it’s a good thing your mom is such a heavy sleeper.” He says in an arrogant tone. Patrick flashes him a knowing smirk adding to Henry’s observation. “Yeaaah. I’m sure those pills probably helped, too.” This made both guys laugh hysterically. “What?! What did you do to my mother?!” I ask in utter disbelief and confusion. “Ohh calm the fuck down, she’ll be fine she’s just having a good...rest.” Patrick says now guiding me by my shoulder towards the door to leave the house now.
We walk out to a blue car sitting outside the front of my house; Belch in the driver seat, chuckling. After about a 15 minute drive, we finally arrived at our destination. I had no clue where these two psychos were even taking me up until now. I look up and see a nightmarish haunted house attraction. However, for a place that is so popular in Derry, especially the night before Halloween- not a soul is around. I hesitantly step out of the car; Belch giving me a big taunting smile from his place in the car. “Good luck, Y/N” and with that, he sped off.
I try my best to be brave but my facial expression and voice says otherwise. My eyes nervously look around taking in the scenery, the palms of my hands are sweaty, and I feel a lump in my throat as I try to swallow. “W-W-Where is e-everyone? Why is n-n-nobody here?” I instantly begin to blush as they laugh at my shaky, nervous voice. Patrick’s smirk begins to grow into a wider smile as he becomes giddy in excitement, unable to stand still in one place. He jumps in front of me, facing my direction as he holds my shoulders. I glance over at Henry who is looking over at us with a knowing smirk. “That is the best part...you’re gonna love it Y/N; It’s gonna be a scream!” I continue to feel uneasy since Patrick still hasn’t answered my question about why no one else is here. Finally, Henry speaks up. “Let’s just say the Bower’s gang gets special treatment when it comes to getting what we want. Now we have the whole place to ourselves.” My stomach sinks realizing they probably terrorized the poor workers into closing the attractions. Patrick grabs my hand forcefully pulling me into the makeshift haunted house building. I tried to dig my heels into the ground to stop us but that obviously didn’t work as he is much stronger and taller than myself. Even if it did work, Henry would be right there to catch me so there is no use in trying to escape them.
Henry takes the lead opening the black curtain into the house, revealing a long dark corridor. The only light source illuminating the path was from the moonlight. I look up at Patrick who is on my left side. With pleading eyes I begin to mouth the words ‘no’ over and over again at him. He just smirks and shoves me forward. I clutch onto Patrick's arm as the three of us venture down to the first room...a Medical Experimentation Chamber.
As I walk into the room I frantically begin to look around at my surroundings. The room is dimly lit yet there are disorienting strobe lights flickering, blinding me. I squint my eyes to focus on my surroundings better. It looks like there's a lot of twists and turns ahead. I see medical tables equipped with thick straps and buckles for restraints. Alongside these tables is medical equipment that looks dented and rusty...or is that blood?. In addition to the visual distractions, there are deafly loud sound effects of patients screaming and the sounds of surgical tools being played on a loop. I was so distracted by my surroundings that I didn't notice Patrick trailing behind me. He proceeds to pick me up from behind and lays me down onto the medical table. Henry walks over and holds me by my arms and legs so Patrick can strap me in. They both back away from me laughing as I see someone enter the room. The man that walked in was dressed as a surgeon in all white, I could see he was covered in blood. My eyes widen in hysteria as I notice his facial features. His eyes were very sinister, his nose looked as if it was broken with a gashed cut on the bridge of his nose with a jagged hack job of stitches. My eyes began to fixate on his mouth which was spread wide and sewn into a gruesome smile. His teeth were jagged and sharp. As he leans down towards me, lowering his surgical tool; I begin to scream and thrash against my restraints. Suddenly everything becomes pitch black and the deafening noise vanishes. The only noises left in the room were the sound of me screaming and crying along with Henry and Patrick laughing their asses off. The room became dimly lit again as Henry began to undo the restraints. As he works to unbuckle me I frantically look around trying to find the surgeon who was just in here, but suddenly disappeared. I sat up slowly trying to compose myself although my body is trembling excessively. Patrick gave me no breaks as he continues to push me forward towards the next room...The SlaughterHouse.
As we walk into the next room, I am desperately holding onto the back of Henry’s shirt begging to go home. I can hear him chuckle  arrogantly as he feels me gripping his shirt. Patrick whispers in my ear from behind, his hands placed firmly on my hips, “But the fun is just getting started princess.” I take a deep breath before asking no one in particular, “Can someone hold my hand? ..Please?” My voice filled with terror and practically pleading. They both look at each other at the same time, laugh and respond with a mocking as they imitate my voice- “noOoO.” I look down at my feet feeling so small until I can hear what sounds like metal clanking together- echoing louder and louder. I completely stop dead in my tracks, my legs feeling so wobbly as we enter a room with hooks. So many hooks with prosthetic pigs hanging on them! I hear Patrick from behind me chuckle and say in a taunting sing-song type voice, “Come on Y/N~ keep moving.” Henry looks at us, laughing in amusing sporting that same smirk that never left his face. Henry slowly approaches me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. His voice is low and cold, “ Hey Y/N ever wonder what it felt like to be a pig hanging on a hook?” My eyes widen as he says this and I quickly try to make a run for it but Patrick is fast to grab me before I could. He begins to carry me over to Henry effortlessly despite my squirming. Patrick puts me down then shoves me into Henrys chest. Henry then picks me up and places me on one of the metal hooks, putting a hole in my favorite black jacket. I begin crying..again this time sobbing uncontrollably as I struggle to say, “G-Guys this r-r-really isn't f-funny. I wanna gah-g-go home now. Get me d-down pleasee!” They both laugh at my breakdown and begin to walk out of the room. Patrick peeks his head back in, “Just hang there for a sec princess, we’ll be right back ~” Henry chimes in “I wouldn’t give the butcher a hard time if I were you. He hates when you struggle...” I hear them laugh in the distance as they walk off again. That's when I heard it...that's when I heard the sound of a chainsaw and heavy footsteps charging towards me. I scream so loud I start to lose my voice a little, but it doesn’t stop me from trying. A man that looks well over 6ft tall with broad shoulders walks in. He looks like he came straight out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. At this point, I’m bawling my eyes out, screaming and desperately calling for Henry and Patrick’s help. Although realistically I know the chainsaw has no blade on it, it’s still equally terrifying. The butcher brings the saw somewhat close to my face. I wince, closing my eyes tightly as the strong scent of gasoline invades my nose, along with a faint musty smell coming off the chainsaw, as well as the man in front of me. I brace myself for the impact which never came. I opened my eyes to see the man lowering the chainsaw instead. I let out a sigh of relief thinking he is going to let me down but instead he pulls out a blindfold. At this point, I can literally hear my heartbeat pulsating through my ears. I’m trying to kick aimsley now that can't see anything. That’s when I feel someone grabbing at my legs. My blindfold drops down as I see Patrick looking up at me with his famous smile. Henry begins to get me down as he mockingly says, “I told you he hates it when you struggle, didn’t I?”
I am violently shaking from adrenaline to the point that they have to keep me upright, sandwiched in the middle of them both. I look at them and ask between sobs, “Are we done yet? Can I go home now? Please?” Henry condescendingly pats my head as if I am a child while Patrick chuckles and says, “We have one more room to complete and you’re their special guest...they kept vacancy just for you!”
As we exit the slaughterhouse we suddenly are displaced into a parking lot. A rush of confusion washes over me. Patrick just said there’s still one more room left, why are we outside? I shiver out of fright as Patrick rubs his hands up and down my arms, his head tilted as he looks at me with a teasing smirk. Henry nudges me and points up to a sign which reads “Motel” with a crooked red light flickering. It reads ‘Vacancy’. The makeshift motel looks runned-down and absolutely filthy. Henry and Patrick lead me to the front office. Opening the creaky wooden door on a spring, I walk in cautiously. I quickly become distracted by several different TV scenes that display [fake] murders taking place in the motel rooms by masked men. Blood-curdling screams fill my ears, making me even more thrown off guard. As I look around the office more, Patrick takes 2 long strides towards the front desk and rings the silver bell that is placed on the corner of the desk. I jump, flinching as he looks at me smirking. “I don’t think anyone is home.” He says in a sarcastic voice. Henry shoves me forward towards the back room now. He kneels down and opens a trap door. He looks up at me, “Ladies first.” Patrick snickers behind me as I cautiously started entering the crawlspace on my hands and knees. As I am crawling forward in the dirt ground, I feel Patrick smack and grab my ass causing me to jump, hitting my head in the cramped, narrow space. Patrick lets out a satisfied laugh. “You know, your ass is your only redeeming quality princess… that and your fear.” This earns a laugh from Henry, as well, who reaches under Patrick and grabs my ankle  unexpectedly; pulling me back. I let out a little yelp and eat dirt. They both start laughing again. Finally, we reach the end of the crawlspace. Patrick reaches over me and pushes up on the door to open it. I feel Patrick lift me slightly so I can pull myself out. I take note of my surroundings. That underground path lead us from the motel office, to now one of the bedrooms. As I straighten myself out, Henry and Patrick follow closely behind, climbing out of the craw-space, as well. Before I move forward I made the decision to grab Patrick’s hand despite what he said earlier about hand-holding.
Patrick looks down at me smirking but doesn't say anything. In fact, he actually holds my hand back, intertwining his fingers tightly between mine but I can tell there’s an ulterior motive behind his actions. The door handle to the motel bedroom begins to violently shake and jiggle. The door slowly opens revealing two men wearing masks. They are headed right towards me, their long legs approaching quickly. I try to back up but sadly I was still holding onto Patrick... or should I say he is holding onto me. At this point, Patrick picks me up and literally throws me onto the bed. The weight of his body is holding my legs down. As I’m struggling against Patrick, Henry walks over and holds my arms tightly above my head giving Patrick a better hold of my legs. The two masked men walk over and one of them pulls out a knife. Unlike the chainsaw from earlier, this was a very real and very sharp knife. In a taunting way, the masked men walk over slowly- one going to my left and the one with the knife going to my right. I begin to scream but it is quickly muffled by the man on my left covering my mouth. My anxiety takes over now, not able to take any more scares. I begin to see black slowly starting with my peripheral vision as it slowly covers the rest of my eyes. I begin to drift into unconsciousness. The last thing I head was the laughter of 4  recognizable guys and the muffled talking of Henry, Patrick, Vic, and Belch.
I woke up in my bed, the sun glaring down on my face. I sit up slowly, trying to remember how I even got here. Last thing I remember was being held down by those assholes in that terrifying motel room. I get out of bed and begin to stretch when I notice something hanging on my closet door. I hesitantly walked over to my closet seeing a note stuck to the door. The paper note was help up by a knife.. the same knife from last night! My breathing becomes shallow and hands shake as I read over the note. Still feeling jumpy, I jump when I hear Eddie’s and Richie’s loudmouths enter the front door. I bring my attention back to the note which reads~
I can’t get your screams or your scared face out of my mind. How about we try to recreate them in the bedroom? -Patrick
You’re my number one target now..scaredy-cat - Henry
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