#Eel likes infodumping
the-mew-crew · 3 months
Idk if it's a good time but hey Eel how was Trick born
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"How was Trick born...? No, no. This is a good question. Let me think for a moment..."
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"Well, you see, all of the prime mews were made by this tree. Prime is... special. That's why they're the only one left. They utilized the tree's method of producing mews to create their own. Fye, Trick, Girr, myself, and all the others who weren't born via eggs were produced using the tree. They didn't just appear out of thin air. They still needed time to form and develop..."
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thegreatyin · 13 days
Now that Evo is over do the Naturalist bingo again and give me ur general opinions and thoughts on his character overall
i don't need to pull up the bingo again to say he is literally my bestie and i love him dearly
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shrimpricebowl · 3 months
ocs or something (stuff since... august??)
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ive been thinking about making a proper illustration for them since all of these are just meant to conceptualize their relationships with others but. im Kinda Tired so maybe.. soon??? ive been wanting to share them for a while so here they are!
bglg.gngkjfm Refsheets and infodump!!! yay!!!!
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nicknamed "petals," it was a pink eel lizard that was every citizen's friend and especially close with the city's iterator. it was constantly fed and taken care of by the ancients. also being dressed up during festivals, the blanket on its back kept changing and being embroidered to fit the occasion.
its frills and body were always painted cyan, while its face with yellow. its favorite food was squidcadas because of course it was
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an inseparable trio of slugpups from gourmand’s clan who deviated from the path during migration and now work together to survive. they are nameless and don’t desire to be as they all swiftly move on to the next area to explore.
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an iterator who nearly never shuts up about everything that is happening. cheerful yet pragmatic, he shares and obtains ideas and hints of the solution from other iterators. their overseers and broadcasts can go the farthest out of the group just for the sole purpose of keeping up to date with their neighbors.
crimson’s city is full of festivals and celebrations, naturally making it bustling and noisy especially at night. its citizens were close to each other and also mostly included crimson to create unique holograms such as fireworks from his overseers. they are also sometimes dressed; their antenna sometimes adorned with flowers or lights, and their cloak changed and designed to reflect the occasion. he also enjoyed rambling about whatever to the city's friend and being replied with it dozing off.
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the oldest iterator and leader of the group. resourceful and strategic, they guide their group in making decisions about their communities’ states and welfares… when the ancients still existed. 
flora’s city is small but rich in greenery influenced by the surrounding environment. despite the abundance of resources flora’s can had, it eventually fell due to it not being maintained. the severe overgrowth caused many plants to cover the can and clog the pipes; gradually absorbing the water and causing slag to build up, frying the superstructure and collapsing
there are 2 more iterators in the group but im Still fixing them so!!!!! um...
their group resides in a very water-filled area. most if not all the regions they are located has water EVERYWHERE aside from flora's ...like imagine the pacific ocean but bigger and also walkable
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eepernation · 1 year
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Hyrule is a moray eel! I am showing clear fish favoritism because I am about to infodump a LOT. about moray eels while explaining Hyrule's design. Everything is under the cut so that this post isn't 10000 pages long ASHDHASD
Hyrule is specifically based on Gymnothorax monochrous, the Drab moray eel (I added a picture at the very bottom of this post)! He tends to blend in very easily with the group, and not draw a lot of attention from strangers. He is very plain-looking, but being a humble traveler, he doesn't mind it at all. He actually rather prefers not being the center of attention.
Yesterday I hinted at Hyrule's fish species having some special quality to his blood. Congratulations! It's poison! Moray eels carry ichthyotoxins in their blood, which is a substance that can be rather dangerous and potentially lethal in large enough quantities. Case in point, Hyrule is still very much terrified of bleeding! The angst potential continues!/lh
He still has his healing magic, of course! This creates a nice juxtaposition. Hyrule is the resident medic, but also someone who could easily accidentally poison someone if he isn't careful.
Yes, Hyrule has two sets of jaws. Moray eels have an entire second set of jaws. These are called pharyngeal jaws! They sit in the back of the throat and can extend forwards to grab at things. You know, if you wanna be extra-bitey! Hyrule uses them to freak the rest of the chain out LMAO
The little dots on Hyrule's face, right on the bridge of his nose? Those are not piercings. Those are his nares (aka fish nostrils)! If you look at any picture of a moray eel, you will see that it has little horn-looking protrusions on its snout. Since fish have gills, they don't need noses to breathe, so they need an alternative way to pick up chemical sensory information. All fish have nares, but since moray eels have particularly bad eyesight, they have to rely more on their sense of smell to catch prey, so their nares are more pronounced. I wanted to carry that aspect over to Hyrule's design!
Hyrule has bad eyesight and depends more on his sense of smell than the rest of the chain. He might not be as good at navigating the open ocean, but put him in a cave or somewhere with low visibility and he is a WHIZ at getting around while the rest of the chain fumbles around in the darkness. Hyrule is also exceptionally perceptive of danger and is usually among the first people to notify the group when any sort of enemy is nearby.
He's one of the only members of the chain who actually wears clothing. He likes the color green because not only is it pretty, but it helps him blend in even more with the seaweed and rocks. Also, since I took Legend's hat away from him, I gave it to Hyrule instead! Hyrule and Minish bond over having cool green hats.
FINALLY!!! Here is a picture of the fish I based him on- the Drab moray eel! AKA brown moray, monochrome moray, or plain moray eel. Contrary to its name, I think this fish is actually very pretty. What beautiful shades of brown! I will be taking NO moray eel slander in this household/lh
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ohshy · 10 months
random punch out headcanons (theyre a little king hippo skewed)
- aran ryan is really good at rhyming. he uses this to annoy people. One time, he wrote a purple prose joke letter to don flamenco which he thought was a genuine exclamation from his lover Carmen, only to find it signed ''(...) my stalwart bullfighting lion, you shine brightly like the mighty orion -> love, aran ryan ♥''. Needless to say, hell broke loose. Aran thought it was worth it though.
- because of aran's rhyming abilities, disco kid has asked him to do a music collab. big mistake, aran only wanted to create sea shanty inspired diss tracks.
- von kaiser is a polyglot !!! he knows almost every language every person speaks in the WVBA. He's not fluent in all of them, but he'll still happily translate for them, if their english is not the best, or if they simply feel more comfortable communicating in their native tongue.
- all the boxers have fanart walls. bear huggers fanart is either wholesome art of him holding or taking care of animals or scribbles of him eating a big raw fish. he thinks the latter r very funny.
- king hippo loves collecting little sea critter trinkets !!! he WILL infodump to you ab them. his favorite fish is the gulper eel, he looked at that fish and thought Hes just like me fr.
- glass joe is a disgruntled fashion snob. he WILL insult his fellow competitors' fashion tastes under his breath. army clothes? in a boxing ring? unfitting! leotards?! out of fashion! Even if other's overhear it, they just leave him be. He's the lowest ranking boxer of the WVBA, hes gotta release his frustration somehow, right?
- great tiger sometimes talks to his own clones if he needs advice or otherwise just wants someone to talk to. It helps him regulate his thoughts and emotions when hes overwhelmed.
- king hippo is the type to unintentionally spit some real wisdom. He even once (unintentionally) gave the materialistic super macho man an existential crisis w/ a pineapple metaphor. Don’t ask macho how, he’ll just spiral again.
- aran ryan, great tiger and piston hondo are in a constant prank war w/ eachother. if things go really awry, either bear hugger or mr sandman step in.
- king hippo's original ring name was ''the human hippo''. he changed it to ''king hippo'' after he became the minor circuit champion though. he, in a way, became king of the ring :)
- bald bull is quite the introverted guy, the press notwithstanding. he has a lot of energy that he can't always release onto a sparring partner. because of this, he's often an emotional mess that outs itself in pent-up aggression. additionally, most social situations are too overwhelming to him, even without the press, and the only opponent he can really equally spar with are his world circuit opponents and his punching bag.
- king hippo, bear hugger, great tiger and bald bull share a companionship for naming themselves after animals. They once tried to get super macho man to change his name to ''super macho shark'' and have mr sandman adopt a sheep gimmick.
- super macho man has ambitions to become the next us president. After he retires boxing, though.
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beeshoesometimesdraws · 2 months
(centaur au)
Will Eclipse get revenge on Lunar for zapping him? If yes, how?
Also do you have any random facts/hcs about any of the centaurs?
I'm sooo interested in this AU that you can't even imagine
Yes, Eclipse will definitely be getting revenge on Lunar later (it will most likely involve snakes - I don’t think Lunar in canon is afraid of snakes, at least not that I recall, though centaur Lunar is, I kinda imagine it how Toothless and the other dragons in httyd are scared of eels)
Oh yeah I have LOTS of random fun facts/headcanons for this au >:)
Starting off with gender/sexuality headcanons :
Lunar is trans and uses they/he pronouns, pan
Earth is panromantic demisexual and uses she/they
Solar is pan and uses he/they
Sun uses any pronouns (he/she/they), bi
Moon is aroace, uses he/him
Eclipse is demiromantic pansexual and agender, uses he/him
(BM twins) Scarlet (twin 1) - genderfluid, pan | Whiskey (twin 2) - nonbinary (masc leaning), uses they/he and is biromantic grey-ace
Ruin is unlabeled, def queer tho, and uses they/them
KC is bisexual and uses he/him
Now onto other random facts/headcanons :
The BM twins in this au are obligate carnivores (most centaurs are omnivores like humans—in my headcanon anyway- so the twins are an abnormality)
The twins are separate in this au and that is how they have always been though they still have a very close connection to each other
The nick/tear in Solar’s ear is from a tracker that he ripped out of his ear sometime before meeting the others
Solar has a bit of a southern accent in this au (I may do voice claim stuff tho still unsure)
Instead of coming from his time in space like in canon, Lunar’s star powers were just something he was born with that lay dormant in him until later on (the astrals of course knew he had these powers the whole time but didn’t appear until they started to manifest)
KC is the tallest as well as the oldest in this au (with Eclipse being a close second in height) and Lunar is the shortest (and the only one based off a pony)
KC’s right ear is permanently flattened due to an injury from years ago (you can see this on his ref sheet)
All of them display horselike behaviors (because as many already know I LOVE characters with physical animal traits that also have behavioral traits)
These behaviors include :
vocal (snorting, squealing, whinnying, nickering, etc)
stomping hooves when annoyed/upset or sending an alarm to others
ear emotes (laid flat - angry, swiveling rapidly - anxious/nervous, pricked - alert/interested, etc)
when excited or playing they may nip and bump each other and/or chase each other around
charging/false charging (Eclipse is well known for doing this both to other centaurs and people)
They may be centaurs but they are still of course half horse and have prey responses/behavior, especially when it comes to things that could be a threat to them (wild cats, wolves, other large predators, snakes, etc)
some have stronger reactions to this prey response than others (though again the twins are the odd ones out and have little fear for other predators with them being more like a predator themselves)
during the fall and winter their coats get thicker and fluffier and in the spring and summer they thin back out
They all live with their own little “herds” —Moon and Sun’s herd (them, Lunar, Earth, Solar, eventually Eclipse), KC’s herd (KC + the twins)—Ruin’s the odd one out in this as they don’t belong to either herd
(There’s other behaviors they do but these are some of the most common/notable)
That’s all the random little facts/headcanons I have for now, I don’t want this post getting too long lol
Thank you for giving me an excuse to infodump :D
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queermentaldisaster · 4 months
Random HTTYD!au information (INFODUMPING!!!!)
So, because Skrills eat electric eels, and DeathSongs literally couldn't care less about them, DeathSong!Soap often brings back electric eels for Skrill!Ghost.
Laurel and Misty have a special way of communicating, and that is tail gestures. For example, when Laurel flicks his tail frill four times, that means he wants cuddles.
Rider!Roach has special signs. For example, a ‘y’ sign, using his thumb and pinkie, when he flaps it, means fly.
Rider!Gaz will often go out and sunbathe with Laurel (it's an excuse for both of them to nap for a while on stressful days too)
Misty, Laurel, Smokey, and Tater all know how to write and read Viking (English)
Rider!Price will randomly get bursts of energy and destroy all the training dummies. Roach scolds the shit out of him.
Death Song!Soap has the world's BEST puppy dog eyes. And yes, he abuses this power to get Ghost to do whatever he wants. :3
Tater is an enigma. Even to his own rider. No one knows where he came from, why he looks the way he does, he just kinda...showed up one day with a mouth full of potatoes and never really left?
Laurel has been with Gaz since he was small. They're both 25. Gaz doesn't even remember why Laurel is called Laurel.
Misty stumbled out of the mist one day, after she got into a fight with other dragons. It's where she lost her left tail. She collapsed in front of Roach, who took her in, treated her wounds, and made sure she was safe.
Smokey got his name for two reasons. One, he was constantly chasing after smoke when he was little. (Still does, it's a whole ass problem.) Two, you cannot look at that behemoth and tell me he doesn't like muscular smoke.
And yeah, that's it! :3
(Taglist: @im-here-and-im-confused @the-starry-raven @thegreyjoyed @forestshadow-wolf @myriadblvck)
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looptroupe · 7 months
this au of mine was birthed from the start of my L3 obsession LOL but lupin as a shark merman!!
i feel shy telling the details but the basic idea is that he went missing for years and no one in the gang could find him, until goemon was training in the ocean and encounters lupin as a merman looking at him.
turns out, lupin has lost all his memory of his past life and only knows his name, and now just roams the ocean hunting for shiny stuff.
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This Lup sounds like a cutie :,) or at least, until he starts infodumping about the 80 different kinds of rare pearls he’s found in the past three weeks, and the perilous foes he fought off to acquire them (starfish joe and his buddy billy the eel).
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portpebble · 2 years
Alphys Electric Feel Friday
[Video ID: a fancam of Alphys from Undertale to Electric Feel by MGMT. The lyrics go: "I said oo girl, shock me like an electric eel. Baby girl, you turn me on with your electric feel". The clips are: when she nervously paces in the lab, when she infodumps about Mew Mew Kissy Cutie in Mettaton's game show, when she awkwardly brings a bunch of Undyne-themed items to her date, when she's stuck in the garbage can that Undyne throws her in, and when she gets nervous and starts blushing after Mettaton asks the human to say who Alphys has a crush on. There's a sparkling heart effect while these clips play. At the end is a picture of Alphys's Overworld sprite simply captioned "The Alphys / Bottom Text" surrounded by pink hearts. End ID.]
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robodove · 1 year
OKAY I FINALLY HAVE A LITTLE TIME ARRGAGRG I hope this aimless infodump is readable
so! Their designs and junk are a mess rn but I do have some stuff of them!!
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Ignore the little dragon in the last I'm still working on Lloyd's whole... business. And! Don't mind the text in the pink one, I was just tryna think up silly nicknames!
Anyways! They aren't really... Traditional pirates? Y'know.. cause their crew size is like 5 + a child and ancient beast.
Under division is a small ramble
Cole's the "captain" and is a selkie (although I know they're usually seals I accidentally chose a sea lion)! He's the sea lion in the pictures and I'm desperately trying to work his skin into the design. I thought it'd be silly since he was raised in dance and entertainment.. and hey! Sea lions are known for that too!
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(he wasn't meant to look so forsaken here, sorry Cole)
Jay is a mermaid (thing?) When in the water, he has the lower half reminiscent of an electric eel (I saw reminiscent as there are some major differences)! No one really has powers in this but he can still shock like that,, Ed and Edna are still human in this and I'm trying to remember if they still lived at a scrapyard or a shipyard.
Both Kai and Nya are only half mermaid! Nya ended up inheriting way more mermaid traits than her brother, who doesn't even have a tail in water, but still has a lot of human drawbacks. She can only breathe underwater for so long and ironically Kai can last down there longer. He just chooses not to since I thought it'd be funny to still let him be scared of water in this 😭 sorry Kai. He still has the recognizable sharper teeth and has bits and flashes of shimmery scales but is overall the most human of the bunch once you count out Cole's unskinned form.
I couldn't resist myself on Zane and ended up making him a siren. Mainly because.. bird! And also if he was going to be organic, I wanted to isolate him from the other sea related creatures. He has the wings and feathers of a gyrfalcon and can't swim as well in the ocean! He ends up bonding with Kai over this Kai originally hadn't liked him too much! Reasonably so since.. y'know.. sirens eat people. And mermaids in this.. although Zane eats human things as he was raised on it by a still very human Dr. Julien (who I guess is more of a bird-oriented wildlife scientist in this? ornithologist?). insert joke about him being a hand raised bird.
I don't have my sketchbook with me right now so I'm scrambling for pictures but ! Like all their designs, he's still a work in progress. Will most likely make his legs longer or something but this is just my ideas LOL
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And anyways! Onto Lloyd! (And the others?)
I was struggling to decide what Lloyd should be,, like? A dragon could still very much work and his normal version is already so cool?? However, I ended up on leviathan.. a baby one. The serpentine aren't decided but Lloyd's still pretty much not taken seriously by the town. Still winds up being taken in by the "ninja!"
Garmadon is still locked up, although now at the bottom of the ocean! The Skulkin are drowned/dead pirates?
Wu is who I've been struggling to decide on as well! For whatever reason I've been contemplating making him like just some statue in the Destiny's Bounty that speaks to them.
There's plenty of other things going on,, Kai and Nya come to them on accident and Jay is over the moon to see other moons and wants to show them their "ways" despite having never even met others before. Cole is desperately trying to keep everyone in one place as they've accidentally made the perfect collection of the world's most valuable pelts.
Kai still raises Nya at the forge (which in this, is beachside), but years later there's a rise in pricing for the scales of mers and the boy decides that they need to leave in effort to protect her. Nya is devastated because this is their home! Where else would they even go?? They barely have any cash! Kai's decision is further inland AND with the money they get from selling the forge. Yadda, yadda, the buyer turns on them and they wind up in the ocean near their home! Kai's knocked cold, which is for the better as Nya swims them further and further into open ocean.
For the first time, Nya meets another mer as she tries to save her brother, and he helps them aboard a ship! The Destiny's Bounty! (Or perhaps a ship before it? It's all still up in air)
I'd expand more but I'm out of time </3 please give any suggestions if you'd like to! I'd always appreciate criticism
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bandagegirl · 1 year
Cheese eel lore when?
First and foremost, Fortuna isn't real in the game. If you go to Midas' Cave, even on a friday, she will Not be there. I'm saying this because people keep thinking Fortuna is a real character in the game but she's not. Also, i cant do read mores without everything breaking, so i apologize for the wall of text.
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Fortuna is the Golden Goddess of Luck, Wishes and Riches. Commonly called Lady Luck by most people, Miss Fortuna by Midas out of respect and nicknamed Tuna by various people. Fortuna is an OLD goddess, in her own words, she's old enough to remember the flow of time being a mere creak. For most of her life, she was traveling all over, spreading luck, granting wishes and adding things to her collections. But unlike many gods, Fortuna typically didn't make a big show out of her appearances, hiding away in caves and wells due to simply not liking being around many people for long times and being a Gigantic Golden Eel Goddess kinda draws a lot of attention. Fortuna is autistic and very, very large, made out gold thats always kinda soft and melty but never actually dropping off of her.
Many Gods herd their followers with a watchful eye, stricking fear into their hearts to keep them compliant, but not Fortuna. Fortuna believes in being kind and caring to everyone, giving safety to even the most dangerous of gods if they ask for shelter. Yes, it definitely has bitten her in the tail quite a few times but that doesnt stop her from being kind, from granting wishes to mortals and gods alike. The only exceptions would be wishes relating to herself such as love proposals and negative wishes such as self harm and death. Fortuna has no interest in romance and romantic relations and the last time she fulfilled a large amount of negative wishes, it birthed a god of bad luck and fears.
Over her many travels, Fortuna has amassed a large collection of various artifacts. some were won in games and fights against powerful individuals, others are objects of mass destruction and thus kept away from the world, others are bodyparts and full creatures preserved in jars for various reasons, others are gifts, offerings and sacrifices given to Fortuna, all cherished and well remembered over the eons. The most important part of her collection is her graveyard of golden statues. Each statue has been crafted by the goddess herself using purest of gold and the remains of the individual. Most statues are of other gods that have crossed her path and met their end for various reasons. Some statues are of mortals for the very same reasons. Fortuna treats mortals and gods with equal kindness and respect, even in death. Gods are usually only remembered in their long lives, the moment they die, mortals move on and forget their gods. But as an ancient goddess, Fortuna honours the death of each and every god and mortal in her golden graveyard because no one else is there to remember them. If she ever shows you her collection, you are bound to have her infodump for hours and hours about each piece with loving detail. Fortuna calls people (my) dear and dearest.
If challenged to a fight, Fortuna will either play more than seriously fight, allowing you to survive, or she goes for a quick kill, biting her opponent with her powerful flat teeth. She can extend smaller versions of herself from her mouth like a Xenomorph for better biting. Despite her ability to draw out a large amount of hands from all over her long body, she doesnt use any weapons. Being Luck in person, Fortuna doesn't lose. She can easily heal her own wounds with gold in her cave.
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Fortuna has two relatives. Her little sister Paidia, Goddess of Gambling and Addiction, co-creator of games of chance such as knucklebones. Paidia lived for many years together with Fortuna in what later became the lands of the Old Faith, statues of her hidden all over, but she decided to leave long before the bishops ever came into being. While Paidia built her own grand city akin to Las Vegas called Schatzstadt, bright and full of addicting fun times, many beliefs that used to belong to her were slowly attributed to her older sister Fortuna such as the creation of games of chance. But neither mind much, the two sisters are on very good terms, calling eachother Payday and Tuna affectionately despite having not had contact since going seperate ways. Paidia is a huge flirt, commonly seducing mortals for her own amusement. Paidia fucks, ok. Someone in the family had to. Similar to Fortuna, Paidia collects pictures of interesting visitors, be it other gods, powerful and important mortals, successful players of her games or simply just a charming guest. If you manage to beat or impress her, you may make a request. She's not a wish granter like Fortuna but Paidia has her ways of getting what she wants and needs. Information is her specialty but she loves to gamble with it. Tell her something new and she might share small info bits that you need. Be glad to leave her city with a vague description of Fortuna's whereabouts, the fact you're leaving at all speaks for itself. Paidia gives people many flirty nicknames, many of which are food themed (sugartits, hunk of meat, full course seafood platter).
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Fortuna has a son, born from a time where people wished for horrible things. For a storm to destroy the school because they're afraid of failing a test. For someone to get injured as petty revenge. For death. All these negative wishes came in such high amounts, they made Fortuna horribly sick. When Fortuna threw up a large mass of pitch, she started losing consciousness. and in those moments, the pile of pitch rose, spread wings and flew away. That is Gustav Mandela Angel Pechvogel, God of Bad Luck and Fears. While he shares Fortuna's deep brown eyes, his smile is fake and simply just how his lower beak looks like. Gustav, just like his mother, travels the world, spreading bad luck wherever he goes. He played part in many disasters, especially if it involves people of power. Gustav firmly believes that his mother doesnt care about him, so he tries to suck up to anyone while completely wrecking them with fears and stress and anxiety, possibly projecting his own insecurities onto the individual while manipulating them. Gustav enjoys watching the explosion but will leave shortly after, not wanting to be caught in the aftermath. Fortuna isnt aware of Gustav's existence. He calls people Darling.
As long as someone wishes for it, Fortuna can do it. Not even bringing people back from the dead is impossible, but a full body or even just bodyparts nake it easier. Any missing parts will be replaced with gold. Objects given by Fortuna are blessed to work beyond hood, a soup laddle always serving enough for everyone, a sword never missing its needed target, an unbreakable shield that protects frm everything. On the occasion someone wishes for a child, that child will bear Fortuna's brown eyes and a large smile. The children of those children will have brighter eyes with every generation until they have bright golden eyes. Fortuna typically blesses people and objects by licking them due to not being really able kiss.
When the bishops came to the lands Fortuna had her mainstay in, she decided to stay and hide away while many other gods tried to challenge the bishops to no avail. While many gods died or left the lands, many were too weak to flee and didnt wish to die, so Fortuna offered them all shelter in her gold filled cave and her beloved wishing well. As time went on, the few followers she shared with the other gods slowly dwindled into nothing, leaving them all with no devotion. Fortuna stayed strong thanks to her gold healing and strengthening her, and people were still making wishes all over the world, but that didn't stop some of the other gods from going into a deep sleep they will never wake up from.
One day, a starfish with golden eyes stumbled into the cave. Banished from Anchordeep for daring to steal from the bishop of plagues, the starfish throws a wish into the well. Fortuna whispers to him to return to the beach, where he will find treasures in a wrecked ship. If he decides to bring those treasures back into the cave, he will receive far more than any ship or squid could ever carry. And so, the starfish returns, sharing the treasures with his new gods. Placing a crown from the ship wreck treasure on his head, the Golden Goddess renames the starfish Midas. The nameless Minor God of Health binds Midas' life to the gods, granting him immortality as long as he doesnt fall in a fight. In return, the gods gain a devoted follower that will take care of them until they all are freed. Until the bishops are dead. Midas is taught by Fortuna to be kind and caring to all no natter what, which blooms well in the starfish.
Rumors spread throughout Silk Cradle, of gods hiding away in the Cave of Midas. The bishop of war searches for the cave to prove these rumors wrong. Midas shoves Shamura into the well and a godly bloodbath happens. Some gods die or are badly and Shamura barely manages to escape the well and cave, yet they decide to come back. At first, their goal is to get rid of those gods but over time, the bloodlust makes way for conversations. During their many fights, Fortuna kept talking to Shamura, not taking it seriously and playing with the small crown bearer. Offering to heal the spider so that no one grows suspicious, Shamura gets to talking with Fortuna and Midas over tea. Conversations the god of war needed but couldn't have with their siblings.
Over time, the spider and the eel grow close in ways neither could describe and it scares the other gods. Fearing Fortuna would betray them and throw them all to their death at the bishop's claws, they plead to Midas to do something. A plan is created, each and every god is sealed in the wishing well as Fortuna sleeps to their own protection, the seal breaking only when the bishops all have died. Midas isnt good with magic, hurting himself during the sealing while Fortuna asks him to take good care of himself. The starfish awakens next to a gold filled well with the spider bishop overlooking him, their head wrapped in bandages. Shamura stops visiting the cave soon after, Midas isnt why they kept visiting.
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I can make you a pride icon if you want
DNI+Other things under the cut(at least read what's in red pls)
So yeah, I'm Socks and I'll rather be addressed as he/it/star+other neos, I'm also ok with most gendered therm but if you're not sure just calls me masculine ones. Use il/lui in french plz
Here's my full list of neos and other things
POC trans guy👍
I create drawings like fruit
Digital art is made on the weekends
Art request: open, will most likely be traditional
Please say things to me and send things to me I love listening to people and I'm so sad and alone like half the time and it'll never bother me even if I'm busy
I love bright colors and light but I understand how some people can't look at them for their safety so I tag it as #eyestrain and #flashing I tag other things too theyre just the most common
If you're my moot I WILL send u something stupid in your inbox at some point
I'm a huge vFlower fan
I love when people infodump and ramble in my inbox itz so interesting
Memory issues
If I complain about something and its not tagged as a vent then that means I'm not that upset about it
Don't involve me in discourse I will explode
I have an nilfruits RP, askblog,pirate-ing ur faves, sona rp blog, zatsune rp, hagane RP, utsu-p dedicated, rain world x3 and where I reblog my favorite things side blogs they're @narou-official @ask-voca-mutant-au @yer-fave-is-a-pirate @socks-is-a-menace @zatsunemiku-official @haganemiku-official @weekly-utsu-p @gourmand-appreciation @valid-iterator-name @invenot and @the-spearmaster
I also have a SUPER MEGA GIGA SECRET pokemon irl blog, try finding it:)
Here I'll be putting hints for it: eel
I also have @the-artificer who just kinda exist
I have autism, adhd n bpd
DID too now apparently??? My headmates are at @bar0ness and @n0mann
I'm a minor don't be weird
Don't sexualise my art, ocs and designs
I like these thang->Warrior Cat(barely, I don't even catch up), Mad rat dead, Kirby, the Stanley parable, murder drones, pafl, biblically accurate angels, sparklecats, Dead plate, Pokemon, Vocaloid, OFF, ENA, Cuphead, pjsekai, Splatoon, bocchi the rock, cult of the lamb, sonic, rain world, and Omori(I don't support omocat), please talk to me about them (there will also be spoiler for all of these)
You can use my art n designs as long as you credit but PLEASE don't give it to AI, repost it(unless credited and Fanart, don't repost my oc art whiteout permission) or use it in edits!! Icons are fine
I threw a kinlist here at some point and just saying, I don't mind doubles that's not a problem
Tagging system:
#Paradichlorobenzene is my favorite word:text posts
#random/#rambling: text posts from 2022 to 2023
#socks is scribbling: art tag
#rb: reblog
#oc:[insert name]:the mentioned OC's tag
I also got two personas who are very cools
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Userbox by @sweetpeauserboxes
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DNI : post untagged nsfw things, Rainflower defenders, support AI art, queerphobics, racist, transfobes, actively tries to have intercourse with animals and kids, irl yandere, proshipper, radfem, like hp or support it's creator, ableist, anti furries, exclusionist, eating disorder blogs, transautistic, nazi, terfs and similar things
And that's it I think
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ask-jasper-cameron · 19 days
to mod,
Hey tthere silly dudeszz...
i need the info so
How do Jasper fight?
[Copypasting this to the others inbox lmao]
Mod here!
Oh shit, how he fights? Didn't expect to get an ask like this.
Well, he doesn't necesarilly stick to one/few type/s of fighting styles. He just uses his fist and legs and just throws whatever he has at the enemy!
anyways, before he fights.. he does try to intimidate! Making himself look bigger, standing on tip toes, staring intimidatingly, sometimes he'll even wear his night cloak to make himself looks more mysterious. (Mysterious = SORTA intimidating amirite???)
If intimidation tactics (w/o weapons of any types) fails he immediately grabs whatever is nearby and threatens to bludgeon/stab/bonk the enemy with the object! (This includes Fish, Nearby pillow, hell- even his own glasses!)
Also, you think his floating double ahoge isn't spiky? It's almost as sharp as a butcher's knife! /j. But seriously, the ahoge's enough to AT LEAST cause mild pain/discomfort to the enemy. They can cause a wound (bleed) at best.
If ALL intimidation tactics aren't working, he goes into combat quickly! He specs into a lot of trickster fighting moves- such as poking enemy's eyes, scratching them with nails, bonking their heads together (don't worry guys jasper's skull is thick as fuck), he bites hard, he tackles hard, he's pretty much a pokemon at this point.
His best combat weapon is not-so-surprisingly... fish! He knows different species has different effects, and he uses that to his advantage. He uses electric eels to shock, uses pufferfish to kill- yes he has killed someone before why do you ask. Sometimes he'll even pull out leeches and all that! (Only the one up there knows how the fuck he keeps these on his inventory at all times).
He can and will use the usual set of weapons too! Knives, guns, nailbats, scissors, you name it, he can use it! He will even use unconventional weapons! (Glue, kitchen sponge, sandpaper, hairclip, a fucking plushie, a phone book, etc.)
He's more comfortable with hand-to-hand combat rather than melee/ranged weapon combat. Its all because he can get more tricky with it lmfao.
But his favorite weapon (other than fish) is nailbats! He loves it. So much. GRAHH BASH THEM IN THE HEAD BLOOD EVERYWHERE AAAAA
Oh i wasted so much writing space on that one.
Well, let's just close this post.
imma tag the others bc why the fuck not
Remember, he can overcome any styles of martial arts if he tried hard enough! Toodaloo!
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foster-the-moths · 11 months
my headcanon is that o'brien/gabriel kept trying to catch dave with the most elaborate traps ever to kill him and dave, who acts solely off of looney tunes logic and the spirit of a barbecue dad at the lake, somehow managed to survive every single time. an piano falls so close to him that it shatters the ground and he goes haha wow! i wonder who's moving pianos up there! o'brien paints a wall to look like the road and he fucking goes through it unharmed. o'brien digs a giant hole in the ground and he walks over it and lives. a grenade gets thrown in the store and there's a massive explosion and he walks out without a single scorch mark on his clothing. by the time o'brien manages to get dave to come to the church he's been so fed up with this man that he calls him a fucking idiot and explodes his brain
HELP ME what's really sending me is the implication that gabriel HAS to kill him via cartoon villain trap. you would think he'd change tactics after the second or third time but no they NEED to kill him in the most absurd and goofy way possible. especially with the implication that they were friends or at least talked to each other. o'brien invites dave out to lunch or something to 'catch up' and the whole time he's trying to kill dave via an elaborate saw trap involving marbles, anvils, electric eels, and chainsaws but dave is too busy infodumping about the incredibly rare piece of 1930's almost-lost-media he found the other day in a thrift store and is restoring at his shop to even notice the mortal peril he's in. and he lives anyways. by the end of their lunch gabriel is so fucking mad that he absolutely vaporizes the first alternate he encounters as stress relief
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crysdrawsthings · 1 year
So, I was tagged by @argisthebulwark and @skyrim-forever to do this meme - and sure, why not! Will be answering for Deer, portrait being done in a very fun Picrew by elenaillustrate.
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Seasoning: Entire spice cabinet dumped into a dish. Perhaps by accendent. Coincidentally - Deer's cooking style.
Weather: Pleasant warm evening sun, perfect for a little lazy nap on the porch.
Colour: Rich, darker shade of gold.
Sky: Dusk. The very specific part of Sun slowly rising.
Magic Power: I mean, her entire thing and brand is turning into a dragon to various degrees?
House Plant: Tiny cacti. Like, the tiniest cacti you can imagine.
Weapon: Auri-El gave her two perfectly good hands and she is so going to use them.
Subject: Absorbing scientific knowledge through cultural osmosis and listening to people infodumping. By the way, have you heard about the great eel excommunication by the priesthood of Auri-El in the early 1E?
Social Media: liveblogging, but so deranged it circles back to being funny.
Make-up Product: Eyeliner for her and concealer for throwing at neighbors.
Candy: These super sour candies that make your face scrunch into a point.
Fear: Probably not being able to girlboss hard enough to save everyone she wants to save. Also forks.
Ice Cube Shape: The ice is ice! Who cares!
Method of long-distance travel: Scenic route through the middle of nowhere and absolute neck of the woods.
Art style: Singing, but specifically the kind that only works for karaoke, camping with friends or obnoxious shower singing at 5am.
Celestial Body: I would say comet.
Mythological Creature: Dragon, naturally.
Piece of stationery: Fancy stickers. Definitely fancy stickers.
As for tagging people myself: hmmm, maybe @thelastpinecone @nerevar-quote-and-star, @average-crazy-fangirl @fallen-chances and mhm @thelavenderelf
Absolutely no pressure and if you like the idea, naturally!
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ohshy · 6 months
king hippo autistic traits bc i said so
SI in surfing n sea critters n loves infodumping ab both. has a particular obsession with gulper eels.
poor emotional regulation, sometimes gets meltsdowns after losing a fight or getting into an argument. the only way he can rly regulate himself is by punching smth.
couldn't talk for a rly long time, he'd only make certain noises for however he felt, growling when he was mad, purring when he was happy. Even now, he prefers making noises over talking. the fact it makes him more intimidating in the ring is just a bonus to him.
when he talks tho, very dry n monotone voice.
doesnt wear proper boxing shoes bc theyre Sensory Hell(tm)
similarly doesnt like wearing tops bc theyre too restrictive and again Sensory Hell. Tits out for this man only.
very used to his routine. Fight, Eat, Sleep. Can get particularly upset if this routine gets disrupted suddenly.
Pretty blunt communication style, very direct in showing physical affection, which unintentionally can be offputting to some people.
low sensitivity to a lot of stimuli, including touch, taste n sight. he is more sensitive to sound though, which is why he prefers being on his island where theres no city noise like cars n helicopters.
Black or white thinking. its hard for him to see people he loses to as just people, instead seeing them as enemies, which lead to him cheating his next match against mac.
bonus: macho n hippo r both autistic. havent rly worked out all of machos traits yet, but main ones r bluntness n his SI's being his own brand and classic old hollywood films.
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