#El Fantasma de la Opera
royalavera · 2 months
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I know this is a typical thing to say but this my favorite song and scene, we're literally entering a world of magic, what's yours? Get the desktop bg here!
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Happy Birthday, Gaston Leroux! 🎂 Born on May 6, 1868, and passing on April 15, 1927, today we celebrate the birth of a literary giant whose haunting masterpiece, *Le Fantôme de l'Opéra*, continues to inspire and captivate. Here at Zariya Hollow, we're thrilled to pay homage to Leroux's genius through our audio adaptation, *The Ghost in The Opera House*. As we weave through the shadows of the Paris Opera, guided by the spectral tales of Leroux himself, we invite you to delve deeper into this fascinating world.
👻 Celebrate with us by listening to the first three episodes of our five-part adaptation. Tune into the haunting echoes of the opera house and experience the mystery and drama that Leroux so masterfully created.
Listen to the episodes here:
Leroux's legacy is not just preserved in the pages of his novels but vibrantly alive in every note and whisper of our series. Here's to you, Gaston, your vision forever resonates with us. 🌹
#GastonLeroux #TheGhostInTheOperaHouse #ZariyaHollow #AudioDrama
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ballerinadellamusica · 4 months
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Phantom productions announced to run this year:
Daegu, South Korea - closed 4th February
Madrid, Spain - closed 26th May
London, UK - currently booking until 2025
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (Eastern Europe & Middle Eastern Tour) - closed 10th March
Vienna, Austria - currently booking until 31st December
Sofia, Bulgaria (EE&MET) - closed 21st April
Yokohama, Japan - booking until 11th August
Budapest, Hungary - last show 13th May
Shenzen, China (World Tour) - opening 2nd July, booking until 4th August
Xi’an, China (WT) - opening 13th August, booking until 18th August
Helsinki, Finland - opening 24th August, booking until 23rd October
Sofia, Bulgaria (EE&MET) -
Shanghai, China (WT) - opening 27th August, booking until 13th October
Suzhou, China (WT) - opening 22nd October, booking until 3rd November
Lisbon, Portugal (EE&MET) -
Basel, Switzerland (EE&MET) - opening 6th November, booking until 22nd December
Chengdu, China (WT) - opening 12th November, booking until 24th November
Beijing, China (WT) - opening 3rd December, booking until 29th December
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Love Never Dies productions announced to run this year:
Shenzen, China (Tour) - closed 7th January
Quingdao, China (T) - closed 21st January
Nanjing, China (T) - closed 4th February
Harbin, China (T) - closed 3rd March
Tianjin, China (T) - closed 10th March
Taiyuan, China (T) - closed 17th March
Xi’an, China (T) - closed 31st March
Changsha, China (T) - closed 14th April
Zhuhai, China (T) - closed 21st April
Xiamen, China (T) - closed 28th April
Wenzhou, China (T) - closed 5th May
Hangzhou, China (T) - closed 12th May
Zhengzhou, China (T) - closed 19th May
Beijing, China (T) - booking until 9th June
Magdeburg, Germany - opening 14th June, booking until 7th July
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marleneoftheopera · 1 year
Looks like there are upcoming auditions for a Madrid revival!
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luckysheikah · 8 months
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zagan-akerman · 2 years
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Inktober Día 23 - El Fantasma habla con Christine
—¡Mira! —gritaba inclinado sobre mí—, ¡has querido ver, ve, pues! ¡Impregna tus ojos, embriaga tu alma con mi maldita fealdad! ¡Mira el rostro de Erik! ¡Ahora conoces el rostro de la Voz! ¿No te bastaba, dime, con escucharme? Has querido saber cómo estaba hecho. ¿Por qué sois tan curiosas las mujeres?
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chr0nosposts · 2 years
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Le Fantôme de l'opéra
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erik-in-the-book · 2 years
-(El fantasma de la ópera) un libro para no olvidar y terrorífico para la noche.-
La historia cuenta que una vez había una mujer joven que cantaba en espectáculos, un dia faltó a su trabajo por temas de salud y era uno de los espectáculos más importantes de su vida por lo tanto se lamentó mucho. Entonces tuvo que cantar una suplente osea otra chica.
En el palacio Garnier, en el palco número 5 se encontraba un fantasma terrorífico (el fantasma de la ópera), el cual se enamoró de la nueva chica. Por cómo cantaba, por cómo se licia, etc. entonces empezó a seguir a aquella chica a todos lados a sus espectáculos, y a sus obras.
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thecrow-09 · 30 days
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operafantomet · 1 month
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Dude! Phantom of the Opera (Mediterranean production which premiered in Italy) is heading for Bilbao in Spain, from August 14 to September 15 👻 ( x )
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phantom friends! (phriends?)
i have a website i’m using to archive content from all the productions worldwide! if you’re interested in joining the team please feel free to fill out this interest form! happily taking content submissions as well!!
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royalavera · 3 months
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New desktop background! Get it here for free
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Under the moonlit skies of the opera house roof, Raoul and Christine share an emotionally charged moment, revealing the haunting truth about
her Angel of Music. As Christine’s fears and secrets unfold, their return to her dressing room brings a promise, abruptly shattered by her strange behavior. Raoul, troubled, heads home to face a shocking encounter.Simultaneously, the opera managers are ensnared in a web of deceit, leading to a tense showdown in their office and the infamous “safety pin incident.” As they delve deeper into the mystery, the line between reality and the supernatural blurs. Can they uncover the Phantom’s sinister plot, or will they be pulled further into his dark domain?
Chapter 4 of Zariya Hollow: A Horror Anthology’s “The Ghost in The Opera House”
Art by SylentFantome
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ballerinadellamusica · 2 months
So if you want to see a Phantom who gets really angry in the final lair, then Sergi Albert (understudy in Madrid) is definitely one of them.
Christine (Talía del Val) wanted absolutely nothing to do with him during that scene, I think she almost wanted to jump into the boat and leave Raoul to his fate, she truly seemed terrified of him.
You could tell she absolutely did not want to kiss him, it was completely out of wanting to save Raoul, no sign of any feelings for him.
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phantomchristinesuk · 3 months
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Christines of the Broadway Italia/LetsGo Company productions
Trieste/Milan/Monte Carlo
Amelia Milo (Principale)
Margherita Toso (Prima Sostituta)
Martina Cenere (Seconda Sostituta)
Talía del Val (Principal)
Judith Tobella (Alternante)
Laura Enrech (Alternante/Primera Suplente)
Naiomi Weiler Lara (Segunda Suplente)
Marina Brisa (Reemplaza a la Segunda Suplente)
Pictures from performers and productions instagrams
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simmersomar · 8 months
SimmerSomar | Pose | The Phantom of the Opera - Christine and Phantom
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Download HERE
In this pose pack you'll find 6 poses inspired by the musical The Phantom of the Opera, specifically the scene where The Phantom sings Music of the night
These poses are part of my project #SimsOnBroadway
I would like to thank my beloved friend @simmerianne93 who helped me fix the arms and hands in some of the poses. I could not have done this without you! 
You'll need: Andrew's Pose player and Teleport any sim
To use, simply place two teleporters in the same place
Don't reupload
Don't claim as your own
Don't put behind a paywall
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Download HERE
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