#Eversleeping Town
douyinvids · 2 months
Fuckboy tram 😠
by 全怪人虎 @ DYyeer0717
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are you responsible for the fireworks show in eversleeping?
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"Why yes, I did help with that. I unfortunately can't say that I am fully responsible for it. I did provide the fireworks. It would immensely please me if they came out well in your opinion!"
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kurosmind-art · 10 days
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"I missed the train!"
Art from an old match we had.
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mochimouiemarty · 7 days
i just had a ddream that at the end of cs, mime bomb spoke but there was literally no sound. like, they cut the audio off but all the other characters could hear him 😭
and i remember thinking during the dream that "mime bomb mustve been the studios favorite character cuz hes low budget" or something cuz he didnt have a VA 😭
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yxstxrdrxxm · 8 months
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SYNOPSIS: Lyney has a patience of a saint, but he's had enough of this game of cat and mouse. This time, he wants you, and no one will stop him for getting what he wants. (2nd POV) [ IDENTITYV AU ]
TW/S: Yandere tendencies, stalking (he's chasing you), minor character death (other survivors died), emotional manipulation, Arle teaches him how to """metaphorically""" cut off someone's 'wings', ooc Lyney and Arle, gore, teeth, Lyney is unhinged
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You couldn't remember what tipped him off. It could be from your actions, or it could be from what you said. Hell, it may as well be something that you unknowingly did that offended him— something that would normally not be a bother to him that became its own trigger.
Whatever it could be, you were in the other end of such a horrible fate. And alas, the last place you wished you didn't end up in had to be the one you loathed the most.
The eerie chimes of the bell echoing around the haunted town continued to plague your senses, followed by the faint meowing of the grin-malkin cats as you sprinted for your dear life.
You can hardly focus on what is there and isn't there, as all you had is to get the hell out of here and save this sinking match.
Your only task is to survive.
Survive the madness of the man that loved you in such a twisted, horrible way.
You were his rabbit, and Eversleeping Town was the location of his greatest show yet— a show that will capture not just your attention, but your own will.
Granted, the ever forgiving Illusionist made a simple deal— if you get out by any means necessary, be it the dungeon, exit gate, or, hell— even by completing the ciphers with your companions or saved by the Nightingale… He'll let you go.
However, should you go down, he would consider that as a win of his own, and that meant you cannot leave this forsaken match that you're under.
It's why you were prepared. You came with a companion or two that can assist you, even if it had its own drawbacks.
Alas, this did not stop the Knave from simply going after them first, leaving only 4 ciphers and the dungeon still hidden and closed from many prying eyes. You were clever to cover your tracks, but he is more so with removing the most trickiest companions yet.
Or, that's what many may think.
The Knave bas been taught from the best of the best— his "Father" has taught him of how to, in simpler terms, keep a bird from flying away in its cage.
Should Lyney need it, he needed to learn one crucial detail: he needed to learn just how to clip his beloved's wings first and keep them in his cage.
After all, if he had found a way to do such a thing… the outcome of the match will be nothing but predictable.
And the Knave thrives off of the uncertainty, and especially with being dubbed the Trickster of Eversleeping.
He'll let you off for now. He'll let you scurry around, trying and praying that he never catches wind of your antics.
After all, the moment he catches you, you will have to pray to whatever God you believed in that he feels nice enough to not take you down to his very grave.
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"Now, Lyney," he could vaguely hear 'Father' speak as she handed him his cards. Gesturing right before them was the sight of someone bound in the chair. The magician stood as he saw the stranger shake and struggle, trying to say something under the gag.
"You must learn how to use your tricks to matters such as this. I'm sure it will be hard, but I have faith that you can do it."
He seemed rather hesitant to speak with how the fool was trying and failing to scream. To beg, even. It was a pathetic sight if Lyney didn't had morals... Which he had, much to 'Father's' chagrin.
Oh well. It wasn't as though having morals can be a bad thing. Maybe it was better, so she can use it to her advantage.
"Take this, Lyney."
She hands the young magician an item. One that can be used with just a bit of force.
"Now, let Father teach you how to clip a bird's wings. All you have to do is watch and follow my lead. You can do that, right?"
He turned his gaze to the taller woman, then to the item she handed to him. The sight of the iron and leather caught his attention, and especially with the ends of it's 'mouth' being bloodied.
He should've dropped it the moment he had it. He should have done that and not agree. It was brutal to harm another person, and he knew that.
... But his 'Father' would simply dangle the life of Lynette over his head. She could simply threaten to send Lynette off to a dangerous mission, especially one where dying is guaranteed.
Many have died, and Lyney was not a stranger to that.
However, his sister was special. She was the only one he had left, and she to him. Should she die, he didn't knew what he'd end up doing.
And so, with a deep breath, he nodded and faced his 'Father'.
"Yes, Father."
That day didn't end in a simple case of dental work.
But he learned how to 'clip' a person's wings in exchange.
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Your chest began to heave as you traversed through the empty buildings of the town, fatigue catching up to you the more you spent running.
Although your legs ached and begged for a break, you continued running, feeling the rush from behind you— one from the grin-malkin cats.
Now, one can say that you thought covering your tracks was a skill you need to learn. And with that, you assumed it to be the case. However, you've yet to learn that it was better not to underestimate a hunter's skills.
A lesson that Lyney, a man whom you've helped when you were both survivors, would be more than happy to teach you.
As you vaulted over an open window, you felt the air grow harsh as it whipped you on your descent, your feet landing on the pavement. Feeling your muscles tighten, you grit your teeth and sprinted onwards.
Come on, I just need to get to the graveyard. I can lose him from there!
Alas, you were not gifted with the matter of stamina. Just as you've reached past the tracks of the tram, you could hear Lyney speak from behind you.
"Look at what we have here! Scurrying off, are we?"
And then, you felt it.
The harsh hit from Rosseland, his cat, as you vaulted over the window leading to the land of tombstones sent you flying; your back soon collided with one of the worn headstones, making you groan in pain.
In the midst of your suffering, Lyney vaulted through the window, his purple eyes twinkling as he crouched down to look at you.
"My, my, my little rabbit," he tutted, chuckling as he watched you crawl away from him with no avail. "Haven't we made a deal? If you manage to escape this match, I'll let you go. But since you went down... I get to keep you. Do you remember that?"
... You kept your mouth shut.
"... [Name]," he said, his right hand reaching over to grab your neck. "Answer me. Do you remember what our agreement is?"
"... I do."
And yet it feels like it's stacked against me.
Coughing, you turned your head away from him. You didn't need to see his face to know that he was happy to hear your agreement to the matter.
"See? It isn't so hard to agree, now, is it?" he asked with a lit of his voice. "Now, my darling... Now that I have you, I'd like for you to answer a few questions for me."
"... And if I refuse?"
Lyney laughed at that, but his voice was less composed. Perhaps it was more manic.
"Ahahahaha! What makes you think you're able to refuse, my little hare?" he asked, his eyes closed before reaching up to grab your chin. With an iron grip, he turned your head to him, his eyes open to face you with a chilling smile.
"I'd hate to have you toy with me like that. You know that, right?"
You wanted to say otherwise, but you were already incapacitated. If you ever decided to counter his claim, you knew that he would do worse than simply chairing you to one of the... Less than desirable chairs with rockets strapped onto them.
".. Fine," you breathed out. "I agree."
"Splendid," he said, pulling his gloved hand away to grab his hat. As he pulled it off of his head and turned it upside down, he reached his left to slip inside.
"Now, I don't want to you to force my hand. It's only a few questions that I want you to answer, and if you answer them truthfully... I may spare you by chairing you myself."
You didn't knew what that meant...
... Up until you saw a pair of pliers peek out from his hand, the dull gleam of iron greeting your horrified face.
"But if you lied, I'll have to resort to some more... Drastic measures."
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The hours you two spent together was, in short, torture.
You couldn't count the amount of times that your teeth got yanked with those metal ones, the pain and blood gushing as you wailed.
You could count other ways that would be better than feeling metal graze and nick at them. You could've asked for simply to be drugged, to face death by his hands, to bleed onto the ground that he walked on.
However, death was not a fate worse than this. And Lyney— rather, the Lyney you see now, not the one you know of— was a man who had a manic streak hidden under that smile.
As he yanked the nineteenth tooth out of you, he turned his head down to see blood drip down and stain your clothes. He scowled and placed his pliers down with four teeth now on his right side, grabbing a handkerchief to wipe the blood away.
He knew it was pointless. You did, too.
Maybe it was a way to distract yourself from the pain, and for him to justify his actions in doing such a thing.
Alas, delusions can only take you so far, and pain is karma's many mistresses. One of many that everyone in the manor is familiar with, you and Lyney included.
He began to dab the cloth more as blood spilled and tainted the fabric, his smile empty of its sympathy for your decision to lie to him. All he could see before him was his darling, whose way, way too stubborn for his good.
And one that is good to make him lose his patience.
"I have warned you, haven't I?" he asked, his voice chilling yet sickeningly sweet while he pulled the handkerchief away. Tossing it to a direction he could care less to look, he grabbed another from his hat to continue his 'treatment'.
"If you had simply stayed truthful, you wouldn't have to loose your teeth! And yet, you didn't listen," he concluded, tutting as you sobbed and turned your head from him.
"I pity you, my dear hare. But it's the price to pay with how you didn't listen to my warnings."
When the blood stopped spilling, he placed the bloodied fabric and stared at his handiwork. From the answers he got from you, he was quite... Intrigued with what you told him.
"Now... I'm going to ask you one more time."
Grabbing the now bloodied pliers, he positioned it to your twentieth tooth, ignoring the sobs you let out and your gaze full of fear.
"Do you prefer my dear sister, Lynette?"
He could hear your breath heave as the metal 'teeth' of the pliers began to tighten.
However, the answer you gave him was interesting... Especially when you whispered out 'yes' with your greatest efforts.
"Is that so?"
He couldn't help but laugh. So, you do prefer Lynette, his sister... Over him? What a farce!
He may care for his sister to death, but he would rather have you than her survive to be his lifelong assistant.
Especially now that his 'Father' gave him the role of Knave, and how his siblings have been punished for trying to go against him and save that sorry excuse of magician. Himself.
"Ah, I see how it is," he said, his voice merely a wheeze as his hand shook. However, it went still and firm once more, and he gave you a lopsided smile.
"Do you remember what I've told you before, hm? Back when we were simply 'survivors' in this forsaken manor?"
Your body shook.
"Magicians generally do not reveal the core secrets behind their tricks," he said, his smile widening. "And especially if it concerns their heart. However, I may just revoke that if you call me 'Master Lyney' and swear to be my only assistant— and only me."
He could see that you were shaking even more, and the fear was what drove him mad. Alas, he knew that he might nick at your gums if he got too rough.
Not that you mind, right?
"I'm curious how much of it you'd understand," he concluded, leaning over to continue in a whisper.
"And how long you'd last, hehe~"
And thus, he yanked your twentieth tooth, causing your screams to erupt all through the barren town and the Illusionist to shiver in glee. He always enjoyed the thought of performing, but maybe he has lost it while staying here for so long.
Putting the pliers away, he hushed you and began to rock your body, uncaring of the sobbing and your blood staining his attire.
"I just wish to make a point. And I hope you understand that, my assistant."
Alas, the day cannot last forever. Lyney knew that, and it's why he decided to do one last trick.
Covering your eyes, he grabbed a crimson red handkerchief— one tainted with your blood— and covered your face. With a whisper, he pulled it away, leaning back to see his handiwork.
"And... Voila!"
He seemed rather smug as he saw teeth were back in your mouth, each one untainted and straight like new. Still, the damage was done, as you continued to sob and wail, begging for him to not do it again.
That day didn't end in a simple denture fix, that he's certain of.
But he utilized what 'Father' taught him all those years ago.
And that was good enough.
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@.throw-letter-away | do not republish or repost my works anywhere | 2023
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otakusparkle · 2 days
Everyone! Good news🎶
We just received the lifted news!
The second collaboration with Sanrio characters is just around the corner! Please look forward to the special report by our temporary newscaster Joseph!
Joseph : "Mic, mic. *Cough*. Good day, everyone. This is Joseph, the special news anchor for Identity V. The long-awaited second collaboration with Sanrio characters will begin soon. Looking forward to it. The first collaboration will be-"
Joseph : "EEEKK!!!"
Joseph : "... You little..." (whispering)
Joseph : "Of course, dream... Cinnamoroll... Will..."
Joseph : Of course Dream Cinnamoroll and the first collaboration will also be reprinted. Looking forward to see you all in the second collaboration. See you then."
Other translation
Left side
- Aesop's method of ``Resuscitation'' received the Oletus Prize in Medicine
- Two men got seriously injured after being hit by tram in Eversleeping Town
- Good News : Mr. Whiskers can fly!
- Edgar's exclusive day
Right side
- New! What is the secret of 60 year old who looks like a 17 year old?
- Breaking News : One person recovered from coal mine explosion
- Hullabaloo Circus nationwide tour begins
- A private interview with a woman at the grand festival in Lakeside Village
Bottom side
- The second Collaboration of Sanrio will begin soon
- Tram postponed: In front of the school gate and in front of the cemetery in Eversleeping Town
Character comment (bottom right corner)
- Naib : Why don't we split them
- Murro : Where's... My pig...
- Emma : Hanging on the surface
- Vera : Hunter, show me more of your knees!
- Itha : Hoping to strengthen tinnitus, flywheel weakened yet?
- Emil : Ada... Where...
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yukibluebunny · 4 months
𝕄𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕕𝕪 ~ - Ithaqua x Reader
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This is my first written request! I apologize in advance for all grammatical and other errors. English is not my national language.
Ship: Ithaqua x Reader
Request from: zuruthekitsune
Notice -> Anxiety/fluff
Lakeside village.
One of a number of fairly large maps used to play in duo mode. The map ranked first in terms of its size, followed closely by the smaller Moon River Park, the second largest map among the three. Just behind it is the smallest Eversleeping Town, perhaps the most mysterious and shrouded in a fog of uncertainty, with its once-accessible school and corridors of unkempt streets. What happened there that the Baron has blocked off those places? No one knows yet, and is unlikely to find out anytime soon.
Today's match, the biggest stress and fear among all the other new survivors just took place on one of these three maps. The village by the lake, it was today's map drawn as if on a wheel of fortune by the drawing system, including the survivors. And also the hunter.
Emily, the only doctor in residence.
Helen, a seemingly blind maiden with a stick for assurance, yet smart enough that even despite her blindness, repairing the cipher machine was no problem for her.
Norton, on the surface a rather quiet guy seeming to be an observer, yet coming from the veteran class in residence. One of a few of the best chairmen of the hunter, as well as rescuers of his friends from the chairs.
Well, and last what a new acquisition of the residence. (Y.N). A freshman whose life in of the hunter can only be saved by a plea to god not to become the first of the hunter target. A young girl, equipped only with her not too large but old bass flute, which itself, despite its age and her father's former use of it, continued to sound as beautiful as before. However, what's the use to her of a flute if she wouldn't be able to play it while running?
Melody would only lose her charm and enchantment more with each step through breathlessness. After all, the girl was of frail stature, she wouldn't have a chance to last too long with constant running.
Even more so under stress and anxiety, let alone the pain inflicted on her by an unmerciful hunter.
The girl's luck, however, was to wake up by the shed, which she even ran into immediately. Just to hope that the hunter wouldn't think someone might be in the shed right now, much less notice her. The flute player's skills, were not at all easy. By playing her flute, she was able to accelerate her process of deciphering the machine, including giving that acceleration to other members of her team through the sound of the melody coming out of the instrument. With the only risk, of being detected by a hunter.
(Pov: (Y.N) )
My fingers moved across the keys of the old typewriter in a calm but focused manner. Who would have thought that cipher machines, would be so much like those old typewriters used by journalists, newspapers and also banks and writers. However, the difference was that this typewriter was attached to a strange box as well as an offshoot metal pole with a light bulb at the top, the light of which became brighter and brighter the closer you got to finishing deciphering it.
However, my attention, directed at the machine, did not last too long, as soon as a bell sounded across the map, suggesting that the hunter had caught the first person. Only after a brief shock from the rapidly spreading sound did I manage to look at the watch on my wrist. On it were four gray dots, but however, this time one from the prospector was a slowly charging red dot. In one small moment, I felt quite a shock and fear pass through my whole body. Norton was hard to catch. The man was quite canny and clever, his run in with the hunter always lasting until the very end of the match, or at least until the last two machines were left, but not just four of five. His fall came as a shock to me and the lack of knowledge regarding who the hunter was made the adrenaline in my veins began to flow twice as fast as before. Don't get me wrong in spite of everything I was feeling considerable stress. However, the knowledge that we had Norton on the team only calmed me down slightly. After all, I was still only a freshman in the middle, the whole brutal game.
After only less than a moment, the watch on my wrist, gave off another quiet vibration. In doing so, it showed my location along with that of the Prospector, who was now sitting in the chair. I was the closest… and that made really scared at the moment. However, leaving Norton could only have a bad effect on the outcome of the match. So, after not a long moment, I left the machine just after giving her the percentage of finish on the watch.
Norton was sitting in a chair just near the gate by the shed, but what really bothered me was the lack of a hunter beside him. No beating heart. Nothing. Silence, in the midst of the Prospector shallow breaths.
-Norton! - I called out to him quietly, approaching him quickly, but nevertheless remaining vigilant. After all, a hunter could always come back if he wanted to.
-(Y.N)…? No. (Y.N), leave me. Get away from here - Whispered Norton. This time no longer looking at one blind spot. And at me. However, despite his objections, I released him from the chair anyway. Only to catch the poor Prospector, who was not quite limping. He was out of breath again because of his asthma.
-(Y.N)..ugh. It doesn't make sense, leave me…. run away from here, he will only come here -
-Norton I will not leave you. We can't give up - I didn't listen to him, not even knowing why Norton so suddenly went from being a confident man to completely giving up.
-Freshman, we're playing against the Night's Watch… - As soon as those last two words came out of his mouth, I froze in place as my heart, instead, by itself and not by the presence of the hunter, beat harder.
Night Watch. He was as much a new hunter as I was a survivor, but he managed to build his reputation really fast. A merciless, wily fox. Quick and brutal in his attacks. While at the same time evoking no small amount of goosebumps whenever he used his skills. Norton's words only just awakened my awareness that, after all, no one had yet managed to escape from the Night's Watch. He was like a hunting predator, he will not let his prey escape from him like that without any reason.
I wanted to turn to Norton again, to take him to a safer place anyway, as well as to treat him from the wounds inflicted on him by the Night Watch. Only to be pushed away quite suddenly by him.
-Run! - Norton called out to me. Trying to still get away from me so as not to expose me, as I didn't even realize that our hearts, quite rapidly began to beat.
In an instant, I saw what I really never wanted to see. I never wanted to see one of my team members fall to the ground, stunned by the hunter right above him. Oh it was him, in the flesh. The Night Watch. Hiding behind his devilish mask. Effortlessly wielding a check as well as walking in a slightly slanted position on stilts, oh no one would likely want to accidentally or purposely get stepped on by this hunter.
I don't even know why, but even Norton's shouts directed at me did not reach my head. Just witnessing how the hunter, annoyed by the loud shouts, without mercy pierces the man's leg with his stilts, to then finally look in my direction after silencing him.
A cold sweat doused me from head to toe as soon as those neon glowing blue eyes of his at the mask, bore into my figure as if I were his next victim, which I nevertheless was. However, to my surprise, he did not move towards me.
And only watched me. And Norton just below him bled more and more. Merciless.
Awareness came to me more and more. The knowledge that I was playing against one of the most brutal hunters infused my head with poison, a toxin of fear mixed fear and anxiety. With each successive sending off by the hunter, another member of my team.
The last one was Helen, who clearly through her watch told me not to go near her. So my only salvation was to find a trapdoor, somewhere located right on the map in the field. An underground passage that would keep me safe and my head cool, amidst my increasingly aching lungs. He was chasing me. I knew it. Even though I couldn't see him anywhere near me.
My hope was dying more and more, only to be suddenly hit on the head by the sight of the open flap of the underground passage.
Looking around once more, I finally ran out, with little hope that I could jump into the finally coveted quiet place without the thought that I might be caught right away. Oh, how foolish I was.
-Little lamb I don't want to play anymore?~ - This sudden voice made my head spin. And my heart pounded as a frosty breeze enveloped my frail figure in an embrace. Only for me to be violently pulled away from the only way of escape at the moment.
To just after that I felt male arms catch me from behind, without the slightest problem embracing me and holding me in an iron grip.
-No one has run away from me yet. And you won't be the first, little lamb. - His voice leaked through me like venom, but it did not cause pain, only a shudder.
But this voice was different, completely different from the way he laughed out loud or giggled meanly.
-Let me go! Let me go! - I jerked in his grasp, as if my life depended on it.
Since it depends on this right now, end he may not have knocked me down or hit me, only caught and held me. Just after a while too, easily catching and holding my hands at the wrists. Thanks to which he now gave me a better view as well as a reason not to struggle better in his grasp. The sight of his gloved hands and also the attached iron shiny slightly claws. It made it clear that if I really didn't want to accidentally cut the veins on my wrists, I'd better not jerk.
Even more so the moment one of his hands embraced my waist. Lifting me up easily. In such a way that I wouldn't touch the ground with my feet. And all she saw were his stilts, which themselves were now covered in blood and mud by the conditions that prevailed on this map.
However, now, the position I was in was of little concern to me now. After what words of the hunter spoken directly into my ear.
-Good, clever girl ~ Maybe this time it will be for me that you will play your lovely melody? Hm? - I didn't even realize when the Night Watch pulled off her mask, or just picked it up for herself, when a quiet and low murmur was directed directly to my ear.
And I could have really saved myself from sending to Helena a percentage of faster decoding.
-Did you lose your tongue sheepishly? ~ - He asked again, come this time his voice caused a shudder in my body, completely different and on top of that strange for me.
-Lovely frightened sheep ~ - In an instant he tightened his grip on me.
Only to then turn towards the shed. Pulling away, and me, away from the only way of my escape.
-I want to hear your melody, little one. And no matter how many times you beg me, I will listen to it ~ - And I could have given today's match to someone else after all.
My god...
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eve-lullabye · 1 year
Where you learn to never underestimate the hunter
Based off IDV
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Eversleeping Town is a great and horrible map at the same time. It's great when you don't spawn next to the hunter and can immediately start decoding. On the other hand, if you spawn next to the hunter, you have to find pallets or anything to widen the distance between the two of you.
You were the middle person. One who spawned at a decent place where you could bolt and hide if needed. Some of the hunters honestly just didn't notice you for some reason. I mean, hello? You passed me five times already. Open your eyes! Needless to say, Joseph was far more observant than most, especially in a big map.
With two ciphers left, you silently cheered for Frederick and Helena. Your heart had been glowing a few seconds and you ran into the open across the tram tracks. Unfortunately, you ran right into Joseph, who was just shocked as you. You landed on your bum, while Joseph quickly recovered and struck you. The tram eta appeared above your heads. 45 seconds. Joseph grinned and reached to pick you up.
"I wouldn't do that, Monsieur Photographer," a calm voice called out. You turned to see Rook with his bow drawn and arrow pointing straight at Joseph.
Joseph smirked, "Well, this is a dilemma, isn't it?" You started crawling towards Rook in hopes to get out of Joseph's reach. "Not a step forward, ma chèrie." Joseph commanded taking a step forward as well, his eyes trained on Rook. You honestly couldn't tell what was more intimidating: the fact that they both speak French or the fact that they're both hunters. It was quite funny if you thought about it. Rook was a hunter on the survivor's side.
You glance worriedly at Rook, "Rook, leave."
"I'm afraid not, papillion."
What was with the French nicknames? Is it something that all French speakers must do?
You tried healing yourself while keeping an eye on the deadly sword. A sign flashed again above your heads. 10 seconds. You yelped and tried to hurry up the process. Neither of the men moved. If this was a glare battle, it wasn't helpful.
Joseph caved in and snatched you up. That was all Rook needed to shoot. Joseph unpleasantly dropped on your feet. You ran to Rook who pushed the two of you off the tracks in time for the tram to come careening into Joseph. Rook picked you up and began running as far as he could. You looked over his shoulder to see Joseph stalking towards you.
"Rook? He's coming!"
Rook smiled and put you down, "Run, papillion." The glint in his eyes warned you not to disobey him, and so you ran. It came to you then that Rook was body blocking you from Joseph. Joseph swung out hitting Rook like the blond hunter had planned. With the boosted speed, Rook pulled you right behind causing you to nearly lose your balance.
The last cipher popped, and you knew then you had to run for your lives. Helena shouted, "Exit gates 18%"
You looked at the map. Thank goodness, it was relatively near you. You slammed the pallet down behind you, hitting the photographer in the process. Rook grabbed you from behind and winked at you. You clutched his shoulders confused.
"5, 4, 3, 2," the blonde began counting down, "1." Rook pulled out an arrow and stabbed it into the ground. You closed your eyes, feeling as your body compressed itself. "Come on, papillion," Rook's melodic voice reached your ears. You looked up to see the exit gates opening and your other teammates. The four of you ran through, leaving a cursing Joseph behind.
At the mansion, Rook set you down and removed his hat, pressing it to his heart. You blushed but, nevertheless, thanked him.
"Would the Mademoiselle be so kind as to give a token of appreciation?" Rook smiled charmingly. Your heart beat faster at his suave voice and words. You tried to pass it off as childish by rolling your eyes, but the two of you knew that your heart and cheeks betrayed you.
You walked up to Rook and gently kissed his cheek before walking off rubbing your cheeks on the way. Behind you, you could hear Rook.
"Ó la la, you have made this hunter very happy indeed, ma chèrie."
Curse your love for French.
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scoutypb · 8 months
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in both forms she can transform into a flock of butterflies.
When in her prajna form, she stays hiddens when you look at her, but the moment you stop she rushes to the victim in the form of a butterfly flock & swallows them whole.
She usually comes with the mist
Backstory under the cut :
Once a venered dragon who would dance to bring the rain to eversleeping town & mingle amongst the people as a geisha. During these times, she fell in love with a human foreigner, married him & followed him back to his hometown. Sadly, it was only the beginning of her misery as her father-in-law found her unbefitting of his son’s rank. While her husband was gone, her father-in-law got rid of her & told his son that she ran away.
While he still looks for her, she came back in the form of a vengefull spirit dragon.
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ttimecode · 2 months
i was playing idv earlier and while i was playing charles i literally. flew into the tram in the eversleeping town map. LIKE THAT ONE FUCKING GIF. IN FRONT OF THE HUNTER AND THE PERSON I WAS TRYING TO RESCUE. GOODNIGHT
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renchurro · 2 years
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Luca and Little Girl in Eversleeping Town 🤫
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bunbun0041 · 2 years
hear me out of this ... yan martha x fem fbi agent darling with darling teaching martha how to shoot
Omg.. Heck yeah!!
I hope you're have nice day!
( Short story )
you're new survivor. you're also know fbi agent. Lets talk about your skill. Your skill is
"chain break" you use them as stun the hunter or make them not to move! For 20 second
And your second skill is "machine sniper gun" just like "chain break" they will stun the hunter but machine sniper gun can give the hunter long stun you can also shoot them to stun them from far! And they will give them 3 minutes for stun!
Now Lets talk about your girlfriend a.k.a martha the coordinator. You both date ever since martha confess to you at Eversleeping Town
And Tracy,william and mitchiko watching you both like they just watch love story at kdrama😂
Back to your pov
You're helping martha how to shoot with your sniper
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Some new survivors getting missing whenever you're talking to new survivors they will just be gone and you're saying to your girlfriend some problem about missing new survivors martha will just Smile and comfort you
"you're mine forever dear and no one will going to steal you away from me"
I don't know if im doing the right pose :,)
But i hope you enjoy yan martha x fem reader!
Stay safe guys!🐧♥♥♥
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blu3m4rz · 1 year
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i’ve been tiering in idv again lately which gives me incentive to actually play so here are some of my bad opinions
justification lmao:
moonlit goes crazy i’m sorry it’s actually fun to look at AND fun to play which is apparently a lot to ask of netease. like it feels like they don’t know how to make strong designs that also play well its one or the other except for moonlit which while i consider sacred heart to be better technically, moonlit gets a boost for doing well in both categories. also clowns. i fricken love the hullabaloo characters. also its well lit. i hate the dark maps grrr
sacred heart is so fun, everything feels intentionally placed. also the gate placements are good i like that. its kind of boring but thats fine they cant all be bangers. good map. best in the game 20/10.
church, china town and factory are maps that i actually like playing. i’m not as big a fan of china town functionally but its up with church and factory because its pretty and feels like it has a clear vision. like i KNOW factory and church are plot relevant but that doesnt make them less boring. especially for someone like me who doesnt really care about the lore much anymore. my main complaint is for factory, i like the layout, i like the factory even though i hate when survs go in there god. but the fires everywhere lag my game like crazy, idv already has terrible ping we don’t need the game struggling to do smoke effects.
i want to like lakeside and eversleeping so damn bad like they’re actually interesting maps compared to church, sacred heart and factory which all feel the same to me, but eugh theyre just not fun to play on. i appreciate eversleepings use of levels but its just too small and doesnt feel like it has very many strong kiting spots to me? (could be wrong i havent played surv in a while but as hunter the kiting spots feel kind of weak). i also don’t like that the boat is alllllll the way down at one end of the map.... mmmm i really like that one spot beside the ship tho idk what its called its fun 2 play.
leos memory is ASS which sucks because like i love leo and i like the snowballs and it SHOULD be fun but it sucks to play on. everythings too dark the snow makes it hard to see and eughhh its like watching one of those movies where you cant see shit like its lame and you dont know whats happening in a bad way. if i lose a surv i want it to be because i messed up or they did something smart not because of some stupid snow and dark environment eugh.
not controversial i know. i have never met anyone who likes asylum or cave. they both suck to play theyre terrible to navigate and i hate them so much why are they even in the game they totally ruin 99% of characters abilities its the worst thank god they arent rank maps. cave is a little bit more enjoyable than asylum. it doesnt fill me with an unstoppable rage like asylum does but i still hate it. too bad too because i like norton a lot.
you get the picture i hate this game okay bye.
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cielospeaks · 9 months
i dv meme just bc i thought it was interesting
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surv main: either doctor or little girl, but thats mostly for the outfits. id say rn its little girl but i also sometimes play doctor or painter
hunt main: leo, but id like it to be antonio ; ; barely play hunter tho tbh
fav assist/contain/decode/rescue: i dont rlly play different characters much so really idk. ricky is lovely and amazing, but hard to play w bad connection, so him for decode. lg stun is nice, so maybe for contain? doc's healing is fun when i dont get tracked down immediately, and coord or painter are good for rescuing. so -shrug emoji-
overall fave: ricky (composer) and antonio all the way! gosh i love those guys so much!!
least fav survivor: tbh i dont really like any survivors not ricky that much :/ especially the backstories of a lot of them
least fav hunter: i think i like the hunters just a little more, and any hunter played well is a pain to deal with, so again. neutral answer
fav backstory: i love my boys but tbh we dont know so much abt them. so ill say my bois bc i love them, and prologue detective bc the prologue story was actually interesting, as opposed to everything after it
fave s tier: oh absolutely demon symphony (essence antonio). hes got big devil went down to georgia energy and is just sexy/attractive in general. wish i couldve gotten him
fave hunter trait: idk. does teleport count? bc it looks useful
fave game: rickys game just bc hes in it (and antonio's too for that matter) but other than that idk
fave map: i like eversleeping town since its easy enough to get around and kinda fun to look at. i like the interactable stuff in moon river park, but dont get to play on them much
fave crossover: conan and dr1+2! tho id say dr2 for personal reasons, and it had a good array of characters. conan got screwed over in the intl release which is a shame, bc it was really fun too
fave a tier: im gonna say rickys infernal sonata for this too bc its cute and has very good energy.
fave mode: just quick match? or actually that one from last halloween where you had to find things and make it out of the maze, that was actually fun. besides that dont really care for any mode lol
fave event: 2020 christmas event. antonio cute. why he not get a feature seriously
fave essence: the s tier antonio one bc it was nice. its a shame i dont care much for the other characters but antonio is very cute and has a nice neutral role in the story
fave emote: i like that new high five one that was added. tho for individual characters, maybe the take a picture emote from the collab? or any of antonio's ones. resonance is so cute to see him playing violin
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emilixthefox · 1 year
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It had been a long night, well why wouldn't be with all the singing and dancing. Oh, it had been a long night especially when her eyes or the feeling of eyes meeting hers. Helena Adams could paint a picture of the things around her, with sound. So when she heard him Helena’s back felt a heavy and cold stare, but oddly she didn't feel scared. So she continued to sing and spin through the music. After getting off the stage she changed into her school uniform and headed back on the bus to the dorms.
 ‘Nothing good comes from gangsters or mafia and that stare was surely one of those or something like that.’ Helena signed all alone in the bus taking her to the dorms. Passing through ChinaTown and Eversleeping Town to get to her school. Helena began leaning down on the window of the bus, listening to the sound of buildings go by, people walking by.
 ‘The world just keeps going, never stopping in its steps. Too bad I can't see the colors of the world.’ what were colors anyway colors meant nothing to Helena, she was blind after all. Signing again she listens to see if they were coming up to the dorms of the school. ‘-_-’ nope still away from the dorms, leaning back and closing her eyes, 
“Please go faster, bus.” The whisper was so quiet even the driver couldn't hear it. If on cue they turn over by the dorms and stop. Sitting looking up, 'Thank you kind fate.' paying in her head, Helena jumped up from her seat taking her bag and cane with her. Speed walking to the bus doors, jumping out of the bus, and running to the dorms hoping not to be caught. 
Running over to the wall she crouched down hoping not to be seen by the headmistress cat. Breathing slowly, listening to see if the cat is coming. After waiting for a minute she heard nothing, ‘All clear, let us do this!’ Helena stood up ready to run to the dorms without being caught- “meow.” stumbling forward and spinning around behind Helena there was the cat. ‘Dang, that cat’ Helena already knew she was caught by the headmistress even if she wasn't her in person. The headmistress and her cat somehow had a bond that was like it should belong in a fairytale. So even if she ran to her room it wouldn't change anything. She signed putting her head down in shame in not hearing the cat get behind her.
“Helena Adams, running off to that theater to sing.” emerging from the darkness the headmistress holding her candle staff. Stopping in front of Helena frowning at her for her incompetence for sneaking out so she could sing and make money. “Miss Adams, what do you think would happen if your father found out what you’re doing, hm?” she continued to scold Helena for seven minutes, “well then I hope you learned your lesson. After all, your father wants you to become a 'miracle'.”  
Turning around motioning to come inside with her. ‘Why me…’ Helena’s thoughts and dreams of being an architect and songwriter shattered with the reality of having no word in her life. Walking with the Mistress back to her room she couldn’t stop thinking of what her father said to her when she was nine years old.
(‘Helena! How did you do that!” Father grabbed my shoulders yelling at me. Was I in trouble? I must have done something bad if Father is raising his voice at me. “Helena.'' Why is Father’s voice softer now? “mh, Father? Am I in trouble?” I kept my head down, I was scared, I’ve never been in trouble before. “No, you're not. But what you just did was a miracle in itself!” he hugged me. What? What did he mean? Pulling out of the hug to look at me, “Helena I’m going to make you the greatest miracle that has ever lived.” Huh, what did he mean? All I did was write. The greatest miracle, what is that?)
‘It means I don’t get to live my life how I want to.’ Helena signs as she walks to her dorm and opens her room door to a plain room. Well, it was plain to her. She can't see colors after all. Closing her door and walking to her closet to get her Pjs to change into. She pulls out a pink nightgown and white lace at the ends. After changing Helena walks over to her bed and pulls the covers over her after getting in bed. Unknown to her that her life would be in danger for the next year and a half.
The sound of footsteps could be heard approaching the school in the middle of the night. Fan Wujiu had followed the small singer back to where she lived. ‘How odd. She is a student at a school, but she is a singer.’ He wasn't sure what made him follow her, maybe it was about her song? No that wasn’t it. Could it be that the way she looked at him in the theater when she was singing? Or maybe the fact that she rarely opened her eyes? Yes, that was the reason. She never opened her eyes all but once, and that’s when their eyes met. 
Helena had caught Wujiu’s interest and when something had caught Wujiu’s interest he never let go. “AHAHAH!” Wujiu throws his head up laughing like crazy. His laughter rang through the sleeping town. But it didn’t wake anyone up, ‘I guess that’s why it’s called Eversleeping Town.’ Turning around and walking away but not without looking back at Helena’s window. “I’m sure we’ll see each other very soon, little doll.” Disappearing into the darkness of night, as the wind blows cold. With a smiling moon and hand of power holding the strings. 
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otakusparkle · 1 year
Aight QnA time y'all
> Season 26 Essence 2 as following :
- Magician (Sevais Le Roy)
- Antiquarian (Qi Shiyi)
- Hermit (Alva Lorenz)
> Next season Logic Path is Coordinator (Martha Behamfil)
> New Hunter will release in second half of this year
> 2 person training mode
> Kamaty moon Collab part 1 and 2 will be reprinted after the 3rd collaboration released
> Embalmer "Gatto" accessories adjustment (adding effects) + model optimization
> Implemented in the Old Essence C-Tier Item/Costume in Event Shop
> Duo hunt mode "Eversleeping Town" large version will be implemented again in-game
> Considering to implementing cooking in the residence
> Photographer buff
> The Ripper adjustment
> Prospector adjustment is in planning
> Orfeo game are being considered to be permanent
> Do Psychologists' Deduction Star Costumes Have Patients Together? No
> Identity V Chinese and Global server announcement will be announced at the same time
Yep that's all
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