#Feel free to ask about this au
miramelo · 2 months
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Rosebud, the beloved and only grandchild of Rosiepuff
At least as far as he and most of pop village remember.
He doesn't sing or dance that much, if at all, but he has always been up to help with the organization of parties! So a lot of pop trolls think he is a little weird but endearing and always offering a helping paw to be the mediator for any fight big or small
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cats-inthe-cradle · 10 months
Have I mentioned my time travel au on here yet?
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crescentmoonrider · 23 days
when / if kyojuro namedrops douma, will hakuji be blunt? or will he take a little bit of time to break the news to kyojuro, especially since kyojuro seems pretty content with how his life is?
[jsyk this post will refer to events from this fic on top of the other AU posts on my blog]
by the time Kyoujurou's new friend is made aware of Douma's role in the Rengoku bothers' lives, Senjurou has been working there for... ah, a whole year, maybe ? maybe slightly more. for a high schooler, that's an eternity. for Kyoujurou, that time passed in a second
in that time, Kyoujurou has watched his little brother grow more independent, in a way. he uses his pay on baking ingredients, spends almost as much time with his boss' neighbors as with his school friends, and he...
maybe it's Kyoujurou's over-protectiveness speaking, maybe it's the way he raised his brother himself for so long, the way their relationship isn't quite that of brothers and not quite that or a parent and his child, the way they have had no one but each other for so long
maybe it really is that Senjurou is starting to grow more distant, in a way Kyoujurou doesn't quite grasp
he doesn't talk about the office quite as much as he used to
he had showed off his brand new business card back when Douma first printed it for him. Kyoujurou had raised an eyebrow at the title ("assistant manager," even part-time, seems a bit overblown for what Senjurou told him he did) but they'd laughed about it together, and since Douma doesn't seem to have any other employee, he guesses that title isn't wrong, per se
the last time Senjurou mentions work to Kyoujurou, it's to tell him about how Douma will close the office for a few days, because he got hurt and can't show himself to clients right now
"I'll still go, just... I'll just watch over Douma instead of like. normal work," is what Senjurou said at that time
it had made Kyoujurou wonder if it was really necessary, if Douma didn't have anyone else to do that, if Senjurou couldn't just take a break in the meantime and maybe they could spend some time together for the first time in a while
but Senjurou had insisted that he wanted to help out, and Kyoujurou doesn't know how to tell him no about anything
and then... well, nothing, really. nothing really happened. Kyoujurou doesn't have a single reason to feel uneasy about any of this, and Senjurou acts the same as always, or maybe a little more assured, a little more independent, a little more distant
it's nothing to worry about
so Kyoujurou does his best to forget about it, goes about his days like usual - preparing classes and giving them, making corrections to homework and exams, drinking out with colleagues sometimes, and the weekly soryuu class/Hakuji friend-date
the holidays are rough, with no work to keep him busy, but the dojo is still here and so is Hakuji
Hakuji had some scrapes on his hands not too long ago, from "a bad encounter" he said, and Kyoujurou was glad nothing worse happened to him. something in the back of his mind made him want to run away, but he shut it down - he knows Hakuji, knows Hakuji isn't anything like father, knows soryuu isn't about the aimless violence of a drunk, but is about control and respect
Hakuji loves soryuu too much to dirty it, Kyoujurou is sure of it
it becomes easier to ignore the visceral unease as the scraped knuckles heal, though. time helps with many things, Kyoujurou has found
he goes to the dojo more often during the holidays, not always for classes, sometimes just to see Hakuji and help him out with his chores. they joke around like high schoolers while sweeping the courtyard, splash each other with the water bottles Koyuki kindly brings out
Hakuji is sort-of-possibly going to inherit the dojo, Kyoujurou learns. "it's not for sure," Hakuji says, scratching his neck in embarrassment when Kyoujurou hears a student from an advanced class mention it, "it's conditional, and I'm happy just working for Master Keizo anyway"
there's a bit of unease in his voice, that Kyoujurou tries to dispel with the first funny story he can think of. and maybe it's because he is missing Senjurou at this instant, or maybe it's just the hand of fate, but what comes to mind is this :
"at least that title makes some sense ! my little brother's boss calls him an assistant-manager !"
he shows Senjurou's business card when Hakuji tilts his head in confusion, and watches as Hakuji's eyes widen in something like horror
Hakuji grabs his arm, his grip so strong it hurts, but the pain is nowhere close to the one Kyoujurou feels when he realizes the kind of person he entrusted Senjurou to
it would be easy, easier surely, to refuse to believe this. Senjurou's beloved boss, a con man ? a loan shark ? surely, surely Senjurou would've seen, would've balked at the thought of hurting people through his work in any way
Senjurou's beloved boss, the previous child-god of a dead cult, a man raised almost from birth to take advantage of people's emotional wounds, their religious and superstitious and supernatural inclinations
Kyoujurou calls his brother in a hurry. he doesn't know what to tell him, what to ask him, what to do - it isn't like father, he can't just pack some bags and hold Senjurou in his arms as they flee their childhood home anymore, and would Senjurou even want to run this time ? Kyoujurou doesn't have any legal rights over him, he never did, there would be no way for him to keep Senjurou away from danger, not if he refused to follow
"brother ?" Senjurou asks, "what is it ? did something happen ?"
what Kyoujurou says is "please come home"
what he says is "Douma lied to you"
years down the line, he will wonder if the fault was in his words, if saying something, anything else, would've convinced Senjurou in that instant. or if it was all written from the start, if there was nothing he could've done, at this point or any other
what Senjurou answers is this :
"adults lie all the time. you did too, to protect me. Douma lets me help people with my - my gift. it doesn't matter if we lie, we're helping people feel better. that's what it means to grow up, right ?"
it isn't, Kyoujurou wants to say, but he has never been able to argue with Senjurou, not even once in his life
-Bad End-
Try again ?
>yes no
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magicomens · 6 months
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Happy Merlin finale anniversary to those who celebrate :)
I'm taking a small break from the comic for the holidays, see you in late January with Part 8 and a new story arc!
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cringefail-clown · 4 months
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post-canon/epilogues au, in which kankri, through paradox space shenanigans, gets revived and comes into his ultimate self, gathering knowledge from all of his past and future iterations - including the signless. now hes on a one-man mission to stop ult dirks plan to start another session of sburb in the bud
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bluegiragi · 1 year
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monster au intros - team 141 feat. Price, Ghost, Soap and Gaz!
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autisticsonic · 4 months
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My take on a Sonadow fankid! She actually existed for a while now, but the trend gave me motivation to finally draw her!
Most sonadow fankids are purplish and tube-grown, so I decided to make her neither!
Background for the story under cut, in case it gets long!
So in this AU, stories from the more recent games happen when Sonic and Shadow are at most around 20 years old. Back then Sonic was rambunctious and reckless as we know him to be, and Shadow was a depressed, traumatized emo kid. While at first they were rivals as depicted in the games.
Over the years tho, just like their friends, the two matured. They started getting along a lot more, and became official friends, which eventually lead to dating. They both were afraid of getting serious though, so they took things slow and casual. Due to some of their unresolved issues, they couldn't get any closer. But not for much longer.
Some of it has been brought on by a Particular Event, and some of it due to restructuring how they go about saving the world, but things changed. As Forces has shown, putting so much responsibility on One Guy isn't wise. Sonic felt so quilty for failing, but it never should've been his job alone, so they created an organization, to share the load more evenly!
The org became global, with local groups of heroes being recruited all around, meaning that now the characters we know and love now had more time to take care of their personal lives.
While for some the change hasn't been much, Sonic, and to a lesser extent, Shadow, struggled quite a lot. Many of things happened in between, but eventually both of them grew to quite enjoy the domestic life.
They moved in together, and started taking things to the next level, now that both have done some healing and therapy. They found that they get along quite great. After a bit longer, they decided to start a family :)
Shadow came up with the name. He wanted to honor his sister's memory, but Mar-Mar was also a symbol of all his progress. He did go to therapy to make sure that he can handle them sharing a name, to see if it's a good idea, and well, it was!
She's now 4 and very loved, and her dads love each other very much as well. For a certain Sonic though, things won't go so great.
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spicysourchimken · 26 days
Murder! Murder! Murder!
TRIGGER WARNING: discussions of death, murder, descriptions of corpses, gore and corpse desecration
(This Idea is loosely inspired by @/the-witchhunter's 'Ghost in the Morgue', please go check it out if you like this concept and have not yet read it)
[Other stuff in this AU: World Building]
Corpses au Danny, not just Corpse but Corpses. Every time Danny transforms he drops a new body, Danny honestly has lived with it long enough that it's funny at this point (and also. maybe made him a little weird about his own death and or deaths). This is not the same for Tim, who now has to deal with a potential serial killer.
Tim is looking into a string of strange and suspicious deaths that might point to the appearance of a new rogue, this results in him taking a visit to the morgue as Red Robin, only to meet a potential victim, Daniel Fenton the latest medical examiner for GCPD.
Tim was the one who had found the first body a week ago. He'd been on patrol when he'd spotted it propped up against a dumpster in an alley. It couldn't have been there longer than an hour, the blood was far too fresh.
Tim had planned to just check out the scene and call it in, but then he actually saw the body. It'd been eviscerated, torso ripped open organs spilling out and its hands had been frozen to the ground- hell the entire body seemed to be coated in a layer of frost.
Tim kept tabs on the investigation, if anything for simple curiosity. Then they'd found the second body. Body frozen to the ground, same victim profile- but the death had been completely different. Slashed throat, face mutilated.
Then there was another, and this time Tim wanted to see it in person. This was either a serial killer or the start of a new rogue, and for Tim to be able to tell he needed to see. He sent word to Gordon, if anything more of a warning. He was greeted by the medical examiner.
Greeted was a strong word.
The medical examiner was... strange. Tim had heard news of him starting work and as far as Tim was aware of he was clean, and an almost boring person. The medical examiner that Tim met was unnerving. Pale, staring almost through him and carried blase attitude to his work.
What was worse is that he reminded so much of a corpse, not just a corpse but the corpse.
Then it struck him.
Fenton could be a target. Fenton could be the focus of the killer's obsession.
He'd have to keep tabs on Fenton, too bad he might be the most reckless Gotham citizen in existence.
Gotham, admittedly hadn't been Danny's first pick after he finished medical school. Danny had always intended to become a medical examiner, dealing with your own corpses for years would do that do you. 'Finished' was the real problem, Danny had been doing well, great even but then he'd died. Twice. Real unfortunate really, hit and run and then poison, left him with a dry throat for weeks.
His own classmate apparently tried to kill him, which means it would be more than hard to actually finish medical school. That's fine, he had access to Tucker, an actual godsend who was able to make it look like he had all the proper qualifications... as long as you didn't look too hard.
Gotham was apparently pressed for a good medical examiner. All he needed to be was experienced.
Thankfully he had that in spades.
Things frankly only started going down hill last week. He'd made a habit of taking on requests between work, occultist avoided Gotham like the plague leaving him the only voice for the dead. Usually it was pretty easy gig, collect some momentos, help a few ghosts recognize they're dead. Until he'd had to deal with a Wraith.
It didn't go well. Danny was dead set on handling it as a human, appearing as Phantom could cause all matter of chaos. Danny had also not been informed that the claws of a wraith could pierce through human flesh so there's that. Danny was once again evicted from the mortal coil, dropping his own corpse and having to finish the fight off
Danny had planned to deal with his body after gaining his human form back and making sure that the thing could no longer return to the earthly plane. Turns out a bat got there first, turned the place into a crime scene. Just his luck he was beaten bloody enough to be unrecognizable.
His luck continued to go down hill when he was killed, not once, not twice but three times (this of course, wasn't accounting for the times he'd needed to go ghost). He'd gotten good at taking care of his bodies in Gotham at that point, or so he thought, until he was told he had not only a new body on his table and Red Robin waiting to be escorted to his morgue.
Now Danny has to juggle the growing chaos that it they spirits of Gotham while trying to make sure none of his bodies are identified, even if that means making a mess of Red Robin's investigations.
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nothingbizzare · 2 months
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Vampire au Teru is so dramatic
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lilianade-comics · 1 year
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My Cheese Melt AU is an alternate series of events beginning in Kindred Spirits (in which Vlad never sends Dani to capture Danny, because he convinced himself that it would be a waste to get rid of a perfectly serviceable clone so quickly, leading directly into him getting so unreasonably attached to her that he forgets all about the original "perfect son" plan) which then turns into a Dani inclusive, family dynamic focused rewrite of season 3. (the fic series starts with spirits less than willing)
Dani is present for certain important canon episodes (currently Eye For An Eye, Urban Jungle, and Living Large are the ones I've fleshed out) but she also gets episodes about her. Such as her first day at school, her obligatory identity crisis episode in which she recruits Sam and Tucker to help find her some hobbies and interests that are sufficiently different from anything Danny or Vlad likes, and Aloha From the Other Side, the vacation episode where her dad breaks Hawaii by simply being Vlad. Overall, she's a sweet kid who hilariously has a better moral compass than Danny and Vlad combined, but she also has INCREDIBLE capacity to be worse than both of them, if the situation calls for it. Her arcs focus on self discovery/identity, the looming threat of destabilization, and her relationships with Vlad and Danny.
Danny's relationship with Dani is more complex in this AU, because he doesn't trust "Vlad's daughter" at all at first. It doesn't help that the first time he meets her is in Eye For An Eye, right after sending the GIW to destroy Vlad's (and Dani's!) house. And now, Vlad is obnoxiously hellbent on replacing him with "Ellie Phantom" as the protector of Amity Park! But after Dani proves she has a mind of her own and hasn't been completely brainwashed by Vlad, and doesn't necessarily approve of his villainy, Danny shifts from animosity more toward concern for her. He knows Vlad well enough to realize that he's inevitably going to break her heart, and Danny is going to be there to protect her when it happens. (But what Danny doesn't know is that Vlad already broke Dani's heart when she discovered the truth about his initial plans for her before they moved to Amity Park. He saved her life in a fit of petulant guilt immediately after to make up for it, which is why she's still with him.)
And then there's Vlad himself. It would be helpful to think of his arc here as less of a redemption arc, and more of a domestication arc. Vlad is still a supervillain and Danny's arch enemy, but because of his parental attachment to Danielle his antagonist status is just as likely to be seen in him hauling Danny back to FentonWorks by the ankles because it's past his bedtime as it is in his latest cringefail brilliant scheme. In general, he finds himself in increasingly mundane situations by virtue of being involved in Dani's life, which generally results in comedy because Vlad is anything but equipped to handle parenthood (or mundane situations) normally. He's also allowed to have a rare reflective moment now and again and generally be a little more layered than just a villain. There's also increased opportunity for temporary allyships, because Vlad and Danny agree on Only One Thing: Dani is to be protected at all costs.
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scalpho · 18 days
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tbk fusions because watching steven universe wires one's brain a certain way. thanks as always to @cledubs and @nenekkasa for chatting about these freaks with me
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kkolg · 1 month
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Blank Canvas - Jakeneutron
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triona-tribblescore · 4 months
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benjimatorarts · 22 days
May I request an aftermath to this post?
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I just love it so much and the story interests me so much. I love your art so much like actually it’s so pleasing like ahhhhh ♡
Thank you so much! It’ll come… Eventually. I honestly sketch this piece before I had a vague timeline for this AU.
At this moment, I have couple of key points of the story I do want to illustrate and follow…semi chronologically? (Is that even a word?)
This scene in particular is happening later on the timeline (still figuring out). I will draw the aftermath of this piece but I will say that they left that dressing so clean, you wouldn’t even know there was a massacre :).
Thank you again! And thank you everyone for the asks and comments for this AU! I will try to get back to most of the asks!
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chez-cinnamon · 1 year
Why does Wally look like he's like. Dropping?? In the most recent artwork?? Is he like, already inky or smth from stress?
Actually, what are the ink forms? I'm really curious.
I’m planning on making a doodle page with explanations about their forms, but it’s taking a while so I’ll show what I’ve got-
The puppets in this AU are made of ink but aren’t exactly made of just ink - think of them as BATIM/Who Framed Roger Rabbit kind of creatures. They’re other worldly beings made of ink.
However the events of the AU involve the puppets being very new to these forms, so they drip often because they forget to maintain these forms. Over time, they become more solid and don’t need to worry about dripping, but it happens on occasion or if they’re stressed/panicked/sad. Wally, Frank and Poppy drip the most out of them - Poppy out of nervousness, Frank because even after living with Fionn for a while he never got used to the sudden change, and Wally because most of the AU involves him and he’s stressed out a lot, plus he has a bit more trouble trying to maintain his form.
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The ink they’re made of is insanely flexible - think of Splatoon ink but more otherworldly - which allows them to travel via hopping. They can remain in blob form or can morph half of their body into their regular forms with their legs being a puddle. When in their ink forms, they’re primarily black with slight swirls of their outfit’s colours peeking out, but as they get used to it, their ink becomes less black and more like their most dominant colour(s) (Wally’s being blue/yellow, Poppy’s being red, Eddie’s being orange, etc.)
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A downside to their ink forms, however, include being unable to touch water, due to ink mixing with water - it can be quite painful to them. And they can’t get too close to fire/hot things, otherwise they’d melt or burn, almost like film. After some time in the human world, I can imagine that they’d somehow get more used to it and they’d be able to touch water, but in general it’s painful for them. They also don’t need to eat and drink, but to keep substance, I like to think they rely on either drinking/sleeping in ink pots, or they snack on lollipops.
But yeah- I might come back to this but this is the basic outline of their ink forms!!!
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royalrebelpropaganda · 3 months
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something something literary parallels
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