#Feyas Poetry
feyasthepoet · 2 years
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"A thousand eyes is the curse of the wise"
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obliviatcd · 1 year
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there is poetry in her veins.
poe iris graves
pooh bear, posie
august 14th | 24 years old
7 1/2″ willow, slightly springy, dragon heartstring core
☼ optimistic→ gregarious→ intelligent
✗ vicious→ selfish→ opinionated
Poe was born into a family that has a long-standing history with the school. Her father and two uncles as well as her two brothers all attended before her.
She has constantly been living in the shadow of her twin cousins who were deemed more magical/powerful than she is and are expected to be handed down their father’s enterprise.
Poe has spent her entire life and school career trying to prove her worth to her peers and family. Which was why it’s a shock that she wasn’t placed in Slytherin but Ravenclaw instead.
Her older brothers are Bram (32) and Craven (26)
Cousins that also attend the school are the twins Pandora and Lilith (23) and Theo (25)
Feya Mavor
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Reyssane takes a sip of horse milk, Feya's mischievous voice dances with excitement. "Oh, Rickeur, have you ever seen such wondrous creatures? Those dragons, they're like fire and poetry combined!"
Rickeur chuckles softly, his voice carrying a touch of admiration. "Indeed, Feya, they possess an elegance that defies the imagination. One could almost be lured by their enchanting dance across the heavens."
Their voices intertwine like a playful melody, blending with the rustling leaves and distant dragon roars. Feya, unable to contain her jesting nature, continues, "You know, Rickeur, if only we could find a way to tame those dragons, we'd have a magnificent ride and the envy of all!"
Rickeur's response carries a hint of caution amidst the banter. "Ah, Feya, to tame a dragon is a task that eludes even the bravest souls. They are creatures of wild beauty, meant to soar freely across the skies."
Just as their playful exchange reaches its peak, the distant thunderous roar of a dragon reverberates through the air, causing them to fall silent. Intrigued, a young boy bursts onto the scene, gasping for breath. "Is it true? Has a dragon truly landed in the forest?" he asks, his voice filled with wonder and excitement.
Feya, nonchalant and quick-witted, dismisses the notion with a casual wave of her hand. "Oh, dear child, no dragon would dare venture into this forest. Its stench alone would drive them away. Fear not, your imagination must have run wild."
The conversation fades into the background as Reyssane, focused on her grand heist, resumes her journey towards the city. The tales of the wealthy lord and the stolen prince's treasures beckon her audacity and cunning. With each step, Reyssane's determination grows, her mind filled with whimsical plans and the thrill of outwitting the rich lord who dares to claim what is rightfully hers.
The city awaits, promising an adventure filled with whimsy, danger, and the chance to reclaim stolen treasures. And so, our audacious bandit girl, Reyssane, sets forth with a gleam in her eye and a heart brimming with excitement, ready to weave her magical tale within the tapestry of a fantastical world. Scene 2: In the bustling city, Lord Xhankrus, the reluctant Duke, tends to his garden, a rare moment of respite from his burdensome position. His distaste for his new role stems from a daring act of offering unsolicited advice to the childless king, an act that brought him nothing but misfortune.
As Xhankrus carefully waters his flowers, his thoughts are interrupted by a sudden crash. A small dragon has flown into him, causing a momentary panic. With a mix of apprehension and annoyance, Xhankrus addresses the dragon. "Oh no, you must stay away from me. It would be better if your parents did not land here and bring destruction upon this wretched city. Shoo, shoo!"
The small dragon, curious yet undeterred by Xhankrus' plea, gazes at him briefly before getting up and swiftly flying away. Xhankrus sighs in relief, grateful that the encounter did not escalate. Deep within, however, he carries a nagging sense that tonight will not bode well. Dragons, known to be harbingers of ill fortune, seldom interact with humans. Xhankrus, lost in his thoughts, muses to himself about the inherent misfortune associated with dragons.
Xhankrus: Dragons, oh how they are feared and despised. Their presence brings nothing but trouble and sorrow. A bad omen, they say, lurking in the shadows of destiny. It is as if their very existence taints the air with impending doom. And now, one has crossed my path, an ill omen indeed.
He pauses, his voice filled with a mix of resignation and bitterness.
Xhankrus: Ah, but what use is there in dwelling on such superstitions? The city's fate is already marred by my ill-fated words to the king. Dragons or no dragons, the consequences of my audacity shall unravel in due time. Perhaps tonight, the weight of my actions will cast its dark shadow upon me.
With a heavy sigh, Xhankrus resumes tending to his garden, hoping to find solace amidst the vibrant blooms. Little does he know that fate, entangled with the whims of dragons, will soon weave its unpredictable tapestry, challenging his beliefs and unraveling a path he never expected to tread.
Scene 3: The weight of Xhankrus's discontent plagues him like a burden of boulders, dampening his spirits and tainting his dreams. Lost in a realm of slumber, he groans, relishing a fleeting moment of tranquility. However, his respite is abruptly shattered as a weight crashes upon him, the impact of the boulder's limb smacking his face.
Startled and in pain, Xhankrus releases a louder groan, only to be met with a startled exclamation. "Shit!" A young girl hastily scrambles away from him, realizing her unintentional intrusion. Swiftly, Xhankrus retrieves a knife concealed within his pillow, pressing it against the girl's neck. With a swift motion, he pulls her back, ensuring she no longer poses an immediate threat.
Xhankrus: What do you want? Who are you? My apologies, I am not skilled in handling unexpected encounters. Please, enlighten me. Are there others accompanying you in this place?
The girl, unperturbed by the blade pressed against her neck, meets Xhankrus' gaze with a glimmer of audacity.
Reyssane: I mean you no harm, Lord Xhankrus. I sought gold, but now it seems you must pay the price for hearing my voice. In the struggle, she strikes Xhankrus lightly in the stomach with her elbow, causing him to wince. With nimble dexterity, she wrests the knife from his grip, injuring herself in the process.
Xhankrus, bewildered yet intrigued, demands answers once more, his tone tinged with a mix of frustration and curiosity.
Xhankrus: Tell me, who are you? Your audacity amuses and unsettles me in equal measure.
Reyssane, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes, responds with a coy smile.
Reyssane: I have a special introduction reserved for moments such as these. She taps her foot lightly against the wooden floor and declares, "I am Reyssane, daughter of the thief known as Many Faces. But unlike him, I am a spore that grows and poisons!"
Xhankrus, aghast and overcome with embarrassment, calls for the guards, hoping to rid himself of this unexpected intruder.
Xhankrus: Guards! Quickly, dispose of her! She is a menace to my realm!
However, Reyssane swiftly evades capture by leaping out of the window, landing gracefully on her side. She swiftly disappears into the shroud of night, leaving Xhankrus and his guards stunned by her escape.
In the aftermath of this unexpected encounter, Xhankrus contemplates the implications of Reyssane's introduction, the taste of embarrassment lingering upon his tongue. Little does he know that this encounter with the audacious bandit girl is merely the beginning of a dance that will entangle their fates in ways he could never have foreseen.
A month passes, and the fates intertwine Xhankrus and Reyssane once again, though under circumstances far from favorable. Xhankrus, atop his steed, traverses the countryside when his eyes catch sight of a harrowing sight. Reyssane hangs precariously from her feet, suspended from a tree, a vulnerable figure in need of rescue. Without hesitation, Xhankrus dismounts his horse, rushing to her aid.
Xhankrus: Reyssane! How did you find yourself in such a perilous situation?
Reyssane, her voice tinged with a mix of pain and frustration, responds with a hint of defiance.
Reyssane: I admit, I made a grave mistake. I robbed the wrong man, and this is the consequence I face. But, pray tell, what concern is it of yours, Lord Xhankrus?
Xhankrus, his eyes filled with both sternness and a glimmer of compassion, gently frees Reyssane from her entrapment.
Xhankrus: It matters to me because, despite our adversarial circumstances, I cannot stand idly by and watch you suffer such a fate. We may be on opposing sides of the law, but even in our differences, there is a spark of something more.
Reyssane, her body still weak from the ordeal, gazes into Xhankrus' eyes, her voice softer than before.
Reyssane: You speak of compassion, yet our paths are riddled with conflict. How can we find solace amidst this enmity?
Xhankrus, a hint of vulnerability breaking through his composed exterior, reaches out to touch Reyssane's cheek gently.
Xhankrus: Our lives may be entangled in a web of duty and obligation, but beneath it all, there lies a connection that defies the boundaries of societal expectations. We are more than just adversaries, Reyssane. We are two souls entwined in a dance that is yet to reveal its true purpose.
Reyssane, her eyes searching Xhankrus' face for sincerity, can sense the conflict within him.
Reyssane: Are you suggesting that beneath the roles we play, there could be a glimmer of friendship, perhaps even care?
Xhankrus, his voice filled with longing and uncertainty, takes Reyssane's hand in his own.
Xhankrus: I dare to believe that within this tumultuous dance, a fragile bond may be forged. A connection that transcends societal expectations and embraces the complexities of our hearts. Can we not explore the possibility of a path less traveled, where animosity gives way to understanding?
Reyssane, her defenses slowly crumbling, squeezes Xhankrus' hand gently, her voice carrying a note of vulnerability.
Reyssane: Perhaps, beneath the shadows of our roles, lies a chance for something unexpected. A friendship that defies the boundaries set upon us. Let us explore this uncharted territory, Lord Xhankrus, for in this journey, we may find solace and a deeper understanding of one another.
Their eyes meet, sparking with a mixture of passion, hostility, and the flicker of a newfound connection. Bound by circumstance yet unyielding in their desires, Xhankrus and Reyssane embark on a delicate journey, weaving together a historical romance where love and understanding emerge amidst the turbulence of their lives.
Gratitude fills Reyssane's heart as she expresses her appreciation to Xhankrus for rescuing her from the perilous predicament. A glimmer of vulnerability shines in her eyes as she poses a delicate request.
Reyssane: Lord Xhankrus, I am indebted to you for your timely intervention. In return, I beseech you, would you do me the honor of burying the bodies of these unfortunate ladies? They were night owls, caught in the web of darkness.
Xhankrus hesitates, his mind fraught with conflicting thoughts and the weight of his responsibilities.
Xhankrus: Reyssane, I understand the plight of these souls, but involving myself in such matters would bring about unwanted complications. The realms of the night owls are shrouded in mystery and danger, beyond the boundaries of my realm.
Reyssane, her voice tinged with determination, steps closer to Xhankrus, refusing to back down from her plea.
Reyssane: These night owls were once vibrant beings, with dreams and desires intertwined with their nocturnal existence. They deserve a final resting place, free from the clutches of the shadows. I implore you, Lord Xhankrus, to reconsider and embrace the responsibility that lies before you.
Xhankrus, his expression hardened yet filled with a flicker of curiosity, meets Reyssane's gaze.
Xhankrus: Reyssane, you ask me to delve into realms unknown, to face the enigmatic forces that govern the night. It is a daunting task, one that may unravel the delicate balance of my world. Can we not seek an alternative path, one that does not entangle us further in these shadowed domains?
Reyssane, her voice filled with conviction, refuses to yield, her eyes burning with an unwavering determination.
Reyssane: Lord Xhankrus, the night owls have suffered enough. They are souls yearning for peace, lost amidst the chaos. I believe that together, we can navigate these ethereal realms, dispelling the darkness that haunts them. Let us rise above our fears and prejudices and embrace the call to restore balance.
Xhankrus, his resolve tested, realizes the strength in Reyssane's words. He takes a deep breath, his voice softened yet resolute.
Xhankrus: Very well, Reyssane. In your conviction, I find the courage to face the unknown. Together, we shall venture into the realms of the night owls, honoring the fallen and bringing solace to their restless spirits. Our paths may be entwined in an uncharted tapestry, but united, we shall forge a new chapter in the history of our fantastical realm.
As they prepare to embark on their unprecedented journey, Reyssane and Xhankrus embrace the realm of historical fantasy, where love, duty, and the pursuit of justice intertwine with the mystical forces that govern their world. The shadows of the night owls await, and with their combined strength and determination, they strive to bring light and peace to the fallen souls who have been forgotten by the daylight realm.
In the dim light of dusk, Reyssane and Xhankrus labor together, digging a solemn grave for the bodies of the meagerly dressed women. The earth yields beneath their shovels, each movement a somber reflection of the task at hand. A contemplative silence envelops them, until Reyssane breaks it with a heartfelt question.
Reyssane: Will you pray for the night owls, Lord Xhankrus? Surely Kamaria, the goddess of the night, will allow a word in honor of her lost daughters.
Xhankrus, taken aback by Reyssane's devotion, responds with incredulity.
Xhankrus: Kamaria? You worship a dead god? These women are naught but common whores. Fancy names will not alter their essence.
Reyssane's eyes blaze with fiery determination, her voice unwavering as she defends her belief.
Reyssane: They are Kamaria's girls, and I will not stand for derogatory words to be thrown upon them. Will you not join me in prayer, Lord Xhankrus?
Xhankrus, his skepticism still evident, shakes his head resolutely.
Xhankrus: No, I shall not pray. These women were not paragons of virtue, and it is not my place to send empty words into the void.
Reyssane, undeterred by his refusal, challenges him with a hint of defiance.
Reyssane: Very well, if you will not pray, then I shall. But before you attack me with your doubts and judgments, allow me this moment.
With the bodies laid to rest, Reyssane bows her head in silence, her lips moving in fervent prayer to the goddess Kamaria.
Reyssane: Kamaria, as these women were used and abused in their earthly existence, I implore you to cradle them within your ethereal hands. Grant them healing and redemption, and in your divine power, transform them into beings who shall never suffer at the hands of another man. Whether as men or as rich women, may they find solace and peace in their newfound lives.
The sacred words linger in the air, carrying the weight of Reyssane's unwavering faith. Xhankrus, though still harboring doubts, cannot deny the sincerity and compassion in her plea. A newfound respect begins to take root within him, opening his heart to the possibilities beyond the confines of his rigid beliefs.
Together, they stand in silent contemplation, their differences bridged by a shared sense of duty and compassion. The bodies of the fallen night owls find their final resting place, accompanied by the whispered prayer that holds the hopes and wishes of Reyssane for their eternal peace and rebirth.
The tension between Xhankrus and Reyssane reaches its breaking point, escalating into a fierce clash of swords. Their blades clash with a resounding clash of steel, their movements fueled by a potent mix of anger, frustration, and a strange attraction that defies logic.
Their duel unfolds with an intensity that can only be matched by the tempestuous storm swirling within their hearts. Each strike and parry reflects their skill and determination, their eyes locked in a battle of wills. But fate, in its cruel whimsy, intervenes with a devastating twist.
As the guards rush forward to subdue Reyssane, their blows veer off course, tragically finding their mark in her eye. A searing pain engulfs her being, and a scream erupts from her lips, echoing through the air with a chilling resonance.
Her anguished cry reverberates in the heavens, summoning a dragon from the depths of the sky. With a thunderous roar, the majestic creature descends, its fiery breath engulfing the earth, consuming everything and everyone in its path.
Amidst the chaos, Xhankrus, a fool driven by a love forged in the depths of a moonlit encounter, instinctively throws himself in front of Reyssane, shielding her from the scorching flames. The dragon's wrath, unleashed upon the world, seems unstoppable.
No one can truly comprehend the reason behind the dragon's attack. Some believe it was sparked by Reyssane's agonizing scream, her voice acting as a catalyst for the ancient creature's rage. Others dismiss it as mere coincidence or the whims of a bored dragon, seeking to test the might of its flames upon the mortal realm. And there are those who attribute it to the rise of Fire as a religion, fueled by the survival of Reyssane herself.
The devastation wrought by the dragon's fury leaves no survivors to bear witness to the truth. Yet, the dragons continue to circle the continent, their watchful gaze fixed upon the realm of humans, an enigma shrouded in mystery.
There are many legends told about Reyssane and Xhankrus. In the aftermath of the cataclysmic event, Xhankrus emerges, wounded but alive, his act of selflessness etched in the annals of history. Reyssane, though scarred both physically and emotionally, defies death's embrace, her survival defying explanation.
Legends are born from such moments, tales spun and woven by the whispers of the people. The dragons, guardians of the sky, continue their vigil, their motives remaining elusive. And in the hearts of those who dare to believe, Reyssane becomes the first in a lineage of Ssanes whose voice is said to call forth the ancient creatures.
Yet, as the stories and beliefs intertwine, the true nature of that fateful day remains elusive, locked within the flames of the dragon's wrath and the silent echoes of the fallen. The dragons, their presence a constant reminder of the fragile balance between humanity and the unknown, watch and wait, their secrets held within the depths of their fiery eyes.
Authors note:
If more than 50 people buy me a one dollar gift card I can afford something really nice a kitchen! Please help the government is focusing on making himself a king of black people.
My blog: https://inlovewithghost.wordpress.com/
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pupcrimes · 6 years
just realized most of my (more developed) ocs are low-key historians of sorts.....
mordesri is passionate about ancient poetry and mythologies, epic poems are his bread and butter; rakajj holds the surviving accounts of her clan, books and photos and clothes from the women who had raised her to keep their memory alive; zhadi has a deep respect for historical artifacts and the like, and it is this that leads her to pursue treasure hunting after the Sith presume her dead; zilarra is more into cryptozoology, which u could say is a living history in a way?, but she has looked through accounts dating back hundreds of years just for funsies so this counts; feya nahi, before her ordeal with the star cabal, had been a jedi archivist, her main thing was translation; 
and i’m not too sure abt my troopers or smugglers -- dego (smuggler) prefers to live in the moment, sev doesn’t like to dwell on the past, and my troopers.... i just don’t know them too well at the moment
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dormanthope · 6 years
" everyone i love, leaves. " ( aka dONT U LEAVE ME LIKE MOM DAD I'LL C RY)
POETRY STARTERS || @giantichor
   He was a specter to his own resolve – a pillar of grief that stood in mute surrender to the mere words of a child, and yet, he had grown callous and unyielding to the emotions that lay only skin deep. Knowing he had damned himself and his kin long before Feya’s passing – the inevitability of his actions haunting him seemed to deepen further with her death. And while undeserving of this life he had come to take, Atreus was a beacon in this shadow of doubt. He, while young, could overcome Kratos’s failures – though, in this, was also his downfall as there was too much of his mother in him and the naiveté of youth. Atreus needed to become a weapon, he needed to kill if the trek to the mountain was to ever be achieved.
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“Then prove yourself, boy. Show me that you are worthy of that bow.”
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jazzworldquest-blog · 6 years
SOUTH AFRICA: Standard Bank Joy of Jazz Festival September 27-29, 2018
Standard Bank Joy of Jazz Sept 27-29, 2018
       For the 8th consecutive year JazzCorner.com is proud to be the U.S. partner for the 21st Annual Standard Bank Joy of Jazz Festival 
Johannesburg, South Africa
September 27-29, 2018
Cassandra Wilson, Tribute to Bra Hugh Masekela, David Sanborn, Joey DeFrancesco, The Wonderful World of Louis Armstrong All-Stars, Buika, 
Tribute to Nelson Mandela, Bilal, Amina Figarova
Three days, four stages and more than 40 performances!
The 21st edition of the Standard Bank Joy of Jazz celebrates vistas of diversity with an all-star line-up that explores various musical traditions from across the world. The festival kicks off on September 27 with a one night only set of performances by iconic headliners: Cassandra Wilson, David Sanborn and  The Horn Summit: Feya Faku, Khaya Mahlangu, Mthunzi Mvubu, Barney Rachabane, Sydney Mavundla, Siphamandla Bhembe and Mandla Mlangeni to honor the memory of Bra Hugh Masekela. 
Pianist Amina Figarova will lead two not to be missed collaborative projects: with Thaba Jabula School Choir, and she'll team up with award winning South African pianists, Kyle Shepherd and Bokani Dyer in an imaginative musical exploration that straddles multiple jazz piano traditions. The Wonderful World of Louis Armstrong All-Stars Band includes Wycliffe Gordon, Nicholas Payton, Reginald Veal, Courtney Bryan, Roderick Paulin and Herlin Riley. Did you know Louis Armstrong gave Hugh Masekela his first trumpet?
We are looking forward to hearing two of our favorites South Africa's vocalists Letta Mbulu and Gloria Bosman, as well as the special project: Nelson Mandela - The Song Lives On which was conceived by Concord Nkabindeand David Klassen where Madiba's Voice meets live music & poetry, reminding us that the Long Walk to Freedom is far from over...
Standard Bank Joy of Jazz Festival takes place at the Sandton Convention Centre, three days, four stages and more than 40 performances!
JazzCorner is proud to be affiliated with #SBJOJ21 and will be reporting with inteviews, videos and social media from Johannesburg, South Africa. 
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2MyVA00
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feyasthepoet · 1 year
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feyasthepoet · 2 years
As bells shimmer and chime silence falls Through halls deep Resting in the olive room A beautiful modest maiden Dressed in a gown of peony white Sat apon a dusty rose couch Near her side, her sister sat Fiddling with her ruby red ribbon Chattering about the day, like the little lady she is How far the sisters come From the lowly orphanage of their birth The days of tiresomely working Saving every dime for her sister Crying through lonely haunted nights The fear of never seeing her sister again Stabbed so deeply through her heart She still laughs at the fleeting memory of Her fiancé flinging the door open like a heroic knight With her sweet sister by his side She smiles finding herself truly spoiled by God The strong clearness of her sister’s voice captured her attention With a gleeful smile, her sister spoke “Sister, eternity is a really long time isn’t it When we’re at the orphanage The thought of it was terrifying. But seeing you standing there Smiling next to him I don’t think I’d mind if I am with you guys”
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feyasthepoet · 2 years
A Hound at Your Heel
Through my teeth, I taste your fear In despair, your bloodied hands cling to my hide Oh huntsman your pack forsaken you You were beaten like a useless mutt Like a wounded deer, your shaking legs fail you Hold onto me I will carry you Though you may never see the light again And walk like you used to I am the hound at your heels And even on this dreadful night I will never fail you
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feyasthepoet · 2 years
Flower of Fall
Amongst the leaves decay And fallen trees She blooms An ancient flower cherished by few Never seen in a bouquet She's an enchanter Connecting the unseen
You may stab her with a stick or step on her You may see her in the witches brew or on the chief table To be used and glanced over
She's the flower of fall Blooming amongst the rot and decay She'll surely be here far longer than you and I Blooming again in tomorrows fall She's the enchanting flower And she has no need for us to tell her she's beautiful
But I think I'll tell her anyway
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feyasthepoet · 2 years
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feyasthepoet · 2 years
Melomatic Bears
Deep Down within emerald forests Flowers bloom and breathe Lichen climbs and tangles Moss slithers and lurks Jewelry of a fine maiden
Take the leap down into the deep forest dale Bees suckle from flowers Melons and berries Ripen into ornaments Draping across forest floors
Among the melons and fine fruits With eyes wide open, you will see The Melomatic bears With fur like vanilla icing A giant flower a-bloom on their back With nectar so sweet and succulent Like honey, it pours Monochromatic from fruits they consume As mellow as a dove With hearts and bellies Filled with melons Dwelling in deep dales full of melons
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feyasthepoet · 2 years
Flowers will wilt and fade As memories bleed away
Follow alongside the graves Marked in shallow words Spewing curses to the damned left breathing
Taste the seething sun's light in the dew Watch as hair like threads of golden snow Fall to the autumn leaves as she weeps
Her heart shines a divine platinum Weaving fractured memories of a smiling mother
Witness as the threads of the abyss wiggle in like maggots Shattering away the fragrant memories Into relentless curses of times never again Leaving only pale tears
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feyasthepoet · 2 years
Keeping It Brief Read Elken Hound on Their Show
Ms. Naomi Sara of Keeping It Brief reached out to me yesterday. Asking if she could read Elken Hound on Keeping It Brief. Today it aired and I got to listen to their kind words and learn more about my own writing.
Whether you enjoy reading or writing poetry you may enjoy listening to them. They started off with reading a poem before heading into an analysis of how it made them feel and some interesting things about its structure and content.
I hope you head on over and give them a listening to
Elken Hound is at 1:24
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feyasthepoet · 2 years
In Heaven's Light
I hear music in the air One familiar fading tune Lest I have been here all alone A whispering Sweet Sweet smell Haunts these halls Becoming a sickening stench Was this all I wished for?
Searching for God Praying for something monumental My dreams uncovered more deceit Death consumes the living Another rat is installed into the code
In a world like this God really is the only one To give me purpose, to give me guidance And heal my soul's decay Make me something monumental my lord For I taste the tears, yet still can’t embrace
A beautiful glimmering gold paints the light Weaving and spinning Spilling through the cracks of barren concrete Cutting through the darkness Soft and warm to the touch Drenches down on me Sensations and sight over take me Unveiling a world That I long sense betrayed Now fates are entwined through my fingers And my purpose is clear
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