#Floyd x Janice
445art · 8 months
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palettepainter · 8 months
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He gave it an attempt (based of this youtube clip - Baby tries to imitate party horn - YouTube)
Happy birthday to Caleb!! Tbh I don't usually do OC birthdays, but Caleb got a way more positive reception then I was expecting, so it felt right to do a lil something to honour it being one year since I shared him with you all!
Don't worry by the time Caleb's older he's nailed party horns
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bethcartoonist · 1 year
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If Janice and Floyd ever got hitched~
This was super fun to draw. Although I had a bit of a debate whether Floyd would be in his military uniform or if he’d wear smth more casual. In the end I just figured he’d wear both LOL
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doodlezz :3
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nightmaremp · 2 months
Janice and Floyd
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janpepperweek · 1 year
JanPepper week anyone?
Calling up Muppet fan artists, writers, and fans in general! Especially if you’re a shipper of the Electric Mayhem’s very own Floyd and Janice.
We’ve seen multiple other fandoms start a week of the year dedicated to ships from their favorite shows, movies, etc. and thought Floyd and Janice deserved to have one too! These two have multiple ship names, but the most common one we’ve seen lately is JanPepper, so we’re going with it!
More info will be posted soon, but the general idea of this is that there will be prompts for each day of the week that fans can post artwork, fanfiction, or just anything else that goes along with the prompts!
This will most likely be in September. We know that’s a little ways off, but we just wanted to see how many fans might be interested in participating. We’re looking for at least 5-6 fans for this but hopefully there will be more! We also are planning ahead of time so we can get the prompts posted early to give everyone plenty of time to get their posts ready.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to join! And note that it will not be required to have something to post for every day of the week. You can submit posts for one day, a few, or all! It’s completely up to you!
We’ll let this circulate a little and see how many people we can reach. Please reblog and share this with anyone who you think might be interested! And comment or message us if you’re interested or have any questions!
If we feel there’s enough people interested by late July/early August, we’ll post the prompts and the basic general rules. Thanks everyone!
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anerdwithapen-blog · 4 months
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A beautiful Redraw of our Favorite Duo
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fiorimaya · 9 months
JanPepper Week: Day One - The Beginning
@janpepperweek Oh gosh... I'm sorry for how late this is. Going to do my best to have something for all the prompts by October! ALSO I know what Janice said in the show about, you know... how she got Floyd LOL but I'm not going to use that (because I just don't know how LOL) but anyways... hope you all enjoy :)
The board-house full of Muppets was busy and loud as per usual, though the thoughts swirling through Janice's mind seemed much louder. All of it was becoming a bit too much for her, so she made her way to the roof and sat down, looking up at the sky as the sun set and painted the sky so many pretty colors. She took a deep breath; only sound she heard being the traffic on the interstate in the distance. This was "her place". Well, her and Floyd's. They had started going up there to the roof all the time just to talk. It had started just over a month earlier when Janice found herself in a rather difficult situation. She was in a band and one of her bandmates had been given another title: her ex. She and Zoot had tried to make it work, but it just didn't work out that way. The Muppet Show was nearing its second season and the last thing Janice wanted was for things to be awkward. Would the band's performances be awkward? And what about the At the Dance sketches in which Kermit had paired her with Zoot?
Her and Zoot had both kept showing up to band rehearsals, and even then, they still spoke to each other. It just felt different. It was weird. Janice didn't like that, and she was sure Zoot didn't like it either. They were close for the longest time; long before anything romantic started between them. Thankfully, it had gotten much better over the last month and a half. The awkwardness was slowly fading, and they were both thankful. But now... new thoughts spun in Janice's mind.
Floyd was always there to listen to her feelings during the whole thing that was happening with her and Zoot. Right there on the roof where she sat was where it always happened. Not only would Floyd listen, but he made Janice feel heard. He made her feel calm. He made her feel less alone. She truly believed that just him being there for her made the whole situation so much more bearable for her. She felt safe with him; and when she really thought about it, she realized no one else had ever made her feel that way. Not even Zoot.
There was just something about the way Floyd talked to her, looked at her, that made her heart skip a beat. She had known Floyd even before she knew the others in the band. She saw him all the time, yet somehow, she wanted to see him even more. She thought that she was in love with Zoot, but she was feeling something now for Floyd that made her doubt that "in love" was exactly what she had felt for Zoot. She cared about Zoot, of course she did. But with Floyd it was just different. It was more.
What would he, like, even see in me anyways? She thought to herself. And wouldn't it be too soon anyways? Like, Zoot and I haven't even been broken up for two months yet.
She sighed and looked up at the sky above her. It was getting darker now, and the stars were lightly twinkling despite the sun not being fully set yet. She knew Floyd would be here soon, looking for her once he noticed she wasn't with the others while they prepared for dinner. As if her thoughts sent him a cue, she heard the door open and felt his presence beside of her.
"Hey Jan. You okay?" He asked her, something off in his voice.
She turned her attention to him then. "Fer sure. Are you?"
He looked down and didn't answer. "Sorry it took me a bit. I noticed you were gone and started to come up but Teeth wanted to talk."
Had something happened between him and Teeth? She shifted so that she could face him, one leg curled under her and the other left dangling off the edge of the roof. "Is everything okay? Did something, like, happen?"
He kept his gaze down and let out a breath. "We just, uh, got into a bit of an argument."
Janice's mouth gaped. "An argument? About what?"
Floyd let out another breath that sounded more like a bit of a laugh this time. Finally, he looked at her. "You."
Janice was taken aback. "Me? Like, why?"
Floyd looked down again, blushing slightly. He knew he could tell her, that she wouldn't be upset with him for it. Because talking about anything and anything at all was just natural for them. It always had been. "He, uh... he caught on and noticed that I, uh, y'know... like you."
Janice just stared at him, not sure exactly what to say at first. Was he saying what she thought he was saying?
"Like... like me?" She finally got a few words out.
Floyd laughed his usual laugh then. "Yeah, Jan. I like you. Y'know, like that. He's just worried if something did ever happen between us like that, what it would mean for the band. Given your history with Zoot and all that."
That made Janice wonder if Teeth had caught on to her having feelings for Floyd, too.
Floyd continued. "I mean, I don't want things to be even more awkward for you and Zoot again after you two are finally getting back to a good, uh, not awkward place. But I just wanted you to know that I do like you a lot, Janice. And... I wanna be with you. I actually have for quite some time now."
Janice felt her cheeks getting warm as she tried to fight a giggle at how cute his rambling was. She couldn't remember him ever doing it before. She had to bite her lip as his rambling continued.
"And I understand if you don't feel the same or you're not ready or if you're, y'know, done with band members or-"
"Floyd, stop," she cut him off, her giggle finally escaping her lips. He looked over at her again, and she rested a hand on his shoulder. "I-I do like you," she smiled. "Y'know, like that."
"You do?" He blinked a few times.
"Fer sure," she nodded. "And I wanna be with you too, Floyd."
Floyd looked at her in disbelief, and then let out a happy laugh. "So... we're a thing now?"
"I'd like to be," Janice coyly told him.
"And Zoot?"
"We'll figure that out later," she told him, wrapping her arms around him. He returned the hug, her face against his chest. She smiled more. "I'm sure everything will like, turn out fine. All I know is I like, wanna be with you no matter what."
Floyd nodded, even though she couldn't see from her position. He gently pressed a kiss into the top of her head and sighed happily. "I feel the same exact way, Jan."
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artistic-gay-walrus · 2 months
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Coloring Muppets with crayons >>>
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thetreewhispererr · 1 year
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Rock on amirite 🤘🎶✨☮️
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445art · 5 months
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palettepainter · 1 month
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I didn't post anything for Mothers day in the UK (I think?) so Happy Mothers day to all the US families! Have two wildly different mothers day themed drawings with some OC's and Janpepper
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bethcartoonist · 1 year
My take on the few moments of Floyd and Janice that we saw on The Muppets Mayhem
Just my thoughts cuz I have it floating around in my head. Spoilers ahead if you haven’t watched the series
- He’s quite protective of her. But not overly so. (When he cried “Oh, Baby, you came back to me!” I sort of squealed)
- Both seem pretty chill about any previous relationships they have had. (Ziggy Marley, whoever Betty is etc)
- Janice’s storyline involves starting to prioritise and love herself first. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t love and care for Floyd. But sometimes, it lowkey feels like he doesn’t fully grasp that yet. Especially in Ep 7 when he gets irritated that she wasn’t thinking of him when they wrote that song (side note: you can ABSOLUTELY write a love song about yourself).
- Floyd regards Janice as his true love (Notice how he says that he’s writing his own love song about his other true love. Which happens to be soup).
- This is all in words and not shown but, that little conversation where Janice talked about how she swooped in and stole Floyd’s heart from Betty is quite telling of their relationship (and likely how it started but hey I could be wrong).
- It probably didn’t feel that great for Floyd when Betty couldn’t decide between him and the other guy (it would suck to feel like you’re second choice for someone). So it’s understandable that he couldn’t stick around and wait for her to make up her mind.
- Janice on the other hand, sounded like she knew what she wanted when she chose Floyd. Like she was sure wanted to be with him. And in the end, Floyd chose the person who also chose him fer sure.
- At the end of the day, even after that whole spiteful song thing (which honestly made me feel mildly uncomfortable), I think they still do love each other very much.
I do wish they had more moments on the show but all in all, Muppets Mayhem was GREAT. I have my fingers crossed for more podcasts/vodcasts talking about the series and maybe even a Season 2 :D
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disneyfan1955 · 11 months
Floyd and Janice love child OC
Her name is technically Poppy, technically Alice.
This is because during the long break, the muppets took from each other, the band also temporarily went their separate ways to tie up some loose ends. Janice went to her estranged sister's house where she found out she was pregnant.
Janice didn't find out she was pregnant until she was halfway through the second trimester.
Janice, while never even thought of having a child, was excited to be a mother. Sadly, during this time, due to some struggles, Floyd was experiencing some personal issues in which he needed time, and Janice couldn't get in contact to tell him.
She figured he'd be happy with having a little her and him running around.
Janice's sister (whom I named Susan) had several doubts about Janice's capabilities of being a responsible mother. Susan took it upon herself to basically be Janice's guardian. This was the beginning of her and Janice's relationship becoming tense.
On April 20, Janice delivered a healthy little girl. She was born with thick bright red hair, like Floyd, so she named her Poppy. Susan couldn't stand that name and complained heavily that she was setting Poppy up for failure saying that Poppy would never get a job with that name and would be picked on for her name. This greatly annoyed Janice, but she ignored her sister and stuck to Poppy.
Janice loved Poppy more than anything and immediately began making plans to join back up with the band. She couldn't wait for her daughter to experience life on the road. Susan, however, was incredibly against it, saying that the road is no place to raise a child.
Poppy slept in Janice's room, and in the dark of night, when Poppy couldn't sleep, Janice would sing to her. Poppy's favorites were Danny's Song, Black Bird, and Can You Picture That. Those were the best times that both Janice and Poppy remember.
One day while Janice went out to get some groceries to make homemade baby food (Janice didn't trust the name brands to give Poppy the nutrients she needed). Susan took Poppy to a doctor that Janice did not approve of (Janice sought a more holistic medical path for Poppy).
When Janice found out, let's just say there are extremely rare times she has been angry, and people know it, this was one of those moments. She finally snapped and yelled at Susan for overstepping her bounds. Susan yelled back that Janice had no idea what she was doing and accused her of not knowing what to do if Poppy got hurt or sick.
That is when they heard a crash and the sound of falling. They both rushed and saw Poppy at the bottom of the stairs. They both rushed, and Janice took Poppy in her arms to comfort her. However, Poppy reached towards Susan and called her Mama. Janice was so shocked and hurt that she didn't even feel Susan take Poppy out of her arms.
A couple of days after the incident, Janice realized that Susan would be a better guardian for Poppy. It was decided that Janice would send money and letters to Poppy and that Susan would write back every single update of Poppy's life.
Janice decided not to tell Floyd not to keep him in the dark, but because of the hurt, it would be to tell the man she loves that they have a child that wouldn't be raised by them. Also, maybe a little because of a bit of selfishness that talking out loud about her child would be too painful.
Janice left and rejoined the band and would send letters daily and monthly payments to go towards Poppy. Janice would receive responses once a week about Poppy's development and the little things she had done.
After Janice left, music was no longer allowed in the house because Susan didn't want Poppy to become like her parents. She changed Poppy's name to Alice and turned herself from Aunt Susan to Mom. She also erased Janice from Poppy's life. All of the letters Janice sent to Poppy were never read and hidden away. She didn't even tell Poppy that she had a sister named Janice.
Poppy being as young as she was, couldn't understand why all the pretty sounds were gone and why her mommy wouldn't sing to her anymore, and why they wouldn't cuddle anymore. She also couldn't understand why she was put into this pillow that was barred up so she couldn't move around. She also didn't understand why she wasn't Poppy anymore.
Eventually, this music free, restrained, no sleep, no cuddling life became normal. Despite everything, Alice loved her 'mom' and always strived to impress her. Whenever things got hard, she would remember back to when her mom would sing to her. She doesn't exactly remember the songs, but she remembers the warm fuzzy feeling of being loved.
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jackseverywhere · 11 months
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My man Zoot just fell in love with Lips from the first time he heard him play, that it was a Frank song was just a nice coincidence.
Can you believe this was just a gay joke to move to a +18/ scene? Basically this is a first part of a mini comic nsfw//
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janpepperweek · 10 months
Less than one week!
Hey everyone! Just a reminder that we are less than a week away from JanPepper week! Here's a quick reminder of the rules, info about posting, and the prompts for each day!
JanPepper week will officially take place here on Tumblr starting Monday, September 4th through Sunday, September 10th.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate! And it will NOT be required to have submissions for every day of the week. You can share things for one day, a few, or all. That is completely up to you!
This week will not be limited to only fanart or fanfiction. You can post anything you want as long as it is related to the given prompt! Even if it's just a general headcanon, imagine, edit, etc.
Multiple posts for each prompt will be accepted
You can include other characters, just please keep the focus on Floyd and Janice
Your OCs can be used as well if you wish!
If you're submitting a oneshot/fanfic of any kind: if you prefer to post it on another site (AO3, Wattpad, etc.) that would be fine! You can just post a link here on Tumblr in that case.
Please do not post any submissions before the start date (September 4th)
We will be accepting submissions all the way through October 1st. As much as we'd love the posts to be made at least during the given week, don't sweat it if you can't get your post in on time!
When posting:
When the time comes and you are ready to post your submission, be sure to tag us @JanPepperWeek and/or use one or both of these tags: #JanPepperWeek #JanPepper Week as well as the day using: #Day (number) to make sure that we see it so we can reblog!
(The descriptions here are NOT what you are required to do. They are solely there for ideas! As long as your post(s) go along with the prompts, that's all the matters!)
September 4th - Day One: The Beginning. Could be how their relationship was first initiated. Or maybe their first date: how do you imagine Floyd and Janice's first date went? Where did they go and/or what did they do?
September 5th - Day Two: AU (Alternative Universe). We've seen a lot of people have fun with these and the band. Have as much fun as you want with it! (Other franchises are allowed for this!)
September 6th - Day Three: The Perfect Afternoon. Floyd and Janice spend the perfect afternoon together. How do they do it?
September 7th - Day Four: Behind The Scenes. Think about your favorite Muppet movie/show. What's something that could have happened between Floyd and Janice while the cameras were off during the production?
September 8th - Day Five: With Their Instruments. This one was probably expected. Something of Floyd and Janice with their instruments.
September 9th - Day Six: Pastimes. How do you think Floyd and Janice would pass the time together?
September 10th - Day Seven: Memories. Maybe they're remembering their memories together or sharing memories with each other from before they met? Or looking through old pictures?
Feel free to comment or message us with any questions!
We're excited to see everyone's posts!
See you on Monday!
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