dokoni-mo · 1 year
I’ve arrived with more horny william brain rot!
There is little doubt in my mind that our favorite afton to slut up likes to read. He’d probably love to share that with his darling bunny. And you absolutely know that man is making the polaroids he took into bookmarks. He just loves to see his bunny everywhere!
Bunny is in fact a college student, and sometimes certain classes end up requiring/give the option for a field trip. And that trip happens to fall on a weekend. They’re a little bummed, Willy is like actually depressed (lol), so bunny decided to hide a little something for him. As a ✨treat✨
So when afton wakes up Saturday, he reaches over for his book to read a little (because what else is there to do when his little rabbit is gone), and his usually bookmark feels a lot more lumpy than usual. So he opens it and what does he find? Polaroids of his precious, lovely bunny in nothing but his shirt, and a pair of her panties 💜
YEAH i uhhh,,
warnings: age-gap relationship (reader is 20 will is almost 40 yall know the drill), swearing, smoking, drinking, dom/sub undertones, sir kink, not proof read AGAIN IM SRY
"What? What do you mean the whole weekend?"
It had been an especially hard week for the brit at his diner. For one reason or another, it seemed as if nearly every single damn brat in that town just had to have a birthday that week. The diner was booked from start to finish every day of the week. William was frustrated. But every day drew him closer to the weekend. Closer to when he'd be able to see you again. And god did he fucking miss you. He missed his little bunny next to him; kissing them, holding them. Coming up with so many fun activities to show you.
But, it was in the past now. It was Friday. You'd be over tomorrow, and help relieve him of his pent-up stress like the good bunny you were.
"I knowwww, I'm sorry!" You pleaded with him at the other end of the phone, the older man taking a long, drawn out puff of his cigarette, "I just totally forgot about it until today!"
William sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, leaning against the wall, "And you're certain you have to go, love?"
"Yeah..." you sighed back, "It's required for my major. And I already rescheduled it last month, too. I can't do it again or I fail."
"Bunny, the weekends are our time together. You know this."
"I knoww, and I'm sorry! I'd stay behind if I could but I just can't. I'm sorry, Will. I'll be back for next weekend though!"
William took another puff of his cigarette, "Are you certain you can't come over even for a little? I... I miss you, bunny. It's been a tough week, and... I want you."
You let out a sympathetic hum, "I miss you too. But I have to go. I'm sorry."
"Alright." William sighed, "Fine. But don't expect to get off the hook next time I see you, little one. You need to tell me these things sooner rather than later."
The brit heard you giggle over the phone, "It'll be fine, Will. Surely you can survive two weeks without me."
"Getting smart with me now, hm?"
"No, sir."
William let out a pleased hum, "Good bunny. I'll miss you, okay? Have fun for me, alright? I'll be here waiting for you."
"I will, I will... Hey, before I forget; you remember that book you gave me, right? The old, thick and dusty one?"
"It's not old, love. It's classic."
You giggled again, "Classic, sure. Well, I finished it. I'll leave it in your mailbox before I go. Maybe that'll keep you occupied until I get back."
"Nothing could replace your company, little one. But, thank you. That's very kind."
"It's no problem. I gotta go pack now, Will. I'm sorry again. I'll see you next saturday, okay?"
"...Alright, bunny. Have fun. I love you."
"Love you too."
It was odd to have an empty house on the weekends. While William was used to Michael being away at his mother's, the house felt more depressing than usual without you in it. Dull. Grey. No life whatsoever.
William didn't drink often, not at all. He never found it to be that classy, and he wasn't about to throw his charm to the wind over alcohol. But god fucking damn it. He missed you so fucking much that Saturday afternoon. His cigarettes weren't having their usual kick to them. He needed something stronger to fill the void where you should be.
Pouring his second glass of whiskey for the evening, he couldn't help but wonder how you were. Your college was taking you an entire state away from him. Those fucking bastards. How dare they drag you so far away from him. What if you got hurt? Or in trouble? And he wasn't there to save his precious bunny? You knew his number, sure, but you were still so fucking far away from him. And a lot can happen so many miles away.
William took a large swig of the alcohol.
Fucking hell. He missed you so damn much.
He knew you didn't mean to tell him about the trip so late. You were a good bunny. Hell, he was the entire reason you didn't go when you were supposed to. He vaguely remembered convincing you to stay in town the first time you told him about it. You had just forgotten this time, surely. He couldn't stay mad at you for that. It was hard for him to stay mad at you in general. You were just too cute.
But William was miserable. He didn't want this shit to happen again. You would need to learn your lesson. And he'd make you learn it next time you were over.
But would he? Thinking of it now, it was hard for him to imagine giving you any sort of punishment. He just wanted you close to him. To pull you in his lap and kiss those sweet lips of yours. Hold you close to him. Lie down on his chest while he read his books before bed.
Oh, yes. That's right. The book he leant you. You said you'd give it back before you left.
Maybe he should take your advice. Use it to get his mind off you.
Finishing up his glass, William finished up his glass before he walked to the front door, opening and shutting it behind him as he made his way to the mailbox. The cool breeze of the sunset blew his neatly-combed hair out of place, washing over his pale skin. Upon opening up his mailbox, sure enough. The book he leant you was in there. But, it was... strange. Looked a lot fatter than normal.
The older man reached in and took the book out, brow furrowing in slight confusion. Leaning against the mailbox to shut it, the brit opened up the pages to see inside.
William could feel the heat creep down his neck and cheeks.
Oh, bunny. Sweet bunny.
Strewn about the pages was a handful of polaroid pictures. Pictures of you. In so many different positions... so many. He could see the plushness of your thighs. Your sweet little smile. Those big, gorgeous doe eyes. Your cute little pair of underwear...
You even still had some of the marks he'd given you last time you were over. And was that his dress shirt? It certainly was. How long have you had that, little one? Why, sir barely noticed that it was gone. Stealing his things now, are we? Naughty bunny.
You've been so bad recently, haven't you? William didn't much appreciate that. You had earned yourself a punishment, bunny. You probably know that just as sir does though, don't you? Was this your attempt at getting out of it?
William calmly shut the book, but quickly walked back into his house.
It worked, bunny.
For now.
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quimichi · 4 months
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warnings: bad treatment towards reader (Riddles part), bad writing :3
summary: You meet their families
characters: Heartslabyul x F!Reader
word count:
a/n: I originally planned to do all in one part but I decided not to since it's so so much and I'm currently having a writers block but I wanna make you guys happy so-its in parts :(
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Riddle's mother is a strict woman, and she does not hide her dislike for you. She frowns the moment she sees you and crosses her arms. The situation is tense as she watches you, her gaze sharp and unblinking. She seems to be considering your motives with her son, but it is clear that she has a low opinion of you for some reason.
Riddle is nothing compared to her; he has no power, he's weak standing beside you. Yet, he stands proud, he loves you and no matter what his mother will say, his mind won't change. "Mother," he begins. She shoots a hard look at him. With that stare, she seems to say 'do. not. talk."
Riddle goes silent. He knows that if he does talk, it might ruin her approval...if that will ever happen. But you decided to speak up, nervously, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you! Riddle has told me so many lovely things of you!" you bow down, showcasing your respect. His mother's expression does not change. She seems to consider you for a while before speaking:
"Do you think yourself worthy of my son? Do you think you are a good match for him?"
It's clear that she is sizing you up, and her gaze is piercing.
"Yes." Riddle grabs your hand and gives it a tight squeeze. Showing you his support, no matter what he won't back out either, cause he knows whats coming. Your words only draw a frown from his mother. Her expression turns sour.
"I do not think you can give my son the life he deserves. You are too low class for a nobleman. It is clear why you would date him, but what do you have to offer us? It would disgrace his name and our family to wed a commoner. A magicless commoner!" She continues to size you up. She is relentless. Her frown only hardens with every passing moment.
"My son is a nobleman. He deserves a woman of nobility. Riddle dear, I know the perfect girl for you she-" "No!" His voice rings through the halls with booming thunder.
"How dare you," he shouts, his eyes like daggers. He looks as though every muscle is about to tense up so hard it'll burst. "She is good enough. She is worthy of my love. There is no one in this world who I will ever love and admire more! If you don't agree with this relationship then-!...Then I might just leave.
Riddle is standing protectively in front of you now. His heart is thrumming so hard he can feel each pulse. His last words were spoken unsure, timidly, but it's the truth.
"...Then do."
Trey's parents are thrilled to meet you. The moment they saw you at their doorstep, they took you into their family. They are gracious hosts, offering you food and drinks as soon as you step into the house. Everything is warm and welcoming. Not to mention the cake they baked for you!
The afternoon tea goes smoothly, with conversation flowing as easily as a river. "Again, thank you so much for the tea and cake! It was absolutely delicious!" "It was nothing," Trey's mother says as she refills your mug. She smiles warmly, keeping herself composed with effort. She has heard a lot about you, after all, and the impression she has received so far has been wonderful. Its hard for her to contain her pure excitement, she might explode. All her husband can do is calm her down with a hand on her shoulder, smiling both at you and his wife.
Trey doesn't dare say anything, his lips pressed shut in a smile as he watches from his place. He doesn't want to draw attention to himself, content to watch you and his parents interact.
"BROTHER!" You hear two voices yell from the hallway...seems his siblings arrived from school. Trey's young siblings finally make their grand entrance, their voices filling the room with an unexpected cacophony of excitement and joy. The scene is a chaotic one, but in a good way.
His younger brother runs up to you immediately, "Oh-Oh-! You're the pretty girl-!" Before you can question anything his sister also tunes in, "Ohhh-! She really does look as sweet as gum drops-!" "You two, shush immediately-! I'm so sorry-!" Trey's mother apologizes for the behavior of her youngest children, but you shake it off. How could you ever be upset about the honesty of those sweethearts. You definitely will have a word with Trey once you get back...
Cater never kept it a secret, how much he despises his sisters and mother sometimes. More than once he told you stories. But he has also told you that slowly, the relationship gets better...slowly.
Cater's mother is especially overbearing. She tries her best, but she seems almost incapable of not adding only their favorite sweets to the tablem. She is a bundle of nerves, and she often dotes on Cater. It's as if she finds comfort in treating him like a child, because he is so quiet and calm. Yeah, quite and calm, if only they knew who he truly was.
"Thank you so much for having me." a genuine smile sets on your lips as she pours tea into your cup. "We are so glad to have you," Cater's mother says with genuine warmth.
His sisters continue to prod you in both questions and comments, being too forceful and tactless at times. They think they're being endearing and curious, but don't quite realize that they're over stepping. Cater sits beside you, his eyes darting back and forth as the questions keep flowing. Hes annoyed, of course they will ask inappropriate questions and take the attention.
"Where was the first kiss?" "Ohhh my god did he use his tounge?" "Cater, your hair today looks frizzy." "You look cute but...that top with those jeans...i don't know. Cater you should really watch what your girlfriend wears!" "Yeah! Spend some money on her, damn." "Bad boyfriend."
The constant barrage of questions and comments from his sisters would make even the most stoic people wither. You are not one of those people - you are more patient than you ever realized. You smile through the barrage of words, answering most that you can, ignoring the rest. It hurts, some hurt. You get Cater now to 100%. Your calm demeanor and soft eyes would calm anyone's heart, but his sisters are a bit too persistent, their endless questioning seeming to have no end.
This goes on for some time, until Cater is visibly agitated. "Stop," he says under his breath. He is usually calm and collected, so it draws everyone's attention, even his mother's. "What?" One of his sisters finally asks, feigning innocence.
"Enough," he says simply, but his tone is enough to get them to back off.
He takes a few breaths before giving his mother and sisters a smile. The situation diffuses, but you can sense that he is annoyed. "I just wanted to introduce you to my girlfriend, we didnt came here for an interview. Her outfit is perfect, and I'm NOT a bad boyfriend! I know I'm not..."
Ace's older brother is charming, witty, and well-liked by everyone. He teases his little brother without any cruelty, making lighthearted jokes at his expense. He is very protective of Ace, he just wants his little brother to be happy. And obviously he wants him to behave in this relationship too.
"He has spoken of you a lot," the older brother comments, his tone teasing. His brother wiggles his eyebrows towards him,  "A bit too much, it seems," Ace says, keeping his voice low, but you hear the annoyance.
"I can't help but hear all about you whenever he's calling me... how much he cares for you, how he's so lucky to have you..." his brother's tone is good-natured. He's just having fun, and hes so glad his brother found true happiness. "Ohh, what else did you say?" Ace can hear the teasing in your voice, no way you're going into this too. "Shut up-!" "Oh, you know," the older brother laughs. "He says you are the sweetest, most beautiful being in the whole wide world. You're an angle with the patience you have for him. He would do anything for you without a second thought. He swears he has never loved another as he has you."
"What a mushy little guy my brother can be," his older brother says, sounding amused.
Ace is turning red. His voice comes out slightly strained, cracking. "I-! I NEVER-! Shut up I never said anything like that, that's way to sappy!" "Mhmmmm, sure bro, sure" His older brother smiles, genuinely.
"I've never seen him so happy," he says, "He's truly a good guy, he just has some rough edges. I'm glad someone like you took their time to get to know him...Take care of him for me."
His mother beams. "Oh! This is the one you've been telling me about? You've done well. She is a beauty!"
Deuce's face is tomato red. He is the picture of nervousness, his eyes darting about the room with his mouth clamped shut for fear that he will say too much or too little. His mother's enthusiastic and effusive approach is overwhelming him. He wants to sink into the floor, damning himself for telling his mother and grandmother about you so much. "We are so delighted to have you here. Please," his mother continues, offering you her seat. "Sit, sit! No need to stand around!"
She smiles widely at you as she gestures to a plush chair across from them. A low table separates you, and the three of you are arranged across from one another. Deuce's grandmother walks slowly behind his mother, bearing a tray of tea and pastries in her hands. Without a word, she sits down and quietly offers one of the small cakes to you.
She doesn't take her eyes away from you, smiling wide. You can't help but smile back at her, but before you can thank her she leans closer to Deuce mother. "Perfect aren't they? I knew someone wil eventually see that our Deuce is a catch." She wasn't as discreet as she thought she was, but you can only agree with her, Deuce is a catch.
"Thank you so much-!" "It's nothing, dear," she says, her voice soft as velvet. His mother breaks the silence, leaning forward in her seat. "Now then, tell us all about yourselves. We have heard plenty from our son, but we want to hear from you."
Deuce is paralyzed. He has nothing ready to say. His mouth is dry and his heart is pounding in his chest. Although he is more than happy both his most loved family members love you, he is still nervous. It's embarrassing! "Wait-!" His grandmother immediately stands up from her seat. She disappears and reappears with a thick photo album. She settles back down and opens it.
"Now, let me show you my handsome boy when he was young. I think this is a much better idea!"
Deuce's head falls back, someone kill him. His heart stops at the pictures of himself....fuck...he's naked....
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emissaire · 3 months
is it hot in here? - jjk men x reader (part i)
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based off of these headcanons i wrote almost 3 years ago lmao
warnings/tags: crack, fluff, mature language, housemates! geto, gojo, nanami, choso & sukuna, neighbor! toji, implied reverse harem, mature language, mushy nicknames given to the reader because i absolutely refuse to use “y/n” lmao, a slight slice of life ig, half of em have beef w/ little megumi, nanami is the only normal person in the house, talks abt food // wc: 3.5k // lmk if i missed anything!
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It's hard being a college student, barely thriving in an environment filled with stressful deadlines you need to meet, sleepless nights just to maintain your GPA, things that need to be done each week and to top it all off, working as a bookstore clerk in your free time to help shoulder a bit of your student loans and everyday expenses. To say it simply, life is hectic. The odds seemed to be stacked against you as things appear to be getting even worse when you received an eviction notice from your landlord, giving you just a week to find a new place to stay.
On day five, you were fortunate enough to find an affordable and decent place that is a 20-minute drive away from your university. Though you find it a little suspicious since the rent is fairly cheap and it isn’t exactly an apartment complex but a house shared by five other people, you decided, screw it. You're desperate, certainly you don't want to be homeless? Besides, the place is neat and plenty huge. What's there to complain about?
Thursday morning, after a few back-and-forth texts with your manager at the book shop, begging him to let you off, you managed to haul most of your things to your new place with the help of your ever-gracious friend, Aoi. By the time you manage to get all of your things in your designated room, the other occupants are still nowhere in sight. You feel somehow comforted by that fact, still bothered by feeling like an intruder.
Weariness slowly seeps into your bones and without much fight, you let sleep consume you, laying down on the barely set-up bed in the middle of your disorganized space without any heed to the mess of boxes littered on the floor and the wide opened door of your bedroom.
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It's eerily quiet. Kento notes as he pushes the front door open with a sturdy hand, Choso and Suguru in tow. They're all exhausted from the chaotic buzz of the outside world, their shoulders finally loosening in relaxation at the familiar interior of their shared home.
"Oh— our new housemate should be here by now, correct?" Suguru breaks the silence, eyeing the place in search of a new face although he's only met by empty and unknowing stares. There is no sound of boxes being moved around, not even thuds of feet against the floorboards to indicate someone’s presence in the house aside from theirs.
"Maybe they postponed the move?" Choso offers, barely caring about his friend's concern as he struts to his own room so he can finally rest. Though his footsteps halt as soon as his eyes catch the sight of the supposed empty room— oh, someone's here.
"In here." He calls to the other two and within seconds, three pairs of eyes are prying into your room, one judgingly and two out of amusement.
"It's a girl." Kento speaks, eyes sweeping the entire space with both concern and a hint of astonishment at the cluttered boxes. How can she sleep with all that mess?
"Indeed." Suguru's face is embellished with a smile that he fails to contain. Choso could only elbow him in a scolding manner. The former, seemingly taking after a certain white-haired man's antics, dramatically howls and falls forward, slumping against his blond friend's back while he clutches his side.
"Get off!" Kento chides, shrugging the other male off of him.
You have always been a light sleeper, even the tiniest sound could wake you up from a good slumber. It's no wonder you're getting roused out of sleep by the ruckus made by the three individuals standing just outside of your bedroom door. It takes you a minute to realize though, blinking at them in confusion before scrambling up to your feet to greet them in your haze.
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry for the mess! I'm the new tenant, it's so nice to meet you guys, finally!" You bow your head a bit in greeting, flashing the three a sheepish smile.
"It's no problem. You've only arrived, the mess is inevitable." The long-haired man says kindly, his eyes crinkled as he offers you a charming smile. "I'm Suguru, by the way. This is Kento," he gestures to the blond man who is already looking at you, a small yet amiable smile on his face too, "and Choso." Said man makes a saluting gesture to greet you.
You quickly introduce yourself, albeit a little timid. Being in the presence of three good looking men sure would make anyone almost melt on sight.
"Do you need help with unpacking?" Choso offers gently, the three of them waiting for your answer. Though you quickly turn it down politely, not wanting to be a bother on your first day here. Besides, the three of them probably have things to do, like resting. Kento stifles a yawn while Suguru’s eyes look sluggish while he leans on the equally tired-looking Choso.
"Well, okay. If you need any assistance, you can call us. Choso's room is right beside yours, mine and Suguru's are upstairs." Kento tells you and there's something about the way he sounds so caring despite only meeting you that makes you heat up and giddy.
"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, guys." With that, they leave you to your own devices so you can start unpacking and cleaning up.
It takes about an hour or two of silence before a tall figure blocks your door, 6 or something feet tall hovering in your room like a nosy child. "Hey there!"
"Hello?" You greet him back despite the confusion, watching him step over unopened boxes and check the things you've managed to set up in your room. He reminds you of a curious dog, sniffing around the space in interest.
Once he deems it enough snooping, the man strides over to you, looming over your frame as he looks at you through the sunglasses perched perfectly atop his nose bridge. "Satoru. It's nice to finally meet you." He says your name after his greeting and you look at him questioningly.
"Ahh, Suguru texted me about you." His stark white hair is distracting as you look up to meet his eyes and you can only nod in response.
"Get back here, you lunkhead!" A deep, agitated voice echoes in your room, coming from another tall (and another good-looking) man, stepping into your space, seemingly after someone though he immediately stops once he spots you in front of Satoru.
Sukuna's eyes flit along your body from head to toe before he acknowledges you with a friendly wave though the suggestive smile he has is anything but. He introduces himself with confidence, standing big and almost imposing despite being a head shorter than Satoru.
What is up with your housemates being obnoxiously attractive?
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7 months. It took you 7 long months to get used to the presence of your housemates without getting all jumpy. Sure, you still get flustered when Choso pats your head so affectionately every time you thank him for buying snacks for you; you stutter when Suguru teases you about your bedhead with a pinch to your cheeks; you start rambling when Kento asks you about your day and he only smiles and listens to you; you feel all hot and bothered when Satoru presses himself up against you when you cook or even when Sukuna parades himself around the house half-naked like it's no one's business, but hey, it's still progress!
"Hey, earth to, darling!" Suguru waves a hand in front of your face once he notices you've been staring into the distance in the middle of your conversation.
"Huh? Sorry, what was it again?" You're certain that the tips of your ears are red from getting caught spacing off again. You don't want him to get the wrong idea and assume that you find him boring— as a matter of fact, he is far from boring.
Geto Suguru is nowhere near bland and basic. Him and his inky, long, black hair that cascades along his back so beautifully you're almost jealous of it. Suguru, with the way he's always so gentle with you despite his tendencies of being playful. It's all in good fun but he never takes it too far as to hurt you. Sometimes you can even share a good back-and-forth conversation about just anything and nothing, like you’re supposed to be doing now, if he's not out being stupid with Satoru. It's just that recently, you find yourself daydreaming about your roommates at the most inappropriate times of the day.
The latter only laughs, nudging your cheek with his knuckle affectionately before he shakes his head. "Forget about it. Let's just bother Choso to cook for us. What do you say?" You're certain that you and Suguru are going to be yelled at but you indulge him anyway.
Choso was distant during your first few months in the house, not wanting to make you uncomfortable by being all up in your space like two of his friends were (are? since it's an occurrence that is still happening at present time), namely Satoru and Sukuna. He's warmed up to you now, bringing you snacks that you mention to him in passing every time he gets back from university. He's so attentive and caring in his own way and you appreciate all that he is. A wonderful man with such a wonderful face, you could stare at him and admire the horizontal tattoo across his face all day.
"No, I'm not gonna cook for you. Bother someone else." You were halfway down the hall when Choso steps out of his room with a disapproving frown. You swear, he's got some weird telepathic sense.
"How'd you know? Dude." Suguru mutters, scratching the back of his neck in a sheepish manner before backtracking to the kitchen with his hands placed on your shoulders as you walk in front of him.
"Let's just order takeout or something." You suggest once you've made it back, hopping on the stool and leaning forward against the countertop. Suguru settles beside you, one of his arms is around your shoulders now, his other hand blindly fishing for his phone inside the pocket of his sweatpants.
“Chinese!” Satoru throws in his suggestion once he enters the kitchen, heading straight towards the fridge to grab himself another sweet treat— it’s his sixth one today. You wonder how he maintains his pearly white teeth. As far as you know he has never experienced a toothache in his entire life.
“Want some this time, pretty? Sugu?” Satoru offers, looking over his shoulder to see you and his best friend with a bright smile. The thing about Satoru, no matter how insufferable he and his sweet addiction can get, he’s always thoughtful in his own way. He likes to share things that he has, whether it’s as insignificant as a pen to his favorite mochi from an expensive brand. You figured it’s innate to him with how he was brought up with a silver spoon in his mouth— not having to think about the consequence of spending or losing material things since he can always get a replacement, and better. In a way, Suguru took part in humbling the Gojo heir but it’s really just Satoru through and through: annoying with no financial sense, but sweet nonetheless.
“Nooo, we had Chinese food the other day! And another no, thank you.” You huff, eyes scanning the food delivery app displayed in Suguru’s phone.
“I want something greasy.” The latter mutters, clicking on an infamous fast food logo, ignoring his best friend’s quips about his unhealthy obsession with oily chickens, undercooked potatoes and bland-tasting burgers. It sounds rich coming from him, considering he’s the one gobbling up an entire box of macarons from a shop with a foreign name.
“You three are so fucking noisy.” Leave it to Sukuna to make such bold entrances with his deep voice and colorful vocabulary.
“Lovely of you to join us. Tell these two to order Chinese food right now!” Satoru sounds so overjoyed, thinking he found himself a comrade in Sukuna but the latter only scrunches his face in irritation.
“Don’t tell me what to do, punk. I’ll beat you up.”
“Okay. Let’s just have pasta instead.” You decide to step in, knowing that Sukuna’s provocation will lead to an endless bickering with Satoru refusing to back down and Suguru being dragged into their childish argument. It’s an almost everyday thing and at first, you found it amusing but now you’re just tired of it.
Sukuna looks and acts like a brute most of the time. He speaks with this certain edge in his tone and it doesn’t help that he lacks the ability to filter his words. You were most intimidated by him before you got to know him better, what with all his tattoos and deep voice (though you’re not denying that it suits his bad boy charisma). You didn’t expect him either to look after you when you got sick on your fourth week living with them, of all people. He was like a mother hen yapping his head off about how you need to go easy on yourself, to get as much sleep as you need while feeding you— he’s a real big softie behind his sharp tongue and I-don’t-give-a-fuck-about-you persona.
“Kento! You just got home?” Suguru’s question makes you look towards the blond male’s direction just outside of the kitchen’s entryway. This makes the two idiots stop bickering as well, choosing to focus on Kento instead.
“Yeah. I was at Yu’s house the whole day.” Kento answers simply before frowning at the sight of you guys crowding the kitchen. “Don’t tell me you can’t decide what to have for dinner again.” He added, now making his way towards you with a roll of his eyes, carrying bags of what seems to be…food? Oh, thank the heavens!
“Is that Chinese?” Satoru ignores the previous question, opting to take some of the bags from the younger male and place it on the counter in front of you and Suguru.
“It’s not. Mrs. Haibara made them.” Kento sighs, placing the rest of the bags beside the others.
“So, Japanese?” You supply, digging through one of the bags to see for yourself.
“Why does it matter? It’s food.” Sukuna rolls his eyes before yelling at Choso to come join you in the kitchen so all of you can eat together.
“I didn’t even say you could have them.” The blond says out of indignation though he doesn’t do anything to stop Satoru from stabbing one slice of the chicken katsu from the container with a chopstick which makes Suguru slap his hand and scold him.
“Thank you, Ken. Come sit with me, let’s eat.” You pat the other stool beside you, promptly kicking Sukuna’s ass (literally) away when he attempts to occupy it.
“Wench.” The tattooed man mumbles, rubbing his behind as he settles beside Satoru across the three of you. You don’t say anything back, deciding to assist Kento with his own food out of courtesy and gratitude for his timely intervention. It wasn't worth it to stir up another childish bickering over food, and you'd rather keep the peace.
“I already ate but thanks, sweetheart.” Kento murmurs next to you, watching as you fret over him with a fond smile. The thing about Kento is that despite being a man of few words, he’s loud in other aspects that shows how much he cares. Like the way he always remembers his “annoying” housemates and brings back food because he knows that none of you, except Choso and Suguru, are responsible enough to make healthy food on your own. He may not say it outrightly but he gets quite worried about all of you all the time, and as much as he hates to admit it, he’s taken the responsibility of parenting grown adults even if it takes a toll on him sometimes. He doesn’t mind it as much now as he used to, knowing you’re there to watch out for him in return.
“You all deaf or somethin’? Someone’s been knocking at the door for a while now!” Choso complains as he passes by the kitchen, trudging towards the front door with a scowl as his stomach grumbles in hunger.
The door is opened to reveal your next door neighbor’s kid, Megumi, looking wary and a little upset that it was Choso who opened the door for him. “Is Miss Sunshine here?”
The older man’s brows furrowed in confusion, trying to decipher who “Miss Sunshine” is before the familiarity of the nickname hits him, making him squint his eyes down at the kid. “That’s not her name.”
“Dad calls her that.” Megumi simply responds, frowning back at Choso.
Before the latter could say anything else though, your voice rings through the house as you ask Choso who was at the door. Your figure comes into view soon after, wanting to see who's holding your housemate back from his much desired dinner.
“Miss Sunshine!” You hear the cheerful voice of Megumi which makes you run to the front door with an excited smile.
“Megs! What are you doing here? Everything okay? Where’s your dad?” You crouch down to meet the boy’s eyes, shooing Choso away who you hear grumble under his breath about "brats" and "stealing attention” as he walks away but you choose to ignore him. He's still probably salty about the incident that involves his precious little cousin, Yuuji, who only wanted to play with the other boy when he visited rather than pay attention to his ever-longing “Choso nii-san”.
“Dad said he has to go to work. Can I stay with you until he comes back?” The boy asks, hopeful and big, doe eyes staring at you almost pleadingly— not that he needs to anyway.
Megumi is a sweet boy, raised by his father right even though sometimes, Toji makes questionable decisions like leaving his son alone at night without as much as a heads up to another responsible adult to look after the boy— like you. Not that you’re saying Toji needs to tell you about his whereabouts or whatever, but you’ve been Megumi’s babysitter since you’ve befriended his father. Even though he seems pretty independent, you still can't help but worry about him. After all, he is still a young kid and could easily get into trouble by himself. It would worry you greatly if you were to find out that he was hurt or worse while his father is away.
“Of course, baby. Come on in. Did you have anything for dinner yet?” You usher the boy inside, leading him to the kitchen where the others are. They immediately stop talking once they spot Megumi with you, hiding behind your figure with an inconspicuous glare directed at all of them.
“MEGUMI!” Satoru is the first to break the silence by yelling the boy’s name in glee and jumping off his seat to welcome your little visitor. Said visitor hurries to shield himself more behind you, clutching at your shirt as if it would save him from the impending doom that is Satoru. Megumi, on multiple occasions, has shown his dislike for the older man.
“Don’t bombard spiky urchin over there.” Suguru mumbles uncaringly, more focused on the food he’s currently eating. The nickname he and the others have picked for Megumi makes you roll your eyes, and you don’t miss the slight whine from the little boy behind you. He loathes that nickname so much.
“Come eat with us, Megumi.” Kento waves for the latter to join him and the rest, getting off his chair to give it to the boy.
“I already did. Thanks though.” Megumi sends the blond man a tiny smile, seemingly the only person he’s okay being around with. Out of all the men within the vicinity, Kento seems to be the only one who acts completely normal with the boy, aside from Suguru who mostly doesn’t care but sometimes joins in on the teasing with Satoru. Sukuna, on the other hand, tries to terrorize the little man whenever he can but his lighthearted intimidation seems to never work because Megumi doesn’t really care enough to pay attention to him— or to any of your housemates aside from Kento occasionally.
“Where’s your father, boy?” Sukuna asks, briefly looking up from the rectangular plastic container full of sushi he's hogged from the rest.
“Work.” Megumi plainly responds, not even bothering to look at the older guy but you can clearly see the annoyance gleaming on the boy’s face.
Oh. This is going to be a long night.
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beskarandblasters · 21 days
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A Dwindling, Mercurial High
Part Two of Time, Wondrous Time
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x F!Reader
Main Masterlist | Cooper Howard Masterlist | AO3
Series summary: You’re California Crest Studios’ newest production assistant, getting the opportunity to work on the hit movie, The Man From Deadhorse. But when you meet the movie’s lead, Cooper Howard, you fall head-first into a secret affair. Enter a war, a cryogenic freezer, and a two-hundred-year time jump. And yet despite all that, you just might run into him again.
Chapter summary: You have another encounter with Cooper in his trailer, proving that this is more than just a fluke.
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: unspecified age gap, infidelity, reader is able-bodied, workplace romance, finger sucking, nipple play, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, pull out method, begging, praising, pet names (sweetheart), sir kink, mentions of food, no use of y/n
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You don’t remember much of the drive home. It felt like you were having an out-of-body experience, watching yourself cruising down the highway. Just when you think the disbelief has left you, something reminds you of him again. Whether it be the wetness leaking out of you, his scent lingering on your skin, or the dull pain of where he nipped your neck. His scent only goes away once you take a hot shower, letting the physical remnants of your affair wash down the drain. But one thing remains; the shame. 
That night your dreams are filled with him. 
You’re not so sure if that’s a good thing. 
You head to the studio in the morning with a pit in your stomach. You wonder how your work relationship with Cooper will change. Will you continue to eat lunches together? Will he talk to you? Will he even look in your direction?
Your daily routine starts like it always does– getting people’s coffee. Emil was right, you don’t need to write the orders down anymore. You leave for the cafe without talking to anyone, anxious for the moment you’ll see Cooper today. 
When you return with the coffee, you save his for last, passing them out as the anxiety swirls through you; and then you lock eyes with him, blood running cold and your heart sinking to your knees. There’s recognition on his face but it’s different than before, it reads darker like a sworn secret. A language only the two of you speak. But then his face softens and he treats you as normal, accepting the coffee with his gracious smile. 
Normal. Uneventful. Business as usual. 
And then it’s time to shoot. You view his acting differently now. 
At lunch you linger by the table of catered food, hoping he’ll ask you to eat lunch together again. But to your dismay, his wife shows up, waiting around by the table for him. You can’t bring yourself to introduce yourself; let alone even look in her direction. 
But then Cooper appears out of nowhere, walking over to his wife first, of course. He pulls her in close by her waist, giving you flashbacks of last night when you were sitting in his lap. You can’t stand to be around the two of them anymore so you start to walk away. 
Until he calls your name.
You look over your shoulder and he beckons you to come to him, same dazzling smile as always. Reluctantly, you walk over to them, standing awkwardly by them as Cooper says, “I never introduced you to my wife the other day. This is Barb.” 
She smiles and holds out her hand but her smile is like she can see right through you. But there’s no way she knows… Right?
You introduce yourself and Cooper says, “She’s one of Emil’s new production assistants.”
“Congratulations,” she says. She leans into Cooper again and kisses him before saying, “I have to get back to work. See you later tonight.” 
She bids you goodbye and leaves. It isn’t until she’s out of sight that you can start to relax a little. 
“Why would you do that?” you ask. 
“Do what?”
“Introduce me to her after what happened-”
“Shh,” he says, putting his hand on the small of your back and ushering you away. He takes you behind his trailer and says, “To pretend like everything is normal. She knows almost everyone on set.”
“So now what? Are we just supposed to carry on like nothing happened?”
“Right now, yes.” He takes a step closer to you and whispers, “But the second I get you alone, you’re mine.”
“Cooper!” you gasp. “Not now.”
“I know,” he groans. “I don’t think I can swing another late night tonight but maybe on Monday.”
“That long?” 
“Believe me. If I had it my way, you’d be bent over in my trailer begging for me to fuck you.”
“But I suppose we should get back to set.”
“We should,” you nod, poking your head around the corner to make sure no one’s watching. You walk back to the soundstage, more flustered than ever with excitement brewing between your legs. 
That man’s going to be the death of you. 
As the workweek wraps up, you find yourself craving him. But not just sexually. You want to be held by him. You want to listen to his life stories. You want to just be with him. 
And yet he spends his nights with his wife while you’re left feeling more jealous of her than ever. 
On Saturday morning, you get a phone call, ripping you out of your pining. You pick it up and hear your friend Reina’s voice on the line, excited about something. 
“Are you free this afternoon?!”
“I am. What’s up?”
“Let’s get lunch!”
“I’ll pick you up in about an hour. I have something to tell you!!”
“Oooh, I’m excited. See you then!”
After getting ready for an hour, Reina picks you up, giddy and smiling like a kid. You’re barely sitting in her car before she says, “So I thought we’d get together to celebrate.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Well for one, we’re celebrating you and your new job.”
“Aw, thanks.”
“But I wanted to tell you in person that… I got a new job!!”
“Congratulations!! Where?”
“Shit, really?? That’s amazing. I’m so proud of you!”
“I’ll be working in one of their labs. I start on Monday. I can’t wait.”
“Look at us, movin’ on up in the world,” you say as she pulls away from your place. 
You go to a cafe in your neighborhood, spend a few hours doing some much-needed catching up. She asks you all sorts of questions about working on a movie set. A tempting feeling tells you to bring up Cooper but it’s against your better judgment. 
Once you’re home alone again, the lonely feeling returns. You think about Cooper and what he’s doing. Maybe he’s spending time with his daughter. Maybe he’s at dinner with his wife. 
…Maybe he’s fucking his wife. 
God, the thought makes you sick. Isn’t that fucked up?
Whatever. All you know is that for once, you can’t wait for Monday. 
Monday morning. Wake up. Drive to work. Grab everyone’s coffee at the cafe. It’s muscle memory at this point. 
You hand Cooper his coffee and smoke innocently, asking, “Hey Cooper. How was your weekend?”
“It was alright. How was yours?” 
“Not too bad. I’m excited for work today.”
It’s an innocent statement to the wandering ear. But he’ll catch your drift. 
“You and me both, swee-”
He cuts himself off and your eyes go wide. He almost called you sweetheart in public. You playfully slap him on the bicep and say, “Watch it, Coop,” before walking away with a sway in your hips. You feel his stare practically burn a hole into you. You glance over your shoulder and look at his flustered stare; cheeks flushed and wearing a dumbfounded expression. You giggle and give him a playful wave, somehow even more excited for tonight than you already were. 
You expect to eat lunch together like you normally do. But when it’s time to break he comes up to you and says, “Hey, I was thinking…”
And for some reason the cadence in his voice has you set up for disappointment. 
He lowers his voice and continues, “If we’re going to continue this… thing we have going. I think it’s better if we stop eating lunch together. You know… to avoid any suspicion.”
What he’s saying makes perfect sense but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt any less. You try your best to mask your disappointment, telling him, “I get it.” 
“Thank you,” he says. “Don’t worry, you’ll have me all to yourself later tonight.”
“I know,” you nod. “I’ll catch you later.”
You force a smile and turn to walk to the parking lot. You’ll let your disappointment show there. Once you’re alone, you let the tears flow and feel fucking stupid about it. What he’s asking for is logically sound. You’re having a fucking affair with him for crying out loud. And not only that, he’s your coworker. This type of relationship is not one that he can flaunt proudly. And yet… You find yourself wanting that. But for that, you feel crazy. You’ve barely been seeing him for a week and you’re already developing the desire to be exclusive no matter how unrealistic and unattainable it is. 
If anything, it’s a testament to your attraction to him, that it far surpasses just a physical connection. 
Once shooting is wrapped up for the day, you hang back at the studio for a while, waiting for people to leave. Finally what you’ve been aching for for days is here. And you couldn’t be happier. 
You meet him at this trailer where he quickly pulls you inside. He locks the door and immediately pushes you up against it, kissing you passionately. 
“I can’t stop thinking about you,” he murmurs against your lips. 
“Really?” you ask, followed by another quick kiss. 
“You’re driving me crazy, sweetheart. I’ve been thinking about this all weekend.”
“I’m honored,” you joke. But you quickly drop the smug facade and add, “I feel the same way.”
Inhaling his scent reminds you how much you missed over the past few days. He pulls you over to the couch, sitting with his thighs spread in a wide, inviting stance. He pats his lap and beckons for you to come over to him. You take it a step further. Unlike last time when you just slipped off your underwear, this time you shed all your clothes. 
His jaw falls to the floor as he takes in your form. Every beauty mark, scar, freckle, birthmark– you name it, he’s admiring it. The cool air in the trailer makes your nipples form into stiff peaks. You straddle one of his thighs, resting your hands on his shoulders. One of his hands holds your waist while the other caresses your cheek, brushing his thumb against your face. His calloused hand is a stark contrast to your soft skin. You close your eyes and revel in the feeling of just being here with him. 
“My pretty girl,” he says softly, hand migrating to your chin. Your lips curve into a gentle smile as you open your eyes. You meet his gaze and notice his pupils are blown wide, just like last time. 
“You’re heaven-sent. You know that?”
“You don’t mean that,” you say, turning your head and looking away from him. 
He grabs your chin and directs your head back towards him, telling you sternly, “Swear on my heart.”
You lean in and kiss him, wrapping your arms around him as his hand on your chin joins his hand on your waist. You roll your hips into him, your cunt rubbing against his thigh and creating a wet spot on his pants. 
“So needy,” he teases, hovering over your lips. 
“I’ve been waiting so long,” you whine.
“Poor thing,” he tuts, pulling back and looking at you with a smirk. He brings his pointer and middle fingers to your mouth and says, “Open.”
You oblige and take his fingers in your mouth, sucking on them like a good girl. But once you’ve done enough he pulls his hand away and teases your cunt. When he finally sinks his fingers inside you he caresses the outline of your breast with his other hand. Both hands work to build up your pleasure, one curling his fingers against your walls and the other taking your nipple in between his fingertips. You grip his shoulders harder, using them as leverage while you rock your hips back and forth, fucking yourself on his fingers. 
He silently watches you, in awe of you and your beauty. He doesn’t speak until you cum, letting out a strained “Oh fuck,” as your wetness runs down his hand. You cum with a string of soft moans and whimpers, aching for his cock to be inside you already. He pulls his fingers out of you and gives you a swift slap on the ass, “Alright, now get up. I meant it when I said I wanted you bent over.”
You move off his lap and bend yourself over the couch. He stands up and takes the opportunity to get undressed. He takes his belt and slaps it against your ass. Your nerves sting as the leather collides with your skin. He tosses the belt beside you on the couch, leans forward, and whispers, “And I meant it when I said I wanted you to beg.”
“Please fuck me,” you whine.
“You can do better than that.”
“I need you to fuck me, sir.”
“Sir??” he says, sounding taken aback. 
Your stomach sinks, fearing that you said something to turn him off. Instead, he gathers the remnants of your spend with his hand, leans forward, and says, “Good girl.”
You feel his lubricated cock enter you, splitting you apart as your knees buckle underneath you. He holds your hips as he slams into you repeatedly, his cock hitting the most perfect angles inside you. Moans force their way out of your throat, filling up his trailer with your choked-up sobs. He slaps your ass and showers you with praise, telling you how you’re such a good girl for taking his cock like this. You hold onto the back of the couch for dear life, feeling your orgasm threatening to break loose. 
“I’m gonna cum,” you whine.
He leans forward and whispers in the shell of your ear, “Do it. Let me feel it.”
With one last thrust inside you, you come undone around his cock, wetness running down your thighs. He wards off his own orgasm, letting you ride out your high before pulling out and coming on your ass. You collapse against the couch, feeling the aftershocks of your eventful night. He grabs a tissue and wipes off the beds on your back. He lies down on the couch and pulls you into him, limbs intertwined and bodies slick with sweat. You rest your head on his chest and feel his wild heartbeat. He sighs, prompting you to poke your head up and ask, “Everything alright?”
“I just… I needed this.”
“I’ve been so stressed lately.”
“What’s on your mind?”
“Barb works for Vault-Tec and I don’t… I don’t particularly care for them.”
“No? My friend works for them, too.”
“Oh yeah? What department?”
“She works in the labs. What about Barb?”
“I’m not even sure. Every day she tells me less and less about what she actually does there.”
“I see.”
“I just can’t shake the feeling there’s something more sinister going on.”
“With Barb? Or Vault-Tec?”
“Maybe both? I’m not sure. She wants me to shoot a campaign ad for them in a few weeks and I feel like I can’t say no.”
“An ad for what?”
“To advertise the vaults, I guess.”
“I just don’t get it… Do you really think we’ll have to live in these vaults one day?”
“I sure hope not, sweetheart.”
The uneasiness on his face is undeniable so you change the subject. 
“Let’s focus on something else… We’re almost done shooting!”
“Thank God. This shoot’s gone on for too fuckin’ long…” he trails off. His face softens into a smile. “But at least Emil’s poor time management led me to you.”
“I did think it was weird when he hired me so late into the shoot.”
“Well, the rumor is the last production assistant got fired because he was a Commie.”
You rest on his chest again, staring up at the ceiling of his trailer. 
“Everything’s so uncertain lately… I hate it.”
“At least we have this moment together, sweetheart,” he whispers, kissing the top of your head. 
“You’re right,” you whisper back, feeling yourself drift off to sleep. 
You wake up with a gentle shake from Cooper. You open your eyes to meet his, expecting him to be frantic. But instead, he’s unusually calm. 
“What time is it?!”
“About three in the morning.”
“Oh my God?! What are you gonna tell-”
“I’ll just tell her I fell asleep in my trailer.”
“Is she gonna-”
“Yes, she’ll buy it. I’ve done it before.”
You stretch and sit up while he gets up and grabs your clothes. The both of you get dressed before leaving his trailer. You’re still shocked you fell asleep for that long and you’re paranoid Barb won’t buy his excuse. He walks to your car, kissing you on the cheek before hastily walking to his own car. Part of you feels guilty for putting him in this situation. But it takes two to have an affair. 
You go home and crash into bed, dreaming about him like always. 
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Part three
End note: I originally planned for this story to be three parts but it’s grown to four!! If you’d like to be added to the tag list, comment or shoot me an ask!! And thank you to @clawdee for beta reading!
If you like my work, consider supporting me on Ko-fi 🤍
Check out the series playlist! 🎶
Fic notifs: @beskarandblastersfics
Dividers: @saradika-graphics
Tag list: @widowmakerow @bisasterbisexual @wowitsem @vegetarianvamp @celestial-vomit @ghoulsimper @anyzandy @justfoxymuffins @hobnob2020 @fallout-girl219 @ipostwhtifeel @awhoresjourney
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simon-sehs · 2 months
due (18+) pt 3
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tags / cw: f!reader, virgin!reader, inexperienced!reader, sexually repressed!reader, smut, pining, flirting, inappropriate conduct, seduction, mind games, theft, insults, sexual tension, possessive!simon, jealous!simon, manipulative!reader, injury mention, dirty talk, virginity kink, grinding, dry humping, come marking, oral sex, pussy eating, fingering, vaginal sex, creampie
His name was Carter.
The two of you talked once or twice, struck up a decent conversation here and there, but didn’t really see each other much outside of the mess hall during meals. You at first thought of calling up your ex, Billy, but that was too obvious, and also: Fuck. That.
No, Carter would do nicely.
He was pretty: black hair, green eyes, a sweet, warm smile.
Part of you knew you should feel bad for using him to get back at Ghost, but you took solace in the fact that he was only one part of your plan. After all, it was your gracious Lieutenant who taught you not to put all your eggs in one basket when it came to strategies.
You found yourself back in the mess hall, only a couple hours later. Your sleep had been small and futile, but you found yourself refreshed regardless. Whether it was from the excitement of your budding plan, or the action you had received last night, you weren’t sure. It didn’t matter.
You stood near the door, and glanced around, your eyes settling on a familiar figure. Bingo. You began walking over to him, not bothering to look for Ghost. You couldn’t, you had to be subtle, or this entire operation would crumble before it even left the ground.
Carter glanced up as you sat down across from him with a warm smile. “Hi. Mind if I join you?”
He raised an eyebrow and nodded. “Yeah, help yourself, Sergeant.”
You sat down with your cup of coffee, your eyes glancing at his tray of food briefly before meeting his gaze. “Been a while. How’ve you been?”
“Ah, I’m fine. Nothing really worth talking about. Dislocated my knee a week ago. You?”
Time to put on a show.
You let your face fall slightly. “I, uh… I’ve been better. Just… stressed, about stuff.”
Carter nodded sympathetically. “Understandable. I’m here to talk if needed, my husband says I’m great at listening and giving advice.”
You paused. Husband? Oh.
You quickly composed yourself. “Really? How long have you two been together? If you… don’t mind sharing…”
Carter’s face lit up. “Ah, six years, now. High school sweethearts, actually. Married for three. What about you?”
This threw a slight wrench in your plans, but this could work.
“Uhh, well… it’s… complicated…”
“Mm, well, I hope it gets un-complicated for you.”
Meanwhile, across the room…
Ghost watched the two of you have a conversation. A fascinating conversation, by the looks of it. To say he was jealous was an understatement. Hell, you hadn’t even looked at him once this whole morning. Did you even know he was there? Or was this some sort of petty revenge for what he said last night?
He took a sip of his tea, wondering if he should risk getting closer to listen to the two of you. He ultimately decided against it, content with watching…
For now.
You smiled at Carter. “Thanks, I appreciate that.” You took a drink of coffee. “I… have a weird request, actually. Feel free to say no.”
“Weird, eh? Now I got to hear it, Sarge.”
“I, uh, could really use a hug…”
Carter’s eyebrows raised. “Hmm, well, I wasn’t really expecting that, but I don’t see why not.” He paused. “You’re, uh… not going to slap a note on my back that says ‘kick me’ or anything, right?”
You let out a laugh. A good, genuine laugh that reached Ghost’s ears.
“No, no… I promise. Just a hug.”
Carter nodded and stood from his seat. Then, so did you. The both of you met halfway around the table, and embraced each other. Ghost set his mug down on his table with a little more force than intended, gaze burning a hole through the both of you.
You pulled back with a smile, and lightly squeezed Carter’s shoulder.
Ghost grit his teeth.
“Thank you, Carter. I feel a lot better, already…” You said.
“No problem.”
The both of you sat back down, and talked a bit more. You eventually excused yourself after finishing your cup of coffee.
It was time for the next order of business.
You entered an empty training room and got everything set up. When it came to throwing knives, you were alright. You could use a bit of polishing when it came to that skill, and you were thankful that that would come into play, today. Now, you just had to wait for him to show up.
There was no way in hell Ghost wouldn’t follow you in after your performance with Carter…
You picked up one of the knives and twirled it in your fingers. To get this to work, you’d have to appear just a little more incompetent than usual. You got into an… adequate stance and lazily threw the knife at the wall target. It missed the entire thing.
Alright, let’s not appear that incompetent…
You picked up another knife as you heard the door open behind you. You didn’t bother to turn and look… you didn’t need to. You adjusted your wrist and threw. Outermost circle.
“Want some help?”
You tensed slightly as Ghost’s breath hit your neck. “No, I’m good.”
He chuckled. “You sure?”
You watched as he slowly picked up three knives, pretending to examine them in his hands. He turned towards the target, and threw one. Bullseye. Another. Bullseye. Then the last. Bullseye.
You glanced away, trying to mentally beat your growing arousal to a pulp. Focus.
He turned to face you once more, eyes crinkling as he smirked beneath the mask.
You rolled your eyes. “Well, you obviously don’t need the practice, and I don’t need your help. You can go, now.” You said, knowing fully well that he wasn’t going to leave.
“Nah. Think I’ll stick around, evaluate your progress.”
You sighed and got into position once more. The incorrect stance. You knew better, of course, but he didn’t know that. His scrutinizing gaze along your form burned into your skin, but you proceeded to throw the knife. Outermost circle.
You picked up another, ignoring Ghost all the while. Stance. Throw… Outermost circle. You were surprised how quickly it took for him to fold.
“Your stance is wrong.”
“What do you mean?”
He huffed. “You daft? The way you’re standing, you’ll never hit the center if your stance is fucked.”
He got closer to you, putting his hands on your hips and adjusting you. His feet kicked at yours, prodding them into a different position. You bit your cheeks in an effort to not grin. Time for the next part.
Your movements were subtle, so agonizingly minuscule, as he focused on fixing your form. You slowly leaned into his touch, your back melting into his chest, and he was none the wiser.
“There. Now throw.”
You did, the knife hitting a ring closer to the center. You carefully fidgeted in his grasp, undoing his work.
Ghost groaned. “What are you doin’? You just undid your stance.”
His movements were a bit rougher as he manhandled you back into place. The perfect excuse to… accidentally… bump back against his groin. He froze, and you could hear his breath hitch. But only for a second, and then he continued his task as if nothing happened.
He jostled you forward a bit, making you ‘lose’ your balance slightly and bump back against him once more.
“Dammit, stop that.” He hissed.
“Me? You’re the one throwing me around!”
“Don’t be dramatic and stay still like a good girl.”
“Why, so you can keep ‘accidentally rubbing’ up against me?” You say, turning it around on him.
He scoffed and leaned forward, his breath hot on your ear. “You’d enjoy that, wouldn’t you? Having me rutt against you like a damn dog...”
“You are a damn dog.”
“Mmm, is that so?” He lowered his head and started kissing your neck, pulling you flush against him. “Then you won’t mind if I do…”
You let out a shaky breath, trying not to smile with giddy glee. “There’s a camera in here, too.”
“No shit.” He grabbed your hips and started circling them along his—now prominent—bulge.
He then braced one of his arms along your ribs, under your breasts, to keep you locked against him, while his lips continued leaving wet kisses on your throat.
You let him grind against you for a bit, his fingers tightening around your skin as he got closer to his peak, his grunts and groans increasing. You suppressed an evil grin before sighing. “Alright, I’m getting bored.”
He huffed and puffed. “Sh-shut up, I’m getting close…”
“That’s too bad…” You pulled away, and out of his tight grip.
For a second, the intensity of his glare had you internally sweating, and wondering if he was going to attempt to continue, but he just clenched his jaw.
And stared, of course.
“Fuckin’ tease…”
“Getting déjà vu, Lieutenant? I know I am…” You walked over to the wall targets and began pulling the knives out.
“Don’t pull that, with me. I made you see stars twice last night.”
You ignored him and proceeded to put the knives away. Ghost kept glaring, sulking over his lost orgasm.
You sighed and faced him. “Well, if you want to make yourself useful, I guess we could spar.”
Ghost rolled his eyes. “I’m still recovering from your fuckup.”
“Hm, but you seemed fine manhandling me last night…”
He stared at you, weighing the options in his head. “Fine. I only need one good arm to beat your ass, anyway. But if you deliberately harm my shoulder, you will regret it.”
“Give it a rest, LT, I’m not going to hit your precious shoulder…” You crossed your arms and watched as he unzipped his jacket, and threw it at you.
You barely caught it in time and narrowed your eyes at him, trying to ignore the sight of his beefy arms in the—wow, black again, what a surprise—t-shirt he wore. You noticed the bandage on his lower forearm was now gone. You sighed and walked towards the nearest bench.
You were not expecting him to just hand you his jacket outright, but you didn’t care. If anything, he just saved you a step. How kind of him…
Your hand deftly slipped into the left pocket. The security camera wouldn’t catch this angle. Even if it did, it would be too late for Ghost to even think to check the footage later. No, by then, things would have played out as hoped. They had to.
Your fingers curled around the lighter, and you slowly pulled it out, switching it to a pocket on your leggings; the ones you specifically picked out for today. Why? Pockets with zippers. Can’t risk his precious lighter falling out during the sparring session, after all…
And then you tossed his jacket onto the bench, before joining him on the mat.
His arms were crossed. “You didn’t have to go on a damn journey to set it down, the floor would have been fine.”
“Then why throw it at me?” You raised an eyebrow.
He smirked. “Because it’s funny.”
“Ready to get your ass kicked?”
You sighed inwardly. You really weren’t, to be honest, but the proposition to spar was only an excuse to get him out of his damn jacket.
“Don’t get cocky, now. You’re at a disadvantage, remember?”
But it didn’t matter, he was right…
He only needed one good arm.
Your gaze left the page of your book and landed on the lit-up screen beside your thigh. You set the book in your lap and picked up the phone. One new message from ‘Ghostie’.
You opened it.
Ghostie: Hey. Have you seen my lighter?
You smirked to yourself. Damn, already? You weren’t expecting him to reach out to you about his missing lighter so soon. If anything, you thought he wouldn’t catch on to your possible involvement until one or two more days after.
You: found a lighter in the hallway earlier. what color is it?
Ghostie: Hey that’s mine. Bring it to my office ASAP.
You: tell me the color! i’m not giving anything until you confirm.
Ghostie: Red.
You: fine you can have it back
You: but in the morning
You: i’m in jamas and busy reading.
Ghostie: Bloody hell. Fine, I’ll stop by.
You chuckled to yourself and set the phone down, returning to your book. But the words blurred together as you excitedly waited for him to stop by. There was no guarantee that things would escalate tonight, but all the buildup, the planning… it would at least be another stepping stone.
A minute later, there was a knock on the door.
“Come in.” You called out.
The door opened, and there he was. He shut the door behind him and walked over to you.
“Alright, give.” He said holding out his hand.
You rolled your eyes. “Hello to you, too, Lieutenant.”
You leaned over the bed, grabbing your leggings off of the floor and unzipping the pocket, pulling the lighter out and handing it to him. “You should keep better track of your stuff, LT.”
“Quiet.” He pocketed the lighter, watching as you dropped your pants to the floor and laid back down on your bed, book still in your lap.
Then it dawned on him, just how intimate this situation… felt. Standing in the sanctity of your room, you dressed in your pajama shirt and shorts, the lamp lighting low and warm, and the candle on the nightstand filling the room with the sweet scent of vanilla.
His gaze lingered on your bare legs, up your body, to your midriff. Your shirt was slightly hiked up your stomach, but you didn’t seem to mind.
You cleared your throat. “Did you need something else?”
Was that a trick question? He needed you. Needed to rip those stupid little shorts off, stuff your virgin hole and make you come over, and over, and—
“No. What are you reading?”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “A book.”
He huffed and looked away. “Not leaving until you tell me.”
“…Fine… It’s a romance novel: ‘Reverie’ by Stephanie Fenderson.”
“Yeah? What’s it about?” He found himself intrigued.
“Two nobles from rival houses start a forbidden love affair. Think… ‘Romeo and Juliet’, but raunchier… and with actual adults, of course.”
“Hmm. How raunchy?”
You fake a scoff. “I’m not telling you.”
“I’ll find out eventually. Rather hear it from your pretty lips.”
You meet his gaze. “Well… there’s this… one scene… They’re at the same fancy ball, and sneak off to a room to… have fun.”
You sit up on the bed, crossing your legs as you set the book on your nightstand. Ghost can’t help but notice the small opening of the shorts along your inner thigh, and his teeth clenched. It was just the tiniest of peeks, but there was no mistaking the sight of black, lacy panties. He felt his cock twitch.
“Specifics.” He says.
“Hmph. Sure. So, they’re getting busy, having a great time. Pretty standard, vanilla. But then they almost get caught. The man, Fredrick, hides underneath the woman, Constance’s, gown. It’s one of those… hoop skirt dresses, or whatever…”
You scratch your chin. “The guy who interrupted them is this important dude who wants to marry her. Fredrick gets jealous of the guy’s attempts to court her, so… he starts eating her out while she tries to be polite to her suitor, and he’s none the wiser.”
Despite the fact that the two of were intimate the night before, you still found yourself blushing as you recounted the smutty novel.
He carefully walked over to your bed and sat beside you, laying his elbows on his thighs in an effort to conceal his growing boner. “Interesting… maybe I’ll have to borrow it from you, sometime.”
“Mm, I don’t think so. Your big hands would likely ruin the spine.”
He leaned in closer. “These big hands took good care of your pussy last night. Or did you forget?”
Heat pooled in your abdomen. “I didn’t. But it doesn’t matter in the long run, I have plans beyond you…”
His eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”
You looked at him incredulously. “Huh. It sounds like you’re the one forgetting about last night. Do you not remember what I said about finding someone else?”
His blood ran cold, and his jaw clenched. “You… you wouldn’t. I told you, your virginity is mi—“
You tilted your head. “You also said to forget about the favor. That you forgive me.”
He breathed deeply. “I was being sarcastic. I didn’t expect you to be that dense…”
“Oh, well. I guess you’ll be getting sloppy seconds, Mr. ‘I’m a Patient Man’.”
The seconds ticked by in silence. You watched in his brown eyes as he went through a journey of emotions. It was so, so, satisfying. But this wasn’t even the end, or the best part, for that matter.
“Now, are you going to leave, Lieutenant? I really should get some sleep…”
You watched in real time as the last of his resolve snapped, and he seemed to come to terms with something. “…No.”
You leaned in. “No?”
“You want a dick that badly? Fine, you greedy girl, I’ll give you one…” He seethed.
And there it is… I win.
He continued. “You’re not going to anyone else. I’m gonna fuck the very notion of that out of your daft head.”
You shook your head. “You’re not thinking clearly. You shouldn’t feel pressured into this—“
“Oh, shut up. You? Pressure me?” He laughed bitterly. “I’ve wanted this for months, and I’m not letting some stupid motherfucker get his hands on you first.”
Time for the pièce de résistance…
You gingerly placed a hand on his warm, toned thigh. “Simon…” You say softly, so sweetly. “Are you sure?”
You gasped as he pushed you back onto your bed, your head hitting the pillow.
He crawled on top of you, his breathing heavy and labored. He stared down at you, his gaze making you feel like you were trapped beneath a predator ready to make their kill. You waited for something, anything, but then realized…
He was calming himself down.
It would be easy—so easy—to just take you without mercy, without care, but he knew better. As much as you were getting on his fucking nerves, he was adamant on making sure your first time was great. No, more than great. Indescribable.
He finally chuckled, lifting his balaclava to reveal his mouth and nose.
“What’s so funny?” You asked.
“Have you ever been kissed? That sleazebag, Billy, did he ever kiss you?”
You sighed. “Yeah, unfortunately.”
“A shame. But I’m here now, we can pretend I’m your first kiss…”
“That’s not how it—mmh!”
His lips smothered yours, and you started blushing; the realization that this man had ate you out the night before, but never even gave you a proper kiss, washing over you. You probably would have laughed, if your mouth wasn’t busy.
He was a good kisser, his lips rough but plump. You felt disappointment, realizing that all the times you kissed Billy, it was nothing like this. That boy had no idea what he was doing.
Not like Ghost, and you felt yourself getting soaked.
He moaned before pulling away to gaze into your eyes. “Now, are you sure you want this?”
“Ah, now you’re being considerate?”
“Of course I am, love. Want to hear you say it, out loud.”
“You know how I feel, but fine. I want you, Simon, I need you…” You grabbed his hand and slipped it through the leg of your shorts, his fingers grazing along your wet folds, making him moan.
You made a silent prayer, hoping that your lack of experience wouldn’t shine through too much as you prepped yourself for the ultimate challenge: dirty talk.
“Feel that?” You whispered. “All for you…”
So simple, so small. But you knew it would resonate with his infatuation towards you, and the jealousy you had carefully built up from that morning. You watched him breathe deeply.
“Yes… all mine…” He continued staring into your eyes, his dark and heavy. “No one can get you wet like me… not Billy. Not that dickhead in the mess hall. Not those filthy little books you read… Me.”
“Are you getting jealous over my reading materi—ah!”
He swiped his fingers around your entrance, gathering your wetness. “You ever taste yourself, love?”
You could feel a blush forming. “I, uh… sometimes…”
He chuckled. “No need to be embarrassed…”
He pulled his fingers out of your shorts, his other hand delicately moving your chin to part your lips. Then, his wet fingers entered your mouth, and you instinctively wrapped your lips around them, letting your tongue lick and taste them.
Like before—during your experimenting—the taste was pleasant, but not overwhelming. Nothing in particular came to mind when trying to compare it to other… flavors, other than… sweet? Maybe?
You snapped out of your daze as his fingers started moving, in and out of your mouth. They were now clean of you, but it seemed he wasn’t ready to take them out just yet. So, you continued to lick, to suck.
The look in his eyes confirmed your suspicions, he was imagining something better than fingers in your warm mouth. He groaned and then took them out with a soft pop, his hands now moving to undo his jeans.
Oh, finally. Yes…
He took them off with ease, revealing basic white boxers. His shirt? Well…
Ghost must have forgotten about the state of his shoulder amidst his horniness, a hiss leaving his mouth as he attempted to lift the hem with his bad arm. You immediately sat up. “Let me…”
You expected him to push you back down, allow his stubbornness to take over…
But he didn’t.
He let you carefully begin to take the shirt off, being mindful of the bandage still present on his shoulder. You lifted it past his head, fingers clutching onto the warm fabric as you oggled his bare muscles. He grabbed the shirt from your hands and tossed it onto the floor.
“Like what you see?”
You ignored him, eye-fucking him without a sliver of shame. You grinned.
He laughed softly, gently lowering you back down, and crawling back up your body to look over you. “Oh, yeah. You do…”
You palmed him through his boxer shorts, earning a hiss and then a groan. You had wanted this since last night, knowing he had been touching himself while pleasuring you…
“Ahh, what are you doing, love?”
“Want to… uh… help you…”
He gingerly took your wrist in his hand. “Mm, next time. Yeah, next time, I’ll teach ya how to please a man properly. Me, I mean. It’s not like you’ll be sleepin’ with other men after this…”
“Is that so?” You smirked, your expression waning as he made you moan by grinding against your clothed pussy.
He ignored your bait. “Nnf, damn… I’m gonna treat you so well, sweetheart. That way, I’ll be able to punish you after for ruining my fun earlier.”
Excitement bubbled up inside you. “Heh, yeah? How?”
“Mmm… oh yeah… I think I’ll continue what I was doing earlier. Hump you like a toy, all over… You won’t be allowed to come at all.”
Your eyes widen. “What?”
“You heard me. Maybe I’ll let you finish after I’m spent, but that depends on how good you are, hmm?” He leaned in. “All the meanwhile, I’ll paint allll of you pretty in white…”
Holy shit. “Simon…” You whine.
“So needy, so fuckin’ desperate. I give you two orgasms last night and you’re already addicted. Be a good girl, and you’ll get what you want.”
You whimper and nod.
He grasped your hips and grinded you up and down his clothed bulge. “Fuck… yeah… feels better than before… soak through those shorts and my boxers, love, ruin them…”
“Unnnhh…” You lazily rutted against him, the friction feeling lovely but not enough. “Simon… I need more…”
“Poor girl, you achin’ down there?”
He put a hand on your face, his large fingers caressing your cheek bones. “I’ll take good care of you, love. I promise.” He said softly, the weight of his words making your heart ache as well.
He slowly pulled back to take your shorts off, his grin widening as he got a proper look at your underwear. Pretty black lace, almost too small to properly cover your leaking cunt. He couldn’t help himself, gripping your hips and grinding against you once more.
He shivered. Your underwear had completely soaked through.
“Simon.” You whined once more.
He grunted in response, tentatively pulling back again to remove the lace. However, you didn’t crook your knees in time to help, making him rip the underwear in half.
“Shit, sorry, love. My bad...” He said sheepishly, and then held them up, raising an eyebrow at you. “But… seems like you won’t need them anymore. A good ‘lil keepsake for me…”
You huffed.
He didn’t spare a glance at your bare sex. Not yet. He dropped the ruined underwear. His fingers curled into your shirt and he started lifting it, his nails softly scratching along your skin. Then, he paused.
“Mm. No bra?”
“Not tonight, no. They can be uncomfortable to sleep in.” You said nonchalantly.
“Uncomfortable… hm… but you’ll wear panties that barely cover your cunt…”
Thankfully, he didn’t seem to care or look more into it. He shook his head and continued taking the shirt off. “Not like I’m complaining, mind you. But I do want to see the matching bra, sometime. There’s no way you don’t have one.”
You smirked. “Alright, noted.”
He threw the shirt aside and leaned back to admire your naked form. “How lovely… better than I imagined…”
His hands grasped your breasts, three of his fingers still slightly cold and moist from being in your mouth. You shivered with a moan. “So pretty, so soft… can’t wait to deflower you.”
“Technically, after last night—“
“Oh, don’t go there. I don’t care about the technicalities of last night. You’ve never been dicked down, and that’s what I’m referring to. Now, be a good girl and shush…”
Ghost leaned back again, and finally pulled his boxers off. You couldn’t hold back the moan that left your mouth at the sight of his dick, leaking with pre-come. He leaned forward again, resting his member on your clit.
“See that, pretty girl?” He slowly stroked himself against your folds. “That’s what a cock looks like.”
You had to resist the urge to face palm yourself. “Jesus, Simon, I know what a dick looks like.”
“No, you don’t know what mine looks like. Get well acquainted, you’re gonna be seeing it a lot.” He paused and peered down once more. “Aha, damn, you’re soaking your bed, love. Pretty pussy is working so hard, preparing itself just for me…”
He pulled his lower body away and inserted a finger. You moaned, he groaned. He began pumping it in and out, making your pussy sing with your slickness.
“Shit, I think… think you’re wetter than last night. Good…”
You smirked at him. “Yeah, the book I was reading is pretty spicy…”
“Shut up, or I’m burnin’ the damn thing.” He took his finger out, and you began to regret your teasing.
Before you could beg and plead your case for more, he stuffed his face against your pussy and started lapping at it.
“Gahh, Simon, not again, I want you inside—“
“Quiet,” he growled, “I know what I’m doing. Ya need to be ready for me…”
You pouted but didn’t say anything more, only opening your mouth to moan softly as he licked and sucked. But then, his finger entered you once more, and he proceeded to stimulate you with both his hand and mouth.
Oh, this is new.
You clutched the bed sheets, trying to keep still and let him do his thing, lest he chastise you again like last night.
“Tell me when you’re close…” He breathed out, inserting another finger.
“O-okay… god, Simon, ohhh…”
“Mhmm…” He mumbled, still licking and fingering you.
You noticed his whole body moving in junction with his head and fingers, and you peered downward. You saw him dragging his weeping cock along your bedsheets, the sight making you whimper and clench around his fingers.
“Simon… I’m gonna come…”
“Mm, good girl. Thank you for telling me.” He stopped all movements and pulled away.
“H-hey! What are you doing?”
“What you did to me, earlier. Sucks, doesn’t it? But don’t worry, you’ll get to come…” He leaned in and started kissing your neck. “You smell so good… you always smell good… drives me fuckin’ crazy…”
“God, Simon, please, I want to come…”
Ghost licked along your neck. “Don’t worry, love, you will. I’ll let you come around my dick, how’s that?”
“Good girl… such a good girl…” He cooed.
He leaned back and adjusted his position, lining himself up at your weeping sex.
“Now, I want you to hold onto me. This might hurt, sweetheart…”
You did as he requested, and that’s when he started entering you.
You winced and bit your lip, the stretch feeling a bit more painful than you anticipated. Suck it up, you’ve taken bullets...
He slowly eased his way in, your hole trying to push him out, despite it having done so much prep beforehand to welcome him with open arms. He leaned in closer and caressed a cheek.
“Relax, love. Loosen those muscles, breathe deeply… I got you.” He whispered.
His words helped alone, making you sigh with relief as you steered focus towards the new wave of arousal washing over your body. Something about the way he spoke softly just never failed to do wonders for you.
But then you realized he wasn’t moving anymore. You looked down in confusion and saw him already all the way in, to the hilt. Oh.
He also glanced down, admiring the joining of your bodies as he held your legs up, placing your ankles on his shoulders. “Fuck, look at that… what a pretty sight. Feels even better inside…”
Then, he started moving. His thrusts were slow and gentle, caring. But the sensation was still deliciously overwhelming; you could feel his cock rubbing against your soft, virgin walls, tight and pulsing around him.
“God, you don’t… understand how hard it is… to hold myself back… right now…” He grit out.
“D-don’t hold back, Simon…”
He grunted. “Don’t be saying shit like that. You’ll get it in the future, but for now, I’m keeping it simple, sweetheart.”
He held onto your thighs and squeezed hard, grounding himself as he maintained a sweet and slow pace, one that gradually increased in speed, if only by a minuscule difference. His eyes raked up and down your body, soaking in every reaction to his ministrations.
“Talk to me, lovie. Tell me how it feels…”
“Uuuuhhhn, feels… good…” You croaked out.
“Good? Just good?”
You groaned. “It feels amazing, don’t stop…”
“That right? Tell me, you still think you would have done well with someone else for your first time?”
“Uffff, mmm…”
He chuckled. “Can’t even think properly, can you? So cock-drunk…”
Then he stopped and pulled out.
“On your stomach.”
You blushed, but rushed to do as he said, the side of your face hitting the pillow. He grabbed your hips and tilted them upwards, his knee pushing one of your legs open aside. “There we go…” You couldn’t see much from this angle, but the excitement in his voice was palpable.
He slowly lowered himself on top of you, his chest connecting with your back. He wasn’t squishing you, not completely, but enough to make his presence felt. Then, he entered you once more, stuffing his face into your neck.
“Mmmh… make you feel all of me… every inch of my skin… make sure you memorize it. It’s okay if you forget, though, I’ll happily remind you…” He started moving, his pace still casual and languid.
“Can’t… can’t wait to ruin you… turn you into a fuckin’ degenerate… heh, unless… you already are, and we just don’t know it, yet…”
He adjusted one of his legs, the angle of his hips making him reach deeper, and you whimper. “Ohh, god, oh…”
Ghost then sped up, reaching a faster rhythm that would satisfy you, but wouldn’t be too much.
You whimpered. “G-gonna…”
“Gonna come, baby? Good… milk my cock, wanna feel that cunt thank me for taking your virginity…”
“Jesus…” You groaned loudly, your orgasm hitting you hard; your walls clamping around him like a vice, pulsating like a heartbeat.
“Fuuuuck…” He snarled into your ear, his fist digging into your pillow, beside your head. “Want me to fill you up?”
“Y-yes, please, yes…”
“‘Attagirl. Need to make sure this pussy learns who it belongs to…”
His movements slowed but got harder, and then eventually, halted, as he reached his climax. He groaned into your neck, filling you up with his seed. “Good… girl… take it… all…”
He stayed on top of you for a minute, your muscles starting to ache. “Simon… you’re squishing me…”
“Ah. Sorry…” He rolled off of you, laying beside you and pulling you into his arms. “You alright, love?”
You started blushing, still trying to catch your breath. “I-I’m fine. It was good… really good…” You smiled.
You expected a snarky, arrogant comment like usual, but he just smiled in response. “Good. I’m glad.”
He used a hand to caress your body, slowly trailing down to your pussy. His fingers delved into your hole, coating them in his come before pulling them out and rubbing it along your slit. “Yeah… this is all mine…”
He then licked his fingers and pulled you closer with a content grunt. “Mm. You should have listened to me. I always get what I want, and I told you this would happen.”
You laughed softly, leaning into him. “Oh, Simon… you think this was all a coincidence? Did you really think… you’re the only one who can fight dirty?” You cooed.
He stared at you, eyes wide, the realization that, perhaps—he had been thinking with his dick too much—dawning on him. You weren’t sure how he’d react, but mentally prepared for the possibility that he’d be pissed for getting beaten at his own game.
But instead… he grinned.
“You… That’s my fuckin’ girl… all mine...”
[part one] [part two] [part three]
taglist: @corvusmorte @oceanicexolorer @icouldntthinkofanythingclever
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moronkombat · 7 months
hi, can i request MK characters with an earthrealmer s/o who likes to bake & cook food for them? also, hope you get well soon!! 🥰
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Reiko isn't the type of man who eats amazingly delicious foods and treats. Food is a means to an end to have enough energy
If his partner were to cook a meal for him, a well prepared meal, he'd be confused. It is not a lasting feeling, soon he is taken aback by how amazing it is. Who knew food could taste this good? He'll be interested in having more meals like this again
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Making a meal for him means just so much to Kenshi. He finds the gesture incredibly loving and thanks you throughout the dinner
While you eat together, he picks up your hand to bring your knuckles to his lips. He kisses there tenderly and tells you that when you making meals for him, it really reminds him of better times
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Syzoth cannot eat the typical food that his partner can, doing so would make him horrible ill. That doesn't mean he doesn't get pampered, however
The first time he's surprised and in awe that his lover has made him something just for him, something he can stomach. His eyes find yours and he looks as if he near tears. Syzoth would scoop you up into his arms and thank you for making him a meal so special
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Prefers sweet treats more than savory meals. Is rather pleased when he is surprised with them and thanks his partner with his tongue in...various ways
Prefers to share the treat with you but this often ends up in bedroom activities taking place within the kitchen area. Neither of you seem to complain
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Rain finds this endearing and enjoys eating the meals his lover has made together
When you cook for him, he wants to sit down and eat it with you. Rain is typically not a domestic type of man but this is one of those rarities
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Shang thinks you cooking for him is...cute and he will lightly jest and tease his partner about it
He is grateful though and always eats the meal that's made for him and compliments you on your skills with preparing delicious meals
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Quan Chi isn't used to warm meals so he is, at first, taken aback by his partner preparing one for him
Being a slave in the mines, he is not used to such luxury but now that he's had a taste of it, Quan Chi is seldom to give it up
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Reminds him of times with his late family. His mother used to cook meals for him and sister
Tomas is thankful to have meals like this again and even wants to start cooking them with you
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Thinks he is being unfair in terms of how you are always cooking for him. He wants to make it up to you
Raiden tries to surprise you with something he's prepared but it does not go to plan. The cake he tried to make? Too much flour, not enough butter...it's a mess! You still thank him and then offer to make one with him
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Loves when his partner cooks for him. He could eat a mountain of it and still not be sated
Kung Lao is excited whenever you walk into that kitchen. He's already thinking about how good the food is going to taste
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Bi-Han really enjoys whatever you prepare for him. He doesn't have a favorite or preference. He is merely glad to have something to eat that was created by you
Tries his very best to eat the meals with you. He can be extremely busy as Grandmaster but when you have made him a meal, Bi-Han wants to share it with his lover
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General Shao is quite pleased when his partner cooks and bakes for him. He expects such a service provided to him by his partner
His partner prepares grand meals for him and there is never a crumb left. Shao always boasts about his lover is more fantastic than any chef
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Can't get enough of your cooking. It is his absolutely favorite and looks forward to it every night
Johnny could eat plate after plate if left unchecked. Using his social media to showcase your culinary prowess
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Thinks it is sweet. Liu Kang doesn't have many preferences when it comes to home cooked meals as he enjoys visiting Madam Bo's but he makes an exception for his lover
Is always very gracious and polite, complimenting your cooking. And, of course, he insists with dining with you
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Is honored that you would prepare meals for him and thanks you before even beginning to eat one
Really wants to return the gesture, and so, he does! Kuai Liang prepares you something wonderful that you can enjoy together
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It can be difficult for him to stomach certain foods but he tries to eat all the meals you prepare for him
These meals remind him of time with his family and he can become quite saddened by this and may begin to stare off into the distance
876 notes · View notes
sweetlyskz · 8 months
Emerald Gem||Chapter 2
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Chapter one|Chapter two|Chapter three|Chapter four|Chapter five|Chapter six|
Pairing: Hybrid!OT7 x fem!reader
Overview: Living away from society has its perks. All natural food from your thoroughly cultivated farm, no nosy neighbors, and peace and security with your animals. But sometimes you did get lonely, having no one the talk to but the pigs. However, when 7 extremely wanted hybrids stable upon your deserted farm, everything changes.
Genre: Hybrid Au, Strangers to lovers, slow burn, smut, fluff
Warnings: Suggestive themes, language
Word count: 2.6k
The next morning you wake like any other morning. When the roosters crow, you absentmindedly make your way downstairs, partially unaware of the mess you had made yesterday. The first floor was empty, not a single hybrid in sight. The house was quiet- a little too quiet. You began to make breakfast, cooking a meal for a family instead of just one. After searching the fridge, you grab about 10 eggs instead of just one and use all of your fresh bacon from the butcher shop in town. You also scrummaged through your cabinets for some flour. Maybe they'll like pancakes?
The first of the pack to wake up was the bunny hybrid. He told you his name was Jungkook. Sleepy-eyed, he tiptoes his way to the kitchen, following the aroma of bacon and eggs.
"Mm, smells good", he mumbled, sneaking a piece of bacon off of one of the plates. You smacked his hand lightly.
"Not so fast", you warned him. "Go wake the others and tell them to come to the dining table. I wanna talk about something while we eat breakfast."
He gulped. The last time someone just wanted to talk, they were put on the streets and being hunted like rabid animals. He was praying to whoever above that this was not the case.
"It's nothing bad", you promised him, as if you could sense his nervousness. "I meant what I said the other day. You all can stay as long as you please. I just want to go over some ground rules and make sure your stay is as comfortable as possible."
He nodded, making his way back to the room to wake up his pack mates. While he gathered up the crew, you set the table, laying out two plates of bacon, two stacks of pancakes, a plate of eggs, and a glass bottle of homemade maple syrup. You placed a fork and knife at each chair and a pile of napkins on the center of the table, close enough for everyone to reach.
One by one, everyone made their way to their seats. First was Jungkook who rushed to the table after informing the other breakfast was served. Next was timid Fox, Hoseok. He took the seat closest to you. Trailing after him was a panther hybrid, Yoongi. You haven't had the chance to talk to him yet, but it seemed like he wished to keep it that way. He took the seat furthest away from you. The pack leader, Namjoon, came out last with two other wolves and a sugar glider.
"Thank you for the hospitality", said Namjoon. He sat directly across from you, speaking with his head hanging low. Now that you think about it, none of them made eye contact when speaking to you, head always in their lap fiddling with thier fingers.
"No need to thank me", You replied, scraping some scrambled eggs onto their plates. The bunny looked at them with disgust, picking up his fork and picking through it, not ever putting the fork to his lips.
"Is it not up to par?" You asked him. Maybe the eggs went bad. Sometimes you don't get to the eggs fast enough. He shook his head.
"No! I bet there great... I just don't really like eggs", He whispered, as if he said something he shouldn't. However, The pack omega, Jin, was quick to scold him.
"Don't be a brat", he reprimanded. "Eat the food that miss y/n took her time to cook for us. She's been gracious enough to let us stay here. Don't give her a reason to kick us out!"
You interrupted his scolding. "It's okay! there's plenty more for you to eat here, as long as you still get your protein."
They looked at you in confusion, and you returned the same look. If you were being honest, it scared you, listening to Jin talk to him that way. Did they actually believe that you would put them out over something so trivial? Everyone went silent, slow to touch their plates.
"Just to be clear, I would never kick you guys out. This is your home now, if you so choose to stay. You don't have to walk on eggshells around me. Tell me if you do or don't like something. I want to get to know you guys more, now that we're roommates and everything."
"T-thank you miss y/n", Jin uttered. "We've never been treated like..."
Like people, he wanted to say.
"And another thing", you continued with your speech. "You don't have to call me that. I would actually prefer you just call me by my name. Just y/n will do just fine." You showed your bright smile to let them know you weren't upset.
"okay... y/n" he hesitated. You could see a slight smile sneak up on his face, but he quickly pushed it away. You took it as some progress. Instead of putting everything on their plate, you let them choose what they wanted. It made it easier to see what you should cook next time, knowing what foods they craved the most.
"Also, I have to go in town and get you guys some new clothes, but in the meantime you guys can wear some of my brother's old clothes. I probably won't get any until next week. I don't like going in town." It's true, you dreaded going into town. That's why you preferred the rural setting. Your brother however, wanted to experience more, leaving you and your parents to take care of the farm. And when your parents took their final breath, you inherited it all, and he wanted nothing to do the family farm or you.
The guys looked like they had questions, but they didn't dare ask them. Instead, they thank you for the meal and go wash up, putting on the clothes you gave them, giving you enough time to clean up and wash the dishes.
"I can help with that, if you want", you heard a voice behind you whisper. You turned around to see who was speaking, only to see no one there.
"Uh, sure?" You spoke into the air, hoping whoever asked could hear who. Then a head peaked around the corner with perked ears, followed by the rest of his body.
"H-hello", the wolf whispered. "I'm Taehyung. Jimin wanted to come too but he's a little more shy." He spoke whilst looking at the ground, face as red as a cherry tomato. "I'm good at washing dishes!"
"Really? I would love that", you smiled, lightly ruffling his hair with your slightly wet hands. He hid his face in his hands, making you smile even harder. If he is this shy, you can't imagine how Jimin must be.
After a while he gained enough courage to grab the sponge from your grasp, washing each plate carefully. While he washed the dishes you dried them and put them away, creating a system for the both of you.
"So, where are you guys from?" You tried to make small talk, hopefully lightening the mood. Sadly it did the exact opposite. his head tilted at your question, like he was trying to remember.
"You mean where we were born?" He asked you.
"Yeah, like your birthplace. For example, I was born right in this very house. My mother had a home birth." You don't think he understood what that was, but you decided to just leave it alone for now.
"Well, I was born in a lab, I think. The lab is all I remember. I never met my parents. Jin was made in a test tube, so he doesn't have any parents. I think the only one who grew up with parents is Hoseok."
"Oh, that's unfortunate", is all you could bring yourself to say. You can't imagine it, your whole life being used as some project, some new invention, being given away as pets or fighters. Life must've not been too kind to this pack of hybrids.
Taehyung shrugged. "It's nothing we're not used to. That's why this is so important to me. I really don't want to mess this up again."
"I would never. There's nothing you guys can do that would make me do such a thing."
"That's what the last one said", he sighed. "That's why Joon is so cautious. The last time he let someone in, he was being hauled to a research facility."
"I'm so sorry", you sympathized. "But I promise you will never have to deal with that as long as you guys are here. Let me prove it to you." After hearing all that these guys have gone through, you made it your personal agenda to make them feel as loved and wanted as possible, starting with the oldest.
In order to understand your new roommate's better, you began to do some research on their breeds in your study. Panther hybrids, like Yoongi, sleep for almost have of the day and prefer dark spaces. A bunny hybrids favorite snack is carrots, of course. Luckily you have plenty of them in your garden. Honeydew is a very important part of a sugar glider hybrids diet. Wolves and foxes need a large grassy area to call their own and shift into their animal form more often.
"Y/n?" A voice called on the other side of the door, breaking you away from your research.
"You can come in, Tae", you knew that smooth deep voice by memory now. "I was just finishing up but you can sit down, if you want."
The wolf opened the door, observing the decor in your office. He was mesmerized by all of the books you kept on the shelves, probably covered in a white, dusty film. It's been a while since you dusted. You pointed to the comfy navy blue couch in the corner of the room, suggesting he take a seat.
"Are you busy? I don't want to interrupt..." he slowly sat down on the couch, finding the comfiest spot.
"Not at all! I actually need your help with something, if you're up for it."
He shook his head, a little too eager. "Anything."
"I want to know what Jimin and Yoongi like. Out of all of you, they're the ones I interact with the least, and I really want everyone to feel welcomed here", you stated. "I want to respect their space, but also let them know I want them here."
Taehyung thought about it for a second, looking up as if there was a thought bubble above his head. "Well, Yoongi is a domesticated panther, so he likes cat trees and anything he can scratch or lay on... But Jimin is a little more difficult."
You made a mental note to add that to your shopping list.
"Wait!" He blurted, as if the thought bubble above his head turned into a light bulb. "There is one thing that Jimin loves, but you might not be ready for it."
Your mind automatically went to another place, somewhere Tae was not trying to go. "Nothing like that!" The look on your faced must've been too obvious. Embarrassed, you put your head in your hands to cover the red that crept up your cheeks.
"Jimin really loves scenting", He said plainly, as if you knew what that meant. After a minute of silence he realized you probably needed a definition. Stupid humans, he thought.
"Scenting is really a comfort thing. He's a little more territorial than the others, and I bet he would be pleased if you let him scent you. It's just rubbing scents glands, like your neck or your wrist."
You nodded, taking in all of the notes Taehyung gave you. Maybe this will work, you thought. Can't get any worse, right?
That same night, Jimin was in the living room, watching some silly cartoons on the old television. You took it as an opportunity to go and socialize, get to know him better.
"Can I sit?" you asked him, pointing to the spot next to him on the couch. He nodded, scooting over some to give you a little more space.
"You don't have to move, Jimin", you told him. "There's plenty of room here for both of us."
"I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable", he whispered, never breaking eye contact with the tv. You scoot closer to him, gently overlapping your leg with his.
"Is this okay?" He nodded quickly. You could feel his heart start to race. You could see his mind racing. Something in you made you want to go further, to see how far you could go. You laid your head on his shoulder, wrapping both of your arms around his arm.
"W-what are you doing?" He stuttered.
"Trying to get comfortable", you shrugged nonchalantly. Even though you played it off, your heart was also racing. You hadn't been close to anyone this way in such a long time. You felt rusty. "Are you comfortable?"
"N-not really... n-nervous."
You pouted. "Oh... well, Tae told me that scenting helps calm you down. You can scent me, if you want." You kept your attention on the cartoons, but you could see him looking at you startled.
"How do you know what that is?" He questioned. Maybe she doesn't know what she's asking for... this must be too good to be true.
"Taehyung explained it to me briefly. He said it would make you more at ease." You swung your hair to the other side, tilting your neck, as if giving him permission to do as he pleases. "You can scent me if you want to. I don't mind it, really."
You could tell he was contemplating it, his hand easing its way to your waist. "Are you sure? This isn't something I take lightly. Once, you do this, you're mine." Your eyes widen at his choice of words. His darkened.
"O-okay", you whispered. You couldn't speak any louder, for fear that the tremble stuck in your throat would escape. His? You can't possibly become his, not when he already has plenty.
In a sudden haste, he lifted you from the couch and onto his lap. You gasped, clinging onto his shoulders to balance yourself. He then slid his hand behind your neck, forcing you to tilt your head back, giving him perfect access to your sent glands. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he licks a wet stripe down your neck.
"Holy shit, Jimin", you moaned. it was honestly an accident. Tae told you this was supposed to be comforting for him. He didn't say you would enjoy it. Maybe you should've done your own research.
Instinctively, you try and pull away from him, but it seemed that his reflexes were much faster. He continued peppering you in sloppy kisses, mind in a haze. Jimin couldn't think even think clearly. If he could, he would realize that you were now slowing grinding on his lap, subconsciously trying to relieve the tension between your legs.
"What the hell am I doing?" He whispered to himself. he couldn't stop repeating it. And no matter how many times he said it, he still couldn't find the answer.
Then, as if suddenly finding the answer, he shot up from the couch, tossing you from his lap to the seat cushion. His eyes were wide, obviously in distress.
"Jimin, what-"
"I... I c-cant", he stuttered, backing away from you slowly. You tried to reach for him but it only made him more apprehensive. "This was a mistake... I'm so sorry..."
And with that he ran to his sleeping quarters, leaving you sitting in the living room dumbfounded. Guess things could get worse...
Tags! (still open but filling up fast!)
@yoongicatcat @wifflepuff1344 @unwillingly-oblivious @shycreationdreamland @emer-syn @rinkud @amimami1991 @singukieee @nikkiordonez12 @xicanacorpse @cestlabellemort @whipwhoops @spider-thot0115 @ddaeng-angmoh @silscintilla @readerofallthingss @welcometomyworld13 @danielle143 @kookiesbunny @yoongiigolden
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clydiepie · 1 year
Team Stan x reader! (Cooking for them)
Cooking for your boyfriend is never dull that's for sure lol
cw: none!
Team Stan (individually) x reader who loves to cook for them!
She/her pronouns
mentions of NSFW
Enjoy!! <3
do i even have to explain???
okay i will lol
"Hey, babe instead of us going out how about I make dinner?" You said popping your head out from the kitchen
"I think i love you.." he mumbled
"What was that?"
"Nothing stupid get back in the kitchen" he joked
While you worked in the kitchen you were super focused, you always wanted things to be just the way Eric liked (especially since he would never let you forget If you fucked something up)
He is probably sitting on the couch playing some videogame with the boys online when he smells something coming from the kitchen.
He pulls off his headset and leaves the game to follow that delicious smell
"Where the hell did he go?"
but the game has been long abandoned he shuffles his way closer to you as you focused on whatever was on the stovetop.
You were pulled from your intense focus as Eric protectively wrapped his arms around your waist
"Almost done?"
Eric is gracious enough to set the table for you guys
Once you guys have eaten, Eric drags you to the couch to cuddle with him (even though he will insist that he only wants to relax while his food digests)
You guys snuggle up on his couch and watch T.V together
you can see his phone on the end table that keeps lighting up with texts from the boys wondering where he went, he ignores them.
"Maybe you should just say over, I don't want to walk you home in this cold weather."
"Eric it's cold every day."
He really just wants to help
dear god let him or he'll explode
"Y/N honey, do you want any help?"
"I'm okay but thank you!"
Kyle will sit in the kitchen and watch your every move, not judging or anything he is just curious (plus he just likes being around you)
He waits patiently for you to give him some kind of task, he really just wants to be helpful.
"Yes!" Kyle says a little too enthused jumping up from his seat.
"Would you ask Ike if he is hungry, I have enough for the three of us." you say with a smile
Kyle begrudgingly invites his little brother to eat with you guys. (he just wanted you to himself)
The three of you are gathered around Kyle's kitchen table as you serve up the food to the boys.
Kyle can't help but imagine what a good mother you would be.
Like you are so good at helping out with Ike he can’t even think about it without blushing
You take notice of his red face and ask if the food is too spicy
“Oh no it’s perfect!!”
He calmly composed himself as you and Ike chat about how school is going
Shortly after you finish eating Ike scurries upstairs back to his video games while Kyle helps you wash the dishes.
The two of you side by side at the sink, laughing as you play with the bubbles in the sink
You take a huge handful of bubbles and slap it in his face
He wipes his face and underneath the mess you see a devious smirk
You slowly start to back away from him knowing what was about to happen
“Oh baby you’re going to pay for that.”
All is heard is your screams as Kyle chases you with a handful of bubbles
“Ike help me!!” You yell
“Sorry Buddy.” Ike yells back from his room
Stan actually didn't even know you were going to be at his house when he got home
His parents are out of town so he figured he would just heat up a frozen pizza or something
But he walked in the door and was greeted by you wearing a cute little apron and setting the table with some simple plates for the two of you
"Uh Y/N, what's all this?"
"Oh, I just thought it would be nice for us to have a little dinner date." you smile
You are so fucking cute Stan can't handle it
He follows you into the kitchen and sees a number of things strewn about the counters
a cookbook sat open next to the stove as you continued to stir whatever was in the boiling pot in front of you
He could tell you were putting in a lot of effort and he felt bad he hadn't done anything for you
instead of offering his help, which he knew you wouldn't accept, he hatched a plan of his own
Stan strolled over to you and kissed your forehead while you worked
"I'll be right back okay?"
You hummed in response deep in concentration with your project
As fast as he came he was gone again, swiftly grabbing his keys and walking out the front door
As you heard the front door close you thought to yourself what he might be doing but you decided just to focus on the task at hand.
Just as you were about to finish up the food you hear the front door open and some movement in the dining room
You figure Stan is just up to some weird joke so you finish up the food and walk into the dining room with 2 plates in hand
You walk out to see Stan holding a bouquet of flowers and the table is set with candles and rose petals all around
"Stanley" you say trying not to cry because of how sweet he was
"What kind of date doesn't have flowers for their girlfriend?"
You put the food down on the table and walk over to him and pull him in for a sweet kiss
"Maybe I could treat you to some dessert later hm" you say kissing him again
"What did I do to deserve you."
You decided to surprise your boyfriend at his house with plans to make him and his siblings dinner
You arrived at Kenny's and gave the door a quick knock before being greeted by your boyfriend with a surprised look on his face
"Babe what are you doing here." he says as he swoops in to take all the heavy bags you were carrying
"I thought I could make dinner for everyone." you smiled as you started to unpack the contents of your bags onto the counters
Kenny was shocked you would spend your time and money on him and his family
He needed to repay you somehow
As you started to prepare some stuff for cooking you noticed that Kenny had started to help you pulling out mixing bowls and a few utensils
"Ken you don't have to help, I got this," you say resting your hand on his shoulder as he leans down into the bottom cabinet looking for something.
"I know you do but I just want to help, please let me." he cooed standing up with an old wooden cutting board in hand.
You gave in instantly, how could you say no to that face
The two of you worked together cutting vegetables and cooking over the stove, Kenny would sometimes just walk up and kiss you in the middle of something
The two of you worked so well together, it's like he always knew what your next move would be
he was always one step ahead
As you too finished up cooking Kenny did the best he could to find matching plates and cups for you and his siblings
You went to call the kids in for dinner as Kenny put the plates of food on the table
domestic life seemed to fit you both so well, as you all ate Kenny talked with his sister and brother about their day
he held your hand below the table the whole time
After dinner, you guys just tossed the dishes in the sink and went to Kenny's room to cuddle
As he held you in his arms he mumbled a question into your shoulder
"Would you ever want kids one day?"
"Only if you were my baby daddy." you laugh
"Oh, I can arrange that."
Thanks for reading! i kinda got a little carried away sorry if this is too long lol!!
-m <3
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nycbaby21 · 9 months
Luke Hughes Imagine
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prompt: after a date stood you up Jack and Luke come to the rescue, one more than the other
word count: 2,981
I looked down at the time on my phone for what felt like the millionth time tonight and sighed. I hadn’t been on a date in a while and let someone from work try and set me up. I was gonna give him ten more minutes and then I was leaving, which is very gracious in my opinion seeing as he is fifty minutes late. The sad look on my waiter's face and the hushed whispers from fellow customers made me want to cry. I also could see them starting to clean the tables and I knew they would be closing soon. “Excuse could I get the check for my drink please,” I try to smile but I can’t help but let a couple of tears build up in my eyes. “Oh no sweetie. You are all good,” the kind older lady smiled and placed her hand on mine.
“Oh no really you don’t have to do that. Please let me pay,” I insist pulling out my wallet to pay. She gave me the look of a scolding grandmother and I sighed nodding my head. Her face quickly shifted back into the sweet one she had before. “Thank you,” I smile standing up and watching her walk away. I grab the salt shaker off the table and place the money I was gonna use under it as her tip. They gave me a small wave and warm smiles as I walked out into dreary New Jersey weather. The rain started just as I was getting to the restaurant and had only picked up more. I stood under the canopy and scrolled down my contacts til I got to Jacky Boy 🤩🥱🫡. 
The line rang and rang,” Hey Y/n. What’s up shouldn’t you be on your date?” I let out a loud sigh and tried to hold in my tears. I have known Jack for a little over a year now, I moved in down the hall from him and we made quick friends. I knew he would never judge me for crying, but I just felt so stupid crying over another to him. “Uhm yeah funny story,” I started and let out a sad laugh,” Does it count as a date if the other person didn’t show up?” I hear rustling in the background and him shushing someone. “He didn’t show,” he asks sympathy filling his voice. “Nope. I am standing outside of the restaurant crying like a loser in the rain. No text. No call. Nothing,” my voice started to break as my sentence got longer.
“What a fucking asshole,” he grumbles and I hear more movement and the sound of his keys. “Okay just stay where you are. We are on our way, okay, sit tight,” his words rushed out and I heard the faint start of his car. “Send Luke your location,” he told me. I put him on speaker and pulled up a text to the youngest Hughes. You started sharing your location with baby hughesy 🤭👶🏻🏒.”Okay, I just shared my location,” I say putting the phone back to my ear and pulling my jacket tighter around me. “Okay, we are on our way Y/n/n. Hold tight,” Jack says into the phone. We stayed on until I saw them pull up. 
I put my phone in my pocket, ran out of my shelter, and jumped into the backseat of the car. “Did you eat,” Jack turns around and takes a look at me. I shake my head no and he nods passing me his phone to order something. “Jack I’m fine really,” I say trying to hand it back to him. “Seriously Y/n. We haven’t eaten yet either. So just pick out something and Luke can do ours,” he says leaving no room for argument. I couldn’t help but tear up again, this time because of how thankful I am for them.
After getting back to the apartment building, I try and walk back to mine but Jack stops me. “No ma’am. You are not going to be all sad and alone,” he ushers me into their place. As we pass the hallway mirror I cringe at how bad I look. “I have makeup wipes in my bathroom,” he offers and I smile heading that way. After finally making myself look somewhat presentable, I head out into the living room taking a seat next to Luke on the couch. He looked over and gave me a small smile. Jack walked back in with plates for the food when his phone started ringing.
I grabbed it from his hoodie pocket because his hands were full. “Who’s Andie,” I ask handing him the phone back. He blushes and silences the call. “It’s the girl he likes from downstairs,” Luke explains while he passes a plate of food to me. “Why did you ignore it,” I ask sliding down to the floor and putting my plate on the coffee table. “I have company. It would be rude,” he says in a duh tone. “Since when have I been company,” I laugh poking fun at how I was always over here.
“I’ll just text her and reschedule,” he says dismissing it and flipping through to find a movie. I snatch the remote from him and make him look at me. He finally sighs and says,” We had plans tonight, but it’s okay really.” I give him the remote back pretending to be okay with it and when his guard is down I steal his phone and jump up behind the couch. “Y/n. Give me that back,” he whines jumping up and trying to reach me. Every move he makes I counter. I unlock his phone and push on her contact. When it started ringing I had it back to him,” there you go.” He goes to yell at me but he can’t because she answers him.
When Jack stands there all frozen Luke reaches up and grabs the phone. “Hey Andie, it’s Luke. Yeah. Uh-huh. Jack was in the shower getting ready for tonight when you called the first time. I know. Okay, I’ll tell him. Bye Andie,” he hangs up and puts the phone down on the table returning to his plate of food. “Well,” Jack looks at Luke waiting to hear the message. “Sorry, I was starving and had to eat a bite first. She said she’ll be up in like thirty minutes so you guys can go,” the younger brother says nonchalantly. Jack looked over to me where I had finally returned to my original spot on the floor. “I don’t have to go tonight. I can stay here with you. I don’t wanna leave you alone,” he says.
“What the hell am I? Chopped liver,” Luke asks raising his arms. Jack rolls his eyes at him and looks back at me. “I’ll be fine J. I have Lukey here with me. Plus with you gone we can finally watch that movie you complain about every time we go to put in on,” I say smiling up at him. He lets out a sound of agreement and puts his hand down to high-five me. “Okay if you are sure,” he says going to get ready. Luke starts up the movie and lets the title screenplay until Jack leaves. “Okay well, I guess I’ll see you guys later. Call me if you need anything okay,” he says leaning down and kissing the top of my head. “Will do. Now go. I love you,” I yell as he walks towards the door opening it to see Andie.” Just let me grab my keys okay,” he says letting her walk in.
“Hey Andie,” Luke waves still eating. “Hi, Luke,” she smiles walking into the living room. “You must be Y/n. The guys have told me tons about you,” she smiles at me. “Knowing these two I’d be scared to find out what they said,” I laugh. “All good things trust me. I can’t wait to get to know you better,” she says. “Me too. I have so many good Jack stories,” I laugh looking at him. “Yeah probably not,” he says ushering her towards the door. “I’ll call you,” she yells. Luke and I laugh and he starts the movie while we both finish eating. After finishing we take both of our plates to the kitchen and I plop down on the couch.
“Well make yourself comfortable Y/n/n,” he teased picking up my legs and putting them on his lap when he sat down. “I will thank you,” I nudge him with my foot. We stayed that way all throughout the movie. “I don’t know why J complains about this. I loved it,” I say sitting up. “Yeah and he calls me the baby,” he jokes. “They don’t actually see you as a baby,” I say standing up and stretching. “I don’t know,” he shrugs jokingly. “Well, I don’t see you as a baby,” I say heading towards the door. “I’ll be right back. I’m gonna go grab some clothes and get out of this dress.” I hear him stand up and I turn around. “You can borrow something of mine, well ours if you don’t wanna go all the way back. And Jack would kill me if you weren’t here when he got back,” he rambles off.
I start laughing and shaking my head. “Luke breathe. You can grab me something,” I say grabbing his arm and squeezing it as I walk past him. He stands there a second and then almost sprints to his room. I can’t help but smile at how sweet he was being. Luke has always been really nice to me ever since I met him. Jack and Quinn tease him all the time about having a crush on me. He always just rolls his eyes but his cheek flushes and the tips of his ears turn pink. “Okay, here you go. I got a shirt, sweatpants, and a sweatshirt just in case you are cold,” he smiles passing the clothes my way. “Thanks, Hughesy,” I head back to change and his room is closer so I just stop in there, Also the idea of Jack’s bedroom does kinda scare me.
I quickly change and as I go to leave a picture on his dresser stops me. Putting my dress down on his bed, I walk over and pick up the picture. It was of him, Jack, and I after his first New Jersey game. I had met him a handful of times when he came up with Ellen and Jim for games. I smiled at it and put it back where it was. I had no idea that picture even existed. I walked back into the living room and put my folded dress on the countertop. The second Luke sees me he laughs. “Stop laughing at me, you jerk,” I smile at him and hit his chest. “I’m not laughing at you. It’s just how many times have those sweatpants been rolled up,” he looks down at the folded-over sweatpants. “It’s not my fault you are a giant,” I poke his arm. 
“Okay shortstop what are we watching next,” he looks over at me with a shit-eating grin. “I hate you,” I laugh taking the remote from him,” just for that we are watching a rom-com.” I pick my favorite one and hit play. “You don’t hate me,” he says not taking his eyes off the movie. “I don’t,” I ask faking confusion. “Nope. C’mon we both know I am your favorite Hughes,” he says wiggling his eyebrows. “Sorry Lukey. That spot is reserved for Mama Hughes,” I say and laugh at the face he makes. “I meant brother dummy,” he rolls his eyes. I turn to look over at him and notice his ears have already turned a light shade of pink. “I mean look at my choices,” I laugh and he does too,” but of course, you are my favorite dummy.” I mocked him back. He leaned over and bumped me with his shoulder. I smiled but chose to ignore him.
About halfway through the movie, I started zoning out and thinking. All of the guys I had dated recently sucked. None of them treated me anywhere near as good as the guys did and I’m not even with them. I started thinking about how Luke treated me. He always notices the small things, he constantly checks on me, and he always makes sure I am comfortable. He was everything I had written on my mental checklist for a guy. So why haven’t I ever thought of him like that?
“Whatcha thinking about,” he said bumping my shoulder again. I hummed and looked over at him. It was weird how I had looked at him so many times but this was the first time I truly noticed how attractive he was. “Nothing,” I say bumping his shoulder back with a smile. We both look back to the movie and I lean over and put my head on his shoulder. I feel him stiffen for a second and then he relaxes. Somewhere between that movie and the next one I fell asleep. I felt Luke shift slightly and felt a blanket being thrown over us. 
The flash of a camera wakes me up. I try and sit up but I notice Luke is resting his head on mine. “Dumbass, why didn’t you turn the flash off,” I see Andie hit Jack’s arm. “Sorry,” he smiled and we both rolled our eyes. “You two look awful comfy,” he teases. “Way better cuddle buddy than you,” I say leaning more into Luke. In his sleep, he shifts and his head falls to my shoulder. “Uh-huh. Does Y/n/n have a little crush on Lukey boy,” Jack jokes taking off his jacket and throwing it on a chair. I give him a look and just shrug my shoulders,” if I do?” He stops for a second and tries to see if I was joking, which I wasn’t. Tonight with Luke has been the most fun I have had in a long time.
“You aren’t messing with me are you,” he asks looking the most serious I had ever seen him. I can feel the heat on my face from the question and the sudden attention on me and I shake my head no. He looks at Andie and then back at Luke and me and he smiles. “No way! This is great. You can be my sister-in-law now,” he yells and Luke slowly sits up and looks around confused. Andie tries to cover her laugh but she fails terribly. My face was deep red because I hadn’t even told Luke and now Jack was screaming it to the whole state of New Jersey. “Who is your sister-in-law,” he asks voice still thick with sleep. “Oh, don’t you pretend with me, Lukey. Y/n already let it slip,” Jack walks over and gives him a fist bump.
After hearing my name Luke realized he was still laying on me and moved over some blushing. “Let what slip Jack,” he asked confused.  Jack looks over at me and his whole face drops. “You haven’t told him yet huh,” he asks quietly. “Nope,” I sigh refusing to look at anyone. “Tell me what,” Luke asks in a small nervous voice. “Well, I think Jack has said enough for the night. Goodnight guys,” Andie smiles at me and pushes Jack towards his room. “Ow,” he says after we hear a bump. “Good that’s what you get,” she laughs closing his door. “What haven’t you told me Y/n.” I finally look over at him and he has a sad face.
“Oh no it’s nothing bad Luke I swear,” I put my hand on his trying to comfort him. “Look if Jack made it weird with the whole sister-in-law shit I am sorry. I had this small crush on you and he likes to tease me,” he says shyly finally looking over at me. “Had,” I ask looking back at him. “What.” I scoot over a little closer and take a deep breath. “You said you had a small crush. Does that mean you don’t anymore,” I say hoping Jack and his teasing wasn’t off. “Yeah I had a small one when I first met you,” he said and my face dropped and I tried to scoot back,” but now I have a huge one.” I feel his hand grab mine and rub his thumb over it. “That’s good,” I smile.
He leans closer and asks,” Yeah? Why is that?” I shake my head with a smile. “Because maybe I have a crush on you,” I whisper back due to how close our faces are. His eyes flicker all around my face trying to find a sign to stop. When he didn’t he slowly leaned forward some more, our lips almost touching. “Is this okay,” he asks breath fanning all over my face. “No. I don’t think you are close enough,” I smile. “Well we can’t have that can we,” he says closing the distance between us. Kissing Luke made me feel more than I have ever felt kissing someone. “So glad that guy didn’t show up tonight,” he said referencing my flakey date earlier. I smiled and him and put my hands on his face,” What guy?” I pulled him back into me.
After a few more kisses we break apart and he moves me into his chest cuddling me. Everything was just so comfortable with Luke. “Man, I can’t believe I didn’t notice you sooner,” I say nuzzling deeper into his embrace. “Doesn’t matter, at least you noticed me now,” he says into my hair. “Who would have thought it? I always went after older guys when apparently I should have gone younger,” I laughed and he quickly joined in.
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kpopastrologys · 2 years
💘✨✨💝💕💖 Venus aspects 💘✨✨💘
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© it isn't mine!!! it's from astrology books and another resources. just sharing the knowledge
◾ Venus conjunct Ascendant
You have a charm and an appeal about you that others cannot resist. You draw people to you like a magnet and you have the uncanny knack of attracting anything and everything you need. You know how to tell people exactly what they want to hear, which is not always good. At times it is difficult for you to say no because you do not want to hurt anyone. Yet you do not see that many times you use people and think quite nothing of it. Remember that one day you will reap what you sow.
◾ Venus conjunct Jupiter
You are a generous, warm-hearted and open-handed person who shares every resource with others. You give of both yourself and your possessions to those whom you favor. You do not want to be limited in any way, either with your affections or with your personal possessions. You enjoy luxury and refinement and you desire to always be in comfortable, elegant surroundings. You hate having to get your hands dirty. You are charming, gracious and charitable and you are the model host or hostess. This aspect brings material good fortune, which has been earned from previous lives. If there is a negative here, then it is your tendency towards self-indulgence, over-extravagance and laziness. Sometimes things come to you so easily that you do not appreciate them. Things are most appreciated if one has to work hard for them. There may be a love of rich, sweet food as well as too much of it, hence a tendency to gain weight. You are a very gentle and social person who loves harmony, beauty and travel. There may be vulnerability through emotional, ethical or moral naivete.
◾ Venus conjunct Mars
You are extremely amorous and romantic and there are times when you find it difficult to control your passions. You seem to be a magnet to the opposite sex, regardless of whether most people would classify you as beautiful or attractive, although you may well be. You are simply fun and pleasant to be around and that is why you attract so much attention. When you are interested in someone, you tend to pursue them with all the fire within you. Of course, sometimes you come on just a little too strongly and that can cause difficulties. You have a strong desire for love and beauty and involving yourself in some type of creative activity, whether it be art, music, sculpture or poetry, would help to satisfy this inner craving. The more you channel your creativity into means such as these, the less problems you will have controlling your hormones.
This aspect brings a certain charisma and you seem to naturally draw people around you. You like to socialize and are perhaps happiest when surrounded by others. In fact, it may be hard for you to be alone in your own company. You have a great need to give and receive affection from others. Just be careful of where you place your affections. Not everyone feels the same as you do. It is sometimes difficult for you to take any relationship lightly, hence the need to be discriminating with where your heart is placed. This can be a difficult aspect at times because it tends to produce love-hate relationships with those you care about. There are hostile and affectionate feelings both at the same time towards the same person. Channel your energies into creative endeavors.
◾ Venus conjunct Neptune
You tend to be what some people call the hopeless romantic. You are very idealistic about love and romance and many times it isn't so much the case that you love someone or that you are in love with someone as it is that you are in love with love. You tend to put your loved one on a pedestal and this can bring problems because when the loved one eventually does something to "fall from grace", then huge disappointment and disillusionment set in and you are crushed. You need to stop looking at the world through rose-colored glasses and see things for how and what they really are.
Another facet of this aspect is that you may have such an ideal mate built up in your own imagination that no real person could ever come close to your fantasy. You may spend your entire lifetime looking for Mr. or Ms. Perfect such that you miss Mr. or Ms. Right. Come down to earth and realize that no one is perfect and there are no white knights ready to come dashing along to save you. Stop the dreaming but don't give up the dream.
There is danger of falling into the wrong type of relationship, a relationship of co-dependence. Either you or your partner may enjoy or feel obligated to play the role of martyr, victim or savior. Remember that no good relationship is unequal. Two equal partners who neither feel the need to save or be saved make the best couple.
You are a sensitive person who enjoys the finer, aesthetic things in life. You desire harmony and beauty and are probably attracted to the arts in some way, either painting, music, dance, theater or drama. You are perhaps attracted to those with artistic or mystical inclinations. There is a certain charm about you that others find unworldly. The unusual and the intuitive, the sensual and the explorative appeal to you. You are insecure in matters of love. Simply remember that everyone has some human frailty, so do the best you can as that is all the Universe asks of you.
◾ Venus conjunct Pluto
You have deep, compelling and sometimes irrational feelings of love and passion and you will not settle for a relationship that isn't intense. You are wildly passionate towards the ones you love, as well as being perhaps jealous and possessive of them as well. Whatever you feel, you want to feel it down to the deepest level of your existence. Of course this can cause problems with everyday life because no relationship can be that intense and that interesting all the time. At times you do not care whether the emotions you feel are good or bad as long as they are powerful. So agony and ecstasy are both okay with you, although you're not silly enough to prefer the agony. Well, maybe. These intense relationships, even if they do not last, have a way of transforming you and that is why you instinctively seek them out or why they seem to come to you.
You tend to have a certain emotional fanaticism about the things you care about. It's all or nothing — there are no half-way measures for you. There can be trouble through emotional excesses, misplaced passions or the loss of control of the sensual nature. Self-control and self-discipline are necessary or you may self-destruct. Channel your hormonal energies into things creative, such as art, music, poetry, sculpture, drama, etc. You must not allow yourself to become too self-indulgent or hedonistic. Feelings of jealousy, envy and possessiveness must be controlled or any relationship will be eventually destroyed. You need to develop your self-confidence so that feelings of insecurity do not drive you over the edge. All these experiences all meant to force you to reconsider and transform your values.
◾ Venus conjunct Saturn
Intimacy with another does not come easy for you. You have been hurt in the past and you are reluctant to open up to others because you fear being hurt again. It is painful to relive bad experiences and you have sort of resolved within yourself that if you do not get involved, then you won't get hurt. As Simon and Garfunkle once said, "I am a rock, I am an island". As a result of your experiences, people may think you are cold, aloof, unfeeling and uncaring. The challenge here is for you to learn to open up and warm up to people, regardless of the possible consequences. You need to remember that you cannot find true love if you are unwilling to first give love, regardless of the results. Love is not barter and you cannot expect everyone you love to love you back. That is not how it works. This aspect is trying to teach you that love is universal, all-encompassing and should be doled out with no strings attached.
You find it difficult to trust people because of past painful experiences, so it takes time for you to take down all your barriers and defenses. You perhaps feel that you are unworthy of love and you cannot think of many reasons why someone should be able to love you. But, that type of thinking is an illusion. You are entitled to as much love as the next person, but love does carry responsibilities. You are worthy of love and there is a lot to love about you, but you must change your attitudes before you can experience the truth of what I have said. People do care about you, but they will tend to leave you alone if they feel that you are trying to shut them out. Open up your emotions and take your chances. It won't kill you, unless you let it. And that would then be your fault.
So, here it is. You need to learn to value and love yourself more and to express your appreciation for others more openly. Not with material gifts, but with honest and true emotion. You have a complex emotional nature and it needs to be examined. You are very loyal and steadfast towards those you love once your emotional needs are understood and that is an admirable trait. You tend to be very serious and responsible in relationships. You may involve yourself with noticeably older or younger partners. Try to be less sensitive and more forgiving when you think a loved one has slighted you. You have a need to feel secure and if you do not, then that tends to throw you for a loop. All manner of negative emotions surface then.
You find it difficult to show love physically. Stop being such a miser with your affections as well as with your possessions. You have a stingy streak in you that does not serve you well. After all, you can't take it with you when you go. So use some of it now in order to spread a little happiness. You may have a tendency to equate having things to having security. This is another illusion. You don't really become less secure by giving away possessions. In fact, the only true wealth you have and retain is that which you give away to others. This is another lesson for you to learn. To end on the bright side, you are a reliable friend who can be trusted.
◾Venus conjunct Uranus
You are excitable, spontaneous, and easily aroused emotionally and sexually. You tend to fall in and out of love very quickly and have little self-restraint or concern for propriety when your feelings have been stirred. You are unique, a bit eccentric and unconventional and you don't mind experimenting. You love and crave excitement, especially in your emotional life. You enjoy the thrill of the chase and you split when things start to get boring. Your strong suit is not in hanging around for the long haul. You prefer non-traditional relationships, ones that give you plenty of freedom and independence as you do not like to feel tied down. You like playing the field and settling down in a permanent, one-to-one relationship may be asking too much from you. In fact, you may intentionally choose partners who are otherwise unavailable because it helps keep things from getting too close and involved. You don't like strings attached to relationships and you prefer to remain rather detached with it all.
You have a highly unusual and explosive emotional nature. You change emotionally as easily as the wind changes direction. You are troubled with the emotional ups and downs which you do not understand and you have the tendency to blame whoever is handy for your emotional lows. The crazy emotional tides which you feel are coming from within and they are because your creativity cannot find a decent outward expression. Use your wonderful creativity ability and your fine intuition in the pursuit of something artistically or musically creative. Then you won't be quite so at the mercy of your erratic emotions.
You have a lot of personal magnetism and sex appeal. Others find you very alluring, exciting and interesting. Being restless by nature, travel would be good for you as it would give you an opportunity to satisfy your curiosity and your wanderlust. Change is necessary for you and one way or another your life will be filled with it. In general, you do not care what people think of you or the ways in which you relate to the world and to others. You will do what you want. You need to exercise self-control over your sensual nature.
◾ Venus sextile Ascendant; Venus Trine Ascendant
You are cheerful, fun-loving, charming, easy-going and have a pleasant personality. You love beauty and harmony and you are happiest when things are going smoothly. You do not like discord and you do not go out of your way to make waves. You may have artistic talent.
◾ Venus sextile Jupiter; Venus trine Jupiter
You are a generous, warm-hearted and open-handed person who shares every resource with others. You give of both yourself and your possessions to those whom you favor, although you will rarely put yourself out too much in order to do so. You enjoy luxury and refinement and you desire to always be in comfortable, elegant surroundings. You hate having to get your hands dirty. You are charming, gracious and charitable and you are the model host or hostess. This aspect brings material good fortune, which has been earned from previous lives. If there is a negative here, then it is your tendency towards self-indulgence, over-extravagance and laziness. Sometimes things come to you so easily that you do not appreciate them. Things are most appreciated if one has to work hard for them. There may be a love of rich, sweet food as well as too much of it, hence a tendency to gain weight. You are a very gentle and social person who loves harmony, beauty and travel. Be careful not to take things too much for granted or take the easy way out.
◾ Venus trine Mars; Venus sextile Mars
You are warmly romantic and openly express your affection, appreciation and love of the opposite sex, though rarely in a crude or insensitive manner. You seem to be a magnet to the opposite sex, regardless of whether most people would classify you as beautiful or attractive, although you may well be. You are simply fun and pleasant to be around and that is why you attract so much attention. You have sex appeal and others like and appreciate your easy-going emotional nature. You like getting people together and if it were up to you, you would have the whole world paired off, living happily ever after.
You have a strong desire for love and beauty and involving yourself in some type of creative activity, whether it be art, music, sculpture or poetry, would help to satisfy this inner craving. This aspect brings a certain charisma and you seem to naturally draw people around you. You like to socialize and are happiest when surrounded by others. You have a great need to give and receive affection from others. You are warm and demonstrative in your affection for others. You are very much alive and others find this very appealing. Fulfillment and harmony in love is likely for you because you know what you want and need in a romantic sense and you express those desires honestly and openly. You have no hidden agendas. You are a non-combative individual who likes peace and serenity. You put a lot of energy into your emotions.
◾ Venus sextile Neptune; Venus trine Neptune
You are a sensitive person with a lot of artistic imagination and a flair for creating beautiful things or environments. You find peace in listening to good music and many times it will be the catalyst for your trips of fantasy. You are romantic and would like to have a story-book kind of life where you live in bliss with your one and only soulmate. These are indeed high ideals, but it's okay for you to dream because at the same time you are dreaming, you are able to keep your feet on the ground and not get carried away by it all. You are compassionate and seek to help others who are in need. You are a natural "giver" and it makes you happy to serve. You want what's best for all concerned and you do not have a problem with your ego getting in the way. You find it difficult to be too assertive as you like peace and harmony, without making waves. You are capable of great sacrifice for those you love and you do not necessarily need to be recognized for that or receive anything in return. You have a mystical side to you and you like being around artistic or mystical people. Church music stirs your soul and is as a breath of fresh air from your true home, the heaven worlds. You may have real talent with music or singing. You are devoted and devotional. You generally root for the underdog and can sometimes be a sucker for a sob story. You will attract people in this lifetime who will help you continue the soul growth you started in previous lives.
◾Venus sextile Pluto; Venus trine Pluto
You put everything you have into your emotions. Because you feel and love so deeply, so passionately and wholeheartedly, others may find your intensity either extremely attractive or very threatening. You are charismatic, with sex appeal and a certain amount of animal magnetism which can't help but be noticed by the opposite sex. You have the ability to use your attractiveness and charm to manipulate others, oftentimes without even realizing it. This aspect gives you the opportunity to transform your values or to be the catalyst to help others transform theirs. There is artistic ability along with a desire to create beauty, harmony and comfort. You have an understanding and an empathy for the problems of others and you are always looking for ways in which to help them or at least find the good that is in them.
◾Venus trine Saturn; Venus sextile Saturn
You are loyal and steadfast in matters of love and affection. The feelings of others are a serious matter to you and you don't play games with people's affections. Fidelity is highly valued and you don't want to settle for less. Security plays an important part in your life and you have a fine enough opinion about yourself and your own self-worth that problems with insecurity don't cause you much aggravation or upset. Still, you are somewhat reserved in showing your affections as you want to be sure you can trust whomever you are involved with. Your tastes and needs are simple and although you appreciate beauty and luxury, you do not need every luxury and convenience in the world in order to be happy. A person's character and inner nature matter more to you than their appearance. Casual or superficial relationships are not what you want and you aren't looking for them. You understand that the best kind of love takes time to develop and real love only gets better, deeper and more satisfying with age. The friendships you form are generally solid and long-lasting. Stability of emotions is one of your hallmarks. You have an innate sense of duty and responsibility towards your loved ones. Self-control is relatively easy for you to practice. You wouldn't be considered a party animal as your outlook on life is a little more serious and reserved than that. Still, others appreciate the fine qualities you have spent lifetimes developing. You have an inborn strength and courage to face life's difficulties.
◾ Venus sextile Uranus; Venus trine Uranus
You are very creative, intuitive, original, outspoken, and open in thought and emotion. You have a magnetic charm and sex appeal that attracts others to you. You enjoy surprises and anything that provides excitement to your life, including your relationships. You are independent and want a good deal of personal freedom in your involvements with others. Your ideas about love and romance are open and progressive and you are willing to try almost anything. You make and are drawn into unusual friendships with unusual sorts of people. Many people come and go into and out of your life and they are all there to test or challenge your values and your ability to change and to be flexible. They somehow fill unique needs within you. Same with friends — they come, but they go out of your life when they no longer fulfill a need. You have quite unusual ways of looking at things and you always seem to come up with clever solutions to the problems that are presented to you. Things happen to you quite suddenly, very much out of the blue. You cannot anticipate these events, you can only merely react to them. This is particularly true with love relationships. You will constantly receive exciting, unusual and unexpected events in your life which are of considerable assistance in your achieving both personal and soul growth.
◾ Venus opposite Ascendant; Venus square Ascendant
You seem to need the approval of others in order to feel good about yourself. You may lack self-assurance and self-confidence. You attract things you need with virtually no effort on your part. You like to be with warm, sociable people. You have a charming and pleasant personality but you may be insincere. There is also a tendency to take things for granted and to be somewhat lazy at times.
◾ Venus opposite Jupiter; Venus square Jupiter
There are many possibilities with this aspect. Perhaps you will try to have a relationship with one who has completely different interests than you. Perhaps your devotion to some pet cause is annoying to the one who is nearest and dearest to you. Or you may be financially wasteful or extravagant, or perhaps bombastic in your appearance. There are tendencies here for self-indulgence and over-extravagance and your love or cravings for rich, sweet food can cause you trouble with your health in the form of circulation and weight problems due to excess. Perhaps you do not value what you own because it has all come too easily. Maybe you never really had to work all that hard to accumulate it, since you seem to have the ability to effortlessly attract most everything you need. The challenge here is to balance your desires for material things with your desires for philosophic ideals. Your values will be called into question and you may need to rearrange your priorities. You have an expansive emotional nature and you have the tendency to become involved with that type of love that is commonly referred to as "blind" love. Perhaps your feelings of love are motivated by considerations of money, property or social status.
But in spite of all that is said above, you are basically a warm-hearted and generous person who will come to the aid of friends if they are in need. People know they can count on your emotional and material help without your judging them in the process. You tolerate and accept other people's shortcomings and this goes a long way in keeping harmony, which is something that is really important to you and necessary for your well-being. At times, though, you avoid confronting difficult issues because you don't want to make waves or upset people's feelings. At times you need to be more self-assertive, though, not only because it is right to stand up for your beliefs but also because your needs have to met in order for you to retain a healthy balance. You are a lover of social situations and you like to be surrounded by people. You know how to handle people and still be liked. Being alone with yourself makes you somewhat uncomfortable. You need to learn self-restraint.
◾ Venus opposite Mars; Venus square Mars
Amongst various possible tendencies are these: Your need to satisfy your own desires before considering other people's needs causes anger and frustration. You suppress your own desires in order to maintain peace, which causes internal conflict within you. Sex and love can cause problems because either you run hot and cold alternately, or you don't know the difference between the two or perhaps you simply have love-hate types of relationships. Your high sex drive can lead you to squander your creative force through sexual excess and sensuality. Perhaps you "fall" into love easily with whoever pays you the slightest bit of attention and affection.
You are intensely amorous and attractive to the opposite sex and are not inclined to simple, friendly platonic relationships. There is a lot of tension in your love life because you often put your own needs ahead of your partner's or you are impatient when it comes to having your own needs met. You tend to run hot and cold in your relationships. If your partner is hot to trot, then you are not, and when you are ready for action, then your partner is not in the mood. You probably find yourself releasing your "hate" through verbal or physical fights when there are differences of opinion with your partner and after your hostility is released, then you once again feel "love" for that person. Of course, while your emotions might be back to normal, you partner is still trying to figure out just what happened and what hit them. You are ready to go again, but they are not and you can't understand why. This can create a great deal of frustration and disappointment that you do not easily shrug off because you cannot understand what the other person's "problem" is. If you are not in a love relationship, then you want to be in one and if you are, then you don't want to be. Your emotions are not stable and you have problems dealing with them. You are indecisive and your values and standards of behavior change from one moment to the next. You need to learn how to compromise with others so that your anger does not erupt when you do not get your way. Blowing off steam is fine, and perhaps you need to buy yourself a punching bag so you can spar with it when you are upset, but it is not right to use other people, especially loved ones, as verbal punching bags or as objects of your assault tactics. Additionally, you need to overcome your feelings of love and hate toward the people you care about.
◾ Venus opposite Neptune; Venus square Neptune
You tend to be what some people call the hopeless romantic. You are very idealistic about love and romance and many times it isn't so much the case that you love someone or that you are in love with someone as it is that you are in love with love. You tend to put your loved one on a pedestal and this can bring problems because when the loved one eventually does something to "fall from grace", then huge disappointment and disillusionment set in and you are crushed. You need to stop looking at the world through rose-colored glasses and see things for how and what they really are. Your ideas about how people ought to relate and love each other get in the way of your actual relationships.
Another facet of this aspect is that you may have such an ideal mate built up in your own imagination that no real person could ever come close to your fantasy. You may spend your entire lifetime looking for Mr. or Ms. Perfect such that you miss Mr. or Ms. Right. You become very disillusioned when you discover that no real, flesh-and-blood person ever quite lives up to your dream image of the perfect mate. Come down to earth and realize that no one is perfect and there are no white knights ready to come dashing along to save you. Stop the dreaming but don't give up the dream. Although you frequently fantasize about love and romance, you may avoid becoming intimately involved with anyone or making definite commitments. You can be evasive and dishonest with yourself and others when it comes to love.
There is danger of falling into the wrong type of relationship, a relationship of co-dependence. Either you or your partner may enjoy or feel obligated to play the role of martyr, victim or savior. Remember that no good relationship is unequal. Two equal partners who neither feel the need to save or be saved make the best couple.
You are a sensitive person who enjoys the finer, aesthetic things in life. You desire harmony and beauty and are probably attracted to the arts in some way, either painting, music, dance, theater or drama. You are perhaps attracted to those with artistic or mystical inclinations. There is a certain charm about you that others find unworldly. The unusual and the intuitive, the sensual and the explorative appeal to you. You are insecure in matters of love. Simply remember that you have human frailty, but do the best you can as that is all the Universe asks of you. Recognize, too, that human weakness exists even in those you love. Sometimes others cannot live up to your expectations, which may be quite unrealistic at times. You may be unrealistic in matters of love. You may believe that if someone loves you enough that they can read your mind. This will set you up for many disappointments because that is just not true. You need to tell people what you want and how you feel. They cannot read your mind no matter how much they love and care about you.
You need to transform your material values into spiritual values and to turn personal desires into universal desires. Personal property and possessions may disappear in strange, mysterious ways in order to teach you that material possessions are easily replaced and therefore are of limited value. The only thing you can take with you when you die are your spiritual and personal growth, your experiences. You need to learn to love without expecting love in return. You must learn to forgive and thus release inner resentments. You need to learn how to turn the other cheek while not becoming a doormat for all to walk on. One last thing, do not turn to drugs or alcohol when you feel sorrow or when you feel like escaping from the world. Life must be faced head-on if you are to get anywhere and resorting to drugs or alcohol will only make things much worse.
◾ Venus opposite Pluto; Venus square Pluto
You are drawn to powerful and compelling emotional and sexual attractions and experiences that you may feel you have little choice or control over. You crave intensity and these incidents provide you with the opportunity to satisfy your wanton desires. You feel an overwhelming need for love and you may be emotionally or sexually greedy, insatiable, obsessive or compulsive. You tend to be very jealous of and possessive of the objects of your desires and although you keep tight reins on your partners, you do not want them to question or control you in any way. This makes for very one-sided types of relationships. You need to become aware that your jealous and possessive traits will drive away those you profess to love. Power struggles are likely in your relationships as you want to wear the pants, yet you continually attract that same sort of person for a partner. Your love life is passionate and often explosive and painful, but you don't seem to mind because the intensity helps make you feel that you are alive.
The challenge here is to transform your values. Important psychological problems are being worked out because of and through your relationships with others. Because of this you may attract people and friends who act destructively towards you. The reason this happens is because these people are mirroring the same type of acts you yourself have done in former lives. You are now reaping what you have sown previously. You are being given the chance to wipe your slate clean if you do not respond to evil with evil. Release all thoughts of revenge and learn to turn the other cheek. When your debts are paid and your lessons are learned, then destructive people will no longer be part of your life. This aspect shows a readiness on your part to atone for past mistakes and cruelties.
In matters of health, this aspect tends to interfere with the magnetic forces in the veins and prevents proper drainage of toxins and waste material from the tissues. It can also hinder the filtering process in the kidneys. This leads to improper cleansing of the blood, with the result that toxins and waste material seek exit through the lungs and skin in the form of lung congestions and skin eruptions. The spiritual lesson here is to let go of ill feelings (emotional toxins) and forgive (elimination, transformation), rather than trying to get even or seeking revenge.
On the positive side, you do have the emotional power and unusual creativity to bring about beneficial and healing changes into the lives of others if you can focus on other's needs instead of your own.
◾ Venus opposite Saturn; Venus square Saturn
Your emotional development may have been delayed or it may simply be inadequate. You find it difficult to be warm and loving towards people because you have been hurt in the past and you fear it may happen again. You are stingy with material resources and with affection. You believe that everything must be earned and paid for — there are no free lunches. Because you find it difficult to express your feelings, you tend to show people how you feel by buying them gifts as a substitute for you and your feelings. If they reject your gift, then this is easier to take than if they reject you. Though you crave love and affection, intimacy is difficult for you. You have a shallow opinion of yourself and your own worth and talents. You do not understand why anyone could possibly love you. You feel that you are unlovable. This is something you need to strongly work on as your life will continue to be miserable if you do not learn to change your attitude. You are as worthy of love as anyone else, but you must come to realize that for yourself. Do not let past experiences govern your actions and feelings for the rest of your life.
You are a serious and reserved person who appears to others as cold, aloof, unfeeling and uncaring. You are not necessarily these things, it's just that you are very cautious in letting anyone see the real you or in letting people get close to you. You want to love and be loved, but you find this very difficult. You need to remember that you first have to give love to get love. And you can't buy real love. It doesn't work that way. You find it difficult to enjoy yourself in a light-hearted, open and playful way. You understand work, duty and responsibility a lot better than you understand feelings, affection and love. Rarely do you do anything for pleasure. If something involves work or getting something done, then that is pleasure for you. Other people do not understand that about you. There are times, though, when you procrastinate and put off attending to necessities with the result that duties tend to pile up. You need to learn how to balance the seriousness with life and the enjoyment of life.
You may become romantically involved with people who do not value you or treat you well. You need to learn to love and value yourself before you will find happiness in love. Security is very important to you, yet you do not know how to feel secure. Your fear of loss, of money, property, loved ones, etc., makes you very insecure. This negativity colors all your relationships for the worse. You must learn how to trust again. You must learn how to face your fears, even if it is painful. This is the only way you will ever overcome them.
You have the tendency to lose your faith and your optimism when life presents problems with which you must cope. It's fine to have a well-developed sense of responsibility, but you must also learn to trust in divine wisdom which has attracted these difficulties to you to help you develop personal and soul growth. You better than most can understand that the purpose of life is not happiness, but experience. Yet that does not mean you have to live your entire life feeling miserable. You may feel lonely, but this is because you are unwilling or unable to see that people really do love you. As I have mentioned previously, the problem may lie in your own opinion of yourself. You must first become a loving person yourself in order to attract love.
You may become defensive about expressing your real likes and dislikes for fear of being criticized or put down. You may have a jealous and possessive streak in you such that when you are in a relationship, you do anything and everything in your power to try to hold on to what you have. Of course this makes your partner feel as though they are in prison and they will try to escape the first chance they get, which is what you are fearful of in the first place. You must realize that you can never hold on to anything that doesn't want to be held on to. Love is free and there should be no contingencies placed upon it. You need to accept the difficulties you experience in life as spiritual lessons. These lessons are attempting to help you establish better values.
◾ Venus opposite Uranus; Venus square Uranus
You are excitable, spontaneous, and easily aroused emotionally and sexually. You crave emotional excitement and you tend to fall in and out of love very quickly, having little self-restraint or concern for propriety when your feelings have been stirred. Relationships begin with sudden, electric attraction, but they often end abruptly. You are unique, a bit eccentric and unconventional in your tastes and you don't mind experimenting. You love adventure, especially in your emotional life. You enjoy the thrill of the chase and you split when things start to get boring. You tend to be faithless in love — your strong suit is not in hanging around for the long haul. You prefer non-traditional relationships, ones that give you plenty of freedom and independence as you do not like to feel tied down. You like playing the field and settling down in a permanent, one-to-one relationship may be asking too much from you. In fact, you may intentionally choose partners who are otherwise unavailable because it helps keep things from getting too close and involved. You don't like strings attached to relationships and you prefer to remain rather detached with it all. There is the possibility of clandestine relationships.
You have a highly unusual and explosive emotional nature. You are temperamental and change emotionally as easily as the wind changes direction. You are troubled with the emotional ups and downs which you don't understand and you have the tendency to blame whoever is handy for your emotional lows. The crazy emotional tides which you feel are coming from within and they are because your creativity cannot find a decent outward expression. Use your wonderful creativity ability and your fine intuition in the pursuit of something artistically or musically creative. Then you won't be quite so at the mercy of your erratic emotions.
You have a lot of personal magnetism and sex appeal. Others find you very alluring, exciting and interesting. Being restless by nature, travel would be good for you as it would give you an opportunity to satisfy your curiosity and your wanderlust. Change is necessary for you and one way or another your life will be filled with it. In general, you do not care what people think of you or the ways in which you relate to the world and to others. You will do what you want. You need to exercise self-control over your sensual nature. You also need to discipline yourself so that your strange and unusual tastes and proclivities do not make it impossible for you to get along with your fellow man and woman.
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
ooohh 500 already?? it feels like the 300 special was just a few weeks ago ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧ can i get prompt 6 with ace and deuce together?? hehe congrats again, more milestones to come!! (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡
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6. Crowley has decided to put together a murder mystery for the whole ball and you've been the first one "killed." Whoever is playing detective seems really upset about that.
So I was uncertain if by together you meant Aduece + Yuu or Ace + Yuu and Deuce + Yuu. As it stands, I had an idea for Aduece + Yuu and requests for Ace and Deuce separately, so this post will contain Aduece + Yuu. I'm confused just writing that, but I hope it makes sense. If this is not what you wanted, you are more than welcome to make a second request. There is no time limit on that.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, what's worse than one angry guard dog? Two angry guard dogs! Or is it two and a half if you count Grim I guess. The other event requests can be found on my masterlist.
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"And our first victim for tonight will be the prefect! I would have expected them to be the last victim how very odd." Crowley almost sounds sympathetic and you almost sound interested, you even let out a little "oh no" almost relived whoever was playing the murderer had decided to give you such a nice excuse to sit the next rounds of what you are certain is going to turn into a massive dick measuring contest. Grim does not share your gracious nature.
"This is bullshit!" He thrashes around in your embrace making grabby paws at the gathered crowd as if he is really going to make Mr. X regret killing you. "Just my hench human's name got pulled, why's that mean I gotta go?!"
"Aww, Grimmy, it's ok, we all know you'd be next." Ace laughs but there's a strange strain to it. He's run his fingers nervously through his hair several times now, and now that you've noticed he tries a more familiar smile, dropping his hand to tap his thigh instead. "Don't wait up for us, ok? Juice and I aren't going home anytime soon." You roll your eyes at the joke before giving both your friends a quick hug.
"For luck." You say with a quick wink before shuffling yourself and Grim up to the balcony soothing him with promises of food that you're sure will still be up there.
As soon as you are gone all pretense between the two drops as they both look at the identical cards they had been bickering over just a few moments earlier.
"I still think we should tell the headmage." Is what Deuce says, but he's missing his usual determination Ace finds so cute and yet so annoying every time he suggests the three of you cut class. "When he was explaining the rules he clearly said that there was only supposed to be one ca-"
"Then he can just deal with looking stupid." Snaps Ace. "It's not like he ever does anything else. Look can't you hear what they're saying about Yuu?" It's a low blow, they both can hear the snickering of the usual suspects, but Deuce grinds his teeth particularly sharply to find so many new people joining in. "They think it's funny." Ace says, voice dropping low and deathly serious with what he tells himself is just the intention to rile Deuce up. They both look up at the gallery, Yuu looks.... happy. Content with their lot as if they never expected any other outcome. It's beautiful, that carefree smile that turns into a pure beam once they notice the two of them looking up at them, and there is something breathtaking about knowing only the two of them can bring it out.
That seals it. Lovely as it is, the sight is wrong. You should be down here between the two of them laughing at the loosers who thought they were good at hiding themselves among the masses. Surprisingly, it's Deuce who takes the lead, turning away from Yuu and placing a firm hand on Ace's shoulder to convince him to do the same.
"It's probably one of the guys from one of the other classes." Class 1A wasn't completely loyal to each other, this was NRC after all, but all of them like the three of you. And they all knew better than to do anything to you when Ace and Deuce had you sat snugly between them like you had been all night. "If I had to make a guess, it's probably one of the guys from Leona's class."
"What makes you think it's an upper classmen?" Whispers Ace, shaking himself together and yanking Deuce back to the center of the ballroom to get a better look at the crowd.
"They wouldn't be afraid of us. And any Savanaclaw students in Leona's class would have a bone to pick with Yuu after that whole incident with Azul." It's surprisingly solid reasoning from Deuce, real proof he could probably hack it as a Magic Marshal, and Ace makes sure to take note so he can tease him about it later. But he's not entirely sold on it being pure skill that's gotten Deuce this far.
Seriously Ace thought beastmen were supposed to be good at hunting.
"Hey there, buddy." Ace throws an elbow into the Savanaclaw extra's side (partially to throw him off by annoying him but mostly to keep Deuce from jumping him immediately). "Having fun tonight? I'd have thought a big guy like you would find this whole thing boring."
"What's a fresh punk like you know about that?" His snort would be low and intimidating if Deuce wasn't so angry. "It's always the weakest links that get picked off first, I don't have to worry about shit till later."
"Oh you mean like Epel?" The upperclassman stiffens at Deuce's question, line of sight snapping away from their oblivious friend and back to the now maniacly grinning freshman who has decided to forcefully elbow his other side. Ace gives a laugh that would make Floyd proud as Deuce continues. "Cause I know you wouldn't be planning on him being your next victim, unless you really are as dumb as you look."
"What the hell are you!"
"Oi headmage!" Yells Ace, making sure to flourish the detective card in a way he very smugly thinks only he could. "We got your guy, bag him and tag a better one in next time, yeah?"
A general groan comes up from the crowd with how quickly the game is over, with Crowley quickly agreeing to another round as you once again find yourself sandwiched between your bickering friends.
"Oh come on there's no way the headmage intended for you to be the detective." Ace huffs, head firmly rested on your lap so he can glare up at Deuce resting on your shoulder. "I'm the one always taking care of you two, clearly it was intended for me."
"I'm the one who caught the killer though." A kinder version of that manic grin is firmly fixed to Deuce's face as you sigh and check the time on your phone wondering if they'll get in trouble with Riddle if they stay up here with you longer.
"Boys Boys, you're both pretty." That shuts them up, but maybe not for the reason you think. "But won't you lose your heads if you stay here much longer?"
"Eh I'm sure Riddle will understand." Ace smiles and though Deuce sputters in hesitation he makes now move to leave. "Besides, if he does not, we'll just bunk with you tonight."
"You're worth the trouble." Says Deuce, with a bit more force than usual and you sigh.
"Honestly, I should be saying that to the two of you." And though it should be said with a bit more meaning, instead you say it with a laugh.
A laugh that's quickly returned.
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This header is from this post i havent stopped staring at by @/askmatthias (pls check him out omg omg omg it so good pls you gotta look at it gives me life actively)
In honor of Matthias coming home (in five days) and me begging for his s tier skin -hands you a fic- bby pls come home i need you in need you
Rated Explicit | Warning: vampirism
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The clashing of swords drew his attention innocently, when it was quiet he did not know the scene would change to see you putting back on your shirt and the Lord of the Desaulnier manor fixing his hair.
“Your lamb is here.” The man is shirtless and holding a foil-fencing sword in each hand. Matthias never directly interacted with the mysterious noble but almost everyone says he is a cold standoff individual, Aesop though never spoke ill of him.
“At least pretend to be a gracious host, Joseph!” Snapping at him while he puts the foil-fencing swords back on the sword racks. The click of the vampire lord's tongue is loud. He is intimidating, beautiful as a woman but graceful as a man, Matthias stares then stops the second the other notices.
“Be sure to do what we talked about, (Name).” His hand is on your lower back and his lips are on your shoulder as he pulls back your shirt. It is personal, and though you are intimate with most of those who live in this manor, what he sees is some more to it.
From what you told him about vampires by nature are creatures who bend to the whims of desire, a beast that hungers endlessly. Some can control it while others become enslaved by it.
“Yes, monsieur.” You turn your head as he places two more kisses before slipping away. “Good night.” It is strange hearing you speak with a much more gentle tone. You are gentle, especially with Emil, Andrew, and Aesop. You can be kind, you can be firm, and you adjust to the needs of the individual.
“Evening.” Lord Desaulnier says before turning around and heading towards the door the puppeteer stands in front of.
Matthias moves aside not wishing to touch him unintentionally, his eye glancing and catching the cold glance of piercing red eyes. That made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
The door is closed behind him and now you are alone with the vampire fledgling.
“Don't mind him,” Speaking up when alone with the new arrival, “He is the same way with Emil too.” Emil is the man who is always lingering in your shadow. One might say shy but Matthias believes he is cautious. The only man to sleep in your room, and honestly sleep there.
“I see.” His gaze is elsewhere as you finish dressing, “Training this late?”
“Joseph needed to clear his mind for a bit,” You turn around now once more wearing your shirt, “You're up late. Can't sleep?”
Matthias shakes his head, “... I got hungry.” Though he ate a few hours ago, his gut still ached for more.
“Alright,” Taking his hand, “Let's go to your room.”
“Wait, why my room?” He was going to head to the kitchen.
“To feed, unless you want to bite me here?” Titling your head to the side slightly curiously.
“No,” Clearing his throat, “No, I mean… Are you sure?” It has been some time since he fed on you, he still fears he may hurt you.
“Of course. You need a direct source before you can solely use the blood vials and blood wine.”
You learned during your time with Joseph that there are ways to satisfy the beast of hunger. Solid foods like red meats from animals help maintain and hold weight. Bloodwine to calm the body. Blood vials to store and immediately drink if one is not feeding on enough blood— However, blood in storage can clot over time.
Direct blood drinking though has its uses but rarely is anyone willing like you, and rarely do most vampires know how to drink enough without killing anyone.
"Come on, the sooner you feed the less likely you will hurt me.”
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The puppet named Louis is in another room locked in a case. This is done by Matthias Czernin's specifications, yet, he still checks the locks on the door. The door is across from his room and sandwiched between Edgar's room and Frederick's room. Both are pure-blood vampires who were given invitations by Joseph.
Matthias rarely sees his neighbors, thankfully. You did that purposely so he does not feel like he must interact with everyone immediately.
You wish he would personalize his room… A bed, a workbench for his puppeteering equipment, and a wardrobe. Nothing more.
“(Name).” Having you sit on the bed with your back to him, “Can you… May you lower your shirt?”
You lower it until it rests on your forearms, and you lean your head to the side exposing your neck. His hands are restless, unsure of what to do. “Hold my shoulders to keep me steady.” He holds you, gentle at first but he grips harder when his fangs latch onto your neck.
The sting from fangs piercing skin is not something you can grow used to, it hurts a tad less but the pain is still there. But the pain never lingers as pain turns to pleasure, your body swaying as he drinks from you. You know your limits and the more he feeds the closer you are to reaching it.
“Matthias,” A groan from him as his arms wrapped around you keeping you in place, “Matthias, enough.” You might have to stop him and your hand reaches behind you to touch his face.
This makes him stop feeding, his mouth off your skin, tongue licking the residue of blood seeping out of the bitemark.
“You did good.” Praising him as you turn around when his arms let go of you, “Feeling better?”
A nod, he looks away, “You should put your shirt back on.” If he can blush then he has enough blood in his system.
“It's just my chest.” Teasing him, “You have seen me naked before.”
Once! By mistake because Naib Subedar and Norton are too daring for their own good!
“Do you not want to look at me?”
“I do.” A desperate tone, “But…”
“More.” He tries to find the words, “I would want more.” His hands on his lap gripping the fabric of his pants.
You fully turn and take his hand placing it on your chest, the center where he can feel your steady heartbeat. You push forward against it until you are close enough to smell your blood on his lips.
“(Name).” Do not tease him, please do not be cruel.
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The bed creaks with movement, the shared uneven breathing, the moans and groans of pleasure. The room for the first time seems more lively than it has in months.
You move your hips, rocking them forward and back, grinding slowly on his lap. There is no rush, you want him to experience this slow and steady for right now. You hold onto his back, his hands holding your thighs from underneath. His mouth meshed with yours, the puppeteer cannot get enough of kissing you.
He is not the best kisser as he has no experience in this but he learns along the way by copying your movements. Everywhere you touch it is like his body cannot help yearning for more, the voices for once are silent, and gazing up at you is like looking upon a god.
You would never take such a compliment, you never believe yourself above others whether physically or mentally. Everyone is an equal and you give only what others give you.
He wishes you would not. Wish you had met him first… Saved him. Though he knows it took a lot to get you to this current gentle state. The violence he heard Aesop was the first, he spoke only once about the large photograph of you in one of the rooms in the manor. The you who knew only blood and steel, a far cry to the person he has in bed with him.
When you both are exhausted, laying on the bed covered in the thin coat of sweat with his cum inside of you and you cum on his all over his now cock. His hand is on his chest, there is no heartbeat but he swears he can feel it racing. His eyes close as you pet his messy hair, his head on your chest with his ear above your racing heart.
You speak to him, asking him if he is okay or if he needs anything.
“You,” Clinging to you, “Can you stay?” Emil is probably going to be in a bad mood tomorrow when he wakes up to you not beside him. For some reason that makes Matthias happy.
“Yes, I can.” Smiling sheepishly, “As long as you want.”
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middlechild404 · 11 months
Taking care of sick Jack
Summary: You come home to find a sick jack laying on your couch and you can't help yourself from trying to take care of him.
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I walked in through the front door expecting to be alone in my apartment, but instead, was met by a wide figure that was sprawled on my couch. I was treading lightly, because he didn't seem to move when I closed the door, meaning he was sound asleep.
I didn't expect to find him here because it had been a while since we'd seen each other last. Technically, we lived together in my apartment but he still stayed at his apartment most days because it was closer to the studio.
Having him in my space was still a bit unfamiliar, due to the short amount of time he has had the keys. Aside from the unfamiliarity, I still felt the fuzzy feeling at the pit of my stomach whenever he was here.
My hands went unconsciously toward his hair as I was towering over him. I could feel the heat radiating off from his body as my palm touched his forehead.
"Jack.." I whispered, trying to wake him up.
He only moaned and turned to his side, not giving me an answer. I started rubbing his back, continuing my attempt to wake him up. At last, he slightly opened one of his eyes to look at me.
“You're burning up” I stated. “How are you babe?” I questioned worriedly.
“I don't know, I don't feel so good.” He said, trying to get up.
I quickly pushed his shoulders down, insisting that he needed to rest. He didn't fight against it as his eyes closed once his head touched one of the pillows that was on the couch. I swiftly went to the main bedroom and brought a comforter to cover him with.
I've never been a great caregiver due to my many failed prior relationships and my mom continuously preaching “the world is female” throughout my upbringing. My mother didn't take my dad leaving us lightly, therefore she had sworn that she would never prioritize a man's needs over her own. That's something she's been trying to drill in my head ever since I was a kid, attempting to teach me about being independent.
Independent, was a word I'd easily use to describe myself. Although, being independent doesn't mean not helping the people you love, which is something my mother would never let into her thick head.
I had this heart wrenching feeling of worry. All I wanted was for Jack to feel better. Therefore I summoned my non-existent talent of cooking and followed a recipe of tomato soup i'd saved on instagram. While the soup was boiling on the stove, I put some garlic bread in the oven.
When everything was ready and I had poured the soup in a bowl I made my way to the living room, setting everything on the table in front of the sofa.
“Babe.. Wake up. I've made you some soup.” I said as my fingers were playing with his curls.
As he was eating away at the food that I'd made, I walked up to find some ibuprofen to bring down his fever and prepare a concoction with tea, ginger and honey that I found on google.
When coming with everything, he had managed to lick the plate clean. He was now leaning back against the sofa and looking up at the ceiling. I interrupted his thoughts when I placed everything on the table. He gave me a gracious smile as he downed the pill and water.
I encouraged him to lie down on the sofa again as I took the remote and put on his favorite show “Succession”. He grabbed the tea and gave me a scrunched look as he took a sip.
“What is this? poison?” he asked with a look of disgust.
“Haha yes, but the good kind.” I winked as he laughed at my remark.
I motioned for him to lift his head so I could sit down on the couch. His head was now in my lap as I kept going through his hair with my fingers, with succession on the TV. All I could think about was that I could do this forever. I couldn't help myself from smiling and looking down at his face. He eventually noticed me staring, which made him look up at me with a tired grin.
“Thank you for taking care of me, there is no other place I'd rather be right now than in your arms. I love you babe.” He said lovingly.
“I love you too.” I answered while my cheeks were hurting due to the grin my face made at his words.
I know that it's been a while lovies, hope you like this one! I have had a few hectic months but I'm back now so stay tuned for more content❤️❤️
Taglist: @jackharloww , @j-worlds-blog @itsyagirljaz , @harlowcomehome , @neon-lights-and-glitter
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
MC: *being blamed for doing an atrocious act (which they didn't do and have no participation of)*
Diavolo: How could you sit with us knowing you're guilty?
MC: Hm... *smiles teasingly* Because it's entertaining.
Diavolo: *obviously getting annoyed*
MC: Isn't it always convenient for you to have someone to blame for everything happening in this house?
MC: If not for me, you're going to make a fool out of yourself again, Diavolo.
Mephistopheles: *slams his hand on the table* How could you say such an insult?!
MC: I have a mouth, dear. I can say whatever I want. Besides, am I not giving you the same opportunity?
MC: You would be discriminating me if you tell me to shut up. *giggles*
Diavolo: ...
Diavolo: The least you could do is be civil.
MC: I was, my dear fiance. Not until you acted like a moron.
Mephistopheles: You—!
Diavolo: That's enough. *settles down his fork* I'm done eating.
MC: But you haven't touched anything yet.
Diavolo: Obviously, I've lost my appetite.
MC: Good gracious. Well, that leaves more for me.
The servants: *having a scowl on their faces*
Diavolo: Everyone, let's leave them be.
MC: Sure. Though I'll be calling you soon to clear the table after I'm done.
Mephistopheles: Tch.
MC: *waiting for the clock to strike nine*
Satan: You're still here.
MC: *wipes their mouth with their handkerchief*
MC: It took me a while to finish all these food. *chuckles*
Satan: *pressing the sword on the side of their neck*
MC: *doesn't even wince with the cut*
MC: I don't quite understand what you get from intimidating me. Cutting my head clean would be a lot easier.
Satan: It would be if you choose to stop bothering anyone.
MC: Hmm... No. I can't give up my only source of amusement. *resting their head on the blade*
Satan: !!!
MC: Ah... This metallic smell I know all too well.
Satan: ...
MC: *blushes* It almost feels nostalgic.
Satan: *pulling back his sword* You're crazy.
MC: Aw. You're no fun. No wonder small details are usually left out.
Satan: ...
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thebowynntradition · 22 days
The 7 Sacred Offerings
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Within the faith of the Bowynn tradition it is said that the gods ask for only 7 basic types of offering. These seven became the staple of offerings and are called "Tau Numa Abennes", literally The Seven Offerings. The list is as follows
Flowers, Plants, Flora and Foliage. (cut, potted, wreath, garlands)
Uncooked foods. (Fruits, honey, veggies, nuts, grains, herbs,)
Cooked foods. (Meats, cakes,)
The light of a Candle
Libations of all sorts (Anything liquid from water to brews)
Votive offerings and objects (clay, wax, cloth, wood figures. Objects)
There is technically and 8th form which is personal self, often meaning cuts of hair, nails and drops of blood. These are only used to bless and bind with a sacred religious tool and even then, very minimally. The gods otherwise abhor the sacrifice of life and the disrespect of the body. "Your body be a gift from us immortals, defile it not but instead keep it clean and pure.)
Once a year on New Years {Then Ohenn} a great complete set of all 7 offerings is displayed on Altars and is offered to the gods.
During the Holiday of "Kodex Tor" it is costumery to burn what is called a "Tsa'heka" of incense, which is 'bundle of 100 incense sticks." Sometimes a myst will off a Tsa'heka to the gods when casting a particularly powerful spell that is in dire need.
Unlike Wiccans, the gods of the Bowynn do NOT have any one set of particular offerings they require. That is to say there is no need to attribute only certain scents, colors and food to a particular god or goddess. they will accept any offering if given with all respect and love.
As to why offerings are gifted to the Bowynn gods, it's out of love and respect. For they have given some of the greatest gifts to mankind, its only right to give a gift in return. Brea, the goddess of the earth speaks very clear in this when she replied ...
"For all this that I have given on to you, for the life you live, the air you breath and that land you walk on, the light the lets you see the beauty of the day and the night that lets you sleep, would not you give the same to me? Gift to me a stone, a cutting a grass, a plate of your meal, light, waft of smoke. Kind comes in kind my beloved children and in circle again. Give what you can in love and hurt nothing that I have life to. Give to us, your beloved parents, and in kind we will give to you."
As to the "post offering" or to say what happens after offerings are gifted. the goddess Abbennaea clarifies this in her own words.
"Precious child, fret not because that which you offered is still on the plate. For you see, I take not that which you give to us in the mortal world but instead I take its divine essence, its spirit and love that you have given. And I bring it to those of us who you have offered it to. In turn, we the immortals, turn your gifts into that which is good for all, mortal and immortal alike. Only the scented herbs that you burn for us, we receive directly, as it rises and flies to our presence. Then within the turning of a full day and night, dispose of the mortal husk of your offering into a pit in the earth, into the waves of the sea, the waft of the wind or that is most befitting of such a gracious gift. And take heart knowing your gift has pleased us."
So, in a word, the gods take the divine essence of your gifts to them and after 24 hours you may dispose of the food or plants in a respectable manner, as best one can.
With this, we close with the basic outline of the Bowynn faith. Posts beyond this point will deal with the Holidays that the Bowynn celebrate and the Gods themselves in detail.
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ohhxdile · 9 months
Mysterious Man ☆ OS
∞ ₒ ˚ Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x reader
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Words: 793
Summary: Typical night for you working in a Tavern that is also an Inn. But tonight is different, there is a strange man in the corner of the room
Warnings: reader pov, use of medieval words, reader as an accent
(A/N: oh my god! i didn't expect my first fanfic to get attention, idk how to thank you all 💕😭)
I worked in this tavern for over years now. I’ve experienced many festivals, towns people's departure, new faces, mariage and even rivalry. We could call this quite the “experience”
But today was different, while a few drunk men were singing in the middle of the tavern, ripping their vocal cords and pouring ale on the floor. Messy customers that we didn’t really enjoy to serve, but they consumed the most. Something else was different. A blond-white haired man was sat at the corner of the tavern, a long black piece of linen covered his whole body, I couldn’t quite make out his apparence. 
The owner approached me while I was rearranging the barrels “The Witcher wants his pottage with boef” I stood up with a quirked eyebrow questioning him, he pointed quickly to the white-haired man. “Fine, sure” I sigh and put down the barrels I was occupied with, taking the wooden tray in my hand with the pottage and boeuf.
I walked to him and served him “Here is the pottage and boef, Mister asked” I took the empty vessel asking him if he wanted more to drink, he nodded and thanked me. I got to work and poured another drink for him.
Night was settling in, people were leaving, some bought a hall to sleep in. People were getting kicked out forcefully, typical day for a tavern that also works as an Inn.
My hands were sticky with all the type of ale and meals. I cleaned my hands while the owner cleaned a few vessels and plates. “Tonight was good” I smiled at him, when I turned my head, the empty barrels took my attention “Ah ya’ I forgot to refill them, Would ya please get the Pale Lager in the Undercroft?” I nodded and took in hand the empty Pale Lager and got working. I rummaged through all the cask, they were a lot of them, I quickly found the right one and filled in the empty cask. 
It was getting pretty cold in the tavern and I shivered a bit. Someone didn’t leave and It was the “Witcher” I quickly glanced at him and approached him “You’re leaving soon the village?” He raised his head at me and chuckled “I need to stay here for quite a while, people are asking me to solve a town problem.” His rough voice was like neumes to my ears, but soon after something bothered me in his sentence “a town problem?” I take a hold of his empty tankard and ask him “What? I never heard about a problem here before?” His eyebrows raised itself just like mines and we stared at each other.
Continuously we talk to one another, I understand what he means by “problem” there is a thief that is fliching money from ladies by making them buy deadly roses, what a complete disaster. I understood now why he would stay here for a while. “This is quite the story ya’ have” I chuckled to him and he shrugged off, raising his shoulders slightly. “It is my duty as a Witcher” The strange man was interesting, more than any menne I’ve meet along my years of working, he started ruffling through his piece of linen and gave me a sack of gold, I stared at him for approval and he made a sign with his hand. I opened the bag and counted the coins.
He had the perfect amount for the ale, pottage and boef he ate. I was pretty satisfied and thanked him. “My pleasure, the food here is gracious and the ale is smooth to the gullet” I blushed a bit, happy that he was satisfied. I took the bag of gold, content and walked to the owner giving him the coins.
Before leaving the Witcher came close to me, I looked up at him and he smiled, silence settled between us. I didn’t know what to say, but I was a tad busy with wipping the tables that I haven’t realised his eyes travelled around my figure. “Thank you again” I shrugged off his comment and said It was my pleasure. “I still haven’t asked your name” He mentionned and yes, I realised I never introduced myself to the stranger and I told him my name. 
He said my name, and the way It rolled on his tongue was mischievous I liked it. “My name is Geralt” I smiled hopping he wouldn’t see it since my head is lowered to the table in front of me. Suddenly dead silence and I lifted my head.
 Geralt was gone, he left the Inn with a souvenir and a warm welcome, and I was left with many questions in my mind and hoping that he would come back.
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