tianhai03 · 1 year
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happy re4r launch day :)
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anipgarden · 1 year
How to Increase Biodiversity on a Budget - Masterpost
It cannot be stressed enough that supporting native wildlife is important, wherever you are and however you can. But it can feel a bit daunting to think about doing, especially if you’re operating on a smaller budget. It’s not uncommon to hear about someone’s success story and think how much did it cost to do that?
I’m hoping that I can provide a good bunch of ideas on how to help heal the world around you without hurting your wallet. Feel free to use this as a guide, or a bouncing-off point to do actions in your own style!
Before we get Started
I want to make it clear that this is not a checklist of things you are required to do in order to be ‘helping.’ This isn’t an ‘all or nothing’ kind of deal. Every little bit you do helps. Being aware of these options and spreading awareness helps. Doing even just a handful of these options as you’re able to helps.
With that being said, we need to acknowledge that not everything in this list is feasible for everyone. Some people have a fenced yard in the suburbs. Some people have an unfenced yard with judgy neighbors and/or a restrictive HOA policy. Some people can’t directly control their own landscaping, whether that be because of an external lawn maintenance ruling or something like ‘living with your parents.’ Some people have a 4th story apartment with a small balcony. Some people rent and can’t grow directly into the ground. If the best you can do is put up a bird feeder, or grow a few pollinator-friendly plants in pots? I see you. I feel you. I’ve been there. I appreciate what you’re doing, and you know what? So does the wildlife.
Un-actions, or Restriction of Activities
Things to Do that Aren’t Related to Growing Plants
The Plants-Related Section
Adding To, or Starting, A Garden
Cheaply Starting
Supporting Your Plants for Cheap: Composting, Mulching, and Trellises
What Plants to Add
What to Do Once Things Are Planted
The Secret Other Thing - Managing Invasive Plants and Animals
Parting Words and Sources
If you’re interested in joining a group of gardening enthusiasts who are always down to talk about biodiversity, project ideas, and native plants, feel free to hop into my gardening discord! 
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pyroguesstuff · 7 months
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been too long since i drew my babygirl.. so sorry my fellow ashton enthusiasts i starved you for so long
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gwekkuu · 10 months
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Gyro doodle that got a little too out of hand :>
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hamham-moments · 4 months
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 3 months
I randomly get inspired to write weird stuff with Gabriel that I'm usually not even into and a lot of the time I get comments that amount to I'm not into this. Am I? or being surprised they were into it. Gabriel is just randomly inflicting this sort of thing on everyone I suppose
Gabriel Ultrakill has been reclassified as a gateway drug. Please keep an eye out for any suspicious activity.
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deliicacymercy · 1 year
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[ PART 1/2 ]
TF:RID ‘15: Starscream’s Return 
Starstreak is the “clone” of Starscream, and is designated as the Second-in-Command. Thus, has to be proactive in the execution of his really shitty plans. 
After the capture of the wrong Minicons, Starstreak performs an “Performance Assessment” on the hired bounty hunters - which is not the thing you should do when dealing with Decepticon Bounty Hunters. 
Luckily, for once, Starscream steps in to preserve his loyal Second-in-Command from physical maltreatment. (That’s his job.)  However, he will question Starstreak’s sudden shellshock later... 
[ More info on Starstreak with be right here <3 ]
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toxooz · 3 months
genuinely can't decide whether I'm more excited to see ponti or Kari get introduced in the comic 😭 love Kari so so dearly she's a lil angel sweetheart BUT ponti is so GOD DAMN IMPORTANT and his story and everything rgrhrgrhrhrh you've created such incredible compelling characters they're all such a joy to see I'm so excited!!!!!!
ME TOOOO god i keep thinking abt Kari's own lil lead up and intro as well and it kills me that i cant just make a mini segment for her intro bc i gotta Wait bc she doesnt get introduced until so much later its EATIN ME ALIIVE but alas i must wait 😞
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downthedraincomic · 1 year
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my comic would probably be finished by now if I didnt paint every single bg 
but man I really like how it looks lol 
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ashwii · 1 year
Hey I'm kinda obsessed with how you shade and colour!! Especially water!! Do ya have any tips?
- 💜💚 @autisticenbydonnie
[This'll prolly be one of those long posts where tumblr says "View Post" at the bottom, so apologies for that, aha]
Aww thank you so much !!
🤔🤔 so with water specifically, a LOT of it is guess work. Sometimes I need to redo the water 3 or 4 times until I get it right ya know?
I'll show the process for that Leo drawing I just reblogged:
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This was where I was at before I really started taking care of the water. First, you wanna get a whole bunch of tones in there, even beforeyou really start goin at it. Lights, darks, mids, use your multiply layers, add layers, color dodge, all of it. Basically, you want a bunch of choices to color pick from when rendering.
Now the issue here was that the water looked like it was wrapping around him like fabric instead of it ;;; looking like water dhehwjw. We [more I] want it to look like we're looking through a glass of water almost — where you can see the waterline and the water wrapping around the glass.
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Now — after painting over everything — we have a waterline, and the water is now wrapping around leo like how water would. You can see the waterline around his arms and body too.
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The way I personally color water is to go from dark to light. Make a BUNCH of blobby messy shapes with the dark tones and mid tones, then work on top of those colors with the lights. Once I get to the lightest color [white in this case], I give the water some light at the high points of the waves, and some white dots for some shimmer and sparkles hehe [add more white shimmers closest to your light source, which in this case is the moon in the back]. I also add in some bubbly shapes around the waterlines to make the water feel more;;; alive I guess?? Aha
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And after ALLL of that, I go in with some color correction, some glow dodge and add glow layer, and bam, you got urself some glowy water 😤😤. Bottom line, don't think to much about it looking "perfect and pretty," if you look close, the water is just all blobby shapes and scribbles I made lmao.
And if anyone's curious, the main tools I use to get this kind of painty effect are the Marker brush and the Water brush in Paint Tool Sai 💕💕
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you know the fact that reimu Dissociates ™ instead of like, desperately attacking the sages (which would be futile and frankly not very reimucore) or trying to go against gensokyo is central to her and something I quite enjoy
cause she still wants to live and she loves the people she loves in gensokyo, y'know. like clearly she cares about gensokyo (as seen in ulil) and to ensure gensokyo is to keep its balance (AKA the very principle on which it functions re: humans becoming youkai)
like sure it would be Great if there were peace but you must do something (in her case not only by conviction but by duty) so that your friends don't get Maimed or worse
(you know, like dying to utsuho / the lunar capital / the beast families / a high school girl)
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creativenicocorner · 8 months
Hello fellow internet serirei enjoyers can I please have recommendations to serirei fics that talk about Reigen's back scar?
Pretty please with takoyaki on top?
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verycharismaticdragon · 6 months
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verflares · 2 days
btw for requests in general i'm sure its okay if some i might go a lil more detailed or coloured depending on the character or subject LOL. some of them might take a bit longer but dw i like drawering so if u submitted smth i Have seen it and i am rotating it in my head as we speak 👍
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transgender-catboy · 3 months
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malhare · 2 months
I activated my boop-o-meter while scarfing down breakfast and already got 57, thanks for the boops :3c
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