#Gender Ideology cult
msclaritea · 2 months
saw your stupid post complaining a about queercoded Carol Danvers: bitch, MCU Carol has been read as queer since the moment they made a movie where she doesn't have a love interest, is best friends with a woman to the level she helped raising her kid. to the level the military gave her things to Maria instead of any Danvers. to the level Monica tells her she didn't get along with her parents so the Danbeaus became her family.
nothing screams lesbian louder than raising a kid with your single mom friend and be so important to the kid that she's bitter over you fucking up for thirty years.
nothing screams lesbians as much as leather jacket, ripped jeans, and flannel shirt.
this bitch has been gay from the moment they decided to make Carol Danvers sorta Mar-Vell protege instead of making Mar-Vell a dude and Carol just his love interest like the original version in the comics.
then they make her have a very clear marriage of convenience with the prince of the gayest planet of the MCU.
bonus that the fucking king of Asgard calls her Marv? makes a strap-on joke? those bitches fuck and fuck good.
not to count that oh, she's a fictional character? let this bitch be the biggest gay ever. if they're not gonna give us canonically queer characters from the comics like Loki, gimme Captain Carol "Raised a Kid With My Best Friend, Definitely Bangs the King Of Asgard and Is a Lesbian Car Mom" Danvers.
it's the internet, you don't get much space to be a incel, pathetic queerphobic bitch lol
WOW! I missed this particular load of b.s. Get a load of the sheer damage that the Queer Identity Cult has been doing to people and their common sense. Are you so warped, that you have never, ever heard of a person, male or female, not getting along with their family and going out, making their own?
Newsflash, HONEY! A shitload of kids from every background does that. I did that. My family sucked at a lot of things. The minute I was old enough, I moved to another state, made best friends with a crazy white chick, and was invited to move into the house, by HER mother. We had a blast..AND BOY, WERE WE BOY CRAZY. If I wasn't such a rolling stone, I'd still likely be there, helping her with her now grown son, and I know this, because over 30 years later, we are still close friends.
I can also imagine being missed by a child from another friend because I WAS missed by a loving goddaughter, as I bopped all over the place, for years and can easily imagine her being hurt, if something was wrong with her mother, and I did not contact them. That is how it works, even with the family that you choose. They have the right to be upset, if you fuck up.
I ALSO enjoyed wearing ripped jeans, flannel and leather jackets in school. It was called a phase, and I THINK I can blame it on Duran Duran, but I'll have to check my photo album.
I also had a preppy period that I CAN blame on Molly Ringwald. Everyone who wears flannel is not Gay, just like every girl with short hair is not a goddamn Lesbian.
You all have really screwed yourselves up by trying to command that every human being adhere to some kind of uniform to match their sexuality. It is beyond ignorant. One of you stupid fucks assumed that my sister was a Lesbian, just because she rocks a Halle Berry short. Another newsflash: My Sis? Loves DICK. Truly. She also has some pretty awesome male relationships in her life.
Also, how can Carole Danvers be BOTH canonically love interest to a man, in the comics, like you just said, if she's now suddenly, considered a Lesbian? You're also basically saying that every person who even sings, is Gay.
What I'm hearing you say is that women cannot possibly:
wear flannel and torn jeans
have chosen family
have fights with their father
go through sexual harassment or mysoginy
..even be missed by a child that they were close to..unless they are a Lesbian.
But hey, since you brought all of this up, let's talk about Nia DaCosta. It seems now that she was very determined to Queer code Carole Danvers in Captain Marvel. That got solidified real well by the sabotaging BULLSHIT pulled by little Miss Kamala Khan, herself. That was quite the interview she did, making sure that people knew Nia DaCosta had made the film Queer, "But it had to be cut out. Boo hoo! Trolls should attack the movie MORE!"
Message effing received. The whole thing was a fuck over. And ever since, you all have been trying to redeem the damage YOU have done. THERE IS NONE. You're disgusting.
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vexingwoman · 3 months
questions for the gendies: when you remove the female body from the definition of woman, what else remains besides sexist feminine stereotypes?
when a male says he identifies as a woman, what exactly is he identifying with? you can’t identify with a organs you don’t have, so what is he actually identifying with, if not sexist feminine stereotypes?
and how is it progressive to say that a man who identifies with feminine stereotypes is a woman? is it not more progressive to say that a man who identifies with feminine stereotypes… is simply a feminine man?
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I am Sage's mother, better known as Nana. I adopted Sage after my son died when she was still a baby. She's been through six foster homes by then, but we loved her and she blossomed into a joyful, lively girl who made music and art.
Puberty began and COVID hit, and she was treated for depression and anxiety, at times very severe. Her teachers shared any concerns with me so her treatment could be adapted.
The transparency ended in August of 2021 when Sage started high school. She started a public high school and she told me that all the girls there were bi, trans, lesbian, emo and she wanted to wear boy's clothes and be emo. Because I saw it as just a phase, it was fine with me.
But at school, she told them something different: she was now a boy named Draco with male pronouns. Sage asked the school not to tell me, and they did not tell me even though I informed them of her mental health history and medication. If I had known, this would be a much different story.
She was terribly bullied. No one told me. But boys followed her, touched her, threatened violence and rape. Something happened in the boy's bathroom but for two days, the school told me nothing. They kept meeting with Sage alone and she became so distraught they called me to pick her up.
That evening, I found a hallpass labeled 'Draco' and Sage told me she was identifying as a boy, and that her counselor said she could use the boy's bathroom. She'd been jacked up against the wall by a group of boys. She was crying, terrified. I said just stay home, we'll figure it out. That was my last conversation with Sage for five months.
The night she ran, she thought, to a young friend she'd met online, she left a note saying she was scared of what would happen if she stayed. The sheriff, FBI, search dogs were called in. I dropped to my knees in prayer. Nine days later the FBI found her in Baltimore. My baby had been lured online, sex trafficked by DC then Maryland. She was locked in a room, drugged, gang raped and brutalized by countless men. It was night. The FBI told us to pick her up in Maryland the next morning.
We packed our cars with blankets and stuffed animals and arrived by 8 am, but we were told we couldn't see her, and were summoned before Judge Robert Kershaw late that afternoon. They didn't even tell Sage that we came for her. We finally entered the courtroom and Sage appears on a huge Zoom screen from a prison cell. She looks tiny and broken, and I cry out 'I love you Sage.' Sage responds 'I love you too, Nana.' But attorney Anisa Khan rebukes us. She is a 'he' and his name is 'Draco' not Sage. We were floored.
Khan accuses us of emotional and physical abuse, that we are misgendering her, even though we just learned she claims to be trans and we're willing to use any name and pronouns to bring her home. My husband was so tearful he kept forgetting the new pronouns, so the judge had the bailiff remove him from the courtroom. I was pleading for my child to be returned and treated for her unspeakable trauma. Judge Kershaw told me, if I use the word 'trauma' again, he would throw me out too.
For over two months, he withheld custody. He housed Sage in the male quarters of a children's home. Sage told me she was the only girl and repeatedly assaulted. She was given street drugs by the other kids and Khan told her she didn't care. She just wanted to win the case and all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. Khan tried to prove abuse, but we were eventually cleared by both states of all charges.
Sage later told me Khan had told her to lie that we hit her. Khan even had Sage's school counselors testify against us, though they barely knew Sage and they didn't know us at all. Khan told my precious child I didn't want her anymore. I found out Sage never received any of the letters I sent her.
Sage ran from the Children's Home and disappeared for months. They told me she might already be gone forever, but I couldn't give up and I finally found a tip on her social media that led the marshals to her in Texas. She had been drugged, raped, beaten and exploited. This time I was able to be with her for the traumatic rape exam, and to bring her home.
Back in Virginia, she entered the mental health facility that Judge Kershaw had ordered, as it would affirm her as a male. The therapist began pressuring her to have her healthy breasts removed. Sage was too scared to protest, but she asked me to secretly buy her girl's clothes because she wanted to be a girl, but keep them in the car. It took a kind lawyer, Josh Hetzler to secure her discharge.
After almost a year. Sage was finally home. Safe. Alive. Sage is receiving professional trauma care. The first trafficker has already been convicted. Sage has nightmares, panic attacks, rape-related medical issues, but there's hope. I tell her she's not broken she's just scarred. And part of that hope is that in courageously sharing her story, others will be saved.
Sage said she doesn't know who she was back then. She wasn't a boy, she just wanted to have friends. But her school, the judge, the attorney and the doctor were all blinded by their ideology. The consequences for Sage were unspeakable.
Please don't let ideology harm another child. Let parents do our jobs. We know our children best and we love them a million times more.
Thank you.
Jesus Christ. This girl was exploited by everybody, except for her parents, who were villainized for literally nothing. It's opposite world.
And the fact that everybody with authority prioritized stupid shit like pronouns and trying to coax her further down into a fake identity, even against her will, and other ideological bullshit over her actual wellbeing is disgraceful.
The judge and attorney need to be disbarred, the therapist stripped of their license, and everyone who conspired to separate Sage from her parents fired.
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hjellacott · 4 months
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yurdior-blog · 9 months
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@annoyingradfem finally convinced me to join this app. Hi radfems. My TikTok is RadicalVenus and I have a radfem discord I’ll be sharing later.
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faildaughtered · 1 year
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this is how trans people sound
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msclaritea · 6 months
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ex-foster · 3 months
Truly hyperbolic to suggest the gender critical movement poses a threat of "extreme violence". This group is made up of concerned parents, detransitioners, vulnerable women (who want to retain access to exclusively female only spaces such as rape-crisis centers and women's shelters), female athletes, lesbians and gays who are incredulous that they are being accused of bigotry for being same sex attracted.
The concerns we have are valid not violent.
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survivingbetty · 6 months
Where my radfems at?
Currently getting hardly any terf posts on my tumblr for some reason
Radfems do interact!
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redberryterf · 2 months
magdalen berns
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radfemsouthy · 1 year
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South Africans are becoming more hostile to the 🏳️‍🌈 community and I think gender ideology plays a huge role.
Yes, people are still homophobic here but over the years, same sex representation in the media has helped normalise homosexuality (especially for gay males)
I’m worried that gender ideology is undoing all of this progress, resulting in people lumping the T’s antics with the entire 🏳️‍🌈 community.
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By: Chloe Cole
Published: July 28, 2023
On Thursday, her 19th birthday, Chloe Cole testified to Congress with a “final warning” that medical treatments to change the gender of confused children is horrific. Cole, who was given surgery as a teenager to become male and soon regretted it, said what she needed most was therapy, not a scalpel. Here is what she told lawmakers:
My name is Chloe Cole and I am a de-transitioner.
Another way to put that would be: I used to believe that I was born in the wrong body and the adults in my life, whom I trusted, affirmed my belief, and this caused me lifelong, irreversible harm. 
I speak to you today as a victim of one of the biggest medical scandals in the history of the United States of America. 
I speak to you in the hope that you will have the courage to bring the scandal to an end, and ensure that other vulnerable teenagers, children and young adults don’t go through what I went through. 
Deceit & coercion 
At the age of 12, I began to experience what my medical team would later diagnose as gender dysphoria.
I was well into an early puberty, and I was very uncomfortable with the changes that were happening to my body. I was intimidated by male attention. 
And when I told my parents that I felt like a boy, in retrospect, all I meant was that I hated puberty, that I wanted this newfound sexual tension to go away.
I looked up to my brothers a little bit more than I did to my sisters. 
I came out as transgender in a letter I sent on the dining room table.
My parents were immediately concerned.
They felt like they needed to get outside help from medical professionals. 
But this proved to be a mistake.
It immediately set our entire family down a path of ideologically motivated deceit and coercion.
The general specialist I was taken to see told my parents that I needed to be put on puberty-blocking drugs right away. 
They asked my parents a simple question: Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living transgender son? 
The choice was enough for my parents to let their guard down, and in retrospect, I can’t blame them.
This is the moment that we all became victims of so-called gender-affirming care.
I was fast-tracked onto puberty blockers and then testosterone. 
The resulting menopausal-like hot flashes made focusing on school impossible.
I still get joint pains and weird pops in my back.
But they were far worse when I was on the blockers. 
Forever changed 
A month later, when I was 13, I had my first testosterone injection.
It has caused permanent changes in my body: My voice will forever be deeper, my jawline sharper, my nose longer, my bone structure permanently masculinized, my Adam’s apple more prominent, my fertility unknown. 
I look in the mirror sometimes, and I feel like a monster.
I had a double mastectomy at 15.
They tested my amputated breasts for cancer.
That was cancer-free, of course; I was perfectly healthy.
There is nothing wrong with my still-developing body, or my breasts other than that, as an insecure teenage girl, I felt awkward about it.
After my breasts were taken away from me, the tissue was incinerated — before I was able to legally drive. 
I had a huge part of my future womanhood taken from me.
I will never be able to breastfeed.
I struggle to look at myself in the mirror at times.
I still struggle to this day with sexual dysfunction.
And I have massive scars across my chest and the skin grafts that they used, that they took of my nipples, are weeping fluid today, and they’re grafted into a more masculine positioning, they said. 
After surgery, my grades in school plummeted.
Everything that I went through did nothing to address the underlying mental health issues that I had.
And my doctors with their theories on gender that all my problems would go away as soon as I was surgically transformed into something that vaguely resembled a boy — their theories were wrong.
The drugs and surgeries changed my body, but they did not and could not change the basic reality that I am, and forever will be, a female. 
Depths of despair 
When my specialists first told my parents they could have a dead daughter or a live transgender son, I wasn’t suicidal.
I was a happy child who struggled because she was different. 
However at 16, after my surgery, I did become suicidal.
I’m doing better now, but my parents almost got the dead daughter promised to them by my doctors.
My doctor had almost created the very nightmare they said they were trying to avoid. 
So what message do I want to bring to American teenagers and their families?
I didn’t need to be lied to.
I needed compassion.
I needed to be loved. 
I needed to be given therapy that helped me work through my issues, not affirmed my delusion that by transforming into a boy, it would solve all my problems. 
We need to stop telling 12-year-olds that they were born wrong, that they are right to reject their own bodies and feel uncomfortable with their own skin. 
We need to stop telling children that puberty is an option, that they can choose what kind of puberty they will go through, just like they can choose what clothes to wear or what music to listen to. 
Puberty is a rite of passage to adulthood, not a disease to be mitigated.
Today, I should be at home with my family celebrating my 19th birthday.
Instead, I’m making a desperate plea to my elected representatives.
Learn the lessons from other medical scandals, like the opioid crisis. 
Recognize that doctors are human, too, and sometimes they are wrong. 
My childhood was ruined along with thousands of de-transitioners that I know through our networks.
This needs to stop. You alone can stop it. 
Enough children have already been victimized by this barbaric pseudoscience.
Please let me be your final warning. 
Thank you.
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Might as well call her a murtad and kufr.
"The medical industry mutilated me, maybe don't mutilate other kids," shouldn't require bravery or renouncing an ideology.
Reminder: A minor under the age of 18 is too young to agree to a cellphone contract. 🤦‍♀️
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burningtheroots · 1 year
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autistic-and-radical · 9 months
I have no doubt that you will fight to ban transwomen from entering female spaces, but in the end it will be futile. Transwomen are constantly being given access to female spaces and women's attempts to stop them are constantly failing. Anti hate crime laws will also get you labelled as transphobic and targeted. The female sex will be erased and there is nothing you can do to stop it, no matter how hard you fight :)
This. This is peak misogyny. I want libs and TRAs of Tumblr to see this bc that's what your movement is doing
Also, from my knowledge it's the Y chromosome that's degrading so it's males that will go extinct
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radfeminized · 2 months
‼️‼️‼️ I created a Discord server that is radfem and TERF so please join if you would like to discuss things related to that and have a safe & private community without being judged and silenced‼️‼️‼️‼️ (im still working on the server so it will be constantly edited and better) 💜PLEASE REBLOG/SHARE THIS💜
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msclaritea · 9 months
Elliot Page would like Oscars gender-neutral acting categories | EW.com
Now I know for a fact that Elliot Page is being used as a tool. I've given her/him the benefit of the doubt right up until now. But we ALL saw the results of a gender neutral category put in place at the BAFTAS, last year: ALL MEN NOMINATED. This REALLY is a cult.
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