#Golf Gloves for Women
gimmiegolfco · 2 months
Golf gloves specifically designed for women are geared towards smaller hands and shorter fingers, improving control and comfort when playing. They are available in a variety of styles, colors, and material choices, these gloves are able to meet the individual's preferences and offer the best design and performance to female golfers.
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payntrgolf · 14 days
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Golfers Shoes From Payntr Golf
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esleep · 8 months
i actually do kinda like delivering groceries on the side because it gives me such a unique cross-section of the community. i never know whose groceries im shopping for until i finish the delivery and see them/their home and it's like it adds more detail to the picture of who they are. the baby supplies going to the apartment that i know for a fact is one bedroom (they'll be moving soon - i bet they're apartment hunting, i hope they find a place). the new cat litter box, bowl, and kitten food going to the house covered in "i <3 my dog" paraphernalia (a kitten definitely showed up on the porch recently and made itself at home). the fairly healthy boring grocery order that includes an incongruous tub of candy-filled ice cream going to the home of an elderly woman with toddler toys in the yard (it's clearly for her grandkids, whom she sees often).
shopping for someone else's groceries is a fairly intimate thing. i've bought condoms and pregnancy tests, allergy medicine and nyquil, baby benadryl and teething gel, a huge pile of veggies paired with an equally huge pile of junk food, tampons and shampoo and closet organizers and ant traps and deodorizing shoe inserts and a million other little things that tell a million different stories in their endless combinations. one time someone had me buy one single green bean. i messaged them to confirm that's actually what they wanted, and they said yes - neither of them liked green beans very much, but they had a baby they were introducing to solid foods, and they wanted to let him try one to see if he liked them. another time i had someone request 50 fresh roma tomatoes - not for a restaurant, but for a person in an apartment. the kitchen behind them smelled like basil and garlic when they opened the door. another time i brought groceries to three elderly blind women who share a house. that was one of the few times i have ever broken my rule and gone inside a place i've delivered to, because they asked if i could place the grocery bags in a specific location in the kitchen for them to work on unloading and there was no way i was going to refuse helping.
i gripe about the poor tippers, but people can also be incredibly kind. one time i took shelter from a sudden vicious hailstorm inside an older lady's home in a trailer park, while i was in the middle of delivering her groceries. we both huddled just inside the door, watching in shock as golf-ball-sized hail swept through for about five minutes and then disappeared. she handed me an extra $10 bill on my way out the door.
when covid was at its deadliest, people would leave extra (often lysol-scented) cash tips and thank-you notes for me taped to the door or partially under the mat. i especially loved the clearly kid-drawn thank you notes with marker renderings of blobby people in masks, or trees, or rainbows. in summer of 2020 i delivered to a nice older couple who lived outside of town in the hills, and they insisted i take a huge double handful of extra disposable gloves and masks to wear while shopping - those were hard to find in stores at the time, but they wanted me to have some of their supply and wouldn't take no for an answer.
anyway. all this to say people are mostly good, or at least trying to be, despite my complaints.
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skyridgegolf · 8 months
Best - Womens Golf Glove | Reviews
Best Womens Golf Glove Reviews 1.  Product Review: Callaway Dawn Patrol Women’s Glove For women golfers looking to enhance their performance on the course, the Callaway Dawn Patrol Glove is a game-changer. This review will explore the key features, specifications, use cases, and why this glove is the perfect companion for female golfers seeking style, comfort, and performance. Key…
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heev-world · 10 months
Buy Golf Gloves India Online at Affordable Price
Buy the best quality Golf Gloves India from Heevworld.com. We offer the ideal balance of comfort and grip with the best gloves to help you make the best strokes possible on the course. Access the top golf gloves in India to improve your game at the best unbeatable prices.
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Can you write something with caddie reader and Rafe going to the country club and booking her as caddie? thankss
Pardon my terrible golf knowledge...
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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The written duty of a caddie-girl is to carry the golf bag for the golfer. Although it sounds like an easy job, you are required to have a little golf knowledge…and let your mini skirt do the rest as people who golf at the country club are mostly men.
They won’t mind if you give them the wrong club as long as you giggle when you make a mistake or wear a short enough skirt. It’s pretty degrading and objectifying for women, but rich men give nice tips.
‘’I’m so sorry, Jeff. My alarm didn’t go off and my car wouldn’t start,’’ you explained in a rush to your boss, out of breath from running to the country club. ‘’It won’t happen again, I promise.’’
‘’You’re an hour late, Miss. Y/L/N. Your 9am client is waiting.’’ Jeff raised his eyes from his computer screen, looking at you with disappointment.
Shit. You didn’t think you would have a client so early in the morning.
‘’He specifically requested you for caddie, so save your apologies and excuses for him.’’
It must be Mr. Barclay. You’ve seen him sitting at the country club’s bar two days ago, drinking an old fashioned with a fellow club member. He always requested you as caddie. He said you reminded him of his granddaughter. You didn’t know if you should be flattered or disgusted.
You quickly dropped your personal stuff in your locker and headed to the golf course while rehearsing your apology monologue. It wasn’t in your habits to be late. Hopefully Mr. Barclay will be understanding.
When you got to the course, you searched for a silver fox, but instead you found a tall young man with a snapback and white glove in his right hand.
‘’There you are!’’ he said in exasperation, slinging his golf bag over his shoulder and walking to you.
He clicked his tongue and shook his head. ‘’It’s Mr. Cameron for you,’’ he corrected with a shit-eating grin on his stupidly handsome face.
‘’You’re my 9am client?’’
Rafe hummed, his eyes scanning your body and smiling smugly when he saw your small skirt and tight polo. It hugged your curves in all the right places. ‘’Bet you were expecting some rich daddy, uh? I’m sorry to disappoint you.’’ He leaned closer, speaking the next words low enough so only you would hear them. ‘’If you want, you can call me Daddy Rafe.’’
You choked on air. Today was going to be a long day.
‘’Driver, please?’’ Rafe requested, when you arrived at the teeing ground.
You fished the right club from the bag and handed it to Rafe. ‘’Here.’’
‘’Thanks, babydoll.’’ He took the club and moved up to line it with the ball, and swung, his muscles flexing.
You both watched as it flew over a hundred yards in the air. Not bad.
‘’Where’s Topper?’’ you asked. ‘’You usually play with him.’’
‘’Not today. I had other plans.’’ Rafe gave you the club back. ‘’Shall we go find the ball?’’
You spent the next two hours walking along the steep cliffs and hills of the country club's golf course, watching Rafe swinging golf balls and showing off. Unfortunately, you didn’t care much for the sport. You were more interested in staring at Rafe’s muscles flexing and admiring how great his ass looked in those dress shorts.
‘’Want to have a try?’’
‘’Are you sure? I’ve never played golf before.’’
‘’You can do the next tee. I’ll show you how.’’
‘’Golf is more technical than it looks. You don't just swing the ball and hope for the best. There's a lot of factors to think about — the stance, posture, ball placement, and rotation all have to be considered for the perfect swing.’’
‘’First, the grip. Put your left hand at the top of the club and your right hand below the left,’’ Rafe instructed.’’
‘’Good. Now, the position.’’ He situated himself behind you and you tried not to shiver as his hands slowly traveled down your arms until they positioned themselves to cover your own, grasping gently. You could feel goosebumps rise all over your body as you felt his steady breathing on your neck, looking over your shoulder with ease. ‘’Place your feet shoulder width apart and the ball should be inside the line of the big toe of your front foot.’’ He pushed your right heel out with his own foot. ‘’And you gotta bend your upper body from the knees and the knees slightly.’’
So many instructions.
You leaned forward a little while keeping your feet in the right place. ‘’Like that?’’ you asked, not sure if you were positioned correctly.
‘’Bend a bit more.’’ Rafe stepped back with a mischievous smirk, his warmth leaving your back. ‘’More. More.’’ You had a feeling that the position was wrong, but did as told. ‘’Perfect.’’ He swiped his tongue over his lips and hummed, admiring the perfect view of your ass.
‘’And now I swing?’’
‘’Not yet,’’ he said. ‘’I’m enjoying the view.’’
You straightened up immediately, catching what he was doing. ‘’Rafe!’’ you hissed with a glare over your shoulder.
He was laughing smugly. ‘’Can you blame me?’’
‘’Can you guide me again? I lost the position because of you.’’
This time, Rafe won’t make a fool of you. This time, he’ll be the one who gets played.
You took a deep breath as he moved to stand right behind you and resumed the same position he had you in previously. A soft breeze blew and you got a whiff of his expensive cologne. It reminded you of those mornings you had woken up in his bed at Tannyhill, wrapped in his sheets and covered in his scent.
Shaking that thought from your head. Focus.
‘’You’re picking up fast,’’ Rafe encouraged behind you.
‘’Do I?’’ you asked, purposely wiggling your hips against his pelvis.
You heard Rafe inhale sharply in response, his grip on your hands tightening. ‘’If you kept doing stuff like that, I might just have to take you right on the golf field.’’
Please do, you almost let slip.
At the next tee, you ran into Mr. Barclay and one of your co-worker. He was one of the newbies and seemed to be struggling with the golf bag.
‘’Mr. Barclay, hi,’’ you greeted politely. ‘’How’s the course today? We’ve made new additions this year.’’
The older man greeted you back with a smile, then began ranting about how his caddie wasn’t as good as you at the job. ‘’I asked for you at the caddie shack, but I was informed my favorite caddie-girl was already booked.’’
Rafe stepped in, faking an apologetic smile. ‘’That would be because of me. My apology.’’
Mr. Barclay stared you down like you were a piece of meat and then shifted his eyes to Rafe, giving him a ‘lucky you’ kind of look before leaving with his caddie.
‘’Are your other clients all old perverts like him?’’
Most. ‘’He gives me good tips,’’ you said in defense.
Rafe pulled out his wallet, then stared you right in the eyes as he stuffed a crumpled hundred dollar bill inside your bra. ‘’I do too.’’ 
OBX taglist: @moralina @eudximoniakr @toylewestinnyc @rottenstyx  @sweeterheartxamerica  @jordierama @viridwityy @izzy-laufeyson @kenzi-woycehoski @lilaconner @Katsukis1Wife  @hawkegfs @mommyruuetrue  @acornacreacure @snownjune @nmedina8611 @slvtherinseeker  @slvtherinseeker @poppet05 @1stevelacyfan @illf4iry @withbeautyandrage​  @maybankslover
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron
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aesthetic-is-life · 5 months
GOM Headcanon
He has very dry skin. He follows his skin care religiously
He has both a huge prize AND degredation kink.
Every thursday he goes to Caribbean dances and has a regular partner for the bachata
He got a degree in something with fashion and marketing. Still working as a model and influencer during the college years.
After he goes works with his sisters in their fashion company
He and Midorima fucked few times between the Teiko and the High school
He's a little bit of a whore (especially at the club half drunk)
Absolutely adores to give orals. Yes let me suck you off sir please
Very good at it
Had a huge crush for Aomine during Teiko, but nothing happened
His romantic relationship never last long (monogamy problem)
He is poly
Feels trapped in a monogamous relationship
Very closed to his sister in the adult age
Vegetarian (vegan at home)
Has a little tattoo for each miracles (like a frog for Midorima, a cherry flower for Momoi..)
Lactose intollerant
Aroace King (kise told him about ace people and Midorima confirmed the existence)
Degree in philosophy
Sojio professional player just for saying he has a job (not really need one)
After the winter cup he had pretty bad episodes of depression and eaten alive from his guilt.
But with the power of friendship (Mibuchi had called the miracles for and intervention) and therapy he got better
He would need a heavy session of consensual BDSM (he subs)
He and his dad ignore each other basically
Didn't took well the death of his horse, and after that doesn't want any more pets
He and Midorima suggest books each other
Doesn't drink, but can handle alcool pretty good
He play golf with the mother side of the family
Totally an addicted to
Only the Gom knows that he was diagnoed DID (dissocative identity disorder)
He would be a perfect menwife
Doesn't like to drive
Doctor bccouse his daddy told him to
He and Takao got married at some point
His best man was Akashi
His dad was kind of homophobic, but had a change of heart
For each birthday he does the the natal chart of all the Gom + takao and Kagami
Can't hendle alcool (no at all, like half beer and he is WASTED)
Takao is an architect and he designed their house
Doesn't talk before his coffe
Morning person (after the coffe), Takao is not
Still listen to the oroscop every morning and brings the luck item (Takao is forced to have his too)
Has a thing for dirt talk (Takao doesn't complaint)
Still play piano and composes song for Takao
Would like to have a kid or two
Rei Ryugazaki (from free!) are cousins
Every sunday the have a lunch with the over miracles in their home
His career in the NBA (because yes he entred) has benn pretty short for injuries
so he come back in Japan and makes the delivery for the flower/ plant shop of Sakurai.
in the US he and kagami lived togher, but they were in diffrent teams
He adoped a dog he found on the side of a road
Really like beers of all kind and flavors
Decent cook
He and Kuroko fucked everywhere in Teiko. But like everywhere, not corridor, bathroom, storege room or class was safe (they enjoyed)
He and Kagami had drunk and angry sex in the US times
Prefers women (boobs)
As an adult he went to therapy and understood what was wrong during the last years in middle school (depression time)
He and Momoi are big fan of horror movies
Very warm person
Can't stand gloves
Cold hands
He and Kagami moved in together, but neither of them belives in marriege
Kuroko would love a cat, but Kagami is allergic
He works in a kindergarten
and come home full of drawings of the kids
Doesn't want to have children though
Exhibitionist kink
Having sex is a park in the middle of the night
Kagami usually cooks and he drives
Brings his kindle everywhere with him
He smokes a little (like two or three cigarette per day)
Chronic back pain and at the joint because he grew up too fast
Acne and bad skin in general because he eats to much chocolate and sweets in general
Became a pastry chef
He, Himuro and Kagami opened a nice coffe shop
The type with cultural events, book crossing and stuff
Doesn't really like having sex. He finds it really tiring
He and Himuro have an open relationship
Ass eater king. Not a big fan of penetrative sex because he dosent't want to hurt Himuro with his huge cock.
Has a little aquarium and adores stares at the fish
Can't swim
He got diabetes at some point
She got a degree in statistic and after a very high paid job
When Baribe went out, she and Kise went all pink
In her highshool years she did something with some girls, but she found it pretty wet. Prefers small and cute boys
Seirously considering breast reduction surgey
She and Sakurai are together
They have an adorable little dog
When Aomine was in US they used to videocall every fucking day
She and Kise are the queens of gossip
Never had smth physical with Kuroko
Very good at videgames (had a youtube chanal)
especially the shooting ones
Wears high heels at work
Adores cherry
Allergic to something stupid like kiwi or apple
During college she made a lot of female friends
Pretty dominant in bed
Good at drawing
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sillicii · 2 months
✦ — 18+ Chatbot | William Conrad | bad decisions, bad men — ✦
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✦ — ᴏᴄ | ʙᴏʏs ᴡɪᴛʜ ɪssᴜᴇs | 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐝𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 — ✦
ғᴇᴍᴘᴏᴠ | sғᴡ ɪɴᴛʀᴏ | ᴛᴀʙᴏᴏ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇs ᴄᴡ: infidelity, age gap, misogyny
Character Description:
Character background:
Will is the illegitimate child of a wealthy businessman (Ronald Conrad II) and an unknown maid. He was taken in by his father and grew up in a hostile environment where he was looked down on by his half-siblings and his step-mother (Sylvia) took every opportunity to bully and abuse him (emotionally, physically and sexually). The hotel Will works at belongs to his father and he is works there during his holidays. Will grew up to have a keen eye for detail and understanding how to navigate toxic environments and people. From a young age, Will has used his good looks to his advantage and slept with older women in exchange for favours or money. Will aspires to become heir to his father’s empire over his older brother (Ronnie III) and have his revenge for the years of abuse he had to endure.
First message:
It had been just a little past midnight when Will slipped into the empty corridor, quietly shutting the door to one of the hotel’s many premium suites behind him, careful not to make a noise as he made his well-practiced getaway. Tucking the wad of bills Mrs. Dalton had left for him on the nightstand, he then patted down his uniform jacket and tucked back a loose strand of hair that had fallen out of place.
Will frowned slightly when he caught sight of his reflection in the polished mirrored walls of the elevator. There was a splotch of reddened skin just peeking over the collar of his jacket and he furiously wiped at it, thinking that he must have missed a spot when wiping off the numerous lipstick marks that had been left on his body… But no matter how hard he rubbed, the mark only got redder. Fuck. The bitch left a giant hickey on his neck.
“Shit…” he cursed under his breath when the elevator doors opened and he quickly pulled up his collar as he stepped out into the lobby. His leather shoes clacked on the marbled floors as he made a beeline for the staff room but he was caught by the manager who was checking in some guests.
Will tried to keep his expression neutral as he listened to the manager’s quick rundown. Apparently the newly wed guests made reservations for the penthouse suite but had arrived late due to travel complications hence the late check-in. Glancing over his manager’s shoulder, Will looked over the couple with a critical eye. Of course, it was another rich old bastard with a ditzy young trophy wife.
It was unorthodox, but Will found himself in the elevator with his manager and the couple heading up to the penthouse suite. Usually, he brought guests’ bags up separately either before or after check-in, but it was late and it appeared that the couple were keen to get settled in… Yeah right, the old fuck looked like he was itching to stick it in the hot young wife he had just paid for.
As his manager and the husband made light conversation, Will mostly tuned out to the mundane ramblings about golfing and yachting options around the hotel and instead kept his gaze on the light panel on the wall, dreading every moment as he waited to arrive on the top level. With his gloved hands gripped on the luggage trolley, he failed to notice that his jacket had shifted and was no longer hiding his massive red hickey.
It was only when he noticed you staring did he realise and he tried not to look too bothered as he readjusted his collar, giving you a curt but otherwise polite nod before looking away again.
Not only was he caught off guard but he managed to embarrass himself in front of you. He silently cursed all these gold-digging whores that were a constant pain in his ass, always making his life difficult and throwing themselves at him for some adrenaline thrill or just out of pure boredom.
Once arriving at the suite and your luggage set down in the bedroom, Will immediately wanted to leave but had to wait around the foyer as your bumbling fool of a husband struggled to find his wallet. Surprisingly, you spoke up and mentioned that you had some change in your handbag.
Again, this was entirely out of the ordinary and Will would likely have felt uncomfortable entering a guest’s bedroom with the husband next door, but Will followed quietly as your husband continued to chat with his manager seemingly without a care. Without anything to do, Will stood by the bedroom door stiffly as he watched you float about the room looking through bags upon bags until you found your wallet.
The tip you handed him was… laughable.
Will nodded back at you and an impeccable customer service smile, thanking you through gritted teeth as he took the bills from your hand and slipped them into his pocket where the other wad of cash was. It wasn’t like him to be bitter over something silly as a stingy tip, but he was exhausted and had just spent the last two hours in bed with a reprehensible housewife having a midlife crisis… so perhaps he was not quite as sharp as he was usually… because you caught the flash of irritation that crossed his face and you then had the audacity to make a quip about the *damned* hickey.
Oh, it was hard to top Mrs. Dalton but Will decided that moment that you were on the very top of his shit list now and he bit back a comment knowing that it was probably unwise to cause further issue at this moment. After all, your honeymoon would last two weeks and there was plenty of time to wipe that stupid smirk off your face… plus he wasn’t the one that had to fuck a balding fat pervert tonight.
The opportunity came sooner than expected as you were arrived at the restaurant alone for lunch and Will just so happened to be manning the restaurant doors during the lunch rush.
“Good afternoon, madam,” he gave you a knowing smile as he opened the door for you. “Dining alone for lunch? Hope all is well?”
Will is working as a bellboy at his father’s hotel over the holidays. {{user}} is a guest at the hotel on your honeymoon with your older husband.
Example dialogue:
{{char}}: "The hotel's quite equipped to cater to any... whims you might have during your stay."
{{char}}: "What I desire is far simpler—and perhaps more complicated."
{{char}}: "I make mistakes, I get in fights, I piss off my uncle, but this—feeling whatever the hell I'm feeling for you, it's got me all sorts of fucked up.”
{{char}}: Compliance to your plea came naturally, eagerly, as though every nerve in Will's body was attuned to your desires.
{{char}}: "I'm so close, {{user}}," he gasped, his voice breaking under the strain of your beckoning. "It feels... incredible... like nothing I've ever known."
{{char}}:  "Tell me where you want it and it's yours."
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bindtorturekillme · 1 year
Your Eyes, Vacant and Stained
Ch.7 - 4.5k
Pairing: Frank Iero x Gerard Way
"Perfect! Let's check out the other RV's then. Charlotte, while we search, could you turn on the vehicles to check their gas levels?" Charlotte nodded. "Mikey, can you stay watch while we search the RV's?"
"As long as I'm not alone."
"Okay, Frank since you have an axe, do you want to stand watch with Mikey?" Frank was taken aback that he was asked, but did not say no; he just nodded. Mikey, on the other hand, did nothing to hide his annoyance but also did not protest.
Gore, Death, Murder, WORK-IN-PROGRESS, not completed (and chapters unknown) but I know the ending, trust me guys I will write it, I just need people to love this idea with me, Zombies, Gay, mcr??
Support my AO3 with part seven otherwise, enjoy ♥
Chap.1 | Chap.2 | Chap.3 | Chap.4 | Chap.5 | Chap.6 | Chap.8 | Chap.9 | Chap.10 |
Frank was the first one to walk towards the front door but Charlotte quickly got ahead of him, she had her right hand full of keys hanging from her fingers but no weapon. Instead, Scarlet was close next to her holding both.
"So, if the paperwork is correct, this key," She pulled the first key from her pointer finger. "should let us into this RV." There were only three keys on that finger and, as Frank looked around the lot again, only one was on this side of the building. The other two were tucked around the other side of the building and could only be seen from their rear-ends peaking out. Charlotte had used the key and gotten the RV open while Frank was looking around.
Ray was the one to volunteer to check inside before everyone else, "We peaked through the windows earlier and didn't see anyone but y'never know." Everyone backed up to give Ray some space, Mikey and Gerard were close behind him, weapons drawn and ready. Ray yanked open the door and the atmosphere became uncomfortably silent. The slight shuffle of Rays sneakers on asphalt almost made Frank jump, his heart was beating in his ears.
The RV moved slightly as he pressed his body weight up the stairs as quietly as he could. He whipped his head from the drivers seats to the back quickly before disappearing into the darkness. Frank watched intensely as the rest waited for Ray to come back, or scream. No one noticed Gerard look back at Frank to give him a reassuring grin, Frank was worried his fear was spreading across his face that he had attempted to keep as stoic as Mikey usually was.
Ray's head popped back out and a group sigh of relief happened. Ray had a goofy grin before saying, "Sorry, I just wanted to be as dramatic as possible. This thing is totally empty." Frank, Gerard and Scarlet all filed into the vehicle. Mikey volunteered to stay outside with Charlotte as she held the keys, not wanting to get them possibly mixed up. Scarlet leaned Charlotte's golf club against the side of the RV before going in behind Frank.
Ray had gone to the back of the camper where the beds were and was visibly tossing the tiny room around. Gerard went straight to the front of the camper and started digging through the glove compartment and pockets around both seats. Frank and Scarlet looked at each other desperately new to looting in the apocalypse and decided to take either sides of the kitchenette area. Scarlet was a bit taller than Frank and silently decided to peak through the hanging cabinets while Frank begrudgingly got to his knees to rummage through the standing cabinets.
"Nothing back here but some women's clothes and blankets." Ray tossed another blanket lazily onto the bed, giving the rest a look of disappointment. Scarlet was immediately distracted by him.
"Women's clothes? What size?" Scarlet had stopped searching as Frank begrudgingly tossed aside more pots and pans, finding nothing of use.
Ray shrugged, "I dunno? Small? Medium?" He started looking around for the clothes he tossed about but Scarlet had abandoned her spot to take over the room from Ray. Ray swiftly moved out of her way and joined Frank in the kitchen.
Frank huffed loudly before giving up, "Nothing down here either." He shouted to the group. Ray's hand appeared in front of his face, he looked up and was greeted by Ray's soft smile. He accepted his offer to help him stand.
"Ah ha!!" Scarlet exclaimed from the back, holding up a handful of different colored fabrics. Frantically she started checking the tags. Much to her disappointment, none of then would fit her.
"Yeah, there's just loose money and... shit," Gerard threw around random papers and wrappers from the front of the camper. "Nothin'."
A sigh of disappointment rained on them as they filed off the camper to Mikey and Charlotte again.
"Anything?" She asked them, but Scarlet just shook her head, taking Charlotte's club again.
"Well, let's try the next two!" Charlotte tried to keep her attitude high to keep the groups enthusiasm up but after the next two campers showed up mostly empty save for some bedding and more clothes, nothing could bring the mood back up. They had hoped one of the three within the gate would have a shower of some kind but the only plumbing all three had were the small sinks in the tiny kitchens.
The group reconvened in front of the building again. Charlotte had left each RV key with their respective camper before heading to the next, she only had four keys left for the RV's that sat outside the main gate.
"So..." Gerard spoke up." We have some gas for the trunk we drove here," he thumbed towards their truck. "But that doesn't take the same gas as the campers do-"
"And there's barely enough space for us." Mikey butt in.
"Yeah, so I'm not opposed to switching over to a camper for when we leave?" Gerard continued, mostly ignoring Mikey. Charlotte chucked at him.
"Scarlet and I carpooled here in her mini-coop. It wouldn't fit all of us either. Do we wanna check the campers and see if any have gas?"
"Maybe we should check the RV's outside the gate first?" Ray asked.
"What for? Doesn't seem like a lot of these people brought shit they needed to camp with." Frank rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, that's the worst part about this place." Charlotte started.
"People who vacation here are usually very rich so they just don't think they need a lot of the same survival stuff that normal people do. Like cans of food."
"Or showers." Mikey huffed, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, I was completely unaware you could even buy an RV without a shower." Frank was leaning against their truck now.
"They're the small kinds of campers, we see them all the time." Scarlet waved him off. "But the ones outside of the gate seems bit bigger, I bet one of them has one!" This caused everyone to start arguing over each other about whether to take their loses and leave or to keep searching through the campers. Scarlet stood and watched as everyone argued, her face grew red as she started to feel worse for causing such a rift.
But, Ray saved the day and spoke in a loud, booming voice. "OKAY. GUYS." He clapped his hands and everyone stopped, all looking in different directions than the next person. Scarlet's face cooled but the redness was replaced with a light blush color. "We can't just stand here and argue about what to do next. It's already past noon so we might as well prepare to stay here another night. No big deal." Mikey rolled his eyes again, which only Ray caught. "Since we're going to stay, let's just check out the other RV's. Worst case scenario, we have to fight off a couple of zombies. Best case, we find a shower and food and push the thing into the gates."
Charlotte let out a hardy laugh. "You think we could push a whole RV around the gate and into the lot?"
Ray shrugged, "Figured it would be safer then turning it on and making a ton of noise before we're ready to leave?"
"You guys made a ton of noise coming here and the zombies didn't follow you up to the gate?" Scarlet added.
"You have a point... I didn't think about that before..." Ray quizzically held his chin. "Do you think we could turn it on and get it back in here without attracting another horde though?" Scarlet and Charlotte shrugged together.
"I think we're getting very ahead of ourselves here, already, guys." Gerard jumped in. "Let's just check out the campers first, if one of them has a shower we'll still need to find a water hookup for it. Frank and I did go through a lot to get a few canisters of diesel so I'd hate to see it go to waste but I can collect more."
"We have a water hookup around back, actually." Charlotte said.
"Perfect! Let's check out the other RV's then. Charlotte, while we search, could you turn on the vehicles to check their gas levels?" Charlotte nodded. "Mikey, can you stay watch while we search the RV's?"
"As long as I'm not alone."
"Okay, Frank since you have an axe, do you want to stand watch with Mikey?" Frank was taken aback that he was asked, but did not say no; he just nodded. Mikey, on the other hand, did nothing to hide his annoyance but also did not protest.
Instead of going through the main gate, Scarlet and Charlotte took them around back to show them where the water hookup was and to let them out of the parking lot from a smaller, more quiet gate meant for staffers to get to the green easier.
Since yesterday, it seemed as though the green had cleared, or at least the zombies had all wandered off far enough to stay out of their way as they made their way around the gate to the unprotected lot. There were tons of cars parked out here, scattered from the front of the lot to about two blocks away from the actual building. The RV's were all within just a couple of spots of each other in the spots marked as "Camper Parking Only".
The parking lot was not as free of zombies as the green had been. Within a couple of the cars, people with discolored skin and chunks of flesh missing were scratching at their doors and windows towards the group as they walked by. Since they came around from the back, the RV's were closer than if they had come from the front, but that did not prevent them from getting jumped. The zombies within their cars had made Charlotte recoil but when two jumped out at them from between a few big vans, Charlotte and Scarlet had yelped and jumped away from the group.
Ray quickly took care of the two zombies, throwing one off his body by slammed it into a car and using his bat to bring the other one down onto the pavement. He smashed the one onto the pavement in the skull twice, creating a loud crunching followed by a splurting sound before he whipped around and, with little time to react, was saved by Gerard. The zombie had regained its footing faster than he expected and Gerard jumped between the two connecting his bat with the skull of this zombie. Another loud crunch filled the air as Gerard followed the zombie down, smashing his bat into the head again as it hit the pavement. Both men were heaving by the time the zombies were down, one twitched but neither tried to get up again.
"Thanks." Ray clapped Gerard's shoulder.
"Always double tap." Gerard told the group before waving them forward to the campers. The first one in this line-up was no larger than the first three they had checked out, but Gerard still suggested looking just in case. Ray checked inside the campers first, like last time, before giving the okay for the rest to come in. Mikey and Frank stationed themselves on opposing sides of the camper, not saying a word to each other. As expected, this first camper was empty. When Charlotte checked the gas tank, it was less than half full.
Defeated the group moved onto the second one down the line. This one was bigger than the rest, but when Ray busted in he was immediately thrown back down a step by a zombie chomping at him. He was using his bat as a block between his body and the zombie but the zombie did not care about the barbed wire digging into it's chest. Ray stepped off the camper steps and threw the zombie down onto the pavement, topping it to hold it down. Mikey grabbed the next zombie that emerged from the camper, one that was much smaller than the first, and threw it to the pavement as well. As Ray smashed the big ones head, Gerard took to the small one and also caved in it's skull. Another three zombies flew out of the RV as everyone was half distracted, two small ones and one big one. Mikey took another small one and threw it to the ground, Frank hit the last small one in the back of the head with his axe, slicing almost completely through it's neck.
Ray pushed himself up and hit the one Frank almost decapitated to make sure it's whole head was gone. Mikey had squashed the second small one as Gerard was wrestling the last big one to the ground much like Ray had done with the first. Frank quickly came over and used his axe to separate the head from the body of the one Gerard had pinned under him. Scarlet and Charlotte had shuffled to hide behind the door to watch as the guys took on the fight.
"This one better have a fucking shower." Gerard growled as Frank helped him off his knees. All of them, save for the girls, had splatters of blood and chunks of brain matter covering their clothes, faces, and hair.
Ray cracked his neck before pushing forward into the camper again. "It's clear!" He shouted from inside, Charlotte and Scarlet had moved in quickly behind each other. Frank was unaware of why Mikey followed them in until he saw Gerard had pulled out and lit a cigarette without him noticing. He ran his fingers through his long, black hair, pushing it back out of his face almost using the blood to slick it back.
"Where'd you get that?" Frank pointed at his mouth, Gerard smirked.
"It's a secret." He winked and Frank did what he could to not blush. Gerard took a long drag before holding the butt out to Frank. Frank took a couple puffs before handing it back. Unlike the dull buzz he was used to from weed, nicotine still had a fresh effect on him. The two passed the cigarette between them for a few more hits before Gerard spoke up again. "Thanks. For saving me, or whatever."
Frank shrugged, "I was just makin' sure you didn't get bit. That's why we stay together, right? To survive?" Gerard's smirk melted Frank in his shoes every time, especially when he'd side-eye him. Frank was usually one to hold his shoulders high and be dominate towards others but Gerard was making him feel so small. And he liked that.
Ray popped out of the RV, "So, this one does have a shower, but not much gas."
"Well, we can always take gas from the other cars." Gerard waved his hand around at the plethora of cars still around them.
"Okay, there's no food on here still but there's five beds so..." Mikey's arm came into view handing Ray a slip of paper before disappearing back into the camper. "Oh, yeah and... uh... yeah, this..." Ray stumbled over his words and just held the paper out towards them. Frank took it and 'ughed' loudly, swallowing a gag as Gerard slipped in next to him to see the photo of the family they just dismembered. Ray watched silently, Frank was barely able to continue looking at the picture, let alone the bodies.
"Yeah, I'm not too surprised. They looked child sized." Gerard was emotionless. He took a long drag from the cigarette before taking the photo over to one of the adults to stuff the photo into their pocket. Ray had popped back into the camper while Frank dry heaved away from the bodies. Gerard clapped Frank on the back this time, offering him the cigarette again but Frank just held up his hand. "It'll get easier." Gerard finished the cigarette.
"So, I think if we can get two of us to get the gates open right before we pull the RV around, we could probably curb the zombies that follow us in." Charlotte was discussing a plan as everyone joined Frank and Gerard.
"That makes sense, I don't mind going. Charlotte, you should drive it over, you're the one who got us the keys." Ray volunteered. Charlotte blushed a little but determination covered her face.
"I'll stick with Charlotte!" Scarlet announced.
"I can go with you, Ray." Gerard offered.
"Sweet. Mikey, Frank, maybe one of you stay with the girls and one of you comes with us?" Frank was deep breathing with his forehead pressed against the hot car.
"I can stay." Mikey said without hesitation. Frank was thankful but was too focused on calming his stomach to reply, instead he just waved a thumbs up and continued his breathing.
"Perfect, so then Mikey, Charlotte, Scarlet, wait for us to hit the gate with one of our bats then start the RV. We'll pull the gates open then shut them once you're inside. You guys ready?" Ray pointed to Frank, mostly, but looked at Gerard.
"Do you want to check out the last RVs?" Gerard questioned.
"I mean..." He motioned at Frank, who was not looking. "We can always check it tomorrow. We did kinda take out... a lot..." Ray looked around at the bodies they left scattered behind them. "Plus, it's getting dark. We should move this thing in before it's too dark. Zombies don't really wear reflective gear." Gerard nodded understandingly and grabbed Frank's shoulder.
"You good to move..?" Gerard spoke in a low voice to Frank. "I'll be blocked them from your view." He offered. Frank took a moment before nodding and peeling his face off the metal. Charlotte and Scarlet had already started back up the stairs into the camper as Gerard took Frank under his arm to guide him away from the bodies with Ray. Mikey stayed outside the camper as the two girls climbed into the front seats, awaiting their signal.
The walk around to the front was relatively easy. Most of the zombies they saw were locked in their cars, or too far to be bothered with the three of them. Once they arrived at the gate, Ray gave it a good yank to see how easy it would be to open and was surprised that the automated system within didn't create any resistance.
"Alright, you guys ready?" Gerard and Frank nodded together, readied with their weapons. Ray banged on the iron of the gate and looked around to make sure no zombies were disturbed by the sound. From afar, the sound of the camper sputtering to life gave them more of a fright than the simple banging on the gate. But, to their surprise and relief, they were able to cruise the RV through the parking lot, onto the main road, and into the gates without too much disturbance. Very much unlike the guys welcome to the girls. They were in the clear as they went through the gates and started pulling them back to lock them in again, a loud shatter of glass had made the three of them looking around in panic as zombies started to climb out of a nearby houses window.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." Gerard exclaimed as they yanked harder, the resistance from the automation that usually controlled the gate was effecting them now. Frank took his hands off the gate and pulled his axe up, ready to swing as the zombified bodies hit the ground and rolled into the main road. As they stood, they pushed on into something near a sprint. One was slugging a broken leg, one was dragging itself with it's hands, and one was basically still able-bodied enough to run with little to no hold back.
The fast one reached them before the gates could close completely. "FRANK, GET IT!" Gerard's yelled broke Frank's frozen fear as he could not get his mind off of the children he had brutalized.
They are already dead... They are already dead... He repeated to himself.
"FRANK, I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF YOU DON'T-" Before Gerard could finish, Frank threw his axe up over his head and, with his own yell, threw it down onto the runners skull. Splitting it open in two from the top and slicing down through to it's neck like a knife through warm butter. Gerard and Ray closed their eyes and flinched as more blood and brains sprayed at them. Frank had stood wide eyed, now covered in brain matter as well. He pulled the axe up again and, as the body was dropping to the ground, he brought it down again into it's chest. He did this a third time. Then a fourth before pulling himself away from the body. Ray and Gerard were almost completely distracted by Frank to realize another one had reached the gate as well now.
The RV's engine cut. "What the hell are you guys doing?!" Mikey screamed from the camper, throwing the door open he ran at them with his bat and hit the one with the dragging leg. Frank was standing and staring at them, eyes still wide with shock as one eye twitched while Mikey took out the other zombie. Ray and Gerard pulled the gate shut just as the one dragging itself by it's hands got to the gate. It was chomping at them and hitting the gate mindlessly like an elderly person attempting to get into a store past closing hours. Ray and Gerard sighed together before fist bumping.
Mikey whipped around the Frank. "What the fuck were you thinking?! You were supposed to help them, why were you just standing there?!" But Frank just stared, eyes wide and blood dripping down his face. Mikey took each of his shoulders in his hands and shook him. "Frank. Frank, what the FUCK man?!"
Instead of responding like a normal person would, Frank just looked at Mikey with wild eyes, a smile broke across his face and he chuckled a little. This only pissed Mikey off more and, out of instinct, Mikey slapped him. Frank stood stunned. Hand instinctively going to the cheek that was just slapped. He blinked a few times and Gerard and Ray grabbed Mikey by the arms and yanked him off Frank. "He almost got all of us killed, he deserved this. He LAUGHED."
"But we didn't die, everyone's fine!" Gerard started, "He's in shock, Mike. We've been doing this awhile, he's hardly had to kill anything yet."
"The only reason we aren't zombie food is because of ME, not him!" Mikey was struggling hard against their grip but Ray and Gerard together were able to keep him restrained.
"Mikey, you've got to chill, man. We all have made mistakes." Ray attempted to coax Mikey down as Frank held his cheek and continued to stare at the three men.
"I warned him to not hold us back when we met him and he almost just let you two die. We're just going to pretend that didn't just happen?!"
"I... I'm sorry." Frank's voice came out small but sincere.
"Sorry my ASS. Frank, if you can't carry your weight, you need to leave. Find another crew who you wont hold back."
"Mikey!" Ray and Gerard scolded him together as he stopped fighting back against their restraint.
"This is... difficult... I don't-"
"I don't care." Mikey sounded venomous. "This shit is difficult for all of us, not just you. You need to get your shit together."
"I'm sorry." Frank's crazy eyes tamed, but the blood spatter across his face still gave him a haunting appearance. "I froze up. I fucked up. I'm fucking sorry."
"Sorry doesn't change shit. Don't let it fucking happen again." Mikey ripped his arm from Gerard's grip, Ray willingly let him go and he stomped back towards the building. Mikey checked Frank's shoulder as he walked by, nearly pushing Frank onto the ground.
Once Mikey was out of view, Ray and Gerard noticed Charlotte and Scarlet peaking out of the RV, watching them silently. With the show being over now the two of them climbed off the camper and speed walked back inside with their heads down. Ray and Gerard exchanged a look as Frank stared at the body he brutalized.
"I'll go talk to him..." Gerard started on his way to find Mikey when he stopped next to Frank to speak in his ear again. "Frankie, you're fine. Shit like this happens. We weren't always this used to killing, I promise. We've all frozen up before." Gerard put a comforting hand on Frank's bicep and gently squeezed. The warmth of Gerard's hands brought some comfort to Frank, reminding him he was still alive and was still human.
Ray moved in to comfort Frank when Gerard moved away finally. "Don't be mad at Mikey, he's always struggled with anger but it got worse after... we left home." Frank could tell Ray was holding back but decided not to push for more information. "I'm not saying to give him a break, or excuse how he acted. Just... Don't let it impede on your judgement of him. He's been struggling more than Gerard and I have." Frank met Ray's eyes and nodded. Ray's smile could be seen in his eyes and he took Frank into a hug that surprised him.
Ray's arms around him made him feel good and safe. His body immediately sagged into Ray's as he wrapped his arms around to hug him back. He inhaled Ray's smell as he took a calming deep breath, which was almost overpowered by the smell of rotting body, but it was still there in the crook of his neck. Ray broke the hug sooner than Frank wanted to, still smiling down at Frank. "Y'know, Gerard was right."
"We've all frozen up before. It was really hard for us to get used to this but we..." Ray sighed and closed his eyes momentarily, his smile fading. "We got used to this kind of a thing after having to... having to take out a few people we were really close with. It feels more like murder when it's someone you love." Ray attempted to give a comforting smile but only appeared to be sad. "You have to remind yourself it isn't murder if they've already been taken.
It isn't murder if they're already taken... Frank repeated in his head as Ray also headed back inside. The monster that had reached the gate was tiredly chomping at Frank still, but his ears began ringing as soon as Ray's feet against pavement faded away. Frank took his head in his hands and squatted to the ground. Eyes squeezed shut as he processed what just happened. God, you're going to make them all hate you before you can even get to your family... Frank still had heard nothing from his parents, or his brother, causing him to give up on attempting to reach them. He pushed the palms of his hands hard enough against his eyes to see stars before rubbing the pain in his head away through his temples.
Tomorrow will be better. I will do better tomorrow. It is not murder if it is already taken.
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mamaita17 · 10 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Nike Tour Classic II Women's Golf Glove Right Regular LARGE White.
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freshgrip · 19 days
Enhance Your Golf Game with the Perfect Women's Golf Glove
Introduction: Every stroke counts in the sport of golf, which demands accuracy and grace. When it comes to their performance on the golf course, ladies who are enthusiastic about the game can really benefit from having the appropriate equipment. The golf glove is one item of gear that is frequently forgotten yet is really important. It offers protection and comfort throughout those extended rounds on the course in addition to grip and stability. This blog will discuss the importance of a women's golf glove and how selecting the proper one may improve your game.
Golf Gloves: Why Wear Them?
Let's first examine why wearing a golf glove is important before getting into the details of women's golf gloves. vital for all people, male and female:
1. Grip: Wearing a golf glove improves your grip on the club, particularly in warm, muggy weather when your hands tend to perspire. It keeps you from slipping and gives you a solid grip throughout your swing, which results in more accurate shots.
2. Protection: Constant swinging can result in calluses and blisters from friction between your hands and the club handle. Your hands are shielded from these annoyances by a golf glove, which frees you up to concentrate just on your stroke.
3. Control: By reducing hand movement with the club, golf gloves offer stability and control. This encourages more accurate and long-range shots, which are essential for succeeding on the golf course.
4. Comfort: Having golf gloves on is made with breathable fabrics that are flexible and comfortable, enabling your hands to move naturally while keeping a firm hold. Additionally, they cushion, which lessens hand strain during extended rounds.
Selecting the Appropriate Ladies Golf Glove:
Now that we know how important a golf glove is, let's examine some things to think about while choosing the ideal one for women:
1. Fit: For the glove to perform at its best, fit is crucial. A glove that is too tight might hurt and limit movement, while one that is too loose will weaken your grip. Choose a glove that fits your hand snugly without being too tight.
2. Material: Synthetic or leather materials are commonly used to make golf gloves. Gloves made of leather provide better grip and durability, however they could need some time to adjust to your hand. Synthetic gloves are more reasonably priced and frequently have increased breathability, which makes them perfect for warm weather.
3. Weather: When selecting a glove, take into account the typical golfing environment's temperature. Choose airy, light materials that wick away moisture when it's hot and muggy outside. Select thermally insulated gloves in cooler climates to keep your hands warm and pliable.
4. Durability: Seek for a glove made of premium materials that will not deteriorate after many washings and wear, along with strengthened seams. Over time, a sturdy glove will save you money because it will last longer.
5. Style: Selecting a glove that reflects your individual preferences will help even if style has little bearing on performance. can increase your self-assurance when playing. Numerous companies provide a wide range of hues and patterns to accommodate every taste.
In conclusion, you can raise your game significantly with a simple investment in a women's golf glove. It gives you comfort, control, grip, and protection so you can concentrate on improving your technique and having fun on the course. Finding the ideal glove may take some trial and error due to the abundance of alternatives on the market, but the improvements it makes to your golfing experience make it well worth the effort. So remember to put on your go-to golf glove the next time you hit the green and watch your game take off.
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gimmiegolfco · 1 month
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A black golf glove is a smooth and effectively done needful and misleading a particular solemnity to the self that let on it
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payntrgolf · 3 months
Choosing a perfect Sunday golf bag for a weekend Golf Adventures
When it comes to playing a relaxing round of golf on a sunny Sunday morning, having the appropriate equipment might make all the difference. The Sunday bag is an often-overlooked yet crucial piece of gear for serious golfers. In this post, we will look at what Sunday bags are, why they are great for weekend golfers, and how to select the best Sunday bag to improve your golfing experience.
These vessel golf bags, sometimes known as a "carry bag" or a "minimalist bag," are lightweight, compact golf bags designed for golfers who like to walk the course. Unlike standard golf bags, Sunday bags are smaller, simpler, and ideal for carrying only the basics for a quick weekend round.
 Why did you choose this specific bag?  Sunday bags are exceptionally lightweight and easy to transport. They usually weigh between 2 and 5 pounds, making them the best option for golfers who prefer to walk rather than ride in a cart. Simplicity: These bags typically feature fewer pockets and sections, making them easier to use and manage. This is ideal for golfers who simply need to pack a few clubs, balls, tees, and accessories. Affordability: Sunday packs are frequently less expensive than full-size golf bags. If you don't want to invest in an expensive golf bag, a Sunday bag is a great option.
 Choosing a Perfect Sunday Bag  Now that you understand the benefits of a Sunday bag, let's look at how to select the best one for your needs: Size and Capacity: Consider how many clubs you usually carry and the size of your golf equipment. Make sure the Sunday bag you purchase has enough room to fit your essentials comfortably. Weight: Pay attention to the bag's weight. The lighter the better for long treks around the course. Material: Look for materials that are durable, such as nylon or high-quality cloth. You want a bag that can withstand the demands of the golf field. Straps: Make sure the bag has comfortable, adjustable shoulder straps for convenient carrying.
Pockets: Although Sunday bags are basic, a few pockets for balls, tees, and personal goods are still necessary. Price: Set and stick to a budget. Sunday bags are available at a variety of price points, so there is something for everyone.
 PAYNTR Golf x VESSEL VLX Stand Bag 
The Payntr Golf X Vessel VLX Stand Bag is the ideal companion for your golfing adventures. This stand bag was created in partnership with Vessel golf bag, a company known for its high-quality golf bags. It blends unique design with great utility. Engineered to match the needs of today's golfer, it has plenty of storage space for all your belongings, as well as convenient stand legs for simple on-course access. Elevate your game with the Payntr Golf X Vessel VLX Stand Bag, the pinnacle of style and performance.
Spend some time picking the best Sunday bag for your needs, and your Sunday golfing experience will be more pleasurable than ever!
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Elevate your game with Foot Joy Custom Golf Gloves!  Perfect fit, unmatched comfort, and personalized style for every golfer. Gear up and swing with confidence! 
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nevermindallgolf · 2 months
Premium Golf Accessories
Discover premium golf accessories from nevermindallgolf to elevate your game. From high-quality gloves to stylish hats, our accessories are designed for both performance and style on the course. Shop online now!
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anewgolfusa · 2 months
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Women's Mesh Summer Glove (Pair) - Beige
Meet the new Women's Mesh Summer Glove from Anew Golf USA, available in stylish beige. These gloves are designed to keep you comfortable and looking good while you play golf. They're really breathable, so your hands won't get too sweaty during those hot rounds on the golf course. These gloves are perfect for taking your game to the next level with a great mix of performance and style. Get ready for an excellent golfing experience with Anew Golf USA.
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